View Full Version : Duelist Dominion: Subject Sigma (Jacogos) VS Sloth

08-06-2013, 08:28 AM

Subject Sigma VS Sloth

The dim, artificial lights of the underground laboratory give an occasional flicker, as the sound as heart rythmn monitors bleeping, mixed with the sound of dripping liquid and the faint buzz of electrical devices fills the area, echoing around against the metal plating that cover the wall. The large room is mainly filled with all sorts of high tech machinery and computers, aswell as the occasional glass contained in which a silhouette of both human and non-human creatures can be seen.

However, the silence of the chamber is disturbed as a flicker of violent, purple light appears in one of the few open spaces of the chamber, a rift between reality ripping open as the souls of damned and lost cry out for release. Slowly hovering upwards, a large, twisted humanoid being rises up. Standing at a firm two meters tall, with a large, festering torso and a twisted, tangle covered face. His lower body is draped with black and purple colored robes, with clawed, twisted humanoid feet sticking from underneath. Hovering up and out of the tear in reality, the demonic entity slowly landed on the cold, metal floor, his warped face gazing down at the surface beneath him, before he slowly gazed about. "I am called upon... And my answer has arrived... Who dares to interrupt my slumber and challenge my power...?"

08-08-2013, 03:00 AM
There was a faint flash as an orb of light popped into existence not twenty yards in front of the being called Sloth. Swirling, it took a moment for the small sphere of pale-blue light to settle before it became apparent that it was sentient. Energy pulsated ever so slightly to the discerning eye, a silent drumming of an artificial heartbeat.

For a moment, the orb was silent. Then, a faint whirring sound indicated Sigma's onboard computer was scanning the area, subatomic pulses flashing through the area and back to the little android in a matter of seconds. The information was processed by the computer, leaving Sigma unaware of little more than that it was in a laboratory with an opponent standing in front of it.

Laboratory? That word is... familiar, it thought, searching its empty mind for a reason. When it found none, the being known as Subject Sigma turned its attention towards its opponent. The voice it spoke with was monotonous, neutral, and lacked gender inflections. It was only barely robotic, however.

"Greetings, Sloth. I am known as Subject Sigma. I would do battle with you. If you are ready, we will begin." There was a pause. "It seems you are to go first." That was strange. Why did it know that? What is... 'battle'? Sigma wondered.

08-08-2013, 05:28 AM
Sloth's hollow gaze fixated itself on the newly appearing orb of light, a raspy breath coming forth from the depths of his throat. The being that called upon him appeared to be nothing more than a simple wisp of sorts. A simple battle for someone like him. Raising up his hands as a demonic glow set about them, Sloth lifted himself off of the floor, hovering a good three feet above the ground, his hands extending towards the orb. "You tire me already, wisp... Let us be done with this, so I may return to my slumber..." (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwRxL6Wq4Cs)
As he said this, the demonic glow surrounding his hands grew ever stronger, the very air turning into a putrid mess by the mere demonic essence that was being channeled. As this happened, one could notice demonic markings slowly forming on the ground, drawing themselves in a dark purple hue.

08-09-2013, 03:15 AM
Sigma studied the words that were spoken to it in depth, musing to itself as it slowly floated forward without any outward sign that it was propelling itself at all. The air around the demon was being... infected by its magic, a sign that something foul was afoot and likely Sigma wouldn't want to be nearby when it happened.

How do I know that? it wondered, stopping after it had moved a mere ten yards forward. Half the distance it had been away from the demon, Sigma now could study it more thoroughly. Gruesome in appearance, it seemed to Sigma that it was going to be a purely magical fighter, as no semblance of a weapon existed on its person.

What is a... weapon...? it questioned itself, a floating orb moving ever so slightly up and down like a bobber on a calm river. "If I might ask, if you are so lazy, why does one such as you attempt to... fight?" That word still sounded strange. The question, in Sigma's monotonous tone, might not have been as insulting as it would have sounded coming from another.

At that moment, some sort of... power surged within the experiment. It would've blinked in surprise had it had any eyes. For a moment, it was unsure of what to do with the power. Fumbling, the electricity built up around its 'body' and leapt off of it at random intervals, as if it had become supercharged. Knowing nothing else to do with it, Sigma shot the small bolt of electricity forward. Straight at Sloth.

Oh dear... Sigma thought, the feeling of an emotion called 'worry' sprouting in its processors. "I'm sorry. Did that harm you?" Again, the tone softened the words to just below scathing.

08-09-2013, 10:19 PM
Sloth was the least bit impressed nor intimidated by the small being's movement, the runic markings on the ground growing ever so slowly, creeping further along the surface. However, when the small spark of electricity was launched forward, Sloth's sleep deprived eyes gazed at it, before it connected with his body, sending jolts of electrical energy surging through his muscles, singing the twisted and molded flesh that covered his chest at the point of impact. However, the demon merely let out an annoyed sigh at the hit, hovering backwards a bit in response. "Tiresome... I could have been resting still..." Covering from the attack surprisingly fast, the demon's rose his arms forward again, proceding to let the runic markings on the ground grow. However, he began slowly hovering left and right in the room, trying to make himself harder to hit, even though his movement was still very slow.

08-09-2013, 10:57 PM
Sigma felt the worry over the being fade away at its blatant lack of attention to the attack. Focusing its thoughts on the rune being inscribed in the ground, Sigma drew its own attention away from the demon. Outwardly, nothing changed about the orb that was the Experiment.

These don't bode to be very benign... I suppose I should do something about them... Sigma thought, hovering near the edge of where the closest runes were appearing. If proximity had to deal with their activation, Sigma was likely at the very cusp of activating them.

About at that moment, Sigma's secondary processors decided it was time to advance. A bright glow encompassed the orb, obscuring its form from view. Within the light, Sigma evolved into its next stage, becoming more than it had been. Orb was replaced with a body, which grew a head, arms, legs, and even hair. The light hid this transformation from view, but Sigma was all too aware of it. Every time fascinated it. Every time? Has this happened before?

All of a sudden, pain blossomed amidst the wonder. Fiery pain, burning pain. Welling up inside the android's now fully formed bosom. As the light faded from blinding, fire replaced it, a rushing wave of flames shooting out in a cone in front of Sigma. Mostly, it focused on scouring the floors before it, yet the tail end of the attack would likely engulf Sloth as well.

As the fire faded away quickly from lack of things to burn, one would see that Sigma was no longer an orb. Instead, a small boy-child floated where the sphere had been, pale skin giving off the faintest blue-green luminescence. It was clothed in a plain white shirt and shorts, short bleach-white hair swept back as if recently brushed. On the boy's cheek was the capital Greek Symbol for Sigma, branded as if with a cattle-prod. It even hissed and steamed as if recently burned there.

Sigma's odd eyes studied his opponent with a blank expression. "You are a demon... yes?" it inquired in a small child-like voice, gender-neutral as surely as Sigma's previous voice had been.

08-10-2013, 10:58 AM
Sloth seemed to remain unphased by the scene before him, simply observing it as much as he could. His casting continued, multiple lines of the runes starting to connect with one another. Part of him found it surprising his opponent let him continue this long, but nonetheless, his preparation was complete, and just in the nick of time it seemed. As a torrent of blazing fire erupted, the fire would find itself colliding with an invisible magical force, like a wall, the followed the pattern of the runes on the ground. The fire was swept up into the air and redirected to follow the runic lines that were laid out across the floor, turning the magical patterns into fiery ones.

"Yes... I am a demon... I am Sloth... Master of magic and rituals... And I believe it is time to put you to rest... Permanently..." As he spoke this, the fiery runes suddenly erupted into a blazing torrent similar as to what Sigma had just released, raging upwards into the air as the flames sought to ensnare Sigma, trapping him in a cage of blazing fury.
During this, Sloth did not move from his position, remaining hovering about two feet in the air as his hands were extended towards Sigma and the runes.

08-11-2013, 03:37 AM
The child-Sigma smiled slightly, a thoughtful smirk that brightened his face ever so slightly. As he floated there, the torrent of fire rushed toward him and for a moment, that face seemed to hold a wide-eyed curiosity. The fires engulfed him, and he was lost from sight.

Whether or not the fires died away, however, Sigma was not put to rest. Out of the fire he floated, surrounded by a sphere of lime-green energy, a defensive matrix that had engulfed him a second before he would have been burned to cinders. His facial expression betrayed no haste, but he moved quickly enough to avoid the matrix failing him. The fires bent around the shield as if blown, unable to sear the energy that it was made of. As Sigma floated outside the flames, the disappeared to the naked eye.

Moving away from the runes, Sigma attempted to circle around them to his left, facing Sloth the entire time. This new information was puzzling, to say the least, and Sigma's processors were hard at work figuring out the next stage of development. Of course, whatever form it took would be much better suited to taking down this demon.

08-11-2013, 11:31 AM
- - - Hazard Roll 2: None - - -

Sloth's attention redirected to Sigma, an obvious air of annoyance noticable. Lowering his arms, the flaming torrents came to a halt, and the runes turned into simple scorched marks upon the metallic floor. "Children... So... exhausting..." He spoke up in his own monotone voice. With a long sigh, he began hovering in between the machinery and glass containers in which humanoid individuals seemed to be resting in a comatose state. Seeking to obscure the line of sight between him and Sigma, while keeping his hands raised before his chest, slowly gathering a pure, shadowy essence in his grasp.

08-13-2013, 09:21 PM
Sigma slowly floated around the room similar to Sloth, mimicking if not mirroring the demon's movements through the laboratory's glass containers. A small look of childlike playfulness slipped on and off of his face at any given moment, giving him the appearance of not taking the fight all too seriously. Of course, due to to secondary processor, that conclusion might as well have been a grave error.

With the floor lacking runes now, Sigma allowed himself free movement, slowly attempting to lower the distance between himself and the demon as they played hide and seek through the cluttered area. Oftentimes they would glimpse each other for scant moments before slipping back behind scattered objects; other times they would maintain eye contact for several seconds before the next container or machine would obstruct their view of one another.

After about a minute of this, Sigma felt an energy build up inside him, unlike the two before that he welled up within like volcanoes that could not be stopped. This one was a casual reminder that he could fight, sitting just within his grasp and waiting to be called. Thoughtful, Subject Sigma reached out and grabbed the energy, physical movement unnecessary for what he was doing.

Now held firmly in hand, so to speak, the energy felt warm, quite unlike to burning heat that had engulfed him before. This was pleasant, almost soothing. As a small flicker of light began to build up in front of him, Sigma became aware of what he needed to do.

Locking eyes with Sloth again, the child hesitantly held up an arm, hand resting just on where the small bit of light flickered. In a bright flash, the flicker turned into a blinding beam of white light, streaking towards the demon at an impressive speed. It was not Holy, but the beam was still quite capable of burning him and blinding him, much like a weak laser.

With the beam shot, Sigma, wide-eyed, looked down at his hand and contemplated it. A single word popped into his mind: Why?

08-13-2013, 09:36 PM
Sloth was still conjuring his next spell during the slowly progressing game of hid and seek the two were playing, the dark energies within his hands continuing to grow as his tired eyes met Sigma's whenever there was nothing obscuring their line of sight. "How..." The demon yawned as he spoke. "... tiring... Won't you just lay down and die?"
His words weren't even cold when he once more hovered into view, only to be met with a blinding ray of light smashing into him, sending the demon flying backwards, crashing into a large computer with his lower body, causing his flight to turn to a spin, sending the demon smashing into the metal floor with a loud grunt. The shadow orb he had created was now idly hovering about in the room from the the position he was at when the flashlight smashed into his face.
Sloth himself however, remained laying on the ground, grunting. "Ugh... Just... die... You are getting... annoying... And I'm getting..." He yawned once more. ".. so... tired..."

08-13-2013, 10:22 PM
Sigma was quite surprised at the outcome of his most recent attack, so efficiently shutting his opponent down. According to its voice, however, it was not quite yet out for the count. Slowly hovering forward, Sigma made his way closer to where the demon lay and its shadow ball floated.

Peering at the dark energy curiously, Sigma was almost tempted to reach out and touch the ball, drawing his hand back just short of contact with a worried frown. Likely that was not a very friendly weapon, so the experiment simply turned his attention on his downed opponent.

More welcoming energy presented itself to Sigma, this time in the form of some quicksilver power that it had to actually put effort forth to control. It was hot, but not in the same way as the light had been; harnessing it, Sigma's hair began to stand on end.

Slowly coming to a conclusion about this energy, Sigma looked around for a target. The obvious choice was his opponent, but his secondary processor told him another useful tidbit... A machine near the demon looked promising. Holding out both hands a little awkwardly at first, the child-like android focused and then released its energy.

An electrical bolt shot forth from him, much stronger than the one before. Electricity surged into the machine, threatened to overwhelm it and make it explode if Sigma had launched the energy right. Of course, it could just turn the damn thing on. And then who knew what might happen. But as a learning experiment, Sigma was also given the duty to go out of its way to learn new things. Even should they be dangerous.

08-14-2013, 11:37 AM
As Sigma was contemplating his target, Sloth would have slowly began to sink away into the metal floor.
Finally, by the time Sigma fired his electrical attack at the machinery, Sloth would have vanished from sight. The electrical projectile connected with the machine, infusing it with energy as its control panels and various lights flickered to life, sending power along a number of pipelines and tubes, causing a couple of glass containers to light up dimly, the mangled and mutated humanoid shapes inside now being much more visible, aswell as display panels lighting up, showing the creatures' heart rythms and overal status.

A bit further in the laboratory, while everything was powering up, Sloth rose up out of the floor again, yawning annoyed as he once more began to infuse pure shadow magic in his hands, the other shadow orb simply hovering about in its old location.

08-15-2013, 12:09 AM
Sigma peered around cautiously as the laboratory seemingly came to life, the electrical current charging the machine and turning on pods and other machines in the circuit. Floating close to one of the pods, Sigma peers inside and recoils quickly, a look of fright passing across his face; that was not a very friendly beast at all...

Diverting his attention back to his opponent, who had transported himself elsewhere, Sigma began float towards Sloth once again. Sigma's secondary processors whirred to life as Sigma's next action came to pass, frantically searching for something that Sigma was yet unaware of. After a moment, Sigma felt heat rising up within him, similar to what had happened when he had ascended to stage two.

The heat felt... odd this time, as if it was coming from somewhere else. Slipping behind one of the tubes to block Sloth's line of sight, Sigma paused there for a moment to try and ponder what it was. For a moment, the boy-child just hovered there with a determined look on his face. Then, something clicked. The heat held a bit of taint he had felt from the demon. That was strange. Why would that be?

Thinking no more about it, Sigma floated out the other side of the tube, took a quick look at Sloth, and shot a burst of fire forward, a reflection of the fires that had been spawned by his runes. They held all the properties that Sloth's rune-fire had, but Sigma hardly knew this. As such, he simply tossed them at Sloth and hoped for the best.

08-15-2013, 12:16 AM
Sloth followed Sigma's movements as closely as he could, continuing to conjure up his new orb, yawning occasionally as he did so, the shadow in the orb seeming to stir to life. The facility around him coming to life seemed to be of no concern to him, disregarding the new lights and sounds that filled the area. "Almost done..." But as he said that, the flames washed over him, sending the demon reeling backwards, the orb once more escaping his grasp as, like the previous one, began to hover about idly. However, Sloth seemed in no pain at all, looking at the flames, now noticing that these flames had the exact same propeties as his own, thus being magical. Exhaling annoyed, the flames died out just like that. "Please... Get original... It is quite tiring..." With that, Sloth once more sank into the metal floor, reappearing yet again in a different location of the laboratory, this time making sure however that Sigma couldn't immediatly spot him.

08-15-2013, 01:00 AM
The child-Sigma pouted for a moment at the sight of his fires doing nothing, the fear of fighting that had gripped the experiment before almost completely disappeared at this point in the fight. Not only that, but light began to shine from the android's form, slowly growing to blinding levels as Sigma began to enter the next stage of his evolution.

"Well you're no fun!" Sigma retorted childishly as the light engulfed him.

The small ball of light grew to a tall elongated shape of a height with a short human, stretching as Sigma's body beneath grew taller and his limbs elongated. The light died away slowly and before Sloth stood a teenage boy, around the age of 16 likely, Sigma having matured nearly ten years as a human in the span of seconds. His hair was now darker, a dirty blonde color that was braided behind him in the style of old warriors to halfway down his back. The burned letter for sigma was now a distinct scar on his cheek, standing out on his still-pale skin. A light chainmail shirt covered his torso under a white tunic. His breeches were a pale brown, seemingly old and worn. All in all, he appeared the image of a knight's squire.

"If you're concerned with originality, then try this," his now-pubescent voice barked threateningly, holding a hand out towards Sloth. Only, the demon was no longer there. Growling, Sigma peered around for his adversary, his secondary processor quickly coming up with possible destinations. Checking them quickly by moving around the lab, the third most likely turned out to be the one, Sigma laying eyes on the demon with a cold stare.

"Let's try that again..." he muttered, holding his hand out. The energy that lay in waiting was released immediately, coming to his call much quicker and easier than before. Razor sharp winds formed before him, shooting towards Sloth in a volley of four, one right after another. They all aimed at different portions of the body, but they moved fast enough that it might feel like one deadly blow if they all hit.

08-17-2013, 11:56 AM
- - - Hazard Roll 2: None - - -

By the time Sigma had found his opponent, Sloth had already begun to create another orb, planning to finish what he intended to do from the start. However, once more, Sigmz found him mids channeling, as the razor winds sliced into the demon, whipping some of the tangled flesh off of his form, and once more knocking him back as he interrupted his spell. The shadow orb began to follow the same pattern as the others, hovering around idly. But Sloth once more, as he fell down, vanished into the ground, reappearing now in the center of the lab. "You are getting very tiresome, child... Come... Let me finish this so I can sleep at last..." Sloth now hovered in the center of the lab, coating his arms in pure shadow magic as his eyes scanned the area to wait for Sigma's appearance. He was finally annoyed enough to begin putting more effort in his spells, wanting to drag the child to a world of hurt.

08-18-2013, 12:34 AM
Teenage-Sigma peered around quickly, irritated at the demon's continual retreating. His odd, teal eyes scanned the lit room with the intent of a hawk searching for prey.

"What's tiresome is your repetitive tricks, Sloth," Sigma retorted, eyes swinging towards where the demon's speaking had come from. "Give up now and I will put you out of your misery." Moving towards the sound of the demon's voice, Sigma crouched a little and maneuvered through the machines, keeping his eyes away from the creatures within the tubes for fear they may be watching as well.

Now in his adolescent stage, Sigma walked on the floor like a normal being, no longer floating as his previous two forms had. One might think that moving on two feet would be awkward for one that had floated during the previous parts of his life since he became aware, but for some reason the movement was as natural to him as breathing. Well, if an android had truly needed to breath, that is. Sigma didn't.

Catching sight of Sloth, Sigma waited momentarily for what his next action was to be. For a moment, he was still, patiently watching Sloth conjure his magic. Then, Sigma became aware that his body felt strange, as if it was no long flesh. Shrugging, he felt his muscles and limbs and slowly realized what was different. Bending one arm, Sigma could touch his right elbow with the same hand, bending in what was obviously an impossible way. Boneless, Sigma began to wobble around aimlessly, enjoying himself for a moment.

Shaking himself visibly, the experiment brought himself back to the fight and used his newfound elasticity to launch himself at Sloth like a slinky, stretching out until he came up to the ground beside the demon. Quickly regaining his normal form, Sigma lashed out with a roundhouse kick, holding himself up off the ground with one arm/hand firmly planted there. Whether it hit or not, Sigma would move his swinging leg to land on the ground, lifting himself up onto two legs with his back faced towards where he would've sent Sloth flying and threw an extending punch over his shoulder, twisted to face his opponent as he did so.

08-18-2013, 11:58 AM
Sloth completely ignored the taunting callings of the teenager, simply hovering in place as the shadow around his arms seemed to be powering up, his mangled face gazing about. However, when Sigma moved in, the stretchy form surprised Sloth, but not enough to get the demon with his mind off of things. He had seen some more horrific things in his days. "Like a mouse chasing a bit of cheese..." He whispered to himself, as he suddenly called out: "Auris Immobilis!" As he called out, the three shadow orbs that were hovering about, revealing the triangular shape they had made, with Sigma and Sloth in the center of that triangle. Within an instant, Sigma could feel his entire form be locked in place, locked into the position he had when he was about to kick Sloth, his foot just an inch away from hitting the demon. It felt as if a cocoon of stone had formed around his body, shaping around his arms and legs neatly to make sure he had no way to escape. Sigma had fallen for Sloth's trap, and would now be at his mercy as the demon fixated his gaze down upon the child. "There... Stay still... It's much easier like that..."

08-20-2013, 01:17 AM
Sigma's eyes bulged in surprise as he felt his body simply stop. Try as he might he could not move, struggle as he would he could not budge a single centimeter. He felt like there should be at least some semblance of effort obvious to his struggles, but there was literally no motion coming from his body. He was well and truly stuck.

Eyes flashing towards the demon, Sigma scrambled frantically (and motionlessly) for something that could get him out of this. Surely he had something. Surely his secondary processor could come up with something... Whirring as it was, the computer gave nothing to Sigma that he could use. Closing his eyes in defeat, Sigma waited for death or a miracle.

Energy bloomed within the android and suddenly there were three points of light floating about him. Wisps shot from his body, unimpeded by the magic, and began to swirl in a small cluster above Sigma's body. Faster and faster they swirled, drawing Sigma's eyes that widened with fascination. Unsure of what was happening, the experiment could only hope that it was helpful.

Helpful it might be, too. The whirling dervish of wisps reached a point where you could no longer tell they were spinning, a solid ball of light the encompassed them all floating in the air above Subject Sigma's chest.

With only as single pulse for warning, the wisps exploded. A wave of dispel magic rushed over the room, strongest at its origin and barely enough to stop a magic missile once it reached the walls. With any luck, this would release Sigma from the bonds. There was no physical backlash, though, so Sloth would still be right where he was if that was so.

08-20-2013, 10:40 AM
Sigma was not the only one whose attention was drawn to the wisps, as Sloth's gaze set itself upon the dancing wisps aswell. "What sort of trickery is this...?" It took Sloth a moment, but finally, he realized what was going to happen and shot into the action. As the wisps were at the point of detonating, Sloth shoved a clawed, shadow engulfed hand forward, seeking to dig it straight into Sigma's chest and and grasp whatever vital organ he could find, after which he would engulf it in so much shadow magic, that the corruption would cause the organ to fester and rot. Were it some kind of metal part he grasped, then the fester and rot would turn into corrosion.

However, as the orbs erupted, Sloth feared that this spell might also be interrupted. Without completing the spell, if his attack had even hit Sigma in time, he would try to rip whatever he grasped out of his opponent's body.

08-21-2013, 12:58 AM
Sigma gasped in pain as Sloth's hand shot into his chest. Being an android, however, the demon would only find circuitry, wires upon wires upon even more wires and cords that made up the network of Sigma's body. The demon could not know that all of Sigma's "vitals" were in his head. Of course, this network was still quite necessary in order to send signals throughout his body.

Ripping the wires free even as the anti-magic burst happened, Sigma felt pain course through his body, dulled in places where there was no longer a full nervous system, but white fire in other places where it was still whole. Sigma fell to the ground in agony, his left leg and the fingers of his left hand unresponsive. Gasping in pain, the experiment fought for control, rolling over to face down and pushing himself up slowly.

As he did so, every second seeming endless, the android felt energy become available to him. Without hesitation, Sigma knew it was time to strike. The equivalent of adrenaline surged into his body, wirings overriding previous routes to give him access to both legs and the arms. It was not efficient, but it would have to work. Rising, Sigma latched his eyes on Sloth and, with a wild cry, wrapped his hands around the shining blade that was forming from nothing before him. Holy Light sheathed the sword as it came into being. Pushing himself to his feet, the experiment sought to shove the blade straight into the demon's center.

08-27-2013, 05:51 PM
The anti-magic burst had however forced Sloth onto his feet, as the magic sustaining his hovering was drained. Taking a single step backwards Sloth rose his hand towards the spazzing android. "And finally... We can sleep he ushered..." A few moments passed, during which Sigma was rising up to his feet, but nothing happened, which visibly startled Sloth. "What...?" It took him but a moment to understand but finally, it got through to him. The anti-magic affected him more than expected due to his pure demonic nature. "Impossible!" His magic reserves hadn't recovered yet from the burst, and before he could even try to respond, he felt the searing burn of a holy weapon rip through his core, impaling him. With cold, tired eyes, he gazed down upon Sigma. "It appears... It is time for me...To sleep..." And with that, the holy fire from the blade extended outwards, slowly consuming Sloth as he vaporized.

08-28-2013, 02:23 AM
Panting heavily, Sigma stabilized his stance and allowed his cybernetic muscles to relax. It was over. His right hand gripped the weapon loosely as his arms fell to his sides, shoulders heaving from the breaths he was taking. His face was stern, taking the kill in stride and allowing himself only a moment to relax before he glanced around, double-checking his surroundings for more enemies or a trap.

"Battle sequence over..." he murmured at length, nullifying his secondary processor's need to further produce actions for him, though his primary processor didn't really acknowledge that fact. His sword dissipated into energy and Sigma allowed himself to fully relax. A short fight, in all respects, but one he could be glad of the outcome of. He had won. All was as it should be.

Looking for a way out, Sigma strolled through the laboratory with little more thought as his processors took him towards home.

08-28-2013, 06:26 AM
Player Victory