View Full Version : [R] Epidemic (Zombie Apocalypse RP) -IC- New members always welcome

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11-23-2012, 04:05 PM
Epidemic- IC

The rating could be safely considered R for gore,possible romance, and/or language.

A virus of unknown origins has commandeered society. The world is in ruins. It is deserted by the living, leaving with it deadly occupants which gorge on the breathing. Those who have survived these creatures accumulate in small numbers and attempt to annihilate the Dead from their land. The groups are diffused throughout, and members range from the young to the senile. As the dead rages, the groups are desperate for an outcome, but all attempts at restoration are indubitably fruitless from their perspective. The singular mind-set is now survival.

One group in particular has affixed together at an attempt of a semblance of humanity. Among the members is a young girl, Ophelia Caine. She is an adept archer who longs to keep the group out of hazardous situations.
As the group's numbers dwindle, the one thing that illuminates the path from darkness is hope...


If you're interested in joining, do not hesitate to post your character sheet. If your character is bitten or scratched, they will die and reanimate as a zombie. Even if a character dies without being bitten or scratched, they can still suffer the same fate: reanimation. (Yes, a Walking Dead allusion). I suggest making more than one character. This is a human RP. Although, you may add some animal companions if desired.

Try to shoot for at least a paragraph when posting (unless a conversation is being exchanged).

If you're going to be gone for awhile and not be able to RP, please let us know in a post!

If you want to join, feel free. Just post your character sheet here: http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=37062

Characters so far:
Ophelia Caine
Alden Decker
Ivan Petrowa
Zukav Petrowa
Markus Valentino-Leonardo Olivetti (Deceased)
Rave Manyc
Jayy Manyc
Sebastian Varrick
Jonas Brockwood
Dominic Wilux

This RP does NOT have a post order (we don't have to wait for other people to post). Although, I ask you do not post more than one at a time. If you make a mistake in your post, or would like to edit it, simply click "edit post".

Be considerate and kind to the other RPers
No excessive foul language (cursing is accepting during the RP, but cannot be so profuse that it may offend some players)
No excessive sexual content (If it gets too graphic, take it to PMs xD)
No one-liners (unless dialogue is being exchanged)
No Mary Sues/ Gary Stus allowed
Try to be peaceful, guys
No intentionally "killing off" other people's characters (unless they would like them killed off)
You cannot use fictional weapons (this is to prevent confusion and bickering among Rpers)
Follow RPA's guidelines
I'll think of more rules later..

If you're just now joining, feel free to add your first post at anytime you feel comfortable hopping in.


The group (remember, your characters don't have to be apart of the group):

The group consists of a population around 15 or so people (not including the RPer's OCs). The group is located somewhere in the southern states (USA). They are encompassed by woods with a source of fresh water nearby. There is also a field, but appears barren and devoid of any game. There are tents, pop-ups, RVs, etc. for the survivors to live in. They thrive as a community, yet are subject to altercations from time to time. It is autumn; game is beginning to dwindle and the group members are becoming peckish. More outsiders are joining the group, increasing the numbers and irritability of some members.

Although the zombies (walkers, the Dead, Corpse, etc.) are becoming slow due to the cold, the survivors are well aware that the walkers will become more vicious once the impending winter passes.

The group's fate is questionable.


Character descriptions (Descriptions are from earlier posts from the RPers.)

Age: 15
Thick, wavy,brown hair layered with various shades and tints including russet, and a deeper shade of brown that falls to her ribs and kept in a braid, piercing green eyes and fair skin; full lips; lithe build; 5' 1'' I, Demonic-Fantasy, attempted to draw her here: http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/327/b/4/winter_hunt_by_demonic_fantasy-d5lwzy1.png

Age: 16
6 feet tall, deep golden hair with light blonde streaks, thoughtful amber eyes, tanned skin, slight muscled build.



Age: 26
6"8',Black Hair,Dark Brown eyes that ooze intensity.Sculpted face,athletic body. Strong arms,strong,toned upper body

Age: 16
She has green eyes and wears her navy blue and orange laced hoodie with a pair of somewhat baggy jeans

Age: 17
He has green eyes and wears his jean jacket with his black t-shirt under and jean pants that are ripped at the knees.

Age: 35

Age: 16

Age: 24


To those of you who are RPing currently: You can always make a new character if you'd like.

This RP will be in third person (he/she) and past tense (for example: "She strode away" instead of "she strides away") If you're RPing as more than one character for your post, please indicate a change in character. It can be through "----" or "~~~~" or anything that you can fathom that is unambiguous.

Alright, let's begin..

11-23-2012, 07:32 PM
A hunched figure balanced, poised, amid a tangle of branches. Through the irregular schism of wood, she noted the slightest alteration of sound or scenery. Her jade eyes darted to and fro, the stars which glimmered overhead mirrored in her vision. Her fingers, which had solidified to the compound bow beneath her, vied for a reprieve from the glacial atmosphere. She observed the scene below her from the security of a pine tree; a group cavorted and commerced mild chatter, exchanging alcoholic drinks about the members. A fire which they encompassed shimmered and cackled in derision of the occasional stick being jostled about in its inferno depths. Ophelia fortified her scarf against her face to barricade herself from the chill. Deftly, she aligned an arrow with the neck of one of the alien members, cognizant of her malicious intent. The pads of her fingers lightly grazed the tawny fletchling of the arrow as she exhaled. She found herself hesitant, a heed most qualming to her current barbaric disposition. Ophelia moved, as if bequeathed from the consequential dominance of a dream, to slide the arrow back into the shoulder quiver. She alighted circumspectly to ground, as her judgment was impaired from the lack of light. Her boots connected the soft forest floor. She turned round. It was substantial time to perceive the pair of listless eyes, a mere foot away.

11-23-2012, 11:42 PM
The wind blew hard, the leaves on the trees rustling above her as she walked. Her eyes watched her surroundings, the area ahead of her and to her sides. Rave held the .357 at her side, it rubbing gently against her thigh as she side stepped past the trees and looked past them. Nothing. She looked to the sky, the gray and lifeless atmosphere that covered them showed no sign of what time of day it was; in fact, she didn't even know what day it was. Seeing as she was safe from harm for the time being, Rave leaned against the nearest tree, a large, dying oak, and reached her free hand into her pocket. The warmth of the fabric hit her skin instantly and she smiled slightly. Touching a smooth, thick surface in her pocket she pulled it out. Opening her wallet was a picture of Jayy, her brother, and her hugging onto each other as though they were best friends. "We'll be back together soon brother, I promise," she spoke softly, her voice blurred into the wind.


Jayy smirked as a zombie dropped to the ground, a bullet hole right through its eye. He cocked the sniper rifle's barrel back and reloaded it, the empty shell falling to the carpeted floor with a small thud. He hitched the gun back into place and aimed again, his scope showing a full face of a zombie. Relaxing his breath, he fired but missed by a few inches. Cursing under his breath, Jayy bit deeply into his lip out of anger at himself. Breathing slowly again, he reloaded and shot again, the trigger squeezed back completely as the bullet left its chamber and cracked through the zombie's jaw. A loud ringing echoed through the dead town.

11-24-2012, 12:56 AM
Ophelia POV

Ophelia drew back the string of the bow, an arrow in place. The zombie shuddered to the ground as the weapon made connection with its skull. Ophelia sauntered over, the arrow protruding from the throat of the corpse. She retrieved the blood-glazed arrow. With a snarl, and devoid of inhibition, her boot descended to the face of the beast, the impact producing a reverberation. Through the twilight, she was cognizant of the onyx ooze the zombie's ill-fated skull. A tempest of pride simmered in her belly. She adjusted her backpack, her bow clutched firmly in her left hand, and proceeded into the clandestine darkness.

A number of minutes lapsed, the ebony atmosphere thickened, before Ophelia ventured into the commence of a meandering road. The spastically graveled pavement made for an unsteady and somewhat hampering trek as the pathway inclined. Ophelia could detect fragmented glimpses of buildings, of which she presumed a diminutive city up ahead. The sound of multiple gunshots hewed her progress. As she stood rooted in the darkness, bemused, a legion of walkers materialized from the gathering mist. Taking little time to consider a plan of action, she loaded an arrow and began at a sprint in the general direction of the town.

11-24-2012, 01:10 AM
Jayy continued what he was doing, his eyes never leaving his gaze out the second story window of the barricaded house. He reached in his pocket to grab more ammo, then stopped as he heard something pound below him. Standing up and realizing he didn't have any ammo in his pocket anymore, he looked at the locked door to the bedroom he was in. Curious of what was pounding downstairs to him, he reached for the doorknob, his left hand automatically also reaching for his handgun. Just as the door creaked open, the thuds stopped. Stepping through the doorway and looking carefully down the staircase, he saw nothing.

11-24-2012, 01:26 AM
Ophelia's brows furrowed as she assessed her undead adversaries. There were currently five; that would indicate five arrows out of fifteen which were unretrievable. Her hands fumbled to the two blades adhered to her worn belt, the carnage of a previous walker plastered to her fair skin, which glowed like a beacon in the darkness. Her fury ignited as an additional zombie ambled into her peripheral. With a guttural screech, she dove to the side and plunged a dagger to the hilt, obliterating the zombie which formerly flanked her. The town was fifty feet away. There were five walkers. An arrow found its way into the brain of one the Dead, alleviating a percentage of the burden. Ophelia increased in speed just as the first of the buildings passed her, legs pumping madly as the walkers pursued mindlessly.

11-24-2012, 01:42 AM
He flung himself down the stairs, stepping three steps at a time. As he turned to the kitchen, his gun cocked back and ready to fire, he looked in, then turned to the other rooms. Jayy walked slowly and quietly through the house, checking every where to make sure he was alone and safe for now. Sighing as he lowered his gun, he looked at the door and smirked, it hadn't been opened. He remembered his time before the zombies, how his tests had came back positive. How Rave got scared for him. How his parents tried to drug him. He wouldn't believe it though, it wasn't possible for him. Could he really be paranoid and bipolar? Jayy shook his head slightly, irritated by his own thoughts. As he looked out the boarded up window through a sliver of unboarded glass, he watched the undead.

11-24-2012, 02:09 AM
Her flesh teemed with goosebumps as she flashed by the countless buildings, briefly peering into each as a form of possible escape. She released an alarmed cry as a zombie grappled her braid. She made a rigid impact with the earth, her body skidding a mere foot from the mangle of undead. Ophelia's bow, now unlatched from her bloodied hand, was undetectable in the cloak of night. A walker lurched forward, teeth exposed among its decomposing flesh. Animosity thundered within her; with quaking hands and ill-dexterity her knife lodged between its eyes. Ophelia's legs propelled her back, a gory sheen fabricated in her wake.

11-24-2012, 02:21 AM
Jayy was turning away from the window as he heard the cry. He looked back at the window again, searching for some type of life outside that wasn't dead. Seeing the faint outline of a horde, he pulled his pistol out and opened the door. His eyes searched through the crowd, just manageable of being seen in sight but still wasn't clear. He shot the gun once and a zombie dropped down to the ground. He side-winded his way over towards the group, pistol in hands and ready. Just as he was looking at the dead, he noticed a girl. He stared at her, his eyes studying her as he stood there.

(I'll RP as Rave again once others are in here too. Cause she's a bit too far away from our two so far.)

11-24-2012, 02:27 AM
Sebastian ran through the streets of the town, his boots clicking hard on the concrete. He then turned head to look at the horde following him. It kept getting larger, and is now up to 50. He turned bodily around, and whipped out his bolt pistol, firing a few shots into the crowd. The explosive rounds tore apart the zombies that are hit, turning their upper bodies and heads into a bloody mess. "Come and get me, you undead sons-of-bitches!" He slowly backed up and peppered them with a few more shots. He turned around again, and saw that on the other end of the narrow street is beginning to fill, meaning that he cannot escape that way, so he ducked into a nearby alley. He ran for a few seconds, before going around the bend in the alley and cursed aloud. It is blocked by a burning wreck.

He drew his chainsword, and began to walk back towards the entrance to the alley, and it saw that it was blocked by the swarming mass of undead. He grimaced. "Today, I die, but I am going to take as many of you undead motherfuckers as I can!" He raised his pistol again, and started to fire, the loud crack of the shots echoed loudly, as the bolts tore through the seething mass, as the zombies had to climb over piles of each other. The chamber clicked empty, and he ejected the magazine, a fresh one loaded even before it fell. He began to fire again, and advanced, as a single zombie broke off from the crowd to charge him. Sebastian then thumbed the activation button of his chainsword, turning it on, and pulled its trigger, as the razor-sharp teeth whirred, and it unleashed a mighty roar, as he thrust it towards the zombie's face, which, in a second, was reduced to bloody pulp and bone fragments as it was torn apart. He continued to fight, slashing and shooting, but he was slowly being overtaken, as both sides had to wade through a sea of bodies.

11-24-2012, 02:41 AM
The last of the zombies surged forth, moaning lifelessly. Ophelia drove one of her blades into the walker's jugular to stunt its pace, the other homing in on the base of its gray-green head. The dark content flowed in countless rivulets across the crown of its face, pooling at her hand. She withdrew the knives and stumbled back, her chest heaving. Ophelia's eyes ascended from the ground up, where it locked on the masculine form. "Don't shoot." She rasped. "I..I'm not one of those.. things." Ophelia, endowed with the reality that the undead had been surmounted, sunk to the ground on her trembling knees and stared at her aid, her panting unrelenting. Her bow flashed in her mind, rousing alarm, yet became frigid as a defiant scream sounded from nearby. She cocked her head to one side quizzically at the sound of a deluge of bullets.

(Bluecherryplur- Okay, that makes sense :) I'll add Alden, too, soon.)

11-24-2012, 02:59 AM
He pulled his gun away from shooting, his eyes still trained on her. "You okay? Not bitten are you?" he asked sternly as his hand was pulled out to her as if manners still mattered. Jayy looked out of the corner of his eye towards the shots, but ignored them as they didn't matter to him at the time. Taking his time to look away from Ophelia, he looked at the zombies that were dead for good. He kneeled down next to one and reached his hand into its pockets, searching for any type of identity. Not finding any, he stood back up and offered his hand back to the girl.

11-24-2012, 03:08 AM
Ivan planted his foot into the face of his dead (again) foe to force the spike of his warhammer from its skull. "Gross," he said. "I'm going to have to clean you. Again." He talked to his sister while still looking down. "Zukav, I heard some gunshots not too far away. Sounds like a few people. Either that or it's one or two guys with huge guns." Zukav replied softly, "Uh-huh..." Ivan nearly jumped from his skin when the bullet whizzed past his head. He looked up just in time to see another zombie go down, a fountain of blood shooting from the bullet hole. "I swear to God," he said shakily, "if you don't stop shooting right past my head, you're going to hit me!" She laughed at him and said, "I could hit the ass-end of a moth with just my irons. You'll be fine. But you do need to watch out for yourself." He knew she was right. "Whatever. But do you want to go toward the gunshots or not? Gunshots mean zombies, but they also mean people." Zukav shrugged. "Sure, let's go. Get's lonely out here."

They ran toward the sound of the gunshots, entered a small city, killed a few stray zombies, and ran across a single man kicking a ton of ass, but being overwhelmed. If they didn't help, he was boned. They couldn't see him, but he was loud enough. They both drew their weapons. Zukav had her iron sighted M1941 drawn and had already shot down ten foes. Ivan had his M16 out and was shooting short bursts and hitting multiple zombies at once. Soon, they had fought their way through that wall and were fighting the other side to help the man trapped between them. "This one is thicker, I think!" Ivan shouted as he reloaded.

11-24-2012, 03:09 AM
Alien relief flooded her veins. "I appreciate it. I really do. I wasn't bitten or scratched, thank God. I'm Ophelia, by the way." She hesitantly accepted his hand, standing with trepidation. Her head turned sharply as the earlier sound returned, the tempo of her heart increasing at the raining of bullets, bewildered. Weren't all of the walkers obliterated? Ophelia turned on her heel, locating her compound sprawled five feet from her boots. She loaded an arrow with shaking hands, and faced the boy. "I don't know about you, but I'm gonna go help that poor son-of-bitch out. By the sound of it, he's not doing too hot..." Ophelia's pace was unsteady; her head spun and throbbed madly. Grinding her teeth, jaw clenched, she slowly advanced towards the source of noise.

11-24-2012, 03:27 AM
He spared a glance at the two who fought their way to his aid. "I thank you, I had already accepted my death, but, this is nice too." A zombie then charged him, and he brought his chainsword up to bear. With a single slash, and the meaty sound of ripping flesh and tearing deadly blades, the zombie was cut in half right down the middle in only a few seconds. With a quick movement, he raised his pistol again, and blasted the top of a zombie into bloody, pulpy mist. He ejected the spent magazine, and, and with a sooth motion, he slid it in. Before he did so, Ivan was able to get a glimpse of his ammo, the large .75 caliber bolts (http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2011/12/29/309647-Bolt%20Gun,%20Bolt%20Pistol,%20Bolter.jpg) that it fired. He revved his chainsword again, and leaped into the fray, slashing and shooting with courageous and inspiring abandon.

11-24-2012, 03:40 AM
Ivan shouted over the gunfire, "Those are some huge bullets! I wonder how much it costs to fire a whole magazine of that." His gun clicked empty and he had no more bullets for it, so he dropped it and drew two M19 pistols. With each shot, a zombie went down. He continued to fire until he was on his last magazine. "Zukav! Rifle, please!" He reholstered his pistols and caught an AK17 and some attached ammunition. He fired into the crowd until it began to become manageable. Then he drew his warhammer and threw himself into the crowd. He faintly heard his sister over the din, "Ivan! Get out of there! I threw you a gun to shoot, you dumbass!" He just grinned and kept swinging. He never let a zombie get anywhere close to him, so he was feeling more careful than usual. He just got lost in the killing.

11-24-2012, 03:47 AM
As the last of the zombies go down, Stebastian stood on a pile of killed undead. His coat blew in the breeze as the sun started to come up, limning him in it's glow from behind. He panted slightly as his chainsword slowed down and simply ran, until he revved it once more to drain all the blood out of it. Finally, he turned it off, and sheatheed it. "The answer to your question is fifty dollars. I only have about seven clips of twenty each left. But I do know how and where they are made. I thank you for the assistance. What brings you here?"

11-24-2012, 03:50 AM
Rave heard multiple gunshots far off from her. She stayed where she was but on alert. Unsure of who it was or what was going on, she didn't go towards the sound, for all she knew the people with those guns could kill her. Thinkign to herself, Rave took a few steps towards the sounds, but then stopped in her place.


Jayy nodded, following Ophelia at her side as he held his gun ready. He advanced towards the newer bullet shots, unsure of what he was getting himself into. As they were getting closer, he saw other people, surrounded by the crowd of zombies that were dropping one at a time.

(Sorry they're short. I have to get off, parents rushing me. >.<)

11-24-2012, 03:53 AM
"Damn, fifty dollars? Man. Shits and grins, at least for me," Ivan stated. Zukav came in and took back her rifle. "I'm the brains behind the brawn here." Ivan snickered. "He goes in to kill things and I try to head us toward a safer place. So far that part isn't going too well, but we're alive, so it isn't terrible. Where are you heading?" She put away all her weapons and Ivan got to cleaning his hammer and guns.

11-24-2012, 03:57 AM
As Ophelia drew near, the bullets ceased their reign. Perplexed, she she shifted her attention back to the boy at her side, and set off at a light trot toward the soft sound of dialogue. She shifted on her wait, her gait inconstant. As she neared the alley, Ophelia's fingers shrewdly tightened on her bow. The light clatter of her arrows was all that was exuded from her as her feet tread the earth to an almost cease in pace. Her eyes drank in the scene, disbelief clouding every pore on her face. The three human beings which conversed in the alley, all stood among their recent slaughter. How had they managed...?

(Bluecherryplur- don't stress; I know the feeling :( )

11-24-2012, 04:03 AM
"I don't know. I expected to die there, I was ready to. I was part of a larger group, but I volunteered to be a distraction so that they could get away. I ran for 10 solid miles before I even entered this town. Maybe I could find a group of survivors to lead and train. I did notice you were holding that rifle wrongly. It's fine for up-close, and short term battles, but if they are some distance away, you'll be spraying bullets everywhere, and if you fire for some time with that position, you'll end up hurting your shoulder. Try holding the stock so that it cups your shoulder, and put your non-main hand just right in front of the magazine chute, so you can have a stable grip, and be able to detach a spent magazine with a simple movement of your thumb." He flexed his neck and stretched his back, while steam poured out of the muzzle of his pistol.

11-24-2012, 04:06 AM
(FYI I'm posting from my phone now because internet went down. Gonna be a while typing and I might be a while. My posts will be short, so I apologize.)

Ivan looked over his shoulder and saw two silhouettes in the alley entrance and immediately drew his M9s. He shouted in a deep, intimidating voice, "Who are you?"

(Do tell me if any of my posts are late and don't flow at all, I'll change them. The pages don't flow right on my phone.)

11-24-2012, 04:10 AM
Ugh, I'm tired :( I'm going to hit the hay. But I'll be sure to post tomorrow, guys. This RP is going pretty awesome so far :) Try not to get too into it without me xD
Night, guys.

11-24-2012, 04:12 AM
Sebastian made a motion with his hand, to singnal Ivan not to fire. "Stop, by their gait, and the fact that they have weapons like that, they are not undead. They're survivors, children even. Maybe they need help." He looked at them. "Do you have somewhere safe to go to? It is very dangerous out here."

11-24-2012, 04:15 AM
(( I'm really hesitant to ask this, but do you think we could put the RP on hold until tomorrow morning? :( I hate, hate, hate asking but I don't want to fall behind. There is someone who hasn't started posting yet, and I think BlueCherryPlur may be offline.. Oh, anyways. If you guys could do that I'd be so grateful :( we're at a point in the RP where there are major introductions, so. Sorry for asking. :c ))

11-24-2012, 04:16 AM
Zukav said, "We've been looking for a nice place to go for a while. I saw a little warehouse on the way, we could rest there." Ivan lowered his weapon, but was still ready. "I wonder if they're bit," he growled.

Stopping because GM asked so nicely. Won't be on until seven or eight tomorrow night.

11-24-2012, 04:20 AM
((if you do OOC in the IC, please put it like this, so we are not confused))

11-24-2012, 02:23 PM
(( I'll be able to RP now. Although I don't know for how long. I tried going to bed last night and stayed up 'til 1:30. Oh, well. We can continue, if you'd all like to. ))

11-24-2012, 02:32 PM
"If they are," said Sebastian, "Then we just leave them, if not, they we can ally ourselves. But there is no reason to go off half-cocked. That may sound like a good idea, but remember, it is getting colder, so we'll need a place that can be heated and defended easily. We could go back to the base I was stationed at, there aren't many zombies there, I only saw about eighty, since most of the personnel were called away, and the rest were evacuated. but I don't think any of you would enjoy walking over thirty miles." He turned to the new people. "I never got your names."

11-24-2012, 06:32 PM
Jayy looked at the three people, then at Ophelia once before back at the others. "Looking for a place to stay the night at, huh?" he asked, monotone. He stared at them, his pistol ready but aimed at the ground. "Name's Jayy." His black and gold-brown hair fell into his face as he looked at the next person with each word. His hand went up and brushed it out of his face, it falling back into place perfectly. Giving a small, polite smile, he nodded to them. "I just met Ophelia here, a few minutes ago." He nodded to her and ignored the surrounding.

Rave kept her pace quick and silent, she shot a zombie now and then but was managing quite fine as she headed towards the town. Seeing no one in the area she was, she went to the closest tree once again. Noticing that a few zombies were coming towards her, she climbed up into the tree as she knew zombies couldn't climb.

11-24-2012, 09:00 PM
Ophelia POV:

Ophelia remained mute, her tongue adhered in her mouth. Stoic to the three strangers, she felt her hand tighten on the fletchling of her loaded arrow. Knowing better than to exhibit herself as an apparent threat, she released the tension from her fingers and cautiously slid the bloodied arrow back into the quiver. Her voice quavering, she managed a coherent sentence. "Yeah, I'm Ophelia, and I just ran into Jayy here." Her eyes flickered to his form, a diminutive, gracious smile gracing her full lips. Another sentence vied for publication on her tongue; pehaps she could tell these people of the group. It was, after all, a haven... Ophelia eyed the strangers with fearful evaluation. Were they worth her trust?

Alden POV:

The earth beneath him crackled, his shoes fragmenting the withering leaves as he strode. Alden's gait was heavy, his arms swung by his sides at an attempt to keep pace with the declining slope. About him, the pines swayed in an elusive tempo, their brittle structures bone-like in the breeze.

11-24-2012, 09:08 PM
Rave climbed the tree to the highest branch she could, which wasn't that high after all. As the few zombies came around the base, she reloaded her .357 and aimed directly down on the one's head, the bullet cracking through the air and skull. It fell down, its body falling against another zombie and moving it away a bit. It came back towards her, its mouth dripping fresh blood and mangled flesh. Her nose scrunched in disgust at it, but turned away as she pulled her other leg up onto the thick branch.


Jayy stayed silent too, questioning himself on if he should trust these people. Should he even trust Ophelia? He nodded his head down to himself, thinking about his actions and what to do. He looked back up with his green eyes, they staring at the figures that stood in front of them. He couldn't trust them yet, so he decided to stand still and stare.

11-24-2012, 09:14 PM
"My name is Sebastian Varrick. Captain Sebastian Varrick. I'm an officer that was stationed at the military base a ways off from here, before the zombies showed up. I got separated from my group when I volunteered to act as a distraction so the others could get away. I am skilled in combat..." he then gestured to the rotting bodies beneath his feet. "As well, I make a good leader, and can inspire bravery in those that follow me. If you need someone with combat experience for training, I am willing to offer my services."

11-24-2012, 09:25 PM
Alden POV:

Alden hesitated as the sound of a gun reached his ears. His pace ascending, he took from his backpack a pistol. His breath expelled in small, pallid whisps as he proceeded closer to the origin of the gunfire. Out of his peripheral, he noted a zombie shambling towards his left about ten feet or so away. He fired once, a perfected shot, and watched the corpse crumple to the dirt. Not at all vexed by his kill, he advanced with a quicker pace until he believed he had reached the estimated source of noise. Alden paused, *unaware of the girl in the trees above him.*

11-24-2012, 09:40 PM
"Don't need help from someone who boasts and brags," Jayy sneered at him, already not liking him. His eyes kept a gaze on Sebastian, studying his actions and features. He looked at Ophelia again, as if he was going to whisper something then stopped.


Rave gasped to herself, unsure if what was below her was a zombie or a human. She stared down on it, soon realizing it was a guy. A living guy. She silently dropped her hand down towards his head, and poked him with her index finger. Feeling as if his was softer than a zombie's, she untensed a bit, still on guard against him though.

11-24-2012, 09:50 PM
Markus drove, his car letting no sound reverberate through the air. He had his window down, his seat back, and a CD in the radio. Even post apocalypse, he could live life happily. Sort of.
Gunshots and moans pierced the air, disrupting his peace.
"The hell?" He did a U-turn, quickly accelerating down the exit ramp to enter the small town.

Minutes later, he finally found a route that lead directly into the town, and began driving slowly, his M4 peeking out the window.

"-need help from someone who boasts and brags." He heard just as he rounded a corner. A small group had collected, and was standing idly by.

"Don't fucking move!" He turned in his seat, getting a better handle on his weapon. He wasn't going to shoot, but he was prepared to.

11-24-2012, 09:55 PM
Jayy jokingly copying the guy's words. "'Don't Fucking Move!' Well sorry for getting a muscle cramp," he smirked at the guy, liking out straight forward he'd been so far. "If you're gonna aim that thing at anything, try for the undead, not me." Ignoring Sebastian and the other two, he turned to face the new guy. Seeing how he had a car, he thought up his descision. I so need to get on this guy's good side. He thought to him and murmured quietly, unhearable for anyone around him to hear.

11-24-2012, 10:04 PM
"What the fuck?" Ophelia stated, turning her head to absorb the scene before her: a clearly well-fortified vehicle was perched from reach, a firearm protruding from the window. Baffled, she grasped for the blade at her belt, yearning for a more elusive, efficient weapon. She was weary, her eyes darting and assessing person to person. "What the Hell is your issue?" She questioned, her voice hoarse from lack of speech.

11-24-2012, 10:10 PM
As soon as the driver of the car spoke, Sebastian's finger went to the trigger of his pistol. He quickly analyzed the situation at hand, and realized that, at the range, and with the number of people here, he would have a good chance to duck into cover and fire if the driver started to get trigger happy. "Calm down, son. We're just people here, we are not your enemies. My name is Captain Sebastian Varrick of the United States Army. Why don't you come out here, and we can talk this out. Perhaps over some beer, I saw a bar not far from here."

11-24-2012, 10:12 PM
"Never trust anyone at first glance. Especially during times like these. I won't fire, just put your weapons down and tell me your names. Ranger honor." To show his point he lowered his weapon enough to show he meant no harm. But he still had the better vantage point.
All he had was an instinctive urge to drive off.
"It's all right. Muscle cramps are a bitch. And sir, I have no problem. I'm just extremely wary of people."

11-24-2012, 10:18 PM
Jayy calmly put his gun in its holster around his belt, it falling right into place. He took a step towards the guy in the armored car, slowly advancing to show he was no threat. As soon as he was in hearing distance of only the guy he spoke to him, "if you're gonna shoot anything, shoot that damn guy Sebastian." His voice sounded annoyed, and he was as well. He pointed at the man's gun and then stopped. "I'd rather feel more trusting of you at this moment if it was put in your car."

11-24-2012, 10:20 PM
Alden POV:

Alden yelped, whirling about to face his aggressor. His face drained of color as he gazed into the eyes of another human. It wasn't possible! He blinked, once, at a vain attempt to assure himself that the person above him was factual. It couldn't be a figment, could it? He paced back, his face solidified into one of utter befuddlement.

Ophelia POV:

Ophelia's eyes narrowed accusingly, as if the smoldering twin jades possessed the ability to kill. Ranger honor? Ha! He had a quite imposing firearm directed at them, and yet he spoke of honor? She gaped at the ludicrous man, digesting his words. Relent to his word and drop the weapons? That would be ignorant! "You said to never trust anyone at first glance. Why should we listen to you?" she watched, however, as Jayy relinquished his weapon.

((I'm not going to stop the RP again, but I have to go. I'll try to get on later but can't guarantee it. I guess I can try to pick up from where we are now.))

11-24-2012, 10:25 PM
"Hahahahaha! I'll agree with you. I was hypocritical. But, I did put my weapon down. And I say Rangers honor because I am a Ranger. My honor is a great deal to me. Just tell me your names, and I'll make you a deal. I'll make you a dinner, and we can decide whether or not you guys can come with me. Deal?"

11-24-2012, 10:25 PM
He listened to Ophelia's words, and kept his glance on the man. He waited to see what would be said, hoping he wouldn't get shot for advancing towards him. He nodded towards the man, "I sort of have a place to stay i this town at the moment, but I would like a good dinner. Name's Jayy."


Rave pulled back, scared at first of how the guy reacted. "Y-You're not a zombie!" she spoke as she hadn't seen another human in a long time. As she stared at him, she let her legs fall over the side of the branch, and just let them dangle there.

11-24-2012, 10:27 PM
"Because someone has to. Lower your weapon, girl. Even if you tried to shoot him, at this range, you would likely miss, and still get shot." He holstered his pistol slowly, and advanced with his hands raised towards the car. "A Ranger, eh? Then you know that in times like these, we need men like you. What is your rank, soldier?"

11-24-2012, 10:35 PM
"Doesn't matter. Stay back. I'm not joining a military. I'm joining a survival group." He was wary of this man. He carried himself with the pose of an officer.
"Stay behind that buildings corner. I still don't know you."
He heard someone call out their name.
"Pleasure to meet you. I'm Markus."

11-24-2012, 10:41 PM
"Ah Markus, I still believe there's one person whom you can shoot here," he spoke quietly again, then turned away as he headed back to stand next to Ophelia. He glared at Sebastian once more before he turned away.

11-24-2012, 10:48 PM
"I guess you didn't hear me, and I mean no harm to you." He introduced himself again. "I am alone just like you, and looking to join a group." He stepped back a few feet. "Okay? We're all calm, all cool."

11-24-2012, 11:39 PM
Ophelia listened intently on the conversation, her chin titled upwards. She appraised Markus's weapons, his vehicle. She ingested his words, the possibility of a meal ignited her interest. Perhaps she should abide..
She lowered her weapons to the ground beneath her: knives first, bow subsequent.
Ophelia was ruffled by Sebastian's conviction at her accuracy. She glanced over Markus once more; could this man indicate asylum? Then again, there was her group. Were they fretting over her at this instant? Had they sent out a search party? She sighed, inwardly, and refocused her attention back to the unfolding scene. Ophelia was homored by Jayy's choice of words; she was positive he meant shooting Sebastian.

11-24-2012, 11:44 PM
Rave stared at the boy, unsure of if she should leave from the tree branch or stay on it. "Who are you first off?" she asked him, her feet just dangling past his chest. She held her gun in one hand but didn't show it due to using both hands as a way to prop herself up.


Jayy looked at Ophelia, his eyes studying the figure that stood in her spot. He wondered what her story was, of where she came from or why she was all alone. He remembered his past, of how he and Rave were separated, of how he had killed nearly all the zombies around him in the time after her disappearance. He could remember every feature of her, how her hair was layered with black and a golden brown color. His hand balled up in emotional pain as he kept thinking about his sister.

11-24-2012, 11:57 PM
"Quite being condescending. It's annoying and a bad trait. I heard you. Your saying we. That means there's more of you. Nice try. I already told you I'm not joining a military that's trying to kill every last undead monster. I just want to survive."

11-25-2012, 12:03 AM
Jayy smirked at the guy's words, he knew that he was right and that if he did end up siding with Sebastian, he too, would end up dead or under complete control of him. He kept listening to what was going on around them.

11-25-2012, 12:10 AM
Alden POV:

He studied the girl, an eyebrow cocked in assessment. "I'm Alden." He responded meekly. He extended a hand for her to shake. He felt remorse for the action as soon as he committed it; what was he doing? This was the apocalypse!

Ophelia POV:

Ophelia caught Jayy's eye, then just as quickly averted her stare. She shifted her weight to her right, lacing her arms across her chest. Her gaze scanned the constant horizon beyond Markus. She addressed the people about her, "I-I came from a group, not too far from here. We aren't exactly thriving because of the colder weather, but we certainly are surviving. We always take new members. If they can pull their weight." She cringed slightly as she came to the realization that perhaps it wasn't the smartest declaration, as it was clear that not everyone favored one another. Ophelia retreated back into herself, doubt etched into her features.

11-25-2012, 12:16 AM
"I'm not after that either, I want to survive as well. But there is strength in numbers. As I was telling these others earlier, there is a military installation that was abandoned hastily. It has strong fences, a lot of room, and large stores of food and weapons. All that has to be done is it be cleared out, and a group of 10-20 armed men could do it easily. That's what I want to try and accomplish. But, as I said, to do that, I need dedicated survivors. I think that you would be a good choice to go with, is what I'm saying."

11-25-2012, 12:23 AM
Markus had to admit, the idea of clearing a military base sounded like a decent plan.
"What you arent understaning however is that no where is safe. I saw fences twenty feet high get toppled by the undead.
Hell, this group could do what you claim twenty can do. You are trying to make this seem like its mission impossible, when all there is to it is stick together, aim for the head, and clear the bodies."
"What I'm trying to get at is that no matter how great our defenses are, no matter how much tactics we have, the undead have something we don't. Strength in numbers. I'm all for clearing out the base, but once that's done, I'm taking my share of supplies and anyne who wants to come with me can."

11-25-2012, 12:29 AM
"I'm in for that idea, but I'll probably wander back here afterwards for my safe house. It's lasted me a good while with how i have it built up," Jayy said to them as he turned to Sebastian then Markus. He met their eyes and he could see the determination in them, in both of their eyes.


Seeing his hand, she took it and shook hands with him. "I'm Rave. Where'd you happen to come from? A group?" she spoke in a soft, unsure tone. She met his eyes then looked away as she pulled away, and fell backwards off the tree limb, landing on her feet as if she had backflipped.

11-25-2012, 12:31 AM
"That's why we dig in and reinforce the defenses. I've been in combat, and I know that tenacious defense can keep away even the most aggressive enemy. And, if we have people watching the fence, and scouting the area, we can prepare if a group comes towards us. They may have their numbers, but diligence, intelligence, and sheer stubbornness can overwhelm even the mightiest enemy. I have no doubt that this can be successful. If you really won't stay with us, assuming I can get an 'us', I guess you don't have to. But remember, at the end of the day, if you go off on your own, you won't have anyone to watch your back. And your fancy car can only take you so far." He turned to Jayy. "Of course. we'd need outposts in the area, so we can monitor their movements. And we'd go out into the surrounding towns to forage supplies. Like ammunition, food, medicine, and other things."

11-25-2012, 12:44 AM
Alden POV:
"You alright?" He inquired, alarmed. He moved to her side, uncertain if she needed his aid or not. "And yeah, I came from a group. I'm out looking for one of my members who went out hunting and never returned. Did you come from a group?"

Ophelia POV:

Seeing that the disussion wasn't progressing in her prospect, she picked up her bow and her knives, attaching each of the blades to her belt. Ophelia assessed her bow's ammunition, finding her supply of arrows disheartening. "I don't know about you all, but I'm not going to stand out here, freezing my ass off, debating whether or not to go to some military base. I'm going back to my group. It's safe there. There's no way to defeat all these zombie bastards. You people just don't get that." Her bow affixed in her hand, she loaded an arrow and began to turn away.

11-25-2012, 12:54 AM
Markus was fed up.
He quickly got out of his car, grabbing his M4 along the way. He rose to his full 6'8 stature, and raised his weapon.
"Are you saying I cant defend myself? IVE FUCKING SEEN THIS SHIT HAPPEN! I have survived this long without much help! I'm a fucking Ranger! What the hell are you? A Captain. I don't give a shit what your fucking rank is. The military is GONE! I can protect myself, and I don't need some stubborn dumbass telling me other wise. Your to fucking simple minded to understand that no matter what we do, we will die! The undead have numbers! Humanity DOES NOT! ALL IT TAKES IS A SECOND TO FUCK UP, AND WE'RE ALL FUCKING DEAD!" At that, Markus raised his weapon at Sebastion.

11-25-2012, 12:58 AM
"Girl! That type of attitude will ensure your defeat. You must not be hopeless. If that base can be cleared, your group will have a defensible and protected area for the winter. There would be much more room, and plenty of room to grow food. Think about it. We could have a veritable fortress." He then grabbed her shoulder. "It would make those in your group who can't fight safer, a chance to rebuild, if ere so slightly, a form of civilization."

11-25-2012, 01:00 AM
Jayy grabbed quickly onto her wrist and pulled her back, pulling her close to him. As he held her there tightly, he whispered in her ear. "Instead of going off alone now, stay the night at my safe house and leave tomorrow so you have a promising light source." He spoke softly, almost as if it was a tickling chill. He released her and looked slightly away.


Rave looked at him with a sad smile, "no I actually don't have a group at all. I've been alone for a while." She grabbed lightly onto his upper arm, dizzy from falling backwards.

11-25-2012, 01:04 AM
He faced Markus, and stared him right in the eye. "That's right. all it would take is a single mistake, maybe. You are a ranger, yes. Rangers stand and fight for those that can't. But you, driving around, running from the problem. Is that really the ranger way? This is bad, yes. We are outnumbered. But of we stand together, there is nothing we can't accomplish. And, if in the end, we do all die, we will die knowing that we stood against this darkness, and died with our boots on. Thinking only of ourselves is wrong. You know this. Would you abandon a fallen comrade? would you run away, even though he laid there, on the ground, crying for help? I do not think you would. All I am asking of you, is to do what you were trained to do. Fight for those who can't. Be strong, be brave. You are a Ranger. You know that what I propose is our best shot."

11-25-2012, 01:11 AM
Ophelia POV:

She took into consideration his offer, carefully balancing the pros and cons of the proposal. Her eyes lowered, then ascending back to his face, nodding. The opposition of night did leave her vulnerable to the elements, and nonetheless adversaries such as the dead.

Alden POV:

He steadied her with a free hand, questioning, "'Been alone for a few days'? You mean you've had companions?"

11-25-2012, 01:21 AM
"Not a few days, more like a few months. My last companion was my brother, Jayy, you haven't gotten anyone in your group by that name have you?" Rave looked at him desperately. "He and I got separated a while back ago during a huge horde passing through. He was on one side of a town scavenging while I was on the other, the crowd cut us apart and we couldn't get back together." She let go, her gentle touch fading from his arm as she looked away. "I didn't mean to bother you with such a question. Or my past of what happened."


Jayy smiled as he started to step away from the group, heading to the sidelines to watch. Not wanting to get in the way of Markus's perfect shot, he also gently tugged on Ophelia's wrist. "Just trying to keep you safe." He looked at Markus again, seeing the anger run off of him like a waterfall.

11-25-2012, 01:25 AM
"You're not fucking helping your case. I've seen more shit than you can believe! I did shit you can't believe! I never fucking left anyone behind! Keep talking to me like a damn recruit, and I'll show you the Ranger way asshole."

11-25-2012, 01:31 AM
"Then act like it. I'm all for survival, but it cannot be done alone, not for any length of time. Not with an enemy like this. Part of you has to know this. So, soldier, what is your choice. Are you gonna be part of the pack? Or are you gonna be a lone wolf?"

11-25-2012, 01:32 AM
Ophelia POV:
Ophelia retreated to stand at Jayy's side, observant of the scene. The outcome was ambitious to her. If someone was going to be shot, she sure as hell wasn't going to be it.

Alden POV:
"Tell you what," He said, noting her melancholy expression, "I'll help you find your brother, if you help me find Ophelia- the missing member from my group."

11-25-2012, 01:34 AM
Sebastian will you leave the man alone already? I don't blame him for wanting to not side with you! You're annoying as hell! Not to mention all your fucking boasting!" Jayy snapped at him, his eyes glaring angrily at him.


Rave smiled and looked at him sweetly, "Alright. I can do that. But before we do, it's going to be too dark to be searching soon."]

(Have this turn around shall we? DF, I'm gonna PM you with one of my ideas for our characters. lol)

11-25-2012, 01:36 AM
Markus was getting extremely tired of this man.
So, he did a quick jab to the his jaw.
"Keep calling me soldier. See what the fuck happens."

11-25-2012, 01:40 AM
Using his training, he attempted grab the wrist before it hit him, and twist the arm behind Markus's back, kicking at the back of Markus's knee to try and bring him down. "You are a soldier, you took an oath to defend this country, and all it's people. Not just yourself."

11-25-2012, 01:49 AM
Ophelia POV:

"Guys, stop. This isn't what we need right now..." Ophelia stated. She took a step forward at an attempt of intervention, cognizant of the size they had on her. She could never quell the altercation.

Alden POV:

"You're right." He stated, raising his attention back to the forest. "Do you want to make camp in the trees? If a horde comes, they wouldn't be able to get to us while we sleep. We could find a way to attach ourselves to the trees so we won't fall off."

((I have to get off. Sorry guys. It's been fun :) Holding off 'till I can get on- which'll most likely be Monday, but I'll see if I can get on sometime tomorrow. Although, it'll be tricky..))

11-25-2012, 02:02 AM
(He already hit you, but whatever.)
"There is no country to defend anymore!" He launched his body forward, effectively pining Sebastion on the ground, and releasing his hands from his grasp.
He landed two blows on his stomach and one on his chest, using very little of his obvious strength. He wanted to simply incapitate the man, and leave with anyone who wanted to go with him.

11-25-2012, 02:08 AM
Rave nodded and pointed into the tree she was just in. "This one could work for now if that's good."


Jayy stepped close behind Ophelia, unsure on how the guys' fighting would go.

11-25-2012, 02:22 AM
(Holy hell, guys, seven pages already, at least on my phone. Could someone fill me in on what happened? I'm on my phone and the internet still sucks. Maybe a little later I can get to the computer that's hardwired to the internet.)

11-25-2012, 02:23 AM
((not much, really/ I am seriously considering dropping out))

11-25-2012, 02:40 AM
(Are we anywhere that is not the alley? I am now on hardwired computer, so I can respond.)

11-25-2012, 02:44 AM
((right out front of it really, the story hasn't moved forward at all, I've tried to move it, but we are realy just standing around))

11-25-2012, 03:00 AM

Zukav stood in the dark part of the alley with Ivan and whispered to him, "Jesus are all military officers so full of themselves? They butted heads quickly. Want to break it up?" Ivan snickered and had his warhammer out in an instant. They noted that the men were both on the still standing. "I'll crack some bones and you'll have guns at the ready." Ivan sprung and smashed Markus in the chest with the butt of the hammer, knocking him to the floor. He spun the warhammer around and did the same to Sebastian. Both seemed startled at Ivan's sudden entrance, giving Zukav the opportunity to unveil herself with two rifles pointed at the heads of both men.
"Hello," he said after the attack. "Nobody cares if you two were in the military, Rangers, or even fucking Boy Scouts. It'll help, sure, but it's no dominant factor. The simple fact that you two have come to blows so early speaks wonders of the both of you. Anyway, none of it matters now. What matters now is finding some place to stay for a bit until we can figure out a more permanent place to stay. Don't even try to shoot me, please. Zukav has guns trained on the both of you. If you fire at me, whether you hit, kill, or miss, she'll shoot at you, too. So don't shoot, please. But anyway. Sorry to be such a dick, but you two kind of deserved it. My name is Ivan, and this is my sister Zukav. No hard feelings?" He knew he wasn't off to such a good start, but these two airheads needed to be brought down a notch or ten. At least he was polite. "So, where to?"

11-25-2012, 03:20 AM
"I'm fucking tired of this." He grabbed his gun, and walked back to his car.
"Fuck you both! I don't give a damn about my life! Anyone who wants to come with me come on."
He was fucking tired of this bullshit. He punched to shut the dumbass up. He was by no means an "airhead"
He sat in his car,and waited

11-25-2012, 03:23 AM
Jayy looked at Markus, seeing as he was angered, and walked over to his car. Speaking quietly to him, he offered something. "Instead of being here, we could stay at my safe house for the night. Do what you will in the morning. Leave or figure out another plan. I'm offering this as a friend, not an enemy," Jayy looked around as he spoke, making sure Sebastian couldn't hear him.

11-25-2012, 03:35 AM
((Calling Markus an airhead was something going on in Ivan's head - it wasn't said aloud. So unless Markus can read minds, that shouldn't be an issue. I've also made a post in the OOC about Markus, Sebastian, Ivan, and Zukav.))

Zukav knew that she wasn't going to follow Markus, and she knew Ivan wasn't either. The man came in and almost shot them all. That was it. He was a Ranger, and he wanted to go to some military base or something, but he clearly had some anger issues. Neither of them seemed to be in the right here. They both expected everyone to fall in line behind them and got mad when it didn't work. Disgusting.

((Got to go. I'll be on my phone.))

11-25-2012, 03:45 AM
(Sebastian isn't Ranger. Markus is. Markus is not trying to get people to step in line behind him. He went there to see what was going on.)
"Jump in. Tell me where to go." He clenched his jaw, and clenched his fists until the bumps on the steering wheel began to hurt. His anger was beyond rage. He was trying not to go out and shoot everyone into oblivion.

(Also, I read that wrong. Excuse the airhead and Markus knowing of it.)

11-25-2012, 03:58 AM
(My mistake. I'll go back and change things around when I can.)

11-25-2012, 04:50 AM
Jayy nodded, and opened the back door of the car, and let Ophelia in first before getting in himself. Leaning on the driver and passenger seats, he told Markus the way there. "Go straight then take a right, third house on the left." He looked at Ophelia, then outside to where Sebastian and the two others were at.

(Make sure we hold off a bit until DF is able to get on again, that way she doesn't fall far behind. Ophelia, DF's character, had already planned to go back with Jayy, so that's why I kinda controlled her into the car. lol. It's not gonna be a rape-fest.)

11-25-2012, 05:14 AM
Sebastian stood up and dusted himself off. The punches had stung, but his armor had absorbed some of the force. Picking up his peaked cap, he brushed it off, and righted it. "You just don't get it. None of you do. They will keep coming. They will not stop until we are all like them, or consumed. The only thing we can do is dig in and hold them off as best as we can. If we run, they will follow. We need to band together. If we do not, they will pick us off. Look at them, you've seen them. Do they fight amongst themselves? No, they do not. They move as a collective mass. It could be said they work together. If we do not do the same, anything else will only lead to our own destruction. If even now, this does not convince any of you, then go. God and die, for that is all that will happen. I was ready, and am ready to die if necessary. But know this. Your death will be futile. You will have accomplished nothing. But follow me. Let me lead you to safety, trust in me, and I promise you, we all will come out alive."

11-25-2012, 05:13 PM
A Figure can be seen running down a Street, that as any other area in this town, is covered in blood and remains of the Shadows meals. The Figure appears to be running away from a small corpse, that appears to be missing his head. The Figure when inspected closer seems to have a Backpack on his back, In his left hand a Sypher III Laser Pointer, That have a different lens to act like a Flashlight. And in his Right hand, A Snut Nose Revolver. Jonas begins to talk silently to himself "It wasn't him... It was something that looked like him, It had a Hunters Instict..." Pointing the Laser Pointer infront of him, he notices a couple of Infected. Not wanting to end up like them, He points the Snub Nose Revolver towards one of the Infecteds heads, Pulling the Trigger as Gunshot is heard through the entire street and possibly the city.

11-25-2012, 07:15 PM
Ophelia POV:
Ophelia hesitated at the acute sound of gunfire, which she estimated was a street or so away. "Hey, did you guys hear that? It sounded like a bullet. I thought we were the only ones in this town..." Ophelia bit at her lower lip, her leg muscles coiling in her seat. "Should we investigate?" She peered out a window, her eyebrows knitted slightly as she examined her surroundings.

Alden POV:
"Yes, that one could work. Do you want to go first while I think of a way to strap us in?" Alden questioned.

11-25-2012, 07:54 PM
(I hope you don't mind that I sort of controlled Ophelia for getting into the car. Haha..)

Jayy nodded to her, but then looked at Markus. "Markus, you can stay here or come with. I'm gonna go see what that was. Same with you, Ophelia," he looked at Ophelia as he spoke, a questioning look on his face as if wondering if she was coming with him or waiting there. He opened his car door and put his left leg out of it, getting ready as if he were going to leave. Silently getting out and unholstering his gun, he shut the door and started jogging slowly towards the sound. He looked back, checking to see if anyone was coming with.


Rave smiled and looked around her surrounding, "Well I don't think we'll find anything to tie around us for the night, but maybe there's a crook higher up in the tree that could work. Almost as if it were a cradle," she said as she looked upwards into the darkened tree.

11-25-2012, 08:10 PM
Ophelia POV:
Ophelia, bow in hand, trailed after Jayy. She was inquisitive about the source of the noise; the gun fire could also attract more walkers, thus leading to an invasion. If there was an opportunity to chastise the one who fired the weapon, she would- more than likely- proceed to do so.

Alden POV:
"That's true." Alden pursed his lips, "I suppose we could take watches to ensure we don't fall out while the other sleeps." He replied, humored somewhat.

11-25-2012, 08:21 PM
"I guess that could work," Rave said, her voice unsteady. "You want first found to sleep?"


Jayy waited up a bit for Ophelia but then went on as he was side by side with her once again. "Who do you think it could be? Another military man or an annoyed person who hates the military men."

11-25-2012, 08:48 PM
Jonas continued to run down the street, looking around his enviroment as more and more Walkers appear from the small houses and Apartment Blocks. "Shit... The Shadows heard the noise. I have to get going, before my light ends as well." Saying so, He began to run even quicker when he realised the fatal mistake he had made. "Fuck... The Gun Shot must have attracted them... If I'm lucky I might be able to make a bigger decoy..." He searches in his right pocket, and takes out a small box, And begins to unscrew the Lens to the Laser Pointer, And Puts the Lens back in the box, taking out a new one and closes the Box, putting it back in his pocket and continues to run. He notices a car that appears to be larmed. Jonas aimed the Laser at the Mechanism that would trigger the alarm, as smoke begins to come from the Mechanism, and the Sirens begins to scream like crazy. Jonas began running as the siren began shouting and looked back, seeing most of the Walkers are going towards the car instead of him. He continues to run into the Streets, hoping to meet someone soon.

11-25-2012, 11:33 PM
Markus had already driven a few blocks, when the girls finally got out and went to the source of the gunshot.
He hid his car, and grabbed his M4, holstered his pistol, and grabbed two shotguns from the back of his car, and enough slugs to kill a few dozen undead.
He jogged up to the duo, and handed them the weapons.
"Just put your weight on your front foot to avoid being blown backwards. Hurts like hell." He shouldered his weapon, and was ready to run at a moments notice.
Markus didn't like being so out in the open, especially in the city. The gunshot very well could have been a ploy to trap someone and kill them for their supplies.

11-26-2012, 01:28 AM
Jayy nodded to Markus, accepting the gun and holding it the way he had been told. He looked softly at Ophelia then away as he took a few steps forward.

11-26-2012, 03:22 AM
Ivan looked to his sister and asked what she wanted to do. Everyone else has run off. "Want to follow them or just run off?" Zukav shrugged. "Let's go toward the gun. Beats the hell out of trying to not die in some city or forest." They both ran off in the direction of the gunshot.

11-26-2012, 06:40 AM
Jonas ran for most of the time, until he saw two figures. He stopped dead in his tracks while the two figures ran towards him. 'Well... This is how it ends then, just because I decided to use the gun to get away from two Shadows. Either I surrender and becomes under their mercy, or run back where a Shadow will most likely grab- No. I won't let this be the end of the road!' And as the figures came closer and closer, he turned to the right and ran towards the Alley. He took chairs, small furniture and such and threw it behind him to slow down his pursuers. Jonas drawed his Snub Nose Revolver and made a sharp left turn to ensure that he gets behind his pursuers. Jonas Ran down the Alley leading back to the street, behind where the pursuers had been.

11-26-2012, 07:40 AM
Markus saw the man come up behind Ophelia and Jayy, and saw the snub nose revolver in his hand.
He quickly aimed at the man.
"Nice try! Lower your weapon!"
He wanted to approach this man in a more polite manner than before, or else them he would definently kill.
"You've just alerted about every Walker in the city, and most likely a group of survivors not far from here. Tell me your name."

11-26-2012, 12:00 PM
Ophelia whipped around, a scowl plastered to her face. How many idiots were going to be pointing guns are her face today? Captious, she eyed the new comer and his weapon, weighing the odds of an arrow finding his heart before a bullet found her brain. She was in no mood to eschew the situation, but she was in no mood to die, either. Ophelia, with an arrow directed toward the pavement, had her boots remain unpenetrable from the ground.

11-26-2012, 03:47 PM
Jonas realised that he was as good as dead if he did one thing wrong, even if he didn't point the gun at anyone and didn't think to shoot anyone He thought only one thing. 'I have to get good with them, or convince that guy with the Rifle not to shoot-' He looked behind the Man with the Rifle, he saw atleast twenty Shadows (Walkers) wandering closely nearby, yet didn't walk towards them directly. Jonas said towards the male "Well, I might as well introduce myself properly, My name is Jonas Brockwood, I am Seventeen years old, Born in Florida and I've been hidding in the High School for a while. And, I recommend you do not shoot and just talk speak very quiet. If you look behind you, you'll understand what I mean." He lowered his Revolver, in hope for the Man to lower his as well.

11-26-2012, 04:03 PM
A zombie shambled forth, its decomposed complexion quite astute in her eyes. Ophelia positioned her bow, releasing an arrow to take down a walker that was drawing closer to Markus. She could always retrieve it later, right? "This isn't time for introductions. Let's just kill these bastards which you have clearly drawn here. Kill first, talk later." She produced a blade from her belt, clinging to the handle with an inflexible grip.

11-26-2012, 04:42 PM
Jonas looked at the Female behind him with the bow, and said silently to her "How should I know there were a group closer to me? I was attracting them behind with my Laser to activate the alarm, If you see another larmed car, tell me and I can attract them to the car." He aimed at one of the Shadows approaching Ophelia and pull the trigger, a loud gunshot is heard, as the Shadow approaching her falls flat on the ground. "Besides, Fighting 'em all sounds dull and unoriginal, Charge 'em and they'll group up. We should just run off and distract them, or just hide in the darkness."

11-26-2012, 05:04 PM
"Sure, like they won't find us if we hide." Ophelia glowered, driving a knife into the skull of a zombie. Retreating, she panted with effort as the numbers began to multiply. Ophelia absorbed the vast number of walkers approaching, and with much disdain addressed Jonas, "I guess running away doesn't sound so bad.."
((I think we should hold off until the others have posted.))

11-26-2012, 05:34 PM
Jonas turned around and cocked the Revolver, aimed at the Shadow and pulled the trigger, as the Shadow falls down and parts of its brain is flown out of his skull. Jonas said "Well, Run or do some bullshit last stand? Because for me, I would rather go back to the High School then this, I atleast managed to hold them off there..." And cocked his gun again, looked at one of the Shadows, he noticed that it had some matches in it's pocket. Jonas concentrated his Laser pointer at the pocket, as it is set on fire and the shadow began flailing its arms around, and collapsed on the ground."Do you see anything I can reach to give us somekind of advantage? I can set stuff on fire with the laser pointer..." He said to Ophelia.

(Too late, Sorry. I'll just wait now.)

11-26-2012, 07:42 PM
"You have no idea what the hell you just did! Fire doesnt kill them! It doesnt destroy the brain!" The zombie that was caught on fire got back up, and the fire began to spread to numerous more zombies.
"Run!" He didnt wait for the bunch. He just began running straight ahead, favoring his pistol for his M4. He cleared a way, and ran back around the horde, getting behind them to get to his car.
He shot off a few rounds, alerting some of the horde. Runnin back to his car, he started it up and drove straight into the mass. His front bumper took a beating, but his car still drove on strong.
Looking out his rearview mirror, he saw them get back up, and more fire spreading to more zombies, and some buildings catching fire.

11-26-2012, 09:20 PM
Ophelia scowled to Jonas, her eyes blazing a green inferno. "You idiot! Now not only are there zombies, but a fire!" She drove her knife into a walker as it made it's way at an oblique gait toward her and Jayy. The flames from a walker lapped ardorly at her flesh. She yelped as a small tongue of fire fingered at her skin. She beat,frantic, at the diminutive patch of torrid flame. The fire from her body extinguished, she examined the consequence of the damage. What superseded the fire was a small path of simmering flesh on her left bicep. Ophelia lunged to her right as a walker howled past, aflame. "C'mon, Jayy, we gotta go!" Ophelia grappled for Jayy's shirt, an iron grip on the material as she weaved her way to Markus's vehicle, the gun he had administered to her in her right fist.

11-26-2012, 09:47 PM
(Uh, In the middle of the Street I didn't know one burning zombie could reach houses atleast 5 meters away, but oh well.)

Jonas looked as the fire spread from building to building, more and more Shadows approached Jonas. He shot The closest Shadow to the car before he ran over to the Car, opening the door and looks back, firing another shot at a Shadow close to him and hops in to the car, closing the door to ensure that the Shadows don't get in.

"Well, That meeting sure as hell ended in a great way. And I've been told I'm in an Idiot and a threat Four times so far." Jonas said so in a rather calm voice to ensure not to seem like a douche or someone who's going to nag. "... I'm sorry. I paniced and didn't know, I've spent a couple of months hidding in a High School crawling with Shadows."

11-26-2012, 11:24 PM
(Zombies can run too XD)

Jayy gasped as he was pulled back by his shirt, nearly falling over but didn't. He looked at Ophelia as they had ran their way to Markus's car, his eyes looking back at Jonas in a sorry filled glare. "T-Thanks," he said quietly to Ophelia as he looked down. He didn't know what came over him that made him stop thinking and acting.

(I won't be on for a bit, I'm sorry. Parents taking laptop again >_<)

11-26-2012, 11:44 PM
Ophelia entered the vehicle as briskly as her injury would prohibit. Ophelia glanced over at Jayy, nodding hastily in reply to his thanks. She withdrew a water bottle from her backpack, trickling the lukewarm liquid along her burn. She hissed at the affliction, agony inking her arm. The burn pulsated with rage as she gazed at it, her stare incredulous. How could she have managed such a folly? Ophelia swallowed an aspirin from a bottle formerly in her backpack. Leaning her head against the headrest of the car, her eyelids falling shut, bequeathed simply by exhaustion.

((I have to go, too :( ))

11-26-2012, 11:45 PM
(One zombie caught more zombies on fire, which led even more to catch on fire, and when Markus made some of the zombies come after him to hit them with his car, they then spread the fire to a building. I didn't make one do all that.)
Markus looked in the back of the car, and stared straight at the kid.
"What are shadows?"

11-27-2012, 01:25 AM
Zukav turned the corner just in time to spot the car speeding off down the road. "Damn it!" she whispered. "We got left behind." Ivan nodded. "We could go back through the forest." Zukav shook her head. "It's getting late. We should find a place to spend the night. That warehouse looks likely." The both of them backtracked to an old warehouse with one entrance and set up camp to stay for the night. They weren't going to sleep yet, but it would be too dangerous to go out alone.

((THANKS FOR LEAVING THEM BEHIND GUYS GAWD. Jk. I don't mind. It actually makes for a good plot twist! :D))

11-27-2012, 08:23 AM
Jonas looked over to Marcus and said "Shadows are those things you call Walkers, Dead, Infected. I prefer calling them Shadows, A Creative way to call them and it pretty much sums it up. Shadow, Pale, Skinny Build, Killing anything or going to any area with lights, listening for noises to follow. And I survived in the High School by not putting any lights on or make any unnecessary noises." Jonas looked over to Ophelia, Who seemed to have been wounded badly while they attempted to make a get away. "S-Sorry... I really didn't intend shit to go that far. Really all I wanted was to run back to the High School, Atleast there I had food, some pretty sturdy shelter and I didn't fuck peoples life up."

11-27-2012, 09:29 PM
"Well now you're stuck with us until sunrise tomorrow. I sort have a thing where I don't want anyone going on their own at night. Doesn't seem fair for me to watch them leave and have a bigger chance of getting eaten," Jayy looked at Jonas, then at Ophelia. He moved closer to her, and touched her shoulder lightly, hoping not to hurt her. "I've got burn ointment at the safe house. If that's what you need." He looked at Markus and nodded, "Head straight, past the fire caught buildings, and turn left. Safe house is there. Thank gosh it didn't catch fire or have any zombies near it." He smiled slightly then joked, "Just be warned, there are zombies there with me. Just not alive. They act like a repellent when scattered around the house outside."

11-27-2012, 09:57 PM
Ivan and Zukav had been walking for a while, and they took a few turns along the way. "You have any clue where we are?" Ivan asked. Zukav shook her head. "No clue. We're lost. The warehouse wasn't this far away. Where the hell are we?" Ivan snorted. "Haven't the foggiest. We'll just have to find somewhere else to stay."

11-28-2012, 04:59 PM
Jonas was thinking for a while, as the Car with the Four People continued down the Street, He realised what it was that bothered him. "Weren't you guys five? Since I saw The Driver, The Sadly Wounded Ma'am over there, You, And two other Teens." He said openly in the Car, with a slightly worried tone in his voice.

11-28-2012, 09:42 PM
Ophelia smiled gently to Jayy, appreciation glittering in her eyes. "We left those two other teens behind." Ophelia stated, remorse lacing her tone. She glanced out the window, applying pressure to her lower lip with her teeth. Should they return to them?

11-28-2012, 09:59 PM
Jonas looked at her wound, and then most of her face, It was clear she suffered physicly, But the Mentally he could not imagine, All he thought for himself is that, He was a real asshole, First attempts to run off from the Group, then causes the injury of another and then sets the whole place on fire, leaving two of their group behind. The thought was just mind numming, and he felt weak in his legs, his head felt heavy as he drifted off to sleep, One due to how tired he was, and second, from the state of Depression. All he heard in his head was screams and shreaks from Masked Teens, Running away from a burning horde of Shadows, The sound of one of them falling, and hordes of Shadows munching on her. But of course, It was all in his own mind, not reality.

11-28-2012, 10:35 PM
He looked at Jonas and smirked. "Teens these days. Only get left behind because they act like aged dictators." He looked at Ophelia and nudged her. "You'll be fine, trust me."

11-29-2012, 12:04 AM
How the hell did I get stuck with these kids? Markus thought as he drove on.
His mind was tired, his body was exhausted, and he just wanted to sleep.
"We're here." He said as he hid his car in a spot.
He got out, his gun at his side.
"What's your name. Go open your safe house. I'm getting something."

11-30-2012, 01:27 AM
Jayy nodded as he opened his car door then walked over to the house, his hand fumbling over a small latch on the outside of the door that pulled down across it like a bar. He lifted it up, opening the door and looked back at Markus, Jonas, and Ophelia. "Come on in," he said, ignoring the dead bodies that lay all around the yard.

11-30-2012, 09:35 PM
Jonas opened up his eyes, as he heard something coming from the outside. He opened the door to the Car and closed it, looking over to where he had heard the noise to see what was going on. Jonas walked over towards Jayy, and asked "Why are there corpses lying about? And how long have you been in the group?" He didn't want to stay outside for too long to get the answer, he walked inside and stood close to the Entrance while waiting for an answer.

11-30-2012, 10:15 PM
((Can we please pick up Ivan and Zukav? They're just sitting in a warehouse and I can't post until they're actually able to do something. :3))

11-30-2012, 10:18 PM
(You can, You could just attempt to follow where the Car went, Or run off to the High School, Or Do other stuff ext ext. Just roleplay with yourself, You can set the area and such now.)

12-01-2012, 01:18 AM
((I'll have Ophelia come back for them, if you'd like :) xD ))

12-01-2012, 02:54 AM
That'd build a bond between the characters. Could you do that? I'm not able to make a long post tonight.

12-01-2012, 07:33 AM
"The bodies are scattered to act as a repellent for me. They keep other zombies away from the house and hide the human scent. And no, this group was just made really," He looked at Honas as he spoke, waiting for Markus and Ophelia.

12-01-2012, 12:01 PM
Ophelia hesitated as her boot made contact with a body. She deeply questioned Jayy's tactic; wouldn't the flesh induce the zombie's attention? The dead ate the dead. How was this motive of inertness designated to repel? She gazed around at his supposed counteract of the walkers, her eyes analyzing the scene. Her mind drifted, remissly, to the two other teens they had abandoned. An appreciable amount of guile surmounted her, presently. Ophelia regarded Jayy, her voice wavering, "I'm going to need some burn ointment, then I'm heading back to retrieve those two we left behind. They shouldn't have to suffer because we left in too much of a damn hurry."

12-01-2012, 09:12 PM
Jonas looked over to Ophelia, and said quietly in vain hope she would hear "You do well realise, They probably already have run off, Looking for them now would be a death sentance. What if they locked themselves in a store, Or ran off in the Forest? How the hell would you find them on your own?" in a clearly tired and mumbled off voice. He knew that looking for anyone at Night would be like looking for a Needle in a Haystack, or a Cell Phone in a Warehouse filled with Hay. He then added "Besides, If you go out into the street with no kind of bandage around the wound, You could risk it being infected and I don't think none here is a Doctor or have any pencilin."

12-01-2012, 09:57 PM
Ophelia's glare flickered to Jonas. "May I remind you that you're the cause of the injury?" Ophelia rhetorically questioned,her tone interlaced with tinges of ice. "Fine, I'll get the burn ointment and my arm bandaged. Then I'll go after them. I don't need you telling me what I should and shouldn't do." Ophelia fixated Jonas with a disdainful stare; how dare he question her tracking ability? She returned her attention to Jayy, and slipped skeptically inside of the building.

12-02-2012, 02:48 AM
He motioned her towards him, his hands rummaging through a rather medium sided bag and pulling out a small tube of ointment and a role of bandaging gauze. "I had a bit of knowledge with medicine and doctoring from my father, he was a medic in the army before he was honorably discharged. Well not so much 'honorably' I would think. More of a wounded way of coming back home." He gently touched Ophelia's shoulder.

(Where's the burn anyway? xD I don't remember where she mentioned it was. Also, don't forget Rave & Aldan. I feel like I'm letting them die....)

Rave looked at Aldan, wondering about his answer. Did he want to sleep? Or was this going to just be a trick into robbing me of what I own? She looked at him crookedly, her head tilted like a questionable dog.

12-02-2012, 01:00 PM
Jonas looked over at Ophelia in disgrace,he thought for himself 'Sure, Now that gal is accusing me of fucking everything. Even though she is the fault for her injury. If she had payed attention to that Zombie, She wouldn't get attacked. When I get the chance I'll leave this god for saken fucking group. Besides, I'll just go back home to fetch the Car, And I'll just get going.'. He walked further into the Safehouse with Aggresive Thoughts entering his mind, He laid down on the ground with a small matrass and closed his eyes.

12-02-2012, 01:43 PM
(Cherry- The burn was on her left bicep. I mentioned it in my post when she was burned. Sorry about not replying with Alden and Rave. I forgot lol. jsdkksjgsdf Now I'm trying to remember my post from last time. I'll reply once I find it...)

Ophelia POV:

Ophelia flinched as his hand made contact with her shoulder. Instinct would have compelled her to bring forth a knife, yet she came to her senses when realization struck her: It was Jayy. He wasn't going to hurt her. "What do you mean, 'honorably discharged?' What happened?" She questioned, analyzing his countenance. Ophelia had never been one to be enthralled in the comings-and-goings of the army. From her perspective, any form of government was a semblance of false security; they hadn't helped the people when the zombies began to repast on the living. Why should she trust them now? Ophelia watched Jonas as he began to set up a place to sleep. How had that kid lasted so long? She reverted her attention back to Jayy, wincing as a spasm of pain infringed the still of her arm.

Alden POV:

"If you don't mind, I think I'd like to sleep first." Alden stated, his voice light. His mind was subdued within the walls of fatigue; he hadn't had any rest for days.

12-02-2012, 06:35 PM
Rave nodded and sat at the base of the tree, she looked up as he was getting ready to give into fatigue. "Night then."


Jayy gently moved her edge of Ophelia's shirt up, carefully avoiding the burn as much as she could. Taking the first part of the gauze and the ointment, he poured a little bit of it into the palm of his hand. "Well what I mean is he had been captured in battle, the other army had overturned the camp he was staying at and taken him hostage. Beat him until he spilled the information he knew," he spoke as he gently applied the ointment with his two fingers onto her burned bicep. He looked at her softly, then back at the burn as he wrapped the first piece of gauze around it. "He told them what he knew and they shot him in the shoulder, dismembered his arm with that, then sent him back to his commander in charge. They sent him home after that for the arm and for telling secret information instead of letting death come upon him." As he finished wrapping the wound, he let his hand drop to his side and looked at Ophelia once more. "There, the burn should stop hurting by tomorrow."

(Oh. Sorry for not seeing that.)

12-02-2012, 07:58 PM
Alden POV:

Alden nodded, then inched his way up the tree. With a heaving sigh, he located a crook in the tree, and closed his eyes.

Ophelia POV:

"Thanks." Ophelia responded, digesting his earlier words regarding his father. "I'm sorry. I really am." Her own past reverberated in her mind. Somehow, Jayy's words prodded to her history: her missing siblings. Ophelia blinked back several tears. She studied Jayy a moment longer before standing, shrewdly donning her coat. When the ginger application of her outerwear ended, she grabbed her bow which lay on floor. "I'm not going to waste any time. Who knows what's happened to those two by now. If any of you wants to come along, that's fine. If you don't, I don't care. I just wanna get this shit over with." Ophelia assessed the condition of her weapons, then made a move for the exit of the building.

(Cherry-It's okay xD
Ibyys- And I can't exactly recall if Ophelia was introduced to Ivan and Zukav.. so I don't know if she knows their names. I hope it's alright if, when the time comes, she addresses them with their real names? Vis versa when they talk to her.)

12-02-2012, 10:05 PM
((Yeah, that's fine. They automatically know one another's names through dialogue.))

12-02-2012, 10:12 PM
"You go ahead, I may catch up, I may not. I'm really just going to scout the few houses around here. See if I can find anything useful while this one sleeps and god knows what Markus is doing," Jayy spoke to Ophelia with a small quirky smile, his eyes just meeting hers before he turned away.


Rave nodded towards him and looked towards the town, a slight glaze of orange covering the top of one building that she could see. She smiled slightly at the what-probably-was fire, giving her hope on her brother may being in that town.

12-02-2012, 10:25 PM
Ophelia POV:

Ophelia exchanged the smile, something foreign to her. With deft movements, she slipped from the building and proceeded down the street. Perhaps she could pick something up as well. Her braid swinging defiantly behind her, she slinked silently into the consildated twilight.

Alden POV:

Alden's eyes remained closed, his brows puckered somewhat in muted contemplation. His mission was simplistic: locate Ophelia and take her back to the safety of the group. He had been on the run for about a day now, and the only sign of other life had been Rave. Alden had a former partner, an older man around thirty or so named Rob, who had been killed by walkers. He quietly huffed to himself, his shoulders curled forward. He missed Ophelia, he really did. She was someone he confided in, someone who served as a friend, almost. He had never had any romantic inclinations before, yet as he stared off into the ebony surroundings, he detected a sorrowful pang. This search for the missing person seemed in vain. The last thing he wanted was Ophelia dead. But, what if her missing was for the best? Had she intentinally separated herself from the group? Alden released another sigh, and drifted off to a restless sleep.

12-02-2012, 11:15 PM
(Guys, I gotta back out. I have far too many RP's on my plate. Have fun)
Markus had been sitting in his car for well over five hours. His mind was a blank. He had realized life was pointless. Here, in this world, running was just prolonging the inevitable.
He had his pistol in his hand. There was one bullet in the chamber.
He pointed it to himself.
And fired.

12-02-2012, 11:21 PM
Rave bit her lip as she watched her surroundings, a few twigs being snapped here and there. She was always alert ever since she'd been traveling at nights, finding it to be much easier since the dead couldn't see her then. Her fingers ran over the roots of the tree, the rough edges digging into her skin lightly with every movement.


Jayy nodded his head down, then watched Ophelia leave. He shut the door behind her quietly, a small, heavy-duty padlock being put through the door's lock.

12-02-2012, 11:23 PM
((Well that was abrupt. Okay, sorry to hear you can't RP. RIP Markus :( ))

Ophelia whipped around, the signal of gunfire altering her calm exterior. Narrowing her gaze in the dark, she perceived next to nothing out of the ordinary. She would investigate the source when she returned. She wasn't going to have any more setbacks.

12-03-2012, 12:37 AM
Jayy heard the gunfire, its single shot booming aloud from outside. Unlocking the door quickly and stepping outside, he looked around, then back at Markus's car. He hadn't come inside yet, so maybe he went off without his car. Walking silently out onto the porch, then down the stairs to the body infested yard, he walked towards the car, the echoing of the bullet noise ringing in his ears. He peeked in the window, it too dark to see but he could still see the slump figure in the car. Markus. Backing away from the car, Jayy headed back to the house calmly, unsure of what he just saw. Was it true?

12-03-2012, 04:52 AM
((Still alive, just buried in projects for school. I'm going to have I&Z head toward the gunshot. Have Ophelia meet them along the way.))

Ivan and Zukav heard the gunshot and immediately perked up. "Guns mean people, let's go." Both of them cautiously exited the warehouse and moved down streets, avoiding zombies and heading toward the sound of the gun.

12-03-2012, 06:08 AM
Jonas woke up immedietly as he heard the Gunshot, It was nothing out of the Ordinary, Granted. But there must be something more to it then just being a Regular Gunshot. One shot Fired, Outside where Markus had been. Jonas took his Revolver that he placed infront of him in case of an attack and pushed himself up. He tried to keep himself awake to investigate what it was all about. He walked over to the Door and opened it slowly, To ensure non of the Shadows would notice him. He walked over to Marcus car and mumbled to him "You should get in... It's getting rather cold out here, Besides what are you-" As he approached the Drivers Window, He saw Bloodstain and bits of something Pink.

"M-Marcus?" He said and opened the Car's Drivers Door, As a Body falls out of the Drivers Seat, A Bullet seems to have gone through his head and hit him in the Brain, Death would be instantaneous. Jonas jumped back as the body fell out and landed with a Heavy thud. Jonas ran back to the House in shock and horror "What the Fuck Just happend?!" He yelled to Jayy, he must know something about the Murder or Suicide, he had been in the group longer then he have

(Alright, Well You wrote wrong on one of your posts then, It just confused me.)

12-03-2012, 11:23 AM
Ophelia proceeded more quickly, her guard elevated more than ever. She took out an occasional walker, still adhering to her route. In the distance, she noticed a pair of figures, heading her way. Ophelia raised her bow, prepared to take out the threat. At the last second, she halted, lowering her weapon. Confirming the people, she opened her mouth to project: "Ivan! Zukav! It's me, Ophelia!" She yelled, yet just as quickly regretted it. What if they were to shoot? She cautiously set at a light gait, closing the distance between them.

12-03-2012, 09:02 PM
(Jayy is a he, not she. xD)

Jayy walked back out, his eyes bugged. "Y-Yeah?" he said to Jonas, unsure what was needed. He saw him near the car and hestitated to a stop.

12-03-2012, 09:32 PM
Jonas walked a few feets from the View, Giving Jayy the chance to see the Body of Markus and says "What the fuck happend while I was sleeping?! Did he commit suicide, Did someone shoot him or What in the fucking world just happend?" He was still in shock, Markus seemed fine a couple of hours ago, And then all the sudden he is found dead.

12-03-2012, 09:50 PM
"He killed himself," Jayy said quietly to Jonas, his eyes looking away from Markus's body. His eyes eye trained on the ground, away from the corpse.

12-03-2012, 11:02 PM
Alden POV:

Alden thrashed violently awake sometime later, assaulted by various nightmares. His eyes wide, he peered into the indiscernible darkness, a sheen of sweat plastered to his forehead. He leaned to the right, looking down at the forest below him. "Rave, if you want to come up now, you can." Trembling and numb, he slid to the ground with a loud thud.

12-04-2012, 09:47 PM
Jonas looked at Jayy, he knew that it was true, That Marcus was now dead. He never even got the chance to say thanks for saving his life, He looked up in the sky and noticed the brightness coming from the sky. In a couple of hours, He would see a Bright Sun on top of the sky. He looked back at Marcus lifeless body and said "What should we do now? Should we give him a proper burial?", He wanted to give Marcus something. Since without him he would probably been stuck in the Shadow Horde. "Or should we just leave it to rot, 'Til that Gal with a Bow comes back?" He so far wasn't given a proper introduction to everyone, and so far only felt bad as he have ruined these peoples chances of survival.

12-04-2012, 11:18 PM
"Wait until Ophelia is back," Jayy said simply. He kept his stare away form the body and at the darkened grass.


Rave looked at him, unsure of what just happened to him. "Are y-you okay?" she asked softly as she looked up at him. Nodding to his question, she started to climb up the tree, and soon sat on the branch to wait for him to get down.

12-04-2012, 11:38 PM
Alden POV:

"Yeah," he responded, voice quavering as he landed, "I'm fine." He sank to the ground, body languishing against the bark. In the distance, he noted the faintest trace of light, barely detectable. "The sun'll be up in an hour or so. You may want to try to get some sleep, if you're tired enough." Alden took out some items from his backpack; among the items was a water bottle. He took a small sip, allowing a moment of solace before recounting his nightmare. What had triggered it? He smirked in cold humor- with no doubt, it was this hell he was living in that spurred his satanic dreams. Why had he dared question its origin?

12-05-2012, 01:29 AM
She nodded as she watched him, then climbed her way up into the tree even more. As she moved around in the tree, Rave soon got comfortable and laid there, wide awake. She stared off in the sky through the leaves, the shallow sound of dying crickets luring her to sleep real soon.

12-05-2012, 11:30 PM
Ophelia POV:

A choir of groans halted her progress and directed Ophelia's attention to the right. A walker shuffled from an alley, it's listless, milky pupils darting about its skull. Ophelia deposited an arrow into it's forehead, then slinked forward to retrieve it. Ophelia's eyes narrowed to slits as she perceived a pattern of moment in the shadows etched along the brick walls of the alley. Four or so zombies stumbled into the brittle light, their mouths agape with torturous hunger. Ophelia's burn pulsated on her skin; she hissed at the pain and clapped a hand around the injury located on her left bicep. Her boots were riveted to the concrete as a number of zombies actuated, the mere distance between the living and the dead abating. Ophelia gripped the hilt of her knife and drove it into the head of an undead woman, the walker's enraged shreiks diminishing as the bloodied blade drove deep into the withered flesh.

12-06-2012, 02:54 PM
"Fuck... I guess he finally realised that running from the Shadows is just delaying the inevitable... Maybe he just wanted his own way out. Should we atleast bring the body inside? So the Shadows won't be able to eat the remains of him. And how long time do you think it'll take until That Ophelia gal will come back?" He said to Jayy in hope of an answer.

12-06-2012, 08:40 PM
The walkers vied for her flesh. They shambled forth with an irregular gait, their hands thrust forward, awaiting their meal. A particularly rapacious walker grappled for Ophelia's braid, tugging with incessant insistence. Ophelia's yelp was severed from her throat as she fell to the side, the zombie collapsing beside her. She wrenched free her hair and struck the creature with her knife, the cold blade making contact with its temple. Ophelia scrambled to her feet, calculating how long it would take her to reach Ivan and Zukav by the time the zombie's numbers had appreciably surged. Her bow in hand, she took two erroneous shots whilst her flight, cursing as she fled. Her third arrow landed one squarely between the eyes. The zombie shuddered to the ground, devoid of further movement. Ophelia bit her lower lip, brows furrowed. If she proceeded, she would surely lead the horde to Ivan and Zukav. She didn't want any more deaths on her hands. Ophelia jabbed acutely to the right, swerving into a nearby alley of a building, which she assumed was an apartment. There was a ladder affixed to the brick wall of the building, ascending into an enigma of rooms in the lofty structure. Ophelia placed a foot on a rung of the ladder, and scaled the building. She arrived at the apex of the apartment, peering down into the swarm of zombies beneath her. "Shit!" she exclaimed, weighing the numbers. There had to be at least fifteen. With an indignant heave, she kicked her bow aside and slumped to the concrete of the roof. How much more was she going to fuck up? Her act of benevolence had metamorphosed into a calamity. She would feel little consternation if no one bothered to be known of her whereabouts. Ophelia pursed her lips, and contended against tears.

12-06-2012, 09:01 PM
Jonas sighed and looked over to where Ophelia had walked off, He now began to wonder what became of her, She did go a while ago. He said in a quiet tone "I'll go and look for Ophelia, Come if you want, Just keep up." And began to jog over to where he had seen Ophelia go. He noticed immedietly after half a minute of jogging a horde of Shadows cramping to get inside an Alley, He instantly knew something wasn't right and drew out his Revolver and jogged around the horde, Seeing Ophelia trapped in the Alley. He aimed at one of the Shadows closes to him and pulled the trigger. Then yelled at the Horde "Come on here you sick fucks!" He took out the small Revolver Magasine Roll, Searched in his pocket and took out a new one, Attaching it back to the Revolver and fires again at another Shadow.

"Come on you Light Eating Fucks! I'm right in front of you!" He yelled, as adrenaline filled his veins he aimed at another Shadow and shot, This time the entire horde began ignoring Ophelia and began walking over to Jonas.

"Ophelia! Head back to the Safe House, If I'm not back there in an Hour, Seek me out at the High School or look for Fireworks!" And began firing at another Shadow and began running away, Not towards the same street as the Safe House was at, He didn't want to bring them back to the Safe House. A Couple of Minutes later, All of the Shadows left the Alley to hunt down the new source of Sounds and Gunfire.

12-07-2012, 12:03 AM
Jayy saw Ophelia and his face just dropped as though he saw a ghost. He looked around for where everyone had gone off to, if they were in need of help or not. As he skimmed the buildings on the ground, in the moonlight he saw someone ontop of the buildings. "Ophelia!" he yelled out to her.

12-07-2012, 12:21 AM
Ophelia blinked once, paralyzed as two sources of noise penetrated her ears. Jayy and Jonas. She shakily made her way to the side of the building, an iron grip on the wall. "Jayy!" She shouted back, subdued somewhat with the thought that at least one had noted her peril. Her gaze ripped down at Jonas's voice which pierced the haze of moans below. The numbers of the monsters dwindled as they pursued a fresh target. Encouraged slightly, Ophelia lunged for her gear and began to descend the roof, projecting to Jayy: "If Jonas isn't back at the safehouse in an hour, we'll head over to the high school!" She cast a final look to Jayy before venturing back into the diminishing swarm. Retrieving Ivan and Zukav was questionable at this point.

12-07-2012, 12:46 AM
Jayy stayed put where he was, heading back onto the porch of the safehouse. He grabbed his gun from the table inside the door. He watched for any stray walkers, shooting them as he saw them.

12-07-2012, 12:55 AM
Ophelia proceeded down the street, weaving throughout the shadows of the buildings. Her bow was unremittingly emptied and reloaded, arrows retrieved in a mechanical pattern as she slayed zombie after zombie. Her mind whirled as she continued at a steady gait, her clip never once schismed or halted to bear the death of a walker. Internally, she fabricated another course of action to retrieve Zukav and Ivan. Perhaps she could gain reinforcements in the form of Jayy or Jonas, and acquire them in that fashion? Ophelia ground her teeth, ruffled by her lack of plan. As she neared the safehouse, a now familiar asylum, her muscles uncoiled in consolation. Her grip lessened on her bow as she closed the distance.

12-07-2012, 01:01 AM
Jayy saw Ophelia coming close and got up and ran off the porch towards her. He started clearing the rest of the way for her, the few stragglers following around her. Shooting them swiftly, he stopped in his place, staring at her as if she were his last hope.

12-07-2012, 01:10 AM
"Thank you." Ophelia breathed, chest heaving consequently from her plight. Her gaze remained solidified on his as she walked forward at a slow pace, mouth parted a fraction. "Jonas.. He's back there still, busting his ass." Gratitude at Jonas's heroism swelled in her chest; it was still impalpable that someone had come to her rescue. Ophelia blinked as her throat became a torrid environment, arid in it's torture. She swallowed violently as she recalled the walkers-still pursuing Jonas-and bit at her bottom lip, aghast.

12-07-2012, 01:19 AM
((I don't think I'll be able to post anymore tonight; I'm going to hold off until tomorrow. If you guys want to post like one more each, feel free. I prefer no more than that because I don't want to fall behind. I'll have a lot more time over the weekend to RP, though. Thanks guys :) ))

12-07-2012, 07:52 PM
((I don't think I'll be able to post anymore tonight; I'm going to hold off until tomorrow. If you guys want to post like one more each, feel free. I prefer no more than that because I don't want to fall behind. I'll have a lot more time over the weekend to RP, though. Thanks guys :) ))

Okay, I'll be available to RP now. This weekend seems pretty clear to me.

12-07-2012, 09:44 PM
Jonas ran down the street that he had ran down in the beginning of the Night, And looked back as the Horde of walkers shambles to get to him, He yelled back at them "Come on you slowpoke Shadows! You ain't blowing out my lights in a long time!" And looked back at the Road, Noticing the High School a couple of blocks away, A few minutes laters his heart sank, and he looked at the entrance.

The Entire Entrance had been covered in Fences and stools, desks and chairs. Jonas jumped up to the Fence and slowly climbed up, a Shadow took a grip on his foot, and he began kicking wild with his free foot, Hitting the Shadow in the head and it falls back. He climbed over the fence and landed with a heavy thud. He looked up to the Shadows and said "Ha! You damn things ain't getting me, nor are you getting in!" In a loud voice towards the Shadows.

He yelled out to every Shadow nearby "Go ahead! Try and break through! The fences ain'-" A shot rings out from behind, And Jonas falls down to the ground with wide opened eyes, He looked back for a second. He saw a man with a M4A1 Rifle, aimed at Jonas. He collapsed to the ground in shock. The man pulled out a radio and said "We got a confirmed kill, some douchebag just got over the fence and brought with him a horde, I'll bring his corpse and then we'll start burning." The man took a grip on Jonas right hand and began dragging him across the School Yard, And suddenly threw him ontop of something, or somebody. He rolled down from the Corpses and landed on the grass nearby. The men took a Jerry Can of Gasoline and began pouring it over the corpses, And backed off. A Couple of minutes later, A Man wearing a small badge saying "LT.KIM" with a Cigarrete in his mouth, and black clothes on. The man looked down at the corpses, and said out loud "Oh mighty lord up in heaven, We beg for forgivness for the lifes we have taken and the souls that have been forced in to hell. We regret our decisions and will do anything to convince you to forgive us." He then lobbed the Cigarrete onto the Pile of Corpses, enlightning anything close to it and the corpses on fire.

This, Was most likely the end of Jonas tale.

12-09-2012, 09:24 PM
"He said to search the High School if he isn't back soon. Plus the sun's coming up soon too," Jayy said to her, his face lifting to the sky. It had to be around only five or six o' clock in the morning now and he was tired.

12-09-2012, 09:28 PM
She knitted her brows and and bowed her head, blinking fiercely at tears which pierced her eyes. She was such an idiot! She had endangered Jonas because of her inane actions, and now he was most likely dead. Ophelia strode past Jayy, into the building. She was such fool, such an idiot. Ophelia bit down roughy on her lower lip until she detected blood, slumping down on the hard floor with an acute sigh.

12-09-2012, 09:31 PM
The Lieutanent looked at his men and yelled out "Alright Ladies! Time to secure this entire High School! We got loads of water and food laying about in the Cafeteria, And There are most likely som' in the Lockers of fatties, Search some of the High Schools bodies and fetch their keys!" His men began running about, entering the high school and some searching the Yard. One of them approached Jonas Body, And yet, the Soldier didn't come back after visiting Jonas. Kim noticed this immedietly and yelled "Somebody, Search behind the big pile of corpses! One man is missing." One of them approached the location of Jonas body, and saw in shock a corpse ripping into the Soldiers ribcase, his throat had been ripped into and didn't have time to yell out anything. The Soldier aimed up at the corpse and fired a three burst at it. The shots would be clearly heard throughout the entire City, attracting survivors and the dead alike.

12-09-2012, 09:34 PM
He looked at her with sad eyes, then followed her in and sat next to her. "It's alright."

12-09-2012, 09:35 PM
((I feel like the biggest idiot to have ever faced the earth right now, but is Jonas dead? xD ))

- - - Updated - - -

"No. It's not. It was because of me, my fucking fault, that Jonas isn't here. He's probably fucking dead." She stated, reproach laced in her tone. She turned away from him, her glare directed at nothing in particular. "It's so fucking pointless. All of this."

12-09-2012, 09:38 PM
"It's not your fault at all. He ran off on his own descisions. Not yours." He looked at her softly, and cupped her cheek so she'd look at him. "Don't beat yourself up over someone else's mistakes."

12-09-2012, 09:43 PM
Ophelia shook her head, self-disdain etched in her face. "He did the right thing. He came back for me when I had my ass hauled up on that roof." She closed her eyes, pursing her lips. "I don't even know why I try anymore. This world.. It's so bleak. So hopeless."

12-10-2012, 01:09 PM
Kim looked at the corpse of what seemed like the Teen that one of his men had shot while they tried to run off that had ripped into one of his Soldiers Chest. He looked over towards the Fence, as more Zeds grouped up around the fence, attempting to push it down to the ground. He took out his own Handheld radio and mumbled words into it "Johnson, Take a group of Five over towards the fence and eff some of those Zeds off the fence." The Radio began spouting out words, one of them being Johnson "Alright! We're gonna kill some Zeds, Boys!" And the group set off to kill the Zeds grouped up around the fence. All of the sudden, Small Projectiles are flying up right into the air with a classic Firework sound, and it blew up, Green lights, Small Flares and A Small Smile Face was seen up on the sky with all kind of colours.

12-11-2012, 12:12 AM
(Is Jonas dead??)

Jayy looked down, remaining silent as he stared off at the ground. He wasn't sure of what to say so he didn't say anything.

12-13-2012, 01:01 AM
((Yeah, he got shot and then set on fire. I'd say it's safe to say he's dead.))

12-13-2012, 07:46 PM
((The posts were a tad puzzling, so pardon my ignorance XD))

Ophelia stood on unsteady legs, swallowing roughly. "Well, I suppose we shouldn't wait here for them.." Ophelia directed her attention the entrance of the building. "I'm going back out there. To find them." She stared in contempt at her bow. That fruitless weapon. That one which almost got her killed. She slung it over her shoulder, not bothering to occupy her hands with it. Her arrows were diminishing. There was no point. "If I can't find them, Ivan and Zukav, I'm heading back to my group. You can join me. I don't care. I just need to get back to them." Her mind raced for a moment, as she recounted another member. "Where is Markus?" She paused, quizzical, and faced Jayy with a perplexed look.

12-13-2012, 10:28 PM
He pointed to Markus's car, then stopped. "Help me grab what we need from the safe house then we'll leave for them. Maybe head to your group afterwards." Jayy avoided the question about Markus now, his face straight with no emoiton.

12-13-2012, 10:48 PM
"Alright..." Ophelia responded, analyzing his face. She shook her head slightly and dropped her bow, palming one knife in her right fist. "What do you need?"

12-15-2012, 01:25 AM
"My guns. And my photo album," Jayy spoke softly, considering on bringing the food or not. Deciding on not, he entered the house and started towards the upper part of the house, going to grab his guns.

12-15-2012, 03:11 AM
Ophelia nodded tersely and trailed behind him, uncertain as to where his intended items lay. She put her knife in her belt with trembling digits, her breath quavering as she did so.

12-15-2012, 03:22 AM
"Pick one or two. Just for backup incase that knife doesn't work in a crowd," Jayy said as he looked at her softly. He opened the duffle bag to her and a small smile appeared and disappeared quickly.

As the sun was rising, Rave started to wake up, her arms rising to the air as she yawned. "Oh god this is gonna be a horrid day."

12-15-2012, 03:35 AM
She selected a pair of guns and placed them in the bag. She hesitated at the opening of the duffel bag, her hand quivering. Ophelia gently laid her palm on the top of his hand, her eyes averted. "Jayy, I.." She withdrew from him and retreated a few paces, "nevermind."

Alden POV:

"You can say that again." Alden replied. He stood steadily and offered a hand to help her from the tree, pondering whether or not she needed it.

12-15-2012, 03:57 AM
(Lovey Dovey Post Coming Right Now... Stay Tuned... XD)

Rave smiled at him for offering his hand but pushed it away as she jumped from the tree. She stumbled forward from the jump, and fell against Alden, her head hitting his chest. "Oh! I-" she started to say as she backwards away, her face becoming red from blushing. "Sorry."


Jayy looked at her, his body shadowing over hers as he looked down on her slightly. Wondering what she was going to say, he questioned her softly, "No, please say it Ophelia." His hand balled up as he stopped what he was doing, only looking at her now.

12-15-2012, 03:58 AM

((Edit: I had to. Couldn't resist. I'm sorry.))

12-15-2012, 01:47 PM
((LOL. Doctah love's in the da house y'all.)))

Alden POV:
"Hey, don't worry about it..." Alden extended his arms forward to steady her, his hands making contact with her waist.

Ophelia POV:

No. I won't let this happen again.The thoughts echoed through out the vicinity of her mind as Jayy towered over her. Sure, she felt a sense of elation. Joy, even. Yet...

"No. I can't." Ophelia allowed herself to take a single step back, her eyes remaining adhered to his. She questioned his balled fist, which her eyes found subject to wander to.

((Lololol Alden, you dog. I'm so bad at romantic posts. I'm pathetic.))

12-15-2012, 04:50 PM
((So he's blunt. I am too. Subtlety is not my forte, and apparently it isn't Alden's either. I say good job! It certainly gets the point across.))

12-15-2012, 05:08 PM
((Haha, thanks! Means a lot :) ))

12-16-2012, 06:21 PM
(lol I just find lovey stuff to be funny, that's the only reason I did it. x3)

Rave looked down at his hands, a small giggle escaping from her closed lips. "Alright," she said as she looked away as well as backed up.


Jayy looked away from her, and nodded, "Okay, I understand." Zippering up the bag, he flung it over his shoulder and headed for the stairs.

12-16-2012, 06:36 PM
Alden POV:

He allowed himself a tiny moment of elation, a diminutive form a chuckle to escape his lips. Alden fingered for his holster, assuring himself that his gun was present. "Okay. You wanna move out?"

Ophelia POV:

C'mon, you fucking idiot! Do it! Do it! Her thoughts urgently whispered in her mind. Ophelia's thoughts contended with each other- should she allow herself? As if in a stupor, Ophelia moved forward, her hand reaching to brush Jayy's shoulder. Her voice was slightly poignant, "Jayy. Wait."

12-16-2012, 06:46 PM
Rave nodded, a small embarrassing smile pursed her lips. "Yeah. Should we check the town first? See if anyone is there or scavenge for supplies?" she suggested to him as she pointed north towards the town she saw.


Jayy stopped and looked at her, turning back to her until her hand just touched his chest. "Yeah?" he spoke softly. He looked into her eyes, studying them for an answer.

12-16-2012, 06:55 PM
Alden POV:

"That sounds good. If Ophelia, the group member I'm looking for, is still alive, I bet she'd try to find supplies, as well. It's a good place to look." Alden's mouth split in a small grin as he took the lead, striding in the direction she had indicated.

Ophelia POV:

God, I'm such an idiot.... Ophelia thought. Ophelia elongated her short body by standing on tip-toes. Straining with effort to reach him, she allowed her lips to softly graze his. Her eyelids fell to a gentle close and she exhaled slightly.

((I'm such a rubbish romance RPer. I apologize!))

12-16-2012, 07:21 PM
(Don't worry about it! No one's perfect! :) )

Rave nodded and started walking that way too. She was just close to his side, keeping an equal pace with him.


He leaned down to her, his hand gently going out to keep her steady as it fell to her side. Jayy kissed her gently, his lips soft against hers.

12-16-2012, 07:28 PM
Alden POV:

They had advanced along for roughly ten minutes, gait synchronized as they proceeded. "So. How do you feel about this.. whole.. zombie-infested world?" He glanced down at her, keeping his peripheral alert.

Ophelia POV:

Ophelia's mouth formed a small smile against him. Her hands ventured up, clasping behind his neck as she did so. She retreated from him and ducked her head as a heated blush spawned on her jovial countenance. "Alright. That was worth it."

12-16-2012, 07:48 PM
Rave looked at him, keeping pace still. "I think it's pretty depressing but still pretty cool. I see it as I got to kill all the assholes that used to pick on me over who I was. And well, watch them get eaten. Kind of a gross and gore-filled life now though. What about you?" she looked straight as she spoke.


Jayy wrapped his arms around her waist and smiled back at her. "Worth every second," he said softly, looking into her eyes.

12-16-2012, 07:59 PM
Alden POV:

"Well, I think I look at it as a daily struggle to survive. You never know if one of those zombies are going to be eating your ass, you know? But I suppose, viewing it in your perspective: getting to see all of those assholes in the past finally getting payback. Yeah, that's pretty nice." Alden smirked and looked up as they continued to travel along, sensing the gravel beneath his shoes as they began their pace on a road, assumingly leading up to the town. He noted a smattering of gore and carnage of walkers as he proceeded. And.. He peered closer, perceiving an angular object protruding from a walker's skull. An arrow! Ophelia's arrow, perhaps? Alden retrieved the arrow and clenched it when an unsteady fist. "She's been here." He stated, indicating to the remnant of Ophelia. Her weapon.

Ophelia POV:

She grew grave, her face hardening as she glanced up. No, she shouldn't be wasting such precious time here with such foolish.. activites. Ophelia pursed her mouth and applied slight pressure to her lower lip with her teeth, lifting her head to regard Jayy. "We should go." Her hands found his, which remained on her slender waist.

12-16-2012, 08:06 PM
"Your friend? Then let's keep going," Rave said as she took note of the arrow. Seeing as he had tensed up from seeing the arrow, she looked away.


Jayy nodded and remained silent as he grabbed onto her hand, holding it instead of her thin waist. The bag of guns rested on his shoulder as he headed down the stairs and towards the kitchen. "Grabbing some food quick too since we don't know how long it could take to get to your group." Jayy mumbled with a small smile while he dug through the pantry for a bag he had already packed. It had been a small, purse like cinch bag, so he threw that on over his arm too, on the same side as the duffle bag.

12-16-2012, 08:15 PM
Alden POV:

Alden nodded curtly and reflected on the tool of destruction which he grasped in his hand. He noted Rave's indifference, and grew questioning. He exhaled sharply and continued, his pace stiff with apprehension.

Ophelia POV:

"Sounds good." Ophelia stated with approval at his wise motive. She searched for her bow, locating it on the pavement on the building. She retrieved it and slung her quiver over her shoulder, estimating the number of arrows to be around 13. That wasn't nearly substantial if they were inundated. She trailed behind him, questioning, "Do you need any help carrying anything?"

12-16-2012, 08:31 PM
"I can handle it. I've carried most of it here by myself already, I'll keep carrying it. Besides, you have your bow to use. You can be my protection," he chuckled and smiled at her, a goofy look on his face. He felt his holster for his gun, and bit his lip as it was there. "We can go now." He looked towards the door and took a few steps before looking around the old safehouse.

12-16-2012, 08:34 PM
Ophelia's pace declined as she trailed after him, noting his emotions which flickered along his face. "Feeling nostalgic?" She inquired, a warming smile graced her lips.

12-16-2012, 11:12 PM
"Hm? No, it's just I've been in this house for the last three months. It's well, good bye for it." Jayy spoke without emotion, his face blank. He looked at her and smiled, then started for the door for good.


Rave kept walking, the silence being golden to her. She listened to the wind, to the low moaning of the zombies that were near by not too close.

12-16-2012, 11:39 PM
Ophelia POV:

She followed swiftly behind, her steps light. Ophelia moved close to his side, was aware of the heat which radiated from his body. She kept her gaze downcast, and loaded an arrow, instinct surmounting any current oppressional state of emotion.

Alden POV:

As the path protracted into the town, they began to pass multiple buildings of which were of little importance. However, as they grew closer to an austere building, his interest increased. It was a grocery store. Perhaps they'd be able to locate any last bits of food not already claimed. Alden motioned to the building, indicating it's imperativeness. "We could scout the grocery store out. Maybe there's other food left that hasn't already been taken."

12-16-2012, 11:43 PM
Rave nodded and remained silent. She pulled her pistol out and had it ready, aimed in front of them.


Jayy smiled as she got closer to him, he looking at her out of the corner of his eyes. Hearing something rustle in the bushes nearby, his put his hand on his pistol, watching for what it was. Seeing as it was only a small animal, he calmed down.

12-17-2012, 12:05 AM
((Ugh lol. Why did it post twice? This iPod is so retarded!))

Alden POV:

Alden took from his holster his gun, his arms stiff as he proceeded with a light tread. He entered the establishment primarily, taking slow steps as he went. He wandered down an aisle or two, scoping each with a circumspect air.

Ophelia POV:

Ophelia raised her bow and drew the string the instant the sound peirced her eardrums. Seeing as it was a rabbit, the muscles in her body uncoiled and she exhaled slowly. She fingered with the fletchling of the arrow, a nervous habit of her's. Her eyes ascended to observe Jayy, a small grin splitting her mouth. "I worry too much.." She said with self-contempt. She shook her head slightly, biting down on her lower lip.

12-17-2012, 01:38 AM
Jayy smiled at her as he looked at her. Turning back to see what was ahead of them, he kept walking. "So which way?" he asked as he looked around.


Rave stayed close behind him, then took to another two isles. Walking silently down them, she grabbed what she found, cans of preserved foods, and a few boxes of other types of food. She turned to go down the next isle and heard a low shuffling farther down it. Grabbing her gun with her free arm, she readied it and aimed, walking down the isle as she did so. As she got closer and closer, she saw it was a walker and quickly shot it before it saw her. The shot rung out through the store, but soon quieted out.

(<3 Like Jack & Sally, On top of Death Valley... <3)

12-17-2012, 01:45 AM
Ophelia POV:

Ophelia squinted as she surveyed her surroundings, brows knitted inward. "We should try to find the highshool. If Jonas is still alive, he can be picked up on the way. Maybe we'll find Ivan and Zukav as well. After that, all I know is I gotta get back to my group..." She sighed and grew pensive, reflecting on her group's condition. How were they functioning without her? And Alden... Ophelia kept her chin elevated, her expression solemn.

Alden POV:

A sputtering zombie lunged from the corner of an aisle. Alden doubled back in shock, his face contorted in surprise. Expeditiously, he fired once and watched the zombie wither to the tile, rivulets of dark content gushing freely from the wound. He sidestepped the undead creature, scanning the shelves for any nonperishable items. He located two cans of vegetables, both of which were not passed their expiration date, if that fact was accountable. He placed them in his backpack and glanced back at Rave to assure her safety as the sound of her own gun erupted.

(What? xD sorry, only seen like half of that movie, if I know what you're talking about ;; )

12-17-2012, 01:52 AM
Ivan and Zukav sneaked around the streets, weaving through bushes to get around zombies, occasionally taking pot shots at loners. They saw an old sign that read, "SCHOOL ZONE - 20 MPH." Ivan said gruffly, "I guess we're getting close. A school can be a defensible place."

((Just have them go to the high school. Everyone can meet up there.))

12-17-2012, 01:56 AM
(alright. Sounds good. But I have to go, so I guess I'll post tomorrow before I head to school)

12-17-2012, 02:01 AM
Rave nodded to him, "I'm alright. Found food too." She headed his way and handed him the food, her gun back in its holster.


Jayy nodded and remained silent, staying close to her as they walked. Looking around from time to time, he watched the last few birds fly away.

(The Night Before Christmas. But those were lyrics to a song... I forget which song though XD)

12-17-2012, 11:16 AM
Ophelia POV:

Ophelia increased her pace slightly and took down a trio of walkers. She retrieved her arrows sagaciously prior to scurrying back to Jayy's side. She could see the highschool nearing on their left flank. As she peered to discern the establishment, she noted the fence which encompassed along the perimeter of the building. It was free of conventions; not average. Ophelia's steps grew lighter as she approached, her mind buzzing. Ophelia glanced down swiftly to the pulsating burn on her arm. That had not fully healed, nor ceased throbbing. Exhaling sharply, she disregarded it and proceeded cautiously.

(oh, okay :) )

12-17-2012, 12:44 PM
Zukav shot down a zombie and she and her brother continued down the street. A high school came into view a little bit later and they raced to some bushes near it. For the most part, it was walled off. They simply sat in wait for something to happen.

12-17-2012, 10:15 PM
Jayy followed close to her, then grabbed her nonburned arm. "Wait, I can't lug this in with me. Too much noise," he said quietly, looking around for a place to hide everything. Seeing a low bush next to a tree, he walked towards it and looked around it, a perfect spot. Nodding to her, he started to follow again, leaving the food and guns in hiding.

12-17-2012, 10:23 PM
Ophelia nodded in his direction, acknowledging his place of hiding the items. She proceeded closer, fear quaking within her veins as they neared the school. Ophelia trembled slightly. Who knew what the hell could be in there? By the looks of it, it had already been commandeered! She furrowed her eyebrows and stepped back slightly, then grew stagnant. Was this really the right decision?

12-17-2012, 10:26 PM
A bunch of guns and food dropped right next to Zukav. Dangerously close. After just a second, she peeked out of her hiding spot to see who it was. Was that Ophelia? And who was that with her? She'd seen him before, but never got his name. She ducked back in and whispered to Ivan, "That's Ophelia and whatshisname!" Ivan immediately sprung out and casually tapped them on the shoulder, Zukav not far behind him.

12-17-2012, 10:49 PM
Ophelia whipped around, her knife poised. Her eyes widened, her face melting to some form of shock. "Ivan!" She peered behind him, "Zukav?.. Oh, my God! I thought you guys were dead!" Ophelia's face illuminated in a euphoric smile. "Thank God you're both alright..."

(Gonna take a shower. Brb)

12-17-2012, 10:54 PM
"Dead?" Zukav said. "It'd take a bit more than getting left behind in a zombie infested world to kill us. Don't worry about leaving us, we didn't have too hard a time. We had a nice warehouse and then heard a gunshot, so we went in the direction of it. Here we are!" She grinned and sighed. Ivan put in, "I wonder if the zombies originated in Vegas. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas - except zombies!" He laughed at his own joke and continued, "How've things gone on your front? There used to be more people, did they bite the big one?"

12-17-2012, 11:18 PM
Ophelia suppressed a small chuckle. She slid her arrow back into it's quiver, her knife still palmed lest they be inundated with surprise walkers. "I honestly don't know what happened to 'the big one.'" She frowned slightly. Jayy had denied any information on Markus. Why? She glanced up at Jayy, pursing her lips.

12-17-2012, 11:45 PM
((Biting the big one means dying. ;D))

"Well, we're all here, then," Zukav said. "Everyone who we know is alive, at least. Where to now? Were you about to go into the school here?"

12-17-2012, 11:48 PM
(I have never heard that term... Can I edit my post...? XDD)

12-17-2012, 11:51 PM
"Well.." Ophelia heeded the school, then the conversation, "I'm not to keen about venturing in there. It looks already taken. Does it look safe to you?" She shifted her weight from foot to foot.

12-17-2012, 11:54 PM
"Certainly not. Then again, they could be friendly - if there are even living people in there anymore," Ivan said. Zukav held him back. "There was a gunshot. Just one. That means there weren't any zombies walking around. That was directed at a person. Whether the gunman was shooting himself or someone else, it's hard to tell, but I imagine that he was killing another person. No dead walking around these parts. So I'd guess they're not friendly. I vote to not go in there." Ivan mulled it over. "I think it'd be fun, but whatever. You win. Again."

((Your post is fine. Edit it if you want, but whatever.))

12-17-2012, 11:59 PM
"Ah, yes. Putting one's life at risk. Exhilarating!" Ophelia said lightly, a slight smile on her lips. "I vote no, as well. I'm sorry, but I'm not risking it."

12-18-2012, 12:04 AM
Jayy looked at them and interrupted quickly. "What happened to everyone was; Markus shot himself, Jonas came back to this school, and the rest I don't know.." he looked at Ophelia guiltily, then down. "I say not now if there was one shot going off." He looked at Zukav and Ivan, and nodded to them, "I'm Jayy also."

12-18-2012, 12:05 AM
Zukav introduced herself and her brother to Jayy. "Pleasure to meet you. Gets a bit lonely out here, you know? Anyway..." Her voice trailed off. Ivan shook his head at Ophelia in joking dissaproval. "Risking one's life is a great pastime! You're no fun. Did you guys have a safe house or anything? We had a warehouse somewhere, but I have no clue where it is." He asked Zukav if she knew. "Nope," was her reply. "Not a clue." Ivan shrugged and said, "So if you want to go somewhere safe that you know about, we can do that, or we can run around and look for a nice place. Up to you."

12-18-2012, 12:07 AM
"We had a safehouse not far from here actually. But we're heading back to her group," Jayy retorted to them.

12-18-2012, 12:08 AM
((Removing this post for plot continuity. :3))

12-18-2012, 12:10 AM
"Yea. We are heading back to my group." Ophelia replied quietly. Her gaze averted Jayy's, anywhere but his. She glanced back up to Ivan and Zukav, "So you both are coming?"
- - - Updated - - -

(Ugh, I hate how this forum doesn't automatically update posts. I posted at the same time as you, Ibyys xD )

12-18-2012, 12:14 AM
"We'd love to come, thanks," Zukav said. Ivan humorously protested, "Aww, but sis, I had a playdate with Zander the Zombie today! We were going to do epic battle to the death: My warhammer versus his teeth! Why must you be so cruel?" She looked over to him and said, "Because I am the evil, responsible sister who keeps your ass from being eaten. I'll tell Zander he can choke on it and he'll run off home."

((There. Fixed the problem. :B))

12-18-2012, 12:16 AM
Jayy stared at them, unsure if he should've said what he did. Thinking they were crazy, he looked at Ophelia apoligetically and whispered, "Are they okay?"

12-18-2012, 12:18 AM
"What a terrible sister you have." Ophelia laughed, humored. She sensed a tremor deep in her heart; their circumstances brought forth a legion of memories similar to theirs with her and her siblings. Ophelia hadn't a clue of their whereabouts, nor their physical state. Ophelia shrugged slightly to Jayy. They seemed well enough....

- - - Updated - - -

(hate my iPod)

12-18-2012, 12:21 AM
"Yep," Ivan agreed. "She's the worst." Zukav interrupted and said, "Bratwurst, that is. Bratwurst is awesome, so therefore Ivan loves me very much. How cute." She burst into a wide smile and continued, "If you have no clue where they might be, let's just go back to where you last saw them and trace possible routes. I have a map we can do that with."

12-18-2012, 12:26 AM
"Oh, no. I think I have a general direction as to where my group is. If we continue now.. I think I'll be able to find our camp." She assured.

((What time of day is it in the RP? I've forgotten. Midday?))

12-18-2012, 12:27 AM
((Sure whatever, it's midday now.))

"Then let's go," Zukav said. Ivan said to nobody in particular, "I hope we run across a zombie or something. I wanna smash its head."

12-18-2012, 12:36 AM
"Ha. I wanna smash all their brains in." Ophelia replied flatly, reproachfully. She took the lead, weaving throughout the enigma of streets.

12-18-2012, 12:36 AM
Jayy remained silent as he wasn't so fond of the new people just yet. Turning to grab his two bags, he put them back over his shoulder and looked at them.

12-18-2012, 12:42 AM
Ivan commented to her mockery, "Imitation is the highest form of flattery, you know." Zukav decided to hang back with Jayy. "Don't worry about Ivan. He's harmless, unless you're dead. A bit immature, but he's not the bad sort." She looked up at the sky. Blue, speckled with small white clouds. What a contrast with the blackess of the destroyed city, likely once a height of tourism and income.

12-18-2012, 12:44 AM
"I can help you with those." Ophelia stated to Jayy, her eyes downcast. Still, she insisted on assisting him. Why? She didn't know. "Now that we have others, they can help defend us."

12-18-2012, 12:48 AM
Jayy nodded and handed her the bag of food, the guns still hauled over his shoulder. "Let's go now." Jayy stated clearly, looking at Ophelia for the general direction.


Rave sighed as she looked down the next isle, nothing in it that was edible except decaying flesh and puddles of drying blood. "We have enough now?" she shouted to Alden, heading towards him.

12-18-2012, 12:49 AM
Ivan went back to Zukav and said, "Hear that, sis? We're the tanks of the group now." Zukav laughed in his face and said, "Now if you want to be that way, you're the tank. I'll be the one who stands back and shoots. You're the guy who couldn't be more obvious with a motion alarm taped to his face."

12-18-2012, 12:57 AM
Ophelia accepted the bag and slung it over her left shoulder, wincing as the strap bit into her alabaster skin. She continued along the path, remaining shrewd in pace. "We'll head out of the town and into the woods. There's a field near here we can cut across to compensate for time so we don't have to go around the whole way."

Alden surveyed his haul, then Rave's, "I think so. Let's just get outta here." Alden exited the store, his spoils lightly clinking in his bag. It was appreciable, the amount.

12-18-2012, 01:02 AM
Nodding to Ophelia, he just stayed close to her and followed.


Rave smiled at him and followed him close, the last of what food she had in her hands. "Ima put this in your bag, kay?" she said as she opened his bag and quickly placed it all in there, adding to the weight by a little.


12-18-2012, 01:10 AM
((Cats are so adorable! XD <3 ))

Ophelia increased her feet's tempo as they neared the field. She paused as she scanned the crest of forest beyond the stark, withered blades of vegetation. The pines which entangled each other were barely discernible. It was a spacious field, one which beckoned and qualmed. She quelled any inhibitions and set off at a stride in the field.

Alden nodded his assent, smirking. "That's fine. C'mon, let's go." he took the lead, darting throughout the ad infinitum buildings and establishments which protruded about the town. He was aware of the field which they neared. His pace declined as they grew closer to their destination.

12-18-2012, 02:07 AM
Ivan stepped out of himself, so to speak. His demeanor and expression hardened from a jolly, joking mood, to a rough, firm look as he scanned the area for any movement as they walked toward the field. He had his hands wrapped around his pistols, fingers off the trigger and near the slide release lever, just above the trigger. Zukav had her rifle and was scrutinizing the environment behind them and a little to the sides. Ivan mostly stayed up at the front. Neither spoke, but instead exchanged glances with different facial expressions. A wide-eyed, action look meant zombies, but a calm or steely look meant it was clear, but they were unsure if it was totally safe. The latter was exchanged on numerous occasions. They took defense very seriously - it was instinct.

12-18-2012, 02:08 AM
((gotta get going. I'll reply tomorrow before I go to school. I have a nice post in mind :) ))

12-18-2012, 02:09 AM
((Bye bye~))

12-18-2012, 11:10 AM
As they reached the summit of the town, where the field intermingled with the city, Alden paused as he surveyed for any adversaries. His gun was positioned in rigid upper limbs, his biceps flexed with tension. His amber eyes flickered across the barren, listless grassland. On the other end, there lay four walkers, stumbling about the grass with inconstant paces. He cocked his head sharply to Rave, "Walkers. I got them." His arms ascended to a perfected level, where he aimed the pistol. Alden fired once, the bullet making contact with the primary walker, the once which lead them.

The moment the bullet pierced her abdomen, Ophelia unlatched her fist from her bow, the compound descending to the hard-packed earth. Her form crumpled to the ground, eyes fluttering to bring her mind to a subconscious state. The last thing she recalled prior to the world diminishing about the contour of her vision, was the crimson fluid which was emitted from her abdomen.

((maybe this'll force them back to the highschool? And, Ophelia's knocked out now so I'll just RP as Alden if she grows better- hehehehe ))

12-18-2012, 12:10 PM
Ivan dropped his weapons and tore off his shirt. He wrapped it as tightly as he could around the gunshot wound, mostly stopping the bleeding. Zukav fired a shot into the air and screamed that they weren't zombies and none of them were bit. In any case, she dove into cover behind a tree and Ivan dragged Ophelia behind another tree so they wouldn't get shot again.

((I hope there are trees, anyway.))

12-18-2012, 07:10 PM
((I think it's safe to say there are a few))

Alden immediately ceased, paling as he did. With little thought or regard to personal safety, he took off at a sprint toward the four, his weapon holstered. "Fuck. FuckfuckfuckfuckFUCK." Alden breathed, examining the scene before him. Oh, my God! Ophelia! He thought, his brain pulsating with a tempest of self-antipathy. Who were these other people? And why was Ophelia here? Alden became still, his feet adhered to the bloodied grass beneath him. He took a glance behind him to check for Rave, then immediately rushed in the direction of Ivan and Ophelia.

12-18-2012, 08:58 PM
Lt.Kim looked up into the sky, As the fireworks display what they were intended for, With a small smile, yet terrified mind put into it. How many walkers would come for 'im? He looked around for the cause of the Enlightening, And walks off towards the Fence to help fend off the Walkers. He raised his Choice of Weaponry, A OCANO Silenced M14, And aimed carefully at a couple of walkers, Shooting at them with precision. He then hears another shot coming from further away. He walks over silently to a bush, Before all the sudden being pulled in to it, A Snub Nose Revolver aimed directly at his heart, Half of the Mans face seemed burned as he whispers something "Your man is a lousy fucking shot. Heh, Hit a walker behind me."

Jonas cocked the gun and said "Now, We're going to get out of this bush, You take it easy or you will wake up, craving human flesh." He took a grip on the Lietunants Vest and slowly went up from the bush, Pulling him up in the progress. Jonas pushed the Lieutenant towards the Fence, Seeing two of his men too busy fighting off the Infected. He was unsure what to do, But still aimed high at one of them.

12-18-2012, 09:12 PM
(Wait.. Jonas isn't dead?

Oh, and I drew to this RP, lol. Opinions, please? http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/353/3/6/epidemic_by_demonic_fantasy-d5oiyhw.png )

12-18-2012, 09:25 PM
(Holy. Freaking. Crap..)

Jayy's eyes widened in shock as he rushed to her side, screaming her name. He looked at her side, the bullet wound bleeding. He hadn't noticed the new guy as his knees hit the ground hard. He just stared at her, unsure of how or what to do, as he had never had this happen to anyone before.


Rave screamed slightly as she saw what had just unfolded. Following close to Alden, she ran fast with him, soon seeing he had shot a girl, and next to the girl kneeled a boy. As she got closer she started to see more of what it was, soon seeing it was Jayy next to the bleeding girl. "Oh my god! Someone help her!" Rave exclaimed as she was nearly in tears from the sight of fresh blood.

12-18-2012, 09:31 PM
(You okay, Cherry? D: )

Alden fell to his knees, his eyes digesting the scene. How.. the hell.. could this have happened? Alden's face crumpled as he proceeded to gap at the body, the blood..

He had studied a few medical books, just a few, and had searched around the Internet before the damn apocalypse had commenced. It didn't seem like the wound had tarnished much tissue or nerve. However, Ophelia was dwindling of blood. Very quickly. The shirt wasn't aiding the cause appreciably, he noted.

"Does anyone have a first aid kit with them?" He lacked one, he found dishearteningly.

((I have to go outside for a few minutes. I'll be back in about a half hour or less..))

12-18-2012, 09:45 PM
((DAMN IT ARE YOU GOING TO KILL HER? D: If you are, then a gunshot to a nonvital part of the abdomen wouldn't kill her. Have it get infected or something. Or she gets sick.))

Ivan's shirt wasn't helping much. "Zukav! Stitches, now!" She tossed him needle and thread and he immediately set to work on patching her up. If she was going to die, he wasn't about to let her die without trying. Blood would fill the wound once it was sealed and would clot, eventually helping to repair pierced blood vessels. Muscle and sinew would grow through the clot and all would be well.

Or it would go the other direction. The blood would clot and seal the blood vessels. Then, she would have a big rupture in a major artery when the clot backed up that far and she'd die of internal bleeding. If they couldn catch it early enough, then in theory they could drain the artery, but that was far easier said than done. "Don't die," he whispered. He noticed more people coming, but he ignored them, focusing completely on Ophelia.