View Full Version : [R]Mass Effect: Ghostly Shadows

07-04-2010, 08:07 AM

rated R for violence, gore, sex, drugs, nudity, and other situations that would exist in a criminal underworld

The year is 2183. In the galaxies darkest hour, a beacon of hope shone at the Citadel, glaring defiantly at the form of impending death and doom. That beacon came from a place no one had expected: humanity. Commander Sheperd and his crew saved the Citadel and rescued the Council, destroying Sovereign and Saren in the process. From that point forth, humanity was included in the Council.

Months later, tragedy struck when the galactic news reported that the SSV Normandy was destroyed, and the iconic hero of the Citadel, the image of humanity to the aliens, the face of law and justice in the galaxy was killed in action. The galaxy mourned, but the big machine never stops moving, and every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

With the death of Commander Sheperd, lawlessness erupted across the galaxy. The worst of it being in the Terminus systems, but pirates, mercenaries, and slavers expand further out into Citadel space, attacking colonies without discrimination. There are also reports of entire human colonies going quiet overnight. Councilor Anderson and the Alliance Brass feared the worst, and the Council wasn't doing anything about it. So humanity adapted, and decided to fight fire with fire.

The Alliance formed a special tasks group behind closed doors, away from the eyes of the public, away from the scrutiny of the Council. Specialists from any race, religion, and background that had the skills needed for such a task were given an encrypted message. A call to action that never officially existed.

Their objective is simple: take the fight to the lawless and hinder their activity. That means attacking their supply routes, their rackets, their leaders, and their suppliers. There were no promises, only that it would get ugly very quickly.

Compared to the achievements and sacrifices of Commander Sheperd, the actions of this special tasks force may seem insignificant, but as they are taught in basic weapons training: every action has an equal and opposite reaction, and that everyone can make a difference.

Each individual will have been contacted in some way, shape, or form, by the human representative in charge of the entire operation, the shadow brass of the Alliance Military. They have been called for a reason, and that reason is that the individuals in charge believe that the people they have chosen are the best the galaxy has to offer for an operation of this kind. They cannot falter, and they cannot fail, but if they die, no one will ever know they existed. They were like Ghosts, so that is what they were called.

Ghostly Shadows

Adept: Adepts are the ultimate biotic, able to affect the physical world with the power of the mind. Adepts are durable and powerful manipulators of mass effect fields; they can use biotics to violently manipulate objects in the environment, including nearby enemy targets. Adepts only wear light armor.

Soldier: Soldiers are tough individuals capable of using any type of armor and any type of weapon. They are combat specialists and are able to handle any situation.

Engineer: Engineers are tech specialists, able to quickly and easily manipulate the environment with specific talents, and repair or modify technical equipment. They are also capable hackers. Engineers can only use light armor.

Vanguard: Vanguards are a combination of Adepts and Soldiers. They are frontline warriors capable of utilizing most weapons and they have an array of biotic powers at their disposal. They usually wear medium armor.

Sentinel: Sentinels are a combination of Adepts and Engineers. They use their powers to support the team by controlling the battlefield. Disabling enemies and hacking drones. The sentinel uses light weapons and armor.

Infiltrator: Infiltrators are a combination of the Soldiers and the Engineers. These tech warriors excel at recon and fighting off enemies from a distance. They specialize in long distance weaponry and usually wears light armor. Though they can also use medium.

In addition. You can also choose a specialization class. They can fit together or be complete opposites of each other (Example of two fitting together: Engineer and Machinist. Example of the opposite: Soldier and Agent):

Medic: Trained in all species physiology and healing.

Agent: Masters of reconnaissance and gathering information.

Machinist: Understanding of ships, mechs and synthetics.

Scientist: Understanding of electronics and medicine.

Commando: Trained in using lethal efficiency and precision strikes rather than brute force to take out an enemy.

Shock Trooper: Highly trained killing machines, Shock Troopers excel in all combat situations.

Operative: Operatives are masters at manipulating their environment to maximum advantage.

Battle Master (Krogan only): Tough, disciplined, well-armed, and biotically gifted. Battle Masters regard killing as a science and focus on developing economy of motion which allow them to maximize the advantage gained from their incredible strength in battle.

Ability wise, You can use the abilities in game and make some up, as long as they aren't ungodly powerful of course.

Character Skeleton:


Name of Character:









Appearance: (You can either post a picture, make a description of your appearance. Or combine the two.)
Weapons Armor and Gear:

Other: (Any other relevant information.)

07-04-2010, 08:20 AM
Username: StormWolf

Name of Character: Nathaniel Wolfe

Race: Human – enhanced -

Gender: Macho man

Age: mid-to-late twenties

Class: Soldier

Specialization: Commando

Strengths/Abilities: Commander Wolfe’s greatest strength lie in the fact that his body has been made in to a weapon. His bones coated in nano-carbon fibers, his skin interweaved with the same tough material as well as neural pulse enhancers on key points on his body to increase reaction time and accuracy. His body has also been genetically tailored so that his organics parts can match the mechanical implants and replacements perfectly to allow complete synergy. His mechanical eyes are implanted with ocular synaptic processors that allow him to focus on targets with lethal accuracy. He has overall enhanced strength, reflexes, durability, and survivability due to his various bionic implants, replacements, and genetic enhancements.

Though, behind the body is the mind, and that is what really counts. Commander Wolfe graduated Special Forces OCS with the highest scores in his class. He is a combative genius with near a decade of experience in special operations. His time in the custody of slavers has allowed him to memorize their operands mirandi, allowing him to predict their movements and strike preemptively at their ships. He is also a ruthless leader with an iron-clad determination. His engrained sense of worthlessness causes him to be selfless, and at times, heroically reckless.

Hardened Adrenaline Rush
Inferno Ammo
Inferno Grenade
Disruptor Ammo
Concussive Shot
Warp Ammo
Interrogation training (giving and receiving)
Adept is psychology (knows how to find weak spots in people’s psyche and pick them apart)
Charismatic Leadership

Personality: Nathaniel Wolfe was never an easy person to read. He is ruthlessly determined, willing to get the job done, even if it meant sacrificing his own life. Holding little self-worth, Nathan makes a near-perfect soldier; putting his team, his mission, and the rest of the greater good before himself. Nathan has a hardened and remorseless sense of justice, his superiors saying that he usually does the right thing, but doing it in the wrong way. Very cynnical towards issues of government and religeon.

Bio: Born and raised on a backwater planet with harsh conditions and ruthless indiginous wildlife, Nathan grew up knowing how to use a knife and a wide array of guns. The planet was besieged by batarian and vorchan raiders. Those who were not killed were taken as slaves for sale or worse.

Nathan was fifteen at the time. He was able to elude and outsmart the raiders for the better part of three months, but he couldn't keep running forever. He got caught. In slavery, Nathan learned the harder and darker side of life, as well as getting some sense of selflessness drilled into him by rod and lash.

When Nathan was eighteen, an Alliance patrol picked him up after boarding the slaver ship and killed the raiders. Nathan wished to sign up immediately in the Alliance Military.

From then on, Nathan devoted himself fully to what was now his job, becoming a decorated hero of the Skyllian Blitz, even if he is surrounded by controvercy on his actions that lead to victory. Wolfe was a candidate for becoming a Spectre, but the position was given to Shapherd due to his less-bloody record and more-agreeable attitude.

In the battle of the Citadel, Nathan suffered several severe injuries. His spine was severed due to being thrown into a wall by an explosion that also took his eyes, right arm, and left leg. He also suffered great deal of trauma and fractures to his skull. The splintering done to his bones by the wreckage caused many organs to become lacerated, the most severe was his heart. From time to time, he still has small fits in his chest, leaving him short of breath and lightheaded. Thankfully, this is a side-effect of his adreanaline boosts, and so these fits do not (usually) happen in combat.

The Alliance and the Citadel chipped in enough credits to have Nathan repaired with the best doctors and tools credits can buy. Now returning to Active Duty, Commander Wolfe has been given charge of this crucial mission. To further improve his combat effectiveness, Nathan was subject to intense genetic alteration and therapy, making him something more than human.

Appearance: http://i491.photobucket.com/albums/rr278/steffi09_BVB/Til_Schweiger_929_02.jpg
Commander Nathaniel Wolfe has been reconstructed from the remains recovered from the Citadel. His eyes are mechanical, though he has false lenses that represent his original eyes. When in the dark, combat situations, or high stress (negative stress) situations, the mechanical eyes glow through the false lenses, making his pupils glow bright red, giving him an unsettling appearance. He also as a collection of scars on his face; on the right side he has a scar over his left eyebrow (where the cut is in the pic), one over his lip, a scar on his cheek that stretches to his ear, and one that goes follows his jawbone on the underside of his head. On the left side of his face he is one large and jagged scar in a rough crescent shape.
Weapons, Armor, and Gear:
Armor: Commander Wolfe wears a new Special Forces model of the N7 armor, specially tailored to his modified physiology. The armor is outfitted with a number of micro-gyros and servo motors that allow the wearer to perform past maximum capacity for a short period of time, until either the host or the suit burns itself out. Wolfe’s armor also has an enhanced adrenal booster that can increase the performance of the user for a short period of time. http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100218222908/masseffect/images/9/99/N7Armor.png
Offering increased protection where it's needed most, Rosenkov Materials' proprietary coating process increases stopping power of standard ceramic armor.
Kassa Fabrication's line of elite personal protection equipment includes a series of interlocking ceramic plates covered in a proprietary tungsten alloy weave for maximum stopping power.
Off-hand Ammo pack: a simple but popular modification to the armor that allows extra storage of heat syncs, especially popular with Commandos for longer missions where ammunition will be scarce in the field.
Weapons: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100207194522/masseffect/images/5/59/Revenant.jpg
Unlike the standard M-76, the M-76A2 has been given an advanced barrel with more tightly packed particle accelerators, allowing for greater accuracy. The weapon has also been outfitted with a multi-use underslung launcher that can fire projectiles ranged from concussive rounds to inferno grenades. A more simple modification is the multiple firing modes: single shot, four shot burst, or full auto

Other: Commander Wolfe is the ranking officer of the ship and the leader of the crew.


07-04-2010, 10:03 AM
Username: Dr.Helios

Name of Character: Lucinda (Lucy) Wren

Race: Human (Biotic)

Gender: Female

Age: Twenty four

Class: Adept

Specialization: Nemesis

Strengths/Abilities: Lucy Wren has since his childhood been considered as a very promising biotic, especially by human standards. The force exerted by her mass effect fields is at the top end of the spectrum as is her ability to recover and reuse her abilities in an efficient time. Lucy’s trump card has always been her warp which is as powerful as has been seen in a human without the grim experimentation of project zero or the genetic engineering of Miranda Lawson. Lucy’s weakness however lies in her barrier which is distinctly average when compared to other biotics in military service. Outside of her biotic abilities Lucy is experienced soldier able to read a battlefield well and exploit any weaknesses she can find in the enemy.

Heavy Warp
Heavy throw
Warp Ammo
Combat experience

Personality: Lucy Wren is a vocal woman who wears her heart on her sleeve and will say what she thinks leaving others to deal with it in their own way. She has seen nearley all of the horrors of humanity in her relatively short life. She is accustomed to levels of violence and acts of evil others would find abhorrent which as a result don’t faze her. She is a supportive woman who will do anything to help her comrades and can be a suitable shoulder to cry on when the need arises, she can be empathetic but sometimes overly direct with her opinions. Wren is envious of her squad leaders as she feels that he should be in a leadership position but she will need to be pushed to the limit of her tolerance for her commander for this to become apparent. Lucy is also not apposed to using her looks and seduction to get what she wants from people no matter their sex or race.

Bio: Wren was born in Adelaide Australia on earth in abject poverty; Wren stole, cheated, killed and even resorted to prostitution so that she could survive her upbringing. Lucy’s discovery of her biotic abilities changed her life as she was drafted and put into intense training by the alliance military. Wren complied as best as possible becoming a model soldier and rose through the minor ranks relatively quickly within the Alliance military. After a fling with a sergeant on her ship Lucy was discharged, at this point Cerberus offered her a job as an operative in a clandestine cell focused on high level assassinations. After a decorated career with Cerberus Wren was reinstated by the Alliance after giving information on her old cell. Lucy is now ready for a new challenge



Lucy Wren is a very attractive woman which she uses to her advantage at every opportunity. Lucy is a red head with china skin and emerald green eyes . She is of average height and is lean with tight compact muscles like an athlete. Lucy has a Blood Dragons tattoo on the small of her back.

Weapons, Armor, and Gear:
Lucy wears a full replica Blood Dragon suit of armour customized for her use by a replacing the red on the armour with blue. Lucy goes helmetless into battle.


M-6 Cranifex Hand Cannon
M-3 Predator

Other: Luc’s older sister was a combatant in the EUCC before dying of disease, Benjamin wears her armour in her memory.

07-04-2010, 05:32 PM
Username: TheDashingRogue

Name of Character: Kaleis'Vael Nar Kharon (Kal)

Race: Quarian

Gender: Male

Age: 30-35 (race equivalent as Quarian lifespan is not defined in Mass Effect lore)

Class: Engineer

Specialization: Operative

Strengths/Abilities: As a Quarian, Kal has the natural technological familiarity that is stereotypical of the space-faring race. Subsequent training and practice with machines and devices from the many years spent as a youth repairing and maintaining just a few of the Migrant Fleet's innumerable systems have resulted in a well-honed and focused engineer. He is also proficient in computer systems, able to bypass and supercede simple to intermediate systems, but lacks the extent of skill that a specialist might have.

His major strength, however, is in the practice of demolitions. Able to apply the logical reasoning and systematic knowledge of a mechanist, Kal will more often than not be able to find a way round a bulkhead door, sabotage a vital system or even damage the infrastructure of a base to some extent. Anti-personnel/vehicle traps are also not beyond his expertise and many rudimentary devices have been made to catch the unsuspecting mercenary or careless adversary off guard.

Support Drone
AI Hacking
Detonate (for explosive devices)
Demolitions training

Personality: Kaleis is a practical Quarian, hailing from a society where frivolity is a cultural taboo, he is never one to waste a situation or advantage and frowns upon unecessary actions. Utilitarian in his actions and considers himself to be somewhat of an artist. Unfortunately, most of the time this "art" is short lived and somewhat volatile and Kaleis is prone to seek out the more substantial and full solution; why waste an opportunity to achieve more?

As a Quarian he is rather diminuative compared to other races, dwarfed even by some humans, and is even considered to be short by his own race. He is very sensitive about his height.

Bio: Born on the ship Kharon to a family of low-grade maintenance staff, Kaleis developed an affinity for technology. Ever so often, however, one Quarian citizen behaves in a manner where there continued existance on the migrant fleet poses a potential problem. Experimenting with some fuel cells in the propulsion drive area of the Kharon, Kal decided to see the resistance levels of some spare core parts. This resulted in significant and temporarily crippling damage to the drive and he was swiftly detained.

Fortunately, due to his young age, Kaleis was treated "softly" by his peers and was deposited onto the nearest planet in the system close to a sizeable Turian colony. For many years he honed his skills and served the colonists in payment for their hospitality. Once he had managed to save up enough credits, Kal began to set about making a name for himself and finding a way back aboard his people's fleet. Such a goal was, however, foolhardy and nigh-impossible, but he continued nonetheless.

Enrolling as a low-grade mercenary on the nearest station, Kal began to partake in a long string of missions. He became somewhat renowned for his short demeanour, explosive temper and volatile tactics. Like most overconfident mercenaries, Kaleis soon began to seek ever higher profits and began to operate on his own. Working for several Corporate installations, he gave advice on defensive practices and structural weaknesses that he would exploit should he be seeking to damage their business.

Like all good opportunists, Kaleis saw the advantage of not revealing all that he knew, and took the opportunity presented to him to leave perhaps one or two chinks in the Corporate armour should he ever have to exploit them at some point. In the case of Orellan-Tarsis Munitions, it was a simple case of crawling through half a mile of unguarded fumigation vents to carry out major damage to the facility whilst the heavily guarded front entrance remained oblivious to his actions.

Usually avoiding Government contracts from any of the major Citadel races, Kaleis is willing to accept the job offer from Cerberus, partly due to its seperation from Government protocol and partly for the quite considerable paycheque.

Appearance: N/A

Weapons Armor and Gear:

Weapons: Kal's primary weapon is the M9 Tempest Submachine gun, so favoured because of its compact size, light weight and ability to be used in otherwise cramped environments. The aesthetic enhancement of yellow and black hazard markings applied by Kal is (he will say) a form of crude humour.

Armour: As a second skin to all Quarians, their environmental suit is one of the few means that they can express their individuality over others of their race. Kal's armour sports enhanced Toxic Seals and Shock Absorbers, both implemented to limit potential damage from the enemy's actions as much as his own. An ordnance belt is used to house his "tools of the trade" along with a remote timer/detonator. Several aesthetic enhancements are also present, including status lights between sections, indicating structural integrity, several spikes on the right pauldron for psychological intimidation (supposedly), an enlarged left shoulder pauldron, his professional insignia and double-tinted visor. Despite these enhancements, however, this armour is still of just light strength.
Gear: In addition to conventional weapons, Kal makes heavy use of explosive ordnance and chemical weapons. Explosive detonation charges, thermite paste, proximity mines and grenades of a chemical and incendiary variety are attached primarily to the back and sides of the belt and on the lower back of the armour.
Fitted with a small mass-effect field, this drone has been handbuilt by Kal to assist him with repairs, technical tasks, logistics and reconaissance. It has two modes, the first is a folded and unoperational state for storage and transport and the second is the operational and functional mode when the need arises for its assistance. It is, of course, not equipped with Artificial Intelligence, but merely a significant list of simple pre-programmed functions and situational response. Not equipped with any purposeful offensive devices, instead fielding various tools and operating equipment.

80cmx100cmx80cm (Unfolded)
50cmx50cmx50cm (Folded)


07-04-2010, 07:18 PM
helios and rogue are accepted

Lord Tully
07-04-2010, 08:06 PM
Username:Sir Hatless

Name of Character: Rana

Race: Asari

Gender: Female? (Aren't Asari sort of their own gender?)

Age: 242

Class: Vanguard
specialization: Shock Trooper

Strengths/Abilities: Sort of a Glass Cannon, Rana is vert adept at using her biotics as an offensive weapon with Warp, and throwing attacks, coupled with her skill with shotguns and SMGs make her absolutly deadly in close quarters. BUT her concentration with offensive biotics is to the hinderence of powers like Barrier, and because Rana prefers lighter armor she's quite vulnerable to enemy fire then you're average soldier. But the damage she can do more then makes up for it (At least that's her opinion)

Personality: Slightly unpredictable, on any given day (Assuming she isn't being shot at that day) Rana can go from being extremely friendly to wanting to launch you into the upper atmosphere in the time of a few seconds. No matter how she feels about them she is unerringly loyal to her comrades especially to her friends.

Bio: Rana was born in a small city on an Asari colony planet, but quickly got the attention of the military when she started to exhibit extraordinary biotic powers. She was trained as a warrior by strict Turian drill sergeants and Asari commandos and was often tested by being dropped in live fire zone with nothing but a pistol and her biotics for defence. Time and time again she impressed her teachers and eventually broke free from all the rules of military life and became a mercenary.

Appearance: Rana is like most Asari, she has dark blue skin color, with lighter spots covering her skin and white facial markings that run in long straight lines from the edges of her face to the back of her head. She also has two lines that start from just above her eyebrows, run over her eye lids down ("All the way down" she claims, but that's just a rumor to make young Alliance Ensigns blush [it's quite funny], in reality they stop just below her collar bone)

Weapons Armor and Gear: Rana prefers to use older models of weapons without the thermal mag design, and even special orders weapons to be modded with the older design.

Other: Her training with Turian instructors has also made Rana skilled with Sniper rifles, but she close to never uses them.

07-04-2010, 08:48 PM
accepted hatless

07-04-2010, 10:20 PM

07-04-2010, 10:23 PM
This is a bit raw, haven't gone through it a third time. I just really wanted to have a place in this rp. :D Will be adding appearance in a little while.

Username: Oishii

Name of Character:Kate Fury





Specialization: Operative

Strengths/Abilities: Kate is quick to react, make decisions, and move on her feet. Besides her adept skill as a biotic, she is a very reliable soldier and can be expected to complete her tasks if not easily than creatively.

Her preferred powers are Singularity and Shockwave.

Personality:Loyalty and Honor are traits favored by Kate and she stands as a shining example. Though at times she can bring down a righteous flame of fury and ire to those who are corrupt or disloyal. Once her good opinion is lost on someone, it's a very trying if not impossible thing to regain. She's no push over, but is willing to listen to reason if reason doesn't come too slowly.

Bio:Kate was born on Earth. She was a very sickly child and anything but adept. When she was 8 years old, Kate was diagnosed with a rare kind of brain cancer. Technology at the time could fix the problem, but it was still very risky and there were chances that she would become paralyzed or lose motor functions because of the location and size of the tumor. At this time the Alliance was looking for candidates to try a new prototype biotic implant called the L7. An alliance stumbled upon Kate's medical situation and approached her parents and physicians. He promised that if he could implant the L7, which would alongside expose her to a certain amount of element zero therefore ultimately turning this young girl into a biotic, that any chance of deterioration from the cancer would be reduced to zero. After a lot of negotiation, graphs, and contracts, Kate's parents agreed, believing that their child deserved a chance to live a more healthy and complete life.
The L7 implant made her see things... but she lived and was a very powerful biotic. Then on she lived the gist of her life under the influence and control of the alliance. Training and serving in junior squads, until she was old enough to be shipped out as a full blown private in the Alliance. She was a proud soldier and more recently has served as sort of a freelance, not belonging to any one unit, yet always staying loyal and resolved on every assignment.

http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s272/MutantMix/kfury.jpgKate has green eyes and stands at 5' 5".

Heavy Pistol: DL42 Volkov Special (The bottom pistol)
Clip: 20
Submachine Gun: M-12 Tempest (The blue gun in the middle)
Clip: 50

Armor: A full suit of Bastion Light Armor: A suit build and specifically designed to work alongside her L7 implants, including a specific bio-amp and omni-tool.

07-04-2010, 10:30 PM
Innkeeper: first off, I take minor offense at you not even trying to adapt your character to the provided character skeleton, you just dragged and dropped a character from another rp in to mine. Not okay.

Second: this is a military operation, 14 is too young, not even able to lie about being 18 to join.

Third: the weapons, history, and just about everything has no congruity with Mass Effect whatsoever. So no, your character is not accepted.

Oishii: accepted. looks good. just get that picture up

07-04-2010, 10:34 PM
Storm's quarian at your service *bows* I will get a sheet up tonight~



07-04-2010, 10:35 PM
Sorry Sorry, I really don't have much history on Mass effect. I just wanted to try it out and am jsut hunting out rps to see what this place is like. And as well, My character was personally made by me, not just picked up from another rp. I will take the time to make a new character, and post it up. Sorry for any insult

07-04-2010, 10:39 PM
its fine. i suggest you read the Mass Effect Wiki and brush up on the story, if you really want to play. Get a lay of the land before you charge in head first. Step on a lot less toes that way.

07-04-2010, 10:52 PM
double posting is bad!

notice: at the bottom of my character sheet, I have posted a picture of our ship

07-04-2010, 11:00 PM
Username: Gunnison

Name of Character: Gylon
(full name is far too long, I might add later once I can actually formulate a realistic one. For those that don't know, Salarians have names that comprise of around 13 seperate names)

Race: Salarian

Gender: Male

Age: 28 standard galactic years (average salarian lives to around 40)

Class: Infiltrator

Specialization: Commando



Tactical Cloak



Increased Metabolism (Salarian metabolism means that reaction times are much better than other races. This translates into many different things, ranging from the speed of a retort in a heated conversation on galactic politics, to placing that second shot into the head of a falling target. It also allows Salarians to operate on just 1 hour of sleep a day, allowing for 23 hour activity and the advantages that this brings.)

Personality: Gylon is a quick witted individual who, with the nature of his employment, is a divisive and manipulative personality. Although seemingly cold in his approach to many things, Gylon still has his morality (unlike others in his profession) and so he must decide what path best suits his moral values.

Bio: A former member of a Salarian STG, Gylon served for most of his time in the Terminus system as an Intelligence Officer, where he undertook a wide variety of different missions, ranging from intelligence gathering to target elimination. Working within the STG, Gylon was granted the role of designated Marksmen in his task force, a role that he enjoyed for both its difficulties and its complexities.

After almost a decade serving under the command of the Terminus STG, Gylon had become something of an expert in the art of marksmanship and infiltration, utilising his fast reactions and problem solving capabilities to great effect. Not only in combat is this racial trait useful, but also for such things as decryption, where the ability to process large amounts of code in a short period of time is essential. Decryption became an essential part of Gylon’s role in the STG and so this too is an area where he is well versed.

However life in the STG was starting to wear down Gylon. Being restricted in his actions and having the burden of a military chain of command ensuring every part of his daily routine was pre-planned, he wanted more freedom and adventure, at least while he was young. So Gylon posted his request to be discharged to Central Command in the hope that it would be accepted. However it would take a further year for Central to approve this request, a year that was to be Gylon’s toughest in the task-force. Being granted an honourable discharge, Gylon sought employment as a mercenary for various figures in and both Terminus and Citadel space.

Gylon’s services remain similar to that of his STG days; intelligence gathering, investigation and the odd target elimination if the pay was sufficient. However, in times gone by, figures such as Shepard made things difficult for Gylon. People were more wary than ever about whom they hired and many had disappeared, some through death, others through attempting to hide from the reach of the SPECTREs. With Shepard gone, the Galaxy was entering a new stage of lawlessness. With large scale organised crime reaching into Citadel space, the balance of the Galaxy was awry and the scales of order and chaos were tipping far towards chaos. With an offer that, for the sake of his future, he could not refuse, Gylon now hoped to be part of a group that would restore balance to the galaxy, maybe then his troubles would be over.





The Viper is Gylon's favoured weapon of choice. Its fast rate of fire and pin point accuracy allows the weapon to be used not only in a designated marksman role, but also as a carbine of sorts, something that would be far more difficult with a slower rate of fire. The Viper is a versatile weapon, capable of long to medium range combat.


The Shuriken is Gylon's weapon of last resort. Using the Viper for most operations, the Shuriken is kept for the closest of battles. It's fast rate of fire and burst action means that purely for shots placed on target, the Shuriken at close range can be a deadly weapon.


Manufactured by Salarian-owned Khas Systems, the STS-7 utilizes a special polymer coating that enhances stealth capabilities, providing both visual and kinetic protection to the user. Being medium armour, the STS relies on the kinetic shielding to provide most of the protection to the user. The suit has the protection that a medium suit of armour provides, however it also relies on shielding (in the form of multi-layered kinetic barriers) to provide protection for the first crucial moments of impact, allowing the user to react to the threat in time.

07-04-2010, 11:08 PM
accepted, welcome aboard

07-04-2010, 11:14 PM
Thanks Storm, can't wait to get the ball rolling. Anything that needs changing on my CS just say the word.

07-04-2010, 11:31 PM
Ok my character now has an appearance. :D

Atrum Daemon
07-04-2010, 11:32 PM
Username: Atrum Daemon

Name of Character: Conrad Krauss

Race: Human (enhanced)

Gender: Male

Age: 32

Class: Infiltrator

Specialization: Agent

Disruptor Ammo
AI Hacking
Tactical Cloak
Close-quarters expert
Stealth expert
Information gatherer

In addition to these, Conrad is a masterful liar

Personality: Conrad is about what you’d expect of a man who has spent a chunk of his life within the inner-workings of deep special ops programs. He is calculating, analytical, a bit cold at times, and not one to give his trust easily. Despite all this, he is a generally open and pleasant-enough person who is willing to engage in casual talk. His trained ability to seem like many things makes Conrad a very hard man to read

Bio: Conrad was born Earth-side and raised in a family with a strong military backbone. He was a very bright kid, but had the bad luck of falling in with the wrong types of people. He took a part-time job at a restaurant during high school and ended up getting involved with an organized crime syndicate. It was there he got to use the combat skills his father and grandfather had taught him to help the owners of the restaurant. He made a good bit of change and caught his first taste of killing by the time he was eighteen and ready to enlist at his father’s urging.

Conrad did very well in his academy days, enough that he was snatched up by a branch of the Alliance military that doesn’t officially exist. All of Conrad’s service and mission records are filled with gaps and misinformation due to the sensitivity of his work. Officially, Conrad is a lieutenant-colonel in the Alliance Intelligence offices, conducting high-level investigation and information gathering. His true work calls for this as well, but at a much higher and more volatile level. His missions have taken him to many places across the galaxy, but the majority of those missions have been buried by the top Alliance brass.

Using the money he made from his work, Conrad had modifications made to his body (covered in appearance). He has also paid for reconstructive surgery to his face to throw off the enemies he has made and has had some minor genetic work done, mainly alterations to cell reproduction to heal lacerations faster. All of these, with the exception of certain bone replacements, were paid for out of Conrad’s own funds.

Conrad’s undeniable effectiveness and his expertise in information gathering and stealth along with his many, many shady connections put him on the list of candidates for the newest mission. To Conrad, this will be just another day in the life.


Conrad has had several modifications made to his body to suit his needs. He had his eyes replaced with bionics geared toward targeting accuracy and scanning for physical weaknesses in enemies (things like pre-existing injuries to be exploited). As such, his eyes are obviously mechanical and glow a dull cyan color when in the dark. This causes him to wear sunglasses with mirrored lenses to hide his eyes during certain missions.

After being caught in a nasty fire, both his arms and shoulders were replaced with bionics as well as his entire ribcage and parts of his spine. To compensate these changes, Conrad also paid for implants to his skeletal and muscular structure to increase durability and his own natural strength. Both his knees are also bionic after having them both blown off during an interrogation.

Weapons Armor and Gear:
Conrad wears a modified version of the light Hydra armor. While still as durable as it’s unmodified counterpart, Conrad’s armor is much more form-fitting which allows him to wear normal clothing over it. It was deemed essential for his deep-cover missions when he needed both protection and a casual or formal disguise.




07-04-2010, 11:34 PM
accepted Atrum

Atrum Daemon
07-04-2010, 11:41 PM
Awesome. Now to sit back and wait for the murdering to begin.

I would also like to say that I vote the ship be named "Beak of Justice."

07-04-2010, 11:59 PM
I vote the ship be called Artimes after the greek goddess of the moon and a bunch of other stuffs. :p

07-05-2010, 12:16 AM
I second that vote, mainly because it sounds fitting

And here is my second shot at a character

Username D-shot
Character Name- Devon Doiteain (irish for fire)
Race- Drell
Gender- Male
Age –mid thirties
Class- Infiltrator
Specialization- Assassin
Strength- His most potent ability is the fact that he can remain very still for long periods of time, which can be portrayed as brick walling. This is mainly used in his sniper abilities while hunting down targets for assassination. He also is very silent and great with his stealth abilities.
Personality- He is mostly cold shouldered to people and responds as such, but takes commands with little back talk. He does very little talking, but when he does, it is usually long winded and holds nothing back. He does not feel the need to lie to others.
When he deems people worthy of his trust, he usually is nicer towards them, and opens up a bit, but not truly noticeable.

Bio- Not much is known about him, and he does not tend to divulge his history to other, viewing it as reminiscing and trivial. What is known is that he left his home land and took training for becoming an assassin, feeling that space was better off without some people in it.

Appearance- http://m266.photobucket.com/image/anime%20masked%20sith%20lord/Austin12157/mysith.jpg.html?src=www The swords are not actual weapons, just couldn't find one for him without the swords


Weapons- His main weapon is an M-92 Mantis sniper rifle, carried in a sling on his back. He carried spare ammo for this in a pouch on his back, hidden by a cape. He has a simple pistol for hands on task, as well as a simple hunting knife if he somehow runs out of ammo, or for low risk targets.

Other- Not many have seen his real face, and he shows it to few that he trusts.

Really rusty with character design

07-05-2010, 12:23 AM
looks good. accepted

Lord Veneficus
07-05-2010, 01:21 AM
Can I reserve a spot? I'm working on the sheet as I type this.

07-05-2010, 01:22 AM
first come first serve basis

07-05-2010, 03:27 AM

Lord Tully
07-05-2010, 03:54 AM
So what do you plan on being the maximum?

07-05-2010, 04:06 AM
Since we are doing first come first serve, here goes.

Username: Shepherd

Name of Character: Jovis

Race: Turian

Gender: Male

Age: 32

Class: Sentinel

Specialization: Medic

Strengths/Abilities: Advanced medical knowledge allows him to treat most injuries with relative ease as well as knowing the physiology of all major alien species including all non-council races.

First Aid
Neural Shock

Personality: Jovis is a rather calculating and distant individual. He is a medic not because of any desire to help people or compassion, but rather out of duty and honor. He was assigned this duty by his commanders and this is the task he will perform to the best of his abilities. He carries this attitude to most of the things that he does, always following orders. When he is in charge of a situation he tends to be very analytical, always considering his options for completing the mission efficiently and with minimal loss of resources.

Bio: Jovis' childhood was like most Turians, boot camp at age 15 with advanced officer training to follow. Though that was when the similarities ended. Unlike most of his race, Jovis showed a talent for biotics, a rather uncommon venture for his species. This combined with his natural talent for biology singles him out for training as a Medical Officer. Like most biotics in the Turian government Jovis was assigned to a Cabal where is job was to provide combat support, tactical guidance, and of course use his biotic and medical abilities to help his squad. Despite his races mistrust of biotics Jovis has always been a valued member of his squad, he has a reputation for keeping his team in top fighting shape and minimizing casualties. Since his official term of service ended two years ago, Jovis has been at a bit of loss. He still volunteers for missions and keeps abreast of most of the military climate, but being in charge of his own future was never something he was trained for and he is finding himself in unfamiliar territory.

Appearance: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080710220033/masseffect/images/e/ea/C-Sec_Requisitions_Officer.JPG]

Weapons Armor and Gear:

Weapons: M-6 Carnifex

M-9 Tempest

Armor: Light Predator L Armor with some color modifications.

Other: Being a Turian he has advanced training with submachine guns as well as pistols though he prefers the latter.

Lord Tully
07-05-2010, 05:18 AM
God, please don't let me be the only female character here. Yoru, you won't let that happen will you?

07-05-2010, 06:23 AM
I vote that the ship be called the quib-quib, nah jks maybe....The Talon

07-05-2010, 08:16 AM
3 Infiltrators? Just how much can you infiltrate something :D

07-05-2010, 09:51 AM
depends on what's being "infiltrated" ;)

07-05-2010, 09:58 AM
Haha, dirty mind there Shepherd :D

Still, I hope there is a balance in the team, I feel we're lacking any heavy presence. Wolf is the heaviest, wearing heavy armour. Even though I'm an Infiltrator, I'm a bit more combat geared than my inf peers as I have medium armour and I've got less emphasis on powers and skills other than the obligatory tac cloak and decryption so I suppose there is at least some variation in the three infs.

Nice to have a medic on board, I can only hope to never need your services too often :D

So at the moment, the squad stands as this:

Soldier Human Male Commando (StormWolf)
Adept Human Male Nemesis (Dr.Helios)
Adept Human Female Operative (Oishi)
Engineer Quarian Male Operative (Rogue)
Vanguard Asari Shocktrooper (Sir Hatless)
Infiltrator Salarian Male Commando (Gunnison)
Infiltrator Human Male Agent (Atrum)
Infiltrator Drell Male Assassin (Innkeeper)
Sentinel Turian Male Medic (Shepherd)

07-05-2010, 10:10 AM
Don't count me in just yet Gunni, I still have to be approved

and hatless Oishi is playing a female as well (assuming we are counting asari as girls that is)

07-05-2010, 10:13 AM
Hooray for support roles! Glad to see another one Shepherd.

EDIT: That is if you're accepted... ;)

07-05-2010, 12:43 PM
with the hole lack of heavy presence issue there were a few people who said they would be krogan who haven't posted yet so we should be cool, a bit of sausage fest though so if it will help I'll change Benji to Lucy.


07-05-2010, 02:39 PM
God, please don't let me be the only female character here. Yoru, you won't let that happen will you?

I'm a female! ; ;

07-05-2010, 02:42 PM
As am I now

spirits breath
07-05-2010, 02:56 PM
(little late, but was busy now to boggle minds, and my own.)

Username: Spirits breath

Name of Character: Nihallen Krish (is of the nihallen clan)

Race: Krogan

Gender: Male

Age: 146

Class: Sentinel

Specialization: Krogan Battlemaster (the path where it increases health hegeneration forgot name)

Like any Krogan, health regeneration has proven invaluable to prolonging life. Though learning some tech from a salarian, has built for a strong combination for a krogan.

Has some training in medical, primarily his own species and salarians, but a little in all others except for the drell and hanar.

He can give offspring(in otherwords, I won't need to buy those pairs of balls shepers(from the game) has claimed he would sell to a krogan)

Personality: Krish is all for fixing the genophage, though without some of the supplies that the salarians have, it hasn't been proving viable as of yet. though he thinks that he is close to solving it. Unlike much of his bretheren, who focus on brute force and depend on their ability to regenerate, Krish thought it wise to think a mixtures of surviving and combat. Though he would still relish in using his head to bash open a humans anyday.
While some may consider him rash to conclusions, they are there without reason.
Krish is confident in his abilities, and with more than any humans lifetime of training, he has fairly compairable skill with a pistol, or his proud little modification of a pistol however.
has always had a 'thing' for some of the other races, and will try to use his abilities to keep them alive and among otherthings.
though he does have a few mating requests lined up if the blood pack wasn't searching for him.
Rather socable, yet knows to some degree what he shouldn't say if they ask him not to talk about it. though an open mind to speak it is even better. (who is going to try and stop him? he is a krogan after all)

Bio: Krish, spawned from one of the few fertile females as per most newborns. Stuck living in a reality of having the feeling he may never have any children despite how hard he tried. The thought had never occured to him before that he would also be living in ruins, forced to see pictures of other planets and how much better they looked.
What changed his growing years was an ability to use his biotics in a different way than his so called pack mates.
The next few years were spent with near mind straining work that only helped him grow stronger. That is until he managed to join the blood pack.
Life was good, now realizing how big of a presennse the blood pack had on where he lived, Krish felt secure. Though if the Salarian would have been able to say the same, he would have been at ease. Having a krogan standing over your shoulder as you work is unsettling.
several weeks passed, obvious that Krish held the viewpoint that he can correct the viewpoint. Unfortunatly the only one who would actually learn some tech in order to use some of the equiptment.
while he didn't learn too much about the genophage, since he still needed to worry about his own scales, a final promise was made before he left. More like a trade. In exchange for getting out alive and the training, Krish would be able to leave himself on a salarian ship.
As awquard as it was to bring a krogan on a boarding ship, let alone see several salarians looking back at him, it was a reprive from where he was. On the ship he had been able to finish he tech training, and figure out how to use the medical equiptment. Only to find out when it was far too late that he was in fact one of the fertile Krogans. Unfortunatly, he would have to search for a female to bear his children. At least he had something to compair with the genophage and find missing links to cure it.

Appearance: (You can either post a picture, make a description of your appearance. Or combine the two.)
Weapons Armor and Gear: AF-2kII (think of it as the claymore shotgun, except in heavy pistol form and actually has ammo to use it as a normal handgun.) http://californiahuntingtoday.com/hogblog/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/600_handgun.jpg

3 Syringes of adrenelin

light machine gun, m-4 predator (he tweaked the power and accuracy)

On legs: spare heavy ammo holder. except filled with medical equiptment
Chest: Modded power duration increase of standard explorer armor.
Head: Visor, with helmet that can retract behind his head.

A bright green and pink necklace with a heart shaped charm stuck around his neck, looped by the salarians hands. And unfortunatly if means something to be taken off. it also has a number on the back, but it is too hard to read in any mirror to be of any use on determining which salarian did it.

Other: He is fertile, and is looking for a female. *looks at females on ship...* (if it is like mass effect 2, we have a chick who is into that thing. we all know who it is save maybe one or two of us)

heavy Barrier (absorbs more hits)
power Tech Armor (increases biotic powers)
Warp blast (increases impact radius)
cryo blast

07-05-2010, 02:56 PM
all i know is, from just reading the personalities, this is going to be a very quiet ship ride

spirits breath
07-05-2010, 03:05 PM
heh, quiet ship. not for long it isn't. while he isn't working on a cure, usually waiting for analysis, he may find something to occupy his time. but yeah found it ironic that I posted, looked above my post and saw that I adressed a few things.
heavy presence check
quiet ship un-check

hey, use barrier, then tech armor. wiki said tech armor toubles your sheild value, so yeah. surviving there. plus health regeneration. makes his compulsion and mindset that you save a girls life enough times, and they will bed with you. (he has a fetish for other species)

07-05-2010, 03:19 PM
Other: He is fertile, and is looking for a female. *looks at females on ship...* (if it is like mass effect 2, we have a chick who is into that thing. we all know who it is save maybe one or two of us)


07-05-2010, 03:19 PM
all i know is, from just reading the personalities, this is going to be a very quiet ship ride

I sincerely hope that is sarcasm...

Lucy Wren is a vocal woman who wears her heart on her sleeve and will say what she thinks leaving others to deal with it in their own way.

He (Kaleis) is very sensitive about his height.

Rana can go from being extremely friendly to wanting to launch you into the upper atmosphere in the time of a few seconds.

Gylon is a quick witted individual who, with the nature of his employment, is a divisive and manipulative personality.

He (Krish) is fertile, and is looking for a female.

How fast can you say "cabin fever"?

07-05-2010, 03:19 PM
all i know is, from just reading the personalities, this is going to be a very quiet ship ride

Can't say I agree with you, the personalities don't suggest that the squad will be a quiet bunch by any means. Varied, definitely. Dysfunctional, maybe but quiet, not at all :D

spirits breath
07-05-2010, 03:23 PM
and to have to be the one to ask this regarding my character. how are the rooms on the ship?
well moreso do we have rooms or are we forced to stand around?

hey, it is easy to overlook the small details in character sheets. though you did make it easier to not have to scroll back and search for it all.

07-05-2010, 03:26 PM
And character sheets aren't even the full picture - who knows what on earth (ignore the irrelevance of that phrase in the space setting) will happen in the RP?

07-05-2010, 03:31 PM
Okay, the ship wont be as quiet as I came to think, its was just after reading personalities, that few of our people are outspoken. And this is more accurate, with so many deadly people, who are we a threat to moreso?

07-05-2010, 03:32 PM

07-05-2010, 03:33 PM
Have you played either of the Mass Effects?

07-05-2010, 03:35 PM
yes I have, I misunderstood his comment *Embarrassment*
I'll remove it

07-05-2010, 03:36 PM
Sad to say, but no. Wish I could though. I did read up on the timeline from the wiki (pogo)

07-05-2010, 03:39 PM
Were you talking to me or innkeeper? because if it was me I still dont get what I said that was wrong

07-05-2010, 03:41 PM
What did you say Helios? You edited before I read it.

07-05-2010, 03:43 PM
What did you say Helios? You edited before I read it.

I assumed that Spirits breath was insinuating that my character would be open for some krogan loving but what rouge said made me doubt myself.

07-05-2010, 03:44 PM
BTW both rouge and spirits breath are reading this and could settle the dispute.

07-05-2010, 03:46 PM
Gettin jiggy with a Krogan eh Helios ;)

07-05-2010, 03:47 PM
even an ex hooker has to have standards and then theirs the apparent size issue. ;)

07-05-2010, 03:47 PM
Ah, my bad, that was directed at Innkeeper!

I was going to explain that the team in Mass Effect are all experts in their field and as such are expected to face extreme threats and lots of well armed opponents - so even if your character is a skilled machinist there isn't much they can do against a charging Krogan, and a well trained killing machine of a soldier can't do a whole lot to an encrypted computer system or a locked computer function.

Basically if we're expected to face anything from biological monstrosities like the Rachni to well armed and devastating YMIR mechs then you need a team of specialists. In the first game, for example, a well trained and respected Turian SPECTRE is murdered quite easily, shot through the back of the head, despite all of his training and combat prowess.

07-05-2010, 03:49 PM
I get you now dashing, I thought I had made a mistake and that Spirits breath was referring to an exact character that I had missed.

07-05-2010, 03:52 PM
Ah, my bad, that was directed at Innkeeper!

I was going to explain that the team in Mass Effect are all experts in their field and as such are expected to face extreme threats and lots of well armed opponents - so even if your character is a skilled machinist there isn't much they can do against a charging Krogan, and a well trained killing machine of a soldier can't do a whole lot to an encrypted computer system or a locked computer function.

Basically if we're expected to face anything from biological monstrosities like the Rachni to well armed and devastating YMIR mechs then you need a team of specialists. In the first game, for example, a well trained and respected Turian SPECTRE is murdered quite easily, shot through the back of the head, despite all of his training and combat prowess.

Another great example of this is the ending mission for ME2. Use the right specialists or Q_Q.

07-05-2010, 03:57 PM
I was so tempted to post this as an appearance reference


spirits breath
07-05-2010, 04:15 PM
heh that salarian...
now then, to the dispute I am still peicing together in my head.

I have not yet read every last character that was put up as I kind of skimmed for classes and races to try and have something different than the crowd.

but(bouncing between pages) helios, course he would try, but not like it isn't hard to simply hit me and say no or something. course he can always be rationalized and not like there is any exact form of simply not being like "hey wanna..." *random crewmate peeks head by "bow chicka bow wow"

we would hopefully get past being a threat to eachother, and try to save our own galaxies to that we can not be made into a reaper. but it depends. not like we can stop you from punching a bouncer at a bar, or laughing when someone pulls a gun to us when we have sheilds with out armor.

No idea if I solved any dispute, as I have to say, I have little clue. lots of things being thrown about.(he can be a good fellow. i mean unless you mess with his lab results, then don't expect a favor. Or when the door is locked, leave him alone. a delecate procedier with those syringes. (trying to cure genophage, so leave closet closed or you may not like the image. though I will leave you all to determine that in your twisted little brains.)

But yeah, if anyone wouldn't mind dropping in a message telling me what the dispute is about, that would be helpful.

07-05-2010, 04:17 PM
oh the dispute was basically me misunderstanding a post by dashing rogue and besides Lucy at the moment is judging people on their merits regardless of race

07-05-2010, 04:17 PM
Makes sense. I was just thinking that we would some where along the line try to kill each other over some stupid comment some one might make, since we have people prone to violent reactions to certain situations. IE the sensitive short guy, or the girl who wants to make you a deep space rocket

spirits breath
07-05-2010, 04:43 PM
could be a problem. not sure how good of merit i have. or how to determine merit. but yeah we can have some sensetive people.

not like it is hard to have racial remarks towards one another. though the racism would be prevolent. weak humans...

07-05-2010, 05:55 PM
You all have dirty minds *chuckles*

07-05-2010, 06:13 PM
A dirty mind is only as dirty as those around it :D

07-05-2010, 06:14 PM
why bother with a clean mind, it'll just get dirty in the end anyway, everything does

Lord Tully
07-07-2010, 08:26 PM
Is this still alive?

07-07-2010, 08:40 PM
I hope so. I dunno where Storm Wolf has gone.

07-07-2010, 08:42 PM
Give the man a break guys, not everyone can be on RPA 24/7 :)

07-07-2010, 08:50 PM
Hey, were not nagging him Dash, we're just wondering where he is, we're worried about the man. He's probably caught in the traffic out of the Armstrong Nebula.

Lord Tully
07-07-2010, 08:56 PM
I'm just trying to make sure that no one forgets about this, I can wait for Stormwolf I just can't stand to see RPs I really want to take off get pushed back really far.

Lord Veneficus
07-07-2010, 09:08 PM
Is there still a space open?

07-07-2010, 10:19 PM
If there is still a spot open I would like to join if I can. StormWolf is my friend in real life (blasphemy i know) so i will talk to him to see if we can get this little shin-dig on the role...

07-08-2010, 03:30 AM
The more the merrier I believe, although I still think the male:female ratio is a bit low and the last thing we need is more dudes

07-08-2010, 06:01 AM
Yeesh, dont pester Storm, he will get to it when he can ;P
Sides, I still need to make a character sheet

07-08-2010, 07:05 AM
Lord Vene, Varden, and Yoru, you all can make your character sheets, but it is closed after that. Once you three get your sheets up and i accept them, I will start the IC

07-08-2010, 08:11 AM
Hey storm, just curious if I was approved or not. My char sheet was on page 3 so you may not have seen it. Let me know, thanks.

07-08-2010, 08:30 AM
Sheperd and Spirits are both accepted, sorry for the delay

07-08-2010, 08:47 AM
Woot!! TY!

07-08-2010, 09:12 AM
The more the merrier I believe, although I still think the male:female ratio is a bit low and the last thing we need is more dudes

I'm just curious as to why the ratio needs to be even?

07-08-2010, 09:15 AM
Yeah, "positive discrimination" is a terrible thing.

07-08-2010, 11:03 AM
I don't know, I can't seem to say anything without offending someone at the moment. It just evens out a bit, dont worry about it.

When can we expect to see this up and IC?

spirits breath
07-08-2010, 03:26 PM
and the mass effect has just barely establised some sort of balencing. or put into account, the males would try to defend the females, so the ration could be a good thing(if your a female)
who knows what may happen too with deaths.

Lord Veneficus
07-08-2010, 04:15 PM
Username: Lord Veneficus

Name of Character: Vahnus

Race: Turian

Gender: Male

Age: 36

Class: Soldier

Specialization: Storm Trooper

Strengths/Abilities: He is former special ops in the Turian military, similar to N7 rank in the Alliance. He is highly proficient at hand-to-hand combat as well as sniper rifles and assault rifles.

Bio: A traditional Turian, Vahnus joined the Turian military at age 16. He did several tours across the galaxy, most notable was an uncharted world in the Terminus systems where he and a group of ten were sent to collect data and mark important resources on the map. They were ambushed by a quadripedal insectoid race and only Vahnus and three other of his comrades made it out alive.

He was on the Citadel when the geth attacked and is one of the few who still believe the Reapers exist.

Appearance: Face: http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk278/SMZ_2008/Turian.png

Tattoo on the furthest right of this pic: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/063/a/8/Turian_Tattoos_by_PirateRose.png

Weapons Armor and Gear: Standard Avenger battle rifle and mantis sniper rifle.
Armor: http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk278/SMZ_2008/Turianarmor.jpg The armor in the middle except where it is yellow should be red and the white should be black.

07-08-2010, 09:10 PM
I don't know, I can't seem to say anything without offending someone at the moment. It just evens out a bit, dont worry about it.

When can we expect to see this up and IC?

I wasn't offended or anything. :3 Girl power! <3

and the mass effect has just barely establised some sort of balencing. or put into account, the males would try to defend the females, so the ration could be a good thing(if your a female)
who knows what may happen too with deaths.

You guys are going to be the ones that need protecting... from the two sexy female adepts!

07-09-2010, 03:32 AM
Damn straight! BTW I'm not touching the Krogan ;)

Lord Tully
07-09-2010, 04:31 AM
Hey don't forget the Asari vangard, oh speaking of which I need to make a slight adjustment before we start.

07-09-2010, 05:44 AM
and we still need Yoru's character

07-09-2010, 06:37 AM
Username: Yoruyonaka

Name of Character: Tarya (Storm help with whole name)

Race: Quarian

Gender: Female

Age: 25

Class: Engineer

Specialization: Machinist

Strengths/Abilities: Being a Quarian, she as an innate ability with machines. Some say they even talk to her. Tarya loves to work with anything machine-like she can get her hands on. She can build things out of random scrap that are useful. Broken things are fixed in a few minutes.

However, as most know, Quarians' have an immunity problem. Many don't know her true face as it is hidden under her protective mask. She is also rather shy. Usually conserves herself in her machinery work.

Personality: Very shy towards others from different species. Especially humans. Especially male humans. She also prefers talking to machines. She feels more closely connected to them. Making friends is difficult when she tries, however people just flow to her for some reason. She puts those close to her first, sometimes risking her health or even her life in the process.

Bio: (Storm help again)

Appearance: http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q290/orihime00/Tali_Zorah_by_LegendofTrinity.png

Weapons Armor and Gear: http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q290/orihime00/Quariansnipesuit.jpg

07-09-2010, 07:04 AM

If it starts tonight though I probably cant post until a lot later cause I'm going to an Aussie Rules Football game up in the city.

Lord Tully
07-09-2010, 06:24 PM
I like it Yoru, and I think I can help with the name, depending on if you want her to have been through her pilgrimage or not I can think of two, Tarya-Kila nor Viku if she has not done her pilgrimage, or Tarya-Kila vas Toran if she has. What do you think?

spirits breath
07-09-2010, 07:44 PM
I think tarya-kila nor viku. though I am still calling you tarya cuz the whole thing is a bit lengthy to reference.

07-09-2010, 07:48 PM
Storm knew the perfect name so I will let him choose lol
Thanks though Sir Hatless

07-09-2010, 09:19 PM
I reckon Tarya-Kila vas Quib-Quib :D

*Mass Effect 2 Reference*

07-09-2010, 11:56 PM
I never did as that guy about his name... that one chick told me not to and I was afraid it was affect Tail's chances if I did. lol

Awesome character yoru! :D

07-10-2010, 02:32 AM
Username: Higurashi

Name of Character: Jason Medrelin

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Class: Soldier

Specialization: Shock Trooper

Strengths/Abilities: Jason has a is somewhat conditioned to combat, and rarely breaks under stress. Each time he does break he becomes stronger from it. As implied already, Jason has a highly adaptive personality and psychology. He often changes changes moods because of this, and hos opinion shifts as much as the tides do. He will stick to his mission, whatever that is.

Quick Adapt- As per hgis specialization.
Combat expertise
Incendirary ammo
Disruptor Ammo
Initimidation tactics- Able to put the fear in the enemy/victim
Rudimentary knowledge of spaceships, enabling Piloting.

Personality: Jason has always been a jittery and fidgety guy. From birth he could never sit still. He always has to be in action. He loves fighting and prefers it to diplomacy. His people skills are nill so he lets other do the talking.

Bio: Born in the year 2160 aboard the space cruiser Valaint. He lived alot of his life in the ships inner workings before he joined the Alliance military. When he joined, he was sent back to the ship he had been born on. On his first mission, the ship was attacked by Batarian slavers, and most of the crew was killed or taken. In a rage, along with three other new recruits, Jason stormed the enemy ship, somehow slaughtering the pirates. Upon Alliance assistance's arrival, he was found to already be a battle hardened warrior. Out of the ships crew of 137, only him and his three companions survived.

In the months and then years to follow, Jason and his companions were recruited as commandos, and they served with dictinction. They were stationed on the Citadel when it was attacked by Sovreign. During the vicious fighting, Jason's saudmates were killed, but he survived with minor burns and injuries. More recently, Jason has become a half drunk hitman, killing any government or police bounties he can find. He was found by the recruiting agent half stuck in a vent, clutching the ankle of a sort of escaped bounty.


Weapons Armor and Gear:

Basic Body armour
Deathslit helmet
Umbra Visor

M8 avenger assult rifle
M-100 Grenade launcher
M-23 katana shotgun

Other: Owns a small Ftl capable ship, which can be crewed by him alone or up to

07-13-2010, 05:15 AM
Yoru, I'll help you out once I have some room to breath in my life. Hig looks good. I'll start the IC once, like I said, have room in my life to breathe.

07-13-2010, 05:50 AM
No worries Storm. Whenever is cool. Let Tarya's bio be a mystery until then ;D

Lord Tully
07-16-2010, 05:19 AM
Stormy, still there?

07-18-2010, 12:27 AM

07-18-2010, 01:47 AM
i told y'all, when i have time to breathe. still drowning here at the moment.

Lord Tully
07-18-2010, 05:28 AM
Ok then, just trying to keep this from going to the recycle bin.

07-18-2010, 05:35 AM
Take your time Storm, life's more important.

Lord Tully
07-18-2010, 05:41 AM
Yes it is, please don't feel pressured by me to rush this.

08-04-2010, 02:13 AM
Was gonna claim a spot but it seems there aren't any open. =/

Most unfortunate.

Lord Tully
08-04-2010, 02:22 AM
Ohh dang I didn't even remember that this existed, are we even still doing this?

08-04-2010, 02:33 AM
Is this one still going? Had a few ideas for a character or two, but not sure if this is still open for new additions or not.

08-05-2010, 03:35 AM
I'm sure storm will open it up when he gets some time.