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06-04-2010, 03:24 PM
Friday October 7th, 2011. New York, New York. The Shooting Star.
__________________________________________________ _____

The tavern’s busy night was in full swing. People from all across the economic spectrum were present, united by something other than status. The Jet’s game was on the TVs and the drinks were flowing. The bartender, Travis Gravity, a young, good looking guy with short brown hair and a winning smile, was drawing a crowd to see him in action. With 5 orders written on a piece of paper floating in front of his face, he raised his hands, which began to hum. 8 bottles of liquor and a tap shuddered then floated into the air. They took orbits around the bartender, whose eyes were closed as he focused on keeping each of them on a set path. The small crowd had grown silent; waiting to see what was next. Gravity then snapped his fingers and 5 glasses raised from below the counter. He slowly swayed his arms as the all the bottles started to pour simultaneously, mixing the correct drinks. The crowd applauded as the 5 glasses and the 8 bottles landed safely back on bar and on the shelves respectively. The five customers, all women, smiled and took their drinks with them.

“Wait!” Gravity called out. One of the girls suddenly found her martini stuck in the air. Gravity reached over and manually put an olive in it, winking. She winked back and followed her friends away.

Such was a standard sight among the super powered patrons. People blinking their eyes to change a channel or re-chilling a warming drink.

As it moved passed 1 in the morning, the bar started to thin out, leaving only around ten remaining patrons. Gravity was wiping down the counter when a man walked in. He was a tall lanky man with a bright red fedora and trench coat. He walked pass the bouncer, Grizzly, and sat at the bar. The stranger looked over at Gravity with his small dark eyes, who was trying to avoid his gaze.

“This is happening tonight.” The stranger spoke after an awkward minute. Gravity sighed, burying his face in his hands. “Are you in or are you out?”

“Who are these other three shmucks you have talked into doing this, Philip?” Gravity moved over to the stranger keeping his voice down.

“They don’t know the plan yet. I just sent them a check and instructions to meet me here in about 10 minutes.” Gravity shook his head and turned around as the stranger spoke, making himself something to drink. “Send them to the back room when they get here. And don’t call me ‘Philip’. They won’t be looking for a ‘Philip’.”

“Oh! My mistake-“ Gravity turn mocked as he turned around. However, the man was gone. Gravity looked at the other patrons, all of whom seemed unaware of the missing man. “My mistake, ‘Red Lightning’.”
__________________________________________________ _____

The Letter:
(your name),
I’m not in the habit of asking for help so this isn’t easy. I have seen you in action and I believe I could potentially use you help yourselves and the CotA community. As you are aware, some of our brothers and sisters have started vanishing. I make no bones about this being the work of our very own government and the McDonald administration’s anti-Meta human policies. I am putting together a small rescue team to save our captured comrades, each with gifts that will be useful and complimentary to the mission.
I don’t care what you have done in the past. This is bigger than silly ‘hero’ and ‘villain’ distinctions. This is about your freedoms and your well being. I’m guessing you don’t want some government scientist sticking electrodes into your brain. I know I don’t.

(There is only a stylized picture of a crimson lightning bolt.)
P.S. Consider the check a new employee bonus. There will be much more if you choose to help me and The Community.
(Included with the letter is a check for four thousand dollars, which clears if deposited.)

Mary Sue
06-05-2010, 04:00 AM
Eliza was finishing up with closing procedures at Off Beat Music Store, when she noticed a letter sitting in the company mailbox. Normally, mail was checked every morning by the early shift manager, Dave. Curiously, Eliza plucked the envelope from the mailbox and peaked at the front. Her name was scribbled carelessly across it. Eliza's dark eyebrows knitted together. It didn't make any sense for her to receive mail at work. She tucked the envelope into her purse until she finished closing.
Around one in the morning, as she locked the front door and began heading home, Eliza pulled out the envelope and opened the letter. It stopped her dead in her tracks.

Eliza Jetson,
I’m not in the habit of asking for help so this isn’t easy. I have seen you in action and I believe I could potentially use you help yourselves and the CotA community. As you are aware, some of our brothers and sisters have started vanishing. I make no bones about this being the work of our very own government and the McDonald administration’s anti-Meta human policies. I am putting together a small rescue team to save our captured comrades, each with gifts that will be useful and complimentary to the mission.
I don’t care what you have done in the past. This is bigger than silly ‘hero’ and ‘villain’ distinctions. This is about your freedoms and your well being. I’m guessing you don’t want some government scientist sticking electrodes into your brain. I know I don’t.


There was no name at the bottom. Only a red lightning bolt in the corner of the note. Her eyes scanned the bottom, and found a little more to the letter:

P.S. Consider the check a new employee bonus. There will be much more if you choose to help me and The Community.

Eliza peeked into the envelope and felt a stone drop straight into her stomach. A four thousand dollar check was signed to HER. College expenses kept her chronically in debt, and that check could be just what she needed to escape that! Suspicion tingled at the back of her mind. Eliza rarely used her powers, especially in public. How did he know about her? What was more...WHY was he asking her to do something dangerous and almost undoubtedly illegal? Fear mixed with her suspicion and confusion quickly followed. Suddenly, Eliza felt herself wanting answers. She wanted to know more. With a huff, she shouldered her bag and turned to walk in the opposite direction towards the Shooting Star.

06-06-2010, 01:23 AM
Lydie Anne Joseph,
I’m not in the habit of asking for help so this isn’t easy. I have seen you in action and I believe I could potentially use you help yourselves and the CotA community. As you are aware, some of our brothers and sisters have started vanishing. I make no bones about this being the work of our very own government and the McDonald administration’s anti-Meta human policies. I am putting together a small rescue team to save our captured comrades, each with gifts that will be useful and complimentary to the mission.
I don’t care what you have done in the past. This is bigger than silly ‘hero’ and ‘villain’ distinctions. This is about your freedoms and your well being. I’m guessing you don’t want some government scientist sticking electrodes into your brain. I know I don’t.

There was no name at the bottom, only a jagged red stripe. It looked like it was probably a lightning strike.

P.S. Consider the check a new employee bonus. There will be much more if you choose to help me and The Community.

Standing alone in the dark, musty silence of her one room apartment at the wrong end of town, she thought she was going to be sick.

No! Nononononono. No one was supposed to know. It wasn't like she did it very often- she was good, she kept her mouth shut and her head down... It wasn't something anyone could have possibly found out about!

The check crumpled in her hand and she realized she was shaking.

"Cup of tea." She murmured. "Stupid Talkie, get it together." But it had never worked- she couldn't do it to herself- whatever it was...

Lydie took a deep breath and sat down on her ratty old green couch, the creaky old spring pressing into her hip a familiar comfort. She smoothed the check out on the arm of the couch and stared at it for a good two minutes before rubbing her eyes. It would get the electricity turned back on...

No! No, she would give it back. It didn't matter what they wanted her to do. It wasn't right. It wasn't right to make people do things. To make them want to do things. She got up and grabbed the kettle off the shelf, letting it clatter onto the burner as she turned the gas on and struck a match to light it.

Bo jumped up on the kitchenette counter with a low, rumbley meow, his 'cuddle me' word, and Lydie scooped him up to oblige. But they knew who she was. She couldn't just rip the check up, she would have to explain. She couldn't control it really, it wasn't like it was a useful...power...thing. Whatever it was. It didn't even work most of the time she did try it.

Lydie decided, nose buried in Bo's fluff while the kettle hissed. She would go and explain. Maybe she could do it- try it... Make them understand, convince them to just forget about her.

It was worth a shot.

The kettle started to sing and she tossed Bo's front end over one shoulder, pouring the hot water into an empty paper Starbucks cup and dropping in the tea bag before pressing the lid back on. No sense washing dishes till she had to right?

She gave Bo one last squeeze and set him down on the couch, shuffling the check into her purse and trying to psych herself up for this. They couldn't prove anything.

She double checked the dead bolt on her window one last time anyway, and triple checked the door lock behind her. She had enough money for a cab, the driver would know where to take her.

The next twenty minutes were kind of a blur, but Lydie managed to keep herself from panicking till she got to the bar.

It was a nice little place, she supposed; more of a pub than a club, a friendly kind of place... Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. There were people around- she assumed there would be others with...powers. Hers was such a little thing, she couldn't have been the only person to be contacted by this Red Bolt guy...

She picked an empty bar stool towards the back and slid in with a tight, shy smile when the bartender looked at her.

"Um," And she was Always Careful when she spoke to people but he was a looker and she found herself feeling just that much more awkward than usual. "Can I order a drink?"

She wondered how she would know this Red Bolt when she saw him; or... Well he obviously knew who she was.

06-06-2010, 04:45 PM
Carson was on a park bentch when a stranger sat down but got up as soon as he gave knowledge to him. The man left a note, Carson looked at for a moument and relized it was to him.

I’m not in the habit of asking for help so this isn’t easy. I have seen you in action and I believe I could potentially use you help yourselves and the CotA community. As you are aware, some of our brothers and sisters have started vanishing. I make no bones about this being the work of our very own government and the McDonald administration’s anti-Meta human policies. I am putting together a small rescue team to save our captured comrades, each with gifts that will be useful and complimentary to the mission.
I don’t care what you have done in the past. This is bigger than silly ‘hero’ and ‘villain’ distinctions. This is about your freedoms and your well being. I’m guessing you don’t want some government scientist sticking electrodes into your brain. I know I don’t.

(There is only a stylized picture of a crimson lightning bolt.)
P.S. Consider the check a new employee bonus. There will be much more if you choose to help me and The Community.

Carson hated it when people called him "Rift" it was a name given to him when he was asigned a task that he didnt want to remember at the moument. But if his people were going missing that might be a reason to check it out, he didnt care for the money it was just a small convince.

He got up the bentch and walked out of the park and kept a slow pace on the side walk. No one was on the street either it was that time of night or they thought Carson was a mugger. It wouldent be the first time. His hood was covering his eyes and his hands tucked away inside his jaket pockets.

While walking he noted a sound coming from a alley way near him it sounded like a struggle. When approtching the alley he could see two men stealing a womens purse and other things she had on him. One was a very skinny man wearing a trentch coat and jeans, the other was kinda pugy with a hite T-shirt and cargo pants

"Come on lady! Its not getting better" Said the man in the coat

"Yea just... Whoa who is this ass whole" Replied the fat man

Carson was standing only a yard away with the darkness from the ally covering him. The skinny man took out a butterfly knife and pointed inchs from Carsons face.

"You got somthing to say, hero?" he asked

When the man said that Carson grabed the mans arm twisting it. He screamed but carson didnt stop, Carson let go and threw him in the dumpster and walked slowly to the man in the T- shirt. He took out a gun and pointed at Carsons face.

"I WILL DO IT MAN" He yelled

Carson came forth from the darkness to show that he used his shape shifing powers to make his face the same as the other man.

"You wouldnt shot yourself"He said

"Or your friend" He added while changeing into the other man

The pugy man screamed in terror and passed out from the shock. Carson changed back into his regular fourm and picked up the womens perse. He threw it to her and walked out the ally way the same way he came.

Carson countined to walk until he made it to the shooting star cavern. He walked inside and got a seet at the bar. He ordered a beer any kind and awaited for what will happen next.

Mary Sue
06-06-2010, 10:56 PM
Eliza pushed open the door to The Shooting Star not long after Carson arrived. She'd only been to the Shooting Star twice with two of her girlfriends, but found it too flashy for her taste. Here the CotA openly expressed their powers for the amusement of normal humans the CotA called "Muggles".
Eliza glanced over her shoulder, as if rethinking the whole thing, then slowly approached the bar.

"Bartender," She leaned against the counter and crooked her finger at Gravity.
"Do you mind if I ask you a question?" She smiled uneasily, but the Bartender was quite good-looking and seemed friendly.

06-07-2010, 01:28 AM
Travis Gravity knew what was coming. Red Lightning’s little one man war was expanding. He’s hiring merc supers to help him in the grand fight. Poor sops. He thought back to when they actually worked together. It was just over a year ago. The two of them were unstoppable. But things happen. People change. Red Lighting changed.

“It’s hard to blame him, considering…” Gravity thought.

Gravity didn’t need to wait much longer after R.L. left for people to start showing up. A skinny blonde and a black-haired girl. A lonely looking loner. He served them each, knowing R.L. would have some crazy scheme for them.

“It’s on the house.” He would tell each of them, knowing they had a big night.

"Bartender,” Gravity turned. It was the Dark-haired girl.

"Do you mind if I ask you a question?"
He smiled at her, an old reflex.

“Go right ahead.”

06-07-2010, 01:32 AM
Miss Baptiste,
I’m not in the habit of asking for help so this isn’t easy. I have seen you in action and I believe I could potentially use you help yourselves and the CotA community. As you are aware, some of our brothers and sisters have started vanishing. I make no bones about this being the work of our very own government and the McDonald administration’s anti-Meta human policies. I am putting together a small rescue team to save our captured comrades, each with gifts that will be useful and complimentary to the mission.
I don’t care what you have done in the past. This is bigger than silly ‘hero’ and ‘villain’ distinctions. This is about your freedoms and your well being. I’m guessing you don’t want some government scientist sticking electrodes into your brain. I know I don’t.


There was nothing but a red lightning bolt where a signature should have been. And if that wasn't confusing enough there was more to the letter.

P.S. Consider the check a new employee bonus. There will be much more if you choose to help me and The Community.

Pan held up the check for four thousand dollars, cocking her head to one side in thought. She had read the letter several times, trying to figure out if she knew the sender. When she knew for certain she didn't she then set about thinking whether or not she should meet with this red lightning bolt person. Somehow they had figured out she was Shudder and from what they were saying they were a friend. Pan was grateful for the check; tuition was pretty pricey at her school. But what was this all about anyway?
Pan sighed and stood up from the worn grey couch she sat on. Might as well, she thought, This world is fucked up enough without CotA. She went into the bathroom of her tiny apartment and splashed her face with cold water. When she looked up at her reflection in the mirror above the sink she asked herself, What do you want?
"I want to help." Those words sold her. She was going to meet this person.
The letter instructed her to go to The Shooting Star which she knew was in the city. By now, Pan knew almost every inch of the Big Apple from her patrols. It wouldn't take long to get there. She took the bus from her town into the city and walked the remaining three blocks to the rendezvous point. It was exactly the kind of place a wallflower like Pan tried to avoid: popular. Everyone seemed to be having a good time in here but Pan knew better than to start feeling comfortable. She picked a nice corner nearby the bar and sat a table for two, her green eyes darting around the place in search of the mysterious person who called her here. Don't you dare panic, she commanded herself.

Mary Sue
06-07-2010, 01:38 AM
"You seem to get a lot of business here. So you'd probably know a little about the CotA that frequent your establishment. Would you happen to know anything about this?" She pulled out the letter and held it up so that only Travis could read it.

"I want to know why I go this, so if you could point me in the right direction to whom I should talk to..." Her voice trailed off.

06-07-2010, 01:54 AM
"You seem to get a lot of business here. So you'd probably know a little about the CotA that frequent your establishment. Would you happen to know anything about this?"

Gravity leaned over and skimmed the letter, seeing R.L.’s mark on the bottom.

A rescue mission. Gravity remembered what those were like. If any telepaths were in the bar, they would have felt his heart sink, but he kept his face straight.

"I want to know why I go[t] this, so if you could point me in the right direction to whom I should talk to..."

Gravity straightened up, thinking quickly as to what he should say.

“Yeah, that’s from Red Lightning. It looks like something about you caught his eye. He’ll be here when everybody else gets in, most likely. If you just hold tight, it shouldn’t be too much longer.”

Mary Sue
06-07-2010, 02:02 AM
Eliza's expression darkened. Others? What was going on? She sighed and passed her hands over her face.
"This is fantastic. Right before finals no less..." She muttered to herself. She'd worked a long shift just to earn enough money to pay for a week's worth of food and another month of electricity. Was she even up for whatever was about to happen? No. Could she afford to miss work? No. And she would tell this Red Lightning so, when he finally showed his face. In the meantime, Eliza leaned closer to Travis.
"I don't suppose you'd bend the rules and get me a drink?" She ventured.

06-08-2010, 03:11 AM
Iracebeth's day was as normal, as normal can be. She hired a babysitter to watch over her daughters, while she goes to work. Today the resturant was extremely busy. Her break was cut in half so instead of a hour she had thirty minutes. As soon as five o'clock rolled around she was exhausted, but before she went home she stopped by the post office to get the mail. After she got her mail she sat in the car and looked through it. Junkmail, garbage, report cards, and What's this? she thought. It was a letter with her name on it, but there was no return address. "Huh how odd." She said as she opened the letter.

It said,

Ms. Heart
I’m not in the habit of asking for help so this isn’t easy. I have seen you in action and I believe I could potentially use you help yourselves and the CotA community. As you are aware, some of our brothers and sisters have started vanishing. I make no bones about this being the work of our very own government and the McDonald administration’s anti-Meta human policies. I am putting together a small rescue team to save our captured comrades, each with gifts that will be useful and complimentary to the mission.
I don’t care what you have done in the past. This is bigger than silly ‘hero’ and ‘villain’ distinctions. This is about your freedoms and your well being. I’m guessing you don’t want some government scientist sticking electrodes into your brain. I know I don’t.


(There was nothing but a red lightning bolt where a signature should have been. And if that wasn't confusing enough there was more to the letter.)

P.S. Consider the check a new employee bonus. There will be much more if you choose to help me and The Community.

Check? What check, she thought as it fell into her lap. Oh that check, She picked up the check and looked it over. As she was looking at it her eyes opened real wide. "4,000 dollars," She whispered. "That can do alot for us." After she thought about it, she took her phone and called her house.
The babysitter picked up the phone, 'Hello, Heart residence, Amy specking.'

"Hello Amy, it's Ms. Heart I'm going to be late do you think you can watch the girls for a few more hours?" Iracebeth asked.

'Sure Ms. Heart I don't mind watching them, there little angels.'
"Thanks Amy." Iracebeth said and hung up. She headed over to the tavern.
She parked and entered, the pub. She looked around and walked over to the bar, sat down and ordered a drink.

06-08-2010, 12:33 PM
The room was a mess as it always had been. Books lay scattered on the floor and on the table, which sported circular stains left by coffee cups. A blanket lay crumpled on the couch, and the pillow almost fell off the side. The windows were shuttered, rejecting all but a small trace of light. It was a teacher's rented room, musty and stale.

Routine crawled into Valtteri's life over the past few years he had been renting the room, and as routine would have it, he came back from work into the gloomy abode. He put aside his things on the nearest surface and sat on the couch, putting the laptop in his lap. Something bugged him in the back pocket of his jeans. He took it out. It was a crumpled envelope he had forgotten picking up. He tossed it on the table.

Forever, it seemed, the laptop stared at him, a quizzical, bright grin on its screen. It was his screen-saver. Valtteri realized he had been staring at the screen for twenty minutes without writing a single word. The novel that would've, as he thought, deliver him from the misery he had found in the Promised Land was not progressing at all.

He diverted his eyes for a moment and caught the crumpled envelope lying on the table as if provoking him to open it. Finally, he did.

Mr. Valtteri von Goethe,

I’m not in the habit of asking for help so this isn’t easy. I have seen you in action and I believe I could potentially use you help yourselves and the CotA community. As you are aware, some of our brothers and sisters have started vanishing. I make no bones about this being the work of our very own government and the McDonald administration’s anti-Meta human policies. I am putting together a small rescue team to save our captured comrades, each with gifts that will be useful and complimentary to the mission.

I don’t care what you have done in the past. This is bigger than silly ‘hero’ and ‘villain’ distinctions. This is about your freedoms and your well being. I’m guessing you don’t want some government scientist sticking electrodes into your brain. I know I don’t.

(There is only a stylized picture of a crimson lightning bolt.)
P.S. Consider the check a new employee bonus. There will be much more if you choose to help me and The Community.
(Included with the letter is a check for four thousand dollars, which clears if deposited.)

Someone knew of the two murders he had committed. Someone knew of his condition. Or thought they did. Unlike many other genetic inconsistencies that had occurred in recent generations, his was, as he thought, pretty much undetectable.

Nevertheless, the letter spurred in him interest and a sense of anxiety. Although Valtteri was not avaricious, in his straitened state four thousand dollars upfront was a different spur altogether. He took some money from his own batch and left for the pub mentioned in the letter.

He had drank liters of alcohol out of every pub in the city, but this one he avoided because of the awkward feeling it had given him. When he entered, the sight of all the gifted in their blatant displays of natural gifts told him why.

He walked up to the bar, sat on the stool and took out a cigarette. He tapped the cigarette's bottom on the the bar slab and lighted it. The alcoholic urge requested a strong drink, so Valtteri eyed the bartender, then the young woman with whom he was conversing and who no less prevented him from taking an order.

06-08-2010, 07:30 PM
Lydie's heart jumped higher into her throat with every new arrival at the Shooting Star- and she sucked down her Shirley Temple to swallow it back to it's proper seat where it hammered away nonetheless. Caught between guilt (She shouldn't be here, she shouldn't get involved, nothing good would come of this) and a desperate yearning for someone to understand...

These people understood. Lydie had never had a proper family and seeing these people laughing, sharing drinks, sharing powers, sharing lives; if she was only ever a danger to them- because she couldn't always control it- she couldn't bring herself to walk away. Not with the letter burning in her purse, in her mind and heart. These people could be her family, they could understand, even if she couldn't let them... But she couldn't just walk away.

A man came in and sat down one stool over from her, the closest anyone had come to her all evening, and Lydie pulled the check out of her purse and hurriedly scribbled her address on the back.

"Sir?" She slid it down across the polished wood of the bar. "I...Um. I can't do this, I'm sorry, but... If you guys ever need someplace- I mean, if something goes wrong- just-" She shook her head and shuffled to her feet. "Give this Bolt person my address." And Lydie winced as the command came out of her mouth. "Just let him know... thank you?"

Mary Sue
06-08-2010, 08:55 PM
(Edited becuase I messed up and didn't see the other OOC posts. XD)

06-08-2010, 09:28 PM
The girl sitting closest to him broke his prying look at the bartender. She jumbled up several sentences and before Valtteri could grasp their meaning, her scrawny, delicate fingers planed the bar slab with a check. He unconsciously looked at the check, then at the woman. At the mention of the red bolt, the unusual signature resurfaced in his memory and he understood what she was referring to. Before he could manage an interjection of some sort, she was already on her feet making a request of such earnestness that Valtteri could only nod and cover the check with his hand.

Mary Sue
06-08-2010, 11:03 PM
Eliza's attention was drawn away from Travis when a mousy girl a few stools over jumped to her feet and started fidgeting nervously. All of a suddenly she started talking and writing fast about some Bolt guy.
So I'm not the only one... Eliza thought as she watched Lydie practically run from the pub. Her eyes suddenly shifted back to Travis.
"On second thought, just give me a coke." She said. Suddenly, something was telling Eliza that she wanted to be sober.

06-09-2010, 01:01 AM
The Shooting Star’s lights flickered momentarily and a slight breeze suddenly swirled about the room. The unnamed patrons, the 10 or so of them that had previously been finishing their night of drinking saw a man suddenly standing alone in the middle of the cozy pub. It was Red Lightning, decked in his unmistakable crimson trench coat and hat. Only short black hair could be seen on the back of his neck and his face was covered with a small black mask. He had blue pinstriped pants and brown shoes on as well. He faced the bar, where a majority of his selected compatriots stood. He turned his head ever so slightly to the peanut gallery behind him. They stood, dumbstruck. Even the most aware among them had not seen him come in.

“It couldn’t have been invisibility,” thought one patron “I would have heard him…”

“Pay the man and go.” His voice was gravely, but neutral. They all quickly stood and collected their things, then left. They knew something official was happening. This sort of thing occurred every now and again in the Star.

Soon, all that remained were those who had answered his letter. He took a few more moments to size them up.

“Thank you all for coming.” He started simply. “I know many of you have never acted for the good of The Community.” He looked directly at Shudder, “Some have, and I appreciate that. I’m going to get right down to it then because we are working under a ticking clock. 8 CotA. 3 Women, 5 Men. 2 adults. 6 children are being transported tonight to the docks from their holdings in the city. I intend to rescue them, and I’m asking each of you to use your unique gifts to help me. This won’t be easy, and I will be asking each of you to work as something resembling a cohesive force. If that’s too much to ask, take the money and leave. I will know not to rely upon you in the future.” His words were allowing a sliver of passion through, but that’s where he would stop, waiting to see who would stay and who would go.

__________________________________________________ _________

Gravity spotted Red Lightning appearing out of the corner of his eye.
“So it begins,” he murmured to himself as he slinked off quietly, not wanting to get involved.

Mary Sue
06-09-2010, 03:17 AM
"I'm sorry," Eliza raised two fingers in a meek effort to be noticed.
"But...if the government apprehended them...then won't rescuing them be illegal? I mean....the CotA work so hard to be accepted, and yet they flash thier powers and act in ways that show the muggles how different we are. I want to be equal, I really do, but I DON'T want to be equal behind bars. How can you guarantee that working for you won't put us in jail or worse?"

Eliza's multiple bracelets clacked together as she animatedly moved her hands as she spoke in that typical teen fashion. Her curls bounced around her shoulders like hundreds of agitated snakes. One look at her screamed girl - who - never - did - anything - wrong.

06-09-2010, 03:41 AM
Pan shrunk back in her seat as the red clad man glanced at her. He gave her stomach a funny feeling...She didn't trust him. Not entirely. She nervously tucked a lock of light brown hair behind her ear, clearing a path for more sound vibrations to reach her, having been distracted by shifting of tables and chairs and the sound of cars outside. Pan inwardly shook herself, trying to pay attention. CotA being transported? Rescue mission? A girl close to Pan's own age spoke up, voicing the discomfort she believed everyone to feel. Pan agreed silently that doing something this big and illegal was probably not the best idea but if so then what had she been doing all this time? Rescuing normal people, Muggles, from each other and morally wayward CotA, living a double life as a vigilante...This new task would only be a step up, wouldn't it? A recognition of her hard work in the back alleys...Pan rubbed her arm uncomfortably. I don't know what to do...she thought, panic slipping in. But then Shudder spoke up inside her conscience, giving her the strength she always searched for and never found unless she was wearing her Carnivale mask out on the streets.
You need this, Pan. The voice helped as it always did. Pan rose from her seat but kept her gaze low, away from the rest of the people in the room. She squeezed her hands in front of her shyly.
"Even if the government says it's illegal," she said softly in the airy hum of her seldom used voice, "It's not right to do nothing. I'll do it."

Mary Sue
06-11-2010, 04:11 AM
"B-but," Eliza stuttered. She frowned. Something inside was telling her to do it. An urge she almost couldn't contain was swelling inside her.

Take a chance, it told her. Be brave...

Eliza fiddled with a lock of her hair nervously and glanced around at all the others. What were they thinking? Would they join Red Lightning?

06-16-2010, 11:51 PM
"The question that should be asked is why should we bother ourselves with rescuing people that mean nothing to us?" A voice asked from the doorway, it ended up belonging to a man with short, black hair who appered to be in his mid-twenties wearing a form-fitted black shirt and matching shoes and pants. he also had a bracelet on his left wrist that had a cross dangling from it as he brushed reached back to pull the door shut behind him.

Afterwards, he strode to the bar and sat next to a lady that looked to be very deep in thought about the situation and placed his envelope on the counter before turning back to the man in the center of the room.

"I don't like being asked to do things for others unless I feel as though it'll benefit me in the long run, call me selfish if you want but I'd rather not stick my neck out for some reason that I'll never know for people I'll never meet." he continued.

06-17-2010, 01:57 AM
"I'm sorry," A girl, Eliza, raised her hand.
"But...if the government apprehended them...then won't rescuing them be illegal? I mean....the CotA work so hard to be accepted, and yet they flash thier powers and act in ways that show the muggles how different we are. I want to be equal, I really do, but I DON'T want to be equal behind bars. How can you guarantee that working for you won't put us in jail or worse?"

“Law. That’s cute.” Red Lightning’s face looked grim. “We’re the ones carrying out the law. We’re the ones exacting justice. Those men out there aren’t the government. They are thugs. Thugs kidnapping innocent citizens for ransom and worse. “

"Even if the government says it's illegal, It's not right to do nothing. I'll do it." Red Lightning nodded at Shudder’s words. He knew he could count on her.

"B-but," Eliza stuttered. Before Red Lightning could interject, a voice from the door cut him off.

"The question that should be asked is why should we bother ourselves with rescuing people that mean nothing to us?" It was Blaze. Red Lightning recognized him from the scouting he did to find these people, but Red Lightning wasn’t sure if he had even recruited him. Blaze walked over to the counter and took a seat. R.L. didn’t like the way he moved. "I don't like being asked to do things for others unless I feel as though it'll benefit me in the long run, call me selfish if you want but I'd rather not stick my neck out for some reason that I'll never know for people I'll never meet."

“It doesn’t sound like you got my letter, Blaze. If you did, you would have seen I’m paying people for their services. With capitalism being what it is, I can’t always rely on a sense of honor and duty to get people to help their brothers and sisters.” Red Lightning craned his neck, looking out the window. “Now is the time for those among you who have the desire to help me to show your support. Rendezvous on the dock facing the water next to Harbour Lights and Sequoia, if you can make it. Be there in an hour and a half. Take the FDR.” With that, Red Lightning vanished. Nothing extravagant or flashy, just a phasing out of perceptible reality. One second he was there, the next he was not.

Travis Gravity stepped out of the kitchen that was attached to the bar with a towel he was using to dry his hands.
“He left?” Gravity asked, surprised.

Moments later, outside the bar came a screeching and a wailing of sirens. Red and blue light flashed from the single window attached to the door. 5 squad cars hand swung in and boxed in the front of the store. The officers inside the cruisers got out of their vehicles with guns drawn and pointing at the Shooting Star, but took cover behind their cars. A lieutenant pulled out a megaphone started calling in orders for everybody in the bar to lay down their weapons and come out with their hands behind their head. Gravity looked at the people still in the bar.

“What the hell did he tell you people?”

06-17-2010, 02:40 AM
Racie sighed, I have no choice but to do this, it will help my daughters and I. They'll have to stay with there grandparents away from all of this. She thought as the meeting went on. As soon as the door flee open she turned around. Looking at Red Lightning, then to the other man who just walked in. Blaze? She thought. He must have something to do with fire, if so we're rather similar.
One moment Red Lightning was there and the next he was gone. Not long after he left the police arrived.
"Damn it, I don't have time for this. What the he'll are they doing here?" she asked. "Do you happen to have a back door, Sir?" Racie asked the Bartender.

Mary Sue
06-17-2010, 03:18 AM
Eliza's choice was made the moment the sirens could be heard inside the bar. She would do it. Now the only thing left was to get out.
"Okay, I'm in. Let's get out of here!"
((Brain DEAD! -shock- ))

06-17-2010, 06:26 PM
Carson got up from his seat. It was the first time he reacted to the whole situation, the reason was is that it didnt mater about his input. No bitching, no back up plans, no nothing. It was all about sticking to the plan and that was his plan. He walked over to a window and looked outside, there were many police men lined around cars and other areas for cover.

Carson changed his his hands into long claws, one for each finger http://static.blogo.it/videojuegoblog/videojuegoblog_alex_mercer02.jpg.

He turned tgo the group with a small grin, his eyes concealed by his hood.

"Fight or run, its up to you guys" He said

06-17-2010, 10:34 PM
Iracebeth thought for a moment on what to do. When she figured it out after the man with claws now gave them an option. Racie then stood and walked a bit away from the others but closer to the man who asked the question. She was in a decent place not too close to anyone. Racie set her hands a flame as though they spontaniouly combusted. She walked a tad closer, "I'm in and I say we fight. We can't just sit around. " Was her statement on the subject.

06-18-2010, 02:13 AM
Pan felt her blood begin to pump faster. This is a test, she thought, He's testing us... Saying nothing to the others she stepped outside.
"Show us your hands!" an officer demanded, "Do it!" Slowly, Pan raised her hands, studying the police carefully. Her green eyes scanned the area, counting in her head. Five cars...fourteen officers...Easy. She smirked.
"Okay, approach slowly!" the officer instructed, "We don't want trouble, ma'am!" Pan did as she was told. The officer with the megaphone strode forward.
"Hands on the vehicle," he told her. She did so and he began to pat her down for weapons. Pan's smile grew wider.
"Mistake," she said and promptly sent strong vibrations into the car, gradually getting stronger and faster.
"What the hell?" the officer hissed as a sensation similar to an electric shock caused him to pull his hands away from the girl. The entire car began to shake now, seeping into the concrete and frightening the other officers. Sweat beaded at Pan's forehead as she continued to force energy into the attack. Finally the concrete cracked and someone tripped on it in an attempt to escape.
"Wh-who are you?" someone stammered in fear. Winded, Pan turned around.
"Shudder," she whispered and took off running.

Mary Sue
06-18-2010, 02:23 AM
Eliza jumped over the counter, pushing Travis Gravity out of the way as she did so. There was NO WAY IN HELL that she was going to be aprehended by the police.
She wrenched open the back door and blazed into the alleyway behind the bar. As she ran out to the street she heard two guns click behind her.
"Freeze!" One ordered her. In a panic, Eliza's body cooled internally, allowing water from the air to condensate on her skin. It looked as if she was sweating, but her body stood absolutely still. One officer walked closer.
"Put your hands up!" He ordered.
"I can't...." she replied truthfully.
"Put your hands up!" He repeated. Eliza lifted her hands and all the condensation slid into her palms, forming orbs of spinning water.
"Another CoTA!" The other hissed and raised his gun. Eliza jumped and thrust out her hands. The water surged from the orbs, freezing into ice-like darts as they went. The two police officers staggered back with cries of pain as Eliza fled, her heart hammering in her chest.
I assaulted an officer! I can't believe I just attacked an officer! That's like....a prison sentence!!! She screamed in her head as she turned onto a back street towards the docks.

06-19-2010, 04:35 AM
After seeing Eliza dart out the back door, Sean thought to follow her since it was best not to have them split up so thinly.

"I'm going after her, I'll see you all at the docks like the man said." he told them before going out the back door as well an spotting the officers writhing around on the ground.

"Hm... water... Might be a magical combination, her and I." he thought to himself before tip-toeing around the policeman and puddles of water. Water didn't really hurt as much as it made him uncomfortable. Although if he were to fall into the ocean or a swimming pool, that would be another story...

Soon enough he rounded another corner and caught a glimpse of her running ahead of him, looking scared out of her mind.

"Hey, stop for a second!" he called out to her, hoping to get her attention and to calm her down enough to let him catch up.

Mary Sue
06-19-2010, 06:14 PM
Eliza spun around, catching sight of one of the guys from the bar.
"Oh my god! Oh my god!" Eliza cried as the man caught up with her.
"They were going to SHOOT me! Oh my god! What have I DONE!? Oh my god!"
She was close to hyperventalating and took a few deep breaths to calm down.
"Are we...still going in the right direction?" She wheezed.

06-20-2010, 12:00 AM
After catching up to her and looking around to make sure nobody had followed them he took a few seconds to catch his breath before standing straight up and addressing her.

"Calm down and catch your breath," he told her before lightly grasping her arm and pulling her into an alleyway and into the shadows. "If they did follow us, I'll handle it if you don't want to. Just take a few minutes to calm yourself down a bit."

As she did so he looked at their surroundings to make sure that in the frantic sprint that they hadn't gone the wrong way. From what he could see, the docks looked to be a couple blocks away from where they currently were.

"Looks like the docks are just a little bit further in the direction we were going." he informed her before looking back to her, "Going to be ok?"

Mary Sue
06-20-2010, 03:42 AM
"I think so..." Eliza wheezed. She then drew in a deep breath and steadied herself. So the docks weren't that far away? She ran further than she realized! But after taking track and cross country for more than four years really paid off! Good lord... She must have exhausted the guy who was follwing her!

06-20-2010, 08:21 PM
Carson morphed his arms back to normal and slowly walked outside. He put his hands in his jacket pockets, the police shouted to him get on the ground. He didnt move a muscle and had a distingished grin on his face. The expresions on their faces were full of fear and sustained panic. They all were ready to shoot carson if he did somthing but still he stood their smiling. After about ten seconds carson mad a movement.

"Boo" he whispered

The police opened fire, but Carson fourmed a cruide shield that had jagged spikes on its sides. The shield absorved the bullets and gave Carson a chance to cause a good counter attack, he jumped in the air and used his super strength to slam down on a police cruiser and cause the back end to fly up in the air. The force from the hit sent many policemen flying in opposite directions, the police lieutenint ordered his men to fall back to a safer direction but by then Carson was already halling ass to the harbor.

With his strength his legs were powerful and could make him run faster than a normal sprinter. After a while he found two of the other people from the tavern, he slowed down and walked up to them.

"We are not to far from the doc's lets get moving" Carson implied while walking passed them

06-21-2010, 12:21 AM
Iracebeth watched the man she was just standing by, walk right out the door to the police. What is he doing? She wondered as the police continued to shout orders at him. What a clever smile, he has some sort of plan. She thought with a smile. Racie looked around the bar there was a few others left besides her, "See ya later." She said as she ran out the door, fire in her hands.
'Not another one,' one of the officers said as he watched her.
Iracebeth continued to run, first throwing a fire ball at the man who spoke, then she fired random shots as they shot at her. Luckily they missed and she saw to where the others went. She stopped when she thought she was safe, to call the house, " Amy, do you mind watching them for a couple of days, I need a small vacation. I'm sorry this is such short notice, but I'll pay you extra." She asked the babysitter semi out of breath. 'Sure Ms. Heart, Are you alright? You sound out of breath.' Amy asked with concern. "Yes, Amy I'm fine I forgot something and ran back to get it. I'll talk to you later." She said hanging up before Amy was able to answer. Racie ran after the others, Finally ketching up with them. "Nice to see the two of you again," She stated to the two who ran out the back.

06-21-2010, 03:40 AM
Once she had gotten a good distance from the mayhem she had been partly responsible for, Pan stopped for a moment to catch her breath. She fell against the side of a building and tilted her head back, opening her airways as much as possible. When she was still wheezing after a few minutes she pulled a small blue inhaler from her pocket and pumped it twice into her mouth. She gagged at the intrusive air and coughed three times.
"I guess that's what I get for this kind of lifestyle," she muttered to herself, "Now where am I and am I close to my destination?" Pan looked around her, analyzing her surroundings. Slight relief flickered in her chest when she saw the street sign indicating how close she was to the docks. Fantastic, she thought, jamming her hands into her pockets and continuing onward. From what just happened she could guess the actual mission would be fun.

06-24-2010, 12:01 AM
As the group made their escape, a couple police officers managed to burst their way into The Shooting Star. From inside shouts and gunfire was heard sporadically until a wall exploded outward from one side. Gravity just pushed a wall clean through with a burst of his compressed telekinesis. He fled away from the building and down the street after the rest of the CotA, stopping to look behind him, where The Shooting Star had seemed to have caught fire. He held there for a moment to watch as the establishment he himself had built from the ground was consumed in an inferno.

“Oh my god.” He whispered. ‘Why would they just burn his place down?’ He thought to himself.

An intact police cruiser flipped its lights on and began to follow them. As it drew closer to him, the rage exploded. People pushing him around, his establishment being destroyed, his livelihood going up in smoke.

The pupils of his eyes became cloudy and disappeared all together as he reached out his hands and caught the vehicle, slamming the two cops inside against the dash roughly. The cruiser was 25 yards away from Gravity with barely visible, ghostly, enormous blue hands gripped the front, holding it in place and crushing it where its fingers held. Gravity’s teeth clenched as he lifted his outstretched hands and brought them in, then threw them forward. The car was tossed away violently.

Gravity’s eyes returned to normal as he partially collapsed from the exertion. Distant sirens signaled more of New York’s finest. He had to move and he had to move now, but his heavy legs kept him leaning against a nearby wall, breathing heavily.

06-25-2010, 05:55 PM
After they had caught their breath from all the running, Sean overheard alot of chaos coming from another part of the city and guessed it had to be the others.

"Seems like the others ran into a bit of trouble on their way out," he commented before looking to where the bar had been and noticing a pillar of smoke begin to billow upward into the sky. "Did... Did they set that bar we were in on fire?" he asked, not really believing it himself.

He looked back to her then back to the smoke and figured it was time to go before they were found, best to move now while the others had everyone occupied.

"Ready to go?"

06-26-2010, 01:11 AM
Racie heard some sort of noise and turned around to a glimps of a burning bar. Why is the bar in fire? I didn't do that this time, what am I saying, for all I actually know when I hit something a spark could have been left over, so I might have been the cause. But I don't think i did. She thought to herself. "You go ahead I'll catch up I wanna see if there's any straglers." Racie stated to the man she followed and headed back the way she came. As she continued to walk she noticed the air was darker from the fire. Then she noticed a man leaning on a wall breathing heavily. "Sir, are you alright?" She asked walking a little closer to him. I know you, you were in the bar with the rest of us. She remembered as she looked apon this man.

Mary Sue
06-30-2010, 04:17 AM
Eliza gasped as an explosive blast echoed thier way. She jumped and grabbed Sean's arm.
"let's get out of here," She exclaimed, pulling him along as she started sprinting again. As they rounded the corner, Eliza threw off her multiple necklaces and bracelets. The jewelry was cheap plastic she could easily replace. But the noise they made was more trouble than it was worth and she would be better off without it...especially now that she was a criminal...

She shuddered at that thought and clutched the only remaining necklace around her neck. It was a small vial of water on a leather strap: Eliza's last resort weapon for when there was no water to draw upon. For the most part, it went unused...but Eliza was starting to beleive it was going to get a lot more action.

07-01-2010, 12:06 AM
Travis Gravity was in a trance until the woman ran up to him.

"Sir, are you alright?" She asked him. He nodded quietly and stood straight up.

“I’m just tired as all.” He turned his head to the sirens approaching. “We need to go…” He whispered. "Come on." Gravity took a deep breath and started jogging the opposite way of the bar, hoping whoever was still with him would follow and get the hell out of there. He knew the pier that Red Lightning had mentioned.

It was only a few blocks to FDR, but it would be another mile of foot travel before they reached the spot. He stopped along the road to take another breather, looking around him to see who was still with him. This night had really taken a turn for the worst, he thought.

07-01-2010, 12:47 AM
Iracebeth nodded. Should I follow him? Of coarse I should he's like I am, only a different ablity. She thought and then started to jog after him, before the police caught up with them. I hope he knows where he is going, she thought. She was farther behind him but she finally caught up with the man when he stopped to breath. "You run pretty fast." Racie commented as she also took a break.

(OOC. Sorry for the shortness)

07-01-2010, 10:19 PM
Pan heard the soft sounds of water nearby; she had arrived at the docks. The first thing she noticed was that no one else had arrived yet. This was good, she had thought, so she could catch a few moments to rest and recover her strength. She waited in the shadows, kneeling on the pavement with her palm pressed to the ground. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the subtle vibrations coming from beneath. The others were not far off...Pan would not need to wait long...

In an inside pocket of Pan's coat there sat her Carnivale mask, poking gently into her ribs. It was a reminder of who she really was...the defender of the night's innocents...Shudder. Not knowing exactly what would come to pass during this mission, Pan felt she would be tested far greater than the incident at the bar. Tested so deeply she feared she might not come out on the other side. Whether it be alive or merely changed, the Pandora Baptiste who sat in the shadows feeling the sounds of the earth tonight would no longer exist by the time the job was done. She inhaled deeply, willing her lungs to remain steady in time with her nerves. It won't be the first time...

(XP wanted to post. yay inner monologue!)

07-01-2010, 10:32 PM
Carson walked most of the way to the docks, its was a calm and easeing time between the ally way and the docks. While walking he could see that a large cloud of smoke was coming from the tavern. He was thinking that he ouldnt of started the fire well than again he might of caused the police cruiser to explode from the kicked he delivered to its engine. One good thing is if the police was looking for evadince they wouldnt find it after the fire was over.

Carson stoped at a gate to the docks, he broke the lock that was one the fence with his hand, when he got into the area he could see one of the members of the tavern . He deicided to leave here alone it seems like she wants to be. Carson walked to the very edge of the deck, he took a very deep breathe and cracked his fingers waiting for any sign of red lightning

07-02-2010, 05:26 PM
After hearing the explosion, she yanked on his arm and started to run, causing him to break into a sprint with her to keep from stumbling.

"Calm down! We don't need to run anymore, we're far enough away." he tried to reason with her as he saw her begin to snatch the jewelry off her body, more than likely to cut down on noise as they ran. "Listen, slow down before we run into something or somebody." he called before slowing down and forcing her to begin to slow down a bit.

"We're safe, they didn't follow us this far. Plus the others made most of that noise to create a diversion, I'm sure of it."

Mary Sue
07-03-2010, 04:42 AM
Eliza slowed down as Sean tugged her to a stop.
"Sorry...." She apologized.
"I've never done anything like this....I'm scared..." Her blue eyes swam with worry.
"I don't know why Red Lightning picked me! My abilities aren't fully developed. Whenever I get scared they act on thier own...I've only used my abilities in private!"
She forced herself to take a few deep breaths.
"The docks are close..." She muttered. "I can hear the water..."

07-09-2010, 04:33 AM
He could tell that she was frightened and he couldn't blame her one bit seeing as they were normal... well, normal considering... as can be twenty minutes ago, and now they were all basically fugitives on the run from a burning bar.

"We just need to stay calm and find our way to the docks, I don't think we'll have to worry about police for a while seeing as that bar went up in flames just now." he explained.

"Sorry, I've never done anything like this... I'm scared" she told him before taking a few deep breaths. "I don't know why Red Lightning picked me, my abilities aren't fully developed" she explained.

"Whenever I get scared, they act on their own... I've only used my abilities in private!"

"Calm down, we'll get to the docks and just wait for everyone else unless they're already there." he mentioned before she turned away and towards the direction they were headed.

"The docks are close... I can hear the water"

"Yeah, let's just take our time and stick to the shadows for now. If we get spotted, find somewhere to hide and I'll handle them so you don't have to push yourself. Ok?"

07-30-2010, 07:51 PM
Soon enough, Sean and Eliza arrived at the docks and noticed that quite a few of the others that had been at the bar were already there.

"Well... we made it." he commented to Eliza and turned back to make sure she was still ok. "How're you holding up?" he asked before noticing that neither Crimson nor Travis were there.

"Hm, I figured of anyone would've been here it would've been them..." he thought to himself as he looked around to see if they were standing off somewhere else, slightly out of sight but he couldn't find anyone else.

07-30-2010, 11:23 PM
Iracebeth heard the police coming closer, as they did she thought, I've done this for too long I'm not getting caught now. She looked at the man, "good luck." She stated to the man she was with and then began to run again. She just ran, she couldn't give up not with what was at stake. Racie was able to hear the water from where she was, whichmade her run faster. Now she was able to see the dock, she slowed into a jog. She finally made it to the gate and went inside she did a double take to make sure no one follwed her. Then Racie saw the rest of the people from the bar, she moved over and sat on one of the sides of the dock. Racie waited until her breathe caught up with her.

Mary Sue
07-31-2010, 02:55 AM
Eliza grabbed onto Sean's arm, and wouldn't let go.
"So where's the shipment of CoTAs? And how are we gonna get them out?" She whispered.
"Now that we're around water, I think I'll be much more helpful but I can't guarantee that everything'll go perfectly you know?"
Her curly black hair was falling out of her hair tie, and her mascara had started to run from sweat.

"Three others are here...That's good." She muttered.

08-14-2010, 04:22 AM
As they all stood, waiting for something... anything to happen. A pair of eyes were set upon them from the shadows of an alleyway, adjacent to the docks.

"I see not everyone made it..." a voice echoed from the alley way before making it's way out into the open to reveal that it was Red Lightning. "An expected outcome..." he continued before making his way over to them and past them, walking onto the docks before turning around to face the group.

"I had a feeling that Travis wouldn't come, especially when his beloved establishment burned to the ground. But the fact that you few showed up is good enough for what I have in store for you..." he told them ominously before a grin spread across his face.

08-14-2010, 05:10 AM
As Carson looked out from the docks when he heard a voice from the ally. It was Red lightning who zoomed past them with his super speed. Carson tunred to Red lightning and listened to what he had to say.

"I had a feeling that Travis wouldn't come, especially when his beloved establishment burned to the ground. But the fact that you few showed up is good enough for what I have in store for you..."

It was stange... why would Travis stay behind. Carson knew that at one point that Travis was with the group but like that he had vanished. If he had went back the police would of arrested him for sure right? Something was wrong, and were did Red lightning scury off to. Carsons exprestionless faced morphed into a stern frown look upon Red lightning. As always he kept quiet and waiting for some ones reaction

08-14-2010, 05:36 AM
Iracebeth's attenion was turned torward the voice in the alley way. Iracebeth stood up quickly. Travis? That must have been the guy who I left behind. She thought. "He was on his way here, the police must have got to him." She stated, not telling the whole story. What was in store for them? She knew that they were to help others like them and recieve a large some for it. His grin worried her, it wasn't pleasant. She continued to watch the one called Red Lightening, their employer.

08-14-2010, 06:02 AM
Pan stood but did not move from her spot. She watched Red Lightening warily as he approached, the feeling of unease growing in the pit of her stomach.Travis? What had happened to Travis? Had Red Lightening apprehended him? Or the police? Either way, Pan didn't think Travis was okay. I don't like this...
Face him without fear. Focus.
"I will," she whispered to herself. She kept her head low but her stance secure in case something went wrong. I need to focus.

Mary Sue
08-15-2010, 04:38 AM
Eliza's nails bit into Sean's arm, when Red Lightning's voice reached them. She jumped slightly and watched him with wide eyes. If one didn't know any better, people would argue that Eliza wasn't even a CoTA at all. She never really used her powers, choosing to focus on being as normal as possible. Naturally, she wasn't used to being around others with unnatural abilities. This Red Lighting guy...it seemed obvious he loved being powerful.

I shouldn't have run here....I'm in way over my head... She thought, as she hid slightly behind Sean who had become an involuntary human shield.