View Full Version : [M] |a q u a t i c a |~||ooc . recruitment||

06-05-2010, 04:53 AM
This roleplay is rated 'M,' for violence, profanity, drugs, alcohol, and other explicit content that might appear.]

August 9, 2267

As I write this letter I realize now more than ever that our planet is in grave danger. The government has tried it's hardest to play down the situation but the public isn't as stupid as they might think. Ever since the introduction of the One-World Government and the United Faith we've been in a trouble. Big trouble. The famine in the Balkans and the Middle East? It's only the beginning. The oil spill? They planned it dammit. I don't know how much time I have left here, it's only a matter of time before "His Excellency," realizes that I know his plans. I want you to -

Nobody will ever know whom that letter was to be addressed to or what the rest of it's contents would be. The letter was to be completed within the next few moments yet at that moment Peace Keeping forces managed to break down the master bedroom door of Kaito Yamanaka's southern Hiroshima apartment. Signs of a struggle are evident from the blood, believed to belong to an PK officer and the broken window, witnesses report the man jumping from the window and into the sea below. He is believed to have died instantly.

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Time Magazine
F a c t o r F i c t i o n ?
by Margo Williams

The year is 2270 and three years have passed since the former Japanese ambassador for the United Faith committed suicide after it was discovered he had been working against the newly instated global government, called the One-World Government by the public and press to keep matters simple. The Global Community acting as the formal name, with the United Faith installed as the default religion for the entire population - a mix of the world's most popular religions; examples including Christianity and Judaism.

This new government arose in the year 2263 under the influence of a man whom prefers to be called "His Excellency," rather than his real name. Rarely appearing in public the man sends his assistant and right hand man to carry out his dirty work as well as all press conferences. The Global Community came to be several years after the end of World War III - the man is credited with convincing the world's nations not to fire nuclear missiles. (See pg. 44b for more information.) His ideas for world peace were irresistible and he took control quickly, going as far as being able to select his own ambassadors to the UF and seven "Sins," whom would act as the King or Queen of each continent.

Envy, the famed assistant to His Excellency ruling by his side in Europe, Sloth in North America, Gluttony in Africa, Greed in Asia, Lust in Australia, Pride in South America, and Wrath is currently residing in the USA whilst researching a way to finally make Antarctica inhabitable.

Also in the works is the plot that had dear old Kaito Yamanaka so fired up. It is well known that technology has been designed to allow human beings to reach the bottom of the world's oceans and create a continent under a dome made of this technology that will house more than three billion people. Of course, the rumors circulate that His Excellency plans to weed out the human population and only take those whom can survive our current disasters. (As a journalist I am not supposed to share my opinion but it's all poppycock to me!) This of course being the belief of the late Yamanaka and it has since spawned a coat of believes whom have identified themselves as Atlanians, after the fictional Atlantis. It is commonly known these individuals are highly dangerous and should be treated with extreme caution as they all share the common goal of stopping His Excellency from carrying out Mission Aquatica.


You've seen the facts and opinions. Now you must decide whom you'll believe. Which side you will take. Neutral parties have no chance of survival in the world. The Apocalypse seems to be near as more and more "natural disasters," plague the world each day and as the Atlantians will soon learn, they are completely correct in their beliefs.

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Feel free to play anybody you would like in this roleplay; however there are some roles I'd like covered.


The Global Community

His Excellency:
Envy: Soquira
Sloth: Higurashi
Greed: Familiar

The Representatives of the United Faith:

The Atlantians

Kaito Yamanaka (Alive but in hiding.);
Second in Command:

No how much we hate them, they do keep society running

My rules for this roleplay are pretty simple. Literacy is a must, when I say you must be literate I don't mean you need to be absolutely perfect but I would prefer it if you could write at least a minimum of three paragraphs and keep an eye on your spelling and grammar. I would really prefer not to see a whole armada of one-liners so try to save them for real cases of writer's block. Even then, I hope you can make a paragraph at the least. You may play a maximum of four characters though this number might change if I see fit. The basic rules also apply here such as no godmodding, flaming or powerplaying. To apply please fill out the profile skeleton and post it here. I also ask that you read through all the other's profiles at some point in time out of common courtesy. ' And most importantly have fun.

Oh, and silly me I almost forgot. I do hope everyone knows to use something to signify

Profile Skeleton

Character Name:
Personality: [At least a paragraph please! <3]
Biography: [At least two paragraphs please! <3]
Appearance: [Real photos preferred to anime; descriptions works as well.]
Other Information:

06-05-2010, 05:34 AM
And I'm now taking reserves! :D

06-05-2010, 07:11 AM
This seems pretty interesting, I'll post a character sheet up later. To be honest, I really don't want a pre-made character, but I'd do whatever is best for the RP.

06-05-2010, 04:32 PM
All right, that's fine with me. :)

06-05-2010, 04:38 PM
I'll gon with sloth.

06-05-2010, 05:54 PM
Awesome, I'll reserve the spot now. :D

06-05-2010, 06:09 PM
Username: Higurashi
Character Name: (Unknown?)
Alias: Sloth
Age: 47
Birthday: Feb 22
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Hetero?

Personality: Sloth is a rather sluggish man. He never likes to go anywhere outside his luxurios mansion. He actually has a rather fondness of food. (Disturbingly much so) He is rather cruel despite his jolly appearance. He treasures nothing more than money and more money. He can never have enough of these two desires.

Biography: Sloth was born and lived much like any normal person. He had a wife and two children, and lived in a two story home. That is, till WW3. In that bloody war, all of his life was destroyed. He came out alive, but a beaten man.
He evetually found favor with one of the New World Order officials. He had been a banker and enconomist. In his new job, his talent for these things grew immensely. He rose up in position quickly because of this, and was appointed as the head of North America. Under his iron-fisted rule, the continent blossomed into the top world economic power more than it had ever been before.
But as of late, Sloth has become as his alias says, lazy. He has let the North American continent slide back into poverty, while he indulges himself. He does however, keep a tight leash on the populace, if only to keep his masters happy and to continue to be able to gorge himself.

Fears: Lack of money/food.
Likes: Money, food, more food
Dislikes: Exercise, the other 6 Sins
Weapons/Talents: Semi-auto 45 cal. pistol (21 round clip). Excellent overall knowledge of economics.
Appearance: http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:OFOSNTBuDyOUKM:http://comps.fotosearch.com/comp/IDX/IDX012/fat-businessman-laughing_~548597.jpg
Other Information: Several attempts have been made to get him to eat healthier and to exercise. He might actually be better suited to be gluttony.

06-05-2010, 06:10 PM
Username: Soquira
Character Name: Alessandra Corinne Spence
Alias: As far as the press is concerned you could call me Envy.
Age: Twenty-six.
Birthday: December 5, 2244
Sexuality: Bisexual
Biography: [At least two paragraphs please! <3]
Appearance: [Real photos preferred to anime; descriptions works as well.]
Other Information:

[To be completed later.]

06-05-2010, 06:20 PM
I finished my post.

06-05-2010, 06:47 PM
Character Name: Shou Luk
Alias: Greed
Age: 34
Birthday: October 7'th
Sexuality: Straight Male

Personality: In a word: driven. Shou is one of those types that is never satisfied with what he has, always looking to be greater. In order to achieve his ever greater goals, Shou casts everything else by the wayside. Friends, family, values, to Shou these are all things that serve only to slow his climb to greatness. If you are useful to him, Shou will respect you; if you are in his way, he will crush you; for him, there is nothing more than that.

Biography: A Chinese army brat, Shou was brought up being moved from base to base during the height of the third world war. His father was a high ranking official, meaning that Shou's family was kept away from the battlefront, as much as possible, a fact that was not lost on Shou's young mind. The enlisted men were sent to die en masse, but the officers lived comfortably away from the danger. With power came security and luxury, it was simple.

As a result, Shou grew up trying to ensure that he never found himself at the bottom of the chain of command. He shamelessly abused his fathers position and contacts to enter into the new one world police force as an officer. He grew in reputation, skill and power, becoming famed for being able to resolve any tricky situation, regardless of the human cost. After a time, His Excellency caught wind of his accomplishments, and decided that the ruthless officer would be a perfect fit to rule over the tumultuous Asiatic region.

Fears: To finally reach a plateau that he cannot surpass, to have what he possesses stripped from him.

Likes: Cats, Wine, whatever the person above him likes.

Dislikes: Those without ambition, those without purpose.

Weapons/Talents: Moderate to high skill with standard firearms, highly skilled with a officers sword received from his father.

Appearance: About 5"9 with a slim build. Neatly clipped, short black hair and small brown eyes. He moves with a certain cold determination, not wasting any energy on unnecessary movements.

06-07-2010, 07:54 AM
This looks like a great game. Why not submit it for Roleplay of the Week (http://www.role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=905) or put it in the Roleplaying Games Directory (http://www.role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=2304) or click here (http://www.role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=3975) to help attract players?

06-08-2010, 03:18 AM
I like both of your profiles. (: