View Full Version : Drew's Character

01-19-2013, 07:01 PM
General Information:
Name: Atalanta Clio Theveans (Atalanta)
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Race: Greek

Build: Atalanta has a surprising build, much like that of a swimmer, but very strong. She is 5'9 and weighs 140 lbs.
Hair: Long, golden hair usually in a braid down her back.
Eyes: A cloudy grey with a ring of gold around the pupil.
Distinctive Features: A small straight nose and a strong chin, the basic features of a Greek. She has light olive skin and visible scar down her left arm.

Clothes / Armour: Atalanta wears a white chiton under bronze armor consisting of bronze greaves, a bronze helmet with gold plume, a bronze breastplate, bronze back plate, bronze arm bands, and knee-high wrap up sandals made out of standard leather.

Fighting Style:
Weapons: Bronze aspis(Hoplon) shields about a meter in diameter(handle neat the edge with a leather fastening for the forearm in the center), a dory(spear) about 8.5 feet long with leather wrapped around the end with a leaf-shaped spear tip and a sauroter(lizard-killer) at the end, a bronze short sword called a kopis with a leather hilt and a wicked curved blade. Atalanta is an expert in armed and unarmed combat and fights in the ways of the Spartans and Hoplites.
Abilities: Basic fighting abilities, above the waist strikes are usually lethal, unless in the arms. Under the waist strikes can be lethal if an artery is struck. If armor is damaged(which rarely happens), Atalanta doesn't fight as strongly. Sword and shield strikes only take one post, spear(if thrown) takes two posts, retrieving spear requires an additional post. Cool-down times take a post.
Attributes: Loathes the Romans, fights stronger and more lethally against them; if insulted, will become angry and fight stronger. Weaknesses consist of spiders and snakes.

Personality: Atalanta is a spirited young fighter who never gives up, even if she is on theverge of defeat. Her Spartan heritage makes her a stronger fighter than many who fight her. She is happy off the battle field, but when she is on it, she is serious and not to be messed with.
Background:Atalanta Theveans grew up with her mother (Clio), two twin brothers (Remeus and Theus), and an older sister(Helena) in a palace in Sparta, or Lacedaemonia. Her father(Remeus) was a Spartan warrior before he died of an unknown sickness, her mother was a musician for the King and Queen of Sparta along with Helena, and Remeus is a Spartan warrior and Theus is a philosopher. Atalanta grew up in luxury, her mother being the Queen's favorite musician and singer, lived in home on the palace grounds and was very good friends with the princes and played battle with them and a few other boys. She managed to stay out of trouble, but ever since she came here to fight, trouble has found her. She plans to move back to Sparta in a year or two.

P.S., she hates it when people make jokes about the movie 300, those were her
ancestors, back off!