View Full Version : RedClaw (A novel I'm writing, in need of critiques!)

10-13-2013, 10:31 AM

A Draconian's Tale

J. B. Beebe


Legends of Survival

Local legends speak of a ghostly dragon man, one you could only glimpse before he vanishes. With twice the strength of the world's strongest man, and three times over the cunning intellect of a dragon... Nobody knows from whence he came
Nor why he stays.

Cornered the helpless creature was, the young buck deer had nowhere to run, trapped in a canyon corner, adrenaline coursing through it's veins as it's attackers began to close around him. But they wouldn't attack, instead, the young wild Draco-Sapiens merely tortured the deer, until a snarling growl signaled behind them as the leader of the Draco-clan made his appearance. The same dragon-man the legends spoke of. It was over in a heartbeat – The dragon man unsheathed his talons, razor sharp, like steel sword blades as he slashed at the deer, three strikes, and the deer was dead. The others allowed their leader to eat first before they had the leftovers.
The leader finished his meal early tonight, as he always did once a week, only having enough to satisfy him before going to what was known to their kind as the 'Dragon Graveyard' a very special body to him was buried there. But not in the ground. Past bodies of fallen fellow dracos brought down by arrows and humans that had been torn to pieces by the Dracos littering the area for almost five miles. Before finally coming to his destination, he took a deep breath, promising himself he wouldn't break down this time, he passed the remaining bodies down to the frozen pond. Kneeling down in the middle of the wide, deep pond, he sniffed until he found the right spot the body was currently stationed at beneath the ice, As he cleared the snow and ice that was unable to be seen through, tears began to form in his eyes, before, at last, a face became visible beneath the ice – a human girl – about 16 or so, forever preserved in time to remind him always of his failure to protect her as he had sworn he would. Even in death, she was beautiful... the tears and sorrow, finally, became too much as he tipped his head back, and howled a long, mournful cry, wolves and other dracos within hearing range beginning to join him in his sorrowful song.

Local Indians refer to him as 'RedClaw' because of all the human blood that his claws had spilled in his furious rage that only lasted merely a few days. And now, many years later, he still remains in the wilderness, wisely daring not show his face in human territory.
Chapter One
The Dragon creek sled race

Before the legend even began, RedClaw, at one point, was known as Axel, he was a fine young draco of fine breeding and sound mind. He was highly intelligent, more so then other dracos and dragons, but he could not speak. He could do all kinds of vocal imitations of different animals, but he simply couldn't speak like the humans he resembled so greatly. He was also very patient, he could take just about anything. Mess with his 'clan' or his 'family' the people that owned him, or anyone else he loved, be prepared for a vicious temper you had never seen in your life.
The head of the house, Matthew, and Axel were coming up the road in a horse drawn cart, the children running outside at the sounds of the horse's hooves and Axel's tell-tale trademark howl. “Mom! Daddy and Axel are home!” the eldest daughter yelled in to their mother.
Axel looked beggingly at Matthew who chuckled and said “Go ahead.” Without another word of encouragement, Axel leaped from the cart, running toward the youngest, about ten years old and Axel's favorite of Matthew's daughters. The girl, Jasmine, jumped up into the much taller male draco's arms as he hoisted her up and hugged her gently. “I missed you too, boy!” Axel, of course said nothing, but purred loudly to show his happiness and affection for the girl.
Within the house after Matthew had gone inside, a strange man was waiting for him. “Oh, hello, Mr. Alexander.” said the man to Matthew. “Good day, Charles.” replied Matthew as he hung up his coat. “As you know the annual Draconian Sled Race is coming up, the con testants are in need of more Dracos, and everybody knows nobody breeds finer speed and endurance racers than yourself.” Charles said as he watched his colleague walk around, pouring two shot-glasses of scotch, before handing one to Charles. “This is true, but there's no need to flatter.” Matthew said, taking a small sip of his scotch. “All the same, they're in need of decent Dracos...” Charles continued “What they're looking for are dracos with thicker-than-average hides to help keep them warmer than those with the average or thinner hides, muscle, they have to be able to pull more than five hundred pounds of weight, and of course, speed and ednurance.” Charles finished before swallowing the entirety of his own scotch. Matthew 'Hmm'ed in self thought before saying “Only Draco I have that matches that description is Axel... and I wouldn't give him up for anything, he'd never make it out there, even with his thick hide and survival skills.” Matt said just as Axel came up beside him before disappearing, being lead into the ten-year old's room so she could play with him.. “Oh? Was that him? He seems like a gentle one... I'm sure a few days in the wilderness would help with that. Then again, you're probably right, it's not worth taking in a gentle Draco when there are plenty of more Vicious, better equipped Dracos built more for surviving a frozen wilderness.”