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02-14-2013, 05:56 AM
+++Personnel Archives+++
- Inquisitorial Storm Trooper Julianus Remus (
- Corporal Ferentinus Klemens (
- Lieutenant Alexander Jalousies (
- General Zindelo Tamas Velius, commanding officer of the 1010th Field Army (
- Captain Jacktious, of the 2433rd, 1st Infantry Company
- Lieutenant Degrey of the 2433rd, 1st Infantry Company, 1st platoon
- Lieutenant Katherlin of the 2433rd, 1st Infantry Company, 2nd platoon
- Captain Antheia of the 2451st, 2nd Armoured Company (
- General Hyman Far Silenos, commanding officer of the 1025th Field Army (
- Regulator Glabrio Hybrida, Inquisitorial field agent (
02-14-2013, 06:02 AM
[*Ordos Xenos; Imperial Inquisition:*]
[*Personnel Request:*]
[*Storm Trooper:*]
[*Remus, Julianus*]
The Remus family is best described as an old tree, containing hundreds of branches and thousands of leaves. Withering and yet sprouting new life over the course of millennia. Each child of a successive generation has the ability to sprout another branch, but like most gardens it must be pruned. If one of its daughters marries out, their first born must be of the Remus name. Those exhibiting mutant traits are expunged or bastardized. Luckily for my eldest sister, the Remus family accepts those with psychic traits, however, any children she may foster will also be bastardized. Remus will only accept pure stock.
And I've always hated it...
Name: Julianus Remus
Age: 48 Terran Years
Position: Inquisitorial Storm Trooper
Active* Siblings:
- Inquisitor Chrysanta Remus, deployed on Inquisitorial runs across outlying Imperial Sectors.
- Sororitas Hospitalar Roxanna Remus, deployed on Gravio II. Tending to victims of recent viral outbreak, under the banner of the Sisters of the Sacred Watch.
- Commissar Aeton Remus, allocated to 156th Corilithian Infantry Regiment.
- Colonel Balios Remus, commanding officer of 627th Corilithian Armoured Regiment.
* Note these reports detail latest generation of family Remus, for retired personnel or extended family of similar generation please search out a Scribe of the Ordos:
- (Deceased) Kephas Remus, former commander of 156th Corilithian Infantry Regiment.
- (Infant) Solon Remus, currently undergoing Schola Progenium conditioning.
- Gruff
- Stern
- Loyal
- Questioning
- Hotshot lasrifle
- Hotshot pistol
- Combat knife
- 2 Fragment grenades
- 2 Bright grenades
- 1 Melta bomb
- Carapace armour: Typical armour kit, forged from plates of armaplas fashioned into a complete suit. Forge world stamp of the Seventh planted on the middle of back neck ring, Inquisitorial -I- displayed on right shoulder guard and upper left chest;
- Matching helmet: Armaplas ballistic helmet, with attached targeter and secondary helmet lamp powered by an independent battery or miniature motor. An Imperial eagle is stamped upon the front, along with a manufactorum stamp of the Seventh imprinted underneath at the top of the dome.
- Rebreather mask: Polymer visor is capable of several visual modes including, night vision and thermal. Visor is capable of tinting in the event of blinding lights , it is powered by an independent battery or motor mounted at the back of the helmet;
- Auspex: Electronically accessed in Remus' visor optics, this simple device displays a forward 90 degree cone which detects movement up to varying increments. These being 10, 20 or as far as 40 metres;
- Microbead: A small ear mounted communication device for short range communication between Inquisitorial team members or if required external sources - those being elements of local PDF, stationed Guard Regiments or militia forces. Upon the ear pieces mounting plate is the Manufactorum stamp of the Seventh.
- Tan fatigues: Typical operating uniform for the Inquisitorial militant, though camouflage patterns and standard kit are changed during assignment and operating theaters. Remus routinely swaps between standard uniform worn on base to that of white fatigues during assignment on planet Venatora
Julianus of the family Remus. A family of some renown its sons and daughters having a long standing tradition of attending the Schola Progenium becoming members of the Inquisition, the Commissariat, Adepta Sororitas or the Imperial Guard. For Julianus however he was destined to a life of duty to protect and provide security in the halls of the fortresses of the Inquisition. He has been allocated to several Inquisitors for numerous assignments, tasks which have led him to believe the result of all things falls to the cursed gods and leaving him suspect of rooting out cult activity wherever it be found.
He was born the sixth child of his generation, his older siblings often left him envious by their own successes or current positions of notably higher standard. His sisters, a Soroitas Hospitalar and a Ordo Xeno Inquisitor, the latter personally requesting his services to merely rub it in. Something that left him wondering if she ever truly grew up or how she even became an Inquisitor in the first place. His brothers two officers of the Guard and a Commissar; the oldest son a man who Julianus no longer considered his brother, having led to the death of another one of his older male siblings.
His home world, routinely called the First that being it is the capital of the Sector and coincidentally the first to be colonized by man. A high tech system at the back end of the universe, now at war with the Tau Empire as those young xenos continually attempt to expand their sphere. Julianus would have rather signed himself up to the Guard, fighting and dieing for his home, not here, not for family tradition on some far flung backwater he hadn't even heard of.
Report Ends
02-14-2013, 06:05 AM
[*Departmento Munitorum:*]
[*Personnel Request:*]
[*Corporal, Klemens, Fenerentinus*]
Hah, no shit man, nice shot! Hey Miller, this little bastard might throw me off my mantel.
Name: Ferentinus Klemens
Rank: Corporal
Age: 32
- Lasgun: Pattern Corilithian XL, manufactorum stamp Forge world of the Seventh.
- Laspistol: Pattern Corilithia XL, manufactorum stamp Forge world of the Seventh.
- Combat Knife
- 2 Fragment Grenades
- Carapace Armour
- XI Re-breather Mask
- 94th Delphic Triarii Combat Fatigues
- 1329th Corilithian Combat Fatigues
- Back Mounted Vox-Caster
- Microbead
- Ration Packs
- Rifle Lamp
- Helmet Lamp
- Sundries; water canteen, ration packs, etc
Ferentinius of the family Klemens, a working family on the forge world of Corilithia VII, often simply referred to as the Seventh. The boy had a hard life, forced into work at the manufactorum lines at an early age where he worked alongside the other children of his generation. His father, a man originally from the Ninth came in seek of a better life, one that was not given to him.
Disobedience is routinely punished upon the forge word, numerous counts leading to servitude imperpituis. Ferentinius' father suffered such a fate, the boy forced to watch as his father was tortured, his mind was wiped, his limbs removed and replaced with machinery. The young Klemens was branded soon thereafter, a reminder that the Mechanicus do not tolerate dissidents or damaged product.
His family fled, Ferentinius' mother blew their savings on a cargo freighter. Where they continued to live a more robust life on the Second, Klemens could never truly forget what he had seen nor would the mark upon his back allow him. When the boy closed his eyes he could feel the burning heat, the pain, his fathers screams. As time continued to pass those memories fell into the back of his mind, he had the branding removed and the boy joined the Guard as soon as he came of age.
He was attached to the Corilithian 1329th during the Ork invasion of Delphic, during this Klemens performed with distinction where he was soon bestowed with the rank of Corporal. Though just like many of the millions of Imperial Guard Regiments, the 1329th was largely forgotten and did not receive further combat assignments or off-world transport. The 1329th headquarters then began assisting in reconstruction efforts where they were eventually reorganized into the 94th Delphic.
[*Report Ends*]
* * * * *
[*After Report*]
The 94th Delphic suffered a transport incident aboard the Governor Seydlitz during transit to Schattenwelt. Records and articles attained from surviving members of the Guard and Navy have suggested Ferentinius began to suffer from paranormal and paranoid disillusion during this event. Reports from medicae personal have stated that his mind is free of any noticeable taint and he has undergone numerous psych evaluations. Corporal Ferentinus Klemens remained with the regiment's grenadier contingent and is noted to have been awarded the Iron Aquila for actions in the subsequent Arcus crusade, also retaining a brevet squad command after sergeant Miller was killed in action.
[*Report Ends*]
02-14-2013, 06:18 AM
[*Departmento Munitorum:*]
[*Personnel Request:*]
[*Lieutenant, Jalousies, Alexander*]
Do you know who my father is? This world be damned if he knew of my whereabouts.
Name: Alexander Jalousies
Rank: Lieutenant
Age: 25
- Lasgun: Pattern Corilithian XL, manufactorum stamp Forge world of the Seventh.
- Combat Knife
- Fragment Grenades
- Bright Grenades
- Carapace Armour
- XI Re-breather Mask
- 685th Corilithian combat fatigues
Alexander of the family Jalousies. A family largely known across the Corilithian primus mundos, his father more so than others. As the first son of a member of the Corilithian banking clan, Alexander was brought up with luxury, his every whim catered for and the best education his father could buy. His standing education would have allowed him to run for local governance or inherit his fathers position but the privileged boy wanted to see the stars, fight back against the Tau of the Kor'shia Sept.
He joined the Guard, his noble standing fast tracking him to the rank of Lieutenant and to his fellow officers astonishment he had a natural ability to command. His regiment, the 685th Infantry was called for deployment though not against the war with the Tau of Kor'shia but as a response to a message of distress of an embattled world. The 685ths support efforts were largely unsuccessful, the remnants of the regiment either withdrawing or disbanding into the local populace.
Alexander was unlucky enough to be apart of the latter, he had to endure rigorous 'cultural' assessments to evaluate his standing and acceptance in the so called Greater Good. An idea he highly despised but was capable enough to pass their tests, where for the next several months he worked doing odd jobs, jobs he could never see himself doing. He could have went insane had he not stumbled upon a girl and also coincidentally a member of the resistance.
When the Tau opened arms for the human populace to enter the local militia Alexander took the chance to infiltrate the organization. His task was of large importance for the ultimate goal of the resistance members, to bring the Eagle back to Valkora.
[*Report Ends*]
* * * * *
[*After Report:*]
The fate of Alexander Jalousies is unknown, articles of correspondence received from successful evacuees of the 685th have hinted at his survival. Though these reports are sketchy and do not detail what happened to the first son during the time of occupation. His father demands the successful return of his only born, even going to the extents of contacting the ATAC, an undoctrine and often questionable PMC.
Corilithian committee has debated the return to Valkora, but with the ongoing war with the Kor'shia Sept such an action is impossible.
[*Report ends*]
02-14-2013, 08:12 AM
You should add the events of Eclipsis to Klemens' bio. :>
02-14-2013, 08:50 AM
Don't worry I plan to, well there you go Mr Azazeal. Klemens backstory has been flushed out a little more. Though I cannot write much more on an after report seeing as you did so for me.
And to be honest I was a little dishearted that Fitz was killed after the events of Eclipsis.
02-20-2013, 01:31 AM
02-20-2013, 05:55 PM
And to be honest I was a little disheartened that Fitz was killed after the events of Eclipsis.
So was I, since I rather liked her character. But I forced myself to write it, because unfortunately war is indiscriminate like that. Especially in the complete ****-hole that is the 41st millennium.
07-15-2013, 04:13 AM
+++Opening Extract+++
... Loading Departmento Munitorum Request.
... Loading
... Loading
[*Departmento Munitorum;*]
[*Personnel Request;*]
[*Imperial Guard;*]
[*General, Velius, Zindelo Tamas*]
This world is sick, we gentlemen, are here to weed out the narcotics. The dissidents will be sterilized, is that understood?
Name: Zindelo Tamas Velius
Rank: General
Affiliation: Imperial Guard
Age: 67
- Laspistol: A traditional Kantrael MG 'Defender' pattern laspistol, given to Velius in training. A weapon he has carried with him all his life. A sidearm that has saved him time and time again, one if lost or suffers critical malfunction would damage the veterans personal morale.
- Sabre: Velius' personal weapon, forged on a remote Civilized world he can no longer remember the name of. A balanced blade, striking in its effect just as much as its appearance. The blade has a hidden power generator tucked within the hilt and is activated by a push button on the grips base.
Miscellaneous gear:
- Peaked cap: A simple officers cap, its fabrics dyed in the 2433rds standard colours.
- 2433rd fatigues: Typical clothing issued to members of the 2433rd Cadian Infantry Regiment, and dyed in traditional regimental colours.
- Flak vest: Manufactured from multiple layers of ablative and shock-absorbent materials that are primarily ceramic in origin and are intended to deflect and absorb the kinetic energy of a weapons strike or blow. The armour provides little protection from a direct weapons strike, though the protection it provides is sufficient to deflect damage from shrapnel, adjacent though not direct explosions and riccochets.
- Refractor field: A small boxy generator is located on the Generals belt, though many officers prefer to get concealed versions mounted in badges or other possible assortments, Velius considering its concealment cowardly. The device projects a protective energy field around the user. Its effect is to disperse the energy of an incoming shot or blow over the total area of the field.
A grizzled veteran of a dozen campaigns, Zindelo is a man of duty and faith to the Imperial cause. A man that demands respect and if given will return it in kind, one does not raise in the chain of command without the proper courtesies for another's post. Something in which Zindelo had learned with great difficulty, as he still often has troubles hiding his disdain for those of noble birth or the bluntness of many of his opinions. Though often seen as snarky he is a man of his word, a promise from a General carries a certain weight.
[*Report ends*]
Independent Companies
Cadian 2432nd Infantry Regiment
Cadian 2433rd Infantry Regiment
Cadian 2434th Infantry Regiment
Cadian 2435th Infantry Regiment
Cadian 2436th Infantry Regiment
Cadian 2437th Infantry Regiment
Cadian 2438th Infantry Regiment
Cadian 2439th Infantry Regiment
Cadian 2450th Armoured Regiment
Cadian 2451st Armoured Regiment
Cadian 2452nd Armoured Regiment
Cadian 2453rd Armoured Regiment
Cadian 2454th Armoured Regiment
Cadian 2455th Armoured Regiment
Cadian 356th Independent Super-heavy Company
Cadian 357th Independent Super-heavy Company
Cadian 358th Independent Super-heavy Company
Cadian 542rd Independent Anti-air Company
Cadian 543rd Independent Anti-air Company
Cadian 544th Independent Anti-air Company
Cadian 545th Independent Anti-air Company
Cadian 546th Independent Anti-air Company
Cadian 547th Independent Anti-air Company
Cadian 548th Independent Anti-air Company
Cadian 549th Independent Anti-air Company
Cadian 812th Independent Missile Company
Cadian 813th Independent Missile Company
Cadian 814th Independent Missile Company
Colors: The Cadian 1010th Field Army tartan consists of traditional olive green, marbled white and gunmetal grey.
- Infantry Regiments: Each consisting of 80 infantry companies; sporting 6 platoons of 65 men, each supported by 5 special weapon and 5 heavy weapon sections. Weaponry varies per company, but standard special weapons are grenade launcher and missile launcher.
- Armoured Regiments: Each consisting of 28 tank companies; sporting 3 squadrons of leman russ battle tanks, each squadron maintaining 3 vehicles, with the command tank being of standard battle tank variant. These companies differ in roles, standard companies will replace the 3rd vehicle of every squadron with an Exterminator variant, whilst dedicated AT companies will replace every 3rd vehicle with an Annihilator Variant.
- Independent Anti-air Companies: Each consisting of 3 squadrons of hydra flak tanks, each squadron maintaining 3 vehicles, with a single command Chimera outfitted with long-range and back-up communication equipment for constant commune with allocated infantry sections. These are routinely deployed with support elements protecting vital logistical routes from enemy attack craft. These squadrons are known to be handed out in the case of need should enemy aircraft be sighted on the front lines.
- Independent Missile Companies: Each consisting of 3 squadrons of manticore missile launchers, each squadron maintaining 3 vehicles, with a single command Chimera outfitted with long-range and back-up communication equipment for constant commune with allocated infantry sections. These machines are outfitted with a wide range of munitions from the standard sky-eagle rockets, Hellfury Missiles, Hellstrike Missiles, Hunter-killer Missiles, or Skystrike Missiles depending on what the mission requires.
- Independent Super-heavy Companies: Each consisting of 6 Macharius heavy tanks. These are split into 4 Battle Tank and 2 Vulcan variants. These are siege/breakthrough companies. Employed into the thickest fighting or crucial theatres.
Note: Regiments also have numerous support elements, including but not limited to, centaurs equip with heavy dozer blades for removal of minefields or rapid excavation of trenches, towing disabled vehicles, the ferrying of troops or munitions and emergency communication should vox networks fail.
With a total troop numbering 650,000. (2,600,000 including support elements)
+++Extract Ends+++
07-16-2013, 12:52 PM
Which RP was he in (out of interest)?
07-17-2013, 12:26 PM
He was a character in the short lived Warhammer 40,000: A New Chapter as the SCO of the 2433rd infantry regiment and allotted armour assets.
11-05-2013, 07:36 AM
+++Opening Extract+++
... Loading Departmento Munitorum Request.
... Loading
... Loading
[*Departmento Munitorum;*]
[*Personnel Request;*]
[*Imperial Guard;*]
[*General, Silenos, Hyman Far*]
Silenos is a rather sickly pale in complexion, whilst his skin flakes and burns in direct sunlight. His remaining grey-white hair clings to the sides of his head, a coming baldness that he continuously hides under his officers peaked cap. On his infrequent occasions he spends outdoors he is often known to wear a flakvest over the top of a thick flakweave greatcoat and a Kantreal pattern laspistol sitting in a waist high holster. He stands at a modest 5'9", with a fair posture. Many often ponder how the General managed his position, be it through tradition, loyalty or the complexity that is the Imperial Guard. Silenos is however tactically adept and was, once in his life, a rather steadfast and strong individual.
Name: Hyman Far Silenos
Age: 57 Terran years
Rank: General
- Kantreal pattern laspistol
- Officers peaked cap.
- Flakweave greatcoat, regimental colours.
- Flak vest.
- Personal dataslate
- Refractor field
[*Report ends*]
Independent Companies
Cadian 2680th Infantry Regiment
Cadian 2681st Infantry Regiment
Cadian 2682nd Infantry Regiment
Cadian 2683rd Infantry Regiment
Cadian 2684th Infantry Regiment
Cadian 2685th Infantry Regiment
Cadian 2686th Infantry Regiment
Cadian 2687th Infantry Regiment
Cadian 2688th Infantry Regiment
Cadian 2689th Infantry Regiment
Cadian 2690th Mechanised Regiment
Cadian 2691st Mechanised Regiment
Cadian 2692nd Mechanised Regiment
Cadian 2693rd Mechanised Regiment
Cadian 2694th Mechanised Regiment
Cadian 2695th Armoured Regiment
Cadian 2696th Armoured Regiment
Cadian 2697th Armoured Regiment
Cadian 2698th Armoured Regiment
Cadian 2699th Armoured Regiment
Cadian 2700th Artillery Regiment
Cadian 2701st Artillery Regiment
Cadian 2702nd Artillery Regiment
Cadian 676th Independent Anti-air Company
Cadian 677th Independent Anti-air Company
Cadian 678th Independent Anti-air Company
Cadian 679th Independent Anti-air Company
Cadian 680th Independent Anti-air Company
Cadian 681st Independent Tank Company
Cadian 682nd Independent Tank Company
Cadian 683rd Independent Tank Company
Cadian 684th Independent Tank Company
Cadian 685th Independent Heavy Tank Company
Cadian 686th Independent Artillery Company
Cadian 687th Independent Artillery Company
Cadian 688th Independent Artillery Company
Cadian 689th Independent Artillery Company
Cadian 690th Independent Artillery Company
Colors: The Cadian 1025th Field Army tartan consists of traditional olive green, marbled white and gunmetal grey.
- Mixed: Drilled in a manner of standard operations, be it reconnaissance on a company/platoon/squad level, defensive lines consisting of static trench warfare or tactical withdrawal, massed infantry offenses supported by heavy artillery barrage, to combined arms operations.
- Infantry Regiments: Each consisting of 80 infantry companies; sporting 6 platoons of 55 men, each supported by 3 special weapon and 3 heavy weapon sections. Weaponry varies per company, but standard special weapons are grenade launcher and lascannon.
- Mechanised Regiments: Each consisting of 28 mechanised companies; sporting 6 platoons of 55 men, with each squad mounted in a chimera IFV. Weaponry varies per company, but standard special weapons are flamer and missile launcher.
- Armoured Regiments: Each consisting of 28 tank companies; sporting 4 squadrons of leman russ battle tanks, each squadron maintaining 3 vehicles, with the command tank being of standard battle tank variant. These companies differ in roles, standard companies will replace the 3rd vehicle of every squadron with an Exterminator variant, whilst dedicated AT companies will replace every 3rd vehicle with an Annihilator Variant.
- Artillery Regiments: Each consisting of 28 artillery companies, supporting 5 squadrons of basilisk mobile artillery vehicles, each squadron maintaining 3 vehicles, with a single command Chimera outfitted with long-range and back-up communication equipment for constant commune with allocated infantry sections.
- Independent Anti-air Companies: Each consisting of 3 squadrons of hydra flak tanks, each squadron maintaining 3 vehicles, with a single command Chimera outfitted with long-range and back-up communication equipment for constant commune with allocated infantry sections. These are routinely deployed with support elements protecting vital logistical routes from enemy attack craft. These squadrons are known to be handed out in the case of need should enemy aircraft be sighted on the front lines.
- Independent Tank Companies:
- 681st, 682nd: Each consisting of 3 squadrons of leman russ demolisher tanks, each squadron maintaining 3 vehicles, with the command tank also being of demolisher variant. Each squadron has replaced its 3rd vehicle with a leman russ punisher tank.
- 683rd, 684th: Each consisting of 3 squadrons of leman russ annihilator tanks, each squadron maintaining 3 vehicles, with the command tank being of vanquisher variant. Each squadron has replaced its 3rd vehicle with a destroyer tank hunter.
- 685th: Consists of 3 squadrons of macharius heavy tanks, each squadron maintaining 3 vehicles, with the command tank being of vanquisher variant. Each squadron has replaced its 3rd vehicle with a macharius vulcan.
- Independent Artillery Companies: Each consisting of 3 squadrons of manticore multiple missile launchers, each squadron maintaining 3 vehicles, with a single command chimera outfitted with long-range and back-up communication equipment for constant commune with allocated infantry sections. If required manticour launchers can be outfitted with skyeagle missiles for countering enemy aircraft.
Note: Regiments also have numerous support elements, including but not limited to, centaurs equip with heavy dozer blades for removal of minefields or rapid excavation of trenches, towing disabled vehicles, the ferrying of troops or munitions and emergency communication should vox networks fail.
With a total troop numbering 800,000. (Including support elements)
+++Extract Ends+++
11-09-2013, 02:11 PM
[*Ordos Xenos; Imperial Inquisition:*]
[*Personnel Request:*]
[*Hybrida, Glabrio*]
Fucking ay, I took on a rowdy lot of ya' three times your size before breakfast. This'll be easy...-- You have the right to be ventilated. I have the right to burn your home and destroy every vestige of your existence. Do you understand your rights as I have read them to you? KbPdH1jiZ5DF8lGxlr5
Ditto, outside his helmet.
Name: Glabrio Hybrida
Age: 33 Terran Years
Position: Investigator
- Stubborn
- Egotistical
- Glory hound
- Arbiter Lawbringer shotgun: Large bore, chambered with flechette, buck, shock rounds and modified bolt shells.
- 2 Auto-pistols: A matched pair of high capacity, hollow-point cartridge auto-pistols, taken from Hybrida's own personal stock. Modified to carry extended magazines with reinforced rounds, supplied with more grain than usual.
- Shock maul: This versatile one-handed weapon comes with two power settings. At its low setting, the maul's head delivers an electrical shock powerful enough to stun its targets, just like a regular Shock Maul. At the high setting however, the energy forms a crackling power field that can sunder steel, armour, and flesh.
- Snub-nosed stub pistol: A six-round revolver holstered and hidden around the ankle. An extra piece should Hybrida ever find himself out of ammunition or a situation where he is away from his traditional sidearms.
- 2 Bright grenades
- 2 Stun grenades
- 1 Frag grenade
- Carapace armour: Arbitrator carapace armour is constructed from dense plasteel plates overlaying a synthetic polyplastic fibre weave that must be produced in an orbital null-gravity manufactorum. Arbites carapace armour is designed to be clipped together and worn over a light, breathable bodyglove, the armour carefully constructed and tailor-made to the proportions of the Arbitrator concerned. Given that the armour must be worn for hours at a time, often during periods of extreme physical exertion, it must be light and comfortable, and it succeeds surprisingly well on these fronts.
- Matching helmet: The carapace helm is equipped with a vox-torc. It also contains polarising lenses which react instantly to light over a certain lumen level, and which have the effect of negating photonic flash grenades completely.
- Jelly beans: A small bean-shaped type of confectionery with a soft candy shell and a gel interior which come in a wide variety of flavors. The confection is primarily made of sugar.
Glabrio of the family Hybrida, one which the citizens of the Imperium would be unfamiliar with; like so many countless others. His is a name seeking prestige, fighting for every bit of renown one can scrap up. But to shine as a beacon in the sea of a billion-billion subjects is a difficult mantel to attain. His parents were standing members of Imperial commerce, his grandparents before them workers designing Imperial infrastructure, and those before them members of local politics. Glabrio was the bad apple of the latest generation of Hybrida, the middle child, one who never received enough discipline, nor the right amount of attention.
He was the bully, one to look for trouble, the one to always start the fights. His life in the church schools was one of juvenile violence, and numerous cases of suspension. His test scores were average, and he was cunning enough to avoid the drafting of the Guard. Glabrio sought a better name for himself, to strive to his parents badgering, to what their name deserved. Strings could only take him so far, and the professions of his forefathers were continuously out of reach.
A compromise had to be found, and as such he was willing to relent and take a position in the local Arbiters. The investigations into political corruption and the scrutiny of regulating Imperial law was a bore to him. So he sought other departments, one of regulation. His past seemed to control him, and he became somewhat of a lone wolf, a bane in the underhive. He had a knack for weeding out the gangers, the dealers, the insurgents, and the riffraff.
So much so that most of the notorious gangs had given Hybrida and his team nicknames. Then came the Inquisition... He still wonders why they took him with them. Why he isn't dead. Perhaps they saw him as a potential asset, or maybe they just liked his charming personality. For two years he's served under them, fought for the so called greater Imperium, trading the squabbles of thieves for all manner of Xenos.
He'd rather take his chances with the Xenos.
Report Ends
12-14-2013, 10:17 PM
Jelly beans: A small bean-shaped type of confectionery with a soft candy shell and a gel interior which come in a wide variety of flavors. The confection is primarily made of sugar.
I have to say that detail made me double take.
Quite an amusing concept though. I get the impression that he aspires to be this guy:
12-18-2013, 03:43 PM
That seems to be a very apt comparison, it would definitely be something I see Hybrida doing! Well dreaming about, similar to that scene. Now to plot out further characters, I have a few in mind. Namely some without carapace armour! Whoo! Hmm, seeing as I've effectively dedicated this to 40k I should probably delete the first character I posted. Hmm.
12-19-2013, 12:29 PM
An over-the-top fight scene (possibly in the style of the sillier Black Library novels, for additional satire) that turns out to be a dream sequence would quite possibly be the best opening post ever.
There may well be a place for Hybrida in the Replicants sequel, most likely in Machairi's retinue! As for other character ideas, I'd love for you to PM me them so I can potentially fine-tune the plots of my upcoming RPs to accommodate them.
12-19-2013, 01:44 PM
The only other characters I really have in mind are guardsmen. There's a female LRMBT operator, a rather disturbed special weapon trooper with a flamer; the words pyromaniac and disgruntled come to mind, a disgraced former-lieutenant who all but refuses to remove his peaked cap, and a spectacle wearing sharpshooter. Though I do have an Administratum scribe in the works, she is in no way a combat orientated character, she just follows everyone around documenting the events of the passing millenia as she sees fit. Is there anything in particular you'd be looking for?
12-19-2013, 04:32 PM
Any of the latter three would work for Prophet (either instead of or in addition to Remus) and literally any of them (except maybe the scribe) would be perfect for Blurred Lines. :>
12-20-2013, 07:14 AM
Which will be the next one you're going to run? As the pyro/Lt would be perfect (or more suited) for chaos temptation. The others, well do you need a driver? A scribe (who'd be similar in role to L'Hoace )? A sniper, and or a glorified cop? (I can see Hybrida pissing Remus off, he's almost a polar opposite, which could be fun) =)
12-20-2013, 08:38 AM
Which will be the next one you're going to run?
Prophet first, not just to finish off the Replicants storyline but also because interrogator Machairi will play a fairly major role in Penitence and I want the players to meet / form an opinion of her. Blurred Lines might run at the same time or be put on the back burner depending on how keen people are on writing two stories at once (I also haven't completely worked out the plot).
The others, well do you need a driver? A scribe (who'd be similar in role to L'Hoace )? A sniper, and or a glorified cop? (I can see Hybrida pissing Remus off, he's almost a polar opposite, which could be fun) =)
Driver - depends on how much the Leman Russ is her defining "thing". Because while I can definitely see the opening scene of Blurred featuring a tank, it would be difficult to fit one in through the rest of the story (same goes for Prophet and Penitence).
Sniper - would be useful in Penitence, as the heretic we'll be chasing is also a sniper.
Scribe - I can see her being useful in Prophet, as the secondary mission objective is evidence gathering.
And like I said before Hybrida would be awesome in any of the three.
12-20-2013, 10:58 AM
Blurred Lines might run at the same time or be put on the back burner depending on how keen people are on writing two stories at once.
Wouldn't bother me. =)
Driver - depends on how much the Leman Russ is her defining "thing". Because while I can definitely see the opening scene of Blurred featuring a tank, it would be difficult to fit one in through the rest of the story (same goes for Prophet and Penitence).
Well I'd say her Leman Russ would be more of a background detail rather than an in-game element. She's a vehicle op, with experience in all manner of Imperial war engines from the humble Sentinel to the Chimera, to the Leman Russ. With stints in driver, gunner and loader positions. When out of vehicle she'd offer CQC support with her las-PDW and smoke grenades.
Sniper - would be useful in Penitence, as the heretic we'll be chasing is also a sniper.
Interesting, so he'd be placed into a search and counter scenario?
Scribe - I can see her being useful in Prophet, as the secondary mission objective is evidence gathering.
Noted. Though the more I think of it, she's more of a niche character. More-so to explore how the Imperium, more specifically the Inquisition, disregards and classifies history, falsifying detailed account and forcing revision. So in the end of the game, if she were to make an appearance, I'd see her reports being blacked out and herself being forced to write an alternate truth.
And like I said before Hybrida would be awesome in any of the three.
Oh, he's definitely making an appearance. He'd most likely start in Prophet being a member of interrogator Machairi's staff? It depends on how you organize the game I suppose. But yes, he'd most likely piss Remus and/or Kally off, thanks to her hive-gang past, which might be humorous.
Three? I was only familiar with the two. Penitence is the sequel after Prophet, whilst Blurred Lines will be independent?
12-21-2013, 11:57 AM
Well I'd say her Leman Russ would be more of a background detail rather than an in-game element. She's a vehicle op, with experience in all manner of Imperial war engines from the humble Sentinel to the Chimera, to the Leman Russ. With stints in driver, gunner and loader positions. When out of vehicle she'd offer CQC support with her las-PDW and smoke grenades.
I thought that might be the case, it's just that most of the stories will be set in "vehicle unfriendly" environments such as jungles, ruins, buildings and starships. That said, I managed to sneak a cargo sentinel into Lesser for Viktor so if you want to play her, I'll find a way!
Interesting, so he'd be placed into a search and counter scenario?
Precisely. Though he'll get to do all sorts of other stuff too to stop things getting stale.
Noted. Though the more I think of it, she's more of a niche character. More-so to explore how the Imperium, more specifically the Inquisition, disregards and classifies history, falsifying detailed account and forcing revision. So in the end of the game, if she were to make an appearance, I'd see her reports being blacked out and herself being forced to write an alternate truth.
There will certainly (hopefully...) be a vibe of "Did we do the right thing?" at the end of Prophet, even if they don't directly start rewriting history. Though again, I'm sure I could throw that in for you (it sounds like the sort of thing Lord Sidonis would do).
Oh, he's definitely making an appearance. He'd most likely start in Prophet being a member of interrogator Machairi's staff? It depends on how you organize the game I suppose. But yes, he'd most likely piss Remus and/or Kally off, thanks to her hive-gang past, which might be humorous.
I'd be quite happy for him to be Machairi's sidekick. I'm going to outright state in the OOC that I don't mind people running an old character and introducing a new one, because that was one of the most frustrating limitations for me personally in the original series.
Three? I was only familiar with the two. Penitence is the sequel after Prophet, whilst Blurred Lines will be independent?
Penitence jumps forward five years to continue the original storyline left hanging by SandQueen's Kaleidoscope, but otherwise correct.
Blurred will be happening around the same time as Replicants and in a similar area of space, though the story is unrelated and I'd prefer there to be no common characters (although you're welcome to reference other characters if your PCs know them).
02-09-2015, 04:54 AM
Bump. Slowly editing the Cadian 1025th Field Army.
02-10-2015, 01:45 AM
Minor Characters
+++Opening Extract+++
... Loading Departmento Munitorum Request.
... Loading
... Loading
[*Departmento Munitorum;*]
[*Personnel Request;*]
[*Imperial Guard;*]
[*Captain, Jacktious*]
Name: Mathew Jacktious
Age: 32
Rank: Captain, of the 2433rd, 1st Infantry Company
Captain Antheia of 2nd Armoured. No, this area has already been secured. Our thanks go to the Space Marines. Not to the regiments loaned armour this time it would seem.
- Lasgun
- Laspistol
- Fragment grenades
- Utility knife
- 2433rd fatigues
- Flak armour
- Refractor field
- Decisive
- Adaptable
- Conscientious
- Observant
- Open
Mathew Jacktious, born on Cadia, to Kasr Eaghton. A fortress city of little renown, along the Cadian grain belt. His family were simple farmers and weekend reserves - to be called upon in the case of planetary attack. He grew tired of the life, the military schools recognized his natural ability to command. He accepted their offer, joined the Cadian Defense Force and graduated officers school a year later.
He served with distinction, quickly rising through the ranks. When came the annual tithes, his regiment was drawn into the Cadian 1010th army group. Transit lasted sixteen weeks, where they underwent a grueling training regime and local language courses. The Imperial Navy cleared them a landing zone and void corridor as their vessel approached for planet fall. The landing operation went better than expected, local resistance was minimal and he assisted with the erection of army group command.
His parent regiment was tasked with the capture of the planetary capital, where they faced fierce resistance. He suffered numerous wounds during the course of the campaign, yet it seemed little would tear him away from his men. By the end of the reclamation his company had suffered an effective combat loss of 68%; 72% of that number KIA.
[*Request Ends*]
[*Departmento Munitorum;*]
[*Personnel Request;*]
[*Imperial Guard;*]
[*Lieutenant, Degrey*]
Name: Gregory Degrey
Age: 27
Rank: Lieutenant, of the 2433rd, 1st Infantry Company, 1st platoon
Lieutenant Degrey was always a suspicious man. Someone who always kept his nose, and to an extent the men of his platoon, clean.
- Lasgun
- Laspistol
- Fragment grenades
- Utility knife
- 2433rd fatigues
- Flak armour
- Amiable
- Modest
- Rustic
- Sociable
- Conservative
Gregory Degrey, born on Cadia, to Kasr Eaghton. A fortress city of little renown, along the Cadian grain belt. His family were members of the local audit services, compiling and conducting financial inspections, in an attempt to combat local corruption. The grain regions were known for frivolous trade contracts, often at the detriment to Imperial buyers. Degrey attended church schooling, learned the words and numbers at an extremely young age. An enlightened child, quick to learn and quick to make friends.
He joined his families business when he graduated with honours. Though the work was tiring and he felt little in the way of achievement. Often his only escape were the weekend reserves, where he enjoyed the field operations and simulated war. He left home a year later, signing up to the local PDF, attending officers school where he was welcomed with open arms. He graduated with honours, another degree under his belt.
The war on Telfus was his proving grounds, his trial by fire. Some say he served admirably, others questioned his methods. He was conservative, always with the attempt to spare men and supplies. His own calculation, doing the math before every theater, trying to predict the course of battle. His glory came during the siege of the Telfus' capital. Where his platoon fought room to room, building to building. Bringing down connecting walls and breaching, they hold the company record in this engagement. Successfully clearly twenty-five buildings in a single day.
By the end of the reclamation his platoon suffered an effective combat loss of 46%; 51% of that number KIA.
[*Request Ends*]
[*Departmento Munitorum;*]
[*Personnel Request;*]
[*Imperial Guard;*]
[*Lieutenant, Katherlin*]
Name: Sarah Katherlin
Age: 29
Rank: Lieutenant, of the 2433rd, 1st Infantry Company, 2nd platoon
I don't issue those orders, Commissar, I just work here. I couldn't care what's around that corner. As I recall we just rolled in here, worked our asses off for this ground and you fly in on one of those damned whirlybirds expecting us to throw ourselves into the grinder. I'm waiting for the order from the Captain. There's a smarter way to do this, like send the marines in first, bullet sponges we'll call 'em, they're wearing that heavy armor.
- Lascarbine
- Laspistol
- Fragment grenades
- Krak grenades
- Utility knife
- 2433rd fatigues
- Carapace armour
- Faithful
- Freethinking
- Insouciant
- Stern
- Assertive
Sarah Katherlin, born on Cadia, to Kasr Craentich. A fortress city in the arctic polar regions, known as a northern outpost. The area breeds hard men and women. Her family were PDF born and breed, a tradition dating back generations. She signed on as a PDF trooper, worked up through the ranks, unlike many of her fellow officers. She holds this against many of her peers, often seeing herself in higher light thanks to her experience.
During the siege of Telfus' capital, her grenadier platoon spearheaded several city street assaults. Under the cover of smoke and shielded by the tanks of second armoured they stormed roadside positions and accompanying buildings. Their platoons kill count is unknown, but it is assumed to be the highest in the company. Katherlin herself risked her life to save a dozen wounded guardsmen from the field, she broke cover using her superior armour to shrug off small arms and dragged the men back into safety.
She suffered numerous wounds during the course of the campaign. During the final hours of the siege, lieutenant Katherlin shot the army groups commissar for incompetence, she awaits trial. Her fate is debatable. Captain Jacktious recommends victors justice, pardoning her for her crimes. Others say she deserves execution.
By the end of the reclamation her platoon suffered an effective combat loss of 82%; 63% of that number KIA.
[*Request Ends*]
[*Departmento Munitorum;*]
[*Personnel Request;*]
[*Imperial Guard;*]
[*Captain, Antheia*]
Name: Jannet Antheia
Age: 31
Rank: Captain, of the 2451st, 2nd Armoured Company
Appearance: osmo-d7frd23_zps9cf76d2b.jpg
Captain Jacktious, my company has been called to save your frakken ass from the fire again, it seems.
- Laspistol
- 2451st fatigues
- Leather tankers helmet: Dyed in pitch black, this full-grain leather helmet comes standard to all members of the Cadian 1010th Army Groups armoured units.
- Ebullient
- Crude
- Critical
- Good-natured
- Honest
Jannet Antheia, born on Cadia, to Kasr Easkerton. A region known for its olives and oils. Her family were local mechanics, fixing ground cars and agricultural equipment to make a living. She had church schooling and earned herself an automotive mechanics degree. She stayed in her hometown, made an easy living following in her parents footsteps. She wanted to see the world, to see the greater Imperium.
She joined the PDF, starting as a loader. Antheia slowly graduated positions, becoming gunner, radio operator, driver, then finally a tank commander. By the time of the Telfus reclamation, she had been promoted to the rank of captain, the responsibility of an entire company under her command. They secured the path to the capital city, using her armour to punch a hole in the enemy defense lines before moving to attack them in the rear. After this, she used her tanks in a support role.
Moving up with the infantry, pinning down enemy troops and shelling key buildings. Her vehicle accounted for 31 armoured kills during the course of the campaign. Katherlin's vehicle was knocked out in the final weeks of the campaign, two of her crew members perished. She has received a replacement vehicle, though she hasn't gotten use to the new guys.
By the end of the reclamation her company suffered an effective combat loss of 28%; 86% of that number KIA.
[*Request Ends*]
[*Field Report;*]
[*Personnel Request;*]
[*Traitor, PDF;*]
[*Lieutenant , Solvo*]
Name: Aritomo Solvo
Age: 27
Rank: Lieutenant, of the Telfus PDF
The man was card player, he played his chips and when he played, he played to win. The captain was dead and command had fallen to him, his CO was foolhardy, someone who believed in leading from the front. What had that gotten him? A dozen lasbolts to the chest that's what.
- Laspistol
- Chainsword
- Frag grenades
- Telfusian PDF fatigues
- Flak armour
- Gambler
- Dedicated
- Fanatical
- Phlegmatic
- Firm
Born on the planet of Telfus, he joined the PDF at the age of 18. He willingly accepted the Tau occupation and their ideology. He reported on his peers, sending those who still supported the old Imperial ideals. What became of them, he could not say. Though, those that returned were different men. Under the Tau they were prosperous, well feed and treated better than their ex-Imperial leaders.
By the time of Imperial reclamation efforts, he and his platoon were charged with the defense of the capital. The street fighting was brutal, bloody and drawn out. His company level CO was killed in action and the good lieutenant assumed command. Come the later days of fighting he found himself receiving a field promotion, the now captain continued coordinating the cities defense until their final defeat. The Tau had withdrawn, they were alone. Their guns falling silent only when they ran out of ammunition, when the Imperials stormed his building they fought back with bayonets and shovels.
None of them survived, captain Solvo was killed in action.
[*Request Ends*]
+++Extract Ends+++
02-10-2015, 07:16 AM
More minor characters to be added later...
02-10-2015, 11:29 AM
The sequel to Penitence (yes, I have planned that far ahead...) looks like a good place for this bunch...
02-10-2015, 11:40 AM
The sequel to Penitence (yes, I have planned that far ahead...) looks like a good place for this bunch...
How many of them do you want, the entire Army Group? Hahaha. If they were brought back to full strength or shuffled into another force, then you're looking at nearly half a million in strength. That post above yours, is going to be maybe another 2-3 minor characters from RPs that never really took off.
02-10-2015, 10:10 PM
A regiment should be more than enough - a high level leader and some "front line" characters to capture all levels of the conflict would be ideal.
02-10-2015, 11:45 PM
Hmm. I wasn't expecting the army group to be a key part of the RP, more a background detail. It might bring with it the army groups senior officer as a character, though other than that, the IC would revolve around the single regiment (well two if you want both Captains, or at least her company from said regiment).
12-26-2018, 12:53 PM
Bump, as this is now relevant again.
02-01-2021, 11:33 PM
Testing rules for Dakka's thread. This is a work in progress and no way considered as a final product.
* * * * *
+++2451st Regimental Traits:+++
Extensive Modifications and Ad-hoc Armour: The tankers of the 2451st learned through years of experience, leading to series of unsanctioned modifications to their vehicles. Including but not limited to, removing engine speed governors, the addition of improvised applique armour or additional "track" armour.
All vehicles in this regiment have a 6+ invulnerable save.
Rugged Reliability: The Leman Russ is known for it's famed history and ease to maintain. The tankers of the 2451st have been drilled to undertake minor repairs whenever necessary.
At the start of your turn each vehicle model in this regiment that has lost any wounds regains 1 lost wound.
* * * * *
+++2451st Regimental Stratagems:+++
Pop Smoke!: 1 CP
If an Astra Militarum vehicle is designated as a target by an enemy unit in the opponent's Shooting phase this vehicle may use its smoke launchers if they haven’t already been used. This vehicle cannot Overwatch in the same turn that it popped smoke.
* * * * *
+++2451st Regimental Tank Orders:+++
- Full Throttle! (see codex Astra Militarum)
- Gunners, Kill on Sight! (see codex Astra Militarum)
- Pound Them to Dust! (see codex Astra Militarum)
- Strike and Shroud! (see codex Astra Militarum)
- Button Up!:
The ordered unit treats attacks against them with an AP of -1 as having AP 0 until the end of the game round.
- Target Saturation!:
Re-roll wound rolls of 1 for the ordered unit until the end of the phase.
- Watch our Flanks!:
The ordered unit may make a free round of Overwatch, if this unit or any friendly unit within 6” is declared as a charge.
- Dial on my Azimuth!:
Order a Vehicle unit to make a Shooting attack against an enemy unit which the ordering Tank Commander has previously made a Shooting attack. Add +1 to the ordered units Hit rolls.
- Back Pedal! Back Pedal!:
The ordered Vehicle unit can shoot this phase even if it Fell Back in the Movement phase.
* * * * *
Battle cannon:
[b]Battle cannon HE shell72"Heavy D68-2D3Blast
[b]Battle cannon AP shell72"Heavy D38-2D6Blast
[b]Battle cannon AP-Chemical shell72"Heavy D38-4D6Each time an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, that attack has a Damage characteristic of D6+2. This profile can only be fired once per battle.
Exterminator autocannon:
[b]Exterminator autocannon AP-T48"Heavy 47-13-
[b]Exterminator autocannon APFSDS48"Heavy 47-22-
[b]Exterminator autocannon AP-I48"Heavy 47-12In the Shooting phase, after you have resolved all of the attacks made by this model, select one enemy unit that any of those attacks scored a hit against. Until the end of the turn, subtract 2 from the Leadership characteristic of that unit.
Twin lascannon:
[b]Twin lascannon standard charge48"Heavy 29-3D6-
[b]Twin lascannon high intensity24"Heavy 49-3D6-
* * * * *
My Fair Lady, Captain Antheia: 225 points
[b]NameRemaining WMBSAttacks
[b]My Fair Lady 17 - 14+10"3+3
[b]My Fair Lady 24 - 67"4+D3
[b]My Fair Lady 31 - 34"5+1
[b]My Fair Lady6+781483+
Categories: Cadian, Character, Imperium, Astra Militarum Leman Russ, Officer, Tank Commander, Vehicle, HQ
Unit Composition: My Fair Lady
- Battle cannon
- Coaxial heavy bolter
- Hull heavy bolter
- Cupola heavy stubber
- Explodes
- Grinding Advance
- Smoke Launchers
- Steel Commander
- Tank Orders
- Up-armoured
Mandator, Commissar Heinold: 220 points
[b]NameRemaining WMBSAttacks
[b]Mandator 17 - 14+10"2+3
[b]Mandator 24 - 67"3+D3
[b]Mandator 31 - 34"4+1
Categories: Character, Commissar, Imperium, Officio Prefectus, Leman Russ, Vehicle, HQ
Unit Composition: Mandator
- Twin lascannon
- Coaxial heavy stubber
- Hull lascannon
- Cupola heavy stubber
- Aura of Discipline
- Explodes
- Grinding Advance
- Smoke Launchers
* * * * *
1st Platoon
Mad Man, Lieutenant Linus: 210 points
[b]NameRemaining WMBSAttacks
[b]Mad Man 17 - 14+10"3+3
[b]Mad Man 24 - 67"4+D3
[b]Mad Man 31 - 34"5+1
[b]Mad Man6+781483+
Categories: Cadian, Character, Imperium, Leman Russ, Officer, Tank Commander, Vehicle, HQ
Unit Composition: Mad man
- Battle cannon
- Coaxial heavy bolter
- Hull heavy bolter
- Cupola heavy stubber
- Explodes
- Grinding Advance
- Smoke Launchers
- Tank Orders
- Up-armoured
Mauler: 195 points
[b]NameRemaining WMBSAttacks
[b]Mauler 17 - 14+10"4+3
[b]Mauler 24 - 67"5+D3
[b]Mauler 31 - 34"6+1
Categories: Cadian, Imperium, Astra Militarum, Leman Russ, Vehicle, Troops
Unit Composition: Mauler
- Battle cannon
- Coaxial heavy bolter
- Hull heavy bolter
- Cupola heavy stubber
- Explodes
- Grinding Advance
- Master Mechanic
- Smoke Launchers
Manifesto, Sergeant Helen: 200 points
[b]NameRemaining WMBSAttacks
[b]Manifesto 17 - 14+10"4+3
[b]Manifesto 24 - 67"5+D3
[b]Manifesto 31 - 34"6+1
Categories: Cadian, Imperium, Astra Militarum, Leman Russ, Vehicle, Troops
Unit Composition: Manifesto
- Exterminator autocannon
- Hull lascannon
- Cupola heavy stubber
- 2x Hunter-killer missile
- Explodes
- Grinding Advance
- Smoke Launchers
2nd Platoon:
Maximum Precision, Lieutenant Ennius: 200 points
[b]NameRemaining WMBSAttacks
[b]Maximum Precision 17 - 14+10"3+3
[b]Maximum Precision 24 - 67"4+D3
[b]Maximum Precision 31 - 34"5+1
[b]Maximum Precision6+781483+
Categories: Cadian, Character, Imperium, Astra Militarum, Leman Russ, Officer, Tank Commander, Vehicle, Troops
Unit Composition: Maximum Precision
- Battle cannon
- Coaxial heavy bolter
- Hull heavy bolter
- Cupola heavy stubber
- Explodes
- Grinding Advance
- Smoke Launchers
- Tank Orders
Mailbox RTS, Sergeant Barbara: 195 points
[b]NameRemaining WMBSAttacks
[b]Mailbox RTS 17 - 14+10"4+3
[b]Mailbox RTS 24 - 67"5+D3
[b]Mailbox RTS 31 - 34"6+1
[b]Mailbox RTS6+781473+
Categories: Cadian, Imperium, Astra Militarum, Leman Russ, Vehicle, Troops
Unit Composition: Mailbox RTS
- Battle cannon
- Coaxial heavy bolter
- Hull heavy bolter
- Cupola heavy stubber
- Explodes
- Grinding Advance
- Master Mechanic
- Smoke Launchers
Mighty Brazier, Sergeant Alexandre: 200 points
[b]NameRemaining WMBSAttacks
[b]Mighty Brazier 17 - 14+10"4+3
[b]Mighty Brazier 24 - 67"5+D3
[b]Mighty Brazier 31 - 34"6+1
[b]Mighty Brazier6+781473+
Categories: Cadian, Imperium, Astra Militarum, Leman Russ, Vehicle, Troops
Unit Composition: Mighty Brazier
- Exterminator autocannon
- Hull lascannon
- Cupola heavy stubber
- 2x Hunter-killer missile
- Explodes
- Grinding Advance
- Smoke Launchers
3rd Platoon:
Midnight, Lieutenant Marcellus: 200 points
[b]NameRemaining WMBSAttacks
[b]Midnight 17 - 14+10"3+3
[b]Midnight 24 - 67"4+D3
[b]Midnight 31 - 34"5+1
Categories: Cadian, Character, Imperium, Astra Militarum, Leman Russ, Officer, Tank Commander, Vehicle, Troops
Unit Composition: Midnight
- Battle cannon
- Coaxial heavy bolter
- Hull heavy bolter
- Cupola heavy stubber
- Explodes
- Grinding Advance
- Smoke Launchers
- Tank Orders
Moxie, Sergeant Wilhelm: 195 points
[b]NameRemaining WMBSAttacks
[b]Moxie 17 - 14+10"4+3
[b]Moxie 24 - 67"5+D3
[b]Moxie 31 - 34"6+1
Categories: Cadian, Imperium, Astra Militarum, Leman Russ, Vehicle, Troops
Unit Composition: Moxie
- Battle cannon
- Coaxial heavy bolter
- Hull heavy bolter
- Cupola heavy stubber
- Explodes
- Grinding Advance
- Smoke Launchers
Matchlock, Sergeant Mia: 200 points
[b]NameRemaining WMBSAttacks
[b]Matchlock 17 - 14+10"4+3
[b]Matchlock 24 - 67"5+D3
[b]Matchlock 31 - 34"6+1
Categories: Cadian, Imperium, Astra Militarum, Leman Russ, Vehicle, Troops
Unit Composition: Matchlock
- Exterminator autocannon
- Hull lascannon
- Cupola heavy stubber
- 2x Hunter-killer missile
- Explodes
- Grinding Advance
- Smoke Launchers
02-05-2021, 12:13 AM
Brainstorming Rules for Paints Dragoons new motorised Centaurs.
+++Dedicated Transport+++
Minors Pattern Centaur: 35 points
Minors Pattern Centaur126+4+556174+
Categories: Regiment, Imperium, Astra Militarum, Minors Pattern Centaur, Transport, Vehicle, Dedicated transport.
Unit Composition: Minors Pattern Centaur
- Hull heavy stubber
- Pintle heavy stubber
- Explodes
- Smoke Launchers
- Transport: This vehicle has a transport capacity of 6 Regiment Infantry models. Each heavy weapons team model takes the space of 2 models.
- You may swap the hull heavy stubber for a flamer, melta gun, or AT rifle: Free
- You may swap the pintle heavy stubber for a AT rifle: Free
- In addition to the weapons above you can take a hunter-killer missile: 5 points.
[b]AT rifle36"Heavy 17-12-
+++Fast Attack+++
Minors Pattern Centaur Close-Support: 50 points per model
Minors Pattern Centaur Close-Support126+4+566173+
Categories: Regiment, Imperium, Astra Militarum, Minors Pattern Centaur CS, Vehicle, Fast Attack.
Unit Composition: Minors Pattern Centaur CS 1 - 3 models
- Hull heavy flamer
- Pintle heavy stubber
- Explodes
- Smoke Launchers
- You may swap the hull heavy flamer for a mult-melta: 15 points.
- You may swap the pintle heavy stubber for a grenade launcher, or AT rifle: Free
- In addition to the weapons above you can take a hunter-killer missile: 5 points.
+++Heavy Support+++
Minors Pattern Centaur Fire-Support: 50 points per model
Minors Pattern Centaur Fire-Support126+4+566173+
Categories: Regiment, Imperium, Astra Militarum, Minors Pattern Centaur FS, Vehicle, Heavy Support.
Unit Composition: Minors Pattern Centaur FS 1 - 3 models
- Casemate heavy bolter
- Hull heavy stubber
- Explodes
- Smoke Launchers
- You may swap the casemate heavy bolter for a mortar, twin heavy stubber, or autocannon: Free.
- You may swap the casemate heavy bolter for a lascannon: 10 points.
- You may swap the hull heavy stubber for an AT rifle: Free
- In addition to the weapons above you can take a hunter-killer missile: 5 points.
02-10-2021, 04:18 AM
Brainstorming Rules for the Cadian Independent Missile Companies
* * * * *
+++812th/813th/814th Cadian Independent Missile Companies Stratagems:+++
Pop Smoke!: 1 CP
If an Astra Militarum vehicle is designated as a target by an enemy unit in the opponent's Shooting phase this vehicle may use its smoke launchers if they haven’t already been used. This vehicle cannot Overwatch in the same turn that it popped smoke.
Barrage, High Intensity!: 2 CP
An Astra Militarum vehicle may fire double the amount of rockets or missiles it is normally permitted to fire (eg. up to 2 storm eagle rockets this turn, or up to 8 hellfury missiles this turn).
812th/813th/814th Artillery Command Chimera: 100 points
[b]NameRemaining WMBSAttacks
[b]Artillery Command Chimera 17 - 12+12"3+3
[b]Artillery Command Chimera 24 - 68"4+D3
[b]Artillery Command Chimera 31 - 34"5+1
[b]Artillery Command Chimera6+671283+
Categories: Cadian, Imperium, Astra Militarum, Artillery Command Chimera, Officer, Character, Vehicle, HQ.
Unit Composition: Artillery Command Chimera
- Multi-laser
- Hull heavy bolter
- Artillery Orders: This model can issue up to three orders each turn to a friendly Cadian IMC Manticore at the start of your Shooting phase. To issue an Artillery Order, pick a target IMC Manticore and choose which order you wish to issue from the Artillery Orders table. Each IMC Manticore can only be given a single order each turn.
- Explodes
- Improved Comms: Order range is infinite.
- Smoke Launchers
- You may swap the turret multi-laser for a heavy bolter or autocannon: 10 points.
- You may swap the turret multi-laser for a lascannon: 15 points.
- You may take any of the following; Pintle heavy stubber, Dozer blade, Hunter-killer missile, Track guards: 5 points each.
- You may choose between one of the following tank aces:
Master Mechanic or Steel Commander (replace Tank Order with Artillery Order): 1 CP.
Artillery Orders:
- Shift Positions: See Full Throttle! from codex Astra Militarum.
- Fire on Designated Coordinates: +1 to hit rolls for the ordered model until the end of the phase.
- Set Delayed Fuse: For the duration of this phase, you can re-roll the dice when determining the number of attacks the ordered model can make with rocket or missile weapons that use a randomly determined number (eg. Heavy D6).
- Strike and Shroud!: See codex Astra Militarum.
812th/813th/814th IMC Manticore: 160 points
[b]NameRemaining WMBSAttacks
[b]IMC Manticore 17 - 12+12"4+3
[b]IMC Manticore 24 - 68"5+D3
[b]IMC Manticore 31 - 34"6+1
[b]IMC Manticore6+671273+
Categories: Cadian, Imperium, Astra Militarum, Manticore, Vehicle, Troops.
Unit Composition: 1 - 3 IMC Manticores
- 4x Storm Eagle Rockets
- Hull heavy bolter
- Augur Array: Once per turn, in the Shooting phase, you can re-roll a single failed hit roll.
- Explodes
- Smoke Launchers
- You may take any of the following; Pintle heavy stubber, Dozer blade, Hunter-killer missile, Track guards: 5 points each.
- You may swap the 4 Storm Eagle Rockets for one of the following:
8 Hellfury Missiles, 8 Hellstrike Missiles, 8 Hunter-killer Missiles, or 8 Skystrike Missiles: Free
[b]Hellfury Missile72"Heavy D6401Blast. This weapon can target units that are not visible to the bearer. A model can only fire up to four missiles per turn. Each missile can only be fired once per game.
[b]Hellstrike Missile72"Heavy 18-2D6Roll two dice when inflicting damage with this weapon and discard the lowest result. This weapon can target units that are not visible to the bearer. A model can only fire up to four missiles per turn. Each missile can only be fired once per game.
[b]Hunter-killer Missile48"Heavy 110-2D6This weapon can target units that are not visible to the bearer. A model can only fire up to four missiles per turn. Each missile can only be fired once per game.
[b]Skystrike Missile60"Heavy 17-2D3Add 1 to all hit rolls for this weapon against targets that can fly. Subtract 1 from hit rolls against all other targets. This weapon can target units that are not visible to the bearer. A model can only fire up to four missiles per turn. Each missile can only be fired once per game.
+++Fast Attack+++
Sentinel Powerlifter: 50 points
Sentinel Powerlifter94+4+556174+
Categories: Regiment, Imperium, Astra Militarum, Sentinel Powerlifter, Vehicle, Fast Attack.
Unit Composition: 1 - 3 Sentinel Powerlifters
- Powerlifter
- Explodes
- Smoke Launchers
- Support Vehicle: If a friendly Cadian vehicle within 3" has already shot with any weapons that can only be used once per battle, those weapons can be used one additional time this battle.
- In addition to the weapons above you can take a hunter-killer missile, or a heavy stubber: 5 points.
[b]PowerlifterMeleeMeleex2-2D3Each time the bearer fights, it makes 2 additional attacks with this weapon.
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