View Full Version : The Dream Scape – Six Faction FFA

07-05-2013, 07:05 PM
The Dream Scape
Scaravus VS Aeregos VS Disgeran VS Archeos VS Leongarde VS Firanos

Post Limit: None - - - - - - Time Limit: None (Factions fight until there is a Victor)
Maximum Time in Between Posts: 36 hours



Commander: Jie’luta, the Priestess of Sand
Army: Spearmen, Raiders, Slayers, Hard Shell Warriors, Archers, Skirmishers, Horseback Archers, Seers, Stingers, Chariot Scorpions, Miners, Catapults, Hydromage, Scarab Warrior, Tamed Taeloron, Taeloron Handler, and Spiders.

Commander: Juliana, the Redeemer
Army: Militia, Men-at-Arms, Halberdiers, Knights, Archers, Longbow Men, Paladins, Divine Longbows, War Wagons, Catapults, Ballista, Priests, Champions, Templar, Soothers, and Saints.

Commander: Tael, the Bulwark
Army: Footmen, Swordsmen, Berzerkers, Shieldguard, Archers, Armored Archers, Magesmiths, Musketeers, Siege Towers, Counterweight Trebuchet, Battering Ram, Alchemists, Suit-at-Arms, Warlords, Steel Lions, Mouths of Ko’Rhas, Engineers, and Bombers.


Commander: Shen’Ra, the Scaled Knight
Army: Spearmen, Fencer, Monks, Guardians, Archers, Guardian Archers, Wind Callers, Seekers, Onagers, Ballista, Channelers, Storm Warriors, Shatterers, Wyrm Riders, and Wind Elementals.

Commander: Vizier, the Lord of Undeath
Army: Heretics, Vultures, Ascended, Blackguard, Heretic Archers, Crossbowmen, Warlocks, Ascended Archers, Mangonels, Necromancers, Nightmares, Infernals, Plague Carriers, Hellhounds, and Imps.

Commander: Nyreen, the Incinerator
Army: Fieran Spearmen, Swordsmen, Burning Bladesmen, Legionnaires, Archers, Fire Mages, Fire Archers, War Balloons, Catapults, Menders, Fire Monks, Phoenix Guards, Talmu Salamanders, Fire Elementals, Volcanoes, and Hunters.

Captain Dezeroth A'Kyer (Eddren) (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32533&page=5&p=1040221&viewfull=1#post1040221)
Lieutenant Karrha Nameko (P.K.) (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32533&p=1016016&viewfull=1#post1016016)

Sergeant Hastur Tereth (DoughGuy) (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32533&page=14&p=1161283&viewfull=1#post1161283)

Corporal Sogarr Bonescream (Cfavano) (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32533&page=15&p=1309239&viewfull=1#post1309239)
Corporal Tuk Pinderknock (The Imposter) (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32533&page=25&p=1455241&viewfull=1#post1455241)

Corporal Sileo (Hatter) (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32533&page=21&p=1449668&viewfull=1#post1449668)




Posting Order
Cfavano (85)
Hatter (52)
The Imposter (43)
DoughGuy (40)
P.K. (29)
Eddren (13)
Jacogos (GM)


Dusk settled over the massive mountain that occupied the center of a war zone, the sun’s fading light playing off of the trees and brush that grew interspersed all over the terrain. At three points equidistant from each other, stone forts were placed at the very foot of the mountain, their rear actually within the mountain so that only the gated front and no more than a hundred feet of their forward sides were exposed. Each fort was nearly identical, though their occupants were far from similar. Three different armies occupied these walls, and all three faced a different enemy as well. Hidden in the forests that surrounded the entire mountain range, more masses waited to approach the forts, some hoping for blood, some hoping for a quick fight so they could return home, others wishing they weren’t there at all.

Clearings of about four hundred yards were in front of the three forts, allowing just enough room to see an enemy before they were upon the defenders. Each of the three gates was open with the armies spilling out of the over-populated forts. They knew battle would be soon, but there was no way they could fit the men inside the fort and still be able to hold efficiently. Some men would have to die to hold the fort; everyone knew this and it bit into many of the soldiers’ morale.

In the South-West Fort, Aeregos was holed up waiting to meet Scaravus on the field of battle. In the East-South-East, Disgeran prepared their defenses to meet their greatest enemy: Archeos. And to the North, fires blazing already to light up every possible dark area nearby, Firanos awaited the clash between themselves and Leongarde.

As the sun continued to sink into the horizon, darkness settled on the forests that would soon ring with the sounds of the dying.

Hidden within the confines of the forest, the Scaravian army looked upon Aeregos’s defenses with interest and wonder, plans already forming in their General’s mind. The famed Priestess of Sand, Jie’luta was a frail-looking woman with darkly tanned skin, dark eyes and hair to match. Swathed in brown robes, she might’ve disappeared into the very essence she was titled for if there was any around her. A faint smile danced along her lips as she listened to the Seer beside her speak of the layout of the land that he saw with his blessed vision.

“I see… Then we will play into this fight with caution and foresight… Hold the men back and prepare the Miners and Catapults to begin,” the prophetess said in a wispy voice like silk running along the skin. The Spider she had ordered nodded and was off in a moment, orders quickly passing through the well hidden warriors of the Scaravian Desert. Smiling a little more noticeably now, Jie’luta released the spell she had been preparing for the past hour.

The noise was faint at first, but it quickly rose to a roar that came from behind the army. Yet nearly all the Scaravians were prepared for what was to come. Within moments, a mighty sandstorm blew in from behind them, headed straight for the Aeregosian fort. It was not for offense, though. It was for stealth. Thick as it was, the Aeregosians would never have quite a hard time seeing what they were doing, much less figuring out what they had planned.

“And so it begins…” the priestess murmured, allowing her men to get ready for the attack. Scaravus would not charge in right away, but instead wait for the signal.

Standing just at the edge of the forest, resplendent in their armor, the great and mighty army of Archeos said their last mantras to Alu’terasa before they were to fight with the dark hordes of Disgeran. Near the forefront, a small woman cowled in white robes with the emblem of Archeos blazing on the front and back stood with her piercing blue eyes on the fort with a cool expression upon her face.

This woman was Juliana, the Redeemer. Renowned healer and servant of Alu’terasa, the Redeemer was known for bringing back the dead in stroves, her healing Light almost a match for the Sacred One’s own. Almost. It was a dark time for Archeos indeed for having to field her this day, against the tides of darkness that was the masses of the Spectre of Chaos.

Holding up a single hand, Juliana felt every man behind her tense in readiness; down to a soul, these men and women were prepared to purge each and every one of the heretics from the face of the earth or die trying. With her on their side, however, they were prepared to die twice.

“Cleanse them,” a cool, monotonous voice came from the woman. With a roar, Men-at-arms charged forth with the rest of Archeos hot on their heels, rushing out across the plains towards the waiting heretics that massed in front of the gate. War Wagons rode out in front, filled to bursting with archers and longbow men, and Catapults and Ballista fired from the cover of the woods, crashing into the fort.

The Redeemer watched it all with that same cool look, awaiting such a time as she was needed. Templar surrounded her, though most of their brethren had charged in with the army.

The steel-clad army of Leongarde was at home in the forest, surprisingly. The Lion Woods and Lionglade were perfect examples of nature preserved by the Southern Faction of Ko’Rhas, and these woods still felt friendly if not homey.

Heading the army was a mighty warrior by the name of Tael, the Bulwark. Though irritated at being placed at the head of a siege instead of a defense, the titanic warrior would not back down from a fight that he knew he could win. Covered from head to toe in massive steel-plate armor, the aptly named Bulwark of Leongarde was a walking tank of metal. Nearly as wide as Vanguard had been, if not as tall, Tael was rumored to have never suffered a wound on the battlefield. His armor was said to be impenetrable, and no one had yet to prove otherwise. In his hands were a greatsword that was nearly as tall as himself and a tower shield that looked to be able to survive a boulder being thrown at it.

As the army neared the edge of the woods, Tael halted his army and turned laboriously to face his men.

Tael was not known for speeches; it was rarely heard of him to speak at all. The hulking warrior simply looked over his men, nodded, and turned back to face Firanos before them. Holding aloft his mighty sword, he swung it forward in an air-splitting chop, and Leongarde rushed forward to meet the fire-wielding faction on the field of battle.

Their charge was short lived, however, as Fieran mages erected a massive wall of fire across the fields, effectively stopping them in their tracks.

"Make way for General Tael!" someone cried, the halted army parting to allow the Bulwark through, slowly making his way to the front lines with ground trembling steps. He held his blade aloft and drew a circle in the sky above him, indicating Leongarde to form up. A gesture behind him told them to keep behind him. As they did so, he began his approach to the wall.

Aeregos had a rather well set-up defense in their fort, siege weapons ready to rain down on their enemy as soon as they showed up. That was all they knew; their foe was a wily one, which led some to speculate it was Scaravus they were facing. That would prove to be an interesting battle indeed.

Atop the ramparts, a tall, dark green, dragon-scaled Wyrmborn stood looking out over the plains with vicious intent. White feathered wings adorned his back. The man, his name Shen’ra, gripped his twin war axes anxiously as he awaited their foe to appear. The Scaled Knight he was called, and more besides. He claimed to be a true child of Shen’Giyuh, much as Ra’shor himself was. He certainly looked the part.

“Warriors of my father!” Shen’ra roared, speaking to the Aeregosians in a loud voice. “Our enemy comes to die this day, as our might will not be overcome! For we are the followers of Shen’Giyuh, and we-!”
He was cut off as a roar unknown to nearly all Aeregosians came rushing at them, a whirlwind of sand flying at them from the forest. Any doubt that they were facing the nomads of Scaravus were instantly banished as the sandstorm consumed them.

“Hold fast, my brethren!” Shen’ra called, his voice barely heard over the rush of the sandstorm. “They will not break us with petty tricks! Fire the Onagers!” Stones flew overhead as the siege weapons fired, but it was unknown if the projectiles actually hit anything. The sandstorm had all but blinded them to what was going on below. Even the infantry stationed in front of the gate could see little but a dozen yards in front of them.

The fort that held the massive horde of Disgeran was already beginning to show signs of taint and corrosion, evil magic seeping into the stone and giving it a distinctly eerie look. Heretics spilled out into the plains in droves, waiting for their deaths with wide eyes and shaking boots.

Striding up to the top of the fort walls, a black-armored individual slowly peered out over the plains towards the shining obviousness of their opponent. Tall and seemingly broad-shouldered, the one known as Vizier, the Lord of Undeath, might’ve smirked if his fleshless mouth would’ve allowed it. Bleached bone was all his head was, a skull with a most peculiar dark blue magical essence flowing from its eyes.

Vizier’s gauntleted hand rested upon another skull that was seated upon the top of a long black staff, straight and free of blemishes. It gave of an aura of darkness that followed the general as he slowly stopped at the edge of the fort wall.

“Heeheehee…” he cackled, fleshless jaw flapping comically. “What a wonderful farce this will be… Demonic hordes of Disgeran, lend me thine ears! If but a single one of you wishes to live to see tomorrow, then I suggest that every last one of you fight until Archeos falls before us. If any of them get inside, I will rip the soul of the nearest person from his body and use it as a missile to tear the Archeons asunder.” The general fell silent for a moment, what might have been an amused look on his face. “Think of it as positive reinforcement…”

As the Archeons charged, Vizier side-stepped as a ballista bolt came flying at him, the missile causing his eye essence to hiss as the wind blew it aside. “Oh but this will be fun…”

The fires of Firanos lit up the evening sky as the red-coated faction prepared for the siege. Spearmen, Swordsmen, and Burning Bladesmen all readied themselves for the oncoming storm of steel, Leongarde readying itself to come at them with all they have.

In the front of these men, a single robed woman stood about three yards in front of the foremost warrior, smirking broadly at the shining army that was soon to charge their position. She was a beauty to many, long ebon hair blowing lightly in the wind as it played along her bare shoulders. Her robes were a mixture of red and black, mixing in interesting ways that drew the eye. They clung to her form just enough to hint at what lay beneath, but no more. Nyreen, the Incinerator, turned to her men and threw her arms wide, gathering their attention.

“Men and women of Firanos! Today we gather on the field of battle against an enemy we have easily defeated before. The warriors of Leongarde will never be able to compete against our might for all of their steel-clad warriors, for we have the blessing of our Eternal Protector! The Blazing Phoenix! Even our Emperor watches over us this day! We will not fall! We will not falter! Our enemies…” Turning dynamically, Nyreen’s hands lit up in flames.

“WILL BURN!!” she roared, unleashing a large storm of fire upon the plains, aided by fire magi that stood atop the wall. The attack was not aimed at the now-charging Leongardians, though; instead, it landed halfway across the plains, lighting up the grass in a massive wall of fire. Leongarde was forced to either wait it out or charge through.

“And burn they will…” Nyreen hissed, turning to return to the inside of the fort.

Battle Start

All six factions were now on their way towards engaging each other, offensive armies charging into the fray against the holders of the forts. Nothing could stop these battles from reaching their bloody finish, but neither could anyone guess what lie in wait for the three factions that one their duels.

Will you lead your faction to glory? Or will you perish in the flames of war? Chaos grips the land. Take heed that you do not get swept away in the tides.

07-07-2013, 01:19 PM
Sogarr, as was his stye, was at the front of the charge. "With me, brothers! We shall win this day, for Kho'ras is on our side! Give them nothing, but take from them, everything!" He keeps his shield up as his charges, and has his short spear drawn, ready to cut own all in his path. One Berzerker cries "No prisoners!" and another replies "No mercy!" The battle is on, and Sogarr shall pierce the heart of Firanos, and he grins as he unleashes his roar, which would bolster his allies that hear it, but intimidate and cause fear in those enemies that hear it.

And he would have continued charging if the flame wall had not stopped them in their tracks. Sogarr growls and snarls, and notices the general. "General, we long for the hunt, Kho'ras is with us today! We shall fight to the last man for you! None Can stand against us, and those fireflies know it, otherwise they wouldn't resort to such tricks! A pox on them, I say!"

07-08-2013, 03:53 PM
Barely able to hear the commands of the man who was leading the charge, Sileo guarded his eyes and dropped to the ground in the hope of seeing even a little better. His efforts in vain, he reached for a wall that he could no longer find, slowly walking forward to eventually find it.

The storm mercilessly pounded sand into Sileo's face as he helplessly wandered. Sileo was numb and out of breath. The fact that they were being attacked again flashed in his mind through the chaos. He then decided the best idea at the moment would to be to find and guard the door.

The Imposter
07-08-2013, 08:25 PM
Tuk was amidst the warlords as the filed in behind the Bulwark. However her hands were not found on her weapons. Instead she rested them against the shoulders of the two ahead of her. Unsure what Tael's plan was she was bracing herself to pull the metal she was touching around the the few in front of her and behind. If she did indeed need to raise the shallow metal wall she readied herself to brace the metal as it became hot.

07-09-2013, 12:31 AM
Hastur was in his usual position just behind the frontline of the charge where he could strike at his foe without retaliation. Different to usual his chains were currently unarmed, the daggers having been taken out for the battle, and he was relying on the claws to do damage. Looking up at the wall of the fort he wondered if his plan would work, or if he'd even get a chance to use it. As the Archeos army closes in he readies his chains for battle.

07-09-2013, 02:14 PM
Dezeroth and his unit were among the ranks of the Scaravus forces. They knew their orders, but not why they had been received. Still, the Mage wasn't about to let that stop him. In fact, he had a suspicion he knew exactly what was going on. Pulling out his map, he murmured "Glouest Maesfiel." The ink reformed itself to form the battlefield around them. He gestured to his men. "Follow behind me. Allow me to repeat myself. Follow behind me." He continued on until he reached where he knew would be the edge of the forest. He threw out his hands, stopping the men. "Alright, men. We have no idea what we're going to be looking at, yet. Diggers, I want a trench. Obviously large enough for thirty men. We'll use the cover of the sandstorm for that. Raiders, gather twigs and leaves and such, create a convincing disguise to make the area look like brush as it's being dug. Spearmen, get ready to set up. Prek'Tal, make sure they're in ideal defensive formation while the trench is being dug. Remember, these foes are mortal! Unlike the Ekro we have weathered together, these foes bleed! They fear! And their forces are limited! We can win!"

"Giving speeches now?" Karrha asked. She'd followed behind the mage's group not feeling inclined stick around with the main force though she could give orders there she didn't see any she could make for the time being and she knew Dezeroth well enough to know he'd form a plan sooner rather then later. Sand storm would give them good cover but for those unprepared it would hamper them to. rushing sand bit at the skin stung the eyes and clogged the mouth no doubt who ever they where up against would find that out soon.

Karrha in preparation for this had found herself a scarf wearing it around her face for that reason, unlike she normally did she wore long sleeves and long breeches protecting her from the biting sand. it was thicker and heavier and no doubt would hamper her movements just a bit, but it was also easily taken off, the heaver part of it, leaving her free once more if need be. "I hope you don't mind if I stick around..." she said squinting at the men in the sand storm before peering back at the mage as she hefted her bow. "Plans?"

Dezeroth glanced back at his companion, then nodded toward where they all knew the fortress would be. "The rest of Scaravus is going to try a charge. Right now might be a good time to attack, but I'm not so sure. Once they hear the sounds of battle, or start getting reports, they'll start lobbing the artillary at them. We'd just get caught in the crossfire and killed. So for now, we're going to design a defensive perimeter here. Stay for a while. Make sure that any charges are turned around. Then, once we've got a clear shot to the fortress, after all their siege weapons have been depleted, we'll make our move toward the Fortress. I'll use my Fire Magic to imbue one of their walls' primordial Earth element and turn it into magma, cool enough that the wall will continue to support itself, and slowly excavate our way in. From there, I'll need to see what the inside of the fortress looks like, but it's entirely likely that we'll set up in a tower, where I can enchant one of our soldiers' weapon with the primordial element of earth and use it to fortify our position. Then, given access to a window, I'll be able to pick them off. I regenerate enough mana that I should be able to deal damage, though certainly more slowly than before."

Karrha eyed him from under her scarf. "Put a lot of thought into this haven't you?" she shook her head. Did they have time to wait like that? Either way he seemed to be right about the charge and no doubt a great place like that had a large defense they had to get past. Thoughtfully she paused. "I'll keep tabs on the main body if anything changes, you'll be the first to know..." she said finally. currently he didn't seem to need her there and with the sand storm and the space between the main army and this small unit any changes in the charger could render these plans mute, more costly, or even more effective.

Dezeroth nodded. "Good idea." He turned to his men. "Let's try to not get flanked like the battle with the Ekro, eh?"

Karrha shook her head at the thought of the Ekro battle before turning to return back to the main body and do exactly what she said she would

07-11-2013, 02:43 AM
Scaravus vs. Aeregos

Jie'luta moved forward with a small group of Seers, about ten yards out of the forest cover. Raising her hands again, the sandstorm paused in its fury for a heartbeat, then started back up again, giving the Aeregosians almost no relief. For the Scaravians, this was the signal. The Chariots and Horseback Archers moved in, keeping a little bit of distance as they approached Aeregos's gate army, ready to pelt them with projectiles. Meanwhile, the other archers, stingers, and skirmishers began to close in as well, using the storm as cover to get closer. Once in range, they began to fire upon Aeregos's walls and gate army, thinning them out without losing men.

During all of this, the Scaravian army was continuing to wait before moving into engage. A small team of Miners and Spiders were moving close to the walls, Aeregos's lack of vision hopefully allowing them to get close enough to begin working. If they could begin pouring men inside, they could easily win.

Shen'Ra snarled in anger. Damn Scaravus and their underhanded tactics!!

"Wind Callers! I want a storm, now!!" he roared, able to be heard over the sandstorm through some powerful vocal chords. Taking wing, the Scaled Knight Tried to get over the sandstorm to see if there was any way he could combat it there. Alas, there was nothing but a massive wall of blowing earth that he couldn't make heads or tails of.

"Blast it all..." he hissed, moving back down to the walls. Men were dying around him from the Scaravian projectiles. Aeregos's artillery were being used, but they had no idea if they were hitting anything.

"Aeregos, return to the gates! Get as close to the wall as you can!" he commanded over the gale. "Give the Wind Callers time to combat this horrid sorcery!"

Archeos vs. Disgeran

Archeos charged forward towards the dark horde's gate guard, hell-bent on beginning this attack right away. Heretics made a flimsy wall of spears, but it didn't take long for that to prove almost completely ineffective against Archeos's rush. Though a few men were killed, overall the Heretics were being killed first. As normal.

Vizier's fleshless face might've been smiling if he could, fingers trailing along a skull that dangled from a cloth cord that hung from his waist. A literal skirt of its brethren surrounded the man's lower half, a grotesque group of human skulls clattering as the Archeon charge shook the earth faintly.

"Ahh, they've brought out Juliana... Two Lords of commanding the fallen... who will reign supreme, in the end...?" he wondered allowed, grasping one of the skulls at his waist firmly. Ripping it from its cord, the Disgeran commander muttered a spell as he tossed the dead man's head down towards where Archeos was engaging his men.

A burst of dark energy exploded from the skull's impact point, about twenty feet to Hastur's right. Tendrils of evil magic wrapped around the nearby warriors, crushing them alive or allowing Heretics to skewer them where they hung in the air. It only affected perhaps a five yard area, but it was quite effective at demoralizing some of the lesser warriors. Heretics babbled their zealotry, and a few Ascended breathed in the dark magic like addicts getting a high after years.

Juliana, slowly moving out of the forest line, noted the dark magic with disdain. It would be a mage she was fighting... Raising her hand, the Redeemer began to chant lowly, light surrounding her.

Leongarde vs. Firanos

Tael turned his helmeted head to regard Sogarr for a moment silently, an almost condescending look in the blue eyes that were the only part of the man you could see. Raising his greatsword, the Bulwark strode up to the wall of fire and, in a single swing, parted a ten foot wide swath in the flames. The burnt grass smoked, but the fire stayed where it was parted, allowing the General and his men to begin marching through.

"Stay close!" roared a Mouth of Ko'Rhas. "We will march through and bring our steel to bear on these cowards!" Leongarde roared its approval, slipping through the ten-foot gap and charging the Fieran gate guards. Tael was there as well, his greatsword cleaving men in half with a single swing whilst taking nothing but scrapes along his armor in return. He didn't have to worry about men attacking him, it seemed.

Nyreen turned at the gate doors and regarded the Leongardians with a sneer. Bah... Of course he would cut his way through... Let them stream through two at a time. We will burn them alive in any case. Entering the fort, Nyreen began to plan out her next move.

Meanwhile, Trebuchets had begun to launch bales of dirt at the fire wall, putting out large bundles of it in single throws. This made room for Siege Towers to begin to roll out. Not only that, but Leongarde was fielding bombers, who were moving with the main army, ready to move out to either side of the gate once they were clear of the fire.

07-12-2013, 01:29 AM
As soon as the path was cut through the fire, and most of the army was through, Sogarr raises his spear into the air and faces the army. "See how the paltry tricks of the Fierans are cast aside like so much chaff! Kho'Ras is with us, and they, these godless heathens and savages think they can stand up to us? They can not stop us anymore than you can stop the endless flow of time itself, and in that flow, I see them fall like wheat on the day of harvest. They can do nothing but cower behind their walls, which shall fall before us. This day is ours, and Our Lord has decreed that all others must perish. So fight, I say! Fight with me, fight for all our fallen brothers. For Arduin, For Vanguard, and for your brothers taken to be with Mighty Kho'Ras!" He roars. "For Leongarde!" He turns back towards the fort, continuing the march, and waiting for the order to charge.

07-13-2013, 06:40 PM
Hatter has missed his post time. Next, please.

The Imposter
07-13-2013, 07:28 PM
Tuk moved with the army as they began to flood past the fire wall, relaxing her hands she drew a long piece of metal out from amidst her armor. The long shaft seemingly formulating from her armor itself. When it had fully emerged The Edge rested deftly in both her hands and the warrior set her eyes on some of the Fierans that guarded the gate.

She moved with some of the other Leongardian warriors to engage, the long metal rod reshaping to her will as she approached take the form of a scythe. Her red hair gave up her quick movement as her body moved to her right and she lashed out with her weapon. The strike wasn't meant to kill but rather pull and distract the gate guard as those closer to her moved in for the kill.

07-14-2013, 03:46 AM
Seeing the exploding skull Hastur scanned the walls of the fort for its source. However at the distance he was at he couldn't differentiate the foes on the walls. Instead he stopped his heretic killing to have his chains float in the air above the army. They were longer than the skull's explosion had been wide and if he intercepted it in mid air that would hopefully make them useless. If he saw any more skulls fly out he would do his best to intercept them with his chains. As he did this he moved closer to the area of the explosion, one of his chains lashing out at the heretics who leaped forward to attack those frozen in the blast. "Don't let their darkness claim your hearts brothers, push onwards!"

07-14-2013, 07:30 PM
Karrha peered at what little she could see. Having moved up somewhat and losing a few of her arrows into the midst of the enemy, who where they fighting? which faction and why? She was not sure she had the slightest clue, why did they want the castle anyhow? So many questions and none of the details she remembered. Losing some more arrows as she thought about this for a moment before turning her attention back to the battle at hand. Whatever the reason, she was here and so was the mage That was all she needed for the moment.

As she could see no change in the charge that would cost their plans or give reason to alter them she decided that heading back to the mage and his party would be a waist and in that time something very well may change for now she staid put adding some of her firepower to the range attacks.

07-14-2013, 07:33 PM
Dezeroth simply continued to attend to the fortifications, looking up at the storm which continued to blow. I can't see a damn thing through this. What in the world was the Sand Priestess thinking? He turned to the Torju siblings. "Di, use your abilities as a Hydromage to start drawing water out of the ground. We're going to form a bubble soon enough and push forward." He turned back to look at the battlefield, now, simply waiting.

07-14-2013, 08:20 PM
Scaravus vs. Aeregos

Scaravus's harassment methods were drawing blood from the Aeregosians, scores of men falling to the projectiles that were being fired into their midst. The Miner team managed to get to the wall undetected and was now slowly working on burrowing under the walls.

The Priestess now had all of her focus on maintaining the sandstorm, allowing her men more time to correctly set up and prepare for the attack. While Aeregos retreated more into their cramped fort, Scaravus's main army was taking positions just out of visual range from the green warriors, readying themselves for a frontal assault. Catapults continued to assault from afar, blind luck and general knowledge of the landscape allowing them to continue hitting the Aeregosian fortifications.

Aeregos had managed to get most of their men within the walls, however, a small handful still at the gate, predominantly Guardians. Shen'Ra also ordered the artillery to cease-fire until visual was reestablished. In the back of the fort, currents were stirring as the Wind Callers began to conjure a storm, dark clouds coming in from the mountaintops and rolling down towards the battlefield. Thunder rumbled in the distance.

Jie'luta frowned momentarily, hearing the thunder. I should have foreseen this... she sighed mentally. Continuing her spell, she waited another few moments before she ordered a man to give the order to charge.

Archeos vs. Disgeran

Hastur didn't have his chains doing much, as Vizier would not throw another skull so soon. The Lord of Undeath watched the carnage below with relish, heretics falling left and right as the holy army of Archeos slowly made its way forward and closer to the gates.

"That's right, keep coming closer... Just a little further..." he cackled to himself, his blue-fire eyes flashing dangerously.

Arrows and Light magic intermingled in the sky as they were lobbed overhead towards the Disgeran masses, similar projectiles and hell-fireballs retaliating from the walls of the corrupted fort. Ascended archers flew from the walls and pelted Archeos from the sky, managing to do much more damage from their elevated positions than most warriors would. Yet Archeos continued on, coming within 50 yards of the walls in a slow advance of death.

Juliana radiated light as she continued to chant, preparing something even as Vizier concocted his scheme. The two were ready to clash, but which would dominate the battlefield? The Dark and Light continued their fight unhindered by their Generals, but that was soon to change...

Leongarde vs. Firanos

Mouths of Ko'Rhas roared the command to charge as, finally, the bulk of Leongarde was clear of the fire wall. Tael, as slow as he was, managed to spearhead the assault, ripping through a line of Fierans in a single swipe. As the rest of the melee units began to swarm in on each other, Archers began pelting the opposing lines from both directions, Firanos's elevated positions giving them a slight advantage.

Forward came the Siege towers, now approaching the halfway mark of burnt ground that had been the fire wall. Inside were groups of Suit-at-arms and Musketeers, the latter firing from their positions as the towers rolled forward, sniping men from the walls with each shot. Between the two was a single Battering Ram, rolling forward with the aid of a few more Suit-at-arms. Magesmiths stood by in both groups to urge the constructs forward, the rest of the steel evocators with the forward army. Engineers were in the back with the trebuchets, some working them and others building a new one, now focusing their efforts on throwing stone at the fort.

As Leongarde and Firanos met in a clash of steel and fire, War Balloons began to float out from the inside of the fort, the aerial siege weapons getting an overhead shot at the oncoming warriors of Leongarde. Fire began to erupt on the battlefield as mages tossed fireballs into the fray and the flame-ridden monks and Burning Bladesmen burned their enemies alive. Even as things heated up, the Bulwark continued to lead his men forward, shutting down fires with a fan of his sword or shield. Fireballs seemed to splash off his shield like water. Even the super-heated swords of Firanos bounced right off his armor. Truly he was unstoppable.

Near the gates, though, a small group of Firanos's Volcanoes were conjuring up their magic, reaching deep into the earth to bring forth magma. Two Talmu stood at the ready nearby. They were about 60-80 yards from the Leongarde advance.

07-16-2013, 03:05 AM
As the two sides clashed, Sogarr fought bravely, as any favored son of Leongarde would. He feels the adrenaline pumping though his veins keenly, increasing his reaction time and strength. He moves with a sort of barbaric grace, that only years of practice and experience can create.

A fieran swordsman leaps at him, but he deflects that man's body with his shield, and continues to advance. Using that momentum, he thrusts his spear at another swordsman, piercing his chest, and the force causes the man to fall backwards and on to the ground. He steps forward, and deflects a sword blow coming from the left by raising his shield and thrusts his spear through another man in front of him, the point and blade piercing cleanly through the soft armor and stomach of the man. He then advances a few steps further, and with a pirouette, blocks another enemy's slash with his large shield, and brings the blade of his spear around quick enough to decapitate that man. he then reforms his stance, and thrusts his spear through another swordsman's stomach, and then retracts it. he then holds his spear with his shield hand as he draws a javelin, and hurls it at a burning bladesman, piercing the man's neck.

Taking his spear back in his main hand, he switches his grip on it to be more like a sword, and raises his shield in front of him, but angles it and ducks down as a swordsman charges him, and he uses his enemy's momentum and the angle of his shield to cause the man to be hurled over him. Advancing another few steps, he parries the swing of another swordsman, and slashes that man across the neck with the blade of his spear. He then brings the blade back in a backhand slash, cutting another man a deep gash across the chest, felling, but not necessarily killing him. He then parries another fieran's sword strike with his spear's blade, and then whirls around to hit him in the back with his shield, knocking him down. With another swing of his sword, he cuts the throat of another fieran soldier.

He breathes heavily, looking for more enemies to fight, but that is when he notices the group of fierans formed at the gates. "This could prove ill for our forces." He looks around and notices a newly set-up trebouchet. He dashes there quickly as he can, and gets to the team. "Brothers, gaze upon the area near fortress's gates! I sense an ill omen, and if that team of mages finishes their preparations, it could prove disastrous. I would ask that you focus your fire on them. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated." He then moves as quickly as he can to alert the other artillery teams of this development, and ask the same thing of them.

07-19-2013, 11:05 PM
Oy, finding time to get on a working computer (not an iPod) and remembering this poor little thing is rough.

DoughGuy, you're up.

07-20-2013, 01:31 AM
If the ascended archers flying were within Hastur's reach he would focus on using his chains to tear at their wings and bring them down. If they were not he would instead, focusing on the ascended warriors, grab disg weapon as they wielded them with his chains, wrapping around them and hindering their actions. As the warriors died due to being unable to swing their weapons he would take these weapons and throw them into the disg horde indiscriminately. If the Archeos army came within throwing distance of the archers he would begin targetting them with the weapons.