View Full Version : [M] Loredge [Razgriz x sunflowermania]

01-07-2014, 01:13 AM
[Mature for language, violence, possible scenes of a sexual nature]

Tansin's lungs hurt. Her breath, puffs of solid cold air, came short. It was hard to breathe. She felt as though she had been running for weeks. In truth, she had been running for days. Running from exile.

Tansin pulled back her large, woolen hood; its fox hair edge frozen from the wind and snowstorms she had physically weathered in her travels to get here. Large murky blue eyes, like the shallow end of a muddy pond, peered into the dark landscape ahead. There had been nothing but snow for days on end. Now, there appeared to be a small town, dotted by pitfires and hanging glass lanterns perched near doorways. Arriving to a town she had not even the name of, in the middle of the night, was not her best plan yet.

Anything was better than being caught for what she had done before. She had run from being hunted; from persecution. Even though she tried to slow her heartrate with deep, piercingly cold breaths, she could not shake the terror instilled in her. It was freezing cold; she had to continue into the town or risk hypothermia.

More than anything, she just wanted a tall pint of hot, mulled wine. It was that though, that made her take the next crunching step through this small tundra, and the next, and the next, hands extended towards the town - just before she took a wrong, exhausted step, and fell facefirst, into the snow. She did not move again.

01-07-2014, 01:32 PM
The night had ensued as normal for a young group of men, who had just finished their work in the town and had met up for a nice pint of ale in the local tavern. What better way for single men to chill out, relax, and enjoy a chat with their mates? Nothing ever happened in this town, granted, nothing exciting at least. Just the usual town gossip. It was a rather close knit community, so everyone knew everything about everyone. Sometimes it could be a good thing, but most of the time it was rather a nuisance.

Once the clock had reached one in the morning, the boys parted ways and headed home, they did have work in the morning after all; it was best not to stay up too late. One of these boys was a young man named Cipher Winters. He was twenty one years of age and worked at the local medical facilities. He was the doctor's apprentice, and was a rather intelligent young man, despite his naivety and curious nature. His childishness did cause him quite a bit of trouble, but he took it in his stride, as he did with most things.

It was on his way home did he notice something rather strange. He lived quite close to the gates of the town gates and when he passed them he noticed some sort of figure in the snow outside the city. They rarely got visitors, especially in this weather. Because of the snow and the wind, it was hard to tell if this person was okay or not. What if they were hurt, or injured or something? You'd have to be mad to travel in this blizzard. So, being the curious little tyke that Cipher was, he headed out of the gates and over to the person.

The moment he noticed the traveler was lying in the snow, he rushed over as fast as he could. It didn't matter how deep the snow was or how harsh the wind blew, he wasn't going to let this person die in the snow as long as there was something he could do to help. Once he reached her, he turned her over, wiping the snow away from her face and shaking her trying to wake her.

"Hello? Are you alright? Please wake up!"

01-07-2014, 09:44 PM
Tansin had been lying there for nearly half an hour before Cipher came to her side. She was drifting somewhere between consciousness and delusion. She thought she heard footsteps and tried to murmur, to ask for help, for anything at all, but her lips were not moving. She was creeping towards hypothermia. Her pale skin was turning slightly blue. She felt a strong wind touch her face... or was it a hand? She heard a voice now.

Snowflake entrusted eyelashes fluttered, Tansin opened her eyes. She was facing upward, towards the grey sky, snow blowing around them, unforgiving and bitter cold. She struggled to see the voice speaking to her, but her vision was tunneled, and most of what she could see was just darkness. Strands of her shortened blonde pixie cut fell into her eyes, further clouding her vision. Or were they tears?

She tried to speak, but all that came out was a choked whimper. And then, one, simple, unmistakable word, heard over the whipping winds: "Help."

01-08-2014, 10:17 AM
Cipher may not have been a fully trained doctor, but even a child would be able to diagnose that this woman was in serious trouble. He needed to help her, he needed to get her inside and warmed up immediately! So, despite the fact she was a complete stranger, he did not hesitate to pick up her off the snow; holding her securely in his arms before trudging back into the town.

Never had he been so thankful to live so close to the town gate, because right now this woman's life could have depended on it. He marched on through the deep snow like a polar bear, not bothering about it and just stomping on until he had reached his own door. Of course he couldn't use his hands to open it, so he had no choice but to kick by the handle until it opened. It was just good the door wasn't locked, so it only took a few bashes to get it open.

The fire had yet to be lit, but it was still so much warmer in the house than it was outside. Cipher set the young woman down on the armchair before grabbing a small blanket from the sofa and handing it to her. That would do for now, but he would have to get her some warm clothes, she wouldn't get better until those old ones were off her.

"You need to take off those clothes, I'll get you some new ones."

Now, this wasn't some sort of sexual request, Cipher wasn't interested in such things right now. He was a doctor, trainee, He just wanted to help her and there was nothing more than that. So, quick as a flash he lit the fire and to give her some space he went upstairs to find her some clothes. Of course, he lived on his own, so there would not be any woman's clothes for him to give her, but a warm pair of pajamas and socks would probably be better than anything else in the world. They were just a plain blue pair of soft trousers and a jumper. It was the best that could be done. Not wanting to leave her alone for too long, he raced back down the stairs and gave her the clothes.

"Here, it's not much but it's something. Do you need any help with them?"

01-08-2014, 02:22 PM
Tansin was so cold, she almost wanted to jump into the fireplace. She felt like a mute, her brain was like slush... or probably close to it. She looked gratefully after this man the entire time he raced around his house after setting her down on the plush armchair. She pulled the blanket up to her face, registering the soft material it was made out of, across her cheeks as they began to warm. She watched intensely as he lit the fireplace, the flames starting out so soft... all the fire she had created were blue burning masses... Tansin quickly shook her head to rid herself of the thought.

The man came to stand in front of her, handing her a large pair of pajamas... respectfully male sized pajamas. She would have chuckled if she could manage it, but the side of her mouth twitched up into a mini smile. She slowly flexed her fingers, the cold seeping out from them. She wiggled them experimentally, before shakily reaching up to receive the clothing from his awaiting hand. She dared to look up into his eyes after, and murmured, "I... I am grateful to you."

She did not wait for his response, but rather, did as he had instructed. She held onto the side of the armchair and like a lumbering giant, lifted herself up, with much effort. She half-stood, almost losing her balance. Her feet felt asleep, but she was pretty sure they were just freezing. Snow was on everything of her. She looked up at the man again, one hand out toward him to steady herself. She quietly asked, "What should I do with the wet clothes...?"

01-08-2014, 07:19 PM
Cipher was glad to see that the woman was beginning to recover from the cold. He had been worrying about her and was terrified that he was going to be too late to help her. As she spoke of her gratitude, he simply smiled and bowed his head slightly to show his own thanks. He had to admit, he got a warm fuzzy feeling when he was shown even the smallest signs of gratitude. It just felt good for doing good. Was as simple as that.

"It's alright. If there is anything I can do to help please let me know."

He couldn't bare to see other people hurt or struggling. It just pained him. It was one of the reasons he became a doctor. He wanted to help people. Despite his heart of gold, he was incredibly naive and rather gullible. He would probably believe anything he was told to be perfectly honest.

"Don't worry. I will take those. I'll get them washed and dried for you."

He spoke softly as he took the wet, cold clothes and brought them into the washroom with all the other laundry. He would get it all sorted in the morning, maybe even go around to his mother's house and grab some of her clothes too. He couldn't just leave this young woman in a pair of pajamas after all. He soon returned to the living room. He didn't want to leave her alone for too long. He just needed to make sure she was warming up alright.

"I will get you some clothes in the morning... its just a little too late now to be asking for some"

01-08-2014, 10:02 PM
Tansin sat back down on the armchair. She watched the man return again. He rushed around a lot, it was kind of endearing.

When he came back, she forced a small smile on her face. She ran a tired hand through her pixie cut of blonde hair, and softly said, "I am in debt to you, sir. I, um. My name is Tansin. I had been traveling for... well, a number of days before I had even seen this town. I must have just been exhausted. I do not remember laying down in the snow..." Her voice trailed off, awkwardly. He was standing there watching her so concerned, and she felt like she was talking too much. She pulled the blanket he had given her up a little further, pulling her knees up and resting her chin on them, looking at him with her soft gray eyes.

01-09-2014, 07:24 AM
After all that, Cipher was just glad to be able to sit down. He took a seat on the sofa, just opposite the arm chair, and managed to relax a little. As long as this young woman was showing signs of recovering then he could unwind a little and try not to worry so much. He really couldn't help worrying.

"Tansin? That's a lovely name. I'm Cipher."

He replied rather cheerily, just glad that things were settling down a little bit. But god, what would the town think when they found out that he had a strange woman staying over? Oh, there would be gossip. So, he was going to try and keep this on the low down, hopefully no one would have to find out about it, at least not yet.

"Yeah, I have to say I was really shocked to see someone lying in the snow. We don't get many travelers, we don't really expect to see anyone beyond the gates of the town. It's just lucky I lived close by, otherwise I have no idea what would have happened to you."

To think, if he had of went straight home after work he would have never seen the woman lying in the snow. He almost felt guilty for that as well, but he was glad he had been able to help. Tansin was a rather pretty young lady, but he was very curious why she had been traveling so long without rest, especially in weather such as this. Though, was it his place to ask? He would eventually, but he didn't know if the timing was quite right.

01-09-2014, 12:15 PM
Tansin managed a small smile. This guy, Cipher, seemed like a genuinely nice person. But, as nice as he was, she sensed his hesitation far below. He had a gentle face but his brow furrowed once, she watched closely. She managed to pull her eyes from his face and look around casually. "You, um. Your house seems nice." Small pause. "Cozy." She smiled at him again and unbent her knees. "Is it quite late here in...", she had no clue of the town name, only that it rested against a frozen-over lake that stretched far and thin like glass, "in... this town? I have no idea of the time."

First her walking and now the time? Tansin sometimes really was not a conversationalist but really, this guy had found her unconscious in the snow. He must think her insane or something. She cleared her throat, "Because if it is not too late, I would love a mulled wine or... tea? I can go get it if you do not. I feel I would be alright to sleep after." She looked up, waiting for him to take flight and start rushing around again.

01-09-2014, 07:27 PM
"Thank you."

He chirped in return, rather pleased she liked his house. It was a decent sized place, especially for a bachelor, he normally only had his friends or family come over so it was perfect for that really. Not that this particular information would be of value or anything, it's why Cipher didn't actually speak it himself. Normally he probably would have, but right now he was exhausted, so he wasn't one hundred percent paying attention, as much as he would have liked to.

"Oh, right. The town is called Loredge and it's ummm.... one o'clock in the morning."

Dear god, it was getting late, but when there was things to do there certainly was no time for sleeping. The moment Tansin gave the request, Cipher was up like a shot and went into the kitchen. He felt stupid for not offering, so he had to be quick to make up for his poor hosting. Considering mulled wine was the first thing on her list, Cipher made sure to get that for her, obviously she wanted that more.So, with the wine nice and warm, he poured it into a large glass and bought it out to Tansin.

"Here you go, that should help you sleep. You can take the spare room upstairs if you want."

01-09-2014, 07:57 PM
She smiled gratefully and carefully took the mulled wine from him, their fingers brushing ever so slightly, hugging the warmth from the mug. She took a small sip, her grey eyes peering over the mug at him. The wine was amazing. She felt the warm booze course down into her chest, alighting her from the inside. She stifled a moan. Instead she looked to Cipher, shyly, "This is the best mulled wine I have ever had."

She watched the man. One in the morning! And he was running about. He looked tired. She couldn't even imagine what she must look like. She took a few more sips savoring the hot liquid. She felt a slight tension between them. I mean, she was a stranger and just sitting in his house. It looked like he was the only occupant.

She forced a smile on looking over at him. He was handsome, she couldn't help but notice. Tansin was a fairly reserved person but this guy was like a burst of energy. She dared to ask him for another favor or he would bolt away. She wanted to break the tension. "I am sorry to keep you up. You should get rest too?" Phrased like a question to leave it open-ended for him to decide.

01-09-2014, 08:56 PM
"Really? I'm glad you like it. I always keep stocked up on the hot stuff, especially for nights like this."

Cipher laughed a little, genuinely happy that she was enjoying the wine, but he knew he couldn't have any more to drink or he'd be in a right state. He had drank enough tonight; his only concern was catering to the needs of this beautiful lady. Granted, she did look a little rough now, who wouldn't be after all that travelling, but he could tell she was very pretty, and he was sure it wasn't just the alcohol talking there.

"It's okay, honestly. I'm a doctor. I'm used to this sort of thing. I'll not want to rest until I'm a hundred percent sure you're okay, and sleeping."

He reassured, there was no way he would go against his word. Besides, he was an insomniac so sleeping wasn't the easiest thing for him to accomplish. So, being given all these little requests and such was actually a good thing. The more exhausted his body was the easier it would be for him to fall asleep. Granted, nothing worked better than cuddling with someone you cared about, that just knocked him out most of the time, but he didn't have that at the moment, so he had to make do with silly errands and chores for now.

01-10-2014, 03:51 AM
"You're a doctor?!" Tansin was impressed, the wine already unwinding her. She sat up a bit further and looked at him carefully. "I guess I'm not overly surprised. You, um." She thought for a moment, before speaking gently, "You seem to be a kind doctor. And, I'll be fine, really." She sipped at the wine some more. She watched his face intently. She felt, well, attracted to him. She shouldn't be. Get a grip, Tansin, she thought. They'd only just met. And yet...

Tansin smiled small, holding her cup out to him, a silent offering.

01-10-2014, 04:51 PM

Cipher was actually going to correct his original statement and say he was really only training still at the minute, but then again did it really matter? He was rather liking the look of admiration he had got from Tansin... or was that something else? Was she attracted to him? No... she couldn't be. Could she? Then he noticed she was offering her wine to him. Did she want to have a drink with him? Really? Well... maybe they could hit it off?

"I'll get the bottle."

He replied with a cheeky grin as he went back into the kitchen to grab the wine and a glass for himself before returning to the living room and taking a seat on the sofa.. he actually had a little plan for them to get a little closer, and to test the attraction theory.

"Would you like to join me on the sofa? Its closer to the fire."

01-10-2014, 05:38 PM
Well how could she say no to that? Her feet were still freezing after all. She stood, still a little shakily, the blanket draped over her slipping off down her form to the floor. She carefully padded over to the sofa. She smiled lightly at him, and sat on the sofa, giving them a few feet of space. She didn't want to seem overly comfortable. The fire was crackling and inviting.

She looked over to Cipher, leaning an elbow onto the side of the sofa. "So... a doctor. That's interesting. In a small town like this. How ever did you get here?" Her grey eyes gleamed in the fire light.

01-10-2014, 06:57 PM
So, she joined him. Interesting, very interesting indeed. As she sat down on the other side of the sofa, Cipher poured himself a glass of the wine and set the bottle down on the floor in between them, that way both people could refill with ease. He didn't mind how much of it she drank, he could get it relatively cheapily from the tavern anyway. As long as they could get to know each other better that was all that mattered.

"Yeah... I was born here actually. My family have lived here for generations. Not many people do leave the town, it's rather dangerous to travel with all these unexpected blizzards."

He replied with a smile as he leaned back against the sofa, but he had to admit this was definitely not lady wooing material, dear god man! Where was your charm?? Your charisma! Ugh, he was probably a little too tipsy for it all, and it was only going to get worse. Still, he wanted her to be interested. He wanted her to loosen up and relax. Why shouldn't they get along after all? She seemed really nice... despite nearly dying out in the cold.

"Where are you from then?"

01-10-2014, 07:34 PM
Tansin leaned into her bent elbow, comfortably, her body turned towards Cipher. She smiled at how he set the bottle down between them, but she had a feeling she wouldn't need much to get a strong buzz going. She already felt the warmth in her chest of the alcohol settling there. Her eyes watched him. Was he drunk? She smiled a little wider, then peeked at his glass. Already half empty. Well. She'd fix that. Her eyes never leaving his, the illusionist performed her first, secret trick: the blood-red liquid in his cup rose just an inch or two more than what had been there previously. She took a sip of her own mulled wine, her facial expression never changing.

She ran a hand through her short hair before she answered, off-handedly, "Oh, well. I'm from a town far off from here. I haven't really gotten the chance to stay put for very long. I always seem to get... bored." She was staying vague on the topic. If he knew what town she'd come from, he'd know that it had burned to the ground 6 days ago... the exact number of days she'd been blindly walking towards Loredge. She took another sip, still looking over the edge of her cup. "Does your family live here? I couldn't help but notice," she gestured with her cup around them, "that you live alone. Some kind of doctor bachelor?" She managed a wider smile at him, the wine starting to stain her mouth.

01-10-2014, 08:14 PM
Cipher's gaze didn't leave Tansin's. He had to admit, her beauty was very distracting. It really captivated him. Yes, he had to admit his attraction for her was growing, and the alcohol was helping him loosen up a bit. Of course, he was only going to have one glass, he didn't want to get drunk after all. Oh, if only he knew that it was magically refilling itself. Then maybe he would be slightly more cautious. Instead, he just took another swig of it, not even noticing it was a few inches more full than his previous drink.

"Seems like you live a rather exciting life. Always something new. I'm rather envious."

His suave smile perched itself on his lips as he leaned in slightly towards her side of the sofa and took yet another small drink of his wine. He couldn't help it really. He just wanted to appear sophisticated and all that jazz, when really he was just a naive clutz, she'd probably learn that soon enough though. Maybe not tonight, but eventually she would probably see him for what he really was. A bit of a childish goof.

"Yeah, it's just me here. My family have their own houses, they just visit from time to time. So, it's just us."

01-10-2014, 09:12 PM
She noticed him leaning in to her. Her smile remained. So he is drunk, she thought. She thought him cute, his mannerisms and all. He was handsome, his jaw outlined by the fire.

Tansin pulled her feet up from the floor, curling her legs up, sitting almost side-saddled on the couch. "Well that's good that you're alone," small pause, she nearly hit her head, looking at him, her eyes wide and throwing a hand up in defense, "I mean! I'm sorry, that sounded so weird! I didn't mean it like it came out! Of course you wouldn't want to be alone. I just meant - you know, with a stranger here..." She squeezed her eyes shut, shaking her head and chuckling. "I'm sorry, I don't seem to be able to make appropriate conversation," she giggled, looking at him apologetically. She kept her eyes on his glass, her cheeks flushing a little. Sometimes she was just so awkward.

01-10-2014, 09:24 PM
"And here I was thinking you were hitting on me."

He laughed a little, trying to make it seem like a joke when, in reality, he honestly wouldn't have mind if she really was. Yeah, he could understand where her defensiveness was coming in. It wasn't exactly nice to be alone all of the time, some of the time maybe, but it was more preferable to be in comfortable company. Now for instance, it was a nice atmosphere, they were getting along well, and the flicker of the fire was making it utterly romantic.

"But you are right, it's good it's just us. After all, my sister would probably be terrorizing you if she were here."

Oh, family were always so nosey, and there would be no way he would actually be able to have a proper conversation with Tansin if his sister was around. She would be constantly sticking her nose in where it wasn't wanted... as families do.

01-10-2014, 10:08 PM
Tansin flushed bright red. Oh dear. Well... was she hitting on him? Even she wasn't sure. She eyed his glass, and its contents inched up a little bit more. Of course, you are hitting on him, you're getting him wasted on purpose, she thought, hiding a small smile. Okay, so maybe it'd been a while getting attention from a guy. And after all, didn't she owe him a little? He did save her.

But she bit her lip. He did not know who she was... what she was. If he knew, knew what she'd done, would he still be like this with her?

Tansin forced a smile on again, pretending she hadn't looked at his glass. "Oh geez, family talk. We definitely need more of this," she reached down grabbing the bottle. She poured herself a bit more, and then held it out to pour him some, scooting a little closer to him, making it a bit obvious. "Would you like more, Cipher?" She finally said his name aloud since the first time he'd introduced himself. She watched closely for a reaction with their closer proximity.

01-10-2014, 10:21 PM
Despite being slightly over the alcohol limit, Cipher did notice the blush. Oh! Maybe she did like him? To be honest right now, he was that happy and that carefree that he was just going to assume she did, and maybe even try and make a move on her. Normally, that was not his style in attracting a lady. He would normally try and be sweet, kind and bring her gifts that appealed to her interests. But this time it was certainly different. This time, she was already in his house, all covered in a blanket. She was in need of some warming up, maybe in more ways than one. Rawwrr.

Now she was a little closer to him, he knew he had to make a move. He had to do it soon before he lost interest. He took another swig of his wine and debated in his head whether to accept a refill or not. He didn't even look at his glass, he had no idea how much was in it. The only thing Cipher had been paying attention to was Tansin's face. Her elegant eyes and her luscious lips, her lips appealing to him more so now. But he couldn't reject another offer of wine. He just couldn't say no to her. So, he moved a little closer to her, holding out his glass so she could top it up.

"Oh, I'd love some more, Tansin... a lot more."

And he wasn't just talking about the wine.

01-10-2014, 10:45 PM
Tansin chortled with his response. She knew what he was playing at... not that she minded that much. She eyed him, playfully, pouring only just a bit into his glass. "Now, you slow down there, silly. You don't want to get all sloppy now. Or else I'll have to put you to bed." Her comment obviously laden with meaning as well.

She plunked the bottle back down on the floor. Turning her attention back to him, she cheerfully raised her glass to him, scooting a teeny bit closer. "Cheers?", she said, softly.

01-10-2014, 10:51 PM
This was getting interesting. His lips were snaking into a sly grin as he leaned in closer to her. Oh he couldn't care less about the wine now, there was only one thing he really wanted to taste... well... maybe two o three, but they were both located on the woman that he couldn't take his eyes off.

"Oh, no need to drag me to bed. The sofa looks comfy enough for me."

Yeah, he was an impatient fellow, and couldn't be bothered going all the way upstairs to bed. He would be happy enough to start things right here, right now on the sofa. But, of course he couldn't do that just yet. But it wouldn't be long now.


Cipher replied gleefully as he let their glasses touch and cling together, but the liquid in the glass would not be lasting long. He just couldn't take it! The sexual tension was killing him. He just wanted Tansin, and he wanted her now. So, he literally just downed his drink, and waited to see what she wanted to do next. If not, he'd just have to make the first move now wouldn't he?

01-10-2014, 11:08 PM
Oh dear! She'd only taken but a sip of her drink, and the poor fellow had knocked back the whole glass! So much for her little trick. There was no way he wouldn't notice her filling his glass hands-free if it was empty. "Hey...", she reached over, taking his glass from him along with her own, placing them both on the floor beside the bottle already there. She looked at him, she felt a little guilty, he looked plastered. She gritted her teeth a bit, feeling a wee bit ashamed. She didn't want to feel like he had to do something.

She put her hand out for his to take. "Perhaps it's time for you to go to bed, drunk doctor. You lush, you." Tansin stood carefully. Oops. She wasn't exactly sober either, she realized. Her head was buzzing a little. She turned back to Cipher, putting her outstretched hand a bit closer, "Yes, come on now, off to bed with you." She waited for him to get it together and take her hand so she could help him up.

01-11-2014, 07:48 AM
Yes, Cipher was completely hammered at this point. He sort of swaying on his seat and unable to stay still. He was actually rather surprised she took his glass off him, but that could only be good right? That meant something was going to happen, didn't it? He wouldn't have minded not going to bed, he would be happy to get down and dirty right here.. but it seemed his lady friend was being rather insistent on putting him to bed. Hopefully, it was the good putting to bed, and not the rather boring one.

"Oh, if we must."

His words were slightly slurred, but he did as he was told and took Tansin's outstretched hand and lifted himself off of the couch. Though, with the alcohol completely kicking in now, he finally felt the confidence to make his move. Sure they were suppose to head upstairs, but that didn't mean they couldn't have a little snog now beforehand. Cipher just wanted to make sure that if they were going to bed, they would be going to bed together! So, instead of meagerly standing by her side, the young doctor took a step forward and stood in front of her, wrapping his arms around her waist ever so gently and leaned in for a quick, and probably tongued up, kiss.

01-11-2014, 01:56 PM
Tansin felt the warm of his hand, and then just as quickly, she was wrapped up in his arms, his mouth on hers. The kiss was a bit messy, but definitely not unwanted. She felt his tongue trying to sneakily get in there. She felt her chest constrict with sudden excitement, warranted lust. She wanted to bring him to bed. Right now. Her thoughts raced. Out of nowhere, the fire behind them let out a huge POP. She jumped, releasing them both out of the kiss. She peered over at the fire, it flaming a bit higher and brighter, but nothing too dangerous. She sighed. That was close. I can't get so excited... Gotta relax. Or put the fire out. She chose the latter. She narrowed her eyes at the fire, and it quickly extinguished and died abruptly, like a cover over a candle.

She gestured at the sudden dark fireplace, smiling at drunk Cipher. "Fire's out," she murmured closely to him, their noses touching. "Come on love, let me take you upstairs." She pulled at his hand, leading him over the stairs.

01-11-2014, 07:08 PM
Oh, that damn fire! Cipher had been enjoying that kiss, and that "Pop" nearly scared him half to death. He held on tightly to Tansin, keeping her closer and just not wanting to let her go. His mind was more on getting to bed with this beautiful woman, he didn't even notice the fire going out by itself, it didn't bother him at all! Less time to worry about and waste down here.

"Yes! Let's get to bed!...We're going to bed together... right?"

He asked, just making sure they were on the right page and that he wouldn't be going to sleep on his own tonight. It would make a nice change after all, being in the company of a lovely lady. Granted, he didn't know her very well and normally he would be a little uncomfortable sleeping with someone he barely knew, but his drunken self was happy enough to go ahead with it. He just kept a tight hold of Tansin, if he did let go he would probably end up on the floor or something! He was happy enough for her to just lead the way upstairs. It wouldn't be difficult to find the bedroom after all.

01-11-2014, 07:17 PM
Tansin grinned at his childish behavior, rolling her eyes a little. She pulled at his hand, now being impatient. "Yes! We are going to bed together, but you must get up the stairs first!" She left an encouraging peck on his mouth. She was woozy. She hadn't eaten a lot in the last few days. Okay Tansin, just keep it together. You almost already set his house on fire. No more mistakes.

Tansin carefully helped Cipher up the stairs, holding both of his hands. Once they got to the top of the stairs, she swayed with him on the landing, but she spotted the bedroom door. She looked up at Cipher, leaning up into him, eyes looking mischievous, whispering, "Are you sure about this?"

01-11-2014, 09:45 PM
"Okay, okay!"

He responded excitedly as he lead the way up the stairs. Cipher was dying to get into bed with her now! He was growing impatient as restless, but there was only so much he could do as they climbed the stairs, step by step as they couldn't rush in case one of them tripped or fell down the stairs. They had to be careful.
Now that they had reached the top, Cipher was far more then keen to get going. He just wanted to start stripping her off now and have his wicked way with her, but it shouldn't be long now.

"I've never been more sure about anything."

He replied, a tone of determination embedded within his voice as he leaned in for a quick kiss on the lips. He was raring to go, and this was just the start of it. After their quick kiss, he took her hand and lead her into his bedroom, but before he did anything more he just had one thing to ask.

"Are... are you sure you want to do this?"

01-11-2014, 10:18 PM

And really, that was that. Tansin launched herself at him, pushing him back closer towards the bed, her grey eyes hooded, almost dangerous, in the dark. She grabbed him about the neck and kissed him savagely, her fingers already going to work to get his shirt off. No regrets, Tansin. Go with your gut. And her gut was screaming to sleep with Cipher. She looked impatiently at the rest of the buttons of the shirt, and in a snap, the shirt seemed to simply melt off of him. More drunk magic tricks.

01-11-2014, 10:34 PM
She didn't even have to think about it! God, that was a good sign! But, what was an even better sign was Tansin just leaping onto him, letting their tongues tango aggressively in each other's mouths. Cipher moaned into the kiss as he grabbed her by the waist, letting their hips grind together for a moment. The sooner he got her undressed the better. As he had his eyes closed during the kiss he didn't even notice that his shirt had just slithered off his body, and to be honest he didn't quite care. He just started to unbutton her nightshirt and slide it off her. This was going to be brilliant.

----Fade to Black-----

01-22-2014, 05:02 AM
Tansin felt herself wake up. Well, she felt the headache - the impressive hangover - before she even opened her eyes. She covered her eyes away from the soft light that was seeping its way into the room. Tansin let out a reluctant groan, turning over and away from the light. She bumped into something soft. Tansin's gray eyes peeked open, peering across at whatever she had touched. She sucked in a small breath. Oh. Shit.

Cipher laid next to her. The covers tangled around both of their legs. The both of them completely naked. She looked at him almost in wonder. He was fast asleep, his chest rising and falling with little effort, the breathing slow and steady. He looked extremely handsome in the morning light. If she had a headache, she was sure he would have a killer one. She thought about touching him, but she decided not to, knowing he probably needed the rest. Her cheeks flushed only slightly as her thoughts wandered to the events of the night before.

01-22-2014, 01:15 PM
Despite being incredibly hungover with the amount of alcohol consumed last night, and the little late night activities that had taken place, Cipher was still quite a light sleeper. As he heard Tansin groaning and moving, he couldn't help but stir a little, moving his head away from the light and snuggling into the pillow. That was when the pained kicked in.

"Oh god!"

Cipher griped, as he put his hand on his head and closed his eyes tightly. His head felt like it was being clamped and drilled, it was horrible! He could remember very little of what had happened last night. He wasn't suppose to get drunk, since he was suppose to be in work today, but it seemed there was no chance he was going in just yet. He just wanted to put himself to sleep, as he rubbed his temples and tried to make himself feel better.. that's when he realised he wasn't alone. He completely froze and looked to his side, to gaze upon a beautiful... albeit naked, woman lying beside him. God... what had happened last night?


01-22-2014, 03:41 PM
"Hello," was her simple reply at first. She turned her eyes only slightly towards him, as she laid on her back. She made no move to pull the blankets up to cover her nakedness. They'd already done everything they could, seen everything of one another - what would be the point of covering up now? She stretched cat-like, feeling her spine stretch out. She sighed, then said, "Tansin, remember? You found me in the snow."

She turned over slowly to her side, the side facing Cipher. She propped her head up on a hand, her elbow pressed into the bed. She dared not touch him, though her body wanted another go-around and he was handsome, even in the light. Their fling was just that, a fling. An alcohol induced one-night stand. "Good morning, doctor," Tansin said cheekily, "You wouldn't happen to know an easy cure for a hangover, would you? I believe we both had a bit too much last night." She could not help but grin. Why bother being coy about what happened either?

Tansin gazed over at him, her fingers drawing lazy circles into the bed sheet. If he left now, where was she to go? What a strange set of events you've created, Tansin reflected to herself. She said beside herself, "If you have work, I can show myself out. I know how these things work."

01-22-2014, 04:42 PM
"Tansin... yes.. I remember. Well.. starting to remember."

He smiled a little, a little ashamed of himself, as he was in quite a state from last night. Cipher wasn't exactly used to sleeping with women so quickly after he had met them, but in all honesty he didn't view this as a one night stand. He thought that.. well maybe, it could happen again? He thought they could make something out of this whole thing, maybe a nice relationship? But it was best not to get too ahead of himself. He knew he liked her, they just needed to see how things went now before deciding anything.

"Oh I wish... I really need something to kill this bloody headache."

He laughed a little, but he noticed he couldn't stop looking at her. She was just so beautiful. He couldn't believe he had gotten that lucky. He just wished he could remember everything from last night, he could remember most of it.. but it just wasn't something he had wanted to forget.

"Oh, I'm not fit for work. I'd be completely useless right now... besides.. I wouldn't want to leave you all on your own."

01-22-2014, 05:10 PM
"Huh, a doctor that doesn't know how to cure a hangover, eh?" Tansin's smile was permanent, her eyes glimmering. "What kind of doctor might you be then? One who collects lost and freezing women from the snow?"

Tansin raised up off of her elbow, slowly stretching her arms above her head. If he wanted a show, he was definitely getting one. Tansin was not much for modesty, her entire body exposed as she stretched slightly. She looked up and out towards the window, watching the early morning sun peaking over a distance horizon. She lowered her clasped hands, her arms still extended, stretching them out in front of her now. She was focused on her stretching, her eyes elsewhere, "You did promise to get me warm." She darted her gray eyes over to his, a wicked look to her, "You did a good job at that, doctor."

Tansin could keep the jokes coming all day long, but she suspected she should not stay long. She leaned up looking around for her articles of clothing. Naturally, they were strewn all around the room. "Not fit for work, eh? Will they be understanding should another frozen woman shows up at your doorstep?", she asked idly.

Tansin slipped herself from the bed, her pale skin catching the light. She ran her fingers through her short blond crop of hair, which glinted gold in the first rays of sun. She picked up his boxers after spotting them on the side of the bed, and playfully laid them over his hip, hiding his privates from view. She then found her underwear, and slipped them on easily. She sneaked a peek up at him, "Do I interest you, doctor?"

01-22-2014, 05:35 PM
"Well, we have yet to find a cure for hangovers, best thing to do is just try not to think about it, have some coffee and wrap up warm."

He spoke with a smile, though didn't really move much. Cipher's energy levels were still way down, but that was probably the best sleep he had experienced in a long time, despite the aching hangover. Though, Tansin seemed to be occupying his mind with other things to think about, or more look at to keep his mind occupied. He did think she had an amazing body, god it was making him want another round of last night, at least then he would be able to show her what he could really do.

"I'll keep you warm any time you need me to."

He replied with a cheeky grin. Oh he would happily warm her up again whenever she wanted, the only thing he did dread was the whole town finding out about it, because they would... they always found out about these things. Still, as she kept mentioning doctor.. he couldn't help but feel a little ashamed and guilty, he wasn't actually a fully qualified doctor yet after.

"I'm.. not actually fully qualified yet. I'm still in training. So I'm sure they won't mind if I come in or not."

Unless it was a dire emergency, he was not coming in to work. He had to get himself better right now, and look after Tansin too! She was his guest after all, she was just handling the hangover far better than he was. As his boxers were laid upon his waist, he couldn't help but smile a little and quickly slipped them on. He didn't really want to, but it probably wasn't appropriate to sit in the nude all day.

"Oh, you interest me, Tansin. You really do."

01-22-2014, 06:07 PM
"Well talk about false advertising!" Tansin pretended to huff, throwing his shirt at him that she'd just picked up off the floor, "And here I thought I slept with a real doctor." She smiled playfully. Tansin grabbed her bra, clasping it without touching it before pulling her arms through the straps, and up over her exposed breasts. She gave 'em a solid shake, making sure she did not have any wardrobe malfunctions. Without warning, she jumped back onto the bed, just inches away from Cipher.

"Keep me warm anytime? Now that's interesting. You hardly know me." Tansin flopped back down next to him, her back against the bed, crossing a leg over the other, jiggling her foot and staring at the ceiling. She stared at the ceiling fan and within a few seconds, it began to spin slowly, before picking up speed. She wondered if Cipher would notice.

"It must get rather boring around here then. I'm guessing not a lot of newcomers?" She glanced over to him a little, admiring his face. As if she read his mind, "I'm guessing your neighbors will find out about this? Talk of the town?" Tansin spread her hands out as if creating a billboard with her hands, "Practicing doctor sleeps with strange wandering woman," she nudged his side with her elbow. "Not to worry. I probably won't stay in town long."

01-22-2014, 06:20 PM
"Well, I'm still a doctor.. I'll just be a real one in about two years or so."

Cipher was glad she wasn't too disappointed, granted he had, sort of, lied to her, but it wasn't anything major. It was half true. Still, he happily took his shirt, but didn't bother to put it on, he just let it rest on his chest as he watched Tansin put on her bra. He couldn't help it! He was a man! He loved those jiggly womanly parts... There was no shame in it after all. He tried not to make it too obvious though, especially as she lay down beside him again. He didn't actually expect her to go back into the bed with him, but he certainly wasn't complaining.

"There's no harm in getting to know you more. Besides, from what I remember of last night, it was rather enjoyable."

Oh he had loved it! It had been awhile since he was so relaxed, especially in a strangers company. Still, they had a pretty good time together. Even if it was all just a drunken sexual rage, it was pretty amazing! They worked rather well together in bed. He was thinking about it that much he didn't even notice the ceiling fan speeding up. He didn't even notice it moving he was that enchanted by the beautiful woman lying beside him.

"I'd say the neighbours already know.. I don't exactly remember us trying to be quiet."

Oh, the whole town would know by the afternoon, it wasn't like there was anything better to talk about. It was a small isolated town, the other cities were very very far away, so they never did get many visitors.

"You don't have to leave so soon, Tansin. It's at least a weeks walk to another town, it's not worth it. I'm sure we could find you something here.. a job and a place to stay if you like."

01-22-2014, 09:12 PM
"It... was enjoyable," Tansin admitted aloud. A thought occurred to her: she hadn't used any tricks, no magic, no illusions when they had sex. She blinked a few times before turning to him, as if seeing him anew. That had been all him. Mildly awestruck, she repeated, trying to shake herself normal, "It was enjoyable." She quirked an eyebrow at him, a smile pulling at the corners of her mouth, "And why exactly would you want to get to know me more? If you just want to have sex again, just say that."

Tansin traced circles into the bed sheet again. Part of her did not want to get up from the bed anymore either. She thought of where she had just come from. The flames. The smell of burning. Tansin felt bile in her throat suddenly, like she would be sick. She made no movement, but she found herself saying, "I can walk. I hardly ever stay somewhere for very long anyway." Hadn't he wondered why? Tansin would never divulge it. She was a monster. She would never admit to how awful she really was.

01-22-2014, 09:28 PM
"I'm glad you liked it."

That always made him feel good; to know his actions were enjoyed by both himself and his lovely female friend. That's the thing really, he wanted them to be friends, at the very least. Sure they had slept together, but that couldn't stop them from actually getting to know each other, right?

"I'm not just after sex now, I think you are a really nice person. I enjoy your company.. and I'd quite like to be friends with you.. if you do stick around."

It was true. She had come into his life so quickly, but he didn't want her to leave the same way. He had found her half dead in the snow.. whos to say that won't happen again? And what if someone wasn't there to help her... he worried that he would never see her again.

"I can't stop you from leaving but... I would prefer if you could stay. You'll catch your death out there. It's not safe this time of year."

01-22-2014, 09:51 PM
She smirked to his comment of her being a nice person. If you only knew.

Tansin glanced over at him. He seemed so sincere. Tansin laid back down next to him. She grabbed the shirt she'd thrown at him that he hadn't even bothered to put back on. She tossed it back over the side of the bed and scooted over close to him. "Is it... okay if I get close to you?" Her grey eyes did not reflect any kind of emotion. "If you're not kicking me out, I'd like to get cozy again. Is that alright?"

01-22-2014, 09:55 PM
"I wouldn't have it any other way."

He quite liked the thought of her getting all cosy with him again. At least this meant she wasn't going to leave him any time soon, so he could enjoy her company a little longer. He was glad she was going to stay, but what it meant for them... he did not know. Would they go out? Would they just remain friends and pretend they never had sex together? Well, they would just have to wait and see.
Cipher happily adjusted his position, and kept his arms open so there was plenty of room for her to snuggle up.

01-22-2014, 10:50 PM
Tansin scooted over carefully, and slipped into the space between his arms, her cheek coming to rest against his chest. "I'm sorry I seduced you," she murmured into him. "I mean, I'm really not, but, you know. Makes things awkward." She suspected he could feel her smiling into his chest, her breath on his skin. "We can... just forget about this happening, if you want. If you're insisting I stay in this town, I'm going to need help." Her magic tricks only got herself so far.

"I have some money. Some, not much." She figured if he was being sincere, perhaps she could trust him? Or was he just gullible? She hoped he wasn't. She feared for people who were too gullible... they were taken advantage of. And he was so nice, she did not want him to be taken advantage of. Not even by her. He'd picked her up out of the snow. Her magic couldn't have done that.

"Could you tell me more about this town, Cipher? Tell me about the people. How on earth did everyone get here? As you said, it's in the middle of nowhere. And the name, Loredge. It's all very mysterious," She mused, a single finger of hers poking at his stomach, his flat stomach. She peeked and realized he had abs too. She felt something hot rise in her throat, but she swallowed it back heavily.

01-23-2014, 10:46 AM
"Don't be sorry, I enjoyed it."

He had to admit, he felt rather good that it was her making the first move on that. It must have meant she considered him attractive... right? Otherwise, why would she do it? It did make him smile a little, as he gently started brushing his hand through her hair, just a little act of affection whilst they talked. Though, in all honesty he didn't want to just forget about the whole thing. He probably wouldn't be able to. He liked her, but there was more important things to worry about right now, and it was probably best they focused on that.

"Well, we can concentrate on getting you settled here. I'm sure I could help find you a job and a place to stay, and if worse comes to worse, you can always stay with me. I'm not going to kick you out onto the street or anything."

Cipher was not going to abandon her, that was for sure. He had a heart of gold, but he was also probably the most gullible twit you would ever meet. He just saw the good in everyone and had no reason to think people had it in them to take advantage of others, so he was played to be the fool from time to time. He didn't really mind though. All he wanted was to look after Tansin. To help her out in this difficult time.

"Loredge has been here for hundreds of years. It snows... eight months of the year, but we have a decent enough spring I suppose. The town mostly makes it's income at the docks. If a ship is built here, it can withstand pretty much anything, and there is also fishing and sailing to the other towns for supplies, like vegetables, ale, medicine, things like that."

01-24-2014, 12:19 AM
Tansin was really really trying hard to listen, but she was also very very distracted by her discovery of Cipher's abs. She hadn't seen much in the dark last night, but now that it was light out, she definitely appreciated it a bit more. She turned her head into him, her lips brushing against his chest, her hand seeking out his, the other pulling the sheets up over them slightly.

"You're awful nice, Cipher. Letting me stay if I need to. Last place I lived I was a waitress, and that was fine with me," she murmured against him. It was clearly easy to take advantage of him, and Tansin briefly wondered if he was just an idiot, but she did not think so. She listened to his heart as he spoke. She came away, knowing he had genuine kindness resting there. She would not use him, she decided.

01-24-2014, 10:47 AM
Cipher couldn't help but feel just a little bit turned on as Tansin brushed her lips against his chest, it did feel rather nice. He tried to ignore it, just because they were having a slightly serious conversation, but he was happy enough to take her hand as she seeked out his; letting them hold each other gently. It was a sweet gesture of comfort after all.

"We could go down to the tavern then, you could work there was a waitress or a bar maid."

It seemed like a decent enough idea. That was probably the best place to get work from, as it served both food and drinks and could get rather busy from time to time, more likely that they would need more people to work for them. And it would also mean he would get to see her after work and they could sit and have a chat at the bar, he would definitely look forward to that, even if it was just for a little while.

01-26-2014, 02:58 PM
Tansin nodded her head slightly against him, "That could work. I mean, you know. So long as they hire me. This is a fairly small town, I can't see how they'd have much business at a tavern." She grinned up at him, her chin rested on his chest, her gray eyes lighting up a bit, "And then comes the business of explaining how I got here. And where I'm staying." Tansin looked a bit mischievous then. "You gonna volunteer that information or am I? Last thing I want to do is tarnish your would-be doctoral profession."

Tansin pushed up and off of him, curling up on herself, almost in a fetal sort of position. She thought quietly for a few moments. Is it safe to actually stay here? She could feel Cipher shifting near her. He seems trustworthy, and genuinely nice. Just... She bit her own lip slightly, hiding her face from view in the crook of her arm, tightening her curled up position, Just you said that the last time... and the whole town burned. Because of you. Tansin could almost see the flames in her mind's eye, feel their heat.

She cleared her throat. "Well, I suppose I should take a shower?" She glanced back over to him. "I don't suppose you mind."

01-26-2014, 03:37 PM
"It's probably the most popular place in the town, everyone wants to go for a drink, they just don't want to have to serve it themselves though so they need people to do that for them."

He smiled, as he was rather confident he could get her the job! Cipher could be quite the charmer after all, and he was sure they could use the extra help. Of course he would happily do the talking when it came to where she came from and where she was staying, it would make things easier for Tansin and he was sure he could explain things delicately enough.

"Don't worry, I'll sort it."

Though, he did start to worry as Tansin pulled away and withdrew into herself. Had he done or said something to upset her? What on earth could be going through her mind? Despite how much he wanted to know, he would not intrude on her privacy, it was her business after all, not his.
When she asked to use the shower though, he did calm down a bit, glad she was alright in the end. She must have just been thinking.. poor girl, she had been through a lot recently.

"Of course. I'll make some breakfast for us if you like?"

01-26-2014, 05:30 PM
He smiled so brightly at her, Tansin felt herself gain a bit of confidence herself. She laughed softly, leaning up, the covers sliding around them, "Sounds like Loredge is full of lazy people." She found herself grinning, "But if drunk lazy people make me some money then it sounds like a fair deal. I'll try it."

Tansin leaned across the space and kissed him gently on the cheek. "Thank you," she said, quietly, pulling back to see him. Tansin pushed the covers off, swinging her legs off of the bed and standing up. She turned to look at him, still only clad in her underwear and bra. She studied him momentarily then said, "I am really glad it was you that found me."

01-26-2014, 06:19 PM
"Yeap. And I'm sure you'll meet a lot of them."

He laughed a little at that, though hoped he would be able to cope with possible influxs of jealousy when the time did arise and the men of the town did start chatting Tansin up. It was inevitable really, of course all the single bachelors, and even the ones in relationships, would probably try and pick her up and take a chance with her. She was undeniably beautiful after all.. Cipher just hoped that maybe he and Tansin could possibly become a couple at some point, but he didn't want to rush it.. especially if last night was just a drunken fling to her. He needed to be sure.

"I'm really glad it was me too."

He blushed a little at the kiss on the cheek, really enjoying the little act of affection. He was really glad he was the one to find her. If it had of been someone else then they might have gotten the enjoyable experience he got.. or maybe not, but at least they would have had the pleasure of meeting her first.

01-26-2014, 06:37 PM
"Shower for me then? And if you're kind enough to do breakfast? We can switch roles tomorrow morning if you want."

Tansin smiled small, weakly, hopeful. He already said he would not kick her out, but how could she be sure? Tansin stood still biting her lip nervously, waiting for his response.

01-26-2014, 07:18 PM
"Yeah, that sounds good to me."

He smiled cheerfully, though wasn't a hundred percent sure what she meant. It was mostly the hangover speaking, and his manly hormones. Did she mean they would switch roles, as in he washes up and she cooks... or did she mean they could sleep together again and she'd be on top and him on the bottom? Maybe he shouldn't think about it too much, it would be getting him all excited. Either way he was happy to agree.

01-26-2014, 08:05 PM
Tansin grabbed the end of the bed sheets, shaking them roughly, ruffling them playfully over Cipher. She laughed, "Well then get up sleepyhead! Show me where the shower is." She let the covers go, smiling over at him as he still lounged in bed. "People in Loredge are lazy and you are proving it too! Get clothes on!" She went back over to the side of the bed and attempted to yank him out of bed by his arm, still playful.

01-26-2014, 08:25 PM
"Oh.. yeah.. you don't know where things are do you?!"

He laughed nervously, the hangover really having it's affect! He couldn't believe he had forgotten that last night had been her first night here. She probably hadn't even been to the bathroom yet! Silly him. So, after she had grabbed his out of bed, he grabbed his dressing gown and quickly put it on. He didn't mind Tansin seeing him in the nude.. it was just in case a family member had barged into the house unexpectably. They were not allowed to see him naked, naturally. With clothing on, Cipher linked his arm with Tansin's and lead her out, down the hall and to the bathroom.

"Here you go, anything in particular you want me to make you for breakfast?"

01-26-2014, 08:47 PM
Tansin certainly got an eyefull once Cipher had finally decided to get up from the bed. She did not mind, the view was good and evoked a lustful reaction in her. She smiled as he linked his arm in hers, leading her down the hall. As soon as they reached the bathroom, she pushed him against the wall slightly. The robe did little to stop her from leaning her scantily clad self close to him, feeling the outlines of his body. She brought her mouth close, smiling, "Let's see, I'd like eggs, toast aaaand," she kissed him on the mouth, "and you," she murmured.

01-26-2014, 08:56 PM
This was the last thing Cipher had been expecting, but by god he wasn't complaining. As their lips locked he kissed back as passionately as he could, glad that he did seem to have some chance to actually form a relationship with her, and possibly get a repeat of last night. Not the drunken alcohol, finding a woman in the snow bit, but more the bedroom tango he longingly lusted for. He purred into the kiss, letting his tongue dance in his crush's mouth before pulling back, he needed the make her a nice breakfast after all.

"Anything for you, beautiful."

01-27-2014, 08:14 PM
Tansin found herself surprised as well. Perhaps the alcohol was not needed for another go-around. Or that's what it seemed. She gasped slightly as his tongue entered her mouth, quickly finding herself reciprocating. She stuck her lip out when he pulled away, her eyes lighting up. She had a bit of a flush around her cheeks. "I'll meet you downstairs then. I shouldn't be too long."

She let his hand go agonizingly slow, tempted to ask him into the shower with her, but pushing her lustful urges aside. She hardly knew him - she should take it easy with allowing him to get so comfortable with her. She was having a hard time herself. Cipher just seemed so nice. It was hard to see otherwise.

01-28-2014, 11:48 AM
"Alright, enjoy your shower."

He spoke with a smile, and couldn't help but wink at her before setting off downstairs. Sure Cipher would have loved to have jumped into that shower with her, but maybe it was best to start taking things slow, it was better not to rush it if anything was going to happen between them.
So, Cipher quickly returned to his room and got dressed into something causal, as he wasn't going into work today because he was too hungover.. Anyway, once he was dressed he raced down the stairs and into the kitchen to quickly prepare something to eat. He had no idea what Tansin liked, all she had said was egg and toast.. so he was going to make that and more! A fry to be precise. So, he made the eggs sunnyside up, toast, bacon, mushrooms, potato bread, soda bread, sausages and some beans too and set it on the table, a plate for each of them. Once that was done he shouted up to her, just to let her know the food was ready.

"Breakfast is ready!"

01-28-2014, 10:21 PM
Tansin slipped sideways out of his grip, and into the bathroom, closing the door behind herself. She realized she was smiling. She shook herself. Calm yourself. He's just a fling. Just a guy who found you in the snow. Remember. Remember what happened last time. She closed her eyes tightly, already trying to block out the fiery flashbacks coming into view. She stood still for a minute, breathing deeply. She raised a hand towards the shower. The knob of the faucet squeaked as it turned of its own accord - Tansin busy rubbing her head. She gestured her hand at the shower head and on command, the water began to flow from it. Tansin sighed, rubbing her head, finally opening her eyes again. She put two fingers together, snapping - her undergarments falling off of her, falling to the bathroom floor easily. She managed to make herself smile again with the magic trick - it was a fun one for the bedroom.

Tansin eased herself into the shower, her skin adjusting to the heated water. It still felt like part of her had frozen out in the snow. She let the water run all over her, ruffling her hair, enjoying the feel of clean water. The smell of eggs started permeating the bathroom even over the steamy water - she could smell other things too, delicious things! She quickly ran the bar of soap she found over her body, sufficiently sudsy, and then rinsed off. A quick flick of her hand turned the shower head and water off entirely. Tansin thought she heard Cipher call up the stairs, so she quickly flung back the shower curtain, grabbing for a clean towel. She hoped it was okay to take a towel - her clothes were still somewhere in the dryer.

Tansin flung the door of the bathroom open, calling down the stairs, "I'm coming! Be right there!" and darted back into his room. She left her undergarments on the bathroom floor - they needed to be washed too. She grabbed up random pieces of Cipher's wardrobe - a heather blue long sleeved sweater that was big enough to be a dress on her. She grinned as she left the room, tugging the sweater down a bit, finding Cipher waiting for her at the end of the stairs. "What do you think?" She smiled, almost goofy, shrugging her shoulders up in the comically big sweater of his that she had donned.

01-31-2014, 05:16 PM
With breakfast and everything done, well that was all he had actually managed to accomplish for the moment, but that was fine for now, he could clean everything later then it would all be done! Anyway, there was no need to think about chores with a lady in the house, he had her to attend to. He was more than happy to wait at the end of the stairs for her, since if he started without her that would be considered rather rude. Still, as he waited he definitely didn't expect what he saw.

She was wearing his clothes? That was so cute! He was surprised it fit her so well, but hey! It was something nice to look at so he wasn't complaining.

"It's beautiful."

He called up as he waited for her at the bottom of the stairs. He would probably call around to his sisters later and see if she had some clothes she would lend to Tansin, since clearly the girl didn't bring her wardrobe with her on this little run of hers.

01-31-2014, 06:51 PM
"Beautiful?" Tansin remarked at the top of the stairs incredulously. Her hand skimmed the railing as she made her way down the stairs to him, taking great care to cross her legs as she took each step, as the sweater-now-dress hiked up a bit as she made her way. She smirked slightly, her top lip curling up, her grey eyes appraising his handsome face as she reached the bottom landing. She roughly grabbed his hip, pulling him to her, their pelvises pushing up against each other. She leaned in close, turning her head to his neck. She kissed him softly under his left ear, then put her lips to his ear, "I'm not wearing anything underneath this." And just like that she released him, brushing past him out towards the kitchen. She was sure he would look after her, the long bare expanse of her slender legs retreating from him.

She walked out of his view, turning the corner to the kitchen. She noted the very large spread of food. "Are you always this generous to strange girls you sleep with?" She called out, waited for him to finally catch up to her, standing with her arms crossed.

02-04-2014, 08:12 PM
"Yeah... You're just naturally attractive."

His voice suave and silvery as he spoke. Cipher was trying to be as charming and what not as possible to keep his new fancy around. Oh he did like her. He didn't want any other man in the village to have her.. as selfish as that was he was beginning to fall for her, completely and utterly. And this was only confirmed when Tansin grabbed him by the waist and kissed him on the neck. The instant she touched him he melted like butter. His pupils dilated, his pulse raced and he even halted his breath to savour this incredible moment. It got even worse when she said she wasn't wearing anything. He couldn't help but release a pleasure suppressed moan and try and contain his manhood from rising, since it was craving some attention right now. Cipher had never wanted to bed anyone more in his entire moment than he did now.

"... Well that will make round two much easier then, but I suppose that would mean no strip tease."

He grinned a little, but by god was he turned on. He tried not to let that show, just incase a round two wasn't in the agenda for today, so he followed her to the kitchen. With what she said he actually wasn't sure what to reply with. If he said yes, then she might think he slept around a lot, if he said no then she would think he didn't get any action or was a dick... there didn't seem to be a winning answer for you.

"There isn't anything wrong with being generous to a gorgeous woman, now is there?"

02-05-2014, 03:46 AM
Tansin smiled ruefully once he finally met up with her in the kitchen, her eyes glinting in the early morning light. Her own body felt electric when he started making suggestive comments about another go-around up in his bed. Her eyes traveled over the kitchen; the table looked sturdy enough should they choose to skip walking up the stairs altogether. Images of Cipher pushing her up against its edge, pulling the sweater out of the way, him leaning into her filled her head. She shook herself carefully, the smile not leaving her face, though mentally checking herself. She chose not to respond to the comment for both of their sake - skipping to his question instead.

"No," she said glancing at the table full of food stuffs, she now feeling horribly spoiled, but secretly loving the hell out of the feeling, "No, there's nothing wrong with being generous, so long as you're doing it for the right reasons." Tansin walked towards the table, looking at all the food, before offering him a soft smile, "And that you're not doing it because you're gullible." Tansin eased herself into one of the chairs at the table, careful to cross her legs so that her nether regions did not show. She looked up at him, her eyes suddenly much softer, almost doe-like. "Join me?"

02-08-2014, 12:26 PM
[It won't let me give you more rep, sadly, but I missed you too! ]

It was probably best that they did not get too excited about possible sexual antics that they could get themselves involved in, after all they did have quite a bit to get done today. For one he had to visit his sister and that wouldn't exactly go well if he had a boner or any such obvious signs of what had happened last night, or what could possibly happen now if they got too excited.

"Of course I am doing it for the right reasons. I like you Tansin."

He smiled cheerfully. He was being so genuine, after all he was starting to fall for that lovely lady. Though his smile did fade when she mentioned the gullible thing. He knew fine rightly that he was a gullible twat, but he didn't want her to know just how gullible he could be.. cause he was quite the child really.

"Of course.. not."

He was not gullible.. definitely not. He would keep telling himself and her that he was just a normal sensible gentleman.. and hopefully she would believe him. If not, he hoped she wouldn't think badly of him for being a gullible git. Cipher just trusted in everyone and everything, he coudln't help the way he was. Still, he was more than happy to join her at the table and get started on breakfast! He was starving. So, with his cheerful smile reinstated, he sat himself down and happily started munching on the fry.

02-08-2014, 09:09 PM
Tansin actually felt herself flush. It was a nice to hear, that someone liked her. It had been ages. Her mind thought of the burning town...

She quickly blinked out of it, shaking herself a little. She smiled small, but it grew quickly. She reached forward, away from the table, clasping his hand in a genuinely affectionate way. She still thought him fairly gullible, but it added to his sweetness. If she was honest, it even made her... protective. She was worried someone would definitely take advantage of him at some point. She had a shitty track record, she would not be that person. She'd been there, done that.

"I like you too, Cipher." She released his hand as he sat with her at the table, starting on his breakfast. She took the cue, and grasped the fork, puncturing her egg stir fry thing. She cut off a small bit, bringing it to her mouth. She let out a soft sigh, it was amazing. Tansin quickly raised her grey eyes to Cipher's gaze, "Oh my goodness, this is so good." She stifled a giggle, feeling very silly, but very grateful. "I feel like I haven't eaten in a while."

Tansin's foot jiggled under the table, one of her long legs crossed over the other at the knee. She looked out the french doors of his kitchen, out into the snowy landscape. The snow that had nearly froze her to death was settled on the ground, a solid foot deep. It sparkled and glinted brightly in the sunlight. "I am glad it is sunny today," she remarked, quieter. Her mind was off somewhere, distracting. What would she have done if Cipher had not found her?

02-09-2014, 05:13 PM
Now that did bring such a smile to his lips when he heard her return his feelings. Sure he didn't know whether she meant she liked him as a person, as a lover, like liked him.. but all that didn't really matter. They cared about each other and that was a start. He had enjoyed the feel of her hand clasped against his, but surely it would not be the last time it happened, so he was content in letting their grasp release and sit down to munch on his breakfast.

God he had been looking forward to it! He had missed food! He hadn't eaten in ages now! But he definitely wouldn't miss the opportunity to nibble in some delicious breakfast! So, picking up his fork he happily grabbed up what he could and nommed away. He didn't look up from his plate until Tansin spoke again, and by god did it make him happy to hear what she had to say! She liked his cooking! YAY! Well, he didn't mean to brag or anything but he was quite the cook.. useless when it came to fixing anything, unless it was to do with the human body, but he could cook up a fine meal!

"Well, as long as you are living under my roof I can cook you whatever you like!"

He spoke cheerfully, glad that he could win Tansin over through her stomach, as well as other things. Still, he couldn't help but notice Tansin wondering off a bit, not physically but mentally. He did wonder what she was thinking about, but didn't wish to intrude too much. Privacy was a luxury around here and should probably be treated as much.

"Yes, it should be a nice day today. Hopefully not too much more new snow."

02-09-2014, 07:14 PM
Tansin ate through some of their joined silence. It was not strained, it felt right. Comfortable even. She generally kept her eyes to her plate and to the food, but occasionally she'd glance up at him, taking him in. She'd chortled, a hand over her full mouth when they caught each other's look, a shyness welling up every time at being caught looking at him. What could she say? He was handsome, and had opened his house and his bed to her already. And now he was feeding her.

"How is your hangover, Doctor?" She smiled, picking up an already filled glass of orange juice. She brought it to her lips, sipping daintily, her eyes peering at him over the lip of the glass. She ran her tongue over her lip when she finished drinking, savoring the flavor of the fresh juice.

She pushed her foot towards his, rubbing her bare foot against his, playfully under the table, her smile widening. She acted as though nothing had happened, "New snow? Does it really snow all the time here?"

02-09-2014, 10:06 PM
"It's horrible! It's like theres a hammer constantly banging at my skull! How are you holding up?"

Oh god he did hate hangovers. He never normally drank that much, but he also never had a witch magically filling up his wine glass without him realising... so yeah it technically wasn't his fault. Technically. Still, he didn't mind. He had a wonderful night last night with Tansin, and a lovely morning to follow. He wasn't normally the type to have one night stands, it had happened once before but that was unbearably awkward and he had never spoken to the girl after that, because of just how awkward it was. This, however, was lovely. He was so glad that he and Tansin could get along so well and bond. Cipher was just so happy to have her in his life now. Otherwise his life would just be dull and boring. She had brought a little excitement here, and that was something he very much needed.

As he picked up his glass of apple juice, he couldn't help but chuckle slightly as he felt Tansin's foot rub against his. It was a nice feeling, very comforting and affectionate, and he tried his best to angle his foot around and rub hers back. It was the least he could do.

"Yeah, snows at least once a day.. sometimes it can even go on all day."

02-10-2014, 02:39 AM
Tansin smiled delicately. "Oh? It's banging, huh?" The smile became a bit wicked then. "I could give you a banging something else, if you'd like. Take your mind off your headache." Her foot rubbed a bit more aggressively against his under the table.

She leaned back slightly in her chair, surveying him with her gray eyes. "I'm glad it's not snowing now," she said absently, her mind clearly on something else. The something else, of course, was being finished with breakfast and wanting another go-around with Cipher. "Are you finished with breakfast? Because I'm finished with my eggs, but," her eyes darkened slightly, filled with lust, her body language suggestive as she leaned forward, allowing him a glimpse down the sweater to her cleavage. "But I don't think I'm quite finished with you from last night."

02-10-2014, 06:05 PM
The moment he heard the "banging" reference, Cipher froze mid forkful. He was about to put a nice bit of mushroom and sausage into his mouth, but dear god he couldn't move he was that surprised! Was she really implying what he thought she was implying? And was it not his job to imply those kinds of things? Well.. it was sexier coming from her. Much, MUCH sexier. Oh god.. what he wouldn't give to bed her right now.

"Well, I'm finished my breakfast, but I'm sure I could add an extra sausage to yours."

Cipher grinned as he set the fork down, clearly not hungry for food right now. He happily rubbed his foot against hers, making the movements a little more forceful too, to match hers. He could already feel his muscles growing tense, and one muscle in particular craving some affection. Naturally, as she leaned towards him, he couldn't help but have a little eyeful of that lovely cleavage. God, was he lucky he found her!

"The only question remains.. do I have to pounce on you now or are you going to slither over here?"

02-11-2014, 01:17 AM
Tansin's eyes widened slightly, her cheeks blushing in surprise to his candor. She felt something deep inside her clench, but a wicked smile overcame her mouth. Her eyes flashed suddenly, "Oh? Is that so? I wouldn't mind more of that with my breakfast."

Tansin eased back into the chair, once she knew he'd gotten an eyeful down her shirt, her legs uncrossing slowly, her eyes not leaving him. She knew full-well that he remembered she had nothing on underneath the lightweight long sweater. She made a mocking thinking face, a single finger tapping against her lips, saying with a sly smile, "Hmm, I don't know. I think I'm going to stay right here. Unless you make me move. So it seems like pouncing might be in order." It was a challenge, a dare. He'd still have to get around the table, filled with food stuffs, glasses, dishes. Then came the part where she was still sitting, her legs open just ever so slightly, not giving anything away but enough to definitely get his attention. She raised an eyebrow, her voice just barely above a whisper, "What do you say, Cipher? Can we bang that hangover out?"

02-11-2014, 10:08 PM
It was clear where this was going. As much as he had fantisized about this happening he never actually dreamed Tansin would want a second round this early, or even at all as he was unsure if what they did have was just a one off or if she did really like him. He still wasn't sure if he was honest, but he was not going to pass up the opportunity to enjoy another round with her.

"And the lady can get what she asked for!"

He replied ecstatically, and soon turned his gaze to the table, trying to figure the best way to get over to her! It had to be quick! Very quick! Eventually, he just decided to do the childish thing and dash under the table, scurring under it and between Tansin's legs before pouncing up from underneath and happily nested ontop of her with quite the cheeky little grin. Oh, he was ready! Cipher let his hands stroke by her hips, letting them caress her thighs and tease her a little as he leaned his head closer to hers as he whispered.

"Ready for second breakfast?"

[[Could not resist the LOTR reference xD]]

02-13-2014, 05:03 AM
Tansin blinked in surprise, having Cipher suddenly nestled in her lap like a large house cat. He was even practically purring! She smiled anyway, pleased with his enthusiasm - it meant he wanted her, right? She dipped her head slightly, kissing his neck trailing a few lazy kisses up to his ear. She rested her mouth against his earlobe, "That wasn't much of a pounce, darling. You're going to have to do better than that if you want to impress me sober." He could undoubtedly feel her wicked smile against his cheek.

She pushed up off the chair she sat on, forcing Cipher up on his feet too. Her eyes were dangerous, "No messing around this time. No foreplay. I just want you. Now." And with that, Tansin leaned into the table, her lower back pushing into the side of the table, her hands clasping the wooden frame, reading herself for him.

[fade to black]

03-09-2014, 10:25 AM
To say the least, Cipher didnt hesitate to commence the lady's desire and to satisfy her exponentially. He was pretty much hard as it was so all it took was a bit of unbuckelling and bam, he had her on the table pushing everything he had to give her an experience worth remembering.
This lasted a good few minutes, him just doing as he was told and making sure she was enjoying the experience, and it was an enjoyable small amount of time, at least until the door opened. The kitchen door swung open, creaking as it swayed against the wall and there stood a young woman. She was about 5'8" with bright red curly hair, a rather slender stature and simply wearing a black dress and cardigan. But despite the rather girly appearance she was certainly much more aggressive than Cipher was.

Blaize-"What the hell do you think you're doing?

The moment Cipher heard the womans voice he panicked and pulled out immediately, trying to buckle up his trouser and make himself presentable to some degree as he replied with haste.

Cipher-"Jesus Christ! What are you doing here?"

03-10-2014, 05:00 PM
Tansin had been caught up in the feeling of Cipher and their bodies joined together against the kitchen table, the silverware rattling, the cups teetering dangerously with their efforts against one another. That is, until the door leading in from the side into the kitchen opened. Tansin, leaned against the table, faced towards the door. Tansin gasped roughly as the woman entered the room, trying to push Cipher off of her. She pushed him away by his shoulders, quickly yanking down the front of his borrowed shirt, covering her bare and naked skin from the sight of the woman. The woman who had entered had bright red hair, yet, some of her features, well. Her and Cipher looked similar.

She did not bother to try to respond, somehow feeling a tug of embarrassment and guilt as her eyes slid to the floor, her feet shuffling a little. Cipher protectively had turned, blocking her from the woman's view. She dared not say anything, though she thought it was beyond rude of the woman to have barged into the house without knocking or any other indication she was coming in. It was clear that Cipher had no idea she was going to come over at any moment. She hoped the woman had gotten more than an eyeful more than she had expected, the thought making her press a grin into Cipher's back, her eyes peeking over his shoulder, waiting for the woman to explain herself.

03-12-2014, 09:30 PM
This was certainly not how Cipher had imagined his and Tansin's second round to end, but he didn't think it could get physically worse than this. At least if it was his mother she would have just walked back out and not said anything, but no! His sister was such a big mouth!

Blaize-"Who the fuck is she?"

Cipher-"None of your business!"

Blaize-"She is if she's sleeping with my brother!"

At that Cipher just quietened down. He knew his little sister, twin sister to be precise, wasn't exactly one to ever back down or to ever give anyone any room whatsoever. She was.. quite an assertive lady to say the least. So he didn't have much choice but to try and settle the situation down before Blaize started screaming the street down.

Cipher-"...Blaize.. this is Tansin.. Tansin, Blaize."

He spoke softly, using hand gestures to indicate one from the other, as you do when you introduce new people to each other. Though.. he certainly wasn't looking forward to the up and coming conversation here. It wasn't going to be the best conversation ever.

03-14-2014, 08:18 PM
Tansin hesitantly moved slightly aside from behind Cipher, for once feeling it safer to stay put, but as soon as he had begun gesturing between herself and Cipher's sister, she felt she had little choice but to put out her hand towards the red-headed woman. She began to smile, nervously at first, but eventually, the smile just seemed natural, resting over Tansin's features. "Blaize. Hi. Tansin. It's good to... meet you. I, uh."

Tansin squirmed a little, folding her other arm away from the protective positioning she'd had laid it over her middle, and instead, curled it around Cipher's back, pulling him to her, so they rested hip to hip, facing Blaize. "I'm sorry about how you uh... about what happened." Tansin risked a small smile, her eyes hooded slightly, still waiting to see if Blaize would shake her other hand. "Your brother is a really great person." And as the words slipped out, she could already hear Cipher's sister shoot back with some kind of snarky comment.