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06-28-2010, 02:04 AM
It is a New day in Ferrelden. The sun shining, the clouds and dew glistening, the sound of marching boots breaking the tranquility. Aedan looked over the first company of King Herald's army arrive in the city of Lothering. The were a scraggly group, and Aedan could see that most would not survive their first darkspawn encounter. Those that did survive would be haunted with the memories. Aedan turned away and went back to his tent. He had recieved another scout report that day.
When he reached the tent, he looked over the documents in question. They stated that there had been a darkspawn incursion to the south, where several villages would have been. If any survived, they likely wouldn't long. The darkspawn weren't known for taking prisoners. When they did, they often dragged them underground.... to do Maker knows what.
Aedan turned around and looked into the sunshine. This was going to be a bloody war. The nobles and bickering lords would only make it worse. If one more of those bastards stalled their troops, Aedan was going to shove the hapless, man's foot up his own ass.
06-28-2010, 02:21 AM
Alison stood at the foot of the doorway. "Well, I guess I'll be leaving now.." She looked up at the sun, then looked at the burnt house. This was the house that an elderly couple had taken her when she had fainted out of fatigue. She had been staying there for a few days, until she got completely better. One day, she was out of the village, walking in the outskirts. When she came back, darkspawns were attacking the village.
She stepped out, walking through the now, burnt to the ground, village. Through the frames of the houses, she could see bodies. Rotting at that. Flies were everywhere. The sun was making her sweat, which attracted flies of her own. She shoed them about, but kept on walking. Alison really didn't know where she was going. She had came from the forest, since her family was killed by darkpawns. She came into town. She was never familiar with it.
"Now," Alison said outloud. "Where to now?" she asked herself, when she hit a fork in the road. "Right or left?" She stood there, thinking then decieded to go with her gut. She went left, expecting something ahead. What was she expecting? Who knows.
spirits breath
06-28-2010, 02:44 AM
Nihallen moved his fingers around cautiously, watching the small mouse move against her own will. Though most would look at him and call him many things ranging from a torturer , a muderer, or even a flat out blood mage at the top of their lungs to try and attrack paladins to him. While it would seem like he should be the bad guy, it isn't without a means. Now the mouse was simply to keep his refined abilities to be precise since a small mess up would lead him to simply make the mouse explode internaly. Just pull the blood through its skin and it can die painfuly.
He reached behind him, grabbing a fresh peice of cheese. at least it looked fresh, and mice supposedly enjoyed cheese. He placed the small wedge on the ground, and then released his grasp of the mouse, letting her run away.
A soft groan came from his lips as he stood up, his knees locked in a croutched position for who knows how long. as he turned, the all too familiar shock of a few damsels who had seen him in the act screamed.
He spoke out, trying to sound as sincere and reasuring as he could. " Wait, I won't hurt you. I am not the bad guy here."
She screamed again, "Blood mage!" As guards ran towards her, following a pointed finger to Nihallen's position.
This brings him to about the fourth town in a month. seemed peaceful abeit a threat of darkspawn. Though anywhere was better than being in a town where people know you are a blood mage, and instantly jump to conclusions that all blood mages are evil. Though seeing a mage study their local wildlife enough, maybe a bit of blood magic when they don't know and then try and copy it. Always seemed to help him.
He read once that shape shifters tend to be known for their acceptance of ohers. now all that was left for Nihallen was to make every town be filled with shape shifters. He gently sat down, looking aorund for local wildlife only to find the few small birds and a hound. the nice mutts that would rip off someones face and happily drop it in the palm of your hand. good for the owner bad the the faceless person.
As he looked down a small road, he couldn't help but notice some other figure who must be wandering around. Possibly one who would be able to stay in a town for a whole moon cycle before being exhiled like him. though of course he had to get in the town before they would even begin to think of him of anything besides either a refugee or as part of their wildlife.
06-28-2010, 04:19 AM
OOC-Wow, quick start, huh? Milly, just a heads up, but the plural for for Darkspawn is also Darkspawn, not Darkspawn's. And Spirit, good opener, but it would be nice for you to run it towards spell check real quick.
Sorin awoke early in the morning in the cave where he had made his shelter last night. The ground reverberated with the sound of soldiers feet and horses hooves as the soldiers and caravans from the north began to pool into the town of Lothering. The town was small, but it was large enough to be defensible and make itself a landmark.
The young Magi began to stow his supplies in his pack, when he heard a whisper from across the void. Reaching up and tapping the blood-red rune on his forehead, Sorin broke the bonds the kept the demons away from his mind, and instantly, the world was overlapped by the strange, shifting colors of the fade, transposed over reality.
Swirling around the small stone cleft were a handful of minor wisps, two lesser rage demons, and to one that had caught his attention, a Faded. The Faded were magi who had lost their connection from reality, but had retained their sanity within the fade. It was a familiar spirit, that of a Tevinter Scholar named Auroron who had dove into the fade in hopes uncovering a way to escape the first blight as it had encompassed the Tevinter Imperium thousands of years ago. He had succeeded, in a macabre way.
"And so the boy playing Magister returns" The spirit whispered in its raspy voice, the words barely making the leap from the fade to reality to be heard.
"Ghosts long past their time should watch their tongues when speaking to those that could destroy them." Sorin shot back, accenting every word with a tendrils magic that sent waves of agony through the spirit as they broke the barrier to the fade. The spiritual embodiment of the scholar spasmed from one direction to the other like a ragdoll before finally coming to a suspended stop before Sorin.
The archaic Faded glared straight at the black-robed young magi and grinned, laughing hysterically.
"One day...little mage...your sanity 'll snap right in half and bring all your defenses along with it...and then, even that little bloodsplotch you call a rune on your forehead won't protect you. You'll be an open door and every demon and tortured spirit you've used as a stepping stone to raise yourself higher than a little piece of scum like you deserves 'll know it. And they'll be more than ready...." Sorin had heard enough, with a word and a flick of his wrist, the Spirits corporeal form shattered into a million shreds of aura.
The hunger demons were on it in seconds, and Sorin snapped his vision from the Fade before he saw it, and set back to packing, whistling a quiet tune as he hitched his pack over his shoulder, straightened the pair of brown monk's robes he wore over his black and gold Tevinter Sorcerers robes he had taken from the Tower when he had left , and set out of the cave, heading for the sound of wagons trundling through the brush.
06-28-2010, 05:21 AM
"You don't talk much Sir Dwarf, tell us about your home, or how you came to be on the Deep Roads" One of the Wardens spoke down to what looked to be walking armor. As the three Wardens, and armored being rounded a corner, a low, grumbly voice emanated from the expressionless helmet that seemed to never come off, "Aye, Warden, was taught to speak only when needed, words don't keep the quarry alive now do it?" The Warden's all laughed, then the only woman Grey Warden spoke from the rear of the group, "Do tell us of your home Sir Dwarf, your armor tells many a tales in itself, but not much about its owners life out of the battle field". A deep sound, like thunder on the plains rolled from the stocky man as he laughed, " Bah, not much to say Lady Warden, I be the bastard son of a Noble and Concubine, not much is left for me to speak of, I'm simply Ageemba the Guardian"
"From what we saw, 'Simple' is not apart of your life, Master Ageemba" The dark skinned Warden spoke from beside the dwarf, his elven traits difficult to spot in the darkened lighting of the Deep Roads. "You are extraordinary in combat, and you kept our Healer alive, taking minimal damage yourself, and that is no small feat" The woman nodded, as the leader grunted an agreement. "I simply do what I was taught to do, as best as I am able, nothing more Warden. My life has been spent keeping important people alive, at least from physical harm." The elf spoke again, "Either way, I'm certain the High Warden will grant you passage into becoming a Grey Warden, we could use more like you Lord Ageemba" The faceless armored head swiveled to look up at the elf beside it, " I am no Lord, Warden, and you speak highly of this 'High Warden Aedan' who ever he be."
The Leader spoke this time, "Aye, Master Aedan is a great man, a hero to all us Wardens. Its hard to not like the man, even if he does have his rough sides" The dwarf laughed, speaking in a lighter tone "We are all in need of some grinding here and there, Warden, your High Warden is no exception" The rest of the walk was spent in laughter and small talk as the group passed through one of the under ground opening, and traversed the open highways from there.
spirits breath
06-28-2010, 01:54 PM
Nihallen only watched the one figure for a moment, and then looked up into the leafy home that would be called a canopy. Thriving with life even though it may be too quiet for even a small insect to be heard from much larger distances that could drive a man insane if that man was looking for an insect. Though that was not how it is now, birds giving out their various calls, and some land animals of the unknown seemed to be clicking in small tongues for unknown reasons.
He followed the movements of a small bird the same one he must have watched tend to a nest for roughly two or more hours. "I wonder if I would be able to, would be different, but hmm." He placed his belongings to the side where he was, only to stand right up.
Nihallen focused deeply on the small bird, as he channeled in energy, into his own body, he held it in until it was going to feel as if he would burst from natures own energy. A bright flash rose from his body as his body quickly shrunk all of his bones, and burst out into feathers like the small bird he observed. would have prefered to of made it larger, but that is for another time. Imagine a man sized bird landing in your village and then turning into a man.
He flapped his wings quickly as he began to gain altitude. He hadn't realized how light some birds were when wind came into factor as he was pushed back. Continuing his path he broke through the canopy line and was up in the main sky. the blue bird that was Nihallen looked about the land. More so the one figure he saw before. guess I can see just what that figure is as i am in this form. Then come back for my things.
As he flicked his tail so that he would be turning to a near divebomb, he arched his path to go along the stranger by the forked path. He saw a female elf with fair skin. However she must have been a rogue or warrior based on the daggers and bow that she carried with her. He fluttered in the air as he looked at her, observing her in a sense as she tried to decide where to go. Though with a forced chirp from his body as he turned to fly away tp his former location, he went along the path to the left and then took another left to get on the forest.
Once Nihallen was in the forest, he fluttered his wings to slow himself as he landed by his belongings. Using his wings to move, he quickly pulled iin natures magic in, and then pushed it out for another flash of light, only much smaller than when he was a human turning into a bird. Once he was a human again, Nihallen strapped the dagger and canteen to his right side, the book along his back, and the staff in his hand as he walked out of the forest to the leftward path.
06-28-2010, 05:58 PM
Humming a tune, Alison started walking to the left side of the fork. Although her home was destroyed once again, she didn't feel sad about it, this time. Whenever her first home was destroyed, her parents and teacher were killed along. This time, an elderly couple was killed. She didn't know them so well.. But at the same time, she did feel kinda bad.. But they're in a better place now.. Right?
As Alison kept walking, a little bird flew by her. She smiled. She loved nature. Since she came from the forests, why wouldn't she love it? Getting accostomed to the town life wasn't easy and stressful, but walking out in the woods, seeing the birds calmed her. She watched the bird fly, then he went out of her sight. She wanted to follow, but she kept her mind on track.
"Now's not the time to be chasing after birds." she said to herself. She shook her head, stopping in place. She checked to make sure she had everything she needed. "Bow and arrows, check. Two daggers, check." She patted her back. "Bag, check! I got everything!" she said. She then smiled, skipping down the road. "Now it's off to see where I end up now." she said.
06-28-2010, 06:54 PM
King Herald looked from atop his tower in the city of Denerim. The city was bustling. The market district was like an ants hive, with everyone rushing in different directions. The alienage stood empty, long abandoned when the elves got their new homeland. The Noble district was quiet, as it usually was. The Military disctrict however, was the most busy. The flames in the smitheries soared. The sound of marching boots shook the streets. In the distance a faint sound of a wailing child. All of this was seen and heard by the King.
Herald turned away from his vantage point and began walking down the long flight of stairs to the main floor. It was a long walk, and it gave him time to think. The city of Denerim had grown much in the past century since the last Blight, and it now bursted with over ten thousand citizens. The enconomy was an issue, as traveling the roads was dangerous these days. Entire armed convoys had simply up and disappeared. Then there was of course the weekly hearing in which the nobles brought up their petty arguments and misunderstandings.
Herald sighed as he reached the main floor. Immeadiantly he was surrounded by clerks and pages, all on their specific errands. He dealt with them as he walked until he reached the throne room. By the time he reached it they were all dealt with. Herald entered and sat on his throne. The ardous process then began. There were some arguments of note, specifically a disagreement between the local Arl, named Winfrey, and his custodian Fredrick. The base of the disagreement is wether it would be for the good of the people to donate a largish sum to the poor. The Arl was in favor while his custodian.... not so much. The Argument was eventually settled and the hearing ended.
Herald then proceeded to fgo to his rooms. He neared his rest. Herald had never been a particularly strong child, and this had persisted throughout his life. He especially needed it because he would soon be leaving for Lothering. In the past age, Lothering had grown from a small village, to a bustling center of trade. The reason for going to the city is because that was were the army was being gathered. Herald changed into his bedwear, and then proceeded to get into his favorite bed, then fall asleep.
06-28-2010, 10:45 PM
OOC- I know its a long read, but since I'm soloing at the moment, I'm trying to get in as much character definition as I can. Please read it all, it says a lot about Sorin, whose Character I'm REALLY getting into at the moment.
Sorin made his way through the woods quickly, faster than a normal person would be able to, using a combination of magic and willpower to keep forest beasts out of his path, crossing ravines by shifting into The Fade entirely, then out on the other side. His enchanted robes never once catching on the dense brush, nor ever losing his way as he followed the beacon of life energy the mass of soldiers created.
In a populated area, such a method of tracking would be worthless, too many thoughts and souls to keep track of one person or one group, but out here, where living things were too small to emanate aura and too far apart to send the clear signal the mass of soldiers and trailing merchants and suppliers gave off.
Finally, early in the afternoon the young Sorcerer reached the line of men, horses and wagons that made up the war party, sent from one of the smaller Earldom's of Ferelden. There were about three hundred soldiers, a hundred or so horses, and another hundred merchants and caravan followers supporting the small army.
The supply caravan stretching behind the army totaled at thirty wagons and fifty ox-drawn carts carrying food, water, and tents. Sorin brushed off the monks robes he wore, hitched his pack over his shoulder and put on the tranquil appearance of a young monk or priest there to support the soldiers in their efforts against the Darkspawn. He then slipped into the lines of soldiers heading south towards the village of Lothering.
It wasn't long walking among the army before the young Magi garnered some attention, an exhausted field medic rushing towards him with a distressed look in his eyes. Further inspection noted flecks of dried bloodstains on the mans surcoat and gloves.
"Oy, you, Monk, priest, father, whatever you are, your needed in the medical wagons. A siege engine we were carryin' collapsed on a platoon of infantry, we're not sure some of them will even make it or not. If you know anything o' medicine, please, come look at them ,and if not, at least you can read their last rites." The man pleaded, and Sorin merely nodded, and extended a hand tentatively.
"I am pilgrim Sorin Saeres...originally from Orlais and sent to assist in the war efforts, here in Ferelden...I know some healing magic from my teachings in the Orlesian chantry, please, lead me to the wounded." Sorin responded, putting on a perfect Orleasian accent, it helping that his short, slender build almost passing for the features of a native of Orlais to those who didn't know what Orlesian's looked like.
The man led him to a large covered wagon marked with a stylized red Caldicus to indicate that it was a medical tent. It had been pulled over to the side of the caravan and stopped near the wreckage of a large wooden siege engine. Sorin could see three bodies covered in white towels soaked in blood, who had already been declared dead.
Inside the wagon, six soldiers were laid out on cots with young women and field medics attending to them. The first three were fine, besides minor broken bones and twisted muscles and joints. They would be fine. Sorin waved his hand across them dismissively.
The next three were in worse shape, one was shaking erratically, apparently in shock and staring blankly at his bloody arm, twisted halfway around in its socket and popped out of place at the shoulder. The second was even worse, a number of cracked and shattered ribs, a simple magical detection revealing bone fragments punctured into his lungs and dangerously close to his heart. The man wouldn't live.
The third man had heavy ghashes rent through his chain hauberk and the flesh underneath, and had a jagged piece of wood lodged in his thigh, too deep to remove without severing the subclavian artery. Suddenly, Sorin was appreciative of the time he had spent learning about the human anatomy at the tower.
"The first three men are fine, the fourth will live, just staunch the bleeding and knock him out with some sort of sedative...I would advise two-thirds a lethal dose of nightshade. A third if he's lost a copious amount of blood. This man I can save, but we'll need to work fast...I'll need Ebola seed salve to apply to the wound area and whiskey for the pain.
Instantly, the medicine women began to crush up the salves and powders, and one of the Field Medics handed Sorin a flask he had been wearing under his surcoat. Sorin gave the man a generous amount of the alcohol and rubbed the Ebola gratuitously over the ghashes and around the puncturing piece of wood. The alcohol and salve would dull the pain at least some.
Sorin then began working the weave of a spell. He was no healer, but much more of an enthrtopist, so he took the most logically sensible route, stealing aura and life from the half dead man with the shattered ribs, and lending it to the man he could still cure there was just enough life left in the man to close the ghashes in the soldiers chest, leaving little more than puffed red scars where the grievous injuries had been.
The simpler part done, Sorin then prepared a series of spell to deal with the wooden spike impaled within the mans leg. A light enchantment of frost placed upon the shaft of wood, and straight wave of searing flames burned straight through the bulk of the wood, and one of the soldiers caught it promptly. Some of the soldiers were getting cautious now, likely a realization that this wasn't magic a priest should know.
Sorin then drew the silver stiletto dagger he wore at his side, the enchanted edge sharper than possible on a real blade, and dove it straight into the flesh of the mans leg, around the edge of the wooden spike, his magically-heightened senses making each movement cut less than an inch from vital arteries and veins, each cut loosening the tension that held the wood buried into the mans thigh.
As soon as it parted, Sorin grabbed the wooden shaft at the base and tore it from the mans leg, the second it cleared the wound, he sapped strength from one of the awed field medics, causing the man to faint, and flash-healing the wound just enough to prevent too great of blood loss. He hoped the soldiers merely believed the man had fainted at the sight of so much blood.
Sorin then turned to the surprised men, and dropped the bloodied wooden stump at their feet, and wiped his hands on the bedsheets unimpressive, using magic to liquify the blood on his robes and cause it to drip to the floor of the wagon.
"He'll live...just give him lots of bedrest, and that man, the one with the damaged can set him outside with the rest of the dead. Even a master healer couldn't save him." Sorin said dismissively, dropping the Orlesian accent. No priest would use the almost blood magic he had just used, even for healing purposes.
He then stepped out of the medical wagon and rejoined the mass of troops heading towards the town of Lothering. His fate was up to weather the soldiers considered saving one of their numbers lives a show of trust, and beyond that weather there were any Templar's for them to run to if they didn't.
spirits breath
06-29-2010, 12:28 AM
The town seemed to be busy with some commotion with seeking shelter in Lothering. each moment more and more crates were loaded on bugies that were bound to break from stress. More and more people, humans to be exact with a few elves and a single dwarf with the axe larger than himself. Nihallen had everything he needed at his side. As long as he had water, he had sustenance since if he ever got too hungry, he could easily pull in the nearest animal against their will and make himself a nice little meal.
Some time passed when he stepped ever deeper into the town. Wandering gazes meet his own eyes, locking and then they continued on. He thought to himself. So, if I can do this right, I should be able to get to Lothering. But who would take a stranger with them? Pehaps a little game of deceiving is in play? He looked around for local wild life, pets if anything, and then looked towards the small crowd.
Raising his hand and sounding cheerful, he asked. " Greetings, just wondering if I may join you in your journey to Lothering. "
"No sir, we cannot fit another person with us, too many people as it is."
Now I guess I have to start playing into the magic again. Maker forgive me for what I am about to do. Nihallen turned heel and began to walk off around the small buildings. Eyeing a small carrage, he pulled out a few boxes and simply had to turn into the small blue bird he was earlier and hide amongst the opening he had made. No harm no foul I guess. Though I will break my codes if I must to defend myself...even if it means using blood magic on innocents.
The village soon left out in a small caravan, slowly making its way off to Lothering. but a small suspection that is can't be this easy. Nothing ever was for a blood mage unless if he wanted to just let their blood paint the whole village soil, then it would. Though like any mage he knew of, would kill him on sight. Even if the village were theives and killers. But one thing had always pinged as a curiosity when he read it. Dragon cults. besides drinking blood of the dragon every so often, his lifelong goal was to train the art of shapeshifting into a dragon. Even if that meant having to lose his ability to use magic. Just to be able to enjoy the freedoms and power that came with the form would be worth it.
Nihallen gave a soft sigh as he waited, just waiting for the moments that he would be able to get out of the small hole he had made and get fresh air. The air around him smelled like old clothes and a rotting piece of fruit.
06-29-2010, 08:10 AM
OOC : Slightly incomplete, will finish after I get back from the shops
Luc’s fingers wrapped softly around the dark wooden bow, his slender fingers obscuring the golden vines and the marks of the long dead craftsmen that wound artistically around the Sylvannwood. The only sound in the dense thicket coming from his stifled breath and the near silent transference of the grey fletched arrow from his quiver to his bowstring. Luc’s eyes sharpened, bringing his prey into better focus. He could feel his legs cramping from the time he had spent crouched in the thick, damp forest but he had become accustomed to this over his time in the military and his other work before joining the wardens. Luc could smell the strong scent of infection and decay coming from the beast he hunted over the fresh scent of the Northern Fereldan Forest and could hear its horse rasping breath clearer than even his own breathing.
The Beserkarke lifted his head quickly as a twig snapped over towards the west of the area, Luc cursed under his breath as he had wished to savor the final minutes of his prey. Luc released his arrow with a barley audible twang of his bowstring, the arrow struck true hitting the creature in the base of the neck on the blight bear’s back severing it’s spinal cord.
The creature let out a low baleful moan as it swayed on its feet before crashing to the ground face first with a low thump. The dust kicked up by the beserkarke’s death almost veiled another arrow flying through the air, this one headed toward Luc who dived out of the way just in time. Luc looked up from his stomach scanning the area for darkspawn or any other enemy forces and noticed an undulating green shape laying on the ground thirty metres or so from him. The figure most likely had a crossbow due to the angle that they made the shot from.
Luc stole over towards the figure, moving slowly in an attempt to avoid his assailant’s attention. Luc’s cloak got caught on a rose bush as he made his way forward crawling on his stomach, Luc temporarily abandoned the garment so as not to alert his aggressor with the sound of the either the grey wool of the cloak ripping apart or the bush of wild roses ripping from the earth.
From glimpses of the mystery archer Luke determined that they were a human of about five and a half feet with pale skin like that of a noble. Luc despised nobles, probably due to the tremendous jealousy towards those born into privilege he felt at the orphanage.
Luc pulled out his knife as he snuck around behind the mystery archer who had in this time been attempting to reload their crossbow which appeared to have gotten jammed. Luc softly pressed his knife to the archer’s throat; Luc could make out none of the person’s facial features behind their long blonde hair.
“Not many archers fire a shot at a man such as me and live to tell their friends about it, tell me why you should be different.” Luc’s heavy Orlesian accent sounded almost lyrical in it’s anger.
“Tell me why you were trespassing on my families land first.” The voice was defensive yet filled with fear. Luc was right in his assumption of nobility but was shocked by the femininity of the replying voice, he did not expect to find a noble woman in the dirty undergrowth of the forest.
“I am a man with no land to his name yet all land is under my custodianship, I go where I please and kill beasts such as that monster over there saving young damsels such as yourself.” Luc removed his knife and spun the young noble woman around to face him. She was what most would consider quite beautiful, long blonde hair, crystal blue eyes and china skin.
“Get away from me now before I scream, with a single word I can have all the men of this bandom spoiling for your blood.” The lady punctuated this with a strong slap to Luc’s face.
“Very well Then, I take my leave fair lady.” Luc turned and began to run, stopping only to pick his cloak from the ground. Luc ran far, stopping only for drinks from streams and rivers. Before too long Luc reached his destination, a small town on the borders of the kokari wilds, Lothering.
spirits breath
06-29-2010, 02:54 PM
The road was bumpy, the crates moved about dangerously, and something was poking ad his feathered rump. Each of these things seemed to contribute to making the ride up to Lothering take a milenia. Well, more like to exceed the lifespan of half the insects on all of Fereldon, with the exception of a few handfuls of speciies.
The gentle rocking, and countless shifting of his light weight managed to bring nihallen to a spot where he could comfortably rest for a while. A deep rest as a matter of fact since it has been a while where he could just sleep the day away to help catch up from weeks of running, in fear of his life. but here, he could rest easy, knowing that there was several hunters and soldiers without a doubt who learned how to fight by the dwarf scattered around the small caravan.
What must have been hours of travel considering Nihallen woke up feeling rested as ever. He woke with a sudden sound of crates being uloaded, and opened. I have to get out of here, or I will surely be discovered. this isn't good. His heart raced, body too weak to move a small crate a few inches so that he may squeeze out.
A crate above him lifted up, a cool rush of air meeting his small body.
"Why what do we have here? Seems they are having a stowaway. Clever disguise mage." The figure that looed above Nihallen was a paladin, no doubt sensing magic where the small bird before him was. "Now then mage, show your true form. We must make sure nobody is carrying any diseases so they may enter Fereldon. standard procedier."
Nihallen jumped up onto the mans arm and glided softly to the ground. His wings spread out, channeling magic in and then out of his body as his form changed back. Speaking in a confident tone, he spoke. "My name is Nihallen of the circle of magi. Simply trying to catch up on sleep tis all."
"Sleep huh? Why?"
Nihallen grabbed his supplies from within the pile of crates. "Why, no other than to me lively for today when I can make a few pieces of silver by doing entertainment. who knows, a few people may find someone who can impersonate their pets entertaining, as well as visual aids for stories."
The paladin simply nodded and gave a sigh. "your lucky there is a blight about, otherwise I would throw you out. Nothing good comes from the circle of magi these days."
Nihallen simply walked past the paladin and his small band of followers into the open gates to Lothering. Couldn't hold back a smile as the story he had made up actualy worked. Though a blight was never a good thing to hear about either. Explains why the village packed up and left so suddenly.
07-01-2010, 07:18 PM
As Alison walked, she started to thing about how the next town would be. Would it be filled with nice people like the other town? Or would there be mean soldiers, or more darkspawn? She didn't know what to expect. Would there be other elves than her? Humans didn't scare her, since of that elderly couple, but mages.. She's never met one before.. She thought about it a while longer, then shook the thought off her head.
The day was hot as the sun was in it's highest point. She shooed any nearby flies. Her stomach growled. She stopped walking, patting her stomach. She looked into her backpack, seeing if she had any food left. Nope.. It's empty. She sighed, putting her backpack on again. Great. I have no food. And I'm not sure how far off is the next town from here.. she thought. She sighed again, and kept on walking.
Her stomach wouldn't stop growling. She groaned. "Shut up.. Shut up.." she muttered. She still was walking when she passed by a woman. Her stomach growled, she groaned once more. The woman looked at her. "Are you hungry?" she asked. I looked at her. She was a human, of course, appearently she was going to town with a basket and a couple of more things.
"Um, yes I am." Alison replied. She nodded, smiling. "I can give you some food, if you like." she said. Alison's face brightened. "Really? You would?" she asked. The woman nodded. "Come on. Follow me. The town's not far off from here." she said. I nodded, bowing. "Thank you. Very much." Alison said, looking at her. She then looked at all her things. "Let me take that for you." she said. The woman smiled.
"Thanks." she said. I shook my head. "Anytime." Alison said, smiling.
07-01-2010, 07:58 PM
Sorin had spent the last two days in the soldiers caravan, and thus far no Templar had shown up to try to kill him. The soldiers in the medical wagon had sworn not to bring attention to him from higher leadership, and thus the Magi had integrated himself with the common soldiers.
Most men didn't mind that he was a mage, if only because they knew to little about magic to realize what a threat an un-harrowed magic-user could be to all of them. He kept the blood-written seal on his forehead active, blocking from his mind the vicious temptations from The Fade, and earned his stay curing injuries and performing labor-saving tasks with his talent.
This was actually one of the first time Sorin had truly interacted with normal people. Most of the soldiers were human, with a few units of Elven archers and Dwarven Mercenaries thickening the ranks. It was almost comical, watching the normal people labor for hours to perform the same task a mage could do in minutes.
As he had every night before this with the Caravan, Sorin spent his evenings with the Field Medics in the medical camp, where the four medical wagons were pulled into a tight circle and a small clinic set up for minor injuries. Salves applied to calloused feet, balms for burns on the hands of soldier charged with torch-duty, and bandages for the cuts and scrapes ultimately acquired by the men working in the armory wagons.
After Sorin had arrived, they had become a hundred times more efficient, the Raven-haired Sorcerer's knowledge of little-known herbs and potions making treatment easier, while he himself being able to "cure" dozens of minor wounds at once with the slightest effort. In reality, Sorin was merely distributing the injuries evenly among those who came for his help. A man with ragged blisters bleeding openly over his feet can't march, but two dozen men with a few uncomfortable bruises can.
They were a two-day's march from Lothering and all Sorin had to do was maintain the guise of a gifted Hedge Wizard offering his services to his countries army and he would be there, near the front of the Darkspawn offensive. Why he felt the inexplicable need to be there, Sorin questioned only briefly. Many compulsions came through the Fade, bit he could feel that this one had meaning. Sorin would no doubt find the purpose of his trek sooner or later, and at the worst, it would allow him to see the Blight firsthand. Ferelden's destruction was no concern of his, but seeing what was said to be its destroyer would tell him weather he should truly escape to Orlais before it passed over the nation.
In his meandering thought, Sorin didn't see the captain and his men approaching him.
07-01-2010, 08:28 PM
To Jansen:
The captain, named Jenkins, walked up to the offender with about twenty men behind him. One of the company's mages had been accusing the new medical recruit (a soldier said he called himself Sorin) of blood magic. Jenkins didn't believe it. How could a blood mage do good things? That was just stupid. But the mages had insisted and he was now forced to take action. When he reached the offender, he stated loudly and clearly, "Sorin, You have been accused of blood magic. As such, you are hearby under arrest until we reach Lothering, and a proper hearing can be called."
With that two of the soldier walked up with hand clamps, placed them on Sorin, then took him away to the prisoner's tent.
To Spirit:
As the odd boy walked into town, an old man observed him. He finally decided and walke dover to the boy with the help of his cane. "W-why h-hello there young man." The old man stated. "If you're here for the recruitment, its in the tavern by the name of 'Lucky Goose'." After all, why else would a strange young man like this boy be here? He was obviously not around for rewasons such as a new life, or women.
To Milly:
The Bandit Leader watched the old woman and the girl carefully. They would be easy pickings. The man gave the signal and the others got into position. At another signal they all leaped from the bushes, surrounding the two women. The leader walked out of the circle, grinning. "My, my, what do we have here?" He chuckled.
07-02-2010, 12:32 AM
Alison and the woman were still walking when they were surrounded by a group of men. They came from out of the bushes, then was followed by a burly man, whom was, appearently, the leader. "My, my what do we have here?" the man had said. The woman gasped, then hid behind Alison. She dropped her things. I looked at her. She seemed scared. Alison put the things she was holding down. She turned to the woman, whispering.
"Do you know who these people are?" she asked. The woman nodded. "It's.. It's.. The bandits.." she said. She was trembling. Alison straightened, looking at the men. "May I help you with anything?" she asked. She didn't want to start any trouble, but these 'bandits' have an eerie feeling around them that bring the word trouble into mind.
She had so many things to watch for. She had to keep an eye on the woman, her things, the bandit leader, the bandit members, almost everything around them. Luckily, with her elf ears, she can hear almost anythng near by. So at the moment, she kept her attention on the leader. She had her hands on her waist, looking at him. Her daggers were right below, just incase they tried to pull a fast one, she'd be ready. Using her bow would take too long to take out a whole group.
spirits breath
07-02-2010, 03:05 AM
Nihallen had soon found a aching mound of a bruise that resulted from a nail head prodding his lower back from the ride to Lothering. The area he was at seemedd busy as ever, yet not as loud as one would deem right for the numbers.
As he brushed some spare dirt and who knows what from his large purple robe. Gentle motions that could only make him feel like was a simple pleasure as he was able to see how he had managed to keep his own appearence somewhat clean. but sleeping in the middle of the forest as a major predator in those lands always helped.
Then an older man came up to him, quickly asking if Nihallen would be part of the recruitment. With a gentle bow of his head he closed his eyes momentarily before opening them again. " I suppose, though I would have to talk to them a bit more. Most people would rather chase me away or throw me in jail for what I do." He placed his left hand over the blood amulet he had. A thought came into Nihallen as he looked at the old man looking at him. I think he may have a thinking I am into men, what is the Lucky Goose?
Nihallen followed the old man to where the recruitment was occuring. A strong ping of worriedness came across him as he simply couldn't tell them his major field of magic if blood magic. Though a bit of shape shifting could help as a coverup if they asked for specifics. He spoke calmly to the larger man who seemed in charge. "What is this for? As well as pay, and what would I have to do?" While these questions may have been self explanitory, they gave some sort of fallback and security as he would hopefuly be able to prevent them from getting him cornered.
His left hand fell lazily to hiis his lower back, reminding him of the bump, which despite how easily he would be able to fix it, not all problems can be fixed with blood magic or any natural remedies. Though his lorebook covered some alchemy uses of some plants and parts of animal, what you did with them is up to the user at that point.
07-02-2010, 07:19 AM
Luc approached the town of Lothering, a myriad of scents wafted towards downwind towards him from numerous sources. Luc smelled the various different musks in the air, he could make out spitted boar which reminded him of his great hunger but this was offset by the open drain that barged in on the glorious meaty scent.
As Luc walked into Lothering with his cloak pulled down low over his face obscuring his features no guard resisted him as Luc had mastered the disguise of the desperate beggar. He made himself both grotesque and pitiable to those he wished to slip by with no huge inquiry. The smell of a warden on the road for months certainly aided his disguise.
Lothering itself was a fairly big town, bloated by trade after the last blight the houses were mostly well built with stone and other study materials. The roadways and streets were mainly cobbled but there was still the odd mud and dirt track that squelched and crunched under Luc’s steady footfalls. Lush grass grew in well maintained parks emphasizing the new beauty of the town and its rustic roots. One inescapable fact of Lothering that made Luc smile was that all roads lead to the town chantry; if people lost faith in the chant then to Luc they were truly lost.
Luc walked through the Town for a time mingling with it’s people and hearing the gossip freshly ground by the rumor mills. Most of what was said was trivial conversations about Trade, farming, family and the usual peasant life but underlying it all Luc could feel a deep dark unspoken fear at the tip of the residents tongues, the corners of their eyes and the back of their minds lurked the threat of the Darkspawn.
Luc approached a man, elderly and weathered by his long years of toil under an unforgiving sun to work a barren land. The man smelt of linseed oil which made Luc hold his breath as he talked with the ancient farmer. Luc removed his hood and tapped the farmer on the shoulder to get his attention. “My good man.” Luc began, instantly aware of the mans realization and hate of his Orlesian heritage “ Would you be able to tell me where one my fill his stomach and get a good drink in this town.”
The Farmer turned to Luc with his fists clenched and his face curled up with a mixture of anger, hate and disgust. “Nowhere for you Orlesian scum, I fought to wipe your kind from Fereldan now be gone before you get me worked up.” Luc suppressed a grin at the old man’s response.
“My friend, I know of my people’s grievous mistreatment of yourself and your forbears and I apologize for their brutality but I assure you this is not an invasion. I am Luc grey warden and all I wish in return for defending your beautiful country from the darkspawn is a good antivan wine and a nice pie.” The Farmer was clearly shocked by Luc’s polite response and pointed over to a big thatched building on the western side of the town.
“Don’t think you can bamboozle me with your fancy Orlesian words but if you are in fact a grey warden the least I can do is point out the tavern.” Luc left the old farmer to his xenophobic ranting as he walked over to the tavern.
The Tavern was a warm wooden place with big tables hewn from mighty tree’s, Luc felt that requesting an Antivan vintage chardonnay would not be the best idea from a blue collar establishment such as this and so he instead ordered a pint of ale. The drink was passable at best but it was a change from stream water and the medicinal taste of poultices.
A big man came up to Luc flanked by three men of smaller stature, maybe six foot six stooping towards him, his hands looked like great mauls on the end of his arms. The behemoth opened his mouth letting out a booming drawl “Where’s that drink you said you would by me and my mates?!” Luc could tell this man was used to people being scared of him.
“Well look at that it can talk, it should be proud of itself. Still it will find that no such offer was made to it and that it should leave while its throat remains uncut.” Luke addressed the man in his coolest voice imitating a mad assassin he had worked with once in the past that referred to everyone as it, a trait that made Luc uneasey.
One of the littler men found the courage to speak on behalf of the steaming giant. “You cant talk to Belgorn like that, he’ll rip your face of.” Luc continued to look through the eyes of the bigger man un-nerving him. Luc weighed up his chances before making his choice.
“If it can catch me before it bleeds then maybe so but that won’t happen. Maybe if it was motivated by an extra meal it might” Belgorn exploded at this and swung at Luc with a cleaver like hand. Luc ducked the blow before pulling out his knife and plunging it into the giant’s knee, wounding him but not fatally.
“Do they really want to continue this or do they value their lives.” Luc asked Belgron’s cronies.” The three men turned and fled leaving their wounded comrade bleeding on the floor. Luc turned to his downed foe “Here take this poultice it will stop the blood and keep it from getting infected.” Luc tossed a poultice to Belgorn before paying for his drink and walking out into the town to see if he could find his new captain.
07-04-2010, 04:20 PM
Sorin only saw the captain once his soldiers had already surrounded him. He could fight his way out...conjure up some demons and kill the entire camp, but that would ruin any amount of treaty he had gained with the soldiers. None of the men he had treated did anything to assist the captain in his arrest.
"Sorin, if that is your name, you have been accused of blood magic. As such, you are hereby under arrest until we reach Lothering, and a proper hearing can be called." The tall, armored man shouted, and a man on each side of his enclosed his hands with iron manacles. If they knew anything about magic, they would know that such an action was pointless.
Sorin could burn through those shackles in seconds, or transmute them into something else entirely, or electrocute both guards by using them and the chains as conductors for a spell of lighting. When one of the guards pressed the shackle too tight, Sorin did just that, sending a weak pulse of electricity through the chains into the guard, who spasmed once uncontrollably and jumped back, raising his weapon.
"I'm a prisoner, not an animal. Your military would look much better if they didn't treat the two as one in the same." Sorin muttered as the captain ordered the guards to drag him to the detention tent. They would reach Lothering in a day and a half, and this actually put Sorin in a convenient position, so long as he worded his appeal just right.
07-04-2010, 05:36 PM
To Milly:
Pulling a fast one, is exactly what the idiot bandit leader did. He indicated to two of his men to drag the old lady away. They jumped forward and grabbed the hapless old woman out of the circle of the group. She screamed as she was pulled sharply. Old bones are not meant to handle such rough treatment. As such, she got a fracture in her right arm. She fainted from the pain straight off.
Meanwhile, the bandit leader was moving forward towards Alison. He moved forward sharply to grab her wrisst. It made sense to him. Afterall, she was just a girl surrounded by big burly men.... right? "Lets have some fun with this one ehh?!" He shouted to his men, idiotically turning his head from the clearly armed lass. It only made things worse that he didn't notice the rock in front of his foot, which immeadiantlym began causing him to trip as he moved forward.
To Spirit:
The old man continued on for a mintue before answering Nihallen. "Egh, there will be many men in this town soon. Many will be of undersirable lines of work, so you should be fine." He chuckled after saying this and continued for another minute. "Oh, you didn't know my boy? This is the recruitment for the Grey Wardens! Or rather the Grey Wardens or the King's Army. As to what you'd be doing.... either way you'll be fighting darkspawn. And to pay...... well you get paid five sovreigns every two months in the kings army, while the Grey Wardens I have no idea." With that they reached the Luckky Goose, which happened to be the cleanest and most convienent tavern available in Lothering.
To Dr.Helios:
The tavern that Luc had happened to walk into was one and the same as the Lucky Goose. Aedan had watched the fight, with intrest. He recognized that man from somewhere...... Oh yes! That was Luc from the Orlesian Grey Wardens! Aesan was about to go over and greet him when he walked out of the tavern. He sat back down again and sent a messenger to go and find him. Aedan had to stay here for the recruitment.
The messenger boy went out of the tavern and quickly got lost. After about an hour e walked out a back alley, bruised and crying. He looked up to see the man he had been looking for. he nearly jumped out of his skin in excitement and rushed over. "Ser! Ser! Kind Ser! Please! Over here!" he shouted out, trying to attract attention. "He arrived at Luc's position and tugged on his clothing. "Ser, High Warden Aedan wants to see you. Follow me please!"
To Jansen:
The moment that all problems had been dealt with, the convoy immediantly began moving towards Lothering. This may have saved all their lives because a few hours later, a roving band of Hurlocks arrived at their previous campsite. The Grenlocks of the group sniffed around, and located a trail. The entire WarBand rushed off after the Caravan. They wouldn't catch up to them in time, but they would arrive in Lothering a few hours after the caravan did.
07-05-2010, 07:01 AM
Luc had been wandering the town aimlessly after his fight with the witless Belgorn and his mob of cronies. He had been past some market stalls and bought a few provisions, food, water and arrows mainly. The arrows he purchased were well made, good brown wood, light with shining silver heads and brilliant royal blue fletching. He passed a tanners and bought some replacements for his gloves witch had been ripped in a nasty encounter with a blight wolf that had snuck up on him.
Before long Luc passed an opening to an alley way, a young boy was walking out of the dirty backstreet, bruised and crying he was a sight that inspired pity within the Orlesian warden. The young man looked up and saw Luc and sparked with happiness before pleading with him to come over. The boy had a message for Luc which he relayed in between fits of tears. The High warden had found him, good.
Luc looked down to the young man, he was small and covered in dust and filth. The urchin with the message made Luc suppress uncomfortable similarities with his youth, Luc felt pity for the young boy and his heart ached at the young mans tears. Luc dropped onto one knee and wiped away the boys tears “Don’t cry my lad, tell me are you being payed to deliver this message? I will give you an extra three sovereigns because you remind me of me and I love me.”
Luc walked back with the young boy towards the Lucky Goose, there at a table was the High Warden he was instantly recognizable through the bearing of power that he carried himself with. Luc sat at the table ordering a bottle of the Antivan wine he had neglected for face before hand, the patrons would remember his display of earlier enough to know he was not to be crossed. “So High Warden, we will be working together. You know I once turned down a contract to kill you, I know my limits, although an arrow between the eyes has felled any man I have met so far.” Luc tipped the wine bottle towards the High Warden in a gesture of offering “ Fancy a glass?”
07-07-2010, 08:06 PM
Alison heard the woman scream. She turned around, watching how two of the guys got her and dragged her out. While they pulled, she heard a snap and the woman went unconcious. Alison's ears twitched. How she hated the sound of a cracking bone.. She shook her head, trying to get to the woman, until the boss had grabbed her hand.
"Let's have some fun with this one, ehh?" he had said. Alison was angered. She turned to look at him, but as he walked towards her, he tripped on a rock, falling ontop of her, dropping her to the ground. She grunted, even more angry. She reached in her pocket, getting on of her daggers. She spun it, getting in the right position, then stabbed him in the back.
"Get off me, you basterd." Alison muttered. She took out the dagger, pushing the boss' body off her. She stood up, looking at the others. "Let go of the woman.. Now." she said. She took out her other dagger, looking around. She needed to keep her eyes peeled for the others.
07-10-2010, 07:02 PM
To Dr.Helios:
When the boy was asked if he was being paid, he shook his head. He was just the Lucky Goose's messenger boy. He assumed tha the High Warden would be paying the tavern owner, a meticulous man named Harvy, for his services. But he wasn't going to get any of it. Harvy always said it helped pay for his room and board, but the boy doubted that keeping a small boy could cost that much. When he heard the offer of three, yes three, whole sovreigns, the boy nearly wet his pants in excitement. He Eagerly took the offer and his the coins where only he could find them. If you lived on the streets of Lothering, you knew that you could never find a messenger boy's hiding place. He then led Luc back to the tavern. In the years to come, the boy grew up to be a fine man. He eventualy quit being in Harvy's service, and with the jumpstart of the three sovreigns, opened a tavern of his own in Denerim, which became just as good as Harvy's had been.
When Aedan saw the tavern boy re-enter with Luc, he leaned over and thanked the tavern owner, dismissing him. As Luc sat down at the table, Aedan observed him ordering a botle of Antivan wine. He remembered that to be very much like him. Luc then went on to speak of a refused contract to kill him, and the qualities of an arrow in between the eyes. Aedan then responded to this. "Well I am certainly glad that you refused. But I did not know that Warden's from your country accepted contracts at all. We're here to defend the world, not kill it. And also, I doubt that you would have drawn the arrow before we would have caught you. Our spies are just as good as yours if not better. But on to other subjects. As I said that it is good that you have joined us. A toasty to the Wardens then?" He said, raising his glass inquisitively.
To Milly:
As the Bandit leader tripped, he felt the dagger plunge into his back, severing an artery. As the life faded from his eyes, he remembered all that he had gone through. One might say it hadn't been his fault that he had grown up like he did. Living on the streets you entire life was not a happy existence. He had joined the gangs out of desperation, and found it better than street life. When he had moved on to highway robbery, he had promised never to kill anyone. He hadn't intended to here either. He would have probably had fun with the girl, then let her and the old woman go. To late now he quessed. Then he faded from this world.
Meanwhile, the other bandits watched in shock and then glee as their leader died. He had been the only thing keeping them from killing, and noiw they could go about it as they pleased. They shrugged the girl off as to dangerous, and not worth it. They then disappeared into the woods, leaving the girl and the old woman behind. In later days they would cause much havoc, kiulling and plundering until finally being caught by a passing newly instated Grey Warden named Jeck, who sllaughtered the lot of them.
07-12-2010, 02:10 AM
The sun had just passed its apex in the sky, the bright rays shining down through scattered clouds on to the Hinterlands and the Imperial Highway. The road was desolate, the only proof that this land was near civilization was the deep trenches in the dirt left behind by carriages and wagons. All was quiet, not even the birds sand their songs nor the crickets their chirping; all was still as death itself.
On that desolate road, a dapple stallion with a cloaked rider atop the saddle trotted down the dirt path. It was a modest pace, nothing that would tire the horse or cause any unwanted attention. The rider was an obvious expert at riding, how his body remained still and upright in the saddle instead of bobbing to and fro with the horses steps. The dark wool cloak the rider wore hid most of his figure. It was obvious that it was a male, with the broadness of the shoulders and the very soldierly and lordly way of riding.
He reached in to his cloak and procured a tattered piece of rolled parchment, stained with blood near the bottom of the scroll. Unrolling the parchment, the rider's concealed eyes poured over the scrawl, some of the ink smeared because of the blood, but it was still mostly legible. The content of the message was not of the rider's interest as the wax seal that closed the scroll as well as the name that was mentioned several times in the writing. It was a scout's journal, judging by the shorthand writing and dates, and this scout was reporting to none other than High Warden Aedan. Very interesting. The scout was not dead when the rider found him, not completely, anyways. It was not difficult to show the scout that he was slowly dying, all the rider had to do was move the scouts hand to show him what intestines looked like. It was not long after the rider showed the scout mercy and killed him painlessly, a raiding party of Darkspawn picked up the scent and pursued the rider.
Putting the scroll away, the cloaked man pulled out a silver necklace with a vial of blood for an amulet, a signet ring bearing the sigil of the Warden Captains dangling on the chain next to the vial. The rider had company traveling with him when this journey started, his mentor and commander. The Darkspawn mob was armed to the teeth and had them outnumbered eight to one. Titus fought well alongside his apprentice, but fate had already decided how the battle would end for him. He died well, for a warrior. When Titus' eyes went dark, the rider removed the old man's ring and necklace. It was only proper to return these things to the order as proof of the Captain's demise.
hours later
The sun moved overhead steadily, the day slowly surrendering to dusk. The sky began to show stars through the waning light of the sun. Plumes of smoke rose up from the village of Lothering, the specks of light from torches and windows made the place look like a swarm of fireflies. The High Chant flowed through the air in a melody that beckoned dusk and the coming darkness. The rider approached, an ominous black shape that drew closer and closer to the town.
The guards stationed at the city entrance held their torches out before them, those armed with bows knocked arrows and put tension on the string, aiming down range and the stranger who was cloaked in shadow. Others put their hands on their swords or readied their spears. The leader of the gate guard took one of the torches and approached the mysterious rider.
"State your business, stranger. Everyone's a might on edge come evening." the rider remained motionless for a moment, then chuckled dryly and coldly. A grin could be seen beneath the hem of the black hood. The guards became tense, but the stranger's hands did not leave the reins of the horse.
"Aye, and with good reason, they should be terrified." the grin then vanished and quickly and smoothly as it came, "I am here on Grey Warden business. I require an audience with High Warden Aedan and the King, if he is not... preoccupied." the guards laughed once they heard the rider's demand. The leader took the reins in his hands and gave them a sharp tug, making the dapple stallion whinny in discomfort and roll its eyes at the man with the torch.
"The High Warden and the King, eh? Unless you be a Teyrn or an Arl with an army of wisps, I suggest you turn your horse around and head back in to the forest and camp there for a spell." The captain of the guard chuckled, but stopped when the strange rider started chuckling again, with him. The rider released his end of the reins and pulled his hood back from his face, exposing those glowing blue-grey eyes and the runic tattoo on his face. Two pale scars marked the pale skin, and the short, dark hair made those eyes pop. The captain of the guard took a step back, staring in to those eyes.
"Who..." he began, but the rider interjected.
"I am Valerius Alaric, Grey Warden. I have traveled a week without a wink of sleep to fulfill my obligation to the Order and the people of Ferelden. I am here to see High Warden Aedan and King Herald, not converse with bootlicks such as yourselves. Now step out of my way or get crushed under my heel."
07-12-2010, 06:17 AM
Luc was impressed with the high warden, his manner conveyed strength rarely seen within people these days, his voice was clear and strong commanding the respect of those who heard it. The man himself looked strong and quick, able to react to danger within an instant and neutralize any threats that presented themselves. Luc found you could tell a lot about people by the way the held a wine glass, Aedan held his glass with learned sophistication. This told Luc that he was a man who held a veil of civility over the beating heart of a warrior, Luc’s favourite type of person.
The wine was good, an old vintage he was sure. The oaky texture told a tale of old, proud barrels in the vineyards of Antiva, standing steadfast carrying out their duty to hold their load and imbue it with their dark Smokey qualities. Luc remembered with a chuckle the last time he had enjoyed Antivan wine, he had ended up in bed with two arls and a trio of bards, a good night and good people, a shame he had not been allowed to spare any of them.
Luc chuckled to himself at the High Warden’s surprise at his history. “All in a past life my friend, the Oiled Arrow flies no longer, well save towards the skulls of darkspawn. As for spies I had none but the keenest eyes ever to come out of Orlais and besides I have a talent for going unseen when I wish it, not that it would have ultimately done much good against such and esteemed personage. Although I do feel that my history requires some justification before I travel with you.” Luc removed his gloves and lifted his hands showing the tally carved into his palms “My qualifications as an assassin and my motivation for fighting the darkspawn, twenty six people I killed to satisfy my greed and I figure that that equates to Twenty five Ogre horns and an Arch Demon Scale.” Luc fell silent for a moment as the regret of his former life rose to surface.
The two wardens toasted the health of the Wardens and the demise of the darkspawn. Luc downed his wine before placing the wine glass on its head in the tradition of his upbringing. “Well my captain, what first? I assume we will be traveling with others on this quest.”
07-12-2010, 07:24 AM
The caw of a raven could be heard as a dark speck flashed through the air. It flew over the Imperial Highway with ease and without fear. Everything seemed quiet. The bird began to descend, gliding to a stream that was close by. The bird landed softly and immediately began to change shape. After a moment, the raven was no more, a woman was in it's place. Not just any woman, but the Grey Warden Aelia Marcus, the Raven Witch. She had been flying for one day straight since receiving news from a fellow witch of terrors in the north and the formation of an army near Lothering. Therefore, it was time Aelia returned to her duties as a Grey Warden.
It had been two years since she left on her own journey to understand herself. In that time, she learned nothing about how her birth was possible. Her mother fled with other Orlaisean witches to the Korcari Wilds to receive help from the Witch of the Wilds a group of very powerful Apostates. Without any luck to where her mother came from or how she became pregnant, Aelia decided to pay a visit to her old Mentor and adoptive mother. Even after running away, the Raven witch was greeted by the witches as loving family. Her mentor even understood that a witch must go on her own in life, but would always return.
The thought Aelia's mentor gave her brought chills down her spine like the frost of winter. The old witch knew of her return. As though she tied a permanent leash around Aelia's throat. However, that wouldn't change anything. The only reason for her return was to train more in the shapeshifting arts. More than anything, she wanted to be able to shift into a dragon. A glorious beast that ruled the skies. Every shapeshifter Mage only dreamed of such a power. The idea itself is difficult beyond most, but Aelia knew she was different. She believed at heart she was different and possibly had the ability. At any rate, she spent at least a year training with the witches before the Blight took its toll.
Darkspawn raided a group of witches entering the Korcari Wilds and were devastated except for one lone witch. She was lucky to have shapeshifted into a rat and hide in some bushes. Upon arriving at the seen, Aelia knew it was a matter of time before she must return. When the lone witch revealed herself and told Aelia the news she was bringing, it was evident that the time to return was a must. Gathering her belongings, she left the Witch of the Wilds without a second thought. Flying at top speed in raven form, she soared not stop for a whole day before finally landing for a break.
Now at the stream, Aelia sipped down as much water as she could. She wore her Reaper's Vestments with her Spellweaver sword Draco at her right side. It was the perfect gear for a Grey Warden Mage. As she eyed her surroundings quickly, she pulled a bag of her left side which held inside what appeared to be energy roots. What's unique about them is the witches magically grew them to make their effects even greater than the norm. After chewing down two, energy rushed back into Aelia as though she had a full day's rest. She had to be careful though, any more roots would be bad. No one really knows what happens, but the idea was to dangerous to risk.
Ready to continue on, she was about to concentrate on turning into a Raven, when she heard the sound of a horse's hooves. Crouching down in some bush, she eyed a hooded rider riding towards Lothering. It was a man, that she could tell. He appeared in complete control of his stead and didn't stray from the path. Aelia decided to wait until he was farther ahead before shapeshifting once more. When she was in the air again, she flew behind the rider seeing as they were both going to the same destination.
Lothering's soon came into view after some hours later. The day was already beginning to end when the Raven Witch landed on top the gates. She eyed the man who arrived at the entrance with curiosity, hoping the guards would make him reveal his identity. With the raven's keen hearing, Aelia could hear that the man intended to meet the High Warden Aedan and the King. Is this stranger a Grey Warden like myself, she thought. When the guard refused him, the man laughed then lowered his cloak. Aelia was speechless, even though ravens couldn't speak in the first place. It was Valerius! She hadn't seen him in two years and never in the world did she expect to meet up with him here. She wasn't surprised though seeing as this area in Ferelden had become a hot spot for Darkspawn activity.
Flying down into some bushes near the front, she quickly shapeshifted back into her human form and ran towards the gates. Her stomach fluttered with excitement, boy would will he be shocked to see me. A grin flew across her face as she popped up behind his horse. The other guards looked behind Valerius in surprise at her sudden appearance, but she didn't care.
"Not really surprised to see you here, Val," Aelia said in a cheerful tone. "How long has it been...two years? I've missed you old friend. What brings your stolid self up here?"
07-12-2010, 07:58 PM
To Storm and Yoru:
The guard captain had been having a relatively normal day so far. He had woken up, eaten breakfast, kissed his wife goodbye, then headed to his post. He had even stopped by the baker's to pick up his lunch. The day had proceeded as many others had, lunch eaten, a few of peasents and a Lower Noble passing through the gate, a standard day. Then night fell. It was creepy out of the city at dark, even with a full compliment of guards at you back. To say the least, the Captain was tired and ready for supper, which he wouldn't get till the shift change at midnight. There had been a problem with the same noble from earlier wanting out of the city after dark, and that had delayed the Captain past his shift. Right when he was finished with the idiot, a rider came out of the darkness.
This positively scared the poor man out of his wits. Who was crazy enough to ride at night in these times? The man on the horse then proceeded to deman entry, insulting the Captain in the process. Only to make things worse it seemed, a girl walked out of the bushes and greeted the man in a friendly matter, when the man was clearly not friendly. The guard captain gave an unseen (yah, UNSEEN storm) hand-movement to the archers. They aimed their arrows, just in case. The Captain then mached over to Warden. He was somewhat angru instead of scared now.
"Listen here Warden. You know the rules! Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, goes in after dark. The 'High Warden' came and set down the current rules himself! SO I suggest you just ride along back to y'er camp, and actually GET some sleep. If you have a message, I'll get it to the Man himself. The same goes for you young lady." With that the Captain stepped back from the Warden to his post. There were about twenty five of the guards, and it wouldn't do the Wardens any help to kill them the Captain figured.
To Dr. Helios:
Aedan observed as the Orlesian spoke of his past and his regret for it. He simply nodded in response and then answered the man's question. "We will soon be traveling my friend. But we must first gather a team. There are supposedly several Wardens on their way here, and I thought that I might also recruit some new wardens for the journey. Take that odd looking fellow over there for instance, he might be a good recruit. (Your Guy spirit.)"
07-12-2010, 09:15 PM
Valerius glared down at the Captain with a cool and collected manner. His face unchanged, but irritation could be seen in those eerie eyes. Even when Aelia, the only person Valerius had ever really called a friend - and the very woman he had once had an eye for - stepped out of the bushes and showed her face, Valerius' face was steady as a rock. With a grunt, he dismounted and stood before the Captain, looking down at the man. Holding open his cloak so that all observing could see that the Warden was not reaching for a weapon, he procured the blood stained scroll. The wax remained unbroken, since Valerius used a heated knife to peel the seal away to read the document before re-sealing the report.
"This document has the seal of the High Warden himself, and I will deliver it to him. I encountered a Darkspawn band of around sixteen strong not eight hours ago and lost the closest thing I have had to a father and a mentor to their blades. Riding for a solid week means I have no camp to go to, and we both know that camping in the forests with the Blight so close is suicide, even for a Grey Warden. Don't take me for a fool, Captain." Valerius sneered and slipped the scroll back in to his cloak, then procuring the necklace and ring of his late mentor, Titus.
"If that document will not get me in, then this will. And if you still refuse... well... it would be healthier for all of us if it did not come to that." Valerius brandished the Warden Captain signet ring to the guard. The tenacity of the man was infuriating. The smell of warm food wafted through the air from the many chimneys in the town. Valerius had been eating nothing but hardtack the entire ride. He looked over to Aelia, taking her in for a moment, his mind visibly working out a plan.
"This woman comes in to the city with me. She is my apprentice, and she will go where I go." Knowing how city guards usually operated, one of the guards would have already dispatched to tell the High Warden that someone is demanding to see him, and that this person claimed to be a Warden himself. If that did not pique the High Warden's interest and bring him to see, Valerius would have to resort to bribing or fighting his way in, and either way was a waste.
"And the way I see it, this little town could use all the help it can get. Don't entertain the delusions that the Blight will be stopped here. People will die, and they will die soon, and it will not be a pleasant death. Judging by you glibness and confidence, you have never encountered Darkspawn before. Keep me and my colleague from entering, and you will die. Let us in, and there is a chance you may live, but it is very slim. "
spirits breath
07-12-2010, 09:36 PM
To Nihallen, the so called Lucky Goose was clean. No traces of what would give the goose part. The only part of lucky was that he had been able to by the fabled Grey Wardens, and on top of that, not be killed on sight.
He turned to look at the old man, then back at the tavern. " ever wonder why everything to meet someone or get up and go brings you to some tavern?" He thought to hmself. Kind of like how i was born. Mom and dad got a bit of alcohol in them, and then I came out. Though don't see the point in going to a bar, and not drinking.
Nihallen pushed at the thick door, moving the large slate of wood to an opening in which he could walk through. With a small call back, he spoke. "Thanks old man, though hopefully this isn't a trick."
As he walked in, armor that just said 'I am a Grey Warden' rang out. That, as well as things to write with. "I am Nihallen of the circle. I assume you already know why i am here." Three steps brought him clser to the Grey Warden. "So, what should I expect as a Grey Warden? Like pay, freedoms, life luxuries?"
07-13-2010, 12:50 AM
To Storm:
At this point the Captain faultered. He didn't want to die. He wasn't a cowardly man, but all men feared death. Then there was the fact of who this man was. If he truly was a Grey Warden, he might not die, but he might lose his position or be demoted. He wasn't sure which was worse, dying, or living on the streets, he didn't like either option however so he back down. He gave the signal to his men, and they lowered their arms. Behind the Captain, the gates opened, and a messenger boy ran through them. "Captain, Captain!", the boy said urgently. "The High Warden wants to see these two at the Lucky Goose." The Guard Captain looked at the boy, and then gave the directions to the Warden. With that, he stood aside and let them enter.
To Spirit:
Well, Aedan hadn't expected that. "A mage of the circle you say? You could be useful. But you seem to be a little mislead." He said to the mage. "We do not pay Wardens. They have to earn their own wealth inside the law like any other man." At this a few of the bar's patrons nodded sagely. The Wardens weren't nobles, whom inherited wealth, and they made their own homes in Ferelden. They were of course asked to keep fit for their own safety. It wouldn't do to have a fat Warden. "Also" Aerdan said, stepping close. "You can't just go around proclaiming to be a Grey Warden without proof. People don't take it well. Also, expect to meet a lot of people disappointed with your image. We never live up to it."
07-13-2010, 01:27 AM
Alison watched as the bandits ran. She ran to the old woman, slightly shaking her. "Hey, hey are you okay?" she asked, helping her up. She woman nodded, pointing at her arm. Alison nodded as well. "I heard. They broke your arm, didn't they?" the woman nodded. "Don't worry, they're gone now. Now all we have to do is to get you home and get that arm checked by a doctor." she said. They got up, Alison got the rest of the stuff, since the woman couldn't carry much with only one arm.
Soon enough, they got to the town of Lothering. It was a lively town, people were roaming the streets. Occasional soldiers would be here and there. As they made it to the house of the old woman, Alison put the stuff down in the living room and the old woman's husband ran towards her. "Miriam! Miriam, m'dear are you okay?!" he said. She nodded, explaining what happened. The old man looked at Alison, bowing. "Thank you, young one. You have a very kind heart for helping my wife." Alison bowed back. "It's no problem. Would you like me to get a doctor?" he shook his head. "No, you done so much for us, so let me go get him." he said. He left the house before Alison could argue.
"Let me make you some lunch, sweety." Miriam said. Alison looked at her, bowing. "Thank you for letting me into your home." she said. Miriam smiled, waving her good arm at her. "It's alright. It's my way of saying 'Thanks' by saving me from those crazy bandits." she said. Alison kept staring at her, then nodded.
The old man walked through the town of Lothering, looking for a doctor. He asked a couple townspeople for a doctor, but no one had answered. "Excuse me, but do you know where I can find a doctor?" No answer once again. He sighed.
Lothering; just another name to another town, it sounded okay as far as Lera was concerned. As long as it held a place to hole up and relax for the time being,she simply did not care if it was of higher well to do or the seedier side of humanity and other various races. Many a long day spent traveling had revealed all manners of images and sights to behold. A left delicate hand rose to wipe away the forming sweat that adorned her brow as her form halted along the roadside just far enough outside the gates to remain unseen by most. Remaining half hidden as she caught the sound of what seemed to be an argument.
"Listen here Warden. You know the rules! Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, goes in after dark. The 'High Warden' came and set down the current rules himself! SO I suggest you just ride along back to y'er camp, and actually GET some sleep.
Pink lips pursed into a sudden pout as her brow creased at the fact that she would not just be simply strolling into Lothering. A few dwarven curses uttered that would make most blush from the rudeness alone would be whispered before the pouting expression intensified. Thoughts racing through her mind before a hearty "AHA!" sounded out then a soft chuckle. Slender digits riffled through her pack until she found the only dress she owned. Lera wrinkled her nose in distaste at the pale pink tunic etched with hand sewn tiny red roses.Stepping back into the shadows of a tall elm tree, she quickly changed then placed away the pair of goggles that had been set upon her head. Braids would be pulled free before Lera shook her head a few times then plucked a single twig sized branch from the tree.
It would be adorned into the mess of wheat hued hair to further the disheveled appearance. Lips curled upwards into a grin that exposed healthy white teeth before she giggled then crouched to grasp a handful of earth. It would be smeared along her dress as well as her left cheek. She moved off further from the guard and male in the heated conversation before finding a secluded place. Removing the great sword and placing her war hammer nearby the outer wall of Lothering in a place that none would look for the time being. Quick steps leading her once more where she had been previously. Lera stepped from the shadows and causally began to skip towards the main gates. Singing a simple song she had picked up from where was forgotten.
Skidding to a Halt before the Captain as she offered a wide grin then glanced to the male upon the steed.(Valerius) Playing the part of a child who had lost track of time to fun as she raised her right hand and gave a fast wave "You sure have a nice horsey Mr...." Lera turned brown hues back the guard as she gave a falsetto laugh "It sure was fun playing hide and seek...." a faked yawn would be given as she went wide eyed and gave a look of fear "No fat ugly woman come around shrieking like a banshee....has she?" she trembled visibly "My momma beats those who don't keep track of being on time!" She nodded several times before beginning to run towards the gates "Good eve Mr and Mr!" would be called as she attempted to disappear into Lothering. She ever so thankful for the fact that although a dwarf..she oddly lacked the more robust form like dwarf women held. Easily able to pass as young human female when she placed her mind to it.
spirits breath
07-13-2010, 02:59 AM
Nihallen rose his left hand and exposed some scars from a small dagger by the looks of it. "I don't think having the title as being a Grey Warden can do any harm. The way I see it, I would be better off." He placed his hand to his small lore book. With a smirk, he looked up with his eyes. "And who knows, I just may have that more of a chance to learn stronger magic from a dragon. I have been walking around long enough to realize that where i have been, nothing."
With a small step back to create some distance. "Though, may I ask you one thing? Is this about the blight? Normally you woukd look for ones that have some skills that are notable, but yet you wait for those to walk into a tavern. Not that wise."
As he was about to turn around, he looked over his right shoulder with a little body twist. "I think an image of being a warden is a good thing, but mind pointing me where I have to go next? Can't be going off alone now can I?" He patted his book, glad for the first chapter being about Grey Wardens. Though he couldn't help but think on how he would get a dragon to teach him more magic. Mainly to help him control more magic so that he could shift his form to be a dragon.
07-15-2010, 04:37 AM
Valerius just dipped his head in a modestly polite bow to the Captain of the Guard, passing the man two gold soverigns in a handshake before passing by. The Grey Warden looked over his shoulder to Aelia, inclining his head to the open gate, telling her to follow him. Turning his gaze back to the now-ajar gate, Valerius looked for that little girl that had passed him by. Her face seemed very blocky for a young girl. Valerius simply shook his head, the side effects of the girls breeding was not his concern.
Valerius lead his dark horse through the threshold and in to the town of Lothering, whose streets remained relatively populated for the hour. Even children scuttled about, some with pointed ears, some without. One child ran right in to Valerius, looked up at the man's glowing silver eyes, then ran away wimpering. He could not blame the child, he had made several grown men react in the exact same way. The Grey Warden looked behind him, making sure Aelia was still in tow before making his way to the Lucky Goose Tavern.
When he finally reached his destination, Valerius hitched his horse and headed inside. The warmth and energy of the tavern energized the tired Warden, his silver eyes darting around the densely occupied floor, cutting through the thick pipe smoke until he found the face of the High Warden. Valerious moved through the croud, not having any problem with shoving a few patrons out of his way to get to the High Warden's table.
Once there, Valerius did not waste time speaking. He tossed the bloody scout report and the Warden Captan signet ring on to the table, followed by Titus' necklace vial of Darkspawn blood. No Warden ever removed their necklace, and no officer ever his signet ring. If a standard Grey Warden carried them, that could only mean one thing.
"Captain Titus is dead, Head Warden, but we were able to salvage that report."
07-15-2010, 07:24 PM
To Milly: The tavern Drunk Hog's messenger boy walked the streets, looking for a job. He had recently been fired from his previous job due to an incident concerning a noble staying there. He hadn't known that the news of her husbands infidelity would cause her to take out her wrath on the tavern and staff. It was purely coincidental in his mind. Maybe it was because her husband had been paying for the room, or because the staff was terrible. Either way, he was fired.
He sighted an old man, asking around for a doctor. No one seemed to be paying him any attention. The boy was about to walk by when he heard the old man's reason. "Please sir, my wife is terribly injured, can you tell me where a doctor is?" The old cod asked a passerby. It turned out the messenger boy knew where one was. The only available doctor was in fact staying at his friends assigned tavern, the Lucky Goose. The boy caught upwith the old man and gave him the directions. In the years afterward, the boy found a new job, as his friends assitant in his tavern in Denerim.
To Alin:
It just so happened that it was Lera's unlucky day. There happened to be an actual girl that was out late, and she looked almost exactly like Lera. THe mother turned the street, calling out her daughter's name. SHe sighted Lera, and rushed over to her. The first thing she did was hug her, crying, then she went the exact opposite direction and started scolding her. After that, she pulled Lera away by the ear, into the Lucky Goose, where the woman and child were staying.
To Spirit:
Aedan considered this for awhile, then responded. "You do realize that dragons are not sapient beings right? The do not think as we do. As to why we wait here, we are also recruiting an army of our own. Our scouts are actually all over Ferelden at the moment, but none have reported back.Our group will be traveling independent from the main army, we'll be eading towards Red Castle first, then to Orzammar."
To Storm:
Aedan then turned to the table, gazing at the amulet and signet ring. He sighed and picked them up, putting them away in his pocket. He had always liked Titus, and he remembered these two. The girl was a powerful mage, and the boy... well Titus always had piccked well, but Valerius was a powerful, but dangerous choice. He then took the report, reading it carefully. Afterwards, he spoke to Valerius. "It is good that you are alive Valerius. I greive for Titus, but I will not say I feel what you feel. He was my friend, but your mentor. Now I must ask, will you and your friend join us?"
spirits breath
07-15-2010, 10:11 PM
Nihallen simply puffed out a small burst of air. "Does a bird not think about the food it is about to eat, or the wolf think about what happens next when they hear a deers death wail?" He turned, his entire body on heels to face the warden. A sly look was printed in his expression. "I ran with the wolves, flew with the birds, and even swam with the fish. They think, and even feel for what they do as you and I do. Only difference is, I have seen life with their eyes with my perception."
A deep breath came along his chest. "But then, a little adventure never hurt, not did it? Plus they will once you perk their attention, and depending on what kind of dragon, I am sure I can figure out something." His voice picked up. "But Red Castle? Don't know why we would need to go there. Going into Orzammar a bit more reasonable. But I guess anywhere is better than here? And at least what this mage beleives." He pointed at himself. "A new type of animal would prove quite interesting to figure out inside from out. Though I am not a healing type of mage, I have my own secrets that the world likes to expose against me. As well as my own set up." He gave a devilish grin before walking out of the tavern. There he leaned against the leftbound wall and used his right legg as a support. Nihallen spoke softly to himself. "I wonder what kind of things we will be dong? But shall they find out, I don't know if I should be glad they know so it is out of the way, or worried as i would be on the run again." Another puff of air excaped him, bumbing his lips out momentarily.
A long hard breath of relief given after she passed the gates Lera then stood still for several moments to ponder just how and where she would find a fair sized length of rope. A worried frown given as she knew she had limited time to retrieve her items. Lips curled further downwards as she missed the great weight of the sword upon her back and the the feeling of palms clutching her war hammer. A disgruntled snort given before she began to move off once more. Her form halted after jumping slightly at the sound of a females cries. Lera could only go wide eyed at finding a sudden pair of arms wrapped around her form. Squeezed tightly as Lera almost cried out loudly "what is wrong with you woman...have you lost your mind?" but quickly bit down upon her tongue. Wincing at the slight taste of blood before she felt pain as fingers yanked her ear.
Lera gave a loud cry of shock mixed with pain as she felt her form hauled off. Debating the aspect of pulling away was short lived as she quickly surmised that would lead to more pain or even the loss of her ear. Lera finally managed to find her voice as she shrieked loudly "Stop it wench; that hurts! Do you want me to pull you around by your ear?" sounded out as Lera now found herself of all places in a tavern. A quick darting glance took in all around her before she cast the older female a irate expression "You have mistaken me Miss..I assure you I am not the girl you seek.." Lera glanced around with an imploring expression to any that would hopefully help her out of the mess she now found herself stuck in. Lera gave her best 'please help me now' expression before she suddenly grinned wide then tried to bolt for the door leading from the rear of the tavern.
07-17-2010, 10:06 PM
Valerius stood at attention while the High Warden spoke. this was one of the most politically powerful and influential men in all of Ferelden, if not the world. He deserved -- no, earned -- the upmost respect. When invited to sit with the High Warden and company, Valerius gave a quick bow of the head in thanks. He looked over his shoulder at Aelia, his silver eyes locking with hers for a moment before he pulled out a chair for her to take a seat. He waited patiently for her to take a seat before seating himself.
"The situation is more desperate than it seems, Head Warden. The Darkspawn draw closer every day, I fear they will be upon us before the Landsmeet can send all required forces..." he paused for a moment, his words drifting off with his thoughts. Valerius knew politics, he grew up around them, and continued to utilize such skills as a Warden, no matter if it sickened him or not. Any Teyrn, arl, or bann with half a brain would be leading their forces to this very city. That would mean that Bann Rahl would be here... that snake was never too proud to kiss a royal backside. Valerius' eyebrows knitted together in a frown at the thought. He wanted to inquire about the possible presence of Bann Rahl, so that he may, at last, visit vengeance upon the bastard. No, now was not the time. A Blight was not the time for grudges to come to a head. On the other hand, Valerius would not be able to perform at his peak when distracted, and that could mean someone getting hurt, possibly killed. What if Aelia got hurt because of his desire for revenge over his duty? He would never forgive himself.
"High Warden, when you have the time, I would like to speak to you in private about an important personal matter."
07-19-2010, 06:41 PM
The old man nodded, heading towards the Lucky Goose. Who knew what kind of place this 'Lucky Goose' was, but he needed to get a doctor for his wife. As he entered the Lucky Goose, he asked a couple of people if the doctor was here. Most of them didn't answer him, which got him pretty frustrated.
Meanwhile, Alison was eating the food Miram had prepared for her. Even though she had a broken/sprained arm, she was still the pretty good cook. Once she finished, Alison stood up and bowed. "Thank you for the wonderful food." Miram nodded, smiling.
"It's alright, dear. It's my thanks for helping back in the forest." she said. Alison shook her head. "But I couldn't protect you from the bandits hurting you." she told her. "It's alright. They had us both in the corner. So, I wouldn't worry much, deary." Alison slowly nodded. She then bowed again. "Thank you for your hospitality. I must be going now." she said, straightening. "But, it's nighttime. You shouldn't be out so late. Stay here for the night, will you. We have a extra bed upstairs so you can sleep there if you like." Miram smiled. Alison nodded, smiling back. "Thank you."
im alin,s kid hi (Sorry about that and the next post my daughter did......9 years old and her first attempt at role playing.........)
was there no peace in a vets life I Wondered fretfully as i hurried my car along the road to Gilthhorpe village. eight a clock on a Sunday evening .................... i did it its dog stories
07-23-2010, 07:07 PM
(Uh.... okay? Time skip TIME!)
To everyone in general:
Reydan suddenly yawned. He hadn't noticed that he was tired until now. He also noticed a dwarf being held by the ear of a motherly figure, and both were shouting. He went over, and worked the situation out. It took awhile for the lady to accept that the dwarf wasm't in fact her child, but rather a similar female dwarf. "Now," He said to the dwarf. "My names is Aedan, of the Wardens. I hope that your well, but I must be off to bed." He turned back to his companions and told them that they should do the same. (To Milly, we'll grab you on the way out of the city, or during the fighting.) Aedan then went top bed.
The next day, the miltary column arrived in the city. This partilcular column, named the one o'fifth legion, was famous for a long and colourful history in combat. But they were overshadowed by another presence arriving in the city that day, the king Herald himself. The streets were filled with cheering people, and Aedan was awakened by the King's carraige coming to a stop in front of the inn. He quickly got dressed in his best armour, and went to meet the king.
Meanwhile, on a ridge just behind the forest's boundaries, the darkspawn horde watched in disappointment as the gates closed. They had been meaning to simply charge in with the gates open, now that was a void hope. The regrouped farther back into the forest, and brought forward the seige engines. These were mounstorous machines, each capable of throwing three massive balls of flame which would burst upon impact. They began preping the first of these.
spirits breath
07-23-2010, 10:11 PM
That night didn't go so well. after 'joining' the Grey Wardens, he found himself lieing awake. the first time sleeping in a bed in roughly a year or so. well that is if he could. It wasn't an easy task as he lied about, looking out a window to see the moon move above him and then a little down again. An audible sigh emitted from his mouth. "I guess my mind can't process me sleeping as a human anymore." A simple latch opened his windows wide.
As he pulled in magic, he could feel his body resize bones and organs, bones snap and pull at the skin. each feather burst form his body. he was smart enough to realize turning into one of the many land animals he had encountered just wouldn't work. He had his recreational forms, and ones he knew he would have to use to defend himself as.
He stood there, in the form of a blue jay and gently flew to the top of the inn. He gave a call, a series of chirps comming from his beak before he could manage to fall asleep.
the next day, he woke up from the early morning sun. feeling refreshed as ever, he knew it was just the way he woke up, not because he wanted to. Nihallen fluttered his wings, easing the decent into his room. Moments later a flash of light brought on his natural form.
Later that day...
Recent word had gotten out about darkspawn preparing to launch a seige. Nihallen ran hard, searching for Aedan. It would seem as his moments as a grey warden were giong to be cut short. Though he did have one trick up his sleeve. Fight as a large eagle, and use blood magic at the same time. while it wasn't as strong, it was effective and you never suspect the local wildlife.
With light feet, and a heavy banging at his side, he ran out towards the upper wall to try and spot anything. Moments passed as he made it to the top, peering over the wall to spot small flames in the distance. He mouthed. "Not good."
As he turned, he ran back towards where the army was forming, trying to calculate how many they were, as opposed to an incomming threat. Nobody starts a seige without a large army behind it.
He waited a bit, gathering his focus. He meet the other newer wardens. With a serious smile(not the creepy smile) he spoke up. "My name is Nihallen if we are to fight side by side, I feel as if you should know what my fields of magic are. First off, I am a shapeshifter. Give me an animal to study and work with for a while and within a day or two I can be a perfect resemblence. And my second, what I mainly focus is." He sighed. "Blood magic."
He waited for a few breaths to come and go. "I usually combine shapeshifting with blood magic so you will not see me as what I am right now, but as something else. I am thinking an eagle, magicly altered for increased size, but otherwise I have a few other forms that seem capable of battle."
"Now," He said to the dwarf. "My names is Aedan, of the Wardens. I hope that your well, but I must be off to bed." Would be uttered so easily after the male had finally made rather unpleasant situation simply go away. Lera breathed a long a sigh of pure relief before she hurried off then soon returned. This time now holding all her possessions before she settled in for the coming eve. Some hours later she simply remained sitting, many mugs of not so good alcohol gone, as her head canted forward and a soft series of snores flowed from the sleeping dwarf female.
Those she had bested remained sleeping where they had stumbled and passed out. The sounds of morning eventually roused the sleeping female before she gave the room a sleepy red eyed examination then rose before offering a stretch and groan of protest at waking. Carefully stepping over two of the unmoving forms as Lera gathered her belongings then headed outside into the dawns first light. Her nose wrinkled at feeling distaste for a dull throbbing deep within her head before her left hand rose to cover a forming yawn.
Her right hand moved to riffle through the small cloth bag tied at her waist before she removed a thin twig and allowed it to settle between her teeth. Idly chewing the minty small branch as she went wide eyed at the image of a loud group standing idle as well as the image of the regular townsfolk cheering. Lera only blinked several times before she felt her stomach turn at seeing the legion. It could only mean one thing, the soft spoken whispers of attacks could only be true. So far she had made her best attempt to steer clear, yet now she stood, looking most confused, in that she had a bad feeling was about to be true chaos forming around her.
A deep frown would be given as Lera turned to gaze towards the forest surrounding the town, hearing the wind shift and flowing through the forests canopy only caused her brow to crease in growing confusion. She shook her head before parting lips gave rise to a firm retort "I know I are not alone in sensing what may be to head is already filled with sensation of dull throbbing." She pivoted just as she managed to sidestep an arriving carriage then made her self scarce as she paced to lean against the right front side of the Inn/tavern. Happy enough to get fresh air as well as become a silent witness of one studying the surroundings.
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