View Full Version : [M] Blood is Thicker Than Water(IC) Merry and Nazgul

07-19-2010, 02:02 AM
Rated M for violence, blood, gore, coarse language and sexuality.

Some people have bad days. You know, the kind of day where you feel like the whole world is against you and you just want to crawl under a rock and die. Alex was not having one of those days. She was having one of those lives.

Not that her life was anything truly bad. She came from a good family and had an aptitude for painting. But her parents wanted her to pursue things which would be more beneficial to her in the future. Things like business or even nursing. Things which held no appeal to Alex in any way. This caused her to fall into drugs and alcohol to try and escape reality if only for a moment. Lost in an artificial sea of bliss and euphoria. And tonight, Alex intended to try and kill herself.

The evening had started off relatively innocent. Some of her friends had come up with the idea to sneak into one of the clubs. They had acquired fake IDs and got inside. After being in the club for a few hours, Alex was high as a kits and drunk out of her mind. She couldn’t remember how much ecstasy she had taken, and her nose was becoming sore from all the cocaine. Mixed with the alcohol she had imbibed in large amounts, she was starting to feel quite woozy.

Even with all this affecting her, the depression was still there. She was lost in the darkness of her mind and the gothic music of the club. Now she danced, waiting and hoping for the drugs and alcohol to stop her heart or something else to take her away form this life of melancholy and malaise.

07-19-2010, 01:58 PM
It was sunset. She felt it each night. Her brilliant blue eyes snapping open the instant the sun slipped from the sky. The internal alarm clock was never wrong. She immediately was awake, no daze, no confusion, from dead sleep to awake with nothing in between.

The hunger hit next, the slight, slow, rolling pang of emptiness low in her gut. Not quite pain, not yet. It would be soon enough, she could tell. It had been days since she had last been out. Days since she had last fed, last hunted.

Stretching she slipped out of her luxurious four poster bed. She pressed the remote for the balcony doors, the steel panels hidden by dark curtains slipping quickly aside to show her the skyline. The soft swoosh of the curtains with the slight hum of the motor the only sound. The city was just starting to come alive, people bustling about below in the street.

She stepped outside, the cool air caressing her naked skin like a lover, warm and sultry. She lifted her face to the heavens, a small smile across her lips. Ignoring for now the need, the hunger, she listened to the night.

She dressed quickly, a short black skirt, a light peach top and heels. She pulled her hair into a small knot at the back of her head pinning it to stay, and headed out. The doorman tipping his hat to her on the way by, “Have a good night, Miss” he smiled. She nodded in response, not trusting her voice at the moment, trying to ignore his rapidly beating heart as she passed. Dismissing his lust filled thoughts, for now. He would need to be dealt with, eventually. His disappearance would need to be manipulated with more time. Something to look forward to, soon.

She had waited to long, delayed too many days. It was going to take her iron clad will and her sheer stubborn want for secrecy not to shred someone apart tonight in her craving.

07-22-2010, 05:56 PM
The bass pounded in Alex’s ears and she seemed to float though the coloured lights which covered the dance floor. Every inch of her was lost in the artificial euphoria created by the drugs and alcohol she had imbibed. But that euphoria faded as she suddenly felt alone. Panic rose in her and choked in her throat as she realized that she had been abandoned by her friends.

Feeling the depression rise in her again, she staggered to the bar, sitting on one of the stools. She wavered in her seat, having to catch the bar to keep form falling over. Once she had steadied herself, she waved for the bartender. He approached, eyeing her suspiciously, and Alex knew he was thinking of cutting her off.

“Whiskey,” Alex said the word and the bartender shook his head.

“I think you’ve had enough,” the bartender looked at her sternly.

“Please,” Alex stared at him and a tear came to her eye. She was lost and wanted to lose herself further. The bartender looked her over for a moment and reluctantly put a glass on the bar and poured a shot. Alex motioned for him to keep going until the glass was full. She paid him, and once he moved to another customer, she reached in her pocket and removed another tab of ecstasy. Being as sure as she could that no one was really paying attention to her, she put the small tab in the glass and watched it dissolve. The bubbles which came form the pill seemed to dance in the glass and she smiled meekly. Once it was gone, she downed half the glass and sat perfectly still.

Despite the effects of the drugs and alcohol, Alex felt alone. She hoped silently that death would come to claim her or someone would come to take her away form all this. She figured the first was more likely. Her friends had abandoned her. Her parents didn’t want her. Her entire life was meaningless and no one would notice if she was gone

07-27-2010, 12:35 PM
”Please” was all she heard. It was all she had to hear and turned her head slightly to watch. That one word spoken should have been lost in the noise and chaos of the club. Somehow it filtered through all the pounding music and laughter, the happiness and lust. It slid softly through the air to reach her ears, as if it was spoken to her directly. That one word, filled with so much weight, that she was forced to see where it had originated from.

Glancing down the bar she saw the exchange between the girl and the bartender. Unable to take her eyes away, she lifted her drink, for effect, the wine sitting on her lips, barely wetting them, she stared, her eyes locked on the pair. She watched as he filled the glass and turned away shaking his head. She watched as the girl slipped something into the glass and waited till it was dissolved. She felt the crushing sadness, the despair, the hardened determination, the resolution and the acceptance of what was to come rolling off the girl in waves.

She slid two seats down, pulling her things with her, to be directly beside the girl. “You know, there are easier ways to remove yourself from this existence.” She said. Turning her face forward, not looking directly at her. She took a real drink of the wine this time, the taste flat and bitter on her tongue. “Less, dramatic ways, shall we say?” putting the glass back down gently on the bar. “Why don’t you just tell me what’s brought you to this” her voice soft and soothing, her hand gesturing toward the now empty glass as she turned, facing the girl, staring at her.

07-28-2010, 07:24 AM
It took a few moments for Alex to realize that someone was talking to her. The music in the club was loud, but not so as you couldn’t hear someone talking. Alex was really high. At first, the voice which was speaking to her, sounded muffled and garbled. She didn’t really take notice of it, instead focusing on the bar, as it appeared to be breathing.

After the voice had stopped, It was only then that Alex really noticed it was there, or more she was startled by the absence of it. The sound was pleasing near the end and she glanced out the corner of her eye to tsee the woman staring at her. Alex sat perfectly still for a moment, unsure of what to do. Did she really want to talk to someone she didn’t know? Especially when she was underage and really didn’t want to get into any kind of trouble. Perhaps it would be better if she just left. She quickly downed the rest of her drink and turned towards the woman.

Alex froze as she looked into the eyes of the woman. They pierced into her and seemed to hold some kind of sympathy for her, though Alex assumed that it must have been the drugs as she had never laid eyes on the woman before. Alex had wanted to just get up and walk out without saying a word. Instead, she now found herself wanting to pour her heart out to a complete stranger. People she had known all her lives didn’t care abut her, but yet a total stranger seemed to. Still, Alex had to be careful.

“I…I…” Alex stared into the woman’s eyes. She wanted to look away, to leave. But she was transfixed by the way the colour seemed to become more vibrant the longer she stared. She felt at ease, but to reveal her problems would also reveal her true age.

“Why do you care,” Alex spoke softly. “No one else does. What makes you so different from any of them?”

08-05-2010, 01:30 AM
Marna laughed, causing a few heads to glance their way before quickly turning away. The sound of her laughter like ice falling off a rooftop. Cold and chilling. It was a sound that had nothing to do with mirth, or happiness, what so ever. "Silly girl" she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I didn't say that I cared" she looked away for a moment, releasing the girl from her stare, sipping upon her drink once more. "I merely asked what brought you to decide to leave this world this way? I am simply curious?" turning back once more to the girl, tilting her head staring at her again. Dissecting her almost, as if you would stare at a puzzle trying to figure it out in your mind.

She leaned closer to the girl "I am different because I already more than I probably should about you. I can see that you're distraught, and can tell that you don't belong here." staring into her eyes "I can tell that you have had way too much to drink, and have done, other less legal things" she smirked, leaning ever closer she inhaled deeply pulling the scent of the girl into her nostrils like a fine bouquet of flowers. "You seem to have intoxicated me, with your... despair?" she laughed again, her lips curling ever so slightly into an amused smile; she leaned back into her seat, away from the girl.

"Perhaps we can help one another, out of a... situation?" she mused, more to herself than the girl. "I can help you forget, and you can satisfy my curious urge." she paused, "Besides, the bartender is not happy with you, and is headed this way to ask you to leave. Seems someone has let him in on your current age" she gestured with her chin down the bar, her eyes flitting briefly toward the bartender at the end of the bar talking with someone and glancing their way.

"Either way, you need to leave, before you fall down" she finished, taking the wine glass and finishing the drink, gently placing it back on the bar. “Why not together?” she put on her most brilliant smile and holding out her hand. "You will see that I am unlike any other person you would ever meet."

08-07-2010, 01:38 AM
Most people would have turned and just walked away. In fact Alex knew it would probably be a good idea. But the brutal honesty of Marna. She stated plainly, and rather frankly, that she didn’t care about Alex. She had half expected Marna to make something up, some reason for wanting to help her, but Marna told the truth.

Alex’s friends never did, always pretending to want to be around her and always ditching her when something better came along. And her parents didn’t either, always saying they loved her and never showing by allowing her to pursue her interests and generally not knowing one thing about her life or wanting to be there. Hell, she hadn’t been home in a week and they hadn’t tried to call her cell once to even see if she was okay.

She was also intrigued by the offer. Marna said she would help Alex to forget. She instantly assumed the price for whatever miracle this would be, assuming Marna wasn’t some psycho who wanted to hack her into little bits, was sex. And Alex had to admit to herself that she found Marna incredibly attractive. Not just her icy blue eyes which seemed to be staring right into her soul. But Marna’s lips as well. For just a moment she envisioned those lips against her skin, and the thought made her tremble.

Glancing at the bartender, Alex reached out her hand and took Marna’s. Her skin was cold to the touch and Alex trembled for a moment, as though someone walked over her grave. She felt drawn in even more and moved in close, clinging to Marna. Not just because she wanted to, but to also aid her in walking, as there was no doubt that Alex would most likely hit the ground more than once.

“Take me where you will,” Alex stared up at her with a dreamy look on her face, though her eyes told the tale of her despair. There was also a small touch of fear. Alex couldn’t hep feeling that this would be here last night on earth, and though it was what she wanted, the thought of it being at the hands of another did scare her.

08-13-2010, 06:09 PM
She couldn’t stop the small smile from slipping onto her face, a small sound of satisfaction escaping her lips at the girls hand in hers. So warm, so alive, she felt the small shiver of nervousness, and fear. It was a heady mixture. It was all she could do not to laugh aloud in pure pleasure. This was turning into a definite find for the night.

She hadn’t even had to “push” the girl to get her to leave. The little hint that the barkeep might be headed this way, seemed to have been just enough to make up her mind. Had Alex’s hearing been as good as Marna’s she would have heard that the conversation down at the other end of the bar was simply a question about the ladies room, which happened to be at the end of the room where they were sitting. It had worked quite perfectly.

Slipping her arm around the girls shoulder, she quickly ushered her out of the bar, into the street. Slipping the valet a twenty along with the ticket for her car, pretty much ensuring the vehicle would be brought around immediately, and it was. Watching as her black, SLK Mercedes Roadster was quickly in front of them.

“She’s had too much fun tonight” she giggled innocently to the valet with a wink, helping Alex into the car, buckling her seat belt quickly, and shutting the door in record time. “Thank you for your assistance” she murmured to the boy, locking eyes with him for a moment, pushing gently with her thoughts that he had a very boring night, and never did see the two ladies in the Mercedes.

Slipping quickly into the light traffic, she headed to her penthouse with her new friend, the smile still firmly placed upon her lips, growing larger the closer they got.

08-26-2010, 09:00 AM
Alex sat in the car and stayed silent for the first few minutes of the journey, choosing to stare out the window and watch the trails from the lights. She felt a little more at ease, the cool night air jarring her to a more lucid state. Which at this point basically meant she wouldn’t vomit all over the interior of the car. Once the lights lost their appeal, Alex turned to Marna and the uneasy feeling returned.

She noticed the smile that was on Marna’s face, and thought that she seemed to appear a little more pale. Alex couldn’t help wondering if Marna wasn’t feeling well and found herself wondering why she was smiling. Alex also realized that she was in the car with a total stranger. She didn’t even know the woman’s name. But at least Alex had not told Marna hers.

Alex opened her purse and removed a small packet of cocaine and a dollar bill. She rolled the bill up and stuck it into the packet, snorting all of the powder into her nose. It stung and Alex started to rub her nose, returning the bill and the now empty packet to her purse. She could taste the drip in the back of her throat and felt the drug starting to clear her mind. She exhaled deeply and then turned back to Marna.

“Um….look.” Alex’s tone was sombre. “If I’m going to go anywhere with you, I think I should at least know your name.” Alex looked at her curiously, but didn’t wait for an answer.

“You said you could make me forget,” Alex’s expression became suspicious. “And how exactly do you intend to pull this off? And I can’t help wondering what the payment is for this. You said you had an urge. You got some kind of weird sex thing you want to do?” Alex looked Marna over, admitting silently that she indeed would let Marna have her way with her, her worry lie in how far that would go. Alex could do pain, in fact, she enjoyed it. The pain reminded her she was alive. But she had no idea how far Marna would want to go.

08-26-2010, 12:25 PM
Marna made a mental note, seeing the girl pull the drugs out of her purse. She was surprised the girl even had it in her to add more to her already polluted system. As hungry as she was, the realization came that this was going to take time. This girl needed to dry out a little before she would be suitable for her needs. The last thing she wanted was a drugged up food bank. It always led to nasty headaches, and disorientation and worse. Most of the time she would avoid it, if it were within her power. She had to stall the girl, for awhile. Get her cleaned out a little first. She would use force, if she had to, but only as a last resort. Willing was always so much better.

As long as she had been in existence now, she never did understand how they did it, the humans. They just kept pouring more and more toxins and alcohol, drugs, and so on into their systems. They just didn’t understand that the worse you put in, the worse it became. It didn’t solve anything, in most cases it would only make things worse, alot worse. Far be it from her to even attempt to explain this to this girl, she was hell bent on destruction and Marna certainly wouldn’t stop her. It would serve both their purposes quite nicely. It would just add a little more time to the process. Time was certainly she had an abundance of.

..Alex.. The name floated to her as the girl spoke. In her drugged state, there wouldn’t be much that would she would be able to block from Marna “hearing” if she really wanted to pry it out of her. The girl was practically an open book, her feelings, thoughts, concerns all laid out to be picked through at her leisure, and in her current drugged state it would be quite easy.

“I suppose you are right, I mean we are complete strangers are we not?” She replied, her tone amused and carefree “I’ll start. My name is Marna. My urge lies primarily in trying to figure out why you would do this to yourself? And to perhaps show you that there are alternatives to this path you seem to have chosen.” That should give her some thing to ponder Marna concluded, she needed the girl to sober up a little more than she currently was, keep her brain occupied and coherent, for now.

“As for making you forget, I have a pretty good feeling that my lifestyle will be much different than what you are used to, therefore it will distract you, or interest you? For lack of a better explanation” she finished pulling into the back of the building, entering the underground parking garage of her high rise apartment building. They would be avoiding the valet and the doorman for all entry into the building this evening. The chances of seeing anyone at this time of night in the parking garage were very slim to none.

It was mainly used for winter weather. Since this was a warm summer evening, even if they did manage to bump into anyone, it wouldn’t be mentioned, anywhere. “I gathered that you won’t really be missed, at home anytime soon, so I brought you to my place, to see what you think.”

“As for sex?” ...pain.. she cast a quick glance at the girl, hearing the thought “That will be entirely up to you to decide. I won’t be opposed to it. There is something about you that certainly appeals to me. I know I can bring you to great pleasure, if you were agreeable?. But I won’t force you to do something you won’t ask me for” she finished confidentially, focusing on the girl, her hands casually laid across steering wheel, her face a mask of pleasant conversation between friends. Her eyes bright in the darkness of the car.

“At the very least, you can come up, we’ll have a drink, and talk, alright? If you feel uncomfortable, I’ll call you a cab. Once, that is… you tell me your name.“ she purred innocently, opening the door to step out.

08-31-2010, 12:03 AM
Alex couldn’t be sure if it was the sound of Marna’s voice, or if it was the way she looked at her. But Laex felt a tingle run through her whole body. Despite the inherent risk involved with going with a stranger, Alex thoroughly intrigued her in every possible way. And Alex found herself wanting Marna and as such, had to get out of the car. She opened the door, got out, and stared across at Marna as she closed the door.

“Alexandra,” she smiled as she spoke, her tone longing for Marna. “Everybody calls me Alex though.” Alex slowly walked around the front of the car and to where Marna stood.

If it wasn’t for the drugs and alcohol, she wouldn’t be here right now. But she was feeling so drawn to Marna. Apart from the fact that Alex wanted to take Marna right now, an urge which she was finding extremely hard to suppress as thought of her face buried between Marna’s long legs floated through her mind. There was also something different about Marna. Alex couldn’t pinpoint it, but whatever it was, it only helped add to the feeling Alex had.

“I’ll definitely have a drink with you,” Alex moved close to Marna, inhaling deeply. Marna’s scent was intoxicating and Alex was finding it harder not to attack Marna right now.

09-13-2010, 03:00 PM
Marna watched the girl come closer, saw her inhale deeply, could hear her rapid heartbeat and her pulse racing, like a small frightened little rabbit. Getting louder as she moved closer. Food, food, food, was the thought that was crashing through her mind in time to Alex’s heartbeat. She knew that Alex was drawn to her, and it was causing her to quickly come close to being unable to stop herself.

She knew she was seconds away from losing control, and that would be bad. Very bad, especially since they were still in the parking garage. She was almost trembling with the need to feed, to feel this girl’s blood rushing against her lips, to feel her fear, her desire. The thought flashed through her mind, to just take her now, here against the hood of the car, just to stop the thoughts, the want.

Her fangs starting to descend is what finally stopped her, bringing her back to her senses a little. She almost took a step back as Alex was just within touching distance, it was only through a sheer force of will she made herself stand there and wait. Stop and get her emotions under control. What felt like an eternity, was in reality only a few seconds, she finally took a deep breath, gaining a small measure of her control for back, for now. It was shaky at best, but it was there.

Finally reaching slightly unsteady hand out, she grabbed Alex’s in hers, and gently pull the girl toward the elevator. “Well, Alex” she smiled “Let’s go get that drink then, shall we? I’m beyond thirsty myself” she winked playfully at her understatement. Ushering the girl inside, pushing the button for the penthouse refusing to release her hand, out of loathing at herself for coming so close to losing her grip.

Her focus turned to how Alex’s skin felt very warm and soft in hers. She couldn’t stop the thoughts from surfacing of what it would be like, just to take a small taste, a tiny nibble against her throat. She knew it would only look like a small kiss to anyone watching the monitors in the elevator. Her tongue running her teeth, she knew her eyes must be displaying her intense response to her current condition. She turned her eyes and glance briefly at the floor indicator, almost there. They couldn’t get there fast enough she mused. Refusing to make eye contact again until they reached the apartment. It wouldn't do now to scare the girl away, they were very close to being alone.

09-17-2010, 06:23 PM
Alex stared quietly at the panel, watching the numbers light up as they passed each floor. She still held Marna’s hand and thought it must have been the alcohol and drugs, which had started to wear off, making her hand feel colder than it should have been. Still, she found a certain amount of comfort in the cold. For her, it seemed to reflect the broken shell which lay inside Alex’s heart and soul. Turning slowly, she looked up at Marna.

Alex couldn’t hide the concern she was now feeling. Marna appeared to be paler than before. Thoughts of sickness started to run though Alex’s mind and her the caution flags went up in her mind.

“Um, you okay?” Alex tried to sound strong, but her voice was shaky. She was scared that Marna might be sick and Alex didn’t want to share in that.

“Look if you’re not feeling well, we can always do this another night,” she squeezed Marna’s hand a little tighter. “Maybe we should get you to a doctor. When we get inside, I can make a call if you like.” Alex was sure that Marna had the means to get any doctor in town. Given where she lived, Marna didn’t have financial problems and could have a had a fleet of ambulances show up at a moments notice if she so desired.

“Either way,” Alex brought a hand up to Marna’s cheek. ‘I think you should get some rest. You’re cold as ice and you don’t look well. There’s a lot of-” the elevator’s bell interrupted Alex as the doors slid open.

09-23-2010, 06:41 PM
Amused for a moment that the girl thought she might be sick, Marna squeezed Alex’s hand, gently, or so she hoped. It had been awhile since she had purposely tried to be gentle with a human, after all. “I’m fine, it’s just a little chilly in here” she smiled briefly at the girl, stepping out of the elevator onto the silent floor, her gaze quickly taking note of the empty hallway. Not really surprised by the emptiness, as she owned the entire floor.

She smiled, “Honestly, I’ll be fine, just need to warm up a little, let’s go inside” opening the door in the silence of the floor. “Trust me, I don’t get sick” glossing over the unease she was getting from the girl in waves. "Come on" she unlocked the door and pushed it open wide.

Stepping in she turned on the lights, in respect for her guest, more than anything. She rarely used the lights herself. She imagined that if anyone did notice, they would think it was odd that the lights were hardly ever on in the top penthouse apartment of the building. One of the privileges of being on the top floor, with no neighbors, she doubted anyone ever did actually look up. The lights as they came on, showing a plush living room area, one wall completely glass that headed out to the balcony. The room decorated in comfort, and style soft tones of creams and tans throughout. There were two couches and a large flat screen on the side wall, and a few side chairs scattered throughout. There was easily enough comfortable seating for a small army of people.

She dropped her keys and small purse on the Victorian style side desk beside the entrance way, kicking off her shoes as well, beside the desk. “I’ll get you something to drink, make yourself comfortable” she headed to the left, through a small dining room. Quite small when compared to the living room area, then through a doorway at the edge of the room, into the kitchen area her feet soundless on the deep, plush, off white carpeting. She needed some distance between herself and her guest, needed to compose her self briefly for a moment.

Calling out as she moved “What can I get you? I’ve got some wine and beer, also some Vodka” pausing, while she leaned against the counter for a minute, closing her eyes.

10-02-2010, 01:22 AM
Alex entered the penthouse and moved to tone of the couches, placing her jacket over the arm. She put her purse on the floor and sat down, stretching out a little as she melted into the sofa. She smiled a little glancing about the room. By it’s furnishings, Alex could tell Marna had impeccable taste, as well as a lot of money, something which Alex was used to.

The effects fo the drugs were starting to wear off and Alex remembered the things Marna had said earlier about her lifestyle being different. So far, it seemed that Marna’s lifestyle was very similar to her own. Still, Alex felt comfortable and smiled as Marna called out from the kitchen.

“I’d love a vodka,” Alex called back. She stared at the doorway, eagerly awaiting Marna’s return. Not so much for the drink or even for the company. But with the drugs wearing off, she was starting to wonder about the things which Marna had said. About the alternatives for the “path” she had chosen. The thoughts of this intrigued Alex, and she was anxious to continue their conversation.

“Nice place you have,” Alex called out in cordial tone, glancing over ain the direction of the balcony. Getting up, she walked over and looked though the glass doors, the city stretching out before here.

“You know,” Alex called. “You have a great view here. “I’d love to paint it sometime.” Alex sighed and leaned against the glass door, imaging the brush in her hand as she applied paint to canvas. She then slowly opened the door and stepped out into the night air for a better look.

10-02-2010, 08:40 PM
She poured the vodka into two short glasses, tossing some ice in as well "So you're a painter then" she replied as she turned and moved back to the living room, only to see the slider open and Alex outside on the balcony, looking out into the city.

Stepping up quietly behind Alex, with the drinks in her hands "It is quite a beautiful view isn't it" she murmured softly in her ear. She took a deep breath of the night air, as it mixed with the intoxicating scent of the girl inches away from her, she licked her lips. She knew her guest was starting to become more of herself with each passing moment.

"I know I'm certainly appreciate the view tonight" her voice barely a whisper, her eyes looking at Alex, and nothing else. Her hand holding the drink out to Alex. "You're vodka" she said, waiting for the girl to take the glass from her fingers.

10-03-2010, 12:03 AM
Alex shivered as Marna whispered in her ear, causing her to forget where she was for just a moment. It was only when she heard the word vodka, that she snapped back into reality. She had wished that Marna had gotten in closer so she could feel the woman’s breath against her skin. A part of her wanted Marna to take her right here and right now. But the other part was starting to think that the things Marna had said before, about showing her another lifestyle, were nothing more than just some elaborate pick up line. She turned, gasping slightly as she realized just how close to her Marna actually was, before taking the drink and leaning against the balcony.

Alex spun the ice in the glass for a moment and then took a drink, before staring up into Marna’s eyes. She gazed at the woman with curiosity, and not the longing and wanting that she felt beneath the skin. The drugs were wearing off fast and she was coming to her senses and wanted to hear the rest of what Marna had to say.

“So what is it you want?” Alex smiled coyly. “You said you could show me an alternative for my life. So what ya got. You obviously come from money, but so do I. Our lifestyles don’t really seem all that different.” Alex moved away form the balcony and stood right in front of Marna and stared into her eyes.

“Look,” Alex sighed, the words purring form her lips. “If you wanna fuck me, I won’t say no. But I’m really not in the right frame of mind for games.”

10-03-2010, 12:38 AM
Marna couldn't help but smile at the girls direct behavior. It was candidly refreshing. Very different from most of her interactions with humans.

Taking a sip of her drink, mostly to cover the smile forming on her lips. "I'm certainly tempted to take you up on your offer, if that was one, actually" she smirked, staring at the girl. "But I want much more from you, than just... Sex" she purred back, smiling a devilish smile, sipping once more.

"We met because I was drawn to you, drawn to your dark thoughts. Thoughts that you thought were just kept to yourself. I'm different than other people you've known" she mused sipping the drink again. "Very....very different" as she finished the drink.

Twirling the glass in her fingertips, before placing it down on a table, she took a step closer, she reached out, her fingers lightly brushing the girls face, tracing her lips. "The question is, what do you... want, really... Alex" placing a small, chaste kiss on her lips.

10-03-2010, 12:57 AM
“So what,” Alex smirked. “You can read minds now? I mean fine, okay, I was having “dark thoughts.” But then why shouldn’t I? My life is a joke. I have parents who are more concerned with keeping up appearances for the sake of image than allowing me to have any interests of my own or do the things I want.” Tears were starting to well up in Alex’s eyes.

“I’m not allowed to paint of pursue art in school. No I have to take what they tell me because “painting is a waste of time,” Alex said this part with a prim and proper tone.”

“But I’m good,” tears now started to roll down her cheeks. “I’m really good and I love doing it. But they don’t care. I’m not allowed to have a life so I do drugs so I can escape from it. All I want is to die! There! Are you happy now?” Alex turned and placed her hands on the rail of the balcony, sobbing. And while she gazed out at the city, she wondered how it would feel to plummet to her death form the penthouse balcony.

10-03-2010, 01:51 AM
Marna took a step back at the girls sudden outburst, a little taken aback. She hadn't really expected her to spill forth all that information. Perhaps she was still drunk, she pondered.

"I actually can read minds, somewhat" she said slowly, stepping closer again, in an attempt to get the situation under control. "But, honestly it wouldn't take my skills to see that you're very upset and distraught right now. Anyone that's paying attention even slightly would be able to see that about you. " coming within touch distance of Alex, but stopping just short of her.

"I know what it's like to be alienated from everyone, and everything you care about. To be forced into something you are not happy with, not happy being" she looked at the girl. "If you truly wish to die, I will help you do so, painlessly" she finished, suddenly feeling very torn between her desire for blood and her sudden attachment for this girl that she couldn't explain.

"But perhaps, just perhaps.... we can find another way" she finished.

10-03-2010, 02:00 AM
“What are you gonna do?” Alex turned and glared at Marna. “Push me over the balcony? Believe me, the thought already crossed my mind. No I don’t need your help to die. And besides, I like pain.” Alex hissed the words, not meaning to. But she was struggling against the tears. Right now, she felt incredibly childish.

Alex brought up her arm and wiped away the tears with her sleeve. Taking a moment, she composed herself and looked down at the floor of the balcony.

“I’m sorry,” Alex still sounded a little weepy, but she had stopped crying. “I get a little emo at times. It’s not your fault.” Alex sighed.

“So what’s your other way?” Alex looked up at Marna, her face emotionless.

10-03-2010, 02:39 AM
Marna stood poised, ready to snatch the girl from the balcony should she actually decide to throw herself over it. If she wanted to die, that was certainly not the way she was going to do it. Not if she could help it.

Once she realized the girl was not actually going to throw herself off the edge of the balcony, she took a step closer again. "It's ok, I understand. Everyone feels that way now and then" looking at the girl closely. Seeing the determined resolve in her face.

"My way would be much more pleasant than throwing yourself from my balcony, it would be a much more..... pleasurable way to die" she whispered taking Alex's hand in hers, gently kissing her finger tips, hearing the blood rushing through her body as she did so. "Let me show you" she pulled her close, her lips brushing hers softly.

10-03-2010, 02:47 AM
Alex shuddered with pleasure as Marna’s soft lips brushed against her own. Instinctively, Alex wrapped an arm around Marna’s waist and pulled her close, pressing her lips against Marna’s., her tongue reached into Marna’s mouth, entwining with her tongue for just a moment and she pulled away.

Alex stared into Marna’s icy blue eyes. She wanted Marna to take her now and was quite intrigued to see what a pleasurable way to die consisted of.

“Show me,” Alex purred at Marna before crushing her lips into Marna’s

10-03-2010, 03:03 AM
It had been along time since she had been kissed by someone, really kissed. As she crushed her lips to Alex's it never occurred to do anything other than to return the kiss, in response. Her hunger momentarily forgotten in the moment. It felt amazing to kiss the girl in front of her, as it much as it had surprised her.

Her fingers wound their way around the girls waist, pulling her closer, as she pressed herself tight to Alex. Her tongue teasing back in response. Almost unnoticed her fangs lightly nicked Alex's lip throwing Marna into full fledged want. The taste of the blood on her lips caused her to gasp aloud. It was like liquid heaven for a brief moment before she realized what had happened.

With a slight groan, bordering on a low growl she broke her lips away, licking the taste of Alex's blood with her tongue. "We need to go inside. Now" her tone, determined would broach no refusal. She turned, pulling the girl inside the apartment. Pulling her along like a rag doll off the balcony, back inside, practically tossing her toward the couch.

10-03-2010, 03:11 AM
Alex moaned as she felt Marna’s teeth against her lips. The taste of blood didn’t bother her and she only assumed it had to be that one of them had been cut due to the force of the kiss. When Marna pulled away, Alex whimpered slightly, wanting to feel more of this gorgeous women. Visions of their naked bodies entwined ran through her mind and she shivered with anticipation.

Alex merely nodded her head when Marna spoke and was surprise at how forcefully Marna moved her into the apartment and to the couch. Alex fell just in front to the couch and immediately turned, glaring at the approaching Marna and biting down on her bottom lip.

The moment Marna came with in reach, Alex moved quickly up onto her knees and grabbed at Marna’s belt and pulled her to within an inch of her face. She immediately started to pull at the belt and ran her hands over Marna’s ass and thighs. She continued to pull at the belt, undoing it slowly with one hand as her other found it’s way between Marna’s legs. It lingered there for a moment before moving to undo Marna’s pants. She pulled at the button and started to unzip them, looking up at Marna, as if begging for approval.

10-07-2010, 01:43 AM
Marna couldn't stop the soft moan that escaped her lips. Feeling the girl hands roaming across her body. So subservient, this one, she mused looking down at Alex on the edge of floor, looking at her. Torn between her need to feed, and her need for sex was soon becoming a blurry line, each one raging against the other, to see which would win out first.

Grabbing Alex's hands quickly in hers, she pulled the girl up onto the couch, so she was seated, then proceeded to push her slowly back against the couch, pinning her arms to the side. Leaning over her, with agonizing slowness she ran her tongue across Alex's jaw, and down her neck, gently sucking, teasing, tasting her inch by inch, stopping at her collarbone. Her fingers continuing to keep her hands effectively pinned to the couch, keeping her captive.

Keeping her lips against Alex's neck, whispering "you taste good on my tongue" the taste of her blood still tingling on her lips.

10-07-2010, 01:57 AM
Alex moaned as Marna pinned her. Right now she was Marna’s willing servant, and the pleasures she received as Marna’s lips and tongue ran over her gave her no reason to try and stop her. Besides, she could feel the strength in the other woman, and fighting back would not be an option. Instead, she moved her hips so she was able to entwine her legs in those of Marna’s. Once she was in position, she began to grind her leg hard into Marna’s crotch.

The sensation this caused her made Alex want her hands on Marna. The wanting was becoming overwhelming and Alex began to fight against Marna, trying to free her arms.

“Ple… ase,” Alex gasped. “Let me touch you. Let me feel you.”

10-07-2010, 05:32 PM
Marna ignored the girls soft pleas, instead she continued to slide her tongue across the others neck, settling against the side, just below her earlobe, gently suckling. On some level, she was enjoying this little game they were playing, more so than she cared to admit to herself right now.

She also didn’t trust her voice at that moment to formulate an acceptable answer to the girls request. The small weak struggles Alex was attempting did nothing to help the situation, whatsoever. Her struggles were only further pushing Marna to the edge of her control, a shaky hold at best.

The small taste of blood, and the now intimate contact between them had brought her fangs to full length. What was confusing to her was her slight hesitation. Her hunger was pushing her to drive her fangs deep into this girl, pinned to the couch, and drain her. To revel in her blood, bathe in it and in the process give her what she had asked for originally, to leave this world. To quickly satiate the almost overwhelming hunger gnawing at her core, to feed.

The small glimmer of humanity she had left, and it was the tiniest spark, wanted her to keep this girl with her, to feel something more than hunger for once toward another life, another being. To let her please her in more than a feeding capacity, she could sense it in this girl, the need to attend. The desperate need to belong to someone, anyone, and the intense desire to please, and be pleased. It clung to her like a cloak, bright and shining in the darkness.

Throwing caution to the wind, knowing this could end badly, Marna released her hands and took a quick step back, putting a body length’s distance between them. She ran her fingers through her hair, letting it cascade across her shoulders, and smiled at Alex. Her fangs obvious, and undeniably shining in the subdued lighting of the room, long and sharp, similar to the fangs of a poisonous snake.

“I am not, at all, what you think” she ground out, her tongue licking her lips automatically, her breath jagged and labored as she fought for control. “I want you in ways you cannot even fathom” her hands coming to rest on her hips, letting go of all pretense, knowing her eyes had taken on a definite red hue behind their normal icy blue, refusing to turn her eyes away from Alex. Welcoming the image she was portraying in the girls eyes.

“What I offer you is this. Life with me, here… as my companion, my human servant. Or the quick death you came seeking tonight.” Standing with a sudden stillness, as if she had turned to stone. “Death would not be unpleasant, if that is what you choose. I can bring you great pleasure, before you leave this life. Decide, before I will lose all reason and decide for you.”

10-09-2010, 01:58 AM
Alex stared at Marna, her eyes pleading with the woman. Alex wanted to feel the touch of Marna’s lips against her skin. She wanted to explore every inch of this woman’s body and she stared at her with wanting in her eyes. That is, until Alex saw the fangs and Marna’s red eyes.

Alex’s eyes started to widen as the terror overtook her. At first she thought it was a trick of the light. Or even the remnants of the drugs in her system. Perhaps the alcohol was causing her to hallucinate. She blinked a few times, hoping that what she was seeing would fade, telling herself in her mind that this was not possible as the scream stuck in her throat. Vampires didn’t exist.

After what seemed like an eternity to Alex, she shifted on the couch and a plan formed in her head. She knew that Marna was stronger but Alex hoped she wasn’t faster. All she had to do was open the door and get into the hallway and she could call for help. Alex may have wanted to die, but not like this. In a way, it gave her some will to live and Alex made a dash for the door.

10-09-2010, 02:23 AM
She knew the girl would run. damned silly girl. Then she moved, it would be seen as a blur of movement to Alex, barely discernible to her human eye. She of course reached the door well before Alex, and just stood there, leaning against the frame, her hands behind her back, resting on the door knob.

"You didn't recall our conversation about how I can read thoughts" she tilted her head in mock amusement. "Running from me, will not...work." Sniffing the air, as a predator would, she felt the fear, heard the rapid beating of Alex's heart, sounding extremely loud in her own ears.

"You would feel no pain, I can actually bring you much pleasure, before you are... gone" she finished, holding herself very still. The fear level was making her very excited, and it was becoming increasingly difficult to think clearly. "I say again...You need to decide, I am quickly losing my control" her voice quavering slightly.

10-09-2010, 02:50 AM
Alex started to back away slowly, unsure of what to do. She needed to think of something and she needed it to be unexpected, something which was going to be hard to do. Alex felt like she was going to lose control as tears started to well up in her eyes. She didn’t know what to do and started to think of everything she knew about vampires.

Now the amount of knowledge Alex had about vampires could be summed up in two words; fuck all. Fact was she wasn’t a fan of horror and knew the basics, or at least what the “lore” said. She didn’t have a cross or anything made of silver, and she wasn’t in the habit of carrying garlic around with her. She seemed to recall something from one especially dreadful movie that her now ex boyfriend had made her watch. Though the name escaped her, Alex remembered that in that movie, vampires weren’t affected by crosses.

At that moment, Alex stopped backing up, and on pure instinct, grabbed her purse off the floor and flung it at Marna. The moment it left her hand, Alex moved, heading to the door of the bathroom.

10-09-2010, 05:02 AM
Marna grabbed the purse, out of reflex really. It had startled her, it was completely unexpected. Alex hadn't even thought it, just reacted. She had expected the girl was going to try and rush the door, or turn for the balcony. It amused her that she had gone with her instinct, and just tried to flee. Not that it would matter in the long run.

Throwing the purse, hadn't even entered her mind. She snatched it in mid air, dropping it quickly to the floor and tore off after Alex, upon the realization that her destination was the bathroom.

Slapping her hand to the door, just as Alex reached it, she quickly grabbed her upper arm, and turned her around so they were face to face. She held Alex against the door of the bathroom. Pressing her lips almost against Alex's, deliberately stopping so that they just barely brushed while she spoke "your running away, is going to push me beyond my control, girl" she said huskily against her lips, kissing slowly as she said the word girl.

"You wished to die this night" another soft kiss "Is that still what you desire. Or would you rather live, here, with me" slowly kissing her again, holding her pinned to the door. "I promise you, by all that I hold dear, that I will not cause you pain... that you do not ask for" with another kiss.

10-09-2010, 05:11 AM
Alex struggled at first, the scream still stuck in her throat. And with each kiss form Marna, she struggled a little less. She still glared at Marna, the terror showing in Alex’s eyes. The thoughts racing through her mind.

She was being offered a chance for something different. Marna had thus far been true to her word, though she did leave something rather important. But it wasn’t like Marna could go around introducing herself as a vampire. People would think she was insane, and so would Alex. But now she was seeing something she never expected and her world was crashing down around her. Still, she found the idea intriguing.

With the last kiss from Marna, Alex hung limp. She still glared at Marna like a deer in headlights, but if she survived the next few minutes, she cold have a different life.

“I’m scared,” Alex whispered and titled her head to the side.

10-09-2010, 05:23 AM
A low purring sound formed in her throat, as she licked the girls exposed neck when she turned, her tongue slow and sensuous on against the others neck. Feeling her blood flowing just under the surface, was maddening. She wanted to tear, and devour her, and not stop. It took every ounce of self control she possessed, to not let her fangs pierce the girls skin.

"I don't mean to scare you.. " she hesitated, closing her eyes, stopping for a moment "I am normally like this.. there is something about you, your vulnerability, you're fear. You.. ran... " she licked slowly under Alex's ear, along her neck line. "Your effect on me, is almost unbearable" she gasped, hardly able to move for fear she would not be able to stop, if she started to feed.

"please" she said so softly, she barely heard it herself. "decide" that one word having more weight than it had all night, as she knew she had reached her limit of control. Either way it had to end now, Alex would either submit, or be finished. She couldn't control herself any longer. Looking like she had been beaten in a great race, she lifted her head, staring at Alex.

10-09-2010, 05:32 AM
Alex let out a moan as Marna’s tongue moved across her skin. There was still a part of her that wanted to run to he door. But it was fading fast, and all that was left was the fear of what was to come. Monsters were real, and Marna was one of them and Alex was left to wonder what kind of life that would be. Would she be truly more than a mere plaything or puppet on a string, subject to the whim of an unholy creature who could kill her on a whim?

“Do what you will with me.” Alex whispered, her voice trembling as she spoke. She closed her eyes waiting for what was to come and entwined her fingers with Marna’s. No matter what, Alex belonged to this creature. This beautiful creature of the night.

“I belong to you,” Alex whispered and then tensed her body, squeezing Marna’s hands.

10-09-2010, 05:53 AM
Marna groaned, taking Alex's hand in hers, she placed a small kiss in the center of her palm. It was like the world stopped for a moment, freezing in time. There was no one left on the earth but the two of them. It felt right, complete to be with this girl, here, now.

"Come" she whispered as she grabbed Alex, scooping her up as if she were a small child. Placing little kisses against her lips, soft and chaste as she took her to her bedroom. The blood lust momentarily forgotten.

"I will not hurt you" she said solemnly placing her lightly on the bed. Slowly taking her hand, placing little soft kisses against her wrist.

10-09-2010, 06:06 AM
Alex clung to Marna, nuzzling her neck as she was carried and placed gently on the bed. She shivered with ever touch and every word from Marna. And when Marna spoke, Alex’s eyes shot open. She lay on the bed, staring up at Marna, still showing fear in her eyes. But the longing had returned as well. The whole time she was cradled in Marna’s arms, she felt like she was cared for. But now something else had appeared in Alex’s eyes. She almost looked crazed, as if something in Marna’s words was threatening to send her over the edge.

Alex reached out, wrapping her arms around Marna’s neck and pulled her close, entwining their legs as she did. Though she was still scared out of her mind, something else was starting to take over, something Alex wanted. And she had a feeling, in this case, it would be nothing like she had ever experienced before.

“I want you to hurt me,” Alex hissed the words, her voice still shaky. She started to move her hips, grinding into Marna and pressed her lips hard into those of the other woman. Her tongue shot out into Marna’s mouth and waves of pleasure rolled though Alex.

10-09-2010, 05:05 PM
"That could be bad" she murmured, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she kissed Alex back, her lips crushing against the others, sliding to lick and tease against her neck. Her hands roaming freely over Alex under her, mimicking hers.

"What if I do go too far" she continued, still suckling and nuzzling the girl’s neck, carefully keeping her teeth in check, for now. They were barely grazing her skin. She never considered, not going too far before. It wasn’t a factor in her existence. This was new, this slight feeling of affection. It was uncharted territory for her. For some reason, she couldn't exactly pinpoint, she truly didn't want to hurt this girl, and it was puzzling her. Making her hesitant.

She was quite willing in the sense that Alex had indicated, sexually. She could tell the girl would not tell her no, short of actual death. Even then, she would probably let her go too far, without guidance, without restraint. She had after all come out tonight seeking death.

She was cautious in the sense that she knew Alex was fragile, and suddenly felt the need to protect her, care for her safety, and for her shattered life. A glimmer of anger peaked through the feelings forming, who was this girl to find entrance so quickly into her heart. What trick had she used?

It was at that moment that her control slipped, just enough. Her fangs broke the skin against Alex’s neck, and she was completely lost to the blood that came rushing across her lips. The small mishap on the balcony was nothing, a mere drop in the ocean to this. Waves of pleasure rolled across her features, more intense than any mere sexual encounter could ever be. More fulfilling and intense than anything she had experienced with another human before. She savored the feelings, letting it ride her thoughts, pushing them mentally to Alex in the process, knowing it would be beyond anything the girl had yet to experience.

10-10-2010, 04:53 AM
Alex gasped, her breath comer shorter and shallower as she felt the touch of Marna’s lips against her neck and her fear started to rose to new heights. She had no idea what to expect as she anticipated what was to come. But even given all her fears, Alex wanted it.

Now Alex had experienced her fair share of pain. The fact that she got off on it made her get rather experimental. At one point she even placed a shard of glass under her skin and then told her boyfriend at the time to squeeze her arm where it was while he fucked her. The pain it cause her was intense and most pleasurable, but it was nothing compare to what Alex felt when Marna sunk her teeth into her neck.

The pain rocked through her like fire burning in her veins and she could feel the blood being sucked from her veins as. Alex dug her nails into Marna’s back and her body tensed up as she gasped and the orgasm exploded through her. The scream of pleasure locked in her throat and Alex bucked her hips wildly. And then, the pleasure intensified.

Alex would never be able to come up with a word to describe exactly what she felt. Suffice it to say, Alex screamed in pleasure as the most intense feeling she had ever experienced passed through her. She wrapped her legs around Marna’s, grinding hard and clawing with her nails as she climaxed again and again.

The more Alex was brought to climax, the more she felt her energy sapping, as though it were being drained. She started to feel cold, yet she still continued to grind into Marna. And the what she was feeling now heightened her excitement even more. Alex understood what was happening to her, she was dying. Still continuing to orgasm, Alex started to convulse.

10-11-2010, 02:37 PM
She had to stop, she knew it, a small voice in her mind kept telling her, enough, stop, stop, stop. But it was like trying to stop an avalanche with an umbrella. On some level she knew it was too much, the ecstasy, the pain, the blood, all wrapped up in one pleasurable package. She was helpless against it, and powerless to stop it. Riding the waves of rapture she was trapped in, with the fact that Alex was still so excited, and willing she was just lost in the moment.

She could feel herself washing over and over in pleasure, and lust. A whirlwind that was just too intense to stop. She felt herself falling, wound so tightly to Alex and her spiral, it was bliss, and she went willingly. Perhaps it was the combination of too much hunger, and never experiencing this level of sexual contact with a human. Humans had just been food before. Take what you want, leave them to recover or not. Regardless the reason, she didn’t want this feeling to end, so she continued to feed. Completely engulfed in the layers of rapture with Alex.

Alex convulsing is what finally broke the momentum. It made her become conscious that if she didn’t stop, they would both be gone. They would be wrapped together for all eternity, like this, a never ending cycle until they were both too weak to pull back, and would perish. When Alex jerked back, their contact was broken just enough for her to hesitate, and pull herself back from the brink of destruction. She let go of Alex, removing her fangs, still holding her close.

“Alex…Alex….oh baby, what have you done to me...” she whispered slowly, trying to focus again. She placed her tongue against the bright puncture marks, gently licking, effectively closing the wound against any more blood loss. Her actions leave a large red smear against the very pale skin, her mouth still covered in Alex’s life, bright and glaring in the light. Evidence of what had just occurred.

Feeling the girl’s skin, cold in her arms she quickly wrapped her in the coverlet from the top of the bed. She rubbed her arms, her chest, her face, causing warm friction against her skin. “Come on Alex, let me see your eyes” rubbing harder “Come back to me, baby” she said louder.

She had said she wouldn’t hurt her, and in one swift minute, she had almost killed her. It made her angry, at herself for being so overwhelmed, and suddenly furious at Alex for not struggling, at all. Grabbing her face in her fingers, she shook her like she was a cotton doll “Alex” she yelled at the girl.

10-13-2010, 05:15 PM
Alex's eyes shot opened and she inhaled deeply, almost choking on the air that entered her lungs as she clung to life. The fear was gone, now replaced with utter satisfaction and wanting. She could see the look of desperation in Marna's eyes and Alex smiled weakly and stared at the woman. She no longer saw the monster. Marna had now become the object of her desires and fulfillment of all her dreams. More than that, unlike her family and friends, Marna wanted her here.

Slowly, Alex brought up her arms and wrapped them around Marna’s neck. She was moving slowly and was so cold form the blood loss. But even her weakened state, Alex could think of nothing other than being in Marna’s embrace.

Alex pulled herself up a little and pressed her lips against Marna’s. Her tongue moved slowly into Marna’s mouth and the metallic taste and smell of her own blood made her want Marna even more. Alex held the kiss for s few moments before hugging Marna tightly and placing her lips against Marna’s ear.

“Again,” the word came as little more than a whisper and Alex kissed Marna’s earlobe. It was at that moment that Alex thought of something. She had been bitten by a vampire, and that made her wonder.

“Am I…” Alex spoke slowly. “Like you now?”

10-13-2010, 07:52 PM
She watched Alex take a deep breath, and couldn’t stop the small smile on her lips. She was a little shocked at the kiss, but kissed back swiftly, happy that the girl was in fact, going to be ok. Sighing a small sigh of relief, and of course the anger that was moments ago threatening, dissipated quickly seeing that she was alive.

Hugging back, she heard the soft “Again” and couldn’t stop the short bark of laughter that erupted from her lips. Moments ago she had been on the brink of extinction, and all she could feel from her was pleasure, and happiness and contentment, that and the need for more.

The question threw her for a brief second, “No” she whispered, as she held the Alex close, releasing her slowly, to allow her to lay back on the bed, continuing to rub the others arms for warmth. She looked away from Alex.

“You would actually have to have my blood already in your system” she looked solemnly at the girl, her eyes unfocused, staring off away from Alex, “Then should I be the one to take your life by drinking your blood, then, you would return like me” pulling away a little. “I won’t allow that to happen to you.” Sitting back on the bed, suddenly uncomfortable with this conversation, she moved away from Alex. “You need to eat something, what would you like? I will have to order something, as I don’t actually keep much food here” she moved toward the door of the room.

10-19-2010, 07:06 PM
Alex sat up, then quickly fell backwards again, her head landing on the soft pillow. Her eyelids were heavy and she felt weak Yet she felt so content at this moment. Her entire body was tingling and a weak smile crossed her lips as she took in the pleasure, which had overwhelmed her unlike anything she had ever felt prior in her life.

"No," Alex whispered. "Please stay." Right now, all Alex wanted was to hold Marna in her arms. She would have wanted more than that, but her energy had been completely sapped. Alex started to pull the blanket around her and curled into it, giggling a little when she noticed that she was still completely clothed. She shivered, partially due to the cold she was feeling and from the sensations of pleasure that still washed over her.

“Come to bed,” the words purred from Alex’s lips and she forced her eyes to stay open as she stared at Marna. Right now, Alex was happy. Deep down, she had been looking for a saviour; someone to take her away from all this. And now, as she gazed at this dark angel before her, she found herself not only wondering what tomorrow would bring, but found herself looking forward to it. Life had finally become interesting.

10-21-2010, 07:39 PM
She hesitated at the door, refusing to look at the girl curled on the bed. Know that if she did look back, that she would do what she was asked and just go back. Snuggle up with her and just be, content. Her fingers holding onto the door frame tightly, as if to a life preserver. What was stopping her from just going back, she couldn’t even attempt a glance, or she would be lost. She heard the sighs of contentment, and the soft plea to come back. Why couldn’t she just turn back around and go? She started to turn, then just as quickly walked out of the room.

“I’ll be right back, you stay there” she heard herself replying as she left the room. She needed to sort through what had just happened, and think for a few minutes. She had been alone for a long time, and to suddenly find herself not only fond of to this “girl” but to have worried about accidentally killing her, it was all very perplexing right now.

She moved through the apartment quietly, shutting off the lights as she did so, automatically. It was soothing, comforting, normal for her. Heading to the kitchen, on the off chance that she actually had some sort of food, trying to remember. She opened up the cabinets, searching, the complete darkness not a obstacle to her what so ever.

Finding a can of soup, without wondering how it even got in her cabinets she set about to warm it up for her “guest”. Best to think of her that way she thought to herself. It was best not to consider why she was so attracted to her. Why she had let it go so far. Maybe Alex wasn’t the only one with a death wish, she mentally shuddered. When was the last time she had truly been in danger? She was hard pressed to recall. Letting her mind wander as she automatically stirred the noodles slowly cooking under the low flame. The soft blue of the gas stove barely throwing any light into the room.

Knowing she was stalling, and hadn’t solved anything, she poured the soup into a bowl, grabbing a spoon, she slowly moved back toward Alex, just as perplexed with herself as when she left a few minutes ago.

10-22-2010, 07:32 PM
Alex had never felt this relaxed in her life. It was as though she had sunk into the bed as was slowly drifting off to sleep. There were still a million questions ringing in her mind, things she needed to know; most of which had to do with Marna’s intentions for her. Still, sleep was coming fast and even the smell of the food which greeted her nostrils did little to rouse her.

“Mmmmmm,” Alex moved, pulling the blanket tighter around her and staring up at Marna through half closed eyes.

“Thank you,” Alex whispered. “You…you opened my eyes to a whole new world. But I have to ask, what happens next?” It was the one question that burned in her mind above all the others. Given that Alex now knew beyond any shadow of a doubt about the existence of vampires, and surely Marna couldn’t be the only one. Would Marna let her leave if she wanted? Not that she wanted to, but she needed to know if she was a prisoner.

10-23-2010, 02:00 AM
“Well, next you eat something” she replied slowly, mechanically. “And then we’ll see how you feel” sitting on the edge of the bed nearest Alex, placing the soup beside the girl. “You need to have food to replenish your strength. I know you are weak” noticing her pale skin color, still wrapped up in the blankets of the bed. She looked so helpless. She smirked a little, reaching out to gently push a stray piece of hair out Alex’s face. Her fingertips lightly caressing her skin.

“I know you’re tired, eat something and then you should rest” dropping her hand to her lap. “We’ve got plenty of time to talk, about… all of this” her hand gesturing in the air around her. She stood up, slowly again, so as to not spill the soup, feeling very uncomfortable again. The overwhelming urge again to put a little distance between them, to maintain her detached feelings if she could.

Her inner emotions were once again swiftly at war, nervous, comfortable, alert, edgy, cautious, and gentle. It was maddening. What she couldn’t figure out is how this one girl had caused all of this inner turmoil, in such a small amount of time. At one point she was in charge, and now? She felt as though she was the helpless one, and not this small, fragile, weak, human girl.

Her fingers itched to both snap her neck and end this, and then at the same time to hold her gently and kiss her again, and again. She wanted to drown in those lips, and to drink her blood once more. “Eat” her voice a little more forceful than she had intended.

10-23-2010, 03:54 AM
Alex’s eyes opened a little wider at the command issued by Marna. Fact was, Alex wasn’t the least bit hungry. Still, given that she was in the same room as a monster, it was probably best she do what she was told. She pulled the covers away, shivering again, and sat up. Immediately, Alex collapsed, as what little blood she had left in her rushed ot her head. She moaned for a moment, before propping herself up with her elbow next to the bowl.

“It smells good,” Alex smiled weakly. It was taking nearly everything she had to stay propped up, she didn’t want to try to actually eat the soup . Still, better to not antagonize Marna, who seemed to have changed suddenly.

Alex slowly moved her arm and picked up the spoon. She continued to waver as she placed the spoon in the bowl and brought the soup up to her lips. She blew on it for a few moments and sipped the soup from the spoon and swallowed. When it hit her stomach, Alex realized she hadn’t eaten all day. Her diet had consisted of coffee, alcohol and drugs, and given that she could no longer feel the effects of either, she was in fact quite hungry; though she wondered if Marna was high or drunk off of her blood. After eating about a quarter of the bowl, and some of her energy had returned, Alex looked up at Marna.

“So,” Alex took some more soup from the bowl and held the spoon in the air. “What are you going to do with me,” Alex’s voice wavered as she shivered, though if it was from the cold or the fear, she wasn’t sure.

“I mean,” Alex spoke softly. “If you were going to kill me, I don’t think you would have fed me.” Alex sipped the soup form the spoon.

10-23-2010, 04:15 AM
She slowly paced the room while the girl ate. Watching her out of the corner of her eye. Half convinced she was going to have to feed her at one point. she is so weak, look at her she felt annoyance at her raging emotions. One minute she was torn between just bolting across the room to hold the spoon, then next she wanted to scream at the top of her lungs.

She suddenly stopped when she realized Alex had spoken. "Kill you?" she looked at her, incredulously. "I.. am just not used to feeling… so attached to anyone" she began pacing again, deliberately not answering the question.

"This is very confusing to me right now." continuing on aloud, as if to herself. "I feed, I leave. They live or die, I have no real interest." raking her fingers through her hair in frustration. "You wanted to die. You asked me, almost begged. That I now feel something here" tapping the center of her chest with her palm "I don't know what to do about, how to take it." she continued to pace around the room.

"I told you what I wanted to hear to get you here. I told you what you wanted to hear, to make you relax" she spread her arms wide standing at the foot of the bed. "I wasn't prepared for what happened. I didn't expect that.... this" her arms dropping slowly as she stood there watching Alex huddled in the blankets.

"In over a hundred and twenty years, I've never been taken by surprise, as I have by you, Alex, in this one night.” Standing as if she were made of stone. “A better question is.. what have you done, to me?”

10-24-2010, 04:45 PM
“What did I do to you?” Alex laughed. “You came to me, remember?” Alex moved the bowl onto the nightstand and slowly got up, moving over to Marna. She till felt cold and was finding it hard to focus. The soup had helped though and Alex felt a little more sure of herself.

“Look,” Alex took Marna’s hands in hers and gazed into her eyes.. “I hate my life and frankly don’t care if I leave here alive. If it’s my time to die, then I want you to be the one to do it. But you have shown me something I never believed in. Shown me a world I feel more at home in than the one I am from.” Alex sighed, wrapping her arms around Marna’s waist.

“Frankly Marna,” Alex purred, snuggling closer to Marna. “You scare the hell out of me. But it doesn’t change the fact I want something different. And if it’s to be a snack for you, then so be it. My body is yours Marna. To do with as you please.” Alex moved closer and began to bite at Marna’s breasts through her shirt. She moved on of her hands around to Marna’s front and slid it down her pants, rubbing gently.

10-24-2010, 06:10 PM
Marna stood there, at first in shock at the audacity of the girl. She almost laughed aloud about the snack comment, that is until Alex started biting her. That caused her breath to catch in her throat.

It was definitely pleasing her and making her feel very warm and willing to continue what was occurring. Her head rolled back a bit and she found herself lost in the warm sensations of what Alex was doing to her. Her hands crept up slowly, grasping Alex by the hair, twisting her fingers into it, pulling her face up to Marna's. She kissed her slowly, thoroughly, roughly.

Pushing her back toward the bed with a soft growl, her fangs once again prominent against her lips. "You should be scared, Alex" pinning her to the bed, as before. "I'm finding it very difficult not to bite you again, and again" she gasped as she licked Alex's cheek, her eyes red once more. "What if I don't stop this time? What if I don't want to stop this time?" her tongue slowly licking down her neck, to her breast bone.

"Are you still so eager to die, knowing how much pleasure I can give you" she whispered huskily, relaxing her grip on Alex's hands, as her own hands now roamed freely across the other girls body.

10-25-2010, 12:13 AM
“If that is what you wish to do,” Alex moaned, pulling Marna closer. “Then do it. My fate is in your hands. But I won’t beg. If you want to kill me, then do it.” Alex hooked her legs into Marna’s. She still didn’t have a lot of energy, and she was cold. But she was also horny as hell. And mixed with the fear, fear of knowing that this may well be the last thing she ever did, her wanting was taken to new heights. Not to mention the exquisite pain which Marna had bestowed upon her. All this made one thing clear in Alex’s mind. She wanted to stay with Marna.

“Kill me if you want,” Alex purred, slowly lifting Marna’s shirt, running her nails across the skin. “Drink me dry,“ Alex moved closer and blew across Marna’s stomach.

“I know what you are,” Alex brushed her lips across Marna’s stomach, her hands now directly under Marna’s breasts. And thought it all, one thought kept entering Alex’s mind. If she had to die, she could think of worse ways to go.

“So kill me if you want,” Alex whispered as she flicked her tongue against Marna’s cold skin. “Or come to bed.” Alex purred, standing up and pushing Marna’s shirt over her head. She wrapped her arms around Marna’s neck and crushed her lips into Marna’s; and all thoughts of what could happen next faded from Alex’s mind, replaced by her longing to be in Marna‘s arms.

10-25-2010, 05:31 PM
It was all she could do to think straight. Her very nature was becoming harder to control. She didn’t need any more blood, but she wanted more. Alex was obviously a very willing partner, regardless of the consequences to her self, it truly didn’t bother her that Marna could lose control and kill her in a sudden matter of minutes. Somehow that realization shocked her a bit. Was it possible that this girl’s life been so miserable that she wouldn’t want it to continue? That she would take this brief moment of pleasure, and forfeit the rest on a whim?

Since her own survival instinct was so firmly engrained in her every thought, every moment of every day and night, she was curious to learn more. As much as she wanted more blood, she knew that if she took more from Alex now, it would be dangerous to her. She was still very weak right now. Her interest was definitely piqued at this girl, and her history. Holding onto her interest was helping to control the need to just drink without stopping.

Grabbing Alex’s jaw in her fingers, she broke their lips apart, holding onto Alex’s face, staring into her eyes. “You intrigue me” she said leisurely. “I won’t kill you, today” she whispered, licking Alex’s lip slowly.

“You say you know what I am?” she laughed softly, the sound like ice crinkling on a cold winter day. “Then do not push my patience too far girl.” Her eyes glittered darkly, still blood red.

Letting go of Alex’s face, her index finger ran gently across Alex’s face, continuing down her neck, to her shirt. She pressed down the center of her chest, watching as the buttons snapped off one by one, as if made of paper. Until her shirt was destroyed, and opened completely, exposing her chest.

“It pleases me to bring you pain” her nail moving between Alex’s breast, still pressing, leaving a distinctive red welt raising in it’s wake. Stopping when she reached the other’s belly button. “Tell me it pleases you, to let me?” she purred keenly, knowing the answer already.

10-25-2010, 08:16 PM
“It…pleases…me.” Alex gasped as the pain caused by Marna’s nail sent jolts of pleasure though her body. Never had Alex met a lover she was so compatible with. Always, in the past, those that Alex had been with were always concerned for her well being, not wanting to injure her. But Alex knew that Marna didn’t have the same qualms. Marna was a sadistic creature, and from the sound of her voice and the look in her eyes, she was getting off on hurting Alex. And given Alex’s masochistic nature, she was enjoying it thoroughly and starting to wonder what her threshold for pain actually was. None of Alex’s lovers had ever pushed her to her limits and she had no doubts that Marna wouldn’t be so squeamish.

“I want more,” Alex purred the words, taking Marna’s hand and moving it to her lips. Alex kissed and sucked on Marna’s fingertips, biting gently, pressing herself against the vampire and wrapping her legs around Marna’s hips.

“I want you,” Alex moaned. “All of you.”

10-26-2010, 06:27 PM
“Don’t you want to give me.. your safe word?” she replied in return, thoroughly enjoying the sensations she was feeling from Alex, and the pleasure that she knew she was giving the girl at the expense of the pain. She could feel it rolling off Alex in waves.

Taking her finger from Alex’s lips and tracing it down the now red line through the center of her breasts once more, this time her nail scratching through the skin hard enough to pierce her skin, leaving a thin line of blood in its wake.

Lowering her head slowly she licked the blood clean, coming back to Alex’s lips, kissing her roughly. The small amount of blood still on her lips. The scratch already starting to heal from her salvia, leaving just a slight red smudge against her pale skin, and a thin mark from where the scratch had been, as if it were just a welt.

Thrusting her fingers deep into Alex’s hair, she pulled her head back, exposing her neck once more. Her lips finding their way there automatically, teasing against her skin in the area under her ear.

“What if you want me to stop” she whispered, teasing with her tongue, but not breaking the skin. Her fingers still pulling hard on Alex’s hair.

10-26-2010, 06:48 PM
“Just…just…” Alex bit her lips, staring into Marna’s eyes Her body twitched against her lover’s and Alex felt as though she was high again. Every touch, every sensation of pain which Marna bestowed upon her sent her to new levels of euphoria. Marna’s nail was like a razor blade against her skin, and when it cut her, Alex cried out in ecstasy.

Now she stared at Marna with a look of pure wanting. Alex had decided to give herself freely to the monster in her arms. The fear of a possible agonizing death should Marna lose control only made things more exciting for Alex. But Alex knew one thing for certain, this was where she wanted to be.

“I’ll… make this… simple,” Alex gasped, greedily licking the blood from Marna’s lips. The metallic taste on her tongue only heightened her feelings of ecstasy and she crushed her lips into Marna’s, Her tongue reaching greedily into Marna’s mouth. Pulling back, she stared at Marna, grinning.

“Do… whatever… you… want… with… me.” Alex wrapped her arms around Marna’s neck and pulled her onto the bed.

10-26-2010, 07:57 PM
Hours later, Marna felt that familiar feeling in the pit of her stomach. That feeling that told her time was running out on this night. She would soon need to hide away from day, safe and secure away from the daylight. She had an intricate chamber, within her bedroom, behind the closet. Once locked from the inside, it was almost impossible to open.

It was for her safety from the sunlight, but also from anyone that would try to find her during the day when she was at her weakest. Although sleep was not entirely necessary for her, she would usually rest when there, knowing that it was secure and a safe haven. It contained a normal bed, small and comfortable, and nothing else.

Nuzzling a semi conscious Alex, kissing her neck softly beside one of the many small bite marks covering her skin "Alex... I need to leave you soon" she rolled away grabbing her clothing from the end of the bed. Her toned body, naked an pale in the soft lighting of the room. Little spots of blood, Alex's blood the only imperfections against the white skin.

"During the daytime, I need to be away from the sunlight. There are about ten minutes until Sunrise. You are free to do as you please in my household. I have an account with a company of personal shoppers that will provide you with anything you need. Simply call the number on the counter by the phone in the kitchen. Ask for Ms Janae. Tell her you are my guest. If you want clothing, or food or ride somewhere, they will put it on my account. You are free to do as you please." she looked at the girl in the crumpled bed sheets.

Smilling, "I would hope you would return, to be here tonight when dusk falls. I have feeling that we aren't finished, you and I" she smirked, leaving the room and heading out to the living room, knowing she didn't have much time.

10-27-2010, 04:59 AM
When Alex awoke, it took her a moment to convince herself that the previous night had not been a dream. She felt content and still had stinging sensations running through her from the welts left on her body by Marna. She ached form head to toe and all she could do was smile. Alex would have just curled up and gone back to sleep had it not been for the overwhelming urge to use the facilities.

She made her way slowly to the bathroom to relieve herself. Once she had finished, she stared at herself in the mirror. Looking at herself, there was only one word that Alex could use to describe her appearance. Ghastly. She was white as a ghost and her makeup was smeared. Her hair was a tangled mess and appeared to be kind of lopsided on her head. She thought she resembled a corpse right now and immediately went to work on washing her face. She kept the water cool, and it was refreshing as it touched her face. Once she was finished, she fried her face with the towel hanging on the wall and then decided that maybe she should have a shower, her appearance not improving much from just washing her face.

The shower would have to wit though as Alex could hear the sound of her cell phone ringing in her purse in the living room. He quickly moved into the room ad grabbed her purse, frowning when she saw the caller ID. She pressed the button and held it up to here ear.

“Hello mother,” Alex’s voice was cold.

“Do you have any idea what time it is?” Her voice sounded annoyed. “I’ve been waiting for twenty minutes now.”

Realization suddenly hit Alex in the face as she remembered what day it was. The plans had been made last week and Alex had been dreading meeting her mother for lunch the whole time.

“I’m sorry,” Alex’s tone remained unchanged. “Got tied up in class today. Can’t we do this another day?”

“No we can’t,” came the reply.

“Fine,” Alex sighed. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.” Alex hung up the phone and went to take a quick shower.

Once Alex had fished, she stood in Marna’s room, brushing her hair in front of the mirror. She would need to make a quick stop at her house to get some fresh clothes. Her shirt was shredded, and her jeans were splotched with blood and smelled of sex. She put on her jeans, leaving the shirt and moved back into the living room. Taking the number Marna had left, she grabbed her cell phone and dialled, requesting a car meet her out front. She gave her credit card number, not wanting to use Marna’s account. After which, she grabbed her jacket, zipping it all the way up, and grabbed Marna’s keys from her purse and headed down to meet the car.

It arrived quickly and Alex had two stops to make before heading to the restaurant to see her mother. It was one of those things she had to do. Alex was “required” to have lunch with her mother once a week. For her mother, it was to keep up appearances to the snobs they called friends. For Alex, it was so her father would deposit money in her account. And the money was more than enough to pay for the hotel room she rented, which was her first stop.

Alex asked the car to wait and quickly headed to her room. On the ride up, she sent a text to a friend. “I need to see you,” was all it said. Once she got to the room, she changed into a pair of tight fitting black jeans and a white blouse, with buttons running down the front. She left it untucked and the top button undone. She took a moment to fix her face a little before grabbing a knapsack and putting some clothes in it; along with her sketchbook and pencils. She then grabbed her laptop, and headed back down to the car.

As she reached the door of the hotel, her phone vibrated, alerting her of the text. It said “Come on by,” and Alex smiled, putting the phone in her purse. She got back in the car, and asked the driver to take her to an apartment on fifth avenue. It would only take a couple of minutes and Alex really needed this. Once they arrived at the address, Alex got out of the car and went to one of the houses and hit the buzzer. The door made a clicking noise and Alex headed in and up the stairs. Alex knocked at the door which was opened a few moments alter by a young man in his late teens with an inordinate amount of piercings. His hair was jet black and unkempt and he smiled at Alex.

“Come on in,” he held the door open for her and Alex entered, once she was inside, he closed the door and she turned to him.

“Look Jess,” Alex spoke calmly. “I’m in a hurry and I need you to set me up.”

“Sure Alex,” Jess smiled, sitting on the couch and opening a wooden box on the table. “Your usual?”

Alex nodded her head and Jess threw a baggie full of white powder on the table. Alex opened her purse and quickly counted out some money, putting it on the table and picking up the baggie.

“You know Alex,” Jess sounded concerned. “That’s your second eight ball in as many days. Maybe you oughta cut down.”

“I’m fine,” Alex smiled. “Thanks Jess, gotta go.” She didn’t wait for him to answer and quickly exited the apartment and got back in the car. She told the driver which restaurant to go to and then proceeded to roll up a one dollar bill. As the car headed off, she opened the bag of cocaine and stuck the bill in, snorting a fair amount. It felt good to be high, but didn’t hold a candle to what Marna had done to her. Still, it would at least take the edge off of seeing her mother.


Alex was thankful that she was back at Marna’s. She felt at ease and put the bags on the couch before putting her knapsack and purse next to the couch and her laptop on the table. She took off her boots, placing them by the door and hung her jacket in the closet, before sitting on the couch and going through the bags she had.

It was only four o’clock, so she still had time to kill before Marna woke up. And a quick visit to the bookstore gave her lots to read on a subject she now needed to learn about, vampires. She pulled out the first book in the bag. The cover wasn’t what she had expected of a book about vampires; a pair of hands holding an apple. But the girl working at the bookstore had said it was a really good book when Alex asked for suggestions.

Alex next booted up her laptop, putting on her headphones and plugging them in. She went into the second bag and pulled out a DVD of Bram Stoker’s Dracula and put it in the drive. Alex grabbed the book off the table and started to read, hitting play for the DVD.

After about thirty minutes had passed, Alex closed the book and placed it on the table. She was the first to admit that she didn’t know anything about vampires. But she could honestly see no way she could learn anything from such a poorly written piece of drivel. Alex hoped the next book would be more enlightening, or at least better.

10-28-2010, 01:08 AM
Marna took a quick shower before locking herself away for the day. It felt good to be clean and fresh before resting. It wasn't that she had to sleep, her body actually required very little actual sleep. It was more the sunlight. At her present age, she could withstand a cloudy, or overcast day. Direct sunlight still had to be avoided, or her skin would start to burn and flake away. She hardly thought about it anymore, the sun. It had been so long, this routine of rest away most of the day, hunting when she needed to at night, she hardly considered it.

Occasionally she would watch the television, and pay attention to the weather. Overcast days she would venture outside, to the mall or a local shop. Just for interaction with other people, humans. It got boring now an then being all alone. Sometimes she just craved noise, and chaos that only people could bring. The mother yelling at the child. The child crying. The people waiting for the bus, the man hawking papers on the corner. It helped her to feel grounded, alive, in a sense.

Slipping still damp from the shower she moved through her bedroom, without a sound, casting a quick glance at the sleeping Alex. She stepped into the closet, and quietly shut the door behind her.

Moving aside the panel on the side of the wall, she entered the code that would open the secret door built into the back of the closet. She shut the panel, and stepped inside, closing the door behind her. Anyone opening the closet would see clothing and shoes, nothing more. Shaking her hair out with her fingers, she quickly wound it into a tight braid and lay down on her bed, listening for anything out of place.

She was still there relaxing in bed when she heard Alex wake up a few hours later. She could clearly make out the sounds of her in the bathroom, and the water running. The rest became muffled as she heard Alex leave, for what she assumed was a call. Then the silence of when she left the apartment completely. It let her relax, when Alex did leave the apartment. It wasn't that she didn't trust the girl, and it wasn't that she thought there was some chance that Alex would find her. It was just something she hadn't considered, that someone would be in her home while she was at her weakest. Even in this weakened state, she was not to be taken lightly, but she could be injured more easily. She finally closed her eyes, and slept.

She woke, listening. Wondering what had cause her to wake up, she knew it wasn't dusk yet. Her internal clock told her it was late afternoon, still a few hours before actual sunset. She heard Alex, and her lips twitched into a small smile as she got out of bed. It pleased her that Alex had come back. Opening the panel, she stepped out of her secure room, closing it back up tight again.

Grabbing a robe from the closet, she stepped out of the bedroom and came up behind Alex on the couch, "Hello lover" she said, placing her hands on Alex's shoulders, squeezing gently. "What on earth is on the television?" she watched seeing teenagers in a graveyard fighting something with stakes "Are those supposed to be vampires?" she laughed with delight.

10-28-2010, 01:31 AM
Alex threw off the headphones and jumped up, dropping the book onto the couch. She crushed her ips into Marna’s and wrapped her arms around her. She held the kiss for a minute, her tongue snaking into Marna’s mouth. When she pulled back, she stared at Marna, a small grin on her lips.

“You’re up earlier than I expected,” Alex kissed Marna again before stopping the video. “And that?” Alex motioned at the computer. “I thought I should learn a little about vampires. I have to ask, you don’t sparkle do you?” Alex giggled and picked up the books, placing them neatly in the bags. Once she was finished, she sat on the couch and stared up at Marna, taking her hand and kissing it.

“Honestly,” Alex purred. “I think I have more questions now than I did before I tried reading or watching any of this.. Alex smiled and undid three of the buttons on her shirt. Her look had changed to one which was more seductive.

“Are you hungry baby,” the words purred form Alex’s lips and she rubbed her breasts through her blouse, laying back on the couch.

10-28-2010, 02:01 AM
Marna watched Alex teasing her, enjoying it immensely. "I do not, sparkle" she replied in mock anger. "I've read most of the drivel that's out there, claiming to be about me, my kind" reaching out slowly to caress Alex's face. "Not much of it's even close to the reality. You can ask me anything, I may answer, I am may not."

Leaning in to kiss her slowly "I'm actually not hungry, yet" she replied back. "Tell me about your day? I heard you leave, what did you do today" she leaned back on the end of the couch, reclining back, pulling her robe tightly about her.

10-28-2010, 02:09 AM
“It was…” Alex sat up, staring at the floor. “Fine.” She didn’t want to think about lunch with her mother, if you could call it that. Alex generally referred to it as her weekly parental berating. Although this time mom added a new dimension.

She wanted to set Alex up with the son of one of her friends. Of course Alex was appalled and ended up leaving the restaurant in a huff, causing quite a scene. A scene which ended with her being cut off financially. Apparently her mother didn’t find the drink in the face all that amusing. Still the whole thing bothered Alex. She wished she had parents who actually cared about her more than they cared about themselves. It was the reason Alex had turned to drugs, as an escape form them. And thoughts of her mother made her open her purse and take out the baggie and a bill.

“Look, I…” Alex rolled up the bill and placed the end in the baggie. “I really don’t want to talk about it right now. Can we talk about something else?”

10-28-2010, 02:37 AM
"What are you doing" Marna asked, casually, watching Alex. She had noted the uncomfortable change in Alex when asked about her day. She caught the intense feelings and thoughts surrounding the day, when Alex remembered a bit of her day. She didn't get much, just a quick glimpse. When her thoughts changed to focus on the baggie from her purse, it was lost.

Moving with insane quickness, she snatched the bag away from Alex, holding it in her hand away from the girl, reclining back on the couch, as if she hadn't moved at all. "Why, do you think you need this?" she said slowly, deliberately, calculating what the girl might do. "Tell me what this does, for you?"

10-28-2010, 02:45 AM
“I helps me forget.” Alex stared at Marna, a hint of fear in her eyes. “It helps me cope with my life.” It was also slowly destroying her and Alex knew this. She had been doing more and more. And even her dealer telling her to cut down had little effect on her. For Alex, it was just another way to destroy what little of her was left. In the end, she would become nothing more than empty shell, devoid of any feeling.

Yet she had to wonder why Marna cared. Alex thought it might be due to Marna being able to get high from blood which had drugs in it. Perhaps Marna didn’t like it, but was that enough reason to deny Alex her release.

“Please,” Alex whispered, looking at the couch. “Can I have it back?”

10-29-2010, 02:27 PM
Marna watched the girl closely, saw the uneasiness in her mannerisms and heard it in her voice. She was anticipating the worst from Marna. She was prepared for her to be upset, to be angry or worse. As annoyed as she was at Alex’s obvious need for the drug, she also knew that keeping it from her would be a bad idea.

What Alex didn’t realize was that Marna had made it her business to feed off the hopeless of the world. She deliberately searched for people close to rock bottom, or worse, those that were already there. The forgotten and ignored people that had nothing left to live for other than getting to that next fix. Their goals were simple and direct. All that mattered to them was how to get it, and how long it would last, and when it could be done again. Those chosen few, that had wandered into the hell of addiction and had stayed there, until it consumed them one way or the other.

She would search them out, feeding from them and leaving them to their fate. The taint in the blood was there, but it was usually not too noticeable, depending on the host, and where they were in the process at that given moment. She had seen it countless times, to what lengths they would go to, to forget, as Alex had said.

Not that there wasn’t always an alternative. She occasionally would feed off the masses of, regular people as well. There were always those people that were just going about their daily lives, oblivious for the most part to what was around them. That’s what she had thought she was doing when she met Alex in the first place. It was a cruel twist that she had actually “found” Alex in the first place, as her goal had not been someone like Alex.

She tossed the bag toward the girl, watching as it landed on the couch between them. “What does it feel like?” she asked, curious. “You said it makes you forget. Forget what, exactly?” she asked, sitting back, her nose twitching slightly as she sniffed the air. “I can tell you’re already, forgetting, as you call it” her voice dripping with sarcasm. Waiting for Alex to reply, her reclined pose not betraying the internal agitated state starting to creep over her. She sat still as a stone, reposed like a snake, still and ready to strike.

10-29-2010, 07:01 PM
“It makes it easier to cope with things,” Alex’s voice sounded strained. Her first instinct was to grab the bag and inhale a large amount of the drug. Instead, she just sat there, staring at it, like a dog waiting to be told it was okay to have the treat.

“I’m just more at ease,” Alex spoke slowly. “I can just be myself. Things don’t matter anymore.” It also made things harder to remember. Things like Marna being able to read her thoughts. Even if she dd remember that piece of information, she would still try what she was about to anyway. She was a drug addict, and she needed her fix. And lying came all too easy to her.

“I’ll get sick without it,” also known as withdrawal, something Alex had felt before. The memory of that feeling made Alex become more brave and she reached out for the bag.

11-03-2010, 05:01 PM
Marna let her take the bag, watching as Alex did so. As annoyed as she was with the girls need for the drug, she did in a small way, understand her physical need for this substance, right now. That would have to change, if the girl was going to stay. if she was going to stay? . The thought rattle around in her mind for a bit, before she dismissed it. Of course she was staying, she’d already made it perfectly clear, she had no where else to go. “Since you won't tell me what you possiblely need to forget, do what you wish.” waving her hand toward Alex, motioning that she should proceed.

She stood up “I’m getting dressed to go out” her annoyance clearly evident if one knew what to look for. She had no desire to watch Alex get high. “If you’re coming, I'm leaving in thirty minutes” She headed toward her bedroom.

11-03-2010, 06:14 PM
“Everything,” Alex spoke softly. Had Marna been human there would be no way she could of heard the soft purring noise that escaped Alex’s lips.

“My whole life is nothing but a joke,” her voice sounded strained and hollow. “I have parents who don’t love me and friends who could care less,” Alex was no longer whispering. And her voice seemed to be rising in volume as she thought about her life.

Had it been anyone else in the room, Alex would have happily stuck the bill in her nose and inhaled a large amount of the cocaine, but she felt like she owed Marna an explanation. After all, she was only alive right now because Marna had decided to spare her life. Marna had offered Alex whatever she needed. And in exchange, Alex blew Marna off when asked a simple question.

“All my parents are concerned with is impressing their friends,” Alex started gritting her teeth and leering at the floor. “And my “friends” usually try to ditch me anytime we go anywhere.” She dropped the bag of cocaine on the table and continued to stare at the floor.

“And I’m stuck,” Alex’s voice gained in volume some more and tears started to roll down her cheeks. “Taking a course in school I hate and not even allowed to do the one thing I truly fucking love in this world.” Alex put her face in the hands and started to sob

11-04-2010, 01:28 AM
She stopped before reaching the bedroom, listening to Alex as she poured her thoughts out. She turned and just stared at the girl, incredulous. crying?

“Oh stop this nonsense.” She spat out, thoroughly annoyed now at the situation Alex was presenting. Her face in a slight sneer “You poor little rich girl” she laughed. “How rough you’ve had it. They won’t let me do what I want. Everyone hates me. Is that about it?” She laughed sarcastically again.

“I’ve seen things that were truly tragic. I’ve done things far worse to humans myself. I’ve seen War, disease, famine…the list goes on, longer than you have been alive. These are things worth crying over. Your sad little girl rant doesn’t even come close” standing in the door way staring at Alex.

“Perhaps you didn’t realize this, or perhaps I wasn’t clear enough for you. You’re not going back to that life. You’re mine now. Your choice is simple. Stay with me, as my human servant, or death. The true death, from which you will not wake.” Turning back into the room “It’s simple really. Either way, you have thirty minutes to get dressed.”

11-04-2010, 01:47 AM
Alex got off the couch and walked quickly into Marna’s room. She walked right over to the vampire and stared into her eyes, the tears blurring her vision slightly.

“You promised me something different,” Alex whispered, her voice shaking as fear started to over take her again.

“I will do anything that you ask,” Alex moved a little closer to Marna, now looking at the floor. “You can have any part of me, boy and soul that you find pleasing. But don’t refer to me as your servant again.” Alex sneered and looked back into Marna’s eyes.

A part of Alex was wondering if Marna would flat out laugh at her. Marna was a creature of the night. She held great power and could snap Alex’s neck as though it were a toothpick. And Alex found it funny that she didn’t care either way. Yes she was scared, but in her eyes, the way Marna was speaking to her, was much the way her mother would speak to her. Oh sure, her mother would never flat out call her a servant. But Alex knew that’s how she was thought of.

“I will be yours for as long as you want me,” Alex spoke softly, her eyes going back to the floor. “But I saw how you looked at me last night, and I know you enjoyed me as much as I enjoyed you,” Alex smiled a little as she thought of the pleasure she had given to Marna and the way she writhed at the touch of Alex’s tongue.

“But if you want nothing more than a servant,” Alex sighed. “Then maybe you should kill me.” Alex looked back up at Marna, the tears now gone. The look of sadness replaced by emptiness.

11-04-2010, 02:07 AM
Marna laughed, at Alex's speech. Loud and long, just staring at her. "Well, well" she practically purred back, with a widening smile. Grabbing Alex by her face, holding her chin in her hand for a brief moment, she squeezed it briefly. Then she kissed her quickly and stepped away the laughter still bubbling across her lips.

"Guess I pushed the right button now, didn't I?" she said lightly. "It's good to know that you can feel, something, without the drugs" cocking her head to the side, studying Alex for a minute. "Even if it was just anger."

"Call it what you wish, employee, assistant, lover, friend, donor, but you are mine now, make no mistake" moving toward large mahogany dresser. Pulling the drawer open to find something to wear. "You will stay here with me, do as I ask, or you are dead. It's simple really."

Holding out a bright blue silk top "What about this?" she asked casually, not really expecting an answer "I think it brings out my eyes, don't you?"

11-04-2010, 02:16 AM
“Then I choose companion,” Alex smiled wrapping her arms around Marna’s waist. “And Marna,” Alex kissed her neck. “I will do anything you ask,” Alex ran her tongue over Marna’s neck, wondering if saying that would get her in trouble down the road. But it didn’t matter. She was sure she could get through anything that would come up. After all, how bad could it be.

Pulling away form Marna, she moved to the closet door and opened it, looking at the clothing Marna had inside. She liked the top but wondered what else Marna had to choose form. It was then that Alex realized something.

“Um,” Alex turned to face Marna. “Where are we going?”

11-04-2010, 02:32 AM
"You need to eat, remember?" she said slipping the shirt on, finding a pair of black jeans in another drawer and slipping them on as well. Simple and casual.

Stepping up behind Alex, she placed a small kiss against her neck, pulling her shirt gently to press her lips against the top of her shoulder. "If you're going to be my companion, you need to be healthy, which means food. Real food" stepping aside, she grabbed a pair of tall boots from the closet, then sitting on the edge of the bed began to slip them on.

"We'll go out, find you some real food, and then perhaps show you off a bit, to some of my...friends" she finished. "You can choose anything in there you like" seeing Alex still peering into the hangers of clothes in the closet.

She pulled her hair out of the long braid, shaking her fingers through it, the soft curls cascading down her back.

11-04-2010, 02:51 AM
Alex stared at Marna, intoxicated for a moment by the vampire’s presence. Truth was, Alex didn’t want to eat. All she wanted to do was stay in the penthouse and explore Marna’s body with her hands and her lips. She really couldn’t believe how drawn she was to Marna and the thought had crossed her mind that Marna was perhaps manipulating her in some way. Marna had said she could read Alex’s thoughts so could she manipulate them as well. And friends? What friends? Alex turned back to start looking through the closet, impressed by Marna’s sense of style, but right now, she was confused.

“Friends?” Alex pulled out a hangar and turned back to Marna. She so wanted to run her fingers through Marna’s hair. To hold her and be held in Marna’s dark embrace.

“You mean other vampires? I mean,” Alex sighed. “I guessed there were others, I just didn’t know you hung out with them. What I mean is…” Alex placed the hangar on the bed. It was a long black tank top. At least on Marna it would serve as a tank top. But given Alex’s size in comparison, it would serve as a nice, if not rather short skirt. Alex took off her shirt and then walked over to Marna, wrapping her arms around her again and pressing her breasts against Marna.

“Look, I don’t know anything really about vampires,” Alex spoke softly, nuzzling against Marna. “You’re going to have to teach me. And I would prefer to know a little before I meet your friends.” Alex kissed Marna and pulled away, moving in back to the bed and taking off her pants.

She took the top form the bed and put it on over her head. It clung to her body, hugging her curves and just barely covered her. Alex took off her panties and pulled the top down as far as it would go, tossing her panties on the bed. If she bent over, anyone in the vicinity would get a show, but she didn’t care. Alex looked good and she knew it. She ran her fingers through her hair and smiled at herself in the mirror. She wanted Marna to have her eyes on her. And given how Alex looked right now, she figured Marna would rarely look away.

11-04-2010, 01:13 PM
“Well, first of all, I don’t hang out with anyone” she smirked in reply, amused by Alex’s terms and the image it portrayed. Vampires, lounging around one another in a casual atmosphere, it was almost laughable. She continued to watch Alex as she proceeded to get dressed. Seeing Alex’s choice in outfits, it was all she could do not to stop her in mid dress, and push her down onto the bed to stay there for the night. The panties on the bed, was almost the breaking point.

“To answer your question about my… friends? They aren’t friends in the sense that you would think of a friend.” She continued watching Alex primp in the mirror. “Those of us that live in the city, have an uneasy truce? I guess you could call it.” Glancing out the window and noting that it was indeed full nightfall now. “You don’t need to know anything about them, other than what they are. They will certainly know that you are with me” Stepping up to Alex, she pulled her close, her hands running lightly across her breasts, sliding down her back to cup her barely covered bottom.

“Besides, it’s more fun if you don’t know anything about them. I can promise you, you’re going to make quite the stir in this little circle” she murmured brushing her lips against Alex’s. Swatting her butt lightly, she released her reluctantly, before she could be distracted any further. “I’m interested to see their reaction to you, more than anything.”

“Grab your little bag of forgetfulness, and let’s go. I want to show you off” she smiled, a wide smile that had the appearance intense, unique amusement.

11-04-2010, 07:16 PM
Alex nodded her head an reluctantly left Marna’s arms. She made her way into the living room, sitting on the couch and pulling on her boots. She then grabbed her purse and picked up the small bag of cocaine from the coffee table. She stared at it for a moment, fidgeting with it. She used it so she could forget her parents and friends; the way they treated her and made her feel. It mad it so much easier for her to cope with life, but that life was gone. She belonged to Marna, and despite the fact that Marna did scare the hell out of her, the cocaine was just another attachment to a life she wanted to leave behind.

Alex dropped the baggie on the table and moved to stand by the door. Once Marna came out of the bedroom, Alex smiled widely. She watched how Marna moved and bit her lip, finding it hard not to throw herself into the vampire’s arms. When they were together the previous night, the pleasure was heightened by the remnants of the alcohol and drugs in her system, yet they dulled the pain. Now she was sober, if not a little twitchy form the cocaine. And in this moment, all Alex wanted to feel was Marna’s fangs tearing bits of flesh from her. She wanted to feel pain in a way that only Marna could show her. She also found that she wanted to eat, which Marna had told her she had to do anyway. And this brought another stream of questions into Alex’s mind.

“Where are we going to eat?” Alex gave Marna a look of curiosity. “For that matter, can you eat? I mean, I know you eat blood. You need it to survive. But can you eat food?”

11-05-2010, 01:31 PM
Marna smiled, seeing Alex waiting by the door. Taking in her relaxed demeanor, and how sexy she was. She touched her cheek softly, “You look good enough to eat” she grinned wider, pleasantly content for the moment that she had a companion. It was odd to have someone to talk to, and it was taking a little getting used to, the questions about, well everything. It didn’t seem to bother her, the questions from Alex. After being without someone to converse with for so long, it felt easy to be with her.

“Yes, I can eat. Mostly for appearances, I don’t need to, obviously my tastes are satisfied in other ways” turning and heading out the door, “As for where we are going, I have a place in mind. A small little cozy place not far away. They have great wine, which is something that I will never lose a taste for. I’ve been drinking wine since I was a small girl, it’s almost as much a requirement as the blood is.” She pushed the elevator button.

“I’ve been to this little place a few times, and have only eaten there once. But I can tell you that the patrons genuinely seem very pleased with their food.” She stepped into the elevator, nodding briefly to the usher that was standing by the button panel, then just as quickly dismissing him.

"I'm sure you'll love it there" she finished smiling at Alex.

11-05-2010, 06:59 PM
“I’d love it anywhere with you,” Alex grinned at Marna and ran a hand up her thigh. “I’d love it more though if we just stayed in bed,” Alex purred and the giggled as she heard the usher make a bit of a choking noise. She stayed silent for the rest of the ride, and once the elevator doors had closed behind them, she clung to Marna as they made their way to the car.

Once inside, Alex’s mind started to wander. Thoughts of what she was doing flowed through her mind. Thoughts of what her life had now become. She was a plaything for a monster. Funny thing was, Alex was more than okay with that. A part of her felt invincible. Something told her that should anything happen, Marna would protect her. Right now, Alex felt content, though it was quickly replaced by worry as she thought of where they were going.

“Um…Marna?” Alex’s voice was soft and was shaking a little as she thought of all the possibilities of what the night had in store. “You’re not gonna feed me to your friends are you? I’ll do everything you say, but I don’t want to be a party favour.”

11-05-2010, 07:57 PM
"What type of monster do you take me for?" she scoffed lightly driving through the city at breakneck speed. The purring of the engine was like music to her ears. There were few things in her life that she treasured. Having seen so many things go by the wayside, her car was one thing that truly was special to her. Shifting again, she picked up even more speed. "Besides, I don't share with others" she laughed aloud, her voice rich with sarcasm.

They arrived a few minutes later at the restaurant. A small place, on a side street near the city park. Dimly lit and not looking like much at all. She pulled the car up to the front, and tossed the keys to the valet, who was very quick to move and collect them for her. She usually tipped very well, and he had obviously remembered that fact. "Come on" she cajoled to Alex. "You're going to love it" as she stepped into the restaurant.

It was small, with cozy little booths along one wall and a mix of different sized tables in the center of the room. When it was full, it would hold maybe fifty people. The decor was definitely a throwback to some older age. Adorned in reds and blacks with gold trim throughout. The smells of garlic, pasta, and various herbs wafting through the room. As soon as they walked in, a small older man, dressed in a pair of black pants and a white shirt with a red vest, stepped right up as if he had been waiting for their exact appearance. The room currently held about twelve people, total.

"Hello Ms Marna" he gave her a small bow, and a bright smile. "I see you have company tonight" he continued politely, glancing quickly at Alex, then returning just as quickly back to Marna. "Would you still like your usual booth tonight?" he ask inquisitively. "Absolutely, Marco, if you please" she replied smiling.

"Right this way ladies" as he stepped away from the small desk, grabbing a single menu. He moved toward the back of the room, the last booth in the room, and placed the menu on the setting on the right. "I'll be back shortly ladies" as he stepped back away, and into the kitchen.

Marna slipped into the booth, deliberately not sitting at the seat with the menu. Patting the spot beside her, "You're really going to enjoy this" she smiled, her eyes twinkling in the soft lighting of the room.

11-07-2010, 02:50 AM
Alex nodded her head and slid into the booth, pressing right up against Marna, her hands roaming over the vampire’s body before opening the menu. Alex smiled, not unlike a schoolgirl as she continued to be amazed at how hard she found it to keep her hands off of Marna. She took a moment to glance over the menu. Though her hunger became a little more intense at the aromas wafting through the restaurant, the only thing she really wanted to eat in this moment was Marna. It only took a moment for Alex to decide on something, Italian being one of her favourite foods she had already made her mind up upon entering what she wanted if the had it. She then turned to Marna and moved up, kissing Marna, licking at her lips. After a moment, she moved away slightly, placing a hand on Marna’s thigh.

“I know what I want,” Alex purred, staring into Marna’s eyes. “And I’ve decided on the food as well.” Alex giggled for a moment and then quickly kissed Marna on the cheek, giving her thigh a squeeze before continuing.

“But I would like to talk if that’s okay,” Alex didn’t wait for a response and kept talking. “I just don’t know where to begin. I have about a thousand questions.” Alex looked away, glancing quickly around the restaurant as if trying to find the right question somewhere in the room. Looking back at Marna, she lowered her head slightly, not making eye contact.

“I would like to know about you,” Alex whispered. “Please? Other than your name I know nothing about you. For that matter I don’t even know your last name. But I guess what I would like to know most is who were you before you became like this.” Alex lowered her head a little more, fearful that she may incur Marna’s wrath. And as much as Alex loved pain, she was sure Marna could find ways to make it most unpleasant for her.

11-08-2010, 01:43 AM
Marna smiled, just enjoying Alex’s presence and being out in public without a real need for anything, other than the company of someone else. She was thoroughly enjoying the stares and the murmurings she could hear from the people that were in the restaurant, watching them. Alex was definitely not even aware that they were drawing a few stares.

She was contemplating an answer to Alex’s questions, when she heard Marco returning. “What can I get for you lovely ladies tonight?” he said in a casual manner, placing a bottle of wine on the table, with two glasses, along with a fresh basket of bread and dipping oil. “I’ll have my usual, please” Marna replied, reaching for the bottle, and filling the two glasses. “I believe my friend has decided upon what she would like, as well” she said smiling in return, glancing at Alex.

11-08-2010, 01:56 AM
“I’ll have the penne pesto con pollo,” Alex smiled. “I’d like it with extra pine nuts please. And I’ll pass on the salad.” Though Alex was hungry, she didn’t want to eat too much. The truth was she hadn’t really eaten anything substantial in about two days and was worried she might shock her stomach. Marco nodded and retreated towards the kitchen and Alex turned back to Marna, staring at her seductively.

“Look,” Alex purred, lifting one of the glasses from the table and handing it to Marna. “I hope I’m not being too forward. I mean, I just want to know about you. I can’t explain it Marna, but I’m so drawn to you.” Alex ran her hand up Marna’s thigh, pressing into her crotch for a moment before moving it to her knee.

“I haven’t had a lot of lovers,” Alex whispered. “And I’ve never been this attracted to any of them. Please tell me about you.”

11-08-2010, 02:19 AM
She took the glass, sipping the wine slowly, letting it roll across her tongue, savoring the flavor. Alex’s hand on her thigh was very enjoyable, and mildly distracting. She found herself thinking back to the events of last night, and the hours they spent in bed, enjoying one another. It brought a soft smile to her face.

She leaned closer to Alex, and kissed her softly, brushing the hair from the edge of her face. “You are don’t have to worry about being forward, and last night you were quite delicious, in more ways than one” she purred, sitting back a little, she sipped her wine again.

“I’ve been alive, in a manner for a long time. I’ve seen the world change. Something’s for the better, some for the worse. I’m not one to ramble on, what do you want to know?”

11-08-2010, 02:33 AM
“I,” Alex paused for a moment. She hadn’t expected to be given carte blanche to ask anything she wanted. Mind you, it could take hours for her to ask every question which popped into her mind.

“I guess I really want to know who you were before,” Alex smiled a little. “And do you miss it? I mean, you must have had friends and family. Do you miss them?” Alex paused to take a sip of her wine. It was quite good and Alex savoured the bouquet and body of the wine for a moment before continuing.

“What were you like before you…changed?” Alex whispered. “Were you married? Family? I know it was a long time ago, but I’m curious.” Alex turned her head away for a moment and finally took notice of a few of the male patrons of the restaurant. They were string directly at Alex and Marna, and Alex couldn’t blame them. She had forgotten herself in a public place and was no doubt giving the customers quite a show. Turning back to Marna, Alex giggled, blushing.

11-08-2010, 04:00 PM
“Pay them no heed” she smiled, her eyes glancing at the other patrons in the restaurant. “They’ll go back to their meals, eventually” taking her glass again, and sipping the wine slowly.

“I was to be wed. I was very much in love, or so I thought, when I was alive, as you call it. I lived in a small fishing village on the edge of the Baltic Sea. I had a mother and a father and a brother.” Thinking back to when she was a child playing outside with her brother. Finding shells and scrounging along the shore line daily for firewood and treasures.

“We were happy, in our little village. One day soldiers came to our village talking of a great war in the country, and anyone that didn’t join in the army was killed or forced to join. I saw most of my friends and relatives taken away. Including my betrothed, Alric.” She said the name softly. She hadn’t spoken of her life “before” in quite some time. She really didn’t even know why she was telling Alex now.

“Once the soldiers took all the men from our village, the women that could fled, to find safety, or other family. We stayed, my mother and I. My mother was convinced that they would return, that we would be safe.” She shook her head sadly. “We were very naïve” She finished the wine in the glass, and reached to pour more into the glass, offering more to Alex as well.

“After months of waiting for word of anything, we were attacked in the night by a small band of vampires. They had come to find the easy pickings along the shore. With no one to protect us, or stop them my mother was killed, drained of her blood. Her neck was torn out. They destroyed everyone that was left in a single night" twirling her glass in her fingers, staring off into nothing, as if reliving it all over again. The screaming, the death.

"I was supposed to be dead, but the leader took me with him, sensing I was still alive, barely. He fed off me for weeks, keeping me bound with them in a cave along the cliffs. One night he went too far, and turned me, forcing me to drink his blood. I have spent years of my existence wishing I had died in the village, and not become this, that you see” motioning to herself with a flourish of her hand.

“So do I miss it?” she laughed a harsh barking sound, that had nothing to do with laughter. “Which part?” she replied sarcastically draining the glass of wine in a single draught, placing the glass back on the table with a hard thump.

11-08-2010, 08:37 PM
“I… I’m sorry,” Alex whispered. Suddenly, the thing Marna had said earlier seemed to ring true in Alex’s mind. Maybe she was nothing more than a spoiled rich girl. She had been given everything, but shouldn’t there be more? Shouldn’t her parents love her and care about her? If anything, Marna’s tale had proven that life could be cruel. And even with a vampire at her side, Alex would need to find some sort of inner strength to survive.

“I didn’t know,” Alex started to fidget with the fork in front of her as she spoke. She felt awkward and desperately wanted to change the subject, though she was unsure of which way to steer the conversation. It was easy to see that she had hit a nerve and didn’t want to upset Marna anymore than she already had.

“What did it feel like? “ Alex continued to whisper and took Marna’s hand in her own, caressing it. “To die I mean.”

11-08-2010, 08:57 PM
"How could you know?" she said, her voice flat and emotionless. "How could anyone know? Vampires are a myth, remember? We don't exist." she refilled the wine glass. "It matters not, now, anyway. They are long since gone and I remain. It was another life, another time" she glanced around the room. Pushing the thoughts away, again. Watching the people in the room, eating, drinking, happily oblivious.

"It was cold, to die. To lay there lifeless while they watched. Waiting for me to come back." her nails starting to drum along the table. "Where is our food anyway?" she said lightly, changing the subject for now. "You must be starved, what did you order again?"

11-09-2010, 06:26 AM
“Um, penne pesto,” Alex continued to hold Marna’s hand in hers. Right now she felt like an ass. To Alex, it seemed she had made Marna feel uncomfortable. It was apparent to Alex that Marna didn’t want to talk about it, yet she had.

It made Alex wonder if maybe that was part of the reason she was still alive. Maybe Marna was lonely and just wanted someone to talk to. Being that she was evil by nature, Alex figured there would be a lot of subterfuge involved with what Marna did. It wasn’t like she could walk into the grocery store and start randomly biting people. She doubted that Marna had many people, if anyone at all, she could open up to.

“What about you?” Alex spoke softly and kept her eyes on the table, entwining her fingers with Marna’s. “Do you need to eat? Actually, what did you order?” it only clicked in just now that Marna had indeed ordered something. She had asked for her usual, and Alex found herself wondering what it was.

11-09-2010, 06:34 PM
Marna pulled her hand away from Alex’s “I don’t need your pity” she sneered, her voice low and annoyed. “I’ve survived this long, and I’ll survive even longer. I killed those who killed my mother, and my village. As far as I’m concerned they got off light.”

She glanced past Alex toward the kitchen. “Our dinner will be here shortly. I don’t need to eat, for sustenance, but for appearances I like to come here. Besides it keeps the help on their toes to have the owner in the building.” She cocked her head to the side, “Why did you choose Penne Pesto?” she asked.

11-09-2010, 09:03 PM
“Does it matter? Do you care?” Alex had a snide tone and she got up from the table and headed directly to the bathroom. Once inside she breathed a sigh of relief that she was the only one there. Her heels clicked against the black and white marble tile as she made her way to one of the sinks and stared at herself in one of the mirrors for a minute, her hands on either side of the sink.

Alex opened her purse and dumped he contents into the sink. Rooting around for a moment, she found a pill bottle and opened it, dropping two of the pills into her hand. It was a means of escape for her, though right now she wanted the cocaine that was sitting on the table at Marna’s. She needed to get away, at least in mind if not her body. Her whole life was nothing but one big prison with her family, and it seemed Alex had traded one prison for another.

“Fuck!!” Alex threw the pills into the corner of the bathroom and then slammed her fist down onto the countertop. Quickly she gathered her things into her purse and headed into one of the stalls. She locked the door, sat down and started to cry.

11-10-2010, 02:42 AM
Marna was quite shocked at Alex's behavior. what on earth was that for? she thought to herself, watching the girl stalk away. She truly didn't understand why Alex was so upset, or angry at all. After all, she was the one who had poked and prodded about the past, did she think it was all sunshine and lolly pops? Shaking her head slowly, sipping her wine, not really even tasting it.

Straining to hear through the normal noises in the restaurant she could clearly hear Alex in the ladies room, crying. this is most annoying Just as she was contemplating following her, Marco appeared laden with a large tray of food.

"Ah.. here we go.... " he started to say, turning with a plate, only to notice the empty spot from Alex. "She's powdering her nose" Marna said casually, as if nothing was amiss. She refused to reveal any more to him regarding her "friend" as he was thinking of her, the missing Alex.

He moved quickly and efficiently placing the food in the proper places, and opened another bottle of wine, placing it directly beside Marna. He was very quick to observe that she had lost her slight smile from earlier, and moved just as rapidly away to other tables, without a backward glance.

He is definitely a good manager, and host she mused, pleased with his behavior. It had taken quite awhile for him to stop fawning and sucking up to her, and to just realize that she wanted simple things, and the quicker he went about them with minimal fuss, the better.

She glanced briefly down, at her plate. It was her own version, of Steak tartar, which she had instructed the chef on how to make, ages ago. He had obviously embellished upon the dish a little tonight, in an ever attempting need to please her. The delicate arrangement of the items on the dish, placed so eloquently as to become a miniature work of art. Each item placed as to be both aesthetically, and visually appealing. It was well beyond the simple, if not large portion of pasta placed and waiting for Alex.

She sniffed once, the raw meat at once appealing to her sense. The arrangement of vegetables and raw egg, along the edges of the dish, she would quickly remove, uneaten. That's not to say she didn't appreciate the effort the chef had taken to please her, they were placed their more for his benefit, than hers she had no doubt.

She hesitated a moment more, considering if she should wait for Alex, then deciding that she would return when she wanted, she picked up her fork and began to eat, savoring the cold, raw steak.


11-10-2010, 05:21 AM
Alex sat in the stall for a few minutes and composed herself. Right now she felt quite pathetic. She didn’t really think that Marna would come into the restroom, and frankly, Alex was happy she didn’t. There was no way in hell she wanted Marna to see her like this, especially since she doubted there would be any compassion from her. After all, she had tried to show it and was snapped at for her troubles. And then, to make matters worse, rather than say why she was upset, she stormed out of the room like some child throwing a tantrum.

Leaving the stall, she made her way over to the sink and quickly washed her face, taking a few moments to apply some fresh makeup. Once she was satisfied that Marna wouldn’t suspect she had been crying, Alex left the bathroom ad made her way back to the table. She gave a weak smile upon seeing that the food had arrived and slid back onto the seat next to Marna. Alex made sure not to press right into Marna this time and pulled the bowl closer and picked up the fork, unfolding the silk napkin and placing it in the lap. She stared at the food for a moment, her stomach growling at the aroma. Sighing, she put the fork down and placed her hands on either side of the bowl on the table.

“Do you know what compassion is Marna?” Alex stared at the bowl of pasta in front of her. “Or has it been too long since you’ve been human to remember?” Alex turned her head to look at Marna and didn’t give her a chance to reply.

“Look,” Alex’s tone became soft. “If you think I pity you Marna, you’re wrong. In some ways, I envy you. But the truth is, I spend far too much time pitying myself to have any to spare. And for some reason, I am beyond attracted to you. I know we only just met, but I do have feelings for you. I wouldn’t call it love, but I do care about you and will do anything to see that you’re happy.” Alex paused to take a sip of wine and then sighed.

“Marna I…” There were may things Alex wanted to say. How she didn’t want to be just a piece of meat for Marna to feed on and fuck whenever she wanted. How she wanted something better than what she had with her parents where she was nothing more than a showpiece for their friends and little more than an inconvenience at the best of times. Instead, all that came out was, “I’m sorry. I’ll shut up now.” Alex then turned and picked up the fork and started picking at the pasta.

11-10-2010, 06:46 PM
“You have to understand” she began slowly, as if she was still formulating the words, so as to not upset Alex again. “I’ve never felt close to anyone, the way I seem to feel about you. Anyone, especially a human. I’ve been alone for almost a hundred years. To tell you about myself, at all, was difficult. To remember what it was like, before, was not something I enjoyed, at all.” placing her fork down on the table as she spoke. The meal forgotten for the present.

“You should never, ever envy me” her voice inflecting a heavy emphasis on the word ever. “I would not wish this life, my life, on anyone.” Searching Alex’s face to see if she understood.

“I know you were upset by something I said, and I know you were crying” raising her hand to stop what she assumed would be quick denial from Alex. “If we are to stay together, you need to understand that there won’t be much you will keep from me, if anything. It’s my nature. It’s who I am, and I feel very connected to you and it is confusing. When I thought you were dead, yesterday…. ” her voice trailed off, unable to finish, as she shook her head side to side with a touch of resignation.

Sighing, she looked away perhaps I have been alone too long the thought floated through her mind like a whisper. you should just let her go, erase her mind of you, and leave her be…it’s going to be too hard for her to understand…

Attempting to change the subject “Please, eat your meal, and tell me what it tastes like? Since it is loaded in fresh garlic, it is something that I won’t be able to taste.” she replied “I don’t know if you heard me, but this is my restaurant and it’s very hard to test the help, when you can’t eat half of what’s on the menu” she smiled slowly, in an attempt to smooth things over.

11-10-2010, 07:17 PM
It made Alex feel good to hear that Marna cared, even if she didn’t come right out and say it in those words. Though Marna had a point. Did Alex really expect Marna to be something different than she was? Marna was a killer. She had been alone for a long time and Alex couldn’t really expect her to just turn away form her nature and everything she had gone through in one night. And given what Alex had just made Marna relive, she needed to understand why Marna was upset. Without a word, Alex gave Marna a small kiss on the lips and then moved close to her again.

“I’m sorry,” Alex whispered “It’s really my fault. I don’t know what I expected. But I won’t ask about your past again.” Alex turned and picked up her fork. Spiking a few of the noodles on the tines, she brought it up to her mouth and then stopped, placing the fork down.

“Um, is it really okay for me to eat this?” Alex looked at Marna with concern. “I mean, garlic thins the blood right? Won’t that effect you…” Alex shivered a little as she thought of Marna’s teeth tearing into her neck. “…later?”

11-10-2010, 07:31 PM
She laughed, her eyes betraying the delight that she suddenly felt at Alex’s comments, and at her innuendo towards, later.

“No…there would be no effect on me, later” she winked at her in amusement. “You’d have to eat a lot more than this, and on a daily basis for it be bothersome to me” going back to her own plate with her retrieved fork, nibbling a few more bites, for appearance. More interested in what Alex thought of the food, now.

“Manga, as they say” she prodded, “Tell me if it’s tasty?” she purred, watching as Alex took a bite.

11-10-2010, 08:00 PM
Alex picked up the fork and took a bite of the pasta. As she chewed it, she had to resist the urge to start shovelling more of it into her mouth. It was good, very good. And given how hungry Alex really was, it was hard for her not to gorge herself.

“Delicious,” Alex smiled at Marna and took another bite. Despite the distraction the food provided, more questions entered Alex’s mind. In fact right now she had two in particular, she just hoped neither sounded stupid.

“Um, so what would happen if you fed on someone with AIDS or a blood disease?” Alex spoke softly, tearing off a piece of bread and dipping it in her pasta.

“And I know this might seem like a strange question,” Alex smiled as her hand found Marna‘s thigh again. “But how can you eat? I mean, you’re dead right? So where does it go?”

11-10-2010, 08:20 PM
"Well, someone with a serious disease, I would taste it, and stop. The blood tastes funny" she crinkled her nose as if in disgust. "It's happened before, and usually I just make them forget me, and move on" taking her wine again, sipping it, the bitter flavor lingering on her tongue.

"As for the food?" looking down at her plate, with only a few bites missing. "I don't really eat. What I do consume is processed, I imagine, the same as when I was like you, alive" she smiled a small wry smile "It just takes, longer?" not really willing to go into more details in an effort to be polite. "Swallowing some, flesh, while eating, as I do, is normal so, it's absorbed like anything else."

"Nothing has much taste, to be honest. Only the blood, it's like tasting the sweetest honey. It's very powerful." watching Alex nibble the bread from the table.

"So, it's good? this Penne pasta you have?" she asked politely, wondering why Alex was eating so slowly. She could tell the girl was starved, and could clearly hear her stomach rumbling for more food.

11-10-2010, 08:37 PM
“It’s really good,” Alex said, taking a bite of the bread and then following it with some more of the pasta. It was so good, that Alex was finding it more and more difficult to not devour the pasta, bread and bowl. The aroma was heavenly and the flavour doubly so.

“So Marna,” Alex said between bites. “Is there anything I need to know? About where we’re going I mean. I’m sorry if it sounds stupid, but I’m not really versed in vampire etiquette.” In all truth, Alex was a little apprehensive about meeting other vampires. She had little doubt that Marna would protect her, but still. No doubt there would be more than one vampire in attendance, and Alex doubted Marna could protect her from all of them. Not to mention that Marna was having enough problem dealing with one vampire, now she was going to meet more.

11-10-2010, 09:00 PM
Poking her remaining food with her fork, completely uninterested in it "Just be your self?" she watched as Alex began eating with gusto. "I know it sounds cliché but, just do what you would normally do when out at a club. They will know that you are mine, my scent is all over you. I am much older than those that will be in attendance tonight, I am much more powerful" she smirked, amusement in her features "There is no need for you to worry."

Catching Marco's unspoken question from the edge of the room, and replying with a nod, "I'm interested to see what the reaction will be when I arrive with... my companion" she replied, tilting her head toward Alex in a small bow. Watching as Marco stepped up quickly to their table.

"Can I get you anything else, ladies" he asked with a smile "I believe we are all set, for tonight Marco. Please tell the chef that he has outdone himself this evening. Everything was most wonderful" she replied gracefully, watching as his face beamed in response.

"Wouldn't you say so, Alex?" she asked deliberately saying her name in front of Marco, knowing that he would be keen to remember it for the future. This would also give Alex carte blanch to eat here, as she pleased during the daytime, if she chose.

11-10-2010, 11:12 PM
“It was lovely,” Alex smiled politely. “Thank you Marco.” Alex turned and wrapped her arms around Marna and kissed her neck. “And thank you Marna,” Alex purred the words and flicked her tongue against Marna’s ear.

Alex felt pretty good. Although she could eat more, she found that the food she had eaten had given her some energy. And now, she wanted a way to expend that energy. She smiled seductively at Marna as a rather devilish thought entered her mind, but she quickly pushed it aside. She wanted to surprise Marna at least once, and if she continued to think about what she was going to do, no doubt Marna would hear.

“Shall we go?” Alex asked Marna and started to think of clouds and puppies in the hopes that it would be enough to keep Marna from seeing what she was intending.

11-11-2010, 07:56 PM
Marna smiled in response and slid out of the booth, grabbing Alex’s hand as she did so. “Let’s go then” she said, heading toward the door, holding onto Alex. Giving a small backwards wave to Marco on the way out. Their dinner got off to a rocky start, but worked out in the end and she was pleased with that.

Her car pulled up just as they stepped out of the door, directly on cue. seems the valet did remember she mused, slipping him a twenty as she got into the car. He smiled brilliantly and headed towards the passenger side to let Alex in.

11-11-2010, 08:27 PM
The moment the door closed, and Marna was seated, Alex jumped on Marna, straddling her in the driver’s seat. She pressed her lips hard against Marna’s, her tongue entwining with the vampire’s. Alex started to undo Marna’s pants, pushing them down as she ran her tongue up Marna’s neck. Once Alex reached her ear, she nibbled on it a little and then pulled back, grinning.

“Thank you for dinner. It was delicious,” Alex purred, kissing Marna hard. “But now I want dessert,” Alex bit her bottom lip for a moment, the look in her eyes was pure lust. She knew this probably wasn’t the most appropriate place and time for this, but she didn’t care. And as she pushed Marna’s pants down more and slid down between her legs, Alex didn’t think she would mind so much.

11-14-2010, 06:50 PM
Marna was just about to put the car into gear, when Alex decided upon dessert. Kissing her back just as hard, her lips crushing into Alex's. She couldn't help but read her thoughts as Alex was definitely cascading them loud and clear along with her actions.

Reaching her hands down briefly, she stopped Alex, for a moment. "We need to be some place a little more private for what you have in mind Alex. The valet is certainly enjoying the show, but I'd rather not be the topic of conversation in the restaurant all evening, if you don't mind" she said pleadingly.

11-15-2010, 03:56 AM
Alex looked up, licking her lips and breathing heavily. Marna was right of course but it didn’t change the fact that Alex needed to taste Marna, and she needed it now. Alex did think it a little strange that her lust was this wild. She wasn’t normally one for audiences , but right now, she would have done Marna in the middle of the restaurant while it was aired on the eleven o’clock news. Perhaps it was the bit of caring that Marna had shown in the restaurant. Perhaps it was just the intense attraction she felt to her. It might have even been the fear that she felt at the idea of being this close to a vampire. Whatever it was, Alex wanted Marna bad.

Slowly, she slid back to the passenger seat and stared at Marna for a moment before leaning over. Alex thought hard of all the things she was going to do to Marna the moment the car stopped again. She actually tried to push the thoughts at Marna, concentrating as hard as she could on making the vampire scream at the touch of her tongue. Leaning over, she placed her lips right next to Marna’s ear.

“Hurry,” Alex purred and started to nibble on Marna’s earlobe.

11-15-2010, 02:35 PM
Marna wanted nothing more than to let Alex continue with what she was doing. She was enjoying her thoughts, as they were quite intense, and direct. She knew exactly what Alex trying to do, and was thoroughly enjoying it. However, being as she could also tell that the Valet was in fact paying extreme attention as well, all the while pretending not to, she knew it would have to wait, for now. Especially because all she could think about was the fact that Alex was so willing, and wanting. She could smell sex on her, and it was like a fresh perfume that was completely intoxicating.

Moving the car into drive, she drove out of the lot and headed to their next destination, all the while enjoying the proximity of Alex, and running through her mind, what she would do once they were alone. Last night she felt as though she were testing Alex, seeing how far the girl would let her go. Needless to say Alex had passed with flying colors, or she wouldn’t be alive today. The lure of the hours ahead of them tonight, after their little visit to her friends, was almost enough to make her just go back to the apartment, almost. It was more important to her, for now, to ensure Alex’s safety.

Grabbing Alex’s fingers all the while maneuvering the car skillfully along the highway, she ran her tongue across her palm, and her wrist. The blood pulsing rapidly under the girl’s skin was an attraction she could not ignore. Her fangs sank swiftly into Alex’s skin, without pause.

Tasting her was like drinking a energy drink. It was at once the perfect combination of renewed energy, along with the thoughts of sex, tinged with her apprehension about the night. It was far more intoxicating than any bottle of wine could ever be, to Marna at least. She couldn’t stop the moan from escaping her lips as she pulled the blood into her mouth. Relishing the taste as it rushed down her throat.

She reluctantly pulled her lips away, knowing the rest would have to wait, as they had arrived. She licked the small wound closed, and glanced at Alex, licking her lips in pleasure, removing any trace of blood that still remained.

“hhmm… baby” she whispered, seductively placing a small kiss against Alex’s lips. “You are so delicious. I have a feeling we won’t be staying here long, if that's alright with you?” as she opened the door to the car.

11-17-2010, 05:59 PM
Alex gasped as Marna’s fangs sunk into her wrist. It sent tingles of pain and pleasure through her body and she started to kiss and bit at Marna’s neck. The sensation of Marna biting her mixed with the rather pornographic thoughts running through Marna’s mind were close to sending her over the edge. When Marna stopped, Alex let out a low moan which was a mixture of pleasure and disappointment.

Once the car stopped, Alex smiled at Marna’s words. Frankly Alex didn’t even care if they went in or not anymore. True, she was apprehensive at being in the presence of other vampires, finding one to be more than a handful. But right now, all Alex wanted to do was taste Marna, and she kept that thought at the front of her mind.

“Are you reading my mind?” Alex whispered, staring into Marna’s eyes. She pushed herself onto her knees and wrapped her arms around Marna’s neck.

“We don’t have to go in right away you know,” Alex grinned, biting her bottom lip. Leaning in, she ran her tongue gently along Marna’s ear.

“Close the door,” Alex purred. “Pleeeeease.”

11-17-2010, 10:54 PM
Marna laughed a little, smiling at Alex and her delicious plea. “The sooner we go, in… the sooner we can go, home” she finished. “Do you really want to play in the car? There are people already watching us” she flicked her eyes past Alex toward the parking lot, and toward the entrance to the club.

“Besides, they know we are here, and are already curious about you” she crooned softly, not wanting Alex to be afraid for some reason. Then instinctively knowing that sex right now with Alex would be something that would make her relax, and not worry.

“Come here, baby” she smiled at Alex and closed the door, pulling her onto her lap, kissing her hard. “I won’t let anything happen to you” kissing her again, her lips soft as silk. Brushing the hair from across Alex’s face, staring into her eyes, she kissed her again, a little more eagerly. Feeling Alex trembling slightly, she kissed her harder, more urgent, her fingers slipping down to caress her breast, her other hand reaching to lock the door.

11-17-2010, 11:10 PM
Alex adjusted herself so the she was straddling on of Marna’s legs. When their lips locked tog ether, Alex moaned and started to grind her leg into Marna’s crotch through her pants, while grinding herself against Marna’s leg. Alex kissed and sucked at Marna’s lips, so soft and inviting, and slightly warm from the small amount of blood that Marna had recently ingested.

The moment the door locked, Alex reached down beside the seat and pulled the little handle. The seat slowly reclined back, and once it had gone back all the way, Alex pulled away from the kiss and stared into Marna’s eyes

“Thank you,” Alex’s eyes were wild with lust, and she smiled, pressing her lips hard into Marna’s again. She kissed her feverishly as she reached down and started to undo Marna’s pants. Alex kissed and bit at Marna’s neck and slowly made her way down Marna’s body, moaning in delight.

11-17-2010, 11:59 PM
Attempting to fix her hair, while Alex tried to redress was amusing to her, for some reason. The car had completely fogged up on the inside, from their activities. Anyone walking by, wouldn't even begin to know what had transpired inside in just a few short minutes.

She knew however, that by now, everyone that was in attendance at the club would certainly know most every detail of their delay, in the car. Alex was far from quiet with her emotions, and she had projected every thought, every feeling, and each sound in a very loud and boisterous manner. Not that Marna had been quiet either, but a little more reserved perhaps. In the back of her mind, knowing there was indeed an audience, had given her a little more, caution than normal. That and her restraint at feeding from Alex as completely as she would have liked.

She didn’t want Alex feeling lightheaded or dizzy. So she had in fact only, taken a small amount of blood. The rest would have to wait till they were back at the apartment. Then there would be no restraint. She was however, pleasantly satisfied, by their little delay and knew that Alex felt the same.

She could feel the “others” and their amusement at her expense. “Come on, Alex” she said, seeing that she was almost ready. “Time for some more fun” as she opened the door, grinning widely.

Smoothing her shirt as she stepped out of the car, and walked toward the door, hearing Alex close behind her, she headed to the entrance of the club. It opened as if whom ever was on the opposite side had been waiting for them to arrive. The music loud and reverberating against their skin as they stepped inside.

11-18-2010, 12:16 AM
Despite going into the club, Alex felt relaxed. Somehow she knew everything would be alright. Not to mention that her head was still spinning form the incident in the car. She felt intoxicated to say the least, and strangely wasn’t feeling that she needed any other drugs or alcohol. At least not until they were inside.

To say the club was dark, would be a bit of an understatement. Booths lined the outside edge and the silhouette of their inhabitants was barely distinguishable against the surrounding darkness. Ad though she couldn’t make out the expressions of the on the faces of the few people who moved about, either the waitresses or the people on the dance floor, Alex couldn’t help but feel that all eyes were on her. It was hard to describe, but right now, Alex felt like she didn’t belong and a part of her wanted to run screaming out of the building. Instead, she moved closer to Marna and clung to her.

“Are they all…” Alex spoke softly, knowing that Marna would be able to hear her over the music. She just hoped the others couldn’t. “…vampires?”

11-18-2010, 01:00 AM
She scanned the club, nodding to a few scattered people, as she walked down the side. Some quickly moving out of her way, as they passed. Others oblivious to them, as they went by. With Alex close beside her, she headed to the back corner, having no trouble in the darkness. To her the club was barely dark at all. She moved them toward the Club VIP area. She had a table waiting.

A large bouncer stepped aside as they approached, removing the velvet roping around the area in the center. She stepped up the the few small carpeted stairs as she pulled Alex with her to a large plush couch, in the center of the area, with a few smaller couches along the side. The space could easily seat ten people, and was surrounded by a mesh curtain on the sides. "No, not all of them" she replied, still searching, sitting on the edge of the red couch. "there are a few here, tonight" more than usual she thought to herself.

The small table in the center, held only two glasses and a tray of cheese and crackers. A bar had been set up along the side, with rum, vodka, gin, juices and wine, and a large container of ice. "Fix us a drink baby?" she purred to Alex, a little distracted "I'll have, whatever... you have... " still scanning the crowd. Her eyes flashing in the darkness.

"ah... " she sighed, smiling as she reclined back on the couch, pleased with herself. "I was wondering if an old friend was here, and it appears that he is, he was attempting to ignore me, us.." she said to Alex. "He'll be over shortly to say hello."

11-18-2010, 01:36 AM
Despite the fact that Alex loved alcohol, all it’s lovely side effects and the relaxing feeling it would bring, she didn’t want to drink. For the first time in as long as she could remember, Alex wanted her wits about her. It was one thing to be in an unknown place, but another altogether to be in a place surrounded by vampires. Not to mention that Alex had no idea if there was any kind of etiquette she was required to follow.

Quickly, she put a couple of ice cubes into each of the glasses and filled them with orange juice. She handed one to Marna and then sank back into the couch, holding the glass, entwining her fingers with Marna’s with the others and snuggled close. If nothing else, Alex had made one decision since she entered the club, she was not going to leave Marna’s side.

“When you say old friend you mean?” Alex whispered, trying to keep her thoughts on puppies and clouds. It was one thing for Marna to read her mind, but she didn’t want everyone in the club to see what she was thinking.

“I’m sorry,” Alex shuddered at her words. “That came out wrong. It’s just the way you said he’s avoiding us. I don’t know. I guess I’m just reading too much into this.” Alex took a sip of her juice and continued to think of puppies and clouds, deciding she wouldn’t speak again unless she was spoken to.

11-18-2010, 02:34 AM
Marna could feel the tension rolling of Alex in waves, and saw her make the "drinks" She slipped off the couch, hugging Alex briefly for a minute, and moved toward the bar.

Pouring a generous splash of Vodka in her glass, and holding it out toward Alex's as well, cocking her head to look at Alex. "You, need to drink something more than juice." she said, not really understanding Alex's nervousness right now. She had told her numerous times that she wouldn't let anything happen to her, didn't she understand?

Drinking a large portion of the contents in the glass, she contemplated how much to share with Alex. "His name is Marcus, and he is approximately 105 years old. He owns this club, and usually when I come here... he doesn't like how I treat his... guests. So he tends to avoid me, when he can. He's hoping because I brought you, I'll behave?" she said with an innocent smile, that didn't quite portray innocence at all. She made herself a new drink. Placing the vodka back on the small table in front of Alex, she sat back down beside her.

"Know this Alex, nothing will happen to you here, without my consent" her voice emphasizing the word nothing, once again. "Now relax, and try to look sexy, and not so scared. Marcus is headed this way, with his entourage." she kisses Alex's cheek briefly and turned back toward the club.

Through the darkness, as if in time with the music four people stepped up to the velvet rope, which was quickly removed from their path.

11-18-2010, 03:00 AM
The way Alex saw things, she had only one two choices. She could either start drinking, in which case, she would likely get drunk out of her mind, what with not having any cocaine to level out with, and make an ass of herself, she could get pretty sarcastic when she was drunk. Of course she still had a couple of tabs of ecstasy left, but mixed with alcohol, that would cause much more trouble as she would likely want to strip down, lay down on the table and let everyone have their way with her. It was why she barely did the drug, and never mixed alcohol with it when she did.

Alex’s second option was to draw. Often when she was stressed, she would sketch something, or even paint, at least before her parents took that away from her. But it did give her something to do with her hands and would take her mind off of what was bothering her.

Alex moved right against Marna and got on her knees. Putting one hand behind Marna‘s neck, she began to trace shapes on the soft skin with her nails. With her other hand, she entwined her fingers with Marna’s and brought her hand up to her mouth, kissing and sucking on Marna’s fingertips. She had a seductive look as she stared at the opening and watched as the four entered.

11-18-2010, 03:50 AM
Marna watched as Marcus, Lucille, Desmond, and someone she hadn’t seen before walked into the VIP area. The newest addition to Marcus's entourage she quickly dismissed, sensing the girl was barely dead. Somewhere in the twenty to thirty year range, hardly worth acknowledgment.

Marna just smiled, watching them entering the area, slightly distracted by what Alex was doing, but not really paying attention to her, but focus completely on their guests. She knew that at least one of their visitors was totally enraptured by Alex, and the fact that she was human, and smelled of sex.

“She is mine, Desmond” she said softly, her eyes not leaving Marcus’s for a second. Watching as he nodded in Desmond’s direction, giving him permission to sit.

“I know” he blurted, coldly, a look of scorn on his handsome features “I can tell who she is with” as he gracefully lounged onto the couch beside Alex, his eyes not leaving her, raking over her exposed skin. Desmond was dressed in grey slacks, and Gucci loafers, with a sea green shirt barely buttoned. His blonde hair cut into a neat crew cut and slicked back. He looked completely the part of a single man on the prowl for entertainment. A small flash of gold on his wrist, and finger to complete the effect of casual but with money. An instant draw for most women. “I don’t take what isn’t offered” he sneered, leering in Alex’s direction.

Leaning toward her slightly, running a finger along Alex’s arm, barely touching her skin. “unless of course she wants me to rescue her from the evil Marna” he laughed viciously.

11-18-2010, 04:00 AM
Alex’s skin crawled as Desmond ran his finger along her skin. She resisted the urge to snuggle closer to Marna as if she were prey trying to hide from a predator. Fortunately, in a way, this was a predator she had dealt with before. Despite being a vampire, Desmond was a man with money who was used to getting his way with women, ad Alex was going to be damned if she was going to take the cheesy line and him touching her despite the fact that he could kill her without a thought.

“I’m sorry, Desmond was it?” Alex looked up at him, she thought she sounded like her mother; that upper crust tone that reflected one’s class and sounded just a tad condescending.

“I don’t really need to be rescued thank you,” Alex smiled. “But If I did, I doubt you would be up to the task. Now if you would be so kind as to remove your hand form my arm, I would appreciate it.” Alex turned and went back to kissing Marna’s fingertips, a little surprised that she stood up to Desmond. She just hoped she wasn’t out of line.

11-18-2010, 04:16 AM
Marcus moved so quickly, as to seem a blur to the casual eye. He quickly grabbed Desmond by his arm and forcefully tossed him off the couch, and toward the short staircase. Marna watched as he lay there for a moment shocked, and then collecting himself stood up. He paused a moment, then giving a curt bow in Marcus’s direction.

“Please excuse me, I meant no harm” as he turned to leave. “He stays…” Marna barked, stopping him in his tracks. Knowing this was his way of trying to escape. She was a bit surprised at Alex’s response, but pleased as well. Perhaps the girl had listened to her that nothing would happen?

Marcus moved to the other side of Marna, away from Alex and elegantly sat beside her, as if holding court with her. “Please, do not hurt my child, Marna” he said pleadingly. “You know he meant no harm. Desmond is just upset tonight, and hasn’t fed well. He made the mistake of annoying me this week, and so I have been punishing him, as his maker.”

He nodded toward Lucille, she quickly moved to close the drapes around the area. Providing a little more privacy for their seating area, and what might transpire. “He stays” she replied looking to Marcus to comply. “as you wish” he muttered, pointing to the furthest chair which Desmond moved to occupy.

“Who is this new one?” Marna replied ignoring the plea, glancing at the newest vampire still standing by the doorway. She was thin, and tall. Bright Red hair, cut short in and close to her ears. Dressed in black leather pants and a short red fur jacket that almost matched the color of her hair. She wore no jewelry, but had amazing green eyes that stared at Marna with uncanny directness. As if there was no one else in the room. Marcus motion her forward, “Katrina” he beckoned for her to come closer. “She was sent to me from the West” he crooned, “you know of my fondness for red heads” he continued on lightly. “And who is this, that you have brought to us?” he said, his eyes flicking to Alex briefly. Marna ignored the question, staring at Katrina.

11-18-2010, 04:27 AM
Alex sat silent and uncomfortable for what seemed like an eternity. Though it was only a moment, there was something in the way that Marna stared at Katrina that she didn’t like. Of course it could just be her own insecurities, but it made Alex wonder, if only for a moment, if maybe Marna was finding Katrina more pleasing to her eye. Showing no emotion, she moved a little away form Marna and smiled politely at Marcus.

“Alexandra Palmer,” Alex spoke calmly. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Might I say you have exquisite taste.” Alex glanced around at the furnishings, trying not to look at Marna or show her annoyance at the vampire right now, though she did squeeze Marna’s hand harder out of reflex.

11-18-2010, 04:38 AM
"Pleasure to meet you, my dear" Marcus replied, reaching out, grasping Alex's fingers lightly and placing a discreet, small kiss on her hand. A throwback to another era. Marcus had the appearance of being in his mid fifties. He wore a simple black suit, with a soft blue shirt, a mix between business owner, and casual. His features were plain, but at the same time comforting. He looked like someone's dad, that would be coaching Little League in the park.

"Marcus, this is Alex, Alex... Marcus" Marna responded, taking her eyes away from Katrina. "She is my... companion" she smiled softly, seeing that Alex was annoyed. interesting she mused, not giving anything away. "I know how you worry about me, old friend, so I thought I would bring her to meet you" she continued.

Desmond continue to glare from his spot on the couch, "you!?...You took a companion?" he blurted. "She isn't just for tonight?" he appeared to be shocked, then seeing the look on Marcus's face at his comments, he folded his arms and sank back into his pout.

Marcus continued as if he hadn't spoken "We are glad to have you with us my dear" he smiled brilliantly at Alex, trying to put her at ease. "Welcome to my establishment"

11-18-2010, 04:50 AM
Alex blushed a little at the kiss on the hand. It was rare, given the company she often kept to find such a gentlemen. She couldn’t help thinking that Desmond could learn a thing or two from him, but kept the thought to herself. She leaned back on the couch, getting a little more comfortable, though moving another inch away from Marna despite still holding her hand.

“Thank you very much Marcus,” Alex nodded her head and then gave a look of annoyance at Katrina.

“Another drink Marna?” Alex tried to seem less confused than she was at the moment. She couldn’t see what the big deal with Marna having a companion was. It was like thy were on a dinner date, though Alex kept thinking that Marna wanted something different for dessert now. Alex got up and moved back to the bar, refilling her orange juice.

“So have you known Marna long Marcus?” Alex kept her tone as she started to put ice into a glass. “And I’m sorry. Where are my manners. Can I get anyone else a drink?”

11-18-2010, 04:16 PM
Marcus laughed, delighted with Alex and her offer to get them a drink. “You might not want to offer anyone a drink here, my dear. They might take you up on that, offer.” he chided gently. Then quickly looking to Marna, “She is aware, no?” he asked slipping a little into an accent that was distinctly French.

Marna nodded, “Oh she is quite aware, of exactly what we are” she said, finishing the last of her drink and nodding to Alex for more. “After the last time, do you think I would bring someone here that wasn’t, aware?” she scoffed, taking the drink and placing it on the table in front of her.

“Agreed” returned Marcus with a slight nod, his eyes back on Alex. “She is very sexy, Marna, although a little underdressed, by your tastes.” He said with reproach in his voice, although his eyes portrayed a different thought, that was plain as day. “It’s nice to see you with someone, special. You’ve not done this in a long time.” He continued, watching Alex as she made her way back to Marna’s side. Marna grabbed her possessively, pulling her close not unlike a child would grab their favorite toy in the presence of a bully, almost pulling her onto her lap.

She was about to change the subject, not willing to drive down memory lane in the present company when Katrina abruptly broke into the conversation.

“She does not like me” replied Katrina, in a flat voice, devoid of emotion. Her eyes suddenly glittering with a much darker color than had previously been noticed. Gone was the brilliant green color, it had been replaced with a deep purple color, almost black in appearance. It was quite stunning to see, and not a color one would normally see for eye color.

“Do tell” Marna replied, turning her head, again to see the new vampire. Looking as if she was inspecting a new and interesting bug that had suddenly appeared in their midst.

“She is jealous and angry and wants to know why you are interested in me.” she replied again in her monotonous voice, still having not moved from the original spot she had stood in when she was beckoned closer by Marcus. She looked like a lovely doll on display, frozen in place, a doll that spoke.

“Oh, Marvelous” exclaimed Marcus with glee, his hands clapping in front of him like an adolescent. “You see why she was sent to me?” he beamed at Marna, completely ignoring Katrina as if she didn’t exist.

“Yes, I can see why you would want her” Marna nodded in agreement, her gaze still locked on Katrina, watching as her eyes returned to their green color. Her arm wrapping around Alex, comfortably, caressing her leg absently while she continued to stare at Katrina, her look of interest changing to slight puzzlement.

11-18-2010, 06:52 PM
Alex’s confusion was growing. She understood now that her jealousy was unfounded, if nothing else, the way Marna pulled her close told her that, but there was definitely something going on that she couldn’t understand. Sure Katrina could read her mind, and obviously she was strong enough to break through Alex’s thoughts of puppies and clouds, but the look Alex had given to Katrina had spoken volumes of her jealousy.

The jealousy, however was slowly being replaced by annoyance and an uncomfortable feeling. The uncomfortable feeling was because at this moment, Alex was feeling incredibly underdressed. With Marcus’ words, she was starting to wonder if maybe Marna would have been happier if she had worn something a little more practical.

Alex’s annoyance was another matter altogether. Had it not been mixed with fear, she would have screamed at Katrina. Alex hated being referred to in the third person. It made her feel as though her mother and her friends were in the room and Alex was being paraded around like some pedigree show dog, all of them just waiting to see what tricks she would perform for their amusement. Still Alex figured it was better to stay quiet on the subject. Not to mention the uneasy feeling she felt as she watched Katrina’s eyes grow darker, something she didn’t believe was possible given the lack of light in the room. But it didn’t change the fact that Alex wanted to know what was going on.

“I’m sorry,” Alex spoke with her high class tone. “I don’t understand. She is quite beautiful after all, though her fashion sense could use a little work.” Alex resisted the urge to compare Katrina’s outfit to a used tampon and hoped that no one heard the thought in her head.

“But I’m sure you don’t have a problem finding women,” Alex paused for a moment. “Unless they’re hard to keep because Desmond drives them all away.” Alex shot a smile at Desmond. The truth was, she was scared, and she couldn’t believe that she was taunting a vampire. Right now, a part of her was wondering if she would actually leave here alive. Even with Marna’s word that she would be safe, she couldn’t help feeling that she had crossed the line; and the frightened girl inside of Alex was wishing she had kept her mouth shut.

11-18-2010, 07:40 PM
Desmond sat up quickly, his fingers digging into the edge of the couch, he growled, his face an angry mask “Shut up you little blood bag, I’ll drain you here, regardless of her.” His voice deadly and littered with hatred.

Marna’s eyes locked onto Desmond’s, a small smile on her lips as she became very still beside Alex. “Alex….” She said softly, casually as if she were going to discuss the weather. “We are guests here, of Marcus’s. It’s beneath us to taunt the… help.” She finished, still focused on Desmond. Part of her wanted him to move, even a hair. Her time spent with Alex had renewed her energy levels, to the likes she hadn’t felt before. She knew that if he so much as flicked a finger it would go badly for him. Even with this knowledge, he was still contemplating it she could see it on his face.

There was as small part of her was concerned that if he did attack, Alex could be injured as she was just a fragile human after all, and the unknown in the room was Katrina. Still she was tempted to push the issue. Marcus cleared his throat and broke the mounting tension in the room.

“Alex, my dear” he began “Desmond is not a… happy camper? As you say” he laughed, at the terminology with an apologetic smile in her direction. “Do not cause your lover to have to kill him in your defense” he finished on more somber note, as he stood up. Desmond turned his head away in surrender, knowing that he would get no support from Marcus.

“I think it’s best if we take our leave, Marna, for the safety of my…people” he motioned for Katrina and Desmond to leave. Turning back toward Alex and Marna he gave a small bow. “Please enjoy your evening ladies. Whatever you wish, is on me. I do hope you will come back to see us again, soon.” the smallest hint of sarcasm in his voice.

Katrina left with out a backward glance toward either of them. Desmond stopped only to blow a kiss toward Alex, an evil sneer on his face. “I'll see you again, you can count on it” He spat, heading down the steps.

Marna smiled and relaxed a little watching them go. Then she pinched Alex’s leg, to get her attention. “You’re pretty sexy when you’re bold” she laughed with sarcasm in her voice. Reaching for her drink, and emptying the glass. "What did you think you were doing, exactly?" she quizzed Alex.

11-18-2010, 08:30 PM
“I…I…” Alex whispered as she started to shake. The fear was now taking a firm hold of her senses and she was finding it most difficult to control. There was also a feeling of shame that crept over her. She could easily detect the sarcasm oozing off of Marna and it was more than clear that Alex had completely overstepped her bounds.

Without warning, Alex lurched, the bile hitting her mouth like a cannon. Her mouth stayed closed and she winced in disgust as she swallowed it back, not wanting to make things worse by fouling up the furnishings. After a few moments, Alex’s breathing steadied, though she still trembled as she turned and stared at Marna’s neck, afraid to make eye contact.

“I’m sorry,” the fear and remorse were evident on Alex’s face as she brought her hands up and started to cry. After a moment, she stopped, forcing the tears back and pulling her hands away.

“I r-really am sorry,” Alex whispered, now staring at the couch, the constant threat of tears tingling in her eyes.

“I won’t speak again.”

11-18-2010, 08:50 PM
Marna reached out, grabbing Alex by the chin, forcing her to look into her eyes. "You reacted the way you thought you should, or the way you felt." she said in a firm voice.

"I gave you no indication that couldn't do otherwise, in fact, I told you to be yourself and do what you normally would, in a club." she let go of Alex's chin, her voice a little softer. "You did nothing wrong, Alex." she finished, looking out over the club. Noticing that more people had filtered in, and the dance floor was jammed with people now, more human than non.

"I just hadn't really planned on the extra person, Katrina. She could have posed a problem, if Desmond was pushed too far." more to herself than Alex. She stopped short of telling Alex that Lucille was also in attendance and would have stepped in, at Marcus's request. That would have been four of them against her. Those odds were not good for Alex's safety. They would have attacked her, which would have been manageable, but Alex? she would have suffered damage or worse.

She should have thought it through, more further. It just wasn't like Marcus to add to his group. His inner circle hadn't changed in forty or fifty years. She had taken it for granted that it would remain, which could have been disastrous.

The situation hadn't come to that, so she didn't understand why Alex was upset now. There was nothing to worry about, now. "Relax" she said reaching for her drink. "They are gone, and will not return tonight."

11-19-2010, 04:27 AM
“No Marna,” Alex sighed. “That wasn’t me. That’s what my mother would have done. “ Alex sighed, taking a long drink of her juice. She then took a moment to root around in her purse and took out a pack of breath mints. Putting several of them in her mouth, she chewed for a minute, then took another dink. The minty sensation in her mouth did nothing to enhance the flavour of the juice and Alex grimaced a little.

“She likes to do that,” Alex spoke softly, taking Marna’s hands in her own. “I mean, there always has to be someone she puts down and insults so she can prove her superiority.” Alex looked down and stared at Marna’s hands.

“If I did what I normally would do in a club,” Alex looked up into Marna’s eyes. “Well, you’ve seen me drunk and high, and I didn’t want to embarrass you,” Alex shook her head.

“But I think I managed to do just that didn’t I?” Alex stared at Marna, the concern evident on her face. “I mean, I’m food. Right? I don’t know many people who would take shit from a sandwich.”

11-19-2010, 06:47 PM
“On the contrary Alex” she replied shaking her head in denial, “You are not just food, and you did not embarrass me. If anything, you surprised me” looking at Alex with a small devilish smile. “You certainly annoyed Desmond to no end” she laughed quietly.

Pulling Alex’s fingers to her lips, kissing her fingertips, “My concern is that you could have been hurt should anything have happened. My body can take a lot more punishment than yours, and I will heal, depending on the situation, eventually.” Turning her hand to kiss her palm, while watching the effects of what she was doing on Alex’s face. “You however, would have been hurt a lot worse, even if it was accidental”

“You never did tell me about your lunch, with your Mother?” she asked kissing again, her lips moving toward Alex’s wrist, near the fading puncture marks from earlier. They were still visible, but healing. She deliberately kissed them, knowing they would still be tender from the events in the car.

“Everyone has defense mechanism’s Alex” another kiss against the skin of her arm. “Yours starts with sarcasm.” She grinned devilishly. "tell me about lunch?"

11-19-2010, 08:38 PM
A crazed, almost starved look appeared in Alex’s eyes as she twitched at the feeling of Marna’s lips on her wrist. The pornographic thoughts started to appear in Alex’s head again as she felt more at ease with what had happened thanks to Marna’s words. As quickly as they came, the thoughts left her mind the moment Marna mentioned lunch with her mother.

“What’s to tell?” Alex shrugged. “She cut me off. The idea of having a lesbian for a daughter was just too much for her.” Alex sighed and took a drink of her juice, suddenly wishing it had alcohol in it.

“See, there’s always something,” Alex’s eyes narrowed. “It’s the whole reason for her to have lunch with me. Not so she can be with her daughter, but so she can run my life. Normally I can ignore it, but today was too much,” Alex brought up a hand and brushed it lightly across Marna’s cheek.

“She wanted to set me up,” Alex frowned. “She’s never been a fan of anyone I had ever brought home. So she thought that her friend’s son would make a fine choice. I know him. He’s a nice guy and all, but just not my type. When I told her that, she had to go on and on about how it’s my job to keep the family legacy alive. How I have to marry the right person and squeeze out a couple of kids.” Alex took another drink, draining the glass and placing it on the table. She then stared into Marna’s eyes and smiled.

“Then I told her about you,” Alex leaned in and stole a quick kiss before continuing. “I didn’t tell her what you really are of course, but I think her head was ready to explode at the idea of me being with a woman. I won’t have my daughter cavorting with and being a whore to some dyke bitch,” Alex said the line, sounding exactly like her mother, the pompous condescending tone like poison on her lips.

“She didn’t even care that I was happy,” Alex spat the words. “Not that she ever did. My whole life has always been lived by what she wants. She picks my friends, the courses I take at school and now she wants to pick who I fuck. So I threw a drink in her face and stormed out. She called after of course, the usual threats of cutting me off and how I won’t survive without her money. It was the one thing that always kept me going back. Now, I just don’t care anymore. I want to live the life I want.” Alex paused an looked into Marna’s eyes.

“I want to stay with you.”

11-22-2010, 12:45 AM
Marna listened to Alex, getting another small glimpse into her past. It made her angry to think of a mother treating her daughter like that, as if she didn't matter. Having never had the chance to have a child, it seem horrid that someone would behave like that to flesh and blood.

It didn't surprise her all that much, what Alex explained. From the small hints she had already dropped about her home life, and the pieces she had picked from her emotions, it was clear that Alex wanted to be anywhere but there.
The girl was willing to die, than to return to that life.
Just thinking about that fact, that she would rather die than live with her, family caused her to become angry, and suddenly feel very protective of Alex. It seemed natural to want to protect her and take care of her.

She grabbed Alex's hand in hers, and pulled her close, gently kissing her lips. "Of course, Alex. I've already told you, you are with me now. You don't ever have to go back." kissing her again, "Tell me what they wouldn't let you do?" she asked softly, knowing there was more.

11-22-2010, 01:20 AM
“They wouldn’t let me do anything I wanted,” Alex sighed, wrapping her arms around Marna and snuggling into her.

“But it was that they wouldn’t let me paint,” Alex sighed. “I think that’s what hurt the most. It was the one thing I had that made life bearable. And once I hit high school, it ended. I had to be groomed, and painting had no place in it. Even when I moved out, they checked in to make sure I wasn’t painting. They wanted me focused on being a businesswoman.” Alex squeezed Marna a little tighter.

“Sure I get that becoming a successful artist isn’t easy to do,” Alex pulled away and looked into Marna’s eyes, a small hint of despair showing. “But I’m good…or, I was good. It’s been so long since I held a brush, at times I can barely remember what it was like.” Alex leaned back in, resting her head on Marna’s breasts.

At least she had her sketchbook. Though it didn’t provide her with the same peace as painting, ti still provided some comfort for her. She had even made sure to bring it with her to Marna’s. The thought of letting Marna see her work jumped straight into her mind, but she quickly dismissed it. Alex was never truly happy with how her sketches turned out. People told her they were good, but she thought they weren’t half as good as what she could turn out with brush and canvas.

Alex pulled away from Marna again, and sat facing her on the couch. She looked directly into Marna’s eyes. She wanted to change the subject, not wanting to feel sad because of the things which had been taken away from her in life. Now with Marna, she had new reasons to be happy. She also had a few questions about what had transpired with Marcus and his friends. But one question burned in her mind above all others.

“So what was going on between you and Katrina?” Alex tilted her head to the side, giving Marna a most curiously look. “I mean, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

11-22-2010, 02:44 AM
Marna wasn't sure how much to reveal to Alex, but she knew that the girl was still bothered by her obvious fascination with Katrina. The question proved it.

"Vampires that can read minds, are not that common. I haven't seen one, besides myself for a long time." she replied, hoping to just leave it at that. It wasn't that she didn't trust Alex, she just didn't know the best way to explain it. It would bring up a lot of the past, that she just wasn't willing to divulge, yet.

"Tell me what you like to paint" she said steering the conversation with Alex back toward something else. "I would like to see what you can paint, or draw" she replied. Her features soft and casual. "You should go shopping tomorrow, during the daytime. Get all the supplies you need, you should do what you like, Alex. I want you to be happy" lifting her chin with one finger, kissing her lips.

11-22-2010, 02:57 AM
Alex frowned a little, thinking that she couldn’t shield her thoughts from Marna, or any other vampire with the rare ability. Not that she had anything to hide form Marna, she just didn’t like the idea of anyone in her head. The frown disappeared and Alex’s eyes lit up at being told she could paint; though she did appear a little concerned.

“It’s messy you know,” Alex bit her lip. “And takes up a fair bit of room. I think that’s why she hated it so much. She doesn’t like clutter.” Alex leaned up and gave Marna a quick kiss.

“But you can see my sketches,” Alex smiled a little. “They’re not that good, but I have my sketchbook at your apartment.

11-23-2010, 05:44 PM
"Messy?" Marna replied, confused. She was wondering how on earth painting could be messy. She remembered painting back in another life, and didn't recall the application of paint to a canvas as being messy. Then again, things had changed in the past sixty years so maybe something was different. Either way, it didn't really matter to her. If it was something that Alex needed, and wanted, it was easy enough to give this to her.

"I've got 3 rooms that are currently closed off, as I don't use them. Two are bedrooms, about the size of my room. One is another sitting room, and quite large. I just never got around to having the reflective glass installed, so the sunlight comes in full force. Not something I can withstand. Since the space wasn't needed? It's yours." she said "The view faces the city skyline. You can use it as your painting studio. " she replied casually to Alex, wondering what she liked to paint.

Kissing back slowly, teasingly, "I would love to see your sketches" she whispered, "we probably should be going" as her fingers traced Alex's face gently. "Let's move on, shall we?"

11-23-2010, 06:31 PM
The moment Marna stopped talking, Alex threw herself at the vampire and wrapped her arms around her. Alex held Marna tightly, kissing her cheek and neck. She could feel tears well up in her eyes, but she held them back. Of course the tears were coming due to the extreme happiness she was now feeling. Alex felt just like a little girl on Christmas morning who had opened the most perfect present. Right now, for Alex, everything was perfect. And in that moment, Alex’s heart became the property of Marna. It wasn’t love…not yet. But Alex was falling hard and in her heart and mind, there was nowhere else she would rather be.

“Thank you,” Alex whispered, kissing Marna on the cheek. Pulling back, she stared into Marna’s eyes. “Thank you. She leaned in pressing her lips against Marna’s. Alex kissed her passionately, her fingers roaming over Marna’s back and through her hair. When Alex pulled away this time, she was grinning ear to ear.

“We can go if you want to,” Alex moved onto Marna’s lap, keeping her arms around the vampire’s neck. “I don’t care where I am as long as it’s with you.” Alex rested her head against Marna’s chest and held her a little tighter, sighing contentedly.

11-26-2010, 04:15 PM
Marna felt almost helpless for a moment. She wasn't used to being the object of someones obvious affection in this way. Kissing back quickly, she just stared at Alex, unsure what to say or do. Feeling the waves of happiness rolling off of Alex, it was a little infectious, and she couldn't help but smile.

She kissed Alex gently, and pulled her to go. "I do think we should go, don't you" she said, glancing around the club. "We've only got a few more hours till sunlight. I'd rather be home, than here." having accomplished what she wanted, and learning of the new addition to Marcus's family. A subject to be investigated later. She stood up, pulling Alex up with her, their fingers intertwined.

Heading through the club, which was now quite full of people. Dancing and enjoying their evening. The music loud and thumping throughout. It was a little difficult to move through the crowd. Sticking to the edge of the dance floor, holding tightly to Alex's hand the eventually made their way to the exit and out.

The silence of the outside night a relief to the loudness of the club. A few people stood outside smoking, and chatting. Marna walked quickly, with Alex still in tow, they headed to the car.

11-26-2010, 06:17 PM
Alex shivered as they stepped into the cool night air of Autumn in New York. She was thankful to be away from the pounding techno music, and relieved to be away form Marna’s friends. She was still unsure what the meeting was all about as she was sure there was more to it than just showing her off. Still, she figured it would be better to keep silent for now. Not to mention that a part of her didn’t really care at the moment. Alex felt happier now than she had in a long time and was looking forward to being able to paint again; though she did feel a little nervous at Marna seeing her sketches.

She stayed silent for the ride back to the penthouse and breathed a sigh of relief once she was inside. Though she felt safe having a vampire escort her around, there was just something comforting about being inside Marna’s apartment. The moment they were inside, Alex kicked off her boots and then gave Marna a quick kiss.

“I just want to go freshen up a little,” Alex smiled, reaching up to caress Marna’s cheek. “My sketch book’s over there in the tote…” Alex turned, motioning to her bag on the couch, becoming silent as she spied the drugs on the table. She gritted her teeth a little, thinking of how good it would be to get high right now. But all that was part of a life she now wanted to leave behind.

“I’ll be right back,” Alex turned and headed into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

11-26-2010, 10:37 PM
Marna watched Alex head to the bathroom, and moved to pull the sketchbook out of the bag. She brought it to the couch, and making herself comfortable began to slowly flip through the pages.

The images were striking. Bold, dark pencil on the thick white parchment pages. Most were easily recognizable. Different scenes, and generic drawings. Beautifully done with amazing details, and panoramic. The pencil marks proportioned to give the shading and images depth and distinction.

The last few pages of the book were a little more, intense. There were eyes of every shape and size. Most in distinct sorrow and sadness. Interesting how that could be portrayed from a simple pencil drawing. But it was clearly apparent in the simple sketches of the book.

The one that struck her the most, being toward the back of the book. A perfectly manicured hand, with incredible detail. The most shocking details of course, the distinctive slice, and image of blood, still in the gray and black of pencil, but recognizable none the less for what it was.

Marna was still focused on this page, wondering who's wrist it was when Alex returned from the bathroom.

11-26-2010, 10:52 PM
Alex didn’t spend a lo of time in the bathroom, the fact was she wanted to be in Marna’s arms and every second they were apart made her long for the with powder on the table. There was also a part of her that didn’t want to go back out, due to the drugs being there.

She looked at the robe hanging on the back of the door. Touching it, she took a moment to feel the silk fibres of the beautiful blue robe before stripping off the skirt and putting it on. Of course it was too long for her, but it felt so soft against her skin. She tied it loosely in the front, one of her breasts exposed through the opening in the robe, and left the bathroom.

Alex walked towards Marna on the couch. A part of her felt nervous as she didn’t like people seeing her sketches. Everyone told her they were good, but Alex had her own opinions on the subject. She was never happy with her sketches, preferring brush and canvas to pencil and paper. As Alex sat down, she once again caught sight of the baggie on the table and shuddered as she felt butterflies in her stomach.

“So what do you think?” Alex spoke in monotone, looking at the floor, trying in vain to put the drugs out of her mind.

11-27-2010, 02:52 PM
Marna reached out her hand, gasping Alex's fingers and twisting hers within. She certainly appreciated the change of clothing, and was starting to think of other things that the sketch book. She pulled the girl close to her, and kissed her lightly on her lips, staring at her into her eyes. "They are quite good. I find it very interesting how much you can portray with a simple pencil. Makes me want to see more" her words meaning more than just the book opened on her lap.

Her other hand reached to lightly touching Alex's cheek. She could see that Alex was nervous about the sketchbook, so she felt the need to pry, what she could without just pulling the thoughts. "tell me why you sketched this" the book still open to the slashed wrist, she asked softly. Her fingers sliding down to caress Alex's breast lightly through the sheer silk material.

11-29-2010, 01:03 AM
It was as though someone had tied a rope around Alex’s neck and were tugging at it in an attempt to make her look at the baggie on the table. Despite the touch of Marna’s lips and the feel of the silk being pressed against her nipple as Marna ran her hand along the front of the robe, Alex still wanted to get high, and seeing which sketch Marna was asking about did little to help.

“I drew it a couple of hours before I met you,” Alex whispered through gritted teeth, staring down at the drawing.

She started to become restless, the thoughts of the cocaine gnawing at her as she started to fidget with the robe’s belt with one hand. Alex didn’t think she would be able to keep herself in control for much longer. Even though she felt as though she had been freed thanks to Marna opening up a whole new world to her, Alex still had the chains of addiction choking her.

“Marna,” Alex’s voice sounded strained and she looked up into her lover’s eyes. Her jaw started to quiver slightly and Alex found herself grinding her teeth in a vain attempt to stop it.

“Hurt me,” Alex whispered, her eyes pleading with Marna. “Please.”

12-02-2010, 12:20 AM
Perhaps it was the pleading in her voice, or maybe it was the fact that Alex was so scared at that moment that she would slip and take the drugs that set Marna off. Whatever it was, the combination that pushed her over the edge, raced through her like a freight train out of control. One minute she was lounged on the couch, sketch book in one hand, Alex’s fingers in hers. The next she had moved to slap Alex hard across her lip, sending her head reeling back, the book falling to the floor, forgotten. The flat, sharp sound of her hand connecting to Alex’s jaw ringing out into the otherwise silence of the room. The unmistakable sound of flesh hitting flesh.

Alex probably would have fallen back as well, were it not for her fingers still tightly clenched in Marna’s for now. She squeezed them, applying just enough pressure that it would hurt. Watching Alex, she refused to let go, waiting instead for her reaction.

“Why” she asked flatly, her eyes flashing dangerously, the anger bubbling close to out of control, her eyes focused on the thin line of blood that was starting to seep from the edge of Alex’s lip. “Why do you want me to hurt you?” she asked louder, clenching her fingers into her palm, fighting the overwhelming urge to slap her again, focused intently on the blood on her lip. Bright and oozing.

“Is it your bag that you forgot?” she said sarcastically, letting go of Alex’s fingers with a slight push. As if holding onto her hand was something that was suddenly repellent to her.

12-02-2010, 12:57 AM
To say the pain Alex received was not what she had been expecting, was an understatement. She had been hit before, though only ever by her mother. But that was nothing compared to the feeling of Marna’s hand slamming into her jaw. The pain was intense, and not the least bit enjoyable and as Marna held her there, the look in Alex’s eyes was a mixture of fear and anger. Once Marna pushed her away, Alex brought her hand up to her mouth and glared at Marna, cowering slightly into the corner of the couch, as if moving farther away from Marna would offer some kind of protection.

“This isn’t easy you know,” Alex stared glassy eyed at Marna fighting back the tears. “I want to stay here with you. I will do anything for you. But I can’t change what I am overnight Marna.” Alex pulled her hand away form her mouth, the blood now smeared on her chin. Alex stared at Marna and then got up off the couch and moved in front of Marna, kneeling on the floor in front of her.

“”I’m sorry I’m an addict,” Alex whispered staring up at Marna. “I’m sorry I’m not stronger. You saved my life and have given me something beyond my wildest dreams,” Alex smiled weakly, moving a little closer to Marna.

“Just give me time to leave the old one behind…please?”

12-02-2010, 03:03 AM
Marna stared at the girl, conflicted on what to say in response. A silent war was waging inside her head. Part of her knew that if she said some of what she was thinking, it would push Alex over the edge, into a spiral of despair. She was angry that Alex had deliberately not taken the drugs earlier, even though she had suggested it. Now to imply that she didn’t realize what Alex was dealing with, it was trying her patience to its breaking. It did however explain, to a point, the behavior at the club.

“You’re pathetic right now… ” she spat, “I know it’s hard. I know what you’re going through. What you will go through” she stood up, looking down at Alex crouched on the carpet. “What would you have me do Alex?” she said a little softer. “I can alter your mind, which will help with the need” watching Alex “Your body will still crave it, for awhile, but your mind will help you to control it more with my help” stepping away moving toward the balcony.

“I can give you more than could dream possible, Alex, but I am not always a patient person.” She replied as she moved to open the slider doors to the outside night. “do what you have to do, to feel better” she stepped out onto the balcony without a backward glance.

12-02-2010, 03:25 AM
Alex stared silently as Marna stepped out onto the balcony. One thought kept racing through Alex’s mind, if she was so pathetic, why did Marna want her at all? She also wasn’t to happy with the fact that Marna wanted her to do this by herself, if it was indeed what she was going to do. Alex knew she was weak, but maybe it was time to offer a new perception of what she was to Marna; even if she was doing it purely out of spite.

Although fearful, Alex was annoyed. A part of her expected a little more in terms of compassion from Marna, though her reaction didn’t really surprise Alex one bit. She got up off the floor and picked up the baggie. She moved quickly and with determination into the bathroom, threw the bag into the toilet, and flushed. She watched for a moment as the bag disappeared into the sewers of New York, and when it was gone, she started to shiver.

Alex moved back into the living room and grabbed her purse and sketchbook off the floor. Rooting around for a moment, she pulled a razor blade out of the purse along with a her makeup case form which she removed a makeup brush. She needed a distraction from the addiction. Just something to occupy her mind. Taking a moment to wipe the remnants of the make up on the brush on the back of her hand, Alex opened the sketchbook to a blank page. As she placed the blade in the palm of her hand, she thought that just going to Marna would be enough of a distraction, and surely better for her than we what she was about to do. But the fact was, Alex was still irritated and if Marna wanted her, she would have to make the first move.

Alex hissed as she closed her hand around the blade and held it over the page, the blood slowly streaming onto the white surface. She let it pool a bit on part of the page and then with her other hand, took the makeup brush and started to use the blood as paint. The pain distracted her from the false need for drugs, and the painting soothed her, even though she had only one colour to use. She began to paint the only thing she could think of at the moment, roses, as the thought that the scent of her blood in the air would be like the ringing of a dinner bell to Marna entered her mind. And the thought of that made her smile.

12-02-2010, 04:14 AM
She stood there contemplating what to do, what to say and felt at a complete loss. It wasn't like her to be this indecisive. She listened to the city going by, until the blood hit her nostrils. It immediately, forced her to head to snap back from the view of the city skyline. She didn't have to look, she knew it was Alex's and it pulled her immediately to her side. It was all she could do not to pin the girl, and take her right on the floor.

Sliding in behind her, she watched her paint, not saying a word. She wrapped her arms around Alex's waist, kissing her neck, her hands roaming freely over her body, while the girl painted in blood. When she finished the painting, Alex scooped her up as if she were a doll and kissing her fiercely she took her bed where the only sounds heard had nothing to do with talking.

12-02-2010, 09:13 AM
Despite what should have been a good night’s sleep, Alex felt exhausted when she awoke. A part of her wanted to stay in bed, fortunately, the desire to go shopping was far more overwhelming. To say Marna had exhausted her was an understatement. Alex got the pain she required and an escape from the addiction she now faced while locked in the throes of passion with her undead lover. And for now, shopping would hopefully be enough to make her forget about drugs, if only for a time. But afterwards, she would be able to paint, and Alex had no doubt that would help her to forget all about the drugs.

After what turned into an abnormally long shower; Alex was quite twitchy and at times found it difficult to keep her balance, she dressed in a pair of tight black jeans and a black tee shirt. She took her time doing her make up, taking special care to cover the bruise left by Marna’s attack. She put on her boots and jacket, and grabbing her purse, headed for the door. As she reached the door, Alex stopped and then headed to Marna’s secret panel. She had seen Marna go inside, but didn’t see how to open it. She knelt down on the floor and placed her hands flat against it. She pressed her cheek against the door and smiled, sighing deeply.

“Thank you,” the words were barely a whisper and Alex got up and headed for the door, pulling out her cell phone to call for a car. She made a quick mental note to ask Marna later if she could use her car.

Alex arrived back at the penthouse by three thirty. Although she was incredibly fatigued, her face beamed as she walked into the apartment carrying two very large bags; she was followed by the driver who carried several more. She thanked, and tipped him well before quickly ushering him out and locking the door.

Alx looked over the bags with delight, pondering what to do first. Of course the right thing to do would have been to find a place to put all the things she had bought in the sitting room which would serve as her art studio. But right now, Alex felt like a kid on Christmas morning. She wanted to play with her toys.

Alex had to admit, she bought a lot more than she had needed. Fortunately, her credit card hadn’t been cancelled yet, so running up a three thousand dollar tab in an art supply store seemed like a good payment for driving her away. She even bought some things she didn’t need, just to push the bill up a little more. A final fuck you for the parents who didn’t want her.

Of course it wasn’t the only money she had spent. Alex, over time, had managed to save up fifty thousand dollars. She had planned to save up enough to get out of New York and make a life for herself. But the drugs prevented her from adding any money to it in the last six months. Still, she was happy that she had bought on e item with her own money and not her parents’; and she smiled as she pulled the box from the bag. Opening it, she looked at the necklace she had purchased for Marna.

The chain itself was gorgeous, interwoven strands of yellow and white gold. But the pendant, Alex thought, was breathtaking. As it was explained to her by the jeweller in the shop on Fifth Avenue, it was called a Shield Knot (http://symboldictionary.net/?p=146), and was for protection. There were several forms, but this one was Nordic in origin. It was also made form both white and yellow gold and the outside was encrusted with diamonds. Alex handed her bank card to the clerk and smiled when she saw the look of surprise which came from him wondering if she could actually afford the item which came in at seven thousand dollars. The fact was though, Alex didn’t care about the money. She wanted to do something nice for Marna and would have bought it even if it drained her account.

She quickly moved th bags against one wall, and stted to root around. She pulled out several tubes of paint, a roll of canvas, a set of brushes, a palette and a board. She shoved the box with the necklace into her back pocket and picking up her newly acquired easel, she gathered up her supplies and headed out to the balcony.

The moment she had everything prepared and set up, Alex started to paint. She knew instantly what she wanted to paint and became almost euphoric as she started to move the brush. She became lost in a world that was totally her own. And for the first time in many years, Alex felt at peace The drugs and her parents were forgotten,. The friends that could care less were no longer in her mind. Even the new questions she had for Marna had faded. All that remained was the painting before her and her new muse, Marna.

Of course the painting was of Marna, well, at least par of her. Alex was painting the cityscape. It would have been better to wit for nightfall so Alex could get the actual view she wanted, but it didn’t matter much. The city was only the background for what else was in the picture. In the sky, were two transparent blue eyes. One could see the stars through them and for anyone who knew her, the eyes were clearly Marna’s.

Further down the painting, were two transparent red lips,. They were parted slightly and revealed white fangs. Alex had painted a trail of blood coming off of one of the fangs, but couldn’t get the colour and texture the way she wanted it. Rushing inside, she grabbed the razor blade from her purse and headed back out. Taking a fresh brush, she cut her hand and placed the other brush in her mouth. She placed the palette on the table and allowed the blood to pool in her hand, before dipping the brush in and starting back on the painting.

12-09-2010, 06:15 PM
Marna was content. It was an odd feeling for her. It was like trying on a new pair of pants, they felt stiff and new. They weren’t uncomfortable, just different. They took some getting used to until they would be broken in, and comfortable like anything else.

She was used to being restless, her mind constantly searching, thinking, always calculating. She was used to thinking about her next meal, her next hunt, her next anything. She wasn’t used to this feeling of contentment, this state of rest she currently found herself in. She heard Alex at the door, and it alarmed her for a moment, her eyes snapping open in the darkness, ready to react. Only to hear the soft whispered “thank you” and then the retreat. The small whisper, those two little words brought a soft smile to her features, and she relaxed once more, in the silence, in the utter darkness and was content.

Sunset came at its scheduled time and her eyes open liked clockwork to the unseen alarm of the sun setting. Stretching as she slipped out of her bed she felt invigorated and alive, in a manner of speaking. She moved out of her secure sleeping room, locking the door behind her and headed to the shower. Hearing Alex painting in the other room, she didn’t disturb her on they way by. Without even entering the room, she could tell she was totally engrossed in what she was doing, and probably wouldn’t even have heard whatever small noise she made as she passed by.

As she stood in the hot water, meticulously applying soap, and shampoo, not caring that the bathroom was becoming a virtual steam bath in the process, she was amused to find herself, happy.

12-12-2010, 03:17 AM
Alex had to move inside once she started losing the light. She was so engrossed in the idea of working on the paining, the thought of Marna getting up soon didn’t even enter her mind. It only took her a few minutes to get set up in the other room, and once she had, Alex got right back to work on the painting. When she finally stopped, Alex stepped back a little and stared at her work.

The painting looked good, but Alex felt a little annoyed that it wasn’t as good as it should have been. She had too many years where this pleasure had been denied her and she was nowhere as good as she was before. One thing was for certain, Alex had a lot of catching up to do. Alex sighed, deciding to call it a work in progress and then brought her hand up towards her mouth to lick the now sticky blood off her skin. It was then she heard the sound of the shower running. Alex smiled a little, wondering if Marna would like a light breakfast and then pulled the box from her back pocket and placed it on the table.

“I have something for you baby,” Alex purred, staring at the box on the table.

12-19-2010, 08:49 PM
Marna stepped out of the shower, just as she heard Alex call out. "Be right there" she replied, grabbing a towel and drying the water from her skin. She quickly dressed and ran a brush through her long hair, leaving it to dry on it's own for a change. It was a little past her shoulders and had a tendency to have soft waves of curls when she did. Ordinarily she didn't like to leave her hair down, but today it didn't seem to bother her. She was more interested in finding out what Alex had been up to all day.

Stepping out of the now steamy bathroom, she smiled at seeing Alex, noticing immediately that she had used blood in her painting again, the smell of it inescapable in the air. She saw the smile on Alex's lips and couldn't help but wonder already at the change in her, in just a short span of time. She had said she loved to paint, Marna couldn't help but see that it definitely agreed with Alex to be allowed to do it.

"Did you get everything you needed today?" she said stepping up to Alex, leaning toward her to kiss her softly. "I can't wait to see... what did you paint?" she asked, brushing the hair from the others face.

12-19-2010, 09:39 PM
“Yes,” Alex trembled slightly at the touch of Marna’s lips. “I got everything I needed. And then some,” Alex smiled widely, pressing her cheek into Marna’s hand as she cleared Alex’s hair away. The fact was, Alex was suppressing the urge to laugh as she thought of the look on her parents faces when they saw her next, and what would be her last, credit card bill.

“I don’t know if I want you to see the painting yet,” Alex moved away form Marna and headed towards the door of the room that now served as her studio.

“I mean, It’s okay,” Alex’s voice was cheerful. “But I’m not completely happy with it yet.” Opening the door to the studio, Alex stepped inside and quickly retrieved the box off of the table. Heading back to Marna, Alex handed the box to her.

“I got you a present. I hope you like it.”

12-20-2010, 03:03 AM
Marna was a little taken aback. "a gift? for me?" she replied. She hadn't had anyone give her a gift, in an amazingly long time. She didn't know what to do. It was silly, but she felt as if she were going to cry. She couldn't imagine why Alex had done it, or what she had done to deserve a gift. It didn't enter her mind how, either, yet.

Her eyes blinking rapidly, she slowly took the box, and continued to stare at Alex, still with reservation. "Why did you buy me a gift" she said softly, watching Alex's face, her hand still holding the box. Feeling very uncomfortable, and out of place.

Then realizing she was being silly, and reading way too much into it, she carefully pulled at the wrapping and opened the edge with barely a tear in the paper. Slowly opening the box, she was instantly astounded by the beautiful contents within. Looking back to Alex, she couldn't stop the emotion that crashed over her. "it's beautiful, Alex" she whispered. One small tear, slightly pink in color, welled up in her eye and slowly leaked from her eye onto her cheek. She reached up quickly and brushed it away.

Turning, she dropped the box and pulled her hair aside, "Please put it on for me? I want to see how it looks on" she asked, holding the necklace to Alex.

12-20-2010, 03:26 AM
Without a word, Alex took the necklace and unclasped it. She stared directly into Marna’s eyes with a look of utter contentment as she slowly leaned in and brought the chain around Marna’s neck to clasp it in the back. She pressed her lips softly against Marna’s, clasping the chain before pulling away, allowing the pedant to drop just into Marna’s cleavage.

Alex continued to stare into Marna’s eyes, feeling a little like she was high. Somehow, emotion that Marna showed made her feel something she had never been, special. And just knowing that Marna felt something for her made Alex want to wrap her arms around Marna and never let go.

“I’m glad you like it,” Alex brought her hands up to her neck and stretched a little, smearing blood from her hand onto her skin. When she removed her hands, she moved a little closer to Marna.

“Breakfast?” Alex whispered the words. It was all like a dream to her. Alex had everything she wanted. Life was enjoyable, and if it was all just a dream, Alex prayed she would never wake up

12-23-2010, 02:49 PM
Marna reached her hands out, grasping Alex’s hers, and twisted their fingers together. She pulled Alex closer, pressing her lips lightly against her neck, her tongue slowly sliding over Alex’s skin, tasting the fresh blood, feeling it tingle against her tongue like the most delicious candy.

“You didn’t answer my question” she purred against her skin, watching as Alex’s body responded with goose bumps of pleasure at the feel of her breath against her flesh. She teased her neck more, with just her tongue, enjoying the sensations she was causing. “Why” she asked again.

Bringing Alex’s injured hand up to her lips, she licked the open wound, tasting the fresh blood, relishing the taste even more.

12-24-2010, 01:41 AM
The touch of Marna’s tongue on her neck, sent chills of pleasure and anticipation through Alex’s body. Just the mere presence of Marna intoxicated Alex. But to have her close, to know that at any moment Marna could tear into her neck, drove Alex wild.

“I… I…” Alex gasped as Marna licked the blood from the palm of her hand. “You’ve done so much for me,” the words purred from Alex’s lips. “I just wanted to do something nice for you. You did say to do what makes me happy,” Alex grinned a little.

Alex stared up into Marna’s eyes, the lust showing clearly as she admired the blood smeared on Marna’s lips. But there was something mixed with the lust. It was as though someone had turned a light on inside Alex’s head and her smiled widened a little as she imagined a perfect image. An image she wanted to paint. But given she wasn’t happy with her skills, she was a little apprehensive at the idea. Still, she couldn’t stop herself from asking.

“Can I paint you?” Alex brought her hand up and caressed Marna’s cheek. She ran her fingers slowly through Marna’s hair, allowing her nails to brush lightly against Marna’s scalp.

“I mean,” Alex purred, continuing to run her fingers through Marna’s hair. “Will you pose for me?”

12-28-2010, 07:35 PM
Marna continued to place little teasing nibbles along Alex's neck, pulling the edge of her shirt aside to bite her shoulder softly, without breaking the skin. Half the excitement being generated was from Alex, waiting for Marna to bite her, and it was causing Marna to become excited as well.

She hesitated a moment, "Pose? for a painting?" she continue to tease Alex's unblemished skin with her teeth, her fingers gently caressing along the others stomach. "You would want to paint me?" she whispered breathlessly along Alex's neck, her tongue flicking the edge of her ear. Watching as more goose bumps appeared along her neck, she knew she it wouldn't be long before she would lose control, but teasing Alex was becoming very enjoyable.

12-30-2010, 01:56 AM
Alex moved one hand to Marna’s front and began to slowly undo her shirt. She allowed her fingers to brush lightly over Marna’s breasts as she continued to slowly undo the buttons, Alex’s body trembling in the arms of her lover.

“Yes,” Alex gasped as Marna’s tongue touched again the ear. She had now finished undoing the buttons and slid her hand inside Marna’s shirt, gently caressing her breast.

“I want you to bite me,” Alex purred the words. “I want the blood to run down your chin. And then I want to paint you.” Alex pressed her neck into Marna’s lips.


12-30-2010, 03:17 PM
A soft throaty growl formed in response to Alex’s soft plea, her roaming hands were definitely not helping the small sense of control Marna was clinging to. She wanted nothing more than to bite Alex, everywhere. There were soft tender areas of her lover’s anatomy that would have Alex screaming in ecstasy for hours, should she sink her fangs into and do just as she had been asked. She could already see it in her mind, and it was causing her to shiver in excitement, and anticipation.

She was close to just pinning Alex to the floor, the only thing stopping her was the knowledge that it was more important to Alex right now to paint than to have sex. That small thought, was waging a massive war within her. She could sense that this was what was driving Alex right now, this need, burning through her thoughts to paint. The sex was there, but not in the fore front. This overwhelming need to paint, this is what was pushing all the drugs, and the cravings away. Her eyes flicked to the still intact bag on the desk top beside the door. She knew there would be time, more than enough time to satisfy both cravings.

With a downright devilish smile, she pulled Alex to her, roughly, almost savagely, tearing aside her shirt at the neck and plunged her teeth into Alex at the base of her neck. She felt a small shiver of fear from her victim and it pushed her to be even rougher than she had initially planned. Deliberately she pulled her teeth across Alex’s skin, tearing her neck a little, to allow the blood to flow unhindered, and before drinking let it bubble against her lips, pressing her chin and cheek into the freely flowing blood.

It might leave a scar, time would tell. The edge of her neck was torn, the skin jagged beside the punctures, but the results were as Alex had asked. Marna’s lips and cheek were smeared with Alex’s blood. Bright red in contrast her alabaster skin. Leaning back in, gently in comparison to her initial attack, she licked the wound, groaning softly at the taste. Her hands gripped Alex’s upper arms tightly, trying to preserve her senses, and to stop. Alex’s heart beating faster was drawing her like a moth to a flame, “tell me to stop” she ground out, her tongue sliding across the others skin, her teeth gritted in need, her desire almost overpowering her to do anything but stop.

12-30-2010, 07:51 PM
Alex gasped as she felt the skin on her neck tear open. The pain was exquisite and Alex cried out as her body spasmed in the wake of the orgasm which rocked through her. But the sound of pleasure changed to a whimper of disappointment when Marna to spoke. The truth was, Alex didn’t want her to stop. Like the skin on her neck, Alex was torn. Torn between her desire to paint and her desire to feed Marna and receive the pleasure that only her lover could give.

“Feed baby,” Alex whispered, her breath coming in short gasps. “I want you to,” Alex hung limp, waiting and hoping to feel the teeth tear at her neck. And though Marna feeding would leave Alex light headed, she was sure she would still be able to paint.

12-30-2010, 08:14 PM
Marna couldn't stop herself, nor did she really want to. Alex's approval and soft begging was more than enough for her to hear. She pulled Alex to her, lifting her slightly off her feet, and bit down hard, pulling blood from the wound at a rapid pace. She felt it pouring down her throat, warm and full of life. She moaned in pure unadulterated pleasure, her fingers still grasping Alex close, her eyes closed and rolling in bliss.

Tipping her head back, she removed her teeth from Alex’s neck, her eyes now fully dilated and glowing with a distinct red hue, she looked at Alex, pausing for a moment.

“You have no idea what you do to me Alex” she whispered huskily, blood dripping from her face. Alex’s neck a jagged mess, she pulled the rest of her shirt down, tearing the cloth away as if it were made of paper, exposing Alex’s chest in a lacy bra. Slipping a finger against the edge of the strap, she swiftly pulled it aside, exposing her breast completely.

Leaning down, she bit at the edge where the bra had been, drinking again, this time much slower, much softer, almost reverently. Holding onto Alex tight, she drank again.

01-02-2011, 02:38 AM
Suddenly Alex forgot all about wanting to paint Marna. The moment Marna’s teeth sank into Alex’s breast, she cried out with pleasure as her hand moved immediately to Marna’s head. She pushed Marna’s head hard into her breast, allowing her teeth to sink in as far as they would go. With her other hand she reached down and started to pull and tug at Marna’s pants as she pulled Marna down to the floor on top of her.

The moment they were on the floor, Alex wrapped her legs around Marna’s waist and slid her hand down her pants and began to rub hard. She dug her nails into the back of Marna’s head with her other, her fingers pulling as they became twisted and tangled in the silken hair of her lover.

“Harder,” It was the only word that managed to escape Alex’s lips amongst the moans and whimpers of pleasure as her body trembled against Marna’s.

01-13-2011, 07:24 PM
Marna lost her self to the sensations she was causing, and feelings rolling off Alex. From the pleasure she was giving Alex, and the drinking of her lovers blood, she was feeling waves of ecstasy. Like electricity the blood raced through her veins, coursing through her again and again. Leaving nothing in its wake but the need for more, and more.

At Alex’s whispered urging, the primal animal inside her took over and all coherent thoughts were wiped away. All that remained was the need for feeding and for pleasure. Both of which were fulfilled numerous times in the course of the next few hours.

Finally, reluctantly stopping, she looked at Alex, curled in her arms. Scooping her up, she brought her to the bedroom, and laid her gently amongst the pillows. Sliding in beside her, she pulled the blankets around them, tucking them into a cocoon of down, and warmth. She felt as if her skin were on fire from the feeding, but Alex’s skin felt cool to the touch, and she knew she needed the warmth, right now.

Gently touching her bruised lips, and sliding the hair out of Alex’s face, she looked at her and just smiled, her face soft and content in the darkness of the room.

01-27-2011, 01:18 AM
Alex had no idea how long she had spent in the throes of passion with Marna. It seemed that each orgasm came with more intensity than the last. And now, laying next to her lover, Alex felt nothing but pure contentment and was finding it a little hard to stay conscious. Of course, having not eaten anything since the morning could have something to do with that.

“Baby,” whispering, Alex wrapped her arms around Marna’s waist and kissed her softly. “I still wanna paint you. I mean, If you don’t have anything else planned for us tonight” The moment she said it, a thought entered Alex’s mind. She had no idea what exactly Marna’s plans for her were.

“Marna,” Alex purred, snuggling closer. “Is this all you want me for? I mean I love it and the way you make me feel is beyond amazing. But what am I supposed to do. Do you want me to get a job or just be here for your pleasure?” Alex nuzzled Marna’s neck and kissed her softly, blowing against the soft pale skin of Marna’s neck.

01-27-2011, 01:42 AM
Marna moved slighting to pull Alex by the chin, gently, looking into her eyes. "If you recall, you told me to bite you. I simply did as you asked" kissing her chin, with a devilish grin. Then softer "Why would you think this is all I want from you?" she whispered, kissing her again, softly.

"I want you to be happy Alex. Only you can decide what that should mean to you. If you wish to work, then you should. You don't need to, I have more than enough money for us both, for a long time." brushing the hair out of her face, she stretched, letting the rest of the question go unanswered.

"I didn't have any plans for us tonight, other than to see what you painted today. I was curious to see what you wanted to do, this night." she ran her fingers across Alex's skin lightly, along her arm. "You do need to see that you eat, daily. I can tell you haven't, and if you allow me to keep feeding from you like this, you will get sick." she finished, with concern in her features.

Stretching once more across the bed lazily, she reclined back, "tell me what you did today" she smiled, content, for now, to just lay there in the soft bed with Alex.

02-10-2011, 02:31 AM
Alex gave Marna a quick kiss and slid out of the bed. It took her a moment to get her footing as her whole body was still numb from what Marna had done to her. She moved towards the door, stopping for a moment to turn and smile contentedly at Marna.

“All I want is to paint and be at your side,” the words purred from Alex’s lips, but she was stopped abruptly by the gurgling sound which emanated from her stomach.

“And some food,” Alex blushed slightly and exited the room. She made her way to the living room and grabbed her purse, stopping by the door to her studio or a moment. Her thoughts were of the painting and that Marna wanted to see it. In all honestly, Alex wasn’t impressed by it. Still Marna had given her a whole new life and the least Alex could do was to show her the painting; especially given that Marna was the inspiration for it. Quickly, she opened the door and grabbed the painting form the easel and headed back to the bedroom.

Once there, she leaned the painting against the wall, facing away from Marna, at the foot of the bed and then crawled back in next to Marna, pressing up against her. She rooted around in her pure for a moment, removing her cell phone and placing it on the nightstand and then dropping her purse to the floor.

“That’s what I did,” Alex spoke softly, pointing at the painting. “That and some shopping, Alex smiled at the thought of having spent some of her parents money. She was still picturing the look on her faces when they saw the bill and what it was for and the thought made her smile.

“And I don’t know what I want to do tonight,” Alex leaned in and kissed Marna’s neck. “I still have a ton of questions I’d like to ask. I mean, if it’s okay with you.” Alex’s mind started racing again and she didn’t wait for permission to ask. Instead, she just sort of blurted them out.

“Are there vampire hunters? Do you have any enemies?” her voice wavered slightly as she spoke. Partially due to the fear that came with the thought of someone trying to kill Marna, but also for realizing she may have overstepped her bounds just by asking.

02-11-2011, 03:48 PM
Marna couldn’t stop herself, and laughed aloud at the abrupt change in Alex, and her blurted questions. Then trying sober her response, without much success, “Of course there are always hunters, Alex. People fear what they do not understand” she said with a grin. Rolling her neck and stretching in lazy comfort, her hand coming to rest lightly against Alex’s hip. “they don’t realize that I can withhold pain, and take what I need to survive, leaving little trace of my needs. That club we went to is one example. Most of the humans in the room are there because they want to donate. The are addicted to the sex.” She leered with a wink “Do you blame them?”

Continuing as her fingers lazily teased along the skin of her naked companion. “Everyone has enemies” she said softly, not willing to delve too deeply into that subject unless pressed, the smile gone for now, “when you’ve lived a long enough life, it’s inevitable. You have nothing to fear, if that’s what you’re concerned with. I’ve only recently come back to this area, so my enemies wouldn’t have found me, just yet. We’ve got time before they find me again.” she rolled away, closing the subject for now. She slid out of bed gracefully, her body lean and pale in the soft lights of the room.

Stepping toward the painting, she had to admire the work. It was captivating and surreal, and the details were quite startling. Bringing her finger to the edge of the canvas, but not touching it, she just stood there captivated by the image. “It’s really quite good Alex” she said wistfully.

Then turning she pounced back on the bed, her face in a large smile, pinning Alex to the bed in one swift movement, “Food you say?” she teased, “are you of a mind to let me cook for you?” Kissing Alex quickly “You can ask more questions that way” emphasizing the word question, mischievously.

02-14-2011, 03:39 AM
A sound of surprise escaped Alex’s lips when Marna pounced on her. She grinned up at her lover and instantly wrapped her legs around Marna’s waist, pulling Marna down on top of her.

“You know,” Alex licked her lips. “If you keep this up, the only thing I’ll be eating is you.” Alex grinned ear to ear and was still blushing at the compliment paid to her by Marna about the painting. And quite frankly, she would have been more than content to stay in bed with Marna, locked in the throes of passion for the rest of the night. Unfortunately, the rumbling in her stomach was becoming impossible to ignore.

“And you don’t need to cook,” Alex started to sit up, kissing Marna as she moved out from underneath her. “Not that you have much here.” A small giggle escaped her lips as she grabbed for her cell.

“I was thinking pizza,” Alex smiled. “I know this great place, and they do a sauce with no garlic so you can have some too.” Alex had to admit that she was happy for the first time in years. Still, she couldn’t get the question about the hunters out of her mind and the smile faded as her expression changed to one of concern.

“Marna I…” Alex brought a hand up to Marna’s cheek. “I don’t want anything to happen to you, but what if something does? I wouldn’t be much use to you in a fight.

02-24-2011, 12:48 AM
"hhmmm" Marna smiled in reply to Alex. "I haven't had pizza in a really long time" actually trying to remember when she had ever had pizza, and failing to recall. Not that she would tell Alex that, she didn't want to hurt her feelings.

"Order what you wish, don't worry about me" kissing her softly in reply again, "You need to eat....I'm fine" she chuckled softly, with a smirk.

"If it bothers you, not being able to defend yourself, we should do something about that though" she pondered, watching Alex's face. "Have you ever taken a self defense class, or anything like that?" she asked curiously.

02-27-2011, 04:14 AM
“Marna,” Alex gave her a look of surprise. “Do I look like I’ve taken a self defence class? I mean, I used to work out a bit, but that was before the drugs.” Alex pondered this statement for a moment. She had been clean only for a day. But just being with Marna seemed to take it all away. Still the thought of drugs and the feeling that came with it made her start to crave.

“No, I’ve never taken a self defence class.” Alex hit the sped dial and placed the phone to her ear in an attempt to get her mind off of the thoughts of the cocaine. When the phone was answered, she quickly ordered a large pizza and some cans of Coca Cola. Placing the phone on the nightstand, she turned on the bed and wrapped her arms around Marna.

“You could do it,” Alex whispered against Marna’s soft pale skin. “I mean, I’d like you to teach me how to fight.”

02-27-2011, 11:44 PM
Marna snuggled Alex against her, feeling very protective, given the current conversation. Absently running her fingers across Alex's back while she thought about it. "I could teach you some things, if you really wanted me to. Although it's highly unlikely that you will need protection from anyone. Vampires might not be the most trustworthy lot, but they do have some rules that are adhered to. One of which being, you do not harm human....companions." she had been about to say servants and caught herself just in time, knowing how Alex felt about the word.

In her world that was a perfectly acceptable word for what Alex was, to a certain degree. But it would do no good to try and explain that her. She was a small child in comparison to the current world in which she had suddenly joined, and she probably didn't realize it. Not one bit.

"We can start after you eat" she smiled, kissing Alex softly. "You need food first, before anything else. Now tell me about this pizza that you've ordered. And just what is.. a Coca Cola?" she grinned with a small puzzled look upon her face.

02-28-2011, 03:01 AM
Had Alex actually been drinking a Coke it likely would have come out her nose as she half laughed and half choked at what Marna said. Alex pulled away from Marna, giving her an incredulous look.

“Now you’re just teasing me,” Alex grinned giving Marna a quick kiss, before getting up and putting on her jeans and a tee shirt.

“The pizza’s good, “ Alex spoke as she dressed. Her voice had a cheerful tone abut it. “It’s a gourmet place and the way they do the mushrooms is to die for.” Once she was dressed she headed towards the door of the bedroom.

“It might take a while for it to get here though,” Alex stopped and turned in the doorway, looking back at Marna. “I’m gonna move some of the furniture so we have some room. I mean, if you’re gonna show me how to fight, we might need a little space.”

03-11-2011, 09:00 PM
Marna was a little puzzled that Alex didn’t answer her question about the Coke, thinking it a joke apparently. It amused her that Alex seemed to think that she did “normal” food and beverages, apparently forgetting that she didn’t actually keep up to date with the latest human fad’s and diets. She knew it was some sort of drink, having seen the advertisements, but honestly had never thought to bother. It wasn’t what she required or craved for sustenance after all, so why would she?

Letting it go, for now, she watched Alex dress, taking notice of her casual air. It was encouraging that Alex felt at home here, after such a short time. It interested her to give Alex lessons in protecting herself, as she could sense that it was something that was bothering the girl. Since she had nothing but time, what could it hurt to help relieve her fretting? Nothing came to mind, so she pulled on sweater and some jeans and followed after her to help move furniture.


They quickly fell into a comfortable routine, as if they were meant to find each other to be with. Time passes quickly if you allow it, with nothing to distract you significantly. Their time together began to blur into days, weeks, months. Training, sex, painting, talking and occasionally out to dinner, where they were always welcomed. It was comfortable, and carefree and Marna grew content with this new “life” she and Alex had created.

Watching as Alex worked up a sweat in their training area. Having turned one of the rooms that was previously unused into a full fledged gym, complete with weights and exercise equipment, along with a sparring area. She noticed not for the first time that Alex seemed much more lithe, and toned, due to the months of training and sparring. It pleased her, as she knew that the girl was happy.

Stepping up behind her, wrapping her arms about her waist, she gently kissed the back of her neck, so at to not startle her much “hello baby” she whispered.

03-24-2011, 02:12 AM
As time passed with Marna, Alex became a much stronger person. It wasn’t so much her physical prowess, which had indeed improved, but more her strength of will. Though her training had been what she would have considered brutal in the beginning, she pushed herself harder than ever before. Part of it was due to her wanting to be able to protect herself as well as Marna. But more of it came from her not wanting to be seen as weak in Marna’s eyes. No matter how badly bruised or beaten Alex was, she always pushed herself to come back for more.

During that time, Alex also developed a bit of an obsession for weapons; especially those of the bladed variety. Over the weeks and months, she had purchased a few swords and knives, her favourite being the wakizashi she had found in a pawn shop. The blade had a pattern on it which was inlaid with silver. It was a nice piece, and Alex had become quite good with it. It was also nice that given it’s small size, it was easy to conceal should she ever feel the need to go out armed.

Alex also spent a great deal of time painting. More than ever she felt alive when she did it. In fact, she was getting to the point where she was more than confident enough with her work to want others to see it as well. Thoughts of perhaps getting some of her work in a gallery often entered her mind, but she couldn’t help feeling this might be a little hard to do given the predominating theme of most of her work. Marna.

In some way, every piece she painted has something of Marna in it, usually her eyes. Not to mention that her painting had become very dark and gothic as well; and not just from the use of blood. Her imagery became wilder, and in some cases, disturbing. Also everything she painted had her blood in it. For Alex, the colour of the blood seemed to be more vibrant and helped to bring the paintings alive.

As for Alex’s personal life, it was all about Marna. She had neither spoken to, or heard from her parents since they got the bill for her art supplies. Need less to say they were pretty pissed about the whole thing. And in return, Alex told them she was dropping out of school and moving in with a woman. Her parents were less than impressed and promptly cut her off. In Alex’s eyes, it was perfect.

In fact, as far as Alex was concerned, everything about her life was perfect. And as she felt Marna’s lips kiss the back of her neck and the tremble that ran through her body form the kiss, Alex could only think of one thing to say.

“Marna,” Alex turned and pressed her lips against Marna’s, kissing her deeply. Her tongue exploring the mouth of her lover. Pulling away, Alex smiled.

“I want us to go out somewhere tonight,” the words purred from Alex’s lips. “If that’s alright with you.”

04-05-2011, 06:50 PM
Marna pulled Alex into a hug, wrapping her arms around the others waist, nuzzling against her shoulder, contemplating the suggestion. They really hadn’t done much of anything, lately. They had settled into a comfortable routine, and it had been nice, relaxed and with no real interaction with anyone. The suggestion to go out brought to mind the advertisement she had seen in the newspaper a few days ago, about a new club opening up in the area.

She was adamant about reading the printed paper each day, and had numerous publications delivered to her regularly. It was the surest way to keep tabs on your “friends”, at least the friends that were in her circle. Certain tidbits, small articles, strange happenings were bound to creep up now and then and they always managed to find their way into some obscure print.

Alex had shown her the computer, and how she could read articles online, but there was just something about scanning through a printed pieced of paper. The feel of the ink on her skin, the quiet rustle of sound when turning the pages, seeing the black and white captions, it was soothing. Not that she hadn’t tried to use the computer they had installed, but the paper was her first thought. It was habit.

Grazing her lips across the others collarbone softly, reverently, “of course” she murmured, closing her eyes to the sensation of her lips against Alex’s skin. Feeling the shivers in response to her fleeting kisses.

“There is a new place, opening, it looked interesting. I’m sure I can persuade the door man to let us in” she grinned, pausing to place more kisses along her neck, her fingers sliding down lower on the others waist.

“You’re right, we should go out, dress up and be social.” She said with more breathy kisses. “Unless you had someplace specific in mind that you wanted to go?” she paused, glancing at Alex.

05-10-2011, 09:09 PM
“If you keep kissing me like that, “ Alex whispered, her lips brushing slightly against Marna’s. “The only place I’ll want to go is bed.” Alex turned to face her lover and reached up to wrap her arms around Marna’s neck.

Alex smiled staring into Marna’s eyes. The look on her face was one of utter contentment. But then why shouldn’t it be. The months she had been with Marna had been nothing short of heaven for her, despite the few moments of unpleasant pain that came as she learned to fight. With everything that happened, Alex felt loved.

“I love you Marna,” Alex pressed her lips against Marna’s, kissing her passionately and moaning softly at the touch of Marna’s soft, yet cold lips. As she pulled away, she stared into Marna’s eyes. Alex had never told Marna how she truly felts and wasn’t entirely sure if Marna actually did feel the same way or not. Alex accepted the fact that she was a servant, though Marna never called her that knowing how Alex felt about the word.

After another moment, Alex pulled away from Marna and headed to the closet and began rifling through the clothes in her section of the exceedingly large closet. Alex had ended up owning a lot more clothes since she moved in with Marna. Some of which Marna had given to her as gifts, and other articles she had purchased along the way. Despite what Marna had said, Alex still felt the need to use her own money; which was starting to dwindle at this point. She was down to about fifteen thousand and was starting to wonder if she should get a job of some kind. Sure Marna would provide her with anything she ever wanted, but Alex still wanted to be able to make her own way to a certain extent.

“I was thinking,” Alex spoke as she looked through the closet. “I mean, I think some of my paintings might be good enough to sell,” Alex tossed a pair of thigh high black leather boots onto the floor of the bedroom. “I was thinking maybe shopping them to a couple of the independent galleries.” Alex trned from the closet holding a short leather jacket and a black cat suit in her hands. Holding them up, she showed them to Marna.

“What do you think?” Alex looked at Marna questioningly.

05-19-2011, 01:36 AM
She just stood there for a minute, contemplating. "Yes... " she replied automatically. "that would look perfect on you" in response to the question about the outfit. Nodding absently in Alex's direction for effect.

Her thoughts severely distracted by what Alex had said,while kissing her. Anything spoken after the kiss, was a blur, and not registering for now in their conversation as far as she was concerned. Her mind had honed in on that one word. One simple little word. Four letters strung absently together to form this one thought, one concept, a multitude of emotions, all of it wrapped up in this one single word. Love.

she... loves me?.. loves...me.... she was astounded by the concept. It just didn't register in any thought process she had formulated. It wasn't an emotion she was familiar with, and hadn't been for a very long time. She didn't think she understood it any more. Love? It was a foreign process, alien to her.

It took everything she had not to scream at Alex How could you love, me? knowing that she wouldn't, couldn't do that. Alex was happy, you didn't have to even peek into her thoughts to see it, to feel it. Knowing that she would seriously upset her if she did scream it now. She would be terrified and not understand. It would be crushing to her to say it. She was already so damaged by her previous relationships with her family and any friends she might have had.

That's it....she doesn't have an idea what the word means. What it means to say it to another. That's it, that must be it. She just thinks she understands it. She hasn't live even a portion of her life, she can't understand.

She quickly shut down any reflections or thoughts on her face. "I'm going to shower, before we go out" she said keeping her voice casual and heading to the bathroom. "Be just a minute" as she shut the door. Leaning against the sink, she ran the water and splashed it on her face. "Love" she whispered to herself.

06-28-2011, 01:17 AM
Once Marna was out of the room, Alex returned to the mirror. She ended up trying on a few jackets, before settling with the one she had originally picked. It wasn't that Alex didn't like the jacket, she just preferred to wear something a little more lengthy so she could at the very least carry a weapon. But being that they were going to a busy club, what could possibly go wrong? Especially with Marna there.

There was also the problem of the boots. Alex thought they made her look a little slutty. She had to admit that she did look good with them on, but the outfit gave her more of a high class hooker appearance than she would have liked at the moment. Eventually, she chose a pair of boots that only just came above her ankle. In her ind it looked much better.

Sighing happily, Alex walked over to the bed and sat down to await Marna. She lay back and let her mind wander, thoughts of how much she enjoyed life floating through her head. The alt months with Marna had been nothing short of bliss. And she hoped there would be more

06-28-2011, 02:11 PM
Marna took an extra long time with her hair and her appearance while in the bathroom. She was trying to think through the conversation from earlier with Alex and come to some comfort level with what the girl had said, and it just wasn’t working. Which in of itself was troublesome to her. Why was she so bothered by what Alex had said? She had lived three times over Alex’s age and having closed off her emotions for so long now, it had obviously struck a nerve. A nerve she thought was long forgotten.

Realizing she was stalling, and it would do no good just annoyed her. Besides Alex was waiting, and nothing had really changed. She had said how she felt, and hadn’t seem to notice that Marna had not really replied. The fact that she was hiding in the bathroom, dwelling on it was ridiculous.

Stepping out of the bathroom she was just about ready to leave. She was dressed in bright red dress. The color of the dress being so bright that her skin tone looked to be made of alabaster she was so pale. The neckline was scooped with thin straps on her white shoulders. The entire dress appeared to be made of lace and a light shimmery gauze fabric. If you looked hard enough, it almost appeared see-through. The edge of the dress was barely reaching to mid-thigh. There was no room for a weapon of any kind in that dress. She had left her hair long and cascading down her back in soft, relaxed curls.

She slipped into a pair of 2 inch shiny, paten leather styled heels, all straps and with shimmering metal buckles on the side. Grabbing a small black purse completed her out fit. She put it around her wrist and turned to Alex with a smile. “Ready?” she said softly seeing Alex stretched out on the bed. Her brilliant blue eyes sliding over Alex’s comfortable form letting her know she appreciated the view the other was providing. Reaching over she grabbed Alex’s hand and pulled her up off the bed. “You look delicious enough to make me change my mind about going out” she teased, kissing Alex softly on her chin, while her hands roamed freely over the others backside, her nails traililng lightly down Alex's spine.

“We should go out, though, it will just make me want to play more later, when we come back” she finished, her eyes twinkling in delight. Turning, she pulled Alex toward the door, and out of the apartment.

07-16-2011, 04:13 AM
Alex's eyes widened and she purred in delight at Marna's words, as well as her lips and hands, when she was pulled off the bed. when Marna pulled her off the bed. Suddenly she didn’t want to go out quite as badly, but she didn't have time to voice any objections, or things she wanted to do to Marna right now, before she was pulled towards the door.

Alex clung to Marna all the way to the car, the smile she wore seeming to be permanently in place. But then why shouldn't it be? She was happy and had everything she wanted for the first time in her life. The whole way to the car Alex stayed silent, but once the they were headed to their destination, she broke the silence.

“I hope you'll dance with me,” Alex spoke. She was staring at Marna when she spoke, but the dreamlike quality of her voice suggested that she was merely expressing a thought rather than actually attempting conversation.

One they arrived at their destination, Marna stopped the car in front and the door was opened for her by the valet. The club itself was on the corner of the street and had been done up to have something of a modern look to it with neon lights adorning the building. The name of the club as ICE, and a long line with a velvet rope led up to the door where the doormen were letting people in at an incredibly slow pace.

As they approached the door, which no doubt Marna would be able to get them passed the doorman without any trouble at all, Alex thought she spied someone she knew. IT was only for a second, but Alex could have sworn she saw a redhead wearing a furry jacket. Of course when Alex looked over, there was no one there. But it left her trying to remember the name of the vampire whom she had compared to a tampon. And for some reason, she decided not to mention it to Marna

07-26-2011, 01:27 PM
They were quickly escorted into the club, to the dismay of the hundred or so people lined up waiting patiently to get in. It was never a question. Marna walked as if she owned the place, directly to the doorman, gently pushing aside a couple waiting to be checked off the list. The doorman with his clipboard wasn’t even aware of their existence after one glance at Marna and Alex. Not only were they stunning, but they were the exact type of clientele the club wanted, wealthy. One swift glance from Marna in his direction and there was a flurry of activity on the part of the staff members to seat them, and make them happy. VIP? They were treated as royalty.

The Club was two stories and they were seated nearest the main dance floor in a rounded booth large enough to hold ten people, easily. The section was roped off, and mini bar had been set up in waiting for whomever would be given the privilege of this prime spot. Given the number of people outside still waiting to get in, the club was already in full swing. Loud and thumping the music was a blend of house techno, and the dance floor was full of people, dancing for all they were worth. The edges of the dance floor held small stages, four in total, on which young girls all dressed alike in boots, shorts and bikini tops were dancing to the music. The club was called ICE, so the motif was blue and white throughout the large room.

Behind the main bar there was the illusion of an Iceberg, that was blowing cold frosty air to those people close enough to feel it. Long crystal icicles were hung from the ceiling which caused a prism effect from the lighting effects, throwing spots of light across the darkened room.

The upper floor was just as crowded. A railing surrounded the upper area, and people were dancing along the sides with full view of the floor below.

When they were seated they had a full view of the main dance floor, and could see the far side of the room, the upper railing area across from them. A tall brunette waitress stepped immediately to their bar and began filling two glasses with ice. “Hi, I’m Lori and I’ll be taking care of you ladies tonight” she said in her perkiest voice. “What can I make for you?” she asked hesitantly.

two women? Geez.. my tips are gonna suck. I thought I was getting that bachelor party, fucking Crystal stealing all my customers.. wonder what their deal is, I'm gonna have to talk... Marna smirked her lips twitching slightly in amusement. She deliberately tuned the waitress out. She had gotten so used to blocking Alex while they were together that she hadn’t really thought about other human thoughts getting through. It was if she was stretching, mentally, for the first time in months. It was amusing, for now. “tequila, for me, on the rocks” she said laughing quietly, the small smile firmly in place. Watching as the girl splashed a generous amount in the glass. Lori then turned smiling to Alex. “And you?” she quizzed with a smile.

07-31-2012, 05:23 AM
“Perrier with lime please,” Alex returned the smile and started to rise form the table, leaning closer to Marna. “I'm gonna go powder my nose hun.” Alex's tone was quiet, and had Marna not been a vampire, it would have been inaudible due to the thumping bass generated by the techno music which reverberated throughout the club. It wasn't her preferred genre of music, but given her happy mood, her usual tastes for a more Gothic sound would not have suited the evening.

Alex gave Marna a peck on the cheek and headed off to the bathroom. The club was crowded and she had inadvertently been bumped by a few people along the way. It annoyed her slightly, but the annoyance was short lived as she arrived at the bathroom door and there was no line.

As she entered, the only other people in the bathroom, two women, one of whom had purple hair, looked up from the line of cocaine they were dong to glance at Alex who promptly made her way into a stall. While she sat there, she thought about how unbelievable everything had become. She actually liked herself and the life she had and felt like the luckiest woman in the world, despite the inherent fear she had of her lover.

The music, though muffled, echoed in the bathroom and Alex, who was lost in thought was unable to hear the door as the women left. Nor was she about to hear another person enter or the sound of the bathroom door locking.

When Alex exited the stall, she of course headed straight for the sink, washing her hand and then leaning over to rinse her mouth out a little. Alex grabbed her purse as she stood up, going for the pack of gum which lay inside when she saw the red haired vampire in the mirror. The sight of the woman took her off guard, and before she could scream and even make a move for the knife which lay hidden in the lining, her forehead connected with the mirror as the vampire slammed her face into it, causing it to crack, and Alex crumpled to the floor, dazed from the hit.

Alex's vision started ot blur and she realized that it was more form the blood running form the wound on her head, still, she felt as though she wanted to sleep, something she likely wouldn't get to do as she was dragged to her feet and held against the counter, nose to nose whit the vampire.

“Did you really think Marna could protect you?” the vampire snarled her as Alex felt a fist across her face and the taste of blood in her mouth as one of her back teeth came loose.

“You should really learn to watch your tongue.” the vampire grinned evilly. “If it were up to me I would rip it from your head. But as it is, I am to give you something instead. Desmond sends his regards.”

Alex could hear pounding on the locked door of the bathroom and hoped that someone would manage to get in as the vampire, brought out a knife and ran it across her hand. Alex's eyes widened a little as the vampire brought the hand, now red with blood to her mouth and smeared on her, grabbing Alex by the nose so eh had to open her mouth. Alex tried to spit, but her jaw was starting to swell and she was not unlike a rag doll in the hands of the woman as the blood entered her mouth and made it's way down her throat.

The vampire let her go and Alex crumpled to the floor again, choking and coughing from the blood. Her vision continued to blur as she watched the vampire open the window, and then head to the door, dragging Alex with her. She dropped Alex just to the side of the door and then unlocked it. As the door opened, the vampire was already gone out the window and the last thing Alex remembered before she lost consciousness was the sound of a woman shouting for help.

09-26-2012, 12:53 AM
Marna relaxed on the comfortable couch, watching the nearby crowd. She was lost in the music and the people watching, while she sipped her drink, quickly finishing it and pouring another. The packed dance floor was undulating in constant flood of movement. It had been a long time since she had been out, in a fully human atmosphere. It felt as though she had just woken up from a long peaceful nap, and it felt good to be out.

Catching glimpses of mind after mind, as they danced a few feet away from her, it wasn’t hard to determine the thoughts of most of the club of twenty something’s in attendance tonight. Sex, sex, and sex.. Where, how, and when was all they were focused on. He wanted her, she wanted that one, and they wanted each other. It was almost primal. Shaking her head slightly, “humans” she smirked to herself as she polished off the second drink, and reached to pour another, tossing a few ice cubes in her short glass as she poured a generous amount of tequila into the glass.

She realized that Alex had been gone awhile and was starting to wonder about her when a flurry of commotion caught her eye in the toward the area of the bathrooms. Security guards, noticeable in their black on black outfits and large dimensions moved through the crowd like a hot wave. People immediately moving out of their way, without notice, still lost in their dancing.

Her mind whispered and told her it was Alex, and that something was wrong. Very wrong. She grabbed her things stepped out of the booth, making her way across the floor, following the path Security had taken. She had to deliberately force herself to move at a normal pace, when everything was clamoring to her to hurry. To race there at her own speed, would have been disastrous and noticeable. As it was she glided easily through the throngs of people and was behind Security without issue.

The guard at the end of the line had just reached the door, and turned to block the entrance when he was startled, as Marna was directly in front of him, and he hadn’t realized anyone was so close. “You’ll have to wait here Miss” he turned and said to her, hold his hands out to her in a stopping motion. His enormous bulk effectively blocking the entire door way. “She is with me” she said cocking her head toward the door, and flashing him a look that permitted no argument. “I’m going in there. Move” she snarled, her voice angry and menacing. “Oh….uh, Yeah, sure” he said, blinking rapidly as he stepped to the side and opening the door for her allowing her to pass. “Go on in” he finished lamely as she stepped by him.

“Alex?!” she cried out seeing the girl lying prone on the ground, security trying to wake her. Pushing them aside as she scooped the girls head up off the floor into her lap. “What happened to her” she snapped to the small crowd gathered around them in the small ladies room. “What is the blood on her face!” she shrieked at them. Lifting her face, she sniffed the air of the room, her skin blanching an even paler shade of white when she realized that it wasn’t Alex’s blood. It wasn’t human blood, at all, she froze for a second, realizing that they had to get out of there, immediately. One of the guards started moving people out of the ladies room, dispersing the small crowd of onlookers that was gathered there.

“Look” huffed the other security guard closest her, “You just need to calm down miss, and we’ll call an ambulance for your friend here, she probably just had too much to drink.” he tried to reach her arm to pull her away from Alex. “No! No ambulance, no police!” she shouted at him, then softening her voice and turning her head toward him, giving him the full weight of her stare “You will help me carry her out of here. Now, Right Now.” She said watching as his eyes widened at seeing hers. Even in this poorly light room, anyone else looking would have noticed that her pupils had gone completely black, and the iris around them had turned a murky red color. Luckily they were basically alone. The only other person in the room now was another security team member, and he was by the door. As the guard's eyes glazed over slightly, he didn’t argue with her any more. He merely nodded eager to please “Of course. Right away Miss.” He said and knelt down to scoop Alex up like a small child. His arms barely flexing with her slight weight, he lifted her easily and stood up. Alex stood up, grabbing Alex's things from the floor.

“Hey! What are you doing?” called out the other guard by the door, seeing his boss picking up the unconscious girl. “You heard the lady, we’re helping her friend out of here, pronto! Get the door Tim. Move it” he said as he turned around. “We can take you out the back way, instead of the through the club.” He called back to Marna as he moved toward the doorway “Where is your car?” he asked stopping only to wait for the door to be opened. “With the Valet” she replied, moving to follow him out the door and down dark hallway, keeping her eyes downcast while they passed the small group of onlookers outside. Ladies that were eager to get back into the bathroom, moved passed them, the excitement over for them.

“Tim will get it the car, won’t you Tim” she said when they were alone in the hallway again, she grabbed his bulky arm stopping him, forcing him to look at her, and watching as his eye glazed over as well. “Quickly now” she said softly at him, handing him the ticket from her purse, watching as he raced away down the hall ahead of them.

Once they had Alex deposited into the front seat, she slipped the two guards some cash, asking that they pay her tab, and forget this happened. They readily agreed and she got into the car. As she drove back to the apartment, at breakneck speed, she hoped wasn’t too late already.