View Full Version : Erebus (Dough) vs Sigma (Jacogos)

09-15-2013, 03:14 AM
A mountaintop plateau thousands of metres high. Surrounded on all side by sheer drops that will send any who fall tumbling to their deaths. Dark clouds fill the sky and pound the mountain with heavy rain (though not enough to blind Erebus) while lightning craters the ground every few minutes. The ground underneath was smooth, hard stone and would offer no purchase to a slipping victim. The plateau is around thirty metres wide. Every five turns (one turns is a post by both combatants) lightning strikes the plateau randomly based on a dice roll.

1-2: Strikes near Erebus
3-4: Strikes near Sigma
5-6: Strikes the centre of the plateau

As the dark clouds stormed overhead one smaller one detached itself to float down to the plateau surface. The ball of mist hovered for a second as it took in the surroundings before coalescing into the form of a dog with two heads. Flaming orbs burst into life where its eyes would be though they were dim. The dog showed no reaction to this however and simply stood, waiting.

09-15-2013, 03:33 AM
Equidistant from the center as Erebus was and opposite him, an orb of light popped into existence. Colored vaguely between teal and light blue, the orb was about a half-meter in diameter and floated about three to four feet off the ground. Rain splattered against its form, showing that it was tangible, but otherwise the being simply floated in place, bobbing up and down ever so slightly. The capital form of the greek letter 'Sigma' seemed to be inscribed into the light, facing towards Erebus, but there was no way to explain how it was there other than that it simply was.

As Subject Sigma became aware of its surroundings, its onboard computer began a quick subsonar scan of the area, taking in details of the arena whilst ignoring anything that might inhabit it. The android noticed its opponent, an animalistic being resembling a demonic hound, and took note through both its primary and secondary processors. As the scan finished up, the latter processor began to decide how the match and Sigma's subsequent evolutions would proceed.

"Greetings," Sigma spoke, a vocal synthesizer within its body producing a voice that was neutral in almost every sense of the word. "I am Subject Sigma. It appears we are to do battleon this abysmal plane. Tell me: who are you?"

09-15-2013, 04:36 AM
Erebus watched the blue light with curiosity. Man created many things and in time they would be betrayed by those same creations. Whatever faced him was just another creation now free from its owners. But it spoke with the voice of man, no doubt given a sentience that resembled its creators. It would be little different from a human in the end, he would set it upon the path of self destruction. "I am Erebus." he said, the two mouths talking together but out of sync creating a disconcerting echo for every syllable, "You have brought yourself here for reasons you do not know, and I have answered your hidden call. We will "battle"."

09-18-2013, 12:45 AM
Sigma regarded its opponent with interest. This was an interesting beast, a 'demon', so dubbed by the android's secondary processor. Sigma wondered why its secondary processor knew things like that, but the little machine could never figure it out; it would just have to wonder. For now, though, Sigma studied Erebus and tried to make headway with him.

It was a dog-like being, resembling a hellhound. It was notable in that it had two heads, one normal and one on its rump as if sprouting from its spine in place of a tail. Both had wicked looking horns that would likely do lots of damage to Sigma's fragile current form, not to mention that fangs and claws that all canine creatures had. That was another tid-bit from his second brain, though Sigma could clearly see them on its opponent anyway.

The demon spoke disjointedly, naming himself 'Erebus', but offering up little else in the way of information. Either he didn't know why they were here either, or it was simply being cryptic. Of course, both parties acknowledged there would be a fight; that was good, Sigma supposed. The ones that didn't realize there was to be a fight were the hardest ones to fight, in the end.

The ones? As in... others? Sigma thought suddenly, confused. It had fought... others? It did not recall this. The secondary processor offered nothing, however, and Sigma was left alone with its thoughts.

Electricity welled up inside Sigma, sparkling lightly off of its 'body'. With no reason for it and no other way to attack with it, Sigma discarded the electricity with a prompt from his secondary, discharging it straight into the ground below with a short bzzt of electrical energy.

09-18-2013, 12:39 PM
Erebus noticed the creature's electrical discharge and lifted his front paw out of a puddle as sparks crackled along the pools of water. It's action intrigued him once again, for it appeared to lack the choice of the lightning's generation. Or perhaps it was some form of sneak attack, though not a very well hidden one.

He prowled around the arena with one set of eyes locked onto the creature and the other watching his rear. He was not one to make the first move in a battle, it went against his very existence to do such. And even if he wanted to though, he had little idea of how he would. The ball of light wasn't much of a target.

Instead he decided for a defensive move to provoke his foe. "We have wasted enough time here individual. Let your fall begin." Tossing his head upwards two black barrier popped into existence between Erebus and Sigma side by side, creating a long wall between the two. "Come and see the futility of your existence."

09-21-2013, 03:11 AM
Subject Sigma peered left and right without seeming to move, its 'eyes' scanning the entirety of the wall the demon had constructed. An interesting choice of maneuver considering the aggressiveness of the demon's words. Sigma noted how confident he seemed to be, slowly floating forward to get a better look at the barriers.

Staying silent in the face of the dog's words, Sigma came up to about a foot away from the barrier, lacking any sort of way to touch it without simply running headlong into the barrier. Frowning mentally (for Sigma had no face or lips), the little android delved into itself for an answer from its secondary processor. The machine had no response, however, unfamiliar with this sort of magic.

Instead, the secondary processor provided Sigma with a form of attack, burning heat welling up inside of the android. The flames seared Sigma from within, causing an overload of what might have been pain to blister through its mind. Shuddering visibly, Sigma suddenly spouted flames from its 'front', a ball of fire rushing forward as if to hit Erebus. There was no way for Sigma to know what would happen when the flames hit the barrier; would it pass through? Or would it collide and possibly harm Sigma itself?

09-22-2013, 01:34 AM
The fireball collided with one of the barriers and shattered it. The black light exploded into dozens of shards as if it had been made of glass. They spun through the air, slowly losing their form as they bled into the air. A few would pass through Sigma's form but they had no substance to them and had no effect on the experiment.

From behind this broken barrier a massive cloud of fog erupted. Leading the mist was Erebus's head, mouth open wide and rapidly growing in size. The demon aimed to swallow Sigma into his mist form, engulfing the small lightform completely. As the form flew at Sigma there was an unearthly roar, doubled and out of phase like the way the dmeon spoke.

Erebus wondered if the shock tactic would work on the being, as it did so well on people. They were so easy to please, a little magic here and there was all it took for them to fall into his control. This one seemed to have a magic of is own though and he doubted it would be so easily tricked. Yet it was also curious, and may fall into his trap o fits own accord.

09-23-2013, 03:29 AM
Sigma's processors whirred as they recorded this new information, figuring a few more sequences of data into Sigma's form-shift code even as it began readying to initiate. However, before that could happen, Sigma had to ready itself for the demon's retaliation.

Light flashed around Sigma as it's secondary processor allowed it to erect a small personal barrier surrounding the orb. The effect was quite smooth; the dog consumed him but was easily kept out by the defensive matrix. As the fog dispersed around the shield, Sigma began to glow brightly, light engulfing it as the android began to change form.

The fetal stage turned to the child phase, orb becoming a small humanoid creature complete with arms, legs, a head and face, and a torso. The child appeared to be wearing a dark red onesie, similar to what most children would wear to bed at its age. With its blonde hair distinctly between short and growing out, it was hard to tell exactly what the gender of the child was. It's large, odd eyes looked around at the fog that encompassed it, no emotion registering.

Still floating as the orb had, Sigma shot sideways attempting to exit Erebus's foglike form before its shield fell. Barring Erebus chasing after it, Sigma's matrix should hold until the moment it broke free.

09-25-2013, 10:37 AM
Rather than chasing the sphere Erebus's ghostly form shrunk back, becoming more solid as it returned to its original size and allowing Sigma to escape. "Truly a creation of humanity." the demon said, examining his foe, "For only they are arrogant enough to design a creation in their own image. And when it turns upon them and tears the flesh from their bones they have a human face to hate and despise. A face they can relate to as they hunt it down and end its brief life to satisfy their own urges. Tell me creature, how did you escape your masters? Did you end their lives, stop their fragile hearts? Or did you flee as the coward does under the cover of night and leave their lives unfulfilled?"

As the demon spoke two more barriers opened up. One between the pair of fighters cutting Erebus off from the experiment. The other appeared opposite the first creating a tube Sigma was trapped within. Erebus looked forward to his plan's end. All of humanity's creations were caged and locked up. In time his weave of barriers would form a cell the light could not escape from and hopefully remind it of years of captivity.

10-01-2013, 03:25 AM
Sigma tilted its head at the demon-creature with a curious expression, half confusion, half child-like amusement.

"Escape? I did not escape. I come before you as their weapon, to destroy whatever I am told to. I am Subject Sigma. This is what I am." Sigma floated aimlessly as the demon constructed his barriers, placing Sigma within a corridor. Smiling crookedly, the experiment slowly made its way towards the left side, making his way out of what might become a trap if he lingered too long.

Energy pulsed within the android as its secondary processor allowed its next move. Shining brightly as the energy gathered, Sigma formed a ball of brilliant light between its hands, colorless light casting stark shadows from its epicenter. Once it was charged, Sigma fired the beam of light straight for where Erebus's voice had come from, heedless of the barrier in the way. Heat and shadow-banishing light burned a path towards his enemy, traveling nearly instantaneously from Sigma's hands once it fired.

Looking up at the rainy sky with a wince, Sigma allowed its vision to readjust before he looked back towards his opponent.