View Full Version : Recipes + Winery Recycled Threads
10-14-2009, 02:39 AM
When you're buying wine what criteria do you go by?
I find it very difficult to find a good wine, as I don't really drink wine much, but like to know something about them to bring a decent bottle when being invited over for dinner!
10-14-2009, 02:42 AM
Things I know how to cook/bake:
Pasta, Soup, Ramen, Fries, Oven-baked pizza, hotdogs, burgers, vegetables.
I struggle with meats like steak, chicken legs, and so on.. how about you?
10-14-2009, 02:44 AM
what's your favorite flavor? Mine is Cookie Dough!
10-14-2009, 02:45 AM
What is your favorite fruit?
Here's some to start you off:
Pineapple, Apple, Orange, Banana, Coconut, Tangerines, Grapefruit, Grapes, Strawberry, Blackberry, Raspberry, Tomato, Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Winter Melon, Honey Dew, Starfruit, Passion Fruit, Bread Fruit, Gooseberry, Kiwi, Peach, Cherry, Nectarine, Plum, Dates, Cranberries, Lychee, Mango, Papaya, Durian, Lemons, Limes, Pumpkin, Cucumber, Pomegranate, etc
10-14-2009, 02:46 AM
with chewing gum in the centre.i love cherry flavour. :blah:
10-14-2009, 02:48 AM
I recently had my first pack of Pocky not too long ago and i liked it.
I am addicted.
What snacks do you like?
Gabriel Zero
10-16-2009, 11:27 AM
Post your favorite sandwich recipe
we all have our favorite sandwich right?
1) Rye bread (i think that's what it's called)
2) Turkey
3) mayonnaise
4) Lettuce
5) Onions
6) Tomatoes sometimes
7) Swiss Cheese
Gabriel Zero
10-17-2009, 12:56 AM
Waffles and I have a strained relationship at best. This is primarily due to my mom. Wonderful lady, but when I was 13 she bought a waffle iron.
I ate waffles every day for breakfast for like 2 years. Those big, Belgian kind, but they never got crispy enough, so they were kinda squishy. I haven't had one since.
That being said, I DO enjoy frozen waffles, such as Eggo. I just can't handle the big homemade ones, or ones you'd get at a diner.
And now you know... and knowing is half the battle.
Gabriel Zero
10-17-2009, 10:24 AM
Hello. Although im not sure why i posted this i was wondering what were peoples wacky food combinations like, Chocalate shake and french fries.
Althoughy im not sure mine is wacky ill say it anyway.
If i can i always try to mix strawberry Nesquik with my Cinnamon Toast Crunch cerial. It taste scrumptious.
Also I'm kinda bored with the food ive been eating and i want to try something wacky.
Gabriel Zero
10-17-2009, 02:09 PM
I just ordered my dinner from IHOP (I ordered breakfast food though) and it was the bomb!
I had stuffed French toast with strawberries on top, scrambled eggs, bacon, and sausage links.
Good stuff!
10-26-2009, 11:57 PM
Well, bloody hell, I lost my old reply on the old forum to this very same question.
Well, here goes again (the quick and dirty version)...
There's a number of factors that you can consider (they may not all apply, but just the same, here they are for your reference):
1) What are you having with your wine?
Basically, if you're having fish, go with a "white" wine.
If you're having red meat, go with a "red" wine.
If you're having chicken or pork, it's up to you.
2) What kind of wine do you prefer?
What someone else prefers, you may not, and the whole range of wines out there is as diverse as it is to appeal to all tastes.
Personally, I enjoy drier red wines, like Pinot Noirs and Chiantis. While French wine is certainly some of the best, California Pinots are great as well, and Chiantis are of course Italian. However, an Argentinian Malbec, and Australian Shiraz are also among my favorites as well, so *do not* limit yourself to just California or Europe; feel free to explore!
For white wines, I enjoy Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc, and Rieslings. They tend to be more tart, and crisper.
I have no interest in Merlot, Cabernets, or any sort of blush (ie, White Zinfandel). Between red and white, if I had to choose, Reds win.
3) How much money are you willing to spend?
Most of the time, the more expensive wines are generally better, but not always. I would encourage you to not go as cheap as possible, and never buy what can come in a jug or box (if you see that as an option for the brand you plan on buying, avoid that). However, there are some very affordable and very tasty wines made by wineries that are trying to break into the market and will cost much less than the traditional big names. The best thing you can do is look up wine reviewers and see what they say. Many times they can point you to a wine that is both tasty and affordable.
4) Just experiment! I've found many wines I like by doing just that. Sometimes, you just have to find the wine that works for you, and that's exactly how you come to discover what you like best. If you're a fan of Zinfandels, knock yourself out. Just because I don't like them, doesn't mean you shouldn't enjoy them!
5) Don't be afraid to ask someone who seems to know his/her wines! I've gotten a few favorites by reading what others recommend.
Hope that helps!
~Heirosyth, Closet Wine Connoisseur
Gabriel Zero
10-28-2009, 07:32 PM
My friend and I were having a discussion on the muffin-cupcake spectrum: what exactly is the muffin cupcake spectrum and does it have more than one variable?
I’ve always thought that muffins were healthier versions of their cupcake brethren, but he was quick to point out chocolate muffins and the like. He’s always seen it in terms of size, muffins always being bigger than cupcakes.
So, I come to you. What is the muffin-cupcake spectrum?
Anne Bonny
10-28-2009, 07:38 PM
Even bran muffins have loads of fat in them. So the health factor doesn't work. Therefore, we must go by taste. And if frosting>no frosting, then cupcake>muffin.
10-28-2009, 08:24 PM
and one must take into factor that most muffins/cupcakes are based on the same ingredients. Also, you must ask yourself, does the muffin have a streusel topping in which case makes it the equivalent of a cupcake with icing.
11-10-2009, 03:11 AM
The only thing I can sort of make is tuna.
... and I only make that when there is no food in the house.
11-10-2009, 03:18 AM
I love making home made baked mac and cheese, lasagna, scalloped potatoes, and all different kinds of chicken. I do ok with steaks on a grill but no so much making them on the stove.
11-10-2009, 03:22 AM
I can cook just about anything so long as I have a recipe.
The Gypsy Queen
11-10-2009, 03:37 AM
I'm not half bad. My enchiladas are famous, as are my stuffed shells. I've got a whole list of oddball but delicious recipes.
11-10-2009, 06:09 AM
Name it, I can cook it. Venison in a dark chocolate sauce is my personal favorite, but I can make really good spinach and ricotta ravioli.
I'm also great with shellfish, though that stuff is too easy to make. Lobster's a lot simpler then people like to make it out to be, and all you have to do is give it a decent side. My personal favorite with them are spring rolls, but that's just me.
Yeah, I like cooking. A lot.
The Gypsy Queen
11-10-2009, 06:10 AM
I have to get some recipes from you!
11-10-2009, 06:26 AM
What's your favorite food(s)?
Aurelia Courville
11-10-2009, 07:52 AM
Yes. Yes I can.
Breakfast foods are my specialty, but I do alright with some chicken, steak, cornbeaf. OH! summer rolls are so easy, I don't think there's much cooking going on there though xD I do so love to cook~
The Gypsy Queen
11-10-2009, 06:58 PM
Pretty much anything, but I am particularly fond of seafood and italian.
Ladie Luck
11-10-2009, 09:43 PM
Not me! I'm definitely not a cooking kind of girl. My culinary skills are pretty much nonexistent.
12-12-2009, 01:29 AM
Does it taste good and how drunk will it get me?
I'm not an expert of any sort, really. I choose randomly and see if it's tasty.
Though, if this can count as wine; when I was younger I'd drink a lot of Boone's Farm.
01-06-2010, 03:31 PM
thank you Heirosyth - very helpful!
Stream - boones farm most assuredly does not count for anything even remotely considered wine, but thanks for the smile :)
01-06-2010, 09:01 PM
In retrospect, my answer makes me feel like I personally insulted Heiro.
01-06-2010, 10:00 PM
You're welcome, Whitney.
I'm sorry, did you say something, Stream?
01-06-2010, 10:12 PM
No sir, I did not.
Anne Bonny
01-06-2010, 10:40 PM
I have a sister who is a sommelier, so I usually just ask her. :D
01-06-2010, 11:58 PM
I am not well versed in picking wines for consumption.
I am however, well versed in knowing how to drink them properly.
01-07-2010, 07:15 PM
I usually go for MD 20/20, only because Thunderbird makes your teeth black though.
Miss Devil
01-07-2010, 08:06 PM is okay. I don't prefer it. But what can I say? I only drink it like once a year. I am more of a soda/water type of girl lol
Mary Sue
01-18-2010, 10:20 PM
Today I had a BLOC sandwich. Which is my own little invention based off of the classic BLTs.
B- Bacon
L- Lettuce
O- Onion
C- Cheese
Here's how I made it:
I seared some bacon in a skillet, so that it wasn't too crunchy but so it was cooked thoroughly then I set it aside to cool.
I didn't have any butter, so I chopped up some onions and sauteed them in the bacon juices with a bit of garlic until the outsides caramelized. I popped some bread in the toaster while the onions and garlic cooked.
DO NOT USE SALT! Bacon is really salty by itself and doesn't really need extra salt.
The bread and the Onions finish around the same time, so I spread on some Mayonnaise, spoon out the onions and garlic, add the bacon and add some cheddar cheese and lettuce. I prefer cheddar on bacon sandwiches because it has a smoky taste that compliments the onion and bacon.
And viola! A delightfully toasted BLOC!
Security of Mem
02-11-2010, 11:35 PM
The Veggie Wedgie[lol yes that's what I call it]:
1. Sourdough Bread
2. Mustard
3. Peppercinis or Banana Peppers [works both ways]
4. Black Olives
5. Lettuce
6. Tomato
7. Mushrooms
02-12-2010, 12:02 AM
My sandwich is very simple.
1. Smoked Virginia Ham
2. Mexican 4 cheese
3. Lettuce
4. Ranch Dressing
Simple yet Yum.
02-14-2010, 06:58 AM
I drink beer.
But on the odd occasion when I'm too poor to afford a carton of piss, I'll buy the cheapest wine that comes in a 4 litre box.
Or if I just want wine, there's this one I can't remember the name of, but it's $10 a bottle and tastes like fruit juice.
02-14-2010, 07:03 AM
I find Black Berry Merlot to be the best thing on earth, as beer is flavorless and red wines suck. I like some beers, and very few red wines. But if you ever want something smoot, and fizzy, fruity yet zesty. BlackBerry Merlot is the way to go
02-16-2010, 12:18 AM
I like the classics, just plain chocolate ice cream. If it aint broke... xD but still, plain chocolate ice cream is mah favorite. xD
Anne Bonny
02-16-2010, 12:24 AM
Mint n chip here in the States.
But the best on the planet is hokey pokey, from New Zealand. If I win the lottery, I'm chartering a private pilot to fly me gallons of that stuff every week.
I would have to say Reese's Peanut Butter Cup ice cream. But then i love peanut butter cups.
02-16-2010, 12:32 AM
Moose tracks!
02-16-2010, 02:51 AM
Birthday Cake Ice cream :P
02-18-2010, 03:00 PM
I can cook, just about anything with a decent recipe to assist. I'm not a baker though, no matter how I try I just cannot do brownies or cakes? The time is always off and it's just not good... My favorite thing to cook is Lasagna, with eggplant and sausage.. hhmmm..
02-18-2010, 03:01 PM
Blueberry Pancakes! with Blueberry syrup though.. the flavored syrup makes it complete!
02-18-2010, 03:02 PM
ew! Frozen waffles are like chewing on hockey pucks.. what's the point!
Homemade waffles bring it on baby... keep the frozen eggo's in the freezer!
02-18-2010, 03:02 PM
Raspberry's fresh, just picked little pockets of sunshine!
02-18-2010, 03:03 PM
Scrambled eggs with Ketchup.. I cannot eat scrambled eggs without the ketchup.
it's odd - does anyone else do that? I usually get odd stares in restaurants when I do.
02-18-2010, 03:06 PM
Waking up early on a summer morning at my grandparents house, the sun isn't up yet, and no one else is awake. Sneaking out barefoot in the dewy grass, and picking some fresh strawberries... Man, that's one of the best things in the world.
02-18-2010, 03:34 PM
Hard, juicy, crisp apples. Red or Green. Freshly picked from my apple tree. Or a Lemon. Mmmmm. uhhh scuze me I have to go eat one now. It may not be freshly picked but their still juicy.
02-18-2010, 03:40 PM
Lemons!? you just eat them!? like that... wow... *cringes a little* sour just kills me!
Jicama. Also known ad the Mexican potato. Very good with lime juice and chili powder. The ex is Mexican. She got me hooked on this. Now while I know a potato is a veg, the ex called it a fruit. Though I do think it is technically a veg.
Anne Bonny
02-18-2010, 04:33 PM
My hubby does that, Merry!
My oddest food combo is probably avocado on toast. Get a good piece of sourdough toast, squish some avocado slices on it, and sprinkle with just a touch of salt and pepper. It's the best breakfast! I don't know if it's very strange, I got the habit from my dad, but I haven't seen anyone else do it.
My hubby though is the one with the really weird food combos:
He eats his chocolate cake in a bowl of milk, with a spoon. (That ones actually really good!)
He spreads peanut butter on his pancakes and pours syrup over them.
He dips his grilled cheese sandwiches in ketchup.
02-18-2010, 04:49 PM
OMG! Grilled Cheese with KETCHUP! I'm so trying that.. -luv- Grilled cheese is my favorite thing in just about the whole wide world... god I'm so hungry today!
02-18-2010, 04:53 PM
I am unable to fathom the combination of waffles and fried chicken.
Nor can I imagine what quirk of fate gave rise to such a puzzling union.
Anne Bonny
02-18-2010, 05:08 PM
Omg Sneaky! I forgot about that!
Yeah, I know, it sounds completely crazy. But if you go to Roscoe's, it works. I would never think to create such a dish on my own, but somehow there is nothing better than Roscoe's House of Chicken n Waffles.
I can't explain it. (
Earl Greyfox
02-19-2010, 09:42 AM
My mom puts cheese on pears. For me I'll put just about any kind of meat in mashed potatoes, though I suppose that's not really that wacky. My dad likes eating dark chocolate and drinking red wine. Also, breakfast burritos. Scrambled eggs, sausage, cheddar cheese and hotsauce wrapped up in a tortilla. It's really good. I also like to put taco meat in my quesadillas.
Earl Greyfox
02-19-2010, 11:18 AM
Pancakes are better. I too dislike Belgian waffles and would much prefer an eggo.
Earl Greyfox
02-19-2010, 11:20 AM
I can cook pretty well, bt baking cookies is my specialty. My peanut butter cookies are famous.
Incubus Folly
02-19-2010, 11:31 AM
If you've got a recipe I've got a meal =D I can cook pretty damn well, but I'm messy and I hate cleaning up so I never do it... although I do cook at work.
02-19-2010, 12:45 PM
Not the best at cooking. If I don't have some sort of recipe/guide I'm pretty lost.
I'm awesome when it comes to making cakes/cookies/deserts and all that C:
02-20-2010, 02:58 AM
I'm good at home cooked meals. Sometimes if I try to make fancy dishes I screw up but I have fun trying anyhow.
02-20-2010, 03:00 AM
Chicken and waffles is fantastic.
I have a habit of eating my french fries with ice cream.
Or bananas with peanut butter.
02-20-2010, 03:02 AM
strawberry or chocolate lollipops. The tootsie roll kind.
Anne Bonny
02-20-2010, 03:35 AM
My mom puts cheese on pears. For me I'll put just about any kind of meat in mashed potatoes, though I suppose that's not really that wacky. My dad likes eating dark chocolate and drinking red wine. Also, breakfast burritos. Scrambled eggs, sausage, cheddar cheese and hotsauce wrapped up in a tortilla. It's really good. I also like to put taco meat in my quesadillas.
Breakfast burritos are some of my very fave things. Although I prefer the bacon variety, and I like them with hashbrowns inside too.
Also, my family likes cheese on apples. I think it's just okay, but my dad says "An apple without cheese is like a kiss without a squeeze." Never tried it on pears though.
02-20-2010, 03:58 AM
I dipped my fires in ice cream once. I liked it.
And one time I tried to mix ice cream and frosted flakes. pretty good combo really. especially if Kit Kat bars are mixed in.
Anne Bonny
02-20-2010, 04:02 AM
Oh oh oh! I just remembered one more of hubby's weird habits. Instead of putting milk and sugar in his oatmeal, he puts a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
It's gross to me because it makes it all colds. :(
02-20-2010, 04:11 AM
Man, I couldn't stand oatmeal as a kid. wasen't to my tastes.
Anne Bonny
02-20-2010, 04:13 AM
Me either to be honest. Still isn't! I make it for the hubby and the birds, and that's about it.
Cream of Wheat is where it's at. :D
02-20-2010, 04:31 PM
french fries dipped in hot chocolate... weird, but the best.. specially McDonald's french fries for some reason. :)
Maple bacon doughnuts....cause bacon makes everything better.
Maple bacon doughnuts....cause bacon makes everything better.
They make those?! I want one.
French fries+milkshakes w/ chocolate fudge= best food EVER.
Also cold pizza with chocolate. My sister eats it ALL the time... But I like it too.. Also eating friend ice cream with French fries is the BEST. oh oh and my sister will eat almost ANYTHING with ketchup!! (it's a known fact that she loves ketchup and mash potatoe)
They make those?! I want one.
Yea they do. I forget the name of the store, but I do know it is in Portland
02-21-2010, 02:04 AM
I put barbeque sauce in my salami and bologna sandwich. Is that weird? XD
02-23-2010, 06:16 AM
I can cook all sorts of greasy crap that probably shortens your lifespan by a few days for every mouthful you take, but at least it tastes alright.
And half the time it has beer in it, whatever it is, because drunk people like putting whatever they're drinking into whatever they're about to eat.
Anne Bonny
02-23-2010, 06:30 AM
My husband says I'm a wonderful cook. I made something last night and his exact words were, "Oh my God, I'm in heaven right now."
Although I thought the dish was just okay, I'll take the compliment. It was just a pork chop skillit thing with gravy and veggies and stuffing... type thing. I don't know what to call it. When I cook, I use the recipe as a base, then add my own seasonings and "embellishments." If that makes sense.
Anyway, I can do any kind of cooking as long as it's indoors. No bbq. Oh, and not baking. My superpower is ruining anything I bake. Not like a cassarole bake, like cookies or cakes bake.
02-23-2010, 06:38 AM
Ooh, that reminds me.
I can barbecue stuffs reasonably well.
What with the bits of meat rubbed in stuffs, and my friends like when ye put honey all over sausages and cook them like that, which I can do well also but I really don't like it.
Barbecues are great, and they have the three best things in the world. Eating, drinking and sitting on your arse eating and drinking.
02-23-2010, 01:13 PM
:XD: Winter.. you're too funny! But I do have to agree BBQ is the best..
I live in the cold north, but I shovel off my gas grill and use it all winter long!
My neighbor's just shake their head and watch.... :lol:
Nothing like a nice grilled steak when it's about 10 degree's out...
Incubus Folly
02-23-2010, 01:17 PM
I can cook just about anything that has a recipe and I started to make my own a while back. Unfortunately that stopped when I got tired of cleaning >.< I'm a messy cook and no one likes to clean up after I cook for them so I rarely do anymore. I'd say my best dishes are breakfast foods (omelette's especially) and grilled foods, (fajita's are fun, but I can make a mean burger.)
02-23-2010, 03:35 PM
I can cook toast :D
Oh, or nuke a burrito. That's how I get women, you know.
02-23-2010, 03:37 PM
with a nuked burrito? hhmm....
02-23-2010, 03:39 PM
Spend hours in the kitchen.
I've got dish pan hands
Incubus Folly
02-23-2010, 03:51 PM
02-23-2010, 04:22 PM
yeah.. hate that part of the whole cooking thing, but it's worth it in the end!
Hurry - only a few days left! Vote (
Aurelia Courville
02-23-2010, 04:31 PM
I can cook toast :D
Oh, or nuke a burrito. That's how I get women, you know.
I don't know what kind of women you're picking up. I prefer men that can cook me returant style meals~
Cause i'm just picky that way. Not like i'll ask them to cook every night :x I likes to cook too.
and i don't do dishes. If i bother being unlazy to cook, someone else is cleaning. :rant:
Anne Bonny
02-23-2010, 04:33 PM
I can cook toast :D
Oh, or nuke a burrito. That's how I get women, you know.
I love burritos. You'd win me over. :love:
02-23-2010, 04:38 PM
oh Anne! At least wait for him to actually make the burrito... don't settle so quickly girl for that frozen nuked one!
Hurry - only a few days left! Vote (
Aurelia Courville
02-23-2010, 04:57 PM
I love burritos. You'd win me over. :love:
Oh, well then. I take that back. If that's the kind of Women you pick up then far be it from me to question~
02-23-2010, 08:00 PM
Well, I can make you restaurant style burned food. I did make cupcakes once that turned out pretty good, I make excellent top ramen if that's more your style, ladies.
Except Anne Bonny, who gets points for liking burritos.
02-23-2010, 08:18 PM
Well, I guess I can work my way around a kitchen pretty well, but I'm never one to brag.
02-23-2010, 08:26 PM
Down home country style cooking I am pretty good with. Fancy restaurant menus not so much.
Aurelia Courville
02-23-2010, 08:44 PM
Down home country style cooking
that is just as good as fancy resturants; sometimes better. Especially since you get more in one course than you do in 6 courses at some fancy places.
02-23-2010, 08:51 PM
My food won't kill you or make you hate yourself after eating it.
Aurelia Courville
02-23-2010, 08:57 PM
pft. I was raised on country home cooking. I think i can handle it~
not that i don't want you to cook me food too I'm just really REALLY hungry right now and that sounds SO good cause i haven't eaten super good food in years.
02-23-2010, 09:04 PM
I love making big meals. You know, the entire big meal. Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, home made bread, desert.
Gah. I'm making myself hungry. I haven't eaten yet today.
Anne Bonny
03-11-2010, 05:06 PM
Full article here! (http://*******.com/yg2gcy3)
Light to moderate alcohol consumption, especially red wine, is not only good for a woman's heart, it's also good for her waistline, according to a study reported Monday.
The study started out with nearly 20,000 trim middle-aged and older women. Over time, women who drank alcohol in moderation put on less weight and were less apt to become overweight compared to non-drinkers. This was true even after taking into account various lifestyle and dietary factors that might influence a woman's weight.
Red wine seemed best at keeping weight in check, but white wine, beer and spirits also had some benefit.
Like we need another excuse, right? But heck, I'll take it! Who wants to work out with me?
Anne honey I thought we talked about this when we have are little "chats"... I think I will tell my sister about this. She may go for it and maybe even my step mother. Heck they both are in to the whole 'lets lose weight' thing. Me.. eh not so much. But I am not fat. I am in my normal weight WHOOOO me.
Wine helps women stay slim.............and so does wttr...
03-11-2010, 09:18 PM
Full article here! (http://*******.com/yg2gcy3)
Like we need another excuse, right? But heck, I'll take it! Who wants to work out with me?
I have a bottle every week.
03-11-2010, 09:43 PM
Which is scary, considering you work with children five of those days.
Anne Bonny
03-11-2010, 09:48 PM
Probably why he needs that bottle. ;)
03-11-2010, 10:34 PM
Well I guess my Captain Morgan has just been replaced with red wine. Any suggestions on a good red wine?
03-11-2010, 10:37 PM
Chianti in a box.
At least that's what Heiro told me.
Anne Bonny
03-11-2010, 10:38 PM
That is disgusting.
03-11-2010, 11:53 PM
What do you like, Anne?
03-12-2010, 02:32 AM
That is disgusting.
Ignore him. I would NEVER suggest anything in box except for Stream, because I'm about to put HIM in a box six feet under a big pile of shit, because he's so full of it.
As for what I would recommend, honestly, that depends on your tastes, and if you want to get more specific, check here for my previous suggestions:
I consider myself to be *quite* knowledgeable about wine, and I truly enjoy it above all other forms of drink. I would never debase myself by drinking anything from a f*cking box.
03-12-2010, 03:41 AM
I would never debase myself by drinking anything from a f*cking box.
Except merlot.
03-25-2010, 03:29 AM
*blow* as the name says it....i shall post fav video`s and recipes + a daily vid or recipe (pancake) hope you`ll like,try them and comment if they turned out good
Recipe of the Day:
03-25-2010, 09:35 AM
Daily Recipe:
Shepherds Pie
serves 4
2 tablespoons butter
1 onion, diced
2 celery stalks, diced
2 carrots, diced
2 cloves minced garlic
1 teaspoon minced fresh rosemary (plus a few sprigs for garnish)
1 1/2 pounds ground turkey
1 tablespoon tomato paste
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1/2 cup beef stock or broth
2 cups green peas
1 prepared batch of Hill's garlic mashed potatoes (see his video recipe)
4 tablespoons shredded Parmesan cheese
Melt butter in a large saute pan over medium-high heat. Add diced onion, diced celery stalks, diced carrots and minced garlic. Saute until vegetables are softened somewhat, about 8-10 minutes. Stir in 1 teaspoon minced fresh rosemary, stir, and then add ground turkey.
Cook turkey until browned. Next, stir in tomato paste, Worcestershire sauce and beef broth. Stir again, and then mix in the green peas.
When most of the liquid has cooked off, spoon the mixture into four 16 ounces ramekins, leaving about 1 inch of space. (You can also use a standard 13x9 casserole dish for a family-style meal.) Top with the prepared garlic mashed potatoes and spread evenly. Garnish each ramekin serving with 1 tablespoon of grated Parmesan cheese. Or, if serving in a casserole dish, garnish the entire topping with desired amount of grated parmesan cheese.
Bake in a preheated 375 F oven for approximately 30 minutes, or until the potato topping looks golden brown. Top each serving with a sprig of fresh rosemary and enjoy!
03-26-2010, 12:45 AM
-luv- shepards pie! yummy!
03-26-2010, 01:17 AM
banana cake with frosting
03-26-2010, 06:30 PM
Chicken Parmesan Bake :
04-03-2010, 01:29 AM
White grenache (californian rosé) all the way! Mainly because I am a cheap swine. If I'm on a date I'll usually order a Zinfandel or Merlot. A Shiraz on the odd occasion. White wine tastes like sweat so I tend to avoid it like the plague. Unless I'm trying to get drunk. Then it's all fair game haha
04-03-2010, 01:40 AM
I'm an alright cook. I try to do everything from scratch, which is hard, but it really improves your cooking ability (and makes you appreciate what your mother goes through haha). Hmmm... I'm quite good at sunday roasts, which consists of; mash/roast potatoes, chicken/steak, vegetables and my very own gravy. I'm not sure if it's difficult to make your own gravy, but I'm quite proud haha Then there's stir-fry, lasagne, soups, fries and lots of other crap. My speciality is pasta in a garlic and tomato sauce with bacon and basil! A very yum dish! (although not very impressive...)
04-03-2010, 01:48 AM
Probably why he needs that bottle. ;)
hahahaha that had me in stiches.
To be honest, I really want some wine right now. Thing is, I have work tomorrow. Meh. Screw that. Where's my cork screw?
Anne Bonny
04-03-2010, 01:56 AM
Hey, I like this new guy!
Everything sounded great, until...
...and lots of other crap.
That sounds awful. D:
As for me, bowl of cereal will get you through anything! :3
Mary Sue
04-03-2010, 04:52 AM
I love to cook. :)
I like trying to remember cooking tips I hear or see and use them in my cooking. Tomorrow I'm hoping to make stuffed, baked chicken with green beans and pasta.
04-03-2010, 08:17 AM
Plus, cereals come in an assortment of flavours. If you think about it, you're practically a gourmet chef haha
04-03-2010, 08:20 AM
I love to cook. Mostly desserts though
04-03-2010, 08:24 AM
Oh I can't really do desserts. Well, when I say can't really I actually mean that I just can't at all hahaha I'm usually full by the time I've finished the actual dinner so I've yet to venture into the realm of the last course. Well, actually, I could probably make a fruit salad if I just put a whole pile of old fruit in a bowl, right? That's not right, is it? Hmm hahaha
04-03-2010, 09:40 AM
I'm a regular Gordon Ramsay.
Without the swearing. Most of the time.
04-03-2010, 09:41 AM
You have a Doctor Who avatar; are you a fellow BBC America addict?
04-03-2010, 09:42 AM
On the contrary.
I'm in England. New series starts tonight. I can barely type straight. 8D
04-03-2010, 09:46 AM
Oh, God, we're just now getting the second season of the Inbetweeners here.
04-03-2010, 10:30 AM
To be honest, whatever's on offer in Tesco's. I rarely spend more than £5 on a bottle.
I love champagne, though. It's the only reason I ever attend posh parties.
Helpful hint: Don't try and mix cheap wines. It doesn't end well.
I KNOW, right? ~lmao~ They're so fucking cool.
04-07-2010, 01:57 PM
oh! I want a square watermelon!
04-07-2010, 04:46 PM
Clementines <3
If you don't know, they're kinda like tangerines but they're almost always seedless. (though I have gotten a few freak seeds in my time nomming on them xD)
04-09-2010, 12:06 AM
Cheshire's sister xD
And grapes <3
04-09-2010, 12:17 AM
04-09-2010, 12:34 AM
...truth be told, I loathe all fruit. I can tolerate blueberries to an extent, though.
04-12-2010, 05:33 AM
Feijoas! Yumm!
Miss Devil
04-13-2010, 08:28 PM
Lemons bananas apples and everything else.
Home baked apple pie is beast :D
Mary Sue
05-05-2010, 03:58 AM
Raspberry's fresh, just picked little pockets of sunshine!
I was always taught to soak raspberries before you eat them, because there are worms in the little separate pockets that come out in the water... Or was it black berries...? Or was it both....? Anyways, that's just some food for thought. (puns! lol)
I just recently became addicted to Japanese plums. They're small and yellow with very little flesh on them, but they are SOOOO amazing!
05-05-2010, 05:03 AM
Hahah, oddly enough....I love pears
05-05-2010, 07:07 AM
Whatever box looks the prettiest.
05-20-2010, 07:41 PM
Hello my lovelies
im a pasta kinda girl and every now and then when theres no pesto in the fridge and ragu in the cabinet i like to stir up some trouble and create my signature (often disgusting) sauces to dominate the plate.
(Maybe I Shouldn't Eat This) Recipe #1
Get a small bowl, possibly a cup.
1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon of paprika
1 teaspoon of poppyseed salad dressing
a dollop of Thai peanut sauce
1 tablespoon of spicy mustard
mix well
if done right you sould have a wierd orange substance that has a sweet peanut butter taste with a spicy/tangy aftertaste
06-19-2010, 07:47 AM
Whatever box follows the following criteria:
It holds 4 litres.
It costs $10 or less.
06-23-2010, 05:13 AM
There used to be an odd blueberry cheesecake flavoured lolli that was just... to die for, really. No idea where to even find them. -sniffletear- Fond memories, fond memories...
Anne Bonny
06-23-2010, 06:17 AM
Almost anything from Lollyphile ( I say almost because I don't do bacon flavored anything.
However, I can speak very highly of their white Russian and their absynthe lollies.
At the risk of sounding obscene (I don't mean to) lemon or cherry.
Remember those cheapy old fashioned ones like used to be at the doctors office? Wrapped in clear plastic and just a basic disk of sugar and tart on a stick- the peace offering for when you had to get a shot or something. Those ones.
I still dream about those lollies. I haven't been able to find them to buy though. Is there some secret lollie supplier that only sells in bulk to doctors offices?
Miss Devil
06-25-2010, 12:40 PM
Nope me and my friend actually have a huge box. Sowwy. If you want some I'll take a picture and post it for you :D
06-29-2010, 02:22 AM
This entire site is in desperate need of a one-night crash course in quality wine and alcohol in general.
Anne Bonny
06-29-2010, 05:30 AM
I agree with this guy.
07-01-2010, 01:31 AM
Let's do this, Anne.
Time and place; set it up.
07-13-2010, 07:42 PM
Lately I've been going through some of these old threads.. and they still make me hungry! :XD:
Mary Sue
07-13-2010, 10:37 PM
I like waffles plain, or with fruit inside them. If anyone puts syrup on them I can't stand it! Blech!
Warm waffles with nothing but a little butter or some powdered sugar...yummy. :)
07-18-2010, 07:45 PM
Waffles? I prefer WaFULLS!
No, seriously, strawberry Waf-Fulls are delicious.
07-18-2010, 07:53 PM
Fresh made waffles=happy dragon lady
07-18-2010, 10:44 PM
Fresh waffles are awesome! Frozen ones make me sad though. And I only like plain syrup with them... I'm so boring.
07-21-2010, 12:16 AM
I hate cooking, but I am pretty good at it I think.
07-21-2010, 12:33 AM
I took Culinary Arts back in the ninth grade and made this Watchmen cake:
I also ended up being a part of a Gingerbread House expo, and some bitch pulled all of the lollipops out of my house and punched its roof in in another class. We were supposed to sell them for charity.
07-21-2010, 01:20 AM
I burn soup.
In other words, I don't have the attention span for cooking half the time.
07-25-2010, 02:58 AM
I've burned water trying to make tea.
Surprisingly though, I've been told I can make a mean stir fry.
The Gypsy Queen
07-25-2010, 03:07 AM
I'm actually a really good cook. I have a number of great recipes. Working for a five star chef doesn't hurt either. :D
I once made a bowl of cereal, and when I poured the milk, I didn't spill a drop XD
Mary Sue
07-25-2010, 05:25 AM
Oh yeah Naz! That's amazing! And one time, I opened a box of poptarts. XD
08-11-2010, 05:20 AM
I follow this recipe called, "Put Food in the Microwave."
I'm more of a baker than anything else. My boyfriend is the chef >_>
08-11-2010, 05:24 AM
OH YEAH! *breaks through a wall with an epic chef hat*
Yeah most of my food has a kick to it though most of the time at least. Lets see I love making Italian food. I've been looking up some good recipes for some Louisiana Gumbo, I want to try my hand at that. I cook, bake, fry, and grill my food. Grilled shrimp and tuna are my favorite seafood, I love making them grilled. Though I love making a good scampi. During the summer I use whatever my parents grow too, so the vegetables and stuff tend to be pretty fresh in ways of tomatos, peppers, onions, and whatever various other things my dad throws out there.
Evil Troy
08-11-2010, 06:18 AM
Yup I can cook. I'm pretty good at it too. To be honest I actually thought about going to culinary school. But whether it's baking, grilling, haven't ever tried deep frying though...anyways I can do it. I'm actaully the only one in my house that can bake anything without burning it in some way as well.
08-14-2010, 03:24 AM
i love to cook its a draw between steak and chicken on which is my fav to cook i can do more with chicken than steak.
Garlic tomato fillet is the bomb
09-15-2010, 04:40 PM
Attending wine tastings are the best way to figure out what I like, and go home with a few bottles.
When I have the money for it, I love amarone. Otherwise, I do like zinfandel... not the sweet white zin, but red zin ( aka: primitivo), full of luscious berry flavor and tannins too. And more recently, I've discovered carmenere.
Poison's Beauty
10-20-2010, 07:53 PM
Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream!
Akimaru Inzuka
10-20-2010, 07:56 PM
2 scoops of Kellys' Lemon Ice cream
Poison's Beauty
10-20-2010, 07:58 PM
Miss Devil
10-22-2010, 11:37 PM
muffins without frosting are like bald people they are missing their hair.
11-08-2010, 04:38 AM
I wasn't sure where to put this, but I thought it would be interesting if we could share our favorite food recipes.
Let's just call it the forum cookbook.
Apple and Mixed Berry Crumble
Ingredients :
4 large cooking apples
2 cups of mixed berries (i like to use blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and strawberries...can be fresh or frozen)
1 cup of rolled oats
1 1/2 cups white flour
2 cups vegan brown sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 - 2/3 cups margarine
1 teaspoon cinnamon (optional)
- Preheat oven to 325'F (175' C)
- Peel, Core and slice the apples (not too small or they'll turn mushy!)
- Put the apples in a big bowl and mix in the berries
- Mix one cup of sugar into the fruit and mix (i like to add in 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon here too)
- Place the fruit mixture into a 12 x 9 dish
- In a bowl, mix the oats, flour, remaining sugar, baking powder and cinnamon
- Gradually add the margarine and use your fingers to crumble the mixture together (no need to be too careful...the messier the better!)
- Cover the fruit with the crumble mixture and I like to sprinkle some oats on top too
- Place in the pre-heated oven for 35 - 45 minutes(it depends on your oven) or until its golden brown and bubbling at the sides.
Serves: 8...or keep it all for yourself!!
Preparation time: 10-15 mins to prep
11-21-2010, 08:03 AM
Okay folks, post the most delicious, nay, scrumptious looking food you can find. Try to keep images compact so that we can avoid spoiler tags, and just bask in the awesome power of our food porn.
Aurelia Courville
11-21-2010, 08:34 AM
11-21-2010, 08:38 AM
... Damn. Next girl I make breakfast for is gonna be in for a real surprise when she sees the above laid out for her. :D jpg
Aurelia Courville
11-21-2010, 08:47 AM
That was the point!
this is also a point:
11-21-2010, 08:53 AM
If those shoes are not edible, then they are in a very dangerous position.
Aurelia Courville
11-21-2010, 09:30 AM
they are in the perfect position, sir.
11-21-2010, 09:37 AM
Now that is nifty. It looks like it was cut from top to bottom too, which means it must be completely frozen. That would be a great desert for a July evening.
Now, it is time to do the truffle shuffle.
Aurelia Courville
11-21-2010, 09:40 AM
it's cake on the inside!
mmmm truffles.
save for the fact that it's pink, it still looks so pretty.
11-21-2010, 09:52 AM
Oh yea, I was wanting to show Anne this. Just a habiscus inside a champagne flute, but it looks neat. :)
Aurelia Courville
11-21-2010, 10:10 AM
it's so pretty~ and I love hibiscus'
I don't know how they did this, but it's some kind of awesome.
11-21-2010, 10:16 AM
I think I saw something that could do that on one of those late-night infomercials. Still looks neat though. :D
Anyways, someone told me that this next picture was of candied apples. I still think they are cherries. Very sexy looking cherries. ;)
Aurelia Courville
11-21-2010, 10:35 AM
those are cherries, dear sir. Sexy cherries indeed!
these are candied apples ;) note how they aren't as sexy looking.
11-21-2010, 10:46 AM
I think it is the lighting over the dripping, oozing, glistening honey that really sells the cherries. The apples though ... Damn I can smell them through the computer screen. They might not be as sexy, but I wouldn't turn one down. :D
Here is a little somethin' somethin' for the spirit of the season. ;)
Aurelia Courville
11-21-2010, 10:56 AM
My favourite! mmm pumpkin pie.
and if you liked those apples, how about one of these?
11-21-2010, 11:11 AM
Wow. Would ya look at 'dem apples. :D
Alright, to top that, how about a cheesecake? A chocolate cheesecake. Mwuhahaha.
Aurelia Courville
11-21-2010, 11:20 AM
well, I would. 'Cept I don't like reeces~
and since we were talking donuts:
11-21-2010, 11:47 AM
I would counter your chocolaty goodness with some sausage porn ... but I don't think they can beat those oh so gooey doughnuts. You, my good lady, have beaten me.
I don't have much in the way of deserts left of the pictures I found during my first foray into the Internets. So, here is some hot chocolate to warm up your day. :)
Aurelia Courville
11-21-2010, 11:49 AM
aww. hot chocolate! I've been wanting some lately....
and it's okay, i've got deserts o' plenty ;)
one more apple picture though. Just because this ones adorable:
11-21-2010, 11:54 AM
Unique, I'll give it that. The included veil made me crack a grin. :D
Well, here is the last of my deserts ... for now.
Aurelia Courville
11-21-2010, 11:56 AM
more chocolaty goodness.
11-21-2010, 12:06 PM
Seeing all of your pictures ... I think ... I think my small heart grew three sizes today. :)
For a change of pace, here is some bread. Some very good looking bread.
Aurelia Courville
11-21-2010, 12:08 PM
Glad I could help!
I really like bread. especially fresh baked bread. mmmm
in honour of the movie:
11-21-2010, 12:13 PM
In honor of what movie?
Aurelia Courville
11-21-2010, 12:27 PM
...really? Harry Potter?? the seventh and final movie (that they split into two halves)???
this saddens me.
11-21-2010, 01:04 PM
I remember the first time I heard about the series was when a friend tried to get me to read it while I was busy learning graphical design. (By the way, the teacher for that class was the same teacher I mentioned in our other conversation. ;) ) I wasn't interested in it at the time, and was rather surprised some years later when it seemed to have caught on. I am still not interested in it though.
Now, maybe if he had suggested some Harry Dresden from the Dresden files, I would have paid a bit more attention. :)
Oh, and here is some chicken.
11-21-2010, 01:42 PM
11-21-2010, 01:47 PM ston_medieval_chocolate
Heston's Candle
11-21-2010, 01:53 PM
someone pass me a knife?
11-21-2010, 01:53 PM
Now there is a dilemma if ever I saw one. On the one hand, it is a setting for a date. On the other, you have a potentially very messy meal that you will most likely have to use your hands to devour. All that one can do is roll up the sleeves, don a bib, and pray that she is just a wild in her ways as you.
11-21-2010, 01:59 PM
Not gourmet as such but heaven when pissed
Munchy Box
1 layer of chips
4 tubs containing ketchup, HP Sauce, Mango Chutney and Sweet Chillie sauce
1 15" Piza
1 chicken parmagana schnitzel
2 Garlic Naan Bread
1kilo of Lamb Donna Kebab meat
Optional garlic sauce/ Gravy
Only available from one kabab house in Glasgow, couldnt find a picture of the whole thing (pictured is a small) suffice to say me and three drunk mates couldnt finish it on our last holiday.
11-21-2010, 02:01 PM
we would get along fabulously Meinholf... as I would certainly roll up my sleeves and just enjoy the meal! :)
11-21-2010, 02:16 PM
KKOD : You mean to say you couldn't polish off that meager entrée? I think you need to hand over your man license, or else get another box and prove yourself. :D
Seriously though, that looks damn tasty.
Merry Gentry : With your wonderful tastes, I would gladly dine with you anytime. ;)
Oh, I gathered up some more desert pictures. Enjoy your sweets.
11-21-2010, 03:57 PM
Oh please, oh please, let me recover faster so I can nom all this ~_~ Preferably that giant steak!
11-21-2010, 04:35 PM
KKOD : You mean to say you couldn't polish off that meager entrée? I think you need to hand over your man license, or else get another box and prove yourself. :D
Seriously though, that looks damn tasty.
Merry Gentry : With your wonderful tastes, I would gladly dine with you anytime. ;)
Oh, I gathered up some more desert pictures. Enjoy your sweets.
Let me just point out that all told that is about 5 kilo of dense food after a night of heavey drinking (mostly wheat beers) and one of those three mates was a slender blonde girl.
11-21-2010, 04:44 PM
Mmm.. what I wouldn't do for any of these foods right about now...
Mary Sue
11-21-2010, 05:15 PM
can't resist anymore. Must. Post. Food.
11-21-2010, 06:06 PM
11-21-2010, 06:21 PM
mmmm, cheeseburgers.
11-21-2010, 06:26 PM
blueberry pie with ice cream.. .hhmm.. ok.. I am officially starving now! :XD: 2ed7a52275b70
Aurelia Courville
11-21-2010, 08:36 PM
I'll just leave this here...
11-21-2010, 09:44 PM
11-21-2010, 11:06 PM
Oh gosh.. Edible dinnerware.. I wish.
Aurelia Courville
11-21-2010, 11:10 PM
waffles a la mode~
Mary Sue
11-21-2010, 11:33 PM
So pretty! I made brownies with this design before. :)
Mary! Stop looking at porn!
Mary Sue
11-21-2010, 11:45 PM
THIS is one sexy lady. ;)
11-22-2010, 12:31 AM
Mary Sue
11-22-2010, 12:35 AM
Gah! Merry, that made me HUNGRY! D:
11-22-2010, 12:57 AM
I think I may be drooling a bit too much at all this food. :D
Mary Sue
11-22-2010, 12:59 AM
I think this pizza has olives on it.... bleh... But it sure looks pretty. :D
11-22-2010, 02:26 AM
Mary Sue
11-22-2010, 02:32 AM
11-22-2010, 02:34 AM
Mary Sue
11-22-2010, 02:37 AM
11-22-2010, 02:49 AM
this is my favorite lunch...
a little Caesar salad and clam chowda in a bread bowl.. hhmm.!
Mary Sue
11-22-2010, 02:51 AM
Cool. I don't like clam chowder, but that's yummy looking. How do bread bowls not get soggy?
11-22-2010, 03:07 AM
well they do on the inside.. but the outside is kinda crunchy, so it takes along time for it to just fall apart.. by the time it does, you've eaten the soup and now have the bread to munch on soaked in soup! hhmm... so amazing good!
Mary Sue
11-22-2010, 03:08 AM
Well, Panera Bread is coming to our town, so I'll have to try it some time!
11-22-2010, 03:13 AM
OH! they have great bread bowl soups! Love, love, love the Turkey Bacon Bravo sandwich, to die for my favorite sandwich OF ALL TIME!
11-22-2010, 03:39 AM
this is my favorite lunch...
a little Caesar salad and clam chowda in a bread bowl.. hhmm.!
Qumiby jr: SAY CHOWDA!!!!
Waiter: NEVER!!!!! (
Mary Sue
11-22-2010, 03:54 AM
I don't like oysters but this was a pretty picture:
11-22-2010, 11:45 AM
I don't like raw oysters, but grill 'em up and slap 'em on a cracker or something, and I will be downing 'em all night.
Here is a classic snack. :)
Aurelia Courville
11-22-2010, 11:54 AM
11-22-2010, 12:50 PM
We're not keeping score or anything ... but Ceres is winning ...
11-22-2010, 03:20 PM
Ladies and gentlemen, and those in between, may I introduce you to my dear friend Max Brenner? Chocolate by the Bald Man perhaps?
It's one of the finest gourmet chocolate restaurants in Union Square, Manhattan. They're also located at Las Vegas and Philadelphia, but who cares about those locations ~rofl~
Introducing, the chocolate pizza!
11-22-2010, 03:33 PM
~lmao~ ok.. so I say Chowda... I hafta, being from the north of Boston.. it's a REQUIREMENT in school to say certain words w/ that Kennedy-gawd-awful twang.. so yeah.. I totally say Chowda.. next youtube, I'll say it just because!
Qumiby jr: SAY CHOWDA!!!!
Waiter: NEVER!!!!! (
11-22-2010, 04:07 PM
I wonder how much of that chocolate fondue I could chug down before becoming nauseated ... I would probably have to pop down all of those strawberries right after to try and cleanse my palette as fast as possible. That and some milk. Still, I might be drooling a tad bit over here. :D
Breakfast, is served. ;)
11-22-2010, 04:50 PM
death by chocolate please.. I can think of a few nicer ways to go.. but this one ranks up there in the top three, at least!
Aurelia Courville
11-22-2010, 09:14 PM
famous last words: "I don't know what this is, but, I think I want it in my mouth."
Foood ART! These are actual watermelons:
Behold! (
Taste! (
Want! (
Giggle a lil! (
Sigh (
Aurelia Courville
11-22-2010, 09:23 PM
Oh, blue I want want! and I did giggle a lil'. darn you and your suggested words! (sh_fist)
on another note, anyone up for breakfast in Denmark?
*teehee* I'm so clever..
Did someone say pineapple puppy?
11-23-2010, 12:39 AM
Ceres : Huh, are those Denmark's wacky spherical pancakes? At first I thought they were the Dutch oliebollen. Either way, yes, I would like thirds. :D
Now, how about some Russian tea cakes? ;)
Mary Sue
11-23-2010, 12:49 AM
This looks cute! But the more I look at it, the more I'm thinking it's fish or shelfish and not fruits....
Did someone say bread piano?
Mary Sue
11-23-2010, 01:27 AM
AW! That's cute Blue!
11-23-2010, 05:18 AM
This place needs more meat.
I'll have meat, with some meat on top, with a side order of meat please. Medium rare to rare please!
Anyone heard of Bugaboo Creek? Best fucking steaks ever. There's this dish that I call "meal of the gods" because it's baby back ribs, steak, and grilled chicken with a slice of bacon and cheese on top, with your side topping. I normally get this order, with a fuck load of mashed potatoes topped with chives, bacon crumbs, cheese, and sour cream.
Best. Meal. EVER.
Aurelia Courville
11-23-2010, 05:52 AM
Ceres : Huh, are those Denmark's wacky spherical pancakes? At first I thought they were the Dutch oliebollen. Either way, yes, I would like thirds. :D
yes they are indeed sir; Danish Pancakes!
keeping with my european theme (idk if it's a thing yet) candy candy candy
11-23-2010, 09:13 AM
I'd double down with two of these any day!
11-23-2010, 01:31 PM
Oh my god, yes XD
Aurelia Courville
11-23-2010, 02:53 PM
shrimp and grits?
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