View Full Version : OHSHC: The New Host Club (IC)

07-25-2010, 06:41 PM
Yukino opened the doors to the gorgeous Ouran academy and stretched. She was feeling confident, as usual. There was no doubt she had gotten the top score on the entrance exam. After all, she had crammed every night that week. She sighed, and, having nothing better to do, began to explore the seemingly endless corridors of this palace of a school.

07-26-2010, 01:28 AM
Asuka walked inside, carrying her black backpack with wings on it. She ajusted her hair as her dress blew in the breeze, it was a long summer and she was glad to not serve old people in the hot springs. Her entrance scores were good, and her parents were very proud of her 90.

07-26-2010, 02:48 AM
Yukino entered the host and hostess room. She smiled with a look of pride, and also one of very slight mischeif. This was an oppritunity she had been waiting for for a long time. At her old school, guys would gawk over her due to her perfection in almost everything she did, but they would never actually approach her. This was her chance to finally feel the sensation of being surrounded by boys. She looked in the mirror and sighed. There had always been just one problem with Yukino: her outward appearence was extremely plain.

07-26-2010, 03:45 AM
Lore pulled back the bowstring, holding it still as she sighted down the shaft. Whoosh! Bulls-eye. She wished this was the only thing the school officials wanted her to do, but they'd also put her in the Host/hostess club. Whatever. Apparently they hadn't looked at the extensive files her parents had sent on her. Of course the highest school officials, the ones who were forcing her into this, knew she was a girl, but anyone down from the Chairman's secretary was completely in the dark. People would think she was a host, and that meant she had to deal with other girls. Great.
She glanced at her watch. Speak of the devil. She should probably head up to the 3rd music room just in case they wanted to have some sort of opening meeting for the club. She hoped no one tried to talk to her.

07-26-2010, 04:04 AM
Yukino sighed and plopped onto one of the couches. Nobody was there, and it was rather boring and lonely. She closed her eyes and waited for inspiration for a new character. Usually, if she focused on a certain area of her mind, the image would clearly come into her head. 'If only I had a model or something,' she thought, focusing harder.

07-26-2010, 04:32 AM
Books in her hands, Lore shoved the door open, pretended not to notice the girl there, and headed straight for the corner. She had homework to do, and she didn't want to be distracted until it was absolutely necessary to interact with the others. If only it was possible for her to ignore the mandate that she must be in this infernal club...

07-26-2010, 02:30 PM
Yukino opened her eyes when she heard the door open. She assumed the position, sitting up straight and crossing her legs daintily. She smiled subtly. It was a boy. Was he a guest or a host? "Welcome, she said in a soft, ladylike voice. But the boy didn't seem to want anything to do with her.

07-26-2010, 07:43 PM
Ayuki entered Ouran Academy. She sighed, smiling melancholicly. 'This is going to be a pretty big change for me,' she thought. She began exploring the halls until she came across a door leading outside. The sign said "Garden and Greenhouse." Her face lit up, as she was intrigued by things like this. She pushed open the door and walked outside. There were flowers and plants of all sorts, and Ayuki was happy she had come across this place. She walked down the stone pathway to the middle of the garden, where she sat crosslegged and breathed in the fresh aroma of the life surrounding her.

Shu Die Hua
07-26-2010, 08:20 PM
Yoshie was seated at her easel in the back of the greenhouse. It was a spot behind a huge wall of roses, ivy, and other flora that she'd found in her first year at Ouran High School. When she was feeling anxious - or lonely - she would escape back here and pretend she was Alice in Wonderland. Any moment a rabbit would be popping from some indiscreet shadow of the greenhouse and would carry the girl far, far away.

Yoshie glanced from her palet of paints (arranged perfectly from a deep red to a royal purple) to her blank canvas, and sighed. Nothing was coming to her.

All of the sudden she heard a soft rustle from behind the wall of roses, like somebody was walking on the pebbly path that lead to her hideout.

Yoshie felt her heart freeze. She grabbed her canvas and shoved it behind a small bush, and did the same with her paints. Then she crept back to the bush and peaked through the leaves, and saw someone sitting on a bench nearby. She leaned further to get a better look, but in the process snapped a bundle of twigs that held her - had been holding her - in place. She fell.

07-26-2010, 08:24 PM
Ayuki's eyes shot open when she heard a snapping sound and a thud. She turned her head in the direction of the sound. It was a girl with short black hair who appeared to have lost her balance and fallen. Ayuki got up and quickly walked over to her. "Are you alright?" she asked, looking down at her. She offered her hand to help her up.

Shu Die Hua
07-26-2010, 08:39 PM
Yoshie hopped up without accepting the girl's hand, already feeling self-conscious enough. Once she brushed herself off and wrestled a few stray leaves from her hair, she looked at the girl and frowned. "You almost found my hiding spot."

07-26-2010, 08:41 PM
Noah and Ryan were sitting in front of the school, both holding PSPs and playing a 'Final Fantasy' game. Both boys were on the same level, same battle and both had just died.
"Wha-!?" Noah and Ryan exclaimed simultaniously. They growled.
"Oh well... shall we leave.? The King is going to be mad if we're late." Ryan asked.
"Alright." Noah replied.
The boys stood up, shoving the PSPs in their pockets and headed up to the 3rd Music Room. Once there, they threw the doors open and jumped onto a couch. Looking around the room, they noticed a girl sitting on another couch and Lore in the corner, doing homework.

07-26-2010, 08:44 PM
Lore glanced up when the door burst open. Oh, it's just those two. For a second she'd hoped it would be whoever was in charge. They'd talk for while about what their jobs were and then she'd be able to leave. But, no, it was the twins. And she was running out of homework to do.

07-26-2010, 09:01 PM
Yukino turned her head as she heard the door open. It was two cute boys. She smiled. 'Cute...very cute...' She watched them jump on the couch and smiled. "Hello," she said, smiling and tilting her head a bit. If she didn't have such a boring, ordinary face, they would most likely go head over heels for her right then and there.

07-26-2010, 09:04 PM
Ayuki giggled. "I suppose so," she said. She felt something wet on her shoulder and realized it was starting to rain. She looked up at the dark clouds and sighed. "Ah...that's to bad," she said. She looked back at the girl. "Let's go inside," she said, motioning to the girl to walk with her.

Shu Die Hua
07-26-2010, 09:17 PM
Yoshie was taken aback by the girl's demeanor, but followed despite herself. Why was she always like this, she wondered, so easily coerced by others? She rubbed her back lightly and wondered if she even had a backbone.

"So . . . " she said, trying to sound more confident than she felt, "What's your name? I'm Yoshie Kirino. A, um, hostess at this school."

07-26-2010, 09:59 PM
"Hostess?" She didn't understand what the girl meant by this, but she was sure she would figure it out later. "I'm Ayuki Mari," she said, "It's nice to meet you." She walked inside with Kirino and looked back out the window. "Looks like the rain is getting worse," she commented. She turned to Kirino. "So," she asked, "What exactly were you doing just now anyway?"

Shu Die Hua
07-26-2010, 10:36 PM
Yoshie stared out of the window dreamily, her eyes glazed over. The rain was hitting the greenhouse in a million rhythmic thumps, and she realized her canvas would be ruined as it was in the only section of the greenhouse exposed to the elements.

It was blank anyway, a voice inside tried to console, but something about the situation made Yoshie terribly uneasy. The image of her poor canvas growing soggy in the rain made her stomach knot, and as the sky grew dark and the rain picked up, she got the faintest urge to run outside and rescue the thing.

But no. That'd be irrational. She'd wait until the following morning.

She looked at the girl who had since identified herself as Ayuki Mari and smiled in a way that was uncharacteristically mysterious, suggestive even. "That's my secret. But you'll understand if you've ever had something that makes you feel . . ." She searched for the right word.


She turned back to the window - now fogged from the heat of the building - and trailed her fingers along its pane. Waiting for her strange companion to speak, she unconsciously traced the figure of a rose.

07-26-2010, 10:57 PM
Ayuki's heart pounded a little deeper when she said that. She had indeed had something that had made her feel 'alive.' Or had she? Ayuki and Kirino most likely had two completely different meanings for the word. She nodded anyway, smiling slightly. She looked back at the window, which was now blurred by the rain. "What do you think of rain?" she asked for lack of a better topic of a conversaition.

Shu Die Hua
07-26-2010, 11:07 PM
"I think it's sad," the girl said, scribbling over her condensation-flower. Rain made her think of a lonely childhood in a monstrous house, with no one by her side except the occassional stuffed animal her parents provided to keep her busy. That's where it all started, her anxiety, her hurt, but it had been ten times worse back then. Even the slightest shadows would send her heart into an orchestra of palpitations.

She glanced at Ayuki and scrunched her nose a little. "You like it?"

07-26-2010, 11:44 PM
Ryan and Noah decided to ignore Lore and saw the other girl smile at them. They smiled back and waved.
"She's a little... plain looking." Ryan muttered to Noah.
"Yeah, but she looks cute too." Noah muttered in reply.
Ryan nodded slightly at the statement and got up along with Noah, walking over to the girl. They were smirking on the way there and stopped right in front of her.
Noah and Ryan clasped hands right beside their heads and leaned foreward, looking the girl in the eye.
"Yup... definately a little plain." Noah said.
"But definately cute too." Ryan said. "I'm still wondering what a girl is doing here before the club is open though."
Noah's face twisted into thought. "I dunno." He turned towards the girl. "But she's here, so... " Noah grinned. "Welcome to the Host Club, I'm Noah and-"
"I'm Ryan. Or are you Ryan and me Noah?" Ryan said, a questioning look aimed towards his brother. Noah shrugged.
"Either way, we're the Twins of the Host club." Ryan continued.
"What's your name?" Noah asked, looking intently at the girl before himself and his brother.

07-27-2010, 12:26 AM
Ayuki shook her head. "Not particularly," she replied, "I agree with you. It is rather sad." Seeing Kirino erase the flower she had drawn with her finger on the foggy window, she decided she would draw her own. She made a body, wings, and, with her fingernail, two antenna. She looked at her amaturely drawn butterfly and smiled. "I'm not much of an artist am I?" she giggled

07-27-2010, 12:34 AM
Yukino stood up and kurtsied to the boys. "Nice to meet you," she said sweetly, "I'm Yukino Shizuka. I'm one of the new hostesses. I'm known as the model student." She was feeling confident now that the boys had approached her. Maybe this wouldn't be as hard as she had thought.

07-27-2010, 12:55 AM
The Twins looked at each other and smirked. "The Model Student? Hostess?" They said simultaniously. Their eyes kept flickering between themselves and Yukino. Then they shrugged. "The King will explain when he gets here."

"But before he does-" Ryan started.

"Come with us." Noah finished.

They each grabbed one of Yukino's wrists and started dragging her out of the room.

07-27-2010, 01:29 AM
Yukino blushed slightly as the twins pulled her. "Oh...okay," she said with a slight nervous giggle. The twins had seemed surprised that she was a hostess. Did they not know about the host club? Or did they just think she wasn't fit to be part of it

07-27-2010, 01:55 AM
The Twins dragged Yukino through the large, beautiful school. They passed through the front hall, brushing past two other students and went up two floors to the roof. Unfortunately it was raining, so they had to stay under the small ledge that hung over the door.

"We come up here and show anyone in the Host Club the view." The Twins said.

Before them stood a beautiful view of the city with a slight bit of a mountain range in the background. A sweet smell of freshly cut grass rose up from the field around them.

"It's not as nice as it is in the evening-" Noah started.

"But it's better than nothing." Ryan finished.

"We should get going." Noah said.

"We're not supposed to be up here." Ryan said.

07-27-2010, 02:13 AM
Yukino's eyes seemed to sparkle as she gazed over the city. "It's beautiful..." she mumbled in awe. She had always loved things like this. She closed her eyes and inhaled the smell of the rain on the freshly mowed grass beneath them. She snapped out of it when she was told they weren't actually supposed to be up there. Y-yeah!" she blurted out nervously, "Lets go. She quickly walked back into the school. As a model student, she could not be caught breaking the rules. If she was, her whole image would be destroyed, and she would go back to being the boring, unnoticed corner girl she was in gradeschool.

07-27-2010, 02:24 AM
The Twins nodded. This time they walked instead of running, saving their breath. It was pointless to run if the King was already late and if he was late along with everyone else, then they wanted to be more late.

"So what do like to do?" Ryan asked as they headed down the stairs from the roof to the second floor.

"Yeah. What do you like to do for fun?" Noah added, his fingers intertwined behind his head.

07-27-2010, 02:33 AM
"For fun?" she repeated, tilting her head a bit. She knew exactly how to answer this question. 'I like to draw manga! I usually draw one-shots, but I've been thinking about creating an ongoing series. My dream is for my work to become famous and sold in bookstores everywhere!' That was the answer, but she wouldn't dare say that. Everyone would laugh at how hopeless a dream it was. But a little white lie wouldn't help anyone. "Well I'm in the music club," she said, "I play the piano. I'm also on the tennis team." Technically, these weren't lies. She was on the tennis team and in the music club, and she did enjoy both of them. However, they weren't the first two things that came to mind when she heard the word 'fun.'

07-27-2010, 02:41 AM
The Twins looked at each other with a knowing look. "Yeah right." They said. "That's not what a teenager does for fun."

Both boys pulled out their PSPs and cellphones. "This is fun. Its called texting, playing video games and going to the mall." Ryan said.

"But we obviously can't show you the mall." Noah said.

"So we'll show you a picture instead." Ryan said, handing Yukino his PSP, a picture of the nearby mall shown on the screen. It was huge, easily over a hundred stores.

"We also read tons of manga." Noah exlaimed.

That's what a teenager does for fun." They said simultaniously. "We could probably list another million things we could do, but that would simply take too long."

07-27-2010, 02:51 AM
She giggled when they acted as if she had never seen a mall. "I do go to the mall," she said, "I suppose I misunderstood your question. Tennis and piano are my hobbies." Yukino decided maybe she could let her guard down just a teeny bit. "I also read some manga," she said. "I read a lot of Josei and tragedy." That was a lie. She was fine with both those genres, but she was really into Shojou and Comedy. A lot of here one-shots were shojo romances and ecchi comedies. However, in her darker moments, she would write the occasional tragedy.

07-27-2010, 03:00 AM
The Twins smirked, then nodded. "Thats a better answer." They said.

They were now passing through the main hall and the Twins noticed another two girls standing by a window. They looked at each other and shrugged, then stopped Yukino.

"Do you know them?" They asked, vaguely gesturing towards the girls by the window.


(OOC : Just a quick note. If you haven't noticed already, I'm quite the poster when it comes to forums and stuff. So if you ever need someone to chat too, I'm most likely online. ^_^)

07-27-2010, 03:07 AM
Yukino shook her head. "No," she replied, "I haven't seen them before.Why?" She thought for a second. Could these boys be the models she was looking for? No, probably not. They seemed more like fun, well-loved side characters. And besides, Yukino thought it would be much easier to make her protagonist a female.

07-27-2010, 03:13 AM
"Just curious." The Twins said. "Let's go say 'Hi' if you don't know them!" They smiled and dragged Yukino over to the other girls, smirks on their faces.

"Hi." The Twins said to the girls, grinning. They were interested in finding out who these unknown girls were. "We're from the Host Club and we're known as the Twins."

"I'm Noah and he's-" Noah started, but was cut off by Ryan.

"I can tell them who I am. I'm Ryan." Ryan finished.

"And this is Yukino." The Twins pushed Yukino in between them and grinned. "What's your names?"

07-27-2010, 03:18 AM
Ayuki turned to the boys and the girl who was with them. They seemed friendly enough, and she smiled at them. "My name is Ayuki Mari," she replied, "Nice to meet you." Shi turned to Kirino. She would let her introduce herself.

((OOC : Going to bed now. Goodnight :) ))

Shu Die Hua
07-27-2010, 04:50 AM
"Everybody's an artist," Yoshie stated matter-of-factly, feelings of shyness dissipating. "See, look here---" She trailed both of her hands on the foggy window in a slow, deliberate arc. "If you're sad, make your movements sad. And if you're happy---" she moved her fingers faster, creating little squiggles, "if you're happy or excited, show it." Finally, she used the sides of her palms to create down-strokes, and then smaller, layered strokes on top of the squiggles.

When Yoshie was finished she took three steps back and motioned for her companion to do the same. Her markings on the window - random at first - had transformed into a beautiful, winding tree.

"See?" she said, beaming. "Just put a little of yourself into it. Then you've got art."

Yoshie was about to comment on Ayuki's butterfly when three other students came bounding their way: a girl and two boys. Twins, it seemed. Yoshie had never seen them before and instantly felt a new wave of anxiety wash over her. The twins introduced themselves, then Ayuki followed suit.

"I'm Yoshie Kirino," the girl said on her turn, "I'm a . . .hostess here."

07-27-2010, 05:10 AM
"Ah! Look at that! Another hostess." Ryan said.

"I wonder whats with these hostesses popping up everywhere?" Noah asked, mainly towards his twin.

"Maybe it'll be a new tradition of the Host Club." Ryan replied. "I don't know why they'd add girls to a Host Club. Its originally meant only for guys to be the hosts."

The Twins shrugged and their phones beeped.

"Kaoru!" Ryan exclaimed while Noah said the other Hitachin's name. The boys had met the original Twins through their parents, who were buisiness partners and quickly became good friends with them. They texted each other quite often.

"Well, if your a hostess you could come with us. We're heading over to the 3rd Music Room right now to see if everyone has arrived yet." the Twins offered simultaniously.

07-27-2010, 11:37 AM
Ayuki turned around and looked back at the tree in the fog. It was so beautiful for something drawn on a foggy window. She smiled and looked back at the twins. "I'm still rather fuzzy on the whole 'hostess' and 'host' thing," she said, "I've only just transferred here, so I don't know very much about this school." She chuckled and waited for someone to explain.

07-27-2010, 03:48 PM
"EH!? You don't know what a Host Club is!?" The Twins were startled. Everyone knew there was a Host Club in Ouran and everyone was pretty much friends with the Host Club. Ouran recieved a total of 30 new students last year just so that they could meet and go to the Host Club.

"Well, as the previous King used to say-" Ryan started.

The Twins stood side to side and bowed, one arm behind their back, the other out in front of them. "'OUR HOST CLUB EXSISTS TO BRING FORTUNE TO THE LADIES!'" They both finished the sentence and stood up.

"But we're probably going to have to change that since there are ladies in the Host Club now." Noah commented.

"Either way, its difficult to explain what the Host Club is, so you'll have to just come and check it out sometime." Ryan said.

The Twins grinned.

07-27-2010, 04:15 PM
"Men need entertainment too, don't they?" Yukino huffed. She smiled at Mari. "Mari-San," she offered, "Why don't you come with us to the third music room? You'll understand better if you see the host and hostess clubs in action."

07-27-2010, 04:20 PM
"I'm sorry," Ayuki said to the twins, chuckling, "I'm very new to this school. I haven't heard very much about it. She turned to Shizuka-San, who had invited her to come with her. She smiled. "Sure, I'd love to come," she replied, "And please, call me Ayuki-San."

((OOC: I'm going to the beach, so I won't be back until Friday evening. I can post for about four hours before I leave))

07-27-2010, 04:34 PM
The Twins smirked (yes, they were thinking dirty) and quietly agreed to Yukino's statement. "You gonna come with us?" The question was directed at Yoshie.

((OOC : Alright. My parents are dragging me to the beach later today too. But I'll be back sometime tonight.))

07-27-2010, 05:16 PM
((Out Of Cookies: I'm actually gonna be on later tonight.))

Shu Die Hua
07-27-2010, 05:37 PM
Yoshie looked at the boys shyly and nodded. For a split second she thought of ways to avoid the situation all together - but she stopped herself, remembering the reason she wanted to join the Host club in the first place.

Confidence. It's time to break out of your shell whether you like it or not.

With that, Yoshie pushed past her classmates with a small smile, deliberately brushing up against the twins the way she'd seen other girls do. She would lead the way this time.

07-27-2010, 06:14 PM
Ayuki smiled as Kirino-san lead the way. 'She seems to be trying for confidence. And she's doing a rather good job of it.' She looked out the windows as they walked. It seemed that the rain was letting up.

07-27-2010, 07:14 PM
The Twins looked at each other and then at Yoshie leading the way to the 3rd Music Room.

"Does she even know the way?" Ryan muttered to Noah so that only they could hear.

"I dunno." Noah replied.

The Twins ran up to Yoshie and walked backwards so that they could face her. "Do you even know the way Hun? The music room was back that way
." The Twins said, pointing down the hall and slightly to the left. They were lying of course, trying to see if Yoshie knew or not.

((OOC : I stole my Mum's I-Phone for now but she probably won't let me use it after we get to the beach. :\)

Shu Die Hua
07-27-2010, 08:17 PM
Yoshie looked back in the direction the twins suggested, and felt a tiny prick of panic.

"No," she said unconvincingly, "it's this way." She checked her mental map and could vividly see the music room. Though she'd never been inside, it was right next to the art room, where she spent a good deal of her time.

"No, I'm sure," she said finally, turning on her heel and continuing to walk in her initial direction. Within five minutes, three flights of stairs, and (amazingly) no wrong turns, Yoshie had successfully gotten them to where they needed to go.

"What is this meeting about, anyway?"

07-27-2010, 11:32 PM
Asuka slowly stepped into the Hostess club a bit nervously, but it didn't show on her. She leaned silently against the wall as she pulled out an emery board and began to file her mannicured black nails, She looked around to see that the room was practically dead.

07-27-2010, 11:35 PM
Lore glanced up as the door opened again. Hmmm, someone new. She'd finally resorted to reading a novel after her homework was finished, and she'd still been the only one here. She really hoped everyone would get here soon so that she could go back to what she wanted to do.

07-28-2010, 12:26 AM
They finally arrived at the third music room. Ayuki smiled. "See?" she said to the twins, "She knows where she's going." She pushed open the doors and saw a boy and a girl sitting in the room, yet seeming to not want anything to do with each other. She noticed a small table in the back with tea and a few cakes. She took the kettle and poured herself some tea. Then she sat down at one of the tables.

07-28-2010, 01:02 AM
Asuka looked up to see a few people come in, she then shook her head and walked over to a table and took a seat. She pulled out a dress she had been making from her backpack and began to do some finishing touches on it.

07-28-2010, 01:06 AM
Yukino watched Ayuki pour her tea and sit down. "Well," she said, motioning toward Ayuki, "She's technically a guest, isn't she? So go talk to her." She looked at Kirino-San and smiled, then looked back at the twins. "In the meantime, Kirino-San and I can chat until a male guest shows up.

((Out Of Cookies: Speaking of male guests, we need some of those. Anyone wanna double?))

07-28-2010, 01:13 AM
Asuka continuned sewing her dress quietly. She wasn't one to talk in these situations, after all... She finished sewing together a black victorian-style ball gown and smiled as she stood up in front of a mirror holding it to her chest to see how it would look.

07-28-2010, 01:22 AM
Ayuki turned around, sipping her tea. She saw a girl holding an old-fashioned black dress to her chest to see how it would look. She smiled. "That looks very nice on you," she complemented. "You made that whole thing yourself?" She was rather impressed with it. She blew the steam off the surface of her tea and took another sip.

07-28-2010, 01:31 AM
Asuka turned around and nodded before bowing in thanks. Making dresses was something she did to keep her hands busy, so she got making dresses down to a science. She was wondering if she would be good for a job as a hostess... Then again, she didn't talk much.

07-28-2010, 01:49 AM
'Not much of a talker is she?' She wondered if the girl was mute, but she wouldn't ask of course. "So," she continued, "Are you one of these hostesses I've been hearing so much about?" She got up and got a plate and a few cakes, pouring herself a bit more tea while she was up.

07-28-2010, 01:55 AM
Asuka made a sort of maybe face like she wasn't sure... She then smiled and nodded. She then pulled out her student card and showed it to her so she could get to know her name.

07-28-2010, 02:15 AM
Ayuki leaned over and looked at the name on the card. "Asuka-San,eh?" She smiled warmly. 'So she doesn't talk after all. I wonder why...' But Ayuki did think this was rather cute. She offered her hand to shake. "My name is Ayuki Mari," she said, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

((Out Of Cookies: I think Ayuki is the best actual anime character I've RP'd as so far. I'm happy ^_^))

07-28-2010, 02:15 AM
Ayuki leaned over and looked at the name on the card. "Asuka-San,eh?" She smiled warmly. 'So she doesn't talk after all. I wonder why...' But Ayuki did think this was rather cute. She offered her hand to shake. "My name is Ayuki Mari," she said, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

((Out Of Cookies: I think Ayuki is the best actual anime character I've RP'd as so far. I'm happy ^_^))

07-28-2010, 02:19 AM
((Out Of Cookies: Is there no way to delete my post? As you can see, I accidentally posted twice...))

07-28-2010, 02:26 AM
Asuka bowed and smiled in return as she shook the fellow hostess' hand, she was delighted to have someone so kind to work with. She then began to fold her dress and put it away in her bag.

07-28-2010, 02:47 AM
Ayuki put a sugar cube in her tea. "Would you like to sit down with me? she asked, motioning toward the couch, "I am a guest after all. And just because I'm not a boy doesn't mean we can't enjoy some tea together, right?" She sat down on the couch and waited for Asuka-San to join her.

07-28-2010, 02:52 AM
The Twins walked over to Lore and decided to bug her. They leaned over her shoulders, each on either side.

"Whatcha doin'?" They asked.

((OOC : If you want I can be a male customer. I'll add a character sheet in the OOC thread. :3))

07-28-2010, 02:54 AM
Asuka finished folding her dress and nodded before walking over to the couches and taking a seat next to Ayuki, ajusting her uniform slightly before pouring herself some tea. Her long black hair shifted a bit in it's updo so she put it back up.

07-28-2010, 02:56 AM
((Just remember that everyone thinks Lore is a guy...))
"I believe it's called 'reading', and is preferably done alone." If they knew her, they should already know how little she appreciated people talking to her because they were bored. Honestly, she wasn't sure why the powers that be wanted her in the club anyway. Surely there weren't girls in this school that would actually pay to sit and talk to someone who obviously didn't want to talk to them.

07-28-2010, 03:04 AM
Ayuki smiled at the adorable Asuka as she fixed her hair. "So," she said, "Is there anything you are interested in besides sewing? Like do you belong to any clubs? Ayuki wasn't a part of any clubs herself, but she was thinking of joining one. If this school had some kind of biological studies club, she would join in a heartbeat. If not, maybe she would give the gardening club a try.

07-28-2010, 03:10 AM
Asuka thought for a moment before answering... Sort of. She pointed downwards to signify the hostess club, she though again and did a conductor's pose and then stood up and then used her hands to look like a debate was going on.

07-28-2010, 03:33 AM
Ayuki giggled when Asuka pointed down. "Of course," she chuckled, "The hostess club. I know that much. She watched Asuka's next motion. "The music club?" The next one confused her. There was no way she could be on the debate team. She shook her head, politely implying that she didn't understand. Talking to Asuka was like charrades. But then again, Ayuki had always enjoyed the game.

07-28-2010, 03:37 AM
((The Twins just kind of ... know. They're very observant, even though its not obvious.))

"Reading, eh?" they replied. "Whats the fun of that?"

The Twins looked at Lore with curious looks and read a bit of the book she was reading. Then walked off to go jump onto a couch and start playing their PSPs.

07-28-2010, 03:54 AM
((I wouldn't tell her that if I were them... You never know how she'll react...))

Childish boys. Of course they wouldn't understand.. But to get ahead in a world of children whose parents would grease their way into the big games in any way possible, one had to know what those privileged with a give-all daddy didn't know: knowledge and everything that comes with it is power. The more you can do, the less likely you can be easily replaced.

07-28-2010, 03:56 AM
Nasa entered the scene, and plucked the PSP's from the twins hands with two fingers. He twirled them and flicked them into his pockets. "No play right now boys." He said teasingly. "You have work to do. A number of underclass girls want a picture album." In the name of Ouran tradition, Nasa was keeping up the photo albums that were so highly sought after by the first years. When the old Host Club had graduated, it had all sort of fallen apart. Nasa had been recruited by the current leader to re-organize, and plan the future of the Club. Nasa had even worked out an extended study program with the school management so that he could do this until he went to college. In fact, he had heard rumors of Ouran starting it's own college, and the Host club would likely expand into that if it fell through.

07-28-2010, 04:06 AM
"EH!? We don't want to do a photo shoot!" The Twins exclaimed, their fingers twitching without the PSPs in their hands. They frowned up at Nasa, disliking the organizer to the most at the moment. "Especially with first years..." They muttered after they put their hands down.

07-28-2010, 04:15 AM
Nasa smacked his head. The Twins were always trouble. Honestly didn't understand them. It was just a photo shoot afterall. But, when Nasa considered it, he wouldn't especially like a photo shoot with a group of giggling and fidgeting first years either. He considered this for a moment before handing them back their PSP's. He sighed before speaking. "Yah, I get it. You have half an hour. But you damn well still be here, or I'm tracking you down and forcing you to do worse than a photo shoot." He pushed up his glasses by the rims, the light glinting off the lenses.

They better be here. He thought to himself as he sat down on a nearby couch, pulling out a ledger and calculator. Nasa was pretty darned serious about his work, and the Twins both knew what would happen if they didn't show. Nasa would personally drag their sorry asses to the photo shoot, and the organize an entire session's worth of Middle Schoolers. Nothing against the eigth graders, but they made a damn good punishment for unruly host's.

07-28-2010, 04:27 AM
"Though it goes against almost every principle I could possess, I find myself agreeing with the Twins." WIth guys, she could hold her own. Maybe not win, but she definitely knew how to deal with them. Girls were nothing but a foreign species to Lore, and sometimes she was willing to let it show. Especially if it got her out of spending time with the odd creatures. "I would rather not have young, impressionable, giggly girls being able to recognize me on sight."

07-28-2010, 04:27 AM
The Twins grinned. "YES! No first years for another half hour!"

"But we still have to deal with them." Noah commented, slightly frowning.

"I know. But we get another half hour." Ryan grinned.

07-28-2010, 04:43 AM
Nasa raised his head when he heard Lore's comments. Recognize me on sight? He thought to himself. Oh! He must be referring to how the girls are stalking him. I was going to tell him sooner or later, but I suppose I don't have to now! With that cheery thought, Nasa got back up and walked over to Lore. "Well, you may be having a not so good day in a couple of hours Lore. Your own photo shoot is right after the Twin's. But don't worry, your not the only ones going through it. Everyone is." He said this punctuated at the end by a wink.

07-28-2010, 04:52 AM
"Do I at least get to get out of this room for my pictures? That would be an upside. But do let's lie about what I really love to do, then they can't stalk me at the archery field." She shut her book a bit more forcefully than she usually would, but it was still quiet compared to what most people would do.

07-28-2010, 05:02 AM
Nasa's expression changed to a frown. He didn't know what had put the boy in a foul mood. It was admitedly annoying, but it was just a photo shoot. He looked down at his watch, seeing that a full half hour had passed. He took both Twins by the arms and led them out of the Host room, down towards the studio. He pushed the door open with the tip of his foot, hands around the Twin's wrists like clamps. The room was currently in a beach setting, fully equiped with sand, automatically wavy water, and a green screen. There was also a vareity of beach equipment.

Nasa pushed both twins to the racks of swimtrunks, and the occasional skintight surfer shirt. It was plain that the first years were already there, in the changing rooms. There was a massive burst of giggling from the doors as the girls, fifteen or so, poured out in assorted bathing suits. Most were two peices, none revealing anything more than neccesary as per school regulations. There was also two or three one peices, though it was hard to tell with the girls grouping and shifting about like a school of fish.

Shu Die Hua
07-28-2010, 05:14 AM
Yoshie shut her book with a satisfying thump! When she'd gotten to the music room a half an hour earlier - and alas, no meeting had taken place - she decided to check out the gigantic bookcase in the corner of the room. It was stuffed to the brim with biographies of old composers and musicians, obviously for a Music History class, but they were enough to keep the girl occupied. It was only after she'd finished reading that she noticed the twins were gone, and she was left with a group of girls, some of whom she knew vaguely from the Hostess Club.

She turned to face them and spoke hesitantly. "Seeing that the boys are gone, should we conduct a meeting of our own?"

07-28-2010, 05:25 AM
The Twins yelped when Nasa dragged them out of the 3rd Music Room. "It has not been half an hour!" They yelled all the way to the studio.

Once there, they acted like they wanted to do the shoot, though they really didn't. At all.

The Twins started flipping through the swim trunks and surfer shirts, ignoring the squeeling first years. They both grabbed similar swimming trunks. The shorts had a bright pink, lime green and yellow patterns with a black base. They shuffled into the wheel-chair changing room together and switched into the swimming gear. Once they got out they faced the girls and grinned.

"Hello ladies, I'm Ryan and-" Ryan started.

"I'm Noah." Noah finished.

"And we are the Twins of the Host Club." They said simultaniously, tipping their heads in a makeshift bow.

07-28-2010, 05:32 AM
Well, that was not good. "I beg to differ, but please, don't let me keep you from your meeting. I'll just entertain myself as I have been." There was no way any of these girls knew her secret. she was under strict orders from her father than no one should know, after all. It could be bad for her and anyone that found out.

Shu Die Hua
07-28-2010, 06:22 AM
"Oh my goodness," Yoshie mumbled, quite embarrassed. How had she not seen this boy lurking in the corner?

"I'm very sorry, I--" she could feel her face growing red, as it often did when she was around those of the opposite gender. "I didn't see you there. Um, shouldn't you be with the other boys? I heard they went to get some pictures taken . . . "

She looked down at her interlocked fingers and willed her blush to subside.

"Of course, no one would object if you sat in on our meeting. You're a host, right?"

07-28-2010, 06:47 AM
"It's quite all right. I tend to keep under the radar if at all possible." She shrugged. "Nasa will come to drag me away when he's ready for me. So, yes, I'm a host, if an unwilling one." Oops. Hopefully no one picked up on that last part.

07-28-2010, 12:05 PM
The girls stood, staring, for a moment at the Twins. Most couldn't believe that they were actually seeing the Twins without shirts. This held fir another moment before all girls present let out of massive squeel, and were only held back by Nasa raising his hand and calling for silence. "Now, I know that you're all excited, but we need to start. Okay?" He said this with a kindly look on his face, smiling the whole time. Several of the girls started begging him to join the Twins, but he shook his head, still smiling. "No, as much as that may please you, my photoshoot is later." With that, he set up the camera, and began directing the shoot.

07-28-2010, 03:29 PM
Asuka frowned a bit before she did the motions of the debate team again but then did sign language on her right hand as the other had continued doing a talking motion. She then looked over to see a few males needing refils on teas, she then bowed and made a one with her finger before going to attend to them.

07-29-2010, 02:10 AM
Ayuki was a bit confused, but she didn't really see another explanation. "Are you saying you're on the debate team?" she asked doubtfully.

07-29-2010, 02:18 AM
Asuka nodded as she sat back down and smiled. She raised both her eyebrows and began to play with her nails.

07-29-2010, 02:38 AM
Ayuki smiled. "I see," she said, "You're so quiet, I never would have guessed." She leaned back into the soft couch. "This is a rather cozy room isn't it?" she commented.

07-29-2010, 02:47 AM
Asuka giggled a bit before nodding and giving a thumbs up with a wink. She hoped that when she did choose to speak, that it wouldn't startle her too much.

07-29-2010, 03:05 AM
Ayuki giggled. Asuka-San was too cute. She looked forward to hearing her voice at some point. She blew on her tea. "I'm not currently in any clubs myself," she said, "But I've been thinking of joining one. Perhaps the gardening club."

07-29-2010, 03:11 AM
Asuka made a thinking face for a few minutes before giving her a thumbs up and a nod before smiling. She liked flowers alot and she often tended to them in the hot springs.

07-29-2010, 08:17 AM
The Twins continued to act and work together with Nasa to take good pictures with the first years, despite their giggling and fidgeting. They actually quite enjoyed themselves, for the most part. There were two or three times a cleaning woman popped their head in and frowned. She made it hard for the Twins not to laugh throughout the shoot and they hated her for it. Her originally not-so-pretty face was distorted when she frowned and it was funny to watch.

Around 45 minutes later they finished and were heading back to the 3rd Music Room. "We're back!!" They grinned.

07-29-2010, 04:34 PM
Lore pretended not to notice the twins. It would mean acknowledging that it was her turn, and she just wouldn't do it. She got enough of being told what to do at home, why should she have to do so at school?

07-29-2010, 11:00 PM
The girls sat down on some surrounding chairs, waiting for Lore. Nasa went and got them some drinks, then went to look for the boy. He found him back in the host room, and walked up to him. "Well, you may not like it, but its your turn Lore." He said this with a smile on his face, hoping that Lore wouldn't get mad. When Nasa thought about it, Lore was never really around girls, and he never did anything related to them willing.

07-29-2010, 11:11 PM
Lore sighed and gently set her book down on a nearby table. "Best to get this over with quickly." And if she was quiet and went along, it would be that much faster. She adopted a blank expression learned from Daisuke, and strolled toward the door with the animal grace taught to everyone in the family by Arashi and Eiji, and prepared herself for the tiny bit of schmoozing Hiromi had been able to shove down her throat. There were times she wished Shane were here, just so he could take her place at activities like this.

07-30-2010, 12:51 AM
Asuka sighed a bit, it seemed that the hostess club wasn't very busy today, she folded her legs lady like as a few males began to gock at her. They then asked for her photo and and autograph. She smiled and began to oblige as they paid her some money for it.

07-30-2010, 02:25 AM
Ayuki giggled when Asuka approved her decision. Then she stood up and looked around. "I'm getting rather bored of sitting here," she said, "Asuka-San, do you know of anyone else to go around this school."

07-30-2010, 02:27 PM
Asuka thought for a bit before shrugging. She didn't know of any place that was really good to go if you were bored besides here.

07-30-2010, 11:49 PM
"Well then let's go explore a bit, shall we?" she offered. She brushed herself off and turned to Asuka. "Unless you'd rather stay here. That's fine too."

07-31-2010, 12:18 AM
The Twins decided to go bug Yukino as they got bored of their PSPs. They walked over to her and poked her neck, each on either side.

"Wanna meet someone?" The Twins asked. "He's cute." They grinned.

07-31-2010, 12:22 AM
((Crow is gone for a few days and I don't really want Ayuki to move until she comes back. Do u think you could delete that post and I'll post as Yukino instead? Just don't want you getting stuck...))

07-31-2010, 01:13 AM
((I edited it. :] ))

07-31-2010, 03:08 AM
Yukino winced when the twins poked her in the neck. It irritated her, but she couldn't let her facade crumble over a little thing like that. She smiled at the boys. "I'd love to," she lied. Honestly, she didn't trust these two. But she had to politely accept or else she would be revealed.

07-31-2010, 03:44 AM
Nasa walked with Lore to the studio. He was rather unhappy with Lore's attitude at this point. Honestly, the boy didn't have to act like it was such a royal pain in the ass. It would only take about an hour, and despite the squeeling first years, any host should be able to enjoy it. Nasa never considered that Lore might have a problem with being dressed only in swimtrucks. Finally, they reached the Studio.

The girls stared at Lore for a moment. Could this really be Lore? It was impossible! He was simpy to extremely cute! The girls squeeled as one and ran over to Lore, pushing him with jostling hand to the racks of men's wear. They all grabbed their choice and a feirce debate erupted between the girls. The victor ended up being an eggshell blue seamless pair of swimtrunks. Nasa noticed it was slightly frilly, but he shrugged and set up the camera.

07-31-2010, 04:12 AM
The Twins stared at Yukino for a second. "If you don't want to, you don't have to. We don't even know if he's still here." Both Twins whipped out their cell phones and texted their friend, asking if he was still at school. It was likely that he was though, since he told the Principle that he would take care of the computers and laptops after school everyday.

A few seconds later, the Twins' phones beeped. They replied to the text. "He's coming to the 3rd Music Room right now," they said, large grins plastered on their faces.

07-31-2010, 08:23 AM
It was a good thing she was flat as a board, was all she could think as she saw what she was supposed to wear. Instead of totally ruling out the girls' choice, she simply paired it with an appropriate top, telling them she was far to embarrassed to let anyone see her bare-chested. Of course, they all thought she'd have nothing to worry about, but she persisted, and they finally let it go. She did just the right amount of schmoozing that they were satisfied, but not enough to ruin her image. It was a delicate balance, but somehow she did it.

07-31-2010, 05:56 PM
Yukino shook her head. "No no, I'd love to meet him," she said. She wasn't exactly lying this time. She loved meeting new people.

07-31-2010, 09:43 PM
The door to the 3rd Music Room clicked open and in walked Sasuke. He walked up to the Twins and crossed his arms. "What do you want? I have work to do."


The Twins ignored the door when it swung open, but when Sasuke walked up to them, his arms crossed, they stood up straight and blinked. "Sasuke, meet Yukino. Yukino, meet Sasuke."

Ryan grabbed a chair facing Yukino and Noah pushed Sasuke into it. Then they ran off, snickering.

((OOC : When the Twins and Sasuke are in the same room/talking to each other, then I'll just put '~~' in between them instead of two posts))

07-31-2010, 11:35 PM
Yukino was a bit suspicious and confused. Were the twins trying to set her up with this boy? Plus, the boy didn't seem to want to be there. "You don't have to stay if you don't want to," she said, "I won't be offended or anything if you leave."

08-01-2010, 12:33 AM
"Sorry." Sasuke said. "The Twins are good people, but they can be really annoying. But if I leave they'll annoy me even more." He smiled. "So what kinds of books do you like to read?"

08-01-2010, 03:20 AM
"What kind of books?" She thought about it for a bit. "I don't think I'm particularly fond of a specific genre when it comes to books. But I think my favorite book at the moment is 'The Anthem.' The symbolism is amazing. 'Books? Come on, Manga is so much easier to read. And more dun too!' She sat down and crossed her legs. She wasn't lying. The Anthem was her favorite book, and she wasn't fond of a specific genre. She just wasn't expressing any opinions she didn't want to.

08-01-2010, 06:51 AM
Sasuke nodded. "I like to read manga." He smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of his head. "But my favourite books would have to be the Ranger's Apprentice series. I'm more into action, adventure, gore, horror type books. But I also enjoy other stuff."

08-01-2010, 01:34 PM
Yukino nodded. She wasn't a fan of bloody or graphic stuff, but she respected his opinion. "I read a bit of manga too," she said, pouring both of them some tea, "Mostly Josei." 'I read manga all the time! I like to read school comedies and shojo. Sometimes a bit of yuri or yaoi.' But she was a fan of Josei, so she wasn't completely lying.

08-01-2010, 07:46 PM
"That's cool." Sasuke smiled. "Well... I got to get going. I have to finish shutting down and fixing the laptops and computers." He stood up and looked at the Twins sitting on a couch staring intently at him and Yukino.

"Yes, I'm leaving." Sasuke said to the Twins, frowning. "Unlike yourselves, I have things to do other than annoy people."

He turned to Yukino, smiled and held out his hand. "It was nice meeting you."


The Twins frowned. Sasuke hadn't gotten anything out of her that they already had. They were trying to figure the girl out. She was too... perfect... and that annoyed them.

"Well... that's annoying." Ryan said.

"Yup." Noah replied.

08-02-2010, 02:34 AM
Yukino smiled sweetly and shook Sasuke's hand. "The pleasure is all mine," she said. She watched him leave and then walked over to the twins. "Thanks for introducing me t--" her stomach dropped and her eyes widened. "C-crap! she exclaimed, rushing to get her bag, "I'm late!" She had forgotten all about the student council meeting. She rushed out of the room and ran down the hallway. 'Way to go, Yukino! How the hell could you forget about your very first student council meeting?? Now you're gonna show up late on the first day. Wonderful. What a great first impre--' Just then, not looking where she was going, she ran right into Sasuke and landed on her butt. Her bag hit the ground and opened, spilling her contents. Her one-shots flew everywhere, some staying shut, but most of them opening. Her face turned bright red. She was busted.

((Note: the reason this is so embarrasing is because most of these are ecchi/comedy and not very ladylike. She even has some yuri and yaoi))

08-02-2010, 02:57 AM
Sasuke was pushed into the wall and dropped the laptop he had picked up from the room across from the 3rd Music Room. He looked down at the laptop and made sure that it wasn't broken. Then he looked at who had run into him. It was Yukino.

"Are you okay?" He asked, holding out a hand. Then he noticed the one-shots spread out all over the floor. His face turned red seeing the content of the one-shots. "So your more of a manga fan than you said, eh?"

08-02-2010, 12:55 PM
Yukino's face was beet red. How could she have been so careless? Well she was busted, so she might as well come clean. "I...want to be a mangaka," she muttered. She stood up and took the one-shot from his hand. [I]'Oh great. He just had to pick up 50% OK.' This was one of her most hardcore ecchis. There was probably at least a subtle panty shot in every panel, and one scene involved the main female's underwear coming off and landing in the main male's face. The humor was great, but not feminine at all. She bent down to pick up the other one-shots. She turned to Sosuke, looking him straight in the eyes. "P-please don't tell anyone," she muttered.

08-02-2010, 02:49 PM
The photoshoot proceeded from there. The girls all went into different posses around Lore, while Nasa gave instructions. About halfway through, one of the girls got tired of the explanation Lore had given for the top. She crept up behind him while Nasa wasn't watching and ripped the top off of him. (Not actually ripping the shirt, but with that sort of motion.) Nasa turned around and looked at the girl holding Lore's shirt, then back at Lore. A bead of sweat started forming on his brow as the moment's past with everyone staying still. Oh dear, Nasa thought. THis isn't good.

08-02-2010, 03:54 PM
"It's okay. Your secret is safe with me." Sasuke smiled. "I read ecchi and yuri a lot -even some yaoi- when my parents aren't home, soo..." He shrugged and started to help pick up the one-shots spread out all over the floor. Every once in a while he would flip through one of them quickly, to see what kind of writing Yukino did.

"Your a really good artist." Sasuke commented. He then stood up and handed the one-shots to Yukino. "You have to let me read these sometime, 'kay?" He smiled.

08-02-2010, 05:13 PM
Asuka made a thinking face before shaking her head no, she had her duties as a hostess to fufill and she had to stay here and make sure that the men were attended to.

[[I'm Back ^ ^]]

08-02-2010, 11:02 PM
Yukino looked Sasuke in the eyes. She could usually tell when someone was lying to her, and this boy was definitely telling the truth about keeping her secret. She smiled. "Sure," she said. She had to admit, it was nice having someone that knew her secret. She didn't have to have her guard up anymore when it was just the two of them. She looked around to make sure no one was there. Then she reached into her bag and pulled out a copy of her best one-shot, All Love is Eternal. It was a yaoi romance about a boy named Tatsuhiro who is trying to win back his ex-girlfriend Rei with the expert advice of his best friend Kaoru. On the cover, it showed Tatsuhiro on a small island, reaching desperately for Rei, an angel flying far out of reach. Kaoru was drawn as a merman who was reaching for Tatsuhiro, but couldn't leave the ocean. She handed it to him. "This is my best in my opinion," she told him, "Read it and tell me what you think, okay?"

((This is an actual one-shot that I've written. If you make your character read it, I'll post a summary and an excerpt. But I'd prefer you wait a bit to do that :P))

08-02-2010, 11:59 PM
Sasuke smirked. "Looks interesting." He said. "But I'm reading another manga right now, but I'll come back to you when I'm done."

The boy picked up the laptop and placed it in a slot in the cart he pushed around with him while picking up the laptops. "I'll probably see you tomorrow sometime. I plan on coming to the Host Club to see what it will be like with girls there." He winked, turned around and started walking down the hallway. "See ya."

As he continued picking up laptops, Sasuke thought about Yukino. She was cute, he admitted it. She would probably make an amazing friend too.

08-03-2010, 04:03 AM
Atuki smiled and nodded. "Alright then," she said, sitting back down, "I suppose I'll stay too." She was happy to be around Asuka. She enjoyed her company. She didn't mind staying. What was the point of going on a walk alone? "So," she said, "do you perhaps like to read, Asuka-San?"

08-03-2010, 02:26 PM
Asuka nodded happily, she enjoyed reading alot when she was not busy. She went over to her bag and pulled out three books she has been reading currently: "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves" by The Brother's Grimm, "Little House in the Big Woods" by Laura Ingalls Wilder and "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows" bu J.K Rowling. She enjoyed reading classical books as well as newer ones.

08-04-2010, 03:34 AM
Ayuki smiled, looking at the titles. "I see," she said, "I'm not too much of a reader myself, but I do enjoy reading poems in my spare time." Her phone buzzed I'm her pocket. "Eh?" She took out her phone and opened it up. She smiled warmly. It was Hazumu.

"Hi, Ayuki-san! Are you doing okay at your new school? Tomari and Asuta and Yasuna and I all miss you a lot"

Ayuki blushed slightly and closed her phone. She would call Hazumu later. It would be rude to text while she was talking to Asuka. "Sorry," she said, "That was a good friend from my old school."

08-04-2010, 01:54 PM
Asuka smiled until Ayuki's phone rang. Then a curious look appeared on her face until her new friend revealed who it was, she then nodded and a cute giggle escaped out of her mouth.