View Full Version : Third Heaven: World of Giants [] OOC [] [R]

Dire Hoef
02-05-2014, 11:40 PM
Third Heaven: World of Giants

CONTAINS: Blood, Gore, Strong Violence, Strong Language, Sexual Situations, Alcohol Use

"The time is near to fight for your right to live.."
The Plot

Earth’s Downfall

The year is 2899, and the world is slowly submitting to the destruction humanity has caused. A few months before this downfall occurred, it was a normal day in a scientific establishment. Within this establishment there were scientist trying to perfect a space-dimensional plane type device in order to achieve dimensional travel. This was nothing short of a small victory for mankind. The man who came up with the “Dimensional Theory” or “Dimensiology” [The study in Dimensional Travel], was named Robert D. Wilder. Robert was the lead scientist in this field of study and for this he developed the first stages of what is classified as the, “Dimensional Plane Transporting Device” [DPTD].

Robert knew that his inventional idea would only last so long within his days of life and for that he wrote down key facts about how the DPTD works and operates when it comes functional. This wasn’t till later when Robert died of a disease known as, “Vulguns Wrath”. When Robert died there was no one to continue his life’s work and for this they had to abandon the development of this device. A month after the project was abandon a man by the name of, Charles B. Barkley, decided to intervene with the DPTD’s override system. With this intervention, this caused a system failure within the DPTD’s system core. This failure caused a massive explosion of matter and other sorts of unimaginable materials. The explosion covered the entire Earth causing objects and humans to get sucked into this massive rift.

This explosion was the result of Earth’s downfall 125 years later when the rift finally shrunk in size and sunk to the bottom of the ocean. How this was possible? No is sure, with a rift that large it would of ate the entire planet whole, but it didn’t for some reason. With the Earth now in ruins, this left the remaining population in shambles trying to gather their sense in dignity. So with that being said the entire world reverted back to the medieval age where castle’s were built and kingdoms establish.

The Four Kingdoms Established

During the “Refreshsation Phase”, where remaining people would build castles and establish government systems all across [North America] what they call, “Atlas”. Atlas was the new name for North America and two kingdoms were established here in Atlas. The first kingdom was named, The Democratic Syndicate, a presidential figure type government with its own adaptation of political system known as Democracy. The other is named, The Imperial Glory, a Monarchy that has a king and queen like figures. There two other kingdoms that were establish in the east, in which they call their land, “Eastern Province”. The first kingdom in Eastern Province was called, The Tyrannical Province.

The Tyrannical Province was the head government in the Eastern Province and controlled all forms of trade. Thier government system is a tyranny with them being the main kingdom call across the globe. The other kingdom that was established in Eastern Province is called, The Divine Monarchy, and with this this government is of course a Monarchy. But its respects religion quite well and for that they have strong military power in Eastern Province. A king and queen rule this government and with this these are the four main kingdoms established all across the globe. It wasn’t until something dangerous arisen for these four kingdoms to take action..

The Arrival of the Giants

The year 3028, came around and every kingdom seemed to have their own ideals and problems to deal with and for that these kingdoms kept a far distance from each other. It wasn’t till a few months later, within Atlas, villages started coming under attack. Strangely all these villages were seaside villages and for this only a handful of people lived to see the day. What these people told the two powers of Atlas was undeniable bogus considering most of the information was told by mouth and not written documents. This wasn’t until later more and more inland villages [ones from the seaside villages onwards], were attacked by what people say giant humanoid men.

The Democratic Syndicate set up a meeting with the Monarchy, The Imperial Glory and tried to talk about the matter at hand. While these two kingdoms were deciding what to do about the situation, on the other side of the world the other two kingdoms were having the same problem and for this these kingdoms waged war against an enormous force to be reckoned with. The Atlas kingdoms saw this war declared on these giants now called, “Goliaths”. And with this the war has now begun..

Need to Know Information

Fire Giants:
Colossal behemoth made of magma, fire and metal the fire giants were once dominate variety on Volcanius and dominate species on island. They average 30ft at birth from prime fire giant ancient which was slain by Emperor of Mongol Empire centuries ago. The remaining giants average about 50-100 ft tall and grow slowly with none to reach maturity yet. Most have been captured and tamed by the gorgun but a few live within the magma below Volcanius with several that will reach adulthood in next fifty years. The fire giants are powerful beings that can spew fire and magma from their mouths as well from openings in the body. They do not have a set age or growth limit with the height of 1000 ft tall and thousands of years old. The fire giant are a primal force of nature for Volcanius and were key to forming its rich fertile soils. Fire giants are very difficult to kill with their bodies incinerating most foolish enough to attack, only specially treated weapons crafted by Gorgun or high explosives in right spot can kill a fire giant easily. Gorgun revere the fire giants as the first of Gi's Children

Water Giants:
The water giant are one only giants with the eldest one alive to spawn more. They are made from mineral rich stone and mineral rich water. They grow slowest of all giants with them being born at 30ft also and largest the ancient water giant standing 500ft tall. The eldest one stills lives wandering Volcanius freely. The water giant are like endless fountains of water as they pull water from atmosphere to fuel themselves. They are noticeably easy to kill by physical means though are generally non violent and majority of them trained and kept on volcanius or nartharion to water farmlands. The water giants are revered as second of Gi's children by the Gorgun.

Earth Giants:
The earth giant are behemoth beasts made from varying minerals, stones, and crystals with color varying greatly from what they have to eat. The earth giant have a semi-organic core made of orange tissue that acts like nerves and crude organs. The earth giant like all giants of Volcanius are born at 30ft suggesting a ancient common ancestor. The earth giant are also smartest and hardest to train of all the giants though the smartest were long ago slain by Gorgun. The largest earth giant every stood 300ft tall and was slain ages ago by long forgotten tribal hunter. The Gorgun revere the earth giant as the last children of Gi or third son of Gi.


Similar to that of our North American Continent, Atlas has what is called, "Palatinian Shift Plates" [PSP]. These PSPs are scattered amongst Atlas, in which forts are built around these PSPs. The meaning of PSPs is that these PSPs leak out some sort of Thermal Nuclear energy from another world on the other side of the rift. With these hot-spots comes fuel and an energy source for the people of Atlas. So withat in mind, there is nothing really important about the terrain on Atlas besides it have massive wastelands and forests scattered amongst its land. Also in the higher north lies fridged temperatures, due to the rift explosion back in 2899.

The Main Focus

With the roleplay being so massive in scale [may extend into multiple installments], but for the sake of plot we will focus on the two kingdoms in the land of Atlas. How this will work is that we will have two sets of perspectives that will ultimately come together after a certain period of time. It may be possible for everyone to choose the same castle but people will be open to chose either one.. But for that reason i will have objectives for both sides of this story..

The Democratic Syndicate’s Objective

Once you choose this side of the story you immediately start off on the front-lines or behind enemy lines as a scout trying to gain information upon the Goliaths that your side has come across since the war started. What you’ll have to do is either kill a Goliath or return to the king for further tasking of the war at hand. With that in mind you have two options to choose from concerning how the plot will progress. One is either you move forward through the frontlines and travel in enemy territory to find the source of or option two you hold back option one and fight the Goliaths head on.

So if you decide to choose either one of those, both options lead to you coming back to the kingdom’s main kingdom. Granted there are forts, outpost and Manors that are scattered all throughout Atlas, but that will be saved for a later time. Returning back to your objective. As said before both options lead to you returning back to the main kingdom and for this the next objective will be trying to find the source of where these Goliaths are coming from.

The Imperial Glory’s Objective

If you hadn't chosen The Democratic Syndicate already then here is the Imperial Glory's objective in case you were wondering what the other objective would been. You start out within on of the Imperial Glory's forts that surround a PSP hot spot or you start out as scout for the kingdom in search of the source of the Goliath's Origins.

What the means is once you have made your choice on which option to choose you are given a directed route to take before coming to a town in which where all players that join this side of the story will meet up. How this meet up will take place, I can not tell you, but you must figure this out yourselves. So with that in mind that is The Imperial Glory's objective.

The Tyrannical Province
http://wallpapermi.com/thumbnails/detail/20130321/castles%20fantasy%20art%201920x1417%20wallpaper_wa llpapermi.com_1.jpg

Divine Monarchy

The Democratic Syndicate

The Imperial Glory

Character Sheet
Personal Information

Age: {18+}
Sexual Orientation:
Personal Peference: [Personality]
Histroical Peference: [Biography]

Combat and Kingdom Information
Primary Weapon:
Secondary Weapon:
Other: [Anything I missed]

Name: Ares Volcanius
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight

Personal Peference: Ares is a strong and confident man, with a sense of pride within each step. Ares, being the short tempered man that he is, does not hesitate to kill another if asked to. On the other hand he is knowledgable of the situation around him and does not waste any time to react. However, with this being in mind he does tend to be reckless and does not care about his well being. Other times he is a serious man, with a sense of adventure. With this in mind he tries to be the best out of anyone having cunning smarts and quick reactions on the battlefield. He also isn't afraid to speak his mind about a situation or go the extra limit. Even though he is cocky sometimes, he makes up for it by being creative in his attacks on the battlefield.

Histroical Peference: Adopted and raised on a farm within Atlas, Ares had a tough time coping with the isolatedness of his home. He never realized how massive his homeland really was in comparison to other homelands. His parents were farmers, and for this they didn't have the right type of knowledge about the world outside their farm and so with this, this lead to Ares leaving his home at the age of 15. He snuck out of his home with some survival supplies and with this he traveled far and wide. He didn't really have a direction to go or an sort of destination to stop.

The traveling portion on Ares's life was the hardest of all, because at every turn he would be put in danger one way or another. Along the way he picked up friends but soon he came across a dangerous band of thieves and they killed his friends with Ares being the only survivor. Then came a life changing moment in his life that he will never forget. Since legend goes, that a son was born of a legendary demon known as Volcanius, and with this Ares unlocked his true power and unleashed it upon the thieves. This event was scattered amongst Atlas and soon after The Democratic Syndicate sent in mercenaries and soldiers to capture this boy and shortly after he was captured.

This portion of his life wasn't as difficult as it may seem. A boy born from a powerful demon was a great asset to The Democratic Syndicate and decided to make him a soldier. Years later at the age of 27, he has to become a full-fledge soldier and for this he trains to control his power as well as become a hero as well as a soldier his homeland.


Kingdom: The Democratic Syndicate

Primary Weapon: Great Sword [Custom-Made]


Secondary Weapon: Twin Short Swords [Custom-Made]


Artist Representation


Name: Ayesha Tiller

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Personal Preference: Ayesha has two distinct sides to her: her personal and professional. The Professional side is able to see any wound man and focus on what needs to be treated, or how the situation is best to be dealt. This side doesn’t lack empathy, but rather it becomes goal oriented to insure success at what she does. There is little emotional effect of what happens in battle or of a dramatic situation until after when she eases out of this mindset.

Ayesha is willing to learn and listen to her superiors with no problem, but has issues with peers correcting her. Anger is expressed physically for her, in her body language, facial features and tone. Anger provokes her into action; she is not one to be passive when situations become dire.

However, if tipped into sadness it can consume her, but this must break though her anger first.

Her personal side is much more nurturing, and docile. She is able to compartmentalize her military difficulties from her own life. However if something in her personal life affects her, it can get into her professional abilities.

Historical Preference: Ayesha is a descendent of the Tiller family, a very distinguished medical family. In the castles of the Democratic Syndicate they treated and cured the ills of those who represented the people. While it was a female’s job, because of their reputation and abilities in a strange way it became an elevated status to be a Tiller medic. Men wed into the family actually hoping for daughters rather than sons. However this was a rather rare exception: Tiller men still had more of an open future than Tiller woman. And so her profession was picked for her, her mother and grandmother began educating her on herbs, remedies, treatment techniques, anatomy…anything in relation to health.

And the Democratic army came for her by the age 18, after generations it had become standard tradition; people often saying “Not even a Tiller Medic could fix this”. Her family is a symbol of medical ability. And her years of service across the Syndicate proved the Tiller blood to be strong, and now she has been set out on a critical mission to see where the Goliath threats are…

In her company she has met a horned man, and so far, this has left her disturbed, despite the calm appearance she’s been giving off.

Spoiler: Appearance

She stands at 5'8'' and has a lithe, athletic build.


Kingdom: The Democratic Syndicate

Primary Weapon:
Standard Short Sword


Secondary Weapon:

Two Standard Daggers


Ayesha only knows how to fight with one at a time, and cannot throw them very well.

Standard Medic Leathers


Other: She has a medical satchel that has her equipment for in combat situations. She also has a large leather backpack for more drastic or long term situations.

02-07-2014, 11:20 PM
Hey, want to make this a 1x1 with me? ;p

Dire Hoef
02-07-2014, 11:26 PM

02-07-2014, 11:27 PM

Ask a moderator to move this to 1x1 section, or copy and past this in a 1x1 format and then ask mod to delete this! When it's in the 1x1 part...pm me link :P

Dire Hoef
02-07-2014, 11:30 PM

02-08-2014, 12:07 AM
Thanks! Give me a little time to generate a CS :)

Is it okay if I connect it to yours or do you want a stranger?

Dire Hoef
02-08-2014, 12:10 AM
It would be better to link it with mine..

02-08-2014, 12:13 AM
Will do!

Being a demon is a rare thing correct? How many races beyond human are there? Or is it very minimal fantasy stuff and Ares is just an exception? (I'm perfectly fine being Human! I am all the time anyway ;p)

Dire Hoef
02-08-2014, 12:17 AM
Well Ares, was born of a demon that mated with the mother of all Goliaths creating the Goliaths that are in this rolepaly today..

It is possible to have more than one child of the same demon or another, and besides Ares was adopted by farmers, so he doesn't know his true family.

02-08-2014, 12:24 AM
Are there any relics of the old technology from over 200 years ago? Or is it really just ALL gone?

Dire Hoef
02-08-2014, 12:27 AM
I refrained from introducing the relics until I made the second installment where the relics would be introduced in a sense that kingdoms would fight over them. But in a sense, there are indeed relics scattered amongst Atlas.

02-08-2014, 12:34 AM
Okay. Sorry for all the questions...I'm very detailed oriented and need to know before I make anything X_X I don't like plot holes and stuff.

Dire Hoef
02-08-2014, 12:37 AM
I know..

02-08-2014, 12:38 AM
I know..

lol what is this supposed to mean?

Dire Hoef
02-08-2014, 12:44 AM
I tend to observe how a person talks and feels.. And that gives me the information to make judgements upon their personality and get a sense on who that person really is.

02-08-2014, 12:47 AM
Oh my! I wasn't aware I was under...observation :wink:

I'm reading the OC over and still dabbling with what CS I want.

I wasn't going to have my character be family to Ares...but can I be a close friend or have some connection through his military career? Are women on equal footing in the military? Can they be in combat or no?

Dire Hoef
02-08-2014, 12:48 AM
In a sense yes, women are reverted down to field medics..

02-08-2014, 12:49 AM
Damn, okay. Does that come with any combat training at all?

Dire Hoef
02-08-2014, 12:52 AM
In a way yes.. They do have combat training or else they wouldn't be field medics..

02-08-2014, 12:54 AM
So that's what...daggers and some single blade training then? And they have basic training in combat tactics...?

Dire Hoef
02-08-2014, 12:57 AM
Short Swords/Daggers yes..


They do have basic combat training and tactics but it is said that some develop skills that would surpass a Royal Knight. So do keep an eye on that..

02-08-2014, 12:59 AM
Okay...I'm thinking of being a female combat medic that meets you on the field then...

Dire Hoef
02-08-2014, 01:00 AM
Right, the plot focus's [Within the Demoncratic Syndicate] on players either in scouting squads or on the front lines..

02-08-2014, 01:09 AM
So we were assigned the same scouting squad?

How long ago would this have happened? (Aka how long have we been around each other?)

Dire Hoef
02-08-2014, 01:12 AM
Yes.. And I'm thinking they were three days into the mission since they will be behind enemy lines.

02-08-2014, 01:16 AM

What is the standard equipment of a field medic? Are there male field medics or is it a female only position?

Dire Hoef
02-08-2014, 01:17 AM
The standard equipement would be medkits, other medical supplies, weapons, some tactical type equipement. And only females are given this position.

02-08-2014, 01:22 AM
So, I'm assuming they wear leathers for armor for maneuverability...? They wouldn't be in plate like full warriors, that'd be detrimental for them.

Dire Hoef
02-08-2014, 01:24 AM

02-08-2014, 01:25 AM
Okay, thank you...this is starting to come together.

Dire Hoef
02-08-2014, 01:30 AM
Alright, good to know..

02-08-2014, 02:13 AM
Name: Ayesha Tiller

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Personal Preference: Ayesha has two distinct sides to her: her personal and professional. The Professional side is able to see any wound man and focus on what needs to be treated, or how the situation is best to be dealt. This side doesn’t lack empathy, but rather it becomes goal oriented to insure success at what she does. There is little emotional effect of what happens in battle or of a dramatic situation until after when she eases out of this mindset.

Ayesha is willing to learn and listen to her superiors with no problem, but has issues with peers correcting her. Anger is expressed physically for her, in her body language, facial features and tone. Anger provokes her into action; she is not one to be passive when situations become dire.

However, if tipped into sadness it can consume her, but this must break though her anger first.

Her personal side is much more nurturing, and docile. She is able to compartmentalize her military difficulties from her own life. However if something in her personal life affects her, it can get into her professional abilities.

Historical Preference: Ayesha is a descendent of the Tiller family, a very distinguished medical family. In the castles of the Democratic Syndicate they treated and cured the ills of those who represented the people. While it was a female’s job, because of their reputation and abilities in a strange way it became an elevated status to be a Tiller medic. Men wed into the family actually hoping for daughters rather than sons. However this was a rather rare exception: Tiller men still had more of an open future than Tiller woman. And so her profession was picked for her, her mother and grandmother began educating her on herbs, remedies, treatment techniques, anatomy…anything in relation to health.

And the Democratic army came for her by the age 18, after generations it had become standard tradition; people often saying “Not even a Tiller Medic could fix this”. Her family is a symbol of medical ability. And her years of service across the Syndicate proved the Tiller blood to be strong, and now she has been set out on a critical mission to see where the Goliath threats are…

In her company she has met a horned man, and so far, this has left her disturbed, despite the calm appearance she’s been giving off.

She stands at 5'8'' and has a lithe, athletic build.


Kingdom: The Democratic Syndicate

Primary Weapon: http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/5/58496/2298033-leafsword.jpg

Secondary Weapon: http://www.preferredarms.com/images/weapons/large/daggers/1-Parrying-Dagger.jpg

Ayesha only knows how to fight with one at a time, and cannot throw them very well.

Armor/Clothing: http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/055/b/6/female_leather_armor_barbarian_by_lagueuse-d4qucf0.jpg

Other: She has a medical satchel that has her equipment for in combat situations. She also has a large leather backpack for more drastic or long term situations.

- - - Updated - - -

How is this?

Dire Hoef
02-08-2014, 02:45 AM
Pretty damn good... We can get started tomorrow.....

02-08-2014, 02:48 AM
Pretty damn good... We can get started tomorrow.....

Sweet! Can you put my CS on the first post so it'd be easy to keep track of!? Thank you :)

Dire Hoef
02-08-2014, 08:17 PM
The IC is here ya know..

02-08-2014, 08:23 PM
Yes I saw! I've been working on another RP! :) I'll post, don't worry!

02-14-2014, 12:35 AM
knowing that the men ahead of them would ultimately face the battle of their lives and souls.

I loved this line.

Also, you are fine controlling most of the story now right? It seems like you have a firm understand of what you wanted to be done for now and of you world currently.

Dire Hoef
02-14-2014, 12:39 AM
Of course.. I'm merely following the plot focus..

And I do, do alot of philosophy and writing, about stuff like that.

02-14-2014, 12:41 AM
Okay, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't 'half assing' my posts.

But I didn't want to add anything to the world yet...especially since I'm still learning it.

Dire Hoef
02-14-2014, 12:47 AM
Of course.

02-14-2014, 12:52 AM
Okay, I'm glad we are on the same page :P

02-14-2014, 02:02 AM

02-15-2014, 01:31 AM
Is he still talking to himself? Away from Ayesha?

Dire Hoef
02-15-2014, 02:19 AM
Yes he is talking to himself..

02-16-2014, 12:15 AM
The watee she's in just turned green too, right?

Dire Hoef
02-16-2014, 12:28 AM
Only the ocean since that is where the rift lies, but you could add in that the color of the glowing reflected off the lake to make it seem like its glowing as well.. Open to possiblities here..

02-16-2014, 12:33 AM
How far is the lake from the ocean?

Dire Hoef
02-16-2014, 01:19 AM
The Lake is about 100ft from the tree line where Ares is standing, and so with that measurement in mind I would say an extra 50ft before you reach the ocean.

02-16-2014, 01:19 AM
Okay, thanks!

Dire Hoef
02-16-2014, 01:21 AM
No problem..

02-16-2014, 01:36 AM
The current image code keeps breaking.

Here's the photo.


02-16-2014, 06:33 PM
Can you please update my PC's image? The link above is a more stable copy of the exact same photo as before.

Dire Hoef
02-16-2014, 06:50 PM

02-20-2014, 01:49 AM
Did you read the question right? Or is that the answer and I just don't get it?

She's asking if he's hurt or ill.

Dire Hoef
02-20-2014, 01:53 AM
Edited.. I though it meant that she was asking for any sort of medication that wa ssuited for Ares's little sickness problem..

02-21-2014, 01:28 AM
This story gets stranger and stranger...hmmm.

02-23-2014, 01:19 AM
With these machines are we talking about Mobile Suit Gundam here or what?

Dire Hoef
02-23-2014, 01:22 AM
Basically.. Yeah.. but a little more military grade..

02-23-2014, 07:35 PM
...so how exactly does she get to the cockpit?

Dire Hoef
02-23-2014, 09:02 PM
The Mech is kneeling down towards her, and so all she has to do is climb her way up into it..

02-23-2014, 09:06 PM
lol the '...' is so patronizing as if it's saying 'that should have been easy to figure out'

Thank you :)

I can post now!

02-23-2014, 11:32 PM
So...can I control what the machine does...or will you?

Also, just how many buttons and switches and whatever are in the cockpit?

Dire Hoef
02-23-2014, 11:39 PM
You control the machine.. This is a point in the story where Ayesha is given the ability to fight Goliaths and The Elemental Four.

As many buttons as you can think of in a Mech.. Remember this is all you not me.. This is the benefit of your character.

02-23-2014, 11:42 PM
Hmmm, okay. Thank you.

Dire Hoef
02-23-2014, 11:44 PM
My pleasure

02-23-2014, 11:54 PM
I had no idea this was going to turn into Gundam ;p

02-24-2014, 12:32 AM
Does the machine have any guns (or ammo?) or any retractable weaponry?

Dire Hoef
02-24-2014, 12:36 AM
Well that's for you to decide..

02-25-2014, 11:18 PM
Battle suit mode, what do you mean by that?

Dire Hoef
02-25-2014, 11:21 PM

Or something like this, is what I meant by "Battle Suit Mode".

02-25-2014, 11:25 PM
So you mean a mode with jet packs or something?

Dire Hoef
02-25-2014, 11:27 PM
A humanoid form of your MCS.. that fits to Ayesha's body instead of it being a giant hulking beast of a machine.

02-25-2014, 11:29 PM
I already assumed it to be humanoid shape...ooops....?

Dire Hoef
02-25-2014, 11:37 PM
It is quite alright..

02-25-2014, 11:37 PM
So, can I keep it that way or...should I change that?

Dire Hoef
02-26-2014, 12:17 AM
It doesn't matter..

02-26-2014, 01:12 AM
At such speeds, how fast will it take for them to get back to the Prez?

Dire Hoef
02-26-2014, 01:15 AM
Hours.. Not days but... Hours..

02-28-2014, 11:55 PM
How crazy with the morphing can I go?

Dire Hoef
03-01-2014, 12:19 AM

03-02-2014, 06:39 AM
woman (http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/5166/adminimageergoproxyreal.jpg)


03-16-2014, 08:07 PM
How does the armor clothing fit him now that he's shrunk and also have large horns on his back!?

Dire Hoef
03-16-2014, 08:10 PM
It's a little baggy on him.. So just imagine him being clueless to the fact that it doesn't fit him..

03-16-2014, 08:12 PM
But I'm asking how he was able to even put on the chest piece without hurting himself.

If it hurts to touch them, it must not be enjoyable to cram them into metal armor.

Dire Hoef
03-17-2014, 10:43 AM
Of course.. Why do you think I haven't mentioned the pain.. It's been like this before Ayesha met Ares..

Dire Hoef
03-21-2014, 12:00 AM
Want to end it here or do you want to continue?

We could always continue in the next roleplay?

I'm sure I have run out of things to use in this one. So why not create a new one [in private or mature your choice] and we can start from where we left off..

03-21-2014, 12:25 AM
I can't tell where you stand. Are you saying you don't want to do this RP anymore?

(Posting soon)

Dire Hoef
03-21-2014, 12:32 AM
No i'm not saying I don't want to do it.. I love to continue this, but we need to set a stopping point at some point..

03-21-2014, 12:36 AM
Often 1x1 RPs go much longer than 28 pages.

But, if you want the trophy we could stop here, and make a part 2 and start from there.

Dire Hoef
03-21-2014, 12:39 AM
Well I was planning on stopping before the fight between Ares and Ayesha and the Elemental Four and have the entire next of the roleplay be the battle between them and the aftermath of the battle.

03-21-2014, 12:48 AM
Okay, then I'll hold my post.

Ask a higher up to put this one in the Hall of Fame, and then when that's done put the ooc in the part 2

(Though I highly suggest you copy and paste the OOC information now (on a word document or something), because in the Hall of fame you might not be able to copy it with all the coding you have.

Dire Hoef
03-21-2014, 01:19 AM
That will happen tomorrow but for now the game plan for the next Roleplay is that its the battle between Ares and Ayesha and the Elemental Four. Since they are four elements you pick twothat you want to face (fire,water,earth and air) and I will pick the other two that you haven't chosen.

03-21-2014, 01:20 AM
I'll make it a random roll when the time comes :P