View Full Version : A New Dawn [OOC]
04-27-2010, 01:07 AM
[ Copied and pasted from my Gaia account XD ]
The Mysteria realm was a world unlike any other, almost like the worlds one can find in a story book. In it resided humans, much like this world, but living alongside them were creatures that resembled humans, but were nowhere close to human themselves.
However, the humans were not always residents of Mysteria.
They were particularly selfish, often stealing from each other and the other races, creating a great deal of tension and mistrust between them all. This lead to fights, which started out as simple brawls between individuals, but eventually escalated into battles, which caused chaos within the once peaceful realm.
The humans, who were perceived as the overall cause of this havoc, were banished to the Oblivion province, a state in the northernmost corner of Mysteria, cut off from the rest of the realm by a mystic barrier.
Miserable in this new land, the humans pleaded for another chance, but were denied.
The Keepers of Peace, often referred to as the KOPs, created a law, prohibiting the return of humans to Mysteria, thus trapping them in Oblivion forever. Enraged by this, many humans attempted to escape, only to be thwarted by the powerful barrier which separated them from their former home.
Fortunately enough, a few of the humans could harness magic of their own. They, like the rest of their race, wished to return to Mysteria, and banded together to escape. Using their magic, they managed to create a small rift in the barrier, which allowed them, along with a few other humans, to escape. However, the rift closed shortly after, thus leaving the rest of the humans trapped.
Knowing of the danger they were in, the humans made a promise to prove to the KOPs that humans are capable of change, and hopefully, convince them to release the humans from Oblivion.
The Place:
Mysteria is a large, dark realm, only getting around 5 hours of sunlight a day. It is made up of a series of floating islands, floating just meters above the vast body of water known as the Endless Sea. These islands are connected by wide, translucent bridges, which appear and disappear as the sun does. The islands vary in size and geography, and the largest, located in the center of the realm, contains the capital, and the KOPs' main headquarters.
The Time:
The time period of this roleplay can be described as semi-modern. Modern, but with limited electronics. Cell phones, MP3 players, cars, and the like do not exist.
PLEASE NOTE: I will only be accepting a small number of humans, as allowing too many in will present a problem.
Originally the most common race in the realm, since the law was created, no humans have ever been seen for a long time. They are considered the most fragile of all the races, with the shortest lifespan and the highest mortality rate. Appearances, as well as personalities, can vary greatly among humans.
Said to have descended from the dragons of ancient Mysteria, the Dragoons appear mostly human, with many noticeable features. Many of them have large, bat-like wings for flying (though there are some that lack this), a long, reptilian tail, and other dragon-like features. Their eyes can vary in color, though they are generally a shade of green or yellow, more often than not with slitted pupils. As with most individuals, personality can vary, though a strong trait in this race is innate cunning, and a quick wit.
Much like the Dragoons, the Canids are also humanoid in appearance, though they look more like wild dogs. They have elongated muzzles and doglike tails, are digitigrades (meaning they walk on their toes), and are completely covered in fur, the color of which can vary greatly. Canids tend to be very territorial, and will fight to the death if their home is ever breached.
Faeries possibly resemble humans the most. From afar, they can easily be mistaken for human children, but up close, it is easy to tell that they are not. Their eyes are often a bright pink, blue, or purple, and they have small, transparent wings. This race excels in magic, and can use it for any number of purposes, but the most common among this race is defense or healing
Sharrbok are relatively uncommon in comparison to other races, but are also believed to be descendants of the ancient Dragons or be a different species of Dragoon. While mostly human in appearance Sharrbok are easily discernible from Dragoons by their hidden extendable spikes as well as their more notable use of flexible spines for hair. While varying degrees of reptilian traits (tails, slit-pupils, scales, etc.) are common it is very uncommon for an individual to not have reptilian hands and feet.
I am GM, therefore what I say goes.
That being said, the board's standard rules also apply.
New races can be added to the list; when you apply with a character of a new race, be sure to add a brief description of your new race, so I can add it to the list in case others want to join as one, too.
And of course: No auto-hit, auto-dodge, killing without permission, etc.
If you have any questions, shoot me a PM, or just post in this thread.
These rules are subject to change.
Appearance: (A picture or a description, or both, I don't really care.)
Abilities: (Limit for humans is one; for everyone else, three. Either way, don't go overboard.)
Occupation: (KOP included)
Rank: (If you're a KOP; if not, then disregard this field)
Other: (Optional)
Accepted Characters:
Humans: 5 of 5
Paul Lafayette [Played by Atma-Noah]
Noctiel Vires [Played by Uncertain]
Alexander Valentine [Played by Tunnel 17]
Kaysha [Played by word_weaver96]
Mei-Hua Ming [Played by toxias]
KOPs: 3 of 10
Victtoria Aleta Sinclair [Played by AliceMalice15]
"Krath Xysi" [Played by splicer407]
Saggita Avaryne [Played by toxias]
Lianna Cerringh [Played by DemonGirl00]
Zedajah "Zhed" Liasian [Played by spirits breath]
Elly Cartharage [Played by Blue_Tornado]
Delta-298 [Played by Mr.Natas]
05-09-2010, 03:34 AM
Name: Lianna Cerringh
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Race: Dragoon
Appearance: stands tall at five-foot-ten, with a bit of an hourglass shape to her. Her fair skin is well matched with her long, caramel-colored hair, and both features make her bright green eyes stand out.
However, this is where her humanoid features end. From the knee down, her legs are covered in silver, platelike scales, and her feet take the form of repltilian talons. Similar scales are also seen along her forearms, and on her long, prehensile tail, complete with an arrowhead tip.
Her attire mainly consists of a simple, wine-colored dress. Her hair is generally tied back in a long braid, though it will occasionally be left down. Since she lacks natural wings of her own, large, mechanical wings are strapped to her back.
Personality: A rational thinker, and very level-headed. Lianna is particularly difficult to anger. She takes great pride in her mechanical prowess.
Telekinesis: Lianna can manipulate objects with her mind. The harder she concentrates, the more powerful her ability, however if she is distracted, it fails.
Telepathy: Lianna can speak to others with a "mind link", which she can open and close at will. When interacting with a stranger, she has to be fairly close, but the better she knows her target, the better her range.
Possession: If she concentrates, Lianna can temporarily take over a target's mind. In this state, however, her own body is vulnerable, and if it is attacked, the ability fails.
Occupation: Mechanical Engineer
Bio: Raised in a metropolitan city close to the capital, Lianna's life was constantly surrounded by technology. Both of her parents worked in the engineering field, and they both taught her everything they knew about the field. She learned quickly, and got a job at an early age because of it.
Over time, Lianna grew bored with the city, and began to wonder what the rest of Mysteria was like. When she came of age, she finally made up her mind to travel abroad. Her parents welcomed this idea, under the condition that she contacted them occasionally, telling them of her findings.
Other: N/A
05-09-2010, 06:23 PM
Demon girl! I remember this! I'm the girl who joined it before! I was probably Evelyna13 at the time but I may have already changed it to xXRikkuCifer at the time which is what it is now. Lol anyway I'll join again!
Name: Victtoria Aleta Sinclair
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Race: Fae
Personality: Headstrong, mischevious, determined and intellegent *
Abilities: She has the abiliy to cauterize any wound and regenerate tissues. She can also perform a small lightning charge attack as well as make a large iridecent dome shield.*
Occupation: KOP Soldier and hunter
Rank: General**
Bio: Victtoria grew up during the wars with the humans and watched her parents killed by a gang of them on her tenth brithday. Since then Victtoria has been sore towards humans ab wouldn't trust them with anything. Wanting to save others from the pain she had to go through she joined the millitary and has been rising up through the ranks since.
Other: her wings look like dragonfly wings.*
05-09-2010, 11:41 PM
I'm... afraid I don't remember you.
But if you say you remember me (or, at least my RP XD ), then I'll take your word for it.
Thanks for joining!
Your character's accepted.
But what's with the stars?
05-10-2010, 02:25 AM
Idk they've been showing up in a lot of my posts I never put them there though. Don't worry about remembering me though it doesn't matter. Cool this is going to be fun though!
05-11-2010, 02:25 AM
We just need more people!
I want to join! Problem is...I don't know what I want to be...XD
Hey alice! Looking good in my siggy ;)
05-12-2010, 01:33 AM
Hiya blue!!!! Lol thank you I just love it!! >w< ooooooh be a Canid!!! Them our characters could be like rivals or something!!!!!! ^w^
spirits breath
05-12-2010, 01:53 AM
I would have to check this out..not sure of races since I cant open them on current tech based limitations.
but I can check in the morning. ( make first male character)
05-12-2010, 02:43 AM
Yay this is really starting to pick up!!!!!
This looks like a great game. Why not submit it for Roleplay of the Week ( to attract players?
spirits breath
05-13-2010, 06:51 PM
Name: Liasian, Zedajah, "Zhed" for short.
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Vixnia
Appearance: The digidrades are a deep black, suddenly shifting to a bright, red-orange fur. This fur is the base of his body coloration, Ending at his semi-black furred hands.(back of the hand) He has a tail that seems like it really should be fuller, except there are a few lines of visible skin, along with on his back for when he was chained and beaten.
His tail ends in a white coloration.
His neck has a near permanent indent from the black collar he has no means to get off by himself, a symbol of him being a slave.
His ears stand perked up at all times, and carry a black outline along the near triangular tip. The eyes are a deep brown.
He wears a torn shirt, the only thing he could afford roughly a year ago. He is sort of out of luck when it comes to stealing a shirt or pants that accomodates him. Especially when he has to attempt to break into many canid houses just to try and find one.
Personality: While one who enjoys a few tricks, he enjoys pulling off ones as well. A lighter red than males of his species, due to the sun and a tiny bit of chemicals in a small tank he was dumped in. He Enjoys a bit of secrecy of managing to confuse a few fair goers into thinking he is actually a woman. But having the tail and hips he does, it doesn't help much at all.
He is a slight trickster, enjoying the manipulation he can posess on a few individuals, and a petty theif. Only to try to teach lessons through small tricks.
1.) Astral grace: Allows for him to maneuver on tightrope with ease, dodge some attacks that normally would not be avoided.(like a fast shift slight seconds before the blow hits him.) this also can be used to pinpoin pressure points for disabling targets
2.) Phasic light: While doing little more than give a signifignant burst of speed, this is mainly used to create several illusions of the same motion, while it actualy is many. The way this ability works is to surround his body with a faint purple and blue aura that acts as a means to bypass some armor, but can easily backfire if interupted. A quick counter can shift his balance, and this move has to be stored in advance otherwise it can drain his energy to the point of collapsing asleep as soon as it ends.
3.)Deception Scourge: While used primarily in his attempts of trickery and a cheap laugh. This ability works like an illusion. While he can send small signals out of his head to bend electrons, he can in a sense move his body away from his body. It is an illusion, and can go through walls. Only thing is, it batters his own mind. Weakening his defenses and leaves him somewhat sluggish, and easily manipulated while he controls the illusion.
Occupation: Former slave, entertainer. A little of a theif.
Bio: Liasian once was a free cub, family always on the run away from the war. He had no ide why they had to move weakly asking his mother why they were moving so frequently when the lands are perfect. His mother only replied in a sweet white lie. "We have gotten news of a place where it is even better than here. It makes this place look like a old tree."
It wasn't long until the small band of vixnia found themselves marching into a small fort. Secure, and not the place to realize that it was not the right choice. Slavers. A few of the scouts that were making sure that their pack was out of the wars path sent the rest of the pack away for an unmeasurable amount of wealth.
The next few years made Liasian want to simply kill himself, only to no avail. He found himself being exported from the camp, working in a carnie show. He was the one in the dunk tank that you had to try to "Hit the Fox" at a small BB gun attraction. Thankfully he was moved to be in the dunk tank where he was brought into water more times than any other person who was in there was. A foul trick to try to make his fur white as snow only lightened it, and made him feel sick.
As if by fate, this one dragoon. She had a rich lavander scent and her scales a flourescent green seemed to know a few tricks. One being the ability to write down instructions and another to do it secretly. It wasn't until he was able to lie down until he noticed the crumbled peie of paper she gave him. Simple directions and a heavy warning. Liasian paid it no mind, only it wasn't until a week later the fortune telling gypsy claimed to feel a synergetic pull. Her gods and the spirits seemed to pull him towards her,(in a creepy way) so that his fortune could be told. The instructions on his paper was his way out of the carnie. she was bound by contract, he was bound by his body. He just needed to get his body out of his body to escape with the right notion.
(this is where he story begins)
Other: The Vixna race is a near polar difference than the canids. The vixna are more agile than muscular, and finding one that is able to out muscle a canid, or dragoon is as easy to find than a silver speck of sand on a white sand beach. They are a more sly sort of people. prefering to live within their own kinds, but many were enslaved from a long civil war.
Beleive I hit everyhting I could. Hopefully he is done.
05-13-2010, 10:44 PM
@ Blue Tornado
You can always make up your own race if you don't like any of the ones I have there.
@ Nazguljcg
One, thanks, I'll probably do that.
Two, your name is almost impossible to spell XD
@ Spirits Breath
It looks awesome so far!
Finish it up, and I'll add you to the character list.
I'll add your race to the list as well.
C'mon guys!!
We need some humans!
We can't start the roleplay without any humans!
The Imposter
05-14-2010, 01:57 AM
May I tag the first human? Give me a little while to flesh out a skeleton for you.
Random question for ya Demon, what was the civilization like in Oblivion before the few returned to Mysteria? Also, how long have the humans been over there?
Name: Paul Lafayette
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Personality: Paul is quite easy going and often finds himself in agreement with whatever cards are dealt to him. He tries to look at the brighter side of things. His passion for knowledge and learning about the history of humans brings a thirst that only a expedition like this could quench.
Ability: Paul is the only human Terrakinetic* known and as such play a pivotal part in making the rift in the barrier. *Terrakinesis is the ability to control the ground. Let it be noted that only a human brain can withstand so much stress when trying to bend the earth to your will.
Occupation: Was a former professor at the Oblivian Research Academy currently on a sabbatical leave as an ambassador for the human race.
Bio: As a possessor of an ability like Paul's it was imperative to have him on board with the operation. Knowing his interest in the history of Mysteria and humans it didn't take much to bait him in helping in the research of breaking the barrier. With the team of researchers that were assembled the project in theory was sound. However once it was practice they bore witness to an error. Now being separated Paul finds himself wrestling with his own demons. 'Is humanity even worth saving?'
May be edited further*
spirits breath
05-14-2010, 08:29 PM
Alright finished my character. I hit about everything I could. I have explanations of his powers and all that. Deemed to be told throughout the IC for some of his flashbacks when he gets to thinking.
Omg I totally forgot abut this lol! But yes I'm still gonna join, and I'll be a canid too Alice. I can't make a character yet though (I'm on my moms iPhone lol) but I'll subscibe to this and make a character asap!
05-16-2010, 06:41 PM
@ Atma-Noah
Yes you may.
Awesome character, and I love the picture.
@ spirits breath
I'll add him to the list.
@ Blue_Tornado
Lol, take your time.
Name: Elly Cartharage
Age: 23
Race: Canid
Personality: Elly is one feisty girl. She has a quick tounge and even quicker feet and she won't hesitate to kick your butt. She usually avoids getting close to people, blocking people out with her rude commentary and sarcastic comebacks. However, she would never purposely be mean to someone, she's just jokes a lot (maybe a little too much). And when she can tell you're hurting, she is a good friend to lean on. All in all, she's feisty and quick, with a hidden soft spot.
Abilities: Elly has heightened senses (which I guess comes with being part dog but...I'm gonna count it anyway lol) she can hear, see and smell much better than others can and can sense any tremor in the ground. Elly's main power is she can distract anyone--just by looking into their eyes she can make them forget what they were doing and what happened up to the last hour in their life. But she hasn't completely mastered it yet, she's only good enough for making them completely forget 5 minutes, and if she tries to make them forget farther, they remember within the next 30 minutes. But even still, It's very convenient for her line of work.
Occupation: Elly is a mercenary, she'll do anyone's dirty work as long as they pay her, currently she works for one of the escaped humans, being sort of like a bodyguard to them **I can change this, I just thought it would be kind of interesting if we did that, like I could work for the human we have now**
Bio: Elly has 7 brothers and sisters, her parents though, were poor and couldn't afford to take care of all of them, in a desperate attempt to give them better lives, they distributed all 8 (Elly included) to random people in all of Mysteria. The place Elly ended up, didn't particularly want her, they pawned her off to a nice old Dragoon couple, who basically let her do whatever she wanted.
During her growing up years, she learned everything she knows hanging out with a bunch of young rebel Dragoons, her being a Canid, she had to work hard to be allowed to hang out with them and be accepted, she's no stranger to not fitting in. They did however teach her a lot of tricks that came in handy later in life.
After her gang dispersed, and she was old enough to go out on her own, she basically wandered around Mysteria, doing odd jobs here and there--anything to feed her stomach. Until one day, the guy she was working with figured out her ability (she had tried to keep it secret most of her life) and said he would pay her big bucks if she would make all these people he was ripping off (he's a merchant) forget how much they paid. She agreed--she was desperate. And thats how she got into the mercenary business. She picked up her fighting and stealth skills along the way and now she's as good as a full-blown KOP general.
05-17-2010, 08:09 PM
Hrm... a bodyguard of the human resistance?
Should create an interesting challenge for the KOPs.
But a question: this "distraction" power your character has...
It says it makes the opponent forget what they were doing at the time (a very convenient power IMO), but it also says that it makes the opponent forget "what happened up to the last hour in their life".
What does that mean, and if it means what I think it does (amnesia), is it only temporary?
Other than that little blip, a very interesting character.
Well forgetting what happened up to the last hour in their life would also make them forget what they were doing at the time no? And as far as the temporary thing goes it could go either way, I guess I should probably make it temporary...don't want to be too amazing...
EDIT: okay, fixed it ;)
05-17-2010, 10:31 PM
Ohh, yes, I see what you're trying to say now.
"Forgetting what had happened WITHIN the last hour" would make more sense, but the way you have it now is fine.
Adding her to the list.
The Imposter
05-26-2010, 04:05 AM
So is this it? Where are all the people interested!
spirits breath
05-26-2010, 10:41 AM
guess so. though it would be nice if we had a larger cast.
well who knows what may happen when this gets going.
05-28-2010, 02:05 AM
Sorry, I've been busy with school.
But I have summer vacation!
I'm still waiting for a couple more humans, and maybe a few more KOPs to make things interesting.
Then I'll get the IC up.
05-28-2010, 02:35 AM
I can provide a solution to your KOP problem tomorrow afternoon I think...
Anyway I just got to thinking why Spirit and I end up in the same RPs a lot...
Excuse the off topicness... I'm really tired x-x
Tunnel 17
05-28-2010, 03:28 AM
What kind of money do Oblivion and Mysteria use?
Tunnel 17
05-28-2010, 03:57 AM
Name: Alexander Valentine
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Appearance: the mask Alex has large dark black eyes and thin quiet lips.Good luck getting him to take it off though.
Personality: Alex doesn't talk much. It's one of the side effects of having your ability to speak magicked out, but if you could read his mind you'd realize that Alexander is a cynical romantic. He thinks in a monotone snark that is sprinkled with small moments of peaceful contemplation. He finds himself disgusted with humanity's baser tendencies while simultaneously fascinated with its art, music, and writing. Especially the music, the ability to sing or speak was taken from him earlier in life and even though he's come to peace with it and will take any inadvertent ( emphasis on the accidental part) insult in his stride and behead you if you ever insult him. Just to appease my inner D&D fan I'll go on the record stating that he's currently Neutral good, he'll help that orphan even if it is against the law.
Abilities: Alexander's power was once speed,he could cut a sentence in half,he could smash a bullet (I'm guessing they have muskets by now) from mid air, he could traverse a league in the same amount of time it would take you to run to the store and buy a pack of gum. Then he turned fifteen and he couldn't talk anymore. His power changed, he stopped being able to run faster then the wind and he became silence. In a strange form of the blackest humor imaginable anything he does will never make noise. He can shoot a cannon behind you and you wouldn't notice, he could slit someone's throat and the man's last gasps of pain would be inaudible. He once jumped on a (very weak) roof and collapsed it, no one noticed until the next day.
The downside? His presence makes animals angry.His every step is the bane of anything with no higher brain functions.Dogs will bark at nothing,cats will hiss and claw at apparently empty air and most other animals will try to take a bite out of him.
Occupation: Bodyguard for the humans
Bio: Being able to move faster than most people could notice and being born to parents that could be charitably called assholes Alexander found that stealing was the easiest way to buy his parents out of the house and into the pub. Being almost caught a few times was of little consequence since he was a cute kid and could BS his way out of most captures (and then kick 'em in the family jewels if that didn't work). He stole, gave a bit to his parents, kept the rest under his bed, and then repeated for several years. He started when he was ten and was caught by a particularly nasty serial killer when he was fifteen. He stole two hundred forty (currency) a month on average and each year has twelve months, if we've already factored in his parents drink tax that would leave him with fourteen thousand four hundred (currency).
The monster who took away his voice, magically dragged it from his throat and sealed it to sell on the underground market couldn't finish the job. The police smashed his door down as soon as he was done and Alexander (already wanted) managed to escape in the ensuing chaos. He tried his pickpocketing later, but he got caught and resorted to his jewel attack before escaping. He realized his new power a few weeks after and decided to take up the more "advanced" thievery of breaking and entering. Then he realized that taking up legal adventures (Read:bodyguard) was much more profitable and even though he missed his old power, used his new one to great talent in ambushing would be assassins. That's how he got this job, he was pretty good at killing and tended not to ask any questions so they hired him, he's proud to be here.
Other:He's a very good writer and carries around a small pad and pencil at all times so he can talk to people.The draining of his voice was magic and he's leaving in the hope that the magic of Mysteria can bring it back.
05-29-2010, 12:43 AM
Testing the limits again... feel free to object, it would be the first time xD
Name: Krath Xysi [Original Identification Classified]
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Sharrbok
Appearance: Krath stands at 5' 4" with very nearly white skin and startlingly red slit pupiled eyes. Krath's 'hair' is a different matter entirely, it is more like black flexible spines that grow out of his head and are angled very far back. His forearms and hands are covered in black scales with a hint of crimson around the edges. His digitigrade lower legs have the same scales in addition to having only three toes much like dinosaurs did. His knees and elbows are covered by a series of three spikes which are about 2 inches long, but the one in the middle can extend to just about 7 inches. The extra length is stored in the forearm and lower leg respectively, there is also an extra spike that can extend out of each wrist. These six spikes are not easily broken, but if they are they will fall out and be regrown over the next week. Krath prefers clothing that plays into his abilities, shorts (usually black) and a short-sleeved shirt are the usual.
Personality: Witty, comical, and sometimes vicious Krath has, on occasion, been accused of being too deep in his cover, but there's nothing to prove that.
Abilities: Whirlwind: Sometimes in hand-to-hand combat Krath will burst into a flurry of strikes, leaving his opponent full of holes and usually dead or dying.
(For want of a better term) Eagle Vision: A carefully honed ability that takes years to master fully, Eagle Vision allows for the 'reading' of other people: what they're feeling, thinking, and if they're lying or not. While some results are very vague and the ability can only be used about half the time, but when it is used correctly it has 100% accuracy.
Fall Shift: Sometimes, when falling or running along walls or jumping off of something Krath's relative gravity seems to shift for a few seconds (usually just enough to save him from certain disaster). Although a powerful tool this ability cannot be relied on and (in extended use) causes extreme exhaustion.
Occupation: KOP Infiltrator/Undercover (if that's okay)
Rank: Phantom (in other words mid-rank; higher are specters and lower are spooks)
Bio: In accordance with his position as an infiltrator Krath's official records only exist as a single folder and nowhere else as anything other than his cover ID. Nearly everything he has done in the last 3 years has been under his cover ID and he is very close in the criminal underworld (something his KOP companions don't really know) The need to keep a low profile has influenced his behavior as well and lead to his 'leave no witnesses' policy when in an open conflict because, just as he must remain undercover in the eyes of the world, his more criminal side must remain undercover in the eyes of KOP officials.
Other: (if you'd like to add this to the race section its here) Sharrbok are relatively uncommon in comparison to other races, but are also believed to be descendants of the ancient Dragons or be a different species of Dragoon. While mostly human in appearance Sharrbok are easily discernible from Dragoons by their hidden extendable spikes as well as their more notable use of flexible spines for hair. While varying degrees of reptilian traits (tails, slit-pupils, scales, etc.) are common it is very uncommon for an individual to not have reptilian hands and feet.
spirits breath
05-29-2010, 03:31 AM
bet I know the origional source (emote thing her of knowing something)
yea, though under cover. should make sure you keep it.
Heh, we can DBZ fight. then pass out. (like me now, lulzing out) though all the circus things I can do.
05-29-2010, 04:09 AM
I think any fan could guess the origins of my character Spirit. I simply find the idea of an organic blade easier to handle than a device no one can successfully build.
Anyway, I look forward to playing with everyone...
Tunnel 17
05-29-2010, 04:53 AM
I've spent too much time obsessing over Persona 4 not to know where Paul's picture comes from.
*has no idea what any of you are talking about* Can't wait to begin :D
05-29-2010, 03:51 PM
I don't know what you're talking about, Tunnel, but I can explain what I think Spirit and I were talking about.
Have you ever played Assassin's Creed?
Tunnel 17
05-29-2010, 04:06 PM
Yes,one of my favorite games of all times (Though recently knocked out of that position by Assassin's creed 2).
05-29-2010, 04:16 PM
Of course, the sequel was much more diverse.
I just don't understand the reason why Persona was mentioned (I've never played those games... maybe that's why)
EDIT: Nevermind... I feel dumb now xD
The Imposter
05-30-2010, 01:40 AM
Hahaa whoops the whole persona bit is my fault.
Anyways so it would appear that Paul has the potential of two bodyguards right now correct? One Human (Tunnel), and the other a Canid (Blue.) Seems a little exciting to see how this all pans out!
2 bodyguards for one measly human? this guy better be loaded cause Elly doesn't appreciate working with someone else -_-
Tunnel 17
05-30-2010, 10:06 PM
One measly human going up against an army.What could go wrong with just having one bodyguard?
06-01-2010, 01:47 AM
This is what I get for going on vacation, I guess...
@ Tunnel's original post
Y'know, to be honest, I never really thought of a currency.
I don't know, let's go with something similar to the UK Pound, just because it appears to be doing pretty well.
I'll just call it the pound, because it's 10PM and I don't particularly feel like being overly creative right now.
I saw two profiles posted; I'll take a look at them in a sec.
EDIT: Ai'ight, I took a look.
@ Tunnel 17 -- Your ability could use a limit, because as it is would be overdoing it.
Regardless, very creative.
@ Splicer407 -- Ooh, an undercover team?
I overlooked that possibility completely.
Given the KOPs' sheer control over the country, it would fit right in.
For your second ability name (I noticed the "for want of a better term" bit), I noticed the ability was similar to that of someone who had joined back on Gaia.
Unfortunately, he didn't give it a set name, but I believe Empathy would suit it for now.
I'll add his race to the list, and your character's accepted.
@ Blue_Tornado's comment
That's why I'm waiting for more humans.
One human just wouldn't be enough for this story to make sense.
Worse comes to worst, I'll default again and pull my old human character back in.
The Imposter
06-01-2010, 02:01 AM
Maybes you should put a little request in the directory or something.
I'm kinda getting anxious to see what Paul will be getting himself into venturing outside Oblivion.
06-01-2010, 02:09 AM
I think I already have, though I can't remember.
I'll check.
The Imposter
06-01-2010, 02:26 AM
Well I see that it is now! Hopefully that will attract you some humans!
Anne Bonny
06-05-2010, 04:31 AM (
06-05-2010, 12:48 PM
06-05-2010, 01:11 PM
This looks like it will be fun!!
Give me a little time to get a profile together, and I will join the fun!!
06-05-2010, 03:09 PM
Take your time; I have all summer!
06-07-2010, 08:33 PM
I think I'll join as a human, if I may :)
I'll probably not be able to write a profile tonight, and I'm going on a trip tomorrow, so I think I'll have something finished in maximum a couple of days.
06-07-2010, 09:42 PM
I'll join as .... something I have a few ideas
But before all that I have a question
Could I play as something like an escaped (or failed) experiment
It would be created by humans (of course) and that could be another reason the humans were kicked out
If not then, like I said I have a few ideas.
06-08-2010, 01:43 AM
@ Uncertain:
Awesome, awesome.
As I said, take your time.
@ Mr.Natas:
I'd have to think about it, but it ultimately depends on exactly what it can do.
Naturally, it can't be anything overly powerful, but otherwise I wouldn't mind it.
06-08-2010, 01:55 AM
OK cool
I'll start right away
06-08-2010, 02:57 AM
Name: Delta-298
Age:It hard to determine the correct time but he looks about 11/12-ish
Gender: Male
Race: Humanoid
Appearance: He stands about 4'5" with scales covering his neck and upper shoulders. His legs are mostly human save for the knee down which are covered in coarse red and orange fur with hooves in the place of feet. His hands have three fingers, two are about the same length of a normal human middle finger and a thumb. This has made his hands smaller. His nails are more like claws and have turned a dirty black because of poor hygiene. His hair is a complete mess; Its an ugly shade of brown with bits of twigs and other things stuck in it. His eyes are a bright shade of emerald with slitted pupils. He wears a collar with the I.D. tag on his experiment code
Personality: He is timid, but tends to be curious when it comes to objects. He a bit greedy and mean when it comes to food. Once you get to know him however, he is rather playful and is quite a handful.
Abilities: His skin is almost impervious to bladed weaponry, but is quite susceptible when it comes to blunt weaponry.
Occupation: Wanderer (the more friendly trim for animal)
Bio: He was not born he was created. The scientist that designed experiment Delta-298 were trying to create away to make a breed of super solders his skin would be but one of the many genetic traits it would posses. After failure after failure the team finally done it. A successful experiment. Delta-298 had just the trait they wanted. Phase two was know on the way but was never to be. Soon after his creation Delta-298 was left. Alone, cold, and hungry, he foraged the human city and finding little, but he survived. Not knowing where to go, he stayed in the husk of the city, silently hoping that his creators would return.
06-08-2010, 06:13 PM
Hrmm... alright, that works.
Welcome aboard!
06-13-2010, 08:49 PM
Sorry for using ages, I never imagined this would take me so long...
At least she's done now :)
Tell me if anything needs to be changed!
Name: Noctiel Vires
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Appearance: 0.jpg
Personality: She is intelligent and strong, but never lets anyone close. She tends to block feelings and memories out, but tries to be kind to people around her, even tough she trusts very few of them. In her mind she is always evaluating everyone she meets with a cynical view and at times she can be very selfish.
Behind the mask she is a dreamer, but she only shows it very rarely.
Abilities: Noctiel has very good eyes and she is well-trained. Otherwise, she hasn't got any special abilities that she knows of.
Occupation: Associate Professor at the Oblivian Research Academy
Bio: Noctiel was born into the middle class of Oblivion. She was orphaned at the age of 4, when both of her parents and her older broher died in a fire, which she miraculously survived. She moved around from orphanage to orphanage for many years, and never had alot of friends, because she was seen as weird and scary by the other children. When something was going on however, Nociel was always in charge as she was a natural leader, and later she was also the oldest of them as noone seemed to want to adopt her.
She never had any education until she was 14 years old. Noctiel was living in an orphanage in southern Oblivion when a professor named George Johnson came to teach the orphans how to read. The old man noticed how quickly she picked up what he taught her, and was amused by her intelligence, as she had seemed introverted and strange at first. She enjoyed learning, George saw the potential in her and they got along, so he decided to adopt her.
Professor Johnson was proved right; Noctiel was very intelligent. The poor education they had provided at the orphanages hadn't given her anything, and she sucked up all knowledge she could get to like a dry sponge. Living with George Johnson, she could have it, all the knowledge wanted. Her new home was a big mansion and had a library filled with books.
Eventually, Noctiel finished higher education and got a job at the Oblivian Research Academy where she quickly rose through the ranks. Thanks to Professor Johnson, Noctiel had gone from a poor orphan to a sucessful woman with a doctorate in history. She was extremely grateful for that, and she loved her job. She loved history, especially from the time when human weren't stuck in Oblivian. Noctiel was sick of Oblivian.
She can't stand the fact that many people (including her childhood self) never even know that there's an outside of Oblivian. This, and the fact that she is young and intelligent, is one of the reasons why she is now finally on the outside.
06-14-2010, 12:10 AM
Oblivion Research Academy?
Eh, why not, the humans were stuck there long enough... XD
A lovely character.
I'm going to guess her last name was self-chosen?
Sweet is this whole bodyguard thing gonna work out?
We could do like one for one person and another person is hiring the other bodyguard too
or I was thinking we could do like all the humans were like pooling in to pay is both to protect all of them...
06-14-2010, 06:25 AM
Oblivion Research Academy?
Eh, why not, the humans were stuck there long enough... XD
I borrowed that from Atma-Noah's character :>
Occupation: Was a former professor at the Oblivian Research Academy currently on a sabbatical leave as an ambassador for the human race.
The Imposter
06-14-2010, 11:39 AM
Yo Blue, I think I would be more partial to the whole group of humans pooling their money together for the employ of a body guard. Perhaps it was actually something prearranged somehow so that when they crossed from Oblivion everything was already set up?
I'm just tossing ideas. Uncertain it's good that you've picked a human, we are only three away hahaha.
06-14-2010, 12:08 PM
Isn't Tunnel 17 (one of the body guards) human?
The Imposter
06-14-2010, 03:59 PM
He is but he hasn't been accepted yet because he has to nerf his ability which he has not done yet.
I saw two profiles posted; I'll take a look at them in a sec.
EDIT: Ai'ight, I took a look.
@ Tunnel 17 -- Your ability could use a limit, because as it is would be overdoing it.
Regardless, very creative.
Actually haven't seen or heard from Tunnel in a few days it would seem so je ne sais pas what is up with him. So as of right now the only bodyguard is Blue's Canid. Hopefully tunnel will catch this and make the edit so we can have three of our five humans. We two researchers and him as a baddyguard.
Yeah I was thinking the guarding of everybody could work, Em will just have her work cut out for her.
Making it prearranged would save us a lot of trouble, like she could meet you guys where you came out and just stick with you after that.
06-14-2010, 09:09 PM
Ah, okay.
Sounds great to me, can't wait to get started!
06-16-2010, 12:03 AM
I borrowed that from Atma-Noah's character :> Ohhh, I must have missed that.
I tend to skim through profile sheets, so details like that tend to be overlooked.
@ Atma-Noah
Lol, "nerf" his ability...
such a fun way of wording that XD
"je ne sais pas"?
... Sorry, I don't speak French.
(I'm just going to assume it means something to the effect of "I don't know" )
Yeah, it would be nice if he did return and make that edit, but if not, then oh well.
Tunnel 17
06-16-2010, 04:33 AM
I did make the edit.I guess I forgot to tell you,my bad.
06-16-2010, 04:35 PM
Aha, I see that now.
And a very interesting downside that is.
Your character's accepted.
The Imposter
06-16-2010, 04:41 PM
And with that we are now officially at three humans! Two more to complete the set...this is exciting.
Hahaha...I noticed that on Tunnel's edited he put 'nerfed'. My old school language is catching on.
06-18-2010, 12:53 AM
I hear 'nerfed' all the time when discussing Warhammer 40k... a lot of people think the new rules needed a lot of super-powerful units, but I digress...
Just popping in to prove that I'm still alive and in this xD
06-18-2010, 03:51 AM
Lol, that's alright.
I'm willing to start up the IC if we get one more human in.
I was hoping for the full five, but four will do just fine, too.
Sweet! Can't wait to get started!
06-20-2010, 12:56 AM
I just had a question: (Well actually, 2.) First of all, how many characters will you accept? Also, how often would you want people to post?
06-20-2010, 01:26 AM
Well, I'll accept most all characters, but as you can tell, I'll only be allowing 5 humans (3 spots are already filled) and 10 KOPs (Out of those, 2 are filled).
But, as I said, for those that fit into the 'Others' section, I'll accept most all that apply.
To answer the question of how often I'd like people to post, since I can get to be pretty inactive myself, I don't expect you to post every day or something, but at least once a week is fine.
I hope that helps.
06-22-2010, 11:23 AM
Hmm Okay.
The Imposter
06-23-2010, 12:01 AM
Ok I've got some serious news. On Sunday I leave for four weeks to work at a camp in the woods....with not interwebz. I may be able to be online during the weekends but I cannot guarantee that I'll post because it'll be my rest from crazy kids for a week.
With that said however I would like it to be clear that if the IC does start amidst that time I will commit to be putting up an intro whenever I get a chance. I am hoping that something does start in the four weeks I'm gone.
06-23-2010, 12:53 AM
When will you start the IC because I couldn't do it if it started this week (Making a character woud be the most I could do).
The Imposter
06-23-2010, 04:12 AM
Don't know if any of you check stuff like this, but Tunnel 17's blog says he'll be done for two weeks or so because his comp broke. Just thought you'd appreciate a heads up.
06-24-2010, 04:08 AM
@ word_weaver96
I'll be willing to start the IC if I get another human in.
If that was what you were going to be, then I'll start the IC after you post your character.
@ Atma-Noah
Thanks for telling me about both your and Tunnel 17's hiatus.
Have fun!
06-24-2010, 12:06 PM
Okay! Here you go: (And by the way, I might not be able to post today again. But I should definitely be on again by Friday!)
Name: Kaysha (Nickname/What she's called most often: Kay)
Age:10 (1 month from 11)
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Appearance: (A picture or a description, or both, I don't really care.) Kaysha has light blonde hair. (The color of the girl's hair in these picture) It reaches her waist, and she has bangs that curl slightly under at the bottom. Her eyes are a soft blue, reminiscent of a baby's eyes; yet they can also She is built very thin, and of average height.
Personality: Kay is sweet, but can be very strong when she's angry. She loves playing with and nursing the creatures around her. She is very defensive of herself and the other humans. Kay doesn't know who her blood family is, but considers the other humans to be her family. Kay seems innocent, and slightly younger than she is at first, but she's not afraid to show her full power. She isn't afraid of dying; only of not dying with her human 'family'.Kay looks, and acts, in the literal sense, mostly angelic. She's kind to those who treat her the same way. She loves woodland creatures more than any others. She wants to keep at least one of her furry friends as a pet, but alas, they aren't very easy to take with you while traveling and staying on guard. Kay, like I said earlier, protects herself and 'family'. They are the closest thin she has to a real family. She doesn't want to fight Mysterian citizens; she just wants her home back.
Abilities: (Limit for humans is one; for everyone else, three. Either way, don't go overboard.) Kay has the ability to see inside you. She can see eveything about you: your fears, you past, your motivations, and sometimes, even, your future.
Occupation: (KOP included) None. (Kay is with the humans trying to return to Mysteria, plus she's only 10.)
Rank: (If you're a KOP; if not, then disregard this field) (I don't really uderstand this part..............Could you clear it up for me?)
Kay's history is fairly unknown to her. She knows that she went with the other humans when they were banished. She guessed on her age, because she doesn't know exactly when she was born. She doesn't know who her parents are (I was thinking she might find out who they are some time?), and to her knowledge she has no siblings.
Other: (Optional)
Abilities: Kay can control thoughts. Obviously, she knows what you're thinking, too. However, if somebody has the ability to put of a shield/force-frield-esque thing (Don't yell at me if you don't like it, but like Bella in Breaking Dawn), she can't see through it.
spirits breath
06-24-2010, 01:39 PM
the KOP's are the ones that are keeping the humans in line, and all who aid them. think of them as the people you don't want to meet. especialy when your 10. which come to think about it, unless we are running after you and shouting. who knows, might want to avoid. (though my fox would be warm on those cold nights)
and not sure if I answered your one question.
the antagonists of the RP
06-24-2010, 05:48 PM
@ word_weaver96
Think of the KOPs (their name is short of "Keepers of Peace" ) as a sort of not-so-secret police.
As spirits breath said, they keep everyone in line, humans included.
From the humans' point of view, they are the antagonists.
Now, with your profile, her bio just looks like an extension of the personality field.
What I meant by "bio" (I realize that a lot of people use that in place of "personality") was a brief explanation of your character's past.
06-24-2010, 07:14 PM
@ DemonGirl00: Okay, I get the KOP's. I just wondered if I had to fill it out, saying I wasn't one or something.
& About the Bio, do you want me to redo it?
06-25-2010, 01:42 AM
Oh, no, you're fine in that field.
If your occupation says you're not a KOP, then feel free to delete the "Rank" field.
Hope that helps.
On the matter of the biography: Yes, please.
You don't have to go too in-depth with it, but at least a little insight into your character's past would help out a lot.
06-25-2010, 05:32 PM
Okay thanks! Here's the new & revised bio:
Kay's history is fairly unknown to her. She knows that she went with the other humans when they were banished. She guessed on her age, because she doesn't know exactly when she was born. She doesn't know who her parents are (I was thinking she might find out who they are some time?), and to her knowledge she has no siblings.
(Is this good? I didn't know how much you wanted. If you want more, just say so. I'll be happy to add more. ;) )
06-25-2010, 08:42 PM
*waves enthusiastically* Anyong all! ^_^
I will most definitely join in as a human, since it seems you guys need some. However, you should probably know that I'll be leaving for three weeks on June 30th so...XD
Anyways, I will try and make a profile before I leave to Taiwan, but I have a few questions first.
1. Of all the "other" characters, how many of them are serving as body guards for the humans? (Two, right?)
2. The genders of the humans? XD I skimmed most of the profiles, but the info kind of fell out of my brain and I'm pretty lazy. I'm guessing two males one female?
3. The powers of the humans?
Thanks! I look foward to roleplaying with you all ^_^
06-25-2010, 08:48 PM
Hi toxias! I love your avatar and signature! Yay! We'll both be humans!!! Have a fun trip to Taiwan!
06-25-2010, 08:52 PM
@ DemonGirl00
I added an ability to my character, just so you know.
The Imposter
06-25-2010, 08:56 PM
Hey Toxi, when weaver gets accepted that'll bring the human count to four(two males and two females). And only one of the others is a human bodyguard I do believe. One of the humans themselves are playin' as their guardian. Finally Demon girl regulates your human power. So if you make it too overpowering she'll call you out on it.
06-25-2010, 08:58 PM
I hope I get accepted. I'm excited!!
06-26-2010, 01:47 PM
Haha, thank you! ^_^ I'm very excited to go back.
@atma: Well, yes, :P but I meant which ones have already been used?
The Imposter
06-26-2010, 07:26 PM
Oh haha my bad. Well a quick look was telepathy, terrakenisis, regeneration/shield/lighting, illusions, speed, sound nullification, observation, impervious to blades, distraction.
I don't think that is all of them but that should give you an idea. The best way might be to just start at page one and scroll through till you find character sheets and peak at the abilities part. Hope that helps.
06-27-2010, 12:12 AM
Lol, it's not a problem. I'm just a lazy person and used to having the profiles linked up in the intro posts.
But will do. That's a big help. I'll start on my profile now! ^_^
06-27-2010, 12:15 AM
Heehe. :)
06-27-2010, 01:58 AM
@ toxias
Thanks for taking interest in my RP :3
@ Atma-Noah
Thanks for helping out with explaining everything.
@ word_weaver96
Yeah, that'll do fine.
add it to your profile (to prevent confusion of any newcomers browsing through the char sheets), and you'll be all set.
With your ability edit, I'll allow it, but I just ask that you add some sort of restriction.
Other than that, you're good.
I'll add her to the list.
06-27-2010, 02:12 AM
By restriction, what do you mean?
06-27-2010, 02:28 AM
some sort of downside or limit i believe.
06-27-2010, 12:34 PM
Hmmm okay. Thanks. :)
06-27-2010, 12:53 PM
This is Mei's original power...I saw that weaver's character had something similair to it, and the OCD in me about having at least some semblance of orginality kicked me to make her new power. All the same, I'd like you to judge it so I can make a swap (if I want) before we start. I won't change it once I decide for sure.
Sight: A rather ironically named power for Mei. Sight is both a passive and active power. Sight is a mental ability that allows the wielder to see anything that goes on in a person’s mind. Thoughts, memories, emotions, even subconscious ideas. If it occurs in the mind then Mei can see it. When using Sight as a passive power, Mei picks up only what the person is actively thinking, although she gets impressions of subconscious thoughts and emotions. If they are reminiscing about a childhood memory, Mei can remember along with them. If they are ragingly angry about something, Mei can experience that fury alongside them.
On a more active level, Mei picks up anything that has ever passed through the person’s mind. That means all thoughts and all memories, if they are there. For example, a person with amnesia might not remember his past, but if the segment of his mind where those memories are stored is still there, Mei can access it, even if he can’t. However, situations like these require energy of Mei’s part. The deeper something is hidden the more energy and concentration is required to uncover this thought or memory. For example, a dark secret can be hidden from Mei, if such a secret has been buried among years and years of thoughts.
Those with mentally-related powers can sense Mei’s work and can hide their mind from Mei. However, Mei will always receive “impressions” from even the most skilled blocker. Only another person with Sight can completely shield their mind and only a person with mind-related powers can actively shield their mind.
The highest level of Sight (although not the most energy-consuming) is a more offensive aspect that allows Mei “categorize” thoughts and memories for someone, in order to bring them relief. For example, if someone is stressing about several things, Mei can tone down the power of those thoughts and strengthen thoughts of tranquility and serenity. It works in the opposite direction as well. Mei can strengthen emotions and unpleasant memories. However, this aspect of Sight is more detectable and often can be over ridden by simple strength of mind. The person doesn’t have to wield any mind powers.
Name: Mei-Hua Ming (People call her Mei)
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Appearance: Upon first meeting everyone gets a good impression off of Mei. She’s a quiet girl, friendly and charismatic. She seems a pacifist, even a pushover at times. Her gentle nature puts people at ease, and her acceptance of her blindness makes it easier for people to treat her as a normal person. Kind and compassionate, Mei has an aura around her that makes people want to open up to her, spill out their problems. Mei never complains about anything, it seems, and she tries her very best to understand all sorts of people. She likes to make people happy, and sometimes will conform to make them so.
This is, of course, at first glance. Beneath the magnetic exterior, Mei is actually a very strong-willed girl. She was determination as thick as a rhino’s (if such things exist) hide. With a core of steel, Mei is fazed by nothing and plows through all problems, shaking them off like drops of water. She believes strongly in the good of all people. Tenacious to the point of irritation, Mei is willing to bend what she wants, but only to a certain point. Beyond that point, one will find Mei unmovable. She won’t get angry at you, no matter how much you rage. This long fuse tends to tick people off. Mei is also mischievous at times, but she knows when seriousness is called for.
Listen before you Speak: Listen is both a passive and active power. Passively, it allows Mei to pick up nearly every single sound that goes around her in perfect clarity. This is the means by which Mei usually navigates her way. It’s rather strange, but in essence Mei is capable of echolocation. After many years of blindness, Mei has also developed a talent of being able to pick out most emotions from the tone in which the person speaks. It's not a perfect art, but it does work a large majority of the time.
The second part of Listen is Mei’s ability to create any sound she pleases. She can create any pitch she wants at any amplitude and any frequency. This is the more offensive part of Listen, for Mei can create sound waves intense enough the shatter eardrums. Shock waves and sonic booms are also under Mei’s control. Mei has become so proficient at Listen (due to her blindness) that she can slice an apple in half just by creating a narrow, concentrated pitch.
However, several hours after a display of power, Listen will “turn off” and Mei will essentially become deaf and blind for at last an hour. This, of course, leaves her defenseless and reliant upon others. This kick back only takes place if Mei creates an extremely intense sound. For example, she rarely ever uses enough power to shatter eardrums or create sonic booms. Those are on the highest end of the spectrum for Mei. The more powerful the attack, the sooner Listen kicks off and the longer the kickback lasts.
And a little side effect of this power is that Mei is a beautiful singer, although you’ll have a hard time getting her to perform for you.
Occupation: College Student, majoring in Psychology
Bio: For a human, Mei was born pretty well off. Both her parents were doctors. Thankfully, this meant they were able to quickly diagnose Mei’s problem. Growing up, Mei was a bright, exuberant child. However, she began to complain of blanks in her vision. As it turns out, Mei had been born with a condition that affected her eyesight. She would be fully blind by the age of six. No one was particularly sure of why this condition came about, but when Mei point out conversations from afar, asks about quiet discussions that she wasn't meant to hear, her parents began to make the connection between her power and her eyes. Thankfully for Mei, her parents were as kind and loving as she was, and though shocked by the idea that their daughter wielded magical abilities, they raised her faithfully.
Through childhood, Mei began to hone her power and overcome her blindness. Her beautiful personality brought her many friends and guides throughout her life. Mei tells people that she never felt that she was missing out on anything, because there were so many lovely people around her. Of course, Mei kept her ability under wraps. Mei made it through school without incident, and even went on to college. It was about her sophomore year in college that she began to feel her very first pangs of discontent. Not for just herself, but for others. Living close to the veil, Mei used to stand by the border and listen. Just truely Listen. Sometimes it was all quiet. Other times the subjects of the conversations she heard were so brilliantly vivid that Mei began to pine for something she had never even really seen before.
When Mei wants something, which is rare, she usually gets it. So naturally, it didn’t take her long to find the small band of humans that wanted to get the entire human race out of Oblivion. With Mei quietly and gently directing them from the background, Oblivion Research Facility began to make tiny steps in the right direction. They planned and plotted and searched for many months. Months became years until finally, the day came and a rift was torn into the fabric of the veil separating the world of the magical and the world of the humans. Mei is more than ready to prove her race deserves to come back. More than ready.
Other: Mei is blind. However, to make up for this she has an incredible memory that she combines with her power to navigate her way through the streets. This isn’t to say that she doesn’t need help at times.
06-27-2010, 01:56 PM
Okay cool!
06-27-2010, 08:46 PM
I was kind of excitable and made a second profile, since I came across an inspirational picture ;)
By the way, Demongirl, you wouldn’t happen to be Akina Anmutig on EL, would you?
Angel/Demon: The two races are remarkable similar, and they both are far and few in between, although not strictly “endangered.” The physical features of this race is as varied as the human’s, and like the Fae, the race itself resembles humans very closely. All angels have a pair of feathered wings sprouting from their backs. Demons usually have scaled wings, but they also may have other beastly appendages such as horns or tails, being more feral than their “good” counterparts. Blessed with immortality, neither Angels nor Demons can have children. Instead, when one is killed, their soul is transferred to a new body, although this body will have no memories of any previous lives.
The stories of these dual races are tightly tied with the fate of the humans. Each human used to have both a guardian angel and a guardian demon, one striving to help the human do good, the other bad. They were all invisible to their charges, but were capable of influencing circumstances and thoughts. However, when the humans were banished from Mysteria, many angels and demons disappeared into another realm, not wanting to follow their charges into banishment. A select few demons stayed in Mysteria to create havoc, and a number of angels stayed as well, to better the world. However, most faded into the legends and many of Mysteria believe they no longer exist.
Name: Saggita Avaryne
Age: Exact age is unknown, but she’s been alive for at least a few thousand years. Her appearance is that of someone in their twenties, close to 24 or 25
Gender: Female
Race: Angel
Appearance: Saggita is generally quite an easy person to get along with, if you’re not her enemy. She may not be the friendliest person in Mysteria, but she is rather tolerant and kind. She is, after all, an Angel. She’s thoughtful and has a dry sense of humor. Her view upon the world is rather wry. Quick, calculating, and efficient, Saggita puts her job, the protection of Mysteria, above everything else. She’s a strong believer in the order of things. She’s a stickler for the rules and merciless to those who break them. Some might call her cold hearted because of her refusal to see the gray areas in life. However, Saggita has lived long enough to be able to ignore such criticisms with a shrug. Confident, determined, and even brave, Saggita can be ruthless and unforgiving. She’s an independent person, and if she must work in a team, she prefers to be in charge. She has a long fuse, perfected by the many years she has lived, and she rarely gets angry anymore.
Perception: At first glance, Perception is a simple, passive power. It grants Saggita eyesight beyond normal human bounds. However, upon further inspection, it also reveals something a little more useful. Perception picks out anything magical. For example, auras. Another example would be magical use, even if the magic is not visible to the naked eye. It might take a few minutes of study, but with Perception, Saggita can see exactly what a power is, if it is being used in front of her.
Invisibility: A simple and well known power, invisibility renders Saggita completely undetectable to the eye. As true invisibility, when Saggita triggers this ability she leaves no shadow. Sunlight simply bypasses her. It also masks the sounds she makes, but this doesn’t make her soundless. A good tracker will be able to find Saggita by the foot prints she makes, or perhaps by the gentle sound of her wings. Saggita can also make objects and people invisible by touch. However, she can only make people invisible if they cooperate with her.
Scalpel Touch: Despite the rather menacing name, Scalpel Touch allows Saggita to heal most wounds upon contact. Like most healing magic, the larger and more severe a wound, the more energy and concentration is required. However, Scalpel Touch has a more offensive side to it. This flip side allows Saggita to create open wounds upon anyone she can touch. However, she has to be touching her target where she wants to wound to be created. Furthermore, there is a kick back to this. Several hours after Saggita uses the harmful side of Scalpel Touch, her body suddenly revolts against her and her nerves begin to feel the double the pain of the wounds Saggita inflicted with Scalpel Touch.
Occupation: KOP “Soldier”
Rank: Commander-in-chief. However, most of the technical stuff is handled by Saggita’s right hand man. Saggita herself tends to travel and deal with the issues with her own spear. On her travels, she also stops to take care of minor breaches, which tricks many people into thinking Saggita holds no important position. She also doesn’t tell anyone unless they specifically ask her if she is the commander of the KOPs. If the question is not worded as such, Saggita simply answers that she is a soldier of the KOP and devoted to her job, thank you very much.
Bio: Saggita’s life was simple for an angel. She had a soul implanted in her a couple hundred years before the humans were banished into Oblivion. She worked as a guardian angel for several humans, going from one assignment to the next as each of her charges passed on into the next life. Though considered a success, Saggita was not a particularly important angel. She was, however, content with her relative freedom and did her job the best she could.
When the humans were banished to Oblivion, Saggita neither had encouragement nor complaint, although in her heart she knew that perhaps the humans deserved their fate. After all, how often had she seen the guardian demons win? How often had her own charges strayed from the path she had tried to set for them? So it was that Saggita joined the KOPs with a clear conscious. Over hundreds of years, Saggita made her way up to chain of command simply by outliving her competitors. She gained a lot of experience with age, and many agreed she was the perfect commander. As commander, she dealt with breaches of the humans and other things easily. She trained a worthy successor, although the joke was that he wouldn’t ever take the position because Saggita’s shrewdness would ensure that she lived forever. Nonetheless he came into use more and more often as Saggita began to strike out on forays into Mysteria, personally overseeing what she considers “her domain.” Gods forbid that anyone contest to that.
Naturally, when Saggita heard the news of the humans making it through the barrier, she changed course and gathered some of her followers to her, although still masquerading as a simple soldier. She’s skeptical about the humans, and strictly believes that they should be sent back, but there is a little corner of her heart that still contains mercy and forgiveness from her past days. The question is if anyone can possibly wring it out of the cold hearted angel.
Other: Saggita’s weapon of choice is a highly enchanted spear that is just about as old as she is.
06-27-2010, 09:51 PM I want to have an Angel or Demon Character too!!!!!
07-02-2010, 04:31 AM
@ toxias
Lol, my siggy gave me away, didn't it?
Yeah, I'm Akina on EL.
Regardless, both your characters are accepted.
Your first character's original power's alright, too; feel free to make that swap that you mentioned if you like.
Well, awesome, I'll add your characters to the list, and that'll bring us to five humans.
I'll start the IC when I get home from gym, when it isn't half after midnight.
07-02-2010, 12:34 PM
07-02-2010, 02:52 PM
And lol, yes, it was your siggy ;)
:O Okay. After scanning through the profiles a bit, I'm going to stick with Mei's second power. I've modified Listen slightly. The edit is in the first paragraph.
^_^ Can't wait to start!
07-06-2010, 01:15 PM
I'm not tryin' to bug you, but do you think you'll get the IC soon?
07-11-2010, 02:02 AM
Yes, could we please?
07-12-2010, 12:26 AM
Yeah! By the way, due to stuff I'll be doing this week, I might not be on much.
07-12-2010, 07:58 PM
I forgot entirely about this here RP.
I'm sorry, guys.
I'll get the IC up right now!
Don't worry, about it, word_weaver.
Just post whenever you can, and that'll be fine.
07-15-2010, 04:16 PM
Yay! Sorry I didn't look at this earlier, I'll work on a post ^_^
I'll post after someone else...I don't like going first... lol
spirits breath
07-17-2010, 01:25 AM
curse the long name I gave my character.
Zedajah is an odd name that will need some memorizing. I am going to begin a post. at the carnival where I am to begin. somehow remembering my bio despite it being a VERY long time since I wrote it. give me a bit and I can get a post in.
07-17-2010, 03:11 AM
Want some help escaping, Spirit?
spirits breath
07-17-2010, 03:33 AM
if you want to, though his plan would soon be to just use the illusions to make it look like he was trying to run away. then when the chased him, his actual self would run the other way out. and then the first thing on his list, eat and drink something. then wait a bit. run a bit further away and eat more.
eventually getting back to a point where he isn't running on recycled fumes and carnival food. least he is light and maybe easy to carry.
if you wish to splicer, I am sure the help would be appreciated. Though you would need a reason to decide "hey I think these are slaves, and I should try and rescue them." (who knows they are slavess for a reason. and it isn't the best thing to just free stuff at a carnival.
Imma planning on posting after another human does, just so I have something to say ya know...
07-18-2010, 03:36 AM
I've worked out my reason Spirit, I'll PM you a copy of my post before I post it so that you can review it, the carnival seems to be your world.
07-18-2010, 07:56 PM
Is the IC up yet?
07-18-2010, 07:57 PM
Yup ...
07-19-2010, 01:16 AM
@ Blue_Tornado
You can always, like, look up and see Lianna, and then be all like "OH NOES" or something.
@ word_weaver
Yeah, the IC's up.
07-19-2010, 11:37 AM
Okay thanks! I won't be on until about Friday, though. :(
07-25-2010, 10:39 PM
So sorry DemonGirl. My brain fell through a hole and I totally forgot about this. XD I will post as Mai (Mae? Oh lord, I don't even remember her name anymore! >.<) and Saggita soon.
Just so we're clear. Is the bodyguard position pre-arranged? If so I could write a post with Elly sitting outside the wall and being like "FINALLY" when you guys come out.
07-26-2010, 04:28 AM
@ toxias
No worries.
@ Blue_Tornado
I don't see how that would work, because Oblivion's residents could not possibly have any contact with the outside world.
If you want to be there beforehand, I would suggest that your character just be wandering around the wall or something.
Okay I posted. For the sake of time, I was assuming they could still speak the same language? Let me know if anything needs changing.
08-03-2010, 07:29 PM
I'll have my first post up very soon!
Oh I see how it is, everyone quits after I post -_-
08-19-2010, 10:15 PM
You've gotta be patient around this time of year.
School starts around this time, so people might be busy with stuff like that.
I'd post, but if I recall, you posted right after me, so that wouldn't help much.
08-20-2010, 10:44 AM
XD I guess this is what happens when everyone is waiting for everyone else.
I was hoping one of the other humans would post, but would you like me to go ahead and post as Mei?
08-20-2010, 02:11 PM
If you want.
Perhaps that'll prompt others to post as well.
08-20-2010, 07:45 PM
M'kay. Went ahead and wrote out a post. :3
Okay, I think I'll try and wait for another human and the dragoon to post again.
The Imposter
08-23-2010, 04:41 PM
Putting a post up within the hour. Sorry all but I've been hoping around the province lately and haven't found a stable connection in awhile.
lol Atma. You hit a nerve XD
08-23-2010, 09:37 PM
2 pages in, and tempers are already flaring.
This should be fun.
Well I took the bi-polar-ness of Canid's to heart XD
08-25-2010, 11:28 PM
Hi guys, I figured you were probably waiting for me? xD I'll try and get a post up today for Mei.
08-26-2010, 03:16 PM
You guys look like you need more KoP's. Who do I talk to about enlisting a dragoon? :3
08-27-2010, 02:15 AM
That'd be me, sir.
Yes, we could use a few more KOPs.
Thanks for taking interest!
08-27-2010, 11:53 AM
That'd be me, sir.
Yes, we could use a few more KOPs.
Thanks for taking interest!
*Taps finger at chin* Ok, what position in their ranks do you need filled? Career Soldier? Grunt? Merc? Healer? Mage?
Can start writing up a character once I know what kind of specialist in the KoP you guys think would be interesting~
The Magnan
08-27-2010, 12:46 PM
If you are still accepting character would i be able to use my black dragon Cailek. I haven't done fantasy in ages though.....
08-27-2010, 06:09 PM
If you are still accepting character would i be able to use my black dragon Cailek. I haven't done fantasy in ages though.....
Do you think we'd be able to make just Pure-blooded Dragons, instead of Dragoons who sound like Dragon-Kin (mixed breeds)?
08-27-2010, 07:19 PM
@ The Magnan and katosu
Sure, I'd be willing to allow a couple pure-breed dragons in, but I won't let too many in, because I had mentioned that dragons are from ancient Mysteria.
To answer your first question, katosu, at this point, I'm looking for most all positions (with the exception of a leader, since I'm pretty sure toxias snagged that position)
...Speaking of positions...
I ought to put a list of KOP ranks in my first post, so people don't have to make up random rank names and there's no confusion.
The Magnan
08-27-2010, 07:26 PM
ok thanks, i'll put my character sheet up now then.
The Magnan
08-27-2010, 07:45 PM
Name: Cailek/
Age: 601
Gender: Male
Race: Black Dragon
Appearance: Completely black, curving inward horns, and long spiked tail. He is a 6ft tall if standing on two legs.
Personality: Short tempered and prone to angry outbursts. Prefers to distance himself from other dragons.
Abilities: Darkfire
Occupation: (Not sure yet)
Rank: N/A
'I Grew up in darkness. I will die in darkness'
That is Cailek's believe in his twisted mind. There is nothing but Light and Dark. They must always be balanced. To avoid total destruction. Cailek ever since birth walked alone, he was one of the few left. While the others perished he survived. Cowardice. Or natural instinct. The exile from his land forced him seek a new life in Mysteria. Of course he had no knowledge of the Keepers of Peace. The darkness of the realm made it the perfect home for him, and the floating islands meant he could fly freely, and be part of the dark sky above. He had no grudge against the humans, who had heard were trapped in oblivion. He wanted to learn, expand his knowledge. Because you can only become stronger by learning and by letting go of the past.
(sorry this is short, but its the best i can think up so far)
08-27-2010, 08:52 PM
@ The Magnan and katosu
Sure, I'd be willing to allow a couple pure-breed dragons in, but I won't let too many in, because I had mentioned that dragons are from ancient Mysteria.
To answer your first question, katosu, at this point, I'm looking for most all positions (with the exception of a leader, since I'm pretty sure toxias snagged that position)
...Speaking of positions...
I ought to put a list of KOP ranks in my first post, so people don't have to make up random rank names and there's no confusion.
Hell, I'll take a purebreed spot, then. Lets me use some old Dragon lore I have sitting around for giggles. :) Lemme work on getting that post up for ya.
EDIT-IN: And yea, I'll make a character that's a subordinate. Let's him serve as a more "Observer"ish type like a dragon should be, rather than a "Leader / head strong" type like a regular creature.
EDIT-IN#2: Mag, in terms of age, the ages I've seen tend to put a you as being an adult / in your first breeding season around the age of 600, but that's just a different lore. There would be some who are as old as the earth itself, as well, but those ones become rarer as humans became better at hunting. Generally, an older one would be stronger. .-.
08-27-2010, 09:40 PM
Hi. Sorry, Ive been off for while. I'll try to post ASAP, but probably won't be able to post much often.
08-28-2010, 03:40 AM
That's alright, word_weaver.
I'm pretty busy myself, so I won't get on people about not posting.
@ The Magnan
Looks great so far!
With the age issue, I've always seen dragons as partially immortal: they don't die of old age, but they can be killed.
So in other words, I don't necessarily have an age limit with dragons.
@ katosu
That's alright with me.
BLANKET NOTE: I probably won't be letting in any more pure-breed dragons.
Just throwing that out there.
08-28-2010, 04:00 AM
That's alright, word_weaver.
I'm pretty busy myself, so I won't get on people about not posting.
@ The Magnan
Looks great so far!
With the age issue, I've always seen dragons as partially immortal: they don't die of old age, but they can be killed.
So in other words, I don't necessarily have an age limit with dragons.
@ katosu
That's alright with me.
BLANKET NOTE: I probably won't be letting in any more pure-breed dragons.
Just throwing that out there.
If you become uncomfortable with mine when I make it, tell me - I will happily make it Kin instead of Dragon. Just means I work the lore differently, is all
EDIT-in: And yea, the Age thing of Dragons is always difficult. It's why I tried to give him moreso the age of "Adult" dragons, who have lived long enough to hit their first season by the lore I tend to go by.
The Magnan
08-28-2010, 10:30 AM
Thanks I'll get a post up soon.
Quick question Magnan. Is Caliek hidden in the trees to observe what is going on? Or is he just kind of...there.
The Magnan
08-28-2010, 02:42 PM
He's just kind of there.
Alright got a big post on there XD trying to tie everything together.
09-03-2010, 04:57 AM
Blerg. Sorry Demon, school blindsided me. I'm going to take a peek at the thread now [Hi new people!] and see where I'm needed.
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