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Red Fox
07-24-2010, 06:39 PM
For possible joiners, this is very text heavy with a lot of rules and then even more words.
Without this header, it spans over 6300 words, which is almost 13 pages in MsWord. Know that if you plan to join, you need to read it all.
For the ease of reading, it is sectioned in to "chapters" in spoiler tags.

This is classified as mature, since blood, violence and even adult situations is allowed, as long as it stays within common sense.


The 826th year of the 4th age.
The war that had been going on between the V’ida and the Albion armies for decades, ended only a few years ago.
Very few still remember the reason for the war, and those who claim to still remember the reason states it was due to which side would reign over most of the islands between the two.
The truth is that the war started in the 414th year of the 4th age, so it had been going on for over 400 years. The reason it started was an assassination of the princess of the V’ida king, they thought that it was the workings of the Albion side to rid the royal family and take over the world, a short time after the queen of the Albion kingdom fell to the same fate, naturally both now blaming each other this brew up into a full scale war.

There are rumors that a third party did the assassinations, and it was only assumption, envy and hate that started the war.
Whatever the reason for this, the world is now in a pseudo peace, though guards are ever vigilant and you might be questioned for mentioning details of one side while being in the other, and there are still rumors of strange things happening between them behind the curtain.

A new threat surfaced a few years or so ago, it started with some people being possessed and going on a rampage, and were followed by lesser demons flowing into the cities, doing what they did best.
At the start the Sumoners were put to blame as they were the ones that would normally have the power to do this, but after some research it was clear that these came from various caves around the world, and each of these caves had a white symbol of a melting sun in them somewhere.
At one point the officials managed to capture one from this group, he had a completely black robe with the same mark branded onto his forehead. As they were not able to question the man he was executed publicly, hoping that it would strike enough fear in the order that they would stop.
This did very little to hinder them at all, and everything went on as usual.

A year or so ago, something new happened, a few select people around the world, of mixed races, started getting birthmarks that looked like tattoos only inverted and black in color of the same mark as the demonic order had. Naturally these were captured and questioned, even tested upon, and in time it was made a choice that these were to be executed on the spot if they did not give any information.
The reason for this were more than the mark itself, but everyone of the marked ones had received a strange power that were not within the known magical schools, one were able to suddenly sprout wings from his back, where another was able to steal the faces of those he had killed. Needless to say that the threat of these were real, as the only thing that proved their skills were the mark.
Some people that studied this, claimed that they were not cursed, whereas they might do bad things this was their own choices and not the powers that did, they were in reality a force with some unique skills that had been born to fight against the Order of the melted sun.
A lesser lord that kept his name secret tested this, and realized that their power was indeed stronger than an unmarked one, when facing a demon. Sadly most died in the test-fights and the knowledge was hidden, only to be circulated as rumors.

Now the world is in a strange balance, where the Albion and V’ida kingdom is keeping their distance from each other to avoid another war, whereas there are an odd demon raid that is normally killed off at a relative decent rate.
The officials try to check most babies after birth for the mark, as some higher officials do believe in their power to thwart the demon invasion, whereas some seek to destroy them. Both kingdoms have bounties for the finding of a marked one, whereas most want them alive for the reason of help, some want them dead. So the life for a marked one is interesting to say the least.

What no official know, is that on some children, the mark does not show itself until the child’s 5th birthday, and the unique power they gain manifests at the age of 16 along the full understanding on how it works.
Another thing is that each of the marked ones, can sense another marked one if their eyes meet, and though they know about the mark, they know nothing else.


As you can assume, the humans are the race of the highest population, they have skills in almost any focus, though the race of man can, for some reason, not wield some of the more exotic arts.

The elves are a rare sight; most humans go though their whole life thinking they are just a myth.
They mostly reside in forested areas, but some even live in the city wearing attires that hide their ears as those are the only solid giveaway of their heritage. Though often paler, and fairer skinned, than the humans they are not as easy to distinguish as you might suspect.
Their race has strong bonds with some forms of powers, but is not as versatile as the humans.

|-Half beasts
These are creatures that have formed in the Blighted lands to the south west, formerly known as Valito. Just over a thousand years ago a meteor of unknown origin crashed into the planet in what was at that time a medieval metropolis. As this happened, the whole region became tainted and animals became wilder, some grew in size but the oddest of them all were the half beasts.
For some reason the humans and animals mutated together, resulting in many different half-beasts.
These creatures have a large variety of racial mixes. All from just larger relatively normal animal, to a complete human with only slight animal features.
The ones in between are looked on as the weirdest ones, since you can have a human with claws, a tail, animal ears and fur but retaining the human level of intelligence. And interestingly enough their size is all from knee high to common human sized.
These are rare but after some interviewing and testing they are normally allowed into society, though some people fear them.
The half-beasts have command over very few powers, but their animal sides make up for that in many aspects.

Owning the whole southern island, their cave complexes are quite the sight if one is allowed to enter.
These creatures are man-like, though the common dwarf stands between 3 and 4 feet in height.
The Dwarven skill in metal, both as smiting and otherwise knows around the world and sought after with great interest.
They often sell both armor and weapons to both sides of the war, if they are not actively helping by choosing a side.
Normally being neutral in the war, seeing a dwarf is not a too rare sight, though rarer than humans they are the next most common race.

Perhaps one of the rarest to meet, these were one time man or elves that became tainted.
The process itself on how one becomes a vampire is shrouded in darkness, but it is a fact that they exist and their weaknesses are also widely known. So finding one in sunlight only happens as a pile of dust.
These creatures often take refuge in old abandoned forts or in castles.
Rarely do they terrorize the realm of the living with their business; this is even so for feeding; though they do occasionally need fresh blood.
The powers they command are unique to their race.

||-Fire Subcategories: Temperature, Explosions.
||-Water Subcategories: Ice, Steam.
||-Earth Subcategories: Nature, Metal.
||-Air Subcategories: Lightning, Weather
||-Energy Subcategories: Barrier, telekinesis.
|-Holy (Light)
||-Holy Subcategories: Healing, Alteration.
|-Darkness (Demonic)
||-Darkness Subcategories: Summoning, Conjuring.

-Elements – Deeper understanding of subcategories as a mage.
*In every element, as well as sub category, there exists spells to alter, manipulate in lesser extents and ‘spellify’ already existing natural occurrences of said element*

Fire spells are just as it sounds, you can create magical fire that will work within the borders of the spell. So Fire ball’s and Fire Streams is not uncommon.
||-Fire Subcategory: Temperature.
This is the art of magically alter the temperature of any given object/area without using fire itself.
It can go both ways, so you can make a summer-like area in a blizzard if you have the skill/energy, and naturally you can then make a glacier in a desert if you have enough skill/energy.
You cannot make enchantments with this Sub element.
||-Fire Subcategory: Explosions.
The demolition experts, the mage that specialize in explosions, namely the art of focusing all power in a local area until the point where it bursts, are known for their pure destruction. A master can easily take out a city block.

As with Fire, Water is basically the creation of magical water in the forms of spells, as with fire this can affect the world before the spell completes.
||-Water Subcategory: Ice.
Though as all water mages can cast ice spells, the mages that specialize in ice obtain the mental key for stronger spells within the ice field. Naturally an Ice mage can cast spells from the main element itself, as well as the other sub element, but naturally he excels in his own category.
||-Water Subcategory: Steam.
Often underestimated, the Steam Mage takes usage of many mist-like spells, where many of them are hot enough to peel your skin off.

Just as it sounds, spells of an earthen alignment creating magical earth in the form of spells.
They are also the only ‘Golem creators’ where they can form together existing earth into an earth golem that follows the creator’s verbal commands.
||-Earth Subcategory: Nature.
The nature mage is a rare one and requires more training than many other elements.
The Nature mage is able to make natural plants to abide to his will, entangling, impaling, crushing and so on depending on the spell(set) that the mage uses.
If the mage is strong enough he might even make dead plant life, like wooden floors, sprout to life at local instances that will again abide to his word.
You cannot make enchantments with this Sub element.
||-Earth Subcategory: Metal.
The Metallurgist is more akin to the nature mage than the earth mage, instead of creating the metal; he can form it and create things, or more or less anything that the mage’s spell arsenal covers.
You cannot make enchantments with this Sub element.

The air mage can create many effects relating to wind and air, though not as powerful as the air manipulators he can create air in many cases.
Air mages are often found around some large campus places working as voice enhancers for the one that is giving an announcement, though this is not the best place it is often used as a form of training for new magi.
The Air mages are also often considered the only true divers, as they can create, and move, pockets of air with them under water, whereas air manipulators can do this as well the air mage’s air can be renewed after expended.
||-Air Subcategory: Lightning
As the name suggests, the Lightning mage focuses on the occurrences of bolts of electricity.
This is an interesting element as it seems to be drawn to metal objects and can arc from one to another, which makes Lightning mages sought after for war where plate/chainmail wearing warriors reign.
You cannot make enchantments with this Sub element.
||-Air Subcategory: Weather
This is also one of the more unusual mages, though the few that are have the power to locally alter the weather itself.
Though this normally takes a little time, the masters are able to make a blizzard in a desert, or making a rain storm suddenly vanish as if it was blown out like a candle.
You cannot make enchantments with this Sub element.

Energy is an odd element, as this is present in all other elements it is considered the only neutral force, due to this no element is better against it, though as the same effect, Energy is not specifically good against another element.
If it is not tamed energy can be a violent element, exploding and going its own course, though if controlled properly the Energy Mage can do wondrous things like making portals to other locations and the like.
||-Energy Subcategory: Barrier.
As the name suggests, the Barrier mage excels at creating forms of barriers.
Though this sounds simple enough it is not as single minded as you might think.
The masters are able to create specific forms of barriers, effectively creating ‘solid’ weapons that weigh basically nothing.
The barrier mage can, off course, also create shielding/containing barriers; in some rare cases a master is able to encase a whole city for years.
You cannot make enchantments with this Sub element.
||-Energy Subcategory: Telekinesis.
The ‘Object Mage’, this specific type of mage takes usage of his ability to move things with his mind. The size and amount of objects are relative to the mage’s power, but it has been said that there were those that threw whole houses, and those that were able to pluck every grain from a midsized wheat-field.
You cannot make enchantments with this Sub element.

|-Holy (Light)
This is often considered the element of the gods, and as such most mages that specialize in the element of Holy/light become some form of priest or cleric.
Though they might be, not all of them believe in the existence of gods, so they often take the same course as any mage, just with a different element.
||-Holy Subcategory: Healing.
These are the doctors of the world; they are adept at fixing you broken down body.
Some of the higher ranked healers are able to mend bone in the matter of a minute, and the masters have even been rumored to resurrect recently killed ones.
||-Holy Subcategory: Alteration.
The Alteration mages are a rare sight, and a powerful one is even rarer. However they are interesting, as they don’t attack as much directly, but changes things that have happened and things they know will happen.
In cases where it applies, they can locally alter reality, making a broken cart not be broken, and in the higher levels they can remove incoming spells from existence.
Their way of attacking normally consists of altering the reality in such a way that their enemy takes care of themselves. After all; how often is it that your own attack spells changes direction and effect heading towards yourself.

|-Darkness (Demonic)
This is normally considered the evil element, or the demonic one.
It works as any other element, just that it has a darker feel to it.
||-Darkness Subcategory: Summoning.
The summoners are a weird bunch. Their field of mastery takes a lot of time to learn, and even more to master, they are the slowest of the mages to master their elements.
Though they are slow at mastery, they have an interesting effect that was once thought of to be Alteration.
Where the Alteration mage can alter existing reality, the skilled summoner creates his own by summoning a mental creature or form to aid them. One of the first forms they learn to summon is a living armor that abides their mental orders. Later as mastery increases the summoner is able to summon mental images, opening up for a much larger versatility.
You cannot make enchantments with this Sub element.
||-Darkness Subcategory: Conjuring.
The conjurer is the summoner’s brother; he can create items that he knows the workings of. So in battle it is not uncommon for his allies to ask for specific weapons that they are often given in a few seconds later.
You cannot make enchantments with this Sub element.

-Element vs Element
Energy (Neutral, has no weaknesses, but no strengths against other elements)
Holy = Darkness

The mages command different elements in their own way. They have the versatility of spells and the unique ability to use their own life force in unique ways.
The drawback of being a mage is that all spells are spoken words, to cast a Fireball, the magical word for Fireball has to be spoken.
Another drawback is that without his wand, staff or foci, every spell looses a lot of its power as the mages weapon acts as his permanent Foci.

The mage’s spells need a spell-word, which is a word, or sentence, spoken in a magical language.
Without their wand/staff, a mage can still cast a spell but at a much lower strength.
A mage’s power is bound in the forms of spells, a mage can do minor things outside the realms of spells at the cost of high energy drains.
A mage is bound to one main element, but some mages has the power to command a different element, whereas they are never as powerful in their secondary element as their main, they can combine the two for interesting effects.
Specializing in a parent element grants the user basic skill in the child categories, as well as one Specializing in a child category will still be able to use basic skills in the parent element as well as the other sub element.
||-Mage Races: Human, Elves.

Fighters do not believe that everything is a matter of the mind, or that magic is the answer to everything.
Though they do recognize the power the mage has, they believe that with proper training of the body, their skill in close combat is the one true way which in time allows them to unlock their inner power.
A fighter uses his surroundings to a high degree and specializes in one, or two, close combat weapons such as the sword, war hammer, spear and so on.

A fighter has no present movements, and reacts according to what happens.
Fighters have one weapon-set, consisting of their main weapon; often a two hander or a one hander and a shield, and a sidearm which is often a one handed weapon.
All fighters are naturally strong and most wear armor of some kind and they are skilled in hand to hand combat.
The Fighter also has an inner power, some call this the Ki/Chi, and this allows them to do things that were once thought on as magic. A skilled fighter can temporarily increase his physical strength or speed, or make his blade sharper than the common blade. Naturally this allows the skilled fighter to use heavier weapons as if they were lighter, as well as to cut though things that were normally considered to be ‘un-cuttable’.
||-Fighter races: Human, Elves, Half beasts, Dwarves, Vampires.

The Spellsword recognize the power of both the fighters and the mages, due to this they devote their life to both practices.
They have the advantages of having the versatility of both, and often use their sword, or other melee weapon, as their Foci. However due to needing mastery in two aspects, they lose the sheer skill or power in one field, namely the inner power that the fighter has, and will thusly have a lower skill in each side as a master of one, but this is not a setback for the skilled Spellsword but a chance to shine over both with the versatility.

A Spellsword has the abilities of both mages and fighters though are naturally weaker on them than a master. This is off course relevant to the individual’s experience, naturally a Spellsword that has been in a few wars and have plenty of actual combat experience will have a higher level of skill compared to a new requite just out of the academy.
They carry a two handed weapon or a one handed with a shield. The weapon of a Spellsword also acts as his Foci, though compared to a mage a Spellsword without his Foci cannot cast spells, but can still duke it out.
Note that Spellswords cannot have Holy, Darkness or one of it subcategories as his specialization.
Nor do they have the inner power that the fighters command.
||-Spellsword races: Human, Elves.

Rangers prefer to attack from afar with a crossbow, bow or other distance projectile weapon. They are skilled in close combat but far from the same level as their ranged weapon.
In ranged the most skilled ones are able to shoot down a fleeing sparrow without harming it, but this will take great skill and mastery of one’s practice and only a very few has proven this level.
However, all rangers are skilled in woodsmanship and use traps and forests to their advantage, not to mention that most are surprisingly agile.

A ranger always uses a projectile weapon, and has a backup of one or two one handed weapons.
They often wear leather armor and normally have a small bag of assorted items to help their trap setting.
In some rare cases, a ranger has managed to tame a beast that can help them in combat, or work as a team mate in other aspects.
||-Ranger races: Human, Elves, Half beasts.

The Rogues often walk past you with little effort, though oddly enough their pockets seem heavier as yours lighten.
Their skill in thievery are only matched by their skill with small one handed weapons that one often only realize are there as they are sticking out of a bleeding hole of your body as your eyes close for the final time.
Their agility is unmatched and can hold their side against a skilled fighter with dodging and evading, though such actions give very little opportunity for attack.

Rogues are either thieves or assassins, they are always able of both but specialize in one, which means that a rogue specializing in assassination will be better at combat than one specializing in thievery.
Rogues always only use one handed weapons, often in a pair. In some rare cases they are known to use more exotic weapons, in this case they often carry a dagger as a backup.
It is also not unusual for a rogue to carry throwing daggers or spikes; naturally they will have plenty of skill in using them as well.
||-Rogue races: Human, Elves, Half Beasts.

Alchemists were once looked on as mages with an unnatural high skill in manipulating their life-forces, though as time went on and more study was made it was made apparent that everything they did had a cost that had to be paid with physical objects and became known as science.
A mage can make things with his mana, though this will follow the laws of energy, whereas an Alchemist can make something out of something else, which will result in a true item; often to the level of a master blacksmith if the alchemist is good enough.
Alchemists are scientists and able to make anything they know how works by transmuting already present objects. Though they have to take care, a slight miscalculation of the cost of their transmutation can end up as a rebound, making the transmutation take its cost from the Alchemist itself, often ending up with disfiguring limbs or removing them altogether.

An alchemist always draws a symbol on their target of manipulation, the complexity of these scales in the complexity of what they plan to do.
It is not unknown for an Alchemist to have a set of symbols pre-drawn on a sheet of leather that they ‘nail’ down with spikes or small daggers to go around the drawing process.
They are able to make things into other things, and create anything they know how works, provided that the raw materials is there.
Making swords from the sandy earth is not uncommon as sand contains metal, or just making a hammer from a few rocks.
They are also known for literally using their surroundings as weapons, making pillars of earth attack their targets, or creating pits or spikes for their opponent to fall in.
They carry weapons in rare cases, as they normally
||-Alchemist races: Dwarf, Human.

The benders were also once considered mages, though upon further study they did not create the element nor were they limited to spells in an element. They have complete mastery of their element and can with body movements guide it around doing as they want. Though the bender’s weak point is the need of said element already existing around them, and for some reason cannot use the elements made by a mage’s spells unless the mage takes care in creating it for that specific purpose.

The benders can manipulate the whole of the element they specialize in; this is done with body movement compared to martial arts, naturally this also gives them a certain skill in martial arts/hand to hand combat as well.
However they need the element present and if either the element is not there, or they are restrained from moving, they are often considered useless as they rarely, if ever, carry weapons.
Benders cannot use the, Energy, Holy or Darkness elements, nor its subcategories.
||-Bender races: Elves, Half beasts.

The runemage is an odd type, carrying a score of different runes and rune words already inscribed on wood, bone or any other natural source. They are able to create strong enchantments or call upon the elemental forces of nature itself to do its bidding, though often at a cost.

The Runemages are split into two main categories, the enchanters and the Shaman.
The Enchanters can enhance, or give, weapon abilities that would even surpass that of dwarven smiting. Like increasing its sharpness or adding elemental protection to armor.
The shaman is able to call upon the earth’s elemental forces to do his bidding, this is often looked at as a mage’s doing though the effect is rather different. Like creating local traps that unleash a natural element, or effect, depending on the runemage’s skill
Both require a specific cost in the manor of the Runemage’s blood to activate.
Though the Runemage has to specialize in one effect, it is not uncommon for them to dabble in both arts, allowing for weapons and armor to take use of great effects when being given, or tasting, fresh blood.
Some are so skilled that with a rune set, they can scry the near future, or the importance of certain items.
||-Dwarfs only.

As the name suggests, this is the power of the vampires.

The vampires have different powers depending on their age, as a vampire’s power increases alongside the age.
The most common powers are transformation into one animal form, charming human and elven targets and able to command some weaker minded ones. Some of their powers are considered Necromancy in all workings of it.
||-Vampires only.

There are rumors of beings that have mastered more than one class, or have skills that are not limited to that which the world already has.
Some legends speak of mind control, Alchemy without equaling exchange, spells cast without spell-words and even some speak of raw power to such a degree that conventional attacks do nothing to them.
Though these are mentioned in the history, they are never proven and are mostly counted as bedtime stories.

No one knows what powers are contained in this, old texts speak of many things but nothing is proven.
Many made up stories speak of world ending spell-like powers, and forbidden rituals that use lives as payment.

|-Mixed classes
It is possible to mix classes, but even then you are restricted to have a higher mastery of one of them, whereas the other is only augmenting your primary class.
Know that not all classes can be mixed, and you will take on the same weakness, and versatility, of the spellsword.

*Image Link to the map* (http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d19/alchemist_fox/TidesofFate-Map.jpg)

Contact RP’leader with the following information.
-Region number to place it in: (see map)
-Rough location in said region:
-Name of your location:
-Type of location: (See legend on map, or describe it)
-Other details:

The V’ida kingdom stretches out further than just the island their capitol is located on. The south west island, namely the one that Valito crater is located on is also a part of the V’ida. Naturally this means that The Blighted Plains are under their control.
Due to the distance between the two islands, the king have had a location-to-location portal set up between the capitol of V’ida and a heavily guarded location in the northern region of the south west island (region 27)

Albion is much larger than V’ida and due to this they never had the need to take over smaller areas to expand their kingdom. Though not a part of their kingdom it is said that their fingers of influence stretch through the northern island.

The location that is now called The Blighted Plains were once named Valito, and some still call it by its former name.
According to the records the impact of the meteor that changed Valito’s history crashed into the surface just under one and a half millennia ago.
As this happened most of the region were covered in a mist-like cloud and it was even hard to see more than a few meters ahead of you.
The sole thing that kept this mist from spreading was the mountain range that limited access between Valito and its bordering regions.
In the following years several expeditions were sent in to try and gather information, but the information regarding this is classified.
What is known by the public is that there has now been set up a large scale force field around Valito, held in place and fueled by the four Obelisks that is sunken around the peninsula.
Now it is not a toxic place as rumors tell it was before, but weird things still happen within. One of these things is that this is the birthplace of all Half-beasts, though most of them live their life within Valito’s borders, some chose to exit the border and ends up being capture by the V’ida forces.
This is not necessarily a bad thing; the creatures that are not fit for interaction with others are naturally put down. However, there are those that even if they do not have a sense of sentience or higher intelligence, these often end up as pets for paying customers around the world and have become somewhat usual.
There are also those who do possess a human intelligence, these are groomed for insertion in the society of the rest of the world. Though this does not always succeed, but for those that it does the half-beasts are allowed to roam around the world as any other person.
Though the Half-Beasts don’t have any skills in the magical arts, they do well in the physical ones and the odd subject have bender abilities.

This whole island is owned by the dwarfs, not much is known about their way of life as they prefer to keep other races outside.
What is known is their skill with metal and their vast halls of stone where they reside, so it is presumed that the whole island is riddled with underground caves and hallways.

This is the Dwarven capital, it is also where most of the trade is done on the island. In the well guarded city is the most used, and best constructed, route to the underground maze that is the result of a long time of mining and inhabiting. In the sub-sections of this city is where you find the best dwarven smiths and runemages, and if youre lucky they might work together; or even be the same person.

This is a well known arena where one can fight, many fights are one-on-one, but due to its sheer size, it can allow for a squad against squad.
Around the arena itself, separating the spectators and the fighters, is a powerful fully transparent barrier set up, this is to make sure that spectators cannot cheat b casting spells or ranged attacks, and it allows for more large scale attacks in the fight so that the spectators are not bombed by debris and the occasional weapon.
For an extra charge and a deposit, a spectator can rent a magical device that connects a image-feed from a moving camera inside to a screen in the spectators hand, so that you can get closer and see more detail.
It is well known for its fights, it even allows for fighters around to join the fights, sadly some richer and shadier types take advantage of this and use it for a type of slave-fight.

|-This RP is very based on logic; naturally it has deviations as magic is not present in our world. But using RP-logic you will be able to answer 70% of your own questions.
|-As of this time, only one character per player.
|-Loopholes: If you manage to find a loophole, and if you mange to back it up logically, you are allowed to use said loophole. Basically if you manage to persuade the RP’leader that it makes sense, it will be allowed. To a certain degree off course.
To make the RP more fun for everyone, try and don’t abuse this.
|-Minor G’modding IS allowed: basically if this is something you will be able to do logically, like if a player is tied down to a chair, naturally you can slap/attack that person regardless of what the player states. Again, if you can back it up logically, it is allowed. If in doubt, ask the player.
Never actually kill another player’s char, and try to refrain from wounding him too much in this case.
|-This RP is based in a world, a map will be provided. Along the map details on how to add your own locations on it will be stated.

|-Once you make a character, PM it to the RP’leader, you will under no circumstances post that character in this topic. After the character is approved, a mini bio will be posted of that char stating appearance and name only. This is to make everything more ‘real’. Full characters posted in this topic will be deleted.

|-Stay in the races and classes that are listed, If you are in doubt, ask instead of assume.
|-No one can choose to specialize in the skill-set of the Forgotten skills. You are allowed to state that you want to, and along an example or two and you might be allowed to. But do not count on it.
|-As of this time, there will be no vampire chars, unless the RP’leader is persuaded otherwise.

-Mage specific rules.
|-The amount of spells will be dependant. If your char is still in school, or just done, naturally said char will have less spells than a middle aged military veteran.
||-Every mage will start with one spell in the two categories that he is not specialized in, and 2-4 in the one he specialize in. As mentioned, dependant on other things he might have more or less.
|-A mage must have a Foci as explained in the mage part, however what this foci is you can decide for yourself. All school-goers and those that just ended school will have a wand. If you want something else, keep it in the realms of a “weapon”. Like a wand, staff, sword, cane…. Etc.
There will be no rings, amulets or bracelets as a Foci, again if unsure, ask.
|-Specialization: Each mage type char will specialize in an element or element sub category. This means that if a mage specialize in the first sub, that mage will be better in that category than a mage that specialize in the element itself or the second sub. Regardless if what sub category you chose, you will be able to cast spells from the other two.
||-Example: If you chose a water mage, you can chose between the base element of water, or its sub categories; Ice and steam. If you choose Ice you are better in the Ice spells than one that specialize in water or steam, but you can still cast water and steam spells.
||-If you wish to have two elements know that you cannot use elements that are opposed to each other, like fire and water. Should you want a secondary element know that you are clearly weaker in your secondary element, but you can mix them for new effects.
You cannot have Holy or Darkness as a second airy element.
||-Some elements are harder to master due to their rare nature, due to this only a few characters will be allowed to choose said elements and those characters will have less spells and might even be weaker depending. The (sub)element’s in question are; Nature, Energy, Alteration, Summoning and Conjuring. Ask (PM) before you choose one of the stated elements.
Should more than one want the same element, it will be first come-first serve, and should the first one for some reason not be allowed/want to have that element, the runner-up will get the option.. and so on.

|-The Fighter will only have a few skills per se, but those skills are unique to the pure fighters. For starters start with two, perhaps three, Ki-powers. For more detail read the fighter class detailing.
|-A player that chooses to play as an alchemist, must example a few abilities, powers and a quick mock fight in a PM to the RP’leader due the apparent power gaming they are able to do.
|-A player that chooses to play as an Alteration mage, will be tested rather lengthy, due to the apparent power gaming and g’modding they are capable of.

*You are allowed to add more information and new tabs to this format, as long as you do not remove any. Naturally you are allowed to remove the class specific tab to a different class than you choose.*

|-Location of mark: (make it hidden, but easy to see if shown)
-Abilities: (fighters, alchemists, rogues, rangers, benders)
|-Unique power: (can be almost anything as long as it don’t fall into another magic/ability school)
-Magic: (Only mages, Spellswords, Runemages.)
-Other skills: (Non class related)

NOTE: The characters are to be PM’ed to the RP’leader, do NOT post characters in the topic
NOTE2: All mages will start with 1 spell in each of the two other categories they do not choose to specialize in, this is not the same for the alteration sub-element, and a base 3 in their specialized element. The amount of spells will be dependent on a few factors. If unsure ask the RP’leader.

-Restricted classes reserving
*As mentioned in the rules, some classes will only have a few players, starting out as one player per mentioned class*
-Nature mage: Taken
-Energy mage: Open
-Alteration mage: Open
-Summoning mage: Open
-Conjuring mage: Open

*-Membername - char name - class*
-Red Fox - Aldar - Spellsword
-Innkeeper - Osewa - Mage
-Kimmo - Galilahi - Fighter
-Ares - Sirius - Bender
-Aria - Kali - Rogue
EDIT list
-25/07-10 ~ Added the Dwarven capital on the map, and some background story to it.
-25/07-10 ~ Added Volut'e Demani'ttra, some ruins of an old mansion that is said to have been the home of a powerful alchemist.
-08/03-10 ~ Added the coliseum and some background story.

07-24-2010, 06:46 PM
*slowly works through this thing*

Red Fox
07-24-2010, 06:49 PM
*slowly works through this thing*

You might need it to read and understand it all ^^

Should somethign still be unclear, dont hesitate to ask.

07-24-2010, 09:42 PM
If I pick a vampire race, must I then be the vampire class?

07-24-2010, 09:43 PM
Oh, nevermind, no vamp characters.

Red Fox
07-24-2010, 09:45 PM
Oh, nevermind, no vamp characters.
Though you realized it a tad slow for that post, you did in fact realize it.
Read the roolz, and you will ascent!
OR just know the rules.... yeah... it might be the last one... ^^

just remember that all chars are to be PM'ed, NOT posted.

07-24-2010, 10:12 PM
Hey, what's the technology level?

Red Fox
07-24-2010, 10:16 PM
Hey, what's the technology level?

before gunpowder and electricity became available.
Your standard medieval setting.

07-24-2010, 11:04 PM
ignore this

07-24-2010, 11:10 PM
Fuck, I noticed it!

Am I going to die now?!

07-24-2010, 11:13 PM
Yes. Keep to topic. >.>

Red Fox
07-24-2010, 11:13 PM
Fuck, I noticed it!

Am I going to die now?!

well, we are all going to die at some point ^^
But this is not a 'the ring' ting, so you wont die in 7 days or something. At least not due to reading it ^^

He posted his first draft of his char in the topic, which there is a rule against and is mentioned a total of 3 times in the opening post.

Dont do the same error as he did, depending on how bad it is I might deny you to use that char due to it ^^

So, Rawr at you~

07-25-2010, 01:02 AM
"He posted his first draft of his char in the topic, which there is a rule against and is mentioned a total of 3 times in the opening post." I fail to see this alleged post that breakz rules!

07-25-2010, 01:34 AM
Well i finally figured out my missing piece, so here you go


Red Fox
07-25-2010, 10:29 AM
"He posted his first draft of his char in the topic, which there is a rule against and is mentioned a total of 3 times in the opening post." I fail to see this alleged post that breakz rules!

That is because I contacted him over MSN and made him remove it before it was read by anyone else.
Therefore, per se, he did not post it as it was not read, saving his char ^^

07-25-2010, 11:59 AM

Red Fox
07-31-2010, 02:00 PM
The RP has now started, here is the IC thread.

Please note that you have to be approved to join it, which you have eiter been told or you will find your char in the roster in the first post in this topic, and in the RP topic.

Note that due to not being allowed to post your char in here, a visual bio has been added to the starting post in the RP topic.

08-05-2010, 05:38 PM
yay! i'm ready to start! lets do this!

08-05-2010, 05:39 PM

08-05-2010, 05:56 PM
omg... that's what fox said to me O_o

08-05-2010, 05:56 PM
it's mah thing, he talks to meh to much. >.>

Red Fox
08-05-2010, 05:59 PM
Im so awesome that my aura influences the world!

08-05-2010, 05:59 PM
"Its mah thing, he just talks to me to much" that would be me influencing you boio.

08-05-2010, 06:43 PM
I affect you all!

08-05-2010, 06:49 PM
hey nice signature az, wonder what sexy beast made that for you ... > .>

Red Fox
08-05-2010, 06:59 PM
hey nice signature az, wonder what sexy beast made that for you ... > .>

Well, since he is hotlinking it of YOUR Photobucket, I wonder~ ^^

08-05-2010, 07:10 PM

edit: posted!

08-05-2010, 11:51 PM

08-06-2010, 02:11 AM
I am definitely interested. I will start making the character sheet either tonight or tomorrow (if I start it tomorrow, I will finish it tomorrow) ~hippie~

Red Fox
08-06-2010, 07:12 AM
I am definitely interested. I will start making the character sheet either tonight or tomorrow (if I start it tomorrow, I will finish it tomorrow) ~hippie~

Yay, moar players~

Just be aware that you have to PM me the char, dont post it here ^^

08-06-2010, 02:25 PM
Yes, I know ~hippie~ yay for reading everything on the first post :D

Hera Ledro
08-30-2010, 07:57 PM
Bastardo D: You didn't tell me you were making ToF again! Still open for joining, or am I too late?

Red Fox
08-31-2010, 08:08 AM
Bastardo D: You didn't tell me you were making ToF again! Still open for joining, or am I too late?

I DID effing tell you, you jsut said that your niversity or wahtever it was took up so much time that you were not interested at said time.

Besides, this RP is more or less dying, not sure when it will be locked but I think it will be soon based on the rules of this forum

Hera Ledro
08-31-2010, 10:56 AM
No D: We can't let that happen!

Now who to play with...which would you prefer Fox? An archer or an assassin? Neither are particularly adept in the magical arts; the assassin only has a very specific skill set in hydrokinesis, and the archer has no magic at all.

Red Fox
08-31-2010, 11:03 AM
No D: We can't let that happen!

Now who to play with...which would you prefer Fox? An archer or an assassin? Neither are particularly adept in the magical arts; the assassin only has a very specific skill set in hydrokinesis, and the archer has no magic at all.

This you have to decide yourself, but first Id like you to read the 6k word intro, as a friggin lot is explained in that.

If you want to decide what to use based on what is in, Im still one of the few that keeps a standard roster in the opening post.

09-18-2010, 03:29 PM
I am sorry for the inconvenience, but I am forced to back out of this RP D: stress with college and work has really taken a toll on me, and, until I can gain control of my life back, I don't think I would be able to carry out my character as I had planned.

Red Fox
09-18-2010, 04:53 PM
I am sorry for the inconvenience, but I am forced to back out of this RP D: stress with college and work has really taken a toll on me, and, until I can gain control of my life back, I don't think I would be able to carry out my character as I had planned.

There is no reason to be sorry, as this is dead as eff anyway ^^

09-18-2010, 09:12 PM