View Full Version : Getting Started with SMUT!

11-20-2012, 07:26 PM
Getting Started with SMUT!
Please read everything here before jumping into SMUT!!!

This is a very simple guide to get you through from discovering what SMUT is to posting in your first battle.

Step 1.

Welcome to SMUT!!

You've probably seen it around, the word SMUT being tossed around, you've been invited to join in, or maybe you've seen us advertised. Regardless of how you found us, you are here now, so WELCOME!

You are probably wondering what exactly SMUT is.

Well the answer to that is a little complicated. The best and most amazing method to get the gyst of SMUT is checking out this one thread below.
Introduction to SMUT (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=35276).

Also, please check out the link below for a plethora of useful information pertaining SMUT. That is where you can find out all the rules and the 'how to's for SMUT.
Rules and Applications (http://role-player.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=410)

Things to pick up: What SMUT is.

Step 2.

You are probably asking what there is to do here at SMUT at this point. Well you've come to the right place. SMUT isn't all just fight, kick, punch and blood. Nope, it is about making friends and seeing battles you've never though possible come into existance.

To talk to your fellow SMUTees check out the link below.
OOC Thread (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=36990)

Now that you know what SMUT is and for some amazing reason you are interested then boom Welcome to the fold let us start educating you on EVERYTHING!

But there's a great deal of threads that offer you information. The most important thread for the moment is orientation on the types of battles available.

And don't you worry, this is the thread showing the types of battles available.
The types of Battles (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=35278).

Step 3.

Now you know how the different battles types are available to you. Now to learn how you will be judged once you start your battles.

The judges have a set criteria on which they will be judging each battle on. It is all laid out in the link below. As you battle and win, your ranking will go up and you will earn some awesome bragging rights!

Here is a link for you to how we have the judging broken down for you.
Judging breakdown! (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=35277)

Step 4.

Now that you know about how the judging will be performed, onto the characters!

So here is a little info on who you will be battling with! The characters you can choose are really vast and seemingly unending. Books, Video Games, Cartoons, Anime…. Anyone you want. Just follow the simple character sheet and fill in the blanks.

As for an example, I used Rinoa Heartilly from Final Fantasy 8.

Check out the link below for the CS, tons of examples and fun ideas.
Characters (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=35387)

Step 5.

And now you know who you can fight with, let’s move on to the where!

Each player gets their own set of arenas that they created and that is where battles will take place. Get creative and have some fun with it! There are no real limits to them.

Each personal thread is not only a place for arenas and for some nice stats, but it is also where the battles will take place. Various battle grounds and battle locations can be found in everyone's personal battle theatre.

Click the link below to check out everyone’s personal threads. Feel free to browse the threads and make one of your own! You are almost there, one more step! ^_^
Battle Theatre (http://role-player.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=412)

Step 6.

Now you have learned a bit about where the battles take place and the awesome arenas that you can battle in, onto how to challenge others to a battle!

To start a battle you must accept or issue a challenge to/from another member. There is a simple form to follow for battle challenges, but once that is up and the reply has been made, you are ready for a fight!

Here you go, a link to where the challenges are issued, read up and throw down a challenge for yourself. ^_^
New Challenge thread (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=39044)

Then there is the act of accepting your challenges. All challenges accepted or declined must be replied to in the tread below.
Challenge Reply thread (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=39045)

Step 7.

After you've completed a few battles you can check your standings against the rest of the members here at SMUT. In the thread below you can find the details and stats of each individual's standings.
Member Leaderboard (role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=35305)

But that isn't all the stats on your battles that we keep track of. We also keep track of each individual's character's stats. To see those, click the link below!
Character Leaderboard (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=35415)


Now you have all the steps you need to start your first battle! Time to have some fun and take your characters to war! If you have any more questions feel free to ask, I do don’t bite… ^_^

We have a FAQS thread (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=35303) where, if you have any questions please post them there. One of our members will gladly help you figure things out.