View Full Version : Mar's fields

03-11-2013, 03:21 AM















#1 The Tower of Babel (http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs13/i/2007/059/b/0/Tower_of_Babel_by_AndreasZielenkiewicz.jpg) - a massive ruin stretching to the sky, it is the only thing left of a culture that dared to challenge the gods. The battlefield is the tower itself and the labyrinth surrounding it.










03-11-2013, 03:48 AM
The air is silent as Jack, the samurai from the past slowly walks through the labyrinth towards the Ancient tower. He feels that something is off, and his eyes go back and forth. He sees nor hears anything, but he feels it in his bones that something is off.

03-11-2013, 03:52 AM
Standing atop one of the walls is the Templar Grandmaster Haytham Kenway. He had been waiting for his prey to come for a few days. Smiling, he bends his wrist and his hidden blade slides out. He then leaps off the wall, and swings his blade to pierce Jack neck as he would land on top of Jack.

03-11-2013, 03:55 AM
Hearing the rustling of cloth, Jack turns around to see Haytham's leap. Jack then attepts to draw his sword and counter, but the weapon is too long, and only gets partway out before he has to take a step back. The attack grazed his cheek, drawing blood, but doing nothing else. Drawing the rest of his sword out, Jack takes a stance. "Who are you? What do you want?"

03-11-2013, 04:03 AM
Recovering from his miss, Haytham draws his own sword, and takes a stance. "Who I am is of no concern to you. What I want should be obvious, isn't it?" He shrugs his shoulders. "Nothing personal, old chap." Haytham lunges forward, slicing down in a wicked overhead chop, before kicking out with his left foot.

03-11-2013, 04:10 AM
Jack quickly raises his katana to block the chop, and jumps to the side to avoid the kick. He then steps to the left, and follows with a horizontal swing. He then reverses his momentum, and swings horizontally the opposite way. Completing that Jack then charges at Haytham with a thrust. "Enough of your banter, rogue!"

03-11-2013, 04:13 AM
After his attacks are parried or dodged, Haytham turns to follow Jack. Haytham then parries the two initial blows by singing in the opposite direction, and the thrust by pirouetting around jack, and countering with a quick swipe across the back. Haytham then leaps up on some rubble, and climbs onto the top of a wall. "Rogue? I daresay not."

03-11-2013, 01:50 PM
When Jack missed the thrust he tried to get out of the way of the expected counter attack, but wasn't fast enough. The slice cut across his back, destroying his bow and quiver, and draws a bleeding gash. Jack quickly turns to face his attacker, and climbs up the ruins of the wall himself. "What are you, then? Answer me!" He rushes Haytham, and comes down with a vicious overhead swing.

03-11-2013, 02:01 PM
"What am I?" Haytham parries the slice with a horizontal swipe, knocking the blade to the side, and then counters with another horizontal swipe on jack's exposed arm. "I am but a man, just like you. I do have something you want, though, but you'll have to catch me to get it." Haytham then jumps back and turns around, moving quickly towards the tower.

03-11-2013, 05:55 PM
Jack flinches as the swipe tears into his arm. He holds his hand to the cut in an attempt to stem the flow of blood. He finally tears a piece off of his Kimono and uses it as a bandage. Jack then chases after Haytham. During the chase, A loose stone slips out from under him, and jack tumbles off of the wall into the labyrinth. His head hits a stone, and Jack feels dizzy for a bit, before standing up and continuing the chase.

03-11-2013, 10:09 PM
Haytham continues running until he reaches the tower. He takes a look back at the maze, and sees Jack chasing after him. It's even more difficult for jack because he has to take all those turns and run longer. Haytham smiles and then steps into the shadows to wait for his prey.

03-11-2013, 10:31 PM
Jack finally enters the tower. He is sweaty and somewhat winded. He is also dizzy from the tumble he took. Holding his katana in both hands, he slowly walks into the dim gloom, eyes darting back and forth, his stance shifting and body turning to try and discern which angle the attack will come from. "Show yourself, coward!" Jack says.

03-12-2013, 01:57 AM
Haytham watches from the shadows as Jack approaches, and notices his exhaustion. As Jack advances Haytham jumps out from Behind a rock, and lunges at him with his hidden blade. "Coward I am not, but, here I am. Shame we won't be talking for long." Says Haytham as he thrusts his blade forward.

03-12-2013, 02:02 AM
Jack quickly turns around at the sound of Haytham approaching, and taking two steps back, he brings his sword around to parry the hidden blade. Then, Jack lashes out with the hilt of his sword toward Haytham's face, followed by a horizontal swing aimed at Haytham's neck, to decapitate him. "You will tell me what you know!"

03-12-2013, 02:20 AM
As soon as his attack was parried, Haytham's free hand wen to his sword, but partway in drawing it out, Jack's hilt strike struck him. This made him stumble back, and bloodied his nose. He continued to draw out his blade, and successfully blocked Jack's blow, but was unable to counter. Instead, Haytham took a step back and wiped his nose. "Impressive. No more tricks now. Now you face me." Haytham takes his stance once more.

03-13-2013, 01:47 AM
"So, finally you show yourself." Jack hols on to his sword with both hands, steps forward, and attacks with an overhead chop, followed by a horizontal slice, then a downward diagonal cut, and then a thrust. "Tell me what you know!"

03-13-2013, 02:40 AM
Haytham swings his sword upward to parry the overhead blow, then to the right to stop the horizontal swing, than the opposite diagonal for the third swing, then punches out with the hilt of his sword, and backs up on to the spiral staircase that lines the wall of the tower. "You'll have to beat it out of me."

03-14-2013, 12:07 AM
Jack stumbles back from the hit, one of his eyes swollen shut. "Then so be it, rogue!" Jack launches a flurry of quick attacks, never letting the pressure drop. But it is difficult. His opponent is fast, and Jack has to fight an uphill battle, but he has the momentum, and that is key.

03-14-2013, 09:28 PM
Haytham tries his damnest to keep Jack's biting blade at bay, but, several blows to break through, and Haytham receives several minor wounds all over his body for his trouble. From out of the corner of his eye, Haytham spots a series of broken pillars, and, using his freerunning abilities, he leaps off of the stairs and on to the nearest one. He then jumps from one to the next, going up to the next floor.

03-15-2013, 07:32 PM
Jack scrambles up the rest of the steps after Haytham, and rushes him, leading off with a horizontal slice, and then a reverse slap with the flat of his blade.

03-16-2013, 02:07 AM
Haytham was surprised at how fast Jack was able to catch up with him, and had almost no time to raise his guard, which made it so that Jack's first swing knocked his sword out wide, and the reverse strike hit him square in the face. The flat of the blade leaves a red mark and draws blood. Haytham glances at the next set of stairs and runs up them, too. "Ta ta!"

03-16-2013, 04:02 AM
He rolls his eyes and chases after Haytham. "Must you keep running? This is getting ridiculous." He says as he breathes heavily. Jack is still seriously wounded, and all this exertion is just making him even wearier as he continuously loses blood.

03-17-2013, 06:19 PM
Finally reaching the apex of the ruined tower, Haytham turns around to see Jack coming up behind him. "Running? I wouldn't consider that running. I call it re-positioning myself to a more defensible position. No shame in doing that!" He says as he hurls a smoke bomb at Jack, before sidestepping. If Jack continues running all-out like that, he'll run right off the edge.

03-18-2013, 01:16 AM
As Jack chased after Haytham, he thought he finally stopped, but then his vision was clouded by smoke. Jack stumbled and tried to stop, and felt his one foot go over the edge, but he grabbed on to a pillar with his free hand. he managed to stop himself from falling, and pulled, using the momentum to drive him at Haytham, and swings his sword wildly.

03-18-2013, 01:23 AM
As Haytham saw the unbalanced attack come at him, he ducked and swung his blade under Jack's, aiming for Jack's arm. He then continued with his momentum, and spun, launching another slice across Jack's belly, seeking to disembowel him. Haytham takes a few steps back and raises his guard. "You might as well just give up, old chap. I'm the better fighter, after all."

03-18-2013, 03:20 AM
Jack's eyes go wide as a furious pain shoots up his arm and he gazes in horror as he notices his hand is no longer attached to him. With a gout of blood He sees his hand, and his holy sword tumble off of the tower. It wasn't long after that, that he also felt a searing pain in his stomach as Haytham's sword nearly cuts him open, and blood spews out of his mouth. Jack struggles to stand, and faces Haytham with his dagger.

03-18-2013, 01:53 PM
"How devoted you are. Even in your condition you continue to fight. Impressive to say the least." Haytham Says with a grin. "But I still am going to kill you, make no mistake. It's been....fun. While it lasted, anyway." Haytham shifts a few steps forward, and sings his sword to the left, and then to the right, aiming at Jack's midsection.

03-18-2013, 07:33 PM
Jack swings his knife to meet the sword, but his weak grip causes it to be knocked out of his hand, and Haytham's follow-up swing hits him in his stomach once more, and Jack falls to his knees, as his intestines start to spill out. He tries to hold them in with his one hand, and he is very unsteady on his feet, unable to continue fighting. His vision gets dim, and he tries to speak, but only bloody bile pours out of his mouth.

03-18-2013, 07:39 PM
"No final words? Oh well." Haytham draws his pistol and, cocking the hammer, aims it at Jack. "Don't take it personal, samurai. It is only business after all. Truthfully, I have no quarrel with you. It's just that as long as you live, you are a threat to my plans. That sword is also nice as well. But enough talk." He pulls the trigger, and in a puff of white smoke, the gun fires.

03-18-2013, 07:42 PM
The bullet slams into Jack's shoulder, and causes him to stumble back, over the edge. As he falls, he begins to lose consciousness. With his life ebbing away, he remember his long journey, how he had finally defeated Aku for all time, how he had saved the world. His eyes tear up as he sees the face of his dear mother, and with his last strength, he reaches to her, as his vision goes black.

03-18-2013, 09:58 PM
"Well, that's that then." Haytham carefully makes his way down the ruins, carefully reloading his pistol. "He certainly gave me a bunch of trouble. But, no more." He finds Jack's sword with his hand still holding on to it. Haytham then wraps it in a cloth and begins walking away from the battlefield, keeping his guard up.