View Full Version : [M] Summer Sunset

07-28-2010, 11:08 PM
Emine payed the driver, closed the taxi door, and grabbed her bags. When she turned around, the scene in front of her made her take a sharp breath.
The Hilton San Diego Resort, she thought happily.
The main entrance driveway was lined with palm trees and flowers. The front entrance was right at the end of the driveway, with columns reaching up to the roof. It looked fabulous - especially since Emine had been itching to go on vacation for an excessive amount of time now.

The taxi cab drove away, and the female started to stride towards the building. At the door, she was greeted by name - which surprised her. Had they memorized their looks? They probably had. She stepped inside, and walked over to the reception desk. The lady at the counter smiled and explained everything, then handed her a few sheets of paper, including her room number and partner.

With a "thank you" to the other woman, Emine turned away and followed the instructions she had been given on how to find her room. The whole interior of the hotel was luxurious and beautiful, and the day just kept getting better when she arrived in her room. Because what greeted her was a room with two queen beds, a beautiful design, and a balcony.

Amie Mourna
07-30-2010, 01:09 PM
Amie leaned back in the cab seat frowning. She just /had/ to pick the cab driver that had an addiction of smoking. Not only that he was babbling on about things she really didn't care for. She sometimes wished she hadn't learned English. She wondered if the people just loved to hear themselves talk. She raised her right hand and placed her elbow on the small handle to pull the door shut. Once her elbow was secure she rested her chin upon the palm of her hand. The view was more than different for her. After all in Weipoltshausen she was surrounded by a forest and fields that everyone tended to. She had a gut feeling she was going to miss the place even if the new place she was staying at was wonderful she doubted she could go on a peaceful walk in the woods where there were none.

Her golden eyes looked out of the window watching as buildings and different things flew by. By now the cab drivers smoking was at the verge of giving her a migrane. She let out a sigh and moved leaning back in the seat again reaching down with her right hand and rolling her window down all the way. She was greeted by an unusualy warm wind. Maybe she had just been spoiled in Germany to the nice cool temperature. There was one thing that was definately a big difference here than in Germany. Air conditioning. She was used to just the cool weather with no need for the constant blast of cold air. She could already guess that she would be sick or at least have a slight cold until she got used to the idea.

Amie closed her eyes as the warm air blew through her hair like an invisible brush sending her golden locks flying about her gently. She listened to the driver a bit hearing the word trouble and a few others. However, she went on full alert when she heard him say 'gang'. Every muscle in her body went tight and practically locked.

"What did you say?" She asked tensely her voice soft, almost peaceful even with her slight accent. She heard the cab driver laugh.
"Lady, I said be careful not to get caught up in a gang." He repeated and she felt her blood run cold. Maybe, just maybe this vacation had not been such a good idea. But it was free and she had had nothing else to talk herself out of it. She let out a slow shaky breath. She wouldn't be near any gangs, she would be in the hotel for the most part so why start worrying over nothing? Amie jumped out of her thoughts as Constantine placed a hand on her shoulder. She turned and looked at him his soft green eyes watching her with worry hidden beneath the surface. He gave her a warm reassuring smile and rubbed her shoulder. His eyes watched as she visibly relaxed under his touch. He then shot the cab driver a nice glare.

"Would you stop frightening my girlfriend?" He asked his voice deep and smooth like melted chocolate. He had purposely used the word girlfriend since he had noticed the drivers flirt advances against Amie. After he spoke the driver instantly went silent. Constantine glanced back over at Amie and gently pulled the small framed female to his chest. He watched her golden brown eyes look at him in confusion and just smiled.
His shaggy brown hair got in his way slightly as he looked down at her. He would have to remember that this wasn't just a vacation for him, but it was also a chance to help Amie with her phobia. Though he did want to spend time just relaxing. His town was right next to Amie's, well with a 3 kilometer distance between them. Unlike Amie's village that was surrounded by woods, his was only partially surrounded, the other part was a nice lake.

However, no matter how nice that lake was, it was nothing like the beach. His house was also nice and cozy, but compared to such a big and luxurious hotel he doubted it held any comparison. He stroked Amie's hair lightly until the driver stopped in front of the hotel. Connie was the first to look at the hotel and stare in awe.

"Amie, I think we hit the jackpot on this vacation." He stumbled over his words and felt Amie push away from him and look herself. There was a long moment of silence between the two then Amie got out and Constantine followed her lead. As they got out of the car Connie tapped the drivers window then heard the trunk pop. He grabbed both the bags and handed Amie hers before they walked up both still in shock at the surroundings. Once they got inside they gave their information to the desk clerk and got their keys and other stuff. With a quick hug they each went their own way.

Connie walked into the room and smiled, such a big bed for one guy. Good thing he wouldn't have to share with his roomate. He moved his luggage to the first bed and let himself fall back first onto the bed with a long sigh. Definately worth it. This bed was amazing!

Amie glanced around as she walked to the room opening it and seeing that the person she was to share the room with was alredy there. She lifted her left hand and brushed her hair behind her ear the bracelets she had on clanking together with a soft sound as she did so.
"Hi, I am Amie, you are?" She asked looking at the girl as she closed the door behind herself.

07-30-2010, 02:56 PM
Victoria watched as the other cars passed by through the window of her taxi, clutching an envelope in her hand. A week ago, she had received a letter claiming that she won a free trip to The Hilton San Diego Resort. She was a little hesitant, since she didn't know what she did to get it, and got a little suspicious. But, she was in dire need of a vacation, so she went.

Victoria started packing the instant she finished reading the letter. She had one medium-sized bag for art supplies, since she is going to a tropical hotel, she wanted to get all the scenes of the place. Another bag was for clothes, and her messenger bag was for smaller things like a flashlight, small sketchbook, cell phone etc.

The driver stopped at the entrance of the hotel. Victoria payed the driver, got out, grabbed her bags out of the trunk and headed inside. She walked over to the receptionist who gave her several papers and explained everything about the vacation. She looked through the papers, then thanked the woman and headed to her room.

Victoria noted the wonderful architecture of the hotel and all the decorations. It's a good thing I brought more paper then I needed. she thought as she smiled from joy. Upon reaching her room, she got out the key, opened it and gasped. The two queen-sized beds, the balcony, everything looked luxurious and very expensive. Thank goodness that this trip is free. Victoria put her bags near the bed that was closest to the window. She headed out onto the balcony and took in the wonderful view.

07-30-2010, 04:41 PM
Emine walked into the room and dropped her bags by the door. She didn't bother closing the door and just collapsed into the bed. Oh, it was Heaven. She didn't think it was possible for the day to get better when she remembered that there would be a welcome party. Oh my.
Wait.. It's in the evening. I still have time to relax and unpack, she reassured herself.
The female raised herself from the queen bed and strode over to the balcony. The view was absolutely amazing. It was looking out over the beach, with the bluest water she had ever seen and sand that looked like it would feel like silk to the touch.

The first thing she wanted to do was take a nap - the trip had been long and tiring. But she decided it would be better to unpack first, since her roommate was due to arrive any second.

Just as she was about to unzip her largest bag, a female who looked to be about Emine's own age walked into the room. Ah, my roommate, she thought with a bit of excitement. The girl had long, golden curls and light brown eyes. Emine stood up with a smile and shook her hand. "Emine. Pleasure to meet you," she said.

Amie Mourna
07-30-2010, 07:17 PM
Amie smiled warmly at the female tilting her head to the side slightly which caused her hair to hide half of her face.

"Nice to meet you as well Emine." She said her voice soft as satin before she looked at the girls luggage. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you stop unpacking." She explained moving away from the girl and to the other bed setting her stuff down before she sat on the bed letting out a sigh of relief. "This is much more comfortable than the bed I have at home." She muttered softly before she let out a soft giggle. Her golden brown eyes then looked over at Emine for a moment.

"I am from Germany, where are you from?" She asked clamly still smiling warmly as she lowered her gaze and got off the bed opening one suitcase and pulling out a few shirts placing them in the drawer of her nightstand calmly.

Truth be told she didn't like meeting new people. She could never really trust what they were really like, what objective they really had. However, she had promised Constantine she would at least /try/ to get along with everyone. Plus she couldn't really be upset about having a roomate. It was definately much better than being alone in such a large room.

She then reached into the side pocket of the suitcase and pulled out sweets setting them on her bed. They were all brand names that /she/ knew. Maybe not others. She laid them down by groups. Milka; the milk chocolate was placed the farthest to the left. On the right side of the Milka was Fritt; the fruit candy in bar form. To the right of that Mamba; another fruit candy but in small rectangles. Then next to that Duplo; A chocolate treat. And last but not least Guetto; Her favorite snack.

Once she had it all sorted out she turned to her roomate,
"Emine, would you like some?" She asked with a warm smile. She had brought more than enough. Heck, she had even packed extra's in Connie's bags since he knew her sweet tooth addiction. If she had been allowed to she would probably brought ice cream with her or other silly things that couldn't be transported by plane. At the thought of that she giggled. Maybe she really should get her sweet tooth under control, she was getting a bit old anyway.

As she waited for Emine to answer her hands brushed the white dress she had on down and she pulled a few strands of hair off the dress smiling to herself. She would probably need a shower soon, most definately before the party. She thought about it to herself. She hoped the party wasn't outside. For her phobia it wouldn't be so good. If it was she would probably just stay out until it got dark. She wasn't risking anything, especially after what the taxi driver had mentioned.

As she thought about the taxi driver she slowly started to wonder if maybe she should have paid more attention to what he had been saying. She bit her bottom lip lightly then shook her head and raised her dress a bit sniffing it and frowning at the smell of cigarets. Maybe he had just been trying to frighten her. Well too bad for him that she had Constantine to help her.

She let out a soft sigh at the thought of her best friend. Her almond eyes glanced at Emine. He would probably want to socialize with more people than just her. Especially with cute girls like Emine. With a light shrug she passed the thought. If he wanted to meet new people she wouldn't hold it against him. However, she would just have to go back to the hotel by herself if he felt like mingling and leaving her behind. He always managed to do that, once he was caught up in a conversation he would seem to forget everyone and everything else. If it ended up like that she wouldn't need to stick around because he would be a useless guardian at that point.

Either way, she hoped he could get along with people. He had a certain charm for that at least. Plus he wasn't shabby looking either. He would probably make friends much faster than her. Not that it really mattered. She didn't need too many friends, just a few close ones that she could rely on. Nothing more, nothing less. Plain and simple.

07-30-2010, 09:22 PM
"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you stop unpacking," said Amie.
Emine laughed with a shake of her head and said, "No-no, it's alright.." Then decided to tell her a few things just to get things straight. "Amie, we're going to live in this room together for three months. You don't need to feel uncomfortable about anything - I can already see that you're going to be the best roommate ever. Just be yourself around me, y'know? And I'll pay back with the same. But.. if I get too comfortable, be sure to let me know too, m'kay?" she finished, and bent down to unzip the bag fully.

There were two dressers at the opposite ends of the room - one for each girl. Emine talked to Amie as she took out her clothes and placed them in the dresser. "Ooh, Germany. You have one of the best football teams.." she wondered off, until she realized what she'd said and that Amie must be very confused. "Haha, sorry. I'm a huge Fifa World Cup fan. I tend to just mention things about football - or soccer as the US calls it - in the middle of random conversations. You're gonna have to eventually get used to that," said Emine with a chuckle. She finally found the dress (http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31ZBConY6oL._AA280_.jpg) she'd been searching for and let out a little "ah-ha", then draped it over the chair next to her dresser. The female would be wearing it for the party that evening. Now the only thing left to do was try to find the shoes that went with the gown.

Then she continued to unpack and answered Amie's question. "As to my home place, I'm from Turkey," she said and looked up at Amie. "Can you tell?" she smiled.
The next time she looked up, Amie had arranged all sorts of candies on her dresser. There were tons of 'em - of all kinds, all arranged neatly. Her roommate asked if she wanted some, and Emine sprang up and strode over to her. "Wouldn't mind if I do," she grinned.

As as she was picking out one piece of candy, the girl noticed that Amie was a bit.. tense? Emine raised her eyebrows as she gazed at her. "Everything okay?" she asked with true concern.

Amie Mourna
07-30-2010, 11:59 PM
Amie watched as the girl took a few things and throught about what she had said taking all the words into consideration as she thought. When Emine suddenly asked her if she was alright she smiled warmly. Her self defense.
"I'm alright. Just not used to meeting new people. The town I am from is pretty small. Everyone knows everyone." She said her voice soft as she spoke still smiling at the female.

She couldn't really tell her the real reason /why/ she didn't meet strangers. That would be way too personal and she didn't feel like dumping her emotional baggage on others other than Connie. After answering her question she thought back to her comment about living with her for three months, and to be comfortable around her. She couldn't understand how some people could just casually befriend anyone. If she wanted friends she knew she had to put in a lot of effort. But, what could she do? The girl was right they were stuck together for better or worse during these next three months.

Amie bent down and pulled her dress (http://ny-image0.etsy.com/il_430xN.32274864.jpg) out of her suitcase placing it on a hanger. It wasn't really in style for a classic beach party. However, this dress had been made for her by her godmother and she wore it every chance she got. She found that it was her favorite peice of clothing and that she would probably never part with it. Not for the world. It wouldn't matter if she matched the other girls. All that mattered to her was that she got to wear her own dress. She could care less what others thought.

She glanced over at Emine and watched her for a few moments before remembering her mention soccer.
"I know about soccer. Connie makes me watch it with him all the time." Realizing she had just spoken about someone the girl didn't know she gave a sheepish grin. "Sorry, Connie is my friend Constantine. He's here as well. I am sure you two will be good friends." She said with a little smile

She raised her right hand to rub the back of her head frowning at the fact that her hair felt greasy. She really needed to take a shower. She quickly finished unpacking her things then looked back at Emine, "do you mind if I shower first?" She asked feeling sleep nagging at her. Maybe she shouldn't have stayed up the whole time on the plane watching movies. However, she never really watched movies so when she had the chance she couldn't let the opurtunity pass. She would have to go to rent movies sometime, or at least buy the ones she had watched and liked.

Amie removed her hand from her hair and rubbed her eyes with her other hand letting out a stiffled yawn. Maybe her shower could wait until she had slept for a while. Yes. It could surely wait. Otherwise her hair might do crazy things. "On second thought, I will just take a nap. I hope you don't mind. Since you're from Turkey you're probably also feeling the nag of jet lag." She stated and let herself sit on the bed as she took off the bracelets and set them on her dresser then removed her shoes.

Once her shoes were off she practically crawled under the covers and closed her eyes which felt like they were being pulled down by lead. Within seconds she was asleep.

07-31-2010, 12:28 AM
Victoria began unpacking her bags. She hung all her clothes, put some books in her dresser with a couple of pencils and placed her art supplies bag under the bed. Well, since there's nothing else to do, I'll go explore the hotel. Right before she did, she ripped out a piece of paper from her notebook, wrote on it and placed it on the other bed. It said: Hello, roommate! If you are reading this, then I am currently out of the room and am doing other things at the moment. If you still stay in the room, then I might return and we can properly introduce. See ya soon! -Victoria. She headed out of her room and checked out the pool.
The water was crystal clear, as if it wasn't touched by a single soul. There were lounge chairs further back, which looked very clean. She saw that a few other people were walking around, but quickly looked away to avoid awkwardness. She noted how all the tiles looked shiny and almost brand-new. It was weird how everything was so clean. Do the cleaning people come here every night? Well, since this is an expensive hotel, they do need to keep it spotless. But I've never seen one this clean. Oh well, I guess I'll look at the beach.

08-01-2010, 01:13 AM
"Oh, I see," she said with a nod, answering Amie's statement that she wasn't used to meeting new people. Emine thought about it. She probably couldn't live without meeting new people - traveling was something that played a vital role in her life. Whether it be Europe, Australia, or the Americas, new places always meant new friendships for Emine. Well, she only had a few real friends who would never abandon her and would always be there, but she had lots of people who she could just hang out with or just say hi to. It sometimes got really confusing.. She immediately erased the thoughts. This was her vacation - a time to think about partying, relaxing, and having fun. Not making her brain ache because her thoughts were too aggravating. All this went through her mind in a mere few seconds as she rolled the fruity candy she had picked around her tongue.

She walked over to her bed and took a seat at the edge - it was really tiring to stand after the whole trip. Then, Amie revealed a beautiful crimson dress out of her bag and hung it in the closet. Emine let out a low whistle. "Whew - that is one gorgeous dress," she commented. It really was. Even with the little wrinkles being folded up had caused, the beauty of the gown was still pretty obvious.

Then Amie mentioned that a friend of hers - a guy - made her watch soccer, and Emine lit up. "Ohh, I think we will be. Any person who's a friend of soccer is a friend of mine," she chuckled. "Oh, sure. The shower is all yours," the female replied, and remembered that she should probably find those shoes soon, too. Then she could enjoy a few hours of freedom before the party. She got up and dragged her body to her bag. After a few minutes of rummaging, the black shoes (http://www.bridalpeople.com/low-heel-wedding-shoes/images/23995-s.jpg) were found in the side pocked of her largest bag. Emine really didn't like wearing heels, but she felt these would match the dress well and at least they weren't that high.

As she was stuffing the bags in the closet, Amie changed her mind and decided to take a nap. "Alright - have a nice nap. I'll be taking a walk to check out that pool of theirs - I wanna catch the last rays of sunlight before I take a shower. See you," she said, and disappeared out the door of the room, closing it silently behind her.