View Full Version : [M] MxM Modern Fantasy Story...(Not title yet - love all feedback)

02-16-2014, 06:16 AM
So..I'm not sure how this works...but I'm going to post each section in a new post....

I love/need feedback and I hope you enjoy...(my ego craves an audience to perform for)

This is mature for sexual themes, violence, swearing....all the adult stuff. Please be advised.


A handsome blond haired man begins his descent. Darkness is the description of what was above him and what lies blow him. Falling and falling still. An endless fall. No fear modified the man’s face. It was sorrow. Sorrow that enveloped the watcher. A victim of mankind, of his own people and of an unknown dark hand. No clocks ticked, no sun or moon to show the passing. But he knew; he knew that the fall from grace was slow. Sanity lost, understanding found. The man disappeared in a flash of light.

In the dark house a gasp penetrated the silence. Moonlight moved through the window and kissed the newly made prophet in filtered lines. Breathing fast at first now began to slow. The AC clicked on, adding to the spinning fan above. A drenched palm touched the sticky black hair that clung onto the observer’s forehead. Layered black coils danced around his neck as he made sense of everything.

The tan teenage body shifted uneasily under the bed’s now uncomfortable entrapment. The one who nearly claimed adulthood usually had someone next to him in slumber. But it all came back to his mind now. He was gone, out of his reach. The blond one was in danger. Eli was in danger.

Throwing the sheets away from his lanky body he stood quickly and turned on the lamp on the end table at his bedside. Using limited illumination and familiarity of the environment the physic guided his hand to his cell phone.

02-16-2014, 06:19 AM
“Oh shit!” Harry called out, laughing hysterically. Patting Eli on the back both were amazed by the shenanigans intoxicated women will do. Watching the two of Harry’s distant friends engage in lip locking for the hell of it Eli kept the façade of humor.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

The phone now in his hands he saw the number. Sabola.

“Why would he be calling in two in the morning?” Harry gave a quick side glance to Eli. “I’ll be back in a sec” Harry’s attention went back to the two women. Answering the phone the young man made his way downstairs and out of the house to get past the loud beats of the music inside. “Yeah, what’s up? You k?” The voice on the other side was groggy.

“I think you are not safe, you should come home” Eli sighed, the air visibly sauntered off into the sky.

“How about soon?” Eli understood Sabola was serious but he was still having a good time.

“I… just be careful” To Eli’s ears Sabola began to grow weak. Sabola must be serious.

“I’ll be home soon I promise, go back to sleep you have school today” Eli’s thin lips smiled.

“I wish you were here…goodnight” Sabola’s voice soft and alluring.

“Goodnight” with a quick click he hung up the cell phone and looked up to the sky. The moon was bright. And it was in Moonshine Utah that the beautiful sky was more exciting than anything a person could do.

But behind him was the next best thing. A bunch of friends doing God who knows what. However it was always entertaining, to some degree. With goose bumps on his body he headed back in.

Once again in the trashed suburban home the music thundered and the young people danced around. In front of him were stairs that he followed back up to his best friend Harry. The excited man was now playing about with the two women who were his new play things.

“Hey ladies did you know I had more expensive beer back in a small cooler in my room?”

“Ohh?” they said in unison in response to Harry’s delicious revealing. “Let’s go!” said the chipper of the two.

“What about your…friend. Could he join us?” the loose one scanned Eli.

“I’m afraid he does not swing that way gals” The smooth operator winked at Eli. “Now if you were to follow me down this hall…” with dramatic gesture he waved his hand out to lead them. The girls looked at Eli. Eli shrugged.

“What a shame” walking with Harry they were gone. Eli could have gone back downstairs and danced with the rest. The town only held 5000 people so the community was tight nit. But the call of Harry’s large ass TV found more appeal.

Plopping on the stained couch he grabbed the remote and turned on the device. His gray eyes watched an extended documentary about the mating habits of the Bonobo monkey. Upon learning their wild and uninhibited nature his thick brow raised.

Eli found the people around him to be similar in nature. He would even argue that humans are worse. He dare not think about the events that took place downstairs. Or the actions of the party’s host, his best friend, Harry was doing.
However it was unfortunate for the mildly disgusted Eli for he already knew what the brash Harry was doing. Too many drinks leads to lots of things, and in Harry’s case, too much said.

But the ever so sober blonde man sat on the stiff and dirty couch bored with his existence. Yet the musings of his mind could not keep him enthralled for too long. Throwing himself off the couch he now looked for some alcohol. Moving downstairs the messed first floor proved difficult to move through.

With luck he was a common face to the people and as such gave him no trouble moving through the dancing mass. The few distance hellos from acquaintances decorated his trip. Now in the kitchen and past the wall mounted speakers he could take a deep breath with the noise muffled.

“Rock on” there was a pack left, miraculously, untouched. Apparently there was a first time for everything. His eyes now rested on the most enduring six-pack of beer he had ever seen. Grabbing it he pushed open the back door and sat on the wooden back porch bench.

The all too common sound of the cap snapping off rang and; followed the all too familiar taste. He found his own behavior odd. Normally he was the popular guy in any of these parties yet now he sat alone.

Inside him was a feeling, a sensation that wanted things to be this way. The cold night, a cold beer. He was not even of legal drinking age and he felt too old for it. Perhaps it was Sabola’s influence on him that was now growing.

Sabola is only seventeen years and yet more mature than himself. A smirk came upon his face before another bottom’s up. Sabola, quite the individual. Eli knew that even at a younger age these kinds of things were above him. But it never hurt to be the fun one of the two, right?

He began to shiver a little, but drink began to sway his ability to make choices and so he remained. Under the influence of night he sat. Bottle cap after bottle cap found their way upon the porch.

The music began to die down. The sounds of the front door opening and slamming shut began to repeat. Cars began to start and drive off. Their sounds loud at first, but quickly faded as the distance grew. Soon nothing sounded, spare the movements of Harry.

“Phew, good time” the pal had managed to find his way to Eli.

“You look like hell”

“If you knew what they did you would hand me a badge for looking so good” He sat down next to his companion. A jolly look to his face “and so do you”

“I’ll drink to that man” the bottle was empty.

“The women are gone and the drink has run dry. What shall we ever do?”

“Sit here like lazy bums?”

“I’d like that” the crickets were now noticeable once the lack of noise began to play its part. Eli looked at Harry.

“You’re thinking Eli, don’t do that” a laugh. “Not much to think about here in Moonshine pal. With that deep of a face I’d like to know what is going on up in that mind of yours” Harry’s hand landed in the thin blonde hair and molded it into a playful frizzy mess.

“Man stop it” the two began to ruffle each other’s hair. However Harry’s brown hair was short and thus gave him an advantage. By the end of the hairy brawl Eli’s hair had become an erratic mess.

Back in resting positions the both sat calmly.

“No really, what were you thinking about? What’s up?”

“I’m thinking about, everything, nothing. You know. Mainly… about a certain girl we both know” Eli’s gray eyes look over teasingly. Avoid the deep truth about his true thoughts.

“Ahh yes, I’m telling you. That girl was at our last party.”

“Really? ‘Slut Girl’?”

“Yeah, maybe if she hadn’t slept with you our lives would have one less crazy bitch to deal with closet case” a laugh escaped Harry.

“Well if she hadn’t cheated on me with you our lives would have been rather boring.” A wink found its way to Harry. The two picked up empty bottles and clanged them together.

“Cheers to crazy bitches”

“To crazy bitches…” his voice trailed. “I feel odd”

“Well it is like five in the morning and you did drink the entire six pack”

“Oh shit, it’s five?”

“Yes sir”

“Awww hell, but. I honestly feel like something is off, beyond that.” Harry was intrigued by his unknown emotions.

“What do you mean?”

“Not sure. But I know Sabola is gonna kill me. I promised I would be home soon, that was like…3 hours ago?”

“Kid’s got a weird name” Harry snorted

“Yeah, but he’s my kind of weird” Eli retorted

“He’s a witch or whatever right?”


“You sure can pick them” Harry stood up and extended a hand out for Eli.

“Yeah, this one is one I know won’t cheat on me. Especially with my best friend” Taking the hand he pulled himself up and the duo began to head to the door when he nearly tripped.

“That’s a good start. And I think I should drive” On the way in the house Harry’s foot found a way to undermined him by not stepping all the way up the small step. Holding to the side of the doorway he kept himself from falling face first onto the floor.

“Says you” after Eli was shushed the both got into the elegance that was Harry’s nearly broken down vehicle. It was recently keyed by his ex, stating ‘I hope you die’ on the driver’s side of the car. The classy touch was attributed to his ability to deeply know the women of Moonshine.

In the cold car the metal invention shook as the doors slammed shut.

“You know you should get this thing fixed or get a new car”

“Damn it’s cold. And yeah. But I kind of like to keep it as a memento to all the women of my past”

“Even the ones that hate you?”

“Jessica’s touch up of the car really sealed to deal. I love this thing”

“What a positive mind set” a pat on the shoulder solidified his compliment “good for you”

“Damn it’s cold! Let’s head out”

“You’re the driver. Get us going”

“Touché my friend touché” The car revved up on the now empty house and the two left the now trashed house. Eli couldn’t wait to get home. For once in his life the fact that Moonshine was barren and small aided in shrinking the trip.

“I think I get what you’re feeling. I’m starting to think things need to change you know?” Harry caught a quick glance. The turn signal flickered and the car turned down the dark empty road. “A fresh start would be nice”

The still fuzzy blonde strands shook with his nod. A clunk came from the car. Eli raised a brow in worry. Harry pushed down on the break. Not only did it continue its path put sped up. The speedometer continued to raise into the echelon of the dangers higher numbers.

“Oh shit!” Harry continued to push on the break over and over but the car continued to only speed. In front of them was one of their favorite buildings, a place they often hung out at as young teens.

The flickering car lights dawned on Earl’s Candy Shop. The run down brick building remained still and ageless as the car approached. Eli could only blink rapidly, his mind froze.

“Fuck!” was the last word that came out of the brunette’s mouth and the last thing he saw was the lame logo of an old man holding a sack of two gum drops. The irony of reuniting with the one thing that he made fun of his entire childhood with endless pedophile jokes became the last sight before the flash of life. The joke was on him.

- - - Updated - - -

It was six o’ clock and Eli had failed to show up. The lanky Egyptian descendant was getting dressed for school. But in the back of his mind complete terror danced boundless. Looking into the mirror of his bathroom he began to shave the very little facial hair he could possibly grow from his chin. He could see the lines on his face from the restless night. His intuition told him something had or was about to go awry.

Suddenly a shock stuck into his mind and the blade slashed his skin. Blood spilled into the bowl of the sink. Holding his face in pain he looked down wide eyed. The red path moved down to the dark tunnel.

But the course it took was not of the ordinary. Two thick droplets of the blood moved out from the bloodline. The new shape appeared to be a cross. The cross continued to send blood trails down the sink.

The long coils of the witch shook as the owner witnessed the message.

“What does this mean?” The image only added to the emotions. Something had happened to Eli. He knew it in his heart. But where was he? Having the cellphone on the counter top hoping Eli would call he redialed the same number hoping for a response.

“Hey it’s Eli. I’m probably busy with Sabola, leave a message. Lucky me!” with a chuckle from Eli’s masculine voice the messaged beeped. Hanging up and dramatically casting the phone to the counter top the teenager mentally ran though the list of his possibilities.

Grabbing for his assortment of rock bracelets he held them tightly. Eyeing the dead candles that lined the large mirror he pondered. Using the aid of the earthly allies he felt the need to continue his ordinary day. He knew things were not correct but their wisdom could not be denied.

Putting the bracelets on his wrist he dashed to the living room and pulled of his sweatshirt from the sofa. Quickly grabbing his backpack he left the homestead. The blood drying.

- - - Updated - - -

The light kissed the thin lips. A thunderous sound rang in the ears. Yet nothing was to be heard. A screaming call to consciousness that held no tone. His eyes all but exposed to outside world. With powerful intensity the gray eyes received quick lashings from the light around. Yet even in the blinding there was pleasure. Though he could not see, and his sensations mimicked that of the blinding sun the blonde’s eyes begged to observe.

Recollection of his recent past had faded. Laying on an unidentifiable surface the sigh was a confession of his confusion. In the glare, clouds were noticeable; and with them came rain. Anticipation of wetness came from years of existence. Betrayed by the wisdom of the past Eli quickly learned that the falling rain did not wet its catchers. And the clouds had no sense of consistency, for they flashed from existence to the non in repeated secessions destroying more of what was understood.

Thick trees would appear above him blocking the rain to just vanish the next moment as if they never existed. Ill stricken with awe he launched himself up. His body covered only in a waist-bound garment made out of soft white material and held up by two gold strap cross decorated buckles on the side.

His feet danced from one terrain to the next. From beach sand to forest mud, what he most likely would not have experienced in his lifetime he endured in moments. The beauty of lands he had never been. And familiar places of tranquility that he visited far too few.

The one thing that remained unending was the light. Doing more than just providing visibility it attacked. As if determined to burn the darkness. This Eli could understand for all dark emotion did not exist in him. Yet the neutral element confusion claimed him.

Taking a step forward the trees flickered in and out around him. The rain did and did not fall upon his lean body. The trace amount of clothing he wore dripped with rain, even poured. Yet still fell on his body as if dry.
The handsome man wished to call out but could not. It was not fear that silenced him, nor inability of either mind or body. But a solemn understanding for this place. A respect gained by something he could not place. He dare not use his voice to plague the tranquil nature of the land.

Looking amongst the rapid trees and stony landscape of the beach that danced back and forth he looked for something more. Someone else. The gray eyes in all their majesty could not find a hint of alliance.

Thrown into this land without someone by his side the innate protector within him looked for his mate. Sabola, was his lover in danger? Nothing was for certain in this land. He must be by the young witch’s side for that is where his heart was. Beyond any fear or pain Eli’s soul kept the exotic grace in memory and always sought it. Calling to him.

02-16-2014, 06:25 AM
The bus ride was one of seclusion. Both by Sabola’s choice and by the force of the popularity system. A godless cast forged by the foolish, the superficially attractive, and the soulfully ugly youth within Holmes High School none understood him. And there was only one who did. A man of boundless strength and courage. Sabola did not doubt for a moment that Eli was his soul mate. Yet now the two were torn apart.

Eli’s entire existence was under scrutiny by the young magic worker’s senses. Only misunderstanding came to aid his call. Emotions that conflicted and imploded came to give him clues. Following trails that started only to die upon creation. Nothing could be picked up about Eli.

The bus drove over a speed bump and the sudden shaking of his physical manifestation stirred him back to earthly limitation. Beyond the ridiculous powers of cell phones and texting there was nothing to do. He knew Eli had gone to his best friend’s party, which was a normal thing for it was his outlet.

The options were limited, and if anything, nonexistent. Sabola continued to question himself, wondering if his emotions rooted in possessiveness. The truth told him otherwise. The bus passenger knew that something was wrong. It went beyond just wrong. It was sickening, making him physically ill.

Taking the last step off the bus as the last teenager he made his way into the building. The small brick building served as the small town’s large joke to the ideology of knowledge. Now in its bowels he dived deep into himself to gain supremacy. It would have to be after school that he could learn more of the truth.

The understanding of the events around him faded in and out. From class to class the words of his educators wavered in cognitive understanding. Beyond the smell of markers nothing stayed in constant attention.

The beautiful and penetrating auburn eyes moved all around through the rooms. Faces and backs of students, the desks and walls. The restless teacher who received no respect from his students became one giant blur.

In the teacher’s rant about student participation. His vision grew bright. Thought it was not willingly the processes was soothing. His skin against the desk began to wane from notice. The sounds around him died. All was gone. All was an endless light. Then darkness.

With dramatic intensity his eyes opened and were welcomed with stunning rays of positive energy. Looking around he saw a realm of constant change. He could feel its divine power.

Having reconnected with his body he looked down. He wore a long white robe that strapped around his torso and over his shoulders. Marked beautiful and exotic gold markings it played on his thin figure making him appear frail. Amongst the coils of his hair were two silver dangling earrings holding golden tip pendulums. No stranger to the realms beyond earth he understood. His garments were used to portray his true nature.

Sabola Lugosi was not afraid of where he stood but questioned why he was here and what this place even was. He knew this realm had to be higher than any other realm he had ever spirit traveled to due to his clothing and the endless power that marked this area. His senses went ablaze with the divine presence that surrounded him. The gold markings state the land he was in to be of the holy. The higher or lower the realms the more dramatic the self-representing clothes became.

And with the aesthetics of his garments he understood that this land deserved the most respect he could give it. Taking a step forward his bare feet felt the changing of the ground below them. The world around continued to portray the different beauties of the earth’s surface. The inconsistency of the consistency made it difficult for him to follow a straight path. Everything continued to morph around him.

Then in front of Sabola appeared an altar that was carved out of stone. The trees that once spawned where the altar was located now permanently disappeared. Slowly a large circle began to form as the trees began to fade out but not return. The fading process began to approach him.

Once hidden in forest the plant life disappeared. Quickly all objects that once stood were no more. What remained were only the altar and the teenager. All else had changed. The light no more. Above him a large moon shined, scarcely close that it took up much of the sky. Stars twinkled beautifully. And the land now stone. Tall pillars guarded Sabola from possibility of falling off the cliff that ended a few feet past the altar. These pillars were of old stone, cracked and deteriorated with time. Vines grew down their magical existence.

The witch had been pulled into a different realm. One of equal importance as the last but more tuned with his own beliefs. What the other had in divinity this one had in the power of nature.

Walking to the altar he could see that carved around it were the symbols of the planets. Of the many old gods of the past. There was water in the bowl of the altar that had the reflection of the moon in the perfect center. Even as his eyes looked directly over the waters there was no sign of his reality returned that to him.

A flock of ravens flew over him, stepping back out of fear he heard the animals’ call. Facing the source he saw a dark light. It glowed like light yet was rays were of darkness. Something that made no sense yet he understood completely.

What began to take shape now was a powerful spirit. These spirits could take whatever shape they needed and work under the will of any god or thematic element. These were the ones who maintained balance in the universe, be for good or for evil or the between. Cleanse imbalance.

It adopted the shape of a female figure. Enveloped in a large poncho made of deep black raven feathers and a raven hood that covered her face she spoke.

“Welcome Sabola” her voice nurturing, carrying the power of woman. “I am the Spirit of the Raven” Sabola bowed to her lightly. Her long black hair moved down her bosom.

“The Triple Goddess and Horn God send me” she took a step closer to him. He did not move back. “You have found your way into a realm you were not prepared for. A realm that you had already corrupted with your short moments of being inside”

A spawn of sweat began to form around the crown of his head. “I have no idea how I could have or why I was even brought to that realm, Spirit”

02-16-2014, 06:29 AM
Eli continued to travel in the land of the divine. Though his mind could not experience any negative aspects he still wished to find the truth of what was going on. He desired to know more than just the mutable lands.

As if the land around him worked on his very command suddenly everything began to radiate white and gold light. Brighter and brighter it became. And soon what stood in its place were giant, powerful regal buildings of gothic beauty. Determined to show their religious background fully these buildings stood mightily tall. Their stain windows all gorgeous depictions of the Christian religions. Crosses marked all the buildings. And with the glow of the sky, they too illuminated. Bells rang thunderously calming the body and soul.

The grand church in the middle of the others was made from the earthly metal gold. A shining array of gemstones decorated and lavished the building. Down its many steps from the giant entrance doors a red carpet welcomed him. It attracted him, bringing him closer and closer until he was at the base of the boundless amazement that was the grand building of divine worship. At the base of the steps he looked up at the doors.

Marked with etched crosses the doors parted wide. Shooting out from the room inside were the petals of white orchids. He took his first step.

- - - Updated - - -

“You were brought into that realm by your lover. In his moment of desperation he called out to you.” The Spirit of Raven now stood over Sabola. “Your soul, tainted by human existence and under no spells of cleansing entered a realm of divine purity. Though not of your choice; neither of you are prepared for what is to come. And yet both of you are more powerful than you can understand”

She walked past him, past the altar and looked through the pillars to the endless tree tops. “Your realm has a greater impact on the others then many of you suspect.” Sabola listened attentively and watched her with fixated eyes. He was in the presence of something much larger than himself. “The more your race of people harm the lands. The more we all suffer Sabola. As a witch you know the roots of your power. Those roots are being forcibly uplifted from the ground and burned. Even the moon is not out of reach of your people. Placing your marks on her surface.” Her hand casted a wide gesture up to the sky. “Your goddess needs aid.”

The Raven Spirit now looked at Sabola her powerful stance. “But she is not the only higher power that needs aid” The Spirit of The Raven now stood over the bowl altar, her pale skinned hands rested on the rim. “And you will not be the only person to aid them. You, and your lover Eli were brought together by something much greater than either one of you. Yet now it will be you two who will help them in their greatest need” She made a come-hither motion to the young one.

Sabola stood on the other side of the small altar. Almost touching the grand woman.

“Great Raven spirit. I am afraid I don’t understand.” The brown spheres of observation made gentle saccadic motions while waiting for a response.

“Your people have grown powerful with greed. You are one of the few who must change their ways.” She pointed to the water “Drink it child. Before you can reach Eli you must be cleansed. His realm is much more delicate to sin then this one, you have already left your mark.”

“Can it be undone?”

“Yes but will not be you who bears the burden.”

“Eli? Has he also harmed the realm?”

“He is not of our religion, not of our people. I know little of him. Drink, you have little time” Sabola looked down, the waters now lightly splashed. Lowering his face he placed his hands in the water. His hands were welcomed kindly and instant pleasure waved over him.

With cupped water he placed it to his soft lips and sipped. From the water of the altar came the effects of light headedness. He instantly grew tired. Kneeling he did his best to hold himself up by leaning on the altar. Slipping he thudded to the ground, fast asleep before his head even touched the plant covered rock.

- - - Updated - - -

Now taking the last step up the grand steps the sweet smell of orchids filled the cathedral. The view now diminished from the dramatic view outside. Stepping inside the large doors closed quietly behind him. Rows of empty benches led up to the front where there was a flat altar covered by a white cloth. The stain glass helped Eli take notice of the statues of the divine that stood in the far back in hollow sections of the walls. A small circular window guided light right to the altar. In the middle of the light rested a dove.

Past the falling white petals the bird looked at him. Readjusting itself so it faced him it stared. The gentle pedals touched the ground slowly. Eli, in the minute clothing that reflected his brave nature, walked up to the bird.

However it was not hastily as to show aggression or assertion over the bird. But to display confidence. With Eli’s approach the dove flapped its wings. Eli had no sense of religion. Though he had no hatred for it either. Yet as Eli rationalized that fact to himself he could feel the thoughts of his past come back to him. A time when everything made sense and then shattered before his youthful eyes.

His childhood came to mind. In his youngest state he was parentless. Lost in an orphanage. The feelings of exclusion. The feelings of being loveless. It burned in his mind, brought up to full strength as if forced to face it again.

He fell to his knees before the dove. His hands to his eyes, the light of the church the ambiance for emotion. With the tears came the memories of the joys he had with his old childhood friends, then the adoption to two loving parents who were perfect for him at twelve. The fifteenth year of his life played in his mind. Remembering his fun loving wealthy, barren parents. Loving him as their real impossibility. The days moved on, and when he adjusted, he remembered the police knocking on the door. The baby sitter made aware. His young body swimming in the pool, told to come inside…being told.

The wings moved once again and sobs began to echo. Was there reason behind this pain? He thought he had moved on. Yet now here he was, in this lost and confused state laden with tears.

A petal landed on his bare shoulder. Then it struck him, the moment he was in pain, in his newly claimed room. The bold statement he kept to himself.

His vow to abandon any outside forces. To not have a god to believe in. The death of his parents in the plane crash entrusted him with the fact that any god is not real. That the only thing that existed was the cruel nature of humanity. Eli had repressed these emotions for so long he did not even realize they existed.

The bird cooed, its sound melodic. Petal after petal began to fall upon the heart broken blonde. Soon a flowery hug was formed around his skin, a delightful sensation against him. He was beginning to find release. In this place where his own life and death was in question he could move one from the final stages of his denial.

It was nothing short of amazing how quickly the workings of this place had its way with him. The diving deep into his core, where he could not hide in the darkness. He looked up to the bird, the last few tears falling from his face. The bird looked back to him and cooed again. Images came to his head.

It showed acts of violence. Random people committing crimes to others, innocent or not. The tears, the funerals. The broken hearts, the bonds shredded. The acts of betrayal. Thievery, all the vices. Shown in flashes tormenting epiphanies showing the dark side of nature. Pictures of people curled up or in other positions of vulnerability questioning everything. Wondering what would be of their lives, who they were, were the gods with them. Soon he saw the planet, a bitter dark smog began to grow over the surface. Images of rebellion, of chaos and needless bloodshed. Churches fell, devout people murdered in cold blood. A sense of all religion ending until his final image was that of a cross falling over crushing his vision. Shaking his head he looked at the divine creature. The animal was much more than it appeared to be, that he knew.

“We are losing ourselves aren’t we?” his face wide with curiosity, sparkled with light. The bird nodded. “I…have to help. Help them find spirituality” The bird nodded again.

The petals fell off his body as he stood. The beautiful white bird followed him as he rose above his state of darkness.

“This feels so real to me.” The back of his hand removed his watery sorrow. “But I don’t remember anything that just happened! How did I get here?” Suddenly the doors began to turn rusty and weaken. Their loud painful sound piercing the peace. Turned around Eli watched as the doors fell backward crushing some of the benches with a crashing thud.

Running to him was a dark sphere. Though Eli had no developed sixth sense the ball reeked of pure evil. Its entire essence enticed fear. The ball seemed to somehow stare at him. He wanted to run but there was nowhere to go. The petals on the ground that ball flew over wilted instantly. The petals in the air died before landing.

Just in his moment of understanding of purpose everything was going to crash and burn. A vision popped in his mind of him being hit by the ball and being a victim of a powerful curse. It showed him having to take the darkness for if the bird were to, all would be lost. He learned the bird to be the Holy Ghost and it seemed that somehow this sphere was the working of Satan. This creation was from the Devil itself.

Eli had to protect the bird. The ball was making a move for the bird. Trying to swerve past Eli the martyr dived in front with a lunge. Blocking his body with his arms the sphere plunged into his right wrist.

Eli could not even understand the pain he was in. On the ground he was screaming. Screaming with everything he ever could. His soul being eaten from the inside out. A swallowing darkness working its way through his innards. The loud provocations of mercy haunted the church.

The dove flew to Eli and landed on the shaking body. In a sudden explosion light erupted from the bird and sparkles shined over the victim’s body. They grew brighter and bright up and down his body fighting the dark arts. The brighter they became the harder they worked to fight the darkness.

Eli, covered in sweat began to stop screaming. His breathing quick but all was lessened. Pain still enveloped him but Eli knew he would never feel such horrid pain as the destruction of his soul.

The bird’s flapping wings dropped a single feather. Landing on his glistening chest in sunk into his body, the sparkles followed inward. His body suddenly flashed and the pain completely ended.

Eli looked at his right wrist. Near the palm of his hand was a small scar. Closing his eyes and dropping his limbs to the ground he breathed with relief. The dove cooed one more time, a final wave of healing, before it flew off and out of Eli’s sight.

Resting in the church alone the growing need to be with Sabola moved past all that had occurred. A light poof sound occurred to his left. Looking he could see on the table a tan skinned arm and a lock of long coiled hair dangling over the altar’s side. It seemed very familiar to him.

Quickly standing to his feet he felt the wind knocked out of him. Working past his struggles he dashed to the altar to see who it was. He quickly saw it was his one and only Sabola. He was unconscious, and on his right shoulder was something that was not there before. A well-illustrated tattoo of a crescent moon and a raven.

Placing his hands on Sabola’s arm and stomach he nearly fell on top of him. His strong arms struggled to keep himself up.

“Sabola…” his voice was weak. The witch’s eyes fluttered lightly before jolting to full alertness.

“Eli” Sabola was struck with all the major differences Eli had gone through. Beyond the physical attire his aura was much stronger, but near his right hand was a very, very dark spot. It enticed fear. “Give me your arm” Eli hugged the now sitting up Sabola and gave him his wounded free hand. Sabola’s soft hands looked over the wound. “This…I don’t know what to do.” He looked up to Eli. He had so much to say but there was an immediate problem. Eli’s gray eyes looked desperate for love and support.

“Is this all real?” Eli’s voice was wavering. Placing sabola’s head against his chest he could feel the warmth of his partner’s actuality.

“Yes my love” Sabola kissed Eli’s body, the sweat glistened off his lips. His desperate attempt to sooth Eli. For he was in a world never before explored by him. And what was on his arm was truly terrifying and of his own doing it seemed.

Sabola used both hands to handle the wound. The gray eyed masculine figure looked to his feminine counterpart “Where are we?”

“In a different realm. Our bodies are still on earth.” Sabola looked up quickly to Eli. “What happened last night?”

“I…can’t remember” The petals danced around the two. “I’m scared” Eli’s hold intensified. “I have so much to talk about but I don’t want to be here” Eli sat next to Sabola on the alter and placed his head on his small shoulders. The weathered blonde hair mashed with the voluminous hair of the witch. The two held one another tightly, amazed by their own individual events and meeting.

“Do you know where I can find your body?” The soft voice asked. “I know how to leave this realm but I can’t take you out from here”

While his forehead was still on Sabola’s shoulder he spoke. “I remember Harry’s party…” the scar stung. “He was going to dive me home and… we crashed.”

“You must be at the hosp-”

02-16-2014, 06:33 AM
The school bell rang and Sabola shook his head quickly. He was back in his earthly form. He looked around to see students putting their items away and the teacher at his desk. Racing to put his stuff back into his back pack he tossed everything in. Dashing out the classroom door he raced down the hallways. He was accidently thrown out of the realm and left Eli to rot alone.

What worked against Sabola was the fact he had to take the school bus killed him but was the fastest option he had. Running into the bus he quickly nodded at the bus driver and sat down. Sadly the his personal haste did not speed up the process.


Eli fell flat upon the altar. Sabola had vanished. Pushing himself up as fast as he could he could notice the world around him changing. The falling orchid petals began to burn in the air. The white beauty becoming corrupted and dying. The petals on the ground turned to ash, the smell began to carry the whiff of the burnt quality.

The grand doors slammed shut. Only the dramatic lighting of stain glass kept him from becoming blind. And soon there was a sudden and shrilling silence. If Sabola’s absence had not marred his heart of comfort then the fear of now did.

Facing the door, his body up against the altar. So much new and not understood. So many emotions ran though in moments. He thought of the bird, a part of him begging for its return or Sabola, someone.

Then a bright light began to flow from the crack of the large door. His teeth gritted together.
A human shaped figure surrounded by light appeared. Eli could not make out the figure for it was the umbra of the light. It walked forward, now in the building, walking in step with the ringing of the bells.

Eli could not move, noticing what rested on its back. From what he could tell they appeared to be unfolded wings.

This traveling of realms was beyond him. The undeniable proof of spirituality now rested in front of him. The figure stood in front of him.

The light dimmed so he could make out the person. He was of dark skin, his eyes golden, no hair rested upon his head and his demure carried a soft angelic essence. His clothing a highly decorative golden armor lined with swirly engraved lines.

“Hail Eli” the voice echoed in the hollow building, the petals moved as if wind pushed.

Eli struggled to speak in has sweaty and pained form. “Hello”

“I am Mihael, Angel of Loyalty. Something that you have lacked in yourself and in the world of the divine. You now stand in the sixth level of Heaven. You have a task set out in front of you.” The sturdy angel pointed to the blonde’s wrist. “Yet you are also a danger to all of Heaven with this. So our time will be brief, the Devil has marked you with the sin you brought upon us with your summon of Sabola. His plan is brewing, as we, the Divine Agents, all knew. But he is not alone, for this would never had happened come his own power only”

- - - Updated - - -

Sabola nearly knocked down the door as he rushed, his hands quickly found their way to one of the wooden shelves in the bedroom. Grabbing dried flakes Belladonna, Althea, and Mimosa he armed himself with the herb ingredients in small plastic baggies. A small bowel found its way into his backpack.

Before his existence had much time to rest in the homestead he was already gone, the door slammed. It was with luck that the hospital was not too far away. Running in sneakers Sabola’s hair flopped ferociously. The thought of Eli became his adrenaline moving faster than he thought he could.

After a long tread in the heat of Utah the air condensing made him frigid. A woman at the desk looked at him. Shifting the energies of his aura she looked away. Making himself as disinteresting as possible gave him a stealth like quality. Sleuthing for Eli he easily felt the dark energy of whatever was on his wrist.

A few twist and turns later he found himself to a small room, closed the door behind him. The sight made him sick. Eli lay in bed unconscious and unharmed physically, but what was ill-provoking was the dark aura of smoke around his right lower arm and hand.

A darkness that made him feel instantly cold, and weak. It was overbearing, and it made the rest of Eli’s aura dramatically grow and shrink as it tried to fight it off. A useless fight Sabola could aura vision could tell.

This darkness was beyond the persona of Eli, something else afflicted him. But Sabola’s first problem was pulling Eli out of the unknown divine realm. At Eli’s bedside, opposite the cursed side, Sabola enchanted the door with the same quality that amplified people’s apathy to it. Knowing he would not be bothered he pulled out his ingredients. This was the faster alternative than meditating. Risks were going to have to be made, mainly activating the smoke detectors.

Placing the herbs in the bowel and using a lighter all became aflame. Grabbing Eli’s hand he looked at him, the smoke began to fill his nostrils feeling tired he pushed the bowel out of the way before his head fell upon Eli’s chest and his eyes closed.

His vision was now pure light. The sense of weightlessness took over him, the idea of him spinning came into mind. Rising higher and higher, the light becoming even brighter though it seemed impossible.

And soon he found his bearings standing in the building he was once in before. Standing in front of him was an angel. Looking to his left he saw Eli. Both locked eyes and instantly embraced.

“But you are not alone either. This person, your soul mate now must help you.”

Sabola looked at Eli with confusion.

“I’m marked by the Devil” Eli raised his wretched hand and allowed for Sabola’s soft hands to touch it. A rather dramatic statement. The Witch remained silent, no gumption to move him emotionally from something so sinister.

“You two must embrace, consummate, so your power may be unified before it consumes your entire body at your weaker state. The consequences are even unknown to us. But we know it will be dire.”

Sabola spoke up. “Can the divine do this? This is so far beyond me. This needs to be cleansed!” he looked at the mark in distraught Eli placed his forehead against Sabola’s head as they both looked down at the mark.

“No, you must fight the source. Satan and whomever he is allied with. Destroy any earthly manifestations they have, and sway the populace back into the divine and away from greed and corruption. For that is giving him strength. Your two souls are linked, made for the other you must fuse your unity to strengthen each other for the fight ahead. Now go, you have stayed too long. We will help you as much as we can”

Mihael raised his hand and with that the two disappeared. “Lord shine his grace on us all”

The two opened their eyes, Eli waking to holding Sabola’s hand. The two looked at one another, not saying a word.

It was to the Egyptian to break the eye contact and look down his bowl as he ended the flame and put it away. Eli rested his head back on the pillow looking up to the ceiling.

“What just happened?” his mind vexed.

“I apparently cursed you” Sabola said, in great self-doubt.

“It was not your fault-” he was cut off by an approaching sound. With the spell faded from the door, a doctor entered.

“You are awake, good.” he flipped through the papers on his pad. “You survived a car crash that frankly was the worst I have ever seen. Yet somehow you were also completely free of any physical damage. You must have been truly blessed.” his eyes were wide.

“And my friend, the driver” Eli looked at the medical man.

“Well the car was completely smashed, somehow you broke through the windshield after the car went through the brick wall unharmed…”

“Harry?” the doctor shook his head. Eli looked away, smashing his face deep into the pillow the best he could.

After serving bureaucracy the two walked outside the hospital, hand in hand. It was dark, cold. Shivering and holding one another close they walked in silence. Eli struggled to understand everything. Sabola scrambled to think of ways he could heal Eli from his loss and his curse.

Back in the home the backpack slammed to the ground and once in the bedroom Eli crashed on the bed. His eyes closed he could hear the younger one move around the room. The sounds of the lighter and the lifting and placement of candles began to occur.

“Until that mark can be removed we are going to have to try to mend that everyday…” using candle magic he lit all his black and white candles. The flames flicked with madness.

Eli tossed and turned, his wrist stung lightly. He was sweating. Sabola turned on the fan, allowing Eli to feel the breeze across his body. He moved to the bed and crawled to his lover. The mystical one removed his clothing so he was down to his boxers.

Eli looked at Sabola. His once sexy bedroom eyed gaze now weary and weak. Sabola placed a hand upon Eli’s pale face.

“We will talk in the morning, please just rest, hand me your arm” Eli closed his eyes and a tear fell down. The strong had fallen and the image weakened Sabola’s resolve. Eli’s arm wrested against his small chest. Using his hand he began to massage it, sending all his energy into it. Time passed and the candles continued to move and burn so powerfully that the entire room was well lit. The scent stronger than ever, yet all soothing. What seemed to be minutes turned to be hours.

With nothing left to him he looked at the mark. It was weakened to a small dot when it was once a scar shape, but he knew it would not go away. He grew tired and his torso fell back, with the arm in his care he fell asleep.

(I have a lot written already...I'll post more if people want it...)