View Full Version : Not Your Usual Avatar Story (ic)

04-27-2010, 11:23 PM
((Okay Everyone I made the IC :) ))

Vixen shook her head slightly as she sat up, her light pink hair bounced almost happily as she looked out the window at the sunshine. She had been curled up in her bed. Her eyes wondered around the small familar room, leaves stuck in random places from the branches protruding through small cracks and creaves, she smiled this was home. Without thinking her legs slide to the side and she stood up, with a quick unconcious hand she dusted off her shirt and skirt, before walking to the door. It was still rather early, breakfast hadn't been finished yet, she knew this for she could hear the whooping and yelling that signaled any sort of food around here. She exited the room with quick soft steps and looked over the edge of the narrow wooden bridge that keep the whole treehouse connected. Her mind didn't wonder much about falling or slipping any more, no that was for the new recruits to do. She smiled as she moved quickly towards the dinning area. She was nearly knocked over by some of the younger freedom fighters as the ran towards the dinning area without a care in the world. She couldn't get mad, no most of the kids here had been terrorised by her original nation. As this thought entered her mind so did the image of flames and destruction and she had to stop and close her eyes to clear her mind. She let the teachings that the airbenders had tried so hard to teach her flow into her mind, and in just a few seconds she was calm again. She smiled and opened her eyes and made her calm walk and little brisker, when living with so many children it is kind of inportant to get to the dinning area on time or you didnt eat.

It wouldn't bother her so much not to eat, just not to see everyone happy. As she entered the area and took an empty seat near the entrance, she took a few small pieces of meat and a small roll before glancing around at all the faces. Even with them all smiling she could still picture them tear stained and fire surrounding them. She had to close her eyes for a second before taking a bite of the roll. 'Your doing good Vix, you're helping them now, you don't have to worry so much.' She reminded herself mentally.

04-28-2010, 09:46 AM
Phoenix. The mythical bird of fire.
Phoenix had always wondered why she had been named after such a creature. Its tears could heal the worst wound, and it was immortal. Phoenix was far from that. She injured rather than healed, and she was pretty sure she wasn't immortal or ageless, or that sort of thing. Perhaps it had been her red-ish hair, which was unusual, even for a Firebender. Perhaps it had been her red-orange eyes, which were always filled with some form of anger. Perhaps it had just been a chance. Maybe it was even the reason for her ability to fire-bend so well.

Either way, she was still Phoenix, uber fire-bending prodigy. As she thought about that, she formed a small fire psi ball and launched it in front of her. Combat practice. The first thing on her daily agenda. She whipped around and sent a blast of fire towards the innocent-looking trees. The fire did no damage, though, for she directed it around the various tree trunks. As skilled as she was, she still cared for the nature around her. Though most called her a 'neutral' in this war, but in truth, she was really siding with nature. Well, that was her way of saying that she wanted the war to end.

She told herself everyday, that one day, in the near or far future, she would end this war. Just, not today. But perhaps that day is closer than she thinks.

04-30-2010, 12:16 AM
Mia sat up and yawned loudly stretching her hands above her head. She always slept really well in the woods. Looking around Mia decided she would scale the trees around yer to see where she wanted to go for the day. Scaling the tree she put a hand over her eyes and looked around. When she spotted the nearby village she smiled and scrambled down the tree. Perfect! She could go there and see if they would allow her to stay for the night and give her food. Mia's stomach growled and she frowned. She hadn't eaten in a while. Sighing Mia lifted her hands and spun in a wide circle drawing water from the surrounding plants. Mia directed some of the water into her mouth so she could drink it and the rest went into a large water pouch. Mia looked fondly at the little campsite she had made and gave a little salute. Can't keep everything you make.

Mia giggled and began the trek down to the village. Little did she know it was a village filled with Kiyoshi warriors.

05-01-2010, 03:05 AM
Lexi was patrolling a small section of the woods a good distance away from the village. The past weeks training had been hard. Well the training is usually hard but today was harder then normal. Either way she was a bit exhausted but it wasn't enough to hinder her physically. The dark drown haired girl heard some footsteps in the distance and quickly with a few acrobatic moves quietly made her way up into a tree. Below her was a girl walking in the direction of the village. The girl didn't seem to have any weaponry on her but you could never be too careful so she decided to tail her and wait to see what she did.

05-01-2010, 04:22 AM
As Mia neared the village she began to fret over her appearance. Tucking her bright blue hair behind her ear she adjusted her outfit, a loosely fitting dress belted at the waist, to fit in a more apropriate way. No need to set a bad impression. As Mia passed a bush of brightly colored flowers she picked one and tucked it behind her ear. Perfect. Mia continued into the village completely oblivious to the girl trailing behind her.

05-01-2010, 04:30 AM
((waiting on others to post))

05-04-2010, 12:32 AM
((Sorry its taken me so long xP Don't hate me))

Vixen sighed as she finished a small portion of her meal, she then passed it over to her right and stood, she knew someone else would eat it even if she didn't. She moved easily through the confusing mirage of other freedom fighters, and made it to the small plank that lead to the ropes to the ground. She grabbed one of the dozen or so dangiling ropes and pulled. She was pulled quickly down towards the ground. About ten feet away from the ground the rope jerked back and she let go.

She landed in a crouching position, the rope had already disappeared out of view heading back to its original position. She looked around the woods, and up at the perfectly hidden hideout. She smiled and began to walk down the trail a ways, looking around at the familar trees and flowers. Her mind wondering aimlessly.

05-20-2010, 05:54 AM
"You have to move faster Jun. You have to let your rage, your desire to be the best flow from your feet to your hands."

Jun's older brother demonstrated this theory by blasting a powerful burst of flames to a nearby tree. His older brother was ruthless. The tree, which two minutes ago was full of live, was coated in black ash. The leaves had disappeared, and all that was left were puddles of ashes floating sorrowfully down to the brown grass.

"I'm hungry," said Jun to his older brother. "Let's go home."

His older brother rolled his eyes. "How are you going to become a fire nation warrior when you are always hungry? Don't you want to bring pride to this family?"

"Yes brother," he said, but Jun really didn't mean it. He didn't want to be a part of the Fire Nation at all. In fact, technically he wasn't. He was a Freedom Fighter now. And soon there would be war between him and his older brother.

"Go find some fire wood for Mother. Then we'll go home."

And so he did. He dilly-dallied, enjoying the outdoors and smelling the fresh air. Lately Jun had found himself seeking solitude. It was bad enough that he was such a horrible fire bender. It was even worse that his father was ashamed of him. Jun's older siblings were all a part of the Fire Nation army. They believed in the Fire Nation, breathed pride for their country, and were living examples of ideal citizens. Jun could not be a talented fire bender, he knew that, but he could be a great freedom fighter. He flocked to that idea instead.

Suddenly, a blast sounded off. Jun was startled; he thought his older brother was nearby. He slid behind a large tree trunk for protection, then peeked out to search the area.


What he thought was his big burly brother turned out to be a girl instead. She was firebending with intense speed, agility, and skill. She was brilliant, absolutely awe-worthy. He continued to watch her from behind the tree, leaning forward a bit more to see her face, when his heavy foot snapped a twig.

The girl's head whipped around in his direction.