View Full Version : The Shattered Realms [OOC]
07-01-2010, 11:33 PM
[IC Information]
The sun rose on a new age of the Shattered Realms, a land of a bewildering array of different people, races, cultures, creatures and climes. The 1000-Year control of the Empire of Man has drawn to a close. Their reign of oppression and control, along with law, justice, and order, kept a boot on the throat of all the lesser races of the Realm.
With the last Emperor dying without an heir, a bloody war reduced the Empire to a few bickering baronies. Their civil war has left much of the former Empire uninhabitable. At least until a new, powerful nation can step in and end the armed conflict for the legacy of the greatest empire the lands had ever seen.
In the power vacuum, the oppressed races of the Shattered Realms are able to seize their destiny and fill the void, with only the other burgeoning empires to get in their way. Lizard Folk and Orcs. The mighty Dwarves and other, less volatile Human nations. And all the tribes and factions in between. Which of these tribes will take it upon themselves to become the new law of the land? Nobody has the upper hand to becoming the next superpower. Not yet. Three blue sections are the remains of the old Empire of Man. These three Baronies are still fighting a brutal civil war.
The Shattered Realms
Army and land sizes will start standard across the board, with a small section of touching land and 1 Capital, Along with 81,000 available men (1 Army). This is just a start, as growth is obviously inevitable. Solider types and ranks are entirely customizable within reason. Technology is standard fantasy and magic is present, but rare.
-I’m putting this up now to get the word out and to let people start getting their nations picked and finalized, as well as discuss how things will be run, specifically.
-I am still looking for a good map, so you, the players, might be able to help me. I’m looking for something that is mostly a single continent with several different climate regions, similar to middle earth. A good sized ocean or oceans would be good as well.
-Would players be interested in only the military aspect, or on the whole aspect of running an empire? If it’s the latter, to what extent would there need to be player controlled management.
-How are we going to standardize troop levels? I feel this was a point of contention previous nation rps.
-I’m looking forward to a good, long run with this one and I am eager to hear all the Ideas people have to making this a memorable RP.
Tribe/Nation/Faction Name:
Favored Terrain (Helps select starting location):
Notes on Troops:
Notes on Government:
Et Cetra:
07-02-2010, 12:06 AM
07-02-2010, 12:17 AM
It's a good option, but I'm hoping for a single continent. I like this one a lot, but I think it would be easier to just worry about ground forces for the most part.
This is of course just my opinion, but if people think the multi-continents are better, I can roll with it.
also, the bigger the better.
07-02-2010, 12:32 AM
What about this?
Though that map is awesome.
07-02-2010, 12:39 AM
I really like that one too, Sigma. I think we should go with that one, personally. It's pretty spacious so we'll have plenty of room to mark people and places.
I have to admit that all I use is paint, but it's served me well so far :D.
07-02-2010, 12:42 AM
And I was thinking, would you be ok with me being an invading army from the underworld? or would you prefer something else?
07-02-2010, 01:07 AM
That's alright with me, but I'm fairly dead set on everybody starting on equal footing.
07-02-2010, 01:12 AM
Don't worry, it'll be like a expeditionary force, nothing huge.
07-02-2010, 01:27 AM
I don't like that map that much. Paint will make it, an already fairly crummy-looking map, look crummier. Give me a second to find a one continent map that won't look horrible when all is said and done. I would prefer you just mark borders with jagged grey or black lines and number the nations, with a key to mark which nation is which, rather than try to actually spell them.
07-02-2010, 01:34 AM
Alright Jansen, let's see. I'm still open to more suggestions. I Sigma's for now. I think his is far from crummy, personally.
The faction sheet is up too, fyi.
07-02-2010, 01:35 AM
07-02-2010, 01:40 AM
That one's alright, but Sigma's is bare bones so we can fill in our own cities, see all the terrain, and not have to work around the stylization of the map itself (like the emblem). If you have a more bare-bones version, I would like to consider it.
All in all, the map is more of a means to an end. Once the game starts, I don't really foresee the map being a huge deal, other than showing people relative to other people and marking things like old battles, land sizes and whatever. I think Sigma's works the best, personally.
07-02-2010, 01:42 AM
The fact that it has no remotely Desert-looking terrain is what irks me, because that is my races terrain. Its ALL green, if it lacked color, it would be more flexible.
Here's something.
07-02-2010, 01:44 AM
I would say that area west of the old Empire is a desert.
07-02-2010, 01:47 AM
Correct, there is Desert on the map.
07-02-2010, 01:58 AM
On an unrelated seems like, with your whole "Manpower" and "Units" method, your trying to create an RTS, which isn't up my alley. I'm just saying, if my posts are going to be limited to "Laborers chop wood for one turn, providing 600 Units of lumber" (Over Dramatization), its not really my thing.
I'm thinking more along the lines of the political/military RP I did on the Bethesda boards in which units are controlled through description, though such a thing will be difficult without a map without landmarks or even set cities or capitols.
07-02-2010, 02:40 AM
I wasn't intending the man count to be a set in stone gameplay mechanic that you would have to use to cut wood, gather food or crud like that (unless people wanted that). It was just an illustration on a standard army that people would start with until they expanded their faction's size and standing.
I really just want this to be fun for everybody involved. As long as people are having fun, I frankly don't care too much how things go.
spirits breath
07-02-2010, 03:26 AM
well onto another note, would I be able to take a spot in the mountains by the streams?
I have a few different races that I feel may be able to work. (no elves or gragons an the such, but that is the name for a weapon they will make.)
but yeah, how about bird people that can shift their form into insects, anthro snakes weilding swords and sheilds(sort of) and near raptor like things that use bows and crossbows? dibs by the way.
but for control, perhaps having a few leaders that you post as, like for me my main would be say Lith, who is in charge of main offense. When I go to post, I may use Lith when we are planning to attack.
but normaly for most things I would control hryssar who is the one who sort of represents the nation as a whole. as in what he is doing models the whole nation.(ambassador in a way)
But the supplies would be limited for each area so we would need trade between us all, and since supplies are there, we can just assume that we have it. Though if you live by a forest and go through 4k arrows in a battle, well that forest isn't as large anymore would it? Give things time and it is there.
but in the morning I will have a faction and stuff set up as to my current planning right now.
07-02-2010, 05:24 AM
hmmm, not a bad idea, however i would personally go with more rpg than rts style.
I would use Spirits Breath idea, of 1-4 generals for warring, and 1 leader for diplomacy and everything else.
I'm all set to go as soon as i see what the final map and rules are.
07-02-2010, 05:53 AM
I like this idea, but quick question.
If we build up a capitol, we can have about 81,000,000 people?
07-02-2010, 04:01 PM
I suppose that would depend on weather you wanted such a large population in one place, or have it spread out.
Spirit, not to shoot you down, but your idea doesn't really make sense, mostly because Anthro-Snake isn't even a real word, and because how the hell do RAPTORS carry around crossbows. And shapeshifters are an annoyingly over powered race classification.
My society of desert-dwellers will be made up of the various races one tribe conquered over the years, but the main warrior class will be made up of bipedal reptiles known as the Sekth.
spirits breath
07-02-2010, 04:20 PM
eh, worth a shot. but those were only examples. (seemed like it would work a bit, however since it is in the mountains, birds n such would be dominant, with a few minorities.)
plus mountains make for a good defensive position for ranged assaults, and some other cruel defence mechanisms. and the shape shifting thing is more of a heavy minority. like as in medical sorts of people. They are not combat units. (think medics of starcraft)
the insect thing is to in a sense aid them in a creepy way. but they are also like the minions in movies as well you hit them, it handicaps all of them.
07-02-2010, 04:55 PM
Really....I'm considering dropping out of this RP, since I already have three RP's going and don't want to overextend myself, and it looks like my writing snobbishness will inadvertently make it suck for all of you if I join, because it seems like people are leaning into the unrealistic, and I only allow lack of realism if it can be portrayed properly.
I might see how this goes and try to GM a more structured, PLANNED variant myself, depending on how well people do in this.
07-02-2010, 05:05 PM
I;m actually reconsidering if I want to be an underworld faction. not sure what to be at the moment.
spirits breath
07-03-2010, 03:18 AM
well, since nobody has put one up, I guess I am the first.
Tribe/Nation/Faction Name: Involpian
Race: Aviance
Leader(s): Marianna and Hoskei Selana. queen and king of Involpia.
Volch Hadarai. war master.
Krish Nichen: Strategest.
Tarrick Selana: the main one that will represent the nation as a whole and who I will personally be playing in this RP.
Capital: Raw minerals, main waterway, and some lumber.
Favored Terrain : mountains, forests
Notes on Troops:
mainly raanged fighters who use their ability to fly to aid in chasing down and surrounding opponents. They are quick to target and even quicker to fire. They are usually wearing chainmail on their midsection only. As well as metal claws that go over their talons for enchanced grip on some surfaces. Though it would have to be a slippery surface for much use.
the melee prefered aviance's use a deadly killage sword, which is weighted at the tip of the blade where the most speed is. this is a deadly weapon. however they lack knowledge to make full use of them. their main means of fighting is defensive, with kite sheilds made of wood and a metal core in the center for bashing.
Notes on Government: there is a caste system, which is followed stricktly. It goes
King and Queen
War master and strategist
Soldiers, medics, scribes
townsfolk such as laborers, refugees, and citizens.
Many of these divisions lie in what type of involpian you are.(was sort of leaning on bird people, though there are drawbacks and advantages which will be noted a bit more down this post) While the royalty is often tall eagle looking beings, only a few outsiders are welcome after rites of passage. the stategists are slender black feathered beings resembling crows. The soldiers are mainly different hues of blue-jays, robins, and canaries(what they resemble for ease of describing each) The soldiers can be like the citizens, only wearing armor and having weapons.
Refugies can be of any race, but have to undergo a rite of passage to be accepted.
History: The involpians were at home in the mountains, natural ability of flight and keen eyes allowed for a suitable environment. The first small band of involpians were a small group, just seaking refuge from the harsh lands. While not completely innocent in their escape, some enemies were made, many unheard of.
Setting up the first small camp in the mountains went in a difficult way, buth at least the mountains have a defensive barrier form the outside world. Small expansions and begining of a nation as population expanded, walls of stone was built from the mountain itself. This gave security and helped lead to a golden age.
This golden age was sort lived, as the king and queen both died mysteriously. Chaos ensued and lead to a plague. those ill were imediatly exhiled to die. survivors returned with the cure in their blood.
twelve years have passed since the plague. this is the beginning of a new tale.(que rp)
Et Cetra: the involpians have a few racial features that should be taken into account.
Advantages: 1.)can fly for short periods.
2.) keen eyes have allowed their main weapon of choice be ranged weaponry, ranging from lngbows to repeating crossbows (maybe some hand cannons?)
3.) slender, small built frames/hollow bones: makes then lighter and graceful.
4.) great singing voices
downfalls to above.:
1.)limits them to light, and some medium armors.
2.) melee ins't a big part except in emergencies. They are not highly trained swordsmen as there is nobody to train them further. (they make up for it though)
3.) the bones are easier to break, and they cannot use heavy armor or heavy weapons such as greatswords. (though killages are a favorit among those who enjor using melee over ranged.
4.) no real drawback, but they carry a higher pitched voice when they talk normally.
(alright, i think i got everything. going to bed. will see how it is in morning.)
07-03-2010, 05:02 AM
Ok, I've cganged my mind. I'll be a faction that is a bunch of tribes uniting under a warlord. I'll get my faction sheet up soon.
07-04-2010, 07:46 AM
Tribe/Nation/Faction Name: New Kingdom of Bal'haza
King Gramis Gaius (
General Baldren Frederick (
Commander Leon Frederick (
Commander Audrey Gaius (
War Chief Razak (
Capital: Bal'haza City
Favored Terrain: Forests, plains,
Notes on Troops:
Bal'haza has an all-purpose army, with a variety of troops and weapons. the warrior Drauga fill in as supporting troops in the army, acting as light infantry. however they are more proficient in guerilla warfare.
Gunpowder weaponry has made it's way into the army, however are rather limited to a few companies. the soldiers of bal'haza as well have various types of armor, from light, to heavy, the forces of Bal'haza are prepared to handle almost any enemy.
Notes on Government: Bal'haza is an Monarchy, ruled under the self-proclaimed King, and his selected lieutenants, including his daughter.
After the Empire's fall. the region of Bal'haza was once a beautiful land that was scared by warfare. the local human government had falling, and the land was considered lost to the baronies despite human settlements remaining. fighting had increased between the native Drauga tribes and the few remaining imperial cities. the war would drag on for months until former military general by the name of Gramis Areator, would unite the cities and eventually conquer all the Drauga.
And instead of destroying the tribes, the General made a deal that if they swore loyalty to him and him alone, he would allow them to live and have a place in his New Kingdom. now that the General has united Bal'haza under his grip, he now turns his sights on the Remnants of the Old Empire, and assert his place as the New Emperor.
Coming soon.
spirits breath
07-04-2010, 01:04 PM
guess I wasn't alone on the serpent thing. but hey it was bound to be taken. Though I would have made up a species for this. Now we need a few more factions and then decide who is taken over first. though alliances could always be hard. especially with you since it would mean getting rid of your empire to have an alliance.
07-04-2010, 08:05 PM
Hmm...I think I'll change it a bit. might take out the sepent people and replace it.
spirits breath
07-04-2010, 10:07 PM
but the forest would be awsome ambush places. let alone the satisfaction of eating your downed foes. (I got the thought. imagine yoshi's for an army) we may have lost the battle, but what do we do with these thousands of eggs?
07-04-2010, 10:10 PM
I kinda get this rp, but not enough to join. Is there any chance i can be an assassin for hire by one of the groups, or something like that. Mainly working for the highest bidder. If that is possible, I would love to join this rp, when it gets started
07-05-2010, 03:32 PM
oops. yeah, i meant 81 thousand, not million. Silly mistake. as for citizenry, I'm indifferent. as long as it makes sense with having 81 thousand available soldiers.
I had a crazy 4th of July weekend work wise so I haven't even been able to touch my computer since Thursday or Friday. I'm going to put up some fresh info about setting and how things will be run in the next couple days. Probably Wednesday, depending on work.
07-06-2010, 02:57 AM
Tribe/Nation/Faction Name: Atropos Aigle (Inevitable Light)
Race: Elves
King/Queen = Lord Rothen/ Lady Sonea
Diplomat = Prince Tayend
Head Warrior = Prince Balken
Capital: City of Light
Favored Terrain : Forests mostly, and a little open plains
Notes on Troops:
Mostly Ranged Untis, they use special recurve long bows made out of wood that they carve from the oldest trees in the forest.
They prefer light armor, but can wear medium plate mail when required. They refuse heavy armor as it slows them down.
They are elves, so they are faster than most humans, and other species.
They use this to thier advantage with special spear staffs. It is a wooden staff, with 2 short hand sized blades curved in opposite directions.
They are not the greatest fighters, but are excellent strategists, they use thier genius to plan ambushes and the like to kill the opponent quietly and quickly.
Notes on Government:
A Democratic nation, the elves gather to pick a leader only if the old one dies, or it is decided that he/she is no longer fit to rule. The gathering is usually a time of joy and celebration.
Elf leaders tend to be more serious than the regular elf, and rarely laugh or smile. On the other hand, they are capable of manipulating others to do what they want.
The elves came from across the great sea. Thier ships dropped them off, then sailed away without them, never to be seen again. When elves first settled into this land, they minded thier own business, and stayed among the forests. However thier population soon grew to a point where they were forced to move from the sacred forests and live among the many species native to this land. They are a very enthusiastic people, always quick to tell a joke, however in battle they are unmatched in thier ability to outmanuver the enemy.
For the last decade they have watched the world disinigrate into nothing but chaos and death. They continued to stay out of the fighting until one day when some farmers but down some trees in the forest. Now usually they would forgive such an act, after all, humans use wood for building, and it was common practice to cut down small weak trees. However the humans traveled far into the forest, on trails well known to the elves, and cut down one of the elder trees. (trees that stood for more than 100 years) The elves killed the humans in thier fury and marched on to war.
spirits breath
07-06-2010, 03:48 AM
guess i am not the only ranged lover now.
but I do say, running wont do you any good when you come to my defenses. just don't stral the mayan treasure. thats your hint. though you may have to come with one or two elves or mr. handsomes army. may have to check for numbers. though considering the aspect that birds give off maybe 3 eggs as an estimate, the population would be higher than that of elves. but not too high since there is a carrying capacity that woud kill some off if it is too high.
and assasins hmm... not sure if i would have my armies go with that of hired swords/marksmen. though paying for further melee training would be useful. then the killage swords will do as vlad the impaler had intended on them doing.
for those who don't know, he loved killing, was brutal in it. He would near kill you, only to shove a sharpened pike in your rear and prop you up. his sword(as on deadlyest warrior) can cut a pig in half, in one swing.
*devilish grin* pigs are closest to humans. which are closer to elves. Zelli...
07-06-2010, 04:40 AM
lol, very funny spirit......but are you forgetting that elves are faster than normal humans.....oh i think you are
spirits breath
07-06-2010, 01:25 PM
not human. ( i think I finished your sentence) h If I may just remind you that they are sort of bird people. the swords would probly go through them just as easy as anything else. But while they aren't strong they have other things which makes up for thhat disability.
course people who can fly and peck your brains out would have a downside. to fly, they have hollow bones. the heavyest one would prbly be like 90 pounds. easy for medics to get them out of there.
man it is good we know eachother, otherwise this wouldn't be as light hearted.
( hmm now we need a few more factions. then let some, unknown unfold)
07-07-2010, 12:55 AM
agreed lol, thx for finishing that :p my computer died.........
spirits breath
07-07-2010, 02:12 AM
more like your parents caught ya. but back on topic. i think i may have to fix mine up a little when I get the chance to. kind of a quick post here then have to respond elsewhere.
but who knows?
I hear feathers are a nice trade because of the vibrant colors and rich fat people who feel they need it for a dress.
so comodities. plus all the other services that can be done by them.
07-07-2010, 04:24 AM
It's finally ready. is it ok?
07-08-2010, 11:24 PM
I just have to say that my life attacked me out of nowhere the past couple weeks so my time for rp writing has been reduced to zero. If somebody else wants to take this one over, go right ahead. I'm probably going to be indisposed for a few weeks until I can get settled down again.
07-10-2010, 01:28 AM
i'll take over if you all want.....i got nothing better to do, outa work for few weeks, long story not for here........
07-10-2010, 01:31 AM
Should an entirely new OOC thread be made then? so it'll be easier for you to edit the map. that is if you want to keep the map.
07-12-2010, 03:48 PM
yeah, give me a day or two to create the new post.....And yes, I like that map and will keep it.
07-13-2010, 02:39 AM
I've been a big fan of Elder Scrolls, and different writings, including fantasy. I've done my share of War RP's, "non-genre RP's", and adventure RP's.
I've been noticing the faction sheet stuff. Regardless if it is an adventure RP or a war type one, or a mix, I'd be happy to take part. I've got some skill. I'm not new to RPing.
I'll help you bring this from the grave. I've got experience in the aspects of RPing listed above. I've got some history experience as well. Here is a good guide you guys can use:
Let's roll boys.
07-13-2010, 02:43 AM
Also, make sure the actual cities are on the map.
I've decided I will take more of a Persian-Egyptian-Turkish mix race. Tan skinned, nomadic and such. Should be good fun.
So what is the huge problem here? I can help.
07-13-2010, 02:06 PM
I'm making a new thread post since the GM left, and I"m gonna get an admin to recycle this one
spirits breath
07-13-2010, 03:25 PM
your call, though we may have to try and make this a bit more appealing to a wider range of people.
maybe add a few npc factions in to just make a little mayhem, as well as I may have to try and make my own little society. you know, a couple races with their own feilds of adantages over the other. though there are still weaknesses to counter them.
07-14-2010, 02:12 AM
Add a story to it. Actual city locations, etc.
Question; why not just keep this thread instead of making a new one? You already have some interested parties here
07-14-2010, 04:20 AM
I suppose I could do that Naz, was just thinking it would be easier to arrange faction sheets to beggining of thread as GM...
Also, I can't edit anything on the first page which is the most since u are here :p wanna recycle naz?
PM me know when you are ready wiht the new OOC, and I will recycle this one for you. That way you guys can still discuss things here until you are ready.
07-14-2010, 12:20 PM
I'm ready if everyone else is, thanks naz.....
07-15-2010, 02:10 AM
Lets roll
08-04-2010, 03:45 AM
Is this still open?
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