View Full Version : Ashton Gnosis

02-10-2014, 09:01 PM
Of Blades and Swords

Name: Ashton Gnosis
Alias: Ash
Age: 22
Race: Human
Birthplace: TBA
Birth date: April 9th.
Occupation: Currently unoccupied.
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 200lbs
Body Fat: 9%
Eyes: Crimson
Hairy: Crimson/Messy
Blood Type: AB+

Of Mind and Spirit

Personality: Impulsive and hot headed as a youth, since serving the Terran Military Ashton has become significantly less brash. However extremely unfamiliar situations that are exceptionally stressful can cause him to revert back to his impulsive ways.
Additional Notes: Ashton is a partially practicing vegetarian. He firmly believes in only eating that in which he has earned through his own hard work. Because he does not actively hunt he seldom eats meat.

Of Earth and Fire
[Battle Stats]
Highest Stats: Speed/Strength
Highest Proficiency: Swords/H2H
Combat Zone: Close to medium range

Offensive Active
Primary Magic: Pyrokinesis. The ability to manipulate and produce flames with thought.
Secondary Magic: Earthbending. The ability to manipulate the earth with the soul.
Tertiary Magic: Runes. The ability to perform magic with drawn or thought runes.

None Offensive Active
Phase: The ability to phase through various mediums. Phase can be used as a quickdraw ability but phase duration is dependent upon the number of preps used.
Float: The ability allows for an unusual hang time. Physics can be partially ignored allowing for large gaps to be crossed at lower speeds while in the air.
Adhere The ability to temporarily adhere to any surface. Physics can be partially ignored allowing for any surface to be stood upon.
Afterburn: The ability to temporarily bolster speed and strength.

Attune: The ability to sense changes to the medium. Attune places the user in a natural state of attunement with the current medium allowing them to sense/feel both minute and major changes in it.
Affinity Fire: Affinity toward fire bolsters natural resistance to the fire element. Affinity Fire allots an advantage toward flames/heat.
Gaia’s Blessing Gaia’s Blessing bolsters damage reduction. The earth/ground gives way to help mitigate forces exerted upon the blessed. This provides an advantage against physical attacks while on the ground.
True Perception: The brain is capable of observing 100% of what the eyes see. Full spectrum sight.
Relative: Time is perceived at a relative rate. Time dilates or undilates depending on the users state.

Sle: Ashton’s magic sword. Blade length 3’. Hilt length 8”. Blade Width 4”.
Passive Abilities
Mana Burn: Strikes from the blade cause mana burn status. Mana Burn does continuous damage to energy.
Bow Shock: When passing through a none solid medium bow shock is formed. Bow Shock provides an advantage toward spell slicing.
Armor: Ashton wears a combination of leather, chain, and plate armor that is reinforced with runes.
Passive Abilities
Bolster: Runes bolster endurance and resistance.