View Full Version : The Wacky Adverntures of the Fridge Portal Travelers (IC)

08-02-2010, 11:16 AM
(OOC thread) (http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=5514)

What lies in the Portals in you Fridge?

All over the world something was wrong, something was happening; food was vanishing. Slowly at first, but definitely certainly. Milk bought only an hour ago – gone, fruit disappearing as quick, nothing was safe. But people haven't been noticing the gradually absence of their edible items. With the exception of a few people; the world is completely unaware of the coming threat....

Amberhill Cooper was a protector of the fridges, something he wore with pride despite the ridiculous nature of the job. It wasn't exactly a thing he could talk to other people about; not without making him seem a little crazy.

He checked his watch. Nightfall was coming elsewhere in the world; Amberhill was going to make sure he arrived in time. At the right time, and the right fridge - this time. He had a thief to catch. Of course that meant waiting until the occupants were asleep. Amberhill adjusted his black shades and checked the watch again. He slumped into his stool and peered over to the fridge.

Carnelian Roses
08-02-2010, 06:23 PM
All alarm clocks must die. The only purpose those vile mechanisms served was to wake people up a whole six hours earlier then when they wanted to be woken up. This was the opinion of sixteen year old Autumn Reed anyway. She couldn't help but be a little envious of the people on the other side of the world who were joining the beautiful night air right now. Still, in order to enjoy the night life she had to first live through the day helping out her parents.

"Autumn, sweetie are you up?"Grace asked. Grace was her step-mother, the woman her father had married when she was nine, after the divorce between her mother and father had been finalized. One would think that she might resent this new woman in her life, but she was the closest thing to a mother she had ever known. "Can you watch your brothers today? Your father's away at that conference and I have that meeting...."

Autumn all but through her alarm clock off her bed to stop the continous beeping noise. She then kicked off her blankets onto the sea of clothes that was her bedroom floor. Within two minutes she had swung open her bedroom door and peered out at her step-mother. "Sure, Grace."Autumn muttered. "Thanks sweetie."Grace said,ruffling Autumn's red hair. Autumn then proceeded to the first floor of the house and went to go sit in the kitchen. Her brothers were both already there, eating cereal. The sixteen year old swung open the fridge and cried out.

"Not my cupcakes! Evil,evil-"Autumn began.

"I didn't take them this time!"Nathaniel cried out. Autumn shot him a murderous look. She was only playing a part of course, because it wasn't like she could tell the twelve year old what was really going on. She couldn't tell any of her family, because they would probably end up sending her to a therapist. "I highly doubt it could have been anyone else in the house."Autumn said. "Ugh! I hate babysitting kids like-"she added.

"What else would you be doing today?"Nathaniel asked,bluntly.

"I don't know. Something imporant like practising archery."she lied. Nathaniel raised his eyebrow and shrugged. "Come on Will, lets go play in the living room."he added,picking up the six year old and carrying him out of the room. That left Autumn to stare at the fridge, alone, waiting for the right moment.

08-03-2010, 04:40 AM
"Today, this ends." Aldric's voice rang out, almost as cold and inpassionate as the air through which it travelled. "You've stolen from me, humiliated me, and nearly killed me. But you have not broken me. You have not broken me yet, and you never will. And do you know why? Because I have something to fight for. Something to live for. Because I have a fire, deep inside of me, that you will never be able to extinguish, that you will never be able to quell. A fire burns inside me, so bright and so hot, that you you burn at just the sight of it. It is this fire, this untouchable pyre, that drives me, that stirs me forward that makes me resist, that makes me fight. This fire is the reason that people like me, always, always, win."

Aldric's opponent remained silent in the face of this verbal onslaught. This was not dues to the stoicism of the opposing party, mind, nor to their fear, nor awe. Aldric's opponent remained silent because Aldric's opponent was an expired jug of milk which are generally, though not universally, considered to be fairly quiet creatures.

"You have tempted me with your curdled goodness one too many times, and now, I will end you." However, Aldric's victory was not to occur this day, for the milk was located all the way at the back of the fridge; a most hazardous area for the careless or the uninformed. Aldric met both of these requirements.

With nary a moment's notice, Aldric felt himself getting pulled by something. Past the milk, into the back of the fridge. All Aldric could do was think to himself how exactly it was that the milk had managed to get the better of him again.

08-05-2010, 08:06 AM
Artemis laughed wickedly as she heard the door to her dorm room open. She quieted just her roomy crossed the threshold, keeping her eyes down into the book that she was pretending to be engrossed in. Art's eyes went straight up though as the other girl turned her back and leaned down to open the fridge. Art couldn't contain her excitement as the girl opened the door. She lifted up the video camera from underneath her hoodie where she had been hiding it. Art started to record, ready for chaos to ensue. But nothing happened...

The other girl opened the fridge, picked out a soda, and closed the door, making for a chair near the place Art had just been sitting.

"What are you doing with that camera?"

But Artemis stood stunned and quiet.

"Gawd Art, your such a freak."

Ignoring the comments of her bitchy roommate she moved to the fridge to investigate. She had set up the fireworks to go off as soon as the door opened. She couldn't grasp what might have gone wrong. For days while she had tested her prank, perfecting it so that she could get revenge for all the stolen go-gurts her selfish roommate had eaten without so much as a "oh sorry." Art stared into the fridge and glanced around... The fireworks, the strings, everything she had set up was gone. She reached in and searched behind everything, sweeping milk, beer, and soda aside to find her trap. Instead she felt something odd...the sensation of falling...and then she was, the door slamming shut behind her as she fell into the fridge.

08-05-2010, 08:43 AM
The portal activated, spiraling the unsuspecting people through the strange network connecting fridges all over the world. To these people it was a disorientating experience. Once the journey concluded they tumbled out awkwardly into different rooms than they had just come from. The suspicious Artemis Avril emerged into the Reed residence.

Whilst Aldric...

"Ah!" Exclaimed Amberhill as a new person fell outward from his fridge; the door swinging sharply open. He was pretty unremarkable; unlike Amberhill himself - especially when wearing the black shades. The Traveler wobbled out like he hadn't been through a portal before, "the Society must have sent you - seems they like shoving all these newcomers with me.. but never mind with that.

"We haven't met before so just call me Amberhill," he reached down to shake the new man's hand, "we are off to catch a thief today, what's your name sir?"

He was going to say something else but was cut off by a ring from his phone, "hold on," he said to his new colleague and received the call, "strange comings and goings for that dormitory? Wait goings as well? She fell through... where did she end up? I'll send someone over to sort it out..."

Amberhill punched a few numbers in and waited for Alex to pick up - or whatever the holographic AI did.

08-05-2010, 12:58 PM
Alex's compiler-personality was in control at the moment. And hungry. Not in the sense that you can be hungry and want to eat a banana, mind you, but in the sense that his emitter was running low on electricity. And, unfortunately, the various outlets were in use by various whatchamacallits that Alex had built for various reasons, including a robotic gerbil and a potato accelerator. The only obvious other power source was to hack the fridge again and use its electricity, but that didn't go too well last time. Fridge portals do not like that. Alex shuddered (that is, his projection matrix temporarily destabilized) at the thought.

"Light bulbs!", he said aloud as he realized the solution to his problem. Unscrewing one proved easy, as did adapting the current to something more Alex-suited. Then the phone rang, startling Alex enough that his FPS-personality took over.

"Yo, sup? We gonna frag some noobs?", he asked. Amberhill was about to say something when Alex interrupted.

"Sorry, man, but I kinda got my finger in a light socket atm. Gimme a sec."

Carnelian Roses
08-05-2010, 05:43 PM
The house was silent, except for the sound of Nathaniel and William playing in the other room. The game seemed to be cowboys and indians tied together with something to do with aliens, a game which Autumn herself used to play with Nathaniel, until she had gotten too cool to play with the younger boy. For a single moment the sixteen year old girl wished she could join in their game, but chances were she would most likely slip and fall through the glass sliding door again. Autumn had to date sustained four injuries involving said door. Having spent five minutes staring at her fridge, the young woman got up and made herself a cup of coffee which she loaded up with five heaping tablespoons of sugar.

Two things happened at once then; a loud screeching echoed from the living room, and a strange person fell into her kitchen through the fridge. Now, her younger brother were her concern, so she never actually saw the person right away. Autumn had scrambled to the area where Nathaniel and her younger brother were playing as fast as her feet could carry her. The teenager had about a billion different worst case secenarios running through her mind at this point. "Is everyone okay?"Autumn demanded. She got a shaky yes from the two young boys. It seemed that William had fallen off the arm of the couch where he had been jumping. He wasn't bleeding or anything, just in pain. "I'm going to make myself from breakfast, please be careful."she said.

Autumn screamed upon realization that a stranger was in her house. Her hands reached instinctly for the mop that was leaning up against the cupboard. Her hands gripped it so hard her knuckles were beginning to turn white. She prayed to god that one of her brothers would come and help her defend the house against the intruder, but another part of her wanted them to stay away. Autumn was the oldest, it was up to her to defend the house. Taking a couple tentive steps in the direction of the fridge, she swung the mop around blindly. She didn't think it had actually did any damage; number one because she didn't think she was close enough, and number two because she lost her balance and crashed to the floor of the kitchen. "Ack!"she exclaimed. "Nathaniel, William...stay out of the kitchen!"she yelled. Her eyes narrowed in on the stranger. "Now, why on earth are you in my kitchen?"she demanded.

08-05-2010, 09:53 PM
Artemis looked around, stunned, disoriented. Then a smile spread over her lips and she began to laugh uncontrollably. After a moment she was able to reach a level of composure, at least enough to point and stare at the teenage girl.

"Wow, I mean WOW. This is good. This is insanely good. She must have known the whole time. This...."

She gestured around the room. "This is the most elaberate prank I've ever seen or even heard of. I can't believe this... there's actual construction envovled. If the dean finds out she knocked out a wall she's going to be expelled for sure."

Art shook her head. "She must really dislike me...at least enough to get expelled just to get me back." She moved back to the fridge expecting to see her dorm room where her room mate would be smiling wickedly just as she had been just moments before. Art lifted her video camera before she opened the fridge. She had to get as much of this as she could on tape.

But when she opened the door there was nothing but the unfamilar stench of a foreign fridge. She moved out of the coolness of it and pointed her camera back at the teenage girl. "Wow...now I'm completely lost. I don't know how Veronica managed to do this, but kudos to you for being apart of THE most epic prank in all of history.

Believing the girl to be a young actress, she held out her hand to shake. "My name is Art, are you getting paid for this? Because if you ask me, you deserve it." She said with an amused grin.

08-07-2010, 11:54 PM
Amberhill held his arm up to halt any talk from the unremarkable newcomer, "why are you in a light socket?" He asked and instantly rethought, "no don't tell me - I don't want to know.

"Just give us a minute," he said over to the fridge traveller. He tapped his fingers on the phone annoyed, "come on Alex, I have a job for you. Something important."

08-12-2010, 02:27 AM
"Aldric leaned back against the fridge, indignant about getting shushed by this man." Probably in league with the milk anyways. Seriously though," why would he call him up and then just shush him like that. Some people, "seriously...

Well fine, screw you, "and your thief", and your 'what is your name?' and your wait... what else did he say? whatever. He could take his "fridgy magic and shove it." Wait... Fridgey magic? That actually sounds kinda cool. Cool enough to be "worth putting up at least one" shushing for. Perhaps there was some way of making this "work after all. Well, that was contingent on a few conditions of course." First off, You don't work for the milk, right?

"Wait... That wasn't quite right... Where where the quotation marks? What exactly had he been saying out loud, and what was in his head? Let's try it again..."

You don't work for the milk, right?

"Dammit! He cursed inwardly. Unsure as to why his grammatical skills had abandoned him, Aldric desperately tried to get his Dialogue boxes under control. One more try!"

"You don't work for the milk, right?"

"SUCCESS at last! wait..."

Carnelian Roses
08-14-2010, 10:06 PM
Autumn blinked rather rapidly. She couldn't figure out whether she was reacting to the pain coursing through her body or because of reaction of the stranger to being in her house. Wincing in pain as she got to her feet, she stared at the older girl. Her eyes then fell on the fridge, the most obvious place she could have come from. "I'm sorry, this isn't some elaborate prank set up by own of your enemies,"she said gently. The sixteen year old bit her bottom lip, wondering how best to proceed with the situation at hand. The older girl obviously hadn't travelled by fridge before and the simple explanation of at all would make her sound crazy. "Whoever your talking about didn't knock out a wall...and this isn't part of a dorm. This is my house,"she added.

Her hands immediately flew up to her face at the sight of the video camera. She didn't like attention, unless she was standing up for someone or something she believed in. "This isn't a prank,"she repeated,more firmly then before. Autumn stared at her feet for a whole five minutes before she spoke again. "I think you should sit down so I can explain everything to you."she said gesturing towards one of the kitchen chairs. "I'm Autumn."she added.

"You were teleported here through the fridge."Autumn said. She was most definetely going to therapy for this.

08-20-2010, 12:45 PM
"Alright, Alex I need you to head over to August Reed's home and sort out a situation there. Some one has fallen through her fridge accidentally..."

Amberhill hung up his phone and turned to his new co-worker. Certainly he was a ... different one, talking to himself like that. "Well they get weirder with every year," he murmured to himself before adressing the other man, "well sorry about that, shall I explain the situation before we head off?"

"Mister.... ugh I forgot your name already.... anyway like I think I said earlier we are trying to catch a mysterious thief. Earlier this evening his most recent target was stolen from. I was about to examine the scene of the crime until you arrived."

08-27-2010, 05:49 AM
"Name's Aldric" He consciously left the period out of the end of the sentence as he spoke to the man. He wasn't sure exactly how it was that it worked exactly, it was just some verbal tic that he had picked up over the years. The effect was subtle, enough so that Aldric himself couldn't quite describe the actual feelings caused by it, but he did know that it tended to drive people nuts.

Was it overly wise to be antagonizing one of the few individuals whom he had met after getting sucked through a fridge, however subtly? Probably not. But one thing that Aldric had subconsciously prided himself on was that nobody ever forgot him. Those that did so once received minor irritants. Twice was met with levels of insanity and chaos that bordered on the Lovecraftian. No-one had forgotten him three times. So the lack of period was something of a warning shot in Aldric's own weird way, despite the complete lack of conscious thought behind that warning.

He was however, quite consciously interested with the idea of being a detective. "Crimescene investigation, eh? I can help with that... Clever like a fox, I am. Clever like a fox, swift like a cat, stalwart like a penguin, that's me. So, who is it that we're hunting?"

08-28-2010, 03:34 AM
Artemis ignored the chair and obnoxiously put an arm around the girls neck. Holding the camera up she shot her and the teenager as she pulled the girl towards the fridge.

"Did you hear that?" She said laughing to the camera. "I teleported through the fridge. Haha well lets just teleport on back to my room so we can confront the culprit herself." He lunged into the fridge holding the girl still and again that feeling of falling and dizziness over took art.

08-28-2010, 04:12 AM
Aldric, not a name that could be forgotten. For whatever reason. It was there in Amberhill's head - he actually had to force himself not to blurt it out. Once that was under his control he answered the question, "hopefully just a petty thief.

"Otherwise," his voice grew darker, "the Octopus King is on the move." He said no more, nothing more needed to be said. In the higher ups of the fridge portal society, the name drew great dread from people. Something had happened once long ago.... or a few years ago. Sometime ago. Amberhill didn't know when. He simply concluded just for himself, "and that isn't good."

"Well then shall be go, good," he added quickly just to make himself more stable. "Just think about going to Artemis Avril's Fridge when passing through. Easiest way at the moment to explain." With the odd, awkward meeting finally finished he stepped into the fridge.

When he came through he fell into someone else and stumbled about clumsily, his head spinning from hitting the floor he looked about to see two women. "I thought you weren't here," he mumbled to himself, "well this complicates things. Great."

08-30-2010, 04:14 AM
"The Octopus King..." Aldric said, somewhat awed. "Who knows how far his tentacles spread?" Aldric, of course, had absolutely no idea who, or even what, the Octopus King was, but he felt as though acting dumbstruck by the revelation was the appropriate thing to do. After all, how many guys names 'Octopus' could be kicking around? 'Well, there was that one guy named Calamari, but that's a squid...I wonder if they're related?'

Aldric was so caught up in his thoughts of the genealogy of the Cephalopod crime syndicate that he barely noticed that he was following the other man through the fridge. Nor did he notice the fact that he managed to, somehow, pick up a decent sized salmon somewhere between the two fridges. Finally, he did actually notice the two women that were standing in front of him and Amberhill.

It seemed as though Amberhill thought that trying to downplay their arrival would make things better. Aldric disagreed. Raising his hand in a friendly wave (nearly smacking Amberhill in the side of the head as he did so) Aldric greeted the pair, simply saying "Hey there, name's Aldric. That guy back there is Amberhill. Apparently he's with the fridge police. I dunno." Just now noticing the salmon in his hand, Aldric hastily added on "shashimi?"

<OOC> If you get that reference, I pity you... and yes, I have been looking for an opportunity to use that line since I learned who the villain in this rp was...

08-31-2010, 01:09 PM
Art stood with her mouth open, letting little grunts noises out form her throat as if she was faking a cough. Her mouth finally closed and she began laughing and whooping, she waved her the camera into each of the faces.

"OH MY GOD! This is just like star gate! Have you guys seen that before? It's super cool, except they travel through star gates hence the name and not fridges.. That's just weird..but hey whatever.. I'm Artemis Arvel and this is my camera. Say hi to the camera everyone!"

09-01-2010, 12:26 PM
Amberhill's head was nearly knocked off by a fish, "hey, hey," he grumbled rising to his feet. "where did you get that fish from Aldric?" he asked distractedly missing half of what his new companion said. A camera flashed in his face and then one of the woman began babbling.

"Well Aldric-" he couldn't stop saying his name now "-has already introduced us. Mix star gate with men in black and you may be getting close," Amberhill tapped his glasses to make a point. He swatted the camera away, "if you'll get that thing out of our faces we can get to work....

".... I guess you could tag along if you wanted." He reopened the fridge to inspect to the crime scene. A sticky looking black substance had pooled at the bottom, "Aldric better check to see you don't have that stuff on your shoes," Amberhill joked.

09-01-2010, 01:19 PM
<OOC> Yah, okay, I actually forgot about this RP. >.> I'm still a tad lost, so bear with me if what I do makes no sense. He's looking around Autumn Reed's house, as per his orders, but being rather ineffectual about it.</OOC>

"Derpderpderp. No one here, no one here, no one here... Great. Can't pwn n00bz if there's no n00bz to frag."

Alex's multiple personalities were clearly at work here.

"No one in the bathroom, check. No one in the basement, check. No one in the attic, check. No one in the bathroom, check. No one in the garage, check... Actually, maybe there's a better search pattern than just flailing around randomly... But what could it possibly be... Oh! Dudes in the kitchen!"

Two kids were there, both fairly young. They were eating food, and clearly neither of them had just accidentally fallen through a fridge portal - too calm. But the calmness evaporated when they saw Alex.

"Who are you?", one of the kids asked.

"Not a rabbit," Alex replied, then started hacking the fridge. This was a complex process involving opening the portal by poking it with a long object - a broom, in this case - then sending electro-digital impulses through said object to perform SQL injection on the portal network's databases to find the last use of that portal. Seeing as said databases didn't exist, this is harder than it may sound, but somehow Alex could do it. He quickly found what he was looking for.

"Well, toodles, kiddies! I'm of to wherever!" And with that, he entered the portal and sent himself to the current location of Autumn Reed, accidentally sending the broom through it first.

09-06-2010, 06:06 AM
The sight of a recording camera triggered something very basic in Aldric's mind. Something primal, almost instinctual, something that had been bred into the Sage family for generations. In a movement too fluid to be completely unpractised, he tilted his head and upper body to the side, bringing up one of his arms in the traditional peace symbol as he did so. Then he spoke, in a voice both notably higher pitched and somewhat more meandering than his typical disjointed speech. What can I say? Aldric has had some weird ancestors...

"Hello hello! I'm Aldric, though I think I said that already *teehee*. My measurements are 36-26-34, but I'm not really interested in anyone that's just looking at me for my body... I love the beach when the full moon is out, really just about anything to do with the ocean actually, and something cute and fluffy now and then to hold could never be a bad thing!"

At this, Aldric hugged his salmon close, not because it was overly fluffy or cute, but because it was one of the few things that he had on hand. Thankfully, the slimy scales against his skin seemed to wake him from his trance... upon which point he proceeded to clutch the fish like a security blanket. He was used to weirdness, but it was usually his weirdness; this was something he really didn't have any control over and as a result was slightly more sobering than any of his normal breaks from reality.

"Jesus-God woman! Put that thing away! No goddammed cameras, I don't know what the do to me." The line was said a la Raoul Duke, and it was once again confirmed that sobering for Aldric is a good sight different than it was for the rest of the world.

10-10-2010, 04:23 PM
This game is being recycled - it can be revived at any time by sending a PM to anyone on the staff should you wish to continue this game.