View Full Version : Works in progress.
I been working on a story on and off for about four years with encouragement and help from a close friend. I would like to share some of my work with the RPA community. Feed back is appreciated; I've been leery of posting this online despite encouragement from friends who like my work. Each post may not be consecutive to the previous one or possibly even related. Try to bare with me. Well, I would now like to post some scenes from my story. Some of this story may be graphic or labeled as mature. Basically, these are excerpts from my sorry. I hope you all enjoy them. :D
Arranged meeting
“Shit! Shit! Shit!! I am so dead if I don’t get there on time.” Jené skidded around the corner then continued to sprint down the stone hall. “Fuck, fuck, fuck! Please let me be on time.” She prayed to the ceiling as she ran. Right as she entered the straight away Terek came into view, his back to her talking to a guard on watch. ‘Shit!’ horror gripped her as she slid to a grinding halt. Positive that she had been heard, she dove into the shadows provided by a massive vase with large green leafs from the plant protruding from it. Afraid to breathe, she held her breath waited for Terek to go back inside. In the silence that followed, Jené was able to overhear part of the semi-whispered conversation.
“-Are you sure you have not seen her today?”Terek questioned the guard for the eighth time.
Irritation apparent in the guard, he repeated calmly,” Yes sir. As I told you before, I have not seen her.”
Terek paced in front of the door a few times then suddenly commented, “Keep me informed. If you see anything related to her, report it immediately.” Then walked away.
‘Great, just great! How am I going to get in now?’ Jené screamed inwardly. Hearing Terek’s footsteps dying away, she dared a glance around the vase.
The guard, an empty suit of armor, and the door sealed tight. She was about to panic, ‘Okay, keep calm. You don’t want to get caught. ‘ Suddenly an idea formed. Taking a silent deep breath she slowly lifted herself up and inched herself backward to where a torch hung on the wall and slowly removed it. She then moved further back in the hall then pulled the long golden-brown banner hoping it would be loose and fall. To her amazement, it came down easily from its high bolted place upon the ceiling. ‘Huh. That was easy. Okay, all I need now,’ she looked around the torch lit hall, ‘is a- aw crap! ‘Soft footsteps reached her ears causing panic to momentarily grip her when another idea revealed itself. As quiet and quickly as possible she tiptoed over to a column tied one end of the banister tightly around it then the other end around her waist. Making sure the window was relatively in line with the column then broke into a run then leapt out the window the cloth caught the window frame angling her at a 45 degree angle out. She then discovered herself speeding toward the stone wall, instinctively she reached up grabbed a handful of cloth and pulled hard which made her body turn so she could land feet first. Unfortunately, this instead caused her to spin out of control and slam back first into the wall with a loud thwack. Groaning in pain she winced, “Well, that didn’t go as planned.”
Meanwhile, Zathura sat and waited in the lounge accompanied by Jené’s mother.
“I’m so sorry Lord Zathura; I’m sure she will be here soon.” Lady Shaley stated apologetically fanning her self a little as she spoke.
He cleared his throat and awkwardly changed his seated position, “It’s quite alright, and I do not yet posses that title, Milady Shaley.” He bowed slightly toward her.
She blushed slightly fanning herself a little more.
When she entered, Zathura and her mother’s heads immediately turned to look at her, both of their faces held an expression of surprise. Her mother was the first to recover and speak, “Jené, there you are.” A wide toothy smile was upon her mother’s face as she scooted over and patted the cushion beside her, “Please, come sit.” Jené obeyed and sat by her mother only to hear her state, “I hope you remember Zathura.” Zathura stood uncomfortably all his swagger disrupted by Jené`s presence, “Good to see you again m’lady.” As he bowed Jené smiled, not a sincere smile but one well practiced in the mirror, then replied, “Yes, the pleasure is all mine.” Inwardly, Jené was desperate to be in a different location since she in fact did not remember the man called Zathura since it had been several years since they had last met.
Zathura sat again after Jené curtseyed then sat again. He watched as she strummed her fingers mere minutes into the conversation. ‘Surely, I am not that boring.’ Zathura thought to himself and checked himself over, ‘I admit the conversation is not that intriguing as it is over politics.’ He was brought abruptly back into the conversation by a question by Mrs. Shaley, “What do you think Lord Zathura?” Jené rolled her eyes at her mother’s insistence upon throwing titles around sighed then set her chin upon her palm.
“I’m sorry m’ lady Shaley what was the topic again? I’m afraid I was just caught up in thought.” He shifted positions so that he could look her in the eye without having a direct view of her daughter. Mrs. Shaley looked simply baffled but then smiled and repeated with subtle but exaggerated care, “The Council being part of the hierarchy of the Jungle. What is your opinion?”
“My standings about the Council are unfortunately frowned upon by many of my family’s advisors and several of the higher families. To prevent a black mark upon my name with your family, I would like to discuss a different matter all together. I notice your guard are finely trained and your household eloquent but with a taste of several pasts.” He commented with a smooth change in the conversation which made Jené raise her head from her hand look from him to her mother back to him and made a better impression than he had previously held in her mind.
Dark thunderclouds hovered in the distance as Jené trained in her father's courtyard under the supervision of her elder brother, Terek.
"Good! Crouch a little more! Excellent...You need more power. Focus!"
Sweat rolled down her forehead into her eyes causing them to burn slightly; she ducked as her opponent swung his staff at her head, then popped up and nailed him in the chin with the flat end of her staff. "Excellent! Keep practicing while I tell Father of your improvement." With that he turned and left the courtroom leaving Jené to practice on her own.
Rain had begun to pour down when she heard a strange yet familiar sound. After a moment of straining her ears, she realized it was the sound of swords clashing and bloodshed.
‘Shit!’ she looked up at the walls that surround the courtyard to see a few soldiers gets hit with a barrage of arrows then fall. She ran over to one of the downed soldiers, his blank eyes stared at her. Shock momentarily gripped her then gave way to sadness. She closed his eyes and said a small prayer.
From the throne chamber window Terek smirked as he watched his little sister escape from the invaded castle. "Well, I’m glad she's safe for now." Then an enemy soldier charged him with his sword above his head. Terek caught the man's hand twisted his wrist so that he lost grip of his sword then took it in one fluid motion and turned the blade down thrusting it into the man's stomach. The soldier looked at him with shock as he fell to his knees then to the ground with a dull thud. "I better be moving out myself, but first I have to check something."
With that he stealthily began his way through his home past scores of soldiers.
Jené ran through the forest away from the sound of swords clashing and the screams of the fallen. The rain soaked through her clothes as she ran only slowing after the sound of battle had faded into a whisper in the wind. She stood shivering as a cold gust of wind passed through the eerily dark forest, now realizing that she was alone she began to worry about her parents, brother, and little sister. Then it hit her 'Oh no my little sister is still in there!' with that thought at the front of her mind she sprinted back to her home no longer concerned about the cold rain. When she reached the main gates of her home there was a guard pinned to one of the columns by a sword through his shoulder and a spear through his sollarplex. Jené gasped as she recognized the guard. He had been a friend of hers they had trained together ever since she could remember. She ran over to him in tears, “Derov? Is that you?" shaking him gently as she spoke she noticed that he was barely breathing. “Derov?! Hang on! “ He then lifted his head as best he could to look at her then with ragged breaths he spoke, "Leave me... Get... out while you... full filled... if you... live." Jené clung to his icy hand trying to heal him with her energy but stopped and looked up at him after his other hand rested on hers. The guard smiled weakly as he looked upon her, his princess and future guardian, then took his final breath and silently passed on to the world beyond. Warm tears flowed down her cheeks as she held his icy hand, “No...Derov…!!” The rain fell harder around her.
Warning this scene/ excerpt may contain violence and language. You have been warned. :) enjoy.
~Conflict of Interests~
Irumaye walked into the cave Heten currently clamed as his domain of residence to find him laying on his couch with another woman asleep cradled in his arms. She stared in disbelief unable to find any words. Upon seeing her, he quickly and gently got out of the couch and took her by the arm to the next room. After being in another room he hugged her then said, “Hey babe, what are you doing here today? I thought you wouldn’t be back for a few months.”
Baffled she replied, “Hi. Um...” There was a long pause of silence, after a moment all Irumaye could manage to say was, “Who was that?” He looked at her coolly then replied, “Who? Oh, Tera? She just needed a place to crash for a while.” Irumaye desperately wanted to believe that was the only reason she was here. She took a deep breath and tried to understand, “Okay, how long has she been here?”
He walked to his fridge and pulled out a cold glass bottle and opened it before he replied, “Just this week, why?”
Irumaye fought to stay calm and hear him out, “That was nice of you.” She paused watching him still in shock. “So why was she asleep in your arms?” Instantly, the air around Heten changed as he sat in a chair and reclined.
“We happened to be sitting on the couch and she fell asleep.” Heten replied semi-irritably.
Irumaye felt her blood pressure begin to rise. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath not wanting to blow this out of proportion, “I’m sorry. What made her so tired?” she asked as calmly as she could manage. Heten looked at her squarely, “You know, you are being a real bitch about this.” commented Heten in a smartass tone after he took a swig of his beverage. Irumaye fought to stay calm and not plow his face into the ground. She took a deep breath then replied, “I wouldn’t be making any deal out of this if I did not care about us.” Heten scoffed then retorted, “Really?” He then got up from his reclined seated position, “if that is so true, tell me why you left our concert date in such a hurry last week.” Irumaye could not believe this. “I already told you; I had to go assist a friend…!”
He raised an eyebrow, “Assist huh? Is that what they are calling it now?” Irumaye’s heart stopped momentarily, “What? Are you saying that I am the cheater?” A throb of pain went through her heart then was immediately replaced by anger.
He smirked then retorted, “And what if I am?” She made an angry gesture.
“You’re being a dick! I had to keep a friend from killing someone or hurting herself!” yelled Irumaye.
Heten scoffed again, “Uh huh. And yes, I have a dick and I quite like it.” He posed proudly.
How would you like it ripped off and shoved down your throat?! Thought Irumaye violently. She clenched her hands into fists then asked, “Does the girl you had your hands all over at the concert like your penis too?” Without hesitation, Heten grinned, “Yeah, I am pretty sure she does. She was a real easy chick to score with.” Stunned, she stared at her childhood friend then thought, Yeah, go figure you were always a ladies’ man. I should have known better than have a relationship with you. Suddenly his voice interrupted her thoughts, “Why so quiet all the sudden? You were so full of questions a second ago.” A grin was still upon his lips and his drink nearly gone. “Heten, was your only goal in our relationship to sleep with me?” Irumaye asked seriously her heart aching and dreading his answer. Now leaned forward in his seat his elbows upon his knees casually, he looked up at her gave an honest grin, took another drink, and then cockily replied, “Yeah.”
“Even when we were kids? Has getting laid been your entire goal in life? I don’t understand.” Irumaye stated trying to make sense of everything. Her questioned seemed to intrigue the dragon demon causing a long pause before he replied, “No, not at first. But when we hit things off I hoped the clothes would come off. Can’t blame a guy for that.”
“You’re right. I can’t for that, but I can for going off and seeing other women when I am away helping a friend.” Irumaye retaliated with calm anger. The mention of her friend frustrated him again making once again act like an ass. Getting up he made an angry gesture throwing his hands in the air, “Here we go with the friend again. You left me alone Irumaye! I hope whoever it is worth it.”
“You never even asked.” Irumaye stated nearly pleading forgetting about his cheating and the woman in the next room.
“I shouldn’t have to.” Heten growled, “Now get out. Go back to your important matters.” Continuing to just look at him, Irumaye did not move. “I said get lost!” Heten roared throwing his empty bottle at her causing her to raise her arms instinctively; the bottle shattered as it collided with her arms, a few shards stuck in her skin causing blood to slowly drip to the stone floor.
Shocked, Irumaye just stood and looked at him for a few long seconds before she drew her dagger and lunged for him. Before he could react, she had him pinned to his previous seat with her blade pressed into his neck. Heten looked at her a little bewildered for a moment then stated airily, “Well, you have certainly gotten faster.” This caused Irumaye to loosen her hold slightly and instantly he was just as cocky as before, “Well, this side of you is kinda sexy.” This only angered her more. Enraged she screamed, “Shut up!” then slugged him as hard as she could with her right arm making him partially fall out of his seat and her to let him go causing a loud crack followed by blood splatter on the wall behind him. He screamed in pain and slowly turned back to face her, his jaw hung loose, the makings of a nasty bruise appeared on the left side of his face, and blood dripped from the cut upon his throat. He clutched his neck with his left hand sent energy to heal the wound then popped his jaw back into place then shook his head slowly at her. “Not wise.” He stated then swiftly advanced throwing punches as he got in range. Narrowly she dodged and blocked then kicked him with her shin in the rips putting him on his knees. After coughing up blood upon the floor, he slowly stood. “You…dumb…” He staggered toward her his hand still upon his semi bleeding throat. Before this situation escalated any further, Irumaye decided to attempt to swiftly leave. With unexpected speed and strength, Heten grasped her shoulder and left wrist. Before she could react, he jerked her to him and returned her punch with equal force. He then punched a second time, this time blood and saliva sprayed the floor from her now busted lip and concaved cheek bone. As he pulled back for a third punch, her adrenalin kicked in. She waited until the punch was about make contact then jerked her right shoulder away from him and twisted her left hand so that her dagger still in hand sliced his wrist while simultaneously ducking. Irumaye used her momentum to kick out her leg which took his legs out from under him easily. Instantly, she had to fight the urge to stab him through the heart; instead she stabbed him through the shoulder just above and to the left of his heart. “Now, listen you bastard!” she yelled inches from his face, “I’m done with you!” She breathed heavily then stated, “We are through.” With that she yanked out her dagger, wiped it on his shirt, stood, and then turned to leave.
Heten coughed, “Irumaye,” She stopped at the doorway and looked at him. “I never loved you.”
Tears threatened to form as she turned and walked out.
Once outside she broke into a run with warm tears streaming down her face. Her wounded cheek and lip burned as her salty tears made contact. She ran for hours through the forest until she reached the major river of the world. After reaching the river, she sat on the bank with her elbows upon her knees and sobbed.
Terek traveled to the council to gather information. Upon his arrival he found an unusual amount of guards/soldiers assembled. ‘This can’t be good.’ Suddenly an elder panther demon announces, “Alright get these troops into the courtyard and departure zones immediately! We wouldn’t like folks to think we are up to something. Come on hurry up!” Immediately, the head officers gave orders and the massive troops broke up into smaller squads and departed at different times and in different locations throughout the castle.
Miles away, Jené suddenly had a very bad feeling.
Irumaye sat down by the stream with her elbows resting upon her knees and cried.
The stars shone brightly in the sky when Irumaye slowly walked into Jené’s home and to the guest room she was allowed to stay in without meeting a soul on the way. She sat her small bag of things upon the bed then thought to herself sadly, ‘I don’t even know why I went back there. Why the hell did I even come back here for? I should have just camped out near the river in one of those huge trees. Oh well.’ As she unpacked her hammock from her bag, she heard a small knock upon the door. Not wanting company at the moment Irumaye repacked her things and headed for the window when the door creak open where Jené stood moderately cheerful. “Hey, I thought I heard someone. Did you just get in?” Irumaye nodded and tried to act normal, “Yeah, just got in.” She had almost forgotten about her face until she spoke when it burned and caused her words to slur minuscule. Jené’s ears instantly perked in alarm, “Are you okay?” Irumaye nodded, “Yeah. Just tired,” Jené studied her for a moment then cautiously continued the conversation, “So have you found any more information? Did the trip to the library prove successful?” The monkey shook her head, “Nothing of immediate importance. I finally found his family crest but other than that there was next to nothing in any book or scroll.” While she spoke, she pulled out the book with the crest in it and flipped it to that page; she also made sure to keep her right side facing her tiger friend. Suspicion grew within Jené as an array of odd behavior slowly unfolded around the female monkey demon. As she approached to look at the page Irumaye had laid out, she noticed her friend had a rather nasty busted lower lip. Casually, the tigress commented, “That looks like that hurts. Did someone smack you on your way out of the library?” Irumaye’s mind flashed back to earlier with Heten then shook her head, “Nah, a rather brutal branch caught me in the face while I was running.” Jené caught her eye as she turned away, ‘something is seriously wrong.’
‘Shit. Please tell me she didn’t see my face.’ Irumaye pleaded inwardly and was relieved to hear Jené instead say, “Hey, what do you think this part of the crest is supposed to represent?” As Irumaye approached, Jené gasped in horror then somewhat gently grabbed her face and examined the damage. “Damn it… ow. That is still tender.” Irumaye commented wincing slightly. Looking for other injuries, the tigress asked, “What the hell happened to you?” Irumaye’s face twitched in anger and shame, yet she remained silent. She then let go of her friend’s face and placed her hands on her hips, “You know sis, I hope whoever did this to you looks ten times worse than you.” She half smile at Irumaye but did not receive one in return which furthered her worry. In a low angry tone, Irumaye replied, “Don’t worry he does.”
Jené grasped Irumaye by the shoulders and asked, “What happened?” Not wanting to reply, Irumaye stared blankly at her. “Sis, what happened? Are you alright? I need to know…!” When her monkey friend looked away it confirmed her suspicions and ager raged within her, “Where is he?” Quietly Irumaye muttered, “I don’t know. Nor do I care. He isn’t part of my life anymore so why would I keep track?” Her bruised face burned and her heart ached as she spoke. Jené looked at her friend differently than she ever had before. There was an air of pity, anger, and understanding in Jené’s gaze upon her battered friend. After a long moment, Jené spoke, “I understand you feel betrayed by yourself and by him but you need to tell me what happened or you know what happens?” Tears had begun to form in Irumaye’s eyes before she asked, “What?” Jené looked at her square in the eyes, “Nothing, that’s what will happen. And if you’re fine with that so be it.” Irumaye looked away in mild frustration then back at Jené, “I-I already did what I needed to. He isn’t my boyfriend anymore. I broke it off earlier today.” The next thing Irumaye felt was Jené’s arms around her in a friendly hug and tears in a steady stream go down her face. “It’s okay sis.” Jené stated calmly, “It’s okay.” Irumaye cried for several more minutes which seemed to her like hours before she calmed again.
“Where is he?” Jené asked again.
Irumaye took a deep shagged breath before she answered, “Probably in his cave just passed the flowered fields in the southeast.” Jené nodded then stood and began to gather her things.
“before you go to find him, I want you to know that I fucked him up a bit before I left. I stabbed him fairly deep with my knife just above the heart. I seriously think he will be expecting you. Take my long sword, it has rubber grips and a lightning bypass system.” Irumaye informed her friend sadly.
“Oh, I don’t think I’ll need that.” Confidently, Jené replied with a grin.
“Please take it. I don’t care if you use it or not but, just for my sake, take it.”
Heten woke to Jené over him fist drawn back. THWACK!! His eyes watered and blood flowed from his newly broken nose. Before he could make any action, she put her dagger to his throat and through clenched teeth stated, “Listen, you piece of trash…!” She paused as she took in his physical status calmed slightly and thought, ‘Wow, she wasn’t kidding. She really messed him up.’ He glared at her and attempted to retaliate but only managed a pained growl. The tigress stood from her crouched position and removed the blade from his throat just as a girl, his new girlfriend no doubt, entered upon hearing his growl of pain. The girl gasped and dropped the bowl she had been carrying once she spotted the guardian’s eyes gleam in the partial darkness of the cave. “Who are you ? and what are you doing to him?!” She yelled at Jené defiantly. The guardian’s fierce gaze fell upon Heten then back at his new girl before she stepped down from his bed then stalked toward the now frightened female. “I think the question is, ‘Who are you?’” Questioned Jené with quiet fury while she slowly circled the terrified demon girl. The girl nervously clutched a lock of her long straight black-purple hair and backed away from the guardian but somehow kept herself in front of Heten. Once fully in front of Heten, she gulped and stammered with as much bravery as she could muster, “I-I am Tera, his fiancé …and I demand that you leave him alone t-to heal. H-he was hurt badly early this morning while I slept. Please leave him to heal…then you can fight him if you still wish, but please let him achieve his full potential first..!” Jené’s eyebrow raised slightly impressed by her proposal then calmly replied, “Fiancé? Well, he is worth less than I had originally thought. Do you know who hurt him this morning and why?” Tera shook her head and continued to run her fingers through her long hair nervously, “No, but if you would tell me, I would be grateful to return the favor of his pain to them.” Suddenly, Heten sat up and roared, “Enough!!!” Almost instantly Jené appeared in front of him and punched him below his wound then gripped his throat, “Listen you worthless excuse for a dragon, if you ever hurt anyone you claim as a loved one, especially a female or child, I swear I will make you regret ever setting foot upon this land. And believe me, I will find out. Do you understand me?” The dragon clenched his teeth as he struggled to fight for air then grasped her hand with his trying to free it from his airway. Jené then let go and waited for his reply with a stern expression.
“…You…who sent you..?” Heten asked with a slight wheeze and growl. He dared not look at Tera who stood frozen in place from shock and fear.
The Guardian looked intently at the dragon one hand upon her hip then stated, “I hope you heed this warning for it is the only one you shall receive…” She walked to the entrance of the room and looked back at him, “I came on my own to fully destroy the heart of the man whom hurt the heart of a friend. Be glad she got to you first.” Heten partially sat up in his bed to look at her, but managed only to fall back in pain. He growled and tried to reach his spear. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Your girlfriend might pass out soon from shock. Goodbye for now. Remember this conversation.” With that, she disappeared from their home and set off for her own thinking furiously, ‘What a fucking bastard.’
~~~Return of the Guardian~~~
Rain seemed to fall for years upon the jungle. Terek maneuvered through the humid monsoon of a jungle following a cold trail of his younger sister, Jené. Soggy and irritated he ran his fingers through his drenched light brown hair, now a near black, pacing, ‘where the hell could she have gone?’ he thought to himself. Cursing under his breath, he wished he hadn’t been such a good teacher. Walking onward he stumbled on a rather large muddy log causing him to nearly face plant in the thick mud. As he struggled for his balance, he spotted a footprint. ‘Finally!’ he smirked then carefully stepped onto a rock beside the footprint studying the indention and direction. Standing he said, “You’re good sis but not that good.” Grinning he began walking the direction indicated by his sister’s print. Snap! Suddenly Terek found himself swaying upside down ten to fifteen feet above the jungle by his right foot from a vine. Cursing himself thoroughly for being so careless, he crossed his arms across his chest. ‘Shit! I should have known better.’
“Damn right you should have.” A familiar female voice from his right spoke.
“Ah. There you are.” Terek smiled at his younger sister as she approached. “I was just asking myself where you had gone off to.” His face became more serious as he continued, “Now, let me down.”
Jené grinned at her eldest sibling, “Nah. I think I’ll let you hang out and chill for a moment while you give me some information.” She paused looking up at him firmly.
Terek could not believe this. Here he had been tracking her for over six months, “ha. Very funny, Jené, but I need you to let me down.”
Arms now crossed over her chest, “No. I need answers and if this is the only way I’ll get them then that’s fine by me.”
Terek sighed defeated, “Okay sis, what do you want to know?”
“First, how long have you been following me?” Jené paused waiting for him to respond. The blood began to go to his head as he contemplated telling her the truth. She wrapped her fingers on the forearm, “I’m waiting.” she stated impatiently her temper flaring up slightly.
Terek put his left hand to his chin in thought and tucked his other hand under his armpit. “Hmm, that depends. Before or after the monsoon started?”
Jené who had begun to pace during his pause glared up at Terek, “Don’t play games with me, Terek. I know your blood isn’t rushing that much to your head. “
Following her with his eyes he sensed her anger rising. Rain began to pour harder as their conversation continued. “Six months. I’ve been following you for six months before the monsoon started.”
Jené paused slightly in her strides, “Okay, why didn’t you warn me about Zathura?” Confused Terek stared blankly at his sibling. She continued with her temper and volume rising as she spoke, “Why didn’t you tell me he’s a backstabbing liar that only wants power?! Why did you let him trick me into trusting him?!” Tears were beginning to build in the corners of her eyes. Lightning struck a nearby tree setting in ablaze.
[Violence and sexual content]
Terek ran after his father through the flames into a clearing with smoke outlining the room.
“Where are you, you coward?!” Terek roared to the emptiness of the ash coated room.
“Careful, Terek, you may get an answer if you keep that up.” Maverich’s voice replied filling the room. Terek turned looking for him as he replied angrily, “Yeah? Show your face!” There was a small chuckle followed by a soft yet dangerous reply, “Very well, but you may not like what you see.” He appeared with Terek’s son struggling to free himself from the man holding him by his shirt. Terek froze in horror, ”Micheal”, anger welled up within him, “Let my son go, Maverich, this is between us!” Maverich gave a sinister grin then replied coolly, “Is it? I thought this was between a father and his son.”
“Don’t do it Maverich.”
“Do what, Terek? You make me sound like a monster.” His father asked with cool malice. Glaring and with his fists clenched, Terek growled deep within his throat but bit his tongue.
“What is with the look? Can’t you trust your own father with his grandson?”
His father’s face appeared in the distance as he chased the silhouette of his father’s figure. “You Bastard! I will get you!!”
“It won’t matter, Terek, it is too late. I’ve already killed them. All of them.” His laugh echoes loud and clear through the air.
Terek sat up screaming his skin coated with sweat then swung his legs out from the covers so that he sat upon the side of the bed, his head in his hands.
Feeling Chezika’s arms around his waist, he breathed easier with a calmness settling over him. He held her close, “..I’m sorry..I …thank you..” Chezika did not reply but simply held him tighter. His heart softened as he gazed at her and took in her concern and fear. Gently, he wrapped his arms around her, “Thank you…I’m okay now.” She looked up at him as he spoke then replied in a shaken worried tone, “You really scared me…” Gazing at her with calm worry, he caressed her face and replied softly, “I know. I’m sorry…I…I’m trying to let my past go, but it still persists to haunt me.”
“What was the nightmare about?” She asked with concern. Terek shook his head and looked away from her eyes to the floor behind her, “… I wish I could say.” She gently took his hands in hers then caring kissed his cheek, “I understand ….but you really do worry me sometimes.” He nuzzled her gently taking her hand and pressing it to his heart, “I know…and I promise that someday I will tell you everything about it…I … I just can’t right now…Not like this.” Chezika’s expression shifted from concerned to understanding, “Alright.” A small smile spread across her lips as he kissed her lips gently. “How did I ever come to deserve you?” Terek asked still filled with fear and was lightly shocked by her reply. “Luck, I suppose.”
He chuckled for the first time since waking up, “Now you are just being silly.” She wrapped her arms around him just under his armpits semi-playfully, “And what if I am?” One of Terek’s eyebrows rose as he looked at her, “Oh? Is that a challenge?” Without hesitation, Chezika swung her right leg over his waist straddling while also gently pinning him to the bed with her forearms, “I’ll let you figure that out.” Instantly, Terek was aroused and gently flipped them while moving his hand up her slim toned body. Chezika giggled and nibbled his neck and lips. “You fight dirty you know that?” Terek asked with a loving smile. “Yup.” Chezika answered simply with a smile. They nuzzled and teased playfully for several minutes while both tried to achieve top mount. After Terek achieved top mount, he nuzzled and kissed her neck, “I love you, Chezika. I’m not sure what I would do without you.” Looking up at him, her face a light pink, she replied softly, “I love you too, Terek.” She then gently strokes the left side of his face and kisses him deeply.
[This scene involves an assassination attempt upon the Guardian and her friend along with some unfortunate villagers. This scene contains violence, mild language, and partial nudity. Hope you guys enjoy. :D Feel free to pm input about my work. ]
Shock gripped her as she stared in horror, “What the hell?”
He grinned menacingly, “What’s the matter?” Blood dripped from his blade, his knuckles scuffed, armor dented with unconscious and dead beings all around him. Anger began to swell within Jené and the wind picked up as it swelled and pulsed. His grin fell slightly upon seeing this. Breathing heavier, she crouch arms outstretched in front of her the wind swirled more violently, “You don’t know what you've done. You will regret this..!” She stated with calm rage then looked up at him upon the last word sending the wind at him knocking him back slicing his armor and flesh. He flailed trying to block and fight back, fear gripping him.
“You fucked with the wrong person.” Jené stated charging him fist drawn back. He blocked the physical punch but was sent back another hundred feet from the force his armor and bones giving way. The bones in his left forearm shattered and the metal dug into his flesh, blood dripping his wounds and lips. He hit the ground hard upon his side with a groan and loud cracking thud. As he rolled slowly over, Jené walked over to him standing outside his reach, her blade now drawn pointed at his throat. Blood dripping from his face, he looked up at her gritting his teeth his arm limp and slowly reaching for the blade hidden upon his belt behind his back.
“Do it.” Jené dared staring furiously at him. With a roar he drew his weapon and charged toward her. She blocked his diagonal slash then narrowly missed the second as it sliced her shirt stomach level. Done with the games, Jené blocked, rolled past him, and then took his head letting his corpse fall to the ground. However, as she took his head, he managed to slice from her bellybutton to her collarbone nicking the center of her chin. “Shit!” Jené proclaimed as her shirt split and the wound became known. Instantly, she went to one knee trying to heal the wound not currently caring about her wardrobe. With a sigh, Jené pulled off her ruined shirt then used it as bandages binding her chest as well as covering her wounds. After achieving this, she surveyed the area and began burying the dead as well as healing the survivors.
Her heart nearly stopped when she spotted Irumaye unconscious among the dead near the tree line dagger still in hand, a slice across her left collarbone from left shoulder to back of neck still bleeding. “Irumaye!” Jené exclaimed dropping her makeshift shovel and running to her friend. “Please still be alive.” She pleaded checking her friend’s vitals and sending healing energy into her nearly instantly causing the wound upon her neck to close and Irumaye to take a sudden breath, open her eyes, and brings her blade to Jené’s throat.
“It’s me!” Jené exclaimed jumping back barely blocking the monkey’s blade in time. Irumaye stared at her friend breathing heavily still in combat mode. “It’s me.” Jené repeated calmly still defensive and worried. Irumaye slowly lowered her blade and turned form the tigress surveying the area around them still alert as if an ambush was in wait. “Irumaye!” Jené repeated firmly causing the female monkey demon to look at her combatively waiting for her to continue. “It’s alright.” The tigress and Guardian reassured after a decent pause. Instantly, Irumaye took in the details of Jené’s appearance and physical status then asked, “Are you alright?” Jené looked at her friend taken aback then replied, “Am I okay? You’re the one ready to take my head off!” Irumaye relaxed for the first time this conversation with a sigh, “Yeah, sorry about that, but that bastard-”
“What happened?” Jené asked interrupting her friend.
She inhaled deeply then exhaled searching for the words to describe it. “I was travelling through this area when an ambush sprang and that asshole with the sickles came through and just started killing everyone, women, and children.”
“Wait, back up. What women and children?” Jené asked confused since she had been burying people for an hour never once seeing a child or woman until spotting her friend.
“The village children and women. The town was under attack. I went to help then everyone around me was being killed. They were my friends…he did it for fun...He challenged; I accepted, he fled I followed and the battle came with us.” Irumaye explained anger and sorrow calmly in check behind her voice. Jené placed her hand upon Irumaye’s non-injured shoulder and gave a reassuring expression as she stated, “He didn’t get away with it. I promise.”
Irumaye gave a solemn nod, “I’m sure. Thank you.”
[An important bit of information about the characters: they are not human. They have a humanoid form which is mostly completely human in appearance other than ears, tails, and eyes. (for you anime fans, similar to Inuyasha style demons [ie, kouga, inyasha, and sesshomaru stlye]) Most of the world is run by the tiger clans. there are: wolf, most if not all the big cat breeds (Jené, Zathura, and Terek are white tiger demons. Irumaye is the only monkey demon of her kind in that world. No, this story is not on earth, but sort of a parallel universe. think old England meets feudal Japan that is the type of weapons, armor, and architecture found throughout the world. this scene involves the main character when she was much younger. One of the guards and close friend's of her family, Derov (a tiger demon), holds a meaningful conversation with her. (I hope you guys like it. I also hope the small back story helps understand the scenes I have posted better.)]
She walked through the garden lightly letting her hands brush against the flowers. The scent subtle in the gentle breeze.
“Hey, Jené.” One of the guards called with a small smile upon his lips. Jené looked over her shoulder at him, “What is it?”
Derov shrugged, “Ah, nothing just wondering what you are doing out here all alone. You know your brother will have my hide if he catches you without an escort.”
“I can handle myself.” She replied with a soft confident smile. He grinned at her, “Indeed, I saw your training session yesterday. You have improved greatly.” There was a small pause before the tigress replied, “Thanks, but shouldn’t you be on patrol right now?” He nodded and kept walking along the wall parallel with her, “I am.” His blue eyes gently gazed upon her kindly. His graying beard came his chest yet his long hair was neatly kept tied in a low warriors ponytail.
“Then what are you doing talking to me?” She asked quizzically. With a small respectful nod, Derov replied carefully, “I am doing my job and keeping an eye on the princess.”She rolled her eyes at him. “Why does everyone call me a princess? I am no such thing.” It was his turn to roll his eyes at her, he sighed, “If you say so, but you do realize it is in your blood.”
Unconvinced, Jené shook her head and continued to walk slowly, “I still don’t see what blood has to do with being above anyone else.” He looked at her from his position on the wall with care then replied, “And that is what separates you from many leaders that have been known throughout this world.”
She shook her head at him with a gentle smile upon her lips, “If you say so.”
He smiled at her skepticism and thought to himself, ‘No, I know so. You will do great things for this world one day.’
Irumaye sat at the grand piano located in the center of the dusty ball room and began to play a slow relaxing song she remembered from years ago in her past. Meanwhile, nearby in the castle Jené had been running an errand and speaking with Anna when she heard the slow unfamiliar tune. Curiosity gripped her as the music continued as to who was playing, so she followed the music. After she arrived at one of the entrances to the ballroom, she stopped slightly shocked to see the player was none other than Irumaye. ‘I didn’t know she could play.’ She thought smiling then leaned against the door frame listening to the song. Similarly, Zathura had been on the opposite side of the castle when the sound of piano music reached his ears. ‘Who in the world has time to play the piano?’ Intent on giving the player a good chewing out, he followed the music to the ballroom arriving at the door directly across from Jené. Zathura’s irritation disappeared within seconds of seeing his love. After making eye contact with her, he bowed formally then gestured to the dance floor. Blushing slightly, Jené agreed with a nod and small curtsy then walked out slowly in beat with the tune. Upon meeting in the center the two exchanged formalities once again and then began to ballroom dance to the slow song their hearts racing yet melting at the same time. It had been such a long time since they danced together; it caused them both to smile. Unknown to the three of them, most of the occupants of the castle had come to watch, this included: Terek, Chase, Anna, a few guards, and an uninvited Tasuki lurking from a high window. The onlookers clapped enthusiastically as the song ended and Zathura held Jené in a deep dip. All three jumped as the applause filled the air.
[mild violence and language]
Chase looked at his brothers and smiled, “Morning assholes.” They all turned their heads to look at him with a confused expression “Why are you so cheerful this morning? ” The fourth eldest brother asked over the large book they were gathered around. Once again Chase grinned then replied, “Nothing, the world just seems brighter today despite the shit-tastic douche bags you all are.” Getting angry, his third oldest brother stood up got in Chase’s face hostility and growled, “You ungrateful prick. Why the hell do you suddenly have balls?” Now moderately pleased by his brothers anger, Chase happily crossed his arms across his chest and replied, “I do have them. Were you wanted to grab them, Vince? or do you just want my dick?” Outraged, the brother in his face drew his arm back to punch him. “Whoa!” Yelled the youngest of the older brothers. “Vince, relax. Obviously our younger sibling is in a creative and rather energetic mood. If fighting is the course one wishes to take, perhaps we should adjourn to the courtyard for training off record session.
“Let’s make it on the record.” Chase suggested confident and ready to put their pride down. His other siblings looked at him slightly shocked; he had never wish to go on record before, never aloud any way. His third elder brother straighten his shirt with a quick tug at the bottom then replied popping his neck quickly, “Very well, it will be a pleasure to put you down for all to know.” Still smiling Chase simply gestured for him to lead the way then follow the crowd of now excited yet slightly worried siblings.
Now the stone arena, Chase stood arms crossed with a smirk upon his lips across from his third eldest brother. “Alright douche bag,” his brother stated taking off his shirt, “let’s do this.” Amused and unimpressed Chase half shrugged then gesture to go ahead. “After you, ass hat.” Not pleased by Chase’s response, he clinched his fists and gritted his teeth then charged. Casually Chase stepped to the right easily dodged the attack. They continued this casual Dodge for several minutes with his arms to crossed over her chest loosely. “Stop moving you bastard oh? Fight me!” Bellowed his brother.
Chase rose his eyebrow amused then replied, “I am fighting you, Vince, you just can’t hit me. I guess you aren't as fast or skilled as you thought.” His brother snarled, “I’ll show you!” Taking a deep breath he stance and then began attacking again more swiftly than before causing Chase to shrug then dodge with less ease than before but still with casual grace. “Come on you pussy!” At this Chase smirked once again leaned left caught his brothers arm at the forearm , strained it at the elbow and shoulder, and then popped him in the ear causing his brother stumbled back a few feet stunned. His other brothers exchanged bewildered glances and looked back to the fight. Chase waited again for his sibling to attack. Vince, shook his head to refocus the world then charged Chase who stepped calmly in a 45° angle to the right making his brother collide with the stone wall with a loud crunching crack. Vince slowly fell backwards upon the stone floor out cold the crown of his forehead bleeding. “Well, looks like I win.” Chase commented as his other brothers leap over the wall into the arena to tend to Vince.
The mist had just begun to settle when Jené and Irumaye were within sight of Zathura’s castle both laughing and covered in sweat and half carrying the other.
Panting Jené broke the silence, “That…is the …last time…I ever...go drinking with you...”
They stumbled a few more steps before Irumaye replied laughing, “Ha! Why? Because I can hold my liquor?”
Jené rolled her eyes at the smiling monkey demon, “No, your bar choice nearly got us killed!”
Still smiling, Irumaye retorted, “Okay then, next time you choose.”
“Trust me. I will.” A little tone of aggravation lingered in her voice despite inwardly thinking. Although, I will admit that was fun.
They lost their footing a little as they approached the castle gates and Irumaye spoke up trying not to laugh, “Hey Jené?”
Irumaye mock quoted the big burley man who had been hitting on them just an hour before. The two laughed so hard it became harder to walk and continued to mock the man and his friends along with relaying that night’s events. Once they reached the castle doors a butler awaited them with a look of deep concern upon his face. “Are you alright madam?”
In between laughs, Jené replied, “Yes, could you tell Zathura that we are here?”
He bowed respectfully, “Yes, milady.” With that he motioned to one of the guards who then disappeared. The butler then continued respectfully, “Is there anything else I may assist you with?”
The two entered into a large extravagant room covered with gold and reddish brown carpet, tapestries, dully lit by candles and oil lamps. Jené led/ carried Irumaye over to a small couch and sat her down.
Once seated Irumaye piped in to the butler, “Water would be nice.”
Shocked that the new comer spoke to him, he stood bewildered, “I beg your pardon?”
She repeated herself then glanced at Jené. Reading the ‘What’s his problem?’ expression Irumaye wore she nodded reassuringly then stood up and addressed the butler, “Would you be kind enough to retrieve some water for the both of us, please?”
The butler quickly regained his composure then bowed, “Yes, of course, milady.” He then disappeared from the room. Irumaye looked over at Jené` then remarked, “I take it they don’t like me very much.”
Unsure how to phrase this, Jené paused then answered carefully, “Well, they have never seen someone like you, and if they have, they never shared their adventure.” Jené was surprised when the monkey laughed again before speaking, “Yeah, I’m sure. Do you think he will actually get the water?”
Nodding she answered reassuringly, “Trust me, he will.” The two sat in silence for about five minutes before her companion spoke again. “So what bar do you want to go to next time?” Unable to believe her ears, the tigress turned to face the monkey demon and stated in a weak laugh, “You’re kidding.”
Irumaye shook her head, “Nope, you said you would pick the bar and I’m holding you to it.” Noting the apparent impression of a soon departure she added, “We don’t have to go today unless you want to. I’m just asking for a location.”
Jené just sat gawking at her new friend. Irumaye looked over then began to laugh at the expression the tigress held.
By this time the guard had delivered the message and Zathura was on his way down the spiral stair case toward the main hall when he heard laughter. One he recognized and the other he did not.
‘What in the world?’
~contains violence and language. PG-13~
Hearing a door open, Jené’s ear perked up then she stood in hopes that it was Zathura. Instead the ax wielding Bakre stood in the doorway. “Evening miss. Am I interrupting something?”
“You again?! This is becoming a real annoying occurrence.” Jené replied with mild frustration. Bakre laughed, “Ha! You ain’t just kidding. I should have finished you the last go around.”
Jené drew her short sword then commented, “That’s funny, I was just thinking the same thing about you.” She stood ready as the brute, Bakre, unsheathed his large ax and readied to attack. ‘Shit, I really wish I had a different sword on me.’ Only having time to think those words, Jené dodged just in time as Bakre’s ax crashed into the ground to create a massive gash in the stone ground. “Are you sure you are trying to hit me with that? Because you sure do seem to miss a lot.” She kicked off the wall back toward her opponent then delivered a brutal punch to his left temple. He groaned in pain popped his neck then gripped her by the throat and lifted her from the ground. Jené gasped for air then managed to pull out a small knife and stab deep into his muscular forearm then jerked it toward her as hard as she could. A loud growl of pain followed as he let her go. “You little piece of vermin!” He howled in irritation then, predicting her next move, threw his ax to her left simultaneously charging directly at her.
Pain seared through her abdomen right above her spleen as the blade pieced her flesh then was violently extracted. ‘Goddamn it!’ she clutched her side around the deep gushing wound. ‘Fuck! If this keeps up I’m not going to last long.’
“What’s the matter? I thought you were better trained than that. “ taunted her opponent.
“That’s funny. So did I.” staggering forward slightly, wound still in one hand sword in the other. “Shall we?”
He threw his head back laughing; his muscular arms outstretched, “Why do you insist upon denying the inevitable?” His deep voice echoed in the courtyard. “Save it, I’ve already heard this speech before.” She drew her sword twirled it once then assumed her fighting stance, anticipating when he would attack. “Ha! I like your spirit love! Too bad you won’t live long or I’d let you entertain me!” With that he swung his weapon downward once more aiming for her head. Blood sprayed the floor as she dived to the left rolling once she hit the floor then swung her blade diagonally slicing his muscular chest. Giving a grunt of pain, he swung wildly narrowly missing her midsection but clipping her thigh. She stood again showing much resilience making the brute scoff amused, “Looks like this will be quite a bit more fun than promised.”
In the spacious throne room of his father, Chase stood waiting to hear what his father wished to tell him with his brothers standing around with snide smirks carelessly hidden as they glanced at one another. “Chase, I would like to introduce you to your future bride, Christina.” Chase’s father announced proudly as Christina entered her hands crossed shyly and her head down. At first glance, she seemed quite pretty her long blond hair was well kept but loose and her blue eyes shinned. Instantly, Chase inwardly thought, ‘Aw, fuck, this is why he gathered us? This is what he wanted to tell me? Shit.’ He briefly glanced at his brothers. “You’re kidding me.” Chase replied after a moment causing shock to shoot through the onlookers. His father shifted to stand when his eldest son motioned him to stay and that he would handle it.
“What is the meaning of this, brother? Do you take out father’s generosity for granted?” Shifting positions, Chase swiftly ran his thumb under his nose irritably. ‘Oh, now I Know something is up.’ Chase thought to himself then aloud replied, “Since when have you taken Father’s side on anything, Klifton ?” The eldest son hesitated with a flicker of shock upon his face which faded as soon as it appeared. When he finally went to speak the second eldest interrupted putting his arm out in front of him, “I’m sure your excuse is well thought out, Klifton, but I’m afraid this argument must be delayed due to the presence of a lady.” Their father gave a practiced smile and replied, “Of course you are correct, , my second eldest. Let us leave these two lovers to converse.” Without another word the congregation exited the room leaving Chase and Christina alone. Thoroughly irritated, Chase simply turned and began to exit the room without so much as talking to Christina. When Chase found guards barring his path he went over to one of the many chairs and sat resting his head in one hand with an irritated sigh. He fumed to himself internally, What the hell?! Why did they pick now to marry me off? Am I not a good enough soldier? He glanced over at his new appointed bride and found himself pissed at her for being so timid. Well they couldn’t have found a better girl with the complete opposite traits that I look for in a girl.
After several minutes of silence, Chase got up from his seat and paced the floor while Christina sat in the chair nearest him watching him timidly. She watched him for several more minutes her head slightly downcast before she finally found the courage to ask, “Would you like me to leave?” At this Chase stopped looked at her for a long moment then decided to at least try and gets to know her. He sighed, “No, where would you go if I did?” Christina looked at her hands, laying gently upon her thighs, then in his general direction answered, “To my quarters, they took me to them before introducing us.” Warning sirens blared in Chase’s head; he took notice of them but continued the conversation, “So, where did my charming brother pick up such a fine woman of your outstandingly fine quality?” He asked this question with as much charm and swagger as he usually used. Oddly Christina reacted differently than any woman he had ever encountered. To clarify, most women; blushed, slapped him, giggled, or walked away. Christina began to cry. Baffled Chase stared at her yet found no urge to comfort her. Hmm, that is a first. After waiting about five minutes for her to stop crying, Chase gave up and walked over to the window. Christina continued to cry in hopes that Chase would try to console her and when it did not happen she peeked through her fingers and tears and was outraged to see him with his back to her gazing out the window. Hearing her sniffles subsides, Chase asked without looking at her, “Are you finished crying?” Suddenly Christina stood and shouted, “You are rude! I had heard you were a gentleman!” Chase let out a small chuckle of relief as he turned to face her then walked toward her, “Oh I see, and whom did you hear that from?” She gaped at him struggling to respond, “I-I …from your brothers and a few maids at the local bars.” He nodded processing her answer. After a moment he changed the subject, “How did you meet my brothers?” Christina gave a quizzical and frustrated expression then replied, “I don’t see what this has to do with anything, but at the same bar I mentioned earlier.” Again, he gave a charming smile still processing the information given. ‘It has everything to do with it,’ he thought inwardly as he casually walked her general direction then aloud asked, “What was the name of that bar again? I must have missed the name.” She looked at him uncomfortably her hands tensing and her nerves rattled she replied, “I-I better go to my quarters.” Chase gave a nonchalant shrug then replied, “Okay, go on ahead. I won’t stop you, but the guards might.” Christina froze in her tracks noticing for the first time the guards stationed in pairs at each doorway. Now partially afraid she turned back to Chase a look with a look of panic which caused him to despise her once more.
~Friends in odd places~
With her head propped up by her left hand Irumaye watched Jené pace the kitchen impatiently. “Oh knock it off, would ya? You're starting to give me a headache with all your pacing."
Jené paused for a moment looking at her close friend then took a deep breath and began pacing again. Irumaye gave an irritated sigh then got up from the kitchen table, walked over to her friend, grabbed her by the shoulders, and forced her to look her in the eye then spoke slowly and clearly. "Listen closely to me: THINGS WILL BE OKAY. Got that?" she paused waiting for Jené to respond or at least give a small sign that she understood. When she got no response she shook her slightly. "Hey! He will come back. You hear me? He Will Come Back." Jené gave a very small nod after looking closely at Irumaye’s serious yet friendly expression. "good." with that Irumaye hugged her good friend then went back to the table resuming her seat.
Meanwhile in another world: Two soldiers stood back to back in the heat of battle. A circle of slain enemies lay around them. Zathura remained alert while his new found ally smirking sheathed his sword and spoke, “Not bad.”
Zathura returned the smirk, “Not bad yourself. I didn’t expect a grunt to have such skill.”
The false corporal stood stunned for a few long seconds before gaining his composure, “Oh yeah, my father taught me before I enrolled into the military.”
This had been a mistake. Men of Zathura’s army did not enroll into the military, but Zathura raised no alarm that he knew the man was a fake. He simply raised his eyebrows with interest, “Really? Then I suppose he also gave you that fine sword as well?” he gestured to the sword neatly sheathed upon the man’s waist.
Remaining nonchalant the corporal lied, ”Hmm? Oh this?” He raised the finely embroidered sheathed katana, “Nah, I stole this from a slain general.” There was an awkward pause as the two sized each other up. “By the way, I’m Chase.” He held out his hand to shake Zathura’s. Unaccustomed to handshakes, Zathura simply looked at Chase with discontent. Feeling awkward, Chase withdrew his now shaking hand and instead ran it through his short slightly bloodstained black hair. Clearing his throat he suggested, “Well, shall we carry on?”
Zathura nodded then took one final sweep of the area before he cleaned then sheathed his katana. “I believe we shall, since there are no longer any living enemies occupying this area.” With that, he stepped over an enemy carcass passing Chase.
“Oh. Uh…I never received a name.” Chase called after Zathura then mumbled, “Or a handshake.” Zathura’s ear twitched due to the last comment then glanced quizzically over his shoulder at Chase then asked, “Do you really wish to know my name? Are you sure it’s worth knowing? You may not live long enough for it to matter.” Chase could hardly believe his ears. The all serious had cracked a joke! “Ha! You’re a real ass you know that?” A smirk grew on Zathura’s lips. “Ha. No, I prefer the term smartass.” Ha he may be a poor liar but at least he has a since of humor. Perhaps I should keep him around. They kept walking deeper into the jungle. After a few long minutes he casually asked, “So where is the rest of your squad Sir Chase?” The smile faded form Chase’s face and stopped dead in his tracks, “I’m no knight sir. I have no addition to my name. I am simply Chase, Corporal Chase. And my squad was slaughtered; only I remain fighting. ”
“I see. But you might want to be more careful with your words. Not everyone is as uninformed as you hope I am.” Retorted Zathura coolly. “You’re over reaction to my earlier question-“
Chase cut him off in mid sentence, “alright, I am not a corporal. I am a sergeant on an urgent top secret rescue mission.” Seeing the newcomer’s skeptical expression he continued, “I’ve been sent to rescue a hostage from the enemy’s headquarters.” Zathura’s tiger ears perked up, “I really do not think now is the best time to discuss this, Sergeant, reinforcements are headed our way from the west.” With that he moved out of the open into the trees not caring if the sergeant followed him. “So, since I never received a name, I assume I can call you whatever I like.” Chase called after him as he jogged to catch up.
“Normally, you would be correct, but today you may call me Sir Jackass.” Zathura replied over his shoulder briefly then continued further into the trees. Chase laughed, “Well, Sir Jackass, are you going to help me with my mission?” Zathura’s eyebrow raised and he glance over his shoulder at Chase, “Oh? Why should I?” The half dragon shifted uncomfortably then replied confidently, “Well, uh, we are already headed in that direction.” With a small scoffing laugh, Zathura walked past Chase and replied, “If you say so Corporal.”
~To Save a Family
Filled with panic, Terek ran through the dense forest toward his family away from the battle behind him. ‘Please let them be alright.’ Suddenly four men came out ahead of him smirking devilishly at him as they spotted him, their swords covered in fresh blood from the woman and small boy caught fleeing the chaos. “Look here boys, another coward.” The greasy tall man taunted causing the others to turn and look at Terek. ‘Damn! I don’t have time for this!’ “Move out of my way and you will receive no harm” Terek called firmly trying to keep his panic at bay. The bigger of the four gave a small chuckle stepping forward, “Is that so? Come then, let’s test that courage of yours.”
‘Great, I figured I’d have to kill tonight.’ Gritting his teeth slightly, Terek continued to walk toward them then drew his sword as he began to charge them.
“Stupid.” The giant buff man laughed then swung confidently colliding with the earth thinking he met his target. Looking up, he found Terek posed in mid air then all went red then dark. Terek landed lightly next to the man’s corpse, cleaned off his blade, and then sheathed it. “May I pass now in peace?” The three stared now afraid but gripped their weapons and charged at once. With a sigh, Terek drew his blade then slay them in a series of swift moves. They fell around him dead and lifeless with small thuds to the earth. “Well, I guess you all deserve this sentence for killing innocent blood this night.” He looked at the dead woman and boy then thought of his own family. “Cheyanne, I need to get to her.” With that he said a small prayer for them all then ran off into the night as swiftly as his legs would carry him.
Jené followed Irumaye at a distance, ‘What are you doing, my friend?’ Irumaye leaped swiftly from tree to tree with a smile upon her lips toward her meeting place with Tasuki. Upon reaching the marked checkpoint, three trees tied with vines and red paint upon the bottom two branches, she picked up her pace. “What that fuck?” Jené thought out loud then without another word chased her friend. Several minutes later, Irumaye jumped down from her tree into a small clearing where Tasuki waited in the tree line’s shadows. The tigress arrived, her breath heavy, just in time to see two people embrace in a hug, foreheads touching, their fingers laced. ‘What the hell? Who the fuck?” Jené whispered to herself and edged closer accidentally stepping of a twig which snapped loudly. ‘Shit!’ She attempted to quickly back up but tripped over some rocks. The couple instantly parted disappearing into the shadows weapons drawn. As she regained her footing and again backed away, slower this time, she felt a blade to her neck.
“Who are you?” Tasuki demanded his tenor voice unshaken and stern. “I have them.!” He called to his love. Irumaye walked up behind both of them, dagger in hand, “I see that. Good job.” She then turned her attention to their temporary captive. “What are you doing here? What is your business here?” Jené cursed inwardly then answered, “Passing through.” Hoping her friend would not recognize her voice, she waited. The monkey’s expression changed as her pointed ears twitched, “Say that again, a little louder.”
“I’m just passing through.” Jené stated a little louder attempting to hide her voice. Irumaye motioned for Tasuki to leave for a few minutes before asking, “Sis?” The tigress flinched, “Who? I am just passing through.” Irumaye gave a smiling sigh, “I think you can cut out the act, Jené. What are you doing here?”
Jené sighed and turned to face Irumaye, “How’d you know it was me?” Irumaye smiled at her, “Come on, how I could not recognize your voice?” Jené made a motion indicating she was correct, “True.”
“So, why are you here in the middle of the night?” Irumaye asked her blade still in her hand. Jené scoffed a little, “I could ask you the same.” Irumaye laughed a little, “True, but you first.” She grinned at the tigress and waited for an answer. “May I stand and face you without a blade pointed at my neck?” Jené asked glancing toward Irumaye’s dagger. “By all means.” Irumaye replied sheathing her dagger and taking a few steps back. Now observing her friend fully for the first time without the threat of a blade, Jené relaxed a little more, “What are you wearing?” The monkey demon laughed, “Clothes, now explain yourself and I will tell my story after.” There was a pause before Jené answered, “I.. wanted to check on you. You have been acting strangely lately. I wanted to make sure this situation wasn’t out of your control.” After she had finished, she looked at her friend, “Good enough?” Irumaye gave the tigress a skeptical and thoughtful look before answering, “Not quite. How did you know I left?” A pang of fear went through Jené’s chest but she replied coolly, “I happened to see you exit the grounds.” Irumaye gave a more skeptical look than before, “Really?” Jené sighed, “Alright, I waited just outside and followed once I spotted you.” This answered seemed to please the monkey demon because she nodded and replied, “Thought so.”
“I now believe it is your turn. What are you doing?” Jené stated with mild curiosity. With a nod, Irumaye stated, “That it is. I came here to meet with someone.” The tigress made a gesture as if wanting more details. “About?” Jené finally asked when the gesture was not enough.
“Things. I am wearing a tribal outfit from the Western Wolf Clan. I wanted to sit out like I used to and just watch the moon and stars.” Seeing her friend look at her skeptically, she sighed, “I’m serious.” Still unconvinced but willing to change the subject, Jené asked, “ So, who was the male who placed a spear blade to my throat?”
“A clan member making sure I arrived safely.” Irumaye lied evenly. Jené rolled her eyes at her, “That isn’t what it looked like.” A pang of fear went through Irumaye. Managing to remain outwardly calm, she asked, “What do you mean?”
“When I arrived, it looked like he was holding you; not as a clan member but as something more.” Jené replied glancing around to see if he was near then back at her friend. Irumaye gave a small smile, “You’ll meet him one day soon. I can promise that much, just not today.” As she finished speaking, a series of whistles were heard some longer than others. Irumaye answered the whistles with two medium calls and a return signal was immediately heard followed by the silence of the night. Jené turned toward the source of the original calls, but when she turned back to her friend, she only found the clearing, shadows, and the night sky. “Fuck. I hate it when she does that.” From the shadows fifty feet away, Irumaye and Tasuki watched the tigress turn a small circle listening for movement or sound. After a long minute Jené set off in the direction she thought they might head at first at a jog then in stealth.
Once Jené was out of sight, the two stayed still and silent for several minutes barely daring to breathe. “We are in serious shit if she finds us.” Irumaye whispered urgently to Tasuki. Unexpectedly, he gently took her hand and led her quickly through the trees. Where are we going? She asked him telepathically. Somewhere safe. Tasuki replied without looking back at her. Trust me.
07-09-2013, 04:43 PM
Some great work here - I don't know why you were hesitant about posting! Keep writing. :)
Thank you. :D
My hesitance stems from the hope to publish my work someday and the mild fear of people who like to plagiarize. However, do not fear I have kept writing :) in fact I have some more right here:
~A Meeting and a Dance
Jené smiled as Zathura offered his hand to her for a dance. She took his hand nervously then picked up the left side of her dress with her free hand and began to dance to the waltz with Zathura naturally leading.
Zathura gazed gently into Jené’s eyes as he held her gently in his arms as they slow danced in tempo around the ballroom. Jené gazed back at him with a shy smile blushing slightly. Zathura then spun her out then back in all in beat to the fluid classical music his eyes never leaving hers. Unknown to them a crowd had began to form around them as they danced.
As the slow song came to an end he dipped her deeply. Her face flushed again under her mask. Their breath was heavy as applause erupted around them. He then slowly pulled her up kept one of her hands in his and took a bow while Jené nervously curtseyed. After the crowd had dispersed, Zathura turned to face her again then complimented her, “You are a very gifted dancer.” She felt her heart flutter as he spoke and struggled to find the words to reply. After a quick instance of shyness, she replied as calmly as she could, “Thank you. You aren’t that bad yourself.” Zathura was unable to suppress the smile which easily appeared upon his lips. He cleared his throat then asked, “Will you walk with me for a moment?” He held his arm out to her awaiting an answer. She felt her face flush a deeper shade of pink before she nodded, “Yes, of course.” With that, she took his outstretched arm and the two slowly walked off the dance floor. As they walked, she could not help but feel an air of familiarity about the masked gentleman. ‘Oh keep it together, Jené, there are hundreds of masked gentlemen here who can dance, he is not that special..!’ She scolded herself inwardly but noticed she could not make her heart even begin to stop pounding while they walked together out onto the balcony away from all the crowds and into the fresh warm night air. Once out in the night air, they both gazed up at the innumerable stars which shone brightly down upon them lighting the outside world. Jené could not help but think, ‘I’m not sure why, but I feel as if I know you.’ Then after another long gaze at the stars, she casually stated, “You seem familiar, Sir…” Leaning upon the balcony rail with this forearms eyes upon the stars, Zathura did not look at her as he replied, “Zathura.” Suddenly, it hit him that he had not introduced himself at all. He straightened up then looked her in the eye, “Forgive me. I am Zathura.” She looked at him curiously since that name had rung a small bell in the back of her mind. He knelt upon his left knee, head bowed, and his right hand upon his chest then continued formally, “It is an honor to meet you, Lady Jené.”
Jené gaped at Zathura’s formality. “Please, I hardly think such formality is necessary.” Zathura stood, “I suppose you are correct, but I have been taught to treat each woman I meet as if she is a princess.”
~unwelcome reunion
"What the hell are you doing here?" Chase demanded in a harsh tone.
"I would think you would be more pleased to see your own brother." His brother, Klifton, replied snidely as he calmly paced his hands behind his back. Chase clenched his fists and gritted his teeth but said nothing. Ignoring his little brother's response, Klifton continued, "Well how have you been,little brother?"
"Fucking fantastic." Chase snapped and ruefully thought, 'before you got here.'
Mild amusement graced Klifton's pretty face, "Awe, not enjoying being one of the troops?" He mocked.
"Watch it. These men are willing-" Chase warned his hand hovering above his sword hilt.
"To what? Fight in your name?" Klifton finished for him sarcastically causing Chase's temper to rise. Seeing his little brother ready to draw his blade, Klifton rose an eyebrow, "Really? Are you sure you want to risk loosing your pathetic rank by assaulting an officer?"
Enraged but knowing he was right, Chase threw his blade back into its sheath. He took a breath then charged Klifton, "Fuck you..!" Chase's shoulder collided with his brother's knocking him back six feet. An amused expression lit up Klifton's face mixed with fury, "Not bad, Chase, you've gotten better."
Chase's face dropped, 'Oh shit.'
With near lightning speed, Klifton's elbow collided with Chase's chin then abruptly down upon the crown of his head knocking Chase to his knees nearly unconscious. 'Fuck.'
"But not good enough!" Klifton laughed victoriously as he watched Chase struggle to stand upright.
~contains violence and language
Pain seared through young Irumaye's right arm, "Damn, son of a bitch...!" She grabbed her wrist and tried to flex her fingers but only managed a feeble twitch, "Oh this isn't good."
"No shit." A voice stated from behind her to which she swiftly turned around to face the source. A demon in his mid twenties stood with a smug smile, "You know, I could really destroy you right now." He commented twirling his long blade casually. Irumaye glared at him, "Oh yeah, why don't you?" She retaliated. He walked slowly toward her as her replied, "Because you have so much potential, and I hate to waste that." She glared at him confused and defensive still clutching her bleeding arm.
He watched her for a moment before stating, "Although, I do need one thing for me before I let you go." Perplexed the young monkey demon waited for his proposition not letting her guard down.
"I need you to steal something." He stated casually. Irumaye's glare intensified, "How can I do that with only one arm, you ass?!" The man nodded, "You have a point, young one. I'll train you to use your other arm, and once training is complete, I expect the task to be done."
Irumaye gave a look of consideration, "What do you want me to steal?" His face relaxed as if it were simple and answered simply, "A talisman from the Dragon Clan Temple."
"No deal."
Intrigued, he inquired, "Why do quick to deny? Would you rather die here? Now, without anything to remember you by?" She again glared up at him and replied, "I have my friends." Amused he nearly laughed at her but instead retorted, "Oh? The ones you left?"
"I-I didn't do it because I wanted to. It was the only way to fulfill their request." Irumaye stammered now conflicted remembering she had fled to avoid an arranged marriage.
"So do we have a deal?" He asked smoothly staring calmly down at her.
~A trap. (once again this scene will involve language and violence.)
Leaning against a crate for cover, Jené yelled over the sounds of clashing swords and screaming men, "Did it ever occur to you that this may have been a trap?" Irumaye grinned over her shoulder then shrugged, "Might have crossed my mind." An arrow whizzed past her head landing in the wall behind her with a loud thunk. Jené shook her head in frustration, "I'll never understand you." The tigress then stood brutally shield bashing an enemy knocking him off his feet and out cold. With a smile, Irumaye ducked an enemy's blade disemboweling him as she came up then replied, "Probably not." Another arrow whizzed past her head a little closer this time. They fought deeper into the room slaying enemies as they went.
"You know, I could be with Zathura right now having tea, right?" Jené asked her friend over her shoulder.
"Oh, I don't believe that for a second." Irumaye laughed causing the tigress give a shocked expression.
"And why not?"
Using an unfortunate demon for a shield from a barrage of arrows, Irumaye's eyebrow rose mildly amused, "Tea? Please, I hardly think they'd set up this large of a trap over meeting for tea." Slightly off topic, she commented, "We might want to take out these archers. Their aim seems to have improved." Jené looked over at her friend then became alarmed by the tight grouping of the arrows then replied, "Right, good idea."
Slightly unnerved by her friend's expression, Irumaye asked, "It isn't that bad is it?"
"Take a look for yourself."
"I'd rather not."
Unfortunately there is not much lead up for this next scene. I apologize; it comes in about half way through the scene.
With a smirk Chase gently wrapped his arms around Anna's waist from behind then sensually kissed her neck causing her to smile. Recongnizing his touch and kiss she allowed herself to melt into his embrace, "You could get me into trouble one of these days you know."
"Is that right?"
"Yes it is."
"What makes you think you're not in trouble now?" His voice suddenly became deep and distorted. Anna's eyes shot open in terror. Slowly the dark bedroom came into focus giving little comfort; she was back in her employer's mansion due to see her in three hours. Desperately clutching her sheets, she shuddered trying to shake off the nightmare.
Miles away, Chase lay in his bed staring up at the dark ceiling his heart unusually heavy. With a sigh, he contemplated the cause. Concluding it was just another restless night, rolled to his side and tried to sleep.
Possibly rated M for language and violence. Again I apologize for the lack of lead up. (also I could not think of this villainous demon's name whom Celesia is fighting).
Dust flew up around her as she slid back from the brutal hit. Feeling a bruise already forming upon her forearms she smirked then stood from her crouched position. The enemy waited for the dust to clear; seeing Celesia emerge unscathed and smirking a fear swiftly turned to rage; he bared his teeth at her growling within his throat.
"Didn't think I'd die that easily did you?" Celesia asked.
"Cunt, you hold your tounge!" He snarled.
"I see you haven't any manners. " She retorted coolly as she stepped toward him, the dust billowing around her. Nerves failing him, he took an aprehensive step back yet brandished his fists. Celesia furrowed her brow intrigued, "Never figured you for the type to fear, _____."
"I fear nothing!"
"Your actions say otherwise."
A bead of sweat formed on his brow wile he gritted his teeth body quivering with rage and vaue fear. She was right, his body had betrayed him; he'd given everything he had and yet she still approached. 'Why won't this bitch just die?' He thought with malious.
'Because I can't afford to. More than one life is at risk here if I fail, therefor, I shall not fall ; not to the likes of you.' Said Celesia's voice insided his head.
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