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05-01-2010, 06:12 AM
Darkness closed in on the area around the shard, the Earth shard that had been located by Inari and his team of Mystics. Lightening streaked across the sky and three creatures burst forth like bats out of hell from the ground beneath them shaking the very foundation.

Inari looked at the shard as it seemingly wanted to fall off the holster it was in but he quickly snatched it and was met with a barrage of energy beams from the titans that had risen.

"Fight or Flee Mystics," He stated as he launched his own barrage of energy orbs that crashed upon meeting the oncoming barrage.

05-01-2010, 10:18 AM
Kayleb Struck the tree with his Bo. He fought silently, practising with deadly precision. He looked up at the sky when he finished, he swirled the bo in circles as it returned toits gaseous state,and streamed into Kaylebs mouth. "Not Bad" he said. then turned to a tree next to him. "Now for Magic Training" he said, and exhaled gently, and a crimson gas floated out, and made its way up the tree, Kaylebs hand moving slightly as he controlled it. It approached a Robin in the Tree, and then engulfed the bird, then it was absorbed. The birds eyes glowed red,then returned to normal. The bird flew down to Kayleb, and perched on his shoulder. It then flew off with a Gesture of Kaylebs hand, and flew in circles around his head. Kayleb then made a gesture with his hand, he moved it towards the bird, pinched his middle finger and thumb together, then gently pulled away from the bird, drawing the smoke with it. The bird tweeted, and flew off. Kayleb sighed. The Animals were the only company he ever got.

05-01-2010, 03:20 PM
Armaedeus fired his crossbow again and again into the painted target. 98 times out of 100 was how often he hit the center from 80 meters while moving. It wasn't good enough. If he was to help find the shards, then he needed to be perfect. No distractions, no fears, no clouded thoughts. Just him and the target. He started running one more time and fired.


The target hit four centimeters off the center.

05-01-2010, 08:06 PM
Some of the Mystics in Inari's team chose to leave as fast as their cowardly feet could take them. Ryu-ken tossed his head in disgust.

"Seems you are a little low on warriors, since last we met Master Inari."

A large boulder was flying in his general direction. Ryu-ken did not seem to move as the boulder slammed on to his location. Ryu-ken stepped left out of the boulber. His intangable body was almost see through. Another boulder of equal size was on its way to the same location, but before it finished its arc, a blast of blue energy took it from the skies.

05-02-2010, 01:34 AM
"Indeed it seems that way doesn't it, we have the shard and that's enough for me at the moment," Inari replied as his energy collided with the oncoming barrage. Flipping back until he was beside Ryu, he looked at the male and smirked, "let's get out of here," He stated as he grabbed the man by the shoulder and both of them vanished.

Soon after, they arrived in the training grounds of the Temple of Order where everyone seemed to have gathered. Inari sighed.

"We have captured the Earth Shard, now we have to wait until another shard reveals itself but be careful, now that Naja's goons didn't retrieve the shard he was sure Naja would step it up and the next shard would be more difficult to retrieve than the last.

05-02-2010, 10:28 AM
Kayleb walked to the nearby stream. he lowered his head to the water, and cupped his hands. he scooped it up and drank from his fingers, The water was dirty, but it was all he had. he stopped drinking and sighed. he began making his way home when he heard something move. Something Big, Something called Dinner. He stalked the beast carefully, listening to the sounds it made. It would be easier simply to perform a full possession, but he thought that was cruel to trick them when they had no means of escape. at least other forms of traps could be escaped or could malfunction, but Magic rarely did. Kayleb placed a hand to his belt, and removed a Shuriken from it. he stood still, and looked around. He couldnt see the creature. He closed his eyes and sensed the surroundings, probing them with his hearing, Then WHAM! he spun around and threw the star, Which made contact with the beasts Eye. it wailed in pain as it punctured its eye. this was where he could use magic. he summoned his sword and approached the creature. he pushed past some bushes to find a Lioness wounded. He checked her over with his eyes, not hands, to see if she was pregnant. No signs. Good to go. He walked up to the Lioness and looked down at it. He closed his eyes and breathed out the smoke he relied on so heavily, and watched it enter the Lionesses body. He left a message in her mind, then Quickly swiped down on the Lionesses Neck, Killing her instantly. he heaved a sigh, and then carries the Lioness Back. i say carried, More Dragged.
But What was the Message he left the beast? it was simple.

05-06-2010, 03:05 AM
Ryu-ken rid himself of rock residue from his hands by slapping them together. A small cloud fluffed around his hands. He shook himself alittle more, but with a little disgust like when someone walked over his grave.

"You know I hate 'porting. It makes my hair stand on end. Now, 'oh Master' I'm going to while away hours just trying to mat it all back down again see ya."

He was running away and gone with a hop, skip, and a jump. Ryu-ken liked to make excuses for not appearing before the Heads of the Order, anything would do. They hated him, and he hated them. He was soon at some out of the way place where no one would normally look for a person.