View Full Version : Demon vs. Demonhunter: Jacob the Shade (Jacogos) vs. Scythia Kalta (Cfavano)

09-23-2013, 03:56 AM
Arena: The Proving Grounds
Ruined Battlefield

Jacob the Shade (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=10331&p=437441&viewfull=1#post437441) - Jacogos


Scythia Kalta (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=32258&p=1605140&viewfull=1#post1605140) - Cfavano

Once again, the proprietor of the Proving Grounds had found himself a match where he would be participating. Interestingly enough, this one would be a duel instead of a free for all. Kaizan almost laughed aloud at that. Whatever fool thought they could take on Jacob alone was in for a rude awakening.

Of course, Kaizan had read the woman's dossier. She was a weapon designed just for killing Jacob, if there ever had been one. Her list of daemon-slaying attributes, weaponry, and abilities was astounding. Yet, somehow, Kaizan felt no sense of worry for the shadow demon. He had fought worse than her, to the Avian's knowledge. Though, admittedly, he had had Kaizan's help through some of those fights.

Shaking his head, the winged man stopped his idle thoughts and readied the arena for the two warriors. Jacob would like today's battlefield. The man was far more demonic than he would admit to himself, and this arena would play to that inner bloodlust quite... interestingly. Chuckling, Kaizan pressed the button that would initiate the fight.

The opposing fighters entered the doors into a world completely unlike what they had just saw a moment ago. Before, the dirt field of the Colosseum-esque arena had been a very simple sight. Now, what lay before and around them was... grotesque. A massive battlefield of medieval times lay around them. Well, rather, the AFTERMATH of a battlefield. The smell of blood, human excrement, gore, and who knew what else permeated the air, rising from easily ten thousand or more corpses of slain warriors. Mounds formed where some men had attempted to begin funeral pyres, but it appeared that most have given over after a short while. The stench was easily enough to drive off all but those lacking noses or the most iron-stomached.

Standing 100 yards away from each other, the two warriors would quickly be able to see one another, as no other life was present on this battlefield. None. Not even the crows feasted here, though they flew far overhead. The dead had lain this way for nearly two hours, a fact unknown to them, but it meant even those who had not died right away from the battle had, at this point, closed their eyes for the final time.

Weapons, shields, armor, etc. all litter the ground near where they had fallen from paralyzed or dead fingers. Maimed and mangled bodies are strewn about in different manners depending on the style of death. Those who had been showered with arrows lay further back, still in the ranks they had been marching in when death had come for them. Scattered bodies from cavalry charges, even, straight mounds of bodies indicated where footmen had clashed in an attempt to break each other's ranks.

On this field of death, the two warriors would fight. Amongst the thousands of bodies, one more would be added, unknown and faceless amongst the masses who would be left for the carrion creatures.

In 5 rounds (after we both have posted 5 times, not including this post), a massive, worm-like creature will enter the battlefield, a corpse eater that does not discriminate between living or dead so long as it can eat. It is a tunneler, so it will travel below the ground until it rises up to feast. It will stay for three rounds or until it is slain, at which point the crows will descend in the hundreds to feast upon the remaining corpses.

These will be the only two events during the fight. I will include them into the ending of my posts as applicable.

Let's begin.

09-23-2013, 03:04 PM
Blood, death, decay. All these smells were all too familiar to Scythia. The battlefield of the 41st millennium were a dark and violent place. Looking around, it seems a small skirmish had happened here. She knew not where she was, or how she got here. She instantly felt it, however. The feeling of daemonic taint. Looking at the source, she quickly shoulders her bolter, and unleashes a barrage of the explosive rounds, the special psybolt ammo creating pink coronas as they scythe quickly through the air. Her aim is true and the trajectory is flat as the barrage of psycho-reactive, daemon-killing shots barrel towards Jacob. "Die daemon!"

09-23-2013, 08:23 PM
Jacob's Theme (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzbvcsNPEEE&list=PL4619CDF2FD0D8394)

Jacob found himself amongst the death and carnage of yet another battlefield, though for once he knew he had nothing to do with it. Musing to himself with a small smile, the shadow demon paused for a moment to breathe deeply the sins of mankind, shivering slightly at the vague hint of innocence that tinged the scent. All metaphorically speaking, of course.

Cowled and with hood up, Jacob was a figure of darkness, faceless and nigh formless. The dead wind failed to move his cloak even as he shifted, casting his gaze about the slaughtering grounds. A single form at a distance was all he could distinguish amongst the thousands of bodies, an erect figure that spoke of life amongst death. His shadows immediately homed in on the scent of the living, stretching across the corpse strewn distance between them.

As they closed, Jacob was struck by the odd... 'fuzziness' about the figure. The shadows told him she was human, perhaps, though much else about her was unapparent, a failing that he was unused to with his dark servants.

I've felt this before... Jacob mused. At least, the feeling had been similar. Even his shadows' words were familiar. Not like... Not like... Sends to Other... Hunter... So... yet another of you futuristic demon hunters... Is there a club I don't know about?

Unlike the other one, however, his shadows could get in range of this one without completely freaking out. Jacob wondered to himself which one was the norm: the woman he had fought in the desert or this warrior. He hoped it was this one. She seemed far less potent than her compatriot, though Jacob knew he should know better than to judge on appearance.

Another similar struck him as the battle started without warning. Like her friend, this woman discharged her weapon almost immediately, future-bullets whizzing through the air towards Jacob. Frowning, the Shade immediately dove for the side, avoiding the projectiles and slipping behind a mound of bodies that provided cover for him. He could hear the bullets hit the ground with dull thwips, barely leaving him enough room to be considered 'unharmed'.

"Once again, I find myself in the company of those who want to kill me for what I am... Maybe I should stop dressing so grimly..." Jacob muttered to himself, preparing a spell for use. He would need a distraction to get into close range, where he excelled. Te Kage began to produce a chilly fog, akin to that that flows from a freezer on a warm day.

09-23-2013, 10:01 PM
Scythia begins moving closer, undaunted by her opponent's moving. "To be expected of a daemon." She continues moving forward, some would consider it a slow, but not leisurely pace. She does not seem afraid of him, and the area around her does not seem to disturb her. "I fear you not, daemon. Your existence warrants your destruction." She fires a few snap-shots as she advances, and focuses her mind. She would follow where Jacob dodged with her eyes, and face him. it would be then she would fire her molten beam, an invisible beam of searing heat. The only clue that Jacob would receive is the water in the air rapidly boiling as the beam crosses the atmosphere.

10-01-2013, 03:39 AM
Judge not, lest ye be judged yourself! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGGlENF7dto)

As I thought, the mindless babbling of the self-righteous is ever predictable... Jacob thought bemusedly as his magic charged fully. Her 'muffled' persona made it awkward for his shadows to pinpoint her location, but Jacob was fairly certain he could manage despite the oddity. He decided that she must be wearing something that protected her from mind manipulation or something similar. Tracking her slow movements, Jacob planned his next maneuver.

With a moment to prepare, Jacob leapt about five feet from cover to his left, rolled, and, upon rising, fired off his Ice Shard spell. Three spears of solid and sharpened ice launched from thin air towards the Inquisitor's center mass. It was about then that Jacob realized how lucky he was.

The molten beam sliced through the mound of bodies like butter, flames springing to life as they sought to eat away any flammable substance in the area. He hadn't felt her channel magic, likely due to the fuzziness of her being. He cursed the woman's preparation, but counted his lucky stars that he was still alive to do so. If I had waited just a moment longer... No... no time for if's right now.

Not waiting to see what the shards would do, Jacob began to quickly run towards the Inquisitor, angling his approach slightly to her right so that he wasn't coming straight on. His right hand rest on Kokuou Kotonashi's hilt, readying himself for the offensive.