View Full Version : Hope Rising (name pending) OOC

05-18-2010, 11:47 PM
From the log of Dr. Leon M. Larsson, June 22, 2310:

"Welcome to Hope! Land of freedom, opportunity, and happiness!"

"Here on Hope you'll find everything you need. It's a fresh start. Make yourself whoever you want to be, and always remember to have fun."

That's what all the signs and commercials said. They talked it all up, making it sound perfect. In all reality, it wasn't. Once the first expeditionary force, which I was on, landed, We quickly learned we weren't alone. This planet, Hope, had an ecosystem as advanced, if not more so, than Earth's. There was also intelligent life.

We call them lizards, or lizzies. They call themselves the Mik'Raash. They were friendly. Most still are, but some have grown angry at us. The humans, I mean. Mostly because we have been taking over land that they hunted on. Killing their food. They have plenty more, but some tribes have become hostile. It's like the 1700s and 1800s all over again, warring and disagreeing with the old indian tribes.

It hasn't even been that bad, and it won't be for a while. At least, not until the rest of the colony lands. Then we'll take over over 50 square miles of land, if not more, which will not make the Mik'Raash happy. Now the extremists have been gathering support. They've killed 10 men already, and done things to the bodies I don't care to go into detail about.

I've lived on this planet longer than anyone else, and I'm starting to realize that we can't just annex a massive chunk of land here. Of course, the colony commitee doesn't agree with me. Well, I guess until then, we just have to improve realtions with the locals, and hope for the best.
Humans have nearly killed Earth. Not with pollution or global warming, but with nuclear fallout. Humanity has been doing the best it can to clean it up, but until then they have colonized a new planet, aptly named Hope. The colony fleet consists of 20 ships and over 10,000 colonists. Dr. Larsson is head of the expeditionary force which is to survey the location for the colony and gather information about the local wildlife. Contact has just recently been made with the Mik'Raash, the indiginous people of Hope, or Tivass, as they call it. Most Mik'Raash are kind, but many others, mostly the tribal elders and leaders, dislike humans fro whatever reason, making negotiations and communication in general difficult. Before the colony can be set up, Leon has been assigned the job of setting up an agreement with the locals as to how they should live in peace, while at the same time continueing his original order of stydying the local wildlife. He has been granted permission to gather a group to help him.

Appearance: The Mik'Raash are large, lizard-like beings. They stand aanywhere from 7 to 10 feet tall, with some making the 12 foot mark. They have reptilian heads with large pointed teeth. They also have scaley skin and a short tail. Their hands have only two fingers and one thumb, and they are digitigrades, wth three toed feet. They are far stronger than any man. They are omnivorous, but prefer meat to fruits or vegetables.

Leadership: They have a social system based on clans and tribes, with two leaders in each. The tribe elder is the spiritual leader, who guides them in rituals and advises the Chieftan, who is the political leader. Elders shoose their succesors. The Chieftan governs over his tribe, and is elected by popular vote by a commitee of 10 to 80, depending on the size of the tribe. It is very rare to have several chieftans in a row who are related. Some tribes do have dynasties of chieftans, but they are rare and the tribes arte foten small. Some tribes also have no chieftan at all and rely on the elder only, or have no elder at all. The two largest tribes that Humans have found are the Trussbak, which has approx. 1,260 members, and the Golos'dek, which has approx. 840 members. The Trussbak has been deemed hostile and is not to be approached by any human.

Religion: The Mik'Raash also have an interesting religion. It is not polytheistic or monotheistic. They believe that there is a guiding force, or Nossik, that influences all events, from where a single rain drop falls to which tribe survives a war. Some tribes have found interest in human religions.

Honor: This gets it's own spot because it is highly revered by the Mik'Raash. They almost never break their promises, and so rarely make them. To break a promise is a crime punishable by death, right where you stand. Telling someone that you trust them is a sign of respect and friendship beyond anything else. honor is gained by doing the right thing and being fair and just. Thus crime is very rare, as is lying or gossip. This also leads to very few leaders being poor leaders. To them, chivalry is alive and kicking.

Military: The Mik'Raash dislike war, but are fierce fighters. They have many myths of heroes who have slain countless enemies or monsters. They fight in two ways. Geurilla warfare of sabotage and assasination, or open field battles to the last man. Geurilla warfare is only used by tribes that don't have the numbers to fight in the open, wheras the larger tribes use their numbers to their advantage, sweeping large areas of land to flush out the enemy. Weaponry is mostly stone and wood, but bronze is used by the social elit and even iron has been seen in small amounts.
(any questions don't be afraid to ask. :) )

If you create a tribe, describe it, giving size, location (make up one, I'll make a map later), religion, chieftan or leader, attitude towards humans, and any significant events. I'll name just a few to begin with.(Did it separate from a larger tribe?)

pop: 1,260
location: Center of Simna Cruttas, or Great Plain.
Leader: Kokit'ray
Religion: standard, Chieftan and Elder. Any human religions are banned.
Attitude: Very hostile towards humans. Feel as though they can just push others around. Avoided even by other tribes.

Pop: 840
Location: Eastern edge of Simna Vods, or Lesser Plain.
Leader: Jundas
Religion: standard, Chieftan and Elder. Some have begun to convert to christianity, but has been supressed.
Attitude: Neutral towards humans. Dislike of the Olgiv tribe, currently at a truce with them.

Pop: 310
Location: Northern shore of the Tura Cruttas, or Great Lake, a lake that is in the western part of the Great plain.
Leader: Marrosa
Religion: Standard, but judaism has become popular, and almost encouraged.
Attitude: Very kind towards humans. Have had the most contact with humans, and the human expeditionary force base camp in only 6 miles from the main village. Dislike the Golos'dek, and have gained most of their territory from them.

There are many strange animals on Hope, but these are the most common, or dangerous.

Gigant: These behemoths are 110 feet tall and 80 feet long. They have dark grey-green skin. They are herbivorous, but stay clear; They rarely watch where they're going, and can easily crush a man, or a truck, or even a shuttle.

Volosk: These massive carnivores are the deadliest creatues encountered. They can be 20 feet long (Though some have been reported at over 30 feet) with large black and red scales. They are mostly reptilian, but have digitigrade feet. They are to be avoided at all times. hunt solitarily, and are the only animal capable to killing a Gigant, and even then only the young, sickly or old. Speculation is that they are the ancient ancestors of the Mik'Raash, but no DNA testing has been done on them.

Ukita: Only about 6 feet long, but still bery dangerous carnivores. They have large heads, and an interesting jaw system of three mandibles, one on the bottom and two on going diagonally up to the left and right. They have and insecctoid look to them, but have an interior skeleton. Like to hunt in packs of 5 to 10. Greenish blue skin.

Ferok: Gentle giants, the ferok are used by the Mik'Raash as pack animals. They have bright blue-grreen skin, with aremor plating on their backs. They have a deceont amount of intelligence, and can be seen solving simple problems. They are herd animals, and like to graze on the plains. They stand about 10 feet tall at the shoulder.

Username: (need to know who's who)
Character name: (same as above)
Sex: (no explanation needed)
Age: (Nothing younger than 20 or older than 50 please)
Profession: (mechanic, soldier, biologist, doctor, take your pick, but be realistic (rhyming intended)
Description: (What do you look like? be creative, but not ridiculous. pictures would help)
Bio: (Why do you do what you do? any quirks, habits, tweaks, pet-peeves? What's your backround?)
Gear: (What you carry on your person most of the time? ex. canteen, pistol, medi kit, binoculars, knife, what have you)

Notes- Most humans are indifferent towards the Mik'Raash. They call them "Lizards" or "Lizzies", but this has become less used as time as gone on. Both are now considered derogitory terms. Very few humans have seen a Mik'Raash, and are often scared by them.

Character Name: (Doersn't need apostrophies, but must sound... alien, preferably. Nicknames or shortened versions are okay)
Age: (Mik'Raash age faster and live longer, so between 18 and 60)
Tribe: ( Create your own or join an existing one. the Trussbak is off limits. If you want to be an exile or outcast, that's fine, but if everyone is an outcast, I may have to force someone to change it. You have been warned)
Description: (Mik'raash can be almost any color under the sky. green, red, blue, gray, white, whatever. Eye color varies as much)
Bio: (Are you the chief's daughter? Maybe a great hunter, or fisherman, perhaps a craftsman? Or are you just a raggedy outcast, hardly getting along? Tell me about your past)
Gear: (Hunters or soldiers would carry spears or bows, maybe axes and a shield. think native american/dark ages. swords are okay, but rare and must be bronze and crude. Remember size comes into play as well. A 6 foot spear is like a twig to them)

Notes- Mik'Raash are often kind towards humans, but can be hostile. They can rather easily comprehend human speech and vice versa. They are amazed and often intimidated by human machines and tools, particularily ships and guns.

Username: Shifty
Character name: Leon M. Larsson
Sex: Male
Age: 35
Profession: Ecologist, Anthropologist, Linguist
Description: 5'10" thin build, but stronger than he looks. brown hair kept short. Deep green eyes.
Bio: Leon was born on Earth, but was brought on to the colony fleet when he was only 2, the youngest colonist. Thus he didn't know anything but low or zero gravity. He was a quick learner, and was able to memorize things very easily, especially languages. He was offered a job as apprentice to the colony's leading ecologist, Dr. Richard Heinn at the age of 20. He accepted readily, and love his work. When he was 25 he also began studying anthropology on the side. Dr. Heinn died just a week before the colony fleet reached Hope, so Leon took his place as head ecologist. He landed with the first expeditionary force to study local wildlife. He has also lived on the planet the longest, the only one who has not returned to the colony fleet since landing. He knows English, Spanish, French, German, and Latin.
Gear: faded blue baseball cap, aviator sunglasses, canteen, 9mm pistol, notepad, heavy hiking boots, survival multi-tool, compass, several pencils, binoculars.

Username: Riverpaw
Character name: Joseph Merril.
Sex: Male
Age: 29
Profession: Soldier (Scouting, Reconnaissance, Designated Marksmanship and Tracking)
Bio: Joseph is about 5‘9“ with brown eyes. His skin is a hue of olive tan and he has brown hair that reaches his shoulders, he also has a thin goatee. He is flat-chested but not very muscular.
Bio: Joseph was born on the colony fleet, during the time, his mother worked as a expeditioneer on the surface of Hope. While his dad worked in the fleet’s armory. He spent much time learning of both their professions. With knowledge of guns and the area of Hope, he was able to get into the business of tracking and hunting some of the large game of Hope to supply the fleet’s population. When he was 26 his mother died from an encounter with a Gigant. To support the family, he took a job as a Soldier on the Hope expedition.
Gear: A small rucksack carries his survival equipment, a compass, fishing net, binoculars, a sharpening stone, a collapsible shovel, a first aid kit, canteen, flint, and a signaling mirror. For weapons, he carries a semi-automatic scoped rifle, a 9mm pistol, and a 2 1/2 Kukri machete. For clothing he simply wears a fur vest, a dark green short-sleeved t-shirt, jeans, and light-weight boots. In case of battle he will usually wear a ghilly suit.

Username: GinormousTeddy
Character name: Thomas Houghton
Sex: Male
Age: 41
Profession: Mechanic, Engineer, Biologist
Description: Thomas stands at 6'2". He has a lean build, small but muscular. He has sandy blond hair that falls around his chin, and dark blue eyes. A monocle on a chain hangs over his right eye. A scar strikes vertically through his right eye, and he is missing the top half of his right ear. A stubble adorns his face, as he rarely shaves.
Bio: Thomas was born on Earth, though he joined the colony when he was eight years old. As he grew up, he always had a fascination with machines, and spent time learning about the jobs of mechanics and engineers. He spent six years of his life learning about mechanics and engineering with the engineers and mechanics of the colonies. When he was fourteen, he got in a mechanic accident, which gave him the scar on his eye, the need for the monocle, and made him lose half of one of his ears. Four years later, he went to a high level college, where he majored in biology, much to everyone's surprise. After he graduated, at the age of 26, he continued his work as a biologist, while working as an engineer/mechanic on the side. It should be noted that around the age of 30, Thomas became hard of hearing in his scarred and damaged ear.
Gear: Thomas carries an old leather rucksack, and calls it his 'lucky pack.' Inside it, he has the following things: an advanced laser pointer, a scalpel, a small energy pistol, a notebook, a pencil bag containing pens and pencils, small packs of nonperishable food, an audio and video recorder, a knife, a digital magnifying glass, a lab coat, synthetic gloves, and an old-fashioned pair of binoculars. For clothing, Thomas wears hiking boots under a pair of khaki slacks, and a button up shirt with a tie. He also has clothing typical to hikers, and a dark leather jacket. Anything he is not wearing is kept in his 'lucky pack.'
Username: Shifty
Character Name: Marrosa "Mas"
Sex: male
Age: 44
Tribe: Olgiv, aslong the northern shore of a large inland lake.
Description: 10'5", light red scales with yellow stripes along his back. bright blue eyes. A large scar runs across his snout.
Bio: Marrosa was always stronger than the other Mik'Raash. He was also faster, and often more quick witted than anyone else. This caused him to have great respect from his tribe, and especially the chieftan. When he was 28, he was named the succesor to the current chieftan, Ind'jira, who was 94 at the time. Only days later, Ind'Jira died, and Marrosa, or Mas as he was more often called, took over. His respect was well placed, as he ruled his tribe well. He expanded borders into the nearby Golos'Dek, who had been encraching upon thier territory. When he was 36, he recieved the first iron sword made by his tribe. He led his tribe into a massive battle against the Golos'Dek, who were routed by Marrosa's new blade, which was named Anmeg Proja, or Silver Death. He ruled well, and when humans came, he accepted them with open arms. The Olgiv are currently the kindest of all the tribes towards humans, but they still have their extremists.
Gear: Anmeg Proja, his iron shortsword (5 feet long) Volosk tooth knife, Olgi'Ras necklace, showing that he is the chieftan.

Username: iamaninja
Character Name: Kel’Tur
Sex: Male
Age: 32
Tribe: Golos'dek
Description: Dull green-brown color that blends with the earth, eye color a green-topaz. Stands 12’ exactly (His height does no interfere with Hunts), has multiple scars on his chest and arms from tangles with other Hunters(Non-Mik’Raash).
(sorry, couldn't quite figure out to get the picture in here :( )
Bio: Kel’Tur is a Hunter, he follows the Prey, and he knows the trails, when and where the Prey moves during the seasons and how to avoid becoming Prey himself.
His Hunts are often prolonged so he is only with his Tribe for short periods of time, usually when bringing back kills or returning to hear what has happened while he was gone.
He often runs alone and prefers it that way as Kel’Tur enjoys the sounds of the wind whispering through the grass; over someone tramping alongside him and prefers listening to the sounds of Prey then a companion chattering away.
He has had encounters with volosk’s and knows how to avoid detection by them, although he has fought and slain a young one when avoiding was not an option.
His opinion on the human is that they are an odd race, very reliant on their metal-beasts and teknolaygee (technology); he has sometimes been watching and learning human habits, also how fast they run, where they would flee if startled and who among them are Hunters and Warriors. Kel’Tur is debating whether they are Prey or not.
Mostly he avoids the humans; they are too loud, too noisy, and scare off Prey wherever they go. He doesn’t trust them much, as some humans do not respect the land owned by the Golo’dek.
He is loyal to his Tribe and, if needed, will abandon Hunts to aide his people in fights or any other matters. He has a dislike of the Olgiv but that is natural as there has always been friction between the Golos’dek and Olgiv, he is content with the truce for now.
Gear: A necklace made of ukita teeth. Three long (9’) spears with barbed bone heads; able to be thrown, a hunting bow, quiver with stone-headed arrows, a bandolier sling that allows him to carry the spears on his back comfortably next to the quiver, and a long-bladed hunting knife made from volosk fang, its bone handle wrapped with ukita sinew. (The bow is often left with his belongings back at the Tribe as he only uses it occasionally and the arrows rattling in their quiver could alert quarry to his presence)

If you make a Mik'Raash character, you don't need to try to make words with them. Just speak normally. Most humans have translators to help understand the Mik'Raash, and it translates their words into Mik'Raash too. If anyone has questions, feel free to ask, especially if something doesn't make sense.

05-23-2010, 12:17 AM
Sounds neat. I'm working on a character sheet. You don't mind that this would be the first RP on this site that I've done, do you?

Edit: My character sheet.

Username: Riverpaw
Character name: Joseph Merril.
Sex: Male
Age: 29
Profession: Soldier (Scouting, Reconnaissance, Designated Marksmanship and Tracking)

Bio: Joseph is about 5‘9“ with brown eyes. His skin is a hue of olive tan and he has brown hair that reaches his shoulders, he also has a thin goatee. He is flat-chested but not very muscular.

Bio: Joseph was born on the colony fleet, during the time, his mother worked as a expeditioneer on the surface of Hope. While his dad worked in the fleet’s armory. He spent much time learning of both their professions. With knowledge of guns and the area of Hope, he was able to get into the business of tracking and hunting some of the large game of Hope to supply the fleet’s population. When he was 26 his mother died from an encounter with a Gigant. To support the family, he took a job as a Soldier on the Hope expedition.

Gear: A small rucksack carries his survival equipment, a compass, fishing net, binoculars, a sharpening stone, a collapsible shovel, a first aid kit, canteen, flint, and a signaling mirror. For weapons, he carries a semi-automatic scoped rifle, a 9mm pistol, and a 2 1/2 Kukri machete. For clothing he simply wears a fur vest, a dark green short-sleeved t-shirt, jeans, and light-weight boots. In case of battle he will usually wear a ghilly suit.

05-23-2010, 11:07 AM
This looks pretty good, there still openings?

05-23-2010, 01:42 PM
Well a 1 person RP wouldn't be a good idea - so I believe there are still plenty of openings ;)

05-23-2010, 02:15 PM
Lawl. Common sense is awesome. +rep

05-24-2010, 12:05 AM
There are plenty of spots open, no need to worry. :)

05-24-2010, 12:30 AM
I wasnt really worried, I just didnt realize this was the first OOC for this RP, heh.

Almost done with the CS, just fine-tuning the Bio and it should be up later.
Later is now:

Username: iamaninja
Character Name: Kel’Tur
Sex: Male
Age: 32
Tribe: Golos'dek
Description: Dull green-brown color that blends with the earth, eye color a green-topaz. Stands 12’ exactly (His height does no interfere with Hunts), has multiple scars on his chest and arms from tangles with other Hunters(Non-Mik’Raash).
Kudos to Madson, whose awesome picture this is
Bio: Kel’Tur is a Hunter, he follows the Prey, and he knows the trails, when and where the Prey moves during the seasons and how to avoid becoming Prey himself.
His Hunts are often prolonged so he is only with his Tribe for short periods of time, usually when bringing back kills or returning to hear what has happened while he was gone.
He often runs alone and prefers it that way as Kel’Tur enjoys the sounds of the wind whispering through the grass; over someone tramping alongside him and prefers listening to the sounds of Prey then a companion chattering away.

He has had encounters with volosk’s and knows how to avoid detection by them, although he has fought and slain a young one when avoiding was not an option.
His opinion on the human is that they are an odd race, very reliant on their metal-beasts and teknolaygee (technology); he has sometimes been watching and learning human habits, also how fast they run, where they would flee if startled and who among them are Hunters and Warriors. Kel’Tur is debating whether they are Prey or not.
Mostly he avoids the humans; they are too loud, too noisy, and scare off Prey wherever they go. He doesn’t trust them much, as some humans do not respect the land owned by the Golo’dek.
He is loyal to his Tribe and, if needed, will abandon Hunts to aide his people in fights or any other matters. He has a dislike of the Olgiv but that is natural as there has always been friction between the Golos’dek and Olgiv, he is content with the truce for now.

Gear: A necklace made of ukita teeth. Three long (9’) spears with barbed bone heads; able to be thrown, a hunting bow, quiver with stone-headed arrows, a bandolier sling that allows him to carry the spears on his back comfortably next to the quiver, and a long-bladed hunting knife made from volosk fang, its bone handle wrapped with ukita sinew. (The bow is often left with his belongings back at the Tribe as he only uses it occasionally and the arrows rattling in their quiver could alert quarry to his presence)
Is that okay? Do I need to edit it or anything?

05-25-2010, 02:37 AM
Perfectly fine.

Just a note for other people who want to join, you don't need to use only the creatures I've described. If you want make your own, but realize that most life on Hope is either reptillian or insectoid, sometimes a combination, like the Ukita. Also, feel free to make a tribe of your own if you want to be a Mik'Raash, but be sure to describe it so I can use it effectively.

06-07-2010, 08:09 PM
Username: GinormousTeddy
Character name: Thomas Houghton
Sex: Male
Age: 41
Profession: Mechanic, Engineer, Biologist
Description: Thomas stands at 6'2". He has a lean build, small but muscular. He has sandy blond hair that falls around his chin, and dark blue eyes. A monocle on a chain hangs over his right eye. A scar strikes vertically through his right eye, and he is missing the top half of his right ear. A stubble adorns his face, as he rarely shaves.
Bio: Thomas was born on Earth, though he joined the colony when he was eight years old. As he grew up, he always had a fascination with machines, and spent time learning about the jobs of mechanics and engineers. He spent six years of his life learning about mechanics and engineering with the engineers and mechanics of the colonies. When he was fourteen, he got in a mechanic accident, which gave him the scar on his eye, the need for the monocle, and made him lose half of one of his ears. Four years later, he went to a high level college, where he majored in biology, much to everyone's surprise. After he graduated, at the age of 26, he continued his work as a biologist, while working as an engineer/mechanic on the side. It should be noted that around the age of 30, Thomas became hard of hearing in his scarred and damaged ear.
Gear: Thomas carries an old leather rucksack, and calls it his 'lucky pack.' Inside it, he has the following things: an advanced laser pointer, a scalpel, a small energy pistol, a notebook, a pencil bag containing pens and pencils, small packs of nonperishable food, an audio and video recorder, a knife, a digital magnifying glass, a lab coat, synthetic gloves, and an old-fashioned pair of binoculars. For clothing, Thomas wears hiking boots under a pair of khaki slacks, and a button up shirt with a tie. He also has clothing typical to hikers, and a dark leather jacket. Anything he is not wearing is kept in his 'lucky pack.'

06-24-2010, 04:32 PM
If it isn't too late to join...?

Character name:
Tabitha Brighton
Bio-chemical Engineer, Medic
Tabitha has black hair that falls just past her shoulders and slightly Oriental features. Unusually short.
Tabitha was a precocious student, always devouring whatever she could be taught. Showing a proficiency for sciences, particularly chemistry, she was recommended to a special program for the colonization program. There she worked hard to earn her doctorate. She took her knowledge and applied it by taking internships under the best pharmacists, researchers, and chemical engineers, and doctors she could find. She may have family, but never speaks of them. Tabitha's life is extremely career-focused, and while she is a solid partner in work-related things, she is not particularly friendly outside of them.
Tabitha wears nondescript black dress trousers and thin jewel-tone turtle necks; a diamond necklace always on and always tucked beneath her top. She often carries around a lightweight case containing her mobile lab. In addition to that she has a heavy duty survivalist's pack that holds: first aid kit, journal and sketchbook, penknife, small pouch of toiletries, old-fashioned pistol and bullets, canteen, poncho, cigarettes, two lighters.

06-24-2010, 05:16 PM
Thread's been dead for a month.

06-24-2010, 05:47 PM
I know, but I was hopeful of resurrecting... I love the concept. :/ -sniffles on your shoulder-