View Full Version : Beneath the Surface

Ladie Luck
10-15-2009, 06:45 PM
A roleplay by Winter.

Beneath The Surface

A great man one said “Life is frivolous, waste it not on frivolities.” He is correct, waste time on small issues and the large ones become greater obstacles. What may seem important may be insignificant in a weeks time. But is it so easy to overlook such events? After all, life is just one event after another, no matter how small it may be, it has a purpose. A destiny. We may not believe in destiny. We may not like that we have no control over our lives. But maybe we don’t. Maybe this path has been defined for many years, twisting it’s way into our unconscious. Making it’s way to the surface. But what lies beneath?

It is in these times that one cannot take anything for granted. What seems true and what is truth are yet to be defined. What may be taken as a friendly smile may be a devil in disguise. Monsters lay hidden behind closed doors. Ugly truths are hidden. And life still goes on. Day and Night. Life. Life is the pleasantries that hide the true meaning. “Have a nice day,” may not really be what the man passing you is thinking.
And when a little waitress, working in a diner smiles, she wishes everyday could be her last. When she sweetly tells the little old lady she is serving to have a nice day, inside she is screaming for help. Begging for someone to hear her.
But no one does.
And life goes on.

This is a Romance thread with a hint of Supernatural themes. So your character can either be a normal human, or one with a supernatural power. And when I say HINT(!) I mean, they can move things around the room, or they can light small fires with their mind, or they are stronger or faster than normal.

NOT: flying or exploding houses or full vampire-like powers. LIMITS PEOPLE!!! XD

Anyway, now that that’s clear, I want to put forward the rules:

They’re more or less standard… I use them in almost all my RP’s.

I. Follow the Terms of Use
II. Use some form of OOC when talking out of Character, and please try to keep it to the OOC Thread
III. PM your form to me, please.
IV. Please try your best to achieve some form of literacy. This means, use spell check, grammar and if I see l33t anywhere i will rip your colon out through your nose!!!
V. If you cause problems you will recieve a warning, this is on a "three strikes and your out" basis, this means that if I have to talk to you three times, I will ask you to leave the roleplay.
VI. This is a present day RP, not cyber weapons or the such.
VII. Try to keep the genders evenly balanced throughout the roleplay, please. I don't want it to be a sausage fest and I don't want it to be all women either.

I’m not looking for any particular roles. But enough so that there are an even number of boys to girls.

No Anime Pictures Please

insert picture of your character here –if you can find one-





Physical Description: (at least 3 sentences of description please, I don’t like stats like; hair colour: red, eye colour: purple, etc)



Powers: (only if applicable)



Name: Kaia Traven

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Physical Description: She is not of great height, in fact most would sat she is rather short, standing at a meagre 5’5” she is not going to tower over anyone other that a 5 year old. However she is so gentle and sweet noone could ever claim to be intimidated by her. She is fair of skin, smooth cream in colour and her long raven hair falls to her waist, and usually hangs loose. She has long toned legs and a hour glass figure. Though her most stunning feature is her eyes, a soft, sapphire blue that can make anyone look twice.

History: Kaia grew up in a broken home, she was raised by her mother, a single mum who seemed to resent Kaia’s existence more and more everyday. As a baby Kaia was malnourished, and being in a poor part of town there was little other option. She grew into a sweet child, trying her best to make her mummy happy.
When she was 5 she asked why some of the kids at school had daddies and she didn’t. Her mother flew into a rage and screamed at her, throwing things and striking her. Screaming that she should never dare ask her that again. Kaia never did.
Her mother was mentally unstable, she learned that as she grew older, little things, tiny insignificant things like a hairbrush put down in the wrong place would send her mother over the edge. Kaia assumed it was something to do with her father. The man she never knew.
Finally when she was 16 she gathered enough courage to run away from home. She went to live with a boy she met in school, he was sweet and nice, but after a while, that dream fell apart too. He became possessive, dependant on alcohol and drug use. She’d fallen into the same pit she was in before… but now she knew there was no way out.

Personality: Through the tragedy and hardships of her life, Kaia has tried her best to remain sweet and loving, she never wants to become as bitter as her mother. She dreams and longs for the day when she is free from all this madness. And someone would save her. Though usually she is wakened rudely from the thought with a sharp jolt from reality. And it’s usually a painful one.

Ladie Luck
10-15-2009, 06:46 PM
Sunshine Green:

This character is going to blow your mind! Seriously you'll never have seen anything remotely like him... Maybe not..
I'm posting it here since I'm not aloud to PM yet -.-' Stupid forum rules.

Since there's no power spot but I'm thinking he might have some kind of healing factor so he can speed up regeneration of others?

Name: Thomas Love

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Physical Description: Thomas is slightly above average height standing 182 cm tall. He has short spikey hair in a light brown colour along with dirty blond highlights. His shoulders aren't that broad, but not slender either. He has a slightly muscular build, having trained his chest and arms a small bit, otherwise his build is simply slender. His eyes have a grey, mist-like colour to them that seems to hypnotize some. Along with al of this, he is always well-dressed, you'll never find him in an outfit that doesn't match from the scarf around his neck to his underwear.
All over he's not extremely attractive, without being ugly, but what makes him such a delight to the eye is his smile. Almost at all times will you see him smirking like he's thinking some kind of naughty thought about you. But somehow he pulls it off charmingly. Nothing is as deceitful as a smile.

History: Thomas grew up in the suburbs with his mother and father, living as the only child. His mother being a typical suburban house mother would always make sure he was well-dressed and behaved, until he was so old that he could do it himself. And so Thomas makes sure to keep these values in order at all times.
His parents got divorced when he was 12 years of age, his father leaving them for his secretary. He dreaded every fourth weekend when he had to visit his father and his new family, along with the high-class wannabe of his new wife. So when Thomas found out that he was gay, he plotted the perfect way of having his father out of his life. One weekend he brought home a boy and purposely had him find them doing the naked no-no. He hasn't seen his father since but lives well on the amount of child-support that his mother receives every month.
His mother says that she's all right with his sexuality, but it's clear to him that she's disappointed in the fact that she'll never have grandchildren. One can tell every time he'd tell his mother about a boy, that she was secretly hating it. So he quit telling her.

Personality: On the outside Thomas seems happy as ever, but he generally tries not to show how he feels. If you're (un)lucky you might find him staring of into the distance, looking not so joyful. He generally cares about others unless he feels they've done him harm and is the kind of person who will walk up to a complete stranger and give them a hug if he feels they need it. But once you’ve done him wrong, he’ll take hell of an revenge on you.

11-16-2009, 05:53 AM
As I have been informed, Sunshine is no longer participating or somesuch....
So if anyone wants to join that's great. :)

Also!! The powers you choose wont be immediate! You will receive them after a certain event! :)

EDIT: IC THREAD!!! (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?p=50747#post50747)

11-17-2009, 03:09 AM
[/code] http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/04/lauren-conrad-354.jpg

Name: Robin Crutchsaw

Age: 17

Gender: female

Sexuality: bisexual

Physical Description: She stands at 5'7 and is about 125 pounds. Her eyes are a deep gray and her dark brown hair falls to about her mid-back. Her skin is slightly tanned, and she prefers to keep it that way by going out in the sun every so often. In other words, she appears to look pretty average. Her dress is usually just t-shirt and jeans, with a hoodie when it's cold out. She's never paid attention to fashion, she pays attention to comfort. The shoe of choice for her is Vans or a skater shoe with the same type of design.

History: Her mother died when she was giving birth to Robin. So she grew up with her father. Since he was a teacher he didn't make very much money, but the two were ok with it and they were very close. They were best friends and shared everything with each other. That all changed when her father remarried. Robin was 12 at the time, and she knew that her dad was dating someone. She didn't know who it was, but she was happy for her dad. It turns out that the women couldn't care less about Robin, even though Robin tried to great her with open arms.
As soon as the women (named Kaleen) moved in things began to change. Although she clearly ignored Robin (unless or course she did something wrong, then she got a slap across the face), she began controling Robin's father, making him work more, complain about almost everything he did, and generaly made his life miserable. However when Robin asked he said he still loved her which was why he was still with her. However he became more distant from Robin and eventually the he felt like a stranger to her. Too make matters worse Kaleen had a nephew named Chase, and he often came over just to make fun of Robin.
Then came the car crash. When Robin turned 14 she convinced her father to take her to a resturant the day after her birthday. When they were there neither of them spoke much until he put his fork down and apologized to her for changing so much and promised that he'd try to make things right with her. She was thrilled about this. When they drove home a car ran a red light and smashed into them. Robin only received cuts and bruises from it but her dad lost his life. She watched him die when they were waiting for an ambulance. He made her promise that before she died she'd do something special, something to make a difference in the world.

She continued to live with Kaleen but both of them showed that they weren't exactly thrilled with the idea. She began feeling depressed. But she kept the feeling from both her friends at school and Kaleen. The situation with Chase only worsend when, not only would he mock her, but he would also try to hook up with, often leading to sexual assualt on her. She tried to tell Kaleen, but the women didn't even blink and told Robin that that was life and she needed to suck it up.
That brings us to where she is today. She lost almost all interest in life and only pretends to care about it, she's even really considering suicide. However she wants to keep her promise to her father so she always try to help others. So before she does anything drastic she has to make a difference. In order for her to die she has to save someone else. Ironic isn't it?

Personality: She's a very kind person and always tries to help those around her. Shyness was never really her so she can be quite outgoing. She's usually smiling and laughing, however this is only a mask. Inside she's hurt and wanting someone to help, only she doesn't know how to ask. She's almost always feeling depressed, and looking forward to ending it all. However she is self-less and always puts the needs of others before her own.

Powers: Is quite fast for a human being. [/code]

11-17-2009, 07:48 AM
Excellent. :)
Hopefully we'll get more players soon. :)

11-22-2009, 04:23 PM

Name: Johnathon Rios

Age:18 yrs.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Physical Description: Rather short guy, standing at about 5 foot 5 inches, with slightly muscular build. He has a strong jaw, square shape head, and a slightly hooked nose. His attire consists of plaid/polo shirts, baggy jeans and sneakers that are decent enough to get by. Johnathon doesn't really dress to impress, rather wears whatever is clean/doesn't smell. On the nape of his neck is a birthmark in the shape of a distorted cross, and a on his left shin a scar from when he badly injured his leg from playing baseball in the lot.

History: Johnathon Rios has lived in this town his entire life, and is no stranger to poverty. He lives with his mother, a single mom, in a small one bedroom apartment that is infested with roaches, mice, and other creepy crawlies that are too expensive get rid of. Johnathon has two older sisters who are off to college, and a father who did not want his family anymore. Life has just been a life of neglect and struggle for Johnathon.

Personality: Because he's grown up his entire life struggling, Johnathon really hates money. He lives his life on the bare minimum - few clothes, a few suits for work, he has a t.v. from the 80s, etc. He has a car that his buddy fixed up for him, but rarely uses it other than getting to work (he works as a cashier at a chain food store) and back. His older sisters are off to college, trying to make a name for themselves, while he is still in this small town helping his mother get by.

Poverty plays a huge role in Johnathon's depression. He is so used to being exposed to the wonders of the world and never being able to experience them, that he finds no color in life. Everything seems to be about what he can not have. It's as if he's being told "NO" over and over again when he sees something --- NO you can not afford this, keep walking; No you can not wear this, you're too short, keep walking --- that there is just nothing more to look forward to. The answer will always be No.

He's very cynical of life and of other people. He has become emotionally numb to the world and its wonders so he does not have to hear the word No anymore. But he still hears it. There's nothing in his life to inspire him. Life is just a struggle, and sometimes people are just tired of fighting.

11-23-2009, 03:48 AM
I'm definitely going to join, don't have time to make a char now but I will in the near future!

11-23-2009, 05:12 AM
Sweeet!! I look forward to more applications, when I get say... 1 or 2 more, I will post up the IC

11-23-2009, 08:46 PM
AHHH! I'm so excited. xD Feels good to get back to RPing. xD

11-23-2009, 10:30 PM

Name: Kiko Raine

Age: 18

Gender: female

Sexuality: straight

Physical Description: Kiko's mostly asian which makes her really short 5'2"-5'3" on good days and has been randomly picked up more than once by boys trying to prove their strength or attempting to flirt with her. She has long, curly caramel hair, olive skin, a and loves dressing up in cute flirty clothes. She has bright electric blue eyes, which are weird since she comes from an asian mother and half-asian dad. Kiko hates her biggish nose and pouty lips though past boyfriends have said they are her best feature.

History: Kiko was born in America but her mom and dad are originally from Japan so she spent a good portion of her growing up years over there as well, she grew up learning both Japanese and English and is able to talk fluently in both. Kiko has always been independent and after turning 18 her dad let her take over the family business (a small, quaint coffee shop called Kiko's) while her parents went on a one on one trip around the world.

Personality: Kiko is independent but likes to feel protected. She has a Shiba-inu dog named Keiji who guards her small cottage and she carries around a cell phone at all times. Even though she's not rich Kiko does have money to burn and is not hurting at all but feels for those who are and tries to be as nice as possible to them. She loves working in her shop and most of the regulars know her by name. Kiko has a sweet, high voice and combine that with being crazy short has more than once been asked to show people her I.D to prove she's really 18. Kiko usually wears heels to try and make up for her height but they usually only get her to about 5'6" in her highest.

Powers: Kiko has the gift of luck, some might not call it a power but I think it is, things just always seem to work out in her favor.

11-24-2009, 04:01 AM
Sweet! Aww, she's adorable. :)
I'll post the IC thread soon. :D

11-24-2009, 10:29 AM
Hey, I'd love to join as well! -che-

I'll have a character sheet by tomorrow night, hopefully.

11-24-2009, 10:31 AM
Happy to have you Flex! I look forward to it! :)

11-24-2009, 09:48 PM
Hey I changed my powers, hope they're still okay, if not I'm more than happy to change them back :)

11-25-2009, 01:06 PM

Name: Taylor Penny Salmon

Age: Eighteen years old

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Physical description: Standing at 5’5, Pen’s looks are dominated by the Hispanic genes running down her mother and grandmother’s family line - russet skin, large brown eyes and straight, black hair give her a down-to-earth, clean-cut look. Her dress code has never been anything too fancy; mainly black tank-tops/t-shirts and trousers - simple articles of clothing that don’t hinder her from her very busy daily schedule; which mainly consists of college lectures.

History: Eighteen years ago, rebellious sixteen-year-old Ashley Salmon became the centre of much prejudice, scrutiny and - ultimately - cruelty, when she engaged in a passionate affair with a mysterious stranger, who ended-up impregnating her. Dreamy and romantic, the rebellious youth had no problem expressing her take on love when confronted about her sins; “I’m ready to die now,” she told her mother, “I’d much rather those two minutes of passions - or three, or four… I can’t remember how long exactly, but I’d much rather that to an entire lifetime of… of… nothing.”

In a society in which sex and romance were condemned to the extreme, her mother - a religious, beautiful and vain woman by the name of Emily - desperately attempted to keep her secret hidden, forcing Ashley into inhabiting a world of closed doors and windows. However, their secret didn’t last long and they were discovered; immediately put under the social microscope by many of their neighbours and the general Italian society in which they were part of; this hatred only intensifying when a complication occurred during Pen’s birth, rendering her of the gift of speech. Ashley, unable to take the daily onslaught of jeers and jibes from all corners of society, took her life, leaving her mother, Emily, to fend for herself and Pen, an orphan.

Eighteen years have passed and Pen is eighteen, illegitimate and in her final year at a wealthy and prestigious medical school. Her mother’s rebellious actions proved to have social consequences for both herself and her grandmother; rendering them outcasts in society. As well as this, Pen’s speech impairment proved detrimental to her learning and educational development; she was bullied all throughout school, finally pulling out in year eight and enrolling at an art school in which she could establish herself, properly, as an artist. However, despite these setbacks, Pen and Emily have managed to make the most out of life as they can.

Personality: Having been robbed of speech, to the outside world, Pen appears quite demure;she lets others speak for her and has hid under the radar much of her life; only able to communicate with others via writing - she carries a notepad and pen around with her, for this purpose. However, despite her lacking in the speech department, Pen is quite intelligent and thoughtful; years of silence have resulted in her possessing a knack for sarcasm and a killer sense of humour. Internally, she is a dramatic and spirited being; bold and blunt, frustrated and lonely, dreamy and revolutionary…

11-26-2009, 03:22 AM
@Flex: aweseome sauce!! She's cute!! Though with spoilers I can't see the pics, something to do with the site.

@Blue: That's no trouble, luck is a cool power to have. :)

hm.... I forgot to give a power to my chara.. my bad... We need more boys!! We have only one! :O

11-26-2009, 04:27 AM
if needed i can make a dude if you want

11-26-2009, 04:51 AM
That would be cool, If you want. XD

11-26-2009, 09:04 AM
Awesome. -che-

And the picture shows up perfectly for me... Hm...
I can send you a link if you want? Or upload it onto Photobucket?

EDIT: Oh, sorry - you've already seen the picture, haven't you? ~rofl~ Sorry.

11-26-2009, 09:43 AM
Actually no, spoilers don't work for me for some reason... if you make the width about 500pixels (or however big mine is) then you don't need the spoiler tags, you can just post it as an image.

11-26-2009, 10:33 AM
I'll do that! -che-

And you use... Chrome, I'm assuming?

EDIT: Didn't need to do any re-sizing. The picture actually fits the board. My bad. ~rofl~

11-27-2009, 06:26 AM
Yeah, chrome, it's good most of the time, but not always... :P

11-27-2009, 01:15 PM
so...are we starting soon?

11-27-2009, 08:36 PM
Agree's with pooky...

11-28-2009, 01:24 AM
Ah, yes we are! I'll be posting the IC today. Sorry about the delay I was vewwy vewwy busy XD

Also, do we need a posting order?

EDIT: IC THREAD!!! (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?p=50747#post50747) is up!

11-28-2009, 10:33 AM
We could have a posting order... or we could randomly post. I don't really mind... or we could post in rounds; as in, you have to wait for everybody who hasn't posted to post, before you can move on.

And, IC thread, awesome! :rocker:

EDIT: Posting tomorrow!

11-29-2009, 04:59 AM
Hahah, yes well we still need boys... :P

I think if we just wait til everyonehas a chance to post then we can go in a circle sorta.

11-29-2009, 10:29 AM
Post up tomorrow, promise.

11-29-2009, 04:49 PM
code] http://farm1.static.flickr.com/224/496376561_626dcae1ed.jpg

Name: Ashton Darve

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight (but then again he has never even considered going out with the his own gender)

Physical Description: He's about 5'10 and about 200. He's very muscular as a result of training at the gym. He's rather tanned and prefers to keep it that way. His hair is blonde and he prefers keeping it at a short to medium length. He smirks so much that it's almost become a permanent feature on him. His clothes of choice are usually jeans, nice shirt, good looking jacket (usually leather), all of which are designer and very expensive.

History: He is born to a very rich family and has lived in a huge house for most of his life. Growing up he experienced a "rich kid lifestyle" so to speak. He went to a private school, always got the latest thing in toys and technology, got a nice car for his sixteenth birthday, the list goes on and on. He was always popular and grew up being used to attention. When he entered high school he began partying and drinking, not to the point of addiction, but to the point where if he was at a party, you could bet that there was a drink in his hand. To get in better shape he began to go to the gym, and after that he stopped drinking altogether because he knew that could stop him from reaching his goals. After he turned seventeen his parents wanted him to "know what it feels like to work" so he got a job at a car repair shop. At first he hated it, but after a while he began to really enjoy the job and began to actually look forward to his shifts there. Now he's in colledge (paid for by his parents) studying buisness (what his father wants him to do) and various other courses. He still has his job at the car repair shop, and that, his training at the gym, and his studying at colledge are three of the few things that he actually takes seriously in life.

Personality: He likes to joke around and have a good time. Because of his upbringing he can be very arrogant and when he has something flashy, he tends to show it off. Although he often seems and acts like your basic rich-kid, pretty-boy, he can often be quite caring. It can just take a lot for him to show it. One area he struggles with is living up to his parent's expectations and fullfilling them is almost always at the top of his priorities list. It's almost like he can be two-sided. One side of him is serious and hardworking. The other side is careless and has the motto of "life is a game".

Powers: Is really good with technology, can find a problem and fix it. This is classified as a power because he can fix things often just by touching them and without any tools.[/code]

11-29-2009, 08:00 PM
I don't think I'll be able to post any time soon guys (Sorry). I'm having yet another thanksgiving dinner with my family in a bit, and this will most likely run late into the evening. I'll see if I can post up a paragraph or two, but it won't be likely.

Sorry guys, holidays are just... annoying sometimes.

11-29-2009, 11:28 PM
I could make a guy if you need one ;0

11-30-2009, 03:44 AM
@pooky: He's cool! You may post for him in the IC, but the pic isn't working.

@PaM: That's cool, I understand that. :P

@Blue: Sweet that would be cool! :)

Also, if anyone can find some more guys, that would be cool, we're still outnumbered lol.

11-30-2009, 03:57 AM
kay fixed my pic

11-30-2009, 12:46 PM
haha mmmbop.... lawl!!

Flex!! Great post, the cat lady you described was the pudgy coffee throwing lady I assume?

11-30-2009, 10:13 PM

Name: Kyle Jorgenson

Age: 18



Physical Description:Kyle is fairly average, he's about 5'9", sweeping blond hair, blue eyes, the typical american boy. He works out but isn't crazy about it like some people but he does have some definition.

History: Kyle's parents died when he was 3 and he went into foster care, he has gone from parents to parents all his life and now that he's 18 he's finally gotten out of the foster system and is living by himself in a rented apartment. He drives an old beat up red truck and works at the local pet shop, he's always loved animals, thats the one thing that stayed constant in his ever changing life.

Personality: Kyle is pretty easy-going and likes flirting and hanging out with people. He can get agitated when people try to make him do what he doesn't want to do and hates stuck-up people.

12-01-2009, 02:09 AM
Flex!! Great post, the cat lady you described was the pudgy coffee throwing lady I assume?

Wait, wait, wait... I described her as a CAT?! ~lmao~ Let me go check up on that... but yeah, that was her.

Excellent posts, everyone!

12-01-2009, 06:58 AM
Whoo! I second that.

The lady with all the cats I meant lol.
And Blue, feel free to post Kyle.. somewhere. Lol Kyle is my little brother's name. :)

12-01-2009, 09:47 PM
lol! I didn't do that on purpose I swear!

Something just like that happened to me and my friend on halloween, We carved this AHH-MAZING pumpkin for this elderly lady in my church and we had named it Frederick so naturally we wrote it on the pumpkin's back. Anyway so we deliver it to her (She has this adorable pug named Tanker he's so chubby and love-able!) and she's like "Frederick?" and we're like "haha...thats the pumpkins name" And she's like "My son is named Frederick!" So it was really weird lol

12-01-2009, 11:59 PM
hahahaha, that is hilarious. ~rofl~ ~rofl~

12-02-2009, 12:33 AM
Dude that's kind of crreepy...there's a kid in my class whose name is Kyle Jorgenson who has blonde hair, only green eyes.... O_O; just thought you should know that weird slice of information :D

12-02-2009, 03:26 AM
I hate your avatar.... lol I lost!! Nuuuuuuuu!!!! T-T heheh. XD

Well... I'd better post now I think... :)

12-04-2009, 04:50 AM
My post is up! Sorry they're usually so darn short and unimaginative.

12-04-2009, 05:09 AM
Nah it's fine.... I'll just wait til someone interacts with me... :P

12-04-2009, 01:36 PM
Umm poetry? I think your post might be mistaken kiko doesnt work at the diner she owns her own little coffee shop down the corner. Otherwise your post is very accurate regarding her happiness :)

12-04-2009, 07:43 PM
Oh gosh Blue, I'm so sorry! I thought she worked there, I'm so sorry!!! I'll fix it right away.

Ugh, I can't believe I made a stupid mistake like that. I'm soo sooo soo soo sorry!!!

12-04-2009, 09:08 PM
Lol i wasn't expect that extreme of an apology. But your definetly forgiven, i know i've made that mistake before XD

12-05-2009, 04:36 AM
Yaaay! Someone spoke to me!!! XD
lol, I'll get working on my post soon :P

12-14-2009, 01:16 PM
I'll definitely try and post in this today. -che-

12-15-2009, 04:07 AM
I'm back!! My net died... sorry. :P
I'll post asap.