View Full Version : Night assassin

01-28-2013, 08:10 PM
General Information:
Name: Shadow Fang
Age: 18
Race: Half elf half demon

Appearance:http: //images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/31500000/Connor-the-post-apocalyptic-assassin-the-dark-assassins-31501803-1280-1024.jpg
Build: A strong athletic body
Height: he is tall 1,85m
Hair: Brown and spiky
Eyes: dark green
Distinctive Features: He has a scar on his face over his left eye and scars on his chest and back that are made from wolf claws. He has a little dark tan and earings in his ears
Clothes / Armour:
He as a hood that blocks all blind or fear effects. His arrmor enchanted and upgraded with latest tehnology to sustain psihical attack but its not so good agins magic.

Fighting Style:
Hand-to-hand: He is well trained in muay thai and taekwondo.
Claws-He has a claw like weapon that comes out like a hiden blade, and its enchanted with elfish magic so it cant be destroyed but when he attack and his oponent blocks with his weapon his weapon becomes 10 times heavier and its like that every time they counter him (Etc. they block first time x10 heavier, second time its 10x10 heavier, thirdh 100x10 heavier) and also when he hits an oponent directly they are paralized for 1 turn.
He has a good use of his bow but he carrys no arrows. He is master in shadow controll so he can summon shadow arrows that cant be blocked by any arrmor so they pierce throu and if it hits his oponents shadow or if oponents shadow is mixed with something elses shadow it can hit that other shadow and still stun his oponent.
Bombs- he has bombs for all, fire bombs, freeze bombs, poison bombs and electircity bombs.

Fast step-its almost like teleport, he is fast like light, cant be seen by a normal eye(instant)
Shadow wolfs- He can summom 3 shadow wolfs to his need in battle(1 post to summon lasts for 2 posts or until they die)
Since he is Half demon he can transform in a Wolf like monster(Much like werewolf but much stronger and faster) that improves his senses,natural strengts and abilitys 10 times(2 posts to cast,lasts for 3 post)
Stealth-he can become invisible(instant, last 2 posts)
Shadow switch-He disapiers in shadows and apears in his oponents shadow to attack him(instant)
Shadow port-he can create whole in the air and anything that pases throu he can create another hole in the air and that will come out of that other hole

He cant controll his urge to kill so if its a full night or he sees blood he goes berseke and kills all in sight in cold blood. He has a more powerfull sences so a strong light or a sound can make him disoriented.

natural strengths
As a half demon,half elf he has some good strengts. He was also attacked by some werewolfs so he now can transform but at a hight cost of every full moon. He has inproved seanses but not as strong as an animal but still good, he has more streangth thanks to his demon side and more speed thanks to his elf/wolf side. He is a skilled hunter and an assassin so he knows how to be stealthy and how to track someone down.

Biography: He has not much to thell, he was on his owne since he was little. He did all he could to stay alive even if it means to kill someone. When he was 15 he was attacked by some wolfs that made him turn on every full moon.
Personality:He can be stuborn and handfull but he is a determant. For his half demon side he is banished from most places and never hade home. He is a good pearson(unless you count full moon and being coold blooded killer) and because of his werewolf powers he also has an dogs determination and respect for his friends that can make him easy maneuvered.
Background: Mother an elf, father an demon. He was banished along with his mother but she was sick and died soon after.