View Full Version : Chapter 4: Black Blood -Conclusion
07-04-2013, 03:55 PM
Chapter 4: Black Blood
It's finally over...
This has been quite the difficult and annoying chapter for me. Let's hope this is the only one that that will count for.
Territory Gain: +10
PC Promotion: +5
No Change
PC Promotion: +5
Commander Death: -15
PC Promotion x2: +10
No Change
Territory Loss: -10
Commander Rescued: +5
PC Promotion x2: +10
-Archeos has defended Meron Pinnacle against Disgeran and Aeregos
-Firanos has conquered Talos from Scaravus
-Dezeroth A'kyer has earned the title of Lieutenant thanks for actions at Lake Ilnero
-Shani Alhema has earned the title of Sergeant for her actions at Lake Ilnero
-Verminathras has earned the title of Corporal for his actions in Leongarde
-Gyle Whittlesworthhas earned the title of Corporal for his actions in Leongarde
-Hastur Tereth has earned the title of Corporal for his actions at Meron Pinnacle
-Brevsin Lolaim has earned the title of Sergeant for his actions in Talos
-Shiko Kakagre has earned the title of Initiate Bounty Hunter for his succesful hunt on the Ekro Goliath
-Namar, the Poison Shadow has escaped from Firanos with the help of Dezeroth A'kyer, Karrha Nameko and Ataran, the Fury of the Desert
-Atma has been slain by Dezeroth A'kyer, Karrha Nameko and Ataran, the Fury of the Desert
-Kelsi's soul has been captured by Ataran, the Fury of the Desert
-Daemon Cretoris, Consumer of the Night has been slain at the battle for Leongarde at the hand of Sieglinde von Hohengrad
-Conán Ó Dubhghaill has been slain at the battle for Leongarde
-Zasareyt Venomclaw has been slain while venturing into the Ilean Ruins
Other Information
-Prince Zun'Yun has succesfully uncovered the secret behind Orion, the Eternal Crusader's power.
-Sieglinde von Hohengrad, The Herald of Vasgerax have joined the commander panel.
OOC Information
-CrestOfArtorias has officially declared departing from RoW, and as such, from the judging panel.
-Tolvo has become an official part of the judge, GM and dev panel for RoW
-Rank Ups will not be awarded until the rank system has gone through its complete make-over.
-In order to comply with the new system, EVERY character receives one additional rank-up, without any additional runes earned however. This is to give every player character the chance to better affect battles by being able to give orders to allied NPCs. Keep in mind, though, that these soldiers will not just throw their life away for you, unless they're part of your personal force.
This means that the following characters achieve these ranks:
Captain: Dezeroth & Kaizan
Lieutenant: Karrha & Brevsin
Sergeant: Verminathras, Gyle & Hastur
Corporal: Everyone Else
To those who are allowed to aquire their own personal force, keep in mind that every single NPC must be named and can only be from the non-elite troops (with the exception of 5 units for Dezeroth and Kaizan). You are NOT REQUIRED to have your own personal force if you don't want. It also doesn't have to have full maximum population. You can have a personal force of 7 or 21 or anything below the maximum if you wish. Any questions can be asked here or sent in PM to me.
Different questions can be asked here aswell.
Now the dev team will focus work on finishing the new runes, ranks and NPCs, aswell as the other changes we wish to make.
07-04-2013, 04:58 PM
Damn, Scarav is certainly in a pickle now....
Bah, even without the ranks, I guess I have no choice but to put the finishing touches on my BF and INF. Curse you E XD
lol well... O_O
Ya but we have a plan J DW :3
07-05-2013, 03:20 PM
So you mean to tell me you made me wait to allocate my runes for no reason at all?
07-05-2013, 05:37 PM
so, can I get the judgings for the battle of Leongarde?
07-05-2013, 06:00 PM
If you could post 'em here, that'd actually be sweetness. I doubt anyone would have any objections.
07-05-2013, 06:28 PM
especially if you say who said what.
07-05-2013, 06:41 PM
Well you know he's not going to do that. E always keeps the judgings anonymous.
07-05-2013, 06:54 PM
I was joking, bwana XD
07-05-2013, 07:27 PM
Crest is nearing completion of the rune tablets last I checked, so no, you didn't wait for no reason, as I'll be done with the rank system pretty soon aswell.
I can say, though, that Dezeroth and Karrha will probably get a rank-up, so you can go with that idea, aswell as that I believe Dezeroth also has the right to earn his 3-chapter activity rune.
And no, Kaizan will probably not get a promotion (GASP)
There's a good reason for that, which I will reveal soon enough.
@Cf & Jacogos
I'm not going to post them publicly to avoid clutter and long discussions to erupt about the judgings. Simple as that. But I'll send the judgings I have in my possession to the two of you already.
07-05-2013, 07:32 PM
And no, Kaizan will probably not get a promotion (GASP)
There's a good reason for that, which I will reveal soon enough.
I actually expected that for some reason xD I do anticipate the revelation though :)
@Cf & Jacogos
I'm not going to post them publicly to avoid clutter and long discussions to erupt about the judgings. Simple as that. But I'll send the judgings I have in my possession to the two of you already.
That is a very fair point, didn't think that far ahead.
07-06-2013, 02:27 AM
*Head-scratch* So, when you say I can go with that idea, should I act as though it'll be official, or as if it's only counting for me?
07-06-2013, 03:04 AM
Cool. Can I get the judging for Meron please?
07-06-2013, 01:44 PM
*Head-scratch* So, when you say I can go with that idea, should I act as though it'll be official, or as if it's only counting for me?
As though it is official. The things I mentioned are about 95% certain.
07-06-2013, 02:20 PM
Alright, then; I already basically know the next two runes I wanted, anyway. Teleportation and Mirror Image.
I think I've decided on mine but I want to wait on the ruin over haul since most of my ruins for Karrha and shani are on the agility tree O-o
Also E If its not a bother Could I have confirmation on the Updated Dove? I don't want to put anything up till it's passed you so if you have anything that I should add I wanna make sure now, and I have another favor to ask after that.
07-07-2013, 11:58 AM
Oh yeah I've got all the free time in the world now so I can write whenever you need me to.
07-07-2013, 01:12 PM
With the completion of the new rank system, I will be updating the first post with the proper rank-ups now aswell.
To see the new rank tables, please refer to the wiki:
I will be sending all the information for intermetsos soon.
I'll need a reminder however of who does what faction again.
As far as I remember it:
Firanos - DoughGuy?
Leongarde - Imposter?
Archeos - ...?
Disgeran - Jacogos
Aeregos - Jacogos
Scaravus - P.K.
Please correct me where I'm wrong.
07-07-2013, 01:13 PM
I'm in leongarde and scaravus
07-07-2013, 01:15 PM
Cf, I meant for the intermetso writing. I know what factions you're in, numbnut.
After calculating the scores now, it appears Scaravus is less in a pickle than you think, Jacogos.
They hold the highest power score of 120.
07-07-2013, 01:43 PM
Oh trust me, those power scores matter more than you think.
07-07-2013, 02:30 PM
what does it mean to be 'respected' by ally forces?
07-07-2013, 02:51 PM
Firanos - Edd
Leongarde - Imposter
Archeos - Dough
Disgeran - Jacogos
Aeregos - Jacogos
Scaravus - P.K.
Thats what we did last time Im pretty sure. I'll stick with Archeos since its what I know.
- - - Updated - - -
E what happens if say, Hastur uses his newfound alliance with Rai during a battle involving a critical artefact to broker a peace deal between Archeos and Aeregos thus making him both a soldier but also (likely) getting him a diplomacy rank?
Obviously I exaggerated there for effect but you get the idea.
07-07-2013, 03:14 PM
So of the two, Verm got a rune. Kai's a Captain and Verm's Sergeant, correct? How come disg's pc promotions weren't in the power balance?
Also, Karrha's the lieutenant, not Shani xD
07-07-2013, 04:01 PM
Bah... Thanks for the heads-up on my mistakes there, Jaco xD
This means that forces will heed your suggestions and commands, but they are not duty-bound to follow them.
Alright. Thanks. We'll keep it like that.
And about your newfound "alliance" with Rai, anyone who has ever played Asura's Wrath will know what Rai will have to say about that.
In case you don't know, ask Angus:
Just listen to the first line he mentions at 10 minutes in, this will allow you some insight in how the person that I based Rai of works.
07-07-2013, 04:11 PM
Taking that as a yes, so Verm will be investing in the Shadow Enchanting rune. Will be updating my character sheets soon.
07-07-2013, 04:12 PM
Sorry, Jac.
Yes, your assumptions are correct.
07-07-2013, 06:17 PM
So, E1, I'd like to request a Player Initiative for Dez requesting his forces. :3
yay Edd gets his new peeps
So have we decided wither Karrha's in there or she just follows him around like a lot puppy just because she can...?
07-07-2013, 06:43 PM
Well, if she wants to join his company I think she's allowed, but Karrha's a Lieutenant, so I think it'd be prudent for her to work on her own, since she gets her own company as well. I mean, if E1's okay with her working under Dez AND having Soldiers, then alright, but I don't think he will, and we could use the 30 extra men.
07-07-2013, 06:45 PM
New question: I already know which ones are non-elite for Aeregos, but non-elites for the rest and which are considered Elite for ALL of them would be nice to know as far as Tolvo's new units are considered. (This is referencing the Player Troops).
I imagine Tolvo would be the one answering this and possibly after they are finalized? Just throwing it out there.
true SO I'll go with that. Lost puppy it is. XD actuly lost puppy and crew!
BTW just for a test I'm having this veg feeling that everything I'm sending to E hasn't gotten to him :/
So if he doesn't respond to my last post [(this on) hello E!] Then some one please ask him if he didn't accidentally ignore me or something D:
07-07-2013, 07:05 PM
they could be a whole gang of lost puppies!
So, you said we have to name all of our troops?
Pray tell, how are we supposed to come up with (let alone, remember!) 450 names?
And so, like, if he charged an enemy position after giving a rousing speech, they'd be more likely to follow him?
07-07-2013, 07:55 PM
You're on. You can begin that P.I., just send it to me in a PM if you like. Or, if P.K. is going to tag along in it, send it to her first and then she can send it to me.
@P.K. & Eddren:
In regards to that. First of all, if P.K. rather not give Karrha a private force, that's entirely her choice. It's not a requirement to have that. It's just fine for me if she wants to join Dez's force and use her lieutenant rank to command his soldiers around aswell, but I'm gonna say then that her max number of troops will be cut in half, seeing as Dez gets to command those aswell then.
I was actually planning to ask Tolvo if he could put a mark on his new troops he was making (normal, elite and restricted), but I completely forgot about it.
Phonebooks and name generators. Why am I asking this? Simple, because I want EVERYONE to realize that the units you put in your force are a part of your character from that point onwards. These aren't just wastebins you can toss around like that. Well... Not yet, atleast.
It's a bit redundant indeed when you have access to the larger forces, and I will lower the rules on those, but seeing as nobody has more than 30 men at this point, I'm enforcing this. It is to see if those that make it to that rank are able to properly cope with controlling an army like that. I am going to put demotion penalties on those that handle their personal forces in a poor way.
And yes, you can talk into the NPC forces' common sense and try and convince them to fight with you and follow your plan, but until you reach Sergeant, they have no obligation to do so.
The Imposter
07-07-2013, 08:50 PM
Yes, I will write the Leongarde intemetso. Sorry I was away yesterday and today. Just got in, trying to make sure I get a handle on all this stuff.
07-07-2013, 09:07 PM
Alright, I'll be sending it to you soon then, E1.
In the mean time, just in case you want it here:
Brev would be Faster and More Agile > Can Launch Himself With Fire.
Dez would be User Can Create Mirror Images and User Can Teleport Short Distances.
I'll also be sending you a separate PM, this one with just the thirty vanilla soldiers. They'll have names and such, but I'll be writing each of them a separate small character sheet, including equipment, skills, and class, which I'll be keeping track of as well. This is because eventually I want all thirty of them to be part of the new Elite unit Dez will be creating. Needless to say, don't expect that to be done today.
Also, PK, if you DO make your own Unit, I'd like to off to you Al'Jun, the Eagle Eye. He was part of Dez's infiltration team, and he's a crack shot, so an Archer PC should be able to use him well.
I think I'll wait for the ruin over haul before I actuly go grab my new um o-o ruins...
And alright Ed I'll be that in mind, But I don't think I can have a unit of my own yet... o-o
07-07-2013, 09:14 PM
Well, as far as ranks go you're scot-free, but if your character's not ready for a unit, I wouldn't blame her; I mean, the few times she's been thrust into leadership positions, it's been absolute shit. The battle where her bow broke, the Ekro battle....
XD hahah glad some one remembers that!
Well the first one she could have just staid quite and been all like, every man for himself. But ya no O-o she got a better bow though XD
The Ekro battle i don't remember to much about that one other then she nearly had her soul sucked out and her bowmen companions where being over run on the side lines.
07-07-2013, 09:26 PM
Yeah, it wasn't such a great experience. Hopefully, though, it won't be relived.
lol neither was begin blown up into the side of a cliff XD
07-07-2013, 09:44 PM
she should at least have a few bodyguards.
Pft. XD you know what Karrha thinks of that?
Bodyguards? What am I? T T The queen of Ekro? I'm not THAT important yet XD
07-07-2013, 09:59 PM
you're a commissioned officer, so you have a staff.
Only if she takes a group, so far she has not, and Idk if she well at all/yet. Like Ed said XD that last two times didn't go very well...
07-07-2013, 10:10 PM
well, then, one guy could be her hairdresser, another her manicurist, another her makeup artist, another her chef, and the final one her secretary XD
XD oh my. She'd fire them all...
07-07-2013, 10:40 PM
I know! Changer her make up artist with her 'gay friend'! Oh wait, that's Dez. (KIDDING, KIDDING, NOT SERIOUS, JK, JK, NO OFFENSE MEANT) That obvious enough?
07-07-2013, 10:52 PM
Why doesn't she just not have a group?
Mind you, I wouldn't mind having the extra hands, but if that's her decision, that's her decision. She's always welcome to join Dez's Unit, at least, although that'd mean I'd have to shift around the roster a bit.
07-07-2013, 10:57 PM
I think she might count as an elite.
07-07-2013, 11:22 PM
Actually, she doesn't. She doesn't even count as one the 30.
Player characters are free to decide who they follow. If Karrha wants to follow Dez, then that's fine.
and she's decided to do so wither she's in his 'unit' or not XD Ed I'll leave that up to you if you want to add her in well just let me know.
I think I'll wait on getting her a group right now. if she dose they well mostly probably just be archers Maybe sikimshers.
07-07-2013, 11:30 PM
Hard shells!
Oh, I know! Davrin could be her bodyguard!
07-07-2013, 11:46 PM
Take him up on the offer P.K, just send him on some *cough*suicide*cough* missions :3
Karrha: um ya... you see that cliff over there? ya that one I need to go and jump off it theres something really impotent at the bottom of it and there is uh.. no other way down. DW I'm sure you'll make it back...
07-08-2013, 12:20 AM
you DO know he can glide with his cape and climb up sheer walls with the magic of his boots, yes?
thats when she pointed him to the cliff :3
Not that SHE would know that yet XD
Hey E :D is it possible to have a wand of summon seagulls XD?!
07-08-2013, 12:26 AM
@Cfavano: The character I hopefully have finished by tomorrow will be waiting at the bottom of that cliff, so, sorry, but you won't be making it back by the time she leaves.
07-08-2013, 12:29 AM
Hatter, I have two words for you: bring it. I fear no man.
@Cfavano: The character I hopefully have finished by tomorrow will be waiting at the bottom of that cliff, so, sorry, but you won't be making it back by the time she leaves.
I know I am XD
Hatter, I have two words for you: bring it. I fear no man.
XD what if its not a man?
07-08-2013, 12:34 AM
We're getting a bit off topic here guys
07-08-2013, 12:38 AM
I was about to say the same thing, Doughy.
I know I'm sorry.
-hangs head-
on the bright side I'll be getting up the painted dove in a few minutes :3
Please wait while you listen to this lovely elevator music.
07-08-2013, 03:53 AM
Yeah I can set up regular, elite, and restricted next to each units. Some should be a bit obvious, like the Stormwarriors being restricted, or the Heretics being regular. But I'll put little marks next to them.
Also CF, don't complain about 450 individual names, one RP I'm running I've written over 5,000 NPC's with individual names, backgrounds, equipment loadouts, abilities, personality, etc. You can manage 450 names.
07-08-2013, 07:22 AM
Naturally, Dez would accept her into his company.
Tolvo I love that sight XD I used it a lot when making Oc's but Karrha's and shani's names are completely made up o-o
Welp :P Ed If thats what you want to do, eve if you don't she'll likely just hang around anyways.
Oh and the painted dove is ready, so you all are allowed to post in it now XD the links are in the OOC
07-08-2013, 01:31 PM
Most of my names have Latin routes.
07-08-2013, 01:45 PM
Yeah I suggest people use that site if they don't know much about naming conventions, what sorts of names become popular and why. For instance after the death of someone often their name will become popular for babies of the same gender, but generally this isn't done when they are alive since it can cause confusion. So in Disgeran, in the future there would likely be a lot of warriors named Cretoris, Cretori, Kretoris, Creetoris, Cretis, etc, since they believe it would be a name that gives them strength. Though of course you wouldn't see it as a common male name among adults for around twenty years. Stuff like that.
Typically my names have some meaning to them. Lestoph, based off Mephistopheles. A demon that would tempt people, but in older more classical versions was actually sort of a good demon, it had lived in hell and did not wish for others to become demonic like itself, so it would warn people while offering them power in exchange for their soul. Lestoph was a Disgeran that viewed himself as a monster, but didn't wish for others to be like himself. Oko was the switched around letters of Tsuchinoko, a talking serpent of Japanese Mythology. Richard means powerful leader, there is also the famous ruler Richard the Lionheart, and the relation to the lionhearted. The idea was also in how their names looked so similar, and that Reinard was kind of like the RoW version of Richard.
If you notice the e can look like a c, and the n can look like an h, which slight differences. As well, Richard was personally kind of a dick.
Sabbah-i was named after Hassan-i Sabbah, founder of the order of assassins and one of the first assassins.
Specktod was just bacon death, because he loved meat and was a creature of killing without remorse.
XD I don't think I put THAT much thought into my naming, it basically what just seems to fit with the character.
07-08-2013, 02:32 PM
I let the character tell me their name
07-08-2013, 02:57 PM
I do what I can to get away with references xD Kaizan is just any old name, but Verminathras is named after Verimathras, a Dreadlord from Warcraft that helped found the Forsaken..
07-08-2013, 02:57 PM
Like I said; he'll welcome her into his company. Apparently, she wouldn't take up space anyway, so it's not like she's any undue burden.
XD glad to hear she's not a burden XD
07-09-2013, 12:38 AM
Woot for Hastur!
E sorry to bother you again but I don't know if you missed it, I still haven't received the judging for Meron.
07-09-2013, 05:43 AM
Well, I don't have the judging for Meron. Crest has those, speaking of which. I havn't seen Crest around for a good while.
07-09-2013, 01:09 PM
No, you don't have the judgings for Meron because there are no judgings for Meron. He skipped over us, remember?
07-09-2013, 02:11 PM
Grr, E1's not on. That's unfortunate.
I've noticed that there is literally zero mention of Atma/Kelsi. I wouldn't care normally, but I thought that her particular circumstances would have some effect on the nation, since she is a PC and all.
but one of them died and the other was trapped? what would she do for us trapped? o-o
07-09-2013, 02:37 PM
It doesn't matter what she does for US, it's what she isn't doing for FIRANOS, which seems to be totally unaffected by its' loss of a PC.
07-09-2013, 03:02 PM
Oh damn o.o
Thanks for the warning, Eddren. I'll get to fixing that tonight.
welp there's your answer ed :P
07-09-2013, 03:55 PM
Yeah, see I knew that E1 had plans for Atma, which is why it seemed so odd that it was like she had completely been wiped out of existence. XP
The Imposter
07-09-2013, 03:56 PM
Well actually he has plans for Kelsi...Atma wasn't the personality that was sealed..
He had plants for ONE of the personalitys!
07-09-2013, 04:08 PM
Eh, I knew it was one of them. I don't honestly care which one it was.
alright guys I'm finely ready D: (Slightly off topic? but still about RoW? :P )
I know I've asked all the major players of RoW questions and later showed you what I made.
I bet your all wondering how ever one else turned out?
here you go!
I'm quite indecisive.
A helpful game guy, who's sadly no longer with us but always welcome to visit the dove!
last but not least!
So far thats every one :P
So guys!
meet the cast for 'The comical side of Realms of war'
Something I'M going to try when ever I get time, inspiration for something... ETC.
I wont up date it regularly but you'll know when I do... thats IF your paying attention to the dove seeing as... thats where I'm going to be posting it. In the IC is well come up as something on a bulletin board or something. In the OOC it well be listed in the 'extra's place which well be renamed.
Seeing as my Drawing skills sucks dirt... what your Oc looks like up there may not be exactly how it turns out in the comic. When I I draw it out rather then type it >.>
Now this was mostly meant to be a surprise seeing as its not any realy serious project for RoW its just 'fun' so the surprise is out now.
ANY and ALL submission I have for TCSoRoW well be put in the dove >.> (and maybe with in my writing thread and drawing thread.)
BTW guys the Dove IS meant for chatter about and not about Realms of War SO if you want to get off topic IN RoW the dove is probably the best to do that with out getting smacked by E.
Alright there is my announcement >.<
07-09-2013, 06:56 PM
Crest looks like Germany from Hetalia! XD
- - - Updated - - -
except his eyes are green instead of blue >_>
07-10-2013, 12:18 AM
Hey, E1, since this has suddenly become very important and central to how Dez is actually going to operate now, what are the rules you have for setting up Elite units of your own, anyway? I mean, if the most you need is for them to be balanced, I've already gotten to talk to Tolvo about them, and he seems to think they're fine. But since it's working on an at least semi-rune-based system, I wanted to know what equivalent I could expect them to have in runes.
07-10-2013, 08:52 AM
E have you heard anything from Crest lately? Hastur is just stuck atm and I'm worried his thing is never going to finish.
07-10-2013, 10:07 AM
You know, if it seems like it's not going to get finished perhaps one of us could just jump in to finish it, or restart it for Dough if just continuing it doesn't seem like a plausible thing. Though if Crest has just been busy and he'll be continuing it that's fine.
ya it dosn't look like crest has been on for two days :o
Oh and I got the first comic 'strip' up so o-o go see how bad my drawings really are Tolvo then you'll see why I chose chibi XD
Don't laugh at me to hard people D:
And E please don kill me :c
07-11-2013, 11:08 AM
If it's fine for you, I'll give Crest today and tomorrow. But if he appears to vanish off the radar completely, then the GMs will discuss who will continue your little trial.
Well, I'm not sure on that yet. I have yet to actually give it an equivelant to the rune system, but seeing as we're waiting for Crest to provide the finished rune tablet, it's a bit difficult to assign that now. But I'd indeed say that the balancing is the most important part. But I do want to underline however that the units you use have to be listed in the unit panel of the faction. No custom units with their own rune build.
For as much as I can read it through the lines, I approve of that comic x3
07-11-2013, 11:14 AM
Yeah that's fine.
For as much as I can read it through the lines, I approve of that comic x3
My drawing is really bad, I told you guys. and I no longer writer on paper because my hand writing is just as bad. XD (not to mention I'm still not all that sure what the heck I'm doing when scanning in the printer)
I kinda liked the first panel but crest I'm sorry o-o I made it look like you where zipping up your pants DX
And I liked the fourth panel mainly how I managed to hid half of her face behind the paper O_O
07-11-2013, 02:43 PM
PK, you seen Anna's new character?
yes I did CF
Creepy. but I think Anna can work her :P
07-11-2013, 05:50 PM
well, two of her inspirations were 'ghost rider' and 'wolverine'
07-12-2013, 01:04 AM
CF how much input did you have in the creation of her character?
The Imposter
07-12-2013, 01:10 AM
all of it?
07-12-2013, 01:20 AM
07-12-2013, 01:20 AM
I'm thinkin' 70-30.
07-12-2013, 01:21 AM
There are people who have shops in which they write characters for other people.
- - - Updated - - -
I did write the bio. and a good one it is, too.
07-12-2013, 01:40 AM
Well, see the problem is, E1, the current build for Scaravus makes no fucking sense. We've got a GREAT magical power that's not being used. That's WHY I don't want to use Tolvo's units. We've got mobile units, we've got scout units, and we've got healers. And that's it. But guess what. Dez isn't mobile, so commanding Mobile units is stupid. He's got a map that can do all the scouting he really needs. And healers are a hindrance on the battlefield. So unless you want to allow me to use the Siege weapons as Elite Units, there's no point whatsoever in giving Elite Units to anyone in Scaravus right now, because nobody can currently use them, except for NPCs.
Not that I don't mind Scaravus finally getting something, but until you give us magic units, all the Elites are completely and totally useless from a tactical standpoint. You might as well just give me ten extra regular unit slots, because not a single one of those soldiers is useful in a straight battle, which is basically the only kind a Player is allowed to fight.
And that doesn't have to change. You can KEEP the units, have them be useful from a GM standpoint, but at least give the PCs some way to have units RELEVANT to them. The best way to do that is just to let Players have some control over what an Elite Unit actually is. The NEXT best way is to not have the development of Factions be limited to Devs, but that's a blatantly terrible decision for the same reason nobody bothers to read the Youtube Comments section.
07-12-2013, 04:05 AM
I've actually got some back up offensive units in consideration, I'm just trying to find one that thematically fits while also not just using something from another faction. I should also mention some siege units won't even be counted as elites, they'll probably have to be limited in number but Scaravus will be getting Siege miners which can possibly go into a person's squad. That's pretty handy on offense in a good amount of situations when dealing with structures. I'll probably actually need to save somewhere what elements Scaravus has again, I really wish that was just in a resource thread somewhere but I can just save it in a text document if I can find it. Straight up combat for Scaravus has been something I've considering, I want them to not be as effective at it to sort of fit with their battle theme. The Hardshells I've been considering offensively buffing a bit, making them anti-armor units for that reason. These things are noted Edd and I'm thinking some options over.
07-13-2013, 04:09 AM
Well, the big, main priority is that Scarv can't have any real flexibility in tactics unless they get something that can live up to that. Since they AREN'T getting any Anti-Armor units, then that means that the only way a player's going to be effective in the battlefield is with a catapult or a new unit entirely.
07-13-2013, 04:19 AM
But they are going to be getting Anti-Armor units, I've mentioned this in the past. They just didn't have as much anti armor in the dream battle, though the Skirmishers are still anti-armor units.
07-13-2013, 05:52 AM
Oh E I meant to ask, no bounty hunter promo for Shiko? D:
07-13-2013, 09:24 AM
That's something I havn't completely decided on yet, Dough. I was considering giving Shiko the first rank of the Bounty Hunters, and as such, give him another rune aswell, but I didn't know if you wanted that.
I suppose it's simplest to keep it at a rank-up, your choice where it goes, though:
Normal military ranks or Bounty Hunter rank
07-13-2013, 09:31 AM
Umm ok I forgot to bookmark the wiki and google is unhelpful. Would you mind linking me to it so I can check which one I'd rather climb?
07-13-2013, 10:15 AM
- - - Updated - - -
I'd like to remind you, though, that unlike with the personal force you gain through the military branch, the specialised teams allow you to be much more creative. You don't have to stick to NPC unit archetypes for them, in exchange ofcourse that they're only for specific missions.
07-13-2013, 10:27 AM
hmm well Shiko will be more a hunter than a soldier, so I'll take the bounty hunter rank up :)
07-13-2013, 12:02 PM
There we go, rank awarded.
Now, Imposter, now that I got some time, I'm gonna need you for a little RP with Kelsi, not Atma, just Kelsi.
hey guys I've added the link to the RoW wiki to the dove OOC so if you ever need it it should be there.
07-13-2013, 02:10 PM
Perhaps I should put to use my skills from the Dark Souls Wiki...If I can ever figure out how those damn tables work!
Okay guys I'm not exactly sure whats going on but I don't think hatter can post in RoW O-o like anymore. Idk whats going on so asking me really wont give you any clues...
07-14-2013, 06:56 PM
That astounds me, since Hatter's one of the more neutral of our roleplayers.
well all I know is his mom really dislikes him being on, last time he told me his mom didn't want him on and he would not be allowed to. But then he did for a while but I guess his mom enforced what ever she said earlier. so... ya idk.
I saw him at church and told him he'd missed the time and he said that he was no longer on Row and I asked if it was his mom adn he nodded thats really all I can tell you.
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