View Full Version : {M} I Used To Rule The World {Craze and Natora}

06-01-2013, 07:54 PM
Basileus / Basil Stryker
799 (in God years) 27 (in human years)
Arrogant, spoiled, self-centred and overconfident. Sometimes still thinks he's a god and thinks can battle anyone.
Power, reign, gifts, people who fear him, appreciation
Disrespect, being mocked, wolves, spiders

I remember when I ruled the world.
When I made waves crash and mountains crumble.
When I made flames rise and storms blow.
When I could make anyone bow for me,
make anyone do anything.
I used to rule the world.

Basileus crashed down from the sky, right into the ocean. That wasn't his biggest problem, however. As he walked out of the sea, onto the beach, he was wearing... well, nothing. Basileus remained naked. Then again, Gods never wore that much clothing. No one was able to see them anyway.

Until now, that was. Getting weird looks from the people, Basileus took a towel from an abandoned beach spot and wrapped it around his thighs. He just continued walking, until he came near the road. He was about to continue walking, when a car rushed by, honking loudly at Basileus. Basileus nearly fell, surprised by the iron monster on wheels. "Be gone to the depths of hell, foul demon! Creature of Mephistopholes!" Basileus yelled after the car.

06-01-2013, 08:19 PM
Name: Sariana Jacobs
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Appearance: Medium length brown hair that comes just a bit past her shoulder blades. Deep green eyes that are hidden under glasses most of the time. She is of average size and height. ((Sorry for the lack of picture))
Personality: An average girl who works hard and wants to get use of her degree that she finished. She works at a coffee shop as she waits patiently for an opportunity to start working as an archeologist. She currently lives in New York downtown.
Likes: History, books/reading, volunteering, helping others, romance
Fears: Heights, snakes, getting hurt by a man.

Sariana had been working hard all day, making drinks for grateful people and making decent tips doing it as well. Just as it came to the end of her shift, she looked up at the television that hung in the corner of the coffee shop. There was a man crawling out of the ocean stark naked and stealing towels and trying to walk in the middle of traffic. She saw him and shook her head witha small smirk on her lips. The things men got up to nowadays. When her shift was over, she left the coffee shop, taking her bag with a book packed snugly inside.

She easily changed into her street clothes, a flowing skirt and tank top. She put on her sunglasses and walked down the sidewalks to the beach about two miles off where the man had walked up onto the beach completely naked. She put out her blanket and sat down, starting to read her book happily.

06-01-2013, 08:27 PM
Scared of the open road, Basileus decided to head back to the beach. As he stood on the beach, he spread his arms and spoke to the sky as if talking to someone high above. What exactly he said couldn't be heard, but it sounded as if he was angry at someone.
He then collapsed onto the beach, grasping in the sand as if he couldn't realise where he was.

06-01-2013, 08:37 PM
Sariana looked up as she heard muffled shouts carried to her by the wind. She tried to see what was past the people who were moving away from the frightening man and recognized the man that was on the television earlier. She looked concernedly over at him and put her book back in her bag, picking up and shaking her blanket out before packing it up as well. She slowly walked over to where she saw the men and stopped about ten yards away. "Ummm... Sir! Sir? Are you all right?" she called to him.

06-01-2013, 10:12 PM
Basileus stood up, looking at the human before him like he saw a rat. "What do you know, feeble mortal?" he spoke. He was about to leave, until he changed his mind. "I demand that you take me to your leader. I have work to attend and I cannot perform it in this state."

06-01-2013, 11:30 PM
She looked at him with raised eye brows and a surprised look. What was this man thinking? He was going to act like that and expect her to comply with his demands. "Well excuse me," she said offended at him. She was going to walk away but that wasn't who she was. She was a good person and she would help when asked. "I will first get you some clothes because you need something to wear first," she said to him simply, sighing and a little frustrated at him.

06-02-2013, 06:13 AM
He looked down at his body and then nodded. "Very well. I shall accept this gift what you name 'clothing', and then I wish to be taken to your leader."

06-02-2013, 06:23 AM
She shook her head, not really sure what to say to him. "Come with me. We'll get clothes first and then maybe in a year or two you can see the president," she said to him. She turned and started going to the downtown centre of the city. "There's a few stores here that I could try and pay for," she said to him. She looked over to him worriedly. "You should probably wait outside."

06-02-2013, 06:37 AM
"A year or two? My apologies, mortal, but I do not have that amount of time." Basileus spoke as he walked with her, still cautious of the vehicles around him. When they arrived at the shop, Basileus waited outside. "Very well, but be quick about it."

06-02-2013, 07:00 AM
Sariana looked at him stunned when he started demanding things of her. Before she went inside she took a step towards him. "Look, you should really check yourself. I have been nothing but nice to you in trying to help you and you could really try and use your manners. Not sure where you came from but being kind will get you a lot farther," she said, finally annoyed enough with him. She walked into the shop and went to the clearance rack. She guessed at his sizes and went to the counter to pay.

Once she was done, she walked back outside and handed him the bag of clothes. It was the first time that she got a good look at him. All of him. God he was gorgeous. She handed him the bag and shook her head. "Put these on. I'll get you to a shelter afterwards." She wanted to help him but didn't really think that bringing him home would be the best idea.

06-02-2013, 07:05 AM
"Thank you." he responded, bowing slightly for her. He went into an alley and changed into the clothing. He came back wearing them, he didn't look quite bad. "These are comfortable. Thank you, again. Now, take me to your leader so I can discuss my return to mount Olympus."

06-02-2013, 07:14 AM
She looked at him stunned for a moment before he left. He had actually said thank you. That was different. She waited for him on the main street and was just as surprsied to hear him thank her when he came back. She sighed and shook her head. "You must have hit your head pretty hard, huh?" she asked him gently. "I'm not sure if I should take you to a shelter or the hospital," she admitted to him and nodded for him to follow, starting to lead him to the hospital. It would probably be the better route to go.

06-02-2013, 07:26 AM
"Tell me more about this... hospital." he said as he walked with her. At least someone in this world of mortals was kind enough to help him. Never the less, he still saw them as minors. What purpose did a god have on this planet?

Suddenly, a car accident happened, making two cars crash against each other. But that was not all; another car attempted to avoid the crash, driving in Sariana and Basileus' direction. In panic, Basileus raised his hand and made a small mountain appear through the ground. The mountain was about 5 feet high, sending the car flying through the air. "What are these demonic beasts? These four-wheeled monstrosities?" Basileus asked, more to himself than to Sariana.

06-02-2013, 03:37 PM
"Well, the hospital," she started but stopped as she saw a car careening towards them. She froze in a moment of panic but just as she was about to grab Basileus to pull him away a mountain appeared in front of them. Her eyes widened in almost stunned horror. How on earth had that happened? The only logical cause, which wasn't logical at all, was Basileus, this new man that she had found. Once he was done asking his question she grabbed his arm and pulled him away from the scene. The last thing they needed was for him to be caught by the cops. She couldn't see that going well.

She pulled him into a little cafe and looked at him again in awe. "Where did you say you were from again?" she asked him, still a little uneasy on what the answer might be. All she knew so far about this man was that he was naked and walking out of the ocean, pretty much still naked when she found him, and now could make mountains grow out of the street. It was either that or there was another magician nearby when it happened that could do things that people had never seen before.

06-02-2013, 04:57 PM
"I come from the high mount Olympus. My name is Basileus, god of the Creation." Basileus said, casually answering the question as if the most normal thing had just happened. He looked at her, she was clearly shocked by something. "Is there something wrong?" Basileus looked around, "You seem troubled."

06-02-2013, 05:55 PM
Sariana shook her head, finding it hard to believe what he was saying. "Of course," she said sarcastically and turned around. "Why didn't I think of that." She shook her head and went to the counter. She ordered them both a coffee and went to find a table they could sit at. After thinking for a bit she looked up at him. "What is troubling me is that you just made a mountain grow from nothing," she said quietly to him shaking her head, still finding it hard to believe what she was saying. "And coming from mount olympus... I don't know who you really are or where you're from but it's just hard to entertain you at the moment," she said to him as a waitress brought them both a cup of coffee, winking flirtatiously at Basileus before going back to the counter.

06-02-2013, 06:38 PM
Clearly not understanding what the waitress meant with the flirtatious wink, Basileus raised an eyebrow. He took a sip of the coffee, spitting it out instantly. "By Zeus!" Basileus grasped his throat like he was going to die. "Have you poisoned me?! I should have never trusted you!" he exclaimed. After a while, though, he realised he wasn't dying or poisoned. He sat down calmly and cleared his throat.
"I've wasted enough time." he said. "I demand that you take me to this 'president' of yours so I can return to mount Olympus." Basileus tried another sip of coffee, but hated it still.

06-02-2013, 06:44 PM
Sariana sighed and let her head fall between her shoulder blades. "I told you already," she said before looking back up at him. "You won't get to see the president for a very long time but going to the hospital might be a good idea," she said to him gently. She didn't want to freak him out any more than she already had. She drank a good amount of her coffee, not able to think that this man was sane. She looked back up at him uneasily. "You know, you'll get farther in life if you learned to be nice," she said to him.

06-02-2013, 06:51 PM
"Is that an insult, mortal?" Basileus exclaimed, and it seemed as if his eyes turned green for a second. He shoved away his coffee. "But, if you're not going to take me to this president... Or at least, not yet... then I need a place to stay. Show me your home, mortal."

06-02-2013, 06:56 PM
Sariana finished her coffee, repressing a groan on her lips. "I will make you a deal. If you come to the hospital I will take you to my home after," she said to him. With any luck they would admit him at the hospital and he would have to stay there rather than her taking him home. She stood and looked to him curiously. "Do we have a deal?" she asked him. She wouldn't go back on her agree ment. If they let him out she would make sure he came home with her. It was a frightening thought, a stranger in her house. Given he was an extremely attractive stranger but he was also a bit of an asshole.

06-02-2013, 07:00 PM
Basileus sighed. "Oh, very well. Take me to this hospital, then. It better not be far away... my feet are still aching from the drop." Basileus remembered dropping from mount Olympus, into the ocean.

06-02-2013, 07:04 PM
"We could take a taxi if you weren't so against cars," she pointed out to him as she led him out of the coffee shop and in the direction of the nearest hospital. She watched him as they walked, a soft sigh threatening her lips though she held it in. "You really don't know who you really are?" she asked him. "I mean... You're not really a God from Mount Olympus. That's in Greece. You're in New York. What's your real name?" she asked him curiously. Her voice was gentle and understanding.

06-02-2013, 07:13 PM
"How dare you disrespect me like that!" Basileus said, his eyes glowing green again as she called him 'not a god'. "Mount Olympus is not in what you call 'Greece', mind you. It is a high mountain in the clouds, where the gods gather. And as I said before, I am a god and my name is Basileus!" he almost began to shout, alerting those who walked around them.

06-02-2013, 07:21 PM
She quickly threw her hands up in surrender as he started getting angry with her. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry. You're right, you're a God," she said, figuring that entertainly him until they got to the hospital wouldn't be the worst thing to happen to her today. She gulped gently and kept walking with him. She sighed and shook her head again. This would take a lot of explaining. "So, if you're a God, why are you on Earth?" she asked him curiously.

06-02-2013, 07:39 PM
"Why are you on earth?"

At these words, Basileus got a sudden flashback. A memory that didn't happen a long time ago, but was erased from his conscience. Something that came back to him now.

Aidoneus stood before the almighty god Zeus, wildly gesturing as Basileus stood in the background. "How dare you give this... this maggot control over he world! He has created a total mess! He's moved continents, created hurricanes and allowed war on earth! And for what cause? For his own entertainment!"

If there was one thing Aidoneus was particularly good at, it was acting. And more importantly, acting as if he actually cared. In fact, Aidoneus was no better than Basileus. He was worse. Much worse. Not only would Aidoneus do the same things Basileus did, he would ruin earth and plant chaos everywhere for his own entertainment. This discussion was merely the result of Aidoneus' jealousy.

"Father Zeus, that is not true. I have merely allowed all of these disasters because I... I..." Basileus tried to come up with an excuse, but knew of none. "You see, Father? He is a liar! A scoundrel! He is not worthy of serving as the one who rules the world!" Aidoneus exclaimed. It seemed his plan was going exactly as planned.
"Very well." Zeus spoke. "Basileus, I hereby declare you as demi-god and remove your control over the world." a lightning stroke Basileus in the chest, but it did not hurt him apparently. Aidoneus let out a little chuckle. "I, Zeus, will take your position as world guardian." Zeus spoke, which didn't please Aidoneus. Aidoneus had hoped Zeus would replace Basileus with him, but that he did not. "Aidoneus, I command you to return to the underworld. You have no further purpose here, and I already see unfortunate souls waiting to cross the border." Zeus spoke.
Aidoneus nodded. "As you wish, Father Zeus." he spoke, then vanished in a green flame.

"Now, as for you, my son. Bad control over the world is not why I have taken away your position. It is because of your personality. Your power has driven you over the edge, my son. You have grown obsessed with it, and your ego has grown. I am sending you to earth to live like a mortal, and you may return when you have become a better person." Zeus raised his hand, another lightning strike crashing down on Basileus, making him drop down from the clouds.

"I... I was banished." Basileus stuttered. "The father of the gods, Zeus, has taken my place as ruler of the world. I'm afraid I'm not a god, I'm... a demi-god." Basileus sudden seemed more friendly, as if he had just gotten a new insight.

06-02-2013, 08:30 PM
Sariana listened to him and nodded. He actually seemed to believe what he was saying. When he got more friendly, though, she seemed even more uneasy than before. They arrived at the hospital not long after. "Ummmm... Just do what they tell you to do," she said to him gently. "It will all be all right," she said to him. She led him inside and went to the counter to get him in to be checked up on.

06-03-2013, 04:09 PM
Basileus nodded. "Very well, but make it short if you will. I don't have much patience at the moment." he went to sit down in the chairs that served as some sort of waiting room. He saw another man with a broken arm, a woman in a wheelchair and a boy who had his hand stuck in a vase. "No wonder with all these mechanical monsters roaming. It's a miracle that you're all still alive!" Basileus said out loud.

06-03-2013, 04:49 PM
She explained her situation to the nurse who nodded her understanding. After, Sariana went to sit in the waiting room with Basileus. "Shhh," she said as he spoke loudly over everyone. "No one really wants to hear that they shouldn't be alive with the scenario that they're in," she whispered to him, trying to be helpful. She looked apologetically around the room to the other patrons there. She reached over him and grabbed a magazine before handing it to him. "Why don't you read something while we wait," she suggested.

06-03-2013, 04:55 PM
"Oh, if I must..." he said, flipping open the magazine allowing his eyes to scan the pages. He seemed to become more and more bothered by the magazine, as he began to cross his legs and stared at the pages intensely.

06-03-2013, 05:02 PM
Sariana was relieved to finally make him quiet. No, there really was no reason that she couldn't just leave now and leave him to the mercy of the nurses and doctors of the ER but there was something keeping her there. She wouldn't question it. She would just stay. She sighed softly but she noticed him getting quiet so looked over to him. When he looked like he was staring intensely at the magazine, she hesitantly asked, "What's wrong?"

06-03-2013, 05:09 PM
"This... this man, I've seen him before." Basileus pointed at an article about a guy named Aiden Smith. The picture on the article showed the image of a pale man. He had bright green eyes and short, black hair. He looked a little like Basileus, only somewhat younger and a different hairstyle and eye colour. "I've seen him before, I'm certain of it! The name, however, doesn't tell me anything..."

06-03-2013, 05:13 PM
She looked at him and the article. They looked eerily the same. "Maybe he's your brother and you're not who you think you are now?" she suggested gently, still not wanting to upset him but hoping to bring back a memory or two so he could remember the truth about who he was. She still couldn't really explain the mountain that popped up out of no where though. She looked over to the article and started reading it too.

06-03-2013, 05:17 PM
"My... my brother..." A vague memory of the man popped up in his mind, but it was gone before he could realize it. He shook his head. "I wouldn't know... Yet, I've seen him before. I know I have."

Then, Basileus shrugged. "Oh well." he touched the magazine with one of his fingertips, making it burst in flames and disappear completely. He wiped his hands, a few bits of ash dripping off.

06-03-2013, 05:26 PM
Sariana gasped as the sentence she was reading was quickly turned to ash before her eyes. She sat back quickly and smacked his bicep out of her normal reaction to her friends playing tricks on her. "Stop doing things like that," she said to him. "You can't randomly start fires in a hospital," she said to him. A nurse came to the door and called, "Basileus?" Sariana let her head drop in relief. "Finally," she mumbled.

06-03-2013, 06:08 PM
"Oh. I did not know that. Is a hospital, like, a fire-free place?" Basileus asked, curiously. He seemed to understand that he was no longer at mount Olympus. When the nurse called for him, he stood up. "Yes, Father." he responded like he would every morning when Zeus called him to him. He quickly saw his error and restored. "Er, I mean, yes, what is it?"

06-03-2013, 06:46 PM
Sariana stood with a soft sigh that couldn't be heard. "You're supposed to go with her," she said to him. "Do you want me to wait here?" she asked him. "They're just going to ask you some questions and do a few tests," she tried to explain to him when he received a strange look from the nurse. This was going to be more difficult than she thought.

06-03-2013, 07:01 PM
"Tests? What tests? Look, as long as they don't touch me I'm fine with it." Basileus said nervously. "Would... would you care to accompany me, mortal?" he asked. He followed the nurse, walking into a room where another doctor was already waiting. The doctor gave Basileus an exaggerated smile, which made Basileus slightly uncomfortable.

06-03-2013, 07:19 PM
Sariana wasn't sure she appreciated being called a mortal, no matter how true to form it was. She walked with him to the room anyways but was curiously. He had almost seemed nervous when he said they couldn't touch him. She whispered a gentle question to him. "Why are you afraid of them touching you?" She didn't quite understand and hoped that he wouldn't start turning people to ash like he had that magazine.

06-03-2013, 07:22 PM
"Nothing in particular..." Basileus mumbled, clearly not wanting to talk about it. He sat down in one of the chairs, his leg vibrating a little. As the nurse sealed off the door, the doctor opened a file that was laying on the desk and examined it. "You said your name was Basileus, hmm? Last name?" the doctor asked.
"Eh... I... um..." Basileus stuttered. He didn't have a last name. What was a last name, anyway? He didn't know what to answer and his leg started vibrating even more.

Feel free to play the doctor or the nurse, they're pretty much NPCs and can be played by either you or me.

06-03-2013, 07:29 PM
Sariana looked to him and then back to the doctor. "He's had a slight bit of amnesia.At least that is what I think it is. He keeps saying he's from mount Olympus and a god," she told the doctor, sounding a bit worried about him. The doctor nodded. "Very well then," he said and pulled a light out of his pocket. "Just follow this light with your eyes," he instructed Basileus as he waved it slowly back and forth in front of his eyes so he could follow it easily.

06-03-2013, 07:35 PM
He followed the light with ease, then became slightly annoyed. He turned to Sariana. "Is this some kind of joke, mortal? I shall not be disrespected." he said the last words slightly threatening, his eyes getting a touch of green again.

06-03-2013, 07:39 PM
She looked at him with wide eyes. "No," she said defensively, feeling the threat of him looking over her. "No, they're testing to see if you have brain damage," she said to him simply. She nodded back at the doctor who nodded and said, "We're going to take your blood pressure now," he tried to explain to Basileus as he took the cuff and gently wrapped it around Basileus' arm.

06-03-2013, 07:45 PM
Basileus nervously watched as the cuff was wrapped around his arm. He breathed slightly louder than normal. The doctor tried to calm him down. "Try to relax and breathe normally. It's just a blood pressure test, no needles or such." the doctor looked at the monitor to his left. "Seems to be normal. A little nervous is all." the doctor removed the cuff, giving Basileus the exaggerated smile again.

06-03-2013, 07:51 PM
The doctor continued the check up, going about normal things before finally nodded. "You are done, sir. A perfect bill of health, except for some possible amnesia," he said gently and smiled his exagerated smile to both Sariana and Basileus. "You folks have a good day," he said to htem before leaving them in the room to go on their own.

Sariana looked to him and sighed. "I suppose we can go to my house now," she said to him gently. She would be doing some entertaining tonight, she supposed. She rose from her seat and opened the door to lead him out.

06-03-2013, 07:56 PM
"Excellent." he said, giving a pleased smile. When they were outside, he saw someone stepping into a car. Basileus looked surprised. "You... you can drive these beasts?" and indeed, he saw the man driving off in the purple Scion. He coughed slightly, clearly he wasn't used to all the smells of New York. He also seemed to notice all the extremely high rooftops for the first time, as he looked at the sky in awe.

06-03-2013, 08:01 PM
She looked to him very confused. She nodded slowly and said, "Yes. Why do you ask?" She walked ahead of him down to the street and hailed a cab quickly and jumped in, pulling him in after her. She told the cab driver her address and they started going. "You're sure you don't remember anything other than mount Olympus?" she asked him worriedly. They were going through the streets quickly in the cab.

06-03-2013, 08:09 PM
Basileus was clearly uncomfortable in the cab, as it was his first time in a car. Even though the thing wasn't even going that fast, for him it felt like he was in a freaking spaceship. He tightly held onto the seat in front of him. "No. No, not really. Other than Father Zeus and Brother Aidoneus, I don't remember much. I was banished for my irresponsibility. Makes no sense, honestly. I was doing perfectly fine."

06-03-2013, 08:23 PM
She shook her head gently. "Maybe you can tell me more about it once we get inside," she said to him. They quickly stopped in front of a set of apartment buildings and Sari took out enough money to pay the driver. "Come on," she said to him before going into the apartment building she lived in. It most certainly wasn't the ritz but it was nice enough for now. It was what she could afford and she like it. She led him, walking up to the fifth floor, before going to one of the small bachelor pad suites.

06-03-2013, 08:26 PM
Going into the apartment, Basileus was not disappointed. "Yes, this will suffice." he said approvingly. He walked around a bit, amazed by all the furniture and stuff in the apartment. All he had on mount Olympus was a coffin to sleep in, a few torches and a golden throne to look down on the world.
"What is your name, mortal?" Basileus asked, testing the couch by shifting back and forth on it.

06-03-2013, 08:32 PM
Sariana watched him as he moved around the apartment. She sighed gently when he finally found the couch. "My name is Sariana," she said to him simply before going to the kitchen. "So tell me the whole story," she said to him sounding a little curious. If this was the truth then he could be the first and she would be the one to have found him. It would be a good thing if she helped the god but she still wasn't sure what she believed.

06-03-2013, 08:38 PM
"Very well." Basileus said, finally finding a comfortable position on the couch. "Usually, when a god is banished, he automatically is degraded to demi-god. This means that the god temporarily loses part of his powers, leaving him with only a few. Which, in my case, are small things such as walk on water, create fire and... well, make mountains rise from the ground. Not to mention there's another benefit; immortality. The only way a god can be killed is by another god." he paused to clear his throat, "When a demi-god is sent to another world, he is given a task to prove his worth. When the task is completed, he can return to the world of the gods and take back his position as a god. In my case, my task is to prove that I do have a heart. Which I don't understand, by the way..." he looked at Sariana. "Now, for all that I remember about my degradation... My brother, Aidoneus, ruler of the Underworld, told Father Zeus that I was not holding up my responsibilities as ruler of the World. Zeus, on his turn, degraded me to a demi-god. Not for irresponsibility, but because I apparently had a large ego of some sort. Does that clear things up a bit?"

06-03-2013, 08:44 PM
She listened to him as she started to make them dinner. A spaghetti tonight was what she had planned. She just wouldn't have leftovers for the next day this time. When he finished, it truly did explain his personality. She nodded when he asked the question and said, "I understand why they sent you here, now at least." She finished cutting up some vegetables for the sauce and started browning some beef. "You really do think you're the most important person around you," she said to him. "Some humility might do you good," she said to him as she kept cooking.

06-03-2013, 08:48 PM
"Is that an insult?" Basileus said, frowning. Curious about what she was doing in the kitchen, he slowly approached her and looked past her shoulder to see what she was making. He inhaled the smell of the food and it seemed to please him. "That does smell good. What is it?" he asked, curiously.

06-03-2013, 08:57 PM
She shook her head at him asking if she was insulting him. "Just an observation," she said to him easily. She put the vegetables and sauce in on top of the now browned beef and shrugged. "It's just spaghetti sauce. Easiest thing to make," she said to him. She pulled away from him and went to get a pot of water and started that with some spaghetti noddles in it.

06-04-2013, 03:29 PM
"Spaghetti..." Basileus said, observing the sauce. He went to a wall in the room, where there was a light switch. He flicked the light switch, turning on the lamp above him. He looked in awe. He flicked the switch on and off a few times. "Sunlight in a bottle... amazing!"

06-04-2013, 04:52 PM
Sariana looked at him confused. "Basileus, if you're a god why haven't you seen all this before? Cars, lights? They've been around for a century now," she pointed out to him. He seemed rather contradictory to his story. What kind of god wouldn't pay attention like this? She stirred the pasta and patiently waited for everything to simmer and boil out.

06-04-2013, 05:05 PM
"Well, ruling the world is kind of boring, really. You never get to see it, like, physically. All you do is look down from the sky and create a few mountains here or there, rise a few waves..." Basileus said, frolicking with a vase of flowers.

06-04-2013, 05:13 PM
She was surprised at that. "So you have nothing to do with the people then? Is that Zeus' job?" she asked as she took out some plates and cups and set the table. She brought out a pitcher of iced tea and set it on the table as well.

06-04-2013, 05:24 PM
"There's not really much you can do with people. You can grant a few wishes, not too much though, but you can't mess with free will. For example, you can't make a person do something. You can give them clues or signs, but never mess with free will." he looked as the table was dressed, sitting comfortably in a chair waiting for the food.

06-04-2013, 05:27 PM
Sariana nodded her understanding. She got the noodles drained and put them and the sauce in serving bowls and brought them to the table. "So what do you eat on Mount Olympus?" she asked him with a small smirk. She started serving herself noodles and sauce onto her plate before beginning to eat. It was definitely one of the better meals she had ever made.

06-04-2013, 05:29 PM
"Nothing, actually. As a god, you don't have needs such as hunger, lust, et cetera. It's pretty nifty. As a demi-god, however..." he looked at the food and licked his lips. "...I'm starving."

06-04-2013, 05:38 PM
She laughed gently. "Then dig in. But don't intend to satisfy any lust you feel with me," she said to him shaking her head. She hadn't told him yet, but also didn't think he needed to know, about her boyfriend. Most people who met him thought she could do better but she had chosen to stay with him and that was what she would do.

06-04-2013, 06:58 PM
"Boyfriend?" Basileus said, mouth full of spaghetti. He swallowed. "Don't worry, mor- um, Sariana, I will treat you with honour. After all, if it weren't for you, who knows where I would be now." he continued eating his spaghetti.

06-04-2013, 07:39 PM
She nodded gently in answer to his question. She did have a boyfriend and he would be furious when he found out where she had been. She finished her dinner and brought her dishes to the sink and started washing everything. "Do you have another place you know of?" she asked him. "A friend or relative?"

06-04-2013, 07:49 PM
"Not particularly, no. The only face familiar to me was that guy in the magazine, Aiden Smith..." Basileus said. He stood up, handing his dishes to her near the sink. "Do you think we should seek for him? Maybe he can help me..." Basileus stared in front of him, thinking about something. "Oh, and another thing... You see, I've been pondering... what if anyone asks me for my name? Like that doctor did? I don't suppose I could go around telling people I'm a god, right? I need some kind of name. Like you do."

06-04-2013, 09:46 PM
She nodded gently. "We'll go find him tomorrow. As for a name, that's up to you," she said to him. "You choose something that you will listen to when people call you and such," she said to him. She kept washing dishes when there was a knock on the door. Sariana bit her lip and dried her hands. "Look, that's probably Dustin. Just don't say anything, okay?" she asked him gently.

She went to the door and opened it slowly before Dustin burst in. "Where have you been all day? Not even a text? Come on Sar, you're normally better than that," he near shouted at her before closing the door behind him.

"I know," Sariana said timidly. "I'm sorry." She was looking down at the ground, knowing that this would only get worse if she became bold.

Dustin looked up and saw Basileus. "And you're with another man?! Cheating on me too?" he demanded, backhanding her across the face.

06-05-2013, 04:48 AM
Basileus watched the event without doing anything, like Sariana told her. He had a hard time doing it though. He watched as Dustin backhanded her. "Listen, I can assure you that I have nothing to do with Sariana." Basileus said.

06-05-2013, 05:00 AM
Sariana gulped and opened her mouth to say something before Dustin slapped her to shut her up again. Dustin looked to Basileus and stuck a finger out at him and shook his hand. "You stay away from Sariana! She has nothing to do with you!" he said to him angrily. He turned and grabbed Sariana by the hair, starting to drag her to the bedroom.

06-05-2013, 05:03 AM
Basileus became nervous. One voice in his head told him to do as Sariana said, while the other told him to interfere.

Yet, one of the voices was stronger...

In a flash, Basileus was next to Dustin and had his hand clenched around Dustin's arm. "That is enough." Basileus spoke, his eyes furiously green.

06-05-2013, 05:11 AM
"Basil, please-" Sariana started to speak but a quick glare from Dustin shut her up. She knew he was angry and didn't want to make it worse on herself. Once she was silent again, Dustion looked back at Basileus. "I would suggest you get your hand off me, friend," Dustin said evenly. His cold blue eyes staring into Basileus' green ones.

06-05-2013, 05:18 AM
"I will let go if you treat this woman with respect... friend." Basileus didn't seem to be affected by Dustin's attempt to threaten him. Nor did he hear what Sariana tried to tell him, as if he was in a completely different reality.

06-05-2013, 05:31 AM
Dustin scoffed a little bit but dropped Sariana's hair and turned towards this newcomer. "Respectful enough for you?" he asked with a sneer on his face.

Sariana stepped in between them and put a gentle hand on Basil's where he was grabbing Dustin. "It's fine," she said softly to Basileus. As soon as Dustin's arm was released, Sariana's face was met with a punch, sending her falling to the ground at their feet.

Dustin glared at Basil. "That's what you get for trying to tell me how to do things," Dustin said angrily to Basil.

06-05-2013, 02:53 PM
Basil was shocked. How, possibly, could a human be so heartless? How Sariana and Dustin ever managed to get into a relationship, Basil did not know. But he only had eye for Sariana now. As Basil's eyes faded back into their original colour, he knelt down at Sariana. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?" he mimicked a police officer he saw the other day.

06-05-2013, 03:17 PM
Sariana shook her head but the grimace on her face showed she was in pain. "No, Basileus, you should go," she said weakly. She didn't want to make it worse than it was already. She knew well enough that this was just the beginning. She smiled softly at Basil, trying to convince him that she would be okay as she had done to many friends before him. Dustin stood above them, glaring down at the pair.

06-05-2013, 04:19 PM
"Alright." Basil said, standing up. He took his sweater from the chair and put it on. He walked out of the door, his eyes glowing green towards Dustin for a moment. He walked out of the door, onto the streets.
He went towards a park and went to sit on a bench. He poked in the small pond in front of him with a stick. It was a little late, so the moonlight reflected on the water beautifully. He looked up towards Sariana's apartment, seeing the silhouettes of Dustin and Sariana, Dustin standing above her with his hand raised.

06-05-2013, 04:24 PM
It was another hour before Dustin left, leaving Sariana quivering, naked in bed. She got up and shakily pulled some loose pajamas on. She went to the kitchen and made herself a cup of tea before grabbing an ice pack from the fridge. She put it on her eye for a few minutes before moving it to her shoulder and slowly getting everywhere that hurt. Dustin would be gone until tomorrow now and she didn't have to work. That was the only reason that he had willingly done so much to her.

06-05-2013, 04:28 PM
Basil saw Dustin leaving the apartment, walking in the opposite direction from Basil. Basil raised his hand, speeding up a nearby car and making it almost crash into Dustin. The car driver wildly honked at Dustin, while Dustin shouted something in anger.
That's a warning, Basil thought.

Not much later, Basil knocked at Sariana's door again. When she opened, he saw that she was hurt. "I... I would like to come back in, if you don't mind. It's kind of chilly outside..."

06-05-2013, 04:35 PM
Sariana was a little relieved, she would hate to admit, to see Basileus come back. She nodded to him and opened the door, stepping aside to let him in. Once he was in she closed and locked the door behind him. "Sorry for asking you to leave," she said gently to him. She put the ice pack down on the counter and started sipping on her tea some more. "Would you like a cup of tea?" she asked him. "It's different than coffee."

06-05-2013, 04:46 PM
"Yes, please." he said with a slight chuckle. He remembered when he thought she had poisoned him with coffee. It happened this morning, yet it seemed so long ago. Like so much had happened. So much changed. He sat down again, warming his hands by rubbing them together.

06-05-2013, 04:50 PM
She made him the cup of tea then slid it towards him. "It will help warm your hands," she said to him gently. She took her cup of tea and went to a closet, pulling out a bunch of blankets and pillows for the couch. "You can sleep in my bed or on the couch," she said to him as she laid the pillows and blankets out. She went back to the kitchen and put the ice pack back in the freezer, not that she didn't need it anymore but she didn't like using them while people were around. She tok out some fruit from the fridge and cut up an apple and some strawberries as a snack for them and put it in between the two of them.

06-05-2013, 05:08 PM
Basil warmed his hands with the cup of tea. He took a sip. "Much better than that poisonous coffee." he said, smiling gently. He looked at the strawberries in amazement. He took one, put it in his mouth and began to chew slowly. He seemed to like it and smiled in approval.
"I came up for a name, by the way. I think 'Basil Stryker' would be simple enough." he got the last name, Stryker, from a magazine that was laying around in the park. "I've also got the location of that Aiden Smith guy. He seems to be pretty popular."

Basil looked at Sariana's bruises. He stood up from his chair and slowly walked towards her. "Allow me..." he said gently, and he knelt down a little. He placed his hand on her shoulder, emitting a soft, warm glow. Her bruises began to disappear. "If it hurts, I'll stop." Basil said, focused on the bruises.

06-05-2013, 05:17 PM
Sari laughed gently at his note that he liked the tea better than 'poisonous coffee'. When he mentioned his new name she nodded gently. "I like it. Basil Stryker," she repeated to get her tongue around the name. "And I told you we'll go see Aiden Smith tomorrow," she confirmed easily. She smiled warmly at him. He was being much less all important than when she had first met him. When he walked around to her and put his hands on her shoulders, she felt a little uneasy. What was he doing. She didn't understand what he was doing with his hand on her shoulder. She knew that it felt slightly strange over her body where she felt the pain but it wasn't hurting her so she let him continue. Sheh had to ask, though, "What are you doing?"

06-05-2013, 05:21 PM
"I'm easing the pain. The marks will stay, but the pain will be less." Basil said. After a few seconds he was done. "Feel better?" he asked.

06-05-2013, 05:38 PM
She moved around a little bit, making the movements that had been painful to do before and nodded with a gentle smile. "Much. Thank you," she said gently. She smiled and leaned forward, kissing him gently on the cheek. "That was kind," she said to him before walking past him with her cup of tea and sitting on the couch with the blankets and pillows. "Go ahead and stay in my bed tonight," She said gently. "It's probably closer to what you're used to."

06-05-2013, 06:06 PM
He didn't know how to respond after the kiss on his cheek. He slowly stroked along his cheek, sensing if there was anything unusual she left there. He drank his tea and took another strawberry. He then went to seek for Sariana's bed. After he found it, he laid down on his back on the sheets and stared at the ceiling.

06-05-2013, 06:44 PM
Sari curled up on the couch and closed her eyes. It had been an interesting day, that was for sure. She fell asleep rather easily that night.

The next morning she woke up early and started making a breakfast of french toast and bacon for her and her new friend. She had music on quietly and was humming along with it.

06-05-2013, 06:50 PM
Not much later, Basil walked into the room. The scent of french toast entered his nostrils. He smiled. He quite liked the food of the mortals, he liked food in general. He never had the sensation of eating when he was a god. When he ruled the world.

Basil started pondering whether he even wanted to go back to the world of the gods. But he figured he had to; Zeus counted on him. After all, he couldn't let his brother Aidoneus sit on his throne. Aidoneus ruled the underworld, and he probably wouldn't do a very good job.

"Greetings." Basil said in a formal fashion, rubbing the back of his head.

06-05-2013, 07:05 PM
Sari held back a laugh at his formality. "Good morning. So is your name still Basileus?" she asked him wondering if the bit of amnesia she thought he might have had worn off. Truly, though, she knew she was going to have to accept what he had told her as face sooner or later. There was no other explanation for the fact that she could move without pain this morning. She handed him a plate of food and a glass of milk. "So where is Aiden Smith?" she asked him curiously.

06-05-2013, 07:14 PM
"Basileus, Basil, you can call me anything that you fancy." Basil said, sitting down and looking at the strange white substance in his glass. He drank it. "Not as good as tea, but I like it." he took a bite of the french toast, and clearly loved it. He took another bite and another, until his mouth was stuffed with french toast. Only then he noticed his informality, the crumbs falling down on his plate. He quickly swallowed, blushing a little.

He cleared his throat. "I wrote it down." he searched through his pockets, finding a small note in one of them. He unfolded it and read it out loud. "According to the magazine I found, he lives at the corner of Park Row at apartment 14."

06-05-2013, 07:24 PM
She nodded gently. "Just a step up from here," she said sarcastically. It was on the other side of town in one of the richer districts. It made sense though. Why would a man with no money be in a magazine? As she was half finished her breakfast, there was a rough, familiar knock on the door. Sari let out an involuntary groan. She knew who it was. She stood to open the door, going to let Dustin in.

Dustin came in with a smile and kissed her cheek gently. He closed the door and was about to say something when he spotted Basil. He glared back down at Sari. "I thought you said he would be gone for good?" he asked her getting angry quickly.

"He has no where to stay Dus-" she started but was once again cut off by an angry smack.

06-05-2013, 07:28 PM
"Stop." Basil said. "Please. Can't you see you're hurting her?" Basil didn't know where it came from, but the words just flowed from his mouth. After realizing that Sari probably didn't want him interfering, he let his head down and went silent.

06-05-2013, 07:37 PM
Dustin finally turned on Basil to which Sari's eyes went wide and scared. What would Dustin do to him? Dustin walked up until he was right in Basil's face. "Who do you think you are, telling me how to treat my girl?" he demanded angrily at him. At least his attention was away from Sariana now.

06-05-2013, 07:43 PM
"Who do I think I am?" Basil said, pushing Dustin a little bit back. "I am Basile... er... Stryker. Basil Stryker. A man suffering from amnesia looking for a place to stay. At least, that's who I think I am. I don't know who I am, because I've got amnesia. Makes sense, doesn't it?" Basil said, smiling a little.

06-05-2013, 07:53 PM
When Basil pushed Dustin back, Dustin's eyebrows rose in surprise. He looked at his new enemy and raised his hand. "Stop!" Sariana yelled running in between the two of them. "Dustin, that's enough. Get out!" she shouted at him, shaking with how frightened she was at this moment.

Dustin stopped mid start to swing and looked at her. "Excuse me?" he asked dangerously.

"Get out," she repeated, trying to be strong. "We're done. Completely done and over," she said looking up at him, resolve in her eyes but the shaking giving away how scared she was.

Dustin laughed, unamused. "Oh really?" he asked. "And who's going to take care of you and help pay the bills for this place?" he asked evenly.

06-05-2013, 07:55 PM
So that was why. That's why she was together with this monstrosity.
"I... I will." Basil said, remembering what he said earlier about granting wishes.

06-05-2013, 07:58 PM
Dustin looked at Basil surprised. "Yes. Good luck with that, Sar. Let me know when you want me back," he said to her simply before turning and leaving, slamming the door on his way out.

Sariana sighed and almost collapsed under her own weight once he left. She leaned onto the counter for support. How was she going to pay for everything now? An apartment like hers may not have looked like much but it was still ridiculously expensive. As much as she appreiated Basil's offer for help, she didn't know what kind of help an amnesia patient could be. She sighed and shook her head. "I need to get him back," she said softly to herself.

06-05-2013, 08:04 PM
Basil stopped her by gently laying his hand on her shoulder. "Not yet. Just wait..." he looked at the door of her apartment as if he was waiting for something to arrive. Finally, three knocks landed from outside of the door. Basil's smile grew wide with excitement. "Wait here." he said, his hands shaking as he ran towards the door. After a short time of mumbling towards another person, Basil came in walking with a large sack of money. "I believe you just won the lottery." he said.

06-05-2013, 08:19 PM
Sariana looked up at him with wide eyes as he held a bag of money in his hand. "I don't understand," she said quickly, walking over to him. "I don't buy tickets. How can I have won?" she asked him, a little worried about where he got the money from. It was certainly more money than she had ever seen in her life, not to mention the sack was a little outdated.

06-05-2013, 08:26 PM
"Maybe someone 'accidentally' wrote your address on the form." Basil said with a smile and a wink. "Surely, you shouldn't be complaining. Aren't you happy that Dustin is gone?"

06-05-2013, 08:34 PM
Sari looked at him suspiciously as he stood there holding the bag of money. "So what is this money going to cost me?" she asked him curiously. Dustin had never given her anything without something in return. It seemed good habbit to ask what was required of her to get what would help her survive.

06-06-2013, 04:58 AM
Basil was somewhat stunned by the question. "Well, we can start by looking for mister Smith." he said, shrugging as he put down the bag of money. "Look, I'll be honest. Sometimes, it's a god's duty to give a person a sprinkle of hope in their lives. This is my sprinkle." he pointed at the bag of money.

06-06-2013, 05:22 AM
She smiled softly. "Then thank you," she said weakly. She went over to him and was actually feeling bad about questioning him. She went up to him and kissed his cheek softly. "Let's go find you Mr. Smith," she said to him before walking out the door, holding it open for him.

06-06-2013, 02:00 PM
They arrived at Park Row not much later. You could clearly see it was one of the richer districts; it was very different from where Sari lived. The walls were still untouched, the staircases clean and the houses were much bigger. It surprised Basil that Aiden Smith lived in an apartment instead of a mansion.
They walked up the stairs, until they finally arrived at apartment 14. Basil knocked on the door three times.

The door was answered by a man with pale skin, black hair and wearing a black suit. He was wearing sunglasses, so his light green eyes could not be seen. "Can I help you?" the man said. Basil got a little nervous. "Um... are... are you Aiden Smith?" Basil asked. The man with the sunglasses nodded.

06-06-2013, 04:54 PM
Sariana looked between the two as the man nodded to his title. Well it was fairly obvious they weren't related...then again, did gods have parents? She cleared her throat and looked to Aiden Smith. "Mr. Smith, do you recognize him?" she asked, gesturing to Basil. She wasn't entirely sure what Basil recognized him as so she thought she might be of some help. She didn't feel too out of place here. After all, this area of town is where Dustin's family lived.

06-06-2013, 05:26 PM
Aiden Smith took off his sunglasses and inserted them in his pocket. His green eyes were now visible. He squeezed his eyes together, examining Basil very closely. After a while, he took a step back and opened the door further. "Come in, please." he said with his eyes still squeezed together. He closed the door behind Basil and Sari.

Aidoneus / Aiden Smith
632 (in God years) 24 (in human years)

Arrogant, evil, sinister, mocking, practically anything that you'd describe as 'mean'.
Torturing, mocking, teasing
His 'friends' turning on him, losing his powers

Aiden sat down in a chair, crossing his legs. He gestured towards the couch. "Please, sit." Aiden took a glass of whiskey from the table and sipped from it. "Surely, you must recognize me a little... brother." Aiden said towards Basil, widely grinning.

06-06-2013, 05:57 PM
Sari came in with Basil and sat down beside him on the couch when offered. She looked around her, the apartment looking rich and very high class. She finally looked back at their host when he took his brandy glass. When he mentioned that Basil was his brother, her eyes went wide in slight surprise. His green eyes had certainly tipped her off a little bit at the beginning but she wasn't aware that he had more brothers.

06-06-2013, 06:04 PM
"One of the many features of being ruler of the Underworld, big bro; you can go out and reap souls in the human world anytime you want..." Aiden chuckled, taking another sip of his drink. He nodded towards the bottle and glasses on the table. "Go ahead, help yourself..."

"I'm good, thank you." Basil said. Basil had trouble coping with all this, was this his brother Aidoneus? He barely even remembered him. Then again, he had so many brothers. Aidoneus was one of the few he actually didn't like; why all this hospitality?

06-06-2013, 06:07 PM
"So that's what you do?" Sari asked him, unbelievingly. "You kill people so you can have their souls for fun?" she asked him curiously. That didn't seem very uninfluencing as Basil had said they needed to be. Granting a few wishes but never generally interfering with free will. That had been what Basil had told her. Aiden, here, didn't seem to care all that much.

06-06-2013, 06:20 PM
"He never was one to care much for free will." Basil said, finally remembering part of his memories of Aidoneus. Aiden only laughed and shrugged. "Guilty as charged."

06-06-2013, 06:26 PM
Sariana all of a sudden felt uncomfortable. She looked between the two and finally stopped at Basileus. "What are we donig here?" she asked him quietly. She would prefer to leave but leaving Basil behind wouldn't be a good thing to do as a friend.

06-06-2013, 06:32 PM
"Feeling uncomfortable, are we?" Aiden said, grinning as he gestured towards the door. The door seemed to melt within the wall, removing the doorknob and the edges. He then gestured towards the windows. "Let's set the mood a little, then." the curtains were dragged down, and a candle on the table was somehow lit, emitting not a red but a green flame. "Now, if I recall correctly, brother, you always called yourself superior compared to me. But if you analyze this situation very carefully, you'll notice that it is me who still holds title as a God and you are merely a demi-god."
Aiden now gestured his hand upwards, flinging Basil into a wall like it was nothing.

06-06-2013, 07:18 PM
Sariana gasped as Basileus was lifted off the couch and thrown into the wall. She stood from the couch and looked where the door once was, knowing that something had to give to get them out of there. "What do you want?" she demanded of Aiden.

06-06-2013, 07:30 PM
"Nothing out of the extraordinary. My brother's death is all." Aiden said, crossing his legs as he sat back and watched. Basil stood up, grunting with pain. "What did I ever do to you?" Basil said, fiercely looking towards Aiden as he wiped away blood from his mouth.
"Everything!" Aiden yelled, standing up from the chair and spreading his arms. Basil crashed through the largest window in the room, falling down from the high apartment. Aiden stepped out of the way, opening the door again. "Ladies first." he said towards Sari, widely grinning.

06-06-2013, 07:43 PM
"Basil!" She screamed after him. When he went through the window she ran to the opening and looked out after him. She didn't want to see the impact and glared at Aiden. "You're a monster," she spat at him before running out of the apartment and down the stairs to the street level.

- - - Updated - - -

When she made it to Basil, she leaned over him as if a shield. "Are you all right?" She fretted over him.

06-06-2013, 07:47 PM
Aiden smiled approvingly and straightened his suit. "Thank you." he said happily after she left, closing the door and repairing the window with a gesture of his hand.

Meanwhile, Basil was still falling, but the ground neared quickly. Luckily, Basil knew he could not be killed by anything other than another god. However, he could still get very much hurt by this drop. As fast as he could, he clenched his fists and made the wind blow strongly, lifting him upwards a little. The wind carried him towards the ground more slow, but the impact was still pretty big. Basil ended up face-down on the sidewalk. He stood up with a lot of grunting, but had survived.

06-06-2013, 07:56 PM
"Basil," she said a little worriedly and stood next to him, trying to support him. "Basil, we need to go," she said quickly leading him to the edge of the sidewalk to hail a cab. She didn't want him getting anymore hurt.

06-06-2013, 08:00 PM
"Yeah," Basil said, attempting to stand up and leaning on Sari's shoulder. "Let's go..." they stepped into the cab, driving into the direction of Sari's place.

06-06-2013, 08:14 PM
Sari watched worriedly behind them. She didn't want them to be followed by that man. When satisfied she sat back in the seat and looked at Basil. "So what do we do now?" She asked him.

06-06-2013, 08:16 PM
"I don't know... Aiden will be back, for sure. He's been looking for me since I was banished, I'm sure of it. And he won't stop until I'm dead." Basil said, depressively looking downwards. He held his hands on his wounds one by one, healing them a bit. "All we can do is be prepared... but I don't even know how to prepare."

06-06-2013, 08:22 PM
She gulped but nodded. "Well I will do anything I can to help," she said gently to him. They got to her apartment and she got out of the car, glad that he could heal himself so quickly.

06-07-2013, 06:37 PM
As they got out of the cab, Basil looked around before he entered the apartment building. For all he knew, Aiden might have followed them. Luckily, he didn't see Aiden anywhere. They went into Sari's apartment, where Basil plopped down on the couch. He threw his head back, finally realizing that he was kind of safe. Usually, he wasn't afraid of his little brother, but since Basil was now a demi-god and Aiden still a god, Basil had a good chance of dying at Aiden's hands.

"What am I going to do?" Basil said, more towards Zeus who might be watching from the clouds than to Sari. "Father, I need your help... give me a sign... anything..." Basil waited for a moment, but nothing happened. He let his head down, sobbing in his hands.

06-07-2013, 07:19 PM
Sariana watched as he started to cry into his hands. This was not the same man that she had found so long ago. By so long ago, she meant yesterday. She walked up to him and sat down beside him before taking his hands gently in hers. "We'll leave. We'll go camping or something for a few days to keep away from him and throw him off the trail," she offered him. "It would get you out of the city too," she said to him.

06-07-2013, 07:23 PM
Basil slowly stopped sobbing and nodded, smiling. "Yes... perhaps that's a better option... if you want it too, that is. I don't... I don't want to bring you into any unnecessary danger."

06-08-2013, 05:55 AM
Sariana nodded gently to him with a warm smile. "I want to help you in any way I can," she said to him gently. "We'll have to go get you some different clothes too. We'll be able to afford it this time," she said, nodding to the bag of money he had gotten her earlier some how.

06-08-2013, 04:55 PM
Five days later...

With the new bought clothes and Sari's apartment left abandoned, Sari and Basil had left to the woods to go camping. They both sat at the fire, drinking soup as they stared into the flames. It had been quiet and peaceful for some time now, no sight of Aiden. At least... not yet.

06-08-2013, 05:03 PM
Once the soup was finished, Sari stood up and walked towards the lake, looking out over the water. The last five days had certainly been interesting and in a good way. She had never tried to entertain a god before but he was getting more reasonable every day.
Suddenly, she got an urge to do something she had always wanted to do. She turned back to Basil and said, "Close your eyes." She waited until he had before stripping naked and quickly going into the water, sinking until she was covered up to her neck. "You can open your eyes again," she called back.

06-08-2013, 05:15 PM
"Alright," Basil said, closing his eyes. After he was allowed to open them again, Sari was in the lake. Naked. Or, at least, he guessed she was, judging from the clothes on grass. Basil, again, didn't know what to say. He never experienced such spontaneity when he was a god. Sure, the past days changed him, but he still wasn't very comfortable among the mortals. He just sat there, holding his empty soup bowl, staring at Sari's had popping up from out of the water.

06-08-2013, 05:28 PM
Sariana turned and started to go for a midnight swim. Maybe it wasn't really midnight but it was getting late. She kept her naked body under the water enough that she could be modest if someone was looking out on the lake. She spent another half hour in the water before swimming back closer to him. "Are you coming in Basil?" she called him.

06-08-2013, 05:48 PM
"Um... Well... I suppose I could." Basil stuttered, standing up and taking off his shirt. He went to behind a tree, where he took off the rest of his clothes. He then climbed up in the tree, his body covered by the leaves to remain modest. As quick as he could, he dived into the lake and his head reappeared above the surface.

06-08-2013, 05:54 PM
She laughed gently and looked at him. "What has gotten into you? When you first got here it seemed as if you would love to be walking around naked so everyone could admire you," she said to with a small smirk.

06-08-2013, 05:57 PM
"The past days have changed me..." Basil said, looking towards the reflection of the moonlight on the water. "I've... I've gotten feelings I've never had before..."

06-08-2013, 06:10 PM
"Like what?" she asked him curiously. She swam up to him and treaded water in front of him. She was curious to know what he had learned in the last few days.

06-08-2013, 06:11 PM
"I've been taught to respect... to cherish... and..." Basil now looked Sari in her eyes and it seemed as if they sparkled. Then again, it might have been the reflection of the moonlight. Basil's eyes slowly started turning brown instead of grey. "...to love."

06-08-2013, 06:31 PM
Sari looked at him curious. "Well I'm glad to hear that. What more do you have to do do you think to get back to being a god?" she asked him curiously, floating just a little away from him. She wasn't really picking up what was going on in his mind.

06-08-2013, 06:42 PM
"I don't know." Basil said, frowning a little. He lifted his hand above the surface, a small beam of water circling around his fingers like a snake. Suddenly, the water began to shake. Waves of water began to come from the center of the lake, clashing up against Sari and Basil's bodies. "Out! Out of the water!" Basil yelled, quickly making his way out of the lake and putting on his jeans.

06-08-2013, 07:13 PM
Sari ran out of the water with him and grabbed her bra, panties, and shorts she had on, pulling them on rather quickly. "What's going on?" she asked trying not to sound panicky from behind him. She didn't know what to think about the sudden water change.

06-08-2013, 07:18 PM
"He's found us." Basil said, intensely staring at the center of the lake. A large explosion of water emerged from the lake, creating an open spot within the center of the lake. In the center levitated Aiden Smith, widely grinning. He spread his arms, slowly falling down on the surface. He walked on the water towards the waterside, greeting Sari and Basil by taking off his sunglasses. "Lovely night, isn't it?" Aiden said.

06-08-2013, 07:29 PM
"Well you ruined it for me but it was," she said, getting a little spiteful and angry with him. She stayed behind Basil for a moment before stepping up beside him. "Why can't you just leave him alone?" she demanded of him.

06-08-2013, 07:36 PM
"I believe it's called... sibling rivalry." Aiden said, grinning still. "You know, I have to give it to you; you made it quite difficult for me to find you. Luckily, I have my little cauldron in the Underworld, which allows me to see anyone... anytime." Aiden turned his attention to Sari. "I have to say, you have a beautiful body... especially when there's nothing covering it." he chuckled, then turned his attention back to Basil. "But enough chit-chat... how about it, big brother? Let's struggle a bit, mano-a-mano."

06-09-2013, 07:10 AM
When he told her her body was nice when naked, she covered herself with her arms and glared at him. That wasn't meant for anyone else to see and she felt terrible about it. "Why don't you fly up a tree or down to an underworld? I'm sure you have work to do there," she said to him angrily. She looked to Basil, worried for him and curious to know if he was going to try and fight him.

06-09-2013, 07:19 AM
When Basil still had not moved, Aiden turned a bit more serious. "I'm sorry if you misunderstood, brother... it was not a request." Aiden then leaped into the air, crashing down on Basil with his fist. A small crater was created in the ground, where Basil and Aiden were now fighting.

The struggle went on for a long time, and the two of them were now levitating above the lake where they fought. Both of them were injured, but Basil was more severely damaged than Aiden. "This has to stop, brother. Why do this? What's the reason for all this?" Basil said out loud. Aiden's eyes now became furiously green, even more bright than before. "Don't you see yet?!" Aiden said with a raw voice. "You took everything from me! The throne was mine! And what did I get? I got the side job; transporting souls to the Underworld! You took everything from me! Everything I held dear! Even her..." Aiden spoke. "But it doesn't matter anymore... soon you will be dead. Soon, the throne will be mine! The WORLD will be mine!" Aiden rushed after Basil, landing a kick in his stomach that threw Basil into a rock.

06-09-2013, 07:30 AM
Sari watched the fighting happen, feeling rather useless. When Basil was slammed into the rock, she gasped, covering her mouth gently. There was no way that she could save him. He was too badly hurt and too far away. But he could heal himself... she would just need to give him time. She looked around quickly and settled on a few large rocks. She grabbed a few and started throwing them at Aiden. "Hey! If all of this is over a girl, don't you think it would be more fun to get back at his girl?" she asked him. "Besides, you're an ugly excuse for a human and having a few rocks might make it better," she said as she launche a few more rocks at him.

06-09-2013, 07:35 AM
Aiden wiped away the rocks thrown at him like they were merely balls of paper being thrown at a teacher. She still annoyed him, however. He landed on the ground before her, Basil already beginning to heal himself in the background. "Quiet, mortal!" Aiden exclaimed, slapping her across the face. "When I'm through with him, you're next... Sariana." when he said her name, his voice sounded familiar to someone else's Dustin. "Don't tell me you didn't like it." Aiden said, grinning widely.

06-09-2013, 07:42 AM
Sariana let her head fall with the slap as she had done many times before. It made it look worse than it was, even though it still stung. When she heard his voice, though... the way he said her name. She looked up at him eyes curious as she looked almost panicked at the same time. She shook her head and took a few steps back from him. "You couldn't be," she said to him worriedly. Could he really be Dustin as well? Dustin's eyes had never changed when he was angry. Was he just impersonating him?

06-09-2013, 07:44 AM
"I'm a god. I have a trick or two up my sleeves." Aiden said, grinning. His eye color matched Dustin's for a while, then changed back to green. Aiden came closer to her, his hands almost touching her. Then, suddenly, Basil rushed at him and pushed him down on the ground. Basil pressed his hands on Aiden's throat, staring deeply into his eyes. "Leave her alone."

06-09-2013, 02:19 PM
Sariana watched stunned as he got closer to her, not really moving away. She had thought she had loved him, now he meant Aiden. She looked quickly as Basil bowled him over. She went over and said, "Basil. It's Dustin. Aiden was able to pretend to be Dustin." She was still having a hard time with it but it might push Basil farther one way or the other in this fight. Sariana would die trying to keep them apart. She wanted them both to live still.

06-09-2013, 02:23 PM
"So it was you..." Basil said, still pushing on Aiden's throat. Basil's eyes lit with green furiously, his grip becoming more and more intense. It seemed as if Basil barely heard Sari. Aiden wildly grasped Basil's hands in an attempt to break free, but it was no use. "Please, brother... Let me go... I'll do anything, anything!" Aiden said under panic.

For a moment, Basil didn't even seem to care. His eyes were still furious. But then he saw the panic in Aiden's eyes and the green colour faded away. He slowly released Aiden, then turned to Sari. "Why do you want him to live?" Basil asked.

06-09-2013, 02:31 PM
"Because I'm not a killer. Neither are you," she said softly. "Stooping to his level will not get you anywhere," she said gently. She gulped a little bit and saw that he was loosening up on Aiden. She looked to Aiden and shook her head. "And you can't pretend you care about me because you don't. You wouldn't have hurt me if you cared. I don't see why you think you cared dearly for me," she said, repeating his words back to him. She was hurt, still being hurt, by him.

06-09-2013, 02:51 PM
Aiden didn't answer, but only gave a grunt of failure. He stared at the ground and remained there for a while. "You're right." Basil said towards Sari, "I'm not a murderer. Not even my brother deserves this... I hope you can forgive me."

At this moment, Aiden took his chance. While Basil and Sari were talking, he sneaked up behind Basil, armed with a knife. He then leaped onto Basil, piercing the knife through Basil's chest, followed by a thunderclap from the skies. Rain began pouring down on the three as Basil collapsed on the ground. Aiden only laughed, spreading his arms like he was embracing the thunder and rain.

06-09-2013, 03:04 PM
"Of course," was all Sari managed to get out with a gentle, encouraging smile before Aiden came on him. "NO!" she screamed and went to him, falling over top of him. "Basil, no. Please don't die, Basileus. No," she begged, sobbing over top of him. She leaned down, trying to hear him breathing. She was ignoring Aiden now too. She wanted nothing more than for Basil to be alive and able to get up right now.

06-09-2013, 03:06 PM
"Life is cruel." Aiden said, looking down on the two. "Imagine; if you hadn't been nice, if you hadn't helped the stranger on the beach, none of this would have happened. You could have continued living your pathetic little life, sparing yourself from ever having to witness this."

06-09-2013, 03:10 PM
"Basil, please," she begged quietly, next to his ear this time. "Basileus, I love you," she whispered to him quietly as if it was their little secret. She gently kissed his cheek before standing up, still hoping he would live. "But I'm not cruel. And of course I had a pathetic life. What more could it be with you in it," she cursed at him angrily. She didn't care how angry she may make him. She was furious now.

06-09-2013, 03:20 PM
"You can beg as many times as you want..." Aiden said, laughing at Sariana. "Life is not a fairy tale and there are no happy endings. I learned that the cruel way."

Then, suddenly, a large thunderclap came and the rain stopped. A large ray of sunlight burst through the clouds, aiming at Aiden. The silhouette of a bearded man appeared through the sunlight, speaking with a booming voice. "Aidoneus. Have you learned nothing, son? I sent you with one simple task. I sent you to keep an eye on your brother. It hasn't even been two weeks, and you have already murdered him." the voice spoke. Aiden went on his knees and begged. "Father Zeus, I beg you... He is the reason for my cruelty. If he did not exist, none of this would have happened."

But the begging did not work. "Silence!" the voice boomed. "I leave you at the mercy of your people." the voice spoke and the clouds blocked him away. Then, a large hole was created in the ground that emitted a strange green light. Several hands began clutching onto the grass, undead bodies rising up from the depths. They all marched after Aiden like zombies, mumbling and moaning. Aiden screamed for mercy, but the skeletons, souls and monsters dragged him into the depths by his feet. After Aiden was dragged into the hellhole, the ground restored itself and formed a rock that had the shape of Aiden's face in it.

06-09-2013, 05:03 PM
Sariana watched the spectacle and Aidoneus' demise before laying back down on top of Basil, continuing to weep for her lost love. "I'm sorry I didn't help you, Basil. I'm sorry," she wept over him. There was nothing more she could do no, all her strength gone for the moment.

06-09-2013, 06:11 PM
Basil slowly opened his eyes, grunting with pain a little. He looked at the knife in his chest and removed it with a strong yank. He grunted again, then stroked Sariana on the side of her face. "I'm not going to make it... I can feel my forces decrease..." Basil slowly let his hand down. "Perhaps we'll meet again... in the next life."

06-09-2013, 07:12 PM
Sariana shook her head as tears slowly made trails down her cheek. She leaned in gently and softly, put her lips against his in a kind and loving kiss. "But I love you," she said quietly.

06-09-2013, 07:26 PM
"I love you too..." Basil said. First, he grunted with pain. Then, a tear rolled over his cheek. But at last, he smiled. It was a warm smile. He stood up and held Sariana by her hands. He looked deeply in her eyes as he slowly brought his forehead closer to hers.

"Remember... I am always watching." Basil said warmly. Then, his eyes began to glow orange and his skin turned gold. His clothes began to disappear, the light from his skin glowing brighter and brighter until he was no more than a glowing silhouette of light. He slowly released Sari's hands, stepping away from her. His body parts began to shatter in a million pieces, turning into butterflies as they left the body. A swarm of yellow butterflies circled around Sariana, flying away into the skies.