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01-24-2013, 05:07 PM
2013 Battle Character:

Name: Hae Jin Mok
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height: 5’8”


-Bow & Arrow (quiver carries 8 arrows, 3 with armor piercing tips <id as TAP arrow during attack>, 3 with standard tips <id as TS Arrow during attack> – each of the 6 have hollow shafts filled with a fast acting nerve toxin, plunger type devise at the back of shaft, when hitting a target, the momentum forces the plunger forward releasing the nerve toxin into what ever is hit, full toxin effect in 3 moves if hitting a human (see blade toxin for progressive effect), final 2 arrows are standard shafts – one armor piercing tip, one standard tip)
-Short Dagger strapped to upper thigh
-Short Sword in sheath strapped across her back
Sword and dagger sheath contain a fast acting nerve toxin which coats the blade when drawn, recoats when returned to sheath. The toxins dissipate off the blade within 3 moves (4th move – blade is normal) when drawn from the sheath. A cut within 2 moves will be fatal (3 moves after the cut for full effect, move 1 - the cut - just the cut damage, move 2 - opponent starts to feel ill, third move toxin drops the opponent though not always fatal - in most cases a follow up strike is required to kill opponent when toxin has taken effect), third move only will get opponent sick, 4th move is just a normal cut or stab.

Has twin retractable grappling hook launchers on her belt in the event she has to flee by leaping off a structure or a cliff

Abilities: No special abilities other than fighting and silently stalking opponents her whole life. Though she has no special abilities, she is good at anticipating an opponents movements and watches their every body gesture as well as eye movement watching for the ideal time to strike or to defend an up coming attack.

She is friendly and personable, soft spoken and welcoming on the outside. She mentally is always looking at those she comes in contact with as potential opponents so learns as much as she can about them, tries to be taken into their confidence so as to make the kill easier should the need arise.

She has been raised since birth as a warrior, is an expert in armed as well as unarmed combat and a silent stalker. It is typical that any she seeks realize she is present as the first arrow or blade strike find their mark. She has been in secluded training since her elimination from the 2012 battle and is determined to have a better showing of her masters skills taught to her.