View Full Version : Souls of the Fallen; Of Angels and Demons
10-18-2009, 06:59 PM
A Roleplay By Urth:
"IT'S ONE MEASLY HUMAN WITH A TOY AN YOU CAN'T STOP HIM," screamed the angel commander as he looked down over his wounded comrades, "FINE I'LL DEAL WITH HIM MYSELF!"
The Angel let out a rage filled war cry as he charged the young man sword held high as it became ablaze with the fury of the heavens. The young man extended his hand out towards the oncoming angel, in it he held a small blue water pistol, as the angel drew nearer he squeezed the trigger twice. Flying past the man as he swung his mighty sword with the intent to cleave him in two the angel realized the gravity of the situation only too late as the sound of metal crashing two the ground sounded through the streets.
"It seems I underestimated you Human...what is your name," the angel asked in a low voice as he looked at his now blade less weapon and the hole in his chest.
The young man walked of over to the remaining wall of a near by building and pulled a small kitten out from behind some large debris, " It's Rafael, Second in command of the Order of Lucifer...and you sir are trespassing in our home," Rafael stated as he walked over to the wounded angel putting the water pistol to his head, " Let me show you the door," as he pulled the trigger.
Just as lame as ever, stated Astaroth in a completely mono-toned voice, I can't beleive you did all that for that stupid little rat
"I don't really care what you think of me Astaroth, never have and never will, so you can just keep comments like that to yourself, at any rate lets head back to base, this mission was a failure."
Ah, thats right, you we're only suppose to follow the angels and see what they were up to but you had to step in and save the know those Metatron lackeys are going to give you a hard time about that.
Rafael smirked as he began his walk back to the base of the Orders. As he walked through the ruins of New York City he thought about all the things that had happened in these past four years, the war breaking out, the joining of the Order of Lucifer and Metatron, and the countless battles that were fought in attempts to save their planet from the destructive power of the angles and demons that now ravaged it.
10-18-2009, 07:00 PM
Celt came out from a run down alley and walked along behind Rafael and made a tsking sound. " That was a bad move Rafael. Just hope that Lucifer doesn't get to upset." He said with a smirk on his face as he walked along with his hands in his pockets.
Asmodeus sighed rather loudly inside Celt's mind. Why must you be so calm and nice about this. Now's the time to set things straight and be rough. Crude. Evil. COLD for christ's sakes. Your too soft. It's pathetic. I think i was really cursed the moment i was paired with you. He growled annoyingly.
Celt had a stern face as a tic began to form at the lining of his jaw. " Look Asmodeus just because your an ass doesnt mean i need to be one." He said outloud. It was a habit of his that he couldn't really shake away. Sometimes that had caused people to think that he was refurring to them when he spoke which did create some difficult moments.
10-18-2009, 07:00 PM
A young man, dressed rather oddly, walked out in front of three demons. The larger of the demons, about twice the size of a regular human, looked confused and then laughed a little at the man. The two smaller demons, about half the size of a man, joined the larger one in his laughter, and stopped when he stopped "What do you want, human?" the larger demon said with a dark voice "yeah, what do you want?" the two smaller ones mimicked. The young man grabbed the small anchor ornament from the collar of his shirt. and when he took it of it suddenly grew in size until it was as large as he was "You don't belong here... leave" the larger demon was a bit surprised at the growth of the anchor ornament, but didn't consider it any major threat "We don't belong here, you say? Leave, you say?" the demon answered with an evil smile on his face, the two smaller demons jumped around and laughed. The young man lifted the large anchor and slammed it down, making the ground shake "I said... LEAVE!" as he yelled the last word the air in front of him rippled a bit as if it was being distorted. The smaller demons immediately hid behind the larger demon "That's some serious power you got there, kid" the demon was still confident about his strength, but would wait until the backup he had telepathically requested would arrive before he engaged in combat "what do you say me and you have a chat, maybe I can let you join us demons in taking over this world, huh? How does that sound?" he had barely finished the sentence before the young man jumped forward with the anchor in full swing, the demon had no time to react, and it hit him right across the arm, sending him flying in to a building a few feet away. The two smaller demons were still standing there, confused about what had just happened, one of them got the anchor in the head and the other was smacked in to the same building as the larger demon, both of them died instantly. the larger demon survived, but had a broken arm, and a few broken ribs "You'll pay for this! he said and walked out of the hole he had made as he crashed through the wall, the demon rushed against the young man, but before he got close enough to attack, the man opened his mouth and let out a sharp, high pitched sound. The demon fell to his knees and tried to cover his ears, but it was no use, the sound go through anyways. The young man walked over and smashed the demons head with his anchor "why do they never listen?" the female voice echoed in his head "because they are fools, Lillith" Lain answered as he reattached the anchor to his collar "that's true... But I wish they would just DIE!" Lillith said as Lain started to walk back to the headquarters to report.
When he got back to the headquarters there weren't many people there, most of them were of on their own assignments. The war kept everyone busy, and because of their low numbers it was getting hard to keep up with all the work. The demons and angels seemed infinite in numbers, and Lain doubted that they would ever be able to win this war, but he had decided to fight so that was what he was going to do, no matter how hopeless it was. He sat down behind a desk and started to write a short report about his battle with the demons.
10-18-2009, 07:01 PM
Linetta cleared her throat silently, or at least it was silent to herself. She rubbed her eye slightly and adjusted her posture. You could tell she was getting somewhat impatient. Ettie was waiting for Rafael and his company to return. She didn't want to come with them this time, but she regretted it right after they exited the base. She knew she would be bored the whole time. So she began tidying up and now that she was done she was sitting. She wasn't sitting still either, she kept adjusting in her seat and was playing with a pen. She looked at the pen amazed as it rolled toward her.
So. . .
The sudden voice in her head startled her and she fell back in her chair as she gasped. She blinked a few times looked around making sure no one saw then pushed the chair up. She got comfortable again and was shaking.
"by god don't do that" She hissed at Zaphkiel angrily. She put the pen where it belonged.
Sorry you were just getting so boring i was going to die. Plus i needed to talk to you before you went insane from boredom loneliness. Zaphkiel words were swift and elegant. He was such a better talker than she was. He waited for her reaction to his words.
Ettie sighed nodding to herself and staring at the ceiling. She sat in her chair the wrong way. With her legs and head on separate arm rests. Actually this was quite comfortable. She wondered how she should answer back to her arm. Because she knew he wanted an answer. She just wasn't sure she would give him one. She gave up and sighed again.
"Okay, but really you could have waited until i was sitting properly." She touched her head lightly. Yep it was bleeding. "that way i wouldn't be bleeding by the time Rafael got back" she had a lecturing tone in her voice.
"Well go fix it BEFORE he comes back then." Zaphkiel suggested even though he knew she was already thinking it.
Ettie just got out of her chair and found a towel. She dabbed her forehead lightly humming. She got it a bit wet and then put the towel on the ground. Which made the room look messy, even though it was cleaner than usual. Ettie walked back to her chair then got back in her weird position. She waited for Zaphkiel to scold her or something. Carry on the conversation, nothing, so she started.
"well now what?" she asked, but Zaphkiel had fallen into a thinking trance and was ignoring her. Ettie sighed and stared at the door waiting.
10-18-2009, 07:01 PM
Rafael continued walking, ignoring Celt's comment, it really did't bother him seeing as Celt wans't a four legged fuzzy ball of cuteness or Rafael's demon. As Rafael continued through the ruins, cat in one hand and water pistol in the other, the North Gate to the base came into view.
Not much longer till you can ditch Celt, even with the mono-tone voice Rafael could tell that Astaroth had a smirk.
Keep talking Astaroth, I'm sure that one day someone might listen to what you have to say, Rafael thought, he tried not to talk to Astaroth aloud with other people around, he was a bit paranoid.
After a few more minutes of conversation less walking, to Rafael's relief, they walked passed by the guards at the gate who stood at attention as walked into the base.
"Well that was fun Celt...should try that again sometime...or not...I think I would prefer not... good bye then," Rafael took off walking at a fast pace attempting to leave Celt behind as he went to his room to feed the new cat.
10-18-2009, 07:02 PM
Celt sighed lightly." Aww why do you have to be so mean?!?" He responded in a pleading tone. He had his hands behind his head as he followed behind Rafael. He was going that way anywho.
What the hell Celt. Are you a begger now?? Huh. Grow some balls already !! Geeze i really regret being put with someone as whimpy and pathetic as you. Please just do us both a favor and kill yourself. Or better yet let the angel's kill you.
Celt had one eyebrow raised as he listened to Asmodeus. A slight twitch of Celt right eye formed as he tried not to yell outloud much like before. (( like that)) Look Asmodeus shut the hell up before i have half a mind to act even worse just to torture the FUCK out of you. He responded mentally as he walked on.
10-18-2009, 07:03 PM
Ian yawned, he had spent all night out on his mission, to find a platoon of demons who were sent to scout out the base's location and dispatch them. His eyes were ringed from nights spent without sleeping, and he really wanted to sleep. Just as he got fed up and withdrew from the mission, the platoon marched into view. With a grin Ian jumped down from his perch, placing himself just out of their vision, in the middle of their path.
You're really going to do it like this?, Gabriel asked him, knowing Ian preferred to take things out from close up rather than from a distance.
"yes, yes I am" Ian replied with a grin, "I took the last group out with a bow like you wanted... let me have my fun darnit". Ian conjured up a longsword, pushed the tip into the ground before him, and rested both hands on the pommel. As the demons came into view he covered himself in old english style platemail that was charred black. He stood motionless as he called out, "Halt demons! Thou shall not pass!".
The demons looked to eachother for a second or two, before they burst into laughter. "Stupid human!" the leader of the column called out, "as if we would listen to you". The column did not stop as they cackled at him, "We won't hurt you, if you tell us where The Order's base is" the commander offered.
Ian chuckled to himself lightly, before he vanished from sight. The confused demons began to look around searching for him. Out of nowhere, one of the demons screamed in pain as Ian came down from above and drove his sword into it's eye. The demons began to swarm around him only to be impaled by the armor turned spears. The remaining five demons rallied around their commander, and they prepared for assault.
Ian laughed aloud at the demons huddled together in fear. "I'm not done with you yet" he called out to them, as he conjured up a scalpel. "I'll take you all on at once only using this, otherwise I'll just kill you all right now" he called to them. The demons surrounded him slowly, and with a nod they all attacked at one. Not a full second later, they were on the ground silent and six hearts lay on the ground around him.
You just LOVE being flashy don't you? Gabriel asked him, mock disgust.
Ian nodded, "yes I do!" he replied before taking off for the base, "lets go home". He wasn't very far to begin with, so he reached the east gate within minutes, blood splattered on him in several spots. "damn I need a shower" he said to himself.
10-18-2009, 07:04 PM
Linetta started humming to herself as she waited. She stood from her chair then sat back down. It was obvious she was getting very impatient. Ettie tapped her fingers on the desk eying the door every minute. She stood from her chair again then started pacing. It was so boring without anything exciting happening. Usually her superiors were just silent and serious. Still it was better than being lonely than bored. Ettie immediately stopped pacing as the door opened. She smiled watching the feet come into the base.
way to show your not excited.
Ettie ignored the voice in her head and watched Rafael pass her. Her smile faded slowly as she saw his new pet. A cat, really a cat? That's wonderful she thought to herself another mouth to feed...damn Ettie just watched as he walked into his room and then spied Celt. She laughed at his expression that was quite funny to her. Ettie watched as Celt passed her too.
"hello to you too. Oh me, I'm fine. Just great, wonderful. Rainbows are in the forecast today."
She mumbled silently, not really wanted to be mad at the two.
Rainbows? Zaphkiel asked a bit confused.
Ettie bit her cheek, clearly frustrated. She ignored Zaphkiel, but it wasn't too easy. She walked back over to her desk where she was at before. Or rather where Ettie liked to sit when she was bored. She knew, or hoped, that Celt and Rafael didn't hear her. Ettie perked up as she heard the gate. She didn't smile though, she wasn't in the mood for smiling. Especially with the condition Ian was in.
"Hey Celt, Rafael. . .Ian. Welcome back. Did you have fun?" She asked just trying to start a conversation.
Linetta was just staring at Ian though bewildered. She sighed shaking her head slightly. She looked at the desk which was empty. They didn't really have much to put on there. Ettie lifted up her arm then stroked it. She looked back up at Ian who seemed to make some walking progress. (means he got closer if your not clued in)
"Oh and i bet we all had the fun in the world didn't we?" she directed at Ian then peered at Rafaels' door, because he brought a cat.
She knew that some annoyance was in her voice. She vowed in her head that she would come to any other mission they went on.
good for you Zaphkiel praised and listened to Linetta's sigh, then laughed lightly
10-18-2009, 07:04 PM
Celt chuckled lightly as he watch Linetta go through her spur of emotions." Yes hello Linetta. I see your still your same emotion rollercoaster. Glad to see your not too fed up with us all by now." He said with a slight chuckle. " The mission was actually quite boring. You should start attending some. Maybe something interesting will happen." He said with a soft laugh.
Celt looked over at Ian and smirked." I see you went all out again, huh." He said and shook his head lightly. He slipped his hands into his pockets as he silently watched the others. It did tend to get amusing when around these people.
Ohh please shut up before i mentally puke my guts out. Stop being so social. It doesnt fit your image.... OR MINE! Asmodeus yelled in Celt's head.
Celt sighed heavily. It was apparent now that whenever he spoke Asmodeus would be down his neck criticizing his every word and move. IT was now fairly obvious to the people around him that whenever he seemed upset or ticked off that was because his arm had been irritating the SHIT out of him.
Celt looked to the side in a deep daze. Lost in his own thoughts.
There was one thing that got him curious though. He wondered if their arms didn't like each other. At least the one of different allegiance that is. And if they did and ever met in battle would things change. He already was starting to find himself being lost to his own way and changing. Changing...... It had been a long time since he heard those words in his own head. But it seemed that ever since Asmodeus came into the picture he seemed to sue that fequently. ALl he wished was for his own mind to stay sane... Not to become like Asmodeus. Not one inch of him. Though even that was dimming.
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