View Full Version : Lockdown :: Breakout (IC)

10-16-2009, 03:12 PM
A Game by splicer407:


Raven sat crouched on a transport pipe atop one of the small factories, he could feel the substance moving within the pipe beneath his feet and hands. He watched as the doors opened to let everyone out for the night, today was Saturday and tomorrow they would all have a day off. The time was 20:50, it was nearly time to meet the ones he had selected.

Dropping to the roof of the building Raven quickly jumped over and dodged pipes and ladders, jumping over a gap between buildings with a guard below. Eventually he came to a huge factory building, the west side to be exact, and jumped through a rust hole in the top of the wall, landing with a heavy thump on the ceramite floor and sliding forward a few inches. Coming to a spot on the floor outlined by a black stripe he wedged a nearby piece of metal under it and slide the chunk of floor back about three feet.

Jumping down into the hole he slid the floor closed from beneath, leaving about two inches of a gap to be seen by the guests. Raven then began to Walk down a dark hallway that led, though no one remembered, to what used to be a fallout bunker. The end of the hallway opened onto a balcony overlooking a cavern like space with spare computers and cables running everywhere. Over in one corner the walls were completely covered with screens and a single console sat on top of a stack of computer towers that made a makeshift desk. Not too far from there was a long table with chairs around it, this was the only preparation he had made for the visitors. Raven stepped up to the desk and looked at the monitors, showing video feeds of the three entrances to the abandoned factory and various other angles of important way points within the city, Raven was watching for the others and he was sure they would come.

Lyon walked silently amongst the crowd, being a wolf in sheep skin as he milled amongst the drones. The very thought of once being one of those mindless zombies was enough to make him wretch. The man was large in height and muscularity, having been part of an engineering and construction crew.

The man had dedicated the directions to meet this "Raven" to memory, saying the directions over and over in his head as he drew closer to his goal. He wore simple clothes. Dark, sturdy cargo slacks with grime stains on the hems and knees; a shirt of a similar solemn grey with dark stains of sweat around the neck and armpits. Over his shirt, he wore a dark grey-green workers cargo jacket. Badges of his old lifes profession on the shoulders and chest. The left sleeve was folded up to a little below the shoulder, marking the lack of a left arm. Lyon still felt the Phantom Limb at times, but he learned how to not let it distract him while on the job.

He had a large duffle bag slung over his right shoulder, carrying all he really needed to do his job. Lyon made his way to the bunker without being followed, finding all the signs and marks that this Raven fellow left for him to find. Making his way inside, Lyon beheld a mass of computer screens and towers, the air tasted foul with ozone, a common taste when there is so much hot electrical components in such a small space. Setting his duffle bag down, Lyon walked up to a figure silhouetted by what looked like security feeds,

"Quoth the Raven, 'Nevermore'." Lyon said in a tone that was flat, dry, and deep.
Raven turned his head, still under his cloak's hood, to look back at the man standing behind him. " 'Some late visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door; -This it is, and nothing more,' " He turned his body the rest of the way and looked out at Lyon, his eyes darting, for a moment, to his missing arm. "Though you are not late; I must say I admire your sense of humor. The others should be here shortly, you can have a seat at the table if you like, just be mindful of the wires."

Raven turned back to the screens, this time raising his hands ti the keyboard and switching one of them to a list of names, then placing a check next to 'Lyon'. "Yes I already know the name you will tell me if i ask." He said, without turning around.
Rust made his way down the crowded streets. He no longer minded the thick smog that hung in the air near the factories, although years ago it was the bane of his existence. As he walked he periodically glanced down at the small map in his hand to make sure he was on the right path.

Rust wore his usual baggy blue jeans with large pockets, being held up by black suspenders. Under the suspenders was a sleeveless white shirt. His pockets swayed as he walked, the clang of metal was drowed out by the meaningless chatter of the thinning crowds around him.

He checked the map again. He was getting to the part of town where the buildings were older and pedestrians were much fewer and further between. Every now and then Rust passed guards, and the further he went the more they started giving him suspicious looks but he only smiled at them and pressed on.

"Hey you," A guard eventually called to him. "I've never seen you around this way before."

Rust looked around, and behind him, as if trying to figure if the guard was speaking to him. The road was empty besides him and the one guard.

"Where are you going? Let me see some ID," The guard demanded, his face showing increasing suspicion. He put a cautious hand on his gun holster.

"Sure," Rust said approaching the guard. He stuffed his hand in one of his pockets and fished around for a moment. "Its here somewhere. Just one second."

When Rust pulled his hand out of his pocket it was wrapped in a rusty chain. The guard barely had time to react before being smashed in the face by knuckle and iron, and then dumped into a nearby trashcan. The garbage collection drones would be by before the guard came to, Rust thought to himself.

A camera mounted nearby twitched in his direction, and Rust quickly disappeared into a nearby alleyway. He started paying attention to the heat readings he picked up with his bionic eye, and avoiding the still, man-sized, heat blobs on the way to his destination. He knew if he brought in a trail of guards behind him, this 'Raven' guy might be angry. The electronic currents criss-crossing the city, forming an actual grid, were harder to read, but if he concentrated he could predict fairly well were the surveillance cameras were. He made it the rest of the way unseen, and unnoticed to the fallout bunker.

Rust had been reluctant to come but when he saw the hidden room filled with screens and security images, an annoying bit of excitement washed over him; a bit of hope. But then he shook it off, reminding himself that hope was foolish when facing impossible odds. He reminded himself that he had come to save his own skin, and not the world.
Roose Hurro:


It never ceased to amaze Pico how often Murphy's Law proved true. How often someone... knocked on doors while one was taking a shower, for instance. Case in point, the hooded figure who delivered this odd note, with map, while he stood damp and dripping, wrapped in ragged-edged, thread-bare towel. How anyone managed to find him and his present residence in the first place made this note of very keen interest. So...

... Pico made sure to pack what little he owned, after grooming. Toolbelt, backpack, everything he'd managed to save and salvage from his previous life "before", all of it worn on his person. Not much, given his size, but he'd been a wanderer from a very early age, and was presently in his second century of life, so he'd learned to pack lightly. After all, when it came to possessions, he didn't need much. Just the tools of his trade. And his medications. Not being even remotely human made his lifestyle easy to pack up and move, should circumstances demand. No socks or underwear, no shirts or pants to pack... no furniture to worry about, no silverware or dishwork... home, always where he happened to be, even if that home ended up stuffed in a bag and carried wherever he happened to be going. As a predator, this being prepared had proven wise, should he need to move quickly after prey... or just away from hazards circling over his former territory.

As a predator, Pico also had other skills. Small, quiet, deadly. Fast of foot and claw. This was how he moved. Senses, alert. Thoughts focused on where he needed to go, and how he needed to get there without being spotted. Or otherwise detected. Still, he hated to move, especially now. Another strike in favor of Murphy's Law, that this note had to come just as the first physical signs of rut had made their regular cycle. His primearm wrists itched like crazy right now, but the demands of this situation prevented him from scratching. He had to move, and move fast... stop, then study his surroundings for signs of any pursuit. Signs of camera activity. Patrols. Strays. Watch, listen, sniff. Evaluate biofields and electrical patterns in nearby technology, so he could find a safe, clear path to his destination...

... so, in this manner, Pico arrived at the appointed place near enough to the appointed time not to matter, having met no one, having shown up on no camera lens. Even the camera lenses his "benefactor" watched. Quiet, stealthy. Focused. Unobserved, because he'd found a fourth entrance into the bunker. Well, actually, he'd made one of his own. Reason for him being just a little late.

Yes, a toolbelt came in very handy...

... "Normally, I'd be perfectly willing to eat a raven, even though I hate the taste of feathers, but this is the first time a bird has... requested my skills."

These words came from the toothy maw of a very short, svelt predatory creature, wearing nothing but toolbelt and pack, as he stepped out of the shadows in a space where no human could stand, subarms folded across his chest, primearms ready to use the very wicked claws his primehands possessed, if the way his digits twitched meant what they seemed to mean, his posture and pose looking ready to leap for throats. Or in his case, any nearby crotches.........

Emily’s head twitched in the darkness, eyes focused down on the small flashing light before her. She was tucked away in a small, dark alcove in a ventilation shaft. It was her former place of work. After she had been unplugged and received the letter, she knew she would not be able to work as she once had. Not being like most humans, Em was not afraid of confined spaces, and thus had taken up residence in the cramped ventilation shaft. She could stand in the area that she was, only because there was a fan about a floor above her. Otherwise, she had to crawl her way through the shafts. She didn’t mind it though, all she needed she had right here. Makeshift tools, some she’d made herself, and trinkets she’d picked up.

The little spider like creature she worked on was not exactly pretty. It was made of spare parts, little bits of wire with tools she’d found throughout the city. One would be amazed what they could do with what an office threw away. It sickened her to think that she had once been a mindless drone, office attendant. She was more white collar, and thus did not have the hardened body others might but she did have something else. She had technology, and she could do wonders with it. Flicking a tiny panel closed, she turned her spider like creature onto it’s proper legs again It was about as big as her palm, and beeped in thanks for the repairs. She had several of them, most of them rolled into egg shapes and hidden in the lining of her jacket. She’d picked up a worn brown leather jacket off the street. It covered the dress blouse and offset the navy blue pressed pants that were now very dirty that’s he had once worn.

Making her way through dark alleys was easy for Em. It was her specialty. Sneaking about through the dark, good and quiet. She was certainly thin enough to, though her height had gotten her into trouble more then once. It wasn’t hard for her to recall the directions, and moving down the narrow passage just reminded her of home. She’d kept the spider under her jacket during the walk, but let it crawl out to her shoulder and flash the lights that made up it’s eyes brighter so she had a little more light. When she reached the balcony, she realised that three had made it before her. The spider turned off it’s light, and she made her way down to the computer monitors. She was immediately taken in by the technology. She turned to one of the spare computer, laying a hand on top of it and tilting her head. It seemed, she was not interested in the others in the room. However, the spider was far more curious, the mechanical thing staring from one to the other.
Raven turned around again at the sound of Pico's voice "And i would be more than willing to kill you if you tried." He said, a smile on his face, turning around and typing again he checked three names off. 'Pico', 'Tempest', and 'Rust'. He turned again, his back now to the screens. "Right, Rust you can stop trying to hide up there and come down; and Tempest... well if you like you could have that tower seeing as you're so interested in it."

There was only one more to arrive, and she was obviously running late. Raven looked down at his wrist where he kept a small digital watch, 21:03, almost time. "If you would all take a seat," He said, gesturing towards the long table and chairs "... then we can get started." Raven did not turn to the screens this time but instead shifted his arms so that his cloak closed around his front.
Rust, enshrouded in shadows, narrowed his eyes at the fox like creature, who presumably was 'The Raven'. This was the man who was responsible for him losing his job, becoming a hunted man, and having to leave his family. On the way to the fallout bunker Rust had come up with the idea of capturing Raven and handing him over to the Overseer. The Overseer might be so pleased that he'd allow Rust to go back on the grid and continue his old life despite his fights with the local guards and the Overseer's enforcement over the last few months.

Rust would attack Raven right then and there, but if the guy had the power to pull him off the gird maybe he'd be a bad guy to cross. Also there was the possibility of the others trying to protect him. Sizing up the others Rust figured he could take them all. The tough looking guy seemed intimidating at first but then Rust realized he only had one arm. I'd be like beating up a guy in a wheelchair; he rather not, but he could if it came to it. Rust turned and smiled at the insect looking alien, thinking he'd need one hell of a fly swatter to do away with that one. And then there was the little girl. She'd probably just gasp or scream while he handled the others.

Rust sighed, stuffed his hands in his pockets, and without saying a word, strolled down to the table and took a seat. He decided to hear Raven out. For his own sake he had better have ONE HELL of a plan
Inside a sheltered nook, a worker wearing green mechanic coveralls watched the building across the way, an abandoned factory. She could see no sigh of a trap, but that didn't mean there was none. Her hand darted to the heavy belt and pressed a control.

Moments later, Igor Bakhvalova rose from the nook, briefcase clutched in his hand and crossed over to the building entrance. The layout was not unexpected and he soon found the others.

"Interesting," he spoke gruffly as he stepped into the room to join them, his expensively tailored suit somehow fastidiously spotless despite the dust that laid over everything.

"Who is Raven?" he asked, holding up the invitation that was found in what Igor thought was a good hiding place. His dull eyes swept the room, pausing on the man in the cloak. "What is meaning of this?"

Lyon leaned against the wall, his large sledge-wrench in his scarred hand as he watched the group with critical, cutting, cold eyes. The young guy who walked in gave a vibe of thinking he could take on the world alone. That gut feeling alone made Lyon want to bash his head in, but that would have to wait till later. Sure, he had one arm, but he had killed more able people with both his arms broken.

What really made his pulse rise was the insectoid non-human. Filthy creature looked like something out of one of the bad horror books his grandpa used to read. Lyon simply made a harrumphing chuckle in his throat. I'm gonna need a bigger can of pesticide for that friggin' big... he thought.

The large man simply watched and listened, his sledge-wrench twirling in his hand almost as if it was part of the man. His ragged and stuffed duffle bag laid next to his feet. If he needed, he could drop the wrench, grab the gun, and drop whomever needed dropping under three seconds. The first would be the damned bug. Then the other human dude. The thought caused a quick twitch in Lyon's upper lip, a brief and cruel smirk that vanished as quickly as it appeared.

"I'm not keen on relaxing in environments someone knows better than me, Raven. I'll stand." Lyon said in his gruff baritone of a voice, his weapon of choice still twirling in that calloused palm.
The only one Tempest even looked at in the room was Raven when he spoke about her being able to have the tower. What most thought was junk Em saw endless possibilities in, even a piece of technology picked clean could be cleaner when she was done with it. She may not have had brute strength, but she could reprogram a computer tower to take your head off. It wasn’t as if she would care about any threats that came toward hr. She was not afraid of pain, torture, death. Why should she be? If it happened it happened, it was illogical to dwell on such a thing. Thus was the luxury of being two-thirds machine. If anyone attacked her now it would only be a waste, and show just how ignorant they were.

She did as Raven had offered, letting the spider resting on her shoulder crawl down to strip the casing. The thing had a few tools built into it, and moved quickly, to take the casing off and give her the innards. She held some of the detached component sin her hands and walked to the table Raven had instructed them to. She had no reason not to sit. If any of these people wanted to they could kill her. But so what? It wouldn’t accomplish anything. She placed the parts she’d taken on the table before her, pulling out a few tools before she got to immediate work. Her tools were tiny, and every so often she didn’t use them and somehow managed to get panels of. Being partially mechanical had its advantages, such as unseen tools.

She was listening, should she be given construction but she worked with such speed and precision on the computer component. If anyone paid any attention, they would have already figured out she was too stiff and uncaring to be exactly ‘normal’ but who was normal in this room? Her eyes turned to the newcomer as he demanded an explanation for the paper. She merely looked back to her work, already having taken anything she sought useful out of one of the blocks she worked on before leaving what little was left in a small heap and moving to the next one. She figured they should be glad that the Raven had set them free, but it seemed that this group might not be the brightest one.
Roose Hurro:
Table Manners...


In response to Raven's return threat, Pico simply exposed his teeth, and picked between them with a subhand claw, while his primehands adjusted his toolbelt. Eyes, moving from Raven to each of the others present, hidden and not. The cyborg female, who's biopattern meshed with tech. The one armed male with a sledge-wrench and attitude, wrench twirled in his only hand, the attitude evident in his smirk. Another male humanoid, out of the shadows, who's glance and smile held the look of trouble. Aaand... *sniff*... a female, wrapped in a presently male-patterned holofield. Nice crowd, if they didn't all end up killing each other. Pico had a feeling any move he made in this place would be like stepping on mice...

... squeek.

... crunch.

... squish.

So he ignored the verbal and nonverbal threats blowing round the room, though he couldn't help focusing his attention on that little spider-machine the cyborg had on her shoulder... it was staring at him, as well as everyone else in the room in turn, its little electronic eyes unblinking. For the first time since receiving the note, Pico felt his tensions ease. Not completely, no... his alertness remained the same, but his curiousity level had just risen five-fold. Then tenfold, as they gathered around the table, and she began her work.


The male with the missing arm chose to stand. Pico fully understood his reasonings. But... the chairs provided wouldn't allow him to sit, either. Still, they were sturdy enough to stand on, so his freedom to leap, should there be trouble, wouldn't be hindered. Standing would also allow him to see over the table...

So, as the others sat and the one chose to stand, Pico approached the table last, hopped up onto his chosen seat, and dropped primehand claws on the table with a clack, not concerned if his claws left marks on the surface. Twitch of muscles under hide, quite evident. Intent, intense eyes, watching and evaluating with calculated precision. Sensory feelers, slowly aflick, ears steady in a neutral, listening pose.

Teeth, still in evidence behind muzzled lips.........

Igor frowned. There was a lot of tension in the room. Keeping a firm grip on the dead man's trigger, 'he' moved towards the opposite end of the table from the one-armed man who insisted on standing, positioning 'himself' so that he had a clear view of everyone and a glance through the doorway where 'he' came in.

"We are all here now?" Igor asked in 'his' gruff, slavic accent. The alien was a bit of a surprise but useful for getting into places no one would suspect. Very useful. Perhaps Igor's prayers had been answered after all.

By herself, she could sting the Overseer, but with others, there was the core of an army. An army could hurt the Overseer and his mysterious plans.

Just as long as this wasn't a trap. But if it was, she'd come prepared.
Raven turned and watched 'Igor' position 'himself' at the table. "Yes we are all here now, lets begin." He moved his hand inside his cloak and pulled out a small remote control, rather like a computer mouse but with more buttons and a rotating ball used to move a cursor. He pressed a button and all the video feeds blacked out, leaving the room in a low yellow light.

"First, why i called you all here." He flicked another switch and an image appeared, using all the monitors as one large screen. The image was dimly lit and fuzzy, small flecks of static dotted throughout. "This man, this planet's overlord has gone on far too long without a reminder that his power is mortal." Raven flicked another switch and the image flickered and was replaced with multitudes of others, two, sometimes three to a screen. "These people are our targets, the Overseer's friends and accomplices. They must be destroyed to get that beast to expose himself." He touched one last switch, which caused the screens to black out again and they were replaced with a side view of a raven with four eyes surrounded by a circle of steel. "I must remind you of the chance we have been given. The unknown force that has removed us from the system has also granted us the opportunity to strike back." Raven looked out from beneath his hood at each of the faces before him.

"Secondly, introductions. I am The Raven, perhaps better known by my old name, which i will not reveal yet. Each of you can either introduce yourselves, or i will have to do it for you." He pressed a button on the remote, causing his name to appear next to a photo of himself.
Rust listened to what Raven said carefully. There were a few interesting points. Firstly he had blamed an 'unknown force' for taking them all off the grid, which meant the anger that Rust had felt towards him was completely undue. It's a good thing I didn't attack him right away, Rust thought. It would have been awkward. It was lucky he had decided to wait until he had all the information on the situation before doing something irrational.

Raven seemed to be in the same situation as them all, so the door had pretty much closed on Rust's plan to subdue him and turn him in. But, as they say, when one door closes... A small grin spread across Rust's face, as he quickly pieced together new information. Maybe there was something to be gained here after all.

Rust stood up, and walked passed the alien perched on the chair. He stopped next to the girl who was tinkering with bits of the tower she had been given. A mechanical spider was busy at work as well. "Your spider," Rust said to the girl casually. Then he bended to position his face just inches from hers, and whispered into her ear: "Its running hot." He paused for a moment and then winked at her with his bionic eye. Of course the spider wasn't really running hot but that was the best line he could come up with on short notice.

Rust straightened up and strolled to stand in front of the screens that still showed the four eyed raven. "I'm Rust." He said, now speaking loud enough for all to hear. "Its a pleasure to meet you all. Now, about this plan... Don't get me wrong, killing the Overseer's friends sounds like good fun, but I've had more than enough fun over the last few months: hiding, stealing food to stay alive, getting shot at, living everyday in fear. Somehow I don't think prodding at the Overseer is the best way to improve this situation. Getting the 'beast to expose itself' sounds nice until you realize you can't out run it, you can't fight it, you're pretty much screwed."

Rust took a moment to look over everyone's faces before he continued. "Now I'm not the kind of guy who would trash a plan without offering up a constructive alternative." He turned to Igor Bakhvalova. "This guy," He said pointing at him. "Doesn't need to introduce himself. He's wanted and has been all over the news feeds for months. He used to work for the Overseer, and crack whips on the backs of honest hard working guys like us. So why don't we capture him and turn him in. The Overseer will be so happy that he'll let us all back on the grid and we can go about our slightly less miserable existences. In other words, instead of prodding the beast with a stick, why don't we toss it a steak?"
Igor rubbed his throat, then stood up.

"You can call me Igor Bakhvalova," 'he' rasped, "I do not think the Overseer would like this 'steak'."

"And when he has eaten me," Igor added, turning towards Rust and waving 'his' free hand at the rest of the beings in the room, "who do you feed him next? Our Overseer is very hungry man. He will not forget."

"Appeasing him does nothing except delay eventual. This unseen force may go away. There is no time for delay."

Tempest did look at Pico as he came nearer. She simply looked at him a moment, interested in just how he moved. Quite the arms he had. Of course she was already thinking of how to adapt his ways of moving to a machine but that was simply how Tempest worked. She did not seem startled in the slightest as he sat on the table and simply returned to her work. As the screens began to light up, Tempest turned her eyes up to watch them. The targets seemed logical enough, though she did wonder why Raven kept his true designation a secret. Could he really have been that important on the grid? Tempest didn’t know. She knew she may not be able to take any of the targets down with brute force, but having a terminal explode in their face or dragging a blade across their neck in their sleep seemed an adequate enough means. As far as introducing herself, she’d much rather let Raven do it for her.

When the other came closer she didn’t look at him at first, but as he spoke she tilted her head slightly. She stared straight back at him as he got close, unflinching as she heard his statement. It was an odd one, and she didn’t quite understand at first. Tilting a brow, she knew the spider wasn’t malfunctioning; they were on a constant interface. But the little critter started beeping at him angrily before she gave it a good flick in the forehead. It appeared that she had programmed it with a personality. How, was impossible to know since she didn’t seem to have one of her own. She could only deduct that the man was either technologically brain-dead, or trying to make a pass at her. Neither, however, interested the cyborg.

As Rust continued he did make a good point. Taking down the Overseer might be difficult. There was no telling whether or not she could do it and when she calculated the percentage that dictated the probability of their success, she knew their chances were slim. But the fact was, power fluctuates. Some time the man would be taken down. It was the way of things, so why not let it be them to do it? As the other suggested going back on the grid however, Tempest’s eyes narrowed. She didn’t much care who was in the group or why, but she would not go back on the grid. She’d die before she did. She may not be afraid but it disgusted her, which seemed to be the only thing close to emotion she’d showed since she’d arrived. She knew Igor would retaliate, and simply turned her gaze down to one of the parts she had taken out of the tower and continued to fiddle with it.

‘I do not plan on lying on my back and letting the Overseer return me to that way of life.’ She turned her eyes up to Rust. Her voice was rather flat, a little monotone but she obviously felt something for the situation to actually speak, ‘Those lives may have been more pleasant, but no matter how good a lie is it is still a lie.’ She turned her gaze back down to the cube of technology and pulled of a small piece, examining it before returning it to it’s place, ‘Besides, do you honestly believe he would leave any of us alive after being off of the grid? There is a reason for us being here. For that same reason, he would kill us no matter how big a, steak, we toss him.’ Her answer seemed rather logical, and she knew the Overseer wouldn’t be stupid enough to just let this slide and put them back on the grid. No, this would be bigger to him, and she deducted that probably after torturing them to try and find out who set them free, he would kill them all.
Roose Hurro:
Food For Thought...


Thinking of mice made Pico feel a bit peckish. Yes, he listened to all the words batted about, mind both on rodents and on the situation... and on the itching of his primearm wrists, the slight discomfort working on his forehead bulge, hormones working their magic through his blood-rush. Heartbeat, steady. Inhale, exhale of breath, smooth and silent. Sight, scent, sound, touch. Memory of taste, taste of air to go with scent. Electrical patterns of both the living and the technological received through skull-feelers directly into brain, part of his unique perceptual sensoria. Curiousity over the female cyborg and her activities. Puzzlement over the hologram-hidden female's agenda, her reasons for hiding under false pretenses. He could easily call her out on her deception, but...

... no, let this particular facet play out.

As for this "Rust" person? Pico knew how to tell human predators from human "prey". Rust shouted "Predator!" loud and clear. Not only predator, but scavanger, as well. If they were all off the grid due to some unknown someone, this one specific fact squeaked louder than a hoard of rats underfoot. And this Rust wanted to turn over one of their group, without hesitation. Very unwise. No matter how he looked at this, with what little information he had, that one red flag of caution, that one Unknown hovered over them all...

... just exactly WHO or WHAT had removed them from the grid?

Pico raised his left primearm, fingers splayed, claws aimed at Raven as he hissed for attention...

... "Raven... do you not find it strange? Is not this Unknown Thing removing us from the grid our first concern? If you lead us, yet don't know why we are... free... how can you lead us in a wise course of action?" A lick over nostrils, stance upright on his chair, as he removed toolbelt and pack... toolbelt, to be hung on the chairback, pack, set on the table where his claws had left marks, eyes quickly roved over everyone in the room... "For all you know, the Overlord may very well be the one who let us loose... don't know why. That is what should be our greatest concern... why have we been removed from the grid? And by who... or what."

Even in the dim light, some if not all eyes may have noted Pico's pack sported an area of patchwork inconsistant with its otherwise unmarked state... its construction and materials having been created specifically for a creature of his nature. Sign of a past incident fondly remembered, as he brushed the backs of his claws over the patchwork, eyes on Raven, as his teeth flashed a grin...

... "I could do with a bowl of deep-fried rat testicles, wasabi on the side........."

Lyon remained where he was, leaning against the wall, sledge-wrench spinning in his hand. He let the words spoken file through his cluttered brain, weighing them and measuring them in a critical manner. The kind of way that was used to thinking around things, or people, that were hard to predict.

"On the contrary. Finding this unknown entity would be a waste of time. You cannot fight what you cannot see, and you cannot hunt what you cannot track. Furthermore, there is an old saying, 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend.' This thing that removed us from the Grid did so out of spite. Without the Overseer being able to watch over us every hour of every day, we should do as Raven suggests and strike at his Cabinet." Lyon began to walk around the table, still spinning his wrench in his hand, eyes focused and distant in thought.

"With the Overseer and his regime gone, there will be no more Grid. With the Grid gone, this entity will vanish with it." Lyon stopped, stood still for a moment, thinking. Holstering his wrench wild-west style in the loop on his belt, he used his hand to scratch the scruff on his chin.

"Of course, if we find who, or what, is able to ghost someone from the Grid, we can have them find people on it as well..." his thoughts went to his wife and daughter and that non-human bastard they left with after the accident. He wanted so much to find that son of a bitch and pin-cushion him with a nail-gun.

"... To keep tabs on priority targets, obviously."
"These men not easy to reach, grid or no grid." Igor growled. Inside the warmth of the holographic costume, she could feel a bead of sweat rolling down her neck. The hologram, of course, looked unmoved.

An ordinary person would wear little to nothing in a costume belt, which was the point, wasn't it? But this was not that sort of party. Whatever had taken her off the grid did not make her invisible. Her worker clothes under the costume would help her blend into the crowd when she left. And her bioplas body armor under that would help if there was a raid - or Rust attacked.

Igor's holographic hand fell naturally to 'his' side - while her real hand caressed the butt of the plasma pistol she had tucked into her pocket.
Rust was a bit disappointed by the girl's response to his whispered comment. He was expecting something more along the lines of a blush and giggle, but it was a shot in the dark, and there was much more important matters to attend to at the moment anyway.

"First of all Chunky," Rust said to Igor. "I doubt any beast can devour you and still want seconds." But Igor and the girl had bought up good points. The Overseer may not have been the kind of man to have much mercy, even on someone who has helped him, but what Rust knew for certain was that the Overseer would have much less mercy on those that opposed him. He'd take his chances with the steak idea.

Rust realized that no one else seemed to like his plan to capture Igor, all the same he rather do it alone. Rust stuffed his hand in his pocket and began wrapping it in his rusted chain. Just as he took a step towards Igor preparing to strike, Rust noticed he was getting weird heat readings from the man; readings that were impossible for a man his size and shape. This caused him to hesitate for a moment. Clearly his eye was malfunctioning, as he had also gotten weird heat and electrical readings from the girl. It would be a good idea to get his eye repaired before getting into a fight.

He was distracted for a moment by the alien speaking up and taking off his tool belt and pack; to Rust, he seemed oddly naked without them. Rust generally agreed with what he had said and when the wrench wielder disagreed, he decided it would be more productive to side with the alien than to continue pushing his own idea. He'd just have to wait for the opportune moment to capture Igor.

"The bug is right, I think the guy that pulled us off the grid might be the Overseer, and if he isn't he probably will be. I mean lets look at the best case scenario. Lets assume that we are successful in the assassinations, and that in the end we kill the Overseer. We win against all odds. Then what? There'll be anarchy and chaos with no government to rule us. The guy that pulled us off the grid will then probably step in to be Overseer himself, that's probably the point of all this. The question is how badly do we want to trade one tyrant for another? If we're going to kill the Overseer we'll have to have something to replace him, and I'm not comfortable with that something being a mysterious force that has already ruined my life."

"I must say something," Igor announced. "When I receive note, I did not know what to expect. Could be good, could be trap. So I prepare."

'He' lifted the briefcase 'he' was holding in 'his' left hand.
"As you have heard, I am very good with bombs. If I let go, we will not have to worry about Overseer or unseen forces ever again."

"I like what I hear so far, but my hand is growing tired. If Mr. Rust and others have objection to me being here, I should leave now before I hear more of this plan."
Raven stepped forward, rising a few inches as he drew himself up to his full height. "Enough!" He shouted, reaching up and unclasping the fastener around his neck causing the cloak to fall away. Underneath it he was wearing a plain black shirt, somewhat baggy black pants with large pockets, and heavy looking black boots with straps instead of laces. His tail hung down almost to the floor and his ears flicked up from their flat position.

"Miss Komar, i really suggest you stay, but if you let go of that switch i swear to kill you in the next life."

"Now, if you would allow me to explain, everything has a logical explanation." He proceeded to press another button on the remote, causing all of their pictures to appear next to their names. "And you don't get a choice anymore. Rust, you believed that sacrificing 'Igor' would get you back on the grid, your logic is flawed; the Overseer wants him so that he can be executed and you have no valid ID, he would kill you too just to simplify things."

Raven looked around the room at them all. "Pico brings up an interesting point, who or whatever removed us from the system is certainly a mystery, but what would the Overseer gain by removing certain people from the system?" He looked again to Rust "And you have made another good point. After the Overseer is gone there will be a certain amount of anarchy, however, we have a long time to plan a way around total collapse. And the force that removed us from the grid, if it is a person they will be easy enough to kill if he comes to claim rule when we assume control of the planet."
Everyone seemed to have at least partially logical concerns. There were many variables in the situation. Tempest looked to Pico as he spoke. The idea of someone being powerful enough to pull people off the grid was an unsettling one. For all they knew they were being led after targets that were in fact rebels against the Overseer, not truly corrupt. But how could they know for sure? Tempest was not a big fan of faith. It was a foolish thing people used to justify rash behaviour. No matter what way people looked at it however, they were being played by someone be it for good or bad reasons. The only thing Em knew for sure, was that she was not going back on the grid. Everything else was pure theory. When Pico described the dish Tempest didn’t give the same reaction some might. She simply tilted a brow, purely curious, ‘Interesting choice of seasoning…’ She had no use for such things. Vitamin supplements did her just fine.

Lyon’s retaliation was indeed logical but Em had never really liked the idea of that saying. What happened when one enemy was obliterated? They might find that their friend had just become their prime threat. She did not think it wise to let their guard down around anyone at the moment, even though she was grateful for being off the grid. She was starting to believe they were lending too much praise toward whomever had taken them off the grid. They didn’t necessarily need to be powerful. Even the most mundane task would seem incredible to someone who didn’t know how to do it. But she kept this idea to herself. Glad for Raven’s interference, she went back to fiddling as he spoke. His unveiling didn’t matter much to her. Appearance, race, mattered little in general.

Em’s eyes rose at the mention of them assuming control. She paused her work, the spider looking to her curiously. It poked her with one of its spiked feet in the cheek but she remained unmoved. That, was certainly an interesting statement. That kind of talk could lead to many things, many dark things. She had been less sceptical of the entire situation, until that. Them, assume control? None of them had displayed any great leadership qualities; Tempest knew she herself would not do well in such a position. She lacked empathy, ‘You are suggesting that should the Overseer’s rule come to an end, we take power?’ Her lips pursed, eyes turned down. She wasn’t so sure anyone in this group would want to take such responsibility, ‘Power corrupts. It is a fact, not simply a saying. No matter our intentions going into this if such a thing were to happen, I’m not so sure any of us could accept such a responsibility. I doubt, anyone could.’ She tilted her head back a bit, with a raised brow, ‘Make no mistake I wish the Overseer to be destroyed but simply taking his place should not be the way…’
Igor stared at Raven for a long moment as he spoke, then turned her back to Rust, Laying the briefcase down, she fished out a key from her pocket.

"That is not my name anymore," she says in a softer voice, slipping the key into the left lock and turning it. "I have taken both his name and his life."

She reluctantly lets go of the briefcase's handle with a sigh, then turns to face the rest of the room, flicking off the costume belt.

The muscular man in the expensive tailored suit evaporated. In his place stands a young woman with short dark hair peeking out from under a faded blue bandana, massaging her left hand. Two belts criss-cross over her green mechanics' overalls. With a small rustle, a small pair of white wings on her back unfold and stretch.

Igor nodded at Em as she talks about power corrupting. "I agree. Let someone else worry about who will be running things afterward. Focus on this first."

Roose Hurro:
Mysterious Forces...


The very mention of such a treat threatened to make Pico's mouth water. Not a good thing, no... a hole etched through the table would have been the least to happen, if he drooled. Especially in this stituation, where tempers and tensions could easily rise. In his case, literally to the venomous level. The price of being a living toxin factory, a species created by a very, very harsh world. Rut just beginning to work on his body's biochemistry didn't help the situation, either. Over the next several days, his body would be going through a metamorphosis set to turn him into an even better killing machine, all so he could protect a mate and offspring he would never have. A harsh reality, but one he'd learned to accept... reason the patch on his pack brought such fond memories...

... the accident, the losses, the adventure, and the friendships that had both saved his life and changed it forever. Harsh reality, but better than his previous life as a hormonal neuter. Now, despite the discomforts and intense longings, he at least knew he could be a father, if his search for other surviving exiles of his kind ever bore fruit. Ever found more than dusty, forgotten bones and tenuous rumors.

Still alert, ears turning towards every verbal exchange, Pico released the seals on his pack, rummaged around, and withdrew a small medpack, prominently marked with a biohazard symbol. A quick touch to two of the four corners released the biolocks... a careful claw removed a small packet, head tilted back and maw opened, packet dropped neatly under tongue, so no saliva touched claw, fingers or primehand. The packet? Quickly dissolved, its custom neutralizing medication now rendering him "safe".

At least as far as drool was concerned....

So, properly medicated for the present situation, Pico ordered his thoughts on what conversations had passed, tail's tip twitching in irritation at Rust's "bug" reference. And his attempted move on Igor...

... who had finally dropped her deception.

Well, one facet down, a thousand more to chew on.........

Intense amber-jade eyes covered the room, mane ruffled for the first time since he'd entered, ears slowly turned back...

... "Mysterious forces make my gut itch. We could stay here for days, tossing dead rats back and forth, only to find ourselves with a nasty stink on our hands. Because we acted with incaution, didn't take the other predators involved seriously. As I said, I don't know what the Overseer would want, taking us off the grid... and Rust has made clear one Overseer could easily be exchanged for another. The bad stink is, we don't know who or what did... or, more pointed, why." A pointed glare at Lyon... "Not a waste of time, this hunt. Difficult, yes. I would dance before the Overseer's headstone, and piss on his grave for what he has done to this world. But I will not hunt prey unless I know who owns the territory... unless I know this unknown won't take my prey, or hunt me in turn.

A shake of head, as his mane settled...

... "I refuse to hunt over bait. This 'freedom' is a handful of mice waved over our starving heads........."

Rust recoiled as Igor let down 'his' holograph. Shortly he realized that very few were as surprised as him so he regained his composure quickly.

To be honest, Rust had come to this meeting already determined to hate the plan and the people he found there, but at mention of them assuming control of the world he started to change his mind. In his head, while the others spoke, he started to go over just how possible it was, factoring in the variables.

The Overseer and his high ranking men, dispersed across the planet, would be very hard to get to, and very hard to kill given the outrageous security of their homes and places of business. Still it would be possible. The impossible part would be to set up a make-shift government which would lead the people of Tokarra in defending against the many others in the galaxy who would want step in and be Overseer themselves. Tokarra had been isolated for many years, but Rust hadn't forgotten that there was a galaxy outside which would come down on them if they overthrew their government. The Overseer didn't allow much news from off world to filter in to them, but Rust was fairly certain that many planets were relying on the resources that the factories and mines of Tokarra produced, so they wouldn't be happy to hear that the Overseer who made it all happen had been killed.

Rust figured they'd have about six months to re-establish the government and ready the army after the Overseer was out of the way; it would take that long for the ships from the nearest military outpost to reach their planet. The outpost was small but fending off the initial attack would be difficult, even for a well organized army, but still it would only be the first threat. Many more outposts and bases would have ships on the way as well, some would take years to arrive.

As for the mysterious person who had pulled them off the grid, Rust thought it might be the Overseer trying to excite another rebellion just to have the pleasure of crushing it. If it was, he might have bitten off more than he could chew. Otherwise Rust figured it could have been a disgruntled employee who wants to take the boss' job, but as Raven pointed out, they could handle him as well.

Rust didn't like it, but the more he thought about it, the more it seemed possible. He started to have the feelings he had back when the Tokarra rebellions were at their prime. He would have given anything to help but he was too young. Eventually the Overseer crushed the rebellion and set up the grid to make sure one could never happen again. The grid had taken away all hope from anyone who had even the tiniest rebellious inclination. It seemed the Overseer could hear your whispers, and even your thoughts... but now they were off the gird. Rust wanted to hang on to his anger, he thought he had the right to be pissed, but his anger was replaced with new hope which eventually he succumbed to.

"Maybe Raven's plan isn't all that bad. We really don't know anything about the person who pulled us off the grid," He said to Pico. "but if he's a concern to us at all, he's watching us and waiting for something. Friend or foe, going through with the assassinations will probably flush him out. Worst case, he thinks we're his pawns. He can keep us in the dark as long as we're sitting here in safety, but if we move out and act he'll feel the need to give us orders, and make sure we survive, or atleast make sure our deaths are worth something to him. If he is watching and waiting, I doubt he'd sit by while we make a mess of his plans, whatever they are. We can lure him, and the Overseer, out with the assassinations...." Rust smirked and his tone turned sarcastic. "Unless of course you think you can find him with those feelers of yours."

Rust then turned to Em. "If you don't want to rule the world, don't worry. I'll do it."
Raven again circled his gaze around the room, waiting for Rust to finish his sentence. "Thank you for reconsidering, Rust. But don't get your hopes up about keeping control of the world, ours will be a temporary government held only until a suitable leader can be found or a state of pure panic is negated. Think of it as a system reset, shut down the main control and and then restart it, ridding the system of problems." His gaze narrowed at Pico. "And of course i respect your decision, if you would rather return to the streets you may do so but i highly advise you not to, you're much safer here."

Indeed, they were all safer there, free from the burning eyes of the cameras and scrutiny of the guards.

(sorry, shortness >_<)
After Rust's announcement, Igor glanced at Em and rolled her eyes. It amazed her that anyone thought they'd survive that long.

This talk of forming governments was just so much wasted time. Something would rise from the chaos.

"So, what do we need to do?" she asked, waving at the screens. "How do we get at these people to get the Overseer out? I assume there are plans? Things we need now?"
Roose Hurro:
Finding a Reason...


This whole situation stank of carrion.........

Handful of mice, waved so they looked alive, but smelling of rot. Pico had voiced his concerns, disliked the whole situation, but he had one consideration holding him back from the exit. Keeping him there, despite Raven's words... despite Rust's words... despite everything. If he was to wander again in his search, he needed off this ruined planet. And the only way off this planet required the destruction of the current regime. Or death. Pico prefered the former to the latter....

So, like it or not...

... "Rust... Rust... Rust... I can find anything, if I have enough information."

A turn and tilt of head towards Raven, ears back and out a bit, mane slightly ruffled, tail raised as he leaned forwards, primehand claws against table on each side of his pack, after medkit was secured, subhands on top, one claw tapping lightly...

... "Raven... none of us are ever safe, anywhere. Life is risk. Always risk. Plans? Things we need? Who rules what? Convince me you know these you wish to see dead will die... and do with their deaths what we need them to do. We could hunt these, kill, and still be nowhere near achieving what we need. Even if everything goes perfect in the hunt...."

A snort...

... "Convince me... convince us... you know what you're doing, and deserve to lead. If I am to hunt over bait like this, if I must accept this challenge, I will not let myself end up prey........."

Raven turned to Pico "I thought somebody might ask for this, although i do not wish to reveal it." A long pause here, and a heavy sigh. "You want to know how i know this plan will work? It is because I know this man! When I was young my father re-married and he became my step brother, even though he was i still hated him. But i learned one crucial detail about him: just like his chess game, if you eliminate his pawns and other pieces he will reveal his king to the point of stupidity, trying to make an extremely daring comeback. And then he will fail, but this time it will be his last. And before you ask it does work in real life, several of his small gangs were broken up after i persuaded a few of the members to leave and he tried to gain publicity for new ones."

Raven looked around at the others, his arms raising a bit in a defensive position, he wondered if they would still trust him.
Hell Knight:
Kurgon walked through a door after he recieved a note about some mutiny, he kept that note a secret as promised, he reached to the meeting, he know's he was late for it, but he didn't care. When he walked in, he looked around first, he scoffs as he looked at the others, "Yeah, yeah I'm late, so what." Kurgon takes a deep breath, he knows this would be one boring meeting, he moves his neck around a bit. "So who's in charge of this......cowboy show-down?" he asked, showing no gesture or expression. "Because I'm getting tired of this damn planet, living among you human's feels like I'm living with dogs from your home planet."

He walks over to wall and leans agains't it, he keeps his head down and arms crossed, hoping nobody walks up to him and asks him some questions, he doesn't like being interrogated about himself very much at all.

(ooc: Yes I know short, but this is all I can think of for the time being lol)
Em could still see many things wrong with the plan but she was not one to rattle cages. She would work with Raven; having decided what she heard so far was good enough. Besides, she was malleable; if something had to change halfway through she wouldn’t mind it. She’d rather get going in a direction then sit her arguing all day. As for one of the others ruling, she decided that if ever certain people did, they would find themselves assassinated rather quickly. But she kept this to herself. As far as whether or not Raven’s plan would work, only time would tell. What these people didn’t seem to understand was that nothing was written in stone or blood. If things had to change later on it would happen.

For now the revelations didn’t faze her, in fact she barely looked at the others as things were revealed. Another female, with which Em felt no special connection. Their sex had little significance. Besides, being two-thirds machine she was less similar to the other woman then she might think. All the accusations flew and she simply sat, her spider watching the others with fascination as they spoke. She flicked it once more for getting over excited. This was all just dragging on the inevitable in her eyes. As far as Raven being related to the overseer, it mattered not. As long as he stuck to what he had said Em found blood relation to be of little consequence. It was nothing but a romanticized biological time, that meant little. Even less in raven’s case.

She sighed at the new arrival, shaking her head slightly. So this was their group, a bunch of hardheaded individuals who were too stubborn to make any decision. It was starting to look like they would be here for an awfully long time. She could only hope that these individuals could eventually see past their own egos to work together. This of course included herself. She didn’t like people much. But she was trying rather hard to not crawl back into her little space and let technology keep her company, ‘We should get down to it.’ She said, looking to Raven, ‘Give us our targets so that we might see this through before our next lifetimes.’ The statement about next lives was illogical she knew. The next life? How scientifically unsound. But she figured it was poetic enough to get her point across. She wanted to get down to business, as efficiently as possible.
Lyon simply watched and listened as words and accusations were thrown about; it was like watching a group of monkeys toss shit at one another. It was amusing but at the same time it wanted to make you wretch.

With the new arrival, Lyon ran his thumb over his wrench and glared at the alien. That one had an attitude that would need fixing sooner rather than later. Same with Rust, and that Pico fellow. Hell, the only ones acting mature enough to keep some kind of order was Raven, himself, and the women.

"Everyone, enough of talking shit and shut the fuck up. Ruling a planet is messy business, it is not something to be taken lightly. " Lyon said deeply, scratching the stump of his left arm.

"Em is right. There are targets out there that need eliminating. The longer we sit here chatting like a couple of fucking schoolgirls, the better the chance of being found. Yes, the Gird is down, but there are plenty of grunts and guns more than happy to get their hands dirty finding us the old fashioned way. We need to nut up, grow a backbone, and get this done ASAP."
"I'm in favor of getting started immediately too," Rust said.

Raven had mentioned that they weren't going to rule the world for long, but Rust knew that the future was unpredictable. None of them knew exactly what would happen after the Overseer was killed but Rust knew whatever happened he'd make the best of the situation. He'd find a way to come out of this better off than when he started.

After hearing the insult against humans by the late guy, Rust made a mental note to make a comment about the guy's mother a little later on, but now wasn't the time. The wrench wielder was right. It was time to get down to business. Was this a group of rebels, or the breakfast club?

"So, the targets," Rust said to Raven. "Do you have info on all of them already, like their locations, schedules, and stuff or do we have to do recon ourselves? Are we going to work solo or with partners or what? If we're partnering up, I call the creepy techno-girl." Rust looked around at the others. "Not that I don't like you all, but some of you would have a hard time accepting that I'm the hero and you're the sidekick, so I don't think it would work out. Plus I think you've all noticed," Rust said strolling over to Em again, looking her in the eye. "The sexual tension between us. We should go ahead and work that out."
Igor's right eyebrow arched when Raven revealed himself. Someone who was half-brother to the Overseer? Most likely, it was Raven himself who was this 'unseen force' that took them off the grid. And if he led the group who got rid of the Overseer, why wouldn't he become the new leader of the world?

Not that she cared either way. Or for whatever craziness that Rust spouted. She only hoped whatever Em did to Rust would not damage him too much - he could still be useful. For now.

"The Overseer does not suspect?" Igor asked. "You not followed here? Or were you?"

She glanced at the newcomer behind them. Yes, he could be a body guard, easily.

"We remove pawns," she shrugged, looking back up at Raven. "Ok. Explain 'Grid' to me. I need to understand how it works if we are to kill them."

And how they were removed from the grid - if they really were removed.
Hell Knight:
Kurgon rolled his eyes when he was asked if he was followed, "If somebody followed me, then they wouldn't be here I can guarantee that." he scoffs for a moment, then he tend his head back to the meeting. "Alright enough horse spit, what the hell is going on here? all I know is I been asked to come here on a special reason, and what reason can you give me "Raven?" huh?" he asked him as he takes a few steps towards him.

"Not that I'm trying to pick a fight here, but I have my own things to attend to here." he looks around and see some of the others are pretty much stubborn as he is, but Kurgon was even more stubborn about touchy subjects and habits. he kept his breath steady to show no any weakness, "If your gonna return me to my clan Raven, I'll return my favor back one day."
Roose Hurro:
Very Much Amused...


Many voices crossed Pico's ears, yet he heard every one, bright and clear. Raven, who gave a reason he found very convincing, if not a total comfort. The new arrival, a male Krogan, who gave a very bad first impression with his use of the words "You humans"... when there existed two other non-humans in the room. Tempest/Em, the cyborg female, emotionally numb, yet practical and efficient. Interesting. 'Igor', who gave deception a new angle. Rust, who gave Pico that uncomfortable feeling, like a bad piece of meat, and... and...

... Heh... hehheh......... *

Pico couldn't help it. As the Krogan spoke again, the pressure within reached critical mass. And he started to chuckle. However...

... chuckle rapidly decayed into an all out laugh. Not a human laugh, no, a strange, alien, metalic hark of sound, not so much loud as intensely annoying, a grate on the nerves, due mostly to the ultrasound component imbedded in it. And so overwhelming, Pico tipped out of his chair, fell on the floor... THUMP onto his back... where he rolled around, legs flailing, tail randomly atwitch, prime and subarms gripping his sides as he made an apparent fool of himself. Apparent, not actual. He just... well, he just found that line Rust gave so... ahhh... so, so amusing. Ohhh, and it had been so long since he'd laughed so hard! The irony of him just entering rut wasn't lost, either...

... "Ha!" His outburst under control, Pico rolled back up onto his feet with far more grace than he'd fallen off them, a very measured leap regaining his seat, eyes focused intently on Rust and Em, with equal attention, then on Rust only...

... "Sexual tension my ass, Rustyboy. I should bite off your nads right now, save you the trouble of losing them later........."

Hell Knight:
Kuron watched the strange one, laughing his guts out, he doesn't understand something like this, why they would burst out laughing, he only watched for a moment then looked at the others, "Are the rest of you THIS crazy?" he asked once. His eye's returned to watch the one called "Pico"

"This is one unique group Raven." Kurgon said as he gives him one glance, then he walked back to the wall, he crossed his arms, kept his head up, and pondered with his mind. 'This is a waste of time, hearing talk of strange mutiny, I've been on far more simple mutiny's than this, what am I doing here? maybe I should leave right now, but then again, the damn law outside wants my head." he chuckles to himself, "But they DO have to try and stop me, they can try and arrest me, I'll laugh at them like I did before, once I'm off this world, I'll forget about my DEBT to this Raven, leave them once I get a chance."

Raven stooped down and picked up his cloak, there was no need to be ready to fight anymore. He had listened to all of their questions, and tried to respond several times, but was interrupted as he began to speak. He clasped the cloak around his neck, but left the hood down this time. "Lets get the easy questions out of the way first." He pointed the remote at the screens again and Kuron's picture appeared. "Yes, Rust, I have information on some of them, less on others; but I also know one other thing: they are all friends, they will have information on each other. However, we will need to do a certain amount of scouting ourselves."

Next he looked straight at 'Igor' "You are quite right to ask for an explanation of the grid. And all of you better listen up, this gets complicated." He sat down on a spinning chair and pushed it over to the makeshift desk, starting to type on the keyboard, putting a grid over all the screens. "Alright, this is the easiest representation of the grid. The black spaces represent unmonitored areas while the lines represent camera monitored ones; the intersections also indicate physical checkpoints such as guards and doors." Another flurry of typing and an animation started, showing a man shaped figure walking along one of the lines. "This represents any person on the grid, cameras are able to identify him as well as guards, through their visors, and doors through vital signs and unique conditions." The figure turned left and walked into an unmonitored area.

"Now, the easiest way to switch someone off the grid is to first hack it just to have access and then somehow replace the information with another person's." A figure, this time red, exited where the other had entered. "Nobody knows how the info is replaced but soon enough the original is not recognized by the cameras." For a second the green figure could be seen in a doorway but then disappeared after leaving it. "And then he goes off the doorway monitors as well." The figure completely disappeared half way through a door. "Leaving him completely undetectable except by guards and being immediately in front of a camera."

Raven swiveled around in his chair. "With the sheer amount of information being processed every moment makes it nearly impossible to detect these people in day to day life, especially with only a few worldwide, about 30 by my calculations." he clicked one last key with his hand and the grid was instantly populated with millions of green figures and about three red ones. "Any more questions, or can i start asking what assignments you would like?"
"Pico, Pico, Pico," Rust said. He had considered letting Pico's giggling fit slide, but after his last comment Rust decided he had to respond. "I suppose I shouldn't expect you to know much about human mating rituals. Since I'm very experienced in such matters I'll educate you. Human mating is complicated, its like a dance if you will; an intricate pattern of pursuit and withdrawal by predator and prey." Rust motioned to himself when he said predator and Em when he said prey and then paused for a moment for dramatic effect. "Now I'm sure you aliens just sniff eachother's butts and then start humping, but thats not how it works with humans. Once you learn to acknowledge the subtle nuances of human interaction you may come to understand and appreciate the art of seduction. You have much to learn my friend. Much to learn."

Rust was impressed with Raven's presentation on the grid, and by the end of it he was ready to get stated. "I'm ready for action. Em and I will take the toughest assignment you've got."
Hell Knight:
Kurgon looks at Rust with a glare, "So you think we sniff each other's asses and the pop out a egg??? you have much to learn yourself." he walks up to him, close enough to hit him, almost face to face, "If you have anything to say about the Krogan than say it, otherwise don't or I'll shove my seduction fist up YOUR ass." Kurgon shows a fist for a moment then turns his back away from Rust, "Raven, does the overseer have his eyes on other planets or just this one?" he stares at Raven for a short time before answering another question. "Why not just blast through his front door and kill in his seat?" he chuckles for bit, "That would certainly get a lot of attention for one job."

He looks up at the picture, "If you have information about the Krogan, I can give you some details about our race, how we only survive as a small clan, and how we move from planet to planet. Each clan has their own ship, at least 5 ships, the ships are four centuries old, but we modify them ourselves, with sheer power."

Kurgon started thinking back in his head, how he use to command his ship to take on small frigate's and vessels, how he raided transportation ships for money and supplies, medical stuff and water. His clan was the most fear'd and dangerous clan, he could easily take out a platoon of soldier with only five of his own, after all, the Krogan can handle a barrage of bullets. their weapons and armor are heavy, slow?? maybe, but they are strong.

He could feel like he was going home already, but instead he is hearing about a plan of how they can not be seen on a grid, he wondered to himself, why not just plan a full assault on the Overseer's palace? Kurgon could ripped the door open with his shot gun and thrown in a couple of grendes, but he remembered that the guards raided one his cache supplies he hid. Damn guards, took everything from him, he did however saw some other Krogan on the planet, but none of them are from his clan.
Raven sprung up from his chair when Rust finished speaking, but waited for his turn to speak. "Rust, you have just insulted every sentient being except the human race. A minute ago i was considering letting you work with Tempest if she agreed however, after that outburst, you will be working with me." There was a cold look in his eyes that clearly radiated hatred. He turned his head to Kurgon "And the reason we don't go in for a frontal assault is that, firstly, we don't have enough people, secondly, we would be unlikely to succeed, and thirdly even if we did succeed the others would quickly consolidate power and overthrow us. A building that has the top floor destroyed can still stand, but knock out the supporting beams and the top will be destroyed in the fall."

Raven turned to the others again. "I will ask once again: anymore questions?"
Hell Knight:
"Raven, I'll follow you if you'll help get me off this damn rock, I'd rather spend the remaining years of my life raiding ships and conquering other tribes than spend it living in peace like the others, after all, my people are warriors and fighters, we never spend too much living on one planet, our blood needs the andreline, it keeps our hearts beating faster, and our mind focus, if we don't fight, then we're nothing. And what you say is true, then my weapon and my body is your to control, but don't think I would throw myself to a barrage of bullets, my body can't take much fire power." Kurgon walks up to Raven.

He leans forward, "But I'll give you a fair warning, when we reach to the Overseer, I going to kill him, rip his head off and place it on my ship, as a reminder of what he did to me, if you have anything to say agains't that, now is the time, and one more thing, my people have a saying,"

Kurgon leans back. "Seek the enemy of your enemy and you'll meet a friend."
Igor sighed as she took in Raven's description of the grid. It really wasn't that complicated. The hack was impressive though.

"Please tell me my target and how I can kill him," Igor asked, ignoring Rust's latest announcement. Rust could have said that to get partnered up with Raven.

She could only hope that Raven could watch his back.
Em was still not impressed with the group but had decided to ignore a few of them. She didn’t care for the outbursts but was glad at least someone asked about the grids. So, the only time her mind really started to zone in again was when Raven started speaking about hoe the grid worked. She watched carefully, listening to every word and committing it to memory. His hacking, she hoped to learn how it was done. She was wonderful with computers, if she could somehow get into the system, they`d really be cracking. For now, she might just have to settle for disabling a few cameras. She already planned on ebbing more heavy on the support and stealth side, which was fine for her since half of the group seemed to be made of meat heads anyway.

Of course, Em was not impressed with Rust`s statements. Her spider began to beep furiously again and this time she did not stop it. Why bother? It was right to be offended. She however found this rather pointless. Rust`s advances were, in a word, childish. This was not the time to even think upon romance. The fictional thing that humans made up to support their insatiable need to mate, just like any other animal. Sexual tension? She wasn`t so sure Rust had realised she was a little more metal then he might have liked. Pico`s laugh made Tempest`s eyes turn to him. She wasn`t startled, rather interested. Her eyes were trying to peel back layers of his throat to figure out exactly how he made that manner of sound. Her right pupil grew larger than the left, even as he rolled on the ground. Interesting creature.

His statement was oddly comforting, even the seemingly heartless woman had to admit that. At least someone had a sense of humour, heck knew she didn`t. As far as what Rust said afterwards, Em was only reassured that he was more idiotic then he looked. His ignorance did make her a tad angry. She didn’t much care if people insulted her, but such blatant racism was, uncalled for. As far as seduction and his assumption that she would go with him, he was sorely mistaken. Even if Raven had asked to set her up with him she’d have declined. They wouldn’t make a good team anyway. The man was obviously too distracted to use any portion of his brain. She blinked a bit, finally trying to calm the mechanical spider before taking in a deep breath, 'I would sooner mate with Pico.' Not that Pico would be a bad choice. Illogical, since there would probably be no offspring, but she was trying to make a point.

When Raven spoke up, Em was glad. She was far too passive to continue it herself. As far as the Krogan killing the overseer, she didn’t mind a bit. So long as he was gone. As far as their assignment, she only hoped she’d have the chance to get her hands into the overseers systems. It would be tough, but she was itching to slap a few viruses in his precious grid. She was eager to get moving, there was enough anger in this room already. Leaning over a bit so that raven would be able to see her around the Krogan, she titled a brow, 'Our assignments?' She cleared her throat before turning her eyes toward Pico, 'If it is all right with you, I would prefer to be partnered up with you.' She found his physical makeup intriguing and was interested to see exactly how he worked in the field. Besides, she figured their attitudes might be abetter match.
As the Krogan approached him, Rust stuffed his hand in his pocket, ready pull out his weapon if thats what it came to, but it didn't. After a few harsh words the Krogan turned and walked away.

"I didn't even know you were an alien," Rust called after him. "I thought you were just a really ugly hunchbacked human."

Rust listened while Raven and Em spoke. Rust's shoulders slumped, and he returned to his seat. He was severely disheartened by what was said... not by what Em said, she was only countering his advance. The counter was a bit stronger than he would have liked, but still it was part of the dance. What really bothered him was Raven announcing that they'd work together as punishment for his so called 'outburst'. He would rather be teamed with anyone else. Raven was the mastermind behind their meeting and thus he was bound to treat Rust like a mere henchmen on whatever mission they went on. Rust was no one's henchmen. Where did Raven get off punishing him anyway? The nerve of that bastard, Rust thought to himself.

"You think you can put me on timeout just because I said something you don't like Raven?" Rust said standing up again. "News flash buddy: you have a group of rebels here. A group of people who have a problem with authority. If you try to dictate to us you'll be no better than your brother. Perhaps you two aren't that different after all." Rust paused for a moment to let that insult sink in nice and deep. "If no one wants to work with me, I'll work alone, and yeah, I have one more question: Who do you want me to kill first? Just give me their name and location and I'll do the rest myself, but I'm not planning on spending much more time with hunchback and bug-boy here, in this hole."

Rust kept his hand in his pocket, gripping his chain. Aliens made him uneasy. They weren't familiar. Their bodies and their brains were different. A human Rust could read and predict. He could easily determine if a human was about to attack, and if so, how hard he would be to take down. He knew the things to say to calm a human if he decided fighting wasn't wise. Aliens he couldn't read or predict. He would never admit it, not even to himself, but he was threatened by the air of the unknown that hung around them.
"No Rust, I believe I can take you along on a highly complicated assassination because you have skills and i believe i can separate you from the others because they disapprove of your racism, as do i."

Raven turned to Kurgon "But i'm afraid we will have a disagreement my friend, i will be the one to kill him, unless you can beat me to it. You can still have his head though." He walked over to his desk and pulled several grubby looking folders off of a rack. Then he proceeded to lay them out on the table in a fan shaped pattern. "These are all relatively simple hits to things we will be pulling off later, but i need to know exactly how good you all are. You will find general information in these folders as well as the target's schedules and potentially useful information." He randomly slid the folders to each of them, landing one close to everyone but keeping one for himself and Rust.

He looked at each of them in turn. "Also, keep in mind that this building will be our personal HQ, so don't draw too much attention here. And feel free to ask for help from the others if you need a lookout or partner." He looked at Tempest, who was still playing around with the computer. "You will have an extra assignment: i would like you to rig up a secure communication system for us to use... if that's okay with you..."
Roose Hurro:
Pairing Off...


Amusement finished running its course through Pico's system. Calm, now... quiet. Listen. Think. Evaluate. Sniff. Get to "know" all the others who shared this room, by sight and scent and sound of voice. Kuron, crude yet strong. Raven, angry yet... knowledgeable. Rust, so full of himself yet so very empty. "Igor", the enigma. Lyon, so quiet for so long, he might as well have not been present. And then Tempest, who...

... wanted him.

That one little statement, even if made in jest, hit Pico very hard, right where it hurt the most. Memories of his parents and their bond. His sisters and brother, and their days of innocent play. That night he'd been afraid, the thunder and lightning and rain. That night, when he'd rushed to his parents for comfort, and caught them......... *

Then Tempest said another thing, more words. Words, along with her eyes. On him. Her preference for him as her mate, in jest, but her interest in him as a partner... serious. Even had her first words not been in jest, the very idea of sex with a humanoid would be not only impractical, but deadly... no female outside his own species could live through a mating, no matter how gentle he tried to be. Not only the size difference and claws at odds, but his natural biotoxicity to other species would result in a very rapid yet agonizingly painful death. No medication could deal with the hystemic reactions his reproductive-fluid proteins would set off...

... yet, as the saying goes, it's the thought that counts.

Pico felt a tightness in his chest, her eyes on him. Her words, still fresh in his ears. Hormones, boiling through his blood. Old memories risen clear as yesterday. So, standing on his chair, primehands and subhands braced on his pack, tail a couterbalance, he bowed, ears down, sensory feelers slicked over his skull, eyes closed... back of his neck, exposed...

... "I would be honored........."


Igor nodded, stepping up to take one of the folders and glancing inside. Quaint but secure - and easy to destroy.

"We should be prepared for discovery," Igor said when Raven brought up the HQ idea. "The Overseer will certainly try to find us, others may as well. We need other ways to enter and leave this building, places to meet if we are discovered."

"We will need supplies. Pooling our resources will help, but better if we take from the Overseer's men. Can you or this unseen force arrange for supplies to be dropped off in other places then smuggled here? If the Overseer's men believe he is shorting them, it will only help us in the long run."




Lyon simply observed. The group was simply too hot-headed to listen to reason at the moment. He wasn't going to waste his breath. His hand returned to his wrench, a calloused thumb brushing over the hefty tool-made-weapon as arguments and more insults were thrown about. He simply absorbed the words that mattered. He would make a point to remember every detail, seeing as how most of these bothersome rabble would likely forget.

"If the lot of you are done with your incessant bitching.... we have jobs to do. Jobs which require stealth and quiet. Start practicing now, why don't you?" He walked over to his large duffel bag, his heavy boots clumping loudly on the metal and concrete of the floor. Slinging the large bag on his shoulder, Lyon stood near the exit.

"The less important supplies like civilian food and water stores are usually poorly guarded. There was a warehouse on the way here that held meal packs and condensed water canisters. Two or three of us with a cargo truck should be able to slip in and get away with a decent amount of goods."

10-16-2009, 03:13 PM
Hell Knight:

Kurgon sighs as he watches the one talking about supplies doing something, he looks over the snotty guy who tried to pull a gun on Kurgon, he only growled at him before he left, he walks by Raven, and takes his current assignment and looks up. "Raven, I got something better than papers, when I arrived to this planet, before they grounded my ship and searched it, I hid some crates of weapons inside the ship itself, if you want a look, met me at docking bay 43, a ship called 'Hammer of Dawn' it's....very noticeable on appearance." he nods his head, "And as for the head, I don't take other peoples spoils."

Kurgon left the room, heading back to his ship, he little radio was beeping as he walked down stairs, "What is it?" he asked over the radio, "Kurgon, The Overseer's guards searched our ship again, they didn't find the weapons we're safe again for a short moment." Kurgon scoffs at the radio, "I wonder why they would keep searching my ship when there are hundreds of others at the docks?" questioning about the situation, the other Krogan responded, "They found a supply of medical health implants and other illegal resources on another ship, that's why they keep searching, they know we're hiding something, except they can't find it."

"Keep it hidden, I have somebody in mind who wants the weapons anyway, and somebody who can help us get off this damn rock." he puts his little radio away and continue'd walking down the stairs.

10-16-2009, 03:14 PM

Em of course did not plan on mating with anyone, ever. The only reason in her mind to mate was for offspring and she had no desire for such a thing. She knew she was too cold to raise a child and though Tempest was fine with companionship, the romanticized ideal of mate in the human culture was not for her. In her current state of mind she found it to be an idiotic dance that was essentially, irrelevant. Why go through all the formalities when the result was the same? She found it disturbing almost, that human could be so irrational but that was none of her concern. She identified as more of a machine then anything. Little would many know in that room that much of her muscle structure, even her organs and bones were made up of metal. What was the third that was biological? Blood, skin. Not much more. Most other things were at least coated or partially mechanical. But since skin covered such a large portion of her body it was up there in percent, as well as blood. However she was devising a plan to change that to hydraulic fluid but that was another issue all together. In the end Emily was simply, not the loving kind.

She was pleased to receive her file and have something else to focus on other then the other’s bantering. This was why she didn’t much react to anything outside of what raven had handed her. When he spoke about her making a closed communication network, she simple nodded, ‘Of course.’ She figured such a thing would be mandatory anyway, and had no trouble making equipment for the team. That was where she would shine after all. First, she got to studying her mark. She was after a male, one of the higher officials that worked mostly in offices. There was information about his schedules, where he resided and where he often went in the off hours. He was a business types, on of those people who supervised rather then doing any real work. A cushy job. Em hated to think she’d once worked under someone like him. The only emotions he showed was anger, linked to a vengeful feeling toward those who had treated her like an office bot. She may have been mostly machine, but she was still sentient and deserved rights. She took a look at the maps that came with it before turning her attention to Pico.

She was glad to see he agreed to their partnership. Working together on this might make things all the easier. Besides, if they worked together scavenging parts for her communications network it would only work all the better in the end. She tilted her head slightly as he bowed, and when he rose he would see something rather rare, and rather precious. Em was smiling, sort of. It was far more pleasant then her usually stagnant face, a small curve to her lips and light to her eyes. Nothing big, nothing huge, but it was there to show she was pleased with the other’s decision. Still holding the folder in her hands, it was right down to business as always, ‘I suggest we each familiarize ourselves with our targets and each other’s then each other’s abilities.’ She of course didn’t quite know what the other was capable of. She knew a little, but she was sure he had a few tricks up his sleeves just as she did. Her spider also seemed pleased with this, settling down and cooling of from his outburst.

‘Then we can decide on the best course of action for each mark, whatever that might be.’ She was aware that it might turn out better that they split up for this mission but that was fine with her as well. Whichever was more efficient. But she had a bit of an idea how her own mark would go down already. As far as the communications device, she would certainly continue constructing it in her mind as they went along. She had one hell of a mind for it after all, ‘Perhaps if we finish quickly, we can obtain parts for the communication system.’ She was sure the other would be good at getting to hard to reach places and though Em was pretty sleek herself, she was tall. She could slip through cracks in the walls usually but when it came to small piping she had a little difficulty on the turns. She already knew she’d need a few extra parts, and enough so she could customize it to each person. She planned for this to be just the hub of many other upgrades, hopefully including instant updates on missions. But first things first, walkie-talkies.

10-16-2009, 03:14 PM
Hell Knight:

Kurgon walked down many stairs to get to an elevator, but he had to travel through several elevators to get to his ship, finally arriving on the last elevator, he leans himself agains't a hand rail, he watches the lights go down as he goes up. He was thinking to himself for a short moment, he could feel the elevator slowing down then coming to a complete stop. He looks at the door as they opened, he finds his clansmen spread out across the docking bay, cargo was stacked up and each hover loader carried a cargo back to the ship. “Shipmaster.” another Krogan approached him, “The soldiers of the Overseer wanted to remove our cargo so they could sweep the ship clean.

Kurgon groans, “Did they leave T'do?” he asked, the Krogan name was T'do, young and fierce, but not ready to fight on his own, “Yes, they said we could start loading all our supplies back onto the ship, and Shipmaster they didn't find the hidden weapons.” Kurgon sighs in relieve, “Good, you did a good job T'do, I am thankful to you have you on my ship.” Kurgon looks at the ship, it wasn't much, but it was a warship. Fierce scars were easily spotted on the ship, looked like it could use a lot of repair, but instead it stayed on as a reminder of how they survived through rough battles.

Kurgon heads towards the entering door hatch, as he entered, he walked to the command deck, there most of the Krogan were trying to keep up with repairs, “We've been here so damn long, and yet repairs are impossible to make, how long can we sustain the damage?” he asked one of his officers, “Shipmaster, we can finish repairs by nightfall, though there are still problems with the weapon systems.” Kurgon scoffs at his report, “How can we use the weapon systems if we don't have any ammo?”

Shaking his head as he entered his office, sitting at his desk, he read the rest of the report on screen. He was waiting for somebody to show up, but he thought this would be a good opportunity to send a message to other Krogan warships, grabbing a disc from one of the storage compartments, he inserts the disc into a reciever, then a bright light shined on to his face, “This is Shipmaster Kurgon of Hammer of Dawn, I do hope other Krogan recieves this message, if not it doesn't matter. I was searching for supplies and a place to repair my ship, so far I found a planet, a inhabit planet called Takerra, I received permission to land my ship for repairs, and after find food and medical supplies for my crew, we beginning to leave port, and thats when the docking locks stayed attached.”

“I thought the control center didn't get my message, but then we all received a message that none of us couldn't leave, and so we stayed at bay, we've been here for who knows how many years, but I'm growing tired of this, I'm starting to get edgy and ready to tear this planet's new lord, The Overseer's head off. But I couldn't so I allied myself with a small group of classified organizations that will remain nameless. So I ask any Krogan war vessel, if you are willing to protect your clan and fellow warriors, listen to me when I say, The Overseer might be planning to take control more than one sector, he might be willing to take control of the entire Traverse, and we are to be enslaved once more, our freedom....shattered. My fellow Krogan gather once more, and head to this coordinates that I am uploading with this message, and thats if you receive this, Shipmaster Jax Kurgon, out.”

Kurgon presses the end button, but he feels like he shouldn't send the message, but in doing so, he presses the button “Send” and the message was sent to any Krogan vessel out in the Traverse, he sighs with grief, knowing of what he done, he stay seated in his chair aboard his ship.