View Full Version : Duelist Dominion: IronClad (dakkagor) VS Assault Suit Delta

08-17-2013, 10:36 AM

IronClad VS Assault Suit Delta

A raven's call leads the night as the full moon stands high in the fog filled, black sky. The mist enough to drape the harrowing cemetery in an omnious atmosphere, as if something is watching. Old, withered graves decorate the dead and putrid soil, which have a faint layer of mist rolling over them. From the distance, the flickering of wisp-like lights add to the feeling that you are not alone here.

A sudden sound of thunder cracks through the sky, without lightning however, as the fog gets ripped open as a powerful jet engine roars through the air, delivering a powerful combat suit into the middle of the graveyard. With a powerful smash, crushing a number of tombstones in the process, the jet engine comes to a halt, as a large mechanical humanoid slowly erected upwards. Standing at twice the normal height of a regular human. His jet engine detaching from his back as it makes room for two shoulder mounted laser cutters to emerge, aswell as a small engine whirring into motion, the tesla coils attached to it giving off a faint glow as the suit's visor lights up, raising its vulcan gattling gun, attached to the battlesuit's lower arm up to waist height, ready to fire. "Targeting cogitators active. Zero energy field powered up. Weapon systems armed. Assault Suit Delta ready for combat. Engage priority target scan."

08-17-2013, 06:11 PM
He landed with a keening shriek as his jets carried him down to the ground, dropping him onto the soft loamy earth.

Ironclad grunted as he landed, his suits targeting systems sweeping the arena and identifying his opponent: a rival battle-suit, and a heavy one with major artillery. The power spike coming from it was already pegging the dials: it obviously had access to a high power energy source for those tesla weapons.

"so much for an easy fight!" he started to run forwards, building up speed. IronClads massive robotic feet tore up the soft earth as he dropped the cannon from its resting position on his back to the over-the-shoulder ready position. He selected HEAP ammo from the magazine and centred the targeting reticule on the bulky powered suit he was up against.

"EAT THIS!" he yelled as he mashed the trigger, sending a bust of explosive shells screaming across the once silent graveyard towards his foe.

08-18-2013, 11:42 AM
Delta's targeting arrays kicked into gear as he saw his opponent charging and readying his weapon. Within his suit, Delta's pilot smirked, before he began his defensive procedure. "Focus target on incoming projectiles. Activate laser cutter autofire." (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6SVt7_4wSU) While doing this, the two laser cutters on Delta's shoulders extended, while his gatling gun was raised into firing position. "Let fly."
As his opponent began firing his own guns, Delta's laser cutters activated, their auto targeting systems blasting the bullets out of the sky before they could hit. While letting his auto targetting systems focus on that, Delta himself began firing his own gatling gun towards his charging opponent, hoping that the hailstorm of powerful, diamond tipped bullets could find the weaknesses in his opponent's armor that he needed.
While doing all this, Delta didn't move an inch, calling out over all frequencies within the area, hoping that his message would tap into IronClad's channel aswell.
"Your suit is outdated. I believe it is a smarter choice to surrender. Perhaps your suit will survive enough then to be upgraded to Metagur standards."

08-29-2013, 01:56 PM
He saw the muzzle flash and decided not to take any chances as the big beast of a minigun spun up. Ironclads jets powered into life briefly, punching the suit sideways and behind a mausoleum that he crashed to a stop behind, throwing up clods of earth. He began to assess the problem as his opponents fire began to tear the funeral statuary apart.

"Good long range fire. . .and something like the Israel's Iron Dome AMS to deal with missiles."

"Your suit is outdated. I believe it is a smarter choice to surrender. Perhaps your suit will survive enough then to be upgraded to Metagur standards."

He flinched as he realized he'd left a band open to receive. He thought his plan through and decided it was worth a shot as he stowed the main gun.

"Be that as it may, kid, fancy toys lose out to good tactics and ingenuity every time."

He killed the link and at the same time popped smoke, the grenades laying down a thick belt of sensor obscuring chaff and black vapor that spoiled visual identification. He jumped up running, daring the enemy minigun to find him as he dashed to his right, his jump jets propelling him forward faster than he had any right too in a two ton suit.

He ducked briefly and yanked a marble tombstone out of the ground with one armoured gauntlet. Turning as he ran he leaped, hurling the tombstone flat like a discus at his opponent who had so far elected not to move. He crashed back to earth in a roll, pushing the suit hard as he made it into the cover of a tumble-down cenotaph.

08-30-2013, 01:14 AM
As the smoke popped, Delta began to unload unto the covering smokescreen, snarling annoying as his targeting systems couldn't nail his opponent. This left him wide and open however as the large piece of stone came barreling towards him, smashing into his suit as it shattered, causing the gunnery mech to stumble backwards, his bullet hailstorm redirecting to the sky as he tried to regain his bearings. "Damn... Good shot. But you won't get that lucky twice... Redirect energy output to zero-field generators. Maintain energy output at 80%. Begin reload sequence. Dispose of excess ammunition." With that, a visible energy field formed around Delta as the generator on his back whirred to life, while a decent amount of still usable ammo was ejected from his gun, beginning to automatically refill. While doing so, Delta scanned the area, hoping that the effects of the grenades would soon wear off, as the chaff was not helping him at all.

09-04-2013, 09:05 AM
IronClads sensors caught the Zero point energy field immediately, giving him reason to pause. That much power focused on a defensive measure meant that he barely had a chance to break it with conventional attacks. He needed to get close.

He directed his scans at the ground, and found something useful. Just under the cenotaph was a large, open chamber that linked to several wide tunnels. He guessed that when this place was in use, those tunnels might have allowed the owners of the graveyard to move coffins and bodies to the various charnel houses dotted around the site.

He activated his gauntlet mounted machine guns and shot down into the dirt, tearing through the stone slabs of the roof to the tunnel. Under the assault and his suits weight, it collapsed easily, dropping him below ground in a shower of dust, earth and stone fragments.

He flicked on his suit lamp and came face to face with a wall of bones, leering skulls packed tightly together into a wall of grinning death. He suppressed a shudder and pressed down the tunnel, tracking Delta's position by the massive energy signature his generator was giving off, detectable even yards underground. It was a tight fit, and his shoulders brushed against the grisly walls, making older residents crumble to dust.

He came at last to the small hill Delta had taken as his firing perch, as Ironclad had suspected it was a mausoleum that had been buried years ago, its high vaulted ceilings and stone pillars so long forgotten that only black molds grew here. He was grateful he didn't have a suit breach to contend with, because the thin rivulets of liquid and the shattered coffins spoke to some ungodly smells.

He unlimbered his main gun and selected the fragmentation rounds. Aiming at the roof, he did some quick mental judging where Delta was and let fly with a quick burst of three shells. The frag rounds tour the crumbling roof the the rest of the way down, and the weight of all the earth and Assault Suit Delta did the rest.

He stowed his cannon and deployed his blade and shield as the roof came in. Time for close quarters combat.