View Full Version : SMUT Laboratories

01-01-2013, 11:04 AM

SMUT Laboratories

This is a place where future tournament descriptions will be posted.

Some tournaments will be standard traditional tournaments.
Round Robin(Or league if you hate round side kicks)
Knock outs(Play off if you're from the US)

Then there's the SQJPure concoctions...which should be complicated but fun once you get the hang of them.

Each concoction Will Receive it's own thread for the first twenty threads.

If you have questions or comments Please please please feel free to post.

But I shall be Reserving the first Twenty posts.
I hope The mods are okay with this.

Like I said before Reserving the first twenty posts Dont post till your post 21 and up.

01-01-2013, 11:26 AM
Traditional Knock Outs

Concept one.

Registered players will be randomly lined up and will have to face each other in one on one five post battles.


Prestige Rating:

Estimated Prestige Rating:

Min Number of Players Required to start:
6(Plus one prestige point for every two additional players)

Player has three days to post. For every day your post is late you will lose ten points to your over all score. when you're over all score reaches zero, a judge will insta kill you.

All ranking points for all characters will be reduced. If it ends before 80% completion all characters will hit zero, if it ends before 100% completion then all players will lose all points on their judging scores.

If the time ends and the battle is incomplete. The slowest poster will be crushed unless both players agree to be judged from their post (Warning the judge him/herself has to offer the option)

A total of ten posts per battle, each player getting five.

If your character dies he/she dies as he/she would in a regular game. So pick your heroes carefully.

The most fantastic torny Generator ever (http://www.google.co.za/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&ved=0CD0QFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fchallonge.com%2Ftournament%2Fbrac ket_generator&ei=d8PiUIP7Esm5hAfY24HABA&usg=AFQjCNFl7yN7JiNxGBPoMke9yw4kAquPzg&sig2=ci3YqXb8ZwhbGdB48GVM7g&bvm=bv.1355534169,d.ZG4)

01-01-2013, 01:22 PM

Concept Two

This is based on the battle system used in the annual Death Match I which comes every April.

The System

It's really simple but I've had issues explaining it before. Here is how it works. It's every man for themselves.

You attack and you will be attacked until you run out of lives(Frags as they are called).

Who ever still has lives at the end of it is the last man standing.

The rules
These are important as they don't exactly follow the rules of role playing as you know them.

No double posting!

There have to be 2 posts between your post and your next post.*Give everyone a chance. And stops the game from moving too quickly.*

Don't get upset when someone controls your character in their post, you are allowed to do that to make your post good, remember it's about having fun and having complete writing freedom.

Kill posts(Or fragging posts) are only allowed on a player's third tag

If by any chance you run out of Attacking posts then, that's it. You are not dead but you are incapable of posting until the game ends, there is a way to avert this but you'll learn it later on.

Tagging posts inflict some form of damage or impact, but do NOT kill. (Ie you injure the character you are attacking but never kill them)

Killing posts kill a character opening them to a respawn.

Characters respawn automatically, either on their own or by A GM or my CO-GM if its taking too long.


Attacked once Lose a tag

Attacked twice Lose a tag

Attacked the third time, Lose Tag and Frag(Life).

Very important rule - Have fun.

Additonal Rules I have thought up since the last Deathmatch

If you do not post in ten days of your last post you will lose a frag. If fifteen days pass without a post you will instantly die and the last player to attack your character will gain your attacks.

Pther players are allowed to join in once the game starts but you will gain an equal number of attacks/tags/frags as the player with the lowest Tags/Frags.

How it All Works.

There are exactly three statistics you have to worry about.

It's all really simple. This is the total sum of the number of time you are allowed to post there by attacking or fragging an opponent.

There are only so many times you are allowed to be hit before you die. This hits are called Tags. When you are attacked you lose a tag. When you lose a specific number of tags you are killed, or fragged but when your tags run out your total health runs out too, which means you are dead.

There are so many lives a person has before they die. When you lose a certain number of Tags you run out of health and die. When you die you are fragged.
When you are fragged you character suffers a temporary computor game type death and is respawned.

You can only be fragged so many times before you run out and you die.

In the previous game Each player had 62/09/03
62 Attacks
09 Tags
03 Frags(Or lives if you want to look at it like that)

If you run out of attacks you run out of posts.
If you run out of Tags, you die.
If you run out of Frags, you die.

The Awards-

Winning isn't everything in this game there are also awards you can be won inside of the game.

Award Chart

Sharp Shooter


Getting 2 Kills in two posts in a row gets you the Sharp Shooter award.
Killing the same opponent twice Gets you the Head Hunter Award.
Killing three opponents without dying an Excellent award


01-01-2013, 02:46 PM
Battle writer style.

Concept Three

The game

You create a post, a single battle post based on a scenario I, the GM, created for you. You have supreme posting powers as you battle your way out of the scenario.

You and several others complete either the same or similar scenarios.

Each post is judged on several points. Realism, depth, quality of words etc.

Others move on to the next round, one person is knocked out.

A new, scenario is set up that the players know nothing about. They post their way out of once again following the path of the exact same scenario they passed before.

This keeps going on until there is only one man left standing. That man obviously is the winner.

The Rules:

Each post is between 300 and 500 words.
Each battle character must be a character from the SMUT list.
How you post is entirely up to you. Just know you’ll be judged on elements such as realism, quality of words, depth and so on.
If you consider yourself in capable of making said post for each round them, please do not join.

01-15-2013, 09:06 AM
Traditional Round Robin

Concept four




Prestige Rating:

Estimated Prestige Rating:

Player has three days to post. For every day your post is late you will lose ten points to your over all score. when you're over all score reaches zero, a judge will insta kill you.

All ranking points for all characters will be reduced. If it ends before 80% completion all characters will hit zero, if it ends before 100% completion then all players will lose all points on their judging scores.

If the time ends and the battle is incomplete. The slowest poster will be crushed unless both players agree to be judged from their post (Warning the judge him/herself has to offer the option)

Great Generator (http://www.oxfordcroquet.com/manage/roundrobin/index.asp)

01-22-2013, 10:21 AM
The Hurricane Battle Tournament
Concept five

Special Thank you to Dough guy

The Hurricane system of tournaments is an exciting new version of your usual knockout tourney which incorporates the traditional knockout system with royal type battles. Rather than defeat a single opponent to progress you fight in a 3 way free for all for the right to move onto the next round.


Prestige Rating:

Estimated Prestige Rating:

Min Number of Players Required to start:
9 (1 additional prestige for every 3 extra players)

Each Battle has 35 Days to complete.

If the time ends and the battle is incomplete the

A total of fifteen posts per battle, each player getting five.

If your character they die as they would in a regular game. So pick your heroes carefully.