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View Full Version : Darkness [M]

10-19-2013, 06:13 AM
This Story is rated M for the following:

Sexual Interactions
Violence and Gore
Alcohol/Drug Abuse
And other Mature Themes.

Prologue - 1 - Reminiscent

It wasn't supposed to happen this way...They weren't supposed to be killed. It is my fault...If only...If only I was stronger...If only...I was a better person. Oh God...Why was I so STUPID! I knew i shouldn't have trust the voices. They were evil...but they were the only things that understood me...They were the only things that gave me power...They were my saviors.

I guess it all started back on my 17th birthday. Or at least, at the party. It was not held at my house, as My parents didn't allow parties and what not. Instead, One of the guys found an abandoned warehouse. It was stupid. I was Naive. Little did i know what actually lived in there. In the dark corners of my eyes. What no one could see...No one but me.

Chapter 1 - Party Animals and Drugs

"So what exactly is in the box?" I asked Michael. Brad and Cody were opening the gates of the Abandoned warehouse. There were a few cars parked inside. Some people that Michael, Brad, and Cody knew. At least, some of them.

"Oh you know...Stuff." Michael said to me, Smiling his sly and dastardly smile. I opened the door and the sound poured out into the 11 pm midwinter night. There were more than 30 people in the half empty warehouse. Everyone was half naked, drunk, and dancing around like they owned the place. It was more like a disco than a birthday party. I didn't really care. My friends didn't.

We walked over to one of the tables and sat in a big couch. Michael set the box on the table and Emily walked over to him, sitting on his lap. Michael and Emily have been together since grade school. It was a miracle they weren't sick of each other. Not after some things that Michael did. Emily kissed him and whispered something in his ear, Michael smiled and they went off to do something. Probably have sex in a dark corner of the Warehouse. I, on the other hand, sat in the couch like an idiot as i was handed a drink. I looked at it. It had a weird gold color to it. I took a sip of it, And gagged on the taste. Alcohol. I wasn't much of a drinker. In fact, I had never tasted Alcohol before. Cody slapped me on the back as he drank his without stopping. "Come on, Dude! Live a little!" Brad seemed to agree with Cody. "You're always at home studying for some fucking college scholarship. It won't kill you to go out once in a while." I sighed and looked at my drink as Cody and Brad held theirs up. I smiled and clinked mine with theirs. "Cheers." We said, simultaneously. Each of us chugged on our drinks.

When i was done, I felt the whole world spinning so fast i couldn't keep up. My eyes were wide and my face had a drunken smile. Brad and Cody, who were experienced drinkers, Laughed at how low my tolerance was. They opened the box Michael had brought with him. Exposing differnt types of things in bags. One was labeled Ecstasy, one was labeled Speed, and the other was labeled Cocaine. I raised an eyebrow. "Where the fuck did you guys get this stuff?!" I asked. Brad answered.

"We know a kid who knows a guy who knew a guy that was a dealer." Brad smiled as he picked up the bag of pills labeled 'Ecstasy'. He poked open the bag and pulled a few out, Handing one to Cody and Me. As well as putting one on his tongue. They took it immediately, And I wondered what I had to lose. It was a mistake. I had a lot to lose.

I took the pill and almost instantly, I felt something was not right. I felt my body getting hotter. My head began throbbing. I felt like i was hit with the worse sickness in my life and i stood up, Losing my balance, came crashing to the floor. Brad and Cody began laughing, But their voices were muffled as i stood up. My vision blurred, as well as my hearing getting muffled. I looked for the nearest bathroom.

I found one behind a stack of tall boxes. I pushed open the door of the dim lit bathroom and threw up in a toilet. I sat there for a moment, and threw up once more. I would never again, in my right mind, try Ecstasy again. That much was obvious. I slowly stood up and walked to a mirror. My nose had begun to bleed. I started wiping my face with the water that ran from the old, dirty faucet. My nose soon stopped bleeding and a washed my face once more. I looked up into the mirror and for a split second, saw something else staring at me. It's face was black and eyes red as blood. It's teeth looked razor sharp. I feel back as I screamed in fear, But when I looked again, It was gone.

[LINK = http://videogame-art.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/VideoGameArt_DarknessII_DemonArm01_ChrisWatson.jpg ]

I shook the thoughts away, Thinking it was just the remaining traces of the Drugs. I walked out of the bathroom. I didn't hear the slithering as the door closed. The slithering that followed me out of the bathroom, and went silent as the music drowned it.

I walked back to the couch and picked up my coat. I was ready to leave. Michael came back and took my coat away. "Where you going, Man? The party just started!" I took my coat back.

"I'm not feeling too well." I said. Half of it was true. Michael sighed, but didn't object.

"Alright." He said, and I left the warehouse. I went back home, and up to my bedroom. I went to sleep with all my clothes on. I still didn't hear the Slithering as the monster watched me, and waited.

10-20-2013, 12:30 AM
Chapter 2 - Eels and Serpents

I woke up the next day and slowly pushed myself off the bed. I didn't remember much anymore. I wouldn't remember until later on. When the voices show me. My eyes were like horizontal slits on my face as i walked to my mirror and examined myself. I looked like shit. I chuckled at myself as i stripped down to my bare skin and walked into the bathroom located in my room. I walked into the shower and turned it to a little above the warm, but not so hot that it would sear off my skin. I bathed for around half an hour. I felt something slid along my leg, but when i looked down, Nothing was there. I shook my head, I thought i was just imagining things. I closed the shower and wiped myself dry with a towel. I only just noticed that i had not opened the lights. I began to wonder what i was doing with my life and switched the light on. I heard a bloodcurdling shriek.


Said a terrifying, and ancient voice. The light bulb shattered above me, but none of the shards reached me. They landed in a circle two feet in front of me. I looked around at who said the words, And I saw it. A black, eel-like monstrosity, hovering at the same height as my head. I looked for where the demonic eel ended, and followed it's body back to me. It's body went around my right should and, When i looked over into the mirror, into my back. Disappearing in a dark circle on my back. I screamed in a not to manly voice. The monster spoke again, but it was a different voice. I moved back and saw, coming from my left, another eel. This one was a little different in shape, but it was around the same size. I screamed again in my signature voice and they second one told me to shut up. I didn't listen. It slapped the side of it's head into mine and i managed to keep the shouting inside me. I could hear a knock on the door to my room and I slowly moved to the bathroom door.

"Don? Are you alright?" Said my mother's concerned voice. I just stared at the two floating demons. They shook their heads yes. I coughed as i spoke.

"Yes Mom...I thought i saw a spider..." I swear I heard some chuckling. I heard her footsteps walking away and I sighed and looked back into the mirror. "What the fuck are you?!" i said in a loud whisper, pointing in the mirror and at them. "Am I...cursed?" I said. The two eels looked at each other and chuckled.

You are not cursed. You are His vessel for the human world.

I raised an eyebrow. "Vessel? Me?" I chuckled in a mocking tone. "Um...Last time i checked, I had complete control over my body." That was a mistake. I felt my arm pick itself up. I raised an eyebrow. I didn't do that...I felt my other arm also pick up. I looked at the two eels. "Stop it!" I said. And the one on the left laughed as i felt my feet lift off the ground. I was now hovering 2 feet in the air. "HOLY SHIT!" I said as i feel to the ground.

Donovan Reed. You are His Vessel. Submit to His will, or suffer the consequences.

I looked at the two eels. And I realized I couldn't fight them. I was weak. I sighed. "Alright...But none of that controlling shit. It's weird and I have a life. I can't have you controlling me half the time." The demons looked at each other and then back to Me. They nodded, and retreated into my back. I didn't realize they said 'His' and not 'our'. I opened the door and walked to my closet. I put on some jeans and a black shirt. I grabbed my backpack and walked downstairs. I raised an eyebrow as i saw my mom sitting in the kitchen with a phone in her hands. I walked over to her and asked her whats up.

"I got a call from Michael's mother. He was taken into custody for dealing drugs at a party. The same party you went to yesterday." I blinked twice and looked down. "Are you taking drugs, Don?" She asked me. I didn't know what to say. "Is this how I raised you? How Your Father raised you?" I felt myself getting angry. She was always telling me what i can and can't do. I could never do what I wanted to do. It took me hours to even get her to let me go to the party. "I did not expect this of you Donovan." I slammed my fist to the table.

"I'm old enough to make my own decisions, Mom." I slammed the door open and walked to school. I never acted like that before. I didn't realize all my negative emotions were being fueled by something dark. Something more evil than the Eels. I heard a voice inside my head.

We aren't Eels, You know. We're Serpents.

10-24-2013, 05:01 AM
Chapter 3 - Suppressed

I got to school around an hour later. Even though i had left earlier than I need to, I was 25 minutes late. I walked into class and the teacher looked up from his desk. I was clearly in a bad mood, and the teacher saw it. He went back to doing whatever teachers do. The rest of my day was calm till around lunch. I walked over to the lunch line, got my food, and headed to eat when Marcus came.

Marcus was a 6 foot tall, big, mean guy. I don't like him. He doesn't like me. He pushed my against a wall. We were out of sight of the adults, as i usually ate in the courtyard. Students were allowed to eat anywhere in the lunch room. Including by the front lockers which were part of the lunch room. The courtyard was behind it. My sandwich fell to the ground and I rolled my eyes. I was getting tired of his shit. "Where's the rest of what you owe me, Kid?" He said. I had to borrow some money from him a while back. 235 dollars to be exact. I had returned less than half.

"I'll...get it to you soon." I said. A few other kids hurried by, Trying not to be a part of this. A quote came to mind. Albert Einstein had said something like "The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."

It reminded me of the kids that just walked by. I felt something whelm up inside me. An anger. A rage.


Said one of the serpents inside my head. I ignored what it was saying. I looked to Marcus and pushed him back. He staggered a few feet away from me, a smug smile across his face. I returned the smile to him. my eyes darkened to black pits as the rage overtook me. A black hole opened behind Marcus, pulling him back and spinning him around. I closed my eyes for a moment, and when i opened them, The black hole disappeared and Marcus when flying up into the air around 10, maybe 13 feet. He hit the ground unconscious. I smiled, but it slowly faded. I began wondering what I was becoming. I kneeled down and gathered my sandwich, which i threw into the trash. I walked back to my locker and gathered my stuff. Brad found me leaving school. None of the teachers had seen me to stop me. "Where you going, Don?" He asked.

"I don't know. Somewhere...Probably the inner city." Brad thought for a moment. Then an idea seemed to hit him.

"Go to my house an hour after school ends. I have to take you somewhere." He smiled as he ran off. I shrugged and left.


School ended an hour before i went to Brad's house. It took what seemed like eternity, but he finally opened the door. He locked the door behind him. "Get into the car." He said. I simply followed the given instructions.

We went to the city. Brad parked in an old alleyway and he told me to stick close. He opened a door to an old building and we walked in. There were all kinds of people in there. Prostitutes. Drunk guys. High guys. Dealers. Some thugs. We walked to the 3rd floor. Brad knocked on room 312 before entering. A man, who seemed 20 years older than us, Greeted Brad with a hug. "Welcome Brad." He said. He had a foreign accent. Australian by the sounds of it. "What do you want?" Brad laughed.

"Why is it I'm always here, you expect I want something?" The Man laughed.

"Because you do, Mate." He replied. I stayed quiet.

"You got any Dope?" Brad raised an eyebrow. The Australian opened a drawer in a desk.

"Right...here." He handed it to Brad. It was a small vial. about the size of my palm. "This is the last freebie. Just because of what you did for me." The Australian smiled. "Now get. I have things to attend to." Brad nodded as I followed him out the door.

After we got to the car, I looked at him. He chuckled. "What?"

"You hear? Michael was arrested."

"I know."

"So why you doing this?! IF you get caught, They'll arrest you too."

"IF." Brad emphasized. "IF I get caught. I haven't for years. I'm sure that I-"

"Years?! And I'm finding out now?!" I shouted back at him.

"I don't have to tell you everything." And with that, We sat in the car. We were silent for a while. I broke the silence.

"Why?" I asked him. It was straight forward. He sighed.

"It's one of the few things that make me feel...Alive." He chuckled. "You remember 3 years ago...When I didn't come to school for 3 weeks?" I nodded. "I was depressed. I tried taking my own life." I looked at him. He was always the brightest one of our small group of 4.

"Why'd you stop trying?" I asked.

"Because..." He paused. His voice was wavering. "I was scared." He pulled out the vial from his pocket. "Soon after, I found this. It gave me that Awake feeling. That...rush. I felt better than i had in my whole life." I closed my eyes. Even though I had only just got the weird things going on with me, such as the serpents, I couldn't help but understanding how he felt. I felt like the serpents were dragging me away from everything good in my life. I looked at the vial. "This is a dosage for two." He said, and pulled out 2 needles. "Trust me, Bro." He said. I couldn't say no. I took the needle, and the vial. After filling the needle to a certain point, We innject outselves with the drug in our arms. The effects took a few seconds, But i felt something. I felt like I had adrenaline rushing through my veins. We had been sitting in Brad's car for half an hour now. I could no longer hear the serpents in my head. It seemed like the drugs were suppressing them...Making them weak. I felt a smile on my face.

Maybe I could defeat them.