SURVIVAL! ature_warrior_army_queen_picture_image_digital_art .jpg
It doesn't get more badass than this mode of game play.
The game is simple survive the longest on the top.
You declare yourself King of the Hill(Well the first poster anyway and then you are challenged over and over again until you forfeit, lose or run out of time)
The Rules?
Max 150 words(there will be a 75 King of the hill if this one works)
Five posts each per battle
You can't challenge twice in a row! Five days with no post means insta lose(No Exceptions! five days to produce 150 words and you can''t do it??)
No long explanations as to why you won or lost, no fancy scoring, judge just declares the winner or loser
You do NOT have to have a character in the character sheet list but you MUST use a character in the character sheet list, so borrow if you can.
This dimension is outside all SMUT dimensions so your character does not have to be alive or even free to be in this game.
If you character dies it doesn't count.
Winning or losing doesn't earn or cost you in the league.
King Always pics the location, which will be in the location dump thread(When Created)
This is solely for bragging rights!
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10 Wins
Eight Wins
Five Wins
Two Wins
Approved Battle grounds
Usable basic Arena
Home to most Pokémon battles and even some Super Smash battles, the Pokémon Stadium has seen a lot of blood, sweat, and tears pay off. Though I have no Pokémon characters, plenty of battles will be fought here, as the playing field is notoriously level. To keep things simple, the stage will NOT be transforming into its other "type" fields.
A round dirt/grass field about 100 yards in radius. The surrounding building is the only other acceptable field of battle, similar to a Coliseum set-up.
Usable Hot Arenas
The Death Port
The haunted docks this is an eerie dock lost in time after the final Pirate Wars of the Caribbean, wars missing in the records of time. What was once a busy port has been left as a burning hulk by cannon fire by the British navy who had taken advantage of the wars and taken rule of the seas for themselves.
The ancient gods have taken the port for themselves and have pulled it into the land of immortals beyond time and space, now the smoking ruin burns forever, crumbles forever in a continuous loop.
This is the location of the great battle of legends. *SUPER DETAILED EDITION*
Available(Postable) locations.
The twin piers.
Left Pier
Right Pier
They are widely spaced wooden surfaces lined with wooden beams, once capable of carrying heavy cargo, now less then half remain, most lost to cannon fire.
Each pier is long, long enough to hold two ships behind each other, though the left pier's edge has been blown apart leaving it shorter than the right.
Though next to each other they are widely spaced apart, yet spaced enough to fit two ships between them.
Between the two piers are, in actual fact, two ships close together.
The SS Black Pearl.
A Destroyed ship, with a completely exposed left side spanning two levels. The exposed left side faces the left pier, are there is no board plank to climb so jumping down onto one of the two levels is the best way onto the ship itself.
The Black Pearl has 3 levels
The Deck
The Upper level
The Hull
The Deck
There are four locations.
The Wheel
The wheel, this is a raised platform on the ship with twin stairs that can be climbed to reach the wheel, which is no longer there. There is a line running through the centre of the ship where a cannon has blasted a perfect line through the centre dropping into the Captain's cabin. The area is medium to large with an even surface.
The Captain's Cabin
The Captain's cabin, is still in pristine condition, with a dinning table, a bed, a walk in closet, music room(Open area) with a piano. The only disadvantage of this area is that it is full of items which can make fighting hard as you're bound to bump into something.
The Mast
The mast is still in tact along with the sail(though burnt and holy) and all its rigging. The area is climbable and the wooden beams are just wide enough to walk uncomfortably. One can also jump into the trampoline like sail on the other ship(The Buc) to get on.
The Deck
Basically a hulking ruin, filled with debris, crushed cannons lay every where and there's a massive gaping hole threaten to drop anyone who isn't sure footed into the level below. Though filled with debris the area itself is quite large but uneven allowing hiding opportunities.
Upper level
There are 3 locations
Sleeping Cabins
The sleeping cabin is a long but wide hall filled with bunk beds and hammocks, all still hanging high at one end, though most hammocks through the chaos were twisted moved creating a sense of chaos.
The area is dark and the air is manky at best. This provides good opportunities for one to fight, like the captain's cabin this area, though wide, is very crowded. You may find yourself cutting through two hammocks just to get to your opponent.
The Eating Quarters *Exposed rooms*
This room was almost entirely destroyed leaving a crushed bench table which lies sideways blocking half the room off from the other side which has the door leading out. This area is the highest area leading into the ship and is visible from the pier. The area is not large but not crowded either, though the debris on the floor may lead to hampered footwork and shoes get hooked on tiny objects..
The Passages.
All the lighting is gone, no cannon fire has opened any light for this area of the ship and is therefore the darkest area. The dangers of letting one's guard down in this area are huge. The passages are dark long and seemingly endless in their depth. They are also super thin barely allowing 2 people to pass each other. The passages are also the best way to and from the lower levels.
The Hull
Potentially the second largest area. This is a single location. The left side is torn open and exposed for people to come in from. There's a stairway leading up from the passages. There's also the loading bay where all the gun powder as was once held leading up to the deck. There's a rope net holding a long range siege cannon hanging low, offering people an opportunity to climb to get to the deck. Because this is the hull, it is pretty deep into the water and because its exposed water pours in constantly, filling up the hull but stopping at knee height. This generally makes movement effing hard but is also the safest place to jump down from from the pier.
The second ship is the The Buccaneer
Is actually twice the size of the Black Pearl but is a living inferno. Making more than half its rooms useless and impossible to access.
This ship is completely unexposed and has no board walk allowing only two ways to enter. Via the mast of the other ship or via the broken mast of the current ship which has fallen down into the pier and can be climbed.
The Burning Deck.
The burning deck is the area with second lowest level of fire, this area is haunted and filled with the hazy images of the dead and the sounds of cannon fire and screaming. The area is large but the fire has limited the area's accessibility, cutting down its playing size by half. The fire has weakened the floor board's so one's step is always something to be careful of.
The Fiery upper deck
This is a maze of fiery walls and wooden walls that have yet to burn. Though the fire is great there is no smoke and the area is clear but very bright, almost blinding in its brightness. The passages are wide and all the rooms are open but they're mostly ruins and burning hulks which bare little room for a proper fight.
{HOT ARENA -- HOT ITEM Inaccessible}
The Lower Deck
This is the area where the majority of the cannons were stored, this is the most dangerous area of the ship, the heat from the ship caused loaded cannons to fire on their own. But with the ship being caught in a temporal loop they fire constantly, reloading themselves and blasting every ten minutes. There are over 20 cannons in this room. This room is massively wide, spanning from the far back of the ship to the front and has almost no support pillars as they've all been blown apart leaving an open room. This area is unstable as the area is rocked with every shot but is also very open and level.
The School Yard
There was once a private school of the highest reputation and the highest of honours in the cool snowy grounds of Moscow Russia. When a new experimental 747 on it's first fight, caught in a back draft was pulled out of the sky and hurtled into a school. Killing over one hundred passengers and school kids ageing 10 to 17, male and female.
But this event was never recorded. For, by the hands of the gods, the scene was pulled from the annuls of space and time and turned into the second arena for the second legendary battle set in the name of entertaining the very gods themselves.
They have taken the very scene of wreckage itself and pulled the most horrific ten seconds of carnage after the crash and set it in a loop.
Rock that breaks will recover
The bodies of students that perished will keep perishing.
The screams, the broken bones will repeat....
Welcome to the school yard. Welcome to your worst nightmare.
The Layout
These are postable locations.
This saves us from trying to understand where the hell your character is.
Just in case someone forgets to describe that fully
The 747
The commercial Airliner that took a nose dive into a well populated public school.
The plane itself will only have three playable areas.
The Cargo room/ Passenger seating
This is the main seating area of the plane, tilted to the left the passenger room's shell is remarkably in tact. but the seating within is nothing like the plane's interior. the interior is completely destroyed with seats up turned, sitting on top of each other. The separate classes, first, business, economy are a mess of broken bodies, limbs and blood. The layout is upturned and cramped, messy. The only way in is through the two emergency escape on the left side of the plane, the plane leading outside to the courtyard. The only other way out is through the cockpit.
The Cockpit
This is the smallest room in the entire room of death, providing very limited moving space.
The small size is not the room's only feature. The entire plane's circuitry has been destroyed but every wire is just was live as ever, sparks burst out of the boards. The amps and volts are huge, big enough to ensure instant death the crew members who'd had the misfortune of being in the cockpit were burned up in seconds, leaving burned and charred chunks of flesh over bone.
Careful of the small playground but be more careful of exposed wires and bits of metal.
The School
Once a stunning location now a death trap, playable across five locations, which location will you kill or be killed?
Teachers lounge
Once a an area where teachers could go over their work and relax during free period, parties even, this medium size room has become the ultimate death trap.
Set upon the third floor of the structure where one of the plane's massive engines was flung the impact of the entire plane crash itself had destroyed the floor itself but the steel support within held and now the room slopes down to the close room below, which would have been fine were it not for the plane's engine which ploughed through the second floor.
Now the teacher's Lounge slopes into the massive jet engine. Having devoured many a hapless teacher caught in the wrong place and the wrong time the blades wait for their next victim.
The Roof
The roof in this case is quite literally on fire, what ever design technique had been used for insulation of the school walls was set up n the roof and was, unfortunately, quite flammable. Now the roof has turned into a never ending inferno wiping out the attic area leaving only the roof and the floors below.
The roof's integrity is long gone so the slightest misstep could have you falling into a fiery inferno.
So watch your step as the roof regenerates you never know which step is a safe one and which one will send you down below.
Side note the roof generally offers a level of access to all of the rooms, including some on the plane.
The Stairway
The most clear path leading from room to room as it accesses each and every level with the exception of the ground floor. This follows a typical building format with the spiralling stairway. Rise, Straight, Rise, Straight until the top floor. Leaving few flat grounds on which to fight with.
The 747's cockpit smashed through the stair way so if you want to get to the court yard you have to travel through the 747's cockpit them the passenger area then out the exit doors.
The Court yard
The School is set out in a 'n' shape with the one half of the school ravaged by the crash while the other part of the school remained in tact and was left out of the area with the exception of the court yard.
The court yard is basically large field of tar. There the students spend their breaks during the summer playing games like hand ball and the such.
The court yard is easily the clearest room in the arena with the widest space, but one shouldn't get too complacent. The heat of the flame over the grounds, long caked with inches of snow over has turned the snowy floor into an icy nightmare.
The Slope room
The slope room. Situated on the second floor of the grounds this room was formally two separate rooms, a science lab with 12 desks on one side and on the other while the other room is a basic classroom.
The wall dividing the two rooms was crushed in the crush as the entire floor wobbled and the one side dropped leaving a massive slope dropping to windows the threaten to throw anyone out windows to the court yard.
Car Park of the future
Car Park of the future X8zJj3a5BSBmifxJj8nmw
The car park itself is a hyper advanced structure designed for the transport, shipping and storage of vehicles.
This structure can contain up to three thousand vehicles at a time, with over fifty vehicles moving moving in and out of the structure at a time.
The structure itself faces the ocean docks where the cars are most frequently moved.
There's generally a large amount of rains and typhoon that come through so rain night be an issue from time to time.
This is not a road so much as an every flowing conveyor belt, moving in two directions, the first pulling into the building, through the structure and out into the dock.
The two roads are wide, wide enough to hold a eighteen wheeler with ease.
The road is not tar road so much as a thick rubber mesh which can hold twice as much as an eighteen wheeler.
On either side of the twin road over the front entrance has open pavement.
On either side of the twin road over the back way is pure dock, with nothing but water on either side. 8Fa0YRknhwDHlZ5cxGg
Is curcular and wide, it's flat and doesn't hold any cars but it;s not generally supposed to hold anything, but as it is still a glass roof designed a fend off the nature's worst so the glass is incredibly thick, thick enough to hold oof nature and is as though as concrete. Though isn't is not generally desgisned to hold huans the slant of the glass and how slippery it is can work against a fighter. wiZawnSp6z4ZJl_ELcV
The raising tool.
These are mechanical arms, twelve exactly, the pick up vehicles and move then along, they do not effect players too powerfully instead acting as a tool. This devise is damn near indestuctable and fast moving so don't get hit by it.
The walls
The walls are always packed with cars, powerful massive structures designed to hold the weight of the structures it supports.
The floors and the steel is refined so it doesn't break easily ar all.
the cars are tightly paced together so asside from jumping from one car platform to the next.
The Dynmic Tower(Outer plains)
The outer plains are a secondary world from a story I wrote, the entire world is completely unpopulated. Everything within this parallel world is generally ruined, aged and decrepit except for the electric power running through the building. dM7E5-VVBJuEV6L-Ptn
This tower has eighty floors all of which rotate constantly.
Between each floor there are massive wind turbines between each level. With about seventy nine wind turbines, spinning constantly.
The wind turbines generate power which keeps the entire building alive.
The first fifteen floors
The area in the first fifteen floors is caught up in an absolutely massive sandstorm.
The wind moving from east to west with and sand moving in that direction.
The area itself, with it's shredded walls allows the gusts of sand to burst right through with ease creating a brown fog which makes visibility difficult. (Since this is not a hot an active Hot Item it doesn't hinder characters beyond making visibility hard.)
This is also one the of most open areas in the entire buildings with large marble pillars acting as the building's primary support.
The wind turbines are the slowest there
Hot Items(Not available in any battles)
The sand and dust between will actively blind and start to suffocated members who are in the area for longer than two posts.
These floors are considered the surge floors since they are the ones that have been caught in a power surge and rotate fastest out of all of the floors in the building.
They also have the smallest rooms which make navigating the rooms a nightmare.
Passages moving through one room to another are a very tricky affair since the floors are moving so fast. In some floors the floors are moving so fast that it is physically possible to stand side ways, depending on the direction of the rotation.
All of the floors here flow in the opposite direction from the one beneath and below, making the whole effect an extremely jarring one.
Being airborne is obviously a very tricky situation within these floors because if you're not attached to the ground then obviously the room is spinning without you, making flying into walls and getting smashed by walls a very rarely possibility.
Hot Item(Do not use)
The blades of the turbines are moving at an impossible high speed making jumping from one floor to the next nearly impossible to do without gaining some level of damage or impact.
The turbines themselves are huge, absolutely massive so going up against them is a very dangerous task.
Debris Each of these floors has couches, carpets, lamps etc which are really moving like they've been fired out of cannons so one has to be careful of those.
In terms of structural damage this area is basically a complete disaster area.
There is no furniture, no doors, simply patches of floor like the rocks of the hallelujah mountains as the area is really just a hyper dangerous chasm.
The combination of hyper fast moving turbines with the vast winds there's a massive cyclone in the room.
Despite how fast most of these turbines are moving, the massive moving walls of steel have become walk-able floors where people can step and walk on though it is impossible to stay on them since most pass a section of the floor.
These floors are also the easiest areas to pass through, since there's basicaly no floor left.
This is the level were the floors themselves are the smallest. Floors of all but easily have the largest rooms.
The winds upon these floors are extremely powerful but effect areas within the floor differently
The centre has the strong spiralling wind which fights to drag you in all directions where the rooms that face west are the ones that give the pulling sensation, wanting to pull you out of the building(Multiplied by a hundred when an active hot item.)
The east as a pushing sensation pushing you in.
Being airborne within these floors as a dangerous double effect as the room will spin without you and the winds will of course have an increased effect.
The whistle of the winds is also deafening, making hearing conversation hard(Deafening when acting as a hot item).
Hot item
If you step into the edges of the buildings where the wind is blowing your character will be pushed out.
The winds in these floors are so loud that they very realistically will throw you from the room to the world below, which means death to all those who can't fly.
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