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04-19-2010, 10:05 PM
In a fragile world before the time of the immortals, the land was tainted with war. There were few who dared to stand up against the onslaught. Two empires waged war for many years, each with no signs of relenting the pressure on their foes. Between these two empires stood a peaceful land filled with its inhabitants wanting nothing more then to live a peaceful and happy life.
The two mighty empires stole any chance of peace from them…
Their land, their home, their future, were being ravaged by both empires by turning their homes into a battleground. With no regard for the people, both empires took whatever they needed, and took out their boredom by terrorizing the local citizens.
The few who stood up, the few who decided enough was enough… they were called heroes.
They were few in numbers, and their equipment was pitiful, but that was not where their strength rested.
Their will to fight gave them strength…
Their will to stand up gave them more strength…
Their will to never give up gave them greater strength…
But their will to protect their land was their greatest strength…
Standing against both empires, these brave few stopped them both in their tracks. By battling them both, they prevented the two empires from stepping one foot on their sacred land. The feuding empires found themselves unable to attack each other for forty years, and all because of the group of warriors stopping each empire.
Both mighty militaries stood at their front, confused by how such a small peaceful land could harbour such spirited warriors. This was all because of one man, with his will to fight and protect being the strongest of all.
His name is not known, but within the history books one could recall the famous rebellion being led by a both charismatic and mighty warrior. He would be known as “The Great One”. His power was second to none, and his fighting spirit could fuel one hundred armies. The Great One was mentioned numerous times as “History’s most powerful warrior”, for his stories of battle have captivated the entire world.
Over time, both empires threw down their spears, their swords, and their hatred.
Peace was finally in their grasp… until the unthinkable happened.
The history books were not able to tell exactly what happened, but somehow in his hometown, the Great One was assassinated. Some say he was stabbed, others say he was show with a crossbow, but the end result remained the same in every story, the Great One was dead.
By this time, his message was already implanted in the land.
It said “protect what is dearest to you”.
Peace remained with both empires, and time once again took its course. Both empires have expanded and dispersed many times. Power changed hands, governments grew and fell, the land changed and changed, but the story of the Great One remained embedded within the soil.
* * *
The fire in the living room cracked, it was in need of more wood.
“Well, that’s the legend of the Great One.” An elderly voice sighed while putting another log on the fire.
A young boy rested on the hard wood floor. He was listening to his grandfather telling stories of the Great One’s battles and leadership.
“Is it true he couldn’t be defeated?” the young boy asked.
The old man nodded his head.
“Then why did he die?”
“Ah… but that’s just it. He never died! he lives within the very soil we walk on today! He watches over us and protects us.”
The old man smiled, “He even lives within certain individuals.”
The boy was intrigued, “What kind of people?”
“People with courage, spirit and hope. The kind of people who become heros…”
* * *
It’s said that those who do not learn from the past are condemned to repeat it…
With new advancements in “magic energy”, new technologies were sprouting everywhere. However with better means to help life, also meant better means to take life. One empire in general grew in power and might, and they had their eyes set on total control.
Now living in oppressive times, most towns and villages now live a life of occupation. The young boy who heard the story of the Great One allowed this “forced” occupation to happen. When they came, it was useless to put of a struggle. Businesses were destroyed, people slowly became homeless, there was no choice but to join the army.
Recruiting officers now patrol the town where he lives, practically forcing anyone capable of combat to join their ranks. Young men were dragged from their families to serve the empire, breaking their spirits along with their soul.
An officer spots you loitering, you seem capable of serving the great empire. Two men garbed in traditional armour approach you and ask for your enrolment to the military. Will you give in? Or will you grasp the spirit deep within the land’s soil and become a Hero.
The choice is yours…
You don't have to read the entire list of info below. It's more or less available for those who wish to read it. I've hid sections in spoilers so you can pick pieces of information you want to read that helps create your character.
The World Information will expand as our understanding of the world grows. You're character will more or less learn most of this during the course of the RP.
04-19-2010, 10:06 PM
Current Location
The Town of Khent
Current Events
While in the town of Khent, recruitment officers wander around the town, scouting for fresh recruits. In a desperate time to fill their quota, they're willing to be more forward and hostile then normal
Character Sheet
Additional Information:
**Info needed for Immortals**
Physical Age:
NAME: Pretty straight forward
AGE/SEX : The age of your character, seperated by the gender
RACE/BREED : First enter if either Human or an Elemental, then determine which breed you are. Example: Elemental; Fire elemental OR Human; Fryn/Dranti etc, etc
JOB: Your job or profession your character has in the RP
SKILLS: Give your character a set of skills. Do they know how to cook? Fight? Play music?
APPEARANCE: Either post a detailed discription of your character and what they wear, or post a picture.
HISTORY: Every character has one, what's yours? Also give a brief reason as to why they've appeared in the starting town of Khent
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Anything else that may be useful to post about your character. Hints of their personality, a special trinket they carry, basically extra information.
**Info needed for Immortals**
ELIXIR: What keeps your immortal from dying? Post their Elixir here.
PHYISCAL AGE: Immortals can be hundreds of years old, but physically can appear to be 25. Post your character's physical age here. The age an immortal stops aging physically is 20, so we can't have an 100 year old immortal who looked like they're 12.... and I swear to god if anyone makes a character named "Edward Cullen", I'm going to flip my shit!
04-19-2010, 10:06 PM
World Map
One of the main continents of the world, Aldune is lush with mountains, forests, lakes, and green hills. Recently parts of the continent fell into the hands of the Grandian Empire, but other parts are still free of their control.
Khent: The mountain town of Khent is located near the western coast of Aldune. The once small town had suddenly exploded with growth once the discovery of a valuable magical crystal shards within the near by mountains. The population grew and many homes sprouted everywhere. However the town has suffered greatly ever since the Grandian Empire took over. Now the town suffers from lack of jobs, business and hope.
Illipse: Small coastal fishing village on the west coast. Many popular tales have sprouted from this small village, it’s even rumored that “The Great One” was born in this village, however no one can say for sure.
Uye Wood: A large forest covering much of the northern continent. A strange magical presence looms over the entire forest, and many mages travel to the magical forest to learn more of their mysterious ways of magic. Rumored to be a spring that vitalizes the body and heals all wounds, however it was never found yet. Many magical creatures call Uye Wood their home.
Truro: A small city in the centre of Aldune. The city was founded on a hill, with a small blockhouse fort built on the top. In present days, the blockhouse fort upgraded to a mighty citadel, protecting the city from attacks from any direction. Truro is currently under siege from the Grandian Empire in efforts to capture it.
Meriel: The might and power of Aldune, one of the three empires of the world. It’s situated at the end of the Aldune Harbor on the east coast. Meriel holds the mighty Royal Armada, the most powerful naval force in the entire world. The fleet is stationed at numerous ports around the world, but most are stationed at the capital city of Meriel. The city is built like one giant fortress, practically impossible to invade. With many citadels and outposts around the harbor and city. No attack has ever been attempted on this fortified establishment, for everyone knows it is useless and suicide. The Merian Army is at war with the Grandian Empire.
The southern continent connected to Aldune, known more for it’s grassy fields and prairie lands. This continent is entirely occupied by the Grandian Empire, however they’re calling for the Merian Army to help liberate themselves.
Austrie: A small town near the narrows connecting Aldune and Drakurn. This town was the spark of the revolution told in tales of “The Great One”. Anyone who lives near the town are extremely proud and will defend their lands until death. Sadly, most of the citizens have obeyed that oath, and are now mostly dead after the Grandian Empire took over.
Tri’ Arath: A large black tower in the center of the continent. The metal is magically enhanced to repel any siege attacks which is why it still stands today. The tower is meant for a gathering of skilled black wizards to practice their dark art. What happens inside is more or less unknown to the general public.
Tao: An honorable empire located on the eastern part of Drakurn. The Castle contains many warriors who live by the famous “Wu-Tao” life style, which is to seek honorable combat with an honorable opponent. Now overrun by the Grandian Empire.
Georges Island: A large island situated south-east of the continent. Although it is situated in an icy land, the island is known for it’s fiery volcano. The volcanic mountain is extremely erratic in magical energy, often spawning odd and powerful creatures. Many Grandian scientists have set up camp to study more about this strange island.
The icy continent of Kejimajik is located south-west of the world map. The cold and frigid temperature makes it more difficult for civilizations to live off the land like the other continents, which are abundant with natural resources ((except Shattered Lands)). Large deserts of ice over the mountainous lands and spread across the entire continent.
Raijk: A small town near the center of the continent. The town is made from small wooden buildings. No armies exist here. The town survives off hunting seals and other sea mammals under the ice flows, making their hunt a tradition for their people. They respect the land they call their home as well as the animals, there are also some people who are skilled in herbal medicine. The town is also home to numerous talented Ice Mages
Irkras Cavos: A large mountain located not far west from Rajik, Irkras Cavos means “Mountain of the Gods” in the Rajik’s mother tongue. Many caves are found in the upper mountain tunneling through the entire mountain, however one cave in particular is more mysterious then the rest. Located at the base of the mountain, the cave is sealed by a large indestructible door.
A large island continent just south of Garidiros. Scotland is known for it’s highland mountain landscape, Scotia is rich with green fields of grass and forests. Many old castles and fortresses litter the ancient grounds, and for this, many scholars call Scotia home, for those who wish to learn the history of the world.
Misty Mountains: Tall moist chain of mountains on the south part of Scotia. Many rare herbs are located near the peek of these mountains, but as well it is home to many rare and magical creatures, some of which are potentially dangerous.
Rossh: A large town located near the west coast of Scotia. The town, sloping down a mountain side, is fairly rich with artists and culture. Music, art, and novelists enjoy this town for it is filled with motivation that compel artists to create.
Halifax: The city of Halifax is located on the north shore of Scotia, acting as the port for all of Scotia. The city is occupied by the Grandian Empire, however it’s occupation is not as severe as the other cities. Halifax is known to be the education capital of the entire world. Numerous scholars travel here to enroll in universities. At the center of the city, a large public library stands taller then any other building, giving Halifax’s pride in being the wealth of all knowledge throughout the world.
A large continent filled with multiple landscapes. With rainforests to deserts to rocky mountains, the Garidiros is home to the Grandian Empire, which threatens to take over the entire world. Still, not everyone in Garidiros approves of the Empire’s conquest.
Neiblum Rainforest: A large rainforest that covers much of Garidiros’ west coast. The rainforest contains the most diverse wildlife on the entire planet. From magical beasts to small harmless herbivores, the Neiblum Rainforest provides a natural habitat for many creatures. The Fryn have built small towns all around the rainforests, however the biggest city is near the south-west coast, it’s called Freisia, a city bound by nature and connected to the trees, truly a spectacular sight.
Haradic Desert: Dunes upon dunes of red sand covering the center of Garidiros. The Haradic Desert is a sight to behold, however unwise to travel unprepared. Many different towns and villages sit at the edge of the desert, however those who attempted to settle inwards have suffered and died of thirst. It remains to be an unforgiving land, throwing heat and freak sandstorms at will.
The Dry Lands: A large body of land that covers south Garidiros and slowly creeps its way up between the Haradic Desert. The Dry Lands like the Haradic Desert is unforgiving with heat, however instead of red sand, the Dry Lands have dry dirt for miles and miles. The Dry Lands are extremely flat, anyone who stands in the middle could see both the sand squalls of the Hadaric Desert, to the Rainforests, to the mountains of the east. Towns and villages are scattered randomly across the Dry Lands, connected by roads pointing in every direction. However, every road in Garidiros leads to one place…
Grandia: The capital city of both Garidiros and the Grandian Empire. The large modern city sit north of the Grandian peninsula on top of the high mountains. The city has advanced greatly with new technology thanks to the help of the magic crystals. The crystals help power the city’s electrical needs, as well as power factories that create devices of war. The city is divided into three parts. First part is the central city is the home of the elite and powerful, littered with skyscrapers and beautiful architecture. The north west square is home to many middle class citizens, regular people who live their lives normally working to provide their families. Then there’s the under-city, home to the poor and suffering. The under-city is basically a smaller city beneath the much larger city above, acting as a support for the upper city to keep it from slipping down the mountains. In the center of the city sits the Grand Assembly House, the place where the emperor makes political decisions as well as home to the many political departments of Grandia, as well as the military department.
Humans: The most industrial individuals on the planet. Humans, free to make their own decisions, show a strong sense of curiosity with the world around them. This has led them to lead among all other creatures on the planet.
Genians: Known more as the “Mainlanders”, the Genians are nothing special and they come in all shapes and sizes and colours, but their one feature that sets them apart from the others is their sharp and vibrant red eyes. They prove to be the most adaptable and rounded out species of human on the planet. They can be found at all corners of the planet.
Fryn: Fryns normally reside deep within the Neiblum Rainforest. The normal Fryn has a lightly tanned skin colour and always a light coloured hair colour (mostly white). The Fryn are known for their speed and agility, which they’ve gained over many years of hunting in the rainforest.
Dranti: This race of humans is mighty proud and mostly stubborn. Their pride mostly comes in their history, the descendants from the peaceful land mentioned in the Great One’s tale. After many generations, they’ve adapted to combat, and when combat was not needed, they’d play sports. Their large physique is what sets them apart from the others, along with their pale coloured skin and fiery red hair.
Dijhi: The people who dwell in the desert and dry lands, these are people who know how to live in the extreme heat. Their skin mostly carries a dark colour due to exposure of the sun, and they have breath-taking stamina. They are extremely resourceful with all materials and they show a deep respect for the earth.
* * *
Elementals: Short Humanoid creatures capable of incredible feats of magic. Being constructed by the natural elements within the Uye Wood, these creatures’ origins remain to be a mystery, for even they themselves are unaware of the full extent of the Wood’s power. Each elemental, as the name suggests, has control over one of the five elements.
Their skin resembles thick tree bark, making it hard to damage. The shade and colouring of their skin can vary according to their element. Being born from magic, they have no gender, thus their body contain zero gender specific areas.
The Zodiark Creation, born as an Elemental, has control over all five, and contains enormous power. With power, comes a much shorter life span. An average lifespan for an Elemental is 43 years, while the Zodiark Creation lives to the ripe old age of 10.
Elementals are fully capable of human-like emotion. They experience pain and suffering as humans do, and long for friendship and social acceptance as humans also do. Elementals are much more peaceful then humans, and refrain from combat unless its absolutely necessary. Although a peaceful race, they are too capable of displaying fits of rage, which can be very costly to their surrounding environment.
When an Elemental is born from the thick sap of an Arbre Sanctum it begins its short infancy. They are born with no glow in their eyes, making their elemental powers a mystery. In one month, the elemental goes from being a toddler to an adolescent. Within a few months, they figure out what element they have control over. This normally happens in a moment of stress and desperation, a burst of magical energy reveals their element, and taints their eyes with an elemental exclusive glow… they call this “the awakening”.
Their eyes continue to glow until the day they pass away.
Fire Elemental: An elemental who has the control over the element of Fire. Upon their moment of awakening, their eyes are tainted with a red glow and their skin turns to various dark shades of red.
Water Elemental: An elemental who has the control over the element of Water. Upon their moment of awakening, their eyes are tainted with a light blue colour and their skin turns to various dark shades of blue.
Lightning Elemental: An elemental who has the control over the element of Lightning. Upon their moment of awakening, their eyes are tainted with a violet colour and their skin turns to various dark shades of violet.
Ground Elemental: An elemental who has the control over the element of Earth. Upon their moment of awakening, their eyes are tainted with a green colour and their skin turns to various dark shades of green.
Air Elemental: An elemental who has the control over the element of Air. Upon their moment of awakening, their eyes are tainted with a white colour and their skin turns to various shades of grey.
Zodiark Creation: An elemental who has the control over all five elements. Upon their moment of awakening, a powerful eruption of energy reveals their eyes tainted with a misty silver colour, easily mistakable for an Air elemental. The Zodiark Creation is considered to be an Avatar of the Elementals, containing the power of previous Zodiark Creations, passed down from generation to generation. It is unlikely a memory from a previous life is passed down, but if the memory is strong enough, it can surpass the limitations of death and carry on to the next Zodiark Creation.
The Immortals
Throughout the land are certain individuals who are capable of defying all logic and nature. These individuals are known as “The Immortals”. Ever since the land has been infused with magic, there are those who can surpass their age limit and survive what would otherwise be fatal to someone else. An immortal can appear to be in their twenties, but in reality they can be hundreds of years old.
Immortals are extremely rare, and can take any shape or form like everyone else, but there are some guidelines they must follow to remain immortal.
The main tool of an immortal is their elixir. Their elixir is what keeps them immortal, and it can very to almost anything that can be consumed. The main elements such as Water, wind, fire, earth, are NOT elixirs, but almost everything else has the potential to be ((ex: types of food, drinks, herbs, etc))
Each immortal has an elixir to keep them immortal, and they would need access to their elixir to keep their immortal powers. Some immortals can live their entire lives not knowing their elixir, therefore living a normal life without coming into contact of their elixir.
An Immortal can tell what his elixir is by ingesting it. Once they've taken their elixir, they will gain plenty of stamina and energy, even healing physical wounds on their body with great speed.
As the immortal ages, they become more dependant on their elixir. They only need to ingest their elixir once to live for one hundred years, after that they normally need to ingest their elixir yearly. After they live for 500 years they need to ingest their elixir monthly, and once they pass the 1,000 year mark they need their elixir weekly.
If they miss their dose of their elixir, then they would age a bit depending how old they are. Before 100 years they age normally, after 100 years they would age a year, after 500 years they would age 20 years, after 700 years they would age 30 years. If you miss your elixir dosage when the immortal is older then 1,000, then it’s 50 years, making it fairly fatal. There aren’t many immortals older then 1,000 years hanging around, although most gladly pass on to “the next world” after living for so long.
Magic Energy
Myths tell of a world that existed without magic energy. However, for as long as time could tell, magic energy existed alongside humans. Much of it remains to be a mystery as scholars throughout the generations attempted to solve the mystery that is magic.
Over the years, magic has been categorised into three categories.
White Magic – Black Magic – Human Magic
White Magic: This type of magic is normally found in gentle and kind beings, with their will to help others with their power, White Magic has the ability to cure wounds, heal sickness, remove curses and simply help others around them.
Black Magic: A more destructive magic, Black Magic taps into five different elements (Fire, Water, Lightning, Wind, Ground) and then unleash their power on whatever they focus on. This can be as mundane to lighting up a finger to aid a struggling bonfire, to igniting an entire town at a whim.
Human Magic: A fairly rare form of magic found only in humans. This allows the caster to enhance his allies or even hinder their enemies. This includes increasing and decreasing their speed, disorientating the enemy, creating illusions and other status inducing magics.
Crystals: It was not until recently that Crystals began to appear around the planet. Their origin is widely unknown, yet dispite the mystery of their sudden appearance across the planet, its widely become the reason of the jump in technology.
These Crystals hold massive amounts of magical energy, allowing anyone who is in grasp of one to gain much more power magically. They are often attached to rare items to give them a magical ability to raise their power.
Crystals can also provide power to certain mechanisms like engines and machines. This has been the case for the Empire, their technical advancements are due to the power of the crystals.
List of Rare/Legendary weapons
The Silver Wind: A double edged sword made from a strong and flexible metal, said to have been over a thousand years old. The sword has been considered a royal item of the kingdom of Tao, passed down from generation to generation. The last person to have it in their procession was the late King of Tao, who fell in battle against Grandia. It has not been seen since, but many suspect it is hidden with the many treasures captured by Grandia.
Staff of the Magi: A legendary and powerful black magic staff said to bestow any magic user with large amounts of magic energy. Said to be created in the tower of Tri’Arath, it stays there to this day being held by the elder mage as a sign of seniority over the other mages who study at the tower.
Tsa’Warym (War Hero): The legendary Broadsword mentioned in the myth of “The Great One”. There are many different descriptions of the sword, some describing it to be a six foot long blade while others say it’s made of pure gold. Never the less everyone has their own imagining of the kind of sword that the Great One held in battle to fend off two empires, and there has been many claims of people owning the sword, but all have been proven to be cheap knockoffs. The question of the blade’s existence is still in question and many believe it does not even exist. This however does not stop people from searching for it.
Gundak: A large battle axe wielded by a mysterious enigma of a man named Ruu. The man being somewhat of a giant, standing at about nine feet tall with huge muscles to boot. Stories of this man defending small villages with swift swings of his giant axe spread across the land, the site of the axe resides in the south of Aldune near the narrows. It has been stuck in the ground ever since, and the fate of Ruu is still unknown. Many people have tried to remove it, but the size and weight of the axe proved to be too much for even the mightiest warrior.
Spear of Meriel: Another royal item passed down from royalty from generation to generation. The large spear is said to be owned by the first King of Meriel, and since then the main weapon for Meriel’s large army has been the spear, perfecting the phalanx tactic and one on one spear combat.
The Tri-mark Swordmaker: A certain mark of valuble quality found on a sword. The mark is crafted to swords that enhance the wielder's strength and speed based on a certain criteria. This has ranged from common basics like "how strong the wielder is" from obscure criteria like "how tall the wielder is". Many blacksmiths have attempted to forge the Tri-mark seal, a complicated three-point rune that's crafted to perfection.
Staff of Uye: An extremely powerful staff held in the dormant depths of Uye forest. Made from the root of the Uye Tree, the central tree that is said to have given birth to the entire forest and all of its magical creatures. The staff is emits powerful amounts of energy, allowing anyone who wields it to cast powerful magic spells of many elements and natures.
The Six Elemental Blades: Six different daggers said to contain a vast amount of a magical element. Each dagger has its specialty in one element, giving the user a great advantage of casting magic with that particular element.
~The Red Thorn: Fire element dagger
~The Piercing Blue: Water element dagger
~The Yellow Spark: Lightning element dagger
~The Swift Steel: Wind Element dagger
~The Earth Shaker: Ground element dagger
~The Magi Blade: Magic absorbing dagger
Falling Rain: The lethal accurate bow created in the rainforests of Neiblum Rainforest. Made from a pristine white wood from a rare tree called “Ellize Tree”, the bow offers a great length and range for the archer. Even in the hands of a novice, the bow proves to be lethal and accurate.
**If you have any ideas of some weapons/items that can be added to the list, feel free to suggest them!**
Meriel Military
If ever I see or dream for thee
It'd be me a life spent sailing the sea
*motto of the Merian Navy taken by a Merian Poet, Weaven Scott*
Naval Ranks:
- Privateer
- Seaman
- Leading Seaman
- Petty Officer
- Warrant Officer
- Midshipman
- Ensign
- Sub-Lieutenant
- Lieutenant
- Lt. Commander
- Commander
- Captain
- Commodore
- Admiral
- Admiral of the Fleet
Merian Corvette: A small naval escort vessel. A simple design allows for quick manufacturing and production with a manoeuvrable hull to quickly veer around obstacles and surround enemy ships.
Merian Destroyer: A larger class naval escort vessel. Contains more firepower and can hold it’s own in one on one battles with enemy vessels.
Transport Class: A large armoured transport ship. The interior hull can fit troops, equipment and vehicles. Transports are lightly armed and rely on escorts for protection in order to survive.
Battleship Class I: A heavily armoured warship with many small batteries located around the ship. A great force to be reckoned with, can provide constant pressure of artillery to enemy forces on land or sea.
Battleship Class II: A heavily armoured warship with a large battery located on the front of the ship. The rest of the battleship contains many smaller batteries, the class II can provide heavier firepower then the class I.
Battleship Class III: A heavily armoured warship with a large battery located on the front and another located on the back. Smaller batteries are spread around the ship, this class provides more firepower then the class II.
Battleship Class IV: Heavily armoured, with three large batteries located on the front, middle, and back of the battleship. The class can provide a constant pressure of heavy artillery to any target on land and sea.
The White Atlas: The pride of the Merian Navy. A glimmering white battleship with five large batteries, two in the front, one on either side if the bridge and one in the back. The White Atlas turns the tide in any naval battle, and its firepower is second to none. It is the largest battleship in the world to date.
Ground forces
Infantry Classes
- Royal Guard: The top infantry classes that specialize in close combat. Weapon of choice is often regarded as the spear, most often used in large groups in a tactical form called the phalanx, creating a wall of spears protected by a wall of shields. Ranks below:
o Private
o Corporal
o Sergeant
o Sergeant Major
o Second Lieutenant
o Lieutenant
o Captain
o Major
o Lieutenant Colonel
o Colonel
o Brigadier
o General
o Field Marshal
Merian Artillery
The age of crystalized energy has awakened a new era of war machines. Archers are a thing of the past, artillery replaces most weaponry. Cannons able to fire at great distances are produced, and thus the army develloped a new class of military to handle these sophisticated weapons. They wear little armor, but instead wear simple blue suits that cause no sparks to egnite the explosive magical energy.
- Gunner
- Bombadier
- Sergeant
- Battery Sergeant Major
The Battery Sergeant Major then answers to a Lieutenant or higher rank for orders.
Siege Units
Light Mobile Artillery: A small siege engine that requires two people to drive. A moderately sized cannon is able to rotate 360 degrees and fires a small artillery shell.
Heavy Mobile Artillery: A larger siege engine that requires two people to drive, but fits two more on optional turrets. Contains a larger cannon capable of 360 degree mobility as well as firing larger shells, and two small cannon turrets for smaller targets.
Hammerhead Ram: A mobile battling ram that operates under modern industrial engines. The ram is worked by hydraulics that generate powerful ramming forces capable of toppling walls. This siege unit is also heavily armoured and serves double as a transport for a maximum of twenty soldiers.
Kamikaze Runners: Small mechanical units operated by remote control. These speedy machines are meant to zip through battlefields and explode upon impact with any enemy battlements.
Grandia Military
Naval ranks:
- Crewman
- Crewman first class
- Deck Officer
- Warrant Officer
- Ensign
- Sub-Lieutenant
- Lieutenant
- Lt. Commander
- Commander
- Captain
- Commodore
- Admiral
- Admiral of the Fleet
Warships: Over past two years, people have been noticing a slight decline in funding for the Grandian Navy. Reasons for this is yet unknown, although its widely suspected because of the expensive cost of building "Invader-class Transport" and the contruction of the second Golden Hawk.
Scout Vessel: A small ship meant for scouting locations and exploration. Very minimal means of firepower or defence on this vessel, however they are very hard targets and move fairly quickly.
Grandian Destroyer: A military escort vessel. Contains light firepower and defence and often serves to guard convoys across the sea.
Military Transport: A heavily armoured transport vessel meant for carrying troops and supplies across the sea. However it has very little means to protect itself, therefore escorts are always needed.
Invader-class Transport: An extremely large transport vessel with heavy armour and moderate firepower. These vessels are what keeps the mobility of the Grandian Army possible since they’re able to move small armies all at once. Only three of these vessels exist, and one could fit a large enough army to invade a small kingdom.
Grandian Destroyer: A heavily armoured warship with a large battery located on the front and another located on the back. Smaller batteries and turrets are located on various places on the battleship, and makes for a reasonable foe on the high seas.
The Golden Hawk II: The greatest ship in the fleet of the Grandian Navy. This bronze/steel heavily armed battleship has two large batteries on front of the ship, and another battery located on the rear. This is the second vessel of this class, since the “Golden Hawk I” was sunk by Meriel’s “The White Atlas” in a failed attempt to invade Meriel.
Ground Forces
Grandian Guard:
- Private
- Corporal
- Sergeant
- Sergeant Major
- Second Lieutenant
- Lieutenant
- Captain
- Major
- Lieutenant Colonel
- Colonel
- Brigadier General
- General
- Field Marshal
Magi-Soldiers: A highly trained military unit both highly skilled in magic and combat. Their armour is designed to absorb shock and magical attacks, as well as being lightweight and enhances movement. Only a select few enter this program, even fewer succeed their training. One must be a rank of Sergeant or higher to apply, or you must get a written invitation from a General commanding the unit.
- Private
- Corporal
- Sergeant
- Lieutenant
- Major
- Colonel
- General
Grandian Artillery: The age of crystallized energy has awakened a new era of war machines. Arrows and archers are a think of the past as new artillery replaces most weaponry. Cannons fire at much greater distances then arrows, and provide more firepower. New weapons call for newly trained officials to operate them.
- Gunner
- Bombadier
- Sergeant
- Battery Sergeant Major
The Battery Sergeant Major then answers to a ranked Lieutenant or higher for additional orders.
Siege Units
Light Mobile Artillery: A small siege engine that requires two people to drive. A cannon that fires 10 pound shots is mounted on top, and is able to rotate 360 degrees.
Mobile Artillery: A siege engine that requires two people to drive, but fits another additional slot for an optional turret. A cannon that fires 15 pound shots is mounted on top and is able to rotate 360 degrees.
Heavy Mobile Artillery: A larger siege engine that requires two people to drive, but fits two more on optional turrets. Contains a larger cannon that’s capable of firing 20 pound shots is mounted on top with 360 degree mobility. Two smaller turrets sit on each side of the large tank vehicle.
Stationary Heavy Artillery: An extremely powerful piece of artillery that can fire 30 pound shots at a long distance. The cannon prove too heavy to be mounted on any mobile vehicle, so the cannon is disassembled in transport, and reassembled in times of battle and invasion.
Iron Hawk: A strong mobile battling ram with its ram in shape of a hawk. It’s completely operated by hydraulic machinery and is able to carry twenty-five soldiers within its heavily armoured hull. The forces generated by the Iron Hawk is powerful enough to topple walls.
Ghosts of Grandia
Classified as a terrorist organization by the Grandian Army, the Ghosts of Grandia (GoG) is a rebel movement separate from the Merian Empire to disrupt Grandian control and sabotage their military. The rebel group has multiple bases in many locations across Aldune and Drakurn, as well as rumoured bases in Scotia and Garidiros. For rebel movement, the GoG has shown great organization and efficiency. The commander of the group is said to be a brilliant strategist, familiar with military, although the identity is still unknown.
At first, Grandia has considered the GoG to be a minor threat, but further operations will prove that big surprises come in small packages
04-19-2010, 10:07 PM
*World Details x2*
04-19-2010, 10:07 PM
*Active Character List*
04-21-2010, 01:00 PM
Name: Houz
Age/Sex: 18/male
Race: Human
Job: Tailor
Appearance: An average sized young man who does not exactly fit any sort of description of “warrior” or “adventurer”. Dirty blonde hair with very neat clothing in which he made himself. Brown leather vest with boots to match, wearing a white cotton long sleeved shirt and dark blue pants. Brilliant green eyes contrast against his pale white skin. Indeed this is not the appearance of an adventurer, but then again not everyone chooses to be in one, sometimes they just find themselves there.
Story: He grew up in the bustling town of Khent, living with both his mother and father. His mother owned a grocery store while his father worked in the mines in the mountain. Income was fairly decent, and as result Houz had a splendid childhood spent mostly outside with his friends. Then tragedy occurred…
Houz’s mother oftentimes visited the mines to bring a packed lunch for his father. Normally unqualified townsfolk were not allowed in the mine, but this had become such a routine that Houz’s father and his co-workers overlooked it, simply another daily routine. Unfortunately on this day, when Houz was 7 years old, a small quake shook the mountains. The town suffered very minimal damage, but the same could not be said for the mines.
The caverns and mountain caves have collapsed, trapping many workers inside the mine, including Houz’s parents. When they were able to break through to rescue the trapped miners it was already too late. Houz lost two parents in the same day. He had no choice but to live with his Grandfather who owned a clothing store in the southern part of town. He lived there for 11 years, working as a tailor. Overtime, Houz slowly recovered from the deaths of his parents, but the memory constantly reminds him that life can be fragile, and thus he often worries for his Grandfather.
* * *
Name: Opiecan
Age/Sex 9
Race: Zodiark Creation
Job: Zodiark of the Wood
Appearance: Short figure, typical of elementals. Stands about 5 feet tall, with bright steel-silver luminescent eyes. Despite Opiecan’s status in the wood, he wears fairly typical clothing worn by other elementals. He wears a cotton shirt, and over that a dark blue coat with large buttons. Large, thick linen pants hide his legs, wearing custom shoes moulded from soft bark from an unknown tree.
Story: Opiecan’s beginning was like many other elementals. The first few months were spent learning how to walk, talk, and read. Since elementals learn much earlier then humans, Opiecan was able to complete 8 years worth of education within a few months. Learning basic conjuring spells, navigating the woods, herbology, things considered necessary to survive. However, Opiecan’s life made a drastic turn once he experienced his awakening.
Like other elementals, he was put through magical training, even though he couldn’t master his element properly. This was to force the young elemental into a shock in order for them to experience their awakening. Normally, elementals would experience a calling to one of the five elements, this was not the case for Opiecan. During his awakening, he released a surge of magical energy far beyond his peers, and the distinguishable glow of his eyes revealed his true calling. The Zodiark Creation. Opiecan was granted nearly limitless power, the ability to control all five elements. However, the price of such power was a much shorter lifespan then other elementals of 10 years of age.
Being the Zodiark Creation, Opiecan was slightly bitter that he was singled out, and how unfair it was for him to experience less of life then his peers. His view on the world was slightly different then his fellow elementals, and developed over the years his dark sense of humour, and impatient lifestyle. Opiecan hates to wait, and always arrives on time. If he’s going to spend less time on this planet, he might as well do as much as possible. In an effort to reverse the unbalance caused by the Grandian Empire, Opiecan has joined with the Ghosts of Grandia to fight against the Empire. So far, Opiecan’s strength has been extremely valuable to the GoG, and is planned to be of further use once war escalates.
Additional Information: Opiecan travels with Sabin, and considers him to be an bumbling idiot.
* * *
Name: Sabin
Age/Sex 28/male
Race: Dijhi/Dranti
Job: Martial Artist
Appearance: An intimidating figure, Sabin stands just short of 7 feet talk and is built a solid body of muscle. Dark skin complimented with short crimson hair, and green eyes to make Sabin unique. Mostly wears light cotton pants with tight animal skin boots. Thick pieces of leather are strapped tightly around his forearms and biceps, and mostly goes without wearing a shirt.
Story: Being the son of a travelling Dranti merchant who met a beautiful Dijhi woman while travelling, Sabin was used to being on the road. With his parents, and father’s workers to help with transport, it became a small family for Sabin to get along with. He learned how to make friends quickly, since he only stayed in villages for a few weeks before going back on the road again. His mother always wanted to settle down somewhere, someplace where Sabin can learn. His father however thought that Sabin would learn plenty by living on the road.
He did learn quite a bit, like stories told by passing travellers and how to survive long trips across the desert. However, he didn’t know any useful trade or any basic education, and this upset his mother quite a bit.
One night, his father and his men were setting up camp when they were approached by a group of raiders. They demanded that they give no trouble and hand over the valuables without a fight. Sabin’s father was stubborn, and a large man. He gave the raiders quite a fight, but they were simply outnumbered. With Sabin’s father knocked out cold, and his workers fearing for their lives, it seemed all their processions would be lost, that is until another traveller crossed their path.
An elderly man was slowly making his way across the scene. At first it seemed he was oblivious, but the raiders saw the man as another easy target. They approached the old man, and what occurred next was incredible. The elderly man quickly disposed of the raiders, moving so quickly that Sabin couldn’t keep an eye on him. It was over in a few seconds. That night the elderly man invited them for tea near his hut, they gladly accepted. It was later revealed that the old man was a monk, and an educator. Sabin’s mother insisted that they stayed in the nearby town so Sabin could learn from this old man. His father agreed, it seemed the black eye helped make his decision.
Since then, Sabin had learned basic education such as reading and writing, as well as learning the arts of combat. Over the years he mastered his skills, and since then joined the Ghosts of Grandia to help those who are oppressed by the Grandian Empire.
Additional Information: Sabin travels with Opiecan, and loves to tease the elemental whenever the possibility presents itself.
04-23-2010, 02:15 PM
Common people, there's gotta be SOME interest!
04-24-2010, 01:21 AM
I'd join if my schedule allowed, but right now I can only offer advice for you to submit it for RP of the Week and to put it in the directory.
04-24-2010, 04:34 AM
This looks pretty interested, I'll think of posting a character sheet once I've done a few other things.
04-24-2010, 02:13 PM
This looks like quite the operation.
I may consider joining.
04-24-2010, 07:12 PM
could I possible play a more "mentor" like character. An older character that knows the ins and outs of things but still kicks ass? and by older I mean late 30's to 40's in appearance, possibly have him be an immortal
04-25-2010, 12:21 AM
Anyway, I'll work on a CS soon too <3 xD
04-25-2010, 12:45 AM
Cover Name: Thom Yarik
True Name:Sabur Wolfborn
Age/Sex: 630/ male
Race/Breed: Genian Immortal
Job: Town Gleeman (story teller); actual job: Blademaster
Skills: master of all edged weapos, master of Kadju (a very lethal, lost martial art), armor and weapon mantainance and
repair, hunting, gathering, first aid, fire-making, cooking, enchanting blades, adept Black Magic, minor White Magic, minor illusion magic
Appearance: In his true visage, Sabur stands at around six feet-four inches in height with an impressive musculature. His body is all muscle, but it is not burly, it is a soldier's muscle, the perfect harmony of strength and grace that took centuries to perfectly balance. His voice is smooth as oiled leather, but is also deep and dangerous, and cutting as a knife
As Thom, Sabur appears to be a haggard blind vagabond of a storyteller in his mid-sixties with thinning grey hair and a dark patchy beard. "Thom" is usually hunched over, walking with a gnarled wooden branch that he uses as a walking stave
History: Sabur Wolfborn is a name known by essentially every boy, girl, man, and woman in the world. He was the fabled Champion of the Age of Strife, a hero in the center of many tales and songs recited by the hearth of an Inn or the open fire of a camp or the bedside of a child ready to slumber.
The story of Sabur Wolfborn is a heroric and tragic tale of revenge, retribution, love, and betrayal. Born of noble Genian blood, Sabur grew up surrounded by the turbulent politics of that age, quickly learning the art of lying and speechcraft. When the dark arena of politics took the lives of his father and brothers, the young Sabur fled with his mother and sisters to seek sanction with his mother's family. On the way there, Sabur and the survivors of his family were ambushed by brigands and mercenaries bought by the rivaling families.
Sabur drew his father's sword, Justice, and fought with real steel against actual opponents for the first time. Just by nature and by the advanced training from his father, Sabur fought admirably, felling over half of the band of assailants. Sabur was cut across the chest and beaten into the ground with clubs and boot heels, the brigands taking Sabur's mother and sisters away and leaving him for dead.
Legend says that Sabur was found by a beautiful silver haired she-wolf that licked the young boy's wounds clean and kept him warm, treating him as a child of her own. Sabur grew up with this she-wolf, learning the way of the hunter, the way of the predator. He learned to step lightly and strike without remourse, but never sacrifice sure footing.
When Sabur was 17, his adopted she-wolf mother passed of old age. He has a necklace with her teeth around his neck. With the strength he gained in the wild, Sabur returned to what was once his home to seek revenge and retribution.
He got what he came for. In one night, the five families that conspired against his father perished. One night of blood, screams, tears, and steel ended with Sabur sitting upon the blood-splattered throne that was his by birthright.
Sabur took the crown for a time, not ruling Genia, but became the ruler of one of its greatest provinces. He ruled kindly, but firmly. Crimes were duly punished, but the inner turmoil of his nation's politics and the armires fast approaching his borders worried him more than a few thiefs snatching sacks of grain.
He had undergone rigerous training the day after he took the throne, determined to lead his armies by example. There were but rumors of Sabur's skill among the ranks of his soldiers, though many doubted that a noble would know how to use a blade properly. All doubt was banished when Sabur the Wolfborn lead his army at the front, the white wolf banner flapping in the breeze behind him. Sword in hand, he proved that killing on the field of battle could not only be put to a science, but an art. He danced the bloodsoaked field with a savage grace. Entire clumps of enemy soldiers would surround him, only to be cut to pieces by Justice.
Sabur and his armies became the buffer for Genia's borders in the Age of Strife. He would face boasting generals in the field of battle and cut them down, lifting their heads from their shoulders and let their men gaze into the dead eyes of their leader.
Legend also says that Sabur found love at the age of 25, a beautiful maiden that took the legendary Blademaster's heart by storm. Sabur was smitten by her, and her by him. It seemed a match made in heaven. They married on a beautiful winters day, ready to spend the rest of their lives together.
They spent a happy year together. Sabur's beautiful wife was to bear him a child by the end of the season. He could not be more in love than he was now. Sadly, the Blademaster was decieved. His bride was but a pawn of a rival family that knew they could not challenge Sabur in the open and survive. They attacked him in the one place he was weakest: the heart.
In the dead of the night, Sabur's bride, Ophelia, attempted to put a dagger through his heart. She made too great of a ruccus, in her pregnant state of body, and roused the Blademaster. Seeing the glint of moonbeams on steel, Sabur acted on instinct. The dagger bit his flesh over the left side of his face, leaving him with his famous scar. It is the only physical scar left behind by heartbreak. The only wound Sabur had suffered in nearly a decade was from the one thing he let close to his heart. The room was dark, Sabur could not see who his attacker was, to he retaliated. Lighting the lamps by his bed with a flick of his fingers, Sabur's lungs were sucked empty of air when he saw who the assassin was.
After that, the legends take different paths. Some say that Sabur took the knife his wife held and did her job for her, others say that he took poision, some say that he fought and died in a passionate rage, while others say that he vanished into the wilderness and died alone by the final resting place of his wolf-mother.
The truth is that Sabur did indeed go into a rage-filled passion and struck at his inlaws, bloodying their house. While on his rampage, he found a scroll in their library that held an ancient dark magic. He took the scrolls to study them so that he may learn the spells needed to make his eternal vengeance terrible and complete.
Something changed in Sabur, though, and history has no record of what. In lieu of eternal revenge, he wandered the world for six centuries, using his knowledge of illusion magic to put himself under different guises. He travelled to many different places, the most notable being Tao, where Sabur challenged every Blademaster and martial artist in the city to single combat, the two that bested him were the ones that put the final pieces of martial mastery into Sabur, making him the ultimate master of blades. Sabur was 27 at the time. He fought in a riot that took place a couple months later; legend states that he killed over one hundred enemy combatants in one day. The corrupt noble in power was overthrown, said to have been beheaded by Sabur himself, freeing the people from the corruption. This was the last recorded action of Sabur Wolfborn
In the wilderness, Sabur crossed paths with a hermit who, after befriending one another, traded services; Sabur served as the guardian of the Hermit's land while the Hermit taught Sabur all he knew of Black Magic and alchemy. The Blademaster fell ill one day with a terrible sickness that had the 29 year old Blademaster vomiting blood. The Hermit gave Sabur an alchemic brew that, when Sabur drank it down, it mixed with the blood in his stomach, and that in turn made Sabur an immortal. He was walking within a day, and back to full active duty by the end of the week. After learning all he could from the Hermit, Sabur payed the man handsomely and departed
Now, he has come to rest in the town of Khent under the name and face of an old gleeman named Thom Yarik. No one knows who "Thom" really is, and Sabur plans to keep it that way until the time is right.
Additional Information: Legends say that Sabur the Wolfborn could deflect arrows and crossbow bolts with his blade.
Personality wise, Sabur is a usually quiet and humble individual who seems to be neigh unflappable. Being in a near-constant state of some form of meditation, Sabur maintains a cool heat and keeps his wits about him when the pressure rises. He is a great fighter who can back up all of the legends to his name, and he knows it. For that purpose, he tries to remain hidden from the public; he would see it as dishonorable to have to cut down a foolish drunk with delusions of grandeur, thinking that he could take on the fabled Sabur Wolfborn in armed combat.
Sabur takes no joy in killing. He has passed that phase in his life. Now, he will usually strike to cripple, but will strike to kill if he sees it as necessary.
Sabur keeps his old broadsword, Justice ( and Blademaster Sword, Silverfang ( hidden at his house. His knife ( hidden in his gleeman cloak.
**Info needed for Immortals**
Elixir: a mix of nirnroot, snake vine, wolfsbane extract, water, vinegar, and human blood.
Physical Age: late twenties - early thirties
04-25-2010, 03:57 AM
I want to join this, it seems interesting I'll have to read through it once more to get a feel and after doing so I'll post a character sheet.
04-26-2010, 04:00 AM
Sounds very well written, I'd love to join as an immortal thief if that's okay.
04-26-2010, 04:47 AM
I'd join if my schedule allowed, but right now I can only offer advice for you to submit it for RP of the Week and to put it in the directory.
Only a commie would say that...
could I possible play a more "mentor" like character. An older character that knows the ins and outs of things but still kicks ass? and by older I mean late 30's to 40's in appearance, possibly have him be an immortal
You're more then welcome to! Pretty much any character-type personalities are needed! And looking through your character sheet, I think he'll be a good addition personality-wise.
However just a few things to clear up with the history. Something I should have mentioned is that the myth of "The Great One" took place tens of thousands of years ago. Immortal or not, everyone there is probably dead
*But Housemaster! What's the point of the backstory if no one actually knows shit about it?!?*
Goddamn secret... bishes!
Also, people interested in making immortal characters should note that anyone more then 1000 years old is very VERY unlikely.
I want to join this, it seems interesting I'll have to read through it once more to get a feel and after doing so I'll post a character sheet.
One of the things I somewhat disliked about joining RPs was the busywork of reading all the info, and hoping I understood it properly. While I can't help you with the reading aspect, I can definately clear up any questions you may have. Feel free to ask in the thread or send a PM.
Sounds very well written, I'd love to join as an immortal thief if that's okay.
Yup, if you're decent at RPing then I'll trust you with an Immortal, however I'll have to approve the character sheet.
NOTE: Just a heads up for anyone who may have read my own character sheets. The character Opiecan is going to be what I call "overpowered" etc, etc. Opiecan more or less is a plot device then an actual character, so if you think I'm just being a cheap asshole, it's only to further advance the plot... and to be a cheap asshole at the same time C:
04-26-2010, 04:51 AM
So Sabur is accepted? :D
I just noticed how similar his name was to Sabin... if you want, I can change mine, but then again, perhaps Sabin's parents named him after Sabur, as many parents do with their children and historical figures XD
Okay, so I will edit Sabur's profile to being one of the greatest Blademasters and Generals in history in stead of battling The Great One for three and a half days, as awesome as that was.
04-26-2010, 05:01 AM
So Sabur is accepted? :D
I just noticed how similar his name was to Sabin... if you want, I can change mine, but then again, perhaps Sabin's parents named him after Sabur, as many parents do with their children and historical figures XD
Just change the history a tad bit. And by a tad bit I mean almost all of it. Sorry dude, but the immortal myth took place tens of thousands of years ago.
Suggestions for history after reading your character:
Since he's a great martial artist with edged weapons, most forms of advanced combat were develloped around the kingdom of Tao, so that may be a starting point in thinking up a history. And also, people are born immortals, there's no magical elixir to give them that power. Some immortals live regular lives without even discovering their elixir, thus living regular mortal lives.
Immortals need the luck of being immortal, and the luck of discovering their elixir... which makes them fairly rare among mortal men.
04-26-2010, 05:08 AM
Plot twist! We're all immortal.
*Eerie music*
04-26-2010, 05:30 AM
My character's going to be a human, I'm sorry for the delay, but I'll have my character up soon!
04-26-2010, 05:42 AM
House, I changed the history, I hope it is acceptable now
i of course notice all the new posts after spending the better part of an hour writing that history
04-26-2010, 06:27 AM
Hope this isn't too mature xD I'm used to mature rps, and believe me, I toned down the darkness a bit xD I think it's dark but... not too explicitly violent or sexual... too much... hopefully xD
Name: Maria Lionheart (Known to those opposed to Grandia as The Queen of Blades, and by the Grandian soldiers as the Banshee of Khent)
Age/Sex: 19/F
Race/Breed: Human/Fryn
Job: Leader of a small, but well known, rebel group known as "Tarantula"
Skilled with a large variety of weapons.
Familiar with guerrilla tactics and ambush techniques.
Skilled at leading military operations.
Grew up poor, and knows the way of the streets.
Appearance: (Will edit into the post in a bit)
History: Maria grew up the daughter of a poor family in Khent, her father was a miner, and her mother stayed home to take care of the kids. They weren't that well off, but they were liked by the community. She was happy, if not very wealthy. Her and her mother did manage to have small garden, where she would grow red roses to sell to those passing by their home.
Her mother, as it happens, was an adventurer back in her youth. She worked with a group of treasure hunters, and has seen a lot of combat and excitement before an event that she never much talked about caused her to settle down, living an modest life with her love. She did, however, train her daughter in the use of weaponry, and in combat.
The Grandian occupation ended the happy days of her life, however. A local magistrate sent to oversee the area passed by their home,he liking to her mother, and purchased a rose. He offered to give her a place as his personal consort, a life of wealth compared to what she knew then. Despite her poverty, he was intrigued by the fire in her eyes. She, however, loved her husband and her family, and spat at his offer. As a result, she was charged with bogus crimes and executed... the next night the entire household... accidentally... caught fire one night... Maria only survived because she had fled home after her mother's execution in tears.
When she returned to a destroyed home, the magistrate's men where there. They brought her to him and he consoled her over the tragic loss... claiming to hold no ill will against the family... she couldn't even see his face through her own tears... he gave her some coin, and sent her on her way... coin which she promptly tossed away the moment she left his abode... Not sure what to feel, it surprised even herself when she laughed. She laughed and laughed and laughed. It was at that moment that she swore, the magistrate and his entire family, everyone he had ever even smiled at... would be killed. Everything he ever touched would be burnt to the ground. His memory would be erased from the very fabric of history...
And so it was. The terrorist group known as Tarantula was born... Grandian caravans were routed, troops ambushed, supplies stolen... one by one, political allies and associates of the magistrate began to disappear or turn up dead. Shortly after that, the magistrates estate was burnt down... those who responded to the fire, however, reported that upon location of the magistrates body... it appeared as though he had been tied down to his bed before the fire had been lit... with what appears to have been a flower of some kind... possibly...a red rose... laying atop his remains.
Of course, the magistrate was replaced and the occupation continued... but so has Tarantula. They have become a small ray of hope to the oppressed people, and a source of nightmares to the Grandian troops located in Khent.
Additional Information:
She is instantly recognizable on the battlefield due to her heavy arsenal. When on the battlefield she tends to carry a bow and quiver of arrows on her back, two short-swords strapped to her thighs, a long-sword on her hip, numerous throwing knives concealed across her body, and a rifle holstered unusually at her other hip.
Tarantula isn't as well known as the GoG, but anyone who has ever so much as traveled through the Khent area in recent days as heard of the Queen of Blades, or Banshee of Khent depending on who they talk to, and of the resistance group known as Tarantula.
04-27-2010, 04:46 AM
NAME: Lilith Villetta
AGE/SEX : 326 and very female
RACE/BREED : Fryn Immortal
JOB: Fake Alias: Usually any job to hide her true intentions, but mostly calls herself a traveling Merchant with jewels and clothing.
Real Job: A well classified thief.
SKILLS: She has spent her early life hunting and creating feline reflexes. She is a skilled sword and dagger user. She is very good at Black wind magic, but also the other elements. Very good at disguise and hiding herself with the used of some cloaking magic. Talented at seduction along with poisons. She can cook when needed and knows some white healing magic. Parkour is also one of her best talents along with black magic and thieving.
HISTORY: Lilith was born in the Fryn's biggest city of Freisia under the rare blood line of the Villetta. She grew up being taught with more secrets of magic and hunting then most would as a Fryn. At 18 she had the knowledge and talent to succeed the leadership of Freisia. Lilith was already engaged to a fine Fryn of her age, however, things turned for the worst. A warring Fryn clan assassinated Lilith's family causing her to flee the city. The horrors she felt from this caused her to go rouge and become a thief to find revenge.
When she found a small village in the northern part of Garidiros, she learned that the warring clan was payed by someone. It was her uncle who had been so nice to her since she was born. He wanted to take the power away from Lilith. She then decided to train herself within the forests alone. During that harsh time, she met an immortal. He was around three hundred years and a well experienced black magic user. His name was Drake the Wind Maker. He taught Lilith all she knows with black wind magic, other elements, and more skills with swords and dagger throwing. He was also her first love. They shared so much in just eight years that she almost didn't want to care about her uncle anymore.
Drake loved her too. He was the one who searched along the sides of Lilith's training for her possible immortal elixir, and found it too unfortunately. News spread of two loners training in the Neiblum Rain forests, thus the news made it to Lilith's uncle's ears. He sent his own payed immortal that was basically given a fortune to kill Lilith and Drake. He snuck behind them with cloaking magic and was about to stab a sleeping Lilith when Drake blocked him with his own body. She became alert right when she heard Drake's yell. The blood sprayed everywhere and even into her mouth. It was then she knew it. The taste was sweet as wine, not like normal blood that tasted like metal.
Drake and the other immortal could sense the new immortal joining the world. Without a second thought, enraged at the lost of her love, Lilith slayed the immortal by beheading him. Kicking his body aside, Lilith came to the dying Drake's side. The strange thing was the happiness in his eyes made his death less painful. He told her how happy he was for her to be immortal. That he knew he would find it one way or another. He told Lilith finally to drink a cup of his blood and to find her uncle. To do anything to show him the pain he caused her. Drake wanted only Lilith's happiness, so after he closed his eyes for the last time, she buried him under a tree and carved her symbol on it.
Lilith's next step was to go to her uncle's mansion, well actually her mansion, and coming in front of him while he slept. The guards he placed in her path were dead or dying. She glared down at his slumbering body and raised a dagger. She froze, as though unable to kill the man who caused her so much pain. She kept urging herself, but she knew revenge was wrong. Drake meant to hurt him, not fulfill revenge, that would darken Lilith's path. She yelled at her uncle waking him up. He was scared to death at her sight, begging forgiveness, but she wouldn't forgive.
"Live a long and retched life you scum!" Lilith yelled. "Think of the pain you cause others just to gain what you desire. You are dirt, no, lower than even the filth you walk upon! I will live longer and help those damaged by people like you! I will not kill you, because your life isn't worth revenge."
Lilith then left him in her wake. The next three hundred years have been Lilith acting like a true Robin Hood. Hunting for the rich and giving to the poor. Her name has gotten into some Fryn history books along with other races. She's ventured to Drakurn and Aldune other than her home country. They have know her name as well. Now Lilith is in Khent in hopes of finding some rare magic Crystals to steal.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Lilith is naturally kindhearted and saves those in need. Those who are her enemy or disgust her will meet her wrath. If someone she thinks is strong and worthy, she will follow them.
**Info needed for Immortals**
ELIXIR: Immortal Blood
PHYISCAL AGE: Around 26 or so
04-28-2010, 06:43 PM
@ Stormwolf: I commend your creativity in the history of Sabur. While some parts of your history actually matched with written history of the world I wrote. While a kingdom of Genia existed, I'll have to edit my written world history to make it more compatible with yours to make things easier.
In other words, accepted!
@ Cheshire: Too sad :C
Just joking, it fits really well with the setting! Thanks for making a non-immortal character to balance out the party!
@ Yoruyonaka: I liked this character. Neat idea for an elixir, although does the blood have to be from another immortal?
04-29-2010, 02:19 AM
House, i won't dissapoint you! Thank you for accommodating my stipidness.
04-29-2010, 03:08 AM
Yes the blood has to be from another Immortal
04-29-2010, 07:34 PM
Yes the blood has to be from another Immortal
K-good... because that would have created a black hole of "wut?"
I got a few more character sheets to brush up, then an intro post to write... that'll give a few more people the chance to join the RP if they're interested.
05-03-2010, 08:53 AM
Anne Bonny
05-03-2010, 03:31 PM (
This rp looks amazing, House! I love the detail you've put into it. I hope you get bunches of players real soon!
05-03-2010, 04:33 PM
1) I don't think those are valid race choices... but hey, not my call.
2) wtf @ Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 32 (2 members and 30 guests) xD
05-03-2010, 05:02 PM
Yeah, I think the only races allowed are the ones listed
05-03-2010, 05:21 PM
Your character would be great... in another RP. As it's a well written character, it simply doesn't fit into many criteria set for this RP. There are no such thing as Elfs, Vampires, Lycans, etc, etc. And regardless of how mysterious you want your immortal to be, you must post their actual age in order for me to accept it.
If you could make a character using the information I provided, that'd be nice.
05-03-2010, 06:57 PM
*whines* D: I swear, I think my character is going to be the only mortal in the entire group xD
Ah well, that just adds to her coolness xD
oh... and I never added an appearance, did I? ... I'll get on that, promise! xD
05-03-2010, 08:30 PM
*whines* D: I swear, I think my character is going to be the only mortal in the entire group xD
Ah well, that just adds to her coolness xD
oh... and I never added an appearance, did I? ... I'll get on that, promise! xD
Don't worry, Houz and Sabin are also mortal characters... Houz being my main central character.
05-03-2010, 08:32 PM
Yeah. More mortals would be cool
05-03-2010, 09:01 PM
btw, I'm currently working on the introduction post!
05-03-2010, 09:22 PM
If its not too late I'd like to make a character. I've been throwing around an idea in my head, just haven't had the time yet. But after I get home from work that time or lack there of won't be a problem. ^^
05-03-2010, 09:40 PM
Yup, there's still plenty of time to jump in!
05-03-2010, 10:10 PM
*waits impatiently for the IC* -tard-
05-03-2010, 10:32 PM
*waits impatiently for the IC* -tard-
-hurr- (
05-03-2010, 11:05 PM
awesome post, House. Is the society more modern? Renaissaunce-ish? More technological than Ren?
05-03-2010, 11:18 PM
If the technology is up for it, I so wanna add an early rifle or musket to Maria's arsenal xD
05-04-2010, 04:16 AM
The technology really depends on which town we're in.
Khent is a town that never really underwent much change dispite what technological advances were made available, most of the buildings are stereotypical german design.
Empires like Miriel and Grandia are both fairly modern, one only needs to look at their military to see how far things have come. Firearms are possible, so you're more then welcome to add a rifle to your arsenal, although note it won't be too high powered.
05-04-2010, 05:10 AM
Name: Silver Elidos
Age/Sex 29/Female
Race: Genian/Fryn
Job: Grandian General
Appearance: Silver stands at about 5 foot 7 inches, average build with a slender figure. Her silver hair drops a half-inch past her ears and has sharp light blue eyes. Her skin tone is fairly light.
Her clothing consists of formal Grandian general uniform, a beige gold button buff-jacket. A red sash with gold trimming displays her rank, as well as her stamps of service with the Hawk insignia of the Grandian Army pressed above the left chest area. Her shoulders are covered with a light steel armour, designed to resemble the beak of a hawk.
Story: To Silver’s Knowledge, she grew up in the wealthy Grandian noble Elidos family. Learned combat, enrolled in the military academy and quickly worked her way through the ranks as a prodigy, becoming the youngest Grandian General in Military history at the age of 25.
But her actual story is kept secret, even from her…
It begins in the Kingdom of Tao, a small empire which rules the south. Peace was gained through respect, and combat was a sport played to perfection by their warriors and nobles. The King of Tao was a kind hearted warrior, he was voted into position for his passive nature, as well as his ability to fell any warrior in civil combat. The name he was given was Kane of the Dragoons for his excellent skills with a spear.
Kane ruled Tao with wisdom and courage, but the armies of Grandia found these qualities to be simple nuisances when the invasion force came. The mighty warriors of Tao were indeed more skilled then those of Grandia, but Grandia was simply better equipped, and contained siege weapons capable of heavy destruction. To save his people, Kane offered a friendly spar against the General of Grandia’s invading force Edward Elidos, a ruthless calculating man. Kane’s deal was that if he won, the armies would leave their kingdom alone, while Tao allowed them free passage through their kingdom. General Elidos however figured if he left Tao uncounted for, they could possibly rise up and gain the technological means to threaten their advance.
Edward agreed to Kane’s offer, however on the day of the spar Edward poisoned Kane before the fight. Regardless, a crippled Kane fought and won, but selfish in defeat, Edward delivered the killing blow while Kane was stumbling back to his company. Among those who watched were Kane’s wife, and newborn daughter Ellina. Under the logic that Kane’s mighty leadership, social, combat, and mental skills would be passed down to his daughter, Edward had Kane’s wife slaughtered and stole the child to bring back to his manor in Grandia.
Since then, after the destruction of Tao, Ellina’s name had been changed to Silver. She shares her father’s ability for combat, and has the intelligence to command Grandia’s Army. Indeed she has been forged into a weapon to fight what her father stood against, but the only ones who know this other then General Elidos are dead… to the best of his knowledge.
Additional Information: Silver fights with a double edged sword, ironically an iconic weapon held by warriors of Tao. A capable user in human magic, and an incredibly creative combat stylist, Silver remains to be Grandia’s mightiest warrior. She’s very elusive in combat, while quick to deliver blows with lethal accuracy.
Name: Yimat Magidiros
Age/Sex 45/Male
Race: Genian
Job: Grandian General / Grand Mage / Engineer
Appearance: A flamboyant figure, standing at about 6 foot 8, taller then most other men with an unnatural looking build consisting of skinny limbs with broad shoulders. Spite his age, he looks incredibly young. Long blonde hair falls past his shoulders, often hiding parts of his face which he loves to pamper. An oddly curved nose and a broad jaw line with what would have otherwise been manly facial features. His eyes have a habit of changing colour to match whatever he’s wearing.
He enjoys wearing colourful fabrics, often sporting rare clothes from recently conquered cities. However he does seem to favour red, and even though he’s a Grandian General he never wears his uniform, but loves to show off his military badges along with other rare jewellery he happens to stumble upon.
Story: Yimat was born in a small village in the flat lands in Garidiros. He was an oddball among children his age, he was known for tinkering with fire and metal and had a bold curiosity in small mechanics. His father was a drunk beggar, mother would provide “services” to travelling men, so both viewed Yimat as a nuisance. It rarely bothered Yimat since his mind wandered elsewhere, and eventually when he was old enough, he left the small village.
He found himself on the first ship that sailed to Halifax, and once he arrived he immersed himself in the library. He was a frequent visitor, be it he was very poor. At the age of thirteen he caught the interest of a professor, who asked why such a dirty child wearing nothing but rags would be in the library instead of making a living on the streets. The professor was so impressed by the young Yimat’s intelligence that he became a sponsor to have him enrolled in a boarding school. This provided meals, clothing, and a room for Yimat to sleep in. Yimat was very grateful.
Once he was 16, he graduated boarding school years ahead of his age group and quickly advanced to The University of Halifax, the most prestigious school in the city of education. There he studied the art of magic, got a degree in engineering machinery, and became an honoured student. He still visited the grand library and taught himself many different subjects, and was known for being extremely bright who’s future seemed limitless.
His future was limitless, since he quickly got a high paying job with the Grandian Military as a high ranked engineer. He worked on machine prototypes of the Grandian army, and tested many failed projects. Yimat noticed the limits of the current engine found in most siege weapons. It was powerful, but wasted too much power in useless gear turning steam. Yimat tinkered, and developed a small electrical engine using the power of a crystal found in the caverns of Grandia. The power it generated was generations before current engines, and it became an immediate success. He was 23 years old.
Yimat designed many sizes and functions of his new siege engine, and was paid handsomely for it. He gave his machine to capable hands and decided to take a break from engineering to peruse his other passion, magic.
Yimat travelled to Tri’Arath, the towering obelisk containing the world’s most studied and powerful mages. Yimat immersed himself in their scrolls, studying magic properties with excitement. He remained there for ten years, in which the gears of war quickly turned into place for Grandia, which sparked the worldwide invasion to hunt for crystals. During the ten years Yimat studied, his personality changed drastically.
He was thrown out of Tri’Arath for misconduct. However he learned more then he deemed satisfying, and stole certain items from the tower that was deemed valuable. Regardless of his conduct in Tri’Arath, he was welcomed back to the Grandian Empire with open arms. However, they were welcoming back a different man. Yimat changed his last name to Magidiros, meaning “Master of Magic” in runic scrolls, a concern for his self-image was now apparent, unsympathetic towards those less fortunate this himself, and overall became an egotistical selfish prude. Regardless, he still processed wide intelligence, and used it to advance the ranks to General. His knowledge of magic allowed more advances in the Grandian military, and currently completed a prototype project for Grandia that is to this date “Top Secret”.
Additional Information: Yimat is a man who is easily upset, often punishes lesser ranked individuals, and complains a great deal on small things. He’s quite skilled in magic, loving the fire element more then most others, and is the General of his own selected military unit called “Magi-soldiers”.
05-04-2010, 06:14 AM
a duel between her and Sabur would be awesome
05-04-2010, 02:00 PM
I added that she was ambidextrous and the rifle xD And yes, I intend her to have that... DUDE WTF TOO MANY WEAPONS look xD on the flip side, she doesn't know jack shit about magic or... much else anything xD Combat is her life. xD
05-04-2010, 03:57 PM
Removed Character
05-04-2010, 11:23 PM
I added that she was ambidextrous and the rifle xD And yes, I intend her to have that... DUDE WTF TOO MANY WEAPONS look xD on the flip side, she doesn't know jack shit about magic or... much else anything xD Combat is her life. xD
Is your TOO MANY WEAPONS character gonna post? lol
05-04-2010, 11:50 PM
I hope we all realize how much we should be thanking the elasticity of realism in Fantasy stories. If that woman was carrying that much in the way of weaponry, she would look like the friggin She-Hulk.
and I agree with House. Moar Posts!
Atrum Daemon
05-05-2010, 12:23 AM
This still accepting people?
05-05-2010, 01:42 AM
I believe so, since Pheonix pulled out
05-05-2010, 03:08 AM
This still accepting people?
Yes indeed
05-05-2010, 01:46 PM
I believe so, since Pheonix pulled out
That's what she- ... no... to easy >_>
Edit: I'll get a post out later today after I get home from work! :O
05-07-2010, 11:21 AM
Yes, and those who signed up for the RP, or are thinking of signing up, feel free to post your character sheets then post in the IC thread
05-07-2010, 05:55 PM
I hope you don't mind I included her appearance in my post, since I still had to finish that up anyway xD
And StormWolf, I dunno if you want them to be in the same bar or whatever, but if you do, feel free to inter-act with her xD
05-07-2010, 09:27 PM
Alright, so we got at least three characters in the market setting as of now. This is good, now the plot can advance!
For those who are still thinking of creating a character, there's still plenty of time!
Atrum Daemon
05-09-2010, 03:20 AM
I really hope this is acceptable. If anything needs to be changed, I'm more than willing to do so.
Name: Veral Levias (Alias: The Silver Knight)
Age/Sex: 670/male
Race/Breed: Human/Genian Immortal
Job: Sword for hire
Skills: He has mastered wielding a shield alongside a blade that would normally need two hands to use effectively; proficient in repairing his own arms and armor; and a proficient hand-to-hand fighter.
History: The name Veral Levias is one history has not remembered. No, this man is known by another name, a title more like. That title being The Silver Knight. His story is mainly told in the north alongside the tale of the fallen maiden. These tales intertwine and shape one another much like The Silver Knight and the Maiden did.
The tale speaks of a the first son of a house of nobles and the daughter of the regent whom they served. The boy learned the world of noble politics and the art of war. His old sword master refused to allow the boy to use the training swords made for a student his size and instead made him use the full steel blades. The teacher’s logic was that the boy would get used to the weight of a real sword much faster.
As the boy grew, so did his skill with a blade. By the time he would have been considered old enough by most teachers to use full metal blades, he was using adult-sized weapons in his training. Thus, his life continued until he turned twenty. By this time, he was comfortable wielding large, two-handed blades as opposed to normal-sized.
This is where the story becomes hazy, even in written record. It is said that the boy, now a knight in the regent’s court, and the maiden he grew up with fell deeply in love. It was a love neither made public nor even spoke about. It simply was and caused the maiden to refuse any and all suitors, declaring that when she took her father’s place it would be as a pure maiden. Veral was named her personal knight and bodyguard and gifted a set of dark silver armor.
The night of the ceremony, everything went wrong. A rival regency attacked in the middle of the festivities, perfectly catching everyone off guard. The tale then speaks of a knight in gleaming dark silver entering the ballroom to fend off the attackers. In the midst of the bloodshed and screams, Veral and his love escaped. Many versions exist telling where the couple fled to. But the truth of it all is that they escaped to an old swamp near the regency estate. In the heart of the swamp is where the tale of the Fallen Maiden begins as she is said to have made pacts with terrible demons, granting herself and her knight Veral the power needed to take revenge.
Revenge was taken. A terrible and bloody revenge, but it was taken by Veral alone. For it was within the swamp that he laid his love to rest. Pierced by a crossbow bolt during their flight, the maiden begged Veral to seek revenge for her and both their families. Being the ever-vigilant knight, Veral obeyed her final command.
Tales in the north tell of a knight in silver breaking into the estate of a regent who had recently acquired new lands. They say the knight wielded a shield in one hand and a great claymore in the other. Nearly the entire family was slain, but those who were spared passed on the warning of the knight in silver who’s face remained hidden by his helm.
Nine years passed and Veral traveled across the north, the memories of his lost family and his lost love weighing heavily on his mind. In a small mountain village, he came across a man who had watched one of his exploits against a group of highwaymen. Noting the unusual way Veral fought, the sword master offered to teach the lordless knight. Under the instruction of the kind man, Veral began his many steps to perfecting his usage of shield and large swords. As a parting gift when he left the mountain village, the sword master gave him a large, two-handed hammer and instructed Veral to use it until wielding it one-handed did not tire him out quickly.
With that hammer, The Silver Knight became well-known as a hand for hire. The hammer proved much heavier than Veral originally thought. So much so that he wielded it with both hands for several months. In that time, he took part in several large battles, which further spread the rumors of the faceless, silver armored knight and took Veral out of the northern lands for the first time in his life. At thirty, his life was nearly ended by a poisoned spearhead forced into his side.
He managed to drag himself into a forest near the battlefield where he was found by a shaman. An old and rather insane shaman who decided that the best way to get rid of the poison being spread by the spear wound was to force Veral to ingest snake venom mixed with his own blood. Upon drinking the concoction, a strange feeling washed over him and he found the effects of the poison fading. Through sheer luck, and the insanity of a forest shaman, Veral had found his immortality. By the end of the week, Veral was up and walking. He also found that wielding the hammer with one hand no longer tired him. Mentally thanking the two sword masters who allowed him to achieve his perfected style, Veral became able to wield two-handed blades with one hand as easily as a man could wield a simple broadsword.
Many years passed, and The Silver Knight continued his travels. As decades became centuries, stories surrounding the knight faded as his exploits became less immense. However, The Silver Knight is still known, but in recent years Veral has stopped wearing the armor. His business in Khent is the business of finding work of some kind.
Additional Information:
It is said that the sword of the Silver Knight is enchanted to specifically pierce through armor.
In terms of personality, Veral still holds many of the virtues he was taught as a boy about being a knight, though they have been amended by the man himself. He remains vehemently against violence against the innocent, but no longer against violence without good reason. He still believes that there is good in the world and would still fight to preserve it. Veral himself is rather open individual. A good natured fellow who retains his sense of duty as well as a calm head.
As The Silver Knight, he can back up all claims of his skill and prowess with a blade. Because of this, he is rather glad that no one can associate his face with The Silver Knight.
He keeps his two-handed sword The Grandfather ( strapped on his back.
**Info needed for Immortals**
Elixir: A mixture of snake venom and human blood
Physical Age: Early thirties
05-09-2010, 05:24 PM
Well written character, looking forward to see how he devellops in the upcoming events
05-09-2010, 10:27 PM
NOTE: My posts will always tend to be on the 'lengthy' side. This is due to me controlling characters, npcs, environment changes, discriptions, etc, etc...
If you manage to post something of similar length with just one character to control then you're insane and need to be slapped!
05-13-2010, 09:41 PM
05-14-2010, 02:14 AM
Storm and I are doing a co-op
05-14-2010, 10:06 AM
That's good to hear... what of the others though?
05-14-2010, 10:46 PM
I'm sorry, I'll start work on my post in a bit ^^;
I'm always falling behind ._. I need put a sticky note on my monitor "POST!" D:
Atrum Daemon
05-14-2010, 11:30 PM
I'm waiting for everyone else.
05-15-2010, 05:43 AM
Sorry my post isn't up yet. Trying to get a screenshot of something for another rp, and prtscrn wasn't working... and I eventually just gave up xD
I'll start work on a post now, but someone just got back from a month-long trip and wants to play L4D2 with me to relax. It'll be up tomorrow at least, I promise ^^;;
Edit: GIAGJAIGHAIOFHAUIPTHWUAP! My internet went down and now I've got people over >_< I swear I'll start work on a post sometime today, but gaaaaaaaaaaah, sorry for my horrible luck >_<
05-18-2010, 02:16 AM
In the next few posts, I'll be planning to move the plot along fairly quickly. Just a heads up to keep an eye out on the thread.
05-21-2010, 08:47 PM
Not only keep an eye out... but post as well
05-22-2010, 12:17 PM
I'll work on a post in a bit, don't worry. Just trying to beat a game real quick before my sister wants it back ^^;;
It's Resonance of Fate, you can't hold it against me, it's like... the best JRPG to come out thus far this year D:
05-23-2010, 03:14 PM
I'm fairly new to this RolePlaying site (Obviously, because you're reading this thinking who is he and why is he noobing up my OOC)
Before you totally disregard my next few words, I'll have you know I have lots of experience RPing! Now, onto the nitty-gritty.
Like I said, I'm new, and I'm still finding my way around the place. I'm spending my time reading over all of this to get an idea of what's going on. And so far, I like what's going on. I'd really like to write up a character sheet (if i'm not too late) after I've read some more and figured a few more things out.
Help is greatly appreciated!
05-23-2010, 03:23 PM
I would like to file an official complaint to your signature.
It has come to my attention that I, and others, have not had the chance to officially welcome you yet. This gross misconduct of denying I and other members the right to give you a warm welcome and many smilies in the process is downright unnaceptable. I hope that you aim to rectify this matter by creating an introduction thread immediately! :D
05-23-2010, 03:31 PM
I'm fairly new to this RolePlaying site (Obviously, because you're reading this thinking who is he and why is he noobing up my OOC)
Before you totally disregard my next few words, I'll have you know I have lots of experience RPing! Now, onto the nitty-gritty.
Like I said, I'm new, and I'm still finding my way around the place. I'm spending my time reading over all of this to get an idea of what's going on. And so far, I like what's going on. I'd really like to write up a character sheet (if i'm not too late) after I've read some more and figured a few more things out.
Help is greatly appreciated!
omg who da heck r u?
Ur a nooob gtfo nao! i dunt lyke u heer u smel lyke burnt yogert!!
You're more then welcome to write up a character sheet! If you have any questions send me a PM, or just post your question in this thread
05-23-2010, 03:46 PM
Whoops, sorry about that, I was never informed about the introductions! Terribly sorry, I'll fix that now.
05-23-2010, 04:56 PM
Haha, I was just messing with you; wanted to file a complaint into your sig was all ;)
05-24-2010, 12:01 AM
Alright, Character sheet filled out, and now all I have to do is wait for approval and bada-bing-bada-boom. RolePlay.
05-24-2010, 12:39 AM
I too am rather interested in joining this. It seems a fine bit of worldbuilding, much more in depth than some of the things I've seen, and the story looks quite excellent as well. I'll have to read over a bit more before I start making my sheet, but if you are still taking players I would love to sign up :)
Thank you very much, I look forward to my first roleplay here.
05-24-2010, 03:05 AM
Yup, there's still room for more!
05-24-2010, 05:07 AM
*yawns* Okay, my sis gave me two more days for that game (got stuck on the final boss) but don't worry, I'll set time aside tomorrow (monday) to work on my post :3
05-24-2010, 11:06 AM
Oh noes! Another RP he has gotten himself into! How will our hero cope with the strain, the stress, the commitment! Answers on a postcard folks...
Character Sheet
Name: Marco Di Montiero
Age/Sex: 21/Male
Race/Breed: Human
Job: Minstrel/bard/entertainer/
Skills: Knows how to write tune or two, exceptionally good at card games and is a bit of a hustler.
History: Born Mark Meads, an only son to an impoverished blacksmith, he was considered by many as a complete and abject failure. He couldn't swing an axe, he couldn't strike an iron and he couldn't even shoe a horse. Spending his days sweeping his father's store, Mark dreamed of fame, glory and the attention of the masses. As the years whiled away, his father grew ill and infirm. He passed away late one night in his sleep. Trying his hand at his father's business, Mark was credited with producing one of the worst axe-heads his town had ever seen. The blade curved in the opposite direction and pointed upwards. It was promptly sold to a dealer of abstract sculptures as an "Exploration of dis-function over aesthetics".
Selling his father's home and smithy, Mark used his inheritance to buy himself several fine clothes, a feather for his hat and (what would become his most prized posession) an ornately crafted lute. He stayed for a while, playing for patrons of the local Inn, earning himself several names (none of which can be repeated here). However, Mark soon tired of such a vulgar audience and, changing his name to one more fitting for a man of his stature, Marco Di Montiero set forth to pastures new to write himself into the history books; recording his adventures in his leather bound tome wherever he went.
Several months have passed since he had left his home town and Marco finds himself approaching the town of Khent, an imposing settlement to say the least. Well in need of some heart-lightening ditties. Or so he thought.
Additional Information: The only weapon he carries with him (at present) is a heart of gold. When fighting, Marco strictly adheres to the Marquees of Fosbury rules.
To be adhered to at all times
1. All fights must maintain a ration of 1:1 between the opposing sides.
2. All participants must first state their agreement to the engagement taking place.
3. Once the engagement has started, any participant can, at any time, opt out of the melee with a simple raising of the left or right hand followed by a loud call of "Secession".
4. Engagements must take place on even ground of no smaller size than 8' by 8'.
5. Participants are not permitted to use any other weapon, object or other device other than that provided to all participants at the start, for example, participants in a duel should only use the pistol given and not a blunderbuss.
6. Should blood be drawn, (when the drawing of blood does not constitute a victory, such as in a Standard B-5 regulation bladed weapon duel) the succesful attacker must proffer their opponent the right to withdraw.
7. Victory requirements should always be stated before the engagement takes place. If, for whatever reason, this is not the case; then death, incapacitation or secession will apply by default.
8. It is advised that a referee be appointed to umpire over said engagement, thus ensuring the strict adherence to the Marquees of Fosbury Rules (most current edition where available) and granting all participants the most enjoyable of experiences.
9. Once the engagement has ended, any and all participants still witholding their faculties and basic motor functions must shake hands with their opponent(s) and bid them good tidings.
10. Failure to abide by these rules is punishable by a fine of up to one goose and the subsequent removal of any Marquees of Fosbury associated Guild of Pugilism (or any variation of gentlemanly combat orientated guild) membership and all rights and priveledges thereof.
05-24-2010, 04:30 PM
Hey, this looks awesome and is very well put together. I'll just leave this here in hopes of approval, let me know! : )
Name: Haven Firwing
Age/Sex: 127
Race/Breed: Immortal
Job: Waitress/Cook in Khent
Skills: Weaponry, Magic, Cooking, Travel, Singing (though she will not sing often), Music
Appearance: Standing 5’ 3” she is build average with pale skin and long dark hair like her mother. Her eyes are a warm brown with black rings around the brown (the black rings came after she turned immortal). She wears mostly black, and often wears her hair down to hide her face.
History: Born in the Neiblum Rainforest to human parents, she grew up around elementals and many different races and beings whom taught her about magic and nature. Her father was an ex-assassin and believed it was very important that she and her twin brother, Ariyo, know how to defend themselves. She and Ari, as she called her brother, began learning martial arts and the art of weaponry at the young age of five. Though she mastered all her father taught her by age eighteen, she always preferred magic to that of weaponry. Her brother, was not like this, traveling to Grandia on their nineteenth birthday to join the military against her father’s wishes.
Two years later in the Neiblum Rainforest, her father announced they would be moving closer to his son. She knew her father’s love for Ari and wanted to obey his wishes but refused to leave. Her mother, who was raised in the forest and grew up learning magic, as a result of Haven’s wishes threatened her father she would leave him. He agreed to stay but began to hate his daughter. Haven shortly after left to find her brother and convince him to come home, but this did not go as planned. While trying to cross the Haradic Dessert she came close to death, the only way in which she avoided this was an elemental named Rysian who found her and took mercy upon her.
Concocting an elixir to save her made of herbs, it revived her and turned her immortal. She stayed beside Rysian for many years after that, refusing to go back to her parents and let them know what happened to her. When she eventually did go back, many years had passed and her mother was dead. Her brother had died in an accident testing crystals and her father was the only one that remained. Out of spite, her father threw at her a package her brother had sent her years ago and walked away from Neiblum Rainforest. When opened she realized it was a magic crystal on a chain and hung it on her neck. It protects her and when she uses magic (the skills she learned as a child) magnifys it and helps her fight better.
Once all this was over she packed the little she had (the crystal, some clothing, a bow and arrows her mother crafted and gave her, a katana Rysian had obtained for her made of magical silver, and the dagger her father had used as an assassin), and traveled to Khent, becoming a cook and helping out at a local tavern. She was tired of her life, but now as an immortal could not do anything about it. She hides that she is immortal and says nothing about her past.
Elixir: herb mix of rosemary, pine, and lotus oil
Physical Age: 21
05-24-2010, 05:29 PM
NAME: Leo of Bowerport
AGE/SEX : Hasn't kept track of it personally, though records show he's 21 and male.
RACE/BREED : Human, all human.
JOB: He's an inventor by trade, though usually nothing's bought but instead seized by Grandia. So he makes money as a machinist.
SKILLS: Up front, he's intelligent and clever, as any good creative inventor should be. Beyond that he can create wonderful things from nearly nothing with skills in machinery. Very minor grasp of illusion magic.
APPEARANCE: Leo's a bit tall, at about six feet, with oily and neglected brown hair. His skin is a bit on the pale side from spending so much time indoors, though his figure's still remained, probably from the extended periods of immense stress and work without sleeping or eating.
Wears a finely tailored white tunic with a dark brown brown, scaled vest over it. Brown linen pants and hard leather shoes.
HISTORY: Originally born on the outskirts of the nation of Meriel, he lived a fairly uncommon life in the wake of advancing military technology. Despite less stress on having to join the forces, the weaponry the Meriel military employed was nothing short of astounding. He would regularly take apart anything he could find to see how it works. Mostly these were firearms, broken ones of course, but nonetheless they triggered his love for inventing.
Sadly living out in the sticks with a bunch of corn farmers does not foster a creative mind, so about midway through his life, Leo took it upon himself to travel the world, visiting remarkable works of art, architecture, and achievements of technology. In another amazing turn of events, these things cost money, so our spry machinist was soon stranded in the very first city he visited with no money and no way to get home.
Failed at joining the military for being too young and too frail, though he was able to impress the recruiter enough with his building skills he was made an apprentice to a local smith, creating weapons and armors for Meriel, netting him money and a place to live. Though, sadly, it wasn't enough to just make these incredible weapons, he wanted to use them. Meriel couldn't risk losing him, so instead he was forced against his will to stay and invent.
Instead of doing that, he chose to leave and settle into a small town called Khent.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Has a pair of goggle that work much like a normal pair, though with the added benefit of seeing far off into the distance. Or just focusing on something for detail.
Doesn't use any wort of sword, but instead relies on technology; a form of pistol that only he can create and wield, using a clockwork mechanism and working much like a revolver. Carries one.
And another multitude of gadgets he rarely ever remembers he actually has in his pack.
Carries notebooks filled with notes and blueprints.
Also has something a bit special, given to him by a tailor in Meriel; an endless sack, that looks just like a typical satchel, though as the name implies is bottomless and can store anything that will fit.
**Info needed for Immortals**
ELIXIR: Three months sober.
(No, he's not an immortal.)
Sorry for not having a picture, I'm way too picky to find one. I'll be gone until around next Thursday or Friday, so don't expect my IC until then. I can always switch some things and catch up when I get back, though.
05-24-2010, 06:36 PM
]Name: Silvio Sekhramahn
Age/Sex: 24. Male
Race/Breed: Immortal/Dijhi
Job: Silvio is a blacksmith who forges bars of various metals from the natural ores in the surrounding mines for the Grandian Empire. As means of other income, he also forges items for the people of Khent, lately he's made a decent business in selling weapons of various kinds. Of course, the Grandian officials have no knowledge of his little side business.
Skills: Silvio is one of Khent's best blacksmiths, and many believe his talent is wasted forging simple metals for the Grandians. Though he isn't one to boast, his skills with the Dijhi Scimitar and recurve bow surpasses most of what the Grandian officers can even dream about. He once took magical lessons from a travelling wizard profficient in the magical arts, and the wizard believed the young Silvio had great potential with the magical arts. However, Silvio never persued the wizard's advice, and the greatest extent of his magical capabilities is starting a fire.
Appearance: Silvio is a typical Dijhi, with deeply tanned skin, dark eyes, and short black hair. He can't boast a muscular or incredibly lean figure, and his general appearance is passive yet warm and friendly. However, years of hard labor pounding out metal has given him considerable strength, despite his appearance. What sets him apart from other people is the fact that he has a large scar drawn painfully across his left eye in a forward slash across his flesh. As a result, his left eye is blind, and he depends on his right eye for sight. His English is uneven at best, though he tries to hide his obvious gruff Dijhi accent, despite the fact he grew up in Khent.
History: Growing up Silvio was always told he was born right in the town Khent, but it was clear that what he had been told was a lie. For starters, his father was a Genian, of whom Silvio bore no resemblance to. He never met his mother, who his father insists was a Dijhi, and looked exactly like the feminine version of Silvio. Not even the townspeople could believe the outrageous story.
Despite his uncertain family lineage, Silvio lived his life trying his best to ignore his problems, which was very easy for him to do. In the time Silvio was learning how to walk, the Grandian influence was beginning to destroy Khent, with many people leaving for greener pastures. Trade became scarce, visitors nonexistant, a heavy smog befell the town, young able bodied men were enlisted into the military, and Khent became a ghost town. During his later years of life Silvio learned how to smith from his father, and he learned how to bend and shape metal very quickly. The next few years of his life were spent in relative peace and lack of excitement or events. However, all of that was about to change.
At the age of 19, Silvio's father was forced into the Grandian military after a few officers had threatened to take Silvio instead. Acting like a true father, the aging man sacrificed himself into the Grandian military in order to ensure a peaceful life for his only son.
Additional Information: Obviously, the story he was forced to believe about his family is indeed a lie. Silvio was found in an inn room where a Dijhi family had resided only the night before, supposedly forgetting their child in a different land. However, this was not the case, a note was left with the infant Dijhi, which read,
His name is Silvio Sekhramahn, and he is NEVER to injest Khramah products.
Only a few of the townspeople knew of Silvio's bizzar appearance, and those who did speculated on why the family left him in Khent, and who should care for the child. A single blacksmith accepted the child as his own, swearing to the child that he would grow up without knowledge of his strange arrival.
The blacksmith stayed true to his word, and Silvio to this day has no idea that he is an Immortal.
Elixir: Krahmah- A sweet and juicy type of fruit that grows abundently in the land of the Dijhi. However, the fruit is fragile, and rots incredibly quickly, therefor it is difficult to transport, and many foreign nations view Krahmah as a luxury.
Physical Age: 24
05-25-2010, 09:04 AM
Okay, working on post now, then I gotta work on getting the IC for my rock rp up, THEN try to finish up RoF, and then get my FF rp OOC up @_@
Why do I do this to myself? xD
After I'm done with that, I have a few other rps I need to catch up on too, that's just my schedule for today xD
05-26-2010, 09:18 AM
Okay, for the life of me I can't think of anything interesting to do atm ._.
If it helps move the story along I can just post her getting out of the building and... being open for interaction xD
05-26-2010, 02:41 PM
I'd love to jump in but my char hasn't been approved yet :(
05-26-2010, 03:16 PM
Cheshire, Sabur just stirred a hornet's nest by KO'ing those soldiers. You have a fight right in front of you, on a silver platter
05-26-2010, 09:44 PM
I'd love to jump in but my char hasn't been approved yet :(
Oh poop!
I remember reading your character, and I was like -monacle2-
I thought I approved it!
btw, all three previous characters APPROVED!!!
05-26-2010, 09:50 PM
Hooray! I'll get to work on the IC post naow ;)
05-26-2010, 09:54 PM
Ack, sorry, didn't notice there wasSoldier KOing, I'll get right on it! xD
Been kinda distracted this week... but... I'm trying ;-;
Atrum Daemon
05-26-2010, 10:01 PM
More like soldier murdering if I read that right and he severed one of their spines.
05-26-2010, 10:06 PM
05-26-2010, 10:35 PM
He didn't die, but he will never walk or handle a blade ever again.
Atrum Daemon
05-26-2010, 11:24 PM
But, you say he severed the spine at the base of the neck. The brain can no longer communicate with the rest of the body. The man is dead.
05-26-2010, 11:25 PM
Realism has no place in a world of magic...
Atrum Daemon
05-26-2010, 11:33 PM
Fair point.
05-26-2010, 11:46 PM
I need to post!
05-27-2010, 11:17 AM
He's dead, Jim. :I *works on post*
Edit: I'm sure it sucks, but there it is xD
05-28-2010, 04:12 AM
For those who are uninterested in reading my long post... here's basically what happened.
-Houz got angry
-Opiecan roflpwned the officers
-Sizable Grandian force appears
-Officer blames everything on Opiecan
-Shit hits the fan
05-31-2010, 05:11 PM
So would now be a bad time to say, "I told you so..."? Anyways I read the IC and this rp seems to be doing ok. Do you have room for one more? I just watched the Forbidden Kingdom movie and have an interesting idea for an immortal.
05-31-2010, 06:27 PM
Yup still room, but hurry!
05-31-2010, 06:31 PM
I posted, like a good boy! :D
05-31-2010, 06:32 PM
Here's a treat Storm~ *throws Storm a doggy treat*
06-01-2010, 01:59 PM
In a universe where every action has an opposite and opposing action, everything must be equal.
I aim to offset the awesomeness of others with my own char's failures ;)
06-02-2010, 02:14 AM
Terribly sorry about my absence of posts, school. 'nough said.
I'm going to make a genuine effort tomorrow.
Edit: Nyccus if you pull off an immortal who doesn't know he is one I am going to have to stop you there. Mainly because this noob took that idea first! Of course you could have a totally different idea, and this edit went to waste. Ahwell...
06-03-2010, 10:46 PM
Ah really? well we'll just have to see how posts firsts now won't we? IT'S A RACE! who will win the posting of unknown immortals That Guy or Nyccus. Find out next time on Heros. hahahahaha!
06-04-2010, 05:35 PM
I aim to offset the awesomeness of others with my own char's failures ;)
Which is why your character is one of my favourites!
06-04-2010, 07:19 PM
Ah really? well we'll just have to see how posts firsts now won't we? IT'S A RACE! who will win the posting of unknown immortals That Guy or Nyccus. Find out next time on Heros. hahahahaha!
Already beat you to the punch! MUAHAhahaaaaa!!!
06-04-2010, 09:46 PM
Which is why your character is one of my favourites!
We shall have to become accquainted after this gruesome fighting business is done with... to the posting room!
06-09-2010, 07:13 AM
I'll get a post up ASAP! D:
Edit: Sorry it's both so late and so small xD
I like to think my posts are short sometimes because I write only what's worth reading... and not that... I just fail at writing xD
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