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Fire Fairy
04-10-2013, 09:01 PM
Rebecca was having that dream again. She was walking along a long path and saw a bright light ahead of her. And she heard the voice again. "Come my daughter," it said. Rebecca thought it sounded familiar somehow. Her mother's voice? No, it couldn't be. But she had never know what happened to her mother. Was she still alive? Rebecca didn't know for sure. But she couldn't be. It was very unlikely. Her father had told her that her mother had died when she was thirteen years old. But how did he know? It seemed like they hadn't spoken in ages and suddenly he knew she had died. Rebecca never believed him of course, but when she didn't come back, Rebecca finally accepted that her mother didn't want her. It didn't make sense now. She kept walking along the path and finally reached the end of it. But the bright light didn't let her see anything. It was really blinding. She walked with her hands in front of her, being scared that she might run into something, like she did in other dreams. But there was nothing. She kept walking and finally hit something. A door. A big gold door. She looked up at it and it seemed huge. What could it be? Slowly she raised her hand to knock...


Rebecca opened her eyes and looked around. She was back in her room of her apartment. She hit the snooze button and sighed. She had been dreaming the same dream over and over for the past month and a half now. What did it mean? She had no idea. She had sure it had been her subconscious telling her she missed her mother, even though she had never seen her. But now she wasn't sure anymore. She got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. After her shower, she got dressed and took her stuff. She got her messenger bag and her books. She walked out to her car, got in and took off towards school. It was a twenty minute drive and she went by the library she worked at. There were a lot of people today and she would have a lot to do that day, she could just tell. She got to the college and went to class, still thinking about her dream.

After school, she got in her car and drove back to the library. She walked in and went behind the main desk. "Hey," she said to James, her co-worker.

"Oh hey," he said, looking at her. There was something in his face, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. She sat down on her chair and shrugged. If he wanted to tell her what was going on, he would. Eventually. She started to check in the books that had been dropped off in the return box and look around at people walking by. The hours went by and she greeted a few who were leaving, since it was almost closing time. Suddenly there there was a noise. She turned, noticing the library had gone completely quiet and to see... James was gone.

"James?" she asked, looking around. Where could he have gone? She walked out of the desk and went through the aisles of bookshelves. One after another, but there was nothing. No sign of James or anyone else. Where did everyone go? She kept walking and finally got to the back room. "James?" She walked in and froze. There was a big... monster? Well, at least she thought it was one. Kind of like the kind you see in comic books. It had eight tentacles and a big head. Kind of like an octopus, but uglier looking. When it heard her walk in, he turned to her and she saw that it had James all wrapped up in one tentacle. "James!" she said, backing up towards the door.

"Rebecca, run!" he shouted and Rebecca could tell the was running out of air. He was turning blue and Rebecca knew that he would die real soon. "Go!"

Rebecca was about to turn, but couldn't. James was her partner and her friend. She couldn't leave him to die. But she had no idea what to do. She took a book and threw it a the monster. "Hey!" she was shouting, taking books and saw that it was letting James go slowly. She kept throwing books at it and finally let go of James. Then she saw it was turning and charging at her. She turned and ran out of the room. Since everyone seemed to be gone, she could run through the bookshelves with no one blocking her. She ran through all the aisles and looked over her shoulder. She thought for being so big, it would be slow, but she was wrong. It was getting real close now and soon she would be out of places to run, but outside. She turned and kept running. She made a few circles until she was back to the room where the monster was at first. James was on the floor, trying to sit up. "James," she said, running to him. "What the hell was that .. thing?!"

"Well .. it was a monster," he said, glancing at the door. "Come on, we have to get out of here." She helped him up and walked out to see that the monster was gone. "It looks like you lost him and it got tired."

"Oh well good thing, I don't feel like being eaten," Rebecca said, sarcastically.

"I wish," James said. "It does this to you." He extended his arm and there was big cut on it. "The tentacles have little..." He made a sign with his hands and shuttered. Rebecca guessed he meant little spike like things and that it hurt. "And they cut you. They can tear pieces off of someone's flesh. I was lucky it just cut me." They kept walking and finally got to the entrance of the library. No one was there, so they closed the library and went back to Rebecca's apartment.

Rebecca got the first aid kit and started to clean James' cut. "So, what was that about? Why was that thing following me..." She didn't know what it was, but of course, it wasn't normal. She saw James gave her a look and then shrugged. "James!" She elbowed him and shook her head. "Come on.."

James sighed and looked down at the ground. He thought it was time he would tell Rebecca the truth. "The truth is..." he said softly. "Rebecca, you're ... a demigod. And before you ask...it means your mother, was a goddess."

Rebecca stared at him and then started to laugh. "Right, that's a good one," she said and finished cleaning the cut. She went to put the first aid kit away and sat down on the couch next to him. "So my mom was a goddess .. is that why I'm so beautiful?" She rolled her eyes at him. "No, seriously, what's the real reason." She looked at him and saw that he had his serious face on. She had been working with him for two years now and knew that look. "You're serious?" He nodded and she felt like she was going to pass out. She lay back on the couch and bit her lip. "So, my mom..."

"Was Athena," James said, putting a hand on hers. He looked at her intently, like trying to reason with her. "I know it's hard, but...you have to accept who you are."

"...and I'm a demigod...?!" Rebecca said, still trying to figure out what that meant.

"And you're not safe," James went on. "We have to take a little trip. Grab some clothes and whatever else you need and meet me outside." He got up and walked to the door. He glanced at her, opened the door, and walked out without saying another word.

Rebecca sat there for a moment, thinking about the possibilities. Where was James taking her? Hopefully somewhere where monsters like that wouldn't find her. She sighed, getting up and went to her room. She gathered some clothes, her phone and other things she needed. Then she walked to the door and looked around. For some reason, she had a feeling she wasn't coming back. She would miss her apartment, but she didn't want to find that monster or any monster sometime soon. She opened the door, walked out and met James down by her car, wondering if she would have to start a new life now and what being a demigod was all about.

04-10-2013, 10:07 PM
"Axelle! What are you doing? Come, come!" Axelle looked around the vast empty white. No one was there, so where was the voice coming from? It was so strangely familiar, so open and warm but a bit unhinged, like someone slowly going insane. It reminded her of herself...she shook the bad feeling off and began to walk forward to search. A gold door in the distance grew as she came closer. Instant curiosity washed over Axelle, how could a door like this not be capable of that in any way? So gold, so big, so beautiful. It certainly looked suspicious. Axelle reached down to grab the handle, and started to pull it open, looking through the opening to see...nothing. She woke up.

Her eyes fluttered open, and immediately closed again as the sunlight beamed on her face through the branches. She sat up, her head pounding, sweat dribbling down her forehead. She looked around for her friend, Riley, who was usually with her when going out, and was the one who always woke her up. Yet no one was here, not a single soul.

Axelle listened for the birds to sing, or for people to moan from waking, or something, but all she heard was the rushing water from a nearby creek. Axelle stood up and brushed off the dirt that sprinkled her mismatched neon tights, her black skirt, and her neon pink way too big T-Shirt. Her hair was in a complete mess, but she wasn't exactly paying attention to that right now.

The whole situation was odd. Was she at a party last night? She couldn't remember what happened, not a thing. Had Riley and her got into an argument and Riley left? Never! They were the closest of friends. And why was she passed out on the ground in the middle of the forest that she didn't recognize? Not even drunk Axelle would settle for the cold hard ground. She picked up her phone and immediately dialed Axelle, relief settling in as Riley picked up.

"I'm so sorry Riley for whatever I did! I don't know what happened and I have no idea where I am, and it was probably all my fault and I'm sorry!!!" she cried into the phone not letting Riley get in a single word. Riley giggled over the phone.

"It's alright. We did not in fact get into an argument, you were not in the state to. We did go to a party and I slipped a little some'in some'in into your drink, then dropped you off there," Riley said casually, as if it was no big deal.

"This a prank?" Axelle whispered. She was usually for a good old-fashioned prank war, but this had gone way to far, "THIS IS A PRANK!?" she screamed, anger boiling throughout her.

"No," Riley responded, her voice unusually serious, "It's far from it. You're going to a camp, one that needs you. One for demigods, like you. Keep searching," and with that she hung up. Axelle stood there, frozen. How could she...How could she do something like this? And a demigod?! What a lame thing to say, even for Riley! Axelle felt tears forming in her eyes, but she had no time to cry. Stampeding made the ground vibrate, nearly knocking her over. Looking to the left, a creature that was mixed between a bull and a man was charging it's way over. Without a second thought, she scrambled up a tree and started to jump, branch from branch, tree to tree (luckily the trees were close to each other), silently cursing out Riley.

04-11-2013, 12:11 AM
Amyda tripped as she sped through the forest. She had been chasing the dark shape ahead of her for what seemed like hours. Her hands hit the ground and her chin scraped painfully against the hard-packed dirt. She winced as she pushed herself up. Hot liquid ran down her chin and she realized it was blood. When she looked for the shape it was there, almost waiting for her. It was also closer, and seemed to grow nearer with every passing second. When it was but a few feet away, still shrouded in the darkness, it stilled. Amyda felt that she knew this figure. She slowly raised a hand, reaching for the shape. She almost had it...

Amyda woke with a start when she fell out of bed. She was wrapped in her comforter, laying on the plush carpet. She sat up and looked around, rubbing her weary eyes with closed fists. She untangled herself and threw the blanket on the twin bed. With a look at the clock, she began running around her room, simulateously brushing her hair and teeth while throwing together an outfit. She dressed quickly, grabbed her messenger bag, and headed out the door. She needed to get to school.

Amyda made her way to the school from the place she was calling home. A nice family let her stay there for little to nothing, glad they could get her off the street. After school, she would head to her job as a cashier at a local fast food joint. She made great time that morning, despite waking up late. She sat through her classes with her normal bored expression on her face. After the final bell she went off to work.

"Number 3! No onions!" Amyda yelled to the back, collecting the bills offered. The place she worked offered a less-technology approach, with no monitors telling what to make, Amyda had gotten good at yelling. She handed them a cup in return, and continued the rest of the day like that. The final customer came in, a quiet girl from Amyda's school. Since Amyda was closing she told the others to go home, she liked the alone time. She smiled at the girl, waiting for her to decide. The small girl approached the counter and said something under her breath. Amyda leaned over the counter. "What was that?" She asked her.

"I said, lend me your ear." The girl suddenly transformed when saying the last word. Her mouth split open into large teeth and a long, split tongue. Amyda threw herself back as the girl darted forward. Amyda screamed and scuttled along the floor, trying to get away. The creature grabbed her leg with a still-human hand. Amyda grabbed reached for something, anything, and found the hilt of a large knife. She turned and stabbed the sharp point into the creature, which gave an inhuman scream.

Amyda panted, watching the thing slowly still, laying on the ground. It reverted back to it's human form before disappearing completely. The bell signaling a customer ringed and Amyda squeaked before clutching the knife to her chest. Her friend, Devon, looked over the counter at her. He immediatley jumped over the counter, kneeling next to her.

"I think we have to talk. I need to tell you something." He nervously shifted, then brought his gaze up to meet hers. "You're a demigod, daughter of Hermes." He said simply.

04-11-2013, 09:41 PM

Amarah was having a very odd dream. He was fully aware he was dreaming though. He was a lucid dreamer. He couldn't change his dream like ussual though. He was simply aware of everything. The smell of a rotting stump and overall death. The canopy of tree branches looming over him as he walked the dirt path. And that sound... "It's like the sound of flapping wings." He said as hecontinued walking through the dark must woods. The sound of wings got louder and louder and there seemed to be more of them overhead.

Amarah ran faster to get away from the beating of wings. He noticed he wasn't getting fatigued. He also noticed the sudden drastic change in landscape. He was going steeply down hill. The canopy of branches led straight into a cave, but now the wings sounded behind him instead of infront. He had no clue why but he knew he needed to run. He came to a river and saw a boat sitting in the water. He dove in and quickly paddled himself across. He did so impossibly fast if he weren't dreaming. Once he was almost at the other shore he saw a figure stand up in the boat, but he couldn't make him out due to the lantern in his hand.

Amarah ran out of the boat as the man hollard after him saying something about it being his job to ferry the boat. He then heard the padding of the man's feet behind him along with the beating of wings. He ran faster and faster in this underground cavern. He saw people everywhere, but when he looked straight at a person they would disappear. He ran faster still until he heard the snarling of a dog. He heard and felt some giant beast snap the air apart with it's jaws behind him.

Amarah ran ever faster forward being persued now by the padding of paws. Very large paws. He ran to escape his pursuers until he came to a palace. A palace surrounded by gem stones of all shapes and sizes. He ran in and straight up to the king's chambers to ask for sanctuary. As he came into the king's chamber he saw two throns before him. And on the mantel of one was a black crown of shadows.

Amarah neared the throne and reached for the crown, but then he heard a booming voices. It shouted out, "You may be death's son, but if you touch my crown even he could not prevent your fate!" Deciding that the power and rage in that voice was more terrifying than any of his persuers Amarah decided to turn around, but he was met by those who had followed him. Three harpy like women with beating wings flying low infront of him. A man who looked aged beyoned time holding the rod to push the boat, and a Giant three headed dog panting above him.

Son of death this is your fate.
To change it now is too late.

We warn you now on your father's request.
Prepare yourself to join the best.

Though by death you were born that does not control you.
The son is not the father, to yourself stay true.

Prevent the deaths of those you love.
And one day meet your father on olympus above.

Amarah woke up. He had studied mythology to know he had just met the furies, Charon the ferry man of the dead, Cerberus the gaurd dog of Hades, and the Fates and Hades himself had spoken to him. In his dream.

"Ugh... I gotta lay off the cheesy old mythology movies." He said as he got out of his car where he slept and began to stretch. It was a bright sunny beautiful day, and Amarah had do go work at his newst job. At the mourge. "this new job has me wigging out. I know I wont be doing anything but setting up for funeral services but still..." He gave a little shudder. He hopped into the front seat of his jeep and drove twoards his work, stopping and getting breakfast on the way.

As he got into work he started to set up for the funeral. Open casket, yesshhh. As the people started to flock in he stood at the back and was about to leave, but he decided to stay for the service. Big mistake. First off there was a lot off crying and weeping, but then there was this girl. She was about his age and she kept looking at him with shock on her face. Aparently she was the daughter of the dead man. She came over to him when everyone had left and said in a shout, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU doing here!"

Before Amarah could respond it happened. They were the only two in the room, so when the back wall smashed out and a thing with seven heads and multiple tails came through they were the only ones to see. The girl pushed Amarah out of the way as the thing shot a spit wad at them. The spit wad melted through the wall. "Acid..." Amarah said as the girl pulled out a sword and sheild from seemingly nowhere and began to fight the beast. "Seven heads... Spits acid... THAT'S A HYDRA!" He hollard as he pulled out his ever present dagger. She had the heads distracted so Amarah took his chance hoping she would be ok. He got underneath the thing by sprinting and then sliding like a baseball player for home. He then stabbed its chest. He then pulled out and stabbed again and again searching for its heart. Before he could kill it he heard the girl scream. He stabed one last frantic stab and the thing went down, ontop of him.

He squirmed his way out and went to the girl. It had bit her arm and she was going to bleed out. Amarah grabbed the glass punch bowl and let some acid drip into it. He then carefully poured a small drop of it on her wounds to burn them shut. He then carried the seemingly uncouncious girl out and to his car. They were only a short distance from the hospitale. (Ironic right)

As he drove she awoke and moaned in pain. "Why..." she asked. "Why did you have to show up? That thing killed my father cause it was tracking me. I got away, but with you there too it found me. Ass."

"Hey I dont know what you mean. Why was a hydra attacking you? I didn't think they exsisted and..." He shut up when he saw how tired and weak she was. He wouldn't argue with her.

"Y-you don't... don't know?" She got out. "You're a demigod. Like me..." Then she passed out.

04-11-2013, 11:32 PM
Ferrion was looking up to a man. a man he felt he knew. but only faintly. like he hadn't met him since the day he was born. "Ferrion..." he said. the mans voice war-hardened. "My son." Ferrion was confused. the man walked closer and closer to Ferrion. and his face became clear. it was covered with a Corinthian. it covered most of his face. it had a horn coming off the part covering the forehead. going from left to right on the top was some fur like thing. it was red. the helmet was gold. like his eyes. on his back was a big cape consisting of the colors blood red, and gold. some hints of black. he was wearing a gold chest-plate and chains on his arms and shoulders. the chest-plate was connected to strands of gold studded leather. a lot of them. he was also wearing gold Greaves and black and gold Vambraces. he was holding a huge shield. it was also gold and had a symbol on it. one Ferrion didn't recognize but from his dreams. a boars head. he knew the symbol from Mythology class...it was the symbol of power for Ares. He was also holding a fairly long spear. it had red ribbons coming off of it. the pole was black and the blade of steel.

"Who are you?" Ferrion asked. but Ares didn't answer. he gave his son a warning. "On the prime of this waxing crescent, you will face a grave danger. it will be a test, though not from me. they won't come for you. you must go for them. for they can protect you. your Kin." he slowly started disappearing. Ferrion wanted to know more. wanted to know what he meant. but it was futile. he was gone. and Ferrion awoke. it was 7 AM. Ferrion went to his computer and checked what "the prime of this waxing crescent" meant. it meant the day of the waxing crescent moon. that was today. he was going to face a life threatening danger. or his imagination was just running wild. but there was something oddly realistic about his dream. he decided to go on with the day as if nothing happened.

everything was going fine until 12. he felt like there were eyes boring right through him. watching his every step. his every imperfection. his every breath. he decided he was just paranoid from his dream...that was until he was alone in the wal-mart bathroom. it started with the door locking. he buttoned his pant sback together, looking through his hood. he didn't see anything. he pulled out his knife. he kept it with him at all times. just in case of emergencies. he saw the hand coming from the left...no. it wasn't a hand. it was talons. he used the tiny knife to block the first, second, and third attacks. he got a good look at his attack. it looked like a half-human half-bird. a Harpy.

"You really are the son of Ares. i can see the family resemblance." she snarled at him as he moved back. his back touching the sink.

"What the hell...are you talking about?" He said. holding the knife to the ready. the Harpy laughed.

"You mean you don't know? EVEN BETTER!" she said as she lunged at him. it was as if he already knew what she was gonna do. as if an invisible hand was guiding him. he heard a voice. the same voice from his dream. it was telling him what to do. he dodged the lunge and when the voice said to jab the knife upward, he did. striking the Harpy in its heart. he had never known where he got the knife. it was a gift sent from anonymous. the Harpy shrieked in pain and went poof. into a gold smoke. Ferrion blinked twice. and then ran off. knife in hand. he got a lot of gasps from people who had seen him running with a knife. he ignored them all. a security guard tried stopping him, but Ferrion gracefully leapt over him. he got to his dark red and black motorcycle and drove off.

He didn't know where he was going. he just knew a route in mind. one he never had gone before. but somehow, he knew he was needed somewhere. the sun was starting to go down. he had been driving for over 4 hours.

04-12-2013, 01:47 AM
There it was again, the sound of a harp. A sweet harp being played to the giggling of women. Of course there were men, yet those didn't matter as much at the moment. Underneath an arc made from leaves and roots, there laid a clearing. There were women everywhere, bathing in the small lagoon in the middle of the clearing, hanging from the trees hugging each other, running from the wild and back into it. At the middle of it all, in an island inside the lagoon, on a tree stump sat a beautiful woman, long blonde hair and blue eyes. Her features changed erratically to brown hair and green eyes, then to jet black hair and brown eyes. She was playing the harp, and she vocalized to it. Her voice was as beautiful as she was.

Jason walked into the clearing, slowly being coveted by the women, touched here and there. They all stood naked, stealing a touch from his body and giggling as they slipped away. The woman in the middle of the lagoon smiled at him and motioned him to come closer. The water seemed to hold his weight up as he walked towards her. She smiled as he approached her and placed a hand on his chest, lest he come too close. Jason grabbed her wrist slowly and looked into her changing eyes. They both smiled as if they knew each other, yet this was the first time he had ever laid eyes upon her. The woman moved her hand away and spoke softly "You are truly my son, your beauty is testament of that. Yet there is much you must learn before you take your place beside me. On this day, there have been test placed upon the children of the pantheon, deadly as they are, they are all to test the specific skills that remain dormant within our beautiful offspring." The woman took his hand and placed her cheek on it, closing her eyes and nodding "You must wonder, who I am. You must wonder, what I speak of. Yet these things you will find out at their respective times. You are the son of the goddess of love. My son." Jason took a step back and looked at her. Aphrodite. Aphrodite! His mind was filled with the name as he woke up and faced the roof of his apartment.

The day went by as any other. He parked his motorcycle outside of the label's office and walked in. The receptionist gave him the most wanting look as he passed by and he winked back at him "Easy there Paul." Inside of his office there was a girl waiting with a folder "Mister Naut, how do you do?" Jason smiled and just sat down behind his desk "All good Ms. Kirkland. How do you do?" The girl smiled and giggled "All good, here are the monthly reports. Give me a ring if you need anything, after all..." She placed her hand on his pants and winked "....I'm always available for your pleasure." She walked out of the office and Jason sat there looking at the folder "Let's hope so..."

The reports had been boring, his session with Ms. Kirkland in his office afterwards even more so. Paul joining in didn't do anything for him either. There were a lot of things bothering him as he looked through the window of his office and sighed. Above the wall to his left there was a katana in a black and red sheath. The blade had been given to him after he signed a band from Japan and one of the band members' parents had forget the blade in gratitude after they made it big. There was an inscription on the blade that said "Lust and Love." He had chosen that, though with weird looks from the swordsmith. He looked out into the night and took it all in.

Aphrodite. His mother was Aphrodite. Was it? He had remembered the dream all throughout the day. Yet his mind was clearly playing tricks on him. She had said that there were tests, and that others would be tested also. She had spoken of herself as the goddess of love and lust. Lust and Love. Aphrodite. The door opened and his eyes did also. Kirkland and Paul walked in, naked as the day they were born. Jason raised an eyebrow as he turned his chair "Back for another round?" Kirkland smiled as her hair turned into serpents and her legs dissolved together to form a snake's tail. Paul gave out an insane laugh as he too turned into a snake monster. Jason jumped out of his chair and looked at both of them "Well, you're both certainly not as attractive now....And yet..." The monsters stopped as he walked towards them. He touched them both and closed his eyes. There was anger in them. He didn't know how but he felt it. He changed it. Changed the anger into lust, then to love, and finally to misery. The monsters writhed as they cried on the floor. There was a moment of peace and then Jason realized what was actually going on in his office. The two monsters jumped up and lunged at him. He dodged them and grabbed the sword from his wall.

He walked out of the building with his white suit stained with blood and the head of both the monsters hanging from one of his hands. The sword was strapped around his back as he walked down the steps of the building. A light came from the window corresponding to his office and smoke flew out into the night. The building's fire alarm quickly screamed out as it caught on fire, the bodies of the two monsters left to burn in his office. A man drove by and stopped. He got out of his car and walked out to look at Jason "Hey! What happened! Someone call 911!" Jason touched his shoulder and shook his head "Go back to your car." The man looked at Jason and placed his cellphone back in his pocket without a word and then got back into his car and drove away. Jason smiled softly and then looked at the two heads. Gorgons then, that had been his test, or maybe the man had been his test. He truly didn't know, but he had set out on the road before he could really set to think about it.

The two Gorgon heads slowly spoke as he drove on. They whispered to him where to turn and what roads to take. Drivers stopping next to him didn't seem to notice the two heads just dangling from his motorcycle handles. All for the better he thought as he felt another day dawn, his destination still a few hours away.

04-13-2013, 05:51 AM
Lani surveyed her bunk, tucking the sheets in around the corners. It was such a mundane thing to do that it gave her some comfort. She didn't have much normal in her life, not being the counselor of a camp full of demigods. She saw things that to this day, still blew her mind and made her question her own place in the world. As a child of Athena, she was highly intelligent, at genius level, especially when it came to defensive battle tactics. As she smoothed over the sheets and blanket, there was a horn blown outside in the center of the camp. Breakfast. There weren't any other children of Athena currently at the camp, making her pretty much an obsolete camp counselor. She was 20, though, which means that she couldn't really be counted as a camper either. She was the odd girl out. She always had been, really.

Lani walked over to her table which she usually sat at alone, picking at her food. Her brows ere furrowed in concentration, her mind going over complex ideas of an upcoming event, a game that the camp was having. Since she was the child of the goddess of war, she usually got stuck with the Ares cabin since their father was also a war god. They didn't really value her input, though, usually relying on brute strength, which is why they lost. Every time. Lani chewed on her bottom lip gently, focused completely on her plate which is why she didn't see that a camper was about to bump into her until the girl pushes past her, knocking Lani's plate over.

"Oops, sorry counselor Galilani." Lani turned to face the young girl, who was obviously a child of Aphrodite. She smelled faintly of perfume, and her lips were glossed, her long, flowing blonde hair in a regal updo. Her full, cherry red lips were twisted in an apologetic smile. Lani's own lips turned up to meet them, even though she hadn't really planned to smile. It was just what happened whenever you were with a child of Aphrodite. It was scary how easily they could manipulate you with their good looks.

"I know I've asked everyone to call me Lani." She replied softly, tugging on a lock of her own, short, chestnut colored hair. The camper, she looked to be about 15, studied Lani closely as if sizing her up.

"You know, you would be so gorgeous if you let me line your eyes and apply a little founda-" Lani cleared her throat quietly, her cheeks blazing with a bit of indignation.

"I like how I look, child of Aphrodite. Now, you should return to eating your own breakfast." The camper's eyebrow rose but she left without another word. Lani sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose, before standing up and throwing her plate of nearly untouched food away. She wandered over to where the other counselors were gathered, they were talking about the upcoming game with excitement shining on their faces. Lani listened for a minute, but then, when she heard that their plans were all rubbish, walked back to her own cabin and started reading.

04-18-2013, 09:49 PM
Winnie’s phone buzzed violently, sliding across the slick steel table precariously close to the edge. It was quite startling as it was the first noise to break the silence in the last hours. Now Winnie turned off the oxy-acetylene welding torch in her right hand and reached her left across to her phone. It was her wake up alarm, and that meant it was 6 o’clock sharp. Winnie smiled to herself, there was no need for waking up today. When she was involved in a project all basic necessities were disregarded, that included most sleep. And this especially was no ordinary project.

Now realizing that soon enough classes would start and professors and college students would make their way into the building Winnie picked up her pace. She had to be finished today, or at least that’s what her dreams had told her. And recently she had begun to trust her dreams. She thought back to the beginning of this twisted journey. Three months ago to the day she had woken up from a dream commanding her to build a weapon and sheath. Dreams were always bizarre, Winnie knew that, but after this one she had an almost unbearable impulse to pick up a piece of paper. When she did her hand had worked furiously and there before her the plans and sketch of what her next project was.

It had been bizarre to her but yet the dream had been so clear and she hadn’t a doubt about following. After stealing enough supplies from the university Winnie had begun her building. More dreams came, the first few a deep gruff voice asking for her trust. The others teaching her how to make the weapon, with what materials, what design. Despite her three years studying to be an engineer all the information her dreams were giving her was completely foreign, with completely different ways of doing things. Her last dream had told her to visit the island, what island she could only speculate, and that three months from the first dream the weapons must be finished and a test was to be taken.

After that Winnie had spent the last few weeks dreamless, or more without dreams of any significance. It troubled her sleep and more times than not she wouldn’t sleep at all. The dreams were vivid, clear, real. And Winnie trusted them. So now as she finished the weapons she had started she felt this was the beginning, a different life starting with a test. Goggles in place and torch in hand Winnie went to work welding the last metal hook that clasped the sides together.

She stepped back, looking down at her creation in contemplation. She was finished with this project, but this time it was hers. With a tentative hand she grabbed one of the metal cuffs. It was a sheet of the hardest metal she had witnessed, melted together in ways that she had not heard of but only learned through her dreams. The sheet was molded to her forearm, starting at her wrist bone and reaching almost to her elbow. Now she fit the sheath easily into place. On the interior side there were thin leather bindings and skillfully she tied it in place. Against her side it looked like an accessory, a rather strange one but easily passable as modern style.

But tucked into the bindings, almost unnoticeable, was a small sheath. Winnie picked up the blade she had also been creating. It was a short dagger, but with a wickedly sharp tip and one edge jagged while the other tapered off. This she now slid easily into it’s sheath and the blade too became almost undetectable. Winnie dropped her hand to her side and the blade didn’t move an inch. Now she tugged at the handle slightly. The blade slipped out a bit and WInnie grabbed, it, flipping it around to a position where she could wield it. Perfect. Satisfied, Winnie strapped the other one on.

She was reaching now to place the torch back into it’s rightful place when a strange noise made her pause. It sounded like a deep rumbling that filled the room. She listened in and the rumbling started again, accompanied by the light click of hooves and a slight hissing. Slowly Winnie turned around, making sure to have no sudden movements. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped. Less than ten meters away was the most hideous thing she had ever seen. It was a lion, large main, jagged teeth and all. But it didn’t stop there. From the middle of the lion’s back protruded the head of a goat. And at the back, coiling out from the creature like a tail was a long snake, moving back and forth, slitted eyes bearing down on Winnie.

The girl stumbled backwards, tripping over some tools and ending splayed on her back. Still she scrambled away. The monster took a step towards her and then blew a burst of fire. Winnie could only just barely duck behind one of the sturdy tables before the burst came. The fire singed the area where she had just moments ago stood. Now the three headed creature stlalked towards her. Winnie tried running but in a bound it was on her. The monster slashed out with a heavy paw. Winnie threw her arm up foolishly, only to have her arm jolted back into her socket painfully. But the sharpened claws should have cut through her arm like butter. Now she realized that the sheaths she had just made worked double time as small protective casings around her arm. Almost like many shields.

Winnie saw her chance to go on the offense. The torch she had been recently welding with was still next to her. Adrenaline pulsed through her blood and now she was acting on survival instinct alone. She scooped up the torch, aimed, and pressed on. Fire leaped from the torch and the monster, still recovering balance, screeched in pain. For a fire breathing creature, their exteror resistance to fire was quite low. The beast reared back, all three heads screeching in an ear splitting cacophony. With the torch in hand WInnie took her step forward. She flicked her wrist, letting the blade slide out into her hand. In a long upstroke she caught the beast at the tender flesh of its neck.

Winnie could hardly believe what had just happened. She stood there for a moment in shock and then ran. She left everything behind but sprinted until she was clutching her sides. Looking around she realized she had instinctively ran back to her flat. The neighborhood was still quite in the early morning, but Winnie couldn’t understand how everything was so peaceful when the event she had just had was quite the opposite. She had a very open mind, open to any strange ideas. But the fact that she had been atacked was quite the hard concept to wrap one’s mind around.

Before she knew it Winnie had burst into her apartment. The boy lounging on the couch sprang up to his feet. “What’s the matter?” He asked, reading Winnie’s expression. “Blake I’m not shitting you here, but I was just attacked by a what I think Greek mythology calls a Chimera.” His face drops, but not in surprise as Winine had expected of her flat mate. “Already? Winnie, I know this is hard and everything, but you have a lot to learn about who you are.” Now WInnie was taken back. Who she was. She was pretty sure she knew who she was. “What are you talking about?” Blake looked her in the eye. “You’re not mortal, Winnie. You’re a demigod.”

04-22-2013, 08:55 PM
When Aiden dreams it's always of mechanical things. Always of how she can build those things, that's how her hammer came to be. Her dreams are always in the form of blueprints, so when she began to dream of never ending white she panicked. Then came the voice that soothed her even though it was gruff. It reminded her of a time she barely remembered. Her feet moved hands out before her touching, feeling for any thing. Finally she came to a giant metal door her bi cloured eyes dissecting it. A chuckle draws her attention to the left.

"That's my girl. Always building, always planning to build," his gruff voice speaks to her. He keeps his left leg hidden in the shadows. Aiden frowns.

"Ah, you don't remember me do ya girl? It's alright... Not many of ya do... Just trust me..." he steps back into the shadows "Your going to need that bow and hammer of yers in the time to come... Find the camp... Find your siblings...."

And with that she awoke drenched in sweat and full of fear. That was three weeks ago. She had quit her part time job at the mechanic shed she worked and hit the road in the old car she built from scratch. Her heart told her it was the right thing to do though her mind was arguing that the man in her dream was just that a dream. She sighs tiredly and rubs her eyes, her long curly brown hair escaping it's ponytail. You're was lost her bland and apathetic mind told her. Pulling over she gets out of the car to stretch and get a better view of the area. She is by a pier covered in fog... Something told her she was close to where she needed to be. Eyes seem to be watching her from the water making her grab her hammer.

"I want no trouble," she says to the eyes not at all feeling odd for talking to basically thin air.

"It's another one for the camp. This one is from Hephaestus, Eurynome will be please," the words float to her. "She hasn't got a look of fear on her... She must have been lucky and not encountered any monsters..." "Now she just needs to get on the right boat to get to the camp"

She blanches. Boats... Yuck... She wasn't a fan of water...

"Which boat is the right boat?" she mutters to herself as she gazes over the boats.
[That is how ya get to the camp right? By boat?]

Fire Fairy
04-26-2013, 08:26 PM
[You can choose any method you'd like actually. I chose a plane.]

Rebecca bit her lip as they made their way to the island. She had always hated flying but there was no other way of getting there. She glanced at James who was flying the plane and wondered what he was thinking. She had known him for years .. and he had never even thought of telling her she was a demigod? She sighed, looking out the window and then looked back at James. “Listen, I know it must be hard for you just suddenly telling me all this..” she began. “But it’s kind of hard for me too. This is all new to me. I don’t know .. how to fight or even kick right. You know I’m such a klutz..” She bit her lip and looked away.

“You don’t have to know how to kick .. just where,” James said, with a laugh.

“That’s not funny.” Rebecca frowned at him and rolled her eyes.

“I know ... I was just trying to make you laugh.” James kept a straight look on his face and kept talking. “Listen .. I know it’s hard but .. it’s hard on me too. I had to keep this a secret for years because it wasn’t the right time. Finally I could tell you and I didn’t know how. I did the best I could. And I should probably tell you .. I’m also a demigod.” Rebecca shot him a look. “I know, I know .. kinda a shocker. But I am. In fact .. my mom is Athena too. So I’m kinda like your older brother.”

“Oh .. so there are more of us?”

“Yes. A lot more.”

Rebecca nodded and looked out the window again. She had other siblings? She didn’t really know how to feel about that just yet. She had always been an only child and now she found out there were others like her .. that were related to her. She sighed and suddenly an island came into view. “Is that it?” she asked, looking at James as he nodded. “It looks pretty big..”

“It kinda is. You see, there are other demigods that are children of other gods. We are all brought here to be protected and to learn how to protect ourselves too.” James squeezed Rebecca’s hand gently. “I know it’s going to be hard for you at first, but you’re a natural. You’ll be alright.” Rebecca nodded and looked at the island again. She was supposed to just be okay with all of this? Meeting other demigods? Learning how to fight and defend herself? Her anxiety wouldn’t be able to take so much in so little time. She tried to breathe normally as they descended into the island. James brought them into a swift stop on the runway and started gathering their things. “Come on,” he said, grabbing her hand. “You miss, need to see our cabin.”

04-26-2013, 10:37 PM
Ferrion didn't bother stopping on the side of the road with his motorcycle. when it told him he had to go into the forest, he just went straight in. he dodged many trees, but some of them cut his shoulders, arms, and legs. then he came across a house. it looked like a plantation from the 1800s. for what seemed like fruits used to make wine. he stopped on the driveway and slowly walked to the door. he knocked softly, waiting for a reply.

04-27-2013, 12:46 AM
Amyda sat on the small plane, being flown by some old pilot she didn't know. She stared out the window, excited to be so high above the Earth. She had always loved being off the ground, whether it was in a tree or on a plane, as long as she was off the ground, she was happy. Amyda could feel her stomach turn in knots. She had every right to be nervous, she was being taken to an island for demigods, and she was one.

Suddenly the plane jerked as it began it's descent. Amyda gripped the armrests, not for fear of the turbulence, but because of the nearing island. She knew her life was about to change, and she wasn't sure she was ready for it.

04-27-2013, 06:56 AM
Lani sat in the Athena cabin, bored out of her mind. There was no one that really entertained her in any way. No one that was really a challenge for her. She ran her hand through her hair, frustrated, and heaved a huge sign. She returned to playing her video game, Call of Duty, which was a mindless, violent game she had come to enjoy. Electronics weren't supposed to work here, but she had figured out how to set it up so that it did, which she also did for the Hephaestus cabin. It was their little secret. She was completely zoned out, though there was a section of her brain that was still on high alert. You had to learn to do that when you're constantly attacked my monsters from the Underworld.

Lani had just killed another zombie when she heard a noise that made her drop the controller. She had it set so that every time she dropped it, it landed in the exact position it needed to in order to shut off the game and the TV. The door opened and she cocked an eyebrow at the doorway, her arms crossed over her chest.

04-28-2013, 06:56 PM
Aiden still wary walks around the pier her mind running through everything she knew of the god Hephaestus and the Oceanid Eurynome. Hephaestus was the god of the forge and Eurynome was the Oceanid who raised him after he was tossed off of the mountain of the gods. She shivers and comes to a stop in front of a small boat that looked about to sink.

"No way!!!!" she yells. There was no way she was getting on that boat... Nope, no thank you she would rather face the monsters thank you very much.

"Don't be scared child," a voice floats to her and an old man steps into sight "I haven't lost a camper yet. So step on board young one. We best get you to camp before yer luck runs out,"

Aiden blanches and slowly walks on board. She grabs onto the railing tightly trying her hardest not to throw up. The man sees this and chuckles.

"Poor Eurynome won't be getting many visits from you will she," he asks as he starts his old boat and starts to steer her toward the camp. Slowly Aiden's nausea dissipates and she feels better.

"Old man..."

"You have no clue what's going on? Just following yer gut?"

Aiden nods her head.

"Yer a demi god child. the daughter of Hephaestus. You need to get to the camp so that you can learn things to keep yourself safe. I don't know much about myself I'm just the ferryman."

She sighs and waits for the camp to come in sight.

04-29-2013, 12:02 AM
Winnie glanced up at the plane. It was a small rickety structure that as an engineer she knew that it could possibly manage getting off the ground, but flying with any sort of turbulence or obstruction would result in deadly consequences. Beside her Blake gripped Winnie's shoulders. She turned to her roommate masking her fear in annoyance. "God that looks cramped." He chuckled lightly but Winnie noticed the worried lines creasing his forehead.

She had believed Blake soon into his explanation of her interesting heritage. As a child Winnie's mother would tell her about her father being a god. As soon as she got to school though Winnie learned better and placed her mother's stories with the rest of the fairytales. But when Blake explained to her the stories came back and she knew in her heart they were true. Adding to the fact of her dreams it was easy for the open-minded girl to accept. However, Winnie still tried playing the devil's advocate with Blake, refusing to admit she believed him.

"You're really following through with this whole prank thing, Blake, but I guess I have to just go along with it until it ends right?" Blake now looked exasperated and Winnie chuckled softly. "I'm kidding, I know what you've told me. In the island they'll protect me, teach me to fight, blah blah blah. I just want to know why you aren't coming?"

"I can't Winnie. My grandfather was a demigod so the god blood in me is very little. Because of this I will barely be able to see the island, let alone stay in it. Besides, I am in no danger of the monsters attacking me and I can help usher other demigods, people like you, to their safety." Winnie nodded, it was logical. But still she couldn't help feel that her best friend for her entire college life was now abandoning her. She gave Blake a quick hug, not being too accustomed to goodbyes and loving gestures.

Winnie borded the small plane cautiously. As soon as she was buckled it took off, and at lightning speed too. There was no way that the small flyer could do that. Winnie tried to seek out an explanation, but none seemed feasible. In defeat Winnie decided that the reason for the plane's fight was in the world of gods she had just entered. Soon enough a large island came into view at the horizon. It grew until the plane began on its downward descent. Here goes nothing.

04-29-2013, 08:58 PM
Amarah had sat in a chair next to her bed all night. Her wounds had healed fast and strangley there was no scarring. He had expected her to look hideous but when she healed she still looked normal, beautiful even. Now that the thought about it she was very pretty. She had beautiful brown hair, and her skin was flawless, and her lips were so cute tilted up in a cocky half smile while she slept... Amarah realized he was leaning closer to her and stopped. He wouldn't kiss her. First she was asleep, second, anyone he ever got close to died. He started to pull away. Then she woke up.

Amarah felt his cheek sting and flew out of his chair by her bed onto the floor. He looked up realizing she had slapped him. "YOU IDIOT! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!" She screamed as she glared down at him now sitting on the edge of her bed. "What were you thinking you were gonna have a makeout session with me while I slept? You son of a-" She was cut of as a nurse walked in.

Amarah jumped up and began to defend himself. "I am not. I was looking to see how your cuts had healed." He said his half truth. "Now if you don't mind I'm going to be on my way. I have a camp to find." With that he walked out and thought about his dream of last night where he saw a boat at a dock sailing to a camp. He heard only one word in his dream. "Go." So he went. He was going to find out what all this was about.

05-01-2013, 01:35 AM
Axelle hugged the highest branch of the tree she could get on. The tree shook as the thing ran into it again. "Ohmygodohmygodohmygodihatethisicantbelieveiminthis messanditsallbecauseofrileyihaterileyohmygodihatet hisprankihateverythingWILLSOMEBODYHELPMEEEEEEEEEE? !?!" Axelle cried. Her cursing and other such words was cut short, as the thing below her gave another ram at the tree, it's hardest one yet. Axelle almost fell off the tree but she caught on just in time. Her feet hung about 9 feet from the ground, not a safe place to drop, and the next time the thing rammed in, she'd fall, and would be done for. There was no other choice. She had to help herself.

The angry creature started running back at full speed. Axelle readied herself. Right before it did another headbumb with the bark, Axelle let go, dropping until she landed on it's head and back. Quickly, she wrapped her arms and legs around it's neck, making it go wild. She screamed her battle cry, her adrenaline bursting through the roof. She wrapped her arms around it's face, and jabbed at it's eyes over and over again. It made such a horrifying noise, falling down on it's stomach. Axelle hopped off, wiping the blood and other gross bodily liquids off on her skirt. The creature slowly disappeared, dissolving from sight.

"What..." she mumbled to herself, her eyes wide. She was exhausted and wasn't thinking straight. But it wasn't like she could just sleep, who knows what would come after her next? She had to find the place Riley was looking for, it was here somewhere.

After dragging herself for who knows how long, she heard something. Laughter was it? Chatting? Her heart beat excitedly, had she finally found civilization?! Finally glad she had found somewhere that she could maybe sleep, she gathered up her last bit of energy and ran forward.