View Full Version : Preview of my New Story (Groth)

06-03-2010, 03:27 PM
He ran as fast as he could but the creature had no problem catching up to him. The tall and large demon with seven blood red eyes and pray mantis like arms and snake like body slithered up to him. As it drew closer it opened its mouth and a green slimy substance flowed from his mouth. The boy looked back and saw the monster jump at him, the teeth sank into the boys skin and blood shot out everywhere as the pressure of the creatures teeth press through the boys skin.

“NO!” Groth screamed as he sat up in bed. Sweat dripped from his forehead into his right eye, he wiped his eye really quick and then looked around. It was his bed room, just another nightmare. His clock was the only source of light in the room with its glowing blue aura. The room was small but it provided enough for Groth. It had a wooden desk that took up his right wall that had a window right about it. The other wall had a book shelf filled with tons of fiction books and then a closet right next to that.

Suddenly the door leading to his room swung open, an older woman with a look of shock and scare on her face raced in.

“Groth! Sweetie are you alright?” Aunt Sweezie said as she flopped down on to Groth’s bed and wrapped her meaty arms around him.

“I hate this!” Groth screamed through his aunt’s meaty grasp and slamming his fist into the bed causing his pillow to fly off the bed. It wasn’t just Groth’s forehead that was drenched in sweat, his bed sheets looked like they had a lake of sweat on them. “I hate it all!” Groth screamed again.

“Look honey, I understand that what you are going through is probably one of the hardest things in the world, but your parents loved you so much they died to make sure you would live. They wanted you to grow up and have a future. Someday you will find someone you love so much that you would give up your own life to make sure that they would live; it’s just the way the world works.” Aunt Sweezie said as she kissed Groth on his damp forehead and held him tighter, any tighter though and Groth wouldn’t be able to breathe. He smelt the scent of smoke on his aunt’s skin.

“I thought you said you were going to stop.” Groth said as he pushed himself away from her meaty hug. “You said you would stop smoking.”

“Well Groth like you I too am putting up with problems. But you’re the one that’s actually making recovery.” She said with her sweet tone. “Tomorrows the first day of school, you better get some sleep.”

“It was of him again. The dream, it had him in it again.” Groth said as tears started to break through his eyes.

Groth’s parents had been killed about a month ago by a man that had been fired from his dad’s business. For revenge he broke in and shot Groth’s dad first and then tried to shot Groth but his mother had jumped in the way, the man didn’t have enough time to deal with Groth so he ran out of the house. Groth had been left alone with both of his parents bleeding all over the floor. He ran over to his mother, she couldn’t talk but she made some gurgling noises that Groth took in as the words “I love you.”

The police had arrived about five minutes later; they had been called by the neighbors because they had heard gun shots. Groth was taken off and forced to answer questions, a lot of them he hated because they tried to make it sound like he had murdered his own parents. But there was no evidence that Groth had done anything. The police reassigned him to live with his Aunt and Uncle, the Sweezies. They took him in and made him feel as best they could, he had been having nightmares about the man that had broken in coming back to kill him.

“Groth why don’t you come with me to the kitchen? We can get you some pills to make you fall asleep.” Aunt Sweezie whispered.

“Sure.” Groth said as he got up and followed aunt Sweezie to the hallway. They fumbled down the stairs and then through the living room, then finally into the kitchen. The whole house was coated in darkness so it was hard to get around without crashing into anything.

Once they were in the kitchen aunt Sweezie flicked on the switch and the ceiling light in the kitchen fluttered on, illuminating the darkness. Aunt Sweezie had been wearing a pink sleeping gown that had a yellow flower in the upper right corner near her football player like shoulders. Her short blonde hair didn’t really fit the outfit but Groth didn’t care, she let him wear what he wanted and he let her wear whatever she wanted.

“Ok here we go, take this and make sure to drink some water to chase it down.” Aunt Sweezie said putting two small white pills down on the table. She then headed back up the stairs to her room. Groth felt horrible. He ran his fingers through his long black and then stared at the pills. He had been waking his aunt up very early in the morning for the past month making her very tiered before work and falling behind. He grabbed the pills and dropped them into his mouth, they tasted like cardboard and then he swallowed some water to help him swallow the pills down. It left an odd taste in his mouth but he excused it and headed up to his room, making sure to turn the kitchen light off as he headed up there.

The morning rays bled through Groth’s curtains, waking him with an unpleasant blinding light. He got dressed and raced down the stairs to the kitchen and ate his breakfast, brushed his teeth and then looked over himself to make sure everything was in place.

He had long black hair that went down about halfway down his neck and he had blue eyes that complimented the sea. He wore a black short sleeve shirt that read ‘Punk’ on the front of it. He also wore long blue jeans with a belt that alternated black and white squares on it. Finally he had shoes that were checkered with black and white with black shoe laces. He looked like he would any other day.

Groth hated what he saw when he first arrived at the school. Tons of people with faces he didn’t recognize. They were all like a big group that could have had ‘Anti-Groth’ written across them, he knew he wouldn’t fit in or be liked. Some of them were holding each other’s hands while others were messing around with their friends. Groth couldn’t really seem to stand people right now, he thought they were all going to annoy him to death or hurt him. As he got out of his uncles car he said his goodbyes to his aunt and uncle then walked up the sidewalk towards the front of the school. Even though Groth didn’t know any of them he was sure they knew him, his story had been all over the news which gained him much unwanted attention.

As Groth approached the front of the school he could feel all of them focus their gazes on him, their conversations changed from what they did over the summer to what had happened to Groth and why his parents were murdered. A large broad guy that looked like he played foot ball said:

“Look it’s the freak that killed his parents.” Almost uncontrollable Groth charged and knocked the guy down and started planting his fists into the football player’s face, Groth was able to get a good five or six punches in before security got a hold of him and yanked him off of the guy.

“Don’t think I won’t kick your god damn face in you lard.” Groth yelled at the guy as he was being pulled away by security.

“How disappointing, you don’t even make it through the school’s front doors and you have already assaulted another student.” The school’s principle said as he spun around in his wheelie chair.

“The idiot shouldn’t of said something like that. I’m sure at my age you would of reacted the same way.” Groth said looking at the principle with an angered look.

“Yes, maybe so, but that’s because I would have been a reckless teenager. I’m an adult now so I make much better choices now.”

“Whatever.” Groth sighed as he looked up at the ceiling; he was trying to do his best not to make eye contact with the principle.

“I know what you must be going through is a lot, so to make it fair you’re off the hook this time. However, if I find you in this office again don’t expect such a nice deal.” The principle said with a wave of his hand in the direction of the door to motion that he was done with Groth.

As Groth walked out of the principal’s office he saw the kid he had just attacked, he was cradling his nose as blood poured out of it, he was being walked to the nurse’s office. Groth got a better look of the guy, he had a light brown short sleeve shirt on with casual blue jeans that kind of resembled the ones Groth was wearing, and the guy also had pretty big muscles and had short brown hair that was spiked at the front. Just by looking at him Groth could tell he was one of those trouble making types.

Groth took his time getting to class; he walked out of the office and then just had a very weird urge to explore the rest of the school because of its gigantic size. He walked around the corner that was right next to the office, he walked and walked and followed what seemed to be an endless amount of lockers down to the end of the hallway. Once he reached the decaying brick wall he turned around and then decided it was best to get to class before he got in anymore trouble, but as Groth turned around to waddle to his class the big bulk of muscle walked out from one of the rows of lockers, each step he took echoed through the long hallway.

“You thought you would be able to attack me and then get away with it?” He said with no sign of emotion.

“No, but I’m ready to take you down again.” Groth said, unsure if those were the right words to say when he actually was scared and just wanted to be in class.

“Well this time you aren’t I’m ready for you; I’m going to grab your spinal cord through your throat and rip it out you little piece of sh…” His words were cut off from another boy walking out from behind the lockers. This guy was much different, he was about as tall as Groth, and had longer brown hair and he had a cigarette in his mouth. He wore a shirt and then an opened light jacket that said “Resistance is Good”, and casual jeans but they were colored black instead of normal blue like jeans.

The mystery guy walked up to the big muscle head.

“What the hell do you want?” The muscle head yelled in the mystery guy’s face. The unknown guy took the cigarette from his mouth and stabbed it into the muscle head’s cheek. He screamed and slapped at the cigarette that was burning into his flesh, it fell to the ground and the muscle head backed away.

“You two will be sorry! I’m going to kick you both in the…” He was cut short again by the mystery guy who spat on the muscle head. He just stood there for a second and then turned around and walked off without another word.

“Thanks for the help back there.” Groth said with a slight smile.

“Don’t mention it, ever.” The kid said as he turned around, putting another cigarette in his mouth.

“Hey you know smoking those will shorten your life.” Groth said with a friendly laugh.

“Maybe but it sure did seem to save you from getting beat into a prune. You shouldn’t be attacking people like Trey.” He said as he searched for his lighter.

“Well thanks again, what’s your name anyway?”

“My name is Ruth.”

“Isn’t that a girl’s name?” Groth said with a slight giggle.

“Shut up. I just saved you back there and you want to make fun of my name?” Ruth said blowing smoke out of his mouth.

“I was just kidding around, I didn’t mean to offend you or anything, sorry.”

“Well get to your class, you’re going to get your butt chewed out by whatever teacher you have.” Ruth said taking the cigarette out of his mouth and putting it out by sticking it against his shoe.

“I have to go to English class.”

“Hey that’s where I’m heading; let’s get moving so we don’t get into too much trouble.” Ruth said pointing his head in the direction of the class. The two started to walk to class and got to know a little more about each other. Groth learned that Ruth had lived here his whole life and he wanted to move so he could be somewhere else that would have better people and more exciting things to do around town. Groth told Ruth about his girlfriend and how they had been pretty close and how he really wanted to take her to this school dance that was coming up, Ruth wanted to puke but he kept his expression like he was interested.

Once the two reached a wooden door that lead to their class they took a minute to admire all the nice things that were carved in the wood.


Let me know what you think of it :)

spirits breath
06-03-2010, 06:48 PM
Was interesting. Don't know where the monster part at the beginning had to do with him killing his parents though. Possibly explain that. (maybe the characters. all I could see with Groth was that he would be like a spazzy kid that is always picked on in school, and I can also see bringing in a handgun to shoot everyone as well.)

06-03-2010, 08:38 PM
The creature in his dream is a memerance of the person that murdered his family. And Groth may seem like that now but the story goes MUCH further, you really cant tell what the stories going to be about from this, but thank you :)