View Full Version : Celix verses Kris

12-24-2012, 03:35 AM
Training area:
The training area is a large 30 by 30 foot square piece of dirt that has been trampled by thousands of feet over the years. Surrounding the aged patch of dirt is a chest high wooden planked fence. The fence is a mismatched nightmare of different colored planks from having to be replaced from over excited bodies crashing through them.

The sun had risen in the sky and burned away the small collection of fog that had gathered that morning in the keep. Nicolette walked through her normal eastern gate into the training area for her morning warm up with her swords. Nicolette was resting her gloved hands on her two slimly crafted sword hilts as she moved to her normal starting position in the training area. Having already stretched before entering she was warmed up and ready to fight against her opponent for today.