View Full Version : Subject Sigma vs. Alexandre (Jacogos vs. The Imposter)

04-09-2013, 07:07 AM
Colosseum Match

Deciding Factor: Death or surrender, if accepted

Time Limit: None

Subject Sigma (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=10331&p=923869&viewfull=1#post923869) vs. Alexandre Corpus, the Mage Crippler (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=18896&p=1328077&viewfull=1#post1328077)

It was nighttime when the two soon-to-be combatants became aware of their surroundings, suddenly placed somewhere completely new. The ground was sturdy enough but whatever they were standing (or in Sigma's case, floating amongst) was very... fluffy, for lack of a better word. The night was complete, only a few stars providing light where the new moon failed to give off any.

Suddenly, a bit of light as the first hints of the sun coming up peeked over the horizon. As it began to shed more golden light on the area, it became apparent where the combatants were: in the clouds. Somehow, the small fluffy clouds that they stood upon were solid enough to hold them up while still retaining the look and feel of clouds as they should.

The two were situated on two separate clouds about five feet in diameter and twenty yards apart. Clouds of various size, shape and placement were scattered across the sky, allowing the two plenty of room to maneuver, provided they didn't plunge to their doom.