View Full Version : [R] R-I-S-S-S-P-[IC]-B; Oh yea, it's here.

10-18-2009, 05:33 PM
A Roleplay By link99912:

R-I-S-S-S-P-IC-B - Oh yea, it's here.

Well, it took a few days to get up on it's own too feet, but thanks to the help of our generous admins here at RPA, we've managed enough people to start the IC.

By the way, this is what we need (post suggestions in occ please)-

1. A school name. Tell me what you think it should be.
2. A real title. Unless you want it to say R-I-S-S-S-P-IC-B, be it awesome.

Alrighty :D.



10-18-2009, 05:37 PM

.: The ability to escape was often over looked. Now it was something he longed for, the ability to run. Humans didn't like being restrained, and the feeling of society was suddenly collapsing above him. He felt like he was stuck between the refuge of some cataclysmic event, like he was nestled snugly between two adjacent prices of debris. That's how his mind comprehended the moment he had become "disabled", not the inevitable thing it was, but instead as an event. The difference was that he had the ability to escape an event, he couldn't shift his mind from the idea that there was a way to avoid it. He knew that there was nothing he could have done, but he was constantly nagged sense the day he was hospitalized, by the voice that told him he did something wrong. He felt that if he had maybe been a bit more active, exerciser more frequently and actually considered his own health as something more then just what his physical educations teachers told him to watch, maybe he wouldn't be in this situation. That in fact wasn't the case. :.

.: He could have considered the ride to school normal, if it hadn't been for the much more luxurious accommodation. He felt like he was taking the first class trip to damnation, a polished up gate to hell. He wasn't at all sure of what was waiting for him when he finally reached the school, but he was sure it was going to be different. He felt that they were doing everything they could to compensate for the students loss, but a nice bus ride wouldn't make up for a possibly fatal condition. He watched the road, it was obviously bleak. The little dots that were consistent in the asphalt blurred as he passed them, the sight was becoming boring. He looked up for a moment, out of pondering and into the real world again. The sky wasn't dark, the sun wasn't shrouded by darkness, and foreboding clouds didn't shade the near by area. It was as blue as ever, the sun still shined, and everyone seemed to be carrying through their normal routine. The world kept it's normal pace, weather or not he or his heart could. :.

.: He had expected to sleep the whole ride but he didn't. A squealing sound was made in the lower portion of the bus, it smoothly stopped a short walk from the school. Two doors opened, it seemed abnormal compared to the large yellow giant he was familiar with. The bus leaned over, a ramp elongated from the second door, while the traditional steps at the front had been shortened to make it easier for students he could still walk. He felt like he was being taken care of. Having to do things for your self was so often over looked as an ability, instead of an obstacle, it made him feel bitter as he took his final steps towards the front gates. :.

.: That was another thing. The school had a fence, making a cubical orbit around it's forward portion, and ending once again by it's beginning. It was made of bricks, emanating a classical feel as he approached. Large cast iron doors were flung ajar in opposite directions, it was oddly inviting. The facade of the school was less then typical. A large portion of it's front was made of a brick, a shade of red occupied the majority of the buildings front, while other areas changed to white. There were windows just about everywhere that they could fit. Some of them shinned light into dorms, which more mainly present on the second to fifth floor, atop of that was a flat roof. The outside was decorated with benches and flowers, street lamps were fit neatly into the scene, surrounded by bits of brown wood chipping that turned into grass. All of the stairs were accompanied by ramps. Fire alarms could be located outside of the school, next to emergency defibrillators and first aid kits. He realized that some of those supplies were partially for him, stimulating a hollow feeling in his throat. There were bicycle racks near the benches, a few bikes were leaning against the metal frames, and next to those were a few pay phones that didn't seem to require any money. It seemed much more like a politician building combined with a park then a school, however, if they were trying to make it look inviting, they were doing a wonderful job. :.

.: He had made his way as quickly as possible to the front doors, unlike most other schools there wasn't a large cluster of kids coming out of numerous buses, just a small amount of them leaving a single bus, he assumed that they were all new comers as well, while the people who had already been at the school were inside. He approached the door, and looked confused as he realized there were no handles. He stepped on a black mat and the door slid aside. After the first door there was another, which, as he entered the school also slid aside. How everything had been designed was odd, it seemed that they went through every extent to make sure that just about everything could be done for the students; it made him feel worse. :.

.: The office was to his right, the front was mainly of glass with a blue frame supporting the whole thing. Inside were some chairs, and a small staff sitting at their computers. They waved to the few people they noticed walked in, with sincere smiles on their face. He did as he had promised him self, and shed the feeling of depression, opening his heart as best he could to the new school. What was lost before was gone anyway, it was best that he just learn to cope. :.

.: Inside the air was not stale as his old school's was. It felt alive, instead of stale. It was slightly warmer then normal, but it was the kind of warm that people invited when they stepped into there houses in the winter. It was a cozy warm, it made him feel almost as if he was at home. Whoever had been behind him had seemed to go off on their own buisness, as he did himself. He pulled out a map that was described on printer paper, he moved his finger slowly from the main office to his room on floor three, number four. He had read that all the male students would be assigned a even numbered room, while all the females would be assigned an odd. They co-existed in the same hall way, however the men were on one side, and the females on the other. The male students rooms would be linked between a door that lead to the others room, making them dorm mates in a sense. Each room had a bathroom, a bedroom, and a sort of kitchen area that was completely vacant of food, students needed to do their own shopping. He made for the stairs, next to them was an elevator, but he didn't need nor want to use it. :.

.: What about being trapped made him feel liberated? He felt that being in the new school was binding him to this place, but also felt that moving from his old school to this one added dynamics to his life. He felt before that everything was very straight forward, going from his school day to day, but his time in the hospital and where he was now had changed that. His flow of life had been disrupted, but it gave him some assurance that everything wasn't quite as linear as it seemed. With it's downs came it's ups, as they did with nearly everything. He adjusted his backpack on his shoulders, and climbed the stairs to his room. :.

.: The doors didn't have keys, instead they had cards. The students had been mailed them after returning their papers and being enlisted. The cards would slide through a small scanner device on the door, much like they would in a resort. He took the card and moved it quickly down the device, the door gained some slack and opened easily after. He entered his room, closing the door behind him and strolling to the living room. :.

.: Inside the dorm had the impression of his room. The walls were painted differently, a beige color, while the carpet was the same you'd expect to find in the average hotel room, a dark rather acceptable color. The bed was not as large as his was, but it wasn't all too small, it looked as if it could accommodate two people with little effort. He had herd that anthropoid animals would commonly sleep aside their masters, and he knew they sold them at the school, so it only made sense that they'd give them a reasonable sized bed, especially sense it seemed the school aim was to impress. He dropped his bag next to the couch and sat down. The living room was as expected, not very large, but not very small. To his right a ways was the door that lead to his room, that area was quite compact. In either room was a television, the one in the living room slightly larger, and sitting atop a glass stand, while the one in his room was in a cabinet. A short ways behind the TV was the kitchen area, it was compact but had enough room for him to comfortably cook. It had a white electric stove, and above that was an equally white microwave. On the side were multiple cabinets, and lining the area below the counter top were various drawers. Facing the back of the TV was the sink, and below that a dishwasher. It all felt rather luxurious to him, almost as if he had his own house. :.

.: To the left was the door that lead to his room mates room, he wasn't ready to go and meet them yet, but he knew he would have to eventually. Behind the couch and around the surrounding wall were large windows, from his room he could look out and see the track field, along with a base ball diamond, and a tennis court. There was no football field surprisingly, but he imagined that it was somewhere outside of his view if they had one. There were a few students walking around the area outside, he could see one sitting in a bench of what appeared to be a garden, complete with hedges bearing flowers and cobble stone walk ways. That was only a short walk from the school, and he imagined that may be where he was eating his lunches; it seemed very serene. :.

.: A little more exploration of the room revealed a closet with a vacuum cleaner and a few other tools to keep his room orderly, as well as a thermostat with a note next to it, stating, "Keep under seventy-five, and above sixty-seven", he liked how he had a little bit of room to work with, depending on if he was hot or cold. He explored the bathroom, it had a tub with a shower, a sink which was above a cabinet which would probably hold various bathroom supplies, and a large mirror above that. The toilet was sat down next to a window- something he never understood. Why they would put a window in a bathroom was a mystery to him, but the shades were just about always drawn. He pulled open the drawer and found that his tooth paste and other supplies had already been laid out for him by his parents. The bath had his shampoos, conditioners, soap, and other things lined on it's brim, and a small embarrassing post it note was left on the mirror that said, "Brush your teeth." :.

.: Outside of his room it appeared his parents had unpacked the rest of his stuff as well. Inside the cabinets for the kitchen was a variety of food that he liked, and a wooden desk with an office chair was pressed against the wall with his computer monitor atop it, and the case below. His lips perked to either side, at least he could stay in touch with is old friends, he could see an internet modem connected to the wall, he prayed that it was as good as his old one. Danny leaned down, and turned on his computer. Now it felt like home. :.

.: Today they have off. Enough time for them to get used to the school and get settled in their new environment. They could meet some of the students that had arrived, or were already there, and get ready for school to start the next day. There would be introductions to the classes the next day, and finally he wouldn't have to bring home forms for his parents to sign. He felt relieved about that. If this was anything like school with some of the bad bits cut out, then he could surely deal with it, maybe it would even be better. He smiled optimistically, Ah yes, welcome home. :.

((In case you're wondering, here's the situation-

1. You're off the first day, so don't be going to classes.
2. Italicizing something can be used for "thinking" things, and for stressing something in your characters speech, as shown at the bottom of my post.
3. (()) or whatever means OOC, this means that you can use this for anything that belong immediately at the end of your post, (such as describing something), however extended discussion should be kept to the OOC, and I would prefer it there.
4. You don't need to put .: :. or anything like that, it's just what I do.
If you have other questions, feel free to ask me.))

10-18-2009, 05:38 PM

Alexi was sitting somewhere near the middle of the bus, a notebook sitting in her lap and the pen, with its lid jammed on the non-writing end of the pen, was being nibbled at. Ever since she had been required to do so by the strange, musty smelling, psychiatrist she had found writing to be peaceful, and enjoyed reading over her own stories when the medication made reality too painful. Of course, everything had been such a rush this morning that she had 'forgotten' to take the medicine and for once she felt the exhillerating rush of freedom, her mind no longer trapped but her imagination hyperactivating as if to make up for the time it had lost to the drugs.

The bus seemed to jolt a little bit, even if it was designed to be extra gentle for those students who may need it, it still felt vaguly like what she imagined horses to feel like... horses pulling a carriage...

All that was in her vision blurred slightly before refocusing into a scene from a time passed. The interior of the bus now looked to her like the interior of a lavish carrige, spatially different to what she had been in before- not that she remembered. Her red jacket and black skirt joined into one as she watched, becoming to her minds eye a red corset with full black skirts, and a red shawl around herself. A forest sprang up outside the window, great oaks, birches and the occasional holly bush, and all the kind of flora one would expect in a forest. The road shrank to a narrow dirt path, worn into ruts by the passing of many a carriage. She was going somewhere... the picture of the school came to mind and quickly transformed into a palace. She was travelling to a palace to meet with the King and Queen about, about, about becoming a lady in waiting to the princess. Within minutes her new life unfolded in her mind, and all thoughts of reality became translated into this world of her own.

To anyone else the world had stayed the same, although the girl sitting by herself, with the red coat, short black skirt, stockings and boots staring out the window. If one was to look closely they would realise that her lips were moving, softly talking to herself about nonsense- in her head she was practising speeches that she would give to try and become that lady in waiting- and her eyes were completly unfocused. Mostly she was ingnored, perhaps given the odd stare. But other people had more problems to worry about than a girl with psychological problems. So long as she wasn't hurting anyone.

The bus stopped outside the school and the other students made their way off the bus, through the iron gates and into the grounds. Some saying hello to people they knew, and others just taking in the new surroundings. Alexi however remained sitting, noticing that the trees had stopped moving, and indeed she could see the castle. However, her carrige door was still closed- surely the footman was supposed to open it for her? Well, she wasn't anyone special- yet- so she stood, reaching for the handle. Trying to put weight onto a door that wasn't there didn't exactly work for her, and she stumbled, nearly falling out of the bus door. Luckily the middle door that she had made for was a ramp and balance was more easily obtained than steps would have been. The nearly fall had made the vision blur again, and the refocus brought reality back to the fore of her mind. She, like the other students made her way into the grounds.

She didn't take a lot of notice of the outside of the school. Outside was where birds were, and birds were evil. Inside however was safe, and once she was inside she took a peice of paper out of her pocket. On the scrap of paper was written Room 5. Floor 3. Not having a map, common sense told her that up would be a good way to go. Looking to her left she saw a desk, with staff behind computers and all looking busy what with the new year about to start. Looking around she noticed elevators with a staircase next to them, going up. Taking the stairs she decided that, a- stairs were good for you and b- if the floors didn't look dormish then she could always decend without having to go down three floors.

Floor three though did have a room five, and the card that she fished out of her other pocket, having pulled out her notebook and 3 pens to do so, did manage to open the door so she assumed she was in the right place. Walking in, the first thing she did was put the key card in her pocket, knowing that things in her hands would often dissapear mysteriously if she happened to go into her own imaginings. The second thing she did was look directly ahead, which had a window. On the window ledge there just happened to be a blackbird. Her breath caught in her throat and she stepped back slowly once, twice then turned and ran out of the room slamming the door behind her, not checking her momentum fast enough and hit the wall fast enough to leave her on her arse.

10-18-2009, 05:39 PM

Annabelle fingered stray hair from her ponytail and watched the blurs of “normal” people speed by one after another out the window. Normal. They get to be called normal. They get to be accepted and admired, while the rest of us are treated like grimy vermin. She clenched her teeth, but kept her stoic expression. She stared down at her hands, wrapped around the edge of her skirt, knuckles turning white. To her mother, the school isolated Anna from the normal people and would kept peace, but to Anna all it was was another excuse for those considered to be regular people to treat her and everyone else on the same bus like a piece of shit.

Anna swallowed her thoughts down, refusing to acquiesce to them. Previous therapy had made this trip slightly less revolting, and she tried to remind herself how everyone around her was just another victim of a cruelly biased community. She realized how afraid of herself she was. She realized how she hated having to watch children taken away by an ambulance and how she never cared. She was sick of being labeled by her behavioral disability as a monster, and was going to make the prison-like place she was going to home.

The thought mellowed her, at least for now, and she set her brain on autopilot using the memorized information she was given. Floor 3, room 27. Floor 3, room 27. She used the repetition to allow her mind to focus on numbers and words and not her own dangerous thoughts. The bus came to a stop and she waited for an appropriate time to get off and make her way towards the front gate. She focused primarily on the numbers and words, but allowed her eyes to scan the school, and held her breathe while entering, like a child would while taking cough syrup. The first thing she noticed was how much red brick there was, and second came the unique scent. It was hard to explain but it had a much warmer, more welcoming feel to it than the schools she had been to. It was like she had thought she was taking cough syrup, but it ended up being hot cocoa instead and It was an odd feeling, and an odd place, but she liked it more than she would admit.

Inside, it was oddly quieter than usual, but still had that quick nervous movement of the first day. Anna looked left and right, and took mental of the staff at computers, but was really apathetic about them. Finally, after a moment of pondering her surroundings, she made her way up the stairs to the third floor and to room twenty-seven. She slid her card through and walked inside, making sure the door was shut behind her. The room had the feel of a tiny individual sized home, and she liked it. She liked the isolation, and sat down with her sketchbook. The first day was calm enough, and the entire place seemed to say “You belong here”. So, she turned to a clean page in her sketchbook and started to draw the front gate of the school.

((Because I have no life, at 3:00 am I decided to post. I apologize if it’s too short or if it just plainly fails.))

10-18-2009, 05:39 PM

: He leaned back, allowing his head to slouch back over the shoulders of the couch, and stared blankly at the ceiling. He started to wish that his parents hadn't decided to unpack for him, at least it would have given him something to work with. He Tossed his legs up on top of a wooden table and glanced over towards the TV, looking to his right he located the remote. He stretched slightly and reached it with relative ease, clicking the power button to turn the television on. It was set on the default channel two, some news and what looked like a variety of shows he wouldn't be interested in. He tuned to channel forty-seven, what he had known as the history channel back where he lived. Apparently it was different hear, the small "H" wasn't present in the bottom right, and it appeared to be a channel he wouldn't have much care for either. He rarely changed his selection of shows he watched, they consisted mainly of the movie channels, Comedy Central, the History Channel, Sci-Fi, Adult Swim on Cartoon Network, and the diminutive stack of channels he would flip to when he actually remembered that something interesting was on. :.

.: As he relaxed, not paying any level of high attention to the television, he could hear his heart beat, much stronger then normal. Back before his condition's symptoms were prominent it was a faint beat, something that he rarely noticed unless he exercised a lot, and even then he had to listen hard. Now all he had to do was focus to hear it steadily pounding. It would be very difficult to list everything that caused it, the term arrhythmia covered such a broad range of things, and he had a mix of a few. It often made him feel defect, like he was somewhat a failure in human breeding, something was actually wrong with him. He couldn't help but feel something was wrong with him. Danny tried his best to force the thought out of his head, but occasionally it would return, dampening his mood to where it felt like a thick curtain of humidity was wrapping around him. :.

.: Outside he herd a bump. It sounded like a loud collision, as if some one had literally just charged head first into a wall. He wondered if he even wanted to get involved, a few minutes into the day and something had already apparently happened outside. It would be wrong for him to sit there and wait if some one had actually been hurt, it wasn't unlikely in a place like this. Grudgingly he stood up, the TV screen going black as he toggled it off and tossed the remote to the side. He reached the door and pulled it open, on the outside to his right was a girl sitting on the floor with the look of a person who'd been smashed into a wall- a fact that was most likely true. :. "Hmm..? Are you alright?" .: She didn't seem particularly harmed, but it was hard to say with all the things that could be wrong. She didn't seem to have any outstanding problems, although he didn't really look like there was something wrong with him either. He subconsciously extended a hand, observing her as he waited. :.

.: She looked relatively "normal", aside from being fairly attractive. He found that her eyes, which he did his best to keep locked with, were an alluring blue. He gazed wondering just what was different about them. She seemed to be looking at more then one thing, although they didn't move he was capable of seeing something in him he didn't quite understand. It felt as if he was staring into somewhere else, it gave his heart a fleeting feeling. She was sitting there on the floor, with eyes that he didn't quite understand, and emanating the look of having been knocked on her ass; hopefully she wasn't completely insane. :.

((Oh no it's nice.))

10-18-2009, 05:40 PM

Anna pressed her eraser down hard on the page of her sketchbook. “It’s all wrong!” She ripped the page up to shreds and tossed it on the ground and stood up and threw the pillows from the small sofa across the room. Being the first day, she scrambled to piece together in her mind her mother telling her to take her medication when she first started to get upset. She plopped back down on the couch and pulled a few pills that would settle her down, and perhaps allow her to take a nap, out from her bag and took them with a bottle of water.

She walked to the bathroom and rinsed her face off with warm water. She felt nervous, though so far there had been virtually no interaction with teachers or students, and classes had yet to begin. She was afraid of the next day. She was afraid of making a fool of herself, or what someone might say. She was raised that it didn’t matter what other people thought, but she understood that when it came down to it, that was the core of life. Other people. So keeping her cool this week was the most important thing to her, and she wasn’t even that fond of the whole “Get out there and make new friends!” load of crap her mother would give her. And as hard as trying to make casual conversation with another human being was for her, and as much as she hated being social, this year she was going to try, if even for one day.

Anna walked back to the other room and stared down at the pieces of shredded paper sprinkled on the carpet. She decided she needed to take a walk, somewhere. Anywhere. Maybe this place has a garden. I can try drawing flowers instead. She brushed off the paper stuck to her skirt, and grabbed anything she may need-- colored pencils, ebony shading pencils, erasers and her sketchbook-- shoved them into her messenger book-bag, and strapped it over her shoulder. While I’m at it, maybe I can explore this place; Make a mental map.

She walked out into the hallway and made sure the door was locked behind her and started to make her way down the hallways of the third floor. She came to a stop when she saw a girl, with a half-terrified half-in-pain facial expression, sitting on the ground, and a boy trying to help her. Her first instinct was to turn in the other direction and let them worry about it, but that whole “Make new friends” motto nagged at her to go help. So she walked down the hallway, and cleared her throat, somehow keeping her expression lacking with any emotion. “Are you alright? What happened?”

10-18-2009, 05:40 PM

"Oof, ow..." Alexi moved a hand to her head, running into a wall hurts no matter what. The mixture of terror and being hit by a wall, combined not only together but with having no medication that morning, her world began to blur. The hallway warped into a cold, hard stone corridor, with bracketed torches and those elusive cobwebs that add atmosphere and even though you can't see them you know that they are there. As her brain tried to make sense of the hurt, her memories sorted themselves out. She was in the corridor, and surely there were footsteps behind her... yes... the fait echoes of something big with several appendages. She had tripped on an uneven flagstone and hit her head. She should run, quickly.

But where to? Behind her the Thing was coming, and she didn't know where the corridor led to. Then someone appeared. His white shirt and black pants became a chainmail amour and breeches, much like a hero would appear in some fantasy novel. She was again wearing the red bodiced dress with the shall and full black skirts, totally impractical for running away in... or even moving at more than a stately walk.

The her brain tried to explain why someone had suddnely appeared through a wall and failed, blurring her world back to that of reality, and the rush of real memories that came with it. The bird, when she had walked into the room, running out and smacking into the wall. Realsing that there was an extended hand she took it, and stood up brushing her black fringe out of her eyes.

"Whats wrong?"

Then a voice from behind her almost startled her back into the corridor, before she clamped down on reality, having caught the fantasy mid-spring, and realised it was just another of the people she would be living with this year. "Um." Alexi looked down at the ground before looking back at her companions, realising she hadn't let go of the boys hand yet and doing so quickly but trying to be polite at the same time. "I just... there was... I'm phobic of birds and there's one on my windowsill and, and, well, I panicked. Sorry to cause worry, though my head does kinda hurt a little." She blushed a slight pink, before smiling.

Both companions seemed as if they were normal, although Alexi knew far better than to judge people outside. She herself, when not looking totally spaced, looked normal but she had her own problems. The brown haired girl seemed pretty enough, but could use a little colour in her wardrobe to really compliment her complexion- or so Alexi thought. The guy who had helped her up seemed fairly handsome, although a little on the thin side. But that wasn't a main thing. She hoped that they weren't nutcases like herself- they were so nice, making sure she was alright and what not that it would be a pity if they were. Not that she was sure than condemming them to being physically disabled to which there were no "cure" drugs was endearing either.

"I'm Alexi, by the way. It's nice to meet the both of you." She smiled again, hoping that there would be names to faces and perhaps those faces would be friendly ones for the rest of the schooling year(s).

((I'm trying to write an essay that's not going well so I'm sorry if this comes off a little awkard. Oh and the bold text in my writing symbolises someone else's speech, and I try to make it not be in the main body of text alongside the bold.))

10-18-2009, 05:41 PM

Kio Liengod turned the wheel of his Yukon into the staff parking lot of his workplace, . He was slightly late for his first day with students, though he honestly didn't think twice about it. The school could wait 10 minutes for Kio Liengod to come teach. He grabbed his bag, which carried his books and various materials for the teaching of students, and stepped out of the car. Fingering the button on his key ring, he locked it and headed towards the campus.

Kio past the various sections of the school, each catering to it's own unique group of people. He noticed conversations, drama, and other school norms. [I]These kids all think acting is lame but they do it on a constant basis. He thought smugly. He wondered how his audition had gone last night, and hoped for the best. He was knocked from his thoughts by the realization that he was at his classroom. The room was large, so that people could practice for whatever scenes they may be working on, but it also doubled as the History room. U.S. History to be exact. He entered the room and took a seat. So began his day.