View Full Version : [M] The Gang: Recall

12-25-2012, 12:39 AM

Here is the IC!

This RP is closed to new players

You notice that the streets are unusually empty tonight, but it doesn't bother you, you've had a rough night and you don't feel like talking to anyone anyway. As you round a corner you see a figure at the end of the block. It looks bigger than an average person and it puts you on edge. You look down at your feet and keep walking and try to pretend you didn't see it. Out off the corner of your eye you see something dash by so you stop and look around, "I know you saw me, there's no need to pretend," someone whispers in your ear. You turn to the sound and find a man towering over you, covered in black fur, with the head of a wolf, but he still wears his street clothes. In seconds, the fur disappears and his head changes shape and now he appears to be just a regular young man. You recongnize him however, from the papers, the news and rumours. He grins mischievously and pulls a slip on paper out of his pant pocket, "Titanic Gray," he states as he hands you the paper, "You look so shocked, you didn't really think you were the only one with such power around here did you?" you can't even find words to speak and then he starts to laugh, "Look, tomorrow is a full moon and we're in need of some new recruits," he pauses, "The UI, I mean, don't be late." You look down at the paper and read the address. You open your mouth to say something, but he's already gone and you're left alone in the dark streets.

Welcome to the UI (Unknown Identities),

We are not your typical street gang, no, we are quite the opposite of that. As you know, I am Titanic Gray, leader of this gang. We formed about 10 years ago when I was 15. It was just a joke at first, but soon it became real and grew until it is what you see today. The year is 2013 in the middle of the summer so I suggest you keep a sharp eye out for guns hidden under people's coats or tucked away somewhere on their person. I myself prefer not to carry guns and rarely allow my members to carry them either, draws far too much attention.
This gang is full of all kinds of drama, fights, romance and delicious murders so know who's on your side. If I were you I wouldn't consider me as one of you friends, I'm not afraid to slit your throat in the night, but I will step in and save your sorry ass if I feel it is necessary.
Our goal is to cause grief and fear among the humans without truly revealing ourselves to them. We are not here to kill them nor care for them, but if one of them gets too close to discovering us, I will give out the order to find them and kill them before it's too late.
Lastly, I'd like you to fill out this form just so we can keep record of who's who and what not. Then maybe you'll be able to be an Unknown Identity.
I'll add mine too so you can know a little more about me and know how the form should look when it's done.
One last thing, a full moon is coming, tension will be rising throughout the next few days ((2 days 2 nights, I'll let you all know when the full moon is here)), no one will be calm as a matter of speaking, so watch yourself, you don't want to get caugght up in a fight already.

-Titanic Gray

Name: (Feel free to give yourself a gang name, but you must have an everyday name)

Age: (20-30)

Gender: (Male or Female)

Type: (Demon, Werewolf, Vampires are you're only options. I realize there are different demons so use personal judgement and I will make the final decision)

Weapons: (You can only pick one weapon, but this does not include guns just simply because it make everything less interesting in my opinion. If you decide to disregard this rule: 1. I will be one unhappy woman 2. There's the possibilty I will kick you from the RP.)

Clothes: (Your character's general clothing)

Body Description: (Your character's general appearance including thier human and monster forms)

Weakness: (Everyone has at least one weakness: fear of something, easily worn out, that kind of stuff)

Time in Gang: (This is the cool part! How long have you been in the gang? The longer you've been in the more history you have with them, I suggest you don't put 15 years unless you've confirmed with me, but it's up to you. You could also be the newest recruit and have never even met anyone yet! Never know!)

I decided to leave out "Brief Bio" cause who the hell actually keeps it brief and who really gives shit.

Name: Titanic Gray

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Type: Werewolf

Weapons: Titanic's sword is one of a kind: It's blade is crimson red, it is rumored that is was dyed from the blood of any who dared to cross his path. The one edge of the blade is serrated while the other is flat and blunt. The handle of the sword is black leather and finally it is kept on his back inside a dark scabbard ready for him to unsheathe at any moment.

Clothes: Generally, Titanic will just wear a pair of jeans, a T-shirt and a hoodie. He tries to keep his load light so he can move quickly and make difficult maneuvers whenever necessary. His running shoes are a little worn, but have served him well over the years and still do, allowing him to have good grip and a comfy fit.

Body Description: On the inside of his right forearm is a black tattoo of a wolf howling, it's head being at his wrist and the bottom of the tattoo about halfway to his elbow. His hair is raven black that is usually just a mess on his head with a few wisps of hair across his forehead. Titanic's are dark and seem like endless pits staring down those who challenge him. He is built well although he should never be underestimated when in battle, for he is much strong than he may appear. He is about the average height of any regular being, although this is quite different when he is in his wolf form. If he ever decides to transform he becomes more fierce and horrifying than before. He grows fur darker than a midnight sky and his eyes turn to blood shot red. He grows to a ridiculous size, larger than any regular wolf, nearly bigger than a deer. His sharp fangs stick out the most being pearly white against the dark fur and his blood red tongue licking them in anticipation.

Tattoo - http://www.flashandfurious.com/albums/userpics/10001/Tribal_Wolf_Tattoo_by_wolf_za.jpg

Face- http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121008202423/youtube/images/0/00/Klnhdjkgdjkrhij.jpg
(That's right! I'm using Immortal as his face :3 If you know who he is you're my new best friend)

Weakness: As strange as it may seem, Titanic is actually horrified of water because he doesn't know how to swim, seeing that he was never taught. If there is ever an instance where he must swim across a pool of water he finds someone to do it for him and comes up with an excuse not to. So far, he has done a good job of hiding it from the others. His second weakness which he conceals even further is his loneliness, he has never truly fallen in love someone and wishes he had someone to call his own. If he were to witness a relationship within the gang, you could say he'd be horribly jealous. *wink wink* (just saying, it could be fun)

Final notes
This RP will be rated mature because it will involve intense violence, language and depending who crazy you guys other mature themes. If you're not one to swear or feels uncomfortable having their character be involved in drinking or anything you probably wouldn't do in real life, you don't have to do it. I expect everyone to be respectful of other's choices in character development and support each other. If you have any questions feel free to ask! The rules are the same as any RP, should you fail to follow them, I will notiffy you privately. Should you fail to follow the rules 3 times and I must notify you everytime, then I will have to remove you from the RP because I'm not here to tell you right from wrong, I'm here to create a story.
I did this RP a while ago, but nothing lasts forever, so perhaps we'll see some old Gang members come back again which would be awesome, but hopefully they'll be some new guys too!




12-25-2012, 12:47 AM
Accepted Members

Name: Titanic Gray

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Type: Werewolf

Weapons: Titanic's sword is one of a kind: It's blade is crimson red, it is rumored that is was dyed from the blood of any who dared to cross his path. The one edge of the blade is serrated while the other is flat and blunt. The handle of the sword is black leather and finally it is kept on his back inside a dark scabbard ready for him to unsheathe at any moment.

Clothes: Generally, Titanic will just wear a pair of jeans, a T-shirt and a hoodie. He tries to keep his load light so he can move quickly and make difficult maneuvers whenever necessary. His running shoes are a little worn, but have served him well over the years and still do, allowing him to have good grip and a comfy fit.

Body Description: On the inside of his right forearm is a black tattoo of a wolf howling, it's head being at his wrist and the bottom of the tattoo about halfway to his elbow. His hair is raven black that is usually just a mess on his head with a few wisps of hair across his forehead. Titanic's are dark and seem like endless pits staring down those who challenge him. He is built well although he should never be underestimated when in battle, for he is much strong than he may appear. He is about the average height of any regular being, although this is quite different when he is in his wolf form. If he ever decides to transform he becomes more fierce and horrifying than before. He grows fur darker than a midnight sky and his eyes turn to blood shot red. He grows to a ridiculous size, larger than any regular wolf, nearly bigger than a deer. His sharp fangs stick out the most being pearly white against the dark fur and his blood red tongue licking them in anticipation.

Tattoo - http://www.flashandfurious.com/albums/userpics/10001/Tribal_Wolf_Tattoo_by_wolf_za.jpg

Face- http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121008202423/youtube/images/0/00/Klnhdjkgdjkrhij.jpg
(That's right! I'm using Immortal as his face :3 If you know who he is you're my new best friend)

Weakness: As strange as it may seem, Titanic is actually horrified of water because he doesn't know how to swim, seeing that he was never taught. If there is ever an instance where he must swim across a pool of water he finds someone to do it for him and comes up with an excuse not to. So far, he has done a good job of hiding it from the others. His second weakness which he conceals even further is his loneliness, he has never truly fallen in love someone and wishes he had someone to call his own. If he were to witness a relationship within the gang, you could say he'd be horribly jealous. *wink wink* (just saying, it could be fun)

Name: Desz De Luca (Nick-Name: Double D L)

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Type: Vampire

Weapon: http://img0.etsystatic.com/000/0/6590545/il_fullxfull.285949632.jpg

Clothes: Basically a white T-Shirt thats skin tight thats tucked in into black dress pants & grey dress shoes, he'll sometimes put on the matching black blazer on.

Body Description: Desz's hair is nicely slicked & comb backed. He has a average humans body structure around 6,0, only with slight belly fat. Desz has auburn eyes that give off a slight warming seductive look when you look at him. When his Vampiric senses kick in his skin turns very pale & his eyes get very tense as does the rest of his face gets that way to.

Weakness: Well common Vampire weaknesses like Sunlight, Crosses, & such, the typical. What Desz fears most is time. He was born in the 50's & shortly joined the a group of mafia men. When he was bit everything changed & by now everything is different from his time. Basically he's afraid of being left behind.

Time in gang: 6 - 7 years. He has earned a reputation of a ruthless murderer who tends to care less about anyone feelings or thier life.

Name: Farah "The Flame" Jameson

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Type: Werewolf

Weapons: Dual-wielded daggers, both with one of the sharpest blades around. Farah will often be found cleaning or sharpening the blades so they are always the best they can be. The hilts of them are silver-plated with fine rubies embedded into the surface. She keeps them at her sides in a belt she made specifically to carry them.

Clothes: Cargo pants, preferably black and not too tight with a tank top and her favorite leather jacket. Simple black boots that are fairly old but still are in good condition for maneuvering. She is almost always moving so her clothes allow her to be comfortable while doing so. The only time she wears anything super tight is for formal occasions, in which she'll wear a short black dress that reveals all her curves and of course, her leather jacket.

Body Description: Fair skin against hard hazel eyes and wild dark hair. While those close to her know she's fairly gentle, strangers see her toned body and cold look and are instantly intimidated. Like what was mentioned, she is nicely toned and comes in at about 5'4". She has a tattoo on her shoulders and upper back that adds to her wild look. When transformed she becomes nearly twice her normal size, becoming covered in dark brown fur and gaining glowing, piercing bright yellow eyes that will stare anything down and scare it half to death. Her teeth normally have blood dripping from them, adding to her terrifying look.


Appearance- http://media-cache-ec5.pinterest.com/upload/245798092132095064_QQYsXdr3_c.jpg

Weakness: There are two things Farah fears the most—one of them ironically is darkness. Not just the dark, but that thick, deafening darkness that makes it seem as if one is dead. The other is a fear of losing someone dear to her. Because of this fear though she is always willing to risk her life for someone she is close to, if it means saving theirs.

Time in gang: 3 years. She is fairly comfortable with everyone now.

Name: Aalaya Bae

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Type: Demon - Succubus

Weapons: Chain Dagger - A chain, made out of the most harder steel, with a dagger at it head. The dagger itself, in it's middle has a beautiful diamond that change it's color on Aalaya mood. The chain is long up to 18 meters. Often it is wrapped around her body. The flexibility that proves helps her to have an accuracy unmatched in this weapon mastery.

Clothes: A rocker; usually a furry vests, or one of leather with studs; over a white either black t-shirt with a negative message about life/ love/ sexuality orientation/ peace/ etc. Molded jeans, of a black blue and a pair of high heels that suit her feet perfectly like in Cinderella.

Body Description: A beautiful and alluring appearance. Short hair, a bob hairstyle, a warmth violet with crimson reflexes. Slightly contoured lips, cupid's heart shaped, fleshy and bulky; of a natural pink color. A gently arched nose, a pale skin color that come into contrast with her ​​dark eyes. A well shaped body, with mother nature gifted forms, a tall person, around 5'6'' and slim - looks like the ideal woman at the first glare -. As a transformation into a Succubus is not different from her daily life, the only difference are seen on her body and the personality. More bigger forms, she is more attractive and own that something that makes you to be her's. Things as illusions and fantasies are one of the things she master very well. One each wrist, tattooed two ribbons, colored. On her shoulder, has some words, tattooed or not, they can't be removed. Aalaya doesn't understand it, but it said that is someone manage to discover what means, own the hell itself. The truth or not it can't be sure spoken. Hell is a place were for some is heaven and for other the place you wish to never be there.

Weakness: Fire - Was she is scared is the fire; born from the deep pits of the Hell, fire itself reminds her of her homelands; and somehow of the church, but the resemblance is pointless.
Herself - She is more like a hopeless romantic, she want to find true love and not to lure it like it does with most men. Pretty much she avoids to be a Succubus and all. Has a split personality; when she doesn't transform she is pretty much normal and everyday, but when she does, turn into a really different person.

Time in Gang: She is the newest recruit of the gang. Pretty much couldn't be spoken about her; Aalaya is spot as a distant person, doesn't speak a lot, but when she does a lot of heads turn and listen - perhaps usually obey her - has a natural sense of being a leader, but avoids circles were she is the center of attention. By other she is the most strange demon that they could ever met, as well, for her so-called demon form no one have ever seen it. had used a few times and never had ended good.

Name: Blake Mikels, (gang name: Crow)

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Type: werewolf

Weapons: Stiletto and butterfly knife

Clothes: black boots that have soviet style blades if he taps them together (instead of returning to Kansas) and loose fitting jeans that have countless chains hanging from them. He usually wears layered torso attire, an unmarked (for obvious reasons) navy Tee under a black hoodie. His hands are covered in fingerless gloves that have skulls on the backs of each. He wears rings on each midle finger that, when the gemstone is turned, eject small blades.

Body Description: As a human, Crow is skinny and can't very well defend himself against oncoming attacks, explaining why virtually every article of his wardrobe is loaded with some sort of weapon. He can barely bench his own 130 lb. body weight but compensates with his use of blades combined with his extensive capoeria training. His auburn hair is shaggy but kept and his pupils are so large that his hazel irises are barely even visible. As a wolf he greatly contrasts his human form, becoming a long and slender, but quite powerful black haired beast. Depending on how far he is into his transformation, his skills with knives become less and less apparent and his advanced motor skills decrease. His nails are very well filed and kept prime for slashing.

Weakness: Physical power is minimal and if caught without his weapons he's virtually defenseless. He is still mastering his transformation and can take up to a minute to fully transform.

Length of time in Gang: a year and a half.

Extra information: Crow is the tech expert of the gang. He has cool gadgets though they don't always have desired results. He and Titanic have a certain unspoken respect for each other despite a lack of trust between the two. Crow doesn't like being challenged and can only stand to take orders from Titanic because they often come to the same conclusions.

Name: Dove Klartwood: Polar (because she's cold around human men)


Age: 26

Gender: F

Type: Vamp

Weapons: two daggers that are half her arm length. Both are black hilted and the metal is a fine silver that hasn't been touched by blood in the last decade, as she preffers to settle things with either her words, or just her teeth.

Clothes: skinny jeans that are a sensual blue, with either a regular T or a softly loose sweater with a tank. Black boots are her common footwear, but a cute pair of sneakers or even converses will do her good for running. No tattoos, even though she wanted one and still does, she doesn't wear any jewelry unless the need is called for.

Body Description: She'll come off as warm and inviting from first glance, but behind the sweet smile of pink lips, is a set of sharp fangs that she'll sink into you if you royally piss her off, or if she's just too hungry. Dirty blonde hair will change from being artistically messy to straight and neat depending on the day. Her eyes change color from a dark dark brown, almost black, when her hunger shows through, or a startling mixture of light and dark blue with green and grey flecks in them when she is full or in her normal form. When in her monster form, her eyes dilate and the irises darken, as her fangs shoot out.
Her beauty is only for her being a vampire to attract the prey to her as means of hunting.

Weakness: sunlight, holy water, a crucifix, etc. etc. But her biggest fear is actually human men, because her father was abusive to her when she was a child, and her fianceé was the reason of how she changed into a vamp 30 years ago. She doesn't have a deathly fear of men, as she has grown to be harsh toward them and as her common diet. Her biggest fear is actually betrayal, as when she ran away from her abusive fianceé, her trusted brother that she was staying with ratted her out for money. Ever since then she's had some trustworthy problems in the gang, even though she's been there for five years.

Time in Gang: 5 years, and is well known by most everyone in the gang

Name: Samael Faulkner (feel free to make up names, I'm historically bad with them)

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Type: Demon - Harbinger, the bearer of bad news.

Weapons: A large armored gauntlet with claws at its fingertips. The metal is painted a pearlescent black and beautifully detailed with gold inlays, which seem to shift slowly over time. The claws are sometimes poisoned.

Clothes: Samael is known for an odd style, black cargo pants over combat boots with a dark red untucked dress shirt, and most notably a custom dark leather coat with a swallow-tail as well as a beaked hood and large folded-over cuffs. This seems to comprise most of his wardrobe, although there is a little variance from time to time.

Body Description: At 6 feet tall and 155 pounds Samael is thin and a bit stringy, but not lacking in power. His hair is a short brown buzz-cut with a widow's peak, his eyes a slightly darker brown. He keeps his fingernails long and sharply pointed, and sometimes paints them as well. His transformation is very similar to the fictional Ghost Rider as he essentially becomes a flaming skeleton. This form grants him increased speed and some supernatural perception.

Weaknesses: Samael is stricken by extraordinary perfectionism, a need to make sure everything goes correctly the first time every time, often causing him to gather excessive amounts of information where action might be the better choice, or constantly beat himself up for the smallest mistake. As a result of being a creature of fire he also possesses a certain aversion to water and other liquids, especially in demon form.

Time in Gang: 4 years, while not necessarily close with everyone he certainly knows who, what, and where everyone is most of the time.

Extra: The inlays on Samael's gauntlet do change, and are a way to communicate with other Harbingers over long distances, often used to list names and "messages" to be delivered. The job of a Harbinger demon is to make sure certain things occasionally happen, where the jobs come from and why they need to be done, nobody knows.

Samael operates a private hand-delivery service for anyone who doesn't trust the postal service with packages, no questions asked and no records kept.

Name: Soulyeh (Gang-name: Soul)

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Type: Demon – Fallen Angel

Weapons: Bow and Arrows. Her bow is no more than 3 feet in length and 2 feet wide, candy apple red. Hand crafted and overly sharp arrows that can easily pierce most things. She keeps its sheathed most of the time.

Clothes: She is always wearing all dark black clothing, a type of tight skinny jeans to fit her slightly small curvy figure, a black spaghetti strap undershirt with a black zip up hoodie, and black shoes.

Body Description: Soulyeh stands at a height of around 5’7. She has long loose curly jet black hair that goes to about her mid-back line. Her hair neatly matches the curvature of her round face. Small sharp nose with slightly high cheek bones, dark piercing deep emerald green eyes. Very pale skinned, and slightly cold to the touch but not enough to be classified as unhealthy. She has a tattoo on her left shoulder blade of black rose with scroll work all around with blood dripping from the thorns on the rose, with words that are worked into the scroll work that read “A soul that has been lost forever, and shall never be returned.” Demon Form - her eyes go from the emerald green to dark satin glossy black. She has wings that come out of her backside that gives her a wing span of about 8 feet from tip to tip. Her wings are a dark black and feathery like an angel would be, but of course not white. All feature besides eyes stay the same.

Weakness: She has an odd fear of not liking things touch her. Only time she allows things touching her is when she touches them first. Other than that she can’t stand it. So touching her would not be your best interest because she gets pretty mad when it happens.

Time in Gang: One year, still new and learning everyone.

Annaclarrissa “Luna” Moriyami-Corin




An original Katana handcrafted with glistening steel; its handle wrapped in a thin black fabric for better grip. The blade itself is sharp and thin, engraved with small lettering and symbols. Normally it hangs along her back in a dark black sheath with silver symbols sketched around its rim.

Long sleeved, red, V-neck with a black tank top, long, black leather jacket that reaches just above her knee caps as well as torn dark blue jeans and a black belt with several pouches that contain small throwing knives hang from it. She constantly wears high heeled black boots that reach the middle of her calf and they have three gold buckles along the sides and a small blades protruding from the heels and hides a thick handled dagger with a red tinted blade in it. She wears a tight, black, collar-like necklace with a dark blood red gem hanging in the middle and a black ring with a matching jewel in the center on her right hand.

Body Description
Human: Luna has slightly curled dark brown hair that reaches just above the small of her back and crosses across her right eye. She has faded blue-grey eyes, is 5’11” and is quite slim. She has three long scars along the side of her neck, partly covered by the necklace she wares but still visible to those who pay enough attention as well as a few scars along her arms and several around her right wrist that cut towards each other like bite marks. She also as a tattoo on her left ankle of a white wolf howling in front of a glowing red moon with a black wolf towering over it, its snout curled into a snarl, cutting into the moon as well as several other tattoos along her arms and shoulders, most of wolves.

Wolf: A slim but tall wolf with piercing blue eyes, with grey outlines, that peer through her thick white fur that almost covers her entire right eye. She’s very agile due to her small figure and long graceful legs. She has two rows of sharp pearl white teeth and four sets of matching white claws to aid her in fights.

Luna has suffered from a harsh past that has made her conscious of all her kills and is very hesitant when it comes to killing and though she does not have a fear of killing or death she often becomes lightheaded and sick around blood and dead beings because of what she’s seen and what has happened to her in the past. She also keeps herself separated from most because she has been hurt by loss before and doesn’t want it to happen again, losing someone she had become attached to is her greatest fear.

Time in gang
Luna has been friends with Titanic for some time and although she has been part of the gang since shortly after it began she avoids most of its activities and problems. Due to this lack of activity she isn’t well known to the rest of the gang’s members but doesn’t mind because it keeps her from forming bonds with those she might lose.

Azraella Loralei Noblesse // “Black Rose”

28 but appears to be 19


Pure-blooded Demon of ancient, noble lineage (the Noblesse family)

A tall, black scythe with a huge blade, forged from moonstone and the flames of the underworld. It is not usually with her since she has the ability to summon it when she needs it.

Azraella is always dressed in dark hues, normally black, but chooses midnight blues and royal violets occasionally. Her style can be described as bold, daring, edgy and spy-like. She isn’t afraid to show off her porcelain skin and wears tight-fitting leathers that make her look like a fashionable, undercover spy right out of a movie. She is never seen without heeled, leather boots or stilettos.http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/232/1/0/girl_by_yy6242-d5bqupj.pnghttp://good-wallpapers.com/pictures/10377/korean-soldier-girl-wallpaper.jpghttp://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2012/193/b/6/wizard_by_yy6242-d56wi9c.png

Body Description
Azraella definitely looks like a respected noble at first glance, perfect posture, petite but defined features and neat, 5’11” appearance. But behind the innocent smile are sharp fangs and her manicured nails can instantly lengthen, strong enough to pierce through wood. Her skin is flawless porcelain, with a tattoo of raven’s wings on her back. An elegant, skeletal dragon covers her entire left arm and shoulder, with drawings of skulls and roses here and there, between the curves of the dragon and on any open space on her arm.

Azraella weakens in the sunlight. She doesn’t cripple and burn up like a vampire, but she is much weaker and the sun also gives her a slight, dull pain, due to her affinity with darkness that many ancient demons have. Azraella fears almost nothing, and frankly feels very little. However, she finds it difficult to work with others, and enjoys being a lone wolf with the exception of very few people.

Time in Gang
Azraella was Titanic’s first recruit. She was there for the whole journey, and doesn’t plan on leaving any time soon, though it’s mostly because of her status that causes many new recruits and members to respect as well as fear her. However, she does genuinely care for the UI to some extent.

Name: Hector Samoil Crux (the black creed)

Age: 21

Gender: male

Supernatural power: Daemon (Shadow-Shifter)

Weapons: A massive scythe rests on hectors shoulder, held in one arm. soulreaper is the massive blade that has been passed down from generation to generation in the crux family, his other powers comes from his ability of being a shadow shifter. He can shift into simple shapes, but nothing to extreme. he can contort his body into grotesque proportions. He can also dissipate into a shadow cloud itself. This makes for fast travel and very concealed identity, in a nutshell, his primary weapon is fear.

Clothes: You would usually see hector wearing a black hoodie, not fully done up, and a grey v-neck underneath. A gold chain is barely visible slung around his neck. Jeans cover his legs, and a larger chain swings from his back pocket into his front one, leaving itself on the right side of his legs. His shoes are an unlikely dress shoe, in suspiciously neat condition. He also occasionally wears a fedora. its a checkered pattern.

Body appearance: From his eyes to his feet, hector is a very lanky man, he is fairly tall, but not extremely. his hair is as black as his soul, and always seems to cove his right eye. The other one, still visible it a midnight purple. With fairly small pupils. He has a very horrendous grin, that only seems to come out after a successful scare. He has a pretty good build for the most part, but is twice as agile as he is strong. His other eye, when visible, always has a dark shadow around it, dripping down his face.

Weakness: Hector, being a shadow shifter, is very well affected by light, in most cases, he can very well tolerate it though, like an average day outside, or artificial light, but hector cannot seem to stand even the sight of fire, the highly concentrated for of light slowly can burn his shadow essence away, and the heat itself can penetrate his cold, dead soul.

Length of time in game: Has been part of the gang since the very beginning, one of Titanic's closest friends.

Name: "Psycho" Jack Culling

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Type: Shade (Demon)

Weapons: Until subtlety became a concern, Jack enjoyed hacking his victims to parts with his claws. He settles for pocket knives now.

Clothes: He goes for basic. Black sneakers, pants, tee shirt, hoodie, trucker hat, and sunglasses.

Human Description: Standing at 5'9" and appearing to weigh next to nothing under his baggy clothes, Jack is less than intimidating until he opens his mouth to smile, as all of his teeth appear filed to a razor edge. This, coupled with his blank white eyes and pale skin make his human disguise a rather poor one. In the end, it matters little. Few people ever get from psychotic looking individual to genuine demon. What normal person would?

Demon Description: Jack's body stretches to a narrow 6'9" figure, composed of the darkest black. He appears to be a shadow that ripped itself from the ground. Plain and featureless beyond the vaguely humanoid outline. Oh, and did I forget to mention the foot long claws? I guess that solves that.

Weakness: Bright light. He can't stand the stuff. If little more than a candle catches him without his hoodie, hat, or glasses, common reaction it to run away, screaming "It burns us!" Which it actually does.
Then there's the voices. Some are his friends. Some are not. But all influence him at some time or another...

Time in Gang: One month. He was found by the gang and given an offer. "Stop doing stupid shit to get us found, or we kill you." It was several horrible murder attempts later that Jack and his voices, asses thoroughly kicked by the gang, grudgingly decided that being kept in check was better than being kept in a grave.

12-25-2012, 01:33 AM
Seems overall interesting, I'll consider joining. :)

12-25-2012, 01:36 AM
Join EEN!

12-25-2012, 01:40 AM
Yay! Can't wait to see some Character Sheets from you guys :D

12-25-2012, 01:56 AM
Definitely considering, will decide after Christmas. :)

12-25-2012, 03:50 AM
I feel like joining again...I'll consider it :)

12-25-2012, 03:54 AM
Would you allow a character's type to be half of something?

12-25-2012, 05:13 AM
@Elora Alright, sounds good!

@PinkBandit So happy to see you back again!

@Elizabeth As in like half daemon half human? I will not be having any half daemon half werewolves running around.

12-25-2012, 05:18 AM
Half human, lol. It's all right if it's something you won't accept. (:

12-25-2012, 08:24 PM
Name: Aalaya Bae

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Type: Demon - Succubus

Weapons: Chain Dagger - A chain, made out of the most harder steel, with a dagger at it head. The dagger itself, in it's middle has a beautiful diamond that change it's color on Aalaya mood. The chain is long up to 18 meters. Often it is wrapped around her body. The flexibility that proves helps her to have an accuracy unmatched in this weapon mastery.

Clothes: A rocker; usually a furry vests, or one of leather with studs; over a white either black t-shirt with a negative message about life/ love/ sexuality orientation/ peace/ etc. Molded jeans, of a black blue and a pair of high heels that suit her feet perfectly like in Cinderella.

Body Description: A beautiful and alluring appearance. Short hair, a bob hairstyle, a warmth violet with crimson reflexes. Slightly contoured lips, cupid's heart shaped, fleshy and bulky; of a natural pink color. A gently arched nose, a pale skin color that come into contrast with her ​​dark eyes. A well shaped body, with mother nature gifted forms, a tall person, around 5'6'' and slim - looks like the ideal woman at the first glare -. As a transformation into a Succubus is not different from her daily life, the only difference are seen on her body and the personality. More bigger forms, she is more attractive and own that something that makes you to be her's. Things as illusions and fantasies are one of the things she master very well. One each wrist, tattooed two ribbons, colored. On her shoulder, has some words, tattooed or not, they can't be removed. Aalaya doesn't understand it, but it said that is someone manage to discover what means, own the hell itself. The truth or not it can't be sure spoken. Hell is a place were for some is heaven and for other the place you wish to never be there.

Weakness: Fire - Was she is scared is the fire; born from the deep pits of the Hell, fire itself reminds her of her homelands; and somehow of the church, but the resemblance is pointless.
Herself - She is more like a hopeless romantic, she want to find true love and not to lure it like it does with most men. Pretty much she avoids to be a Succubus and all. Has a split personality; when she doesn't transform she is pretty much normal and everyday, but when she does, turn into a really different person.

Time in Gang: She is the newest recruit of the gang. Pretty much couldn't be spoken about her; Aalaya is spot as a distant person, doesn't speak a lot, but when she does a lot of heads turn and listen - perhaps usually obey her - has a natural sense of being a leader, but avoids circles were she is the center of attention. By other she is the most strange demon that they could ever met, as well, for her so-called demon form no one have ever seen it. had used a few times and never had ended good.

12-26-2012, 03:16 AM
@Jinks Well, whether you decide to join in or not, I love your CS. She sounds like an interesting character who could really make this RP interesting.:)

12-26-2012, 06:01 AM
I have my CS ready, but I won't be able to post it up until I get regular Internet access. But I'll get it up either this week or next

12-26-2012, 06:05 AM
Give me a moment to get my rusty wheels in my head turning so I can think of a good character. I'm gonna get in the line of people who want to join this rp though ^_^

12-26-2012, 06:49 AM
@PlasticIce : Yea ! I want to join ! But i want to add more details on the character, but with the new years coming, the party and many thing fall on my head now; sorry. I will try to finish it this Friday.

12-26-2012, 08:56 AM
Name: Desz De Luca (Nick-Name: Double D L)

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Type: Vampire

Weapon: http://img0.etsystatic.com/000/0/6590545/il_fullxfull.285949632.jpg

Clothes: Basically a white T-Shirt thats skin tight thats tucked in into black dress pants & grey dress shoes, he'll sometimes put on the matching black blazer on.

Body Description: Desz's hair is nicely slicked & comb backed. He has a average humans body structure around 6,0, only with slight belly fat. Desz has auburn eyes that give off a slight warming seductive look when you look at him. When his Vampiric senses kick in his skin turns very pale & his eyes get very tense as does the rest of his face gets that way to.

Weakness: Well common Vampire weaknesses like Sunlight, Crosses, & such, the typical. What Desz fears most is time. He was born in the 50's & shortly joined the a group of mafia men. When he was bit everything changed & by now everything is different from his time. Basically he's afraid of being left behind.

Time in gang: 6 - 7 years. He has earned a reputation of a ruthless murderer who tends to care less about anyone feelings or thier life.

12-26-2012, 09:59 PM
Name: Farah "The Flame" Jameson

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Type: Werewolf

Weapons: Dual-wielded daggers, both with one of the sharpest blades around. Farah will often be found cleaning or sharpening the blades so they are always the best they can be. The hilts of them are silver-plated with fine rubies embedded into the surface. She keeps them at her sides in a belt she made specifically to carry them.

Clothes: Cargo pants, preferably black and not too tight with a tank top and her favorite leather jacket. Simple black boots that are fairly old but still are in good condition for maneuvering. She is almost always moving so her clothes allow her to be comfortable while doing so. The only time she wears anything super tight is for formal occasions, in which she'll wear a short black dress that reveals all her curves and of course, her leather jacket.

Body Description: Fair skin against hard hazel eyes and wild dark hair. While those close to her know she's fairly gentle, strangers see her toned body and cold look and are instantly intimidated. Like what was mentioned, she is nicely toned and comes in at about 5'4". She has a tattoo on her shoulders and upper back that adds to her wild look. When transformed she becomes nearly twice her normal size, becoming covered in dark brown fur and gaining glowing, piercing bright yellow eyes that will stare anything down and scare it half to death. Her teeth normally have blood dripping from them, adding to her terrifying look.


Appearance- http://media-cache-ec5.pinterest.com/upload/245798092132095064_QQYsXdr3_c.jpg

Weakness: There are two things Farah fears the most—one of them ironically is darkness. Not just the dark, but that thick, deafening darkness that makes it seem as if one is dead. The other is a fear of losing someone dear to her. Because of this fear though she is always willing to risk her life for someone she is close to, if it means saving theirs.

Time in gang: 3 years. She is fairly comfortable with everyone now.

12-27-2012, 01:09 AM
@ElizabethStark Understandable, I look forward to it!

@Jinks Let me know when it's ready and I'll add you to the list

@VID Welcome to the Gang :)

@EloraGuinievra Welcome fellow werewolf XD

12-27-2012, 01:21 AM
I almost feel like a sophomore entering high school in this RP, :P
Anyway, I sorta liked the character I had going, so I think I'll stick with him. Though, I'll add a few traits that developed in him the last time I liked.

Name: Blake Mikels, (gang name: Crow)

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Type: werewolf

Weapons: Stiletto and butterfly knife

Clothes: black boots that have soviet style blades if he taps them together (instead of returning to Kansas) and loose fitting jeans that have countless chains hanging from them. He usually wears layered torso attire, an unmarked (for obvious reasons) navy Tee under a black hoodie. His hands are covered in fingerless gloves that have skulls on the backs of each. He wears rings on each midle finger that, when the gemstone is turned, eject small blades.

Body Description: As a human, Crow is skinny and can't very well defend himself against oncoming attacks, explaining why virtually every article of his wardrobe is loaded with some sort of weapon. He can barely bench his own 130 lb. body weight but compensates with his use of blades combined with his extensive capoeria training. His auburn hair is shaggy but kept and his pupils are so large that his hazel irises are barely even visible. As a wolf he greatly contrasts his human form, becoming a long and slender, but quite powerful black haired beast. Depending on how far he is into his transformation, his skills with knives become less and less apparent and his advanced motor skills decrease. His nails are very well filed and kept prime for slashing.

Weakness: Physical power is minimal and if caught without his weapons he's virtually defenseless. He is still mastering his transformation and can take up to a minute to fully transform.

Length of time in Gang: a year and a half.

Extra information: Crow is the tech expert of the gang. He has cool gadgets though they don't always have desired results. He and Titanic have a certain unspoken respect for each other despite a lack of trust between the two. Crow doesn't like being challenged and can only stand to take orders from Titanic because they often come to the same conclusions.

Tell me if I need to make any changes. ^,^

12-27-2012, 03:04 AM
Sweet , I was fearing I'd might be declined like a high school nerd =(

12-27-2012, 03:06 AM
I think I'll put my name down as well, though I don't think I'll be finishing this character tonight... my creativity is off somewhere having a party without me :<

Name: Samael Faulkner (feel free to make up names, I'm historically bad with them)

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Type: Demon - Harbinger, the bearer of bad news.

Weapons: A large armored gauntlet with claws at its fingertips. The metal is painted a pearlescent black and beautifully detailed with gold inlays, which seem to shift slowly over time. The claws are sometimes poisoned.

Clothes: Samael is known for an odd style, black cargo pants over combat boots with a dark red untucked dress shirt, and most notably a custom dark leather coat with a swallow-tail as well as a beaked hood and large folded-over cuffs. This seems to comprise most of his wardrobe, although there is a little variance from time to time.

Body Description: At 6 feet tall and 155 pounds Samael is thin and a bit stringy, but not lacking in power. His hair is a short brown buzz-cut with a widow's peak, his eyes a slightly darker brown. He keeps his fingernails long and sharply pointed, and sometimes paints them as well. His transformation is very similar to the fictional Ghost Rider as he essentially becomes a flaming skeleton. This form grants him increased speed and some supernatural perception.

Weaknesses: Samael is stricken by extraordinary perfectionism, a need to make sure everything goes correctly the first time every time, often causing him to gather excessive amounts of information where action might be the better choice, or constantly beat himself up for the smallest mistake. As a result of being a creature of fire he also possesses a certain aversion to water and other liquids, especially in demon form.

Time in Gang: 4 years, while not necessarily close with everyone he certainly knows who, what, and where everyone is most of the time.

Extra: The inlays on Samael's gauntlet do change, and are a way to communicate with other Harbingers over long distances, often used to list names and "messages" to be delivered. The job of a Harbinger demon is to make sure certain things occasionally happen, where the jobs come from and why they need to be done, nobody knows.

Samael operates a private hand-delivery service for anyone who doesn't trust the postal service with packages, no questions asked and no records kept.

Update: I'm still not sure I got everything I wanted, but that is at least most of it. I really wish I could draw well enough to do character art >_<

Also, bit of fiction about Harbinger demons in there.

P.S. Any way Samael could be like the gang intelligence keeper or something? I like those types of characters :P

12-27-2012, 03:58 AM
Mind if I stick with Azraella/second in command?

12-27-2012, 05:58 AM
@Ace_of_hearts Yes! I'm so excited to see you here again! I'll add you to the list in the morning. Welcome back!

@X Well, it's a start! XD

@PinkBandit Sounds like a plan! Do you just want to use the exact same bio? I can just grab it from the old OC that way, but if not then repost it with the edits. Can't wait to RP with you again, I don't know if you kept up with the story, but after you left stuff went a little crazy XD

12-27-2012, 07:26 AM
Name: Dove Klartwood: Polar (because she's cold around human men)


Age: 26

Gender: F

Type: Vamp

Weapons: two daggers that are half her arm length. Both are black hilted and the metal is a fine silver that hasn't been touched by blood in the last decade, as she preffers to settle things with either her words, or just her teeth.

Clothes: skinny jeans that are a sensual blue, with either a regular T or a softly loose sweater with a tank. Black boots are her common footwear, but a cute pair of sneakers or even converses will do her good for running. No tattoos, even though she wanted one and still does, she doesn't wear any jewelry unless the need is called for.

Body Description: She'll come off as warm and inviting from first glance, but behind the sweet smile of pink lips, is a set of sharp fangs that she'll sink into you if you royally piss her off, or if she's just too hungry. Dirty blonde hair will change from being artistically messy to straight and neat depending on the day. Her eyes change color from a dark dark brown, almost black, when her hunger shows through, or a startling mixture of light and dark blue with green and grey flecks in them when she is full or in her normal form. When in her monster form, her eyes dilate and the irises darken, as her fangs shoot out.
Her beauty is only for her being a vampire to attract the prey to her as means of hunting.

Weakness: sunlight, holy water, a crucifix, etc. etc. But her biggest fear is actually human men, because her father was abusive to her when she was a child, and her fianceé was the reason of how she changed into a vamp 30 years ago. She doesn't have a deathly fear of men, as she has grown to be harsh toward them and as her common diet. Her biggest fear is actually betrayal, as when she ran away from her abusive fianceé, her trusted brother that she was staying with ratted her out for money. Ever since then she's had some trustworthy problems in the gang, even though she's been there for five years.

Time in Gang: 5 years, and is well known by most everyone in the gang

12-27-2012, 02:21 PM
Donne ! The not so brilliant CS is done !
This is more like a wide request for everyone that had joined this RP, and of course with the bless of the GM I would nicely ask for you're perfect soulmate. I mean, since I'm a succubus, I usually knows you're deep, really deep sweet dreams. And I need a little help here. Would you give me some small information about you're perfect soul mate ?

12-27-2012, 06:21 PM
@SilverAce Beautiful! Welcome to our Gang.

ANNOUNCEMENT!! So, I suddenly realized that none of my picture work so you can look at my CS again and the pictures should be working again.

12-27-2012, 07:12 PM
Updated mine, should be at least 95% there, I might add some more detailed descriptions of stuff because I always hate my original quality.

12-27-2012, 07:36 PM
@X It looks great! Let me know if you add anything else, I'll add your CS to the list and to answer your question yes you can, but it won't really be an official title if you know what I mean. The only person with an official title besides Titanic is Azraella who will be your second in command. But yeah XD you can be whoever you want in the gang!

12-27-2012, 07:39 PM
I think I'll write a new CS, there are a few things I want to change :)

12-27-2012, 09:40 PM
@PinkBandit Cool, I look forward to it!

12-27-2012, 09:58 PM
This looks very interesting. Are you still accepting applications?

12-27-2012, 10:08 PM
@Sukeyaa Yes! :D Please, make a CS!

ANOTHER ANNOUNCEMENT!! Prepare yourselves! I'm making maps so no one gets lost or confused in the city or Titanic's house which is also the UI base. The map of the city will just kind of be in the immediate area because we'll probably spend a lot of time in the house outside the house and if we venture off into the city we can just make it up, I just wanted to make a guide line so you all get the general idea.

12-27-2012, 10:16 PM

12-27-2012, 10:33 PM
Okay, after thinking hard and putting my heart and soul this is it! Haha,

Name: Soulyeh (Gang-name: Soul)

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Type: Demon – Fallen Angel

Weapons: Bow and Arrows. Her bow is no more than 3 feet in length and 2 feet wide, candy apple red. Hand crafted and overly sharp arrows that can easily pierce most things. She keeps its sheathed most of the time.

Clothes: She is always wearing all dark black clothing, a type of tight skinny jeans to fit her slightly small curvy figure, a black spaghetti strap undershirt with a black zip up hoodie, and black shoes.

Body Description: Soulyeh stands at a height of around 5’7. She has long loose curly jet black hair that goes to about her mid-back line. Her hair neatly matches the curvature of her round face. Small sharp nose with slightly high cheek bones, dark piercing deep emerald green eyes. Very pale skinned, and slightly cold to the touch but not enough to be classified as unhealthy. She has a tattoo on her left shoulder blade of black rose with scroll work all around with blood dripping from the thorns on the rose, with words that are worked into the scroll work that read “A soul that has been lost forever, and shall never be returned.” Demon Form - her eyes go from the emerald green to dark satin glossy black. She has wings that come out of her backside that gives her a wing span of about 8 feet from tip to tip. Her wings are a dark black and feathery like an angel would be, but of course not white. All feature besides eyes stay the same.

Weakness: She has an odd fear of not liking things touch her. Only time she allows things touching her is when she touches them first. Other than that she can’t stand it. So touching her would not be your best interest because she gets pretty mad when it happens.

Time in Gang: One year, still new and learning everyone.

Please let me know if I have to modify anything. ^.^

12-28-2012, 04:29 AM
*finishes maps* *looks at them* Well these look like shit. I can promise you guys maps for tomorrow.

@Sukeyaa Looks fantastic! I'll add you to the list once I can get my hands on a proper computer (sister's hogging the desktop, I'm here on my iPad, it likes to randomly deletemy most treasured items so) otherwise, Welcome to the Gang!

12-28-2012, 04:43 AM
*nods* Thank you, proud to be a part of it.

12-28-2012, 04:55 AM
I made a few adjustments to my character since the old r.p but its basically the same.

Annaclarrissa “Luna” Moriyami-Corin
Age- 24
Gender- Female
Type- Werewolf

An original Katana handcrafted with glistening steel; its handle wrapped in a thin black fabric for better grip. The blade itself is sharp and thin, engraved with small lettering and symbols. Normally it hangs along her back in a dark black sheath with silver symbols sketched around its rim.

Long sleeved, red, V-neck with a black tank top, long, black leather jacket that reaches just above her knee caps as well as torn dark blue jeans and a black belt with several pouches that contain small throwing knives hang from it. She constantly wears high heeled black boots that reach the middle of her calf and they have three gold buckles along the sides and a small blades protruding from the heels and hides a thick handled dagger with a red tinted blade in it. She wears a tight, black, collar-like necklace with a dark blood red gem hanging in the middle and a black ring with a matching jewel in the center on her right hand.

Body Description
Human: Luna has slightly curled dark brown hair that reaches just above the small of her back and crosses across her right eye. She has faded blue-grey eyes, is 5’11” and is quite slim. She has three long scars along the side of her neck, partly covered by the necklace she wares but still visible to those who pay enough attention as well as a few scars along her arms and several around her right wrist that cut towards each other like bite marks. She also as a tattoo on her left ankle of a white wolf howling in front of a glowing red moon with a black wolf towering over it, its snout curled into a snarl, cutting into the moon as well as several other tattoos along her arms and shoulders, most of wolves.

Wolf: A slim but tall wolf with piercing blue eyes, with grey outlines, that peer through her thick white fur that almost covers her entire right eye. She’s very agile due to her small figure and long graceful legs. She has two rows of sharp pearl white teeth and four sets of matching white claws to aid her in fights.

Luna has suffered from a harsh past that has made her conscious of all her kills and is very hesitant when it comes to killing and though she does not have a fear of killing or death she often becomes lightheaded and sick around blood and dead beings because of what she’s seen and what has happened to her in the past. She also keeps herself separated from most because she has been hurt by loss before and doesn’t want it to happen again, losing someone she had become attached to is her greatest fear.

Time in gang
Luna has been friends with Titanic for some time and although she has been part of the gang since shortly after it began she avoids most of its activities and problems. Due to this lack of activity she isn’t well known to the rest of the gang’s members but doesn’t mind because it keeps her from forming bonds with those she might lose.

12-28-2012, 10:00 AM
And for a newb, for a fresh meat in the gang, i am , i mean howI will start, already in gang or just first day ??

12-28-2012, 10:36 AM
Huh, so many people already. Got room for another, maybe?

12-28-2012, 06:48 PM
@Jinks It'll depend on how I start the RP, Titanic will probably be calling everyone in for some kind of meeting, so you could be coming go the house for the first time or meeting Titanic in the park for the first time, you'll just have to read my first post when we start the IC and you can decide from there.

@Corvid There's always room ;)

12-28-2012, 07:05 PM
@Corvid There's always room

Okay, maybe I lied. I have two spots reserved for two people, but you're my last one Corvid! You lucky person!

12-28-2012, 07:13 PM
Very excited for this RP (:

12-28-2012, 08:40 PM
You guys aren't allowed to laugh at my maps :( I realize they're pretty derpy, but if you have any questions let me know!
This house once belonged to Titanic's family, but after Titanic's younger sister graduated from school, his parents moved away and his sister left for college. He now lives alone in the house. He claimed the master bedroom and opened his home to the UI members.

The second floor of the house is off limits to all members. Titanic refuses to let anyone up there unless he gives them permission.
The kitchen is open for anyone to use, the fridge is always full of food, the appliances are always clean and ready to use. No one knows how he keeps everything so clean or how he keeps the fridge full, it's just another mystery to add to the list.
The living room and basement is open to all members as well, whether they want to sleep there or relax. Titanic doesn't mind if any members decide to crash on his couch for the night/day.
The basement is where all the meeting are held. There are couches and chair scattered around the room, most of them "donated" by the more rich members and others dug out of the dump. As you can see there is a hath to the sewers; Titanic dug his way into the sewer systems and although it's not the nicest place, it's a good way for members who are sensitive to light to enter and exit the house without going outside. It's also the UI's escape root in case of an ambush.
Storage cloests are stalked with first aid supplies as well as blankets, pillow and memories Titanic has been trying to forget (pictures, letters, drawing, etc.)

CITY OF CARNEM (Titanic's neighbourhood)
The city is called Carnem. Titanic's house is the yellow square on the very edge of town. The house backs onto a giant forest and is in the poorest part of town. If you were to walk around you'd find all kinds of people; druggies, homeless, prostitutes, alcoholics. Many of the people know what goes on in the house, but they all know to keep their mouths shut, otherwise they might not wake up in the morning.
There is a beautiful luscious park that the government has decided to take care of to try and make the neighbourhood look more welcoming, but we all know that's bull shit and it does nothing.
Across the street from the park is the supermarket where you can buy any food you might need and beside it is the liquor store and convenience shop where you can get your booze and cigarettes.
Beyond this map is up to the rest of you! We're not gonna draw a whole map out so don't get your hopes up.

Members of the UI range from filthy rich to homeless. If you have a steady income than you're porbably not well known by the cops and have a good job, if you're homeless you're probably well known by the cops, undereducated or in some kind of trouble (drugs, alcohol, etc). There's lots of possibilities so think about it and be creative! Not a single UI member is ever the same.

- - - Updated - - -

Gah. Okay... now the pictures aren't working... please stand-by.

12-28-2012, 08:44 PM
Yes! I am so awesome, there you go guys! :D
Do you want me to put it on the front page?

12-28-2012, 08:53 PM
Wow there's a lot of new characters. Here's mine :)
I like the maps BTW. I actually imagined the house to look like that, only the kitchen and living room were on the opposite sides :o Putting it on the first post would be a good idea ^u^

Azraella Loralei Noblesse // “Black Rose”

28 but appears to be 19


Pure-blooded Demon of ancient, noble lineage (the Noblesse family)

A tall, black scythe with a huge blade, forged from moonstone and the flames of the underworld. It is not usually with her since she has the ability to summon it when she needs it.

Azraella is always dressed in dark hues, normally black, but chooses midnight blues and royal violets occasionally. Her style can be described as bold, daring, edgy and spy-like. She isn’t afraid to show off her porcelain skin and wears tight-fitting leathers that make her look like a fashionable, undercover spy right out of a movie. She is never seen without heeled, leather boots or stilettos.http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/232/1/0/girl_by_yy6242-d5bqupj.pnghttp://good-wallpapers.com/pictures/10377/korean-soldier-girl-wallpaper.jpghttp://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2012/193/b/6/wizard_by_yy6242-d56wi9c.png

Body Description
Azraella definitely looks like a respected noble at first glance, perfect posture, petite but defined features and neat, 5’11” appearance. But behind the innocent smile are sharp fangs and her manicured nails can instantly lengthen, strong enough to pierce through wood. Her skin is flawless porcelain, with a tattoo of raven’s wings on her back. An elegant, skeletal dragon covers her entire left arm and shoulder, with drawings of skulls and roses here and there, between the curves of the dragon and on any open space on her arm.

Azraella weakens in the sunlight. She doesn’t cripple and burn up like a vampire, but she is much weaker and the sun also gives her a slight, dull pain, due to her affinity with darkness that many ancient demons have. Azraella fears almost nothing, and frankly feels very little. However, she finds it difficult to work with others, and enjoys being a lone wolf with the exception of very few people.

Time in Gang
Azraella was Titanic’s first recruit. She was there for the whole journey, and doesn’t plan on leaving any time soon, though it’s mostly because of her status that causes many new recruits and members to respect as well as fear her. However, she does genuinely care for the UI to some extent.

12-28-2012, 09:11 PM
@Sukeyaa I'm glad you are! :D Last time it was loads of fun and with this many people, it's gonna be crazy!

@PinkBandit Naw, thank you! Your CS looks great, welcome back to the Gang :)

So, I'm thinking we'll start this thing up either the 29th or 30th. Gives you guys some time to ask me any questions, decide who your character is and what you might do in the first few posts, you know how it goes. :) Also, gives me sometime to make write a good post to start us off. I'm on regularly, checking if anyone posted and what not so you can either PM me or post on here either way is fine. We're waiting on possibly two more people so we'll see what happens.

12-28-2012, 09:20 PM
Ahh here is a good question, I can obviously tell you wont accept "one-liners" (no fear I don't do that) But do you prefer at least one paragraph, two.

12-28-2012, 09:35 PM
At least one paragraph is my minimum. Yeah, the one liners drive me up the wall, I undertsand that sometimes it's hard to write an entire paragraph, but do your best.

12-28-2012, 09:36 PM
You and me both, especially when i put out a good solid paragraph then POOF! One line. Biggest pet peeve ever. I tend to shrug it off, but it irks me to no end. I can get ya at paragraph, no worries!

12-28-2012, 09:47 PM
I'm pretty sure we all have a lot of RP pet peeves (lol I even started a thread about it somewhere in the forum). One liners are probably at the top of my list. :P

I reallyyy can't wait for this thing to start >u<

12-28-2012, 09:50 PM
@Sukayee Okay good! I think we'll get along just fine :3

I've added a new member to the list, he didn't put up his CS in the thread because he is not able to access a proper computer at the moment. The RP will definetly be starting on the 30th, so grab a bowl of snacks and something to drink and keep an eye out for the IC, things are going to move quickly.

12-28-2012, 09:51 PM
If I wasn't to lazy to get out of bed, I'd jump up and down for this to start. *shifts eyes* Okay maybe not BUT this I am sure will be fun. *looks around* More mature and literate people here, which in my opinion just makes things better. From the characters I've seen so far, we have a wide variety of just about everything.

12-28-2012, 09:55 PM
yeah i'm super excited for it to get up and going again, it'll be great especially with so many people in it this time

12-28-2012, 09:58 PM
So Hector's jumping back in as well? Awesome :)

12-28-2012, 10:03 PM
I'm going to need to make myself a small list of who's who and what's what for my own personal preference. And forgot to say, I liked the maps. Much better than what I would EVER be able to do.

12-28-2012, 10:09 PM
@DarkAngelFlux This time you'll actually get to interact with more members, who did Luna meet last time? Titanic, Crow, Hector, Atsila? Did they find Chasity?

@Pink Bandit Yeah ^.^

@Sukeyaa Yeah, I need to do the same thing XD And thank you! You should have seen my first one, I thought it'd be a cool idea to draw it, but it looks like lines a scribbles so :3 Whatever!

12-28-2012, 10:12 PM
*looks at clock and date* Okay come on time!

12-28-2012, 10:21 PM
I think I shall tease you people as I type the first post, just snipits and words *evil laugh* No,but seriously, expect teasers for the next two days :>

12-28-2012, 10:24 PM
Plastic, I'll make my character~!

12-28-2012, 10:27 PM
I think corvid's the last character o_o....

12-28-2012, 10:51 PM
@Yukari*Novia Uh... dammit you missed out last time too. Fine, make a CS. Corvid was suppose to be the last, but I'llmake one exception.


Whatever it was, it was unsettling.

12-28-2012, 10:56 PM
*stares wide-eyed at thread*
Woo, social people! I've never seen an OOC thread this lively :D
Map looks great, character sheets look fantastic, and best of all, we're all literate! (You have NO idea how easily annoyed I am at constant grammar and spelling mistakes >.<)
So excited for this to be up and running.

12-28-2012, 11:04 PM
WOO HIGH FIVE! Not the only one. What I really need is a thesaurus but I think I'll be okay for now. Even better? I have spell check, thank you google chrome! *waits patiently for thread*

and for sure depending on your first post influences mine.

12-28-2012, 11:07 PM
Tease tease

He took a moment to listen, the house seemed relatively quiet, but than again someone could have been in the basement without him even knowing.

12-28-2012, 11:09 PM
Nuhhh! Nuh nuh nuh!
Don't do it Plastic!

12-28-2012, 11:17 PM
Heh heh :3

12-28-2012, 11:35 PM
Might as well post the damn thing tonight!

We're all eager for it anyway.... :3

12-28-2012, 11:37 PM


12-28-2012, 11:38 PM
Pwease? I'm pretty excited for this roleplay and it's potential.

12-29-2012, 12:11 AM
Oh my goodness you guys! Okay okay... I'll consider it, give me 20minutes

12-29-2012, 12:17 AM
Yes her and Crow did end up finding Chasity and i believe she also met Relik just before she left with crow

12-29-2012, 12:19 AM
Will be waiting for your decision :3

12-29-2012, 12:37 AM
OKay, my decision has been made

12-29-2012, 12:47 AM
*cough cough* I'm just gonna put this here and see what happens...


Take it easy, alright?

12-29-2012, 12:50 AM
Plastic, we love you C:
-Dashes off to the IC-

12-29-2012, 01:02 AM
Now I have to wait for some of you to post.... Sigh... What have you all done to me?

12-29-2012, 01:26 AM
*squeals* This just made my day so much better

12-29-2012, 01:47 AM
@Elora ^.^ Oh! Yay!

12-29-2012, 02:06 AM
I feel like I'm behind already! Heheh. Well, here he is. I can change him around if he's a bit too out there...

Name: "Psycho" Jack Culling

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Type: Shade (Demon)

Weapons: Until subtlety became a concern, Jack enjoyed hacking his victims to parts with his claws. He settles for pocket knives now.

Clothes: He goes for basic. Black sneakers, pants, tee shirt, hoodie, trucker hat, and sunglasses.

Human Description: Standing at 5'9" and appearing to weigh next to nothing under his baggy clothes, Jack is less than intimidating until he opens his mouth to smile, as all of his teeth appear filed to a razor edge. This, coupled with his blank white eyes and pale skin make his human disguise a rather poor one. In the end, it matters little. Few people ever get from psychotic looking individual to genuine demon. What normal person would?

Demon Description: Jack's body stretches to a narrow 6'9" figure, composed of the darkest black. He appears to be a shadow that ripped itself from the ground. Plain and featureless beyond the vaguely humanoid outline. Oh, and did I forget to mention the foot long claws? I guess that solves that.

Weakness: Bright light. He can't stand the stuff. If little more than a candle catches him without his hoodie, hat, or glasses, common reaction it to run away, screaming "It burns us!" Which it actually does.
Then there's the voices. Some are his friends. Some are not. But all influence him at some time or another...

Time in Gang: One month. He was found by the gang and given an offer. "Stop doing stupid shit to get us found, or we kill you." It was several horrible murder attempts later that Jack and his voices, asses thoroughly kicked by the gang, grudgingly decided that being kept in check was better than being kept in a grave.

12-29-2012, 02:15 AM
Posteded (rawr)

12-29-2012, 02:40 AM
O.o something came up, I guess I'll post later

12-29-2012, 02:52 AM
@Corvid Welcome to the Gang!

@SilverAce HURRAY!

12-29-2012, 03:06 AM
@Corvid: So, Jack... as in Jack the Ripper? :o

Working on a post.

12-29-2012, 03:19 AM
@pinkbandit Something like that!

Posted, by the way. A little bit short, but I'm out of practice forum rping...

I'll get better! I promise!

12-29-2012, 03:45 AM
@Corvid Ah no worries! :3

12-29-2012, 04:01 AM
Just got home. Man I leave to go out to eat and this is what yall do!? WHYY LOL off to post

12-29-2012, 04:10 AM
Sorry! ^.^ You're too far behind no worries

12-29-2012, 04:20 AM
You mean not too far right? *giggles*

12-29-2012, 04:47 AM
Oh yeah! Derp Derp Derp :3 my bad

12-29-2012, 04:48 AM
Haha, well my post it up. *claps hands* Im excited (:

12-29-2012, 05:22 AM
Tis' up X3 Lookin good so far guys.

12-29-2012, 05:53 AM
I most certainly agree with you (: and how funny even set of guys n girls

12-29-2012, 06:14 AM
Jeezas that was scary....first post.

12-29-2012, 06:16 AM
I from personal experience, have realized after the first post, things got easier. But then again, that is just me. *giggles* You'll do fine~

12-29-2012, 06:23 AM
Dang, everytime im close to finishing my post, "Pop!" new post, time to make edits.
Sorry, I'm a slow writer xD

12-29-2012, 06:26 AM
I know that feeling. *yawns* but I think Im going to turn in for the night. I'll see yall in the am! (unless i can't sleep >_>)

12-29-2012, 06:30 AM
Goodnight! Sleep tight! Don't let th- Well if you have bug beds you probably get that checked by a bed enthusiast.

12-29-2012, 06:32 AM
You guys are so awesome ^.^

Yes, I find after the first post things getting easier and more fun :3 Just wait it'll be awesome!

I think I'm gonna go to sleep too, I'm pretty tired, I have an idea for my next post, but I'll let PinkBandit jump in there ;) Have a wonderful sleep everyone! I hope you all dream of vampires, daemons and werewolves tonight.

12-29-2012, 06:56 AM
Okay, posted. Finally. I think out of all posts I've ever written, I was most confused writing this one @_@ Azraella was not portrayed as planned.
Want.. to... deleeete.....

Meh, second post will be better >:ooo

12-29-2012, 06:57 AM
Eh I say PinkBandit did a wonderful job despite the fact that she said she was confused & probably pulling her hair out saying "Stop Posting damnit!"

12-29-2012, 08:16 AM
Ignore my recent post; a ton of people posted and I have to change it

12-29-2012, 08:24 AM
ya you did fine pinkbandit, much better then I but it will get easier once it gets a little further into it and i know how you feel, Luna didn't end up as i was going to have her be but oh well

12-29-2012, 08:27 AM
...Well, instructions on how to remove a post would be useful :sweat:

12-29-2012, 08:33 AM
Oh k oh k I know i'm posting small posts, and to be honest i'm little embarrassed about it, but i'll try posting longer as the RP goes on.

12-29-2012, 08:58 AM
Nevermind, I just completely changed my post >.<

12-29-2012, 10:24 AM
Woo sorry guys ! I was bussy >.< I will work on my post right now !

12-29-2012, 11:40 AM
Woah, I went to bed and woke up with a lot to read.

Oh yeah, about the cracked phone thing. Frighteningly enough, I see people walking around texting on broken screens all the time. Only started when the iphone 5 came out though....

12-29-2012, 04:51 PM
Okay I did another post, letting our new recruit inside. ^.^ As for me I have to go to my aunts for the day and then work, so I will try to post from my phone, if I do, i'm giving a heads up that they will be shorted than my normal ones. Yall enjoy, and dont get Soul into too much trouble.

12-29-2012, 07:56 PM
Wow, I hope I'm still able to join. Lol,

12-29-2012, 08:20 PM
Okay, now lets hope I can get a decent post in without another five popping up this time. :)

12-29-2012, 08:38 PM
Just to clarify, what do you mean by thing, Plastic?

12-29-2012, 08:43 PM
I have a feeling Titanic meant Psycho lol.

12-30-2012, 12:22 AM
ya im pretty sure that she was referring to Psycho as when she said Thing

12-30-2012, 01:51 AM
Better to be sure than ignorant... also realized I already confused characters with one another, will try not to do that in the future.

12-30-2012, 04:18 AM
Sorry, I guys I haven't been checking the OC much, but looks like a few of have already taken care of things around here. Thank you!
Everything's going great! Let me know if you guys needs anything via PM or on the thread.

@ElizabethStark Spots filled up fast :/ Sorry, we don't have any more room for another player, but if someone drops out later on in the story I'll be sure to let you know if you're still interested by then.

12-30-2012, 08:06 AM
Holy God ! You move fast for this old years .. i need to post,again -_-"

12-30-2012, 08:32 AM
oh wow, now i know what you mean PinkBandit. I went to post only to realize that once i did there was already three others that had

12-30-2012, 09:07 AM
Ok , so I did posted now, so please don't laugh, I tried to best - since now I lack some imagination - so I don't know much what to write about - deep feelings from the second post ? not me.... - the lenght of the posts will grow slowly, so no worries :>

12-30-2012, 09:28 AM
Troubling news
I may or may not be able to post for a couple of days, atleast till Monday or Tuesday. I'm not abandoning this though & as soon as I get on I will post once again

12-30-2012, 03:57 PM
Posting as much as possible ^.^ at my aunt's but new years eve and day imma be slightly inactive

12-31-2012, 06:06 AM
sorry for my lateness! but hectors back and ready!! :D hello everyone!

12-31-2012, 06:11 AM
*waves waves* Hello Hello!

12-31-2012, 05:53 PM
Can I re Jon with my old character, or is it too late?

12-31-2012, 06:41 PM
@Hector ;)

@BewareNinjaLuna Sorry, there's not enough room :/

01-01-2013, 09:28 AM
Happy new years, you guys! :yahoo:

01-01-2013, 06:48 PM
Ohhh Happy new year to yall too!! :say:

01-01-2013, 10:29 PM
Oh, I thought you were what with the "Recruiting" banner on your title, but my mistake for assuming. If you ever get an open spot or change your mind, you know where to find me.

01-02-2013, 12:25 AM
ah, its good to be back! im excited to rp with all of you! :D

01-02-2013, 04:17 AM
I have a feeling our demons are going to drive each other up the wall, and have fun at the same time LOL

01-02-2013, 04:42 AM
cant wait XD

01-02-2013, 05:36 AM
@BewareNinjaLune Ah, shit. I thought I took that off, sorry :/ Alright, I'll be sure to let you know!

01-02-2013, 06:32 PM
@hector me either
@plastic Im sure you can ask an admin they can change it, i think

01-03-2013, 03:39 AM
@Sukeyaa Thank you!

So, Imma be a jerk and get one of you werewolves in trouble! Read my post and then decide if you want to take responibility XD If no one wants to that's alright, it's not like it's gonna kill the story. You can let us know on the forum orbe secretive and PM me, if more than one of you wants to be the culprit I'll pick one.

01-03-2013, 06:34 AM
Oh and whoever decides to do it, that doesn't mean you actually have to tell Titanic ;) ....You have to tell PlasticIce though. Please.

01-03-2013, 09:48 AM
Hmm, I don't know if I want to! But if no one else would like to I guess I can come up with a mystery where in some way it's Flame's fault but it's really someone else entirely! (PlasticIce if you want me to explain what I have in mind I can PM you ;) )

01-03-2013, 07:18 PM
Sounds interesting, Elora :3 I'd like to know what you have in mind!

01-04-2013, 06:16 AM
@Hector You're jut begging for a fight, aren't ya? XD

01-04-2013, 06:40 AM
@Plastic LMFAO at your post, i visioned that perfectly xD calm down bro. xD jk. I liked it ^.^

01-04-2013, 08:43 AM
Can I make another Cs ? that is not part of UI and part of something else ? More like a NPC. a very handsome one :>

01-04-2013, 08:02 PM
Uh...sure? Is it for the werewolf we're discussing?

01-04-2013, 08:43 PM
More bigger ! More or less, i want to be a NPC

01-04-2013, 08:52 PM
@plasticice Well you do know who your talking about XD

01-05-2013, 12:18 AM
Being an NPC takes out the non of Non-Playable Character don't you think? I'd rather you don't right now.

01-05-2013, 12:53 AM
Aren't NPC's just "non-player-characters"?

Pretty much, you can make one and have one main person control him/her (if you want), but anyone can really do anything with that character. Injure, maim, kill, control, etc. So, if Jinks makes a NPC, she cannot complain if one of us kills it. :D
However, whether your giving permission to have NPC's is up to you.

01-05-2013, 04:06 AM
Ugh... I hate when RPA stops sending my subscription updates >__<

Catching up on everything now...

01-05-2013, 04:37 AM
I don't bother subscribing xD I just navigate through the site and go to the threads I want to go to :P

01-05-2013, 04:43 AM
Lol then you should have a nice full post then huh xD

01-05-2013, 07:50 AM
Is this still open to join?? I hope so because this seems really cool!

I was thinking of making my vampire a master thief! And the reason she’s showing up so late is because Titanic called her up to do a favor that involves stealing something and she just stuck around? If not I’ll just have her be a member and she was off on some trip or something ^-^

01-05-2013, 12:11 PM
Sorry Bro I think that all the spots are filled.

01-05-2013, 10:45 PM
Hmm, maybe we should edit this thread and put [CLOSED] in front of it?

01-06-2013, 04:01 AM
I need your help! I'm trying to create a description for a character in a game. My character's name is Enalie (Derp derp) and she can transform between an elf and a dragon humanoid thing (wyvern), but I have to write two descriptions one for her elf form and the other for her wyvern form. Help me make it better ;-;

Wyvern Form
Enaldie's scales are a smooth, shimmering black that seem to sparkle with her graceful movements. Her claws and spines are a pale grey and ready to attack should she feel threatened. Her eyes are a bright green, they almost glow in the dark and watch with utmost caution and intensity. Her tail is about the same length as her height which is about 8'3 twitching ever so often. From her back appears to be a pair of black wings reaching a span of nearly 16 feet when they are stretched out to it's fullest. Enaldie's smile however seems to take the fierceness away from her Wyvern form, her eyes seem to become warm and bright.

Elf Form
Enaldie is rather tall reaching the height of about 5"6. She has raven balck hair that reaches just below her shoulder blades in glossy curls. You notice her eyes are a brilliant bright green, warm and welcoming. Freckles pepper her nose and cheeks making her appear younger than she actually is. Enaldie's are a soft pink against her delicate complexion. Her body is slim yet muscular, but her curves are apparent. Enaldie notices you are looking at you and gives a quick wink.

01-06-2013, 11:48 AM
First of all, I know what a NPC it is and thank you for trying to explain to me :> Is nice from you. And again, of course , if our might powerful GM wants. I had in mind something like this, since they are no official bad guys, why can't we have a , I know, a society that capture vampire/daemons/werewolfs for their own show ? I mean something, rather big, that UI had never met before. And on the way - as much I want, I want to profit on my Character split personality - things to get more and more complicated, the characters that you play to be put before a task that they had never met before. Somehow Revolutionary :> So what you think ?

@PlasticIce : on the Wyvern Form; at leats from my point of view since it's a dragon humanoid form, I would put an accent on a scary look; something that would intrigue and at the still time to shock the reader. The things will be put in balance as smoothly you describe the elf form. Elves are legendary - in my head - for their stunning features, the resemble to Gods. I mean a more like peaceful look and calming. They are nature mother gifted with skills of looking much younger - despise the fact that an elf might your great-great-great-great grandmother - and innocent, with a soft accent with child-like features.
Pffiu.... I hope it helped you [:

01-06-2013, 07:12 PM
Ah okay, I see what you mean. Why don't you put up the CS then and we can all add our input and what not.

Okay cool, thank you, that gives me a few ideas.

01-06-2013, 11:33 PM
Is this new group gonna have something to do with the werewolf that's under investigation?

01-07-2013, 01:33 AM
Jinks has this cool idea where the group captures werewolves, vampires and daemons for entertainment, slavery or for experimental purposes. The were wolf the UI is talking about was being held by said group, what they were holding it for I don't think we've decided yet.
Correct me if I'm wrong, Jinks

01-07-2013, 02:11 AM
Nice. I'm just about to post, but long story short: I got kicked off the computer before I could add the final details.
It'll be up before the end of the night.

01-07-2013, 02:41 AM
I like Jinks idea :D
Perfectly fine with it as long as Azraella doesn't end up as a slave xD

01-07-2013, 04:14 AM
*huge smile* I am LOVING this Rp. (:

01-07-2013, 05:46 AM
I second that! Love this roleplay. Although now that school starts back up this week I will have to give up some of my attachment :X And Jinks, it is a wonderful idea!

01-07-2013, 10:44 AM
Oh thank you very much guys, i don't know what to say. @Pink i loove it so much :> you make my imagination to run like a crazy potato !! Anyway, I have plans for you're character, a big one. Hector will love ya !
@Everyone: anyway, this performance of my character are small strikes of her split, so take it easy, will be more like this. i'm curious in a way, she will fit or not. Well, i think not :>
@Plastic: i will put the CS when i will get some free time at the pc...maybe tonight

Name: Hector Braverra

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Type: He is a hybrid of a monster, which category is unknown

Weapons: Usually is seen, if ever is seen and others survive. Usually a very flat weapon.

Clothes: Leather and studs. For his 35 years old, he looks like Leonardo DiCapprio in his 20.

Body Description: Has been never seen. His a only a mere figure that is spot a black silhouette on the back.

Weakness: Alice : She is her daughter, who now is dead. Is merciful with the woman that look like her.

Who is he ? : A man, with a deep desire and sadistic pleasure for torturing werewolfs/daemons/vampires. And for woman who knows what means true pleasure. Is the head of The Illuminists and he has a good army. The old church is a way to his base.


I want to show a very few information about him. Of course I will add more later. In a deep hurry :> Sorry.

01-07-2013, 04:18 PM
Sounds interesting—but just a quick question—is Aalaya double-crossing the gang by knowing Braverra or is she just investigating? I was slightly confused by that even though I'm sure it'll eventually become more clear.

01-08-2013, 01:33 AM
@Jinks: Like I said, as long as Azraella isn't captured.......
Ha, I believe Aalaye and Azraella are going to be best friends.

01-08-2013, 01:40 PM
@Elora: Nope. Has a split-personality, something like a good side (as long she remain human) and the bad side (each time she transform into a succubus with a maniac psycho personality) Both side want the same thing, and that is power. Well, the good side wants power to protect others, while the bad side wants power to rule. Recently the bad side started to have more and more control over the human form - which here came the small incident, and the thoughts that hunts her - and to get Hell on Earth ;> she is funny. Anyway, the idea isn't complet, because the bad side has, more or less, a fear to mirrors - which, again, I want to be like a way that the good side to communicate with the others from the gang. From the beginning I want to make a complicated character, which will be interesting and puzzling at the same time. But in fact no, she is still by UI side. In the succubus transformation, Aalaya resemble very much to Alice, Braverra's dead daughter. The succubus is like a different person from the daily Aalaya. She has a big and a really big plan for UI and The ilumminists ;) I hope you will enjoy her as much I do right now.
- so much to be said -
@Pink : Well, who knows, and for you're character, since is a royalty , Aalaya will have a small request, I will keep it secret for the moment because I love to keep people waiting. She will be captured, and more or less, everyone will be captured. But the good side will have small escapes, and with this she will give routs , and many things to let others escape. Will intrigue others, and will rise questions marks above everyone heads - which, again, I loove it madly - Really ? good friends ? or you're speaking ironically right now ? >.<

01-11-2013, 05:07 AM
Just wanted to let you guys know I'm still around! With school starting up again I've been having tests, exams, monologues and recitals popping up let and right! I will most definitely have a post up tomorrow, so don't any of you leave. Seriously. Just don't.


01-11-2013, 05:18 AM
Literally busy with all the same things. I have an acting competition this weekend that I'm preparing for so that's kinda the days I'll be computerless for mostly. So nothing big better happen! >.>

01-11-2013, 06:45 AM
@Jinks: Sarcasm, my friend. Sarcasm :)

@Plastic: I feel you, I've been getting an average of five hours of sleep -___- and it hasn't even been a week since winter break ended. All. Those. Summatives. URG.

01-16-2013, 03:00 AM
*waits patiently for people to post* :lalala:

01-16-2013, 01:15 PM
Oh me too, lolol, I need to see more reactions before i can, xD

01-22-2013, 05:04 AM
How're y'all doing?

01-22-2013, 05:10 AM
Let's see. Final exams starting in two days. (The reason for my absence, sorry) So, yea, not feeling all rainbows and unicorns right now. As soon as they're over I'll try to get a post up :)

01-22-2013, 05:28 AM
Well my exams start tomorrow and I'm rushing to finish this project due first thing in the morning. Why am I on here still X_X

01-22-2013, 05:42 AM
Ha, my question exactly...
I haven't studied much either, so I'm planning to get at most 70. Good luck!

01-22-2013, 05:53 AM
You too! (:

01-22-2013, 06:27 AM
Yay for being final free!!!

01-26-2013, 07:48 AM
Starting Sunday I'll have more free time on my hands :)

02-01-2013, 03:10 AM

02-01-2013, 03:35 AM
In the middle of writing a post. I might have it up on the weekend, since school resumes tomorrow for me.

02-01-2013, 11:05 PM
Okay guys so I had the most craziest dream last night. It was rather short but it was cool. I literally had a dream of this rp. Everyone as their characters was there and it started at the beginning of the rp, up until the point we are now. I just thought I would share that, I thought it was pretty freaking awesome.

02-02-2013, 01:35 AM
That's an amazing dream XD

Sooo, how many of you are still alive? It's been two weeks and I'm dying for a post >.<

02-07-2013, 12:22 AM
Uuuh....I tried to get this going again :sweat:

02-07-2013, 12:30 AM
I apologize for the length, I thought that this RP needed atleast something rather than nothing. Was going to write more but decided that it shall be in my next post.

02-15-2013, 10:59 PM
I'm going to let Plastic post before I do my next one. ^.^ Such downers on Soul I swear! LOL. Doesn't bother me, but it might bother her! xD