View Full Version : Clone Takedown

01-11-2014, 02:04 AM

((OOC can be found here (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=54599&page=3&p=1834796&viewfull=1#post1834796).))

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Participant List
(You will be added to the list once you make your first post and all points/achievements you make will be added next to your name on this list)
1. ImportantNobody: 0 points
2. Steampunk Samurai: 490 points
3. Thelonewanderer: 1,750 points
4. Gummi Bunnies: 1,150 points
5. Hoef: 460 points
6. Jacogos: 550 points
7. m139: 0 points


The Light Series of clones observed their target from up on the ridge of the valley, noting with their superior eyesight that there were an unknown number of unidentified people moving around the area. That was troublesome. There wasn't supposed to be any army around to stop them from destroying the sacred relic found within the abandoned temple of this valley, so who could these strange newcomers be? Did they just stumble here accidentally or did they have a set goal in mind to stop them? That would certainly be a difficult task to pull off given how many clones were around and how many more could be sent in from the surrounding areas, but there were plenty of crazy people around who would try to fight them. They were confident, perhaps far too much for their own good, that they could win if such a scenario occurred, but they weren't quite sure if they should attack yet or not due to legal matters. If they did end up attacking then they'd prefer to get the battle over with before nightfall, as their powers were inhibited the darker things got, making them waste more of their own energy lighting things up.

They were naturally a little brighter then normal people, especially with their glittering golden hair and eyes and fancy light blue and white armor that caught the light falling down from the slowly dimming sky. A balding middle aged man who appeared to be some sort of a monk clothed in a warm colored robe moved over to the stalled front lines.

"What's the holdup?" He quested, irritation in his voice. He clearly wanted the sacred relic within the temple destroyed...badly.

"We have noticed some people within the valley and can not take action until-"

"Get down there, take them all out, and destroy the relic found within even if it costs you all your lives!" He ordered sternly, tired of the same old talk about regulations even though he knew they had to give important updates before taking any further action. After he said his orders he suddenly showed a tad bit of fear, most likely for his own safety, because he never put himself in harms way no matter what. He tried to cover up this expression and quickly cleared his throat. "Of course you don't all have to go down there to defeat such a pitiful band. Send in the 34th Light Platoon and leave the rest up here with me and in their current positions surrounding the temple. Make sure nobody escapes."

"Yes sir!" All of the ones within hearing exclaimed, giving him a firm salute. He gave them a gruff sounding grunt in return before heading back to safety within the protection of a large number of clones. Meanwhile, the designated platoon began to head down the path to the south of the abandoned temple numbering in the high forties. To conserve energy they didn't activate any light barriers yet because they were not yet within the effective range of an arrow unless they were an expert shot. However, as they got closer they would file in two rows and ones in front would form a barrier large enough to cover them from a forward attack. They'd try to storm in the main southern entrance unless they came under attack by any of the strange newcomers.

Steampunk Samurai
01-11-2014, 03:42 AM
Freud arrived on this desolate hilltop from the rift. He'd heard of the army and decided it was a perfect time to test out his new toys. He noticed the army filing up the hill. Surely they knew it wasn't so simple? Oh well. He sent forth his two pawns. "Pawns. Release all your forms for a moment. I want to see how they react to 100 men suddenly appearing.

The pawns of course complied forming a battalion atop the hill of 100 men total. "Unless they're fools, they'll re-assess the situation. Giving Freud time to converse with his would be allies. "Hello all! i'm an madman! Nice to meet you all."

01-11-2014, 05:24 AM
(Jack Rose and Wei Raynkin)

"Jack, we died and stayed in hell, simple as that. no way is heaven suppose to look like some ruined temple. Even if we fought in hell and this looks nothing like it, im sure we're in some part of hell." Wei Raynkin said to her fellow Huntsman, Jack Rose.

The duo had taken to a contract recently to take down the Emperor of Hell and his companion, and the two died in the resulting battle, both by an Archangel stomping their skulls in. They woke up, and ended up near a temple. They moved closer, and saw some artefact, and with nothing better to do, decide to keep an eye on it. they didn't expect to see an army appear over the nearby hill, with unknown goals.

"Well Wei, seems like we just got roped into guard duty, so, you have ammo? I know how much you like to sling Mercy and Redemption." Jack asked, as he checked his own ammo count, nicely surprsied to see full ammo.

Wei was similarly surprised when she found full ammo for both of her CSRs. "Yep, full ammo. I'm ready to take this army on. Can't be any harder then a pack of Beowolves." Wei said as she loaded her guns with .357 Magnum rounds, ready to rock while Jack used loaded a normal clip, wanting to save his Cross clips for when hit gets much harder.

20 spins of .357(120 rounds)[Wei]
10 spins of .44(60 rounds)[Wei]
75 normal rounds(Jack)
25 Cross rounds(Jack)

Gummi Bunnies
01-11-2014, 06:12 PM
-Kaika Cho and Sota Matari-

"You know, it's a little weird that the Spirit World gave us this task," Sota mentioned as he and Kaika were situated near this strange temple. It was some artifact that even one of their smarter allies couldn't figure out, and they were selected to protect it.

"Maybe this is some kind of abnormal way to test us. We did spend a helluva long time there for training," Kaika responded back as she had her eyes closed, being able to see like this due to her "sixth sense." It was her kind of way to sense if the armies they were to face were coming soon, and it was almost time for it.

"I guess..." he sighed, feeling a bit unsure about this due to that he may let the evil presence within him take over again. Before he would add his uncertainties, Kaika interrupted,"Alright, they're close. Let's get this show on the road!...Promise not to get hurt."

"I'll try," Sota smiled a bit, both of them were also in a relationship. Kaika put her two fingers on the bandaging on her thigh, and activated her "Partial Mode." Her eyes went from violet to pink, and a powerful essence radiated in her even if she were only using partial power. Sota managed to summon his weapon, the Rupture Cresent, with no problem.

"Shouldn't be kinda easy like Shadow Replicas, but we won't hold back," Kaika said as she knew this might take awhile, but knew that they would handle this well.

Dire Hoef
01-11-2014, 10:52 PM
[/\] Azazel, Prime The Archangel and Holgath The Forbidden Emperor [/\]

Azazel had been resting upon the metal giant's shoulder who in fact was The Emperor who had just recently came back from being killed by some wrecthed hunters who were unprepared for the power the two titans had. Prime towards the small humanoid creature realizing that there was something off about this boy but instead heard from The Emperor that this boy was as old as the big boss and suddenly gave a small smirk before his smirk was cut off by chatter in the distance then seeing a large scale army over-looking them and the other chatter upon a hill.

Prime gripped his sword tightly and prepared himself, "Emperor, Azazel.. It's the army Lucifer had warned us about. Looks like this obsticle will take a load of our time." Just then Azazel, who was sitting on The Emperor's shoulder summoned his Scythe of Eternal Hellfire and rested it upon his shoulder, "Then men, shall we face these mortals with full charge...?", he asked with a devlish smirk. The Emperor who was quiet this entire time they had been talking decided it was best to join in this battle. He picked up his sword an shield and clanked them together getting into attack position, "It would be fine with me if i could take one of their skulls..!"

The three devlish men stood their keeping their backs to the temple which held the a sacred stone that would help in their advancements on taking over the mortal world, but since they were given the tasks to protect it they could no longer see that as their objective but in fact a dangerous objective and knew this would end badly so they kept their distance and focus their attention on the oncoming army and prepared themselves for a long battle.

01-12-2014, 12:44 AM
Jacob the Shade (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=10331&p=437441&viewfull=1#post437441) - Uai Trakand (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=10331&p=831652&viewfull=1#post831652)- Raven (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=10331&p=447032&viewfull=1#post447032)

Near the center of the temple, just outside the room holding the sacred pillar, three individuals appeared as if from thin air. Their forms slowly entered into existence as if someone was removing a cowl of invisibility from them from above. For a moment, the three stood there, looking at one another.

The first of the three was a figure of middling height, cowled completely in a black cloak save for his head. With his hood pulled back as it was, you could see the man resembled a human, long dark hair framing his goateed face that bore intense, deep brown eyes. Noting that the other two had made the journey with him satisfactorily, he smirked slightly, prompting the woman to his right to scoff at his amusement.

"Will you tell us now why you have brought us here to this... ruin?" the woman asked, crossing her arms under her exposed breasts. A warrior of the Yynglyng race, she wore no clothes or armor, as they did not see any use in clothing and found armor to be restrictive and implicative of weakness. Blood-red tribal tattoos adorned the entirety of her snow-white skin, which glowed a pale blue in the dim lighting. Her cat-like eyes flashed in irritation at having been kept in the dark about their mission this long.

Surely it is for a good reason, monk... the other individual said, only not aloud. Rather, she spoke within the other two's minds, as they were linked by a mental connection that the man had established beforehand. It's not like the Vi'zeer woman could speak aloud anyway; her beaked mouth prevented such luxury. Standing erect and ready, the bird-like creature peered about attentively, as if expecting a surprise attack at any moment. ... Right, Shade?

The man they referred to as 'Shade', better know as Jacob, held up his hands defensively. "Calm down, Uai, Raven," he addressed the two. "I simply have an interest in this pillar here... Until my men from the Facility can come here to retrieve it, we have an interest in guarding it. There are those who seek its destruction... and I want to know why." He opened his mouth to speak more, but paused abruptly, listening to something inwardly.

"Strange... We don't seem to be the only ones interested in keeping this pillar safe..." he mused to himself, sparking looks of interest and wariness from Raven and Uai, respectively.

"Now, ladies," Jacob cut in, smiling good-naturedly. "We must play nice." He gave Uai a look with a small smirk hidden behind a serious face. "Unless these... 'allies' of ours don't play nice as well, then you have my permission to tear them limb from limb. Raven, find yourself a vantage point and prepare. Uai, you may do as you please. I will see what I can learn of our enemy..." Smiling to himself, Jacob began to Wrap himself in Shadows once more, walking away from the other two warriors. With a single look at each other before nodding, Uai and Raven moved in other directions, the trio splitting up with different goals.

01-12-2014, 04:43 AM
The clones stopped in their tracks when they suddenly found themselves outnumbered at least two to one, and that was only the amount of enemies that they could see in their immediate area. They exchanged concerned glances as if they were wondering wither to call in reinforcements or not in light of this recent and powerful display of some sort of advanced summoning technique. Despite this brief moment of pause they didn't back down both out of bravery, arrogance, and an unwillingness to delay an attack against their commander's orders. The ones in front kept up their barriers in case these new enemies charged their position, and they were about to move forward again when the weird man that was with the group spoke up. They believed him completely when he said that he was a madman. The looks they gave showed that they were in no mood to humor him with conversation. Even if this wasn't a trap to stall for time they didn't want to hold off any longer then they had to from completing their mission.

The front twenty split into groups of five, one of each group in front generating a shield to cover their front completely and curving a bit to the top and sides as well. This shield could take a couple moderate attacks before breaking, which should easily last them long enough for them to finish their approach up the hill and engage the enemy at close range. The other four of each group held out their hands, sparkling light appearing off of their bare fingers and coalescing into the form of four foot long swords in three seconds time, which would be almost how long it would take for them to finish charging up the hill at full speed, although they only ran at around eight miles an hour so they wouldn't stumble on something while concentrating on forming their weapons.

Meanwhile, to give them cover the back eighteen spread out into a loose formation and held out their right hands with their left hands placed on their forearms for support. Instead of a sword appearing they were forming spheres about the size of tennis balls. A second before the melee groups reached the enemy these spheres would be fired off all around the enemy position to try and get them disorganized and then quickly routed by the melee forces. The spheres would have some explosive damage but wouldn't be at their full power due to the lack of a long enough charge time. It would still kill an average human or at least do some distraction, as they would hope.

So far their other enemies were keeping their distance so all of their opening attack's focus was on this group right in front of them. The ones charging up the sphere's were on the lookout just in case the rest decided to join the part, but if not then they would proceed as planned. After all it would be very hard for others to reach them in time to stop this attack now that it was in the process of occurring.

Meanwhile, up on the valley's outskirts, the others were concerned about the vast increase in the number of enemies but didn't make a move yet. They'd have no choice but to hold off until further orders were given, even if it would be pretty easy to crush even a hundred enemies with the numbers they had at the ready. They did like getting the job done, but they also liked using good sportsmanship if they could help it. Letting the groups down there in the valley fight on more even terms would make things more interesting. It would also be handy to see what they were capable of.

Steampunk Samurai
01-12-2014, 02:42 PM
"Looks like they're too brave for this." That wouldn't stop Freud though. He retreated back into the temple waiting for the melee fighters to get close to their supposed front line before giving the signal for the two pawns to pull them back. There was narrowly enough time to before a bunch of energy spheres hit the area. "Now the pincer move friends." This time there were only fifty total, but they formed around the four melee groups that had approached. This should leave them thoroughly spooked.

"Hey! Are we the only ones doing work around here!" Freud yelled from within the temple. he could see multiple life forms that were certainly not clones. some of which actually inside with him. No doubt they had reasons to defend this place as well.

01-12-2014, 10:04 PM
(Jack Rose and Wei Raynkin)

"Shit, Jack get somewhere elevated and give some sniper cover for us. And whatever you do, don't shoot the Emperor." Wei said as she moved out, readying her swords to cut some clones down.

"The Emperor? He's here? Damn it!" Jack said as he moved onto a segment of roof near by while pulling Grimm Reaper and setting it to rifle mode, and popped out the scope to sweep the field, and saw the approaching clone army.

"Ok, this is going to be harder then i thought." Jack said to himself as he sighted down a few clones in the middle of their ranks. Aiming for center mass, Jack fired five time, using the full clip he had loaded.

20 spins of .357(120 rounds)[Wei]
10 spins of .44(60 rounds)[Wei]
70 normal rounds(Jack)
25 Cross rounds(Jack)

Gummi Bunnies
01-13-2014, 12:45 AM
-Kaika Cho and Sota Matari-

"Sota, keep an eye out for me, 'cus I'm going straight in!" Kaika told him right away, summoning dual energy blades to her grasp. For a moment, Sota felt unsure about this idea of hers, but decided to go with it since he knew there was many times where Kaika proved to people wrong about her limits. Seeing that Sota didn't object to her idea, Kaika manifested a faint transparent energy orb that levitated high in the air. With that ready in place, Kaika focused some more energy into her blades and her body, and then began to run towards the closest group of the enemy army. Once she seemed to be running as fast as she can, she performed a smooth front flip, and her eyes flashed with pink radiance before she could land. This resulted with her in the air above from a sudden warp, taking the place of the transparent orb she left there minutes earlier. Since she was still in a front flip, Kaika began to spin during her apparent free fall, the energy stored within her surrounded her and made her appear like a spiky energy mass falling from above.

Dire Hoef
01-13-2014, 11:28 AM
[] Azazel, Prime and The Emperor []

Azazel sat there upon The Emperor's shoulder when Azazel saw the first wave makes it march towards the temple. In this cause the group was about Northwest of Temple's facing position and could see the march off to the right. Azazel smirked softly, "Emperor, 40 Degrees to our right,A wave of enemies is coming. Prepare yourself" he said with a soft smirk summoning his Scythe of Etneral Hellfire. He rested the scythe upon his shoulder with a slight smirk, "Alright guys lets make this count!"

Prime had taken the first move and lifted into the air using the help of his wings and saw that there about 50 men moving towards the Temple in multiple melee-type groups which made Prime wonder their true intentions on opposing the power Archangel. He looked down towards The Emperor and Azazel and pointed his sword forward to signal a message that only The Emperor could understand.

The Emperor nodded changing his since of personality and shifted his armor to demon for causing his wings and attachments to turn into flames. With this Armor form he could launch himself forward for no specific reason. He stomped down onto the ground and increased his fire to create some sort of propulsion and flew forward not really leaving the ground. This caused the earth to split in between his stance now making his way towards the attack group with Azazel on his shoulder seeing him not really prepared for a fight but deep down he knew he had the mind of satan and could easily think of something to combat these foes.

01-15-2014, 04:36 AM
Jacob the Shade

As Jacob walked through the ethereal world that came with being Wrapped in Shadows, he contemplated the reason why he had come here. All he truly knew of this pillar was that it was important enough for someone to want it destroyed. Now that he was here, it seemed that he was not the only one to recognize its worth. It bothered him that he still did not as of yet know why it was important, though.

Was it worth putting those two in danger on nothing but a hunch...? he thought to himself, slowly making his way out towards the valley's mouth. In his Shadowwalk, he was undetectable by anything that wasn't doing the exact same thing as him, so he didn't concern himself with the warriors that he was passing to get to his destination: wherever it was they had come from.

It didn't take him long before he was there, looking at a massive army gathered at the valley's entrance. The Shade grimaced, peering about at the gathered enemy. An interesting group, no doubt... Picking one of his shadows specifically, he let that one slip out from his person, gathering basic information about this threat. He made sure to listen to any order they were being given as well, should there be anyone in charge. As of yet, he didn't see anyone that stood out from the rest.

Uai Trakand

He better know what he's doing... Uai thought grimly, now exiting the temple from her short perusal of its contents. Her verdict: not much. For the moment, she decided to aid in whatever sort of battle was making its place in front of the ruins. She began to chant lowly, smirking out over the beings that approached the temple.

"Blood and fire be my guide
For on the flames of war we ride.
The souls of the damned, they shall feast
On the flesh of the living, slain by this beast!"

The air about them chilled as the spirits of Ionor began to filter into the area, to be controlled by Uai at her leisure. For the moment, she allowed them to gather, contenting herself with watching the fight begin to unfold before her.


The Vi'zeer woman perched atop one of the crumbling towers of the temple ruins, overlooking the battlefield that was forming in front of the temple. In either hand Raven held a single Boltshot Crystal, charging them up with energy that she would use to wield them as weapons. The creatures that appeared to be charging the temple were well organize, splitting themselves off into melee and ranged in order to better engage their small defense force.

If they are intelligent, perhaps they can be reasoned with? Raven asked the air silently, her golden eyes peering out at the Light-strewn battlefield in wonder. Her eyes detected the Light magic as white color, standing out from the grays and blacks that normally 'colored' her world. They were Light Mages, it seemed, though anything else about them was a mystery for now.

And they would remain so, at least until Raven joined the fray herself.

01-15-2014, 03:56 PM
Small craters were blown into the grassy area that was now devoid of enemy, bizarre beings who had somehow teleported away just in time to avoid the blast. They looked on in shock as they teleported back into existence around the melee groups, making them vulnerable to the back and sides should a counterattack happen just then. They wouldn't be able to form shields in time so they decided to go all out, rushing to them and swinging their light blades at their torsos. So far the enemy hadn't done an attack so they wanted to take them out before they could manage to do so. Actually, thinking upon further thought it was strange that all they were doing was teleporting and standing around. What's the deal with these things? One of the groups were attacked by another strange thing at this time; a pink energy filled attacker swooping down straight above them. The one with the shield raised it straight up above her head just as the energy was bearing down on them.

It was during this time that five shots rang out, causing clone after clone near the center of the ranged attackers to drop to the ground as blood gushed from their chests. They reacted after the first three shots, trying to duck for cover but were out in the open so this made things difficult, especially because they had no clue where the attack was even coming from. All five shots hit their mark, leaving five bodies laying motionless in the field. The attack had been long range but didn't appear to be caused from magic and definitely not from arrows. They separated into two groups of four and one group five, and just like the melee the ones in back were protected by one who was generating a light shield in front. Whatever it was clearly had a lot of power to it so they made sure the shield was well defended. They probably couldn't last the entire five shots but at least it would stop him from getting so many easy kills like before. The ones in back began to charge up light spheres and search frantically for the guy who had done this to them. Whoever he was, he was well hidden and likely far away. Judging from the angle of the bullet wounds he was most likely high and pretty much straight ahead of them, leading to the obviously conclusion that he was somewhere in the upper floors of the temple. They concentrated their search there. Once found they would unleash some of their spheres his way.

Another foe took some of their attention away; an insanely powerful looking demon with fire and shattering earth all around him as he zoomed towards the clones.

"You two groups, take him down before he reaches the clones!" One of the women said in the group of five. Although most clones did think alike, to make sure they designated some clones of being a "higher rank" just to keep their thoughts organized. They didn't need any outward way of symbolizing this, as the clones could easily trust that the one giving orders was the one supposed to be doing so. With one clone from each group keeping up the shield, that left three in each of the two groups to unleash their energy spheres at him and the ground where they believed him to be heading next. The clones in the group of five still concentrated on finding the previous attacker. None helped out the melee clones right now due to the enemy being too close to their allied clones for their spheres to be fired safely.

The monk in charge of the clones at the edge of the valley cowered back as the sniper shots rang out. Knowing that the enemy had a mysterious long ranged weaponry he didn't want to be caught in such a vulnerable position.

"I'm leaving. This fight is boring anyways," he said. "Continue the attack until either they or you are all dead and the sacred relic is destroyed."

"As you command," the clone "in charge" replied with a bow.

Thelonewanderer: 5 kills, 5 combo, +1,000 points

Steampunk Samurai
01-15-2014, 04:45 PM

Now the enemy was on the offensive from within the circle. Not wanting to break the ruse they re-posed two clones on both sides of them into a standing position with both arms raised straight up. Each arm formed into blades. Then, lifting both clones by the ankles, they began swinging them like odd longswords at the two nearest attackers while they pointlessly attacked vacant forms who simply died where they stood

Pawn 1's clone count: 28 (assuming all other forms were destroyed we'll say yes.)
Pawn 2's clone count: 28 (assuming the same as written above.)



Now freud just needed electricity. Freud had heard a sniper rifle firing and decided to seek out it's owner. Searching the upper levels of the temple.

01-15-2014, 11:12 PM
(Jack Rose)

Seeing the targets drop, Jack got up and ran towards another window type part of the ruins, making sure to stay elevated so he had sightlines. He didn't plan on sniping anymore, as he wanted to conserve ammo, but acting as overwatch for the people defending this building wouldn't be bad.

Looking for a window, Jack saw what one would pass off as the stereotypical mad scientist. "Well, i didn't expect a scientist here of all places." the green cloak wearer said as he set up his sniper, giving overwatch for the field.

(Wei Raynkin)

Wei had run out to meet the clone lines head on, only to see she was beaten to the punch by the Emperor and that soul-bender she fought once. "Well, this should make things fun" Wei said to herself as she ran forward, Mercy in her left hand as a revolver, and Redemption in right as a sword.

Charging forward, Wei rushed the clone melee lines, slashing at the ones near by with Redemption, while firing three times with Mercy, aimed at three clones farther back, but still in range to be taken down.

10 spins of .357(117 rounds)[Wei]
10 spins of .44(60 rounds)[Wei]
70 normal rounds(Jack)
25 Cross rounds(Jack)

Gummi Bunnies
01-16-2014, 06:21 AM
-Kaika Cho-

As her energy blades were blocked by the shield, Kaika launched herself backwards from the shield and landing onto the ground. Quick, Kaika threw one of her energy blades to be stabbed into the ground where it would be close to the group of clones near. Simply with a finger snap, the thrown energy blade glows intensely and abruptly explodes with a burst of energy shards that would pierce through the clones that were too close to the blast. Kaika only had one energy blade, but could handle herself well as she held this blade as if she were charging energy into it.

-Sota Matari-
It's worth a shot if I do this... he thought as he went inside the ruined temple and then sat on the ground. Soya began to be surrounded by a sphere of darkness, like a cocoon of protection as he sets up for something. Within that dark sphere, Sota was focusing all that he can to create three Shadow Replicas. Soon, those three strange shadow creatures emerged from the dark sphere that Sota was keeping himself in. These Shadow Replicas were like a part of Sota, connected to their senses so he could observe details of the fight using the view of the Shadow Replicas. All three of the Shadow Replicas sunk into the ground, and began to travel through the battlefield. To a person to see the ground, there were abnormal shadows that traveled without an actual source, like shadows that moved on their own.

Dire Hoef
01-18-2014, 01:40 AM
[] The Emperor and Azazel []

After diverting some attention away from the main rush group the battle had already begun with some of the opposing side taking lethal damages to their defenses. He took this time to spot a small portion of the melee-group move towards the Emperor without thinking. He quickly shifted power gears slowlying down to a grinding halt before planting his feet causing the earth to disrupt is form about a few feat ahead of him. He looked towards the oncoming soldiers and smirked before readying himself smacking his shield with his own sword before rushing the soldiers further coming to the first one with rage in his hand and heart. He swung with force at the first man he saw, "I'll shall send back to hell!"

Azazel saw that The Emperor had made the first move on the group of soldiers and with that when The Emperor had swung his sword he silently leaped off his shoulder behind the group cutting off any means of escape for them. He landed gracefully before his eyes turned pure black and blacks formed sprouting out his back. He looked towards the soldiers with a slight smirk, "Time to die.." he said as he moved his scythe towards the furthest one towards the back of group knowing he would land a strike at the closest one towards him.

[] Prime []

Now being the eyes in the sky he scanned the hill of the origin of this attack group and noticed there was more to be had here. He looked towards the temple and decided to plan a means of attack hoping to land a strategic blow their forces as they closed in on the temple hearing gun fire and battle crys. He also spotted The Emperor and Azazel taking on a small group that had branched off to attack them. He rubbed his chin from under his helmet and started changing from his normal form to his Archangel form with his wings and attachments pure energy.

01-21-2014, 04:10 AM
Janna and Cad had been following a river. They soon found themselves near the back of a partially ruined temple.

"Well," said Cad to his new partner, "this must be it."

Janna nodded in response, then began climbing up the side until she reached a window. She disappeared inside. After a while, Cad saw her head peek out again. "I looked through a window on the other side. There's other people on this side of the valley, and they all seem to be helping to defend that thing or whatever we were told to keep safe. There's a lot of things they are fighting down below." She paused, then looked at him. "Anyways, are you coming up?"

Cad looked at her and shook his head. "I could not make it. I'd probably fall, and cause the wall to fall down, too. I'm going around."

Janna shrugged, then left her post, presumably to go back to whatever window it was so that she could see the preceding. Cad began a march around the building, until he found a hole that he could slip through. He then made his way to the front of the temple, and saw the fight for the first time, and observed those down below to figure out the best way to enter without stealing anyone else's person.

01-21-2014, 04:52 PM
The clones were surprised how easily their targets cut killed with a single slice of their light weapons. All of the clones who attacked got a kill while not receiving any damage. Some of these things lifted off the ground and began wildly flailing around with their weapons aimed in their general direction, which did cause them to back off a bit and play defensively, deflecting the sword every so often and wondering how they were going to get through this wild attack pattern that these things had.

The clone group attacked by Wei switched their focus from the oddly vacant army surrounding them and towards the girl instead. The one with the shield stepped in to intercept the sword swing while the others rushed around to either side of her, all swinging out with their swords at once towards her body and neck. They were not quick enough to intercept the gunshots, however. The clones cowering behind the shield user in the backlines let out startled cries as the light shield protecting them came under fire, two of them glancing off but the last one breaking through and striking the shield using clone in the chest. The rest of her shield vanished into thin air as she slumped backwards into one of their arms, dead. All of the clones were busy with the light spheres so couldn't get another shield up until those were fired off. They wanted revenge against the gun user but by now their clones had all moved in far too closer to her to attack. Seeing man (Prime) in the sky, they saw him to be the best target. All three let loose their energy spheres his way, which had a decent amount of charge time and would be more powerful then the volley that had slammed into the earth earlier.

The clone group attacked by Kaika put up a similar plan of attack, but unfortunately for them the light sword went off when two of them got up close, these two and the shield user absorbing most of the damage. The two were killed instantly, their bodies crashing down to the ground on either side of Kaika. The light shield protected the third clone for the most part but was obliterated, causing the clone to stumble backwards. The other two clones that remained unscathed let out battle cries, charging forward to avenge their fallen comrades and to buy proper time for the other clone to recover and form a sword of her own. The two clones swung at the girl, the one on the right towards her chest and the one on the left towards her neck.

The clone group attacked by the Emperor and Azazel readied their defenses, but two of them died because they could get an attack in as they were quickly overpowered. The other three were trapped in between the two, but weren't going to retreat anyways. Letting out battle cries one of them with a sword rushed towards Azazel, swinging at his body, while the sword and shield user charged the Emperor, the sword user following behind the shield until she could get an opening to attack.


Remaining clones in wave
12 in range
16 in melee
??? incoming
Thelonewanderer: 1 kill, +100 points
GummiBunnies: 2 kills, 2 combo, +250 points
Hoef: 2 kills (two different characters), +200 points

Steampunk Samurai
01-21-2014, 05:44 PM

"I suppose you'll do for static electricity." Freud said as he drew in the energy from jack causing it to spark between his fingers. Good thing he was wearing his gloves. This amount wasn't lethal though, Freud would need a storm to get any real energy in this age. Unless Freud resorted to something drastic. Freud ran out to the circle of clones that were just cut down drawing his scalpels holding them between each of his fingers.


The Pawns

Each pawn noticed freud coming and re-absorbed the copies they used as weapons instead transforming their own arms to their blade form and running forward to meet the melee clones with their blades swinging them down on the heads of the nearest one and moving in perfect unison.

01-22-2014, 03:00 AM
(Jack Rose)

Seeing Wei rush into the crowd, Jack sighted down another five targets, aiming for the ones farther back that seemed to be this army's ranged support. Taking that down would be very good, as it would leave the clones with only melee fighting, at least for now.

Targets sighted, Jack aimed for center mass and pulled the trigger five times, now down two clips. After the shots were fired, Jack jumped down, reloading a new clip in as he rushed into the fray, disappearing a rush of green rose petals, before reappearing right at the front lines, his scythe in full swing ready to chop down a couple of clones.

(Wei Raynkin)

Not wanting to risk it, Wei drew both blades into a block, stopping the clones form cutting her in half. Hearing Jack fire off before joining the fray, Wei slashed out to her sides, overpowering the clones she had locked blades with long enough for her to activate her Deadeye, and letting her get a quick stab in at the two clones before rushing over to Jack, cutting and weaving her way through.

10 spins of .357(117 rounds)[Wei]
10 spins of .44(60 rounds)[Wei]
65 normal rounds(Jack)
25 Cross rounds(Jack)

Gummi Bunnies
01-22-2014, 05:19 PM
-Kaika Cho-

She saw the two clones rush at her, aiming for two different areas to strike her. Kaika leapt back, holding her energy blade in a way to block both attacks. However, it wouldn't matter as one of Sota's Shadow Replicas rose from the ground, taking the two hits for Kaika as it faded away from being struck twice by two swords. "Thanks...Sota," Kaika mumbled to herself with a slight smile, knowing that Sota was watching out for her. Ready to attack again, Kaika managed to manifest a second energy blade to her second hand, and swung her blades in a "X-shape" in the air. This sent an energy wave shaped like an "X" at the two clones that were charging at her with swords moments before.

-Sota Matari-
The dark sphere around him weakened once one of his Shadow Replicas was destroyed from protecting Kaika, only having two Shadow Replicas still lurking in the ground of the fight. Sota tried to ignore the pain, and continue scouting out the enemy through his Shadow Replicas. He could see that there was a handful of ranged troops that were some distance behind the frontliners of the clone army.

Dire Hoef
01-22-2014, 11:33 PM

[] The Emperor and Azazel []

Azazel suddenly saw a man coming towards him with a battle cry. This made him cackle with delight, before moving his scythe with ease blocking the sword before flipping over the man and bringing the scythe down upon the back of the males of the armors ripping it from him. Then suddenly shifted in power using his Destruction Manipulation ability. He summoned a dark orb in his hand and threw it towards the soldier with full intention on destroying all trace of this man's existance.

The Emperor clanked his shield seeing the female soldier come towards him but gender doesn't matter in the case of war and so he quickly charged the female. He knew with intention that this fight wasn't going to last long considering The Emperor crude strength and power compared to this lowly melee soldier. He quickly came to stop and slid his right foot to the side swing his entire left body with his sword in hand and did a side slash using full might.

[] Prime []

Prime had been floating in the sky watching the battle unfold seeing more moves and attacks coming from other fighters like him and the others. He rubbed his chin slightly thinking of a attack that could do something to affect the next wave of soldiers that were to come across his deadly friends, or at least that what Azazel calls Prime. He quickly drew his sword and shield and prepared for the next wave that would soon come.

01-24-2014, 01:39 AM
Jacob the Shade

So that one is the commander... Jacob thought with a grin as he watched the monk exit the field. He found it interesting that the unit that he left in charge was physically no different than any of the other clones that were part of the attack. Was there something hidden that determined each individual's skills, or were they simply all the same and this was the easiest way for him to pass on command? Shaking his head to disperse the mess of thoughts, Jacob returned his attention to the rest of the clones.

Satisfied that he had a good estimate of the force's size, the undetectable being Shadowwarped back to the temple, standing on a spot near Raven. He allowed his shadows to disperse, becoming no longer Wrapped in Shadows, and simply looked out over the fight now taking place.

Uai Trakand

With Ionor's spirits (http://paintvrlife.tumblr.com/post/44398865151/by-adams-doyle-biography-shop) now under her control, Uai calmly walked forward and closer to the actual fight. Many other warriors had already joined the fray against the clones, but most of them seemed to only wield melee weapons and basic magic or energy attacks. Some beings behind and above her seemed to be wielding some sort of ranged weapon, a gun or something like that. It seemed far more effective than the pistol that the Doctor had used on her, however.

Nevertheless, it was her turn to show off. "Let's see how these eerily similar creatures deal with this..." Uai hissed to herself, grinning as she simply gestured in order to command the spirits to attack. A flock of about ten screeched distortedly as they launched themselves towards the melee clones, breaking off into pairs to rake their talons over a clone each. Though incorporeal themselves, their talons cut like steel.


Raven now had two Boltshot crystals charged, the egg-sized gems now floating to either side of her of their own accord. The Vi'zeer woman stood now, eyes glancing towards Jacob as he appeared not even a few feet from her. Her beaked face might have smiled if it had the capability, so she simply gave him a nod before shifting her arms to their winged form. With a heavy beat of her wings and a shove with both feet, Raven was airborne.

After gaining the needed altitude, Raven simply began to glide forward, her vision becoming more focused as she began to aim with her Boltshots. Passing over the brawl with the melee fighters, Raven began to close in on the ranged clones, taking precaution to aim carefully as she glided almost silently. As soon as she was no more than fifty yards away, Raven began firing with her crystals, laying down a spray of energy beams akin to dual pistols being shot rapidly. As soon as she passed over them, she would quickly bank and beat her wings to regain altitude, no longer firing.

01-24-2014, 02:05 AM

Janna watched from her window for a while. She saw what was going on, but, deciding there was not much she could do at the moment, watched. She leaded out the windowsill a bit more. A bit of it crumpled under her weight and fell off. She stopped leaning and looked down at it. It was about the size of a baseball. She looked around, and noticed similar sized rubble lying all around. She scooped up a piece, and headed out the back of the window she had first entered, and put some distance between herself and the temple.


Cad had finished discerning, too. It seemed like the attackers were all uniform. That meant everyone else was an ally. He had observed some of the clones being killed by his comrades, mostly from afar. He scoffed. But there were some going head to head. That was how one should engage in battle. He headed down to the field to join them.

01-26-2014, 04:52 PM
The clones were surprised when the mysterious army vanished again. Two of the enemy charged forward into the group that hadn't received any casualties yet, a brave move but it paid off when they both suddenly attacked a clone at once with their arms turned into swords. She was able to hastily deflect one of the strikes but due to the perfect timing the other one cut through her skull and brain despite her best efforts. Her light sword vanished and she crumpled dead to the ground. The clones split up into groups of two, each one moving in to engage the attackers in a sword fight. The one with the shield shifted it into a sword as well.

Before one of the clones in the back was able to form a light barrier to recover from the previous attack there was more gunfire, taking her out. The other two scattered towards the protection of the other, one to the group of four and one to the group of five. Four more shots game in at the group of six, like before taking two shots to break through the shield and two more shots to kill two more clones hiding behind it. The groups of five and four gritted their teeth in frustration at these long range attackers. They unleashed their energy balls at where they had pinned down his position but he disappeared into rose petals. Their energy did severe damage to his sniper post but nothing to the sniper himself.

The group of four who no longer had their shield feared that they would just be shot before they could form another decent enough shield to deflect the attacks, so they instead charged forward as quickly as they could while forming swords.

"Give us covering fire!" One of them shouted to the five clones hiding behind the shield using fifth. "Put maximum energy into your shield so they can't get through like before!" That clone would probably be too exhausted to do anything else at maximum shield output, but a powerful shield was clearly a life saver and well worth the effort. They couldn't make do with the shields only powerful enough to efficiently block arrows, after all.

The clones attacking Wei were doing good enough due to them outnumbering her greatly, but some sort of special ability was activated that allowed her to quickly slip past their defenses and stab two of them lethally in the chest. The two remaining sword users tried to attack Wei again but she was too quick in her retreat as another of her ally also joined in. The shield user raised her shield to deflect the scythe. The other two split up, each swinging for a different one.

The two clones charging at Keiko took the full force of the energy, being knocked backwards and dead before they hit the ground. There was only one remaining clone in this group, the one who had her shield destroyed. Things were not looking good for her and she knew it, but clones never retreated unless ordered too. She bravely rushed at her much like the other two, hoping that the enemy wouldn't be able to fire another wave of energy so soon after the last. Her right hand had just enough time to form a dagger as she closed the distance, attempting to stab her in the abdomen while letting out a battle cry.

The two attacking the emperor and Azazel were quickly demolished, one disintegrating out of existence while the sword user getting cleaved in two by and attack that even cut through the light sword raised to defend herself. The upper body rolled a long ways down the field while the legs stood their for a brief moment before collapsing to the ground at his feet. The last clone, the one with the shield, was clearly desperate after seeing the two fall in battle so easily. Her shield would do nothing against their power. In what she hoped to be a surprise move she chucked her shield at the Emperor's neck and then made an attempt to flee the two and regroup with the ones nearby attacking the pawns.

It was that group of clones that first came under contact with the mysterious new bird-like enemies that came fluttering into their ranks, although some of them flew over to the others as well. They looked up, distracted by them and tried to fend them off with sword swings. On of the clones fight the group with the pawns was not able to ward one off, allowing it to rip open her neck with one of it's talons. She made gurgling sounds, clasping at her neck while stumbling to the ground, bleeding out within seconds.

Another air attacker also joined in, this time attacking the ranged clones. The shield user was only focusing on where the bullets had been coming from and not an attack from the air, causing the clones hiding behind to her be defenseless. The attack ripped through their ranks, some of them managing to scatter frantically away but not before three of them bit the dust, including the one with the shield that proved to be completely useless in this scenario. In fact she never even saw what hit her, being one of the first ones to go. The other two turned their attention to the flier and unleashed their energy spheres at her before she could get out of range.

The clones on the ridge of the valley observed the battle taking place, unsettled by their clones getting massacred. This battle was certainly going quite poorly despite their forces having the advantage of numbers. It was clear that it would end with the loss of all of the clones down there in that wave. However, even that complete loss was completely insignificant towards their total numbers. They also gained a lot of useful information about the capabilities of their enemies. Things wouldn't turn out so poorly next time around.

"It looks like out newest created clones are not powerful enough to do much damage at all," one of the clones in charge of organizing their forces commented.

"Indeed, but it's not entirely their fault. After all, the enemy attacks with strange new weaponry," another one countered.

"Shouldn't we swarm them with our remaining forces and just be done with it?"

"...no," the clone in charge said. "I know you feel the same was as I. We should give them a chance to prove their worth. The end results will be the same regardless. We will destroy the sacred relic and they can't possibly do anything to stop that."

"I'll organize an attack on all sides with triple our previous numbers. That should give a good fight to show their skills on."


2 fighting Raven
4 charging forward
4 fighting the Pawns
3 fighting Wei and Jack
1 fighting Keiko

Total kills: 24
Remaining in wave: 14


Steampunk Samurai: 1 kill, +100 points
thelonewanderer: 4 kills, 3 combo, +550 points
Gummi Bunnies: 2 kills, 2 combo, +250 points
Hoef: 2 kills, +200 points
Jacogos: 4 kills, 3 combo, +550 points


Steampunk Samurai
01-26-2014, 09:48 PM

They stood back to back contemplating their next move one decided to released the segments on his arm causing the blade to hang on a chain extending from where the upper and lower arm meet. He swung it, sending the blade at the neck of one of the clones on his side.

Meanwhile the other took a stance protecting the back of his brother from the two on his side. He made himself ready to strike at a moment's notice. But really, it was just a good distraction for freud who snuck up on one of the clones from behind.


Freud struck quick, his scalpels cutting into the clone's back with precision, aiming for where it's heart would be. He then leaped over seeking to do the same to the others one before it noticed.

01-28-2014, 01:06 AM
(Jack Rose and Wei Raynkin)

While the clone was able to deflect the sycthe attack, it would be hard pressed to defend against the next swing, as it was a shot augment swing, tripling the force of the swing.

After it, Jack moved closer to Wei, and they went back to back, the two Hunters holding off the clones, blades of steel swinging and clashing against one of light.

10 spins of .357(117 rounds)[Wei]
10 spins of .44(60 rounds)[Wei]
64 normal rounds(Jack)
25 Cross rounds(Jack)

Gummi Bunnies
01-28-2014, 01:30 AM
-Kaika Cho-
As she watched the single remaining clone, a female, charged towards her, it was so easy to think of a counter to this. It was like the easiest thing to do out of a book, Kaika grinned a bit as she ran forwards. The moment that both would clash, Kaika used one blade to smoothly block the dagger, the blades sliding off of each other. Swiftly, Kaika sidestepped to this female clone's side, and with an opening, she took this chance to immediately stab her other energy blade through this clone's back.

-Sota Matari-
The darkness around him faded away, the energy of the Shadow Replicas that were lurking around returned to him. Sota stepped out of the temple to see that there were four clones that decided to straight away charge in. Guess this is left up to me... he thought as he tightly gripped his scythe and shadow-stepped to the point he appeared as if he teleported right in front of these four. The power of darkness becoming active through his body and scythe, Sota swung his scythe horizontally at the four, the strength within this swing increased because of the intense darkness around him.

Dire Hoef
01-28-2014, 08:55 PM
[] Azazel and The Emperor []

The Emperor realized the retreat and with this he smirked setting his sword upon his shoulder. He looked towards Azazel who finished up the other attacker and with this saw the remaining clone retreat to another large force. He shook his head in disappointment and looked up seeing Prime prepare for yet another wave of troops seeing that it has ended just yet. He looked forward, then up the hill waiting for more to arrive.

Azazel finished his attacker with ease and stood there licking the blood off his scythe, "Tasty.." He knew that there would be more arriving and with this he leaped over onto The Emperors shoulder and waited for the next wave of fighters to combat him and his brute of a friend. He set his scythe upon his shoulder knowing more is still to come.

[] Prime []

'What will come of those two if they were to be over-powered by some ranged gunmen?', he thought about this for a moment before letting all thoughts pass by. He needed to think of something before, something were to go wrong. He had his abilities, but knew that with his abilities he could end this fight before it even began but that would result in everyone getting killed in the process..

02-08-2014, 04:49 PM
Janna was behind the temple experimenting with a piece of rubble, trying to find its natural resonance frequency. Although not all the pieces were exactly like this one, hopefully they would be close enough.

Cad had managed to get pretty close to the ranged attackers, since he had not stopped to fight anyone on the way. Now, he was the furthest away from the group. He saw two clones (the ones attacking Raven) throw some light at something up above. They were looking at this thing instead of his direction. Seizing this opportunity, he ran towards one. When he was very close, he yelled, "Hey!" As the first one turned around to face him, he locked eyes with it, and continued charging, with his sword held out as if to run it through

02-09-2014, 04:29 PM
The bird-like enemies were quickly fended off, fluttering away after taking some damage by the sword swings as they tried to claw at them up close. With that taken care of the clones rushed forward to attack the first pawn, but one was taken off guard by his sword suddenly extending on a chain-like arm and beheading her with a single swift blow. The other clone looked between her headless companion to the monster standing before her. They knew there was something odd about these things, but now it was obvious that they weren't even any type of living human. More like some twisted marionette than anything they were familiar with. It couldn't be fought as if it was a normal person or else she might meet a similar fate. She and the two other clones raised their guard, now prepared for a ranged attack, eying them intently in search for any more trickery. Suddenly one of the two felt a cold knife, or some other small blade, slide into her exposed back. Her eyes went wide in the shock of letting another enemy sneak up on her so easily. Before she could say anything the other clone met a similar fate. The two collapse onto their knees, their vision fading as life left their veins. They collapsed forward side by side and remained still. The last clone only noticed this when it was too late. He might have gotten lucky with those two kills, but to her he looked like a pushover. Even by herself she decided that she could take him out. Skirting swiftly around the two pawns she targeted this scientist with a sword swing towards his chest.

The clone deflecting Jack's scythe gained confidence when it clanged uselessly against her shield. She could defend against him all day. However, when he next swung it came in at much more power, shattering her shield and cleaving her in two just below her breast. As the two halves were falling to the ground the other two clones clashed their weapons against Jack and Wei. As they locked them into a close range swordfight they seemed to be doing much better so they went onto the offense, using powerful blows to try and take them out quickly and assist their other clones in need.

The clone fighting Kaika was no match as the two swung at each other, ending up with an energy blade through her back for her troubles. She stumbled to the ground at her opponent's feet, expiring quickly. The four clones charged in to try and get their hands at revenge, but were taken off guard by a shadowy figuring suddenly appearing right in front of them. A single slash went across their entire line. For a second nothing happened, but in dramatic fashion they all split in two at once fell into a pile in front of him.

The clones fighting Raven had been luck. Their energy balls slammed into the flying woman, clearly doing some damage. They were about to finish her off when they heard a shout coming from nearby on the ground. They turned to face the man charging towards them with his sword extended. The two clones didn't have a sword ready for such an attack, having just been firing on Raven. They wordlessly formed their strategy, one of the clones backing up to form a sword while the front one came forward to meet this new attacker head on, trying to fight him off bare handedly. She used the protection of her gauntlets to try and grip onto the sword and stop it from moving long enough for her comrade to form the sword.

2 fighting Raven and Cad
1 fighting the Pawns and Freud
2 fighting Wei and Jack

Total kills: 33
Remaining in wave: 5


Steampunk Samurai 3 kills, 2 stealth combo, +390 points
thelonewanderer: 1 kill, +100 points
Gummi Bunnies: 5 kills, 4 combo, +650 points
Hoef: 2 kills, +200 points
Jacogos: 4 kills, 3 combo, +550 points
