View Full Version : Kahbonna Pack {Wolves}

05-05-2010, 01:51 AM
The Kahbonna Pack

I have decided to make a pack... This is a very serious pack and I will most definitely appreciate it if you treat it as such.


Chapter 1. Laws of The Pack
Chapter 2. Rules
Chapter 3. The Guide
I. Joining A Wolf Pack/Assessments
II. Simple Gestures of the Wolf/Everyday Behavior/Wolf Sounds
III. Merging With Other Packs
IV. Mating and Breeding
V. Hunting
VI. Affection/Visitors
VII. Cubs – Our Future Generation
VIII. The Different Punishments
Chapter 4. Our Territory
Chapter 5. Ranks/The Form/Sample Form/Members of the Pack

Chapter 1:Laws of The Pack

Law One: Wolves, are WOLVES. They don’t drive cars, answer phones… So, please act as though a wolf would.

Law Two: Fighting with other wolves of the pack is AGAINST us. (But you may ALWAYS defend yourself when someone is mean.) Please control your anger and only fight with predators/prey. (Please tell me, the alpha, when wolves are mean so I can ban them from the pack.)

Law Three: You may have visitors from other packs but you have to take responsibility for what they do and how they act. They may visit for up to one week (in real life time.)

Law Four: You may only be part of this pack, and this pack ONLY. It will show your loyalty for us. If we find you are a part of any others, you shall be greatly punished.

Law Five: If you are truly… Devoted, to our pack you may have to leave your wolf family behind if they wish NOT to join. If they wish to join we will, of course, accept them (as long as they follow “The Laws”)

Chapter 2:Rules

• No powerplaying
• No godmodding
• NO swearing
• Your character may NOT be perfect, it is just plain irritating.
• If you promise to someone, you MUST keep your word.
• If you wish to have visitors please ask for permission first.
• You may not LEAD unless you ask permission from me, the Alpha.
• And of course, be kind to your pack.

Human Beware…

You are not welcome here. This is an RP for wolves and wolves ONLY. If you join in our RP as a human you will be asked to play as a wolf/leave. Thank you for your understanding!

Other Animals…

You may visit, nothing more. Our pack will be GLAD to have you here!

It would be helpful if you knew what animals live in the mountains, our humble home, though.

Chapter 3:The Guide

Welcome to “The Guide.” Here you will learn all about the way of the wolves and many helpful facts about them.

Chapter 1, Joining A Wolf Pack

There are many things to consider in joining a wolf pack. There is the ceremony, (the celebration in which a wolf is sworn into a pack) the assessments, etc. In this chapter you will learn about the things to consider.

First, the assessments, in this pack we are serious with our assessments. They can take as short as less then a week or as long as a month. This is why you should be very patient during the process… If we (the Advisors/Alpha) see you are otherwise it may make the process even longer. Here are the two assessments:

Assessment in Waiting

This is the assessment you take when you are getting to know the pack, the packs ways, and the packs territory. You will become a regular wolf in our pack. You will probably have gained friends and even enemies. When you are in “Assessment in Waiting” you are not an official member so you do not get to do all of the things official members can do. You may not join official/serious hunting packs, and not even medium hunting packs unless the Advisors invite you. It is wrong to ask to join any hunting packs, and if you do you will be punished. Please wait for any Advisors to invite you.

In this current time you are being watched closely by the Advisors and me, the Alpha. You will continue onto the NEXT assessment when we think you are ready to continue. Remember, if you are not ready for this serious change please tell me and you may stay in “Assessment in Waiting.” When you are ready come to me, and we will let you continue on with your journey.

Serious Assessment

The wolf is ready to continue, is serious about the pack, and ready to follow our rules + Laws of The Pack this is where they land, “Serious Assessment.” The name of this assessment may have SERIOUS in it, but don’t be afraid! We’re your friends, and will help you understand our pack.

Now, you can finally hunt in the Serious Hunting Pack! Please, remember to ask an Advisor before joining, though. (You no longer have to ask to join a Medium Hunting Pack or Small Hunting Pack.) This is a little more serious then the “Assessment in Waiting.” Actually… WAY more serious. So, the whole pack will come together to evaluate your future. Overall, the Alpha will decide…

…Remember, not all will be accepted!

Being Sworn In… A.K.A “The Ceremony”

If the Alpha decides you can become an official pack member “The Ceremony” will be HELD! That night (usually at 7) it will be held. At “The Ceremony” the Alpha will give a long speech. She/he will then touch the nose of the wolf to accept him/her into the pack. It will then be official, they will become a member! Afterwards, any wolf members (and the newest member) can speak. After the ceremony, life goes back to normal for the wolves.

More Features You Earned:

You may now hunt with ANY pack of your choice without asking an Advisor.

You may now have your own home, you do not have to share a cave with more new assessments. (The Alpha will show you your new place after “The Ceremony”)

You can now have a MATE and CUBS. (Limit of litters of cubs: 2)

You may now have visitors.

That is all about Joining A Wolf Pack… Now lets continue to

Chapters 2, Wolf Sounds

This chapter will list the everyday wolf sounds that will help you communicate with others/understand what others mean.

Bark: Wolves bark when there is sign of danger close by/coming.

Chuff: A small bark, this is the most regular used sound, for it is used for communication.

Gruff: Much like a chuff but meaning something completely different: it shows playfulness and also annoyance.

Whine: Used to show a wolf is frightened or possibly sad.

Whimper: This is rarely used by grown wolves, mostly just little cubs. When a cub uses it, it means they are frightened/sad. When adults do it, it means joy or happiness when being with a loved one.

Sigh: Wolves sigh when they are tired, sad, or happy.

Growl: A growl can be used to show dominance or to show your territory. It threatens wolves and tells them to, “Keep your distance!” It can be used in play when taunting a playmate.

Snarl: A snarl means business, it is much more serious then growling. It warns a wolf to step back or stop bad behavior.

Pant: Wolves pant when they finished a hunt or playing. It is the wolves way of sweating on a hot day.

Howl: There are many reasons to howl: It can be used to call hunts, gatherings, and meetings.

Chapter 3, Merging with Other Packs

Merging is the condition in which two packs unite, hoping to become stronger together. We have special conditions to accepting a merge with another pack. We will be allowed to keep our pack name, our rules, our member statuses, the Laws of The Pack, and other functions. The other pack who merges with us shall be allowed to skip “Assessment in Waiting” and continue on to “Serious Assessment” Of course, they WON’T be completely sworn in until our pack is ready to accept them. If we do not feel they are a good pack to merge with, we can of course not accept them.

Chapter 4, Mating and Breeding

Mating is discussed with the most seriousness but it is not the most important part of a wolf’s life! If two wolves decide to mate, they will be mated for LIFE and can NEVER turn back, it is a huge decision and a meeting will be held for this important time of life. If everyone, including the mates, agree it will be much like a wedding. The Alpha will again hold a large speech, touch the two wolfs noses, having them become mates for life. Then the two are granted to touch noses, which is much like the way of kissing for wolves. Then, the two will spend the rest of their lives together, able to do whatever they want forever more. Remember, you should have patience and understanding to be able to seek the RIGHT mate for you. It might take much time and much experience. Remember, you can’t even mate until you have been part of the pack for a full week (in human time) and are completely sworn in. REMEMBER, you will be with them for the rest of your LIFE, so be PATIENT! Only after you are “married” for a full week (in human time, again) can you have the experience of making, and having, a little cub. Remember, this is another huge decision. You have to treat them as a real baby and be the best parents you can be. Be a good role model! Remember, the Alpha can take away your cub if they see bad parenting.
(This is a very important subject so I used remember a lot. Sorry about that :3)

Chapter 5, Hunting

The Alpha, Advisors, and ranked Hunters are the only ones to call Hunting Packs within our pack. Members and Assessments may hunt SMALL prey within in the HOME BASE. You may not go any farther without being with a responsible Alpha, Advisor, or ranked Hunter for it is very dangerous. If you do otherwise we can punish you GREATLY and even BAN you from the pack. All the food is kept at The Great Tree. At Summer and Spring the food is stored there in a large hole in the tree to protect it from cold weather soon to come in the Winter.

(The different seasons last three weeks, because a week is a month in the Kahbonna Pack.)

Facts to Know When Hunting

1. Wolves do not chase prey until the prey flees. Wolves need the happiness of watching prey run away, which of course, signals a long chase.

2. Wolves do NOT attack the legs for it could be dangerous for the wolf to be kicked, especially when they’re chasing an animal with hooves.

3. The wolves kill the dying animal quickly, to keep it from suffering. Otherwise, they wait for the animal to die as to show it respect for giving its life away to them before feasting.

Hunting Packs

Small Hunting Packs

Small Hunting Packs consist of the most STRONGEST hunters of the pack. The reason being they hunt huge, and large prey. The hardest creatures to catch in this area. The Alpha, Advisors, and ranked Hunters are the only ones who can join.

Medium Hunting Packs

Medium Hunting Packs consist of the ranked Hunters, Serious Assessments/Assessments In Waiting members, any pack members who want to come, and any high ranked wolfs (such as Alpha.)

Large Hunting Packs

Large Hunting Packs are only used in emergencies, when a load of prey suddenly stumbles into our territory and possibly threatening us AND our lives. It only consists of the Alphas, Advisors, and half of the ranked Hunters. The other parts of the pack stay behind, protecting the pack in case any animals come close.

Different Species in Mount Espi


Arctic Hare


Mountain Sheep
Bison Calf
Caribou Calf


Boar (Feral Pig)
Musk Ox




Fox - Small
Wolverine - Medium
Coyote - Medium
Cougar (Mountain Lion) - Big
Brown Bear – Huge

Chapter 6, Affection/Visitors

Most of the pack’s time is spent in the valley (the packs main place) spending time with family, friends, and visitors. All wolfs and cubs alike will come together in the valley to play, bound, wrestle, and chase each other. And then, after, fall into a large pile and nuzzle/lick each other. They may, of course, communicate by talking by the little lake in the valley.

When an unknown visitor comes to the valley, the Alpha usually greets them first and makes sure the visitor is there in respect. There usually is a meeting after a new visitor comes so everyone can meet them and become friends. Unless, of course, they show threat to the pack.

Chapter 7, Cubs – Our Future Generation

The 2 weeks a wolf is pregnant is a long time to wait, but just enough time for the pack to come together for the cub. They think up names, where dens for the cubs should be, and how the cub should be raised. Yes,
peparation for the birth of the pups is a group effort. While the mother begins to prepare one or more dens, the other pack members store food for her to eat, burying it in caches near the den site. The pregnant female may create a den in a cave, a hollow log, or an abandoned den. Often the female prepares more than one den as a backup site, in case environmental conditions or animals threaten the pups. A new den can take up to three weeks to finish (or, one whole season)

Often the litter size is five or six pups, but can be as little as one or as much as eleven. At birth, pups weigh one pound, cannot hear or see and cannot regulate their own body temperature, depending completely on their mother their first weeks of life. Their mother is the only member of the pack that has contact with them during this time.

All pups have soft, fuzzy brown or black fur at birth with small, droopy ears and blunt muzzles. Within two weeks pups open their eyes and most often begin to walk at this time as well. Between 3-4 weeks they begin to develop real vision. Their eyes are a baby blue, but usually change as they mature. Up to this time, they have fed off their mother's milk. At around three weeks, pups begin to eat semisolid food regurgitated by their mother. They leave the confinement of the den by around 1 month and begin traveling with the pack by 3-5 months. Pups are independent at about 1 year.

(Remember the wolf’s way of time!)

The pack is overly excited when greeting the young pups as they are the pack's future. The pack members welcome the pups with licks and nuzzles, sniffing the new scents. Each wolf now takes the role of CareTaker. Each member provides food, play, and protection for the pups. Adults carry food back for the pups announcing their arrival with little squeaking noises. The pups in turn greet them squeaking, begging, tail wagging then nibble and lick the feeder's muzzle to stimulate regurgitation.

Cubs 3 to 5 months old will begin to learn how to hunt small prey with guidance from the leaders. At 6 to 8 months they may begin hunting medium prey with the Pack. At 9 to 11 months they may hunt big prey with the pack and 12 months to hunt Huge prey. The cubs must be accompanied during their first year. After their first year, they are treated as adult members.

(Again, remember the wolf’s way of time!)

Most often lone, lost, or abandoned pups are adopted by the Kahbonna Pack and given to the Alpha, she then gives them to any wolf’s who have been “married” for up to at least one week (in human time) and are responsible enough for them. They then will hold a meeting, where the Alpha gives them the cub and any other wolves give them small gifts and wish them (and the parents) good fortune in the future.

(You should all know that the Alpha has two litters of pups, one with only two cubs, one with eleven.)

Chapter 8, The Different Punishments

You may remember me posting above things you would get punished for… Well, this chapter will list the different things you will get punished for and the different punishments.

The Different Things You Can Get Punished For

• Disobeying the rules or Laws of The Pack

• Asking to join a hunting pack when an assessment member.

• Bad Parenting

• “Marrying” before an official member for one week (human time)

• Having cubs without being “married” for one week (human time)

• Going hunting by yourself

• Touching a pup when they are NOT your own (between 3-4 weeks of age)

The Different Punishments

• Disobeying the rules or Laws of The Pack = BANNED

• Asking to join a hunting pack when an assessment member = be disciplined at a big meeting

• Bad Parenting = Taking the litter away

• “Marrying” before an official member for one week (human time) = DIVORCED, NEVER to marry again and disciplined at a big meeting.

• Having cubs before being “married” for one week (human time) = Taking the litter away, never to have litter with that wolf again.

• Going hunting by yourself = BANNED

• Touching a pup when they are NOT your own (between 3-4 weeks of age) = be disciplined at a big meeting.


This is the end of the guide. We hope you learned a bunch, and find this helpful when you play the RP!

Chapter 4: Our Territory
Now, since I have said so much about the territory I feel it’s time for you to SEE our territory.

The Mainland – The Valley

<a href="http://photobucket.com/images/snowy%20valley" target="_blank"><img src="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q164/mm1306/terragen/snowvalley.jpg" border="0" alt="snowy valley Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a>

This is the place where all of the wolfs hunt. It is surrounded by tall mountains, helping by keeping the prey cornered and trapped. In the distance there is a small forest, in the forest is where the wolfs stay and hide when any human come by, hiking from their little town of Litsabee.

The Snow Pond & Clearing

<a href="http://photobucket.com/images/snowy%20pond" target="_blank"><img src="http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z103/emvj23/IMG_5004.jpg" border="0" alt="Waterfowl on snowy pond Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a>

<a href="http://photobucket.com/images/snowy%20pond" target="_blank"><img src="http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm7/SethsArt/snowypond.jpg" border="0" alt="snowy pond Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a>

This is the small area where the wolves live. On the East is where the mainland is, or the valley. On the West is a small lake where the wolves can take a refreshing swim or drink. On the North, if you travel for three minutes you come to The Great Tree where the food is stored. And, lastly, on the South, when you travel for thirty minutes, you come to The Rocky Cliff, which is nice and warm and can see over into the ocean.

The Great Tree

<a href="http://photobucket.com/images/snowy%20tree" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v210/Bevapogangstopa/Tony/snowy_tree_72.jpg" border="0" alt="a snowy tree Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a>

It’s called The Great Tree because when you walk North from the Clearing for three minutes there is a large open space in the middle of the forest and, in the middle of it away from all the other trees, sits one small tree. The wolfs think it must be magical, for it isn’t protected with all the other trees, it stays on its own and fights for itself. This is why the wolfs picked it to hold their food…. If it could protect itself, it could protect the food. And that’s just what it has done.

The Rocky Cliff

<a href="http://photobucket.com/images/rocky%20cliff" target="_blank"><img src="http://i104.photobucket.com/albums/m175/mpfinnigan/Australia/2592.jpg" border="0" alt="Byron Bay Rocky Cliff Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a>

To the South of the Clearing, if you travel 30 minutes, you come to a beautiful cliff. It may be a long walk but it is incredibly worth it. The view is beautiful, the meetings can be great fun, and if you travel with more wolfs, not on your own, you can have a nice long chat.

The Town of Litsabee

<a href="http://photobucket.com/images/snowy%20valley" target="_blank"><img src="http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x213/lilacwest/Scenic/mt1.jpg" border="0" alt="Snowy Valley at night Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a>

A small and cute town, the townspeople come up from their town to hike. Sometimes they leave scraps of food behind, which is easy food for the wolves. The wolves have to hide until the hikers leave, but they think its worth it because of all the food they leave behind.

Chapter 5, Ranks/The Form/Sample Form/ Members of The Pack

Ranks: Hunter, Advisor, CareTaker, Scouts, Elders, Cubs, Alpha (Taken)

If you have any questions about what the ranks means and what the different ranks do, please ask me.


Rank Wanted:
Why Do You Want This Rank:
Wolf Name:
Gender (she-wolf or dog):
Appearance (or picture):

Sample Form

Rank Wanted: Alpha
Why Do You Want This Rank: Because I believe I am responsible enough and can take care of a pack. Also, I have gone through a lot of work to make this pack, I believe I might deserve to be Alpha.
Name/Id: Angels of Death (#47003)
Wolf Name: LightningWolf
Gender (she-wolf or dog): She-wolf.
Age: 7 ½
Appearance (or picture): Day: <a href="http://photobucket.com/images/wolf" target="_blank"><img src="http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d198/darkpharohspirit/wolf.jpg" border="0" alt="Wolf Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a>

Night: <a href="http://photobucket.com/images/wolf" target="_blank"><img src="http://i872.photobucket.com/albums/ab288/riotgirl367wolfstye/Wolf-2.jpg" border="0" alt="anime wolf Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a>

Personality: Courageous, strong, powerful, kind, playful, and a wonderful fighter. In the night she grows a large scar over her left eye. She grows slightly ferocious so she protects the pack and hunts at night.
Other: She is very magical. (If you want to learn magic you may go to her.)

(OOC you can be as dorky as you want... Just when your playing try to be serious. Or it make wittle pink face angry... O_O :pinkd:)

05-12-2010, 07:58 AM
This looks like a great game. Why not submit it for Roleplay of the Week (http://www.role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=905) to attract players?

05-29-2010, 12:29 AM
Rank Wanted: Scout
Why Do You Want This Rank: Because I like characters that are fast/quick, and scouts are always the coolest. Also, I am trustworthy, and can be trusted to carry messages and the like the quickest without resting.
Name/Id: (Not sure what this is. Could you please explain?)
Wolf Name: Thunderstruck (Thunder for short)
Gender: Dog
Age: 3
Night: http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs39/f/2008/320/7/4/Dark_Wolf_commission_by_Angela_T.jpg
Personality: Thunder is softhearted and kind. He can also be playful, especially when there are cubs involved (he loves cubs). Thunder is also courageous, and willing to do anything to save his pack. He is extremely loyal.
Other: Thunder is not the best fighter, but he is the fastest one that he knows.